Glorious Gadgets Galore: Redstone Building – Advanced

Video Information

Well hello everybody we are so excited from cobblestone collected this morning to welcome you to glorious gadgets galore redstone building in minecraft and we are here this morning to have you um have a great day of minecraft building today so with that i’m going to turn you right over to ammar

And he’s going to get us rolling hey everyone good morning thank you so much for joining us i’m hoping you’re here for the minecraft advanced session let us know the forbes if you think that this is a little too advanced we can always show you how to get to the

Other sessions going on at the same time um my name is ammar i’m a teacher from the toronto area i’ve been playing minecraft for a number of years i actually used to work at microsoft and use minecraft and education i’m always happy any morning i wake up

And i get to play a video game with me i have my friend guillaume who’s going to be playing as well guillaume do you want to introduce yourself yes hi my name is guillaume i’m from sherbrooke quebec i used to be a robotics teacher now i

Work in a fab lab in a maker space and i use technology every day to code and create new things new gadgets new inventions and i’m really excited to be spending the day with you playing minecraft and coding and learning about redstones and it’s it’s going to be an awesome awesome day

And hello there my name is cami and i’m from medicine hat alberta i’m an instructional coach out here and i help classes with minecraft a little bit but did you know that i learned to play minecraft from guillaume so we’re in good hands today

And we are going to hand it back to amar that is awesome we do have an awesome team i want to make a land acknowledgement before we get started i acknowledge that i’m presenting from the territory of the mississauga the credit people i am forever grateful that i can play minecraft

Work on technology and continue to teach on this land uh my heart breaks during what’s happening against us what happened not only in saskatchewan but it’s happened all over canada especially so soon after what happened in british columbia um we should always be mindful of what’s

Going on in this world and how we can improve it and the history of this residential school should never be forgotten okay um after that solemn note i do want to remind everyone that this is a pause provide and replay workshop me and guillaume are probably going to be building a little fast

If you need to pause things if you need to rewind it you have that power so like if you want to hear something or see something again hit that pause button rewind it you can’t fast forward it actually until it happens so don’t try to fast forward it if you’re here live

And we want to hear from you today this is all about being live and being interactive so where are we connecting from and what grade are you in let us know by opening a webpage go to the cc doc page slash block and please let us know

Who do we have with us that’s how you get the all important shout out if you want and i’ll give you a moment to answer that because i know it takes a second to open those websites you’ll notice our team is connecting all over canada i’m in toronto guillaume’s from quebec

And we got cami coming in from alberta so that’s always exciting so we have some grade four students and some grade six students oh there’s uh madame knott’s class from brampton um we’ve got what grade you’re in oh there we have some people emmy’s here from toronto jade’s from toronto

But there’s a lot of neighbors to me from brampton and toronto that’s awesome i’m in italy looks like we have miss max class once again so it sounds like they’ve been doing some minecraft in all of those we’ve done lots of these minecraft sessions with cobblestone collections so it looks like we have

Some classes that are back with us we have miss hardy’s miss hardy’s class from durham ontario miss saki’s class from scarborough good to see everybody we have a nice spread of people that is always awesome to hear especially these remote learning times it’s always good to connect with people

Around the world so that’s awesome um whoops i went a little too fast slowed down a marble okay here’s today’s goal i hear a little bit of echo so someone might need to view themselves awesome so today we’re going to talk about building with redstone but before we

Start doing that we’re going to talk about design thinking why are we building with redstone and spoiler alert we’re building to make a village more eco-friendly and more accessible those are two really big words we’ll talk more about in a second then i’ll show you the basics of

Redstone and we’re going to have a good almost 50 to 60 minutes of build time on how to use those newly learned redstone skills to make our village more eco-friendly and accessible so the first question i have for you all i want you to start thinking think about your science classes what

Does eco-friendly mean eco-friendly think about science think about the environment i’ll give your brains a little moment just get going and then we’ll check in with cammy and see what some of those answers are well you know what guillermo i’m gonna just throw you into the fire put you on the spot

What does eco-friendly mean to you well it can mean many things um so for example um at my house i i have an electric car so i think that might be considered eco-friendly uh i have solar panels also so i think maybe that might count as being eco-friendly um but i

Also um i also created a few activities where we take apart old electronic devices and we remove the parts that are still good and we try to reuse those parts to create new inventions and we program them with arduinos so we do coding and electronics and we we create new things

With things that are too old to be used in their original purpose so it can be objects but it can also be activity so in the case of a village though i’m i’m wondering what could we do in a village that that could be eco-friendly so that’s that could be interesting

And i think i heard a couple things that could apply to that i heard this word solar power from you um what are the students saying tammy what’s it look like well samir says it means to be friendly to the environment kai says healthy to the world

Noah says keeping the earth clean uh liam says environmentally friendly and i just have to say uh or let you guys know that we have mr watts class who is here for their sixth workshop with us in minecraft so big shout out to them this morning okay so eco-friendly means to be

Friendly to the environment i like some of the connections guillaume made on how we can be friendly to the environment in buildings think about using friendly energy features like solar energy and now this is one of personally a very important word to me what does the word accessibility i mean

I’m sure you’ve heard it before hopefully you’ve had a chance to learn it in school but i’m sure you’ve heard it on the computer maybe on the television at some point so once again you can see the address on the bottom of the screen

For the page open that in a new tab and that’s a form where you’re going to put just your first name in and then answer those questions and so amar’s current question what does the word accessibility mean we’re just waiting to hear some answers there

And i don’t want to spoil it with my answer so maybe this time i can ask you cathy what does the word accessibility mean to you well when i think of accessibility i think of making a place or a space easy for anyone to get to so if you have

A vision issue it would be a place that you could navigate if you can’t see well or if you are in a wheelchair or if you have difficulty walking it would be a place that is easy to to get around in and access so that’s what i think it is i really

Like that you said the word everyone because it’s not people that need it it’s for everyone um what are the students saying i’m just gonna refresh here and they might be thinking about this word this is this isn’t a word many people think about on a daily basis but

I think it’s a very important word for our society so will says um easy to move in nice i like that we’re thinking about people that might not move as quickly or as freely as other folks like that might be easy to move in i like how you made the connection

Easy for someone to see in cami danielle says a place that is safe for everyone 100 lets everyone feel welcome i love that great connection danielle okay and why don’t we just keep on moving for the sake of time yep you just keep on going there and the important thing is it’s for

Everyone okay think about things we’ll come back to that accessibility word in a second today when we’re working on our village and we’re trying to make it accessible and eco-friendly we want to use something called design thinking and i’m sure all of you have done this

You have done this in your brains but you might not have thought about it step by step first we’re going to emphasize empathize means to feel what the problem is think about how someone who’s facing that problem every single day feels then we’re going to try to define how

Can we solve that problem then we’re going to run through some ideas then we’re going to make a machine in minecraft to test it and if it works we’re going to build it inside our village and that might sound like scary it’s going to happen super fast okay

Just to give you an example of empathizing buildings are inaccessible for some people think about people that might not be able to walk as really as us or as myself rather i don’t want to make any assumptions apologies think about opening doors maybe you don’t have that mobility to open a door

Think about stairs you might not be able to go upstairs um think about not being able to reach that light switch that might be a problem you need to solve as well so we need to make our buildings accessible we’ve defined the problem and now we’re not going to plan it out

On paper because we don’t have that time but we will plan it out in minecraft how can we use redstone to make light switches connected to a pressure plate for example and then we’ll test that and we’ll build it inside a building or a village now these are some accessibility

Features we can build inside minecraft right now power assisted doors and when i say power accessibility is for everyone you’ll notice that button almost every single building you go into these days especially if you’re in the toronto area have you ever used that button i know i have it tim hortons even though

It’s designed to help people that need it everyone else can use it to make their lives easier as well so in minecraft we can make that power assisted automatic door to make the villagers life better elevators are again used to help people move through buildings easier maybe we can make an

Elevator in minecraft do you know how to do that we’ll talk about it for eco-friendly it doesn’t help to have oil lamps burning all day it doesn’t help to leave your lights on the entire day that’s gonna kill a lot of energy waste a lot of power

So let’s talk about making those light switches in minecraft to make this village more eco-friendly and to make everyone’s life easier especially some of these workers that might have been injured some of our older farmers in this village maybe we can make some automatic farming machines just to improve their day-to-day life

You know i have to jump in there because i grew up on a farm and i would say that in the past lots of farming machinery hasn’t necessarily been very safe or accessible and in the last uh 10 or 20 years there have been huge improvements in farm safety in particular things are

Much safer than they were even when i was a kid so that’s great to see that’s awesome um i’ve been watching a lot of farm videos these days that’s what i do on my free time and they probably have more technology than my entire house has at this point in minecraft villages they

Don’t have that technology at cami so we better make sure it gets to them so they can use it safely and effectively to make their lives easier as well now if you’ve never used redstone before that’s what we’re going to introduce i have a picture of some redstone wiring

There it’s set up to power source over there redstone is used to make mechanical creations think about machines using redstone you can make working machines in minecraft if you’ve never done that before redstone can provide energy and it can also be combined with the switch so that you can turn

On and off switch for the lights for example and i’m not going to bore you too much more with these slides why don’t we get started before you do wait one second i want to show you my world and then i’ll show you how to start the same

World you’re going to be in the same village i just want to show you some of the things i’ve created to get some ideas going in your brains i’m just double checking my visuals is minecraft on the screen yeah minecraft is on the screen cami can we

Maybe remove the uh the banner at the bottom so we have a a full screen view there we go so this is the village you’re all gonna arrive in shortly okay and this is the village we’re gonna set out to improve i’m gonna show you some things that i use to create this

Number one i have an automatic harvester here remember i said we can automatically harvest the sugar cane i’m growing i’m just going to put some bone meal on it so you see it you notice i got broken down i can pick it up that’s using a device called a sticky

Piston i’ve connected it with redstone at the top this is called an observer that watches anytime something goes in front of this it automatically pushes that sticky piston to shoot that block out and cut it down watch nice that’s a really simple device just to help you go get going with farming

This one is a lot more complicated i don’t recommend you try this one until maybe later on today when you’re feeling a lot more confident you’ll notice i have these doors stuck on and i have pressure plates on the bottom when i step on that sliding door and i can just move through

Now i put this down here so you can see everything that’s going on underneath it with all those redstones i have to use those two splitters to control the flow of energy if i covered this up and i’ll just cover that up real fast it’ll still work

You don’t have to be able to see the machine array that’s underneath it um there you go and if i stepped on that pressure plate see and now i can just walk over it this is what you just sorry go ahead i’m really sorry but you’re gonna have problems later on

With that build you just trapped a chicken in your in your mechanism underneath there that this is not going to end well i’ll cut pork chicken no one’s looking don’t worry about that for the sake of time we’ll come back for you mr chicken be safe

Um this is the most easiest way to start your belt this is a simple light switch all i literally did was grab a redstone brick stone wiring is that first item and the other thing i recommend you experiment with is a redstone lamp now if i plug this in here notice it has

No power this one is off those ones are on to make life more eco-friendly i’m just going to plug this right in so there’s a special way you need the redstone to connect and arrive directly so it’s not always easy to place redstone it doesn’t behave automatically so you need to take your

Time and place it and make sure that it goes the right way yes yo 100 and if this is your first time building another thing you need to think about is do you see that redstone wiring geo that redstone line it only goes 15 spaces if i go more than

15 blocks you’ll notice when i went this way it wasn’t powering it up because i went more than 15 blocks away you want to make sure that your redstone power source is either close or you can use something like a torch this can spread that signal further and

The last thing i’ll show you before i let you experiment is we don’t have an automatic railway system so think about everything you harvest here it goes down to that railway track see all the sugarcanes it’ll fall there go down to the railway track and then we

Can actually use this to pick it up and i’m just going to get him and yeah i don’t mind and you’ll notice it what goes down there by itself picks it up and then brings it back to town it’s going to keep going because i’ve powered it using powered

Rail see that little red rail there that’s power for that that torch makes sure that the power drill is powered on and able to keep pushing that real cart indefinitely think about how you might use that for transportation something like a subway system now the first thing you’re gonna do when

You get in this world is find a nice empty spot like i did i want you to start making those light switches okay practice that if you have more experience in minecraft you might want to create something more advanced like that sliding sticky piston door but think about how you can make this

Entire village more accessible because once you’ve practiced it notice i’ve worked on this house i need to make it look prettier because it looks like a mud hut right now remember when i talked about accessibility if you can’t open this door with your hands guess what i put pressure plates

In front of it when i walk up to it notice the door automatically opens i didn’t have to touch that and i have pressure plates on the inside as well so you don’t get stuck in there i added these light switches by myself and i actually put the wiring

Inside the walls so now that i switch it on let’s get on it’s much more eco-friendly i probably need to add windows to this to make it more eco-friendly it’s pretty claustrophobic in here but i’m gonna work on improving that on my end what i’m gonna do right now is show you

How to start this world you’re gonna come inside this village feel free to take a quick run around it and then i want you to find a nice empty spot you’re going to search for redstone and you’re going to notice you get a couple of things make sure you use this redstone wiring

To learn how to connect devices to it start out with that redstone lamp and connect it to either a lever a switch or a button they all do different things i want you to figure out what they do and once you’re comfortable with that i want to try to build some lighting

Inside these houses to help make them more eco-friendly think about how you can make them more accessible using pressure plates or sliding doors if you have any questions use that form to send questions right now if you need to watch this again pause it right now remind it because the next

Thing i’m going to do is show you how to get here i’m going to go back to the main menu get logged into minecraft right now everyone’s on the main menu with me get logged in i’m gonna wait 20 seconds okay to make sure you catch up

And maybe sorry some of our students are wondering if they need to have minecraft education edition or whether they can use regular edition for most of what i showed you you can use regular that’s totally fine i might show you something like a board later on you can probably do the same

Thing with the sign we might use the camera later on you can’t do that in regular minecraft unfortunately but if some of us don’t have education edition i’ll keep that in my mind and i’ll let you know okay for now everything i showed you you can do

The seed might not work for you now that i think about it you’re gonna find out if the seed works for you you’re good okay and amara if you can go over again uh just one more time lots of questions about joining the world yeah that’s what we’re going to do next

Okay let’s log into the main menu get on this screen and if you’re not here yet you’re going to press the pause button on the video and then when you get logged in you’re going to keep on listening to my voice right now if you are logged in minecraft

The first thing we’re going to do is go into play after you hit play you’re going to go to the bottom left and go into create new i want you to select the first option the one that says new okay right at the top it says new

Go ahead new this is the part where you have to listen to me very very carefully number one call the world name something like your first name and i’m gonna call it redstone that way i remember this is the world that i’m working on my redstone with so first thing redstone

Cool number two change survival to creative make sure you’re in creative mode so you have all the materials you need to build you’re not worried about collecting it so all we did is number one your world name is your first name redstone your gamemode is creative

Now this is the tricky part okay are you ready scroll down slowly till you see this you see it says seed s-e-e-b seed you just have to scroll down a little until you see this i’m going to give you a number you might need to pause this you might need to

Write it on a piece of paper so that you can write it back inside minecraft i’m going to let you figure that out but you need to copy this number right now and write back down into the seed one four zero five zero five four nine nine three i’m actually gonna copy that

And toss that inside our chat as well if you need it i am going to rely on someone else to do that for me because it seems like i can’t do that i dropped that in our private chat so that it said that public chat remember in minecraft for your seed

You’re gonna write one four zero five zero five four nine nine what is it what is a seed why are we typing in this uh this number exactly excellent question is always guillaume a seed is basically like a code to tell your minecraft to make the same world that i was in

So before we could save games and send it we’d have codes like this where someone else could recreate what’s happened on your computer somewhere else and that’s all we’re doing we’re literally using this code to recreate that world does that make sense guillaume or do you

Have a better explanation no it does it does make sense i was under the impression when when i started playing minecraft that every world was unique so they are unique but if you write down that number then we can go in the exact same world we won’t be playing in

Multiplayer we’ll i’ll be in the world and mr will be in the same world but on different computers we won’t be able to interact with each other but at least we’ll have the same universe to play with the same houses the same village i feel like we’ve talked a lot okay i’m

Going to review this information one more time before i let you get going first of all at the top make sure your first thing redstone is your world name make sure you got this at your creative mode okay that’s important now make sure you scroll down to your seed

And make sure you entered one four zero five zero five four nine nine three and if you have that go ahead and hit that play button you get started i’m actually gonna go back to my world because i haven’t made already the advantage of using your seed world

Is that all of the pieces this the the houses they you don’t have to build a house you can just go into one of the houses that are already there and add the lighting so you can you can make the current world more accessible without having to build everything from scratch

Exactly you literally have this village in your pocket the same village i’m looking at you’re going to have a copy of it and rather than worrying about making your building accessible that you haven’t made yet you can make this village accessible it’s already made for sure and while you’re getting going

I’m going to give you a couple more ideas if you need these ideas come back watch this video if you’re like okay i already know what i’m doing feel free to start building right now things you can use to make your building more accessible are things like levers

If you put that next to an iron door there’s no redstone involved anytime you put a loop pull that lever down that door is going to open i showed you how to make that redstone lamp to make it more eco-friendly we don’t leave the lights on all day and night

That’s going to waste a lot of energy okay our planet needs us to be more mindful so make sure you have some powered lighting it doesn’t have to only go to one light notice on this build we have four of them being lit up all next to each other all surrounded with redstone

That will work think about that automatic harvesting we talked about it uses three blocks in height have the observer block at the top have a sticky piston at the bottom well on the second level rather just make sure that there’s blocks behind it that are connected to redstone so it looks like this

And anytime that sugarcane grows to be tall it’ll cut it down automatically remember everything we’ve taught you feel free to drop some questions i know i’m going to go check how guillaume is doing in probably 20 to 30 minutes guild no pressure but you’ve learned a lot you’re only

Gonna learn more by playing okay so let’s get inside minecraft let’s get building i’m gonna set a timer for about 25 minutes guillaume no pressure and then we’ll check in that sounds good um maybe i i’d like maybe to add one little thing uh this is an advanced workshop not an

Expert workshop or not a a god-like workshop so this is advanced so it’s introduction to redstone and the reason why we chose redstone is because it’s the introduction to coding to logical operations but it’s it’s also an introduction it looks like electricity right so it we can apply some of the

Same principles to uh to redstone so keep that in mind it’s similar to electricity we need wires we need to do this the right way and we’ll use symbols and logic the same logic we use uh in electronics oh you saved the chicken thank you mr i feel better now

So we’ll be uh we’ll be building that and uh for the harvester maybe there’s one little thing we have the observer and i just want to put words there the observer when it sees something it sends out a signal so it will say oh there’s something in front of me or oh

There’s nothing it’s true or it’s false and in computer language that would be 0 or 1 binary language so in electronics we have the same principle it’s true it’s false it’s on it’s off so when that block sees something it sends out a signal that signal goes to the piston and the piston

Turns on so that’s how we can make things automatic we integrate conditions into our world into our mechanisms so it’s a true or false situation thank you gail make sure that the observer is facing the right way notice the eyes are facing the sugar cane if you’re gonna do that

You don’t have to do this okay you can work on something different but if you do choose to experiment with this make sure that face is facing the right way i’m gonna set that 25 minute timer and i’m actually going to start building on my end hey siri set a timer for 25

Minutes excellent so amar we have some requests about um maybe having you show one more time how to just make that redstone so i’m sure you’ll start off with that as you get building so if you just want to talk us through kind of in a slow

Kind of beginner way again for those that are using redstone for the first time that would be great let’s do that so let’s start with the easiest thing to do which is worrying about eco-friendly lighting i’m going to open this up make sure i have the redstone wiring it looks like

A bunch of redstone powder but it’s still called redstone so make sure you have some of that the next thing you’re going to want is a redstone lamp it looks like a glowstone but you’ll notice it’s dark because it has no power in it now the last thing you want to do is

Create some way to turn this light on now that could be a lever that could be a button or that could be a pressure plate all of those work in a different way a lever a button and a pressure plate work differently and you’re going to

Experiment to find out which one is the best one and why now the first thing i’m going to do is where do i want this light to go i’m just going to place it out here if you think about where inside the house you want the light to go then what you

Have to do is connect it to either a lever or a button or a pressure plate so you’ll notice i have my lever right down there at my lap there there’s no connection light isn’t turning on it’s not very helpful right now now what i can do is grab that redstone

And i’m just going to make the wire connect notice when i put it down it went all the way from here all the way to the lever now watch what happens when i pull this you have light now remember i told you that those buttons levers and pressure plates

Work a little bit differently i’m gonna put a button on the floor and now watch how the button works huh i press it okay so if i want to send a short signal that might be useful i want how the pressure plate works nice i have light

Oh if i move i don’t have light so um are the cows that are walking around if they stepped on the pressure plate the lights would go on 100 they would if any of the villagers stepped on it they would now those things work differently when they’re put next to a door as

Well so if you’re thinking about making that door accessible play around with that but the first thing you want to do is literally just make that lamp if you want to get really really heroic try to connect it to other lights and see what happens that works really well hey cami you’re i

I really enjoyed your question about the cows uh it’s funny because i was just building something very similar can you um can you share my screen so i’ve decided to to build a little enclosure for my for my chickens uh amar gave me the idea when he trapped the chicken underneath his

Uh mechanism so um i’m getting to your screen there just a second guillaume it’s off i can’t uh there we’ll get there so i i decided to try and train my chickens and i put a pressure plate down and i have a dispenser oh there we go thank you cami

Uh so i have a dispenser block right here inside the dispenser blot i i decided to insert seeds so every time someone or something walks on that pressure plate the dispenser is going to shoot out seeds so i’m trying to teach my chickens to come on the pressure plate and

And get food dispensed automatically so this way the farmer doesn’t need to go and feed the chickens obviously the chickens are oblivious to my new contraption uh they don’t have a very good uh artificial intelligence so you can’t them you can’t teach them new tricks

Uh but this is still uh it still works and i can spawn chickens directly on the pressure plate to demonstrate so some psychological training going on there guillaume yes it doesn’t work very well with chickens but it might work with other players there you go see it works

So we can go back to amar’s screen there we go we should be back tomorrow there so amar is this the same building that we were inside of before i literally walked in here while you were gone just to put something together i’m gonna make the store more accessible look at how

Narrow that is and if you need church to come in so that’s the second thing i’m going to work on to be honest i walked inside here and i actually broke down the roof it wasn’t designed like this before don’t be shy about breaking the house

And rebuilding it okay you don’t want to leave it broken but you’ll notice i put the lamp up there i want to show you how that redstone works redstone can’t go down too far like if i try to put it on the roof for example notice it’s not building there

Make sure you can put the redstone right next to the lap you gotta build it right next to it put it down it can move down one block at a time and i’ve moved the light switch over here i am going to have to make this

Look nicer but today is not about making things look nice it’s just about practicing well and one accessibility feature is having things like light switches or door buttons in a place that’s low enough that people can access them if things are up too high that that is difficult for accessibility so

I’m glad you moved that lever way down low so that everyone can get to it for sure i don’t know if you’ve ever used a railway before cammy but you know with the railway you can make a little slope so i’ve actually used that railway to create

A sort of wrap just in case anyone needs to get up there unable to use the stairs effectively i was wondering about that on your previous house you had the you had those great sliding doors but you had stairs to get there so i was thinking well what good are the sliding doors

If you’re um have mobility issues if you can’t get up the stairs so i’m glad to see you put your your uh ramp in there amar thank you more logical that way i agree well i was also liking how you were talking about adding windows to some of

Your houses because adding that natural light is a real eco-friendly feature we don’t need electricity we don’t need other energy sources we have the sunlight and a window and that’s a great uh eco-friendly maneuver as well although it’s maybe not as fun to build a window

As it is to build with redstone but it is very eco-friendly get that practice in and then 100 expand those windows amar can you go over how to find the switch you just showed us your switch we have some questions about how to how do we get to the switch yeah for

Sure okay like all things in minecraft especially in creative mode if you need to get anything you’re going to press e e stands for everything and i mean everything e for everything boom e you’ll notice i can see everything here like i said you’ll notice at the top of this is like

A little search bar i’m just going to delete everything and now i can see everything there if you want to switch sound it out if you need to switch s w i t c oh sorry lever l e v e r so lever is the switch that you’re thinking about

You might be thinking of a button which is b u t t n or you might be thinking about a pressure plate those are the three ways you can send the power signal out i showed you they all work differently so experiment with them but if you just want that simple switch

It’s a lever l-e-v-e-r lever looks like a little stick and ammar can you show us um how to get the piston as well which is maybe another thing in the harvester um that you used so it’s a lever or a piston and the other block that you used was

Uh an observer so observer piston and the lever would be things that are very common when you start playing with mechanisms in in minecraft sure thank you um okay there’s two types of pistons there’s the sticky piston and there’s a regular piston if you want to attach it to a block like

This so that it goes forward and back this is called a sticky piston when i step on it notice the block moves back when i step off it notice the block moves forward if all you’re doing is trying to cut something down or if you want to just push the block out

You can use a regular piston i’m going to destroy this and i’m just going to place this here this in the thing that’s important for a piston is when you put it down you want to face the right direction notice when i put it over here the piston is facing the wrong way

It’s the brown part it’s the the the wooden part that moves yeah see like right now i’ll uh and once you put that piston there it should be connected somehow with redstone to this if right now it was to grow the sugar cane notice that it’s shooting the wrong way

Or it’s cutting the wrong way nothing is getting cut make sure that when you’re putting it down you’re facing like if you want the piston to come out this way make sure you’re facing like this uh that’s very confusing to put it play around with it

Figure out where you need to stand make sure this wood part is facing the way the crop is and then you’re gonna just put down a block behind it any block this block doesn’t matter and then make sure you put the redstone on top the red stone actually connects it

And then i can go ahead and boom nice yeah mark can i show you my garden i would love to see your garden meal actually that’s what’s been killing me i have 11 more minutes before i can check but please let’s see what deals up to cabbie

So and in the village one of the villagers has a has a nice garden right here and the villager planted a bunch of stuff uh the villager has a compost bin right here and water in the middle and then i said well if there’s water here maybe there’s a water source and i

Could use that water to water my plants so i i used my tool here my diamond hole and i i decided to plant new seeds and try to expand the farmer’s garden so i’m just expanding and i’m using bone meal to make things grow a little bit faster and then look

I i destroyed the block at the end of the villager’s garden i installed the piston and a lever next to it so if i flip the lever it activates the piston and it lets the water flow through but then it destroys everything so you just need to pick up

And you can harvest really really quickly and when you’re done you can switch again close the piston and you’re ready man extra seeds that’s that’s an interesting way to harvest things but i really like that idea for something eco-friendly think about how we could use this to create bats or a sake

I didn’t know that you know you actually taught me something new so with the piston you can actually stop the flow of water yeah and in my part of the world um we harvest cranberries so we have those huge cranberry fields and when it’s time to harvest cranberries we just

Flood the fields and now all the cranberries float to the surface and they are taken away by the current and then we harvest all the cranberries uh because they’re floating so it’s the easiest way to harvest cranberries and that’s a that’s a real thing oh wow you taught me

Like two things today guillaume i am grateful for that thank you so much i gotta look up those cranberry farms what and i just realized or remembered that bone meal is a type of fertilizer that’s why it helps things to grow quickly yeah so if you didn’t know that and you

Were trying to test your machine great point cami use the bone meal to make that crop grow faster if you’re using sugar cane to check out the auto harvester and it’ll automatically cut it down if it worked and it was facing the right direction use bone meal to make anything grow super fast

Uh students we do have about nine more minutes before we check in further and just see how everyone’s doing let us know in the form how are you feeling how’s your build going and if there’s anything else you want to see again um we’re looking good i’ve just put the

Seed up there again some students are asking about the seed um wondering about the sugar cane harvester but i think we just talked about those pieces again how you explained a little bit more about how those work so maybe um another harvester we’ve got the switch noah made a glowing tree with his

Redstone so that’s pretty clever that’s pretty awesome um we’ve got some ideas about using daylight sensors oh that’s brilliant i would love to hear that explained further if you have a chance how do you use those daylight sensors because i know i could use an idea

Like that oh it’s been a while it’s unused one i was working on a railway system to bring my uh my my seeds and my vegetables to the little market at the top of the hill there but i might uh i might switch to the daylight center let me uh

Let me explore that a little bit and i’ll get back to you so first of all find a daylight sensor alright that works it’s interesting to hear all the different types of harvesters that students are trying alexander tried a pumpkin harvester but that didn’t quite work the way he thought

Maybe that just made a gooey mess i’m not sure what would happen there some other different harvesting types but this kind of works it’s doing the opposite of what i want so i i have my daylight sensor right here so it senses if it’s night or day

I connected it with redstone to a redstone lamp right here so now the lamp is turned on because this light sensor can actually detect that it’s daylight so if i switch that around i’m gonna open my chat commands and i’m going to go here and change the

Time of day so those slash commands right here time and i’m going to make sure that it’s dark so i’ll say midnight so time set midnight and send that command and see when it’s dark the light turns off but that’s kind of counterproductive isn’t it when it’s when it’s dark the lights turn

Off so you need it out the way around you need somebody to capture and store that energy so that it um the energy is available at night i have no idea how to do that but in real life we would use batteries right to store that energy during the day

And use it at night only release it at night i’m wondering do we have uh advanced minecraft players who might have an idea on how to switch that around all right so guillaume’s put a challenge down you can let us know in the form if you have a solution how

Do we make the daylight sensor work so that it lights something up at night i think that’s the the question that we’re after um and there’s that form again am i gonna look at the answers hey we’ll come back to umr and see what you’re building over here let’s do um

Guillaume i’m here i’m seeing that if you click the sensor it’ll work some say right click some say left click tap it right click left click ah so it just switched colors no oh it’s not the same try that we’ll watch you try some things out there hey look at that

So that sensor when you look at it when i first placed it down the sensor was kind of brownish if i right click it look the sensor turns to a bluish grayish color and then it turns on let’s see if this works it does work so cami who gave us the

Answer can you uh oh we had uh lots and lots of folks uh liam helen edward danielle uh helen i think i said helen already um and sphere so lots of people had that one david oh yeah that those answers really came in they had had you back there guillaume all

Right they know their stuff mm-hmm i’m gonna fix that house and make sure my redstone lamp is well placed in the middle of the house i think this is going to look really good all right so i love what just happened there right when we have a

Isn’t that how we invent and how we build and how we make things better it’s by saying you know i’m stuck i don’t know this part um help me out and you know we all have pieces that we know that somebody else doesn’t know so i love how we were able to

Help guillaume solve his problem there nice i love that collaboration for sure all right oh i was gonna say some folks are uh wondering if you could maybe tell some secrets about your sliding doors ammar um we can’t i’m not gonna lie to you that’s gonna be hard to put inside this

Village just because you’re gonna have to dig a hole underneath it i’ll show you how i make it so that if you’re making your own buildings it’s gonna be easier for you so um go ahead let me know if i’m on the screen and i can get started with that

Well we’ll put you over there there we go sorry i really do mean this one’s a little bit more advanced the first thing you’re going to do is get these sticky pistons notice that the sides of the doors are controlled by those sticky pistons and to do that maybe i’m going to start

Clearing this field and put it over here and make sure i have one two three four four blocks of space between them one two three four i’m also going to make this a door so it should be about two blocks tall and now what do you want that door to look like

Like which block do you want to use that’s up to you i’ll use iron because i do kind of like uh the look of that iron i’m just going to put that here notice right now just because there’s no signals going on there’s no power the doors aren’t even closed

They’re staying open the entire time so the first thing i’m going to do is put that block next to it that’s going to send the power there you’re going to need to dig a hole about the size of one two three four five six seven eight

I think a whole of about it’s gonna go down three blocks and be about 16 squares so just watch my screen right now all the way from this square iron block that i put on the left side and put on the right side up three blocks deep one two

Three and then i’m just gonna fall down Here this three blocks did one two three perfect oh whoops i started code further you know do you remember the command to get rid of my code building friend because i don’t want him right now uh your agent yeah uh i don’t buy heart i’m sorry students if you know that command let

Daddy know how to get rid of that agent um i’m sure some of you know but we’ll worry about him down there in a second now right underneath the corner iron blocks that we placed right underneath those iron blocks we’re gonna dig one block so it looks like this

So let’s review what i did first thing i did was position my sticky pistons the sticky pistons should have a space before open blocks in the middle right next to the sticky pistons i chose to put down iron blocks you could have put something different down

Then i dug this pit right behind it it should be three blocks deep and each row is about eight blocks wide now right underneath our corner of the iron block piece that we put down there should be a hole now we’re ready to start giving this power

The way you give something power is using a redstone torch think about this like a portable battery that never runs out that’s what it sorta is and we’re just gonna put that right underneath the iron block and notice now my sticky pistons are closing a signal isn’t going all the way to the

Top block you see that it’s only going to my bottom blocks so to make sure that the signal gets where it needs to i’m gonna put redstone right over here on the top look notice that redstone is important how you position it notice when i put redstone like this it’s automatically connecting

I take that back i thought i had to position it guillaume but apparently it automatically connects if it doesn’t have any choice so we’re good over there and the command to remove your agent is in the chat slash remove space at c let’s see nice goodbye friend i will see you next session

Okay you’ll be back okay so right now i got the doors closed that’s great what’s not great now no one can get in now you might think okay this is simple amar let’s put down the pressure plates and the problem is solved let’s see what happens when i put down those pressure plates

I’m doing anything yet that’s because now we have to make sure the signal is going to those pressure plates to override the push out signal now to do that i’m going to dig a little hole underneath this one should be about three blocks across you can even cover up the top but you

Should cover up the top after you’re built done building this okay but this should be about two blocks deep over here i am going to now make sure that there is a wire running down here let me just double check i get the repeaters there now something guillaume and i haven’t

Shown you is something called a repeater a repeater is really cool it can control the way energy flows so if i put it down here you notice there’s a little triangle on it it’s really hard to see i’m not sure if you can see it on my

Screen but there’s a triangle that shows the direction the energy is going it can stop energy from coming a certain way make sure that your triangle is facing your torch now once i’ve got that i’m just going to connect all of this redstone a nice fun easy part

And now i’m going to put down that pressure plate and i’m gonna need to troubleshoot it because obviously i didn’t do it right i wasn’t kidding you when i said this is a little bit more advanced well there’s an amazing oh maybe it’s the chicken you’ve got a chicken in there again amara

Every single time what’s amazing to me is how much engineering also is taking place here so it’s not just the redstone but the amount of digging and positioning and engineering that you have to do um is quite something and and you know right now now you’re debugging right so we were

Talking about coding before and amar’s code isn’t working so now he’s trying to debug and figure out what’s happening yum i’m gonna need some collaboration and some help from you here my friend do you remember how we did this uh i do i’m sorry i was uh working on my build

For the uh for the end session so i i’ve been working on a an automatic harvesting system and automatic uh electric transit system throughout the village uh but let me get back to you so your home i figured it out you already helped me more than enough

So i dug it three blocks deep i did not need to do that what i needed to do is only make it two blocks deep so i need to fill this space right now don’t make it too deep students don’t try to do this right now watch this video later on and press

Pause from time to time you might want to even skip ahead why don’t we why don’t we head over to guillaume and see what he’s doing over there sounds good i’ll let you know when this is done okay you let us know when you’ve when you’ve connected here we go

Guillaume all right so uh i work for the museum of ingenuity here in in quebec and i i like to think that i’m a pretty a pretty ingenious guy so remember my garden that we had before so i i decided that when um when i flip my lever when i flip my switch

I want the water to flow through i want the water to harvest roughly my my vegetables and then i decided i wanted my vegetables to arrive automatically in a cart right here so this is a minecart with a with a hopper on it so anything that hits that cart is going to be

Stored inside the cart right and then i added a rail system right here and you’ll notice i have two types of rails normal rails and those kind of redstone rails so those rails the red ones need to be powered by a redstone torch and when my

Cart my minecart is going to hit that redstone ramp it should move on its own now you might be wondering well yum look your cart is in this corner and there are no rails so no way you’re going to be able to push that cart all the way to your rail it’s not

Connected well look at this i’m gonna flip my switch oh wait that villager harvested all my vegetables hit the switch potatoes are harvested and look the water is slowly pushing my cart pushing my cart pushing my cart all the way to that rail it’s a powered rail there you go so my

Cart is moving on its own now and every once in a while you see my cart is slowing down so i put up another powered rail right here to give my cart power oh just enough i almost ran over a cat we’re having trouble with animals in this scenario today

There you go and look at that my card perfect and the probably converted straight into the marketplace exactly and now if you open the cart you can see that oh i somehow transported the rail with me but i harvested four potatoes and we are ready to

Sell them at the market and if i wanted my cart to go back the other way then i could remove one of those rails right here and switch that for a powered rail like that and don’t forget powered rails need to have some kind of power source so in this case redstone torch

And if i stand behind my cart right here and i give it a little push there you go my car is going all the way back to my garden so guillaume i noticed that you have those like little booth stations with extra redstone how how far

How many blocks can it go before it needs a boost uh i think it’s about 20 blocks i’ve never counted for sure but i i usually play it by ear when my cart slows down i add another one but if you look here um one two three four

Five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen i would say about twenty five blocks roughly so guillaume i have a question for you this is just something i thought about right now to make it easier so i don’t have to push it with my hand

What if you put a piston at the end with the switch would that be able to push the minecart back just to make life easier or probably i’m curious yeah let’s we can we can try that i’ve never actually tried that so we’re doing something new

And as you know in minecraft there are so many things we can do so every day every time i play there’s always something new so i’m sure you know maybe you’ve tried this before and you already have the answer i’m gonna do my best and we can try to figure this out

Together so we’ll have a little bit of space right here and look for piston my water bucket anymore so piston right here all right and for that piston now i’m going to need a lever or why don’t you get a button just because you want to give it a short push

Right and you don’t want it to stick out so that when it comes back i can do that it’s curious like you do what you think is better right i’m just throwing out ideas we have lots of students who’ve figured out how to make piston doors and they’ve got their pressure plates

Working holden has a piston door with pressure plates on both sides i don’t know move it one block closer and if it doesn’t look after that i give up as well i know this is promising oh the power of lost just one block too far away

Uh if you move it forward i think the piston i think it’ll be perfectly situated push that back i don’t broke it so here we’re problem solving someone else has made uh uh andrea’s made a train with some of those redstone boosts in there it looks like nice andrea

Okay maybe uh we’ll problem solve keep on going you’re doing awesome ah i really thought this would work amar i’m gonna give you a second to problem solve it like i had cammie maybe you want to come back for the sliding doors here we go in guillaume in a couple minutes

Okay if you’re building sliding doors originally i told you to make sure the pit was three blocks deep i was wrong make sure it’s only two blocks deep otherwise the signal is going to be too far low to send back up to the pressure plate so after i filled in those blocks

Now if i step on those pressure plates notice it does open important thing is on the left hand side right next to the sticky pistons you have some kind of lock with the torch underneath that torch is your power source make sure you put the redstone on top of

That block to make sure the top sticky piston is also getting power so that it closes now what we’re doing down here is using that repeater only make sure that when i set on the pressure plate it’s only separating the doors it’s not somehow going to tell it to close as well

And then i put the redstone wiring notice it goes all the way underneath the pressure plate right over there and now using that repeater it’s going to send the signal to open the door boom now once i have it built like this i can even start filling it up that’s

Why we make sure that it’s two blocks deep it doesn’t interfere with the wiring and if i just fill that up now i can step on it now what you don’t want to do if you’re building this is make sure you don’t lock any of your um villagers inside a building make sure

You have the pressure plate on the inside as well or your chickens or your sheep or your chicken sheep and don’t forget those cows and the pigs too yeah we lots of students are accidentally andrea accidentally trapped a sheep and susanna accidentally trapped some chickens too

So that’s happening try not to drop them in a railway card i’m not sure how much this donkey enjoys being in this cart i’m so sorry about that friend oh you left him there i don’t know how to get him out i wish i did kathy i wish i did

How are you doing guild any luck with yours i’ve had partial success with my uh with my carts but not uh no two cars on the rails liam suggests a detector rail it sends a redstone signal i don’t know i don’t know what that means but that might mean more to you interesting

Well i have a system now i have two cards on the rails and the cards keep going back and forth so when they come back oh no there was a train wreck here you see that the carts can bump into each other and then they go back but at least now it’s fully

Automated they go back and forth and but i have too many cards at once uh so railway wait this one here detector rail ah interesting so that would allow us to have another condition so when the rail detects something then we can have oh that is pretty cool i definitely learned

Something new unfortunately i’ve trapped the iron golem inside my next part so that’s gonna stop doing that awesome liam thank you so much i know i learned something from that ah well look oh the the cart came back it hit the detector rail and now look at my redstone

Here it’s all lit up and going back to my sticky piston and my sticky piston extended right here ah that’s interesting and my other cards are coming off sometimes but they’re all empty now bumper carts how cool is that i never expected to make bumper carts today

So how are we doing students let us know some of the contraptions you’ve come up with remember to make things more eco-friendly and accessible let us know if you discovered something by accident as well maybe you’re trying to do something and you discovered that hey i made bumper carts like guillaume did

That’s totally cool too yes we would love to hear what you’re making um helen makes has made a farm that automatically shears sheep oh wow i wouldn’t have even imagined that that’s amazing i can see gail’s face on camera i could see the old space like just literally

Breaking it down and figuring it out nice dylan’s working on a flying machine flying machine interesting that’s not working like i wanted to it’s funny though i enjoy watching them and watching all the accidents on my railroad track it’s not the best uh mass transit system but it’s good for a few potatoes

What was that last one kevin i didn’t hear that i just wondered if it it’s not a mass transport system but maybe it’s good for a few potatoes or do you even have potatoes in those carts anymore is your garden empty i don’t know i

Think i ran over a few cats and bumped into a few cows i might have other uh other items we need to get safety inspector in there we need to get a safety inspector in their asap yeah we definitely need fences on both sides and warning signs everywhere

Well we were talking earlier about how farming has become more safe gentlemen i’d hate to think that you’re changing that to a backwards tide but there we go all right amar what’s we’re going to go over to you let’s see what’s happening in your world here awesome you know what students i’m going

To give you your next mission because we’ve all built a couple of things right now i want to make sure before we finish off today you’re mindful about what you built so you’ll notice every single thing i built i’ve used a sign to label it for

My automatic door i had that in there if i put something like a light switch inside here i’m going to just press e for everything grab a sign find a good color that matches if you want i’m just going to write down light switch to say

Power and maybe next to this thing i’m going to write down ramp to make sure building is accessible well you know adding signs and labels is a form of at an added layer of accessibility as well so it’s great to see not only does it help you or your teacher see what you’re

Doing but it is a it is an added form of accessibility as well to label absolutely so just do what i did first right now you’re going to grab a slide think about all the different contraptions you built go ahead and add labels to them uh what i’ll tell you what i’ve seen

From students i don’t expect this from us today obviously but what i’ve seen students do before cami is when they made these signs they actually also copied the braille pattern and put that in minecraft to simulate braille obviously unfortunately people wouldn’t have been able to use it because you can’t really feel in

Minecraft but keep that mindful in your design but if you did need that maybe you wanted to read something to someone in the game that might not have the best visual acumen if you know you have something called immersive reader built into minecraft anytime you have a sign

You can press i on it i on the keyboard take a look what that did that to my side number one i can see it a lot more clearly i can make it bigger if i needed it to be bigger i could even have it read back to me so

Auto harvester to help farmers auto harvester to help farmers if that’s a little fast for you like don’t worry about it voice settings slow it down to 0.75 that’s one of my favorite accessibility accessibility features built into minecraft no matter who you are no matter what your reading level is you have

Full access to whatever is written in this game think about some of your elo friends or you yourself might be an ell student if you want to just focus on playing and not worry so much on the language you can even translate this i’m not going to show you all the

Different languages that are built into minecraft but there’s a lot and maybe if you’re in french immersion and you want to tell your teacher hey i can do everything in french you can translate all of this into french notice i’ve even translated into french canadian

And i can just have that read back to me in french as well if i need that autumn travel did you say something or was i imagining things no i said mr okay that’s french for granted yeah we need to have a chat about french you need to

Teach me i am very far behind on that apologies um okay well that’s built in there if you need it it’s there for you i got completely off track showing immersive reader sorry cami said something that made me think about how important accessibility is i just wanted everyone to be on the level

Grab those signs start labeling it okay and then we’re gonna wrap it up with the camera just for those of you that might not have played minecraft education before i think that’s one of the coolest features pause it if you need to i’m gonna show you the camera in two more minutes and

I’m gonna keep on labeling some of the features i built in i’m so glad you showed us immersive reader because i think we sometimes forget that that is in minecraft and we can have even longer text there and it makes it it’s accessible especially for you know for building

Worlds for younger friends or our brothers and sisters um we can have text and instructions written in text and they can use immersive reader to listen to it so that’s great absolutely um absolutely amar i have a question for you this immersive reader that you just showed us does it work with

Non-playing characters does it work with npcs as well yes and if you’re going to stick around for session three i’ll show it there or maybe i can make an npc really fast it works on any text in the game okay anytime you see any writing you can press i on the

Keyboard with npcs it’s even a little bit easier i’ll make one really fast while you’re still labeling things and if you want to come back and watch this video oh i just wanted to do a little spoiler and say that just announce that we’re going to work

With npcs and that npcs later on uh will have dialogue and you will be able to use them to either use them as a tour guides or maybe use them as characters in a game so i think there’s a there’s a lot of potential using npcs and this immersive reader

It’s a nice feature yeah so if you were talking to an npc you know what i say that the button’s not showing up there should be a button right down here that’s immersive reader and i’m not sure why that’s not showing up right now maybe maybe because you’re in editing mode

If you exit world builder maybe that would make a difference yeah there you go that’s the button right there and yeah i know you put me on the spot i’m not going to work with the npc as well we’ll talk more about that like you said okay

If you’re still labeling those times and you still have time on your end go ahead hit the pause button but if you’re ready like i am now you’re gonna go grab two more things because i’ve noticed some people haven’t played education edition before you were asking me questions about can i

Use regular minecraft let me show you something you can’t do in regular minecraft notice that you have a camera and notice that you have a portfolio i’ve grabbed that now using that camera i want you to take a picture of some of the things you built make sure you get

Stuff like the sign in that picture so that the label is there wait how how did you use the camera mr i heard that the the clicking sound i saw the polaroid picture show up but how did you activate it first of all you equipped it you put it

In your quick slot bar you make sure for me it’s the number two to bring it into my hand i’m holding it and then i want to stand somewhere where i want to take the picture from over here i can see that sign i can see those

Lights on the switch and i want to take that picture i just hold my build button for me it’s the right click button so i’m going to hold the build button right right click you’ll notice at the top guild that black frame comes down at the bottom of the black frame comes down

That means your camera’s ready and when you let go boom now notice in my picture it’s really dark in a training deal i don’t really like the situation i don’t think my teacher is going to be able to see things i’m just going to press enter

I’m going to go over to that slash command i’m going to go down over to weather i’m going to just clear things up i’m also going to change the time today by going on that slash again time let’s make it daytime and now i’m going to get a nice picture of my ramp

And maybe i want to show my split light switch nice one last thing guillaume this is my favorite you know you can take a selfie in minecraft yes oh yes please show us so first of all i’m gonna try to get my iron golem friend who is on this track

Behind me i’m gonna make sure he’s behind me and i’m gonna put the camera in front of me i’m gonna wait for him to pass goodbye and i’m gonna right click i got three seconds to pose and move one two three [Laughter] and you can see i got my friend in that

Picture one more time if you want that selfie stand with what you want behind you put the camera in front of you on the floor right click to build it and then when you right click it it starts smoking that gives you three seconds to pose one two three you got it

Nice we’re about four minutes from the end of our time today amar just to kind of give you a sense of where we’re at okay you might not have time to make these pictures with me so the last thing i’ll show you is all those pictures go in your portfolio

This picture isn’t very useful so i’m going to delete it there’s a trash can underneath that notice i have all these contraptions and if i click on export portfolio i can even send that wherever i need to maybe in my microsoft teams maybe my google classroom maybe d2l

With that said i hope everyone had as much fun as me and guillaume did troubleshooting learning how to use these contraptions and explore something new and hopefully you were able to make the villagers lives a lot better you added some accessibility features you helped make things more eco-friendly for them

Sorry i got distracted my cat’s a little nervous i gotta check that out um let us know what you built let us know what you’ve done with this time what did you learn okay i’m gonna get out of minecraft i’m gonna implore that you pause minecraft if you want to

Keep on playing that’s gonna be fun because we’re gonna take a 30 minute break soon pause things right now and come back to the forum and i want to ask you what did you build today what do you wish you could show us and how did you make the world more

Accessible or eco-friendly and one more time that’s the slash block 2. and we’ll wait a couple minutes for some responses and then one of the most important things we do today is say goodbye after that so let’s see what’s going on guillaume i know you built so much

Why don’t you tell me one of the most what do you think was the most enjoyable thing that you built and how did that make the world more eco-friendly or accessible well i was really proud of my uh watering system and and i was happy to discover that water can actually push

Mine carts i didn’t know that so i discovered that and i thought that was fairly special or ingenious and i discovered that by accident earlier today so i’m pretty happy with that you know happy happy accidents um and i would also like to take just a little bit of time to say

That no animals were harmed in the making of this workshop today so we were very careful we liberated all the chickens and everyone’s happy so don’t worry there are lots of other student eco-friendly accessible things lots of ramps ramesh added a clothesline to the village which is very eco-friendly

Sumaya added skylights to the house and we talked earlier about how bringing in that natural light we had lots of different types of farms carrot farm uh we talked about the pumpkin farm that didn’t turn out so good before um and even just community gardens and lily says she made a community garden

Because uh meat takes more resources to grow therefore it’s not as good for the environment as a community garden with vegetables so very eco-friendly ideas there that is awesome i wonder if you used a composter if you played around with that that is awesome for the community garden

And before we say goodbye i want to just come back to this slide over here i’m not sure if you’ve ever done this with problem solving before but it really helped us focus for our build design thinking anytime you’re trying to solve a problem always empathize think about

All the people that are affected by a problem how it affects them and once you’ve connected that think about defining a solution and then start generating multiple ideas just like we did today we made so many different contraptions some of us focused on making railways some of us focused on making lighting

Prototype and test it break down your problems step by step and always remember that human connection empathy is one of the most important skills we have and never ever forget like you might come up with a solution that’s great for you and you have no idea how it affects others so always remember

To empathize when you’re creating any type of solution keep design thinking in the back of your head thank you all so much for today we learned so much i can’t even summarize it i know we’re at the top of the hour thanks for sharing all your builds we

Are going to take a 30 minute break and i know we have a second advanced session where we’re going to actually meet my coding friend again so feel free to come and join for that video as well enjoy your break take care everyone guillermo is there anything you want to

Say before we head out cammy no no i’m just excited next okay great day everyone bye everyone be safe you

This video, titled ‘Glorious Gadgets Galore: Redstone Building – Advanced’, was uploaded by The Cobblestone Collective on 2021-06-24 15:24:20. It has garnered 1178 views and likes. The duration of the video is 01:30:54 or 5454 seconds.

For more information on this co-taught lesson, visit us at: For more information about The Cobblestone Collective, along with other lessons and workshops, visit us at:

Have you mastered the switch and lever? Are pressure plates too easy for you? Do you leave your torches and glow stones on for the entire day!? Sounds like you are ready to take your builds to the next level!

Explore and learn about Redstone so that you can use the magic (science!) of circuitry to light up a village using one eco-friendly switch to control multiple light sources with one button! We’re going to make the local village environmentally friendly, and easier to live in for residents by creating automatic lights, accessible doors, and transportation systems for goods and people!

  • Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing: Minecraft’s Muslim Mutt

    Wolf in Sheep's Clothing: Minecraft's Muslim Mutt In the world of Minecraft, a wolf is seen, But did you know, it’s a Muslim, serene? With a cübbeli Ahmet Hodja vibe, In the game, it’s a unique tribe. Rich vs poor, in the virtual land, Minecraft videos, Turkish brand. The Muslim wolf, with a howl so strong, In the game, where it belongs. So let’s embrace diversity in this digital space, Where every creature finds its place. Minecraft is for all, no matter the creed, In this pixelated world, let’s all succeed. Read More

  • Building a Cozy Home in Minecraft | EP03

    Building a Cozy Home in Minecraft | EP03 Exploring the World of Minecraft with Friends in EP03 Join the adventure as our fearless players embark on building a cozy home in the world of Minecraft. However, their peaceful building session takes a chaotic turn when they are attacked by lagguu and zombies, leading to a perilous encounter! Building a Cozy Home Our players start their journey by constructing a warm and inviting home in the vast world of Minecraft. With creativity and teamwork, they work together to design a space that reflects their unique style and personality. Encountering Lagguu and Zombies Just as the players are settling… Read More

  • Experience Thrilling Adventures on Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Experience Thrilling Adventures on Minewind Minecraft Server! Welcome to! Are you a fan of the latest Minecraft updates and features? If so, you need to check out Minewind Minecraft Server. With its unique gameplay and community-driven environment, Minewind offers an exciting and immersive experience for players of all levels. One of the reasons why you should join Minewind is the constant innovation and updates that keep the gameplay fresh and exciting. Just like the new cave sounds in Minecraft that are both scary and thrilling, Minewind is always introducing new elements to keep players engaged and entertained. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft player or just… Read More

  • Minecraft Skinwalker Sound Effects

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  • Minecraft Mayhem: Defeating Toxic Team

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  • Minecraft’s Baazigar: Crafting Chaos

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  • Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft Server Experience

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  • Crafty Shenanigans in Uzbek

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  • Join Minewind: Where Everything Turns Upside Down in Minecraft!

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  • Trading Stronghold: Villager Paradise – Minecraft Creation Hero

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  • Crafty ChatGPT: 3D Minecraft in 10, Let’s Build!

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  • Spicy Minecraft Meme

    Spicy Minecraft Meme “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” Read More

  • Speedrunning Minecraft as a DOOD in SECONDS!

    Speedrunning Minecraft as a DOOD in SECONDS! Exploring the Perils of Minecraft with KiezelPlays Join KiezelPlays on a thrilling Minecraft adventure where danger lurks at every turn. In a recent video, Kiezel plays Minecraft and faces the ultimate challenge – the possibility of meeting an untimely demise within mere seconds of starting the game. Survival in the World of Minecraft As Kiezel navigates the blocky landscapes of Minecraft, the stakes are high. With survival on the line, every decision matters. Will Kiezel be able to overcome the obstacles and emerge victorious, or will the dangers of the game prove too much to handle? Quick Reflexes and… Read More

  • Unlock New Minecraft Editions on Minewind Server!

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  • Ultimate Mob Farm Tutorial

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  • MINECRAFT GHOSTS ARE REAL?!? | Reacting to Game Theory

    MINECRAFT GHOSTS ARE REAL?!? | Reacting to Game TheoryVideo Information H so Minecraft characters have souls that’s something generic control in the deck goes you here back with some more Game Theory Minecraft theories today we’re doing the stolen Souls of Minecraft which I’m guessing is the second one of these little diet theories that he’s doing the last one was the first one the Lost Cult of Minecraft illers you want check out my reaction to that video I’ll leave it right up there also link Down Below in the description and I really should make a playlist for the game the Minecraft reactions going to chronological… Read More

  • Unleash Legendary Swords: Celestisynth Mod Tutorial

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  • INSANE Minecraft Glitch: Sanddupper DESTROYS Sasera with Dizziness

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  • Insane! Building Stone House on Mountain Peak! Must See! #2

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  • Uncover the Dark Secrets of The Black Sands Waystone!

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  • EPIC Minecraft Nostalgia Battle! #shorts

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  • “ホロライブ 切り抜きあじまる! Akutan’s rage in Hololive finale!” #clickbait #hololive

    "ホロライブ 切り抜きあじまる! Akutan's rage in Hololive finale!" #clickbait #hololiveVideo Information せっかく なら えっとえ 申し訳バカがよ お前なんで来たんだよバカマジで危ねえ だろお前どっから来た よこわ えマジで 危ねえ防具してなかったら死んでた ぞ普通に This video, titled ‘ホロ鯖ハードコア最終日のハプニングにマジ切れするあくたんww #ホロライブ #shorts #湊あくあ #minecraft’, was uploaded by ホロライブ切り抜きあじまる!【hololive】 on 2024-05-20 03:00:08. It has garnered 10322 views and 301 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:58 or 58 seconds. #hololive #hololivecutout #hololive #MinatoAqua #Minecraft #HoloServerHardcoreMinecraft ▼Click here for the original video▼ #8【Minecraft】HoloServerHardcoreMinecraft! Final Episode!!![MinatoAqua/HoloLive] ▼Main Channel: Heppoko Striker’s Monster Strike! URL: ▼Official Channel▼ ・hololive Official: ・hololive DEV_IS official: Read More

  • Shivam988’s HILARIOUS Minecraft Tips! 🤣

    Shivam988's HILARIOUS Minecraft Tips! 🤣Video Information टम फ्रेश भाई मजा ही आ गया सो भाई मैं तो एकदम नीचे डिग डाउन करने जा रहा हूं देखते हैं क्या होता है अरे भाई कोल मिल गया एक सेकंड गोल्ड भी है ओ माय गॉड आयरन एंड भाई देखो डायमंड भी मिल गया यार आज तो मजा ही आ गया अरे एमसी लाल सुनो हां क्या हुआ बोल तुम तो क्रिएटिव मोड से सर्वाइवल मोड करना ही भूल गए अरे भाई रिकॉर्डिंग जल्दी बंद करल This video, titled ‘Minecraft funny🤣 #shorts #minecraft #funny #subscribers #viral #trending #tips #gaming #shivam988’, was uploaded by shivam 988 on 2024-05-07… Read More

  • “Intense Lunar Gaming FAILS! Chapak Chapak 🌕😂” #minecraft

    "Intense Lunar Gaming FAILS! Chapak Chapak 🌕😂" #minecraftVideo Information मछली गई पानी में छपक छपक इसको इंग्लिश में क्या कहते हैं आपको पता है इतना नहीं पता आपको इसको इंग्लिश में कहते हैं मथ पानी में छपक छपक This video, titled ‘Chapak Chapak🤦🤣 #minecraft #funny #shortsfeed’, was uploaded by Lunar Gaming on 2024-04-10 01:34:38. It has garnered 559 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Chapak Chapak🤦🤣 #minecraft #funny #shortsfeed Ignore: minecraft parody believer animation life 1 minecraft parody viva la vida captainsparklez minecraft parody wellerman minecraft parody shape of youminecraft parody animation minecraft parody animation life 1 minecraft parody animation… Read More

  • Prism SMP | Semi-Vanilla | Whitelist | Discord

    Welcome to Prism SMP Hello there! Welcome to Prism SMP, where we offer a unique twist on vanilla-survival gameplay. We believe in a community-oriented approach where every member has a say in shaping our server. Join our Discord server to connect with fellow members, make new friends, and enjoy seamless communication between in-game and Discord interactions. Family-Friendly Environment Our server is family-friendly, with a focus on maintaining a PG-13 atmosphere and promoting respectful conduct from all members. Community Events We regularly host community events open to everyone. Upcoming events include thrilling PvP tournaments and exhilarating elytra adventures. Joining is Simple… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Hostile Takeover: Creeper Placement Poll closes in 5h

    Minecraft Memes - Hostile Takeover: Creeper Placement Poll closes in 5hLooks like the creeper’s fate is in the hands of democracy – let’s hope they don’t blow up at the polling station before the deadline! Read More

  • Thrusters and Tables: April Fool’s Potato Update!

    Thrusters and Tables: April Fool's Potato Update! In the world of Minecraft, a new update has come, With a Poison Potato that’s no longer just dumb. Now it has hooks and block thrusters, oh my, Even the fletching table is functional, give it a try. Join the fun, download the resource pack, Explore the new features, no need to hold back. Become a member, get rewards galore, In the world of Minecraft, there’s always more. For more games and vlogs, check out the channels we share, For questions or queries, we’re always there. So leap into the verse, let your creativity sing, In the world of… Read More

  • “Blow me up, creeper daddy” 😂🔥 #minecraftmemes

    "Blow me up, creeper daddy" 😂🔥 #minecraftmemes Imagine telling a creeper to “arise” and it just starts breakdancing instead of exploding. Now that’s a party I’d like to see in Minecraft! #creeperdanceparty #minecraftmemes Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Epic Adventures!

    Join Minewind Server for Epic Adventures! Are you a fan of creating unique portals and exploring new dimensions in Minecraft? If so, you need to join the Minewind Minecraft Server today! With a vibrant community of players and endless possibilities for adventure, Minewind is the perfect place to unleash your creativity and immerse yourself in a world of excitement. Forget about the ordinary and step into a realm where the only limit is your imagination. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, Minewind offers something for everyone. From epic builds to thrilling PvP battles, there’s never a dull moment on this dynamic server…. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Build Trick!

    Insane Minecraft Build Trick! Unlock Your Creativity with Minecraft Crazy Build Hacks Are you ready to elevate your Minecraft building skills to new heights? Whether you’re a seasoned architect or just starting out, this video is filled with mind-blowing build hacks that will revolutionize the way you approach construction in the game. Discover Innovative Building Techniques From hidden passages to jaw-dropping landscapes, this in-depth tutorial will guide you through a variety of creative strategies to make your Minecraft world truly unique. Learn how to incorporate secret tricks and innovative building techniques that will set your structures apart from the rest. Enhance Your Structures… Read More

  • Unleash The True Gingershadow in MINECRAFT! EP. 2 Dungeon Break

    Unleash The True Gingershadow in MINECRAFT! EP. 2 Dungeon BreakVideo Information This video, titled ‘A DUNGEON BRAKE! Minecraft Solo Leveling Mod Episode 2’, was uploaded by The True Gingershadow on 2024-04-12 20:00:11. It has garnered 10363 views and 479 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:55 or 1855 seconds. Solo Leveling Dungeons & Dragons (On Vod Channel) – STREAM – DISCORD – BECOME A MEMBER HERE – GingyVODs Channel – A DUNGEON BRAKE! Minecraft Solo Leveling Mod Episode 2 #SoloLeveling #MinecraftSoloLeveling #SoloLevelingMod Also big thanks and shout out to our ANBU members of the channel MonsterQ Series Playlists RWBY Students Of Beacon (Minecraft… Read More

  • Dangerous Game: BAD X WARRIORZ

    Dangerous Game: BAD X WARRIORZVideo Information This video, titled ‘never try this game💀(@badxwarriorZ6526)#yttrending #horrorgames#viral #moyemoye#minecraft’, was uploaded by BAD X WARRIORZ on 2024-04-18 05:14:10. It has garnered 43 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:50 or 410 seconds. #yttrending #shortvideoviral #shortvideo #minecraft #viral #carparkingmultiplayer #howtoviralshortvideo #memoryreboot #moyemoye #myyearonyoutube20 That sounds thrilling! In your game, are you exploring haunted locations, using ghost-hunting equipment, or solving mysteries about the spirits you encounter? Ah, I see! So, you’re looking for a game that combines the intensity of being an exorcist with the atmospheric fear of phasmophobia. That would make for a truly spine-tingling… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft World Tour: 15000 Days in Hoef!

    INSANE Minecraft World Tour: 15000 Days in Hoef!Video Information This video, titled ‘15000 Days Minecraft World Tour’, was uploaded by Hoef on 2024-03-14 17:00:06. It has garnered 11009 views and 538 likes. The duration of the video is 00:39:04 or 2344 seconds. We finally did it! 15000 days in my Solo Survival world! With entire towns, massive decorated farms, and much more, all in one big video! I hope you enjoy! Build inspirations: Villager trading hall by fWhip: Custom birch forest by fWhip: Austrian village house by Bdouble0100: Hall of fame by linkzzey’s hardcore world: Build designs: Custom oak trees by MrMattRanger:… Read More

  • Lemon OP TikTok Hack Viral Video😱 | #MinecraftShorts

    Lemon OP TikTok Hack Viral Video😱 | #MinecraftShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft viral tiktok hacks 😱| #minecraftshorts #shorts #trending #viral’, was uploaded by Lemon OP on 2024-01-06 03:07:02. It has garnered 8 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. 🔸ABOUT ME :- Hi Guys! This channel is made for gaming 🎮 In this channel you’ll be able to see gaming videos and so much fun too 😄 Subscribe to see all of this 😊 💠 Instagram 📷 :- Your quires minecraft build hack, minecraft build hacks on bedrock, minecraft create mod above and beyond, minecraft mod create above… Read More


    EPIC FREE VIP SKYBLOCK SERVER with CHALLENGES & DUNGEONSVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT: SERVIDOR de SKYBLOCK ONLINE com VIP GRÁTIS, DESAFIOS e DUNGEONS para MINECRAFT PIR4TA’, was uploaded by Alisonsz on 2024-04-24 16:19:02. It has garnered 587 views and 32 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:34 or 214 seconds. #skyblock #minecraft #minecraft server the server recently opened has several active players, sweepstakes and events every day! MINECRAFT JAVA – VERSION: 1.8 to 1.20 IP: DISCORD: video recorded and edited by: @MrLuizBR1 Tags: skyblock server, skyblock server, minecraft skyblock server, minecraft skyblock server, pirated skyblock servers, skyblock br server, brazilian skyblock server, pirated skyblock br… Read More

  • Insane Fireboost Viper Gameplay! 🔥🎮 #Shorts

    Insane Fireboost Viper Gameplay! 🔥🎮 #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘#Shorts #minecraft#mine #valorant #subscribers #minecraftmeme #punju #fyp #bgmiindia #pubg#viral#bts’, was uploaded by Fireboost_viper on 2024-05-04 06:32:58. It has garnered 407 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. #minecraft #tiktok #enderman #mine #craft #animation #Minecraft, #Daily, #Short, #Funny, #Cute, #Relatable, #Tiktok, #Aesthetic, #Minecraft, #Cute, #Funny, #Short, #Videos, #Daily, #minecraftdeutsch, #deutsch #funny #minecraft, #minecraft #hindi, #minecraftespanol, #espanol #mrbeast, #top10, #hot #minecraft, #cute #minekraft, #cute #minceraft, #2b2t, #gommehd, #minekraft #shorts, #minecraft #shorts, #gaming, #fortniteminecraft, #minecraftfortnite, #warzone, #Monsterschool, #Enderman, #creeper,#pig, #nether, #sky, #beauty, #crafting, #cutebuilds, #Minecraftsongs, #Cuteminecraft #Cuteminecraftsongs, #Minecraftbetterfortnite #hola #minecraft #minecraftmemes… Read More

  • Jurard T Rexford: EPIC Minecraft Reveal!!!

    Jurard T Rexford: EPIC Minecraft Reveal!!!Video Information This video, titled ‘【MINECRAFT】It’s been a while’, was uploaded by Jurard T Rexford Ch. HOLOSTARS-EN on 2024-04-30 12:06:38. It has garnered 18505 views and 1760 likes. The duration of the video is 06:46:24 or 24384 seconds. WE’RE BACK IN THE MINES!! AGAIN!! Thumbnail art by: Thank you for the Minecraft skin!! This game is being streamed and monetized after confirming with Mojang based on the following Terms and Conditions ( Big thank you to Xwitter user Beeturle for the widdle gremlin animation! BECOME AN HONORAWRY SORAWRITY MEMBER NOW!!! JOIN JOIN JOIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Birthday Merchandise can… Read More

  • Tornn – Insane 360 Combo in 500ms! 🔥 #PvP #Minecraft

    Tornn - Insane 360 Combo in 500ms! 🔥 #PvP #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘360 Combo On 500ms #mcbe #minecraft #pvp #mcpvp#zeqa #combos #bedrock #freshsumo #shorts’, was uploaded by Tornn on 2024-05-13 23:00:25. It has garnered 473 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Song: I dunno it’s non copyright Kb: Wooting 60he M: Kone Pro Dpi: 800 Sens: 30 Cps: 14-16 butterfly Fov: 80 altered on Keybinds in bio sub Read More

  • Ultimate Lamborghini Showdown – Noob vs Pro vs Hacker!

    Ultimate Lamborghini Showdown - Noob vs Pro vs Hacker!Video Information This video, titled ‘Noob vs Pro vs hacker Lamborghini 🚗 #shorts #viralshorts #minecraft #shortsfeed’, was uploaded by JCB AGRI TECH on 2024-02-20 10:03:36. It has garnered 167 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:22 or 22 seconds. subscribe to my channel 👍 for new video of Minecraft noob vs pro vs hacker noob vs pro vs hacker vs god minecraft noob vs pro minecraft noob vs pro vs hacker minecraft noob vs pro vs hacker vs god house minecraft short noob vs pro vs hacker vs god minecraft new short @TechnoGamerzOfficial @Technoblade @nrVids @minecraft… Read More

  • Nebula Wars Semi-Vanilla – LIVEMAP ANTI-P2W SMP

    Welcome to Nebula Wars! Tired of overly-complicated and Pay-To-Win Minecraft survival servers? Well, Nebula Wars is your best bet! We are a Semi-Vanilla survival server created to bring the feel of classic survival servers, taking a step away from the nonsense of most modern-day survival servers. Features: Skills you can level up, and achieve powerful stats and abilities! Jobs you can gain money from participating in! Create Player Shops with the ChestShop and plugins! A real-time map of the server world you can view! Bounties you can claim from killing other players! Obtain Spawners with a Silk Touch Pickaxe! …and… Read More

Glorious Gadgets Galore: Redstone Building – Advanced