Ghostipedia – GTNH : Stellar Hell EP2 – Mastering the LV Age! [100% LV+]

Video Information

Good morning good afternoon and good evening everyone this is ghostopedia and welcome back to another episode of Greg technical Horizons Stellar hell you doing good I’d hope so now before we start to dive any deeper into this episode let’s talk about the Buffs and debuffs that you guys have given me for

Episode two the first to win was a hundred percent in the quest book tier of the LV age before ending the episode now this does not mean that I can’t complete other quests in other chapters it just means I have to have the entire LV chapter finished before we can move

On to episode three second up you guys have completely removed my ability to use the healing ax for episode 2. this will really just mean that we’ll be eating more food instead of using a healing ax instead for longer trips throughout the world thirdly you guys have given me a pretty

Rough one here I’m gonna have to research every single warped research that I see on any bombcraft page that I scroll to now you could argue that I would have to research every single warp node that’s already active but when you have a default Thumb in omicon there’s

Already some exposed and I don’t think that would be in the essence of the challenge that I was initially going for this is going to run off of an honor System otherwise it would be very easy for me to choose meaning I will be fully transparent with the pages that I flip

To in the thumbnailicon for the entirety of this episode no positive modifiers were used this episode so let’s Dive Right into what I did in the LV age I was starting to get pretty hungry a lot more often than before due to the fact that I was running all over the place

Collecting resources so I wanted to upgrade our farms and bring them underground but I need more great wood so we head out to explore to find a great wood tree and on the way over to one I end up finding a Hollow Hill from thaumcraft and I get nosy and I poke

Around in it thankfully the mobs in there weren’t too bad and I was able to get to the chest there was some interesting stuff mostly food in there which I ended up taking and then promptly forgetting about everything else I usually don’t take the metal ingots unless there’s something that’s

Difficult to craft generally because there were an inventory clogger and my inventory gets totally out of hand anyway after getting the great wood I head back home and I start to clear out areas for the walls for each of these Farm plots I’m basically going to be

Setting up a small little grow bed for each Garden early on and once we’ve figured out a more reliable cycle of food and when we’re no longer grinding for hearts we will switch most of these grow beds over to a particular selection rather than just being a hodgepodge of

Everything now one of the things that I really like about the little design for these grow beds I’m going with are actually the antiblock that we’re using in the ceiling they let off this nice luminous sort of Bloom which makes them look really nice as kind of a light that helps these

Plants grow while we’re underground I even go as far as adding in some extra slopes so the ceiling isn’t too flat because I did make this kind of compact as I didn’t really see much of a reason in adding a large ceiling now that the

General design is done I add in the dirt as well as start moving the crops in so we now have all of our crops underground which means one potential of death removed besides when I need to maybe Harvest cotton from the surface garden and or cutting the spruce Cube down with

Agatha Christie now that the gardens have been sorted away the next thing I wanted to work on was a couple more LV machines specifically the low voltage assembler as this would allow us to get access to a lot of recipes that are super useful and more efficient than some of the ones

That we’ve been having to manually craft up until now now the assembler requires two new LV components that we haven’t made yet the LV conveyor belt and the LV robot arm the LV conveyor belt isn’t too bad as it really only requires some rubber sheets two Motors and a single cable the one

That is a little bit more annoying is the robot arm if the robot arm requires three motors in total which one of those is made into a piston and an LV circuit so it increases the circuit cost of any machine that a robot arm is used in

That’s why I ended up making four circuits a little bit ago so we can make the assembler and not have to make these circuits any more inefficiently than we already have before this is probably one of the most important machines in the LVH bar a large multi-block that we’ll

Be making later now this is a bit awkward to actually use the assembler we need two more machines but the most important one right now is the fluid extractor this also requires a new component the LV pump which is kind of annoying to make but don’t get easier as

Things go on with our first LV pump crafted we were able to finish the basic fluid extractor and complete a quest as I mentioned before the basic fluid extractor will allow us to make some of the circuit components that we’ve been working on a lot easier the main one

Being vacuum tubes they are still a bit annoying but they’re better than they were before at least with vacuum tubes out of the way we can now start working on a centrifuge this is a more circuit heavy machine than any of the other ones so I wanted to make

The vacuum tube cost as cheap as possible as that’s one of our biggest sinks of Steel right now this reduces the cost of steel per vacuum tube by half which is awesome now speaking of Steel all hands on deck because we’re running very low on it so I think it’s

Finally time that we make another bricked blast furnace and attach it to the one that we currently have unfortunately I sorely misunderstood how slow these things would be the biggest thing holding us back on making more brick blast furnaces was the gypsum surprisingly we had a bunch of everything else thankfully the iron

Furnaces from before were cheaper to craft due to the assembler I assembled the controller for our second BBF and started to assemble it all directly attached to our first one this is a mechanic known as wall sharing which we won’t be really using too much from this

Point here on out but for the BBF it’s a really huge Time Saver I personally don’t like wall sharing so I probably won’t be doing it too much after this point as I don’t think it looks aesthetically pleasing yes I know this will be a lot more resources we

Just won’t think about it now that our steel production is faster we’re also going to need faster charcoal production so I prep up some food as we’re about to head out to go and mine up a bunch of sand and clay for more coke bricks the

Sand was insanely easy as I just went back to our spawn and started digging wherever the hell I felt like there was plenty of sand and I grabbed almost about an inventory’s full I real quickly dropped that off back home and then went out and started mining up the clay that

We would need I didn’t get as much as the sand that I did earlier mainly because you need less of it and I totally forgot that there’s a better recipe now that we have Steam Machines uh Hoops it’s not a huge issue though they’re still pretty cheap

Now to cook up all these Coke bricks we actually started to invest in some nether furnaces they’re a little bit faster than regular furnaces and also double the fuel efficiency meaning each creosote bucket now smilts a stack of items which is really awesome I then took those Coke oven bricks and started

To assemble our extra Coke Ovens behind our present boiler now to actually make use of all the Coke Ovens that we now have we’re going to need some piping to properly route the wood around into the Coke Ovens and to get it back out so I started to process down some tin plates

As you can see here they take a really long time in comparison to all the other ingots which I find quite funny because I thought tin was a soft metal anyway I ended up adding the pipes which handled the wood input I then had to wait for more tin plates

And then finally I started to add these smaller pipes which would handle the charcoal output and also ended up connecting The Hoppers that were needed for the output as well as wrench them all together now every Coke oven is now Auto outputting into this drawer and we

Can input wood into the drawer to the left which is awesome we now have a source of automated charcoal after stocking up the automated charcoal production I decided it was time to go to the Twilight Forest the quick and dirty portal generator is just made out

Of some circuits and a diamond so it wasn’t really that hard anyway we went to the Twilight and it wasn’t really that eventful I more or less just explored around I found some lead veins I got trolled a couple of times by orvanes just not even spawning that was

Pretty interesting I didn’t know that that could happen I ended up finding another silver vein this one was really close to the surface and both silver veins were close to our spawn so that was really nice we more or less found what we needed and I ended up finding

One of these abandoned house structures I dug underneath it to see if there was a chest and the amongler seed struck again we ended up finding some void metal in this chest which from what chat told me was pretty rare as I was streaming during this time rather than

Recording by myself that is one thing I would also like to quickly clarify I don’t just stream this I do play by myself so these are kind of a mixture between an episode stream highlights and my own recounts of my own Adventures through this pack which is why I do most

Of my audio in post rather than speaking to you guys while I’m directly in game it’s easier and it allows me to direct a narrative which I think you guys enjoy much more but don’t worry I also do plan to be integrating live commentary in

While I’m working on things in game as I get better so look forward to that anyhow back to the Twilight now we ended up finding a Naga Boss Arena and I ended up making short work of it with the pan of Doom I really didn’t get into any

Risky situations here as the Naga is an extremely easy fight and I had lifesteal on my pan and with a lot of extra bonus Hearts it was completely trivialized now with the Naga dead we head back out to go and explore more we stopped by a couple more of these ruined homes they

Didn’t have anything in them and then my game crashed whoops I sent this crash report to a gtnh developer and she mentioned that well it’s not an issue with OptiFine so you don’t have to worry about that it’s apparently a bug with the Twilight Forest however not to risk

Anything as soon as I loaded back into my world I decided it was time to head home and teleported out of the Twilight Forest as I didn’t want to risk this crashing again while I was playing thankfully we got home in a single piece with no other issues occurring now

Exploring the Twilight taught me one real the important thing our gear was not cut out for exploration we’re missing a hang glider which requires some bound leather that’s made from woven cloth string and leather combined in a crafting table this then needs to be hung up on a wall to dry into tanned

Leather we’ll be able to make this easier in the future but it’s required for the hang glider so we have to make it now now the hang glider only requires two of that special leather as you saw in the middle of the recipe there so I decided to use the extra tanned leather

That we got to make ourselves a backpack this should help keep our inventory a little bit cleaner from here on out after prepping up the last of the materials needed for the hang glider we finally got it this will allow us to move just that little bit faster while

Exploring with a backpack and hang glider I think we’re ready to focus on machines again and first up on the list of machines that we would like to get the first one would be a centrifuge now for some reason I never took it out of the crafting table in this clip but

Let’s explain why the centrifuge is good we can take purple concealed slime and get Rubber and refined glue from it which are both really useful products for us some of you earlier might have noticed the assembler recipes having fluids in them you may have caught on

That several of them require glue in the crafts themselves so with the centrifuge we finally have these unlocked which is a huge advantage to us because the hand crafting recipes are abysmal now while I was working on prepping up a bunch of materials for more circuits I ended up

Accidentally claiming the glue quest which gave us a free LV bag that’s at least the reward that I took you could have taken the sticky resin or the empty cells but I decided to go with the LV bag because minor gambling addictions moment but we got some red alloy anyhow

Back to preparing some of the components for circuits I was working on making the circuit boards in an assembler which required some copper foil and wooden plates but in my Almighty wisdom I didn’t check the circuit recipe in any eye and ended up using the wrong one so

We ended up making some wooden fluid pipes at first but we had more to spare so I just threw them in and it was A-Okay now while the circuit boards were crafting I was prepping up the materials for the resistors as that would be the next component that we would need to

Make and as you can see resistors also require glue copper wires of various types and coal dust in an assembler still we just get more of them per craft now which is wonderful now one thing I did not notice is how much glue resistors use in their craft they use

Quite a bit so I was waiting around on glue a little bit more than I would have initially liked at first so while I was waiting for glue to be spun out of our slime I kept buying red alloy cables because I’m not going to make those

Myself when I can easily buy them from the gtnh shop we’ll just say it was an editor’s choice to not show anything else about resistors and totally not record the circuit crafting yep anyhow now that we have a bunch of circuits I wanted to start producing light fuel

Which is our next goal so what better way of doing that than doing it half asleep on a stream so pretty much we first started off by making a basic combustion generator this is going to power a remote oil well that we’re going to be using to tap into a giant oil

Spout there were a couple of them nearby spawn so I’ve decided to select this one here I set up a little platform around the oil spout itself hooked up our pump and our combustion generator got a couple of pipes in place and boom that’s oil more or less done well except for

One thing we have to give the basic pump some mining pipes so I can actually drill up the oil once that’s done it will end up in this low voltage fluid tank which will be compacted away into the fluid cells that I just put in there so after claiming this area so nothing

Bad happens to it I head back home and actually start to focus on turning that oil into something usable we already have the machines ready we needed a basic Distillery and a chem reactor but our goal is is light fuel to get light fuel we’re going to need sulfuric light

Feel which comes from distilling down the oil that we’re getting now this won’t be too bad to set up first off is The Distillery and then right beside it we put our chemical reactor followed by a tank to store our outputs the chemical reactor as well as The Distillery both

Output to their left side now after crafting some more basic combustion generators to power our oil setup I placed those down and wired them up properly these two engines will provide enough energy to let this system run uninterrupted which is wonderful for us now that system needs some oil to run so

I head over to our oil well and steal some of the oil cells that have been batching up in the meantime while we were setting it up initially and I threw it in to start processing it we are now producing sulfuric light fuel we’re going to need some hydrogen to be able

To purify this into its pure form which is much more fuel potent now how are we going to get hydrogen you must ask well we’re gonna get it from yellow Limonite dust we can spin the Limonite dust around in a centrifuge with some empty cells to produce oxygen and hydrogen

It’ll take a little bit of time but once it’s done we’ll have a nice little stockpile for our initial oil setup now we can’t make it into light fuel right away as we need 48 buckets of the sulfuric stuff to complete one of the quests that we need to beat one of the

Challenges that have been assigned to this episode so for the time being I’ve just been leaving the cells on top and we’ve been using some of the fuel that we got from request reward to keep this thing running as we haven’t been able to make any light fuel yet because of what

I just mentioned I then proceed to have the biggest skill issue of all history and kill the recording I got the light fuel needed and I also moved our LV machines closer to our oil production just so we had everything a little bit closer to our power generation for the

Time being I am not human but I still make mistakes now while I was working around on random things throughout the base I was also preparing up a bunch of ingredients for some circuits which which I ended up crafting almost a half a stack of them I was a little bit short

On resistors I’ll make the rest later I ended up making a compressor and I thought it was time to start working on the ebf now there’s a lot of work to get done before we can actually assemble the EB app and one of those things is making an

Art furnace and to get that we’re gonna need a few more things the first thing on the list was a canning machine but the quests were locked behind battery holes so I head back to the Twilight and grab one of those cryolite veins from before we’re gonna need the cryoline

Anyway to get aluminum smelted up here in the future but for now we really only need it for the lead which I smelt up in the background and don’t even bother showing we’ve seen enough ingots melting as it is next up we’re going to need this antimony to unlock the second half

Of the quest we actually already had this from some of our nether mining so I didn’t even bother including a clip of going and getting more as we already had it now all that’s left to do is to put the components together which is a bit

Of battery alloy and Tin wire with a odd variety of tools next to it eventually we’ll be able to do this in assembler but for now we have to use this recipe in particular and there’s our battery holes sweet next up on the stuff that we need for a

Arc furnace is a LV electrolyzer we need a way to get carbon and we could probably spin it out of the centrifuge but having a LV electrolyzer on hand for other separations of materials will also be a good thing so I quickly create one of those and slap it down over on our

Electrical cables after getting ourselves a graphite cell using the canner we were able to finally produce a Arc furnace it’s a little power hungry so we need to have a battery inside of it and it needs to be close to our generators but this allows us to make

Wrought iron so much easier than before so much so that we quickly hammer out a forming press a mixer and an alloy smelter finally all three of these machines are really important for us and I’ll explain more why later on in the meantime I decided to stock up my

Lunchbox as 2.4 has hit and now we have a new nutrition mod depending on how how balanced your diet is you will gain various Buffs so eating a wide variety of healthy foods will make us a lot more safe with our lunchbox stocked up I went out and mined some Mica brought that

Home threw it in our Steam macerator and then proceeded to make a forge Hammer to process the crushed stuff much faster I ended up also doing the exact same thing for nickel but I’m not going to repeat myself again now we’re in the home stretch for the

Ebf so I think it’s time that we start working on it the first thing that we need to do is make the Cooper nickel coils which take Cooper nickel wire and Mica insulator foil we’ve made both of these before so we already have them on hand now Mica insulated foil is a little

Bit of a multi-step process so I’ll explain that and let you understand how they were made right now the first thing to do is to take Mica dust and raw rubber dust mix it together and get Mica based pulp this then has to be forming pressed with a bit of asbestos dust to

Make Mica based sheets we then take those Mica sheets and alloy smell them together with some sort of quartz Dust In this case we ended up using nether quartz we can then take those Mica insulator sheets and vending machine them to get Mica insulator foil we can

Then use those foils to produce our coils within a basic assembly machine so I wait until those are finished and then set them up behind our current LV machines as this is going to be the home of our first evf next up producing invar this is a combination between iron and

Nickel and an alloy smelter this is going to have to be processed down into heat resistant casings as these are the core blocks for the ebf besides the coils I ended up having to make more than I initially planned so one of the spare ones went to making the ebf’s main

Controller it says that the quest is completed but we’re still missing a few things here one of those things being the muffler hatch it’s it’s useless because we have pollution off but it’s needed for the multi anyway next up is the input and output bus they’re the

Exact same recipe the only difference is one in circuit one and one is circuit two next up I need some lubricant so I take some creosote oil and start to distill that down we then use that lubricant along with a few electric pumps to make our LV energy hatches we

Need two of these to run the EDF as every recipe in the ebf requires MV power oh and we also need a maintenance hatch but they’re very easy to make next up rather than being a sane individual I decided to run a massive lead pipe across my base I honestly this is what

Happens when you have no sleep and you’re playing Greg Tech in the middle of the night we’re just not gonna talk about it what we are going to talk about is that I realized that one tube would not cut it so I had to make a second one

With both of those pipes connected to the steam turbines behind our ebf it was barely and I mean barely enough to get us there between the buffer in the boiler and our fluid pipes themselves they basically acted as just enough of a buffer to make one and I only mean one

Single aluminum Ingot please do not ever mimic this this was the dumbest thing that one person could have ever done now around this point we hit 5 000 subscribers as well as we were growing pretty fast on Twitch as well thank you so much guys I’m really grateful that

I’m able to entertain you all as that’s really why I do this I find it fun to entertain people so I decided that we would do a 12 hour long stream on a complete whim and oh my God was that a mistake before stream I decided that we

Would be doing a lot of thumb craft to start off with which meant exploring the world to find Aura nodes that we could tap to fill up our first start wands this thing’s super inefficient next I came back home and I started to work away at some of the researches that I’ve

Made including taking all the warp research on pages that I opened as that’s one of the challenges for this video and unfortunately during that I decided to do a stupid which was finished magic fungar and then I opened up its page and had to take two more work researches which I ended up

Finishing shortly afterwards now for this next clip I want you to listen very closely We are now doped up on warp effects as you can see I just light an egg which is one of the effects of warp the other one that I showed you was one of the headache sound effects they get worse up to the point of even spawning a Wither

In your base so we’re trying to keep our warp pretty low this episode and we’re going to find ways to deal with that warp in future videos very effectively now the next thing that I wanted to work on was a permanent source of oxygen for

Our ebf as well as for use around the base so one of the first things I did is I ran out and I restocked up our iron and copper Supply by going to this charcoal pirate van it would have been really awkward if we ran out of resources mid-crafts we brought it home

We threw a large majority of it into our steam grinder and then sent the crushed stuff through our Forge Hammer I don’t know why I washed it as it just went straight into a furnace afterwards rather than doing anything special with it but I mean it’s not like it was

Really expensive to do anywhere next up on getting our oxygen system online we need more circuits so I focus on making the parts needed for them as well as make about a dozen and a little extra next up I use our Arc furnace to create a handful more wrought iron ingots so we

Can produce a few more machines one of those being a sifting machine a centrifuge a LV macerator a LV chemical reactor and a LV electrolyzer we then go over to one of the walls in our base and we place down the machines in a particular order I’ll explain how that

Works right now hey hey all right let’s explain how this line Works in game first off we have a basic Rock breaker back here with some lava and water buy it oh hey Among Us just leveled up cool okay anyway we have this basic Rock breaker here

Which takes this lava and water and turns it into Cobblestone this Cobblestone is then moved through this tin pipe up here to this rock breaker which takes the Cobblestone and turns it into gravel the gravel is then sent automatically via the auto output mode to the left to this sifter ignore the

Fact that it has some like emeralds in it I was doing some stuff on the side anyway we we then take this gravel and it gets sifted it takes about 30 seconds and then it goes to the macerator to be shredded down into Flint dust

That Flint dust is then taken and put in a centrifuge to become silicon dioxide which then we react with magnesium this stuff over here is by default magnesium it’s reacted with our silicon dioxide here you see three to two and you get one raw silicon and four magnesia that

Magnesium is then sent over to this basic electrolyzer where it’s then split down into oxygen gas and the Magnesium again this isn’t working right now because our storage of oxygen is already full though there’s no reason for this thing to run so this part of the setup does not work

At this time at least this entire setup here is what’s producing our oxygen for our ebf over here so we can produce steel as well as use it to run recipes faster there’s a pipe that goes under the floor all the way across over to here so that’s the explanation of our

Oxygen chain now that we had oxygen out of the way I thought it was time to start working towards a LV circuit assembler which is going to require MV circuits so we need to find a way to make some diodes first now the way I go

About this is a little bit cheeky the first thing I need to do is put some spellerite in an electrolyzer this allows me at a very small chance to get full piles of gallium dust this will be needed later we also need some arsenic but from all the Cobalt that we’ve been

Roasting in our ebf for our tools we already have a good amount of this really all we need to do is take our roasted Arsenic and cook it up and we have plenty of creosote laying around so it’s not really a huge issue now we

Could go as far as putting it in a basic Blast Furnace but I’m too lazy to Kronos for that long next up we take the gallium and the Arsenic that we have and we bring it over to our ebf we would be able to use a mixer to make this stuff

But this is the only way that we can make this right now and after a little bit of waiting we will end up with a gallium arsenide Crystal it takes about 60 seconds per but they’re needed for now we then take this gallium arsenide Crystal over to our only macerator in

The base at least electric one and shred it down we then take that gallium arsenide dust and we make small piles out of it those small piles are used to make the diodes we can either use liquid glass or in the future we will be able to use in polyethylene which will allow

Us to get more per craft next up we made some iron III chloride this is made by combining hydrochloric acid and some iron dust to make the iron III chloride itself we can then take our phenolytic circuit boards some of the iron three chloride and some gold foil

To produce our new tier circuit board these are all combined together to create our first two good electronic circuits these these are needed for the circuit assembler right now but we’ll be making more with that machine afterwards before I was able to actually make that machine though I had to run to the

Nether to grab some service courts as it was needed for one of the crafting components specifically the LV emitter we needed one of these for the circuit assembler to actually make it as it’s slightly different from the regular assembler craft so it was absolutely needed after grabbing the rest of the

Necessary components we finally had it a basic circuit assembler now the reason why this machine is more important than the rest is because it allows us to make our current and next to your circuits much cheaper now that we have access to cheaper MV circuits I decided that we

Should probably get a few MV machines and unlock the MV chapter so that’s exactly what we did one of the first machines that I wanted to make if not one of the most important was the advanced electrolyzer this would allow us to get aluminum so much easier than we did before

It’s also one of the cheapest MV machines only requiring two MV circuits and no components whatsoever one of the next quests that I want to finish is the advanced extruder Quest this was the second machine I ended up making as it was pretty cheap now as you saw there

Was a bunch of different molds that I had to do so I had to make a bunch of blank casts cut them into different mold pieces and then solidify them with steel this was a just tedious process but it’s kind of nice as I won’t have to do this

Probably for a really long while and that’s that extruder Quest is done and now we have access to being able to make things like better tinker’s construct Parts which can definitely be a huge upgrade to things like our hammer and pickaxe just look at the difference in

Durability here we went from nearly 5000 durability up to about 18 000 durability just from that tool rod alone that’s wonderful and at this point we ended up having a stream and really all I did on that stream was make this new diesel setup for us unfortunately the raw

Footage that I was also recording uh ain’t no worky it I it’s in the wrong encoder and I actually have no idea how to fix it and so I’m gonna be honest with you rather than trying to waste a lot of time to salvage that I’ll just explain

To you guys how this works you already know our light fuel setup over here which takes our light fuel distills it down desulfurize it and then that’s what we were using before now we have this new section over here which starts with an LV centrifuge which takes some oil

Sands and turns it into heavy oil that heavy oil is then distilled down into sulfuric heavy Fuel and it has to be desulfurized just like our light fuel does with some hydrogen that’s then passed over in to this uh fluid tank here this fluid tank when it has cells inside

Of it will take the fluid that’s inside of it which is this heavy Fuel and turn it into heavy fuel cells this is part of New Horizons cell chemistry unlike in TJ where we were just able to pipe the fluid in but anyway once we have the

Heavy fuel cells and the light fuel in here we can mix these two together and make fuel the reason why fuel is nice is because not only does it give us extra power per unit of fuel that we have we also end up spending just less light fuel overall to

Get the amount of energy that we’re looking at here which is a wonderful change and is now being sent through our pipes to the rest of the base if I turn on waylia here you can see that we are now feeding fuel to more or less everything here our LV machines run off

Of fuel our ebf runs off of fuel so it can work permanently now I switched the steam turbines back here away and instead we now have a LV Transformer which comes to a advanced combustion generator now some of you might wonder wouldn’t this not get enough energy due to Cable

Loss well I’ve also made some red alloy cable which is this stuff here uh well no it’s not red alloy what we’re looking for is red stone alloy there is a big difference between the two the Redstone alloy is the LV superconductor red alloy is for

Ulv uh please don’t mix them up because if you do you’re gonna have a really really bad time and I almost did but the biggest difference is that Redstone alloy has to be made in an ebf which is like your best indicator of knowing that you’re making the right material

So there’s this uh Crucible and this Crucible is up on the surface because I want to make a taint bomb why do I want to make attained biome because the sky color is pretty and we’re gonna make the entire base that oh oh there’s a slime hi uh these guys occasionally spawn

They’re they’re not that bad they’re they’re just a little problematic more than anything but they they don’t actually really do a lot of damage so it’s fine but anyway I just come up here and I take stuff that I don’t need anymore like these uh high pressure

Solar boilers which have gone phased out and I just kind of like come in and then I walk away and then stuff happens is this triple as that so let’s take a quick moment to uh talk about what we should do next because honestly I’m not really sure we we have

A couple of options I could look into doing some gear upgrades and uh rushing down in Fusion which is in the artifice tab uh it’s not unlocked yet because we haven’t researched goggles or revealing but anyway we could do some stormcraft or we could continue to chip away at the

Rest of the LV Quest tab it looks like we have a lot to do uh judging by the completion number up at the top but I’m gonna be honest with you a lot of these are like really easy quests I would say the most annoying ones are gonna be like these

Uh nine over here the rest of them are pretty manageable uh except this one this one is a little goofy because it requires us to get another star plate which is another star block which is yada yada you get the idea we’re gonna have to go kill ten Withers

That might be a little rough at first but it shouldn’t be too bad what’s this uh uh I’m just not gonna look at it okay so I think we’ll do a little bit of both we’ll work on progressing thumbcraft building out a new part of

The base as we need an area for magic that’s not just right in front of the pile of machines that I should already you know be moving over here so let’s start doing that right now Okay that’s gonna unlock a lot that’s Sinister loadstone here Thank you Nice yep six and a view of everything cool all right after the thumb craft binge that I just went on it’s now finally time to start working on all the miscellaneous quests that are in the quest book now I could go and explain every single one of them to you but

There’s just there’s a lot of them so for the time being all the easy quests I’m just gonna Hammer through and get done now as there’s a few big ones that are going to be a much bigger problem to us than all these tiny ones that are

Just really a bunch of nonsense or cool crafting for stuff that we might not even need some of these quests we already had finished and we just had to unlock them as we hate battle questing in this family here it’s uh the prerequisite stuff is so horrible but anyway by the

Way I got something to tell you man I love orb hello all right guys we we have an issue a really big issue like a really bad issue okay okay so let me explain I’ve been slowly grinding through the quests like I told you guys I was doing

But this Quest up here has made me very keen on something I’m gonna need another star plate I think I’ve explained this before already problem with that is the way that I was gonna get all the Wither Skeleton skulls was by making a cursed Earth mob farm at

Another fort in the nether to get cursed Earth we need to do a divination ritual using a divination sigil one of these things right the thing is is that you have to use an enchanting table you see how it says place an enchanting table on

A patch of dirt or grass there must be a clear direct direct line to the sky and there must also be a large amount of dirt slash grass nearby place eight redstone dust in a square a yada yada find an animal kill them you get the idea it’s basically a ritual sacrifice

The thing is is we need an enchanting table now there is a very rare chance of an enchanting table spawning in a roguelike dungeon but it is it is it is it is it is very very low so unfortunately I’m gonna have to do something which is

Not the best basically we’re about to open up the thumb craft look and we’re about to have to we’re gonna have to take a lot of warp like a dangerously high amount of warp our warp is already at 55 but what we’re about to do is gonna make it so much worse the

Enchanting table is on this page and as you can see there is one two three four warped research is here and these are these are not easy researches and because I’ve looked at the page I have to take them so let me grab my scribing tools real quickly

And pick them up I uh sure I’ll just grab the under chest while I’m here along with everything else some of these are some of them are mostly harmless mostly harmless then there’s taboo this is This is Gonna Hurt these These Are Gonna Hurt these are these are not gonna be

Fun so oh boy here we are having to do this oh god oh no uh let me let me research these real quick thank you all right I’ve researched them all up so now remember how we were at 55 warp let’s just pop all of these researches

These are some of the ones that I had uh waiting around I just didn’t do them right away on accident so yeah we just researched a bunch of stuff so let’s let’s let’s check our our warp oh dear uh that’s 60 69 warp nice okay anyway uh

Hopefully we won’t have to take any more that’s a lot of warp and that really sucks but I mean it’s it’s better than spending like an absurd amount of time dealing with getting wither skeletons and skulls we can we can start dealing with this warp here pretty soon

Um with sanitizing soap and Spa water or whatever it is the the bath salts so it shouldn’t be too bad this is before I realized that I was overestimating now I wasn’t gonna let all that warp go to waste I wanted to get the Wither Skeleton skulls that were needed to

Summon our first wither this is needed so we can you know summon in the cursor that we need to farm the rest of these damn guys the fight was honestly very easy considering that we have a lot of health and my weapon is really strong I

Don’t see the other ones being too bad either but just in case things go very south I have a devious little plan in store now unfortunately amidsts all of this I actually needed the silky Jewel which was back on the Greg Tech page and there was more warp research so I ended up

Having to do that I decided to make some bars of soap to try to offset some of our warp gang unbeknownst to me this did nothing so uh this spawned seems uh uh oh oh uh-huh yep oh so don’t attack it good to know good to know

Now after nearly killing myself my own frying pan I decided to start making some Envy machines a vending machine a assembler and a fluid extractor these are needed to be for a handful of things mostly so we can go and get an enchanting table right now

But as you can see there’s items all over the place again so I think it’s time that we take a short break and work on organizing things yet again Thank you Thank you And just like that our base is finally cleaned up again it’s so nice to not have a messy floor anymore as that actually destroys my frame rate a little bit all right next up we’re making some cursed Earth gear we need this for a wither skeleton Farm in the nether so

Farming skulls don’t take 3 000 years as we still need another star plate to finish one of the quests in the LV chapter I come back during the day while it’s starting to burn up just so I don’t have to deal with all the mobs next I

Take that cursed Earth to the Nether and set up a wither skeleton Farm there and I start farming Wither Skeleton skulls now I’m not gonna waste your time and make you watch all of that so let’s just jump ahead to where I actually fight the withers now alright so I’m gonna be

Doing something um a little bit goofy here I need to kill the nine Withers but I’m too lazy to do them one at a time so I’m we’re just gonna we’re gonna spawn all nine in here real quick and then I’m gonna walk back and then we’re just gonna we’re gonna just pop

This effect real quick um hello oh God there’s another over there there’s another wither dead there’s another one died there’s another one dead there’s another there’s another and there’s another so uh yeah that made killing the uh where there’s pretty easy so I end up coming back home and eating

A Tarot wart to get rid of that horrible nausea effect I still have those absurd Buffs for about an hour which I’m not gonna really do anything special with but that was quite poetic getting extremely drunk and killing nine Withers anyway that allows us to make the nether

Star plate that we need for this stupid Dolly Quest now that we got one of the worst quests out of the way I decided to treat myself by making some Mana steel tools these will last us for an absurdly long time and I will probably have them for

Who knows how long actually so remember how I said one of the worst quests keyword one of yeah so there is one that is I would reckon almost as bad if not worse than that god-awful diamond Dolly nether star plate Fiasco and it’s this one right here shooting propane Quest whoever put this

On this page I hope you step on a pile of Legos and then fall in it because this is horrible oh what what who made this anyway let the rant begin basically we have to take some oil product in my case I chose heavy Fuel and hydro crack it with sick

Hydrogen per process that then turns into 800 millibockets of extremely Hydro cracked uh fuel goop or whatever basically we end up taking that uh where is it it’s somewhere on this page somewhere somewhere somewhere um it’s it’s around here somewhere severely Hydro cracked heavy fuel we take this

And we get 30 liters of propane from it this Quest wants 32 buckets let’s psychopath put this on the LV page I know that they’re making it for the premise of like oh but you can use LPG for power or something and it’s like whoa this is so inefficient do not do

This do not try making this in fact if you make this um I I feel sorry for you uh because this this I was like okay I will spend I’ll just get one more Quest Don he said it’s been five hours and I only have one half of the quest

Done which is the butane I’m still waiting on the propane and I ran out of hydrogen because all of my hydrogen is coming from uh burning sodium hydroxide by just you know converting it getting the hydrogen and then just trashing the hydroxides um this entire Quest is making me

Irrationally angry and makes me want to say not nice things on camera so you know what I’m gonna go finish up this Quest and you guys just you don’t get to experience any of this pain because I’m gonna save you from it please don’t do this Quest

At all don’t whoever suggested that this should be on the LV page shame on you Oh my God this Quest is over off that was so bad now that that awful Quest is out of the way I take all of the cells that I got and start to Center Fusion down into LPG as the next Quest that’s unlocked requests 66 buckets of the stuff

Thankfully it took nowhere near as long as the first quest which is honestly a relief because I was going insane at this point it was like 6 a.m in the morning and I haven’t slept yet I also ended up buying enough Damascus steel to finish the Damascus steel quest after

Macerating it all down now I was sick of looking at that old distillation setup that I used for those quests so in a small fit of Ridge I tore the whole thing down also clearing up all the cursed wiring below honestly that setup was it left a sour taste in my mouth I

Just I just don’t know how to explain it I then ended up using all of the stuff from that Old project to make a polyethylene setup this isn’t actually wired in quite yet but this will be compatible for all the steps I could use naphtha in this front step but I’m

Actually going to be using light fuel as we’re already going to be processing it in a pretty large quantity so I thought it was just a smart idea to steal a little bit off of the line yes I know it gives me only half of what nap the wood

But for right now I don’t really care about efficiency and you can fight me on that now at this point we finished up most of the machine quests in the quest book borrow a few so I accepted some quests and ruined my inventory space however I finished up the LV prospector

The extra utilities transfer pipe the LV printer Quest as well as the fluid counter my video footage from this point forward was more or less me just hitting the replay button on OBS constantly as I was up for like the 20-something hours at this point doing this on the 19th I

Will never do this again because holy hell there’s so much useless garbage on the LV page half of this stuff I won’t even end up using it’ll just be thrown in an arc furnace right after this episode ends so remember how I mentioned that uh polyethylene wasn’t set up yet well yeah

Now we need to do it because I found a roadblock in the quest book there is this Quest here this tiny pile is like a king this low voltage type filter requires an item filter and the only way that we can make this is with molten polyethylene in the

Recipe or raw carbon mesh which has polyethylene in it at this step here so no matter what way we’re looking at it we need polyethylene and it’s probably a good idea that we set this up anyway because it allows us to make more efficient machine holes if we go into

Here you see how this is the regular crafting table recipe if you do it in an assembler with a little bit of polyethylene you can completely remove the needs for the plates at the top which means you save One Core material in this case it would be like one steel

Plate for this recipe here it’s more efficient so we should definitely set up polyethylene real quick here alright so the first thing I did for the polyethylene setup is I actually reworked our diesel setup a bit I have moved the distilleries up top with some room to add more

Um this is way less than what would actually Supply this system but for the sake of this looking good we’ll just keep it like this if we need to upgrade diesel down the road we will move this to its own dedicated area probably next video so I’ve moved the source of oil input

Over to here where you can just drop off your large aluminum cells comes over to distill and then it goes into this chem reactor to get desulfurized using hydrogen next up on the absolute wild path that this the contraption makes is the light field exits here and it has one of two places

To go it either goes into the advanced mixer to fill up to supply our fuel line or it will take a detour down this uh very convoluted lead pipe that goes down and then back up to this low voltage fluid tank thing it has some heavy feeling that this is going to get

Removed later it’s going to be stocked with light Fuel and that gets sent into here to be steam cracked and then distilled down we don’t have a source of steam for this quite yet but what’s probably going to happen is this pipe here is going to be

Routed somewhere with just a tiny bit of sunlight and this will be supplied by a single solar boiler even when a solar boiler calcifies we have a couple of them over here as you can see it says that the maximum would be 360 liters per second this will eventually go down to

120 just to make people familiar with this so even just one of these at 120 liters per second would probably be far more than this system actually would ever need and it’s not like those uh solar boilers are expensive if we needed more steam we

Could just add more that or we could do a fluid heater honestly we might switch to that in the future but for now the pipe just comes over to here and it’s just waiting next I had to run another lead pipe over to the second chemical

Reactor this is for oxygen I set up the solar boilers underneath and that’s pretty much it polyethylene is done and we can move back to completing the LV chapter again we can now make better resistors as well due to the fact that we have polyethylene now same case with

The vacuum tubes now that we have access to Red alloy and an extractor we can get 16 vacuum tubes per craft rather than the eight that we were getting before and this helped quite a bit in regards to batch crafting a bunch of LV circuits

For not only MV circuits but for the LV machines that we have left to craft in the quest book now I still need a few more LV components so I focus on making the the pumps first as they’re the most irritating to still make these will be

Used for a couple of things here specifically the steam valve The Ore washer the advanced boiler and the fluid interaction world thingy from extra utilities I forgot what this was called off the top of my head honestly at this point it was just a Non-Stop bullet train of random quests complete we were

Doing them left and right and none of them were really that interesting just craft some arbitrary item that we will never need and then completely forget about it three minutes later though there are a couple of them here that are actually useful like the vacuum Hopper it’s good for Mob Farms just like

The diamond spikes are we also had to do the rest of the oil products like sulfuric naphtha and uh some fertilized dirt which I could have done forever ago but we also had to purify the nap the back down which we’ve already done this before with the others now at this point

We only had 20 quests left and they were still not too bad I would say the most annoying would be the package request right around here we will save that one for the very end I now hammer out some of the easy ones like the overflow valve and a name tag

For some Enderman Quest and then I finish up one of the Annoying ones which was getting a half a stack of methane it wasn’t as bad as LPG so I didn’t bother really going into it too much next up I finished up cadmium and started to work on some of the rechargeable batteries

From industrial craft 2. they’re a little odd because they required a fluid canner but they’re needed for some of the tools that we’re going to need to make here very shortly those tools in question are the electric tree tap and an electric hoe I probably will use

Neither of these at all and they’ll sit in a chest and rot away I’m gonna stop now oh my God I’m losing my mind it’s 1am and at this point I only had 10 quests left and uh it shouldn’t be too bad we just have to do an XP shower uh two cells one we have mercury one of sulfuric acid

Two quests are for war veins where I know the location of both of them so they’ll be very easy to hammer out and then this other one here is nitrogen and then the extra utility stuff these ones aren’t too bad either in fact I believe

The nitrogen is more or less going to be finished here once I centrifuge up some of this lovely lovely uh air cells we we just get a bunch of stuff from it the rest of this stuff was really simple The Ore quests were just go there and mine it up so it wasn’t

Really that difficult the transfer nodes were cheap I would say the world upgrade was a little weird mainly because it just took Diamond rods so while those were going on I was just collecting a bunch of other random stuff to mark off the remaining quests we also finally got the node upgrade

Quest and finally have a Nature’s compass and just like that guys we have the entire LV chapter completed now the challenge is over we’re finished with the LV age and all the episodes related challenges I’m so happy that I got this done even though there were some rough

Patches with some questionable quests I honestly think that this was a really fun challenge I probably won’t do it next episode or have it in the vote pool considering doing it back to back will definitely ruin its touch I think we should do it when there’s funny quests more often than not

Now one thing that I would like to mention is that I’ve been doing YouTube for exactly a year now and I know in this video I said before that we hit about 5 000 subscribers I just want to say again thank you so much to everyone who’s been following my journey and I

Also want to give a huge thanks to the people who support me over on Twitch and on patreon I couldn’t really do this guys without you so thank you so much until the next episode I’ll see you around bye bye it is 4am I’m gonna go to sleep now

This video, titled ‘GTNH : Stellar Hell EP2 – Mastering the LV Age! [100% LV+]’, was uploaded by Ghostipedia on 2023-09-20 16:00:07. It has garnered 14789 views and 1034 likes. The duration of the video is 01:00:52 or 3652 seconds.

Welcome to GregTech New Horizons, an Expert Kitchen Sink modpack set in Minecraft 1.7.10. Known for it’s notoriously wild recipes. And I’m here to beat it and mark another pack off my bucket list. Join my descent into madness as I 100% the LV Quest page, Unlock MV, Delve into Magic and more!

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CREDITS : Falling – Diminished_Mind Some Day I wish that – Diminished_Mind[ [] Model By :

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    Master English with Dronio in Minecraft! Sign up now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Изучаем Английский с Дронио и Майнкрафт Запишитесь на бесплатное пробное занятие по ссылке’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-01-18 12:00:17. It has garnered 351 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:54 or 54 seconds. “Learning English with Minecraft Sign up for a free trial lesson using the link” #shorts #minecraft #minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ Our social network social network ➜ SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN ➜ Digital Art Monetization DOWNLOAD… Read More

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    Fauzex-aid Minicraft - Epic Eid 2024 update!Video Information This video, titled ‘Update Addon spesial Lebaran 2024’, was uploaded by Fauzex-aid Minicraft on 2024-04-14 13:56:06. It has garnered 310 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:20 or 320 seconds. #minecraft #addon #minecraftpe Spartan’s Turrets Minecraft Don’t forget to support this channel by: 👑Like, share, and subscribe ✔️ 💃No skip video✔️ 🤹Comment in polite language✔️ jujutsu kaisen addon minecraft pe jujutsu kaisen addon mcpe 1.20 anime addon mcpe 1.20 jujutsu kaisen addon mcpe 1.19 jujutsu kaisen addon v11 jujutsu craft addon v4 addon jujutsu craft v4 jujutsu craftin addon anime addon mcpe 1.19 eyebag… Read More

  • Shocking revelation: The best husband name ever! 🤪💔

    Shocking revelation: The best husband name ever! 🤪💔Video Information This video, titled ‘Best husband name 🥰🤗🤪 #shorts #love #truelove #sad #reels #status’, was uploaded by Alamgir Alam on 2024-04-05 04:30:14. It has garnered 11749 views and 532 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:19 or 19 seconds. #shorts #youtubeshorts #aesthetic #funny #memes #faketweet #minecraft #tiktok #follow #like #explorepage #youtubers #youtubechannel #gaming #twitch #video #instagood #hiphop #memes #viral #subscribe #gamer #rap #facebook #explore #ps #art #soundcloud #k #artist #trending #newmusic #bhfyp #likeforlikes #followforfollowback #photography #fortnite #funny #meme #m #applemusic #s #rapper #fashion #podcast #producer #game #a #twitter #xbox #playstation #itunes #likes #vlog #sub #trap #streamer #live #o… Read More

  • Ultimate Gamer Showdown: Yug vs All Mobs! 🎮🔥 #viral

    Ultimate Gamer Showdown: Yug vs All Mobs! 🎮🔥 #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Yug playz vs all mob shorts 🆚 #viral #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Pro Gamer on 2024-01-11 11:43:51. It has garnered 3270 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:28 or 28 seconds. yug playz yug playz trolling sister mob battle noob vs pro entity 303 vs herobrine niz gamer vs yug playz bulkystar vs yug playz i cheated in a mob battle yug playz qna,yug playz headsteal smp yug playz school smp part 3 mob battle challenge 100 mobs vs me i cheated in mob battle 1000iq plays hogalalla vs yessmartypie giant… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Crafting Full Nidrit Armor in Minecraft LIVE!

    Unbelievable! Crafting Full Nidrit Armor in Minecraft LIVE!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT LIVE can we make full nidrit armar’, was uploaded by Azure Gaming on 2024-01-10 18:23:47. It has garnered 31 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 02:29:08 or 8948 seconds. MINEGRAFT #MINECRFT LIVE Read More

  • ArcticSMP

    ArcticSMP[1.18] ArcticSMP, is an upcoming smp with clans, wars, 100k word border, no land claiming, no economy, no crates, just pure pvp and hand to hand combat, come join our discord! server ip is (SERVER RELEASES JUNE 3, 2022) Read More

  • Server26 SMP Small No Teleport 1.20.2 18+ Older Players Discord LGBTQ+ Friendly GriefPrevention Player Shops No Resets est. 2015

    Server26 Information Overview Our main guideline is to leave the “meta” of pure Vanilla survival as unaltered as possible (for a public server). The only 3 plugins that interfere with this are: GriefPrevention, a sleep voting plugin, and player item shops for trading. Many features from other plugins are absent by design and won’t be added. There are two ranks “new” and “player”, they do not give any benefits. You can not buy “power” for real money here. Everything on the map was built and farmed in survival. Map: Discord: Community Laid back rules, a close knit… Read More

  • Lavaque MC

    LavaqueMC is a new Minecraft SMP server that’s just right for everyone! It is a season-based server currently in its first season, which ends May 28th, 2024. Features include ranks, economy, vaults, and shops. There is also an auction house, plus land claims, an awesome spawn, and so much more! Can you rise to the top and become the richest? Join LavaqueMC now and give it your best! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Join the squad’s world!

    “I’ve been playing Minecraft for about a thousand blocks… oh wait, I think you meant minutes.” Read More

  • Minecraft Mystery: Spot the Change with Mikeize! Aha Moments Await

    Minecraft Mystery: Spot the Change with Mikeize! Aha Moments Await In the world of Minecraft, things are changing fast, Can you spot the differences and make them last? Mikeize is here to guide you through the maze, With quizzes and challenges that will amaze. From Exit 8 maps to barrier blocks, Endra and Ender Dragons, we’re ticking all the clocks. Splatoon-style showdowns and command block tricks, In the world of Minecraft, the fun never quits. So join us now, in this rhyming delight, As we explore Minecraft, day and night. With Mikeize as our guide, we’ll never be lost, In this world of creativity, at no cost. Read More

  • Minecraft Logic: The Final Straw 😂 #minecraft #meme

    Minecraft Logic: The Final Straw 😂 #minecraft #meme When you spend hours building a beautiful house in Minecraft, only for a creeper to blow it up in a split second. Minecraft logic at its finest! 😎 #minecraft #meme #minecraftmemes Read More

  • Creating a Portal to ElestialHD in Minecraft PE

    Creating a Portal to ElestialHD in Minecraft PE Minecraft Portal Creation with ElestialHD ElestialHD, a popular Indonesian YouTuber with 3.98 million subscribers, has been creating engaging content in the Minecraft PE world. Let’s dive into the process of creating a portal with ElestialHD and explore the exciting world of Minecraft. Creating the Portal ElestialHD’s videos showcase the step-by-step process of creating portals in Minecraft PE. By following his instructions, players can learn how to construct intricate portals that lead to new and exciting dimensions within the game. Attention: ElestialHD’s videos are not only informative but also entertaining, providing viewers with a fun and engaging experience as they… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Thrive in a Minecraft Community

    Join Minewind: Thrive in a Minecraft Community Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we want to share with you a heartwarming dose of inspiration and connection from an anonymous stories video. While the video may not be about Minewind Minecraft Server, it reminds us of the importance of community and support in our lives. Just like the incredible moms in the video, players on Minewind Minecraft Server come together to create a supportive and welcoming community. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, you’ll find joy in raising your virtual creations and overcoming… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft End Portal Prank

    Ultimate Minecraft End Portal Prank Minecraft: Exploring the Four End Gates Welcome to a world where creativity knows no bounds, where players can explore, build, and survive in a vast virtual landscape – Minecraft. In this article, we delve into the intriguing realm of the Four End Gates, a fascinating feature that adds depth and mystery to the game. Unveiling the Four End Gates Within the expansive world of Minecraft lies a hidden gem – the Four End Gates. These gates serve as portals to different dimensions, each offering unique challenges and rewards for daring players to discover. As you traverse through these gates,… Read More

  • Guess Word or DIE in MacNcheeseP1z Mine!

    Guess Word or DIE in MacNcheeseP1z Mine!Video Information This video, titled ‘Guess the Word or DIE in Minecraft’, was uploaded by MacNcheeseP1z on 2024-05-01 21:45:13. It has garnered 12159 views and 498 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:56 or 1556 seconds. we are playing guess the word or die in minecraft, we have to guess the correct word or we die by getting pushed into lava! this game is a ton of fun. you put a word or phrase on the board and then the other person guesses letters, each wrong letter we push the buzzer and they get one step closer to lava!… Read More

  • Exploring Whitelady Haunted Mansion: Minecraft PE Gameplay

    Exploring Whitelady Haunted Mansion: Minecraft PE GameplayVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: PE – Whitelady Haunted Mansion Horror Map – Gameplay Part 4 [Android/IOS]’, was uploaded by Yaky on 2024-03-22 12:57:14. It has garnered 51 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:26:58 or 1618 seconds. See description | | / / ​​If you liked this video, then please write in the comment “I love it” And don’t forget to subscribe and like thanks in advance)💜 0:10 – Welcome 0:42 – Tutorial 1:17 – Walkthrough 24:51 – Ending Previous video: Walkthrough for Android: —————————— Granny chapter 2: —————————— Granny SUPER FAST… Read More

  • Babu’s deadly shorts – OP enchanted armor in Minecraft

    Babu's deadly shorts - OP enchanted armor in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘fully inchanted armor in minecraft hardcore’, was uploaded by Babu deadly shorts on 2024-02-20 14:39:58. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More


    INSANE MINECRAFT SHORTS Ep 1079 #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Project Minecraft Shorts Ep 1079 #Shorts #Minecraft’, was uploaded by Plain and Simple Gameplay on 2024-01-13 15:00:11. It has garnered 374 views and 24 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. Village to City! Join me on an epic adventure as I attempt to create a city with 1000 villagers in Minecraft! In these videos, I’ll show you how to build houses, farms, and other structures to support your growing population. We’ll explore the world and gather resources to create a thriving community. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft player or just… Read More

Ghostipedia – GTNH : Stellar Hell EP2 – Mastering the LV Age! [100% LV+]