GingerShadow Exposes Epic Gadget Mod!

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Hello everybody ginger shadow here and welcome to something I’ve not done in a very long time actually when was last May that I’m Audrey I don’t remember I was quite a while ago but anyway welcome to MIT minecraft mod review by me mwah and today I’m covering um yeah I’m

Covering it’s all the mods called academy crap I did quickly just check that I make sure I got this ray is called a certain scientific railgun it’s an enemy shell which is pretty good from Y here like there’s it’s like a spin-off there’s one called as a certain magical

Index and business like a spin-off or the scientific real con counterpart I don’t know I’ve never watch the real gun Pine Ridge Lee never do anything about the like that it was from that anime but then people said yeah it’s a spin-off show from a certain um Easter a certain

Magical index I’m getting mixed up between it to the quite similar which I had watched it in a your interest even more and then I tried it the model bunch more in terms of this mod really awesome so yeah we’re gonna we’re gonna cover this thing see all this awesomeness so

Um first off when you join you’re gonna get one of these because like a mica cloud terminal which came in like to update sick or something and basil s is just can like the basics that will take you through everything like if you’re confused a bit stuff it does actually

Help the toasting cat you can obtain cost and count all in create more that’s good to know this is so sad but yeah bits less will teach everything you go through it step by step but it will teach other stuff if you want to know it’s it’s kind of a

Useful guide it helped me out once upon a time and I got confused with stuff but we’re gonna ignore that for now I’m going to take you through basically the essential items don’t mind all the chests whether these aren’t all fill this is just because I got a pattern

Going and I just like filled all the rounds but no we’re going to go through another essential items I’m going to clear out every single little piece of the mod because some things aren’t as required to play it as much less some things you couldn’t play through but you

Could use this mod like for ages and ages and ages and never use certain things in it because you don’t really need to it’s just more a choice Mar but in arms right so start things off dumb does the ORS so thus for or is add to

The game which they spawn all over the place I’m not even sure with the level for them are it’s like go underground you’ll find them at River there’s there’s no shortage of them so the first two is the constrained metal ore and the IgG mag silicon or those two come in or

Form and you need to smelt them down with the smeller both your on furnace or whatever you’re using I don’t know most people use mod packs nowadays if you’ve got like tinkers construct in the heat that’ll break some dead instantly the other ones are the amount crystal or

And the resonant crystal or which give you these two the little puree eggman crystal and the resonant crystal they can be affected by fortune so if you fortune them you can’t get quite a few of them so that’s pretty handy now there is censure you’re gonna need a bunch of

Them before you even start because it has a lot of stuff in it so the first part is the reinforced iron plates that requires two iron ingots so you don’t actually require a nice tray away then you the dad chair which three redstone and a reinforced iron plate so again you

Don’t need aims then we get to the calculation chip now this is actually optional again you don’t actually need the or shrilly because it requires a data chip and a resonant crystal but you could just use two course alternatively and I’ll create a same thing like we’ll

Just quickly show you you can use two quarts instead if you want and then it’s the information processor which is a diet yep and a glowstone dust but all these things in the mucosa because mica Misaka cloud terminal I’m gonna get this wrong so many times so yeah there’s some

Of the DSM is you’re going to be making quite a lot throughout making like doing stuff in a smart logical create mode activating the brainwave analyzer which requires a calculation shape to detect red stored and to cool nuggets again you still don’t require much so they are

Like you don’t you don’t require too much this stuff but there are certain things like the following next two things are going to need them and these things are still really important you’re going to need to click throat them the model so I don’t know where it to in

There right so afterwards we’ve got the constrain metal play which is using three of the constrain metal ingots then we’ve got the empty unit best thing can be charged up the charging up process does it matter so much right now it’s we’ll just ignore that for right now

I’ll show a bit charging it up and stuff ler but for that you need three constrain metal or a low period a mi crystal and a dad ship and I’ll get the energy converter which requires a calculation jet which we did before yes we did the energy unit and the resonant

Crystal so yeah that’s a lot of crafting recipes right off the bat read all this just so you can get the first thing so the first thing you’re going to want to make like obviously take all that stuff before I won all of a bead a lot of that stuff before and

The first thing you want to get yourself kicked off in this is the diet terminal this thing is where all happens this thing you plug it into your brain and this is where the magic happens so for that you need to die chips a glass plane to reinforce iron plates I bring with

Analyzer a redstone block and two information processors basically do it that you take it you right-click it this will get used up having creative mode so long get used up but it’s one per person so after you get this that said that’s yours done so with this by default you

Can press key and this will bring this up this is your data you can still walk around while this is up you can’t turn sadly you have to press key to get down like pressing escape well it’s up just opens the menu like it’s different I don’t know but with this you can

Access the mica the meekest Misaka clouds and you can access your settings which is where you get your controls yellow item unique that because if you want to pick your buttons for how everything works you’re going to want to get this because technically this isn’t essential technically you don’t need to

Get this to unlock your abilities that your Esper abilities you’re about to get but if you want to know what buttons are linked to what and access these buttons and you’re going to need it and a lot of people do so I always make it first

After that the big thing you’re going to need as the portable developer so this is the thing that will give you your abilities basically so the portable developer as is a calculation chip a diet chap a glass plane railways analyzer information processor energy converter to constrain metal plates in a

Low purity Eggman crystal if you just jump straight to look at the receipt for that without check your life stuff and you’ve not done it very much this looks daunting and it was daunting the first time I tried this I got so confused but after you do it so many times it’s quite

Easy it’s just like everything else but yeah basically this thing open it up you’re going to want to learn your ability so there you go it’s trying to detect what my abilities going to be right now but filled though user belly character is invalid boring aborted and

Then you go type in learn to acquire the scale suit you can do that straight away you can actually start the things up here good need power because that’s one we’re going to develop things is repair but the portable developer the easiest we are getting your ability strap so

Just click and learn welcome to Academy craft supply the blood apply learning my ability right now maybe I do need power okay I think scratch everything I just said before I think you do actually perished really never mind so here we’ve got machine I couldn’t remember because I always power

To anyway but I was wanting to try and see if he didn’t need power or not but apparently do alright so anyway for the next eerily it’s starting to make machine frames which are for reinforced iron plates and I redstone um piece of redstone then look at the easiest way of

Gathering energy a solar generator these things aren’t they’re not the best for stuff they like they’re okay but they’re not the best so they’re like the most basic thing low so you’re gonna want to get one of these to the star I guess unless you’re like being jump to the

Higher stuff sometimes which I did not know it the solar jammer because I play these things and mud packs but I’m to get this little generator you need three glass planes an egg mag silicon wafer which it’s not actually complicated to recite it’s just an egg mag silicon and

Get just get the ingot and turn it into that straightway that’s it like you don’t even need to smell or anything you just need to put it in your like you’re alone crafting bit about that you’ll see the Machine frame and two energy keepers and then you get a solar I’m not encrypt

What anymore if the place is then Betty plot that down somewhere and so long as they’re suddenly oh it will start charging up not very quickly mind you but it will start charging up then just stick the portal developer end and it will start charging the portable

Developer as well and that’s kind of the basics of it just after that you can let it charge up for a bit there are quicker ways of charging which I’ll go over just well that’s charging or actually go for the cracker wave is the windmill the windmill is awesome

Also I’m going to go back in career mode because I’m going to need multiple things for us so for the windmill those four pieces to make but one of them this piece here the january repeller you love so first off heat one when generator pillar base which is an iron

Ingot machine frame energy converter so you’re gonna do that then after you need a bunch of these you can either one generator pillars because windmills are tall so you need a bunch of them then you need to when generator itself oh yeah the pillars just true iron bars and

Racism so it’s the bet you need the most up but it’s really cheap so that’s easy enough after I need the wind generator which is to machine frames to constrain metal ingots I mean to constrain the metal please and an energy converter and they’ll get you the generator then you

Need the wind generator fan which is for reinforced iron place and one Barr’s now that if we just quickly make a little space for it you can plop this down so you’ve got the base now if they you to make a forgive anyhow you go do one two three four five six seven

Try a CP it works plop that down then you put the fan inside here I just like that yes it’s enough but you can make it taller like if I say I just quickly des break that you can make it pretty much as tall as you like I don’t know I don’t

Know if making its hauler has any actual benefit to it Sabonis like me or me not to be honest like making it solemn may generate more power quickly like it’s generating power you can trim it you can test out yourselves if you want v yeah that’s generated way more power like you

Guys go up in the hundreds easily where is this thing this thing is but well it’s charging at fair rate but it’s not charging nearly as fast you sticking it when we were going to charge your energy so much quicker it’s why it’s worth making one of these ready to start so

There we go we have a full powered portable developer now if this never can finally get the bet where we learn our belly because I forgot it does actually require energy so yeah booting field tape and learn learn and ever gots using power I forget

How much you use is it zero four or six thousand I think there we go a belly successful and it used 3900 is just about that so no you have the option here click actually no you can’t click key not yet um it’s the user pala developer and you

Can see your power so I got vector manipulator that’s one of four bellies and arguably victim in appeal is the most powerful but everyone’s gonna have the preference anyway to get started you check with skills you’ve got so in this case I have three things here already at

The brain course you can only start doing at level three you’re going to do more advanced stuff for that so ignore the brain courses for now well I want to get it get all I want to do is get directed shock which again use this

Power so I need to do is be level one and have a portable developer at least to get us now in your belly unlocks because it’s a tree there’s more stuff it’s awesome another belly you can learn stairway victim in that pillar you get to ability stereo in other ones called

Ground shock which is interesting I guess so we’ll learn ground shock is well you’ve used Elantra repair know your Bell is unlocked so junior abilities as vector accelerator acceleration sorry that you need to be level two for that you need to have already unlocked directed shock that’s very simple

I’m the UH lower belly after that is the directed blast hold on am I is it is it giving me cheats because I’m in creative mode it might be hold on no it just requires you to unlock ground sure okay normally the requires a percentage to be done like sometimes it’s still re

Percent fifty percent 100 percent of a certain move to the unlock is as you can see I’ve got director shock and it’s skill experiences at zero now if we if I quickly just make sure just quickly cut into a quick thing okay so here I’ve

Just created like a quick MPC this is my friends are Omar who people for my channel and already so he’s just gonna be our guinea pig that we’re gonna be up for a little bit right so first of all clean ki go to settings and you’re going

To want to know right so to activate your ability so click Webber button that is for like I’ve change made about so may be different for you and edit presents which presents also that something you’ll probably need and you need to know what buttons will do your

Abilities so like you need to know this stuff this is stuff like obviously you can click keen check anything you want but basically so I think it’s quick quick so I can click you tank do it my belly so there’s my little bar it’s got like this little symbol in the top right

Corner signifying that I am a victim manipulator that symbol changes depending on what you are then I can click em and it can edit my presence so I’ve got directed shock and groan shock unlocked so I can just get both of them and I’ve got both of them normal linked

To different buttons I’ve got a link to the extra buttons on moves so like I’m going to use direct to shop know and it gets my first ready and boom punch six damage this is obviously an unarmed opponent who does nothing so like I can just keep using this it’s got little

Cool down bar so you can’t you can’t just spam it you go like wait a minute but yeah it’s because it hell of a lot this is probably like one of the this is probably one of the worst abilities like directed shot like vector manipulator although is the most powerful class and

I think both any short and then it and the mod um it starts off horrible as you can see as I’m doing that if I quickly grabbed my ability developer again which I was just leaving charging we will see I’ve gathered Experian someone experienced towards level two

And I’ve gained to experience I’m a director shot from those like few punches now normally I wouldn’t be the case that see I started reviewing it this like since it’s update you know because I had a big update where now you don’t need to grind as much it used to

Be you had to do like thousands of punches to level up and it was so grainy and so horrible they’ve cut that down quite a bit so you don’t need to do nearly as much no which is just wonderful so you can level up really quick now at each level five no problem

May actually be a bit too easy the other abilities I’m grown shock which apparently is me like left in my foot or something I can’t tell I’m just going through and yeah it just breaks the ground as their belly actually I think I can try and have a goal it hangs or a

Worth hold on let’s and look yeah pet sorrow he was flying breaks the ground as well and as it levels up it will get stronger so it’ll do more damage will break more ground I think it max it breaks like a ten-by-ten area that’s the

Thing right so now that we saw like the basic abilities obviously know before the point where I start like grinding to level them up that’s naturally what you would do I’m not gonna I’m going to use this the commands so /m so like if you were slashing help you can get all the

Commands here so /m learn I’ll learn all skills slashing reset clear your ability information slash even learn display all current learned abilities are a learned skill sorry /m skills display all skills and players current category slash aim fool CP sites if you just want to like quickly restore your CP which is your

Energy bar at the top where was I feels to be alright and slash team level set the players ability level slash same experience as if you want to set a Pacific experience and like your skills like so you want to put your skill to fifty percent you don’t want to like

Like let’s say something happens your character in your game and like you have to restart your game but you want to go all your skills back we don’t want to cheat and just max them all out see like you can put it back to set percentage

And slash aim CD clear so clear all scale cool down and set current skill upgrade process unfit so now I’m going to slash aim then I’m going to go whereas at level it should just be cool to anyways comment successful promise I’m there level two and because I’m

Level two I can know because I’ve got directed shock and I’ve got a portal developer item level two I met your conditions to get Viktor accelerator and I can get well the belly vector accelerator so just quickly let us unlock there we go and then click M again your belly vector accelerator and

Vetrix le are basically just like speaking up a little fly thing now as this levels up it will obviously get better like maybe I’ll fly a bit follow maybe it won’t cost as much energy maybe the cooldown will quicker all that kind of stuff I’ve seen people do is it is

Pretty good I’ve never used vector manipulator very much like actually of all the series I’ve ever done in my channel I’ve never unlocked vector Mennella manipulator um from my skill thing I’ve always ended up one of the other ones this is the first one I’ve

Got and it’s on a bloody mod review well well right so now that we’ve seen that I’m just gonna quickly go to actually now I’m not going to anything next I need to need to dress the process I can’t just jump to the end game bet so

First we’re gonna go to slash aim level three right so now you’ve reached level three and for level three you know want to learn the next thing which is directed blast wave we’ve also got vector okay this isn’t that so good at belly that belly elec should deflect any

Attacks coming at you but I can’t really display that with there people know get level 3 but storm wings they’re really awesome but I can unlock it because I need to have a normal developer so that’s the next thing we need so this chest it’s this chest we need a normal

Developer which and itself will require actually requires a bunch of stuff to make this work so yeah this is where stuff gets even more complicated for this being a portable developer I pissed in a bed a basic matrix core which is the crafting mystery for their calculation ship – a blue pure crystal

Resna crystal and energy converter pray basic at this point because you’ve already done a lot of stuff then fleshie else need redstone a machine frame Angelita mid purity man crystal the mid pure a man crystal requires the mag fuser which is all that stuff like i think only thing you’ve not seen for

This is the empty unit which I just will recite for that is pray basic you four units you need one of these bad boys but alright I’ll just always quickly says then I’ll just displayed you alright so for this you would put the crystal end

And it like grain thrill do thing but it requires energy and liquid to work and rag required energy means it requires like the energy this this solar generators providing or the energy the windmills providing so how do you get this energy you need to move way to be

Let’s simply use a basic wireless impactor it’s not that simple like a to make well crafting recipe wise this isn’t correct that’s actually pretty easy so yeah calculation chap to iron machine frame tool or a tulip urate crystals and original crystal plot this machine down and this thing basically lets you create

Wi-Fi that’s essentially as it’s like down to the corner here you want to create your things so you’ve got your node name I’m going to call it Jinjin it because why not then you can set passwords that the passwords just so if you’re playing on a server other

People can access it without your say-so because other people might be living near you and like just Jack your Wi-Fi and likes do all your energy it’s like I will go for the password enemy there we go old okey so now we’ve got that made

Up so now all we have to do is take this thing go in the top I’m a little tap here and apparently I did not name it you you’re kidding me I didn’t name alright sure apparently I didn’t name it I did make it whatever I think you’re

Supposed to press n or actually not escape I think I press escape and that ruined it I remained um better you need to hook up the device you want powered and the thing that’s powering it so for instance I just took this up and at this

Point now there you go all my energies just been all my Energy’s gone dinner doesn’t go into this normally it will go into this so you guys know gathering all the energy all so I can take my this thing oh it’s that arranged though alright so there’s there does the range

For you it’s not very big range I could I could put another one down hold on let’s bit here okay Pat another one down and like you create another I’ll actually just want properly so we’ll call this one juju new ginger net password actually just screw the password to a password enter

That should be a yes Sammael feel don’t off but whatever oh yes is filled again there is a we are doing this I’m just I’m just doing it really bad better yeah hook that up then stepping on that one named one Oh God which one am I on I

Want none of them arm sure go with this way I don’t know which one is powering it but whatever also this thing’s lighting up in the state as it’s getting power that’s pretty cool alright any of this with no get energy we could don’t put this crystalline and well nothing’s happening because the

Other thing you need you need to get some of these empty units which I have some here hold on scrap of you need to contain this justice you need to find this stuff um what’s this stuff called again hold on it is called a mag phase liquid I’m aggravated looks like as you

Can see it through blocks so like if I even if I go in like to save the CLEF here it should maybe it’s just from above you can obviously I think it can we see it from above another key you can slightly see it sparkling through the dark but basically

Yeah you underground your finest stuff you basically grab it with these cells essentially and this acts as a power source which certain machines require so this machine for instance there you go it’s got some power there they mag crystals I’m creating the loop here the Med purity crystal boom there we go you

Can stick in once more and get a high pure a one you need to do that later to create an aura thing but yeah that’s how you get that and that’s how you’d finish making the normal developer now the normal developer requires power as well

So again it needs to go on a Wi-Fi network let’s stick on this one they’re going out skiing tons of power at this point I can never unlock my level 3 abilities so that’s the thing and let’s sort the mean process until you reach level 4 um but

It’s level 4 I believe yeah you need an advanced developer which essentially it’s just to see me the high purity crystal which is just you put more juice in this thing and it powers up and stuff you got high powered one along with all that stuff so it’s gonna be stuff you

Them and improved Wireless at magnet which is just a basic Wireless a magnet oval there the mid period Kristallnacht stuff like the crafting recipe so let’s check the musica thing you want more information I guess because this is just that’s the very late game stuff but for now let’s

Focus on this so there I’ve just unlocked storm wings so if I quickly press em get rid of shop storm wings I like this move this is one of my fit this is one my favorites um Wang’s yeah lets you fly there’s is freaking us up

Now ok it breaks it breaks things I promise um on the lower levels it breaks up so it’ll break leaves if I go near like the trees and stuff yes like it’s breaking all the leaves it’ll break glass or break just soft materials when you max out when you get it to its

Highest strength it won’t that will be like it’ll just it’ll be fine but if I max out the skill can turn this often Oh God you can also avoid fall damage but you said the tapi of the whole door or anything but you know that is that spray kill but unfortunately I’ll

Quickly show less ink and so I would it uses a bunch of energy oh it’s not it’s not actually using it that click oh there we go there we go as soon as I start moving and actually I can’t control it that well and there we go

I’ve used up all my juice once you use a bunch of times I guess a lot easier because you can see that I gained a bunch of experience from doing that there one cheese up I change getting more control and stuffs like the skills start off pray we can it builds up gets

Bare like I just jump up and you saw that overloaded if use a skill too many times a little overload bar comes up and you can see it there use it too many times you yellow run out of energy or your Overlord your overload you get wait so

Many seconds for free Q’s nabilla again that’s just how it works unfortunately many ways so now that we’ve done all that and let’s say that we’ve used the Dukan stream mail to glowstone the normal developer the high purity met crystal the Resnick crystal and the improved wireless aMAG note we’ve now

Made the advanced ability developer and we’re going to plot this down here because we want it went all the power going to this there we go so here it right we’ve got the advanced one now this is pretty handy for getting up ledges go game with again game modes

Easier right you get this four level four but it’s also with this you can now start making the brain courses which are just power-ups like the brain course just gives you like extra CP extra Barnett I don’t need it right now you also see this for another thing like

Because other than also leveling yourself up you also need it if you want to change so yeah I don’t want to be a Victor manipular anymore which I personally might not want to be if you grab yourself all right before stuff you have to make that’s the high-voltage magnetic coil

Which as a diamond to reinforce plates for milk constraint mail plates and two resonant crystals then you can find one of the in Bella inductor factors which you find in dungeon chests all over the place let’s say I want to change it to something else basically you need to

Have one of these and one of these got to the advanced ability developer and right-click it with this and it’ll come up in your message and basically you just swear as it system override a belly reset use reset command at this point you just type in reset and you can reset

Your skeleton whichever one you’ve got it would become that ability induction factor I will do that in a second but before that I’m going to quickly just show off like I’m not going to show every ability for every class so I’m going to show some of the cooler bellies

So first we’re going to slash aim and we’re going to max ourselves out so first command for that again okay so I’m for this next bit for this single auger skills and the excrement addresses do slash that’s the wrong slash same skills slash aim skills they’ll give you

All your skills so what like 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 9 9 9 just a slash aim exp then whichever one you want so say 0 and put 1 or put between 0 and 1 because your 1 represents 100% so like that and then

Boom that’s 100% which I just did for all my skills now all my skills are maxed out so just quite close just quickly show off like what are like a hundred main skills really quick so let’s just sum up our clone of 0 model alright guys are Oakland here

Let’s start with the director shocks or boom before it did six damage now it does 13 the ground shock just shatters and first thing which is beautiful and the leaper belly thing actually just going to go to the violence for this little fella yeah never can use that

Bunch I can basically keep myself in the air like pretty much indefinitely until like I like I overload or I run up CP press C switch over other skills the wings now don’t destroy everything around it’s like you see the the noise and game to show you plus I’m they’re a

Lot more stable like you like control where I’m going pretty much I can like fly forward and I’m a lot faster so yeah pretty nifty skill in itself Deller to our shoot this one I published now protects me from projectiles and the other one projects from physical attacks

So this is the difference but you see the overload mirror goes up for very quick pleasure you got both back to the same time which is pretty cool other ones what’s this called was the last recalled and directed blast wave blood rotation blood trigger GT and plasma

Cannon so these are last one so this is like just basically a more powerful directed shock which pretty sure can actually yeah kill it destroy bets aligned as well and yellow and blood return to t is possibly one of the strongest moves in this like the 60

Damage on the guy and I think I was a creeper just blow up there but well it was like 60 damage on the guy so does a crapload and just splice everything but the most power by a long shot this is why I moved away from here just continuous could be destroying terrain

The plasma cannon or to go plasma cannon it’s called plasma cannon so we just like get ready it’s typically it feels like a spear pop its brain FD Li there is fire and destruction so yeah it does a fair whacky damage I should probably have had loads are more Oakland I

Elected here and the rankly that probably than a crapload more but oh well he took one damage now hold on let’s try hitting him directly wife they just to see acceptors I’m gonna switch over to our just try it a leftie quickly just quickly show some of the killer things

From them not all of them like this one but just some of the cool bits from them I’m so Boop plasma cannon strays are tomorrow yeah I feel like I did a lot more he’s lost at least yeah it’s over 300 damage that’s ridiculous that that’s

The strongest attack ed to give by the way Ahmad as per a damn good right so if you want to switch if you want to sweat Shh which thing you are you can use command or you can use the method I showed before using the high voltage

Recoil and the thing that you have to be level 3 and it will take a level off you or two levels let’s try it quickly actual I’m level 5 right now so right click with this actually hold on which one I’ll be coming electro master next because it’s it’s a certain scientific

Railgun it’s specific it’s a rest goes around the electric girl who has that exact power so if you quickly just yep bit field bloody blah blah and we do – let me reset and there we go and this is gonna take a little while so just we’ll just skip the bit here and

There we go we’re never an electro maestro now also only level 4 so we just lost the level so now it’s like you could you know unlock although a lot of Ellie’s again but some of them not so much because like this one requires you have 30% arc generation and I means I

Need to go and start from beginning use arc generation the very basic moves like just go here arc generation I use like a bunch okay there we go which are generation by is just an electric shock thing it’s pretty nifty but I’m gonna skip that back I’m just gonna quickly

Jump to having all the skills again okay so the two most entries she was I’d say in electro master classes a bunch all or kill ones like a magnet one where you can like connect to magnetic things and all that can stuff like those like if

You had a metal piece up there you can select flub tip I’m not gonna like damage to that when you can try that yourself because I have to demonstrate every move for every single class that this video would take an awful long time it’s all ready to go well so especially

Two most powerful ones being the thunderclap which is you see a little marker the electricity is going around me and help I’ve MS the mark there hold on yeah try number two I’m so yeah you can’t hold it for too long so it will just lakeshore um look

Claps just a big electric shock it does like four yards damage at max so it’s not as powerful as a blood regurgitate on the plasma cannon from the vector manipulate victim alleles mainly be the strongest I can faint as armed Oakland over here can quickly try on I’m

Actually also a thunderclap hits the one up so it does have is it hits mobile force like it will hurt a lot of people one cell so that did not hold it long enough and book i72 never mains are as far as far as a 0% senators on its max

Yeah that constrain mobile force and kill mobile people once but the favorite technique is the real guns the thing is gonna name this shusuke named after but I either coin which use a male Ford for which I think I showed up there I don’t

Know if I never I’ll go over L like we can look you can look it up in the mica semi-classical everything basically the coin oh you just take one coin he’s quickly right click and then this you see the symbol for the rubicon is on the

Third one down basically that will go a certain color and get the princess button just the right times like I did wrong timer again there we go real God plus the coin goes heads or tails if I wanna have just flip a coin in minecraft

You can but yeah just one more time flip the coin you’ll still go green or over bliss story and then this is also very high leaf remaining this is ridiculous is so beautiful let’s try out da revoir real quickly and see how much damage you can do with it I

Don’t think it’s as strong as a thunderclap but it’s still pray down good plus it kid straight more befores again damnit the drunk firon 80 feet never mind it’s stronger than thunderclap Jesus Christ or maybe I may just be thinking wrong because I haven’t tried all of these

Moves since the mod updated so maybe let a little bit stronger but they at least up there I’m not sure any now it’s shorting some electro master stuff I’ll quickly switched over now to another one okay so this next one is the Mel Turner which is probably one of my personal

Favorites like right this is the first one I really got a tryout with the mod I quite enjoyed it quite a bit so get a basic laser which it and it starts up doing a lot less than that but yeah it does bit more base 20 on 100% but also

Meltdown has a special ability cuz it’s radiation and basically hit support and weakens or defenses so your first shoulder like 20 you’re sick ultimately double that another thing for it is it’s a lot good for meetings like we’ve got maining gray here which is for

Any ft each so your energy main shoe but you know I’m career boys I can just main four days and then we’ve got a more scary version which is kind of made for hanging multiple foes you have to kind of charge it and just hold it for a minute

And you can really control the direction very well of them all but yeah the Scarab beam then after that we’ve got nurses and interests ones called Genji ignore that one I’ve got J and you’re basically shows your mark where you’re going and you just gonna like fly towards that marker you can straight

People with it but it’s not like it’s not really that aggressive um if I always on 5 or 9 the no I stand corrected it’s actually a very aggressive if that didn’t like 35 damage a hundred percent yes pretty good another thing if you want to be a bit

Fancy you can use it’s called the scour beam but it doesn’t actually scour it just like shoots a solid beam but those four I which is still pretty good but you can use these SOCOM boards which are basically using to SOCOM pieces which is just using a piece of silicon which is

Just using like Bank silicon ingots as it’s not hard we throw that in there it floats up should it be its kara’s everywhere does less damage individually but and hits multiple targets pretty good and then finally I got the favorite move this and I love this oops never ate

Um yeah that’s just a solid blazer uh I may have gotten the old one I need to quickly equip the the best move I may have equipped the wrong one banks and there we are a meltdown err I’m gonna fail move the meltdown er which is what

It’s named after this is a very peak does less damage than the real gun but does a bit as much line destruction but you know you’d have to flip a coin for it you just have to like not let it wear out so yes it’s prey damn good plus it

Sounds also like listen to that 60 damage beautiful okay never get the final um obviously four which is the teleporter which mi mines probably weakest of them all but has like it may not be the most battle orientated but it is still right pray on this one right I’m just you know the

Metal form which I mentioned before is just this is made later I was in one of the ball it was one of the chances earlier I just never really showed it and for the teleport you’re gonna want to get needles cuz needles are very good cuz the teleport light she like

Oh show you in a second basically use a mail for me just like using the grainy mode and do that to it but basically teleporter the first ability coach thank you telephone which lets you mark someone and then you can just fire the object you’re holding so in this case I

Flung the metal former I had man you want to use needles low needles do more damage not by much but it’s a bit more also thought I was kind of falling for this letter and it the next one is the if I just to actually remember the names penetrating teleport which essentially

It shows you we were going to go and you just kind of teleport so you can also teleport through things so you go I’ve just like teleported through the wall there and then I can like yeah this again a like Boop so yes it’s pretty cool in it so tonight next one’s called

Was it a mark teleport mark teleport so again just a longer range I guess very much just a lot longer a very is a long range teleportation or a medium range I suppose after that we have got okie s is the one I need

Is that a matter that me for hold on I’m ready to go nevermind we’ve got fresh one right so this one’s gonna come it’s like skin ripping or flat no flesh ripping flesh ripping um yeah I essentially it’s kind of like the blood splatter one but it’s basically just

Your I don’t really exactly we were doing well does it describe what you’re doing in this it may describe reading reps apart your enemy and say then causes deadly damage but the over bodily effects may make you feel uncomfortable basically makes blood splatter but yeah you’re repping the enemy apart

Using dimension powers and stuff and so next up we’ve got the location teleport which need to actually get location I suppose so can I like my mark here at place okay so I have like mark this is place okay so that’s a place and then can I collect

If I don’t think that actually lets me go back I think it’s the next ability let me go back um was was what’s what’s what’s what’s next one what is this next one is called shift till are I’ve got shift you know ignore the shift teleporting once I I not played this one

As much I go to as much I know the final that it’s called flash um so oh there we go essentially it’s just instant teleporting everywhere I’m teleportation everywhere so it’s Kelly I guess you could say like like flash step from wakey let’s go any direction it’s kinda like flash step

From Bleach or body flicker from Naruto and it’s interpretation also I seem to have like a slow fall effect that comes with it that guess that’s to prevent fall damage because you could very easily die with this also a major uses quite a bad power and I’m just going to

Turn that off yeah that’s like the very peak that’s like the peak of your teleportation powers or I suppose it’s like you know you’ve seen the program is where like people like the teleport into the sky and like everything slows down while on the sky and then it’ll probably

Again yeah it’s basically that just for those cool moments and so yeah that’s kind of like the best of all the abilities you can try it yourself like all the ones I missed out but they like the peak ones for the most part though are things have going sure really quick

Are just the last few bits and pieces here which aren’t really bad things are just more interesting features like we mentioned before the twister and cat that you can we get to create modes like to the node names meow unlinked not doing anything oh now that we’ve also

Got these these are apps but you can craft quite simply really so the crafts are the apps do different things so if I press key I’ve got my my data timer here if I just install the different apps I get new things so like look at the scale

Tree so I can check my skill tree on the go even though if you have a horrible developer dozen higher frequency transfer basically just means I can like right-click see the this thing and then like link it to this if I wanted also I’m kind of like entering the password

Same time here you know there is no password that’s just if you want to like link stuff on the go which I don’t really soaks make me we just get rid of that there we go and the final thing and probably my favorite things about this

Mod one of the favorite things I’m the media player which has no music right now because you find these next few things and dungeon chess so we’ve got three different songs which are probably cooperates and I’ll go to the play very much for very long but yeah essentially pretty quickly you can

Essentially just have that playing so that you can play it and like it’s just really quick you can like go out and then continue your venture nope don’t know some stuff don’t want copyright yes I can’t play them but you know you can let’s dig yourself busy you can play

That logger just in Minecraft just do it going about your day camp music your own like angus music from the actual show as well which is prey damn sweet anyway yeah that’s the cat in a craft mods had a few interruptions then between the mod review but yeah it’s a pretty cool mod

It’s actually turning one my favorites very quickly also you can see in the bottom note I’ve got the song playing techniques I never press stop I press pause like it tells you how far through the song yard just Brigid anyway yeah so that’s been academic rap much hopefully

I’ll enjoyed and I hope y’all like it the B link in description down below so you can go and download it yourself if you want to and play around with a bit cuz obviously it’d take too long to show every single little thing in this but

There’s at this so good like just try to differently see which one you like yourself personally add the note there is one of my personal favorites but after trying them all out there I’m quite keen on the electro master as well just because the railguns freaking

Awesome as well it slows the meltdown RB but my god just this somebody good anyway yeah feel free to tell me in the comments which one’s your favorite Euler from the shore from the mahdis I don’t think all these are in the show actually I think always some of them are but

Which one’s your favorite let me know in the comments down below if you feel like it on that leave a like if you enjoyed the show and I’ll see y’all next time for whatever as I do next to my channel thank you very much for watching see you next time goodbye everybody

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Academy Craft Mod Review (A Certain Scientific Railgun Mod) || Unleash Your Inner Esper!’, was uploaded by The True Gingershadow on 2016-09-14 19:30:01. It has garnered 68866 views and 900 likes. The duration of the video is 00:41:32 or 2492 seconds.

Minecraft Academy Craft Mod Review (A Certain Scientific Railgun Mod) || Unleash Your Inner Esper!

A fun mod that allows you to wield an esper power giving the player insane abilities to unleash!

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  • Unbelievable Minecraft Secrets Revealed – Me Rifan

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  • Ultimate Survival House with 100 Nextbots! Coffin Meme Madness!

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  • Uncover The Secret of Aquamirae Mod in Minecraft ⛏️

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  • 10x World’s Tallest Pool Build in Minecraft!

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  • Save the Princess with Hermain & Hamid – Minecraft Tutorial Dance

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  • 🤯 THE BEST MONEY FARM in Skyblock! 🤑 | 1.8-1.20+ Minecraft Server

    🤯 THE BEST MONEY FARM in Skyblock! 🤑 | 1.8-1.20+ Minecraft ServerVideo Information yo everybody what is going on and welcome back to another episode of Sky Block ladies and gentlemen this is the brand new Sky Block series that we are going to be recording here on the channel I just released my brand new Sky Block server Venture MC yesterday so if you guys want to hop on and support the server it is absolutely crazy this this is going to be my best Sky Block series I’ve ever posted and this is truly the best Sky Block server I have ever been a part of so the IP… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Battle – Graidgaming Episode #2

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  • Ahrne MC

    Ahrne MCWelcome to the pixelmon region of Ahrne! We hope you have a great time and stick around for a while. We have many exciting challenges and hope you are ready to Catch em’ all Read More

  • Medieval Horizons SMP – Modded Magic 13+ Kingdoms

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  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft’s Golden Age

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  • Basement Blues: Minecraft’s Fearful Muse

    Basement Blues: Minecraft's Fearful Muse In the depths of Minecraft, a voice did call, From the basement, a mysterious thrall. Heartbeat racing, down the stairs I crept, Into the darkness, where secrets were kept. The voice whispered tales of fear and dread, In the basement, where shadows spread. But I stood strong, my courage unfurled, Ready to face the mysteries of the Minecraft world. With each step, the voice grew near, Telling stories that filled me with fear. But I pressed on, determined to see, What secrets lay waiting for me. In the basement of Minecraft, a voice did speak, Of adventures and challenges… Read More

  • Hot diggity dog, it’s a Minecraft meme!

    Hot diggity dog, it's a Minecraft meme! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNT-sion!” Read More

  • Animated vs. Original: Stressful Mistake in Sons of the Forest

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