Video Information

Let me show you what this is first this is share Factory this is what I use to edit and today we’re going to be doing some editing I’m going to start by making the thumbnail live so you like you could see what it’s like for me to

Make a thumbnail which actually H you I’ll do that in a minute all right anyways yeah they let you pick like topics and stuff I’ll explain all in a second uh just to give you some behind the scenes how I do the editing process also like to be productive in more ways

Than one because I’m like live streaming it while actually doing it so I think that’ll be kind of cool um so yeah oh actually what do I really have to to set the stream because uh you know what no I’ll still I’ll still get the link for

It now I might as well do that now CU I don’t have a thumbnail yet what I’m going to do is we’re going to make a thumbnail live and then we’re going to edit the video that I recorded on Wednesday also if you’re waiting for Minecraft stuff I will be streaming uh

Honor dummy’s uh timebreaker smpp tonight at 7 o’cl p.m. EST so if you’re waiting for Minecraft stuff I mean this is also Minecraft stuff cuz I’m editing Minecraft stuff but if you’re waiting for actually live Minecraft Gameplay that’ll be later tonight anyways if you would like to see how I edit stick

Around all right so basically I use sharefactory which is a free PlayStation 4 editing software and I have to say for it being free I think it’s excellent like I think this is the best free editing software that you could find that like doesn’t try to plaster its uh

Brand name on absolutely everything but like yeah uh before we get into this how are we all doing today chat on this lovely Saturday it’s not afternoon yet Saturday before noon pre-noon morning I forgot the word morning exists chat don’t worry about it all right um there we

Go okay you know I shouldn’t need this anymore I think once I send it hold up all right all right so anyways you can see they already have some topics here which I’m by the way I’m not ready yet but by the way I edit with a controller so

You’ll see in a second this is all edited on controller uh but there’s like different topics here which is funny because I don’t even own half these games but they just like come with share Factory I do have Batman Arkham Knight I have played through that with my dad uh

But like these topics I bought the 80s 7s and 50s themes if you saw the Mission Impossible Video the 7s theme the music uh from the 70s theme is actually in the mission impossible video I would say it was is is W music so we will probably

Pick actually wait no this is for uh this is for the photo but so this won’t matter this is going to be for thumbnail so I don’t really care about like what theme it is for the thumbnail this is retro theme again I didn’t I think actually I think I might download this

One this one might have been free I know I paid like a dollar for the 50s 80s and 70s theme it was cheap uh Marvel versus C I don’t even own that game I think this one was free also I downloaded it uh this one let’s see this is the top 10

Theme I think I bought this one I want to say I think I bought this one around the time when gasta Games 3 was happening and I was putting in the number three for fun I don’t know it actually looks pretty bad uh this Star Wars Battlefront which is funny I don’t

Have Battlefront I have Battlefront 2 and I played it like once and then I never played it again so like yeah um over here is Comic Book theme which that’s just kind of funny I I I I don’t know that’s free it’s it’s funny cuz they say it’s Comic Book theme but like

Nothing really has to do with comic books like they aren’t relevant characters um um they’re all just random people uh then we have horror theme I think I’ve used this before haven’t I or maybe I was thinking about using it but it’s just default horror Theme by share

Factory it’s okay that one was free also this one’s also free infomercial theme this one has like the beep change screen but like not as good it’s kind of like a jump scare I don’t like it uh this one’s Uncharted I think I used this before

When I made an Uncharted review when the Uncharted movie came out if any of you were here that long of a a long long ago that was that would have been oh boy I feel old like February or March of 2022 anyways one second let me oh wait I

Don’t have that all right uh let me put in my description we’re not going to be using music this stream by the way and that’s because basically uh if I’m editing you know I kind of need to hear what I’m editing and I mean you you guys will be able to hear what

I’m editing too so like don’t think you’re getting discluded all right there we go so my first editing stream we’ll see if this becomes a regular thing I honestly don’t know the problem is I can only do so many things live because there’s some things that I have to do

Off camera because as soon as I close share Factory then uh the stream ends because that’s how it works don’t ask me ask PlayStation all right let me open chat I don’t I don’t have a thumbnail but anyways yo no no welcome to the stream wel welcome to the stream King

James welcome to the stream all right anyways we don’t have a thumbnail right now so let’s fix that I’ll talk about the rest of these themes later okay I do have chat next to me but like I’m not in the normal chair I’m on a

Couch Behind the Chair I guess you get a little bit more of a picture of the layout of the room I decided to skip the event major W all right anyway all right there we go all right so let’s just make a thumbnail here really quick

I don’t really care about the theme for a thumbnail because like that would only matter if you were using a picture the thumbnail so I’m just going to use like the PlayStation theme all right here you can see some past thumbnails I made uh that looks like an actual arm but that’s

From Spider-Man PS4 I was replaying it will that actually show on stream oh yeah it will okay sometimes share Factory doesn’t like it when you make things full screen because like it doesn’t want people to see the full thing all right uh so here’s Marvel Spider-Man

Screenshots it just goes by recent but I could change the order they started yelling and hating on treasur Mains it wouldn’t let us VC which was annoying so I left that’s horrible that’s actually kind of mean yo there’s the realm code rest in peace uh let’s see there’s a bunch of

Old thumbnail stuff so what should I do for today’s thumbnail well let’s take the this this is the edited version I actually brighten this up a bit but we’re going to take it and actually wait let’s go back I want to get a screenshot of share factories layout so let’s like let’s

Take a screen scre shoted this maybe and we’ll go to photos here you should use my thumbnail for you mean no not for I’m talking about for today’s stream I’m making a thumbnail for today’s stream I’m not making a thumbnail for that so here’s this now

And let me also grab this now it doesn’t really matter what order they’re in because I’m going to have to fix it in a minute uh and we’ll just call this one um uh editing sure editing and we’ll stream there we go all right yo that looks horrible anyways uh

Let’s go ahead I don’t know how this actually going to work we’re going to have to do some experimenting maybe it’d be cool if I actually had like an editing strip on the left or right so you could actually see what I’m doing but I’d have to go

And do that you know we’re doing that all right all right let’s get into an actual video uh let’s go to the Shrek video actually my last project I also I’m sorry that it makes that buzzing noise I hate the main menu all right so anyways this is what it

Looks like here you could see this is the Shrek video so what I did here was I used a an overlay which are the here I’ll show you here these things you can see on the top left there you can see right on there uh let’s see camera

Settings all right uh so this this was the zoom one and I just put it on there and like yeah it it just kind of it zooms it in and then zooms it out and then I timed it there so it zooms out and you can see

Her hey I haven’t talked to you people since last year that’s track two that’s this part which is commentary that I recorded afterwards and then here’s yo Rog hello yo we got another mod here yo sketchy welcome to the stream you keep changing your name so I like forget who

You are all right and then I changed it to black and white cuz like the joke please laugh any and then there’s this this is sped up footage with black and white and then I did this text fading and you’ll see how it works but anyways

Let’s go ahead and like we’ll put the uh I want to have my face on there so let’s just do that um I don’t like that as much hold up we’re going to edit this even though like I could just delete it later all right so let’s just

Add this right there and then I could do that I think I could screenshot that I think that’ll look good yeah you know what fine it’s fine all right maybe that’ll look good for the thumbnail and I could just exit without saving so it will just go back

To the way it was um all right let’s edit the thumbnail let’s make the thumbnail and then we’ll get into eding editing next Friday’s video I think will be next Friday’s video not a guarantee all right uh I’ll just take all three because I want to like explore a little

Bit and decide what I want to do for a thumbnail so like it takes trial and error I don’t immediately know what I’m going to do for a thumbnail go go all right so let’s do something like by the way I can see chat so like

You can you can talk in chat to me and I’ll answer any questions or talk about anything if you just want me to talk about something I would this is going to be a chill stream like don’t expect this to be I don’t have a schedule okay so I

Think it’s kind of stupid to have this IM image twice because like it has my face on it twice so we’re going to let’s go to two images I’ll have to change what the images are but let’s see uh let’s do something like this Maybe um yeah we’ll do something like this all right so for first I got to remove the Border that’s the first step talk about your process of recording or editing that’s what I am doing all right talk about politics now I’m going to canceled or the weather the it’s freezing outside

Yeah speak for yourself buddy all right uh confirm all right so now there’s no border which is you know is convenient I used to do borders on my thumbnails but I stopped doing them because it’s like kind of stoy and it like crops it out because YouTube does

That I burnt three my fingers so now my fingerprints are weird oh geez how all right anyways let’s do I think we’re going to change this to me and then Zoom this out hold up so let’s just do actually you know what it might just be a better thumbnail if we

Do a single frame not that not why are they all sinky that’s okay there go I think something like this might actually just work for the thumbnail but not like that here wa let me change the picture uh we’ll do this one all right I think that might work through a

Thumbnail and then I’ll just add stuff to it here wait so we add overlay and this is this here actually let me go through that again so this is all the text you can see here this is the text category there’s all different kinds of

Text um oh actually I use this one for Mission possible um this one’s just like pixel text I like that but I just never gotten the chance to use it actually I think I might use it once but yeah all different types of text I usually go with this one

First one down has a nice border to it and we’ll just do do editing live and there we go add an exclamation point all seems like a load of gibberish what do you mean a load of gibberish and then I align it to the center because I’m a perfectionist and then I could

Pick a color this is kind of cool chat what color should I make it I’ll I’ll let chat pick the color pick a color that’s actually good not red cuz red will Clash against the red maybe like a blue that kind of looks decent but that doesn’t pop cuz we already have blue

Maybe yellow I kind of like that maybe green no I think yellow looks better I could always make a custom color green I think yellow looks good here let’s see how that looks how’s that I think that looks good um but Let’s do let’s see what else could I do let’s

Add an arrow just because like red arrow YouTube funny so I found this more recently oh here’s like the play stop pause fast forward Sol record eject I’ve used I’ve used Fast Forward I’ve used I think I’ve used record before and maybe I’ve used pause I I

Haven’t used the other ones I don’t use them that often yo nexite welcome to the stream you get to learn how I edit all right I don’t know what these stickers are I will be 100% real with you I don’t know I just like I never use these I

Think they stink uh I use some of these wait hold up those are all like PlayStation buttons I don’t know why you would ever need a sticker that we picked yellow all right uh or I picked yellow I should say all right so I used these before I’ve used subscribe

And like before I have not used follow because like I don’t have there’s no reason to follow anyways uh text speech bubbles here are arrows all right so let’s pick an arrow like I want a curvy one I don’t know why uh we’ll do this one sure all right so then let’s

See I can shrink it or uh grow it let’s see here can I move it yeah I can all right I I’ve actually never done this part before the R2 and L2 to get it to okay uh let’s shrink that a little bit is that stupid chat I think that’s stupid enough

Anyways Pink n pink is going to go against the red badly I I think that’s good chat for the arrow all right I I can’t change the arrow color by the way otherwise I would all right you’re going to see the downsides to this as well all

Right I think that’s a decent thumbnail I’m not spending too much time on it oh wait can I not send it to myself I can’t can I actually I might be able to let’s find out all right let’s save the photo there we go and then we’re going to go ahead and

I’m going to send it to myself so first let me go here cuz we’re going to make a video next uh but let me go here and like send that to myself you’re not going to be able to see for a second it’s just going to okay that stinks uh o

Ooh that stinks I don’t know how to send it to myself without going out of it by accident um I could send it to someone who’s online so hold up hold up um uh uh chat let’s do like rocket League stream no um let’s do how how can I do

This uh I didn’t think about this uh I guess I just got to send it to the online person and hope they don’t care there’s someone I haven’t talked to in years though I feel so bad oh whatever this is your fault for being online all right uh y’all hopefully they don’t notice

This actually can I get to hold up one second uh uh one second chat I’m trying to find someone who I could send the thumbnail to so I could get it onto my phone should I just send it send it to some random person oh it’s in alphabetical order uh

You know what is this person person friended with my dad’s account that’d be really convenient cuz usually I send it to my dad’s account that’s what I usually do oh this account’s going to be at the bottom of this list oh this list is so long and there’s music blasting in my

Ears I don’t know if yall can hear that or not not oh wait did I miss it oh no my dad’s not all right um uh what do I do oh I know I know I know I know how to get to me this is so dumb this is the

Loopholes I need to go through to do it live hold up one sec I know exactly what I need to do now it’s just going to take me a minute all right okay oh yes I did it I’m so smart I’m so smart holy moly I had to go

Through his account to my account to send it to myself and my suffering all right now I’m sending it to my dad’s account and I can pick it up off of my phone from there all right now I got to get back to share Factory hold

Up almost there okay there we go we’re back all right that was a great journey all right time for me to put in the thumbnail but uh let’s see here let’s get a a theme here quick so I’m going to pick the 70s theme just because it has

The best music that’s on share Factory for free uh but anyways first let me grab the thumbnail so yeah that’s how I do it then I go to the PlayStation app on my phone I’ll tell you what I’m doing right now I go to the PlayStation app on my

Phone I go to my friends list I go to my dad I go to our messages and I sent the image there so I could just download it there then I download it then I go to um my email and then I get the link to the stream and then I change the

Thumbnail custom thumbnail and then I put in my thumbnail there we go and now about wait now you should be able to refresh and the thumbnail should be the one that I just made on stream it’s kind of stoopy how many loopholes I had to go through for that

But anyways it should be updating a minute or two in the meantime we’re going to go ahead and start editing an actual video so you get to see the editing process all right so I said I’m picking 70s it has the best music let’s

Go all right so uh first I got to start by deselecting the clips that like stink these are here I’ll show you what these are oh it’s not going to let me show you that all right oh we did it it does okay I just can’t

Record a screen recording all right so I can show you so look if I just let’s see if I could it will let me stream this yo it will all right so look it’s literally just this like it’s stupid it’s like stupid intros and outros that advertise share

Factory I’m so also I’m sorry if that was loud I could also play them down here like I don’t have to open it anyways uh uh what’s this this is the Shrek video hey I haven’t anyways uh that’s the channel anniversary video all right now if I

Don’t label them they’re just named by that all right so this is this should be all right peoples welcome back to another in today’s video I’m going and this is part two all right yeah it is all right so we’re going to start with this this is the

First part of the live stream and we’re going to call this uh challenge two because this is actually the Second Challenge video I’ve made all right there we go now here’s the footage it’s just one big block I could go back and forth with L1 and

R1 uh oh okay bye uh bye sketchy cheese all right so uh we’re just going to start by watching through and cutting stuff so what I do is I go to split clip and I just split and cut anytime something stinks all right peoples welcome back to

Another video in today’s video I’m going to be attempting your hive challenges before we get into this please make sure to hit like And subscribe and enjoy the video all right anyways so basically today’s video I’m going to be attempting challenges from the chat and uh this is being done live

On the channel uh and this is okay I think there’s too big of a pause in my intro I think I’m going to re-record an intro make one with commentary uh so let’s just like uh what’s the first challenge I did I think we’re going to start with King

James I like the idea of getting every type of boom box and SG all right so first challenge I’ll edit this in later all right first challenge is from King James I’m going to be getting getting every type of boom box in survival games all right all right so I can edit that

In later so let’s do let’s just start out with an intro here I’m going to record it but I got to mute the audio first for this so let’s mute this and then let’s add a track two and now I’m going to record it this is

Actually going to be in the video so here we go all right so I’m going to do the intro and we’re going to be doing um uh I’m going to be attempting your hiive challenges this this was recorded live uh all right all right peoples welcome back to

Another video in today’s video I’m going to be that was ruined never mind okay yeah it takes me like five attempts to do these by the way so yeah all right all right peoples welcome back to another video in today’s video I’m going to be attempting your hive challenges

Before we get into please make sure to hit like And subscribe and enjoy the video by the way the entirety of this video was recorded live on my channel like a week ago so yeah that that’s a horrible intro anyways let me let me just do I’ll just

Do like the I think I’ll do the normal intro and then I’ll edit over top with text that says this was recorded live all right all right people’s actually wait I have a better idea I got to explain the rules and stuff because in in the live

Stream we have like we had to do I had like two attempts per Challenge and different things all right so let me let me write that out really quick let me write that out I’ll use the laptop so I I don’t write like a full script I just

Write out ideas for it uh in the meantime uh let’s see I don’t know I’ll have to cut this down but let’s let’s just do this first because I want to have a decent intro or should I put in a joke chat I could do a

Joke what are your thoughts chat I just realized I could access photos here too so I can actually do a lot more than I thought I could all right chat thoughts ideas throw them out there and let me just like I’ll write it literally just on a Google page so the

Rules were okay uh oh only one attempt per challenge uh let’s see oh wait no I two attempts I’m I’m stupid only two attempts per Challenge and I do know what the fail is going to be so if I lose which I do we we know how the video

Goes uh my punishment is going to be that whatever the top comment is on this video I will have to do that I I I’ll have to title that a video so like say the top Comon is like uh uh I got let’s like

Um uh I got mugged on the hive that then I have to title the video that it doesn’t matter what the video actually is about I can make the video about whatever I want but it has to be titled whatever the top comment is all right only two attempts per challenge um let’s See uh oh I I I I have to be able to only complete the challenge in one game challenge has to be completed in one round it has to be completable in one round is that even a word I think it is will it be a commentary uh no I’ll

Add some commentary there’ll be some commentary in between but the main focus of this video is going to be the actual footage of the challenges okay so challenge has to be completable in one round and uh okay if I complete three challenges I I get

Nitro uh but if I lose more than half the challenges I uh have to title a video whatever the top comment says all right that should be good I just have to write out the points next video will be the top comment I’m going to title no because it

Doesn’t have to be no because it doesn’t have to be the topic it just has to be title whatever the top common is all right let’s go all right I got to do the actual intro first I’m going to do them all I’m going to try to do it all one

Cut if I can’t do it all one cut then we’ll have to split it all right here we go all right peoples welcome back to another video in today’s video I’m going to be attempting your hive challenges before we get into this please make sure to hit like And subscribe and enjoy the

Video now the rule this CH waa what what was the W the challenge all right let’s try that out again this is how this goes this is how this goes I do this every time all right peop welcome back to another video in today’s video I’m going to be attempting your hive challenges

Before we get this please make sure to hit like And subscribe and enjoy this the video all right so here are the rules to this challenge first off I can only have two attempts per Challenge and the challenge has to be completable in one round if the CH if see this is how

This goes I forget what I’m going to say all right and I got I got to change it to uh I I should CH here were the rules of this challenge because like I’ve recorded this in the past all right let’s try that again all right peoples welcome back to

Another video and today’s video I’m going to be attempting your hive challenges before we get into this please make sure to hit like And subscribe and enjoy the video all right so here are the rules to this challenge so basically I will only have two attempts per Challenge and the challenge

Has to be completable in one round If I complete three challenges in the two hours I get Nitro but if I lose more than half the challenges I have to make a video and title It Whatever the top comment says all right so here’s the video enjoy I’ll probably cut out that last

Part that was stupid but if I lose more than half the challenges oh jeez that’s loud actually wait let me do uh here volume all right we got to get off prioritize that stinks we don’t like that all right uh let’s go ahead and just turn

Down the volume to like I think 70 is good all right peoples welcome back to another that’s still kind of loud jeez I don’t know if it’s loud for you all but is for me in today’s video I’m going to be attempting your hive challenges before

We get to this please make sure to hit like And subscribe and enjoy the video all right so here are the rules to this challenge so basically I will only have two attempts per Challenge and the challenge has to be completable in one round If I complete three challenges in

The two hours I get nro but if I lose more than half the challenges I have to make a video and title It Whatever the top comment says all right so here’s all right I want to cut out that last part enjoy all right so here’s the video all right so comment

Says ever the top comment says all right there we go I think that should be good I that’s right before I take a breath whatever the top comment says decent enough all right so now uh let’s go ahead and just like speed this up to when we get to the first challenge

Oh hold up all right it’s it’s a Nitro what what do you mean Nitro all right so here are the rules to this challenge so basically I will only have two attempts If I complete three challenges in the yo Gastly calling the Multiverse of Madness all right hour I get

Nitro Nitro yeah isn’t that how you say Nitro am I stupid James if I said it wrong you can correct me and I’ll just like isn’t it Nitro like B my the Science Guy anyways Nitro yes Nitro Nitro am I saying it right yes or

No that is not helpful and it’s not it’s it’s original no it was the mistake you said it you said a minute ago LOL what I didn’t in the video is it because I is it because I was I paused it challenge and the challenge has to be complet

Anyways I should not have this it’s fine we got I’ll it’ll be fine once I edit it all right you’re copying my brand by I came up with that all right we’re going to start start with King James I like the idea of getting every type of boom

Box and SG all right so first challenge okay so first I got to turn up this volume uh let’s make it like I think I made it 140 for Shack I’ll edit this in later all right first challeng is from King so first all right so first challenge I’ll

Edit this in later all right first challenge is from King James I’m going to be getting getting every type of boom box in survival games all right I heard that they up just updated the textures for this so like yeah I haven’t played SG in so long I haven’t played Minecraft

In so long so I’m going to get absolutely roasted survival I’ll edit the simulator all right first challeng is from King James I’m G I’ll edit the simulater all right sorry I’m not used to talking while doing this all right so now I’m just going to cut it right before I’ll

Edit this in later all right first first this is how this goes I can’t like see it exactly so I don’t trust it all right that should be good all right so now let’s see here where’s my intro hold up to be completable in one round If I

Complete three challenges in the two hours I get Nitro but if I lose more than half the challenges I have to make a video and title It Whatever the top comment says all right three challenge so I should be able to speed this up so we’re going to

Use the time Bender thing this is actually a pretty cool tool I like this so I get to speed up the footage however I please I I can make it eight times the speed that would make it 5 Seconds that’d be crazy I’m going to make it

Double speed though and I’m going to use step which basically means it will cut out some frames and now it should be double all right peoples welcome back to another video in today’s video I’m going to be attemp that looks kind of goofy I’ll be honest in your hive challenges before we

Get into this please make sure to hit like And subscribe and enjoy the video all right so here are the rules to this challenge so basically I will only have two attempts per Challenge and the challenge has to be completable in one round If I complete three challenges in

The two hours I get Nitro but if I lose more than half the challenges I have to make a video and title It Whatever the top comments first challenges from King James I’m going to be getting getting every that’s horrible cuz it cuts off hold

Up what if I just like challes I have to make a video and title It Whatever the top comment says comment says so we’ll cut it right there and then we’ll just cut out that all right there we go all right peoples welcome back to another video in today’s video

I’m going to be attempting your hive challenges before we get into this please make sure to hit like And subscribe and enjoy the video all right so here are the rules to this challenge show hit like and then I think I’ll like I’ll cut it and then

I’ll blur it and then I’ll put the rules on the screen this is going to be so much this is how long it takes just to edit an intro how long has it been 30 mes all right turn another video in today’s video I’m going to be attempting

Your hive challenges before we get then again I also made a thumbnail before this this please make sure to hit like And subscribe and enjoy the video hit like And subscribe and enjoy the video all right so we’ll cut it right here and then we’ll go into the rules all right

So I kind of don’t want to cut it here but like I kind of have too cuz I think it would look better with the blur yeah all right so here are the subcribe and enjoy the video and then while I’m taking my breath right

There we will add a There’s No undo Key by the way that’s why I’m kind of cautious about this all right so oh here are the 70s transitions oh yeah that’s a bob oh gosh my ears okay did you know that if you die in real

Life you can no longer die in Hive it’s kind of a w all right let’s do what’s this transition that’s actually a kind of cool transition but like I’m not making a disco party video all right here’s the PlayStation ones they’re all PlayStation related anyways uh let’s do oh here’s

Static I’ve never used that actually I think they’re kind of a jump scare Infamous I don’t even play Infamous all right cross fade let’s go to a let’s go to a wipe I like wipes uh we’ll do wipe right all right so subcribe and enjoy the video all

Right so I know it looks really stupid but I got to add a filter so we’re going to add the filter a blur this filter there’s a ton of filters here you could see they’re pretty cool I use usually I use sometimes I use Clarity on my videos to brighten it up a

Bit motion blur that one’s going to make you vomit I swear all right you want to see it you want to see it here wa there’s wind this is what wind looks like oh gosh oh gosh anyways let’s delete that all right uh let’s add a filter we’re going to add

But this is regular but round this isce if I complete three challenges in the two hours I get Nitro but if I lose more add text over that but let’s see chall before we get into this please make sure to hit like And subscribe and enjoy the

Video all right so here are the rules to this challenge so B that’s really smooth enjoy the video like if I go here you could see there that’s beautiful oh wait you can you see that yeah you can all right so yeah you can see there it’s perfectly

Just cut it’s very pretty so yeah that that’s how it will work then the left is how it will look and the right is how it doesn’t so like I I think I could fast forward it here yeah you can see here that’s actually really

Pretty I feel oh gosh okay so yeah but that’s how it works that’s how my transitions work if you actually slow them down it’s actually a pretty cool effect anyways uh let’s go ahead and um let’s add some text now to this all right so here are the rules to this

Challenge so basically I will so I’ll start by just adding text that says rules so we’re going to go to add overlay we’re going to go to text we’re going to go to this one there’s some extra text these are the these text but I’m going with this still and we’re just

Going to put hello right let’s add it later right there all right can I see it now yes I can all right rules and then we’ll just put like uh that there we go I have good grammar chat all right so we put that there and

You know what I’ll do a line here and I’ll do a line left o never mind that looks kind of rough oh do I want that no I don’t I’ll be honest I don’t know maybe I do yeah no I don’t I think that’s too close all right so

We’re just going to do that right there all right and then we’re I I have to kind of eye it because like it doesn’t actually tell you all right let me close my laop all right so let’s make this uh orange I’ll make a custom orange don’t ask me why the saturation

Is all the way down when they start it best editor moment thank you any uh ooh that’s not dark enough that looks Brown I kind of like more a red better hold up rules sure why not I think that’s decent enough it’s noticeable and then I’ll

Make like the actual rules yellow uh CU that’s a good color scheme so let’s go ahead and add text animation beginning animation will make it fade in so it fades in like that looks kind of nice if you ask me and it will fade out at the

End uh let’s go ahead and just like add text all right let’s actually move that all bit we’ll adjust it all right let’s see how that looks all right so here are the rules to this challenge all right so here are the rules and there you go and at the end it

Will fit out says all right anyway that sure is good text it is good text anyways so wait what was rule one I will only have two attempts all right two attempts per challenge I’m not going to bother capitalizing things here because it’s like a list I don’t really

Care put that right there maybe right there I think that lines it up pretty nicely I think I hope so and let’s go ahead and make this a nice yellow kind of looks like McDonald’s but we don’t talk about it fade in Fade Out and we’re going to make it go there all

Right all right let’s I might have to adjust here this challenge so basically I will only have two attempts okay I say at the 11sec Mark so we got to fix that uh there we go we’ll just adjust it all right there go let’s see if that works

Challenge so basically I will what so basically I put it at 11 second I think I didn’t hit confirm anyways there we go let’s try that I will only have two attempts per wait why is rules still there now oh I know what happened I accidentally justed rules the first time

Let’s try that all right so here are the rules to this challenge so basically I will only have two attempts per Challenge and the challenge has all right there we go first L of text done let’s go anyways this is how it works chat I do this all I do this the entire

Time anytime you see text I have to go through this pain and suffering all right let’s see what I per Challenge and the challenge has to challenge and the CH has to p Challenge and the challenge has to be put it right there challenge yes H oh H this is why I do

Text because like I talk fast but I also just talk fast because like I do for the video challenge has to be possible okay it’s not going to fit hold up this is where we’re going to learn to shrink text we I’m just going to make it super

Tiny because I don’t uh I can grow it later all right uh challenge has to be uh possible or completable is completable a word we’re about to find out complete completable is not a word I feel stupid stupid shot possible in one round I have to have decent grammar

Because who knows if one of my actual IRL friends will watch this and they’ll be like how are you doing this when you’re in an honors class all right uh there we go doing a yes all right that’ll work the text looks slightly smaller but it’s

Fine all right let’s make it fade in and fade out and then let’s adjust the texturation challenge and the challenge has to be completable in one round there we go if I complete three CH If I complete has to be completable in one round I kind of want to move it over hold

Up thing let’s do that I think that’s good you spelled attempts wrong no I didn’t that’s how you spell attempts two attempts you spelled spelled wrong it should be a spelled s p e l l e d don’t try to correct my grammar If I complete

Three challenges in the two hours if I has to be completable in one round if I right if right there did I say two hours if I complete three challenges in the two hours be completable in one round if I I’ll say complete complete three challenges I’m G to have to shrink this

Hold up complete three challenges it’s PS4 time yes complete three challenges for quick I get I’ll put Discord in parenthesis because let’s be honest my entire audience does not know what the heck Nitro is I think I don’t know cord it’s gonna look kind of weird but it’s fine I’m going to shrink

This uh Nitro I feel like it should be IFI uh whatever you know what I’m changing it I’m changing it I’m going to say three challenge here three complete no no Capital three complete challenges equals Discord yo why why are you copying my thingy all right equals Discord Nitro yay all right

We I can make it somewhat big now three complete challenges equals Discord Nitro we’re going to make that yellow and we’ll do text animation fade in ending fade out and then we’ll change the texturation I actually think you spelled the attemps wrong let’s find out I bet I’m right I would bet I’m

Right Chad H I’m right L anyways all right I checked on my phone chat you can’t believe me I spelled it right all right there we go sorry I’m putting back up my chat all right let’s continue all right so that’ll go to there actually let’s make the color like a

Pink magenta or purple for Discord I don’t know why I just think purple’s Discord um all right three complete challenges equals compl three challenges in the two hours I get Nitro but if I lose more than half the challenges I have to make a video and title It Whatever the top comment

Says all right so hold up I I do want to fix one thing I think rules should be a different color I’ll make rules white sure then I will emphasize the other colors cuz then I’m going to make the last one red all right more than half the challenges I have to

Make a video and title It Whatever the top comment says more than half the challenges I have to make a video and get Nitro but if I lose more than half the get Nitro but but if I Nitro but what one week of 1.8 PVP looks like bro all right uh [Applause] fail

More than here I’ll just say fail let’s say fail 50% that’s a good idea fail 50 percent of challenges I’m going to have to shrink this one sec this is what happens when I have a lot of text on screen this this is going to look really chaotic equals

Punishment there we go no I’m going to have to shrink that a little bit all right and we’re going to make that red all right oh I forgot to do this is going to be this all right fade in fade out all right all right let’s watch this please make

Sure to hit like And subscribe and enjoy the video all right so here are the rules to this challenge so basically I will only have two attempts per Challenge and the challenge has to be completable in one round If I complete three challenges in the two hours I get

Nitro but if I lose more than half the challenges I have to make a video and title It Whatever the top comment says first challenges from King James I’m going to be get getting every type of comment says first challeng is from King James I’m going to be get getting

I feel like I need to do more of a transition cuz like it’s a really really like hard cut it’s horrible so we’re going to do a little transition here let’s just do like wipe down sure comment says first challeng is from King James I’m going to be getting getting

Every type of boom box in survival games all right I heard that they up just updated the textures for this so I am going to leave this Challenge and we’re going to put this challenge in I got to edit down now so now we get to the fun

Part which is just splitting cutting text putting in Clips finding what’s funny what works what doesn’t let’s go so like yeah I haven’t played SG in so long I haven’t played Minecraft in so long so I’m going to get absolutely roasted all right but I just have to get

The surviv uh the uh I just have to get the boom boxes I don’t have to win so that’s all I don’t know if I want to leave that full part in first challenge is from King James I’m going to be getting getting every type of boom box in survival games all

Right I heard that they just updated the textures for this so like yeah I haven’t played SG in so long I haven’t played Minecraft in so long so so I’m going to get absolutely roasted I feel like I should end the clip there but I just

Have to get the survival I mean I have a 2C Gap there where I take a breath start talking about like that I don’t need to win I don’t think that needs to be in I think you can get the point to that get absolutely roasted get absolutely

Roasted so I’m going to get absolutely roasted I’m going to get absolutely roasted all right there we go we’re going to cut that there and then we’ll continue that later but we got put this here all right so uh let’s see one round in so long I haven’t played

Minecraft let’s add uh some text here James I’m going to be getting getting every type of boom box so I’ll put like challenge one and then I’ll do that by the way if you’re wondering where like music and all that stuff is music and all that comes in last I do music

Absolutely last um it’s just convenient that way out I don’t really have an excuse for that James I’m going to be getting getting every type of boom box in Survival Games James I’m going to be getting getting it first challenge is from all right so let’s just start off by doing like

Um challenge one I’m not actually going to say that in the video you get that extra content here all right challenge one and I’ll just put it like over my face yeah I’ll put it above my face all right I know let’s just oh that is centered all right uh all

Right there we go no it’s too long I don’t want to have it that long uh let’s have it as like oh that’s fine all right uh let’s do I think six seconds should be good from this point King James I’m going to be getting getting

Every yeah actually uh let’s do this all right so uh get every actually wait I want King James’s chat message in here okay JK actually should I not leave in this clip then and instead put in me talking should I do commentary chat I think that’s a better

Idea let’s see if I could get the the screenshot of the chat message oh this is going to be fun I know that I’m going to have like no viewers because like I’m not even doing anything right now but bear with me all right so I’m doing is

I’m going to the Stream stream from two days ago going to my live chat replay and let you just start at the beginning the very very beginning right About all right let’s see if I could edit that I think I can hold up there we okay whoopsie all right hold up oh this going to take a lot more than I thought it would hold up one Second We’re finding King James chat Message I’m so close Okay can I okay I think that’ll work okay done and let’s just flip all right there we all right here y let me let me just ask chat let’s see here do we have any other opinions on whether or not I should

Uh here no I’m not going to put a that’s too easy uh let’s just I’ll ask all right so should I or should I not do commentary should I like put the chat message and put commentary over it where I explain it or should I leave this clip

In says first challeng is from King James I’m going to be get getting every type of boom box in survival games all right I heard that they up just updated the textures for this so like yeah I haven’t played SG in so long I haven’t played Minecraft in so long so I’m going

To get cuz I feel like it defuse the purpose if I don’t show the chat message but like also there’s no like probable way to do this because I would have to like add clip which can’t be a screenshot commentary all right more work for me all right let’s send this to

Myself all right let’s just go here go here and we’re going to add King James screenshot there all right let me get that screenshot really quick that’s not what I wanted at all uh okay you have to watch nothing for a second I’m sorry myself uh uh one second I’m almost

There usually I don’t have to do this usually I could just I got the screenshot and I’m coming back good that worked all right yo all right so let’s get the screenshot now we’ll just add it in here it is here it is I just cropped that out on my

Phone let me open stream chat again also if you haven’t already watch the new Shrek video it’s a very much a w video you should watch it so M but do commentary yeah that’s what we’re going to do all right all right there all right so there’s King James

Message and I guess we’re cutting this part out then because like textures for this so like boom box and survival games all right I heard that they up just updated the textures for this so like yeah I haven’t played SG in so long I haven’t played Minecraft we might leave

That clip in we’ll find out in a second all right let’s delete this first wait no I let do delete the transend I that’s what I want to do all right then we’re going to move this right there so now uh we’re just going to go

From this to this and I’m going to keep talking all right oh all right so the first challenge was from King James I had to get every type of boom box in SG okay you know I was way too rush there hold up let’s do trim clip and extend

It all right so first I had to get every type of boom box and SG y I didn’t say it was from King James I should probably do that bro this is the process all right so first up from I was not ready for that that’s awkward all right so the first challenge

Was from King James which was to get every type of boom box in Survival Games boom box in survival games there we go James which was to get every type of boom box in survival games now mind you I only have 50 Clips per video so like this is one two three Cuts

So far and I can only have 50 so what I’m thinking is for this video let’s try to do maybe like 10 challenges that’d be five cuts per challenge not horrible so like five scenes per challenge uh or maybe like nine I don’t know we’ll see I don’t know if I how

Many I’ll actually want to keep in I really out of think about that um all right peoples welcome back to another video in today’s video I’m going to be attempting your hive challenges before we get into this please make sure to hit like And subscribe and enjoy the

Video all right so here are the rules this challenge so basically I will only have two attempts per Challenge and the challenge has to be completable in one round If I complete three challenges in the two hours I get Nitro but if I lose more than half the challenges I have to

Make a video and title It Whatever the Top com all right so we’re just going to like say this is painful Um I’ll just put here in parenthesis here wait not every challenge let me shrink this is is featured uh challenge made the video it’s going to be stinky hold up I got to shrink it there we go and let’s just go ahead and do that uh we’ll just Cent through this at the

Bottom you’re still on the rules no we made ahead of this but I realized I need to add this text to say that uh not every challenge made the video all right make sure it’s actually properly centered which it is and we’re going to go ahead and add text thingy uh fade in

Actually you know what none I think that’s a better idea if there’s none like if this just appears at the bottom but if I lose more than half the challenges I have to make a video and title It Whatever the top comment says all right I think that’s good

That’s a a good disclaimer at the bottom there all right now let’s go here all right so the first challenge was from King James which was to get let’s add a transition uh let’s do wipe down like I was going to do whatever the top comment says all right so the first challenge

Was from King James which was to get all right that seems Rocky why is there cut hold up notare all right so the first challenge was from King James which was to get so now we’re going to put challenge one it’s going to be on the top Here Center it and we’ll color it red to be cool whatever the top comment says all right so the first challenge was from King James which was to get every type of of boom box and survival games type of boom box in survival games in survival games all right split that Survival

Games cut that and now we’re into the actual video all right just from King James I’m going to be get getting every type of boom box in survival to get the boom boxes I’ve don’t want like 10 challenges from King James all right all right I got to

Get all the boom boxes so there’s there’s the red one there’s the blindness one there’s the fire one what else is there oh there’s the blue one the uh like slow down one I just I think that’s where we should cut too so to win

Let’s cut this all out get out of here we’re going to have to end up cutting a lot of footage now the red one there’s the the with more challenges shot I don’t want like 10 challenges from King James all right all right I got to get

All the get all the all right I got J all right all right let’s see if that sounds good boom box in survival games all right I got to get all the boom box perfect cut boom boom boom add transition we’ll go with uh we’ll go with

A we’ll do zoom boom box and survival games all right I got to get all the boom boxes so there’s there’s the red one there’s the blindness one there’s the fire one what else is there uh there’s the blue one the uh like slow down one I just got to get oh there’s

Poison that’s one uh I’m going to have to like just go all right so I think after I get the PO poison boom box we should speed it up till when I get to the next boom box and and we got three Cuts so far we’re fine all

Right I’ve only I’ve been streaming for like how long how long have I I’ve been streaming for over an hour and I only have three Cuts done this is my life all right anyways let’s go ahead and by the way I don’t have to finish this video on

Stream so like maybe I’ll continue doing maybe on Monday or something I’ll do a continuation of all right so let’s just go ahead and one there’s the fire one what else is there oh there’s the blue one the uh like slow down one I just got to get oh there’s poison that’s

One one I just got to get oh there’s poison that’s one uh like slow down one I just got to get oh there’s poison that’s one all right cut there then let’s speed up when do I get my next boom box oh wait there’s something hold up where’ I get them boxes

There yo boom boxes oh I got one I got two all right all right I got three of them out I got three of them all right yo I should do a stream where I’m do I should I even include this or should I like let’s see what happens I

Think I die in this game and like but I don’t know how I don’t remember all right cuz I’m moov to this and then I die I say actually if one of the four people in Deathmatch have it I could get it then okay please I got to

Please oh go oh I need to eat food I don’t know cuz the more I included this challenge the more difficult it becomes unless I like split it into a part one of this part one of this video and part two and then combine them later I think that might be the better

Idea I think that’s what we’re going to have to do split this video into two parts then I combine them and make them into the big video that will actually get uploaded here all right let’s go back here all right so I cut there and then we’re going to go back to when

I get the boom boxes from the supply Crate are there yo boom boxes oh I got one I got two all right all right I got three of them out I got three of them I got one I got Yo Yo there yo boom boxes oh I got one

Yo right there all right and then we’re going to take this and we’re going to going to speed it up so this is originally a 2 minute 34 second clip double it it’s a minute and 17 and then 38 I can make it 19 seconds that’s kind of long

Chat let’s see how it seems how it plays out you want actually be see Here what me go on and on jeez yo boom boxes oh I got one I got two all right all right so what I could do is I could mute this put some music over it and just leave it in but I think 19 seconds of nothing going on is

Boring so I’m going to like split it what if I just cut this out and get it here chat what are your thoughts what are your thoughts we just cut it to here we go yeah there’s poison that’s one boom boxes oh boxes yo boom boxes oh I got one I

Got two all right all right I got three of them now I got three of them I think we should cut this out and add text to say many minutes later on here I think I’m going to do that I think it’s way too long to leave this in

We’re cutting it all right just got to get oh there’s poison that’s one yo boom boxes oh I got one all right so we’re going to add transition here let’s see what did I do last time I did zoom in let’s do uh you know what I don’t want to

Transition for this because we’re just going to cut and I just got to get oh there’s poison that’s one yo boom boxes oh I got one I got two so we’ll just add text that says way too to later way too long way here or after after searching or I’ll say like

Uh I’ll just say way later and I’ll put dot dot dot we’ll put that right there quick fade in Fade Out type thing you know uh we’ll make it a nice yellow we’ll make it fade in and out really quick uh let’s go to the text here

That’s going to be fine I like that there’s poison that’s one yo boom boxes oh I got one I got two all right all right I got three of them out I got three of them all right so we’ll cut it there and then we’ll bring it to do I even find

Any more I find like I know I find more this round I found the web one wait let me open chat Hold Up chat died yo zoom in on me all right give me a minute your chat wait hold up my family is texting I must check oh okay all

Right very nice my family is all having a good time doing things that is not editing a Minecraft video you could tell I’m the most productive person in this house all right there we go there we go all right all right let’s continue uh okay there I go to the next game I

Laugh if you get killed or you like two seconds away from the booom box wow okay I’ll try one more time I’ll try one more time I’m not going to attempt every High challenge more than one SP I actually feel like there’s one that’s possible going to just like die

Get so lucky actually there’s this please I have 15 seconds please tell me this person how maybe the Ender Chest what if I just do like a cut and then say way way later and then it’s me looking for the boom box here and then

Like yeah or is that too much cut out chat I don’t know am I cutting out too much I feel like I kind of am but at the same time we have so many challenges that I can’t leave everything in the video for such a long period of time

I get oh there three of them so we’re going to need to cut here first off two all right all right I got so here’s the plan I think we’re going to have maybe nine challenges in the video nine one or maybe 10 all right let’s see one

Two three four five so you know what it should be fine all right let’s do this we go here okay you know I’m going to need five so yeah we’re going to do nine challenge in the video I think that’ll be good because then if I also spend one

Minute per challenge then I should be fine we’ll see though one two then we go here I got three of them now I got three of them o how long does the intro take 24 seconds all right that’s one yo boom boxes oh I got one I got two all right

All right I got three of them now I got three of them all right I I got three of them out I got three of them cut and let’s go okay where do I find the other one I’m challenge first try are they still chasing me no they’re

Not all right all right oh boom box boom box boom box yes I got another one all right all right I need blindness I need blindness I just need to hope that nobody dies until I get blind okay I know how we’re going to this now that’s perfect all right it’s a good

Thing I said that very convenient boom box boom box boom box yes I got another one all right all right all right all right oh oh are they still chasing me no they’re not all right all right no they’re not all right all right cut it all right right and

Then still chasing me no they’re not all right all right oh me no they’re not all right all right there we go all right all right right anyways uh 1 minute 23 can go to 11 seconds I’ll just say way way later and then cut so we’re going to cut it here

There’s no point in leaving that I got three of them now I got three of them oh boom box boom box boom box yes I got another one all right all right I need blindness I need blindness I just need to hope that nobody here it’s a 12 minutes and then

We’re yes I got another one all right all right I need blindness I need blindness I just need to hope that no nobody dies until I get blindness so I think we’ll cut there what do I start talking about there yo vintage welcome to the stream we’re doing some editing

You can tell I’m a very productive editor when it’s been like over an hour and I’ve only edited this much actually we should look over what we have all right peoples welcome back to another video in today’s video I’m going to be attempting your hive challenges before we get into this

Please make sure to hit like And subscribe and enjoy the video all right so here are the rules to this challenge so basically I will only have two attempts per Challenge and the challenge has to be completable in one round If I complete three challenges in the two

Hours I get Nitro but if I lose more than half the challenges I have to make a video and title It Whatever the top comment says all right so the first challenge was who you could clearly see that the last you could clearly see the

Last one there hold up I I didn’t I like that I don’t like that why is that one okay okay hold up hold up that’s not okay let’s just go right about where do they fade out they start fading out there that’s good make a video and title

It Whatever the top comment says all right so the first challenge was from King James which was to get every type of boom box in survival games all right I got to get all the boom boxes so there’s there’s the red one so I do wipe down all right so the first challenge

Was from King James which was to get every type of I just realized how L that is hold up I did 65 there we go type of boom box in survival games all right I got to get all the boom boxes so there’s there’s the did

The rap build make it we just started vintage I I’m not even close to that I’m not even close to that we’ll decide what challenges are going to make it in and what challenges won’t later like it’ll it’ll just have to go how Co I’m going to feature nine challenges in the video

I think that’s what I’ve decided on so we just have to get there yo no no is still in the chat no no can you please be active in the chat I need views I mean what what else is there oh there’s the blue one the uh like slow down one I

Just got to get oh there’s poison that’s one yo also wait I have to okay that’s 140 we’re fine found one I just got to get oh there’s poison that’s one yo boom boxes oh I got one I got two all right all right I got I don’t know what to say

Comment on my editing my horrible editing skills three of them now I got three of them oh boom box boom box boom box yes I got another one all right all right I need blindness I need need blindness I just need to hope that nobody dies until I get

Blindness we’re going to cut there I think cuz I don’t say anything else do I okay that’s another one of those please just give me a blindness boom box okay I have a minute please a minute a minute I think what I do is uh I cut to Deathmatch and then me

Dying and Sh say here’s how that went dot dot dot b tier editing I’m on a PlayStation 4 this is a tier editing for PS4 no one takes this much time to edit on a PlayStation 4 another one all right all right I need blindness I need

Blindness I just need to hope that nobody dies until I get blindness I get blindness I just need to hope that nobody dies until I get blindness I just need to Hope that nobody dies until I get blindness all right we’ll just cut it there all right fast forward to me dying

And will’ll be like here’s how that went to just likees sir okay or you could just okay I just I love this game all right well fail I’ll try one more time I’ll try one more time I’m not going to attempt every hve challenge oh but if I lose more than half the

Challenges I have to make a video here are the rules to this challenge so basically I will only have two attempts per Challenge and the all right I feel like you’re cutting a little too much uh I disagree you got to you got to think about the attention

Span of a goldfish children that are going to be watching this all right you if I leave it then I I just go silent for a lot of this I could speed it up but then it’s just like sped up footage like nobody wants to see that

Especially when it’s like a minute or 20 seconds of sped up footage it’s a lot it doesn’t sound like a lot but when it’s just music and sped up footage nobody really wants to watch that I think for because you got to think we’re going from challenge to challenge to challenge to challenge

Think about the Mission Impossible Video the mission impossible is only as good as it is because it just goes from point to point to point to point like it never slows down and that’s how I want this one to be anyways I need blindness I just need to hope that

Nobody dies until I get blindness all right so I’m not even going to I’ll include challenge two and be like here’s how that went and then I’ll be like one fail one not fail mind you I have two hours of footage this I I haven’t even put an

Hour in this is this is an hour has put in been put in so far you got to show some Agony it makes the video more entertaining yeah but like I’m not aggravated this is the first game there’s there’s going to be challenges throughout there’ll be other

Ones I’m more aggravated with like the capture the [ __ ] game when I’m screaming and going insane I’m leaving that in the video I I can tell you the capture the flag ones making it in but it just depends on the challenge anyways let’s go to me D I got to get so

Lucky and I mean I I am going to the agony oh why why anytime I hear myself voice crack that’s got to go in anyways please I don’t know if it will actually if one of the four people in Death Match have it I could get it done

Okay we’re going to have to hope that somebody in what is that noise okay that was in the video hold up we’re going to have to what is that noise in the background I could get it done okay we’re it sounds like something’s booting up sounds like I have like a generator

In the back what you got to include the block drop one or the thumbnail will be inaccurate oh was the block drop one uh did I even do the block drop I I thought I did block party James what I do for Block drop whatever we’ll get to that

Footage when we get to it I might I I’ll stream a little extra because I I want to get through at least through the first challenge all right I’ll probably edit this way camera nope H web one oh I need two you block drop three no no I didn’t I did

Block party James remember we changed it somebody suggested block drop three games and then I said oh I’m going to do block drop I’m going to do block party instead and then I did and I didn’t do block drop I did James I know what I did on my own

Stream I’m not getting two in this time I’m not there’s no way oh I got the I got the web one I got the web one I got the web one I got the web one just blindness just blindness please I have 15 seconds seconds please

Tell me thiss please I got to get so lucky I got to get so please 10 seconds there’s no way I get in 10 seconds please I got to get so lucky I got to get should I leave this whole segment in where I’m just like begging for

Blindness or should I just cut to when we get to death match see in this Death Match has a blindness boom box and is willing to just like die so that I can have it why why no I just want to win okay I feel like we should cut there

Because I talk about the blindness boom box there so somebody in this Death Match has a blindness boom box and is willing to the die so I can have it why why no I just want to win okay fine I’ll fight you oh you seem to have boom boxes

Sir okay or you could just okay I just I love this game I think that’s very Agony I’ll leave that whole clip in I think we’ll leave that whole part in I think that’s good we’ll put in a death match Death Match have it I could get it done

Okay we’re going to have to hope that somebody in this Death Match has a blindness boom box and is willing that somebody in this Death Match has a blindness boom all right we’re going to have to hope that somebody in this Death Match has a blindness boom box and is willing

To we’re going to have to hope we’re going to have to going to have to right there all right oh that entire part going be cut now get blindness that nobody dies until I get blindness we’re going to have to hope that somebody in this Death Match has a

Blindness boom box and is willing to just like die so that I can have it why why yo on Vintage I don’t even know if that would will make it into the video I’ll be honest with you that match with honor it was okay I mean I got close to

Winning it so maybe it will make it him we’ll see no I just want to win okay fine I’ll fight you oh you seem to have boom boxes sir okay or you could just okay I just I love this this game all right well fail I’ll try one more time

I’ll try one more time and I’ll cut there and I’ll cut two here’s how that went and then it’s the end of the second game where I die fail I’ll try one more time I’ll try one more time all right all right I got three of them now

I got three of them ug boom box boom box boom box yes I got another one all right all right I need blindness I need blindness I just need to hope that nobody dies until I get blindness we’re going to have to hope that somebody in this death way way later dot dot

Dot we’re going to put that right there add some nice yellow add some nice animation add this that should be fine all right let’s do this nobody dies until I get blindness we’re going to have to hope that somebody in this Death Match has a blindness boom box and is

Willing to just like die so I can have it why why oh I just want to win okay fine I’ll fight you oh you seem to have boom boxes sir okay or you could just okay I just I love this game all right well fail I’ll try one more time I’ll

Try one more time I’m not going to attempt and I’ll cut to here’s how that went all right let’s see how the second game goes I know I die but like let’s see all right I am done with this one more all right I mean there’s nine players left

Maybe but like I have to hope uh okay let’s fight this person okay let’s fight this person okay okay you better loot than me I’m so dead yeah okay I’m fail I’m calling that challenge a fail GG’s but I’m calling that challenge a fail I could probably

Do that with more time but I I can’t that’s difficult I need my supply Crate uh oh another flare that’s great I have to wait for that one to come down one of these come on ug no is someone going for my supply Crate you better not I need my Supply

Crate no someone going I think we’ll cut there let’s see oh was someone going for my supply Crate you better not I need my supply Crate let’s fight this person okay okay you better loot than me I’m so dead yeah okay I’m fail I’m calling that challenge a fail GG’s but I’m calling

That challenge okay I’m I think that’s a good that’s okay do you think you could survive this like silence where I go from here come down uh like right here where is it it’s here no was someone going for my supply Crate you better not I need my supply

Crate let’s fight this person okay okay you better leave me I’m so dead yeah okay I’m fail I’m calling I think that’s okay I think I could leave that part in all right let’s go from 53 one of these come on ug no with some no no no that’s right there all

Right more time no is someone going for my supply Crate you better not I need my supply Crate right let’s this person okay okay you better loot than me I’m so dead yeah okay I’m fail I’m calling that challenge a fail GG’s but I’m and then we’ll just add text that say here’s

Here’s how that went do thought color Yellow Aiden Fade Out all right CH I’ll try one more time I’ll try one more time no is someone going for my supply Crate you better not I need my supply Crate I expected that I mean this is an editing stream this is something new let’s fight this person

Okay okay you better loot than me I’m so dead yeah okay I’m fail I’m calling that challenge a fail GG’s but I’m calling that I’ll cut I’ll cut right after I say GG’s but yeah that’ll bring this challenge to about a minute so if I spend one minute per challenge I should

Have about a 10-minute video if I cut it down as as much as I cut down this no is someone going for my supply Crate you better not I need my Supply CR let’s fight this person okay I’m calling that challenge a fail GG’s but I’m calling that challenge a

Fail I challenge a fail I could I’m fail I’m calling that challenge a fail GG’s I’ll probably I’ll leave the I’m calling that challenge a fail I could probably do that challenge of fail I I could no I I I’m so dead yeah okay I’m fail I’m calling that challenge a fail GG’s

But uh yeah I’ll C challenge of fail I’m fail I’m calling that challenge a fail there we go right there there we go o you know what what if I delete my commentary over this so the first challenge was from King and instead of describing or reading the challenge for

The audience why don’t I just like have music over it and say challenge one and then it’s here I’m pretty sure there’s a good song for it hold up yo we’re going to see the music for the first time chat all right so like there’s a good song

For this that I’ve used before in my earlier days of YouTube videos let me find it no no hello no noo no no no no that’s it oh gosh that’s loud though I’m sorry chat deal with it you got to listen to it for a Second that first part I think is great for challenge in Between okay I think that’s good I could do Shivers that’s what the song is called remind me go to the bottom left one not a machine I’ve used that in before actually this is the one I usually Use and then these are the custom ones up here I use here this one’s I’ve used I’ve used this one before this one’s the goofy Music and then the let’s see is this the instrumental one yeah it is this one’s Good I’ve used this one before this one I think was in my first video ever that I ever Made I stopped using it because my family said how like I’m not into rock so I should probably stop using rock music so I did what this one I don’t think I’ve ever used this one this one will actually be pretty good though I just thought it was a little bit too like

Inspirational this one oh this one’s not horrible I’ve used this [Applause] one but is there anyways use the bottom left this one the problem is though is that like it gets way too Rocky listen there I hate That So yeah it’s it’s decent but like I don’t know I don’t know if it fits the vibe we’ll find out later I’ll probably use this music around the intro time and then I’ll use this for between with the challenges I think that’s a good in between

All right so H should I add that now yeah I guess so all right so let’s cut out my commentary we’re going to do that oh you know I could probably shm this then let’s make it 5 seconds I think you could read it in five seconds let’s see whatever the top comment

Says all right I got to get all the yeah all right let’s see here wait wait every get every type of boom box and SG all right yeah you could read that all right and then that’s fine and then we just add music all

Right o you I don’t want to add the I don’t want to add the music because I’m gonna have to do that later because I’m gonna have to like cut it and stuff music is an entirely different department so let’s just go back to where we were I

Know what we’re going to do now though no someone to fail GG’s all right now we cut this part out let’s see what the next challenge is put your challenges in chat I’ll Give two people want me to do two people want me to just build but uh chat this shows that I just have a habit all right just build uh should I do five minutes or oh I do the just build one next okay let’s see how it goes let’s watch

It let’s just watch it for now see what we want to keep well we’re not keeping this we’re not keeping me in the lobby all right let’s see no I can’t I’m not doing 10 all right you come on family give it to

Me give it to me give it to me give it to me give it to me family of rats a a a okay I think we’ll do this one we’ll do this one cuz it’s really easy for me to just speed up the footage and have a

Building Montage that’s so easy and I actually kind of like that so we are going to we are going to keep just build in I’m keeping just build we’ll do it we’ll do it all right let’s cut it cut to that though all right soit all right

I build so yeah this is going to be oh I got to go find that chat message I hate this one second let me go scroll through chat from the live stream okay hopefully this video actually does well watch me put all this time and effort into it and then it just completely

Flops for the record that was about let’s see uh let’s see where I was at I that was about like 15 minutes of footage that I just cut down into 2 minutes so that’s pretty good all right all right let’s see here where’s the chat message all right

Uh where’s the chat message where’s the rat message oh here it is found it I’m just blind all right now I got to go into the photo editor on my phone to edit this down uh flip like that then we crop it that’s not the right message hold up here it

Is just build with rats Incorporated in everything all right done and then flip back done and now we got to send it to myself all right one second let me send it to Myself all right now it’s sent now we got to go get it all right all right the long tedious process to get get one screenshot o I know you can’t hear it but there’s nice music when I go into this cuz I have a PlayStation

Theme like I mean like a theme on the home screen all right almost there all right you’re officially in the video now all right there go I’m back all right there we go let me open chat back up and then we’ll go ahead and add in the

Screenshot H yes the beep boop screen yes I kind of like that that’s a feature though because let’s be honest I would find some way to leak my real name when going through my PlayStation profile all right so I’m I’m kind of happy that it does that I can’t

Complain all right calling that challenge of fail G uh let’s get your screenshot then and then we’ll just jump right into the game so let’s add the screenshot here here it is there you go uh let’s add a nice transition here what did I do for the last one between

Challenges I think I just zoomed in right yeah I did all right let’s do it oh wait I can’t do that yet I got to do for this let’s swipe down for this I’m fail I’m calling that challenge a fail then we’ll do that all right so

Then oh how did I do it for this one hold up okay I just did it for the full thing all right I got it this is a pretty easy task just got to type challenge two then we’ll put it like right there it doesn’t really matter cuz I could

Center it and then we’re going to make the color red and then we’re going to put the text across the entire thing let me make sure it’s about the same height hold up I think I kind of put this one Higher yeah okay H this one all

Right all right I think that should be good that’s about right all right we’ll add a nice Zoom Tri actually I got to get the footage I’m calling that challenge a fail G there’ll be music Here all right actually let me find how long that clip is hold up if I go to the music uh shiver sorry let me count probably six seconds about so I might have to extend that later should be fine though it doesn’t really matter if I extend it it doesn’t affect the

Rest as long as I like don’t do the entire thing yet all right uh let’s go ahead And um I guess we are just going to cut to the next challenge now let me see where we’re at though with time is it 2 o’clock no it’s not all right we’re fine I got 15 minutes left at least my stream a little extra maybe get myself a snap all

Right uh let’s cut to next challenge all right this is the challenge all right let’s go ahead and we’ll let’s get to the voting part that’s where I TR my best to build all right you you must be behind on stream vintage because I said that a while ago

Yeah vintage exposed all right uh let’s do Family come on family give it to me give it to me give it to me let’s do all right uh let’s do Family come on family give it to me give it to me give it to me give it to me Do let’s do all right uh let’s do all right uh let’s do I said that a while ago all right let’s try right there you you did I do that right okay no hold we all right all right uh let’s do Family come on family give it to me

Give it to me give it to me give it to me give it to me family of rats a a a all right no vintage I was just like arguing with my past self all right what am I being exposed for because I was talking to you in the past all

Right because I said that you were behind on stream in the past past me said that you were behind on stream all right let’s Zoom like that all right uh and then I’ll be the music Cube let do let me make sure the music is okay

Not the music on family give it to me give it to me give it to me give it to me give it to me family of rats a a a all right I’m going to try okay so I think as soon as I say a then we’ll cut

To a sped up Montage of me building and I’ll like I’ll put one more minute over it cuz that’s a good song to put over it that’s that’s uh this one actually vintage wanted this no not while I’m building that’s stupid that sounds so mean unless I want to do

This one i’ I actually haven’t used this one maybe I should or cut to this part that’s a Bop that’s a Bop that’s what the kids say I think all right um okay hey is um sorry vintage all right doesn’t matter I’m adding that later we’re going to go ahead and get

The actual footage ready First Family come on family give it to me give it to me give it to me give it to me let’s see we with cuts hold up cuz I can only have 50 Cuts 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

10 oh so we’re at the 10th cup that’s that’s great that’s great we’re perfect we’re fine we’re Dandy we’re magnificent not D Dandy all right all right I think we’re going fast enough right let’s see the minute the intro is 24 seconds then we go from there to

Challenge two after about a minute and 10 seconds so yeah a minute and 11 seconds of all right that’s not horrible a minute 11 seconds per challenge would be about like a 11 or 12 minute video probably 12 minutes not horrible I think we’ll see

It depends on which ones I want to keep in which ones I want to cut out I feel bad but I think I’m going to end up cutting out the one with honor dummy which I feel bad doing that because I literally called them in for

That but like at the same time it wasn’t a good challenge it it was a good challenge but like and we made it kind of close but I don’t know it depends I don’t want to have too many SG challenges I feel like that’d get really boring really fast all right let’s

Go back to here give it to me give it to me family of rats a a a give it to me give it to me give it to me give it to me give it to me family of rats a a a aw I feel like it’s kind of annoying that I

Did that three times but whatever a give it to me give it to me give it to me give it to me give it to me family of rats a a a a I feel like I should just cut it after the first awe if I could try to cut it

Nicely family of rats a I think I could cut that right there all right let’s go and Montage time let’s go ahead and cut to whenever I’m done with the build which is going to be 5 minutes later uh right about there all right oh this better get me top three all right

Okay all right oh this better get me top three I just realized I just realized that he didn’t even have arms I’m so bad building chat what is that all right all right okay I don’t think I’m going to win with this one chat but we’re going to hope that I get top

Three this better get me top three all right y I should probably add text here that say uh here wa let me do that he’s a hamster bro people said cat on stream I think cat is more accurate all right so let’s just say uh with this oh

Oops okay I’m being stupid all right had to get oop top three and then I’ll put a star and then we’ll go back here and put another parentheses and then we’ll hit done and then we’ll put it down here and then we’ll just like shrink it

Down we don’t need to make it too obvious that like I didn’t include that we’re fine all right uh let’s go ahead and just like addit that addit that and do that all right that should be good let’s see how all right uh let’s do Family come on family give it to me

Give it to me give it to me give it to me give it to me family of rats a a anyways let’s fast forward to me being Done we I think we’re going to have to skip past the voting the Voting is going to take way too long you’ll notice in any just build video like the YouTubers will just cut out the voting cuz they can’t talk during every second of the voting see okay or chinchilla

Uh all right sure why oh this better get me top three all right oh this better get me top three oh this better get me top oh right there all right let’s speed this up all right so it’s a 5 minute clip and I could get down to 37 seconds

That’s still lot CH but we’re going to try it let’s try it it’s fine it’s it’s a lot it’s so Much I feel like this is a long time and I just turned into Alvin and the Chipmunks oh this better get me top three all okay I don’t think I’m going to win with this one chat but we’re going to hope that I get top three all right I’m going to cut it to

When I start building so like right here yay I cut out a whole second of Footage I am going to mute it when we actually get it weaving the Alvin I’m begging no no there’s going to be music over it I just got to do this now I didn’t talk please live in this leaving the squeaks no no no you should hear it when

It’s SP to just double speed hold up oh I we do that and I got buttons I got Okay that be button don’t wor about it it like button CH don’t question it I want build out the nose I’ll do that first I’ll just build the square structure for the head first I’m basing off of King James so if you think it that’s why

I’m sorry that mean all right why is it we’re going with we’re going with it it’ll fine at the end I think don’t like that bro okay okay why are you bullying me chat I wonder why they’re bullying me what about four times I don’t think you could hear me four times that Well there I just sound like I’m like having problems all right uh let’s go we’ll leave it on 8 second uh eight times the speed cuz that works um uh I could do that for any video vintage I could make that the punishment video vintage that’s what I

Could do like when I I because I have to do the punishment which will be whatever the top comment says is the title of a video but like then I just could just make it so that that like say the top comment is like uh I quit the hive and

Then like I just make the video squeaky Gastly although actually I can’t call it squeaky Gastly squeaky Gastly is when I was uh recording older videos like before I started the channel and my voice sounded squeaky then hold up let me find let me find a clip of that let’s

Go to should be in okay hold up we’re going all the way down hold up let’s find out you get to see like every video I I’ve ever made all right where squeaky Gastly uh uh it would be in the trapping video I made it was it was down here

Somewhere forgot that I made Fall Guys Clips back then oh cringe I think it is this video I think I uploaded it later hold up uh let’s do wait hold up I want to check something because I think I scrolled past it earlier hold up I’m watching back on stream I’m

Triggered okay I’m fine all right it’s not actually there I’m triggered hold up I want to find this I want to find old me I think it’s Sky old right peoples welcome okay it was uploaded later though it was uploaded as like all right all right

People that was me early in the morning uh this is it this is it hold up ready ready ready ready all right guys welcome back to another video today I have put together a bunch of really cool Hive SkyWars Clips please make sure to hit that like

Button and subscribe so you don’t miss any new videos enjoy all right there you go there’s old Gastly there’s actually young Gastly I mean I mean old in a way that that was from the past but in a way that I was younger that would have been 2021 late 2021 the

Innocent true true what about this one all right peoples all right peoples welcome back to another video in today’s video I’m going to be playing Minecraft build battle with my friends here before why did I call it build battle I don’t know we get into this please make sure to hit like And

Subscribe and enjoy the video okay so the theme is going to be Spider-Man yeah we will have 15 minutes to build something spider that’s my friend cros dog I still know them in real life releted and we all have to vote legit okay here

Go see this is how I want to do it here you can see the way this was edited see I still left the squeaky in on this one and you could hear it in the background but this is how I would like the build to Be I don’t know why I had a texture pack on when I was doing this either I’m such an Idiot although my build wasn’t that bad in the end and I called this my favorite video of January oh here were my friends built okay here wait wait all right so I built this without a tutorial or anything this is what I came up with I don’t think

It’s a horrible build this is what I think crog came up with this one it’s a decent build wow okay uh and then so yeah this one was uh cros dog yeah and then this one was Salvo and then of course even though I voted meh I think crosd dog voted love

Yeah and then Sal Salvo build one and I was very angry gave him a love do the floor how you because you gave him a Love this is so dumb oh gosh we we sound so young I feel so old now jeez what happened to me they were in some of the other older ones too this one was me getting triggered I didn’t throw the ender pearl because I hit the wrong button all right

People I put that in the beginning cuz I thought it was funny that was back to another video in today’s video this is my bad mik it took a second to snap inever please make sure to hit that like button and subscribe and enjoy the

Video oh this is exactly what I want to do for the video I don’t know why the heck I made it a rocket League thing what what’s wrong with me but this is the Audio I wanted to use this is the Audio I want to

Use so S I think that’s great I use that also for oh what else did I use it for I think I used it for the lava Rises video actually all right people guys this here Enjoy okay go go go go go yo it’s actually not a bad transition for my early editing days so yeah that’s what I would do there I would do not with fire I don’t know why the heck I used fire that’s stupid sorry to roast my past self I was young okay

I was young and more ignorant I’m not going to say I I wasn’t I was ignorant because I’m still ignorant now all right this was actually not a horrible video anyways oh I love this intro hold up we got to see this we got to see this I’m

Sorry I’m reminiscing now hold up all right people so um my friend told me that I need to do quieter intros but I ignored them like And subscribe I I love that I love that so much and actually is true a friend of mine walked up me and asked me about

That but anyways um what I want to do is first of all I just came up with a brilliant idea future video this is happening reacting to my old videos I will 100% do this now cuz I didn’t know this was possible but now that it is I

Will make a video where I react to my old videos there’s some stuff that’s never SE been seen before or some stuff that’s private like for example this video is private all right peoples welcome back to another video in today’s video I’m going to be discussing news on the movie

Morbius please make sure to hit like And subscribe and we’ll yeah that’s what happens when you try to mix movie reviews with Minecraft content um some of these are public most of these are public though let’s see uh I think that Miss Marvel one this one’s private all right peoples

Welcome back to another video and today’s video I’m going to be ranking The Dark Knight trilogy well I don’t know why the heck I did that I I just randomly came up with that I don’t know what’s wrong with me chat all right uh most of these are still public

Which ones aren’t some of these are unlisted but that I’m not counting that where was that other video that was Private this one what I I don’t I privated this one all right peoples welcome back to another video in today’s video I’m going to be giving a non-spoiler review for Miss the reason

Why I privated this one is because that was when I was going to make Miss Marvel a series where I talk about Miss Marvel and then I just didn’t because I got bored and I hated the show let’s see this one all right peoples welcome back to another video chall your hive

Challenges please make sure to hit like And subscribe and enjoy the video and look I I played Minecraft with my feet in this video Hold Up Mouse on the floor but if you don’t with my feet and this one I didn’t put in the comments and I’m

Mad at myself for that because I had the comments screenshotted I found them on the PlayStation but I just never put the comments in the video yeah so here here’s here was me my setup uh well not my actual setup but you know this was my setup when I was doing the

Video because I had to play Minecraft with my feet so I only took a picture of it to prove that I did but like uh for quick context let’s see do I still have those things I still have that mouse pad and I still I think I still have that Mouse I

Think I still have the exact same Mouse yeah the keyboard’s different though I have a new keyboard that one was an office keyboard anyways we’re that’s that’s a video for another time I need to stop I’m getting distracted I’m getting distracted all right we’re we’re not putting in sque

Gastly into this all right uh so my problem is that this is too long and I can’t speed up past eight times so like how do I do this let’s see it it’s o I don’t know I feel like it’s I don’t know with music I feel like it should be

Fine because let’s see if I can’t do music but it be one more minute I think it would get a decent portion into the song but like is this too long vintage you’re going to would you sit through this if you if you listen to this music over top of this

Like 30 second Montage would you do or I could do the Jeopardy theme what if I Do I think I could do that actually use the rock but like I can’t get Dwayne The Rock Johnson on here all right let’s see let’s see that it just doesn’t make any sense it does not match the vibe at all it would kill the vibe completely vintage I’m not a professional YouTuber

By any means but I know what I’m talking about when I can say the music can ruin a video no it doesn’t it’s building it’s building around rat it’s building a rat Snowman and it doesn’t even look like and it ends up looking like this get me

Top three unless I want to do like 3 2 1 and then I like commentate over saying and now the grand reveal and then we cut to this oh this better get me top three all right okay I don’t think I feel like it’s better if I’m montaging through it

Though and you can’t exactly see it until the end and then you see that it does though no it doesn’t it does not it does not vintage stop trying I’ll use the rock later I could use the rock later it fits in like a fight game

Like maybe Capture the Flag but not this but this video is supposed to be goofy it’s not supposed to match that Vibe that’s too intense that that’s showing that I want you to take this seriously which I don’t it does not vintage you’re a liar vintage you’re a liar all right let’s see

All right what I think is what I think needs to happen is um I think we just leave this in and put in the music I think that’s okay I think it’s okay I speak the truth no you do not no you do not all right oh this better get me top

Three you speak about as much truth as me saying uh that I’m not single all right okay I don’t think I’m going to win with this one chat but we’re going to hope that iic hamster build all right what do we got what do we got yo why is this

Actually good okay I I’ll give this a I’ll give this a good they didn’t do the FL burn orange and eat it what another IRL pool video I can’t do I was on vacation when I did that so no I would I would have to like go back I don’t think

I’m going to leave in the voting because the Voting is just a lot and I feel like there’s no point to it like you find out I lose I lose we got to go to the next challenge it do though it does not vintage vintage you are the only person

Here so like we can’t get a second opinion but rock music would not go with just me building like have you ever seen a building tutorial where they put rock music over it they would never do that so yeah but I I think I

I I I don’t mind this I I think it would I think it would be okay I don’t know we might have to cut it down I will see if I can get a second you’re just going to tell them to say that so that doesn’t count no we need a

New viewer here get another okay I don’t think I’m going to win with this one chat but we’re going to hope that I get top three all right what do we got what do we got I should use the VHS filter on that yo let me see I have sped up footage

Before right no I don’t this is the first time I use sped up footage in the entire video it’s kind of awkward all right let’s add a filter then we are going to add the VHS filter W filter and we have rats a so now they’ll they’ll be the music over

This and I I think that’ll I think this is pretty good and then we’ll add like the fast forward thing in the bottom left so it’ll be like this hold up sticker pass forward all right yay oh boy all right hold up we 35 seconds yay all right give it to

Me family of rats a vintage chaos oh boy I wonder who that could be chat anyways all right so like I think that’s okay I think this is good and then we would just add you know music to this oh no this guy I just joined all

Right you just happen to have the F the same first name as him oh this better get me top three all right okay I don’t think I’m going to win with this one chat but we’re going to hope that I get top three hope that I get top three what if

I just flash to a screen that says I didn’t and then I just go to the next challenge I think that’s a good idea I think that’s a good I think that plays for good comedic effect all right we’re going to do that oh boy do I feel hate towards this nightbot guy

Oh yeah me too to be honest let’s drag nightbot to an into an alley and you know all right let’s cut this one chap we’re going to hope that I get top three top three so we’re going to say I hope that I get top three and then I’m just going

To put this thing that says I didn’t what if I do it as this galaxy it’s just like I didn’t in the middle that would be kind of stupid I do really like this galaxy though it’s pretty gosh vintage chaos is chaotic definitely confirmed this is actually

Pretty I actually kind of like this but it’s irrelevant to what’s going on here all right so we got to use like a assault that’s almost a solid black screen I could make that into a solid black screen hold up we’re not going talk about how this

Is just a random thing of me getting a trophy but I could simply do this now it’s pitch black I’m a genius I’m a genius hope that I get top three and I’m just going to put I didn’t oh that’s not what I want it at all uh text there we go I

Didn’t we’re not I’m not even going to try to make it anything special Center red top three and then we’re just going to we’re going to cut this really quick I’m going to let it go really really fast oh do I do a transition though oh I do I okay okay so what if I just do like one two I don’t need to I’ll just oh

Oops that is not what I wanted let’s snip it down that’s too long still we’ll just cut it like right there I get top three all right and then we’ll just do a hard cut to the next part let’s see actually then you know what I think I might want

To you know we’re going to we’re going to n delete transition so just goes from this challenge of fail and then we go there uh let’s do then we have this whole segment where I do that which will hopefully last about a minute which does perfect and then we

Go to I didn’t funny comedy and then we go to the next challenge easy oh my gosh I’m so good at editing vintage stop trying to mug nightbot nightbot is not that bad why do you hate on nightbot so much hello yes hello okay we’re going to go ahead and

Like cut till when we get to the point I just saw that I just witnessed that vintage oh that’s hilarious that is so hilarious you tried a nightbot just got you they’ll let me put Emojis it’s cuz you were spamming emojis you trashed on nightbot so

Nightbot was going to get you back for that all right what time is it h it’s 2:18 I’ll I’ll stop in 2 22 minutes no 12 minutes all right I can do math chat don’t worry about it all right oh is someone home I don’t know if I’m just like going

Insane or someone’s actually home all right oh no Minecraft Hive challenges firey something for one game last person to jump off G Duos uh but I’m not allowed to get any kills and I have all right so this was with honor dummy the question is do I actually want to

Put this in the video and I think the answer is no I already have an SG game I feel like doing SG again is just kind of boring I didn’t oh wait and I forgot I got to put and then let’s do like uh and I didn’t attempt it

Again I’m going to need to shrink this well make nightbot bone of what what what n vintage that reminds me my class this whole thing where we had to do this one project and we had to make these like you could make like a video or something

For it I don’t really want to say what it was uh but basically you had to make a video for this one thing and they made all it it was around the holiday season right and they made in their video they they like they they were all dancing and uh

Twerking which like how why what nobody wants to see that but then on top of that on top of the twerking uh they also uh like took pictures with this one kid and Po and posed like inappropriately with him but they also they also they also made this whole like scene scenario thing

Where um where they like he was dressed in a reindeer costume and they said they were going to sell his Parts on the black market Market they were like they were like cutting them up for parts and selling him in uh to the black market

Which like H what how no that should be getting a zero but no it got them a 100 so yeah I love school all right I got to talk a little about my real life there I I had to be cautious though all right and I didn’t attempt it again all

Right let’s just like we’ll just also put that and red and I’ll just have like a fade effect all right so like fade in ending animation fade out and then oh yeah okay that’s going to be beautiful hope that I get top three three okay hold up hold up I I

Hate that a little bit too much hold up we’re just going to get rid of the ending animation nothing and that way we could just do this and like it looks a lot better top three all right what do we got what do we got I get top

Three all right get top three I didn’t and I didn’t attempt it again he one of my classes we had to make an ad for a product that sounds kind of fun actually you see I don’t mind presentations too much my problem is is

That like I will if I try to read off a note cards or something while I’m like talking my hands will just start violently shaking and like so I can’t read off of note cards when my hands are shaking so bad it’s so difficult for me

Um and like I can’t control it I don’t know why I just have trouble talking like in front of the class like that so like next time I have a presentation I think I’m going to try to improvise like I do here so yeah maybe that will do something anyways

We all right let’s let’s cut out the entire portion with a in it so ours was like a paper plane you you had to advertise a paper plane what kind of okay I’m not going to question it it’s school it’s always stupid teams allowed to get any kills and I have to

Win yeah let’s see if I can get a teammate from my friend list hold up only yeah actually I could still help you attack people we just I was like hey we uh wait and I was just like hey can we like add like oh gosh oh

Gosh can I even say that on YouTube I think I can in Minecraft vintage said that he wanted to add violence for comedy in Minecraft of course all right I think I’m good I think I’m in the glar all right oh boy and I still have to stream for another

Two hours later because I agreed to be with honor and help with timebreaker they said no I wonder why all right anyways just have to make sure you get the last hit yeah so don’t steal my kills yes all right we do I want to leave this in honestly no

This challenge takes way too long I don’t even take a second attempt at it yeah but like yeah I am vintage I would not take that wait what how is that a bad thing vintage he just called you out for being a normal honor Dy viewer a casual at

Honor D streams that’s kind of sad vintage is like vintage is like the basis of of my viewers it’s like you’re not like vintage what are you doing oh so what am I doing um well um I’m trying to like live my life yeah comedy you know night night comedy at

No I’ll look it up later on the bright side I don’t need to show this entire game because I could just show the counter on the top right that shows that I have zero kills actually you have zero kills too so yeah watch us both win with zero

Kills all right new challenge unlocked yo I’s audio actually isn’t that bad for being on my phone on Discord I showed it to them oh yeah but like that doesn’t mean they necessarily agree with you doing that cop me so like ago yeah actually but don’t worry

Chat I definitely have a life all right but let’s go back to like the beginning the dawn of time but if I lose more than half the challenges I have to make okay I want to change this hold up not every challenge is in this

Video and then we’ll just put a star and a parentheses why this class one of my close friends made a Peet butter squid ad what H A what that’s a thing is that actually a real thing or is that like a joke thing make a video and title It Whatever the

Top comment says all right there we go now I can cut out that part that said that not now now I can now I can cut out honor dummy’s part I’m sorry honor dummy you don’t get a cameo when your cameo stinks you don’t get a cameo when you fail in your

Cameo and then again I also kind of stink in it because like it came down to me and the other guy right and then I die where was it we we we you could see my Hunger bars going down and up it’s kind of funny all

Right yeah see here look at that armor how many hearts was he on check you could see how many hearts he was on uh 5.5 okay I can be that actually I have 6.5 so oh I’m so dead yeah you know what I just noticed is that even after a dmy was

Dead it it showed his health was their health was 20 yo we got second and we did no I’m not doing that challenge again anyways I don’t I don’t think it’s not a horrible bit it’s not a horrible Bit O vintage what do you think what do you think

Vintage do you think that I should leave that bid in with honor dummy if so it’s probably just going to be like a cut ye bro your opinion stinks respectfully um I’m going to say no I’m going to say no I’m sorry I think it should be like for

Every four challenges I cut one so what’s the next challenge let me see do I want to cut this one or the next one which one makes better content let’s find out so the next challenge I do is wait I’m is this SkyWars without jumping which is my suffering in a nutshell I’m

Going to do it with kits you didn’t say what type of SK wait did you say sky actually you know what when it with a Nemo in your inventory oh it was win sky with a Nemo in your inventory that challenge stinks cuz I didn’t get it it’s basically just mining

I don’t know I feel like that one’s going to get cut down more you know what I think I am going to leave in honor dummy honor dummy is going to make it into the video but with the exception that I’m cutting out the SkyWars Nemo challenge so yeah anyways oh what time

Is it I’m back welcome back vintage all right oh it’s 2:30 all right I think I want to end it here I I edited two challenges I think I think we got a decent portion into the video and we’re just going to cut to you know let me cut

To where honor dummy is next so I have I know where I’m going to be next so let’s make the next cut here this takes ages because I like have to find Ary um YouTube I I hear myself though no I actually closed YouTube I I can hear myself though um yes I

Am so I have to win a game of survival games but I’m not allowed to get any kills and uh I got honored of me anyways yeah I’m echoing by the way through your mic am are you really yes I am are you watching my I’ll cut this

Entire part up but it’s fine uh we’ll cut to right here when the game starts or when the lobby starts all right meaning that I can cut out this entire part bye-bye yay all right I have cut together a whole 2 minutes and 33 seconds let’s watch it so then you get a

Little preview for what the next video will be all right peoples welcome back to another video in today’s video what all right peoples welcome back to another video in today’s video I’m going to be attempting your hive challenges before we get into this please make like subscribe and enjoy the video all right

So here are the rules to this challenge so basically I will only have two attempts per Challenge and the challenge has to be completable in one round If I complete three challenges in the two hours I get Nitro but if I lose more than half the challenges I have to make

A video and title It Whatever the top comment says that’ll be the music all right I got to get all the boom boxes so there’s there’s the red one there’s the blindness one there’s ‘s the fire one what else is there uh there’s the blue

One the uh like slow down one I just got to get oh there’s poison that’s one yo boom boxes oh I got one I got two all right all right I got three of them now I got three of them boom box boom box boom box yes I

Got another one all right all right I need blindness I need blindness I just need to hope that nobody dies until I get blindness we’re going to have to hope that somebody in this Death Match has a blindness boom box and is willing to just like die so I

Can have it why why no I just want to win okay fine I’ll fight you oh you seem to have boom boxes sir okay or you could just okay I just I love this game all right well fail I’ll try one more time I’ll try one more time no is someone

Going for my supply Crate you better not I need my supply Crate let’s fight this person okay okay you better loot than me I’m so dead yeah okay I’m fail I’m calling that challenge fail insert music all right uh let’s do Family come on family give it to me

Give it to me give it to me give it to me give it to me family of rats a insert 35 seconds of music I don’t know I might do maybe I should do the Jeopardy music over this I think the Jeopardy music fits over

This I’m doing it all right let’s do it live here we go All right I think that’s good oh I got to edit it to make it like not atrocious hold up let going to be really loud just scream in the middle no no no was wait all right Boo no boo Oh this better get top three all right scream bro no vintage I can’t just take request from you that’s such a dumb request too well I’m just G to go that destroys My Voice by the way I shouldn’t be doing that random doesn’t equal funny okay no I’m

Kidding fine I’ll do it I’ll do it I’ll do it all right let’s go I’ll I’ll do first first then I’ll do it all right let’s go ah I think I laughed I I don’t want to wait I got to redo that I got to redo

That okay what I want do is I want to scream but I want to be like this is taking too long I like I I get few vage I get it I get it all right I just got to not laugh I think it’d be funny if I played it Dead series all

Right Do do dude oh jeez my ears hold up hold up I’m sorry I’m sorry all right let me turn that down I feel like I get too loud there I I I think I want to redo it I’m sorry I’m sorry you’re just gonna have

To hear me do the Jeopardy theme like 50 times a stream all right this is my life now I feel like I get too high pitched that’s the problem hold up I I don’t I don’t like it I’m sorry I’ll get it I’ll get it you just got to you just get to listen to me scream over and over Again all right I think I got it I think I got it I think that’s good we’ll find out give it to me give it to me family of rats a oh wait hold up I forgot to turn down the volume Oh wrong thing there we go family of rats A I want to hear the I think That’s oh this better get me top three all right I think that decent Is I feel like I should add like a rip my sandity with a star that’s actually a decent scream no I should make red but then we just got to make it really short okay one second Sure I think that’s perfect Is that Good I know is it funny with no Context I know vintage you decide I’m going ahead all right so this is the game with honor dummy that will be in the video now and then yeah well here’s the thing is chat if I leave I’m just going to continue editing off camera so like I feel kind

Of stupid the context is good all right I think that’s good then we got like a decent amount of video though and then like there’ll be music and stuff in between this um so yeah three with this one Chaple we’re going to hope that I get top three all

Right I already described the challenge earlier oh yeah you I should probably redescribe it because now I’m brought you in all right so I have to win a game of survival games but I’m not allowed to get any kills and uh I got honored of me anyways

Um I’d like to have 50% credit I I’ll I’ll link you in the description of the video but that’s all you got you can have 50% of the money I make off of this video which is 0 and0 and you can’t divide by zero all

Right I think this is pretty good so we got what two minutes on yeah two and a half minutes yeah pretty good pretty good all right let me save this as a project there we go um so so yeah uh I think let’s let’s see what time is it yeah I should probably

Go it’s almost been 3 hours and I’m going to be streaming another two hours later with honor dummy so uh that’s going to be it for today’s live stream H said video If you enjoyed like share sub uh we’re not going to raid because I only have three viewers all right uh so

Bye everybody uh hope to see you at 7 pm byebye oh I accidentally hit the share button and it like did something stinky did I end stream no it didn’t hold up I have to do it from here I guess all right byee

This video, titled ‘Chill Minecraft Editing LIVE!’, was uploaded by Ghastly_Claw on 2024-01-13 19:53:23. It has garnered 72 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 02:50:29 or 10229 seconds.

Hi, I’m Ghastly_Claw. I am a family friendly Minecraft Hive YouTuber. I also host the Hive tournament known as Ghastly Games. My goal is to entertain as many peoples as I hope my content puts a smile on your face. Please subscribe so you don’t miss any new videos or live streams!

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    Atlas ProjectWelcome to the Atlas project. Just a Minecraft server. But without rules ¯\_( ͡❛ ͜ʖ ͡❛)_/¯ Pirate and Original 1.16.5 – 1.21⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠂⠄⠐⠄⠄⠄⠐⠄⠄⠂⠄⠐⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⢀⣠⣶⣶⣿⣿⣿⣷⣶⣶⣤⣀⡀⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠂⠄⠐⠄⠄⠂⠄⠐⠄⠄⠂⠄⠐⠄⠠⠄⠄⠄⡀⠠⠐⠄⠄⠁⠄⡀⠐⠄⠐⠈⠄⠄⠄⠄⣀⣴⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⢿⣿⢿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣷⣦⡀⠄⠄⠄⠄⠁⢀⠈⠄⠈⠄⡀⠁⠄⡈⠄⠠⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⡀⠄⡀⠈⠄⡀⠄⡀⠐⠄⠄⠄⠄⢀⣴⣿⣿⡿⣿⢽⣾⣽⢿⣺⡯⣷⣻⣽⣻⣟⣿⣿⣿⣿⣦⡀⠄⠄⠄⠄⡀⠐⠈⠄⠄⠄⠂⠄⠄⠄⠐⠄⠄⠄⠁⠄⠄⢀⠄⠁⠄⠄⢀⠄⠄⠄⠄⢀⣾⣿⣿⢿⡽⡯⣿⢾⣟⣿⣳⢿⡽⣾⣺⣳⣻⣺⣽⣻⡿⣿⣿⣦⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠂⠁⠄⠐⠄⡀⠄⠄⠄⠄⠂⠄⠁⠄⠄⠐⠈⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⣿⣿⣿⣯⢿⣽⣻⣽⣿⣿⣯⣿⣿⣿⣷⣻⢮⣗⡯⣞⡾⡹⡵⣻⣿⣇⠄⠄⠄⠂⠄⠄⠠⠐⠄⠂⠄⢀⠄⠄⠄⠄⠂⠈⠄⠈⠄⠄⠂⠄⠁⠄⠄⠄⣸⣿⣿⣿⣿⡿⡾⣳⢿⢿⢿⠿⠿⠟⠟⠟⠿⣯⡾⣝⣗⣯⢪⢎⢗⣯⣿⣇⠄⠄⠄⠄⢀⠄⢀⠠⠄⠈⠄⠄⡀⠄⠄⠂⠄⡈⠄⠠⠄⠠⠐⠈⠄⠄⠄⠋⠉⠁⠑⠁⢉⣁⡁⠁⠁⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⢉⢻⢽⣞⢾⣕⢕⢝⢎⣿⣿⡀⠄⠄⠄⠄⢀⠄⠄⡀⠐⠈⠄⠄⠄⠄⠂⠁⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⢀⠄⠄⠄⡧⠠⡀⠐⠂⣸⣿⢿⢔⢔⢤⢈⠡⡱⣩⢤⢴⣞⣾⣽⢾⣽⣺⡕⡕⡕⡽⣿⣿⠟⢶⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠠⠄⠂⠄⠄⠄⠂⠄⠐⠄⠠⠄⠄⠂⠄⠄⠄⠄⣿⡳⡄⡢⡂⣿⣿⢯⣫⢗⣽⣳⡣⣗⢯⣟⣿⣿⢿⡽⣳⢗⡷⣻⡎⢎⢎⣿⡇⠻⣦⠃⠄⠄⠄⡀⠂⠠⠄⠂⠄⠄⠄⠂⠈⠄⠐⠄⠠⠄⠄⠂⠄⠄⠄⡿⡝⡜⣜⣬⣿⣿⣿⣷⣯⢺⠻⡻⣜⢔⠡⢓⢝⢕⢏⢗⢏⢯⡳⡝⡸⡸⣸⣧⡀⣹⣠⠄⠄⠄⡀⠐⢀⠐⠈⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⣇⢪⢎⡧⡛⠛⠋⠋⠉⠙⣨⣮⣦⢅⡃⠇⡕⡌⡪⡨⢸⢨⢣⠫⡨⢪⢸⠰⣿⣇⣾⡞⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⢑⡕⡵⡻⣕⠄⠄⠄⠔⡜⡗⡟⣟⢿⢮⢆⡑⢕⣕⢎⢮⡪⡎⡪⡐⢅⢇⢣⠹⡛⣿⡅⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⢸⢎⠪⡊⣄⣰⣰⣵⣕⣮⣢⣳⡸⡨⠪⡨⠂⠄⠑⢏⠗⢍⠪⡢⢣⢃⠪⡂⣹⣽⣿⣷⡄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⡸⠐⠝⠋⠃⠡⡕⠬⠎⠬⠩⠱⢙⣘⣑⣁⡈⠄⠄⡕⢌⢊⢪⠸⡘⡜⢌⠢⣸⣾⢿⣿⣿⡀⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⡎⣐⠲⢒⢚⢛⢛⢛⢛⠛⠝⡋⡫⢉⠪⡱⠡⠄⠠⢣⢑⠱⡨⡊⡎⢜⢐⠅⢼⡾⣟⣿⣿⣷⠑⠐⢆⡤⣄⠄⠄⠄⢂⠐⠐⡀⠡⠄⠅⠈⠄⠁⠄⠄⣠⡃⡢⠨⢀⢂⢐⢐⢄⠑⠌⢌⢂⠢⠡⡑⡘⢌⠠⡘⡌⢎⠜⡌⢎⠜⡌⠢⠨⡸⣿⡽⣿⣿⣿⣣⠄⢪⢪⣺⡄⠄⠄⠂⠄⡁⠄⠂⡁⠈⡀⠂⣁⢴⠋⠁⡢⡑⡨⢐⢐⢌⠢⣂⢣⠩⡂⡢⡑⡑⡌⢜⠰⡨⢪⢘⠔⡱⢘⠔⡑⠨⢈⠐⢼⡷⣿⣻⢷⢯⢂⠣⡘⠔⡢⢿⡀⠄⠅⠂⡀⠂⢁⠄⠄⢀⢎⢎⠂⠄⠄⡢⡃⡢⢊⢔⢢⠣⡪⡢⢣⠪⡢⡑⡕⡜⡜⡌⢎⢢⠱⠨⡂⡑⠨⠄⠁⡂⡨⣺⡽⡯⡫⠣⠡⠢⢑⢈⠂⠌⡆⣧⠄⠂⠁⠄⠈⠄⠄⠄⢘⢜⢕⠄⠄⣰⡸⠐⠌⠆⢇⠎⡎⢎⢎⢎⢎⢎⢎⠎⡎⡪⠘⠌⠂⠁⠁⠄⢀⠄⢄⢢⢚⢮⢏⠞⡨⢂⠕⠉⠌⡠⠂⠌⢌⠢⣺⠄⣀⣤⣴⣶⣶⣶⢖⡧⡑⠬⡀⢀⡯⡃⡌⠈⠈⠄⠄⠈⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠂⠁⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⢄⢂⢢⢱⢱⢱⠱⢡⢑⠌⢂⠡⠠⠡⠡⡂⠅⢕⢁⢊⢎⣿⣿⢿⡿⠟⠉⠄⠁⢰⢌⠪⣀⡸⠨⢂⠌⡊⢄⢂⠠⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⢀⠠⢐⢨⣘⢔⢵⠱⡃⡃⡕⡸⠐⡁⠌⡐⡨⠨⢊⠌⡢⢑⢅⠪⡰⡱⣏⣮⣤⣤⣤⡤⠄⠮⢏⠧⣣⢣⢎⠨⠄⠄⠨⢊⢪⢪⡫⡪⡊⡐⡐⡐⡌⡬⡪⡪⣎⢗⡕⡎⡣⠃⢅⠊⠆⠡⠠⡁⠢⡑⡐⢌⢌⠢⡑⡌⢆⢎⠎⠪⠈⡿⡝⠯⢏⠓⠄⠄⢀⢐⠈⡎⡎⡎⠄⠈⠄⠡⢂⠂⡕⡕⡕⠕⢌⢌⢢⢱⢸⡸⣪⢮⡣⡓⠌⠠⢑⠡⢈⠌⢌⢂⠪⠨⡂⣊⠢⡢⢣⢱⠸⠑⠁⠄⡀⢂⠁⣈⣀⣀⣀⡀⠄⢐⠔⠐⢨⢢⢣⠊⢀⠨⠨⢐⠐⡸⡸⡪⡱⡑⡌⡆⡇⡇⣏⢮⢪⢪⠊⠄⢑⢐⠨⡐⢌⠢⡪⡘⢌⠢⡢⢣⠪⠊⠄⠄⢀⠂⠁⠄⢂⣿⣿⣿⣿⠋⠄⠄⠄⠌⠨⠄⡣⡑⢅⠄⠄⠨⢐⠨⢰⢱⢣⢣⢪⢸⢨⡚⣞⢜⢎⢎⢎⠪⠐⠄⡆⡣⡪⡊⡪⡂⡪⡘⡌⡎⠊⠄⡐⠈⡀⢂⠈⠄⡁⡂⡟⠟⠝⠃⠄⠄⠄⠄⢌⠪⠄⡣⠊⠄⣷⣄⠄⠄⠌⢸⢸⠱⡱⡡⡣⡣⡳⡕⡇⡇⡇⠥⠑⠄⢡⢑⠕⢔⢑⠔⡌⡆⠇⠁⡀⠄⠁⠄⢂⠐⠠⠈⠄⢂⠐⣠⣤⣴⣤⡤⠄⠄⠄⢐⠅⠅⡊⠌⠄⣿⣿⣷⣤⣤⣂⣅⣑⠰⠨⠢⢑⣕⣜⣘⣨⣦⣥⣬⠄⢐⢅⢊⢢⢡⠣⠃⠄⡐⠠⠄⡂⠡⢈⠠⠈⠄⠡⠈⠄⠨⣿⣿⣿⡟⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⢌⠢⢨⠨⠄⢹⢛⢿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⢿⠟⠄⢰⢰⢱⠑⠁⢀⠐⡀⠂⠄⠡⠐⠐⡀⠂⡁⠌⠠⠁⠌⢐⡟⠝⠈⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠂⠠⡑⡱⢐⠄⢸⡲⡠⠄⠉⠙⠻⠿⣿⠿⠿⢛⠫⡩⡳⣸⠾⠁⢀⢢⠣⠃⠄⠠⠐⡀⠂⠄⠡⠈⠄⡁⠂⠄⠡⠐⢈⠠⠁⠌⠠⠄⠄⣀⣤⣤⣀⡀⠄⠂⠄⠐⢌⠆⢕⠈⣗⢥⢣⢡⢑⢌⡢⡢⢅⢇⢇⢯⢾⡽⠃⢀⠔⡅⠁⠄⠄⠨⢀⠡⠐⠈⠄⠡⢈⠐⡀⠅⠌⠠⠁⡂⠄⠡⢈⠐⣾⣿⢿⡿⡿⠇⠄⠄⠄⡀⢀⠢⠭⢆⠦⡿⡷⡷⡵⡷⡷⣵⢽⡮⣷⢽⡽⡓⠤⠤⠕⡁⠠⠄⠅⠄⠅⠄⠂⠌⠠⠡⠈⠄⢂⠐⠠⠨⠠⠁⠄⢂⠡⠐⡈ Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – BIG MONEY ARRIVES

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  • Block Xuan: Minecraft’s World Restore Encore

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  • Spilling the Tea on Minecraft 1.21 ☕️

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  • Wojtrix Snipes Pedro

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  • Sneaky Minecraft Soda Machine

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  • Minecraft Art: Insane creations in under 60 seconds! #satisfying #trending

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  • INSANE SECRETS of Craftrise Mobile

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  • 4000 Cakes in Minecraft… CRAZY Vertical Stream!

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  • BREEZE’s Incredible SECRET Story! Minecraft 1.21

    BREEZE's Incredible SECRET Story! Minecraft 1.21Video Information this is the breeze and it’s a brand new mob from Minecraft 1.21 but where did it come from how did it gain its powers and what is its story well let’s find out in the Forgotten tale of the breeze it all begins long ago during the Great iller War the villagers and the illers have been fighting for centuary and there were no signs that the end was anywhere near as these two opposing factions despised each other with our passion as they each prayed for the complete annihilation of the enemy well that’s how most… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Build Hack by Gujju Bhai!

    Insane Minecraft Build Hack by Gujju Bhai!Video Information [Applause] could you find a way to let me down slowly a little sympathy I hope you can show me if you want to go then I’ll be so lonely if you leaving baby let me down slowly let me down down let me This video, titled ‘Minecraft Buld hack #14’, was uploaded by Gujju Bhai 24 on 2024-04-09 16:01:32. It has garnered 67 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. minecraft minecraft song minecraft civilization minecraft house tutorial minecraft house minecraft 100 days minecraft music minecraft 1.21 minecraft live minecraft… Read More

  • AvalocMC

    AvalocMCGood evening and welcome my friends to a land of mystery and magic, a land of monsters and mages a land where one turn at the road can land you in a vast metropolis filled with magic and wonder your eyes have never seen, another turn could land you in the midst of a savage orc horde. Welcome to Avaloc Read More

  • Harmony Falls SMP PVE Proximity Voice-Chat No Resets 1.20+ Java

    🌟 Welcome to Harmony Falls – The Top Voice-Chat Proximity SMP Server! 🌟 Server Details: Version: Java 1.20.1 IP: Discord: About 🌠 Harmony Falls 🌠: 😄 Proximity Voice Chat: Talk to nearby players with Simple Voice Chat! 🏰 Towny & Economy: Establish towns, trade, and engage in wars. 👥 PvE & PvP: Battle mobs or challenge other players. 👹 Bosses/Dungeons: Encounter insane bosses! 🐉 Pets: Venture with companions like bears, griffins, and dragons. 🌄 RPG Elements: Level up skills, embark on quests with MCMMO. 🌟 Events: Participate in tournaments, competitions, and more! More Exciting Features Coming soon! 🌟… Read More

  • HorizonMines – Season 3 – High quality Skymining!

    HorizonMines - Season 3 - High quality Skymining!HorizonMines is an small upcoming SKYMINING server that is looking to revolutionize the space with an actual skymining experience, elytra’s, a wonderfully build map and tons of eastereggs create an immersive and endless world of possiblities and to have fun. The goal of HorizonMines is to simply become the best skymining server out there, the best map, the best gameplay and the best experience. We are actively looking for staff, content creators and people whom can give feedback and suggestions so we can accomplish the goal of becoming the absolute best out there.HorizonMines GameplayDive into an immersive, one of a… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – My friend’s hotbar is a dumpster fire

    Looks like they need to ‘craft’ a better hotbar strategy! Read More

  • MineCrafted Dreams: Fyllaria’s Epic Rhyme

    MineCrafted Dreams: Fyllaria's Epic Rhyme In the world of Minecraft, Fyllaria roams, Building her dreams, crafting her own homes. But deep inside, she feels lost and alone, Her confidence shattered, her spirit not shown. She turns to an AI, seeking advice, Confiding her fears, her heart’s heavy price. The AI listens, with empathy and care, Encouraging Fyllaria to be aware. “Beauty is not just skin deep,” it says, “It’s in your heart, in your soul, in your ways. Embrace your uniqueness, your flaws and your strengths, For in them lies beauty, at any length.” Fyllaria listens, her heart starts to mend, Embracing herself, as… Read More

  • Spicy Minecraft Axe Hacks!

    Spicy Minecraft Axe Hacks! To make a secret Minecraft axe, simply whisper “I am Groot” into your controller three times and sacrifice a diamond to the pixelated gods. Then, wait for a creeper to explode near a tree and voila! Your secret axe will appear out of thin air. Just kidding, that’s not how it works, but wouldn’t it be cool if it did? Read More

  • Honey Farm Build in Minecraft

    Honey Farm Build in Minecraft Building a Honey Farm in Minecraft Are you ready to dive into the world of Minecraft and learn how to build a honey farm? In this video, you’ll discover the step-by-step process of creating a small honey farm in Minecraft. Let’s explore the fascinating world of Minecraft builds! Exploring Minecraft Builds As you watch the video titled “Minecraft builds _ Build a Honey Farm in Minecraft,” you’ll be guided through the intricate process of constructing a honey farm within the game. From gathering resources to crafting the necessary tools, every detail is covered to ensure your success in building… Read More

  • Minecraft Mayhem with Joos – Sunday Night LIVE!

    Minecraft Mayhem with Joos - Sunday Night LIVE!Video Information This video, titled ‘Sunday Night Stream : Joos plays Minecraft! 2!!! | 🔴 LIVE’, was uploaded by The Juicebox on 2024-05-13 01:07:19. It has garnered 135 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 03:11:38 or 11498 seconds. *Hey, you look nice today!* ✨ Goal for today is to just chill! (and play some Minecraft). Let’s talk! Subscribe ➤ @_thejuicebox ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ *Support Our Community* 💕 Discord ➤ Patreon ➤ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ *Check Out Our Channels* 🎉 Let’s Plays ➤ Game Guides ➤ Retrospective Podcasts ➤ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ #thejuicebox #juice #minecraft #minecraftlive Read More

  • Surviving Warden Only World with Whimsy Senpai

    Surviving Warden Only World with Whimsy SenpaiVideo Information This video, titled ‘We Survived In Warden Only World (Hindi) || WhimsySenpai’, was uploaded by Whimsy Senpai on 2024-03-24 08:30:13. It has garnered 1384 views and 41 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:44 or 1304 seconds. In this video we are going to survive 100 days in the the Minecraft warden only world exploring the dangers fighting the warden equipping op enacted loot like golden apple diamond enchanted sword and pickaxe killing ender dragon and in the end we will make a fight between wither and warden and finding who is the boss mob Minecraft 100… Read More