Goldfish Terrorizes Forts + Epic Minecraft tour!

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R E Pick a line is are subscribed with Pride E What the dog doing E e Good evening Gamers hello hello how are we how are we that down a little bit let me check my uh my thingies make sure everything sounds good before we continue big turnout for this start I was not expecting everything to be like as hectic as it

Is that’s a little bit loud let me turn myself down a tiny bit that will do there we go h who got firstday oh emu did congratulations first time getting first first time is that the right yeah first time getting first I don’t know

Why it was weird for me to get out but just stole it from worm there seconds too late Willow silk as well hello hello welcome welcome you’re not late every time you get here you’re like a minute into the stream we’re still like in the pre-rolling that that’s not late dude

You’re like the first one here Widow wiow Widow silk I’m saying it right this time you can see you can see the autopilot kick in but I’m I’m trying to actually read had it in the bag and twitch had it error of course it did it’s always

Twitch’s fault it could never be your fault got pickle in here as well and poo as well hello hello welcome welcome I went through and um added VIP things for you guys as well CU I keep forgetting to do that I’ve been meaning to at like for a long time basically all

The people that stream that like Mutual have VIP in the channel now cuz it helps me see I got instant redeem too quick before it was fully loaded and it just AED ah sucks to suck dude oh and pickle thank you so much for the sub as well so

I I can’t say it while it’s doing the um the opening thing but thank you so much I really appreciate that two months now as well you should have a a different color hat next to your thing now as well I think red is tier two from

Memory oh my God wrong button I guess you were saving that for a little bit Deo stream was what I was hanging out there for a little bit as well then I realized oh [ __ ] I’m supposed to be live as well like right now so I better head

Out my own stuff oven’s here as well regrets opening goo stream as well we can use my my stream as like a little a little um Safe Haven from the craziness going on over there do go over and and check it out if you’re interested there’s lots of there’s lots going on

There but it should be a lot Chiller over here than it is over at Geckos bajo with a 4 in 4.9 inch as well nice and consistent pickle with a 2 in though he start worms PP from Him look a happy little Fell thank you P we need to play more lethal I want more lethal I got all the goopy Fells out Here Every would they [ __ ] little dances it is a bit loud I turn it a little bit there there we go actually let me change that one in the source as well I saw I was watching the the audio thing it went fully into the red oh Widow with the 11 intro as well

Yeah you’re consistently getting double digits massive massive PP dude congratulations I dragged it behind you that’s why it took us so long to see it I just realized I forgot to open up YouTube chat on my other monitor I’m dumb we fixed that we had to sneeze and

It was very loud and I’m glad I remember to mute cuz that would have burst through eard drums Uh custom doc there it is cuz the YouTube chat does this annoying thing right have to reput the URL in every time but twitch that doesn’t do that American spy is here as

Well hello hello you’ve made it you’ve made it here the Aussie dog is back I ain’t going nowhere I’m always going to be here worms also back from gecko stream as well just popping in it is a wild stream honestly honestly I’m kind of I’m kind of jealous like I why didn’t I

Think of doing something stupid like that that’s so that’s such a good idea on Geo’s part I might steal that from him in like a month or two when he’s like forgotten about it he turned the big tit anime girl no the first was yours the first

Um hello P I can see I can see you hanging out in the U YouTube chat as well um first was yours and then I tried to open it too early oh yes oh scoot’s here as well hello scoot every what’s popping in today and the stinky twitch era just to

Ruin it you didn’t get it you didn’t get first though so it doesn’t count you already have enough though not being greedy give something to someone else skip better worm yeah once I’m back from uh Christmasy I’ll make sure to get first once you’re getting very close like like last two

Streams you were here like in the first minute which is not late that’s early but not quite first I would leak your ID oh you didn’t mean to share it oh I’m sorry I’m sorry I should I should have um should have read ahead and not read

That out well thank you anyway it’s a bit loud okay good I hope I’ve turned them all down a little bit but um hopefully that’s okay now Leal would be crazy I need to get uh you pickle and maybe P if they’re down as well and obviously oven’s always always down as

Well that would that’s a good four group down for some lethal at some point some of my favorite uh Clips came from Leal so I want to I want to get in there and get some more the only time I waiting to Geo stream he was on a murder spree yeah it

Depends which gecko you get honestly he’s certainly a fell he’s certainly one of one of the streamers I thought I’d hop in for a bit um after having to write an essay for Cinema class I don’t envy that dude I haven’t written an essay in such a long time I’m

Glad I’m not I’m glad I haven’t had to you’ve been hit by you’ve been struck by truck I’ve been hanging out in the um living all the good humor in the YouTube chat none for you twitch YouTube only gets it I’m down whenever we could even squeeze something in tonight if you guys

Were all down we’ll do a bit of TF2 first but if i’ if I’ve got um like a group of people who want to do lethal I’m happy to do lethal tonight as well I’ve got nothing else planned I hear lethal company it sounds like it sounds like lethal might be

Happening to get the mod that lets you have like 16 players we do have that one in um generally like what what I was talking about where I was like for like a big group and that is like that’s like the the golden number of like a minimum

For it to be kind of interesting yeah we absolutely do have um L uh not like uh what’s it called more company for for the mods and stuff all right let’s get let’s get into some goddamn TF2 sorry I’m back uh what you say uh I was talking about potentially it sounds

Like everyone’s down for some lethal tonight as well so if you’re interested pickle you’re more than welcome to Jump by as well no pressure but a lot of people are talk about lethal so I’m more than happy to accommodate and we instantly get a match

As well it it’s a good it’s a good day when you instantly get a match and it’s upward this is going to be a good stream this is going to be a good one this is going to be good give me one second CH I got to turn

My ceiling fan on a bad streamer foret to do something you’re 100% down hell yeah dude okay how about this then how about 2 hours of TF2 and then we’ll do some lethal afterwards we’re doing mod i’ have to be shown how to get the mods it’s very

Simple you just need to download a client called um i s load out request come through hang on one sec one second and we’ll look into that one um you need to download a program called thunderstore mods manager um and then I will send you a

Link uh like a code for the mods copy and paste that uh in and it will just like give you all the mods instantly it’s very easy to set up um but we can absolutely get that settled in for you my personal uh Soldier loader rocket jumper conch and a

Pan oh so we just straight panning then okay I’m down I’m down for some Goofy gamepl them goofy aha gameplay last time I played TF2 the item servers were down the entire day so it be refreshing to use anything else anyway wish I could spell that would

Really help begins in 10s The Conch and the pan I look into it now um I think worm or P might even know some some of the some of the regulars that play Leaf even oven might also know so if you have having issues you can reach out to them

But the simple Google search will do it as well it’s very well documented like how to do it um and I’ll grab the code for you um in like some down time stand to that I will stand you what do we know uh how to how to do maybe actually yeah we might

Not do actually I don’t know I’ve seen you play um moded lethal with us but um how to do like modded lethal is what we’re talking about oh God I should have like played warm up matches come here me out me out hello medic save me please I play

Bel but never with mods ah fair fair fair fair fair I think it’s because I think I just assume because this went I assume because you’re like like hang you hang out with like pickle and all that that you’ll also play um lethal uh lethal but I

Guess I haven’t actually seen you do it that might have been wrong with me how does everything Sound by the way is everything too loud I think that sounds okay I’ve only played with my friends mod pack we already have like um a lot of very simple mods like for what we play

With the most complex ones we have are like um the skinwalker and and the mimic mod but most of them are just quality of life stuff I forgot you could go up there got SW I did see a spy okay good that PIR is going to hunt them down n me SC

Boy thank you be aggressive be be aggressive G Walker is such a good mod honestly at this point it’s becoming like like a m I almost want them to add it like as a base mechanic where did that power go I could have spawn there was a a flog power just

Running around underneath me just realiz I have the wrong window open so I can’t see both chats there we go I only play oh sorry yeah the uh his was just more players mimic and events Fair yeah that’s B that’s basically the similar what we have we have a couple of

Other little quality of life ons like um uh what oh that’s a f h on no come here [ __ ] n no we have um just little little squeaks like uh better emote I think we have the the the actual like good emote mod now as well no fting on me get out of

Here we’ll go through I’ll I’ll show off the ones we have um when we we get into the game as well I’ll do like a little demo of like what we have and stuff oh this is not a good place to be oh my God let me out let me

Out just got pinned up against the wall dude God damn I went a tiny bit too far out you’ve been stuck by truck I was actually doing all right there all right I download the launcher so I or whatever hell yeah next time we’re like loading into a match or

Something I will I’ll grab the link for you and you can re get them ready oh I wanted that kill this actually heav up my mortal enemies I guess with this load out as well like there’s nothing you can do all you can do is run away that’s

Specifically made to make it so you can’t run away that sounded like the redeem God damn it that um that dead ringer sounded like the redeemed dead ringer and I was like I should probably check just to be sure and it was actually a player there you

Guys have a conditioned me not to trust the dead rigger anymore Plus for Zombies Garden Warfare stream when uh if I get it I need I need to like buy it and look into that one it might be on Game Pass actually now I

Think about it oh I have to look into it but maybe one day I kind of want to actually like play regular FL with zombies honestly I’ve been thinking about like just like at one point when I feel like just like not doing anything get off there at one point when I feel

Like just like not doing anything productive like for a stream just playing like regular plants for zombies cuz I haven’t played that game in God damn so long 9% of my loadouts are pan base the one that’s AR is NG and spy can NG ins spy use

Um use what’s the word oh worm hello you’re welcome to join uh what can NG Inspire use like the regular pen is that a thing or is is it only the golden pen that they can use it’s only the golden pen that that would I would explain why muted as as um

Intermission as muted as it’s during an intermission of a musical God damn my brain does not um compute I got myak oh hell yeah proxy proxy’s out doing like real world things right now oh well well there goes me I hope you’re having fun pick wants to jump in as well hell

Yeah one his 30 watt streak as well I could try Harding much thank you for the support dude really feel like there’s not a single um like stream you’re not here it definitely makes sense that you’re sitting at a 30 streak get to the I wasn’t in the car right now you’d

Be joining you’d be more than welcome too ah maybe next time if you have me add it you’re more than wel I can’t guarantee that like B will like put us in the same match but like you’re welcome to try we’ve learn anything after like streaming TF2 for

Like as long as we have now uh don’t rely on Val’s matchmaking hopefully when we change map maybe or guarantee resp spot it helps that you’re local though like like the same country yeah maybe next time I don’t know if I’ve seen you in game before Widow maybe maybe like when you first

Popped in maybe I feel like I could be wrong actually I think you first popped in a fortnite stream right s a spy I saw a spy where is he where is he My Pan isn’t hitting I’m back here you heard that right my hand my pan just was not hitting for some

Reason has never allowed it and Le like playing with your friends what that sniper nope there’s a sentry that way I’m also just not good at Rocket jumping I’m realizing oh come on I’ve not been here for a fortnite stream oh fair I don’t know why I

Thought you were you first popped in for I guess I’m I’m getting confusing people at this point to be fair I do talk to a lot of people like that doesn’t surprise me at all that like they’re all like blending together a little bit at least at the

Beginning like as an individual I remember but it’s starting to get hard to remember like like how everything started come here thank you I ear that kill I ear that that wasn’t handed to me that was my kill that I went long and hard for is that a dead ring or is that

Genuine death that go that way no oh I got to be sneaky I be sneaky Frenchman ow little [ __ ] oh I’m dead defin I’m not only people were coming I didn’t know the whole enemy team was over there I’m not going to lie like this this load out could be a lot of

Fun oh but it’s it’s I’m struggling with it this would be really good for like a harvest match I reckon I would really enjoy playing this on harvest I’m going to get air blasted into the pit but I’m going get never mind thank you a as soon as we lose the

Match is about to happen like right now I’ll do those there’s the other one I just know at this point like all three are going to happen it’s never not going to happen oh go pyro go pyro get him wait look at me look at the

Pyro that flog power allowed me to get out of there come here come here all right you can KN go there well I’m dead just said you I wanted to drink anyway I wanted my my sipp and my chair it’s it’s great on everything but choke M so like up

Exactly I’m trying my best here but not going to work on this map maybe like the first point was okay but definitely not the rest of them it’s not far of what I would like usually play as like a meme loader anyway usually I would do like um the

Whip and um like just a shotgun and I would like jump around with the the base jumper the rocket jumper sorry and like just do those two Mission begins in seconds it’s been 5 minutes I can I can mix up the load out

Now oh is that a bad sign or I am I going to get banned by looking at this I think that is porn I saw like a lot of skin so I’m going to assume it’s porn or it might be someone’s face it’s one of the two it’s

Someone’s face or it’s someone getting like brutally sexed as soon as I get an upward though I’m I’m I’m kind of in like a rocket jumping mood I might go back to that load out honestly let’s we q and we’ll try and get into a game with um our full party

As well and maybe we’ll get a um it’s probably porn if it’s a dis action it’s probably porn no I’m going to go over here he’s still he’s still standing there he’s still playing on that thing around Mission begins in 10 thank you medic you’re my

Favorite is he is he going to over me oh it’s a quick fix okay oh [ __ ] come here La purple real let me see every shot spy there oh he actually got that stab that’s unfortunate my favorite would be the Liberty launcher Escape Plan Plus the r b you could damage

Yourself to build Uber for kitak but that implies that like you have like a medic up your butt the whole time maybe we give it a try damn it oh I just missed my crits as well oh we actually got a match uh let me accept that first and you can come

With us perfect timing poo the Liberty launcher the Escape Plan and the righteous bison I kind of hate using the Liberty launcher I used to use it all the time because um like more Rockets sound like it’ be a good thing just doesn’t do any damage though the Groot keep

Really the soldier load out is my second favorite load out out of all of them that so like the one that um that ship tickles mentioned I guess we’re going Demonite like seeing as we’re on this map it is a Demonite map and I get to use my my pain

Train ra it is nice but pan I can trust pan I don’t I I don’t end up using the pan too often I I kind of end up just using like another stock melee um usually when I’m picking between like pan or ham though I’ll use the ham because I have a kill

Stre one oh my god well that’s TF2 hit mge for you oh that is a nice hat though yeah just the self damage is more important I’m guessing you’re more of like a comp player then if that’s the um if that’s the case do the heavy thing is

They heavy thing I assume you mean uh the grw we’re staying in the gr we’re never leaving the gr I assume you’re a um you’re a competitive player if you’re worried about like self damage like to build Uber and all that it’s not really something you do like in casual hello SK

Sleepy I always about to call you Sky there sleepy hello hello how are you I saw you I saw you hello how are you welcome welcome oh yeah heavy in the group G is really fun with a grw and steak oh okay I’ll give it a try me use barefist thing

Oh hello hello hello sleepy I see you I have a question go for it I have an answer potentially I forgot the names but the mini crit two shot but all Heavy uh so the barefist things is the warrior spirit and then the mini crits would be the Buffalo

Stak which is over there I assume that’s what you mean brown bomber brown bomber and one shot life classes hell yeah I’m not a com player I just like building Uber regardless I prefer delivery launcher in my load out since it’s encourages to buy some

More fair fair can I get hat uh not from me but there there are other options out there I don’t usually like give out um items unless it’s like a special event and I I would prefer if you if you didn’t beg in Chad oh that is a good combo come here come

Here no I know you’re not why come here there are plenty of options if you want like to to build up an inventory though the one one shot of that pyate is enough to make me want to keep using this load out hello pickle are you playing medic I guy oh he

Was get out of here I genuinely didn’t realize that was a spy like I knew the one behind him was a [ __ ] one behind him was a spy but like yeah the Stak uh in spirit is fun just have to have a low Health res all

But to be fair like when you’re playing medieval mode though like most of the things can on-shot you cuz the only thing you’ll be fighting is spies or uh spies or like fully leveled up um leveled up um demonize that they’re all going to have head get out of

Here yeah keep try keep trying to trick stab me this guy’s copying me no he’s got actual crits I counted my mini crits cuz I’m new I’m free to play I can’t buy hats please it’s my birthday today sure thing sure thing well if you’re if you’re free to play you can’t

Even trade anyway so there’s no point begging but if you keep begging in chat I am going to have have to time you out cuz it’s not a particularly fun experience for anyone listening to people begging for items you’re lucky there aren’t many snipers I haven’t actually noticed that

Yet us out of the crew creep I’ll put a new queue in for you wh I was enjoying this though the B Mele beats you it does dud like full crit is better than mini crits I that that’s an easy one no yes crits away from me what is the reach on that Thing no I’ll be there soon that sword this SP slow they’re taking full advantage of this um there a little Hill he actually got away with that are you kidding get out of here back into here let’s try with the uh the the KGB down the group I need the pen uh we

Can do but I don’t know if he’ll be able to get into the match though give it a try though yeah no P can’t be chooses oh that’s that’s aot come here what we’ll stand this group here for a bit I’m enjoying it I’m enjoying it is it

Full uh no but Val’s matchmaking just sucks like we we’ll stay and we’ll try and get you in but I have like zero faith in that matchmaking actually putting you in an empty server well that didn’t do anything oh he has actual crits come

Here no we got to real t a second ago get this guy instead my God he’s to go Rampage he’s going Rampage mode well true true thanks I’m happy to stay in a bit I like the gr remove us from the group creep bro give us two rounds one

Round one full round and then we’ll like leave halfway for the next one how about that this engineer man he thinks he’s that guy he really does yes what I hit him forkin Harold the real the real forkin Harold oh it’s a gecko raid hello idiot hello Mr Che viewers thank you for

The red gecko you had enough of being an eag you go V TR Raider you get enough Bitties thank you for stopping by I’d be interested to know like if that that little stunt actually did like increase engagement I’m sure it did not going to lie I it almost made me late to

Stream cuz I was like actually enjoying watching the stream like oh [ __ ] I should be like actually like going live right now as well Beckle tickle hello Raiders welcome welcome I listened to my chat and turn it off boo never listen to your chat chat doesn’t know anything and lost 50%

Of my viewers that’s why you don’t listen to um you don’t listen to your um who’s Mr who’s P You’re Welcome in you’re welcome in everyone’s welcome in that’s why you don’t listen to chat chat doesn’t know what they want should I do competitive you’re you’re welcome to try Mr Cheese I assume

You mean like come here come here like um like Community competitive rather than valve competitive cuz valve competitive darks um oh that’s you oh well hopefully you can get in uh Widow it always confuses me when people have like different names than what they’re um I didn’t even see him when

People have like different names um yeahum be in like like Highlander or like like some sort form of community uh competitive cuz Val’s actual competitive is doo doo doo it doesn’t Work didn’t Go might let turn down we don’t but I’ve had oh yeah that is too loud okay let me let me edit the actual system I’m sorry as out of the crew keep we might actually we’re going to to sex and Hell of all things uh where is it uh chadow

Points I’m going to be upset with myself if I get in there and it’s at max volume cuz I could have sworn that I changed it in in mix it up yep we’re going to attack in Hell well you got your wish no more um what’s

It called oh well it is it’s on max volume let me do a little test here and we’ll see see if it’s any better I’m a loser yippe seven stream streak hell yeah dude I didn’t realize you would like I don’t think you like always announced yourself

I didn’t realize you were here as often as you are thank you thank you love the support let me do a quick test toothless tell me if this is too Bad maybe I should have like some time on it as well that sounds better no no louder you’re you’re not a good influence I’m going to take some of my own advice Gecko and not not um not listen to the chat I can’t hear it okay

Well well let me just go like idle pyro while I fix this up my ears you guys are just gaslighting me hang I can’t trust my chat anymore 18.3 remember 18.3 for me just probably like a 2 minute One oh wow that is loud that’s annoying Why is it coming at like a different volume than what I have it set as my ears my ears let me just turn it down in OBS honestly okay that should be a good we gamble with it what did I miss why is this guy in a tree how did

He get in the tree let me look at the guy in the tree is that usual effect oh it is I’ve never seen that effect before Oh ien flexing his wing streak as well yeah know ‘s here like every stream oven by far has the highest streak but I’m pretty sure they also

Have the highest one in your chat as well hello light welcome welcome light x x xd2 formerly known as light how are you welcome welcome o I don’t know why I went uh pyro because I want to play I haven’t played sex and Hil in so long I forget what

Like what is like good guess demon knite might be good yeah we’ll go Pain Train demo night we’ll do the funny get me out of here I haven’t played versus SE Hell in a very long time it’s rare to join yeah it like it was like a solid

Like two weeks where that like you would all you would play is it and now it’s just it’s just not a thing anymore it’s a shame cuz it’s really cool but like it’s been degraded like down into the alternative game modes oh my shield forgot that was a

Thing let me go let me go big strong shirtless man oh GE you should have played this while you’re in your vtuber mode You’ be like a little anime girl getting beaten by a big shirtless man that’d be so good for your character I don’t have my shield that’s right come here come

Here is he going to swing my game crashed oh no wow he actually got away with that oh and now we leave now we leave we wait for that punch to be gone and then we fight a game let back up online okay I have chat turned off cuz I’ve had some bad

Experiences having chat on while I’m streaming I me I’m on an old laptop that will do it yeah where the [ __ ] is he there you are come here come here to bus he beating his meat in the corner oh not going anywhere near him while he

Has that pain be expected honestly ah ah oh thank you medic come here SC no screw you come back here why are you running why are you running he’s got Mega powerful punch and he’s not even going to use on anyone come here come here

Ow a i play Scout to be annoying oh you’re one of those players I bet you bleed Scout as well you probably go like rap assassin mil even like guillotin as well Scout is a support class it can be like a I bet you this is your load out

Actually that hairstyle suits what you’re describing like sweaty gross Scout Miss Saxon this Saxon is [ __ ] boring dude no PO who is Saxon bonus duck basing basing going ahead now I need to go to work for my saay go and work on my essay enjoy your stream thank you so much for stopping by scoot always a

Pleasure baby first Blaster fan and then the milk I’m not sweaty sweaty in like the the hygiene level not the gameplay wise someone using that load out I imagine would also be using that cosmetic with my hands with my be hands

Let’s do it 5 4 3 2 who is it oh it’s p okay hey P okay up on him let him leave hit him up against the wall this poor man 69 a funny number where is he oh my god get away from me get away from me get away from

Me get away from me he’s going to break me Shield my arms are enough GS come here come here got him once oh oh there it goes there it goes I again I’m not I crash again how old you should play TF2 like how old should you be to play

TF2 um that is a question I don’t have the answer to I guess is isn’t like 16 like the recommended I don’t know I think I started when I was like well [ __ ] I think I got into it um like on the YouTube side when I was

Like you know what I can actually I can actually work it out hang on where is my badge um badge I was like 12 I think something like that um oh boy 14 when I was 14 I got into it I guess that’s a good good age I don’t regret

It then again I think about like if if I had a kid would I want them playing the game i’ would say yes just not with like voice chat and stuff we got to check who’s the the Saxon oh we got two Saxons oh just joining in light come back

Here how’d that miss you come here come here why are you running why are you running oh you [ __ ] up where’s the health packs where are they hiding him there’s one in the FNAF room I see I see I see come here D fight me like a

Man he broke my shield oh he broke my shield as well oh medic down come here Brave jump this such an awkward place to be fighting this guy oh yeah I forget you can like climb stuff come back here oh he has his Mega Punch I’m not going anywhere near that

That shot medic oh I saved him that was me that was all me well there I go if crashes on nothing else but sax and kills I guess it is a lot of like projectiles and stuff the amount of blood that like splurts out of your body what the [ __ ] oh what’s up

Oven you are you in game I thought you were in game for a second there what’s a good load out what’s a good thing to play as in like sex and Hell mode I was going to say what is the the stick Pain Train game planing but you

Die got to say what is this sick Pain Train gameplay but you died I’m trying you’ve actually like pulled me around to the game The Pain Train like I’ve actually been like using un ironically in like a lot of of my games I will recue though so that

Hopefully um Widow can like join and not crash instantly just play Scout or something who are they W I see they’re going Uber medic combo he’s about to get destroyed though yep there they go I’ve minimized my settings hopefully that will will do it it’ be the particle effects like if

Anything’s making you crash when you like explode it’s a million particles of blood that would be doing it for sure why are you running why are you running hello lead poon welcome welcome how you holding up I love I I always forget and then I remember as soon as I play this mode

That like all the voice lines in this mode are one guy flipping who’s flipping Scout is just running away it’s fine he fine Scout is always The Last One Alive St AO here just like hiding in the corner it is obnoxious though I guess either of them could go

Cap as well to end it what is this mode it’s uh the sax and Hell mode it’s like official sax and Hell mode that came out in the the uh the summer update a few months back that’s that’s crazy that people like don’t like so recent and people

Don’t even know what it is like it’s that it’s that like unheard of now this guy is kind of obnoxious honestly there get out of here I’ve had my my mind changed thank [ __ ] dude you know what’s funny I remember uh when it was Dury December 2023 the game

Of versus hell where everyone on red went spy and hid in random places that’s like a good idea but like this pig what’s wrong with pig worm called it so I’m going to say yes but that when you go spy and like um like go invisible doesn’t it like outline yourself though

Funny things happened to me uh in TF2 I managed to head shot a sniper twice as a pyro in 24 managed to head shot a sniper twice as a pyro in 24 hours I managed to headshot a sniper twice as pyro how do you head shot as

Pyro I’ll pick tried to kick flipper oh I see I’m not paying attention at all I got too many to many text boxes to read you can head shot as pyro as pyro when you deflect arrows oh oh hell yeah dude that’s one of the things that I

Always want to do but my timing just isn’t there I can barely like I barely have the timing to reflect like rockets yet alone like arrows but it’s always so cool when um when it happens that control point no you don’t get highlighted when you cloak yeah you

Do is that maybe like only what when the last few people are I could be misremembering but I’m pretty sure you do like like it’s specifically done so that people can’t do that I’m guessing because um the merar I’m guessing because um like you had like the whole team doing it it

Might not have kicked in yet as a pirate for many years I learned how to do that stuff I need to get better at it I need to it’s such a cool like cool moment and it happens so r oh let me get a couple hits at this

Guy oh pickle no P getting scammed out of his Saxon round he broke my shield okay I love Pyro I I love I love the idea of pyro I wish I was good enough at pyro to do the things that I want to do only When there’s less people oh I

See that makes sense that makes sense back in [ __ ] de grw cap what is these cues isn’t there like nobody else like playing the game right now we don’t want to play the crew cheap right let me take it out of the queue uh get rid of

That that’s that’s so funny I haven’t got a gr keep match in like a year and now twice in a row oh we’re immediately leaving well going get like one kill no soldier boy the real does soja boy actually stream as well isn’t that a thing stock

Flamethrower is a good flame damage but most but most air blasters stock shotgun is op I’ve kind of become a shotgun [ __ ] nowadays like I use it on heavy I use it on Soldier I use it on pyro as well mostly because like nobody it seconds especially heavy actually no one

Expects a heavy to be able to like shoot fast like jumping in well I I was going to play something but I guess I have to do the load out request now uh the boot sticky Jumper in a pan can even like give me like something that works

Together you’re just going to make me pan sticky that’s fine we can do that guys guys you we can’t all be we can’t all be Medics the game please oh my god dude oh that guy just snuck past us I fellow Miami Knights user I’m finally getting the streamer the the streamer

Medics getting my special privileges people think flare guns are the best but I love the shotgun nobody expects a pyro of a shotgun that’s funny that that you said exactly that check out the the name of the shotgun it’s an old reference to like an old meme from a buddy’s Channel

Like when they used to make like tf2 videos it’s an old old mem word exactly how you did I’m sorry W you did get scared but like more people didn’t want it than did so like we we need to get out there hey they work together do they really what

Does it do oh I guess it gives you like help and stuff yeah Fair actually you know what fair that does actually work I guess I never thought about using it though uh if I’m not using like a a shield and Stu but I love flares dude I it’s

Another one of those things that I want to get better at cuz it’s like such a like devastating combo but like now it’s so um it’s so like known like everyone just expects it to happen I make these Medics die to fall damage I really like your shotgun war

Paint though I didn’t like come up with it I didn’t apply I just bought it off a friend um when they were going to cash out of TF2 but it was it was for a channel me cuz they also made used to make like YouTube videos

That and it was like a a meme on their channel of like pyro with a shotgun I saw a spy Sak pass as well come here come here watch out Spike aiming Spike aiming sorry medic I’m leaving you oh I only that heck that would such

A funny clip if I had like killed him it’s still nice but now I saw the your pyro I will buy the same one probably you should do yeah it it’s it’s a great combo for the shotgun it’s also um is it professional kill streak or is it um uh the other

One they made some really nice combos with their weapons as well I bought a few of them of them when they were like cashing out um the other one the other really noteworthy one that I have from them is where is it uh my blind this

One that was a really nice like match for it as well they’re very good at like making nice weapons with um with like kill streaks and ws and all of that I can’t afford it right now I feel that I feel that someone’s shooting me in the back someone’s back shotting me come

Here NOP no I have a zero kill streak already not even basic I have zero kill streaks already not even basic I see you just don’t have any I read that wrong I wor that I read that so wrong I never I I don’t think I have any

Pro kill streaks now but I have like made kits that makes sense yeah I don’t have any um Pro kill but most of my weapons are kill streak nowadays they often go on um I go like on the community market and like buy kill streak War paints because

Like people don’t know how to price them at all all of these plaid ones a kill streak because they have like the whole collection um and I’m working on building out a strange kill streak collection of these ones as well and then I’ve got a couple of nicer ones as

Well cardboard box and kill streak the banana one uh this actually used to be that belong to um spiky monkey as well I bought that off them at one point when they were considering cashing out um that also was from spiky Mikey as well and I think Peter scraps owned it

Before Mikey got their hands on it that might have been as well from memory but if you if you want um like cheap kill streak weapons I skinned um kill streak weapons search like backpack TF listing search like uh Steam Community Market listings cuz they’re often not priced very well

Because most of the pricing systems don’t pric them properly like if you look at it if you look at my inventory on um backpack okay he’s dead on backpack like it’ll say the weapons are worth like 10 ref 12 ref which is like like to buy like a kill streak rocket launcher for

Example is like a few Keys like just for a standard one well that was just silly is I also have a bomb carrier festivized flamethrower nice nice dragon war is very good most people use it on the dragon’s fury it’s very rare you see it like on other weapons other than

Maybe like a rocket launcher uh because it is like the only war paint you can use on a dragon’s fury like it’s it’s like so many of them got put on those because like what else you what else you going to put on your dragon

Fury I plan to get the dragon fury and the shotgun I can’t really afford any right now I like a key normally right a that sucked why can’t I hit any of my shots come here come here there we go massive Legend here oh imagine

Oh bum car is one of my favorite war points what does bomb carry look like again uh let me have a look I me let me I want to know know what I’m talking about uh bomb carrier oh yes this one yeah I I think I think I had it on a

DEA a while ago looks quite nice on a deger and it’s one of those ones that also looks different on different teams if I remember I think I can change that in there it’s very nice though do I have any on me I might have some I might have something bomb

Carrier do I no I did it at some point though but it’s cheap yeah it’s one of the the merary grades like it’s one of those it’s also an early merary grade so like people have a lot of them spy by Gaming I have a factory new festivized flamethrower that’s minimal wear a

Shotgun that’s also festive I don’t have many festive weapons I can’t justify like putting them on weapons because they’re like a key just to do it but but if I can get one cheap I will like grab it I I always rather have it than not have it kind of thing they’re very

Expensive to buy a festivizer just to put on the weapon no no where’s my crit That was supposed to be a crit one of the best looking cheap War paints hands down the best looking cheap war paint will always be um s Duty because you can also get it

Strange like so cheaply as well um but I will always say like my favorite will be Pad but um PL pot shooter for obvious reasons I did a lot of unboxing before I had a few FS laying around from cases that’s fair that’s fair usually if I

Unbox them I usually sell them because you like if you unbox the fesi you basically make your money back on the case I’ll usually sell them but if you’ve got them they use they do look good I just can’t justify in my own like brain I’m going to go back into their

Spawn yeah this pirate and I have the same idea excuse me I don’t want to be here anymore I don’t have uh Health here he Hunted Me Down hello hello Marcus how are you welcome welcome Mak makos marus not really F the price has dropped

Oh really it says about 40% of case now oh fair I should I should be unboxing more often I would actually know that but back the last time I opened that was the case at least so it’s always stuck in my brain if that makes sense

I think I have a couple of other nicer ones let me let me die and then we’ll have a look at other ones are you a spy you look spy-ish you’re not a spy I’m just bad at the Game that sucks I’m so bad at this Game keep getting hit on like all the oh imagine get him SP get him by it’s rolling back a pyro up my butt sorry Scout yeah I know I remember when festiv were basically like a refund yeah that’s what it’s always been to me I never realized it changed Fu out of

Here go away you’re not pick stabbing me uh but the only ones that I have that I like unboxed myself and like built into what they are was I think these two flamethrowers where’s my flamethrowers I unbox this one uh which I think is quite epic and cool it’s strange and it’s also

Like a basic kill streak um I don’t know hit you once I have no idea dude you started playing like I was there uh and then also the degre so is the same as well it’s strange um and I put a kill stri kit on it as well cuz it looks quite

Nice uh is there any other that I built myself um a lot of the times I will buy like strange War paints like I think uh this is an example of that where I buy a strange one and I’ll stick kill streak kit on it because I I quite like it um

Oh this one is also one I think a friend gifted me the wall paint itself then I put it on a grenade launcher and put a um a kill stre kit on it as well I I like my weapons I like them I just can’t justify like spending insane money on

Them oh no no that’s actually why I used them on my weapons I saw the price was wasn’t worth selling them anymore I guess that’s a positive like it’s more of an incentive to use them cuz like I said I I have that like I will I will like never use

Them when I unbox them because like obviously I’m going to sell them and like it’ll like fuel my gambling addiction it’s basically a free Spin nope I I can’t leave my spawn cuz the soldier is just like standing there I’m not allowed to leave my spawn well didn’t matter

Anyway undecided flow I buy more items but I spent all my money though I’m trying to I try to be responsible with my money I I don’t uh if you’ll notice like the only unusual that I have uh is well I have two unusuals now um good friend gecko

Gifted me one I want it out of like a competition they doing on stream uh which is this one here thank you thank you gecko I will always be appreciative that one but the only unusual that I’ve ever actually bought like I use it like unusual trade to like make the funds to

Buy it but the only one I ever bought was an unusual like all class if that makes sense that wasn’t me was it no good um because I can’t justify like like putting a [ __ ] ton of money into like a single class or a single weapon I’ll like bend my rule or like

Something all class which is why I’ll like buy like a nice shotgun or I’ll buy um like like they all class that but that’s also why I don’t like have Australians for unusual weapons and stuff as as well why is this guy laughing at me laughing at

Me I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone use that combination of weapons oh Cosmetics he’s got the the buff sniper thing but he’s also using it with the other thing L Gamers don’t around don’t around turn around turn around turn around turn around turn around all I’m unusually you you

Send my brain doesn’t work dude I can’t I can’t read unusual unusual L um okay take a second and breathe I am unusual less personally there we go my brain just cannot connect to like the English language sorry NS no equipment for you you’re not building any sentries that would have

Been a jump scare of his life dude it’s funny seeing someone using that hat cuz i’ never SE nice try pickle I’m already dead can’t fool me oh come on I thought I dodged that look at this the bloody bomb a let me do the funny stop stop stopping me from doing the

Funny there’s a lot of like brown bomber like Associated hats in the server I said it like 30 seconds ago I don’t know why that took so long but come on dude I suck I actually just cannot hit my shots ever Burger k a

Burger oh oh a damn it dude no let me get a funny clip BR bom like brown poo poo hat it’s funny coming from you wor you got one next to your name now and it’s pooo colored yeah what do you have to say about that where’s my crit ow scamming me

Dude I thought the pan was supposed to have like 100% crit right where’s my crits dude [ __ ] scammer get scammed running stop running ah whatever actually me out of here me out of here the game play Man the game play is suffering honestly let me swap out oh

Sorry I’m playing demo I like let me swap out the pan for the whip so I like get more crits and it that’s not how that works watch this this will be it this will be the kill why is there a sentry there why is there a Sentry there who

Said you could put that there I’m eating pizza right now it’s fire jealous dude I want pizza you didn’t get me any pizza is just the [ __ ] best dude there’s any food that I could eat like a 100 times a day it’s Pizza come here come here oh my

Guaranteed crits I don’t think I’ve got this single crit this is [ __ ] are we playing on are we secretly playing on anopia I’m going all in relying on these pan crits and it’s just not happening ion pop scoring heavy I don’t have an opinion I haven’t even seen Them Widow come here [ __ ] no I think it’s time we play something else let’s go back to regular Soldier so we can try and get some kills I’ll keep the whip on though whip is good yeah right you better back off there we go the whip is a way better [ __ ] magnet

In the P ever will be get that medic get the medic I’m going to creative from this I I saw the medic but like what am I supposed to do if I shoot my rocket I’m dead I die from the explosion take that back I will never I

Just played for like 30 minutes with the pen I didn’t get a single goddamn crit the first whack with the whip and I get a crit kill pen ain’t it P’s washed up man it’s old it don’t work like it used to no more Hello pickle thank you for the free

Boost take that back you take that back you don’t believe hard enough you’re right I don’t it’s Pro it’s proven itself unloyal maybe it’s just bad for me it’s just not loyal to me if I jump over this am I going to land on this and die

Immediately I’m back here charge at me a come on come on Man AO thank you let me hit him let me get rid of you ah someone got him oh no he didn’t he’s over there moving ladies just popping off dude okay meds PC disconnected I’ll take that I’ll take a free kill if you want speed boost hit me cuz it

Cost if I want a speed boost hitting you cost five bucks then I won’t be hitting you anymore I don’t get MCE rates come on surely I get like MCE rates at least yo medic can I get some heals as well get out of here get out of here as well

You [ __ ] M me H 250 make it a buck and you got to I think e three times with pancrat since you swapped you know you were charging they’re not crits they’re not like random crits you’ve got a shield you’re charging at me and hitting

Me Al that last time wasn’t you that was me creating myself next to you probably my tracking was better dead now at least no I a tie Turner yeah that still gives you crits like mini crits I think hello wh impostor among us back off get out of here you stinky Scout

Man the power of having your headphones plucked in [ __ ] man that means I can’t get non random crits is that is that true is that how the tit Turner works I don’t know how the tit Turner Works Mission ends in 10 seconds like I said it just doesn’t work for

Me I played for like half an hour with it and it didn’t give me a single one well hello some [ __ ] man here how about this let’s go like pan I Turner we’ll go Hite though so I can actually like fight back if it doesn’t

Work B for hundreds of hours with just a pan or power two you want to see I wish I could like be a part of the pan cult it just doesn’t work for me I Knight is for cowards well then I guess that makes me a coward I’d rather be a coward than

Dead I just realized I completely forgot to send the code for uh lethal to who was it that I was supposed to do that to let me put it in um like the game Chat that is where our view shift I would rather die than be a coward but I’m live right now I got to do entertaining footage why did the Ping bot post the thing twice my game crashed are you [ __ ] kidding me you kid Me because I opened up um the the mod launcher thing I’ll be right back I’ll be right back in there oh it totally is it’s because I opened [ __ ] overwolf and it tried to put it overlay thing On bom bom come on up please don’t take that long there we go let me in let me in I wanted to play on Frontier too I don’t play on Frontier that often but when I do it always I usually play on it when I’m playing like with other

Streamers like whenever I’m just hanging out in their games it reminds me of like playing with like whoopers or um like um ah what’s their name the name’s the name’s lost me um who who’s the other one I’m thinking of this another a streamer I’m thinking

Of who I played I think it’s Greek it might have been Greek it might have been someone else I can’t remember Now hello valve can your game load please we need to protect the briefcase Come on load faster faster faster faster faster faster Faster I’ll deal with it I’ll deal with it all right there we go finally Dude nice try why is it weirdly ow God no don’t hit me don’t hit me I just realiz the creeper was like weirdly chroma he out I need to fix that that doesn’t look good at all immed that’s a spy that’s worm has worm stolen my load out hey get back

Here let me see you oh no you just web does smell I thought you stole my load out then for a second cuz it looks so similar oh thank you sniper for stealing my kill wh smells that’s that’s a great use of it defended maybe I just I’m just like bad

At the game maybe that’s what’s Happening Here my God guys we’re playing TF2 with the real IRS I can’t believe they have time to be playing maybe yep it’s it’s definitely a me problem it’s definitely a me problem I just suck at the game all these fancy hats and weapons they can’t buy

Skill but I heard a charge so I assumed it was them oh my god dude I didn’t even see him I just shot out of like instincts from hearing the sound get out of here no teleport me away only five de man I don’t see a problem not at

All F off the pan bastard Scout I don’t know who I killed no no I killed someone I don’t know who it was I don’t know where that Scout is yeah that that looks similar enough to me that like you got like the team colored like head and in the The Plaid

Suit you little [ __ ] get back here oh my glance I could see how I thought it was the same load out okay surely surely the four people hunting that that Scout can get him they don’t need me to chase after him as well oh there he

Is I almost would oh ah where’d you come from medic almost charged directly into the the train mouth it would have just eaten me up eaten me up dude n nom nom there you go at least someone at least someone’s dead other than me watch out medic get out of there whoa

Where did you [ __ ] come from where did he go where the [ __ ] did he go okay good cred he grab that medic stay alive please it’s flipping from sex and hell oh my God is it actually that’s just goes to show like how small oh yeah

There’s a Soulja Boy there there as well must just be the same server there’s like one server playing TF2 right now in in the Australian region what it’s just up above me that is funny that is funny that like the servers are so small it’s like always going to put

You on the same the same lobby with the same people thank you medic you’re my favorite thank you pickle little pickle friend get out of here [ __ ] out of here flipping you spy you are spy [ __ ] off blood spy broken up like there in the place no one

There no one there watch out Med where did he go he was here a second ago all right I I totally ear that kill that was totally all me was also a highly skilled kill as well Oh I thought that was a Sentry I saw like I saw the eny standing there

How did he hit me with that it’s on the other side of the map already I saw the um the NG standing there I’m like there’s a centry there I got to go maybe start Ping poorly that’s why I died not because I’m bad because the NG was standing there this

Goddamn M pce man out of my goddamn spawn get get out get out get out where the [ __ ] did it go no no bet she’s going for that no well that’s why is long G now and I’m going to pretend I was not part of the fight how did you get past that

What faceing pass what am I ping at only 45 what how are people facing past me watch this High skill gameplay watch me get lots of kills damn it dude these conspicuous what oh my god dude dude has I suck I actually am just like awful

At this video game I no Scout no he just gave him his back he walked up there and presented his back to that spy well that’s why you wanted the back here you are allor right allor right Alo who hit me there was a sniper is someone being horny no

People just like spamming that emote but hello blue how are you worm was really been horny without me noticing I thought you guys were just spawning like like a jail emote not a horny jail there’s a sniper ah the sniper D I’m not allowed to leave my spawn because he’s standing

There hello obvious why they got that Sentry I said they out that it’s already gone yeah no was being haed it was like a jilote no I wasn’t don’t D me in you [ __ ] up safy heavy you’re welcome you’re me Al Al No this goddamn tomato piss guy every single time I turn around is mar guarding me I was a hero I saved a man him down there look at him look at him go that guy’s dead there a spy somewhere here there also a sniper watching us there we that way don’t get sniped

We’ll go around the secret way through the secret tunnel is there a goddamn I thought I heard a rocket jumper is he following me oh that’s some damage off on him oh I I hit the wall get out of here he G with you

Well man the IRS got me they got me for my tax evasion I Air Blast a gun off the map good I hope he doesn’t respawn let kicking my ass man that guy’s not dead I thought he was dead Oh Come Back where’s he going there

He is well he’s dead now so it doesn’t matter oh thank you for the I’ll watch that after this game I’m sure it’s some stupid thing I said definitely not showing off my high level gaml oh that was kind of cool though that was a nice little

Combo bounce him up in the air charge him you’d almost think that was intentional go away I need to go hide over here I thought that was a spy for some reason when I see a spy my in oh well well God damn flipping dude for some reason my instinct when I

See a spyer to test if there a spy is to walk into him which dumb they’re just going to stab me turn your brain on dude stop hitting me stop hitting me am I am I going to regret looking at this bet I am oh it’s just the te it’s just that

Big buff man that’s fine let me see a sign let me see a sign let me see the sign no yeah me likey me likey we like you a lot TI Tok like a Brick medic magic thank you medic you’re my favorite there has never been a cooler one by you sex we’re going to go on a rampage and I’m definitely not going to waste you br come back here no he’s running away from me in your language and your language soup can oh that’s a

Ma get out of here get out of here Revenge oh P it off I’m panning I’m doing it Mom I’m doing it be aggressive be be aggressive I helped that was partially me he wouldn’t have got that kill if it wasn’t for me there’s a snipers I don’t

Want to go that way but I will go this way they would never expect me to come around this side they they totally know I’m going to go this way no no get the sandwich medic medic help don’t worry guys I took out the IRS for you no more taxes taxes are

Gone wow wow that’s the wrong there’s a wall in between where that guy was going to land medic torted over there medic Med dick I thought there was a spy I heard like a spy noise so I came back for it I see a sniper up there as well so I’m

Going to not go that way sorry my guy it’s not happening they look behind you come here come here yes oh I’m gaming I’m a gamer medic medic medic yes medic no you could have saved me you left middle one V one the G I’m sorry I’m

Gaming my 8h 0hd brain can’t focus on one target at a time I will get this weak Scout over there oh [ __ ] sorry I do apologize for the ad spam it does need to run unfortunately the moment you want to pop in to like tell me how [ __ ] I am that

Ads come through this goddamn scout out of of here I’m sick of his face come here let me knock it off for you that spy is not dead that was a dead ring I know it was I’m I’m in spy hun move come here oh [ __ ] where’d he

Go they got like bounced up I think come back here get out of here I’m just a one blooded monster sorry medic I tried I tried my best just don’t one monster watch this oh it’s grit what no supposed to have crits I think I supposed to have crits I’m the streamer

Some [ __ ] man a man I suck okay I don’t suck I got the kill that’s all that matters he went launched he got launched don’t walk in front of my bomb anyway I’m back now welcome back welcome back to the land of not having ads

Blasted in your face I hope you at least got some funny ads what was the other one that um that W was getting a whole bunch was it it was drink driving right getting blasted with with don’t drink a drive ads well on a tf2 stream come here come

Here we going to cheat oh where’d you come from that was just unfortunate timing for you I got the same drink driving ads it was it was how do they know it was not worm it was somebody somebody was getting spam drink driving ads if I’m honest with you chat whenever

I um like half know a story and I know it involves a um a person 95% of the time I’m going to mistake it with being worm I don’t know why that is let good he’s not pable take some [ __ ] damage well that’s that was just that was just

Appalling I drink or drive no don’t do it ends the twitch ad said not to you so you shouldn’t do it that was just aing by the way I mistake with me I don’t know I don’t know why I just assume it was you I do it all the

Time come here around turn around oh good the a got him oh we need to like get on the car we’ve been like hanging out in our spawn the whole time trying to like kill like the one spy speak of the one [ __ ] come here I should have gone the other way I

Needed to I need to get on the point stand on the point weron oh that was you I that was in game honestly thank you p see if they’ll be cool and give me a high five like epic Gamers come on sugar give me five that was a great game I’m actually

Really enjoying TF2 right now I don’t know if you can tell I feel like I’m having like a I’m I’m more hyper and I don’t know why you know I should do that I should go close my window cuz I’m realing being very loud and I have um NE give me one Second you know when you get into like those students it’s doing the it’s doing the little dance you made it dance while I was gone how was that was that loud I know what issues with it being loud before is that better what HUD am I using I’m using uh

Ton HUD I have it linked in the description of the YouTube like my specific one Turn It Up by like 50 more way too quiet okay let me turn it up a little bit as well yeah my HUD is in the description of the YouTube or if you’re

On Twitch you can also do exclamation point HUD and it will also give you a link for it as well but it’s just a version of um ton HUD that I edited to be the way I like it glad I could play medic and no I’m not

Healing an idiot well I’m healing an Unstoppable idiot an unstable idiot an idiot that can’t read it’s too quiet okay okay okay let me let me crank it up a bit I could barely hear it over your voice wow you saying I’m loud dude let me play it again for you how’s this Not loud now come on dude come on why is nothing ever good Enough I watch back the stream worm you’re lying to me it’s loud enough it’s loud enough stop lying to me don’t know why B it like trusting anyone demo pan demo pan TF2 you can f will Widow silk for this game play this was their idea begins I’d be play something boring like

Soldier but no we need to use the pan it’s not L them you shut your lying mouth worm you are lying you turn your volume up then yeah yeah we’ll hang out here begin 10 pan is for Life pan for like P for Life y can we drop a follow for pan

Gameplay we drop some uh support for the pan make sure the pan feel is appreciated I helped I should get a pan uh Channel Point thing oh we ging that’s so that goddamn awful game play come back here come back here oh hang on worm is a smelly little

Poop head whose favorite color is puke green accurate accurate you smelly little poop head to cry Crank It Up like 800% more let you start I’ve already got twitch chat giv me problems I don’t need YouTube chat also also doing it I thought you guys were supposed to be the nice

Ones now that’s it oh you made a worm angry two time outs for time out for for 2 seconds I do forget the worm has um that was totally ear one second I’ll be right back gamers additional time Hey the enemy has additional time Below 166 Subscribe All right here we go the the enemy hased additional time gam sorry about that I have returned thank you poo for the for the sub I’m sorry that it happened while I couldn’t speak Roxy just like got home so I I got to say hello and like see how the thing

Went oh hang on hang on hangang on hang on this important let me hi my name’s worm and I smell like POI thanks for telling us worm that’s good to know this is all pipe shots hey we’re not here to judge the game play we have a good times only

Ah well what the flip what the flip wor don’t you dare time him out worm don’t you dare he’s speaking the truth take pants man the goddamn pants noisy pants where that Soldier gun how did he sneak behind I got stuck on the wall I himself

Up you wait I got panned who panned me who the [ __ ] panned me shut up and you big ball fck stretch stretch oh you pan him I’m dumb and saw the pan symbol in my name so I thought I died thank you for the the redeemed Zin

Taking care of me making sure I don’t die than for the constant pocketing as well drink a drink a drink to that buddy oh all right we back game we back in it a AO Goblin gobling these nuts got some I’m sure this is making for a really good viewing experience and listening

Experience especially all the pan noises the trade L is broken is it no there’s no way it’s broken there totally there’s totally a way it can be broken none of my stuff ever works let me see if I can fix that for you shut up I don’t have to listen to myself

Uh does work for me it just doesn’t let me um he do it let me oh it’s friends only no no that’s that’s annoying let me fix it that’s so annoying dude that’s so goddamn annoying give me one second give me one second there we go that you might have

To refresh the stream for it to update but that should that should be working now none of my stuff ever Works dude it’s so goddamn annoying W be like I smell real you targeted my medic no medic no I can’t believe it I can’t believe it dude that was a targeted attack one

Soulle goal in life was take at my goddamn medic do it get out on Uber you I know dude I got him for you though there a goddamn targeted attack creater creater creater creater Creator night me night me night me oh I got sniped would be like ice smell

Real that is a nice sniper rifle that guy has though that was just some unfortunate timing though I’m getting ping stop pinging me what the Scout no come back here just hit him with the shield and nothing else sh I die not moving where did he go I saw the soldier fly

By go get him get him get him go go they popped U they actually popped super get me out of there go sniper get him get him get out of here nice try nice try get panned watch out medic watch out medic don’t get stabbed W I got

Stabbed Estonia hello welcome back how are you I’m loving that I’m starting to get some regulars in the YouTube we started the the YouTube like after we started like streaming on Twitch moveing um so it’s it’s always going to be a little bit disproportionately lower but I love like

Seeing returning people in the YouTube stop hitting me that’s so wholesome how are you welcome welcome there you are all right medic I had to run imposter Among Us nice nice get out of here get out of here goddamn rag on a stick wh smells I agree J

Jt5 I’m sorry wor the vast majority of people have agreed that you smell come here come here now come back come back don’t run away from me oh well ah even though you have two fishies and a fish reskin I’m still going to give you my fish but mine’s cool cuz name tag

Oh you don’t have to do that I do like my fishies though I want to build out like a fish collection like what sounds myi has as I O you I was going to UB you I’m sorry Widow I’m sorry I I appreciate that I do have a

Little page in my backpack of like [ __ ] of my on my um what I do have a little page in my backpack of like items that people have given me that I just never never delete but I want to like start collecting um start collecting um worm

Wores oh you did do oh thank you additional time oh fishy okay fish fish weapon thank you so much dude that’s so wholesome yes thank you let me put it on the page that should never be deleted where is he where is he where is he there it

Is it’s this it’s this for here these are all like some placeholder ones at the time being that’s going to sit there forever and it’s never going anywhere thank you I’m for you to use the fish this game you know what I can I could oh excuse me

I got the hicups I can do that fish weapon what’s a good combo with the fish weapon you know we could go critic Cola where and be like I smell I smell like beef this bad Boy thing is I’m not I need to get used to being weaker now oh [ __ ] there’s a sentry that was that was awful dude I saw the Sentry made me panic like I got to take this thing out before I go for the fishies don’t cry I’m just a

Fish micrite fishing it’s we got we got to do it dude we got to do it he’s still down for the Le Absolut time is it oh it is like 10 let’s go for like one more game and then we’ll we’ll do the Leal as well uh centuries I can’t do my fish

Games when there’s a sentury there how long does this upward game have is it going to is this the last round I’m think like one more map change and then we’ll do uh lethal if that’s okay don’t rush don’t worry thank you thank you thank you I’m actually I’m

Really enjoying just like running around being a dumbass you’re a spy you’re not a spy whoa whoa get out of here so busy focus on the imaginary spy no no no the C come back here fight me fight me coward we can run in front of a Sentry that works too goddamn

Coward my medical alone leave my medic alone they’re all [ __ ] playing around their Sentry I can’t like do anything I launch TF2 just to give you a fish named fish weapon that is incredibly wholesome dude thank you so much it’s well worth the effort come here come here

I got to get at least one kill come on come on man was on a mission B be like I’m banned never no you can’t ban P he’s speaking the truth we got to catch the cart though Mission ends in seconds [ __ ] who would have fought if you ran

Directly at the enemy that just shoot you that’s ridiculous dude why are they doing this to me anyone else pushing this thing hey yo I’m pushing it I’m pushing it Miss ends in 10 I will B ha no you will not no you will not yeah that it’s it’s beyond saving it’s beyond

Saving you fa look at look at him he’s just sitting just sitting there do we have another round it’s got to do a map change all right one more one more map change after this one and then we’ll um I’m trying you’re doing amazing Widow you’re doing

Amazing I suck it’s my fault I suck at the game we’re going to do one more map change like one more rotation when it gets to the screen um and then we’ll move on to lethal which you guys are also welcome to jump in if you want we

Do have the um the bigger uh Lobby mod plug-in thing if you do want that one uh you can jump in Discord I’ll post a um the the code for the the mods that we use in there oops [ __ ] no don’t launch it don’t launch lethal

No that launch okay good I don’t think it launched I hope not yeah update all I just H mods and I’m good ah God damn I accidentally [ __ ] launched it no I swear that crashes my goddamn game just give me like a second and I will get this updated and then you’ll be

Able to I’m getting on right now with my laptop I will ask um if you are jumping in for lethal try and have a mic it’s not a it’s not a deal breaker but it does make it a lot easier to play the game if you’re um you like if you have

Like your voice and stuff obviously if you’re not comfortable having on stream that’s okay um but it would be preferable if you have a mic so you can talk um export profile as a code there it is I might not be able to that’s that’s

All good you don’t have to if you uh don’t want to it’s just a preference thing all righty when you jump into Discord check the um the games General I’ll put it in there There you Are oh [ __ ] we’re already in a game we need to get this fish killed man I can’t end stream without at least one fish kill play ball play ball can I uh play ball cheers pal there you are it’s only taken me 2 hours to remember to do that but it got done

Eventually hey yo I’m running circles around them I’m running circles aroundand them so that’s going through yes fish let me close that I don’t need that open Mission begins we just take a moment to check out this fish and all of this Glory look at this little fishy fella these jiggle physics and

All wait actually where’s that medic come here stand still that’s still that’s still find someone else Mission begins in 10 seconds no come back 4 3 kiss and they were both boys what is this love smile lovely smile thank you so much for following I think that puts us at 199 I

Think we’re like one away from 200 now thank you so much I appreciate it J for stopping by as well I don’t think I saw you before you’re welcome how are you how are you welcome welcome I feel like I recognized that name from somewhere have we bumped into each other before

I don’t know why I popped that as early as I did but we’re going to make do my one goal of this map change is to get a kill with this new fish there we go I got it goal achieved boy kisser and they were both boys are the health packs there’s one

Over here shaboo Loy a BL Loy with the 5.80 in that’s um is that below average or above slightly above right it’s like right on average one of the two well [ __ ] I swaped twitch just to do PP oh is this is that you KN says in the Twitch in the

Twitch no freaking way a pro player what me I a pro player is there a pro in our lobby am I dumb it is ah fair fair fair welcome to Twitch we do have funny funny twitch commands that’s the one up that you’ll have against being on uh YouTube rather than Twitch not you you’re far from a pro I know that’s why I was confused like there’s no way you’re talking about me right I threw that so badly dude I threw it so badly also less that is true actually as well yeah twitch is the primary platform so it streams from here

And then um like twitch is the one that like it does first and I have a program in OBS that like makes it do it oh talking about um oh smile I didn’t realize you were pay player ohion oh thank you for the that’s 200 we’re at 200 finally thank you so much

Bonus ow there I was hoping it was going to make the noise I’m retired and washed up now this doesn’t mean a lot though come on come back here no he stole my kill that doesn’t mean that doesn’t mean you’re not still a pro player once a pro player always a pro player

Right oh is that what the the extra little symbol next to is well stop it I just want to get my fish kills man thank you for the Pikmin as well shabo Le I’m just Ling I can’t read names let me drop you a uh a follow I want to check out your

Stuff can’t believe we’re in the presence you got 200 followers now I do it feels very good support that like my stuff has gotten like in the short amount of time like I’ve I’ve been like like streaming like on and off for like a few years now

I’ve been taking it seriously for about like come here thank you that was for about like 3 or 4 months and the amount of like support come here the amount of support that like you guys have like thrown me since like taking it seriously has been

Like unreal it’s it’s um it’s been like really it’s really appreciated that’s what I’m trying to say it’s cool congrats 2 200 thank you thank you thank you smile I’m glad I’m glad there’s a lot of people here to see it happen I guess I always get real like that’s a

Spy get out of here I always get really um like weird is that the way I don’t know how to how to like express my emotions when it comes to like thanking people if that makes sense but thank you let’s just put it simply thank you I do really appreciate the the

Support oh my God that the other side of the map godd damn dude it is funny that you uh stopped cuz there was somebody who was talking about wanting to get into competitive TF2 earlier in the day who who was that that was oh who was it some somebody like

Really early into the stream wanted to get into trying to take the tell trust me I’ll Trust you that looks like it’s an exploit that looks like it’s going to take me outside the map get out of here there could be only one many times I have cheat

You never mind I’m taking this teleporter it was destroyed well I took this one this one’s better anyway took behind the back lines I saw like the outline of it it looked like it was on the other side of the map I hit him like 10 times it did nothing fish nah

Pen man is behind their back lines ah fair fair I love the fish man I’ve got a couple of nice reskins of it as well um I got the Plaid one of course cuz you need a plaid one got the SI Duty cuz you also need a SI Duty easy easy um easy

Strange they’re all kill streak as well of course I need a swim this one and I’ve got my Kanye West one which came named that one but you know cuz like I’m a gay fish so I just kept the name on there cuz like it fits I guess might is

Behind their back lines it’s up the stairs where was it where is it I’m taking this one cuz the only one up this is also behind their back lines so does this always get blocked off I don’t remember that I thought there’d be more people

Here oh hang on Scout get me Scout get me SC oh well I suck man I so I’m so goddamn bad at the game and I still get the kill somehow no don’t pull out your gun honor be honorable yeah yes it keeps dying I don’t think you’re going to get

A chance to show it off nope there it goes I had a full sent nest in their first spawn can I see it from here it’s not going to let me see it at all that’s some [ __ ] right there man what can I do for like the last like

Round is that good what’s another good combo for like the fish so I find the criol isn’t like helping I guess milk would help so I can hit more shots and then what’s the one that like makes you like Mobility is it the S popper or the

Um that’s the one I’m looking for yeah the to popper a rip dude maybe fac in Winger force of nature force of nature is the one that I’m thinking of thank you begins in where is it force of nature I’m a force in nature no nature now baby place is garbage

Isn’t it Wonder like if you take like a like if you get sneezed on you get no Mobility yeah no I ain’t using the baby places I think it’s trash it’s a shame cuz it’s a cool idea like the more damage you do the like faster C would be

Good as well but but milk fine wait where’s my good man there it is niif game it’s a shame cuz it’s like it’s such a cool idea and it just doesn’t work Amo pan takes skill T2 hit raate never has been very Good all right that guys just exploded exped as well like this then you like jump up yeah I don’t use the the force of nature at all I really should do well oh my God guys we’re in we’re in match of a real phase member real totally real

Yeah I should use the the force nja more but I just I just don’t I think I think it’s the two shots that like stops me from being from wanting to use it yes Uber Uber this the fish Scout that would have been embarrassing if I didn’t get

That I had every Everything stacked up on my side if I had to thrown that I would been AB set with myself fish Uber the fuba fuba FBA fuba fuba back here who stop pushing the C I want names there you go I think that was him dying

Then n that’s UB going to go the other way look at me actually using the gun come back here hit him up against the wall fem Scout fan girl the real it’s only TF2 where you get names like that like steam names are like Universal like every game you play on

Steam you have the same name you can change it anything something about playing TF2 makes people want to use there we go to use the the Goofy ah hard names I so bad at this you’re not going to hit this you’re not going to hit this oh [ __ ] they can

Hit it I can hit it I’m leaving I know there’s a solders chasing me let me get a help back and then I’ll grab you wow dude oh sorry wi you fell I did completely abandon you again I need to be better at like protecting

My medic even though I’m a fish Scout I should be protecting them I was going to say something I forgot what it was already okay I want to know what that sign is I kind of want to know what it is but like I I feel like I’m going to

Get banned if I do get out of here you can use a s up for five extra jumps yeah but you have to earn them I mean they spawn help we can we spectate you oh my God you are how’d you get back there let me see

If I can get over there hang on hang on you can do but you have to earn it you don’t just get it and I’m playing poorly so having like needing to earn my help is not going to be the best right now free sniper kill

By I’m in and I’m out we dip dip dip dip see you see you leave me alone leave me alone but where are you where are you there you are my Savor why did they do that I didn’t mean to click that let’s go hideing in here we’ll get

The jump on them as they come out of the spawn this is op you can earn in one second hang on come here gaming God we’re gaming we’re gaming all right I feel good yeah but fish is op you can earn in one in one second I I see what you mean because

It’s so overpow you just get it for free like over and over again oh come on didn’t let me get the free sniper kill really I really like that guy’s sniper rifle the pure like steel white that’s so cool you left me again I’m sorry I have I have Scout brain it’s

Still there okay I can come back and save you I’m sorry I have I have Scout brain man that guy is laggy laggy ah demo man that’s a he’s doing the Peter Griffin fall look at him in the background he’s doing the pet Griffin are you still dead are you still alive

Have you died yet I think you have done he as well no not quite how d That’s not you never mind yeah thanks Doc oh [ __ ] that’s an Uber we gaming we gaming we gaming we go for it I killed a spy and a sniper popping

Off back there dude all right got the mods download hell yeah is it map change it is it is map change time so I did promise we’d be moving on to lethal now so I’m going to have to keep to my promise unfortunately I’m really I was really

Enjoying tf2s tonight though I don’t usually get as into it as I did uh for this one let me quickly um change the titles and all of that we’ll get that set up um and if you want to jump in for some lethal as well just let me know that’s the game there

It is do I have a thumbnail for YouTube foral I think I do and Being The company making the mods now hell yes hell yes we love the company the company the company me quickly run some ads um now while we’re not doing anything so that hopefully none run while we’re doing anything important so excuse the ad bam but better to run them when there’s nothing

Happening I use my life savings to get Minecraft so I can’t afford food or lethal I think you got spot those priorities around there dude think the food might come come first surely surely you would want the food first right [ __ ] I got to update my mods I thought I did we’ll do

That good idea good idea yeah I hate having to have the ads going but like they are a thing they’re going to run regardless the option is just whever you want to be able to control them I have a thumbnail for YouTube I do look at me look at me being

Ahead of ahead of the game get that bag get that bag get that that two cents I think I’ve ear like maybe $2 my entire time off of ads it’s really not not worth it if I could have like no ads I would do but of course which which do be at

Twitch as soon as you become an affiliate you you have to have them did I just hear lethal company yep let’s swapping over to lethal now more drunk driving ads POG just to make sure you don’t forget right YouTube is done which is done gross dude you nasty Basty I had a Korean Mario ad is it the is it the one with um Chris Pat oh that’s um fortnite isn’t it there there’s some Korean ad that has um Chris hat in it for some reason isn’t there it’s fortnite right sorry I had to pass gas you meant

To say pass gas right funny funny Chris Pat for real Christian pthew this going to launch right I will say I haven’t played lefal in a good chunk now make sure my look still exists as well it totally does m hat the LW guy ex law guy we

Can’t call him the LW guy anymore as of in like it’s like 4 weeks I think is retiring one of those at that point we can’t cor guy anymore uh friends only why do I have so many saves which save was which let’s checkle on this one

Uh is there a way of like restarting it I guess we just got to do like that one that’ll do you can’t stop me you can’t stop me all righty who am I chucking in do I have any notifications no we’ll leave the music on though until the game

Starts hey it was this one yeah I remember this one I got oven nerd there’s pickle as well they’re playing Le for uh oven oven oven where are you hav’t watched the damn game I’ll be there soon have to mute the stream and open the damn game yeah you should do I mean

You’re welcome to have like the whole thing but like asking all players for installed mods who’s this this is pickle hello pickle how are you it’s me I know hello how good good how they do official purple suit these look the same or is there any difference between the two purple

Suits I’ve never played with mods so I got no idea well I know these these this batch here are like these are like official ones they just give you from the start these ones are all like modded ones I I know the uh the new official purple one

Is like new with the new challenge modes and stuff while we wait for people to go in let me quickly go over what mods we have installed um just so everyone can get a grasp of what we’re doing we changed the display thing very appropriate Timing all righty so we have bigger Lobby what is that goddamn noise dude I think it’s the ass this thing that I’m squeaking Oh I play some music oh that’s a bunch of stuff we bought um last session I think all right shut up that was fire I was I was dancing I need to be able to hear my own voice I should turn my own music off as well just while I’m while

I’m explaining the mods and then you’re more than welcome too [ __ ] you oh wait what you can do double you can do yeah you press it twice right yeah I think the same applies with any other one-headed ones as well like pointing where’s pointing there it is oh

Does it never mind is this is this the it is the gritty the gritty squeaky decky dog toys it’s this boy right here oh let me send the uh invites it was p is getting in here oven is getting in here look like they just crashed you a good son I’m just looking

I’m just looking at all the new emotes yeah yeah you got you got one through eight we’ll do like all the new ones I I need to uh swap it out though for the um there like a better one where you can like unlock different um emotes working

No I would never all right give me a do we have events let give me a second while I quickly run through what mods we have cuz I keep getting distracted uh display so first one is weather multiply which makes moons that have like active weather events actually

Like worth more um like so like the harder ones are worth I think it’s like 5% scrap value like extra scrap value for like rain it’s like 50% for like Eclipse so if you want to go for harder moons it’s actually like kind of worth

It now zero give you a sign you can write on the Zero give you a sign you can write on zero what like number zero on the keyboard I figured that out oh I didn’t know it does oh but it like closes it whever you

Oh okay I think if you move I think if you move oh there’s also a knife one this used to be a thing as well you can do the cons kick they must have updated it since I last played it B’s getting in here as well there you are

Let me invite oven again and where’s pen pen pen pen pen pen pen setting up my mic app oh hell yeah have to restart my laptop it’s good we’re going to go for the mod still as well um let me continue what we’re doing um so the helmet cams actually is a kind

Of interesting mod as well it basically makes it so that whatever camera like what whoever you’re spectating on here you can also see their perspective on this little camera thing here so that’s there’s like a head yeah it’s like it’s like a little like um camera on their

Head I’m going to stand over here so I can hear my own thoughts um more suits obviously just makes it so there’s more suit options so people can like actually stand out go change your suit terminal API what the hell was terminal API I think it just changed something to

Do with the teral yeah I would assume so I can’t do can’t see anything oh I think it’s the one that puts the clock on the top right there so when you’re in the terminal you can see what time it is it’s questioned out right now cuz there’s no time but that

Is an option for you as well uh that’s terminal clock I don’t know I guess we’ll work out what terminal API is when we get it oh my God it’s curvy oh it just lets people affect the terminal with can you put cury on real quick it’s this pink

One it’s very cute it’s even got little eyes you can’t see it behind the glasses but it’s got a little ciry face in the background oven hello um we’ve got hold the scan button so instead of having to like spam press the scan button you can just hold down

The button it will just do it for you Skin Walkers mod which I think everyone knows but it basically lets the monsters take recordings of our voices and then play it to try and like fool you into beinging that they are the case we’ve got the mimic mod in which adds fake

Fire exits into the facilities that if you go through you die instantly you can tell them apart uh if you like whack them with a shovel they’ll like make a noise I think there are like slight visual differences with them as well but adds a bit more of a

Risk to taking the fire exits um we’ve got the emote mod in which we’ve already discovered one through zero are all emotes now ship loot makes it so when you scan Loot on your ship it more accurately puts an actual number there so you don’t have to

Do the guessing thing that we usually do uh we’ got the yippy mod on because of course we have to just makes the little little yippy bugs make the yippy noise ship clock I’ve already gone over push company you can now push roommates by hitting e on people no like

So that that should lead to some funny moments let me invite back oh wait for them to come back stand near any Ledges with you guys yeah no relaunch the game the yipp mod is the best mod I really hope the developer makes like an official thing I can see them absolutely doing

That um faster startup just makes it so that you don’t have to do the um the startup animation we’ve already gone through that Mike’s working I think hell yeah let me invite you in as well um pan I think that was who it was and then and oven needs to fix the goddamn

Game uh what we up to uh this one reworks the performance report of like when the game ends so um it’ll actually give you like a description of like how the person died have extra stats and stuff do you know the developer is an artist I know

They’re a furry I think everyone knows that though um that’s all I heard I heard that they were a furry and they got this stuff start off of like making Roblox horror maps and it’s a single developer Roblox in their name well no I have I didn’t know they were also an

Artist but I assume they made like everything like the art for the game as well so it wouldn’t surprise me I should like look into their stuff um at some point um we have the spectate enemies mod which lets you spectate enemies when you’re dead uh look straight the look me

Down mod you actually look like straight down usually if you don’t have the mod installed you don’t look like this F far down so it makes you the pain in like picking things up so you can actually like look fully down at your feet now um suit saver just like saves your

Suits you don’t have to keep like reapplying it more blood just makes like a big explosion of blood when you die cuz it’s funny uh land mine fart reeverb that’s exactly what it says uh assistant purchas is just Mak it so if you buy stuff like this for the

The ship it stays there you have to keep re buying it they made another great horror game it’s called walks or walks or dolphing or something I do remember seeing some videos of it it was like a like a um it was like a in know like a hotel of

Something it that looks really interesting I need to actually like fully look into it uh hide mod list just hide some mod list more company lets us have more than um more than four players wacky Cosmetics does the Cosmetics that you can see we have the needy needy cats mod in

Here as well which adds cats into the facility that you can find and take back to their ship and you can sell them if you’re monsters as well Le a company inputs I think this is just something you need these are all just like extra mods

As well that just like do arm jobs I think no so that should be all of them most of them are just like quality of life stuff but there are couple of like extra things in there as well that mod adds cats they do you definitely need it it adds like the

Actual cats like walk around you can pick them up and take a back as well um you can also sell them if you’re a monster yes uh let me invite the cats who don’t we have here um p is in here right poo pickle oven F I’m

Back they made another yeah that one right Yeah how dare you we are a little bit into this I’m trying to find is it there’s only four of us here yeah W are you in it says you’re in no they’re gone might be having issues logging in that’s fine we can we can chill for a

Little bit I’m going to turn the game down slightly it’s very loud goddamn noisy my game was uh spazy out trying to fix it that’s all good we’ll wait for you we’ll wait um other than that though we don’t have any like major mods they’re mostly

Just quality of life stuff the only like noteworthy ones that actually like add stuff in are the skinwalker mod the mimic mod and the needy cats mod we need like a code word or something to make sure that we’re not this like a skin walker well it can also say the code

Word though that doesn’t really work that be we say it before we go in just have to make up a new one every single time I don’t know when it like picks a recording I think it could even be taking recordings from like this conversation honestly I’m pretty sure

It’s pretty sure it’s when we like go like when we land from modded like I watch video well I remember there was a point where I was playing I think I was playing with you um my game isn’t loading correctly because of the helmet can we can remove

That one if that’s like causing problems it’s there a way I could do that without like restarting the lobby um but I remember there was a point in time up in where I was playing with you and then you left and I was just playing by

Myself but I was still getting like your voice clips like in a Solo Thing by itself I’ll try to reinstall the mods no that’s funny that’s fine I I can just remove it give it one more try and then yeah we we’ll just get rid of it if that’s not

The case no no I don’t think I will why is it not typing how do you do that I can’t spell I guess this is a way to talk if you don’t have a mic as well you can just be like this and yeah I guess yeah fck

You double [ __ ] you I mean yeah you can’t change the mods without restarting the lobby that’s fine I can I can do that are you guys cool if I do that I’ll just invite you back in a second all right you might have to restart your game as well actually I

Might even have you might have to go in and manually turn it off or I could just send a new code through and you can just put that on I just turn it off I don’t know give it go let me see what I can do so remember

We did have this issue with um um H we we had HD company on as well um but we we couldn’t use that cuz it was not good for a lot of people’s PCS uh hammer cameras let’s turn that one off let’s turn that one off turn that one

Off it’s not letting me turn it off I might have to restart my also thing where’s it gone okay let me double check well put the music on as farot so we’re not listening to nothing uh export profiles code is it the same code it it’s a new code

Okay new code it’s in the um the game chat again play Moded ah make for sticking with me through technical difficulty it wouldn’t be one of my streams without there being some form of technical difficulties that’s still nutty to me that that voice clip comes from a little Polish boy post confirm got it done got it working all righty invite

Pman it’s in that thing where I can’t do it from there I need to do it from the steam window God damn it damn it fellas right Poe uh where is it invite to game Panner invite to game pickle in a jar invite to game and then where the hell is oven done

Done oven invite to the game that should have went I shut Discord just in case it might be making the game Run a bit laggier hello hello where all the suits go did we lose some oh yeah we did I think everyone’s picked suit is still there so I guess we that’s fine

I’ll have it fixed for next time Pi or what I saw I saw something there think my G that’s all right no you still got the pink one oh Kirby’s there actually yeah right there is it see it hold on it’s the the pink one that’s just this is think it is

Kirby for me put it on cby for you no you’re yellow what the hell is going on [ __ ] dude pickles’s green pick’s Mario for me [ __ ] is going on dude guess we just like this I don’t have any of the Kirby or like Mario ones like they’re not there NE

It’s just the colors I accidentally disabled one of them I’m a profession I’m such a professional uh let’s restart one more time Hey where’s what that one it spell spell wrong right one more quick restart and then we’re getting into it what a nerd new code again there you

Go oh that’s all I see in the Discord oh you got no lights for some reason um hopefully this will fix it do we need to restart our games I would say so yeah that’s what I I said to do before right like restart the whole game and then make sure you launch

It through um the Thunder store thing that is weird though just put you into a black void I wish this would just work it’d be so much easier all right now host please W I woke up in close so yep that’s those ones back now I’m still going to use the default purple

One okay invite people Alo I can’t see my cursor and I can’t move my scream at all I don’t know what’s going on there hit Escape try hitting Escape poo pickle oven and where are you where are you Hanah here’s someone taking the clothes off oh bnch flashlights in here yeah okay there

We go it’s back there we go switch switch up you’re going to hate what I have to say but try closing your game again might have you might have to like close and reopen it again so thank you for all the redeems oven gby that pickle

I can tell by the outfit that’s pickle yeah it is yeah I’m wearing green for pickles friendly worm was in here he would be wearing probably wearing this one invite didn’t load properly could you reinvite of course uh pner invite to the game who else are we making uh

Oven where are you you’re hiding on my list where are you you still playing TF2 on Twitch no I changed that didn’t I no it’s it’s it’s that’s a lethal might have to refresh your stream for it to to change I guess hello p you made it in no I didn’t

Unod you’re trolling you’re trolling say lethal for me yeah you might have to re restart the the stream on your end I like refresh your browser unod worm never never sucks thank you for following welcome welcome oh there another noise oh my God we reached the two the follower goal

Again the second time hit Corner that’s your corner thank you so much I know I just refreshed it least it’s working now are you on your way oven I’m going to let my dog yeah let them dogs out e I’m I’m stinky worm colors no I won’t be purple yeah there it

Is there we go get your butt in here boy oh there’s a skeleton spooky scary skeleton turn shivers down your spine oh stop working that looks like that looks you got individual physics for each cheek okay okay how do you push E right let me have a look I regret buying this record player man I speaking of which I should turn my own music off way too much noise this is a um pre-existing world so we do have a little bit of money to spend let me grab a bunch of flashlights for

Us there’s already a bunch of flashlights in the C yeah but the stinky green ones we want good ones don’t we Fair computer froze up after me so I have been forced to restart ah that explains it that explains it I’m going to grab a shovel as well

It’s kind of necessary at this Point think I have Two there’s two pro flashlights here so I’ll grab how many people do we have five five let me grab like six just to have like some like leftovers and stuff that’ll be enough for all of us and then like enough for like a handful in the

Back and we got like 200 fo0 left over hey shovel is my favorite I think that’s I can hear like my stream coming through someone’s mic by the way that’s probably going to get you killed when I talk like a dog wrecks up on you I love shovels let me get you

A shovel as well then that’s not nice Oh I thought you said you going to hit them no I would never hey look at him go kick in the butt turn around turn around who me honestly I have to use an app to connect my phone that makes sense it’s

Mountain dud this the the tanks oh it is oh that’s why you’re glowing in the dark that makes sense thank you for subscribing on the YouTubes Subscri sticky no it’s not Happ thank you so much that the other thing I forgot to talk about as well the YouTube notifications are like actually working now and it works the same Way let me invite our dear friend oven again what the hell again the whole thing up it’s throwing it outside no this is Fire anything else cool we could buy from the store I regret having so many noisy things in this ship remember you’re in date access file remember thank you remember what’s the key to like a second if you hold down V that’s like a wheel for like all the

Emotes oh yeah there is yeah that’s that’s like a easier way of doing it I need to get the one that like lets you buy emotes and stuff we got a stun gun where’s a computer where’s the computer [ __ ] um I don’t think we have enough

For it you talk about the zap gun right oh the zap gun’s fun zap I tried to zap a Bracken once and that Ked me what I could spell uh zap gun it’s 400 yeah we definitely can’t afford it can work towards it though now I’m

Just asking I haven’t used it before but I’ve heard it’s like good if you have like a competent team like you have one of us with a shovel one of you with a zap gun you can like combo it and take out some you get like two shovels you zap it

And then and then um you kill them with the shovel same right creep oh oh where’s the record I bet you someone put it in storage whoa he got in the yeah that’s cool somebody hidden the lights switch Yeah I canot find it I can’t see what have you done doomed

Us there it is we can move this that up there where’s my where’s the Beloved Rec uh it’s probably in storage let me grab it for you if I could spell stop light I recognize that coil hit I realized that coil heads move calm down try again I realize that

Coil heads are way more dangerous than people say they’re honestly like a like in some situations they just like go straight home honestly got double swords unless you can like trap one behind a thing like it’s basically like go home there a light there it is also welcome welcome um AR wolf

Welcome back how are you good to see you again how you coming along aen we do have late company in so we can probably start one without oven and then he can join like the next um cuz you you can join anytime we’re in the ship it’s

Just not like on the main island you can’t let’s do that let’s have a look at what moons we have well everything is eclipsed except for experimentation let’s go experimentation so we can at least like be Alive I am going to throw this thing off the ship there are but know there are some situations where like if a coil head spawns like in the map it’s better off just like going home rather than actually like trying to fight it especially in combination with like other

Things we do have a delivery way guys we should have a couple of shovels and then a bunch of flashlights I need to go back on the ship but you can run ahead if you want as well all right I’ll go ahead I guess goodbye they have a radiation warw says

There were once War weapons of war yeah no they’re really interesting like I I went through and like looked at like all the law and stuff after the last couple of streams they’re like known to explode like during um oh please don’t get crushed and like no to like explode when they’re being

Tampered with as well Yeah let me take a bunch of this crap back there’s never flashlight there if someone else wants it move this to the other room one crew member watches the rest scav things do we have a a cam guy we do not stop stop I have the I don’t have the weapon

Switch mod on we might go through without a cam guy for the first round um and then we’ll come back like next next time we might do it might be a bit better like while we’re all um like getting warmed in I got to go I think

That’s all good Widow thank you for trying it it was good to like try and get you in maybe next time I’m sure we’ll be playing um more lethal at some point Alo the toy soldiers are fully capable of killing other monsters by accident yeah like if something gets in

The way like the damage it’s like one of the only things that like can kill you that can kill like other players like turrets can’t kill them mines can’t kill them hello which is also kind of interesting cuz you would think the T I haven’t experienced the skin walk

Yet you found one oh wait can where oh there he is what’s his name patches takeit that baby back to the if you scan it it’s says the name oh you can also Pat it as well if it’s being too noisy yeah I love the cat mod so much

It’s so good dude it’s oh it’s a must I want them to add it I want it to be official you get a whole bunch of them as well there’s like an orange one there’s like a Siamese one what’s up is this like a new update or something or

Oh there is actually yeah this is a new room that spawns in there it’s like big open I don’t know what this is in it but it’s like the room itself is new this like big open space never seen I think there might be another one but I’m not sure I hear another

One I see it I see it where is he get him what’s what’s that one’s thing put him put him down no yeah you can take him what’s his name one his name is also stickers his name is uh Snickers okay that works all right had a brain for let me

I’ll take him with me um he’s a twoand there is a fire door here as well let me put him down there for a second another fire exit you real nope are you real okay this is a real fire exit we can go through this one hello hello okay I thought you were

A skin walker no I would never uh be careful when you come down here I the first fire exit you’ll walk past is real the second one is not I’m going to take this back to the ship the cats are number one priority hello it up when I yes to

Me I thought that was like a skin walker no it’s I think um someone’s talking in the background yeah if you didn’t know as well on experimentation you can jump onto this pipe here and you can just walk straight to the ship it’s really good for if you have like a flooded or

There like a bunch of monsters down here as well this little fell they’re also like surprisingly profitable you can get them up to like 120 oh so many I’m going to put them up here cats always go on furniture and this guy can go like over

Here there we go look at these little fellas you have to I got to go to sleep unfortunate that’s fair enough we we thank you so much for stopping by at least oh I’ll be my kitties don’t though the new layouts are kind of crazy

They kind of I I haven’t seen the other one that’s the first time seeing that one but um I have heard there is a second one that I don’t know what is there’s a slime is it like blocking oh someone grabb the apparatus if that’s the case it might be

Worth like getting out of you then let me take one of these engines back sleep well thanks for playing hello you want to grab that engine in front of the door and meet me back at the ship I got I’ve got full uh we’ll drop like a little thing then I’ll carry

That there yeah I’ll meet the ship yeah my body experiences at my body at my body exists at the fire exit I think I mean yeah we we could run back and try and grab it just to try and save some money and also cuz I care about you

And I don’t want you to be left on this Alien Planet I would like to see the other um thing the one thing I do worry about having these cats on the ship is um I don’t know if like the noise could be like heard by other monsters cuz it

Would suck if like is dogs would just like Crow the the the ship because the cats are there oh you know what I should have done I should have looked at the camera ah [ __ ] it I’ll go I’ll just go check myself I should have looked at the camera and

Like looked where where those body was that’s fine if it’s near the fire exit I should be able to find it with how many times you left me as a medic I can’t believe that the money is a higher priority no no not at all hello hello

Did you see a body on your way past no I didn’t what uh W widow um disconnected maybe maybe they don’t drop a body when they die I’ll just stick my head in yeah I think this is a lost cause it’s not the money is a higher priority it’s just

Like I have the time and I’m not in adhc like Scout mode right now we’re going to run out and get like a million kills it’s most likely the dogs can hear the noises well well it’s still worth it for my little fur babies fair enough fair enough all right

Well you have a good night thank you so much for stopping by I probably shouldn’t be like wandering around like blabbing hello I have returned got pickle oh disconnect isn’t um a body thing ohol ready to go you’re going to get yourself killed with that fall

Damage nah I’m fine I’m fine also yeah the mod actually like tells you like what the actual value on the ship is at the bottom right there so you don’t have to like walk around and guess it it’s so good dude it should just be default all

Right let’s get the [ __ ] out of here IAT stive oh stive POS hello how are you welcome welcome yeah they do they’re like randomly generated as well who’s crazy dude 12 crazy I don’t I think it’s like a placeholder name 12 ah oh I’m getting a bunch of oh what is what is going

On all right I should be able to invite Ain in now I got a weird noise glitch happening where like my level up is like going off over and over again only am my only mode I think I changed it now so it actually like works now can it stop with the noises

Please Now that’s that’s so annoying dude no I I need to keep an ey it though and see if it like automatically like stops it as well but it should at least now it like does it cats on the cats on the beers oh no oh my God I love we found

The same cat though there’s like four or five different like cats that could do oh I kind of want to reload this noise is going to drive me insane yeah I’m sorry guys I’m going to have to quickly relo to get rid of this goddamn noise I’ll be back in a second you’re

Going have to rejoin that’s so annoying dude I don’t know how it glitched out like that but like it was um only it was it was like the level up sound like it was like putting XP into my thing but it’s like playing over and over and over and over again

All my kitty cats still right oven needs to get an invite uh poo needs an invite pickle needs an invite I think that was everyone right yeah where’s my shovel and my there it is maybe drop it cuz I was like hello no I love that you like P it like a

Toddler right fo oh Walk Way look around stand low make sure they don’t see you guys hear me yeah yes I’m like glitched my screen’s black and I move uh just relog okie dokie long oh these cats man this is the best this is the best

Mod also why do you keep taking my feet they sit on the furniture no I do it like this there we go I belong on the floor you belong on the floor I live in the floor I then you were born on the floor on the floor technically

Maybe ow there we go I don’t know look at these handsome fellas you said it I should probably like reinvite who do I have to invite there you are I think okay that’s good to know I think I do need to manually remove emote only how do I do that emote emote only

Cuz it was like a default one so I thought it would like do it by itself yeah I got to do it myself Freedom you have your voices back don’t make me regret it all righty how how’s that B it’s all working for you yeah it’s working Sweet

Let’s go all righty where are we off to um there’s a lot of Umble freak you so March is f offens is Eclipse Val and experimentation are normal and Assurance is stormy we need to try and get to Titan again that was yeah we should we

Should do so I guess Val would be our best bet then if we don’t want to deal with um yeah weather events a gun why don’t you use it against the enemies or we could go March it’s only foggy it’s not the end of the

World it’s a fake yeah it is it does get let’s start with let’s start with Val and we’ll we’ll start cranking up the difficulty later on how much are we sitting at so far 380 but we’re going to take off the um the two

Cats I hate the F F’s one of the more like like the f is coming the fog is coming the fog is coming coming F’s not the worst but God damn dude it’s it’s it’s it makes you feel like your video settings are like wrong oh yeah with more stuff there it

Is ah ah no all right while while we’re trying well don’t forget to charge your [ __ ] before you do as well it’s a little bit annoying that it’s behind oh my God it’s stuck I’m stuck there go if you do get stuck behind there you need like Crouch to get yourself

Out I just realiz here we don’t have walkie-talkies but that’ll be fine oh is oven staying oh I know um we this is Val just I think yeah you just go to the right of the ship yeah when you walk out of the ship you just turn

Right you know a lot more than when we lost yeah no I got sucked down the um the Tik Tok Rabbit Hole it has been like a long time since we played like I think like 2 weeks or so oh help me all right there there is a do

You guys want to take the fire exit we’ll meet you in there I think I think I’m a bit too fast yeah you fat [ __ ] all right don’t die bye-bye love you let’s we might see them there’s nothing nothing that way cool we’re going this way

Oh I can hear them already oh fire exit there I actually I can test it hang on yep you hear that listen to this that means it’s a fake don’t take it don’t take it what the [ __ ] did you just oh my God he hit it too many times it’s a

Thing okay so you can only hear a certain number of times good to know I’m going to take the pickles oh you found pickles as well take that sucks dude that’s that’s so dumb yeah no it was all wrong from there that thing can I didn’t know I didn’t

Know that was a thing makes it Angry I that by the what are you saying oh I Lear that way the other thing pickle is we do have the um the spectate Monsters Mod on if you hit e you can move to like Monsters and cycle for it’s mostly just hoarding bugs around

Them and a goo from this uhen room I don’t know yeah yeah this this is the new room as well as I’ve uh learned from a video that I was watching while waiting um bunch of hoarding bugs that’s good isn’t that just where like drags the bodies so is

That I’m not sure I think it just drags the uh I’m Prett sure it just drags bodies these dumb [ __ ] face there just nothing New am I lagging I think I’m lagging you want this scar me n there’s also a slime nearby where he go look at that little [ __ ] I want to kill it I kill him no he he he’s harmless I don’t know if I see the Slime Al puffer

Die die Oh’s going to walk directly into that slime I think’s okay I have no idea I think it’s just because they pck something up they must have dropped something and picked it up I’m spectating the enemies yeah if you press e you can do that there’s a puff near

Them oh wait the holding bu have oh yeah they do oh [ __ ] they’ve adopted a cat they’re Mak it out as Welling havei fly around they’re absolutely going to try and hit that cat what I do what I do I’ll save You I was going to get myself kill for this cat oh I got one hey the key behind him as well oh no is that a g centipede puffer hoarding Bud blob I killed one of them we get the captain that is completely valid he’s still protecting it that’s so mean

Dude interesting around puffer blob centipede there’s really not a lot like near them I think they’re good heard you talking Ian not a mimer no it’s not the Slime sker po hoing bugs I know so slow that was that was a gay there’s a gay couple that like adopted their kid and these

Two just like walked up to them and beat them and stole the kid it was a hate crime not too slow hello Echo welome welcome how are you howy indeed we can go this way what are you up to we this we’re about to watch some idiots die they could just started work

Again I don’t know I’m sure that’s a good thing right that’s a that would be a good thing for me like I I get into that mentality where like if I’m aan how did you die is there anything noteworthy around centi puffer there’s really not a lot near

Him it is getting pretty late out there though there we right let’s whatever yeah mentally need need to go back I feel that as well I’m starting to get to that point like it’s great like not having to go to work but I’m I’m one

Of those people that like I like my like selfworth is kind of attached to my work like working if that makes sense had to leave behind but a sacrifice I’m sure he was willing to make except T be taking me away from it I feel that I feel that I I don’t feel

The dark of cuz it it doesn’t seem like my thing but I feel like getting like a game hooked into you like that for a while lethal was that game for me is he yeah well is anything near him yep Forest Giant just spawned think it’s just a one

Though there a giant makes me want to cry oh my God I’m just running oh wait there’s two Gi Oh oh my God I think he’ll be fine N I have no Stam don’t talk you idiot I don’t feel they can like they can like hear very faintly but it’s Not I’m about to break my monitor a run I’m about to break my monitor in a run I swear I’ve been so close to [ __ ] breaking it it does seem like one of those games that’s going to get you to that point like it’s a real sweaty shooter from look of

It it’s okay to take a break like that’s all I’ll say right czy dude crazy dud did you see the one clip was it a taco I don’t think so you might have to post it I think because you’re a VIP you should be able to Well Done dude you’re

Good job you did leave the cat behind though right let me quickly watch this clip that um Echo talking about watch that I will do hang on hang I can’t believe YouTube by the way that that happy little gay couple adopted that kid that little fur baby and then you walked

Up and beat them to death we watched the hate CRI yeah the cat going to say hello and then they saw the chasing me let’s watch this clip from Echo [ __ ] nice quick double kill you could tell he’s in like gamer mode cuz he’s just dude these guys have issues with my stomach

A what even happened there dude these guys have issues with my stomach was it just like a like a pro bomb is is what I mean when I’m over I want to catch a bullet a land M yeah that will do it oh you even like see it

Like it’s there’s not even it was never on the screen that’s such [ __ ] technically it could have been it technically could have been but like I could understand like how you got so frustrated with that like he you like it was just like out of the

Blue at least we got this one how many what days we on one more day with made qu so we’re just we’re just going for uh Titan money then um got to check do we have like enough supplies we got flashl we don’t have a shovel but I guess we’ll be fine without

It no also I might jump off at 12 for me yeah that’s valid 40 minutes that’s also 12 for me yeah okay I wasn’t sure I wasn’t sure about the top yeah I know like some of Australia is like an hour ahead or an hour behind I’m two hours

Behind which one what time is it for you 20 1020 yeah that’s 1 hour that’s 1 hour all right we’re going miss Hur stupid daylight savings it sucks dude I hate it I hate it so bad I almost hate it as much as I hate just time zones in

General it’s a pain in the ass for much by the way Gamers now we need we need to make Bank you don’t forget to charge your stuff by the way I don’t know how much life that’s on there they in the good state is that this one or is that the other

One Queens Landers we haven’t really we haven’t met any Skin Walkers which I’m surprised about they seem so common well you two were dead what was there one there oh we had a few oh BAS so you deserve to die pickles what did I do you saw n hit the door so many

Times oh he died my cat on the mic speak speak speak all the cat’s not talking hello you were in Discord I was going to jump in and then split and leave js on you this is in game no Discord for you I think I just heard myself say hello hello hello

Hello you guys have already raed this entire place this is just a dead end okay uh hello I want to record a message for you help you get settled in on your first night who’s crawling behind me I think that was a dead end by the way whoever that

Was yeah yeah got to go this way uh it’s just nothing nothing hello gamer that’s fake yeah I I almost don’t even want to risk it now I don’t have a um a shovel so like I can’t even test it if I wanted to now there’s um they’re kind of just

Like a Last Resort thank you oh Cash Pad just saw all right well I might take this back then hang on and a stop sign oh perfect I can use that on the fire exit hello Gamers when my Gamers go hello this is a real fire exit oh [ __ ] A you

Dumbass well y yellow one just died I think that was that was oven right no rip dude I’m just going to take this back I’m glad we at least got to see that where wh is on the moon where whale is on the moon yeah I might as I yeah I’m

Definitely made the right call that was just Locus if made the right call like coming back now cuz this is going to take me an hour to get this cash back to the ship it’s so good like having this this like auto scan thing on as well I don’t have

To keep pressing the button that was that was oven right oven was the yellow one if I remember correctly the yellow one where wh is on the moon hello is anybody here anybody dead any dead gamers hello kitty kitty kitty kitty cat all right who’s

Dead I need to move this cat out of the way Poo’s on the way back Pi’s dead I’s even dead I might be dead I think that was back would be at the main entrance right I’m guessing hopefully I bump into them on the

Way that was EV like right in front of a hello there you P hello you walked past um a dead body by the way I saw it yeah and the other one’s also dead so it’s just you and me really yeah they into a hole where’s his body wh is all the

Moon oh they would have walked oh yep they walked in front of the bees God damn it ah a you [ __ ] don’t kill me don’t kill me don’t kill me I don’t know if I’m going to be able to get out his body back like this leave me

Alone okay they’re not following me okay cool we all good we’re good I don’t know why you’re panicking so badly nothing even happened I just heard footsteps somebody uh I didn’t I didn’t almost die you did I got to be a little bit sticky here shabong hello hello welcome

Back I love saying your name makes my brain tingle oh oh oh where is where is that if I die just start the ship don’t go back for me he’s walking away go quick go quick back on the rock you got time you got get the

Ship I almost died to the [ __ ] beast dude that’s how he died as well oh let’s get the [ __ ] out of here there’s no way of getting the other body back they jump into a pit 83 that is good but you got to remember it also includes the cats and we’re not

Selling the cats we can’t I don’t have the heart for it cats are that’s only a 50 we should be chilling hell yeah we can actually do it fell for cliff electrocut by stinging bees I’m having the [ __ ] thing again all right let’s go back to the

Company sell everything we have and then we can go yeah we’re going to sell everything except for the cats you sell the cats you’re getting kicked off my ship oh good it stff the noise we should have we should have you scar me oh you don’t know about uh A’s wish

Tackle no I don’t like it very much I don’t like it what are you Doing sell it all I don’t want any of it hello Mr monster man all right it’s open watch out I’m going to head but you I’m going to head but you I’m going to head but you where’s the rest of the money on this ship is it just in keys and

Stuff oh is it including oh it’s including the stuff we haven’t sold yeah I see wakey wakey wait wait we’re selling this stuff as well hopefully this is hurry up stupid monster that’s a rle creep whoa 144 we’re sitting at uh 7112 we just have enough hell yeah the question is all

Right don’t die dude if you die we don’t go so we we can go to Red but we won’t have any equipment we can do it all right I’m down we going to r or we going to um probably the best one it’s the easiest one it probably it probably will

Be yeah it’s not like it’s um um a glipse or anything right no uh we have to sit in a sec okay is everyone yeah you probably you probably should have checked we’re missing someone unless they’re on the roof maybe no that’s going to take our

Money we’re going to get fined for that oh yeah we are he’s on the roof okay good has it been without me it’s been Pleasant blue how are you w welcome welcome Fireball Fireball magic Missile magic Missile how you holding up for oh we got extra so yeah we can we can

Get some um we can get some tools grab some um some flashlights cuz we only have three left in and one uh four sorry we have two pro two [ __ ] ones um is foggy that’s fine it’s basically already foggy um we have 129 so yeah we can no we can still we

Can get yeah grab a couple of flashlights and we’ll have a guy in the chair as well I got three Pro flashlights hey yo what are those cats doing am going to put the mought bought two walkie talkies and three flashlight flashlight hell yeah who wants to be uh guy in the

Chair all right done divs oh good cuz was that was like I no one wants to do it so I’m glad someone wants to do it your balls hang low do they wobble to and Thro can you tie them in a knot can you tie them in a

Bow hitting it from the back hey yo on stream oh yeah Titan takes his time to regen as well there we go uh who’s taking a flashlight with a um walkie talk with as well all right there we go oh yeah we have to wait for the drop all right uh

How about you two go in and I’ll I’ll grab the flash the walkie talkie and meet you there you should you’re Mr streamer man yeah I’ll I’ll I’ll be loisy boy you two go we’ll hang out here and then um where are you I’m you there this is insan yes H are

You would you please open the door for me Mr Shipman Wy please where is it blood flashlight flashlight you have to come grab your there’s two Come to Me Oven come grab these There’s a flashlight and your walkie-talkie over there you need to go get got it okay making me do all the goddamn work I’m getting you I got it I got it oh my god there you go I’s getting it man taking too long I’ll see you in a

Bit I got remember to actually like talk into it as well that was one of the cringest things ever how dare you how dare you hurry up I’m coming I’m coming I’m about to come oh you you dog you won’t die from that you won’t die you

Won’t die I need my flashlight it’s so dark in there there’s no’s no power oh [ __ ] I was supposed to bring new flashlights as well oh why don’t you take a walkie-talkie then I’ll go grab um two more flashlights oh let me take the loot back with me as

Well yeah there just an axle just an axle all right see in a bit I’m a dumb ass man we waste of daylight here man about to come oh oh shut up and you shut up and sit down identify yourself I forgot flashlights bye make sure I’m sitting up

Properly being a good boy make sure my back stays okay you should turn your walkie talkie on by the way oven that’s cool I’ve just wasted like the prime Day hours oh moment hello nice 6 in PP you got there awesome truly awesome Echo with the 10.96 as well what are you doing

Oh nothing there’s a flashlight for you oh yeah oh yeah it’s very dark in here oven get [ __ ] oven it’s really scary in here anyway playing D and D just wanted to say hi well hello it’s good to see you friend I played a couple of of um

Campaigns of D and it’s not something to get like super super into um but it was good fun like every now and then then what happened to P what happened hello he’s he’s proposing to me oh my God I don’t take you no you don’t don’t take you did he just you well sure okay well did you also jump off with the ring by any chance no I have it in my hands okay AC I hear a

Cat I can hear a cat somewhere um I a use direct me towards it what the [ __ ] happened pickle he jumped off he killed himself he would rather kill himself than be in a relationship he could have just said no what the dumb at you mean to Running Away bride run away

Bride is there any loot near me other than this flashlight on the ground I can hear a needy cat somewhere see no Triangles around you temp a red I’m down well there there’s nothing there hey what except for a red Dot’s a [ __ ] I’m getting a gambling ad oh no

E I didn’t realize the ads were going that better than the same drink driving at everyone else is begetting oh there’s a jester that there no blood though so that’s a little there’s a comedy it’s a little it knows too much it’s based off your search

History uh n got killed by a braen so watch your back I’m getting properly doubl Nintendo ads poorly poorly dub Nintendo ads I’m dyslexic kind the peak oh thank you for the clear pickle it did actually like spook me there ooh uh oh there’s a there’s a A’s having issues

Here I can’t see he’s like inside the camera so I can get a good view of it and there he goes there he goes well make sure you get the ring he’s absolutely going to to just like talk on the way out and get himself

Killed this is why I hate C okay I’ll do it then I’m a good camp guy ion I said this is why I hate cats oh cats they didn’t come oh you can see it face like in the door there oh God is what killed me oh that might be why it’s like

Staying there actually I’ll go that’s all good dude thank you so much for stopping by bye-bye M player byebye please tell him that he can kill the dog it’ll be oh my God no it’s really not worth fighting the dog come out of the oh we could actually we could vote hits

No no no what we do is we vote for it to leave and he just stays on the ship and it will just take off with him yeah that’s a good idea all right hope so smart you are so smart hopefully he doesn’t freak out there you

Go I love you guys yeah he knows y okay going to jump off another like we might have to move the cats to like the something I think this dog isim youres could the dog bit not okay oh yeah there is a Bracken man oh there’s a giant there a

Giant oh my God the dog’s freaking out in there he might he might be able to get in there’s also a forest ride on the thing no bro stay on top of the ship you monkey tried to jump and then close the door cuz I heard a giant I swear I could

Giant yeah there was a giant yeah like in front of the balcony thing it would never reach you could well that’s not a good first thing I had my next snap by Bracken it goes too quickly I can’t read them all man got done in oh someone’s eyes on my screen Sorry

Probably no the dogs ate the cats finally no okay oh we have to go to T with nothing let walkie talkie survived though all that’s good we still have flashlights in here don’t we have money as well aoy hello bacon gamer welcome welcome let me look at this

Um so python is foggy that’s fine we have to we have to stay on the stay on yeah yeah wanted to know like what we’ll be doing so let me buy um oh we already have 10 bucks never mind I thought we had morning when we don’t hey we’ll just start there’s

There’s some more flashlights in here one more flashlight we’re just going to have to go in without a guy in this shair that’s fine how you holding up by the way friend I did just have a thought though like I’m staying do you reckon Skinwalker also applies to like the the cat

Mod cuz there was I definitely heard an need cat in there and then it stopped so I’m thinking maybe they can mimic that noise as well grabing some water B uh okay well I guess we’ll meet po when we get there all right I’m guess I’m stuck with

The little dinky [ __ ] one just grab some water no we we’ll meet him in there we burn in daylight if we just stay here you’re staying there we don’t have another one no aan come with us we we need to make money yeah we only have we

Only have the one so like it’s not going to help you have to come with us godamn fools man don’t work with animals or children I spent an hour reading negative reviews on Steam OverWatch 2 just tears and laughing that is a good time so when you say you sp your time

Like reading negative reviews or OverWatch you just meant like reading all the reviews right pickles oh that’s nothing yeah yeah I’m here you know the you know the you know these flashlights we’ve got yeah the green they drain they drain while they’re like they’re still like they’re not even on mine’s

Not what’s up that sucks for you I guess also I found pickles I’m going to leave them here what’s this way one revie had someone linking TF2 as like you want to play like good OverWatch 2 it’s already a thing oh bottles bottle oh the apparatus is right

Here as well that’s good as well we can grab that on the way out am I no no don’t take it now no we have so much left to get but it’s like right next to the front Ed we can grab it on the way out you [ __ ] I thought you said take

It I said don’t take it it’s 10:00 a.m. oh God damn it dude well sorry well this is your mess you got to clean it up hey we’ve got flashight yeah but also it also makes more [ __ ] Spa I’m pretty sure what my opinion on DJ must

Um I don’t think I have an opinion ohy mask I don’t think I really have one I don’t think I’ve really had a lot what’s up hello like is it nice isn’t nice but it isn’t good only valid use is making a good dressing you

Walked over a key by the way yeah that’s valid all right um have you got a full inventory yet my god dude they running off by yourself no I need one more okay I’m going to head back cuz I have a full inventory and I can’t find you I think I’m already

Lost never mind I’m fine it’s like through this way oh this sucks dude I wish you hadn’t have opened this way is that a skin walker or is that you that is a skin walker I’m leaving grab that oh hello oh he scared the [ __ ] out

Of me dude all right let’s get out of here my bad we leaving uh I’m at least getting all the loot to the ship it’s going to be really difficult to get more without lights on in the building like it’s the same [ __ ] as Co

Store if you are a CER I’m sorry but this is where we depart I I I don’t like it to be be fair I don’t really like like um pasta salad either like I’ll eat it but I can’t stand cold SL I could hear okay good that’s You cool we’re going back some more loot I’m going to leave the flashlight here um okay that’s cool we’re just getting have more loot from up here hold on pass is goed I like it but it’s not like a lot of people like obsessed with it and I I don’t feel

That what about uh carcass cus I have no idea what that is it sounds like you’re set me up for a de nuts joke oh cuscus yeah I know you mean that Kus um yeah me as well honestly all right is any loot at the fire exit have you gone through the fire

Exit yet oh yeah I went through there all right let’s get the [ __ ] out of here then if we got um have hot sauce from Subway since you’re on Aussie top that stuff’s amazing it is though when I go to Subway I like overload it with both hot Source

Options thank you for tagging me I I do a sub sometimes Miss and K well sucks for him yes dead we have qu told him to watch his back oh no we’re just under qu we make like 40 bucks next day shit’s goed get the body I’m getting

The body all right good luck don’t die please we should buy a teleporter next round want to keep this flashbang on me in case like a dog comes in yipp yippee shit’s good it’s good it’s good yeah something camping his body sh think a popcorn chicken is back at

KFC I didn’t realize it had left I thought that was like a staple we’re just waiting for him to die and then we’re going to start a ship if he lives CL is that oh H yeah we still got plenty of time tell wolf I said hi Echo in the the twitch

Chat says hi wolf uh radio was on there’s also a mimic near him you can see oh wait we can help him one the cameras hang on really there not much around um for us to do shut up you be on du Duty hey good he’s coming back

Oh that looks like a dead P all right well that sucks well the company oh thank God we’re not dead the only thing that uh he should be getting is a zingle box you’re going to you’re it sounds like you’re going to hate learning this about me but I’m actually

Vegetarian and haven’t had KFC in like 2 years now like actual KFC I’ll eat the ships every now and then but I haven’t experienced zingle box in a very long time you told me you told me the Brack was behind me when it was snapping my neck

Me he grabbed me and then he said watch your back and oh he did the same thing to me as well actually I realized like yesterday uh yes you’re such a mean guy they didn’t care who I was until I put the mask on that’s what the mask is

Okay so here’s a a fun fact for us Titans Eclipse oh we’ll be fine we got it that’s fine you want to go and risk losing everything or we can go to an easy yeah let’s do it okay one do it gambling some someone make it back to the ship then it’s a

Pointed but I respect it I miss it though dude like uh like if I could like eat a chicken and not feel like a [ __ ] for doing so I would do I’m so hyped when they start doing the um that stem cell thing like when it

Becomes like a viable thing to buy meat from just run straight for the stairs run straight for the stairs oh yeah also shut up once you l in Cas it’s a dog straight to the stairs just be quiet might be dog going inside shh trying to be quiet out here we

Trying not to like lure the thgs up shh yeah I can hear hear a giant and I can hear dogs as well so try not to make much noise outside it’s [ __ ] up here dude so the giant is up here it’s in front of the fire exit there a fire

Exit there might be a I hear a cat I hear a need cat there’s a Bracken room as well so that’s a dead end where’s watch out there’s a turret down there as well but there is a whoopy cushion cushion trust me there’s also a turret through this door yeah give it a

Go mindset I have is that you eat everything uh on the chicken or the cow and it isn’t wasteful that’s just my mindset I don’t mind like like this oh Cat how did that kill me how the hell did you die how did that kill me what the [ __ ] dude yeah got the can you grab can you grab his body shut me through the goddamn wall why uh yeah I don’t I don’t mind the thing of like eating meat in that like

It’s not it’s not that like it’s cruel to do it I just don’t like the way it’s done like I don’t like the industry behind it I think it’s like cuz you open the door yeah but I was standing behind the wall like I wasn’t standing in front

Of the door get get in get him get him oh my God it was it’s at the door it is camping the door it was like I saw it hand on was about to gra in I was I just don’t like the the it yeah I don’t want to support

That also the the giant totally stepped on that cion we need know we need to we need to be able to get out we take fire this does not look like a prop fire uh do you want me to do it then you know what I’ll do it

Go hurry if I die then um what watch take it take it well his sacrifice was not in vain what do you want well what can I do in that situation hopefully I just starts the ship I’m going to vote for it yeah just uh it’s a good little HW

Crck we could we could get the we could just like we could get like an extra or something maybe it’s it’s going to be very close but if he leaves the building he’s dead his dog may be the death me due to being near the ship

Still just need to start the ship just press the button anyway I’ll catch you later I need to go for a kip I have work work early good luck with the stream thank you so much for stopping by yeah no it’s very late it’s like 10:00 it’s no it’s not it’s like

Midnight jeez man he got they got close that matches hiss CU a death died and set the bracket for too long well oh my God all right well let’s hope that we just have enough no we did not no no 543 and yeah if we get a bonus we

Might do it’s going to be very close hopefully oh someone start the thing it was definitely not a good idea to go stream you little screen looker I don’t know what that’s valid now that’s I don’t care oh we we that’s right we’re going

To have the um the helmet cam mod we had to take it off and basically would have done the same thing I guess that’s fair it’s funny but to dies as well we desperately need as much money as possible [ __ ] is that everything yeah we have a key you can’t

Sell the walkietalkie for anything you can’t sell key you they say they worth three yeah it says they worth three and then when you sell and then when you sell them they only give you like they give you Zer that sucks cring D there we go would you please Mr monster can we

Please have a bonus pretty please a sacrifice 495 that’s that’s not good at all how do we get less than what it said there’s no way that was like 50 bucks for that you guys dying so we might have taken 30 would you please give us a bonus would you please Mr tentacle monster n just gave us 50 it gave us exactly what we we had what do we do I’m going to try can I spend money yeah I’m going to spend out money before we go cuz we’re going to die

Anyway what you what’ you buy I’m Buy buying like ship upgrades like the Cozy lights and stuff cuz that will let me save between runs oh that’s just that yeah you guys have fun with that ow hang on what else can we buy um romantic table I have a stun

Grenade let’s just put that there get off computer thank you all right you can you can have whatever’s left he ow who who did that W waa what happened wow do it do it did no one pick up that package that’s it I’m jumping don’t jump see

You can I get I’m just waiting for my stun grenades would you leave ow how we leave that’s it oh [ __ ] you couldn’t wait for me to get my babies no babies for you no baby for you well that’s un as you have not met the Welcome to our disciplinary [Applause]

Process you were fired don’t be qued before the deadline oh I don’t like that sping 21 hello you I’m stuck I can’t move welcome to your first day on the job this is your very own make yourself at home [ __ ] with all the things you will want to check the instruction manual

Sh shut the [ __ ] up man shut your [ __ ] ass mouth I’m going to I’m going to head off you going to call it there fair fair thank you so much for stopping by dude you have a good night goodbye bye-bye I’m glad that got’s gone yeah thank God he’s gone what I’m

Thinking I kind of want to try out Ren cuz I don’t think I’ve done that actually yet it’s supposed to be really good like like mob wise just fogy foggy they’re all foggy natural they’re all foggy though so we need to grind out money for this first uh day to do that yeah

Um blooded Eclipse we kind of already have like Assurance experimentation so I guess Assurance is our best bet and let me get uh some flashlights and stuff just like three PL flashlights at a shovel or even just I we just do the flashlight never mind how much do we

Have we have 60 bucks so we can get three flashlights and have like a little bit left over or we can get [ __ ] ones and one person have a shovel instead of flashlights I’ll live without a flashlight and have a stun grenade are they there that’s 30 don’t know that no no

No oh oh I’m just going to get three Pro flashlights yeah that’s better got 34 just three whoa who who who did this to the Des black over here okay I can only get two and then one of us gets a [ __ ] one

I I can’t do that all right one of us is going to goe Flashlight I can’t do math whoa how rude no thank you thank you for stop by the weather for this yes this is like one of the only good ones rest other than um experimentation all right well who

Whoever is running uh we’ve had a flashlight could just go straight in I guess yeah actually I might go as well do you want to grab all the flashlights and just meet us there um I want where the main entrance is it’s see you can see it from

Here okay don’t die all right we’ll try I said Tello stinks I’ll go find him and have a good stream thank you thank you I will will do B did you not make it here yet or did you just go way oh no phone and if I see p i

Will oh cool a dark hallway oh gross dude nasty you [ __ ] with ass a pickles who oh [ __ ] dude [ __ ] he found a cat oh my God bought himself a flash he bought himself a goddamn flash grenade ridiculous I wonder how long it will take him to realize there’s no

Enemies it’s only it’s only turrets what’s in there p is putting in the work here dude vented he’s not even taking like the full scrap he’s just taken the bottle have mercy there’s just no enemies that’s good I have a worm under my ass okay my don’t even realize oh that’s

Can go through here it’s locked My little [ __ ] hello yeah down there o B here I’m going to have to probably take all this back cuz I got two stuff outside and they’re both heavy objects really annoying well well now is going to know so much I’m surprised he didn’t find my body

Though cuz it was like right at the entrance hello H I’m coming just really slow alive dead I have no clue there’s a flashlight in in the uh closet mhm I’m going back to the entrance for that Vault possibly his body too go on we believe in

You thank you bet chat how much do you reckon he’s going to just get annihilated by turret as soon as he goes in there only a centi and a warning bug in there so it should be fine can I do a predict is that a thing that I could

Do I don’t know how to do that that’s no yipp bug move away he’ll be fine he’ll be fine ah his body is down there only the t is only the St you has to worry about let me dial 911 all 911 Now come out so I should be able to make it

Everyone everyone’s just being way too efficient well done Gamers yeah here all right we just go got R actually a lot consider to the main entrance his body is like downstairs is it like right there yeah downstairs I’m going I’m going all right my hero my hero anything for my love not goldfish

A is there anything out like that he needs to worry about not yet check the T as well the problem he’s got to face is like it’s I find these St grenades here I’m actually just pop it so it should be right down here there there’s the body oh where is the

Body dead oh no I wasn’t watching why I yeah I found pickles they they were in front of a tower yeah and I heard um I Heard pickle heard the oh like he’s actually yeah I’ll tell you that before yeah they like they use old clips like even when people

Log off you’ll still hear them that’s so weird um so that turret’s in like an unfortunate position where if you get caught by it you don’t have enough time to like go back up the stairs moving so or is he just I hope so there you go

Well done there also just were not any enemies in that uh facility there was like one hoarding bug and one coil uh one uh snare fle total I saw nothing yeah you were you were pulling your weight though dude now yeah oh tried to die hero you certainly died

Hello didn’t know the turret was yeah I know there was a turret on the thing it’s in it’s in a spot where like if you get caught by it you just die you have enough time to go back up the thing oh so everything is eclipse or uh

Stor me except for offense so let’s go to offense want to hear something funny is it a fart no um the stun grenades I ordered before um last round it went through and stayed in the order oh is that why you I thought you just like snuck like the five bucks that

Was left over oh hell yeah [ __ ] scammer get scammed wasted two just for the fun of it just for [ __ ] the gigles I guess it’s I cheated in I guess oh that wasn’t good well these thingss are like useful to carry around um CU I think they like

Set off something all have a stun grenade this one’s a a shell all right let’s go oh found the two ones I threw yeah he did yeah he keeps he like he was commenting on like he keeps finding them everywhere like how the [ __ ] are there so many of

Them I’ll just carry it and I think you can use it to set off like mines or something probably probably cool if it does bloody wanker bloody you bloody wanker nice bolt dude I’m going to go this I’m not going to go that way okay remember I have the live stun

Grenade oh yeah what that’s the break yeah can you turn the lights back on please thank you this way there’s a big loot room here but I can’t see most of it I hear something in here I think it’s a burst valve I’m going to not go that way I might be U delegated I might end up just being delegated to loot [ __ ] if I don’t have a light want my nah all right the [ __ ] are you doing turn them all back on it there server room in here hear a valve some can they spawn in here

Yeah must feel like the other side nearby oh hello yeah you were here oh Braen that’s fun uh that is it dead ends we have to go towards the Bracken and I can’t [ __ ] see it I’m going outside see if you if you I hear something heavy walking around here we have to go this way everywhere else is dead end where is this loot room here I

Already R like half of it cuz the rest of it’s like covered in Steam um Can valves spawn in this room or is it somewhere else I don’t think so it be something okay well let’s not go this way then make sure you checking your back as well for the

Bracken yeah watch out watch out watch out there I the left yeah this might not be a good call going this way like we got steam we got a bracket we we got a thing it’s kind of a recipe for disaster we can always can we reach the fire exit on

This map what are we on offense no we can’t do I guess we could leave yeah let’s grab one of these each to get out of here cuz we absolutely going to get next snapped in the dark or run into a turret while we’re trying to get that valve

You got to know when to hold them know when to fold them no when to walk away no when to run he lives yeah we’re getting out of here the only way through is like through Steam and there was a Bracken and a turret in it so like just a recipe for

Death we got enough we’ll be fine I also still have your stream open you stream watch it you screen watch it man maybe ow all right get us out of here we at 5 38 it’s five to go to Ren right yeah don’t know I think it is oh this

KY he got set up on his date and I am a team player laziest employ it sh50 okay why my [ __ ] m key not work so B and March clip offens to stor me so that leaves Assurance ho and [ __ ] is fermentation it’s got No Loot on it open the open the

Nor don’t forget to charge your [ __ ] if you have it 17 objects what you call me what’ you call me who what what who what when where why how what make the job gamer gamer for you oh no I died oh no what a shame anyway

Look all right where the [ __ ] are we oh T that way that there’s a t on the left here yeah watch out there’s a t on your left there my left yeah that’s good okay so we’re going to have to find a key there’s no there’s a lot of locked

Doors in this one hello hello okay so this is like a complete dead end except for this one locked door here which also goes to a dead end okay so the only thing down this way is um the apparatus left or right oh watch out is there anything that way there a

Door Lo let’s try the main entrance and we’ll come back here for the apparatus open the door yeah okay follow you then main entrance if we find a key we’ll come back oh y you also need to see the progress that I made on the new Minecraft server

I stream for like eight hours plus hell yeah dude I could jump back I could jump on for like a little bit to check it out at the end of the stream if you’re like around if you want to give me like a tour can I make this

Jump oh you know what I’m going to be smart dude this is said no I’d rather not break my my knees if that’s okay otherwise we’ll be on the Minecraft server another time I think that okay in there hello hi oh big ass loot room oh oh whisk there’s also a remote

There what normally Loot on here right nothing oh there’s a key hey P I found a key how would you feel about like taking the key and going for the apparatus this way the dead end okay so there’s nothing over here anymore either yeah what was

That would love to give me a tour um hi does somebody want to take the key and grab the apparatus yeah I’ll take it and we’ll we’ll loot a little bit here and then we’ll stay here what’s what’s the point watch out there’s a mine here and then as soon as the apparatus

Get pulls we’ll run and leave not going to lie D I kind of hate this new room I hate being in it it’s confusing and I don’t like it oh yeah I’ve been practicing my witch La so it is put on I hear a land

Mind hell yeah this is what I need got brass bell a I need you come here AV yeah I need you to come here there’s a whole bunch of loot in this room oh man wellit if if you want to take this actually then I’ll just go get the rest

That’s a good idea it’s just right here and then we’ll head out all right make mepp yippe oh just key who I thought it was way more and that’s just a deadend okay that’s good enough let’s get out of here all right we’re leaving run run you’re so happy to see

Us oh get the [ __ ] out of here pick up and go is I might even honestly leave the flashlight we’ll leave the flashlight cuz we can just buy a new one yeah yeah how about um if you’re still available Co after next time we we wipe we’ll wrap up

And we’ll jump on Minecraft for like 20 minutes to have a tour [Applause] that there’s no way doing it just have to keep an eye out for dogs I will still be alive guarantee it I’ve got almost done [Applause] ready I think I might even go back for

The um here if you want to uh OV other one move all that into the ship I’m going to go back for my flashlight and key I’m sure this isn’t a bad idea at all and I definitely won’t regret it we’re definitely going to be able to

Get to Ren but like knowing us we’ll probably wipe um wipe the next batch oh also Co you missed it as well we hit 200 this stream this was the one it’s awesome dude thank you thank you I finally caught up I got still a little bit behind you but at least at

Least I’m at 200 now kitty kitty kitty cat oh oh yeah that’s nine totally what the cat doing what what the cat doing the brother floating India all right let’s get out of here people on fall and whatever yeah it it’ll be how it is I think we hit 200

Twice on this on stream actually oh we hit 900 but hopefully we I can get past the stagnation you got to keep at it and and you’ll get there the important thing is you have like like a a got consistent viewers that’s like that’s more difficult to

Build up than um like a big number zero days hit qu Z days left I almost H 1,000 bucks I didn’t realize just said that yeah the chat go to the company Fu both for you oh I can’t do that no it’s definitely more valuable like having like regulars than having

Like a big number so I think I think you’re you’re all good Big B I didn’t real we got so many Bells either I’m sorry little one for everything in this corner no for the company we love the company if we go yeah if we’re going to

Ren and stuff we kind of need it to not be noisy on the ship I’m sorry little one staying in the ship if we’re going to okay you can be [ __ ] you can be um watch out watch out it’s open watch out I’ve been to run for a few times

With people okay well if you’re you’re not going in you’re going to be a guy in a chair and you’re going to actually look at the cameras itself that’s what I do do you know how to get the screen on the camera on your terminal why would I need to do that so

That you open do so you yeah you could properly okay well yeah nice try [ __ ] I was all saying I’ve been in range put down the robot you’re pissing off you’re pissing him off and he won’t eat he hates noise I can’t ring the bell my hands are

Fall okay well before we um before we go I’ll give you a quick crash or some terminal all right there we go your work [ __ ] I don’t think you saw it before happen but when you’re being chased by a giant in front of other company doors it totally was like walking on the whoopy cushion as it was chasing you what yeah I’ll have to look through vs The V for that like you running for

Your life and it was just farting behind you all right so that’s just a lie come with me do you want to watch the VOD um and I’ll I’ll show you what I do while I’m here no watch watch the stream later watch the stream sorry I me right yeah

Yeah if you type view monor it brings if I can [ __ ] spell it brings up the cameras like so you type switch and it will switch to to like different like each person I recommend um like opening up something and copy and pasting the word switch like have it highlighted and then

You can just like go contrl V and paste it in to like easily switch so you don’t have to walk around and Fiddle around with it that way you can be seeing so while you’re sitting here you can be like watching the cameras you can see like stuff happening you can also then

Type the the doors and stuff it help us out like a lot easier than like stop and stuff cuzz you do know like like while you’re watching it if you see like the doors they have like a number and a letter assigned to them if you type in

Like D4 or whatever it is you’ll open the door you can deactivate the um the turrets and the stuff like that so it means you can just like be at the terminal and not have to like move around and you can access the walkie-talkie while you’re there as well

Just like walk up to it while holding it oh yeah but I use um wish to talk uh you should be able to do that as well I don’t see why would be a problem okay what’s in the store I start typing in the terminal if I use um my

Push to talk button oh um okay I’ll just switch to a switch when I do that would be better yeah um okay so let me buy some flashlights wa how much do we need to go to the Moon we need we’re going to Ren oh he’s up on the ship he’s right there

550 I’m going to buy four walkies that way if we wipe we can have like a second try [ __ ] you and that said that leaves us with 150 for whatever else we want Pro oh yeah this is a dead one how many flashlights do we have

Need one one I’ll get um I got one I’m one okay I’ll get four that way we have like some leftovers all right that will cost 100 we’ll have 700 wait how much was right [ __ ] okay well we only have 50 bucks then I can get two so we’ll we’ll have

Um one left over that’s fine cuz aen won’t need a flashlight if he’s staying in the ship I guess I’ll take a a Walkie Oh we didn’t sell this phone oh there’s still loot here we didn’t sell much there’s a a phone an egg beater all right so there should be enough for you to grab a flashlight as well poo and then we’ll have two left over walk talk

In there for you as well oven and then there’s a second batch for if we fail and The Rock they come from The Rock Family [ __ ] you remember I have a live um stun grenade oh hell yeah you keep it for the ship because you get jumped yeah I

Know only you guys are getting it off of me us should getting you off from my pry hey yo [ __ ] you P what no it was a mistake oh my God it’s a big bonus got bonus oh my God I like the the the lights like the

Candle light is enough how much money do we have oh we got yeah we got good money we’re going to Ren right wait um yeah Red’s fine there’s nothing on it cool don’t work don’t work all righty um oven you get yourself settled in on on the terminal grab your

Walkie-talkie and pipe VI monitor in so you can do it and we’ll turn on our walk talk when we get there walkie talk I’ll turn it on when we get there and we just follow the lights if I remember now I haven’t been here before

But I have like seen like what to do yeah I’ve been here once and the manag is right there yeah just follow the light and you you’ll find it eventually easy enough and then once we come out we just follow the left wall until we see the lights again

Yeah oh I did I did forget this was a mansion that that could be a problem already I’m soer um stick together so it’s easier for aen to keep coops on us I found this the the big room it’s got a cash res in it and a large axle

Teapot and a rubber duck hey p i to now all righty I got I got a decent Chuck of Loot on me I’m going to take it to the exit so I’ll be like doing that for a bit oh hello there’s a rubber duck at a um

Large axle here come with me and we’ll take it down to the entrance oh there’s a toy robit behind this door as well you have the space for him no come back for him that’s fine I think it was this way hopefully OV will let me know if

There’s a monster nearby well not that way I’ll look back in it might be this way oh there’s a present in this room so we haven’t been this way you found it which way is this way uh listen to my voice there you are hey okay when we come back there’s that

Robot and there’s also a present in that room that I just went to this cash reg is going to be a [ __ ] to get home I might even like head home now leave my tools here um and then then meet you back in a second right I might drop my tools at

The door take this Cass register and everything with me if you want to like make a second thing actually Hy take the walkie talkie with you as well I’m passing over to par I’m going to make a trip back to the the ship with some loot leave my flashlight at the door

Cool oh Footprints or everything we could just follow those as well I didn’t Realize try and make not try and not make too much noise go damn it it’s is far Away I haven’t been to that house before I think get either hello hello I have C just uh to check oh yeah I need H uh oh my God holy I almost killed you we might have to just leave now honestly I did leave all my tool yeah yeah just start the

Ship hopefully these bottles all right try and be quiet no just oh did you order it thing an invers oh if you have enough yet get it yeah we do oh we hit 900 Jesus [ __ ] Christ dude I was going to try and grab your bodies but I couldn’t find

Them I’m alive I just got on top of the ship oh hell yeah no I was trying to I was trying to find uh P’s body because like if you don’t pick it up it doesn’t like recognize it as being on the ship but no it’s probably good that we just left him

There was so much blood oh oh so much what recover so much blood yeah it’s a good isn’t it P St grenade that’s fine had to be used so how much money do we have like 400 39 uh 393 how much is a teleporter we could buy a teleporter like just a regular

Teleporter yes we should actually it’s bad idea yeah how the [ __ ] do you spell teleporter sing [ __ ] uh t e l e p p oh my God Telly Port uh that’s all way say it this item is not in stock how the [ __ ] is this item not in stock did you look in the store yes it’s it in store yes chip upgrades yes let me see this oh wow look teleporter there we

Go H what have you done I have no idea all right that’s that’s functional I guess my first time what we might do is put this over here that noise is so annoing stop laughing myell be need to [Laughter] be why why the [ __ ] can’t I put it there

Either all right well it has to go there then I mean that is already been used so I don’t think it matter to me oh no cool are you ready to go yeah actually wow cringe dude actually I might do a thing as well I’ll move this

Over here so that you’re like right next to the button and you can just like get off cool let’s go home comedy comedy you want comedic genius [ __ ] embarrassing dud I can’t spell for [ __ ] cool uh I need a walkie-talkie I need a flashlight let’s go

Bye-bye also I didn’t realize but you do actually like leave footsteps so if you do get lost you can follow those as well we have made it to the main entrance good you didn’t get lost every time I walk into this building like it’s oh guess what game I forgot to

Charge my goddamn flashlight oh is this Mansion yes it is it’s a West Mansion flash a is you do the monitor you can do switch and then the players name and it’ll switch to them you can do yeah but it’s much quicker just to like copy and

Paste switch and then like just copy and paste a few times where the [ __ ] did you go think you oh hello there you are I’m just going in blind [ __ ] it oh no what the [ __ ] is that noise oh it’s an airn that’s that’s a dead

End I’m going to have the monitor on power just let me know if you need my eyes all righty something was at the entrance yeah yeah I’m all good I’m a jack in the it’s coil head it’s a jackal head uh also uh Ain is saying there’s a coil head somewhere help all

Right we need to leave oh we do have time oh okay he started Jack box has started SP seconds loot quickly yeah there’s no loot here okay it’s already going we need to go yeah right oh it’s also 11 to 12 being dummy and staying at the is he still alive oh there you are okay all right you got okay um which one of these is worth more oh [ __ ] it I’ll just leave the oh okay good all right uh you’re you have a spare hand you want to take the

Walkie-talkie just so you can use it while I’m going let’s drop something let’s drop the flashlight I’ll do all right let’s go if we get there and we’re F we might go to the fire exit as well but I’m not quite sure how to get there I think you need an

Exion I think there is a way of getting up it without it also do you know if there’s anything to do with this um this Hut here no it’s just a little distraction that we fell for maybe it’s like a little spot to hide if there’s like a giant or something out

Here that doesn’t sound bad okay well we have time to go back there’s your flashlight back your [ __ ] yes I actually recharge it we have time to go back uh the Jack box should have reset as well yeah I think it does reset once you stuck in

The goddamn suit rack yeah you’re stuck on the pump no I’m stuck in why’s the pumpkin in there no idea I also can’t drop [ __ ] right now uh just just take a different one I’ll get out and I’ll meet you there I made it that I’m going to take another

Walkie-talkie as well cuz I feel like we’re going to get separated yeah I’m taking a walkie talkie with me as well P just cuz I feel like we’re going to get separated what is what oh what the [ __ ] help get of me I I didn’t even [ __ ] hear him I’m coming

Back he get ready to close the doors right I thought he said coil head don’t forget that we leaving open the door open the door oh you know teleporter right teleporter oh can they oh yeah that’s not good don’t teleport me don’t teleport me that that would be a very bad

Idea the coil head dog coming betting girl I probably could have gone but like in the dark sket I pretty much know that already I’ve been on Ren few times wear mask coworker that sucks dude I live I didn’t hear you I I could hear you talking about something but I I

Thought you said like uh Co like a coil head like why is there a coil head outside that sucks it was uh comedy com’s a mimic I think I think they’re actually called a mimic but cuz the comedy mask is the item that’s why I can put it back to push the to

Why I don’t I don’t do voice activation okay do you want me to to give a go at the cameras if you want to just like go without it no no I’m good okay I’m just not having it on 100% of time okay sure let’s land the ship

We’re doing good though we’re at like 800 I think yeah 800 bucks just well above qu and we can go back somewhere saf from uh girl oh that was the other thing as well when I was expecting you P um when I was cycling

For the enemies I think you had a um a ghost on you turn my f on now cuz I think I got separated oh hello you’re with me better off to turned off right now I guess then and we have made it in all right no no it’s just me we we’ll stick

Together right try oh that’s a vent behind that wall there’s two more doors this way upstairs okay I’m taking the downstairs on that’s a dead end that’s one door down just let me know when you require me to look at your um monitor just like switch between oh oh there’s a

Bunch of Lo in here are you here I’m close if you can come to me there’s a bunch of loot here like two fancy lamps two golden carbs and toothpaste as well and you got a lot of Loot on you here we are yeah a bunch of

Fancy lamps bunch of Lights as well oh my God m comedy no no not you not you co not everything about you buddy I the right way no hate this place man I get lost so [ __ ] easily this one it’s just the flashlight Lo in here as well

Take um okay yeah you you make a trip home got a key as well okay I’m going to come back as well oh there a mirror yeah I I got good loot as well where’s the [ __ ] way out am I dumb yes I’m in the I’m in the room and I can’t find

It saying that he’s coming back to the ship yeah yeah yeah he is I’m going leave my flashlight and then oh I’m also coming back to this sh I’m going to leave my flashlight there there’s a little bit more loot left over no everything’s about me I know

It’s a it’s a tough pill to swallow but it’s true damn we got a ton of loot that was such a good little fine I probably should have left my walkie-talkie as well honestly oh she scared the [ __ ] out of me my bad you were a mast oh that’s

Funny so far you guys didn’t have any red dots near you oh hell yeah there was none you guys are still alive here we got to finish up this run um and then we’ll we got to call it got 1,000 bucks in there though more than $1,000

Hall oh [ __ ] P has found the commonly Mimi oh oh [ __ ] it’s running I got past it I’m just going to go back the loot he going off the okay just just keep an eye on him what moon are we on we’re on Ren we’re doing really [ __ ]

Well I’ll just leave the other flashlight SL honestly oh [ __ ] that’s what are the ah the guy on me you now yep I see him leave me alone damn it it’s right behind you good to hear yep yep I know I know you’re going to have to close the door behind

Me we really should have a shovel like just at the ship I can hear it [ __ ] running leave me alone I’m good I’m all good can only maintain I can’t get faster all right I’m going to go chill on the roof maybe oh my god um what’s poo doing

No no watch watch away oh no he’s good he’s not dead it was actually weird I thought he was dead I think you’re walkie talkie just died oh I hear yeah I hear giant nearby we’re going to have to open he’s got a mimic chasing him as well okay he’s outside

Now agreed on baby really does smell we need a shovel yeah I think there’s a mod that lets you buy a shotgun and shotgun shells yeah but I kind of like it being like rare like that it because it’s so goddamn powerful you have to earn that [ __ ] yeah

I think shotgun would be like seven 100 there’ be way more than that is that you hello he’s alive let’s get the [ __ ] out of here I was trying to get teleported oh I didn’t I forgot we had to teleporter to be fair though I couldn’t

Like you lost all of your [ __ ] though like I didn’t have anything on me I just had this flashlight oh Fair maybe I should have you should have taken a walk and talk you I guess and that we could have like communicated that you can find

The shotgun from you would say it I thought you were like yeah I freaked up with that one I thought you had like been like eaten or something or like you were a mimic definitely been in a circle as oh there a nutcracker in there as

Well a shame we did not have a shovel to kill him what day is it we hit we got to go to building Bo SP oh yeah we’re going to company hell yeah yeah yeah you can Farm them in vanilla and I feel like that’s how it should be like they’re so godamn

Powerful you got to earn that [ __ ] there are a couple of things I don’t like using mods for uh that’s one of them and the other one is like um the mod that like gives you a dedicated flashlight and um walkie-talkie spot cuz I feel like it takes like too

Much away from what the game is we just selling everything as well all right for you guys this a great [ __ ] hall though over 1,000 bucks should go to Red more often only we got a shovel for The Nutcrackers Mim I got to bring it was the zap gum comes to clutch that would be good yeah one we could just gang bag it one person with a zap gun one person with a shotgun oh with a um what’s it called shovel oh [ __ ] oh co with this the 67%

Love for me a that’s almost the funny number and 64 for pickle 64 is my favorite number that’s kind of a funny number 69 is not funny how is there money oh why are we keeping this remote is it worth keeping oh cuz that’s this n [ __ ] it we’ll sell it I don’t

Want it my funny my my troll item no trying to hide that from me crazy no we’re not doing that crazy no he’s setting him off could get an inur teleporter as well you won’t be able to take [ __ ] with you yeah it’s just a downside so flashlight regular

Flashlights are on sale but I don’t want them ship upgrades in teleporter we need to keep 750 cuz we’re going to Ren right um so let me buy two uh hang how much let me do a stock thing what we have one stun grenade all right I’m probably going to

Get off all you got to call it there all right 1 a.m. yeah that’s a good point that’s a good point well you guys have a good night all right what we I think you reckon you have more in your oven or do you want to

Call it there as well um and we’ll save this world for next time we could save this for next time yeah we have we we’re really well like set up here better choice we’ll have to buy all that [ __ ] first but I I could do that while while P’s gone yeah

Um get an extra walk key pro flash like how many’s in the thing what are you streaming tomorrow I think we’re doing Minecraft from I think we we’re continue the the Sky Block World from memory but it’s it’s in the um [Laughter] schedule two shovels grenades yeah you can buy them

Just make sure you save 250 this is one trip just for a [ __ ] walkie-talkie cool cool we can we can always squeeze more Leaf I don’t usually like schedule lethal it’s kind of just like whenever there’s like enough people like hanging out and chat who like will play

It make sure you don’t spend all our money need y cool cool cool cool and we just waiting for the INF mate nice shovel flashlight shovel that’s everything oh and then also your flashlight I’m I’m on whenever so if I’m not in chat feel free to DM hell yeah dud hell

Yeah did you order your flash you did yeah do we have more coming there you go I don’t think so I only two stun grenades and that’s my it cool and I think we’re good we’re going to start the ship and then we’ll quickly switch over to

Minecraft So Co could show me the progress she did today and then we’ll wrap up stream I thought was there teleports you into the [ __ ] light and flashbangs you it was a Russian man from Russia long ago he was big and strong and his abs all man you quick with that all

Righty I’m going to call lethal there money got 100 bucks overtime as well n look at my sign Russia [ __ ] you Russia I got a better one B it’s lethal all righty thanks for playing oven bye-bye you stinky okay nerd bye-bye ah right let me quickly load up

Minecraft we’re going to hang out in the world probably for another 20 minutes I think it’s probably like a good place to call it um CO’s going to show us all the stuff she did in the world and then we’ll wrap up we put some of the raid

We’ll call it there for a night uh mod that’s what it’s called let me very quickly change the title Minecraft T Pi smells more nuh no not why is all the [ __ ] like weird versions of Minecraft pop up first before just Minecraft there we go hello that’s not my that’s why I’m

Pressing the wrong button put the music on cuz there is a lot of Silence right now silence makes me crazy you dirt pickling J shut up and sit down you [ __ ] on stretch stretch thank you Arin thank you for looking after me let me quickly change the

Titles um and I will quickly do that hang on hang on hang on got to do it for YouTube as well we in Minecraft funny I’m in the same cave looking for Miners Save That I smashed an oven before hey yo hey yo I drank pickle juices before you drank pickles juice hey yo well that’s all done Miss lies let me quickly call Co see if they’re alive still you alive gamer oh there you are perfect timing Co as I went to message

You that’s right I’m still in the these Gamers face let me go home quickly I exist I swear I swear I’m real I’m telling you right now that [ __ ] is not Real that [ __ ] is not real we have so much sherrywood dude perfect just getting the game that’s all good we can wait we can wait I’m going to get rid of that as well got some crap in my inventory we need to think about what we’re doing uh tomorrow though cuz I

Believe we’re playing oh we’re playing on the the hardcore world that’s right oh God damn it dude there’s all pink in that I thought it was a [ __ ] mimic I thought P been taking away Mir and Med into my Minecraft world it was some other pickle juice oh

I see not not this pickle juice other one that one makes it okay damn dude jump scare oh let’s go hunt while we wait let’s go for the little FL oh never mind there they are let me in gamer it’s a beautiful sunny day outside oh

[ __ ] oh it’s a raid raid with 15 viewers oh what a time to pop in dude hello hello Vic how are you welcome welcome Raiders you call us just as we We snuck a little bit of a Minecraft segment into to finish off the stream uh CO’s going

To be showing us um all the stuff they’ve been working on from today how are you how are you Vic what were you doing how was your stream playing League of Legends I see I haven’t touched uh too much of League of Legends um I did play it a

Tiny bit cuz my partner was like into it but I never quite got the um got the it never quite got it like claws into me we be chilling we be die dying oh no dude y hello co hello well I do understand if

You need to call it a night as well uh B CU it is 1:00 a.m. for me I have no idea what time it is for you but you’re more than welcome just to raid and drop uh uh raid and go if you need be but welcome welcome

Everybody to here is going to give us the um the tour yeah so uh it’s yeah we I don’t know I don’t remember quite when you when you left but um you know we’ve got we’ve got yeah last time I was on was when this happened um and this was like just the

The frame all the scaffolding and stuff the second second hole another hole yes I do remember that one as well yeah so we I got the Villager breeder fully up and uh up and running and that’s maxed out with the Villagers that it has also traded a bunch with the oh

Beautiful in there so now cars oh beautiful um um we got the we’ve got a an automatic W Farm up oh wow oh wow uh for you know every single You’ been grinding yeah just a simple little one these are these are really simple yeah absolutely but even even

Like this is more wool Than You’ll likely need just here unless you like start like building like insane projects I mean it depends I have done two Secrets I shall never tell I being all sus uh I mean oh yeah there’s be there’s been like a whole thing with crafting

Tables to the point where um just down here there’s a there’s a crafting there’s a room crafting you had to make a dedicated old this wasn’t me I don’t know when it was made oh yeah I don’t but there is a room full of crafting tables I never saw this one

Um well in that case let me I have to assume it was you OV let me add to it there you go one more for hit the road oh yeah one more hell yeah that’s the only one that we actually like use that’s yeah that’s the crafting table yeah

Everything else is like a floor wall or seil wait is the ceiling done I didn’t actually I just see it you’ve missed one there’s one over here as well oh no I haven’t missed it I know it’s there they’re like everywhere that wasn’t one of the secret things I

Have probably we have to like wander around and find it we got a Jeb sheep here as well she probably be probably how you make like a like a simplified version of the the wol f you did by just like filling with Jeb sheet and then it just gives you like a random

Wo like every time it goes off I’m fa sure the Jeb sheet still just gives uh I don’t think so I thought it was random got Shear here somewhere someone’s been grinding Enon oh yeah yeah a couple just just a few yeah my I need to get organiz yeah

The next project you should do should be a um a stor Sy let’s go you did to oh you did it to my Mountain okay well that’s that’s the whole thing isn’t it that’s great to know yeah i’ would love to i’ love to yeah I’m sure sharing it just a

Um oh you know what you’re right never mind yeah that’s that’s Lame potentially Do you know about the the carpet trick with these oh yeah I know about the carpet trick I just I I’ve never never kind of ugly but it’s functional ugly but functional call that me except I’m not functional um comedy comedy yeah so you got the auto wool farm and

The auto villagers so have you also set up like a a trading Hall of anything uh so that’s that’s what my next step is high oven my next step uh with the is over here I’m going to set up like little market stores that the plan is

That they uh shut like they shut themselves up at night using daylight sensors oh that’s cute so at night they lower this FL down one and then the wall around the up oh that’s really cool actually so you’re not you’re not going like a traditional like Trading

Like lock in cells fun you’re trying to make it like going to be like little oh that’s cool not enough people do that just kind of you can kind of set it up like like they’re in a bad neighborhood so like the bars come up and like they they get into like

Protection mode that’s that’s kind of cool I like that a lot you know very various uh oh they can leave at any time except they can’t except for they’re not allowed to you know this something like probably do it the other yeah you can also use um banners to make it look like

More like wavy and like d down and stuff the only thing though is that I need slime to be able to make sticky distance for this I I have some slime just I need I need to find a like I need to go actually find a slime shop

Slime well because we’re not using learn how to make a slime they’re pretty simple they basically if you saw um The Creeper farm that um oh who was it it was uh Fred was showing me yesterday it’s kind of a similar system to that also you can use

Shears to break ball quicker it’s kind of a similar system to that except for you just put like iron golems on the outside of those perimeters and then the Slimes like go towards it and fall into like a Death Pit very simple it’s just like platforms

Iron Golem go towards Iron Golem B in pit First Step find a uh First Step find a slime chunk yeah should be a little bit annoying considering what have you done to my what have you done to my M what have you done to my M we had captor H

Yeah yeah you will tell me and if I don’t I mean like we had hesitation something got flung on it hang on there it is I was just a past of chicken I’ll show you one of the things I did I think I might have found one of them

How this is just a normal cave hang on I’m missing out on the content oh what’s this oh there you are hello see and what’s the other one I want to save that for later that’s just that’s I like how you have just a knife I could shaked him did you go down

This hallway what’s what’s here uh nothing’s down the hallway apparently it’s just a structure that like carine makes oh yeah yeah real and the other one OV what’s that structure Down By The Village uh that is something mod what and the other one of all right I’m in heads it was

This the gecko hole literally yeah we did this that we’ve already been to that was us last stream yeah I tricked you thinking that was Geo’s um log off area it wasn’t oh oh see saved that for like long time I’m taking my diamond back I’ve been

Scammed you are a scam FL y yeah anyway I’m probably going to stay on for the next couple hours so that I’m kind of tempted to to stick around for a little bit as well I’m yeah I’m just going to I need to figure out where a slime chunk is and

I have no idea how to figure that out uh the kind of the only way of doing it um like without using like websites and stuff is just to like wander around I guess you can just go caving and then if you see a slime while you’re in the caves that’s your

Sign your coordinates secret can I open my F3 menu or is that going to give away where it is you can you can switch switch switch I don’t remember if it says a lot of guarantees to uh as to not dying I can remember if it like it tells

You if you’re in a slime chunk or not than for all the redeems oven as well yeah I don’t think it does no being a goblin for you n how about you gobble these nuts up hey y thank thank for the support uh okay well let me go home and

Clear my inventory and I’m I’m go for a little spunk and then even look for caves as well hell yeah uh home thank you so much ice cream so good ice cream so good look like I make a group as well uh open players that are not in your group can’t hear

Players players that are in your group can hear you and you can hear them that’s what I want I’m going Jo I’m going try to join but it’ll let me I have mods and stuff but no work have you been Whit listed yet pickle you’ve already made the grou I’ve made a

Group same pass as last time I don’t know let me find uh my message I found it I thought I got to put the on the shatting screen um have you been on the server before pickle cuz you do need to be like um whitelisted onto the server by Sarah there we

Go you have done I I’ll I’ll chat with I have a chat that didn’t put me in what the [ __ ] dude what the [ __ ] what’s the um the error prompt that it like pops up with three I did the thing again I almost read out the whole [ __ ] password as I

Was writing it I want to try there it is hello hey there we go I almost read out the password as I was typing it got one letter in that I don’t the only reason that I don’t want you to do it is just

So that uh so that oven is able to talk to me and your chat gets the experience you you want to keep doing that that’s fair I it is this is shut the [ __ ] I would also like to not let have oven on my stream so I appreciate

That I got you it’s not like I just spent the last two hours playing with him on stream or anything let me dump all this uh I’m going restart the launcher or game I’ve done several times now um you’re Whit listed you’re on what’s what’s the try restarting the game

H I am not sure do you have all the mods you need apparently are you sure um what else would it be what else would it be what else would it be uh do you have like an extra mod installed that you shouldn’t maybe I don’t know I don’t know

Dude I’ll reach out to Sarah I think they’re asleep right now but I’ll reach out to him when I can do and I’ll see if there’s anything I can do for you uh that one I love how oven has like technically done absolutely nothing wrong and yet we bully the [ __ ] out of

Chance we get download the Ser pack thingo yeah it should be working I don’t know why it’s not to bring a Ser plus of um torches as well wait what if I try um why is there a pig in my goddamn house again get out I’m a I’m a builder that’s that’s

What I do what is a builder like I this thing basically I’m not surprised fail to log in retry session try restarting your game and launcher I think that just that’s an internet issue if I’m honest I think literally the fix is like restarting like I know that’s annoying

To hear but I think that is your solution is like restart your game maybe restart your internet as well I could be wrong but I think that’s that is hello hello you got to work on your um your stalls yeah at least the hell yeah all

Righty well I’m going to jump in this hole then I guess while I’m like doing this I can also be like lighting the caves up and [ __ ] to like make the spawns and stuff better yeah but also steal any coal that I see cuz I always need more coal I’ll try nearly out

Of I can I can I this could be like your resource grind honestly like I’m happy to give whatever I find caves I do I do have I do have the I appreciate that’s fair what you need so you’ve been bit hard by the um the Minecraft bug then me

Yeah do love to see it my mu into the hole yeah this is this is like the one Minecraft phase every two year that you get and just like that’s exactly what the server was like a bunch of of the people like in the community was like I want to play

Minecraft I want to play Minecraft and Sarah just like made it like here you can play Minecraft now yeah hey oven would you uh get me uh a shears from the double chest right by the uh wool farm and the Cure yeah be good there should be one that’s slightly

Used yeah a good boy and fetch up gets him out of my gets him out of my head for a second soon you’ll be like passing on like like divorced parents like go spend the weekend at your fathers father I like oh fine I got to remember that I’m like looking for

Slimes champ um so that champ that yeah some for some reason like even when that is like the most sincere like when you say it in a sincere way it never sounds it champ is just such a condescending term champ is a champ is very condescending I’ve learned this very recently it’s very

Specifically a condescending thing for a stail oh I guess so that’s the biggest thing I I’ve always thought it was like a condescending thing because like it’s like a condescending thing to young people from old people like a lot of like like Boomers will call you that as like a in the same

Way that we kind of use cute now oh that’s cute yeah I was how was the ball give us your balls if you want to look around give us your balls I’ve been on JT music um oh there a there’s a j right Bel your B Bas and a

Spawner the skeleton spawner you still got very epic skeleton spawner very yes I’ll grab that for you give us your Bo no I’ve been on a JT music [ __ ] Renaissance recently discovered like phes where I like stop listening to like YouTube music it feels like childish and then I

Get back into it like this is actually sick I should why did I stop doing this that’s that don’t little crap give us your balls your your bottom surgery just opened up but yeah there’s a there’s also is dead there’s also a Geo like under your

Base as well so if you want to set that up as a farm you can do this needs to be like no I wanted to [Applause] make wait much gold wait no this doesn’t wait hold up a second this Doesn’t uh question mhm uh that I fairly I’m fairly sure I know the answer to but I just want to double check spiders don’t attack villagers do they they shouldn’t do yeah it’s just B why is one dead no no no no no no no no I was I I

Just wanted to double check the um the purposes of how I want to protect my skeletons don’t either do they that’s what I was about to say to my knowledge um like zombies do want to Target them but obviously a skeleton like a stray Arrow could hit them or like a stray

Like Creeper explosion could hit them but they don’t like they won’t Target them I don’t think see I could see like a very like um rare opportunity where like a zombie like stands in front of it like trying to attack it and then a skeleton comes

Over it and like tries to shoot this zombie and then accidentally hits it oh don’t that that uh the other thing you’ll want to be careful of um is if you’re going to build it outside is if it gets struck by lightning they do also like turn into

Witches that’s why it’s covered yeah just make sure it’s like a thick roof I mean it’s a w so theoretically it’ll just burn down but I can just place it yeah that works I guess you put yeah might as well just put one somewhere that’s like not near

There I guess just make sure like you have like thick corners as well so like accidentally like hitting it um like through the edges that’s always a pain in the butt I think actually it’s going to be very easy for me to create uh CU if I

Just use walls instead of um what I was going to do is I was going to do like the daylight senses where when it becomes night time the ground gets taken down get pushed up on but like realistically I think I just need a way

For it to um pushing walles up I think it really needs um like the floor going down cuz I play place actually like WS like Stone walks around the edge zombies can’t get over that there’s no blocks nearby that they’ll be able to get over with yeah so

I just need the walls to go up one so that the everything goes up one then um that escape you could also like invert a um invert the daylight sensor that way when the Sun goes down instead of like it dropping um instead of that it will like

Unpower it it will like do the opposite and power it and you can have the walls go up that way if that makes sense yeah think I just I just said what you said but D I think you did but like I get I I had a different idea at I finish

My idea and like oh wait no this is exactly what you just [ __ ] Said just have it it just one of the two needs to happen because if the floor goes down this means that that means that means that this is going to be so the for normal which I Mar with that stair there we go down another get the sticky pons instead

Right Mark that with like aad and then this is where the sticky piston base will be based on what oh my God you’re so funny so funny which means there’s going to be like Redstone underneath that Pine cuz when this w do villagers need a block above their

Bed to be able to sleep in it uh like as a whole like does it do you think it needs to be like glass as a house for them to sleep above it no they I know that they need like an actual bed to be

Able to sleep in it what I mean is like do they need a block above the bed in space to be able to oh um no but if you block it up too much they may suffocate when they get out of the bed so it’ probably be a good call to give them

Like at least like an extra block above them just to be sure we’re going to test that theory here yeah maybe just build one um and then build the rest after you test it all right um where’s my wait no I’ve got nothing

In how do that yes so I can get in um oven can you sleep real quick I got a bed on me I can do that oh you there’s plenty of beds around here I just want to take a kip okay little Kip the other thing you could do um

Would be like make it so when the daylight sensor activates it like it like opens up into like a little passage maybe like a one by one that like gives them access to their bed and then their AI will make them walk down and like use the bed

Themselves so that’s so that’s that is an option but also like I do need to be able to make sure that they come back up during the day so I can trade true is the uh that would yeah you can’t really rely on villager AI I say that’s where

The the floor can just be in line with the the just lower slabs slabs are able to be moved by um P right I don’t think so I think that’s a Bedrock thing oven okay oven says yes you say no I’m going to quickly check

Cuz I think I have a spe yeah just double check it I could be wrong maybe maybe I’m thinking of like the the half pit slab things like when when it’s on like the top part of the block I could also just be wrong I also fluctuate from using bedrock and using

Java so often that like different features get mixed together all the time anyway nothing has any meaning anymore yeah I hate playing on Java but like I’ve got so many people who have to you hate playing oh sorry playing on uh Bedrock but I’ve got so many people I’m

Sorry no no rethink our friendship no that that needs to happen no you’re saying yeah Bedrock is is fine but like it it’s just it’s got so many like little annoyances that I I just don’t want to ever have to use it uh know your good oven and uh yeah I completely

Understand um nian the oven the only reason my says with sticky oh sorry I completely blank was that yes or no it does work it does work it does work okay fair yeah I was like it has we fing up stairs or something there’s definitely something that’s

Similar to that but it would not surpr stairs do work I know that stairs work really yeah stair stairs do have they always maybe that’s I don’t know if they’ve always but I just know that that’s how like hiden staircase oh yeah you know you are right on that as well

Yeah that makes sense and that’s literally the only reason so get out of here I guess that also adds on to my like why my knowledge doesn’t work all the time not only am I working with like Java and Bedrock but I’ve also been playing this game for so long there’s so

Many different iterations of every mechanic like very likely Emma just thinking of like old older versions older versions yeah some something different that was changed yeah now I completely understand all that means right now is that this is able to this here is SL right everything except didn’t make enough work then

That’s going to be the expended nothing sh and when that gets P down I the level below it will Be made uh visible so all I need to test which I think I’m going to go do in a creative test world real quick so I just need to test that Villers are able to get that kind of setup I will be back ter go for

Do you want to jump in like a Discord while you’re gone or just be quiet no I I’ll just be I’ll just be gone a sec okay that’s cool just leave me alone my thoughts see you later man I’m glad they’re gone oh cringe Lord I just woke up from my sleepy hello

Gecko how you holding up yeah a big day of being an O will girl took all of your energy out we’re pretty close to you might stream like right now you should do if you have energy you should do Co and I are just hanging out on the

Server right now she’s like trying to finish uh some villager stuff just hanging out in a call otherwise what do you think of Streaming oh also gecko uh news for while you gone as well we hit 200 followers today I’m not I think I’ve I’ve caught back up in front of you again get more I’m out of bits I’m is poor you ain’t got no bits giv them to all the othery girls instead of

You broy broy point and laugh secret tunnel nope not secret tunnel I gave none to women only men men has men has his his uh taste he has a preference yeah I think I’m running out of cave entrances here actually is this a new way this might be new lapis

Lapis I have been this way not really I I just haven’t had a chance to drop bits on a woman that’s that’s fair I guess I guess you you do mostly watch like tf2 streamers there are a lot of female TF2 streamers is out there there definitely are some so you should go

Hunting I thought that was a [ __ ] company noise then it sounded like a thought that was a lo I was about to like walk into it I thought that was a um an eyeless dog then what you got for me anything good garbage we H the Diamonds though just a one really cheap

Escate say and get some air and we’ll head back that way as well deal with it I’m glad that one get gets used cuz I I didn’t think anyone would ever use it oh little secret tunnel secret tunnel secret tunnel here are zombie as well which means there’s another cave somewhere

Here um oh this is back the way I came oh this must be how I got in okay that’s good we can keep exploring this side then 13 diamonds ain’t bad you check uh my lame rail system I made uh on moments Mountain give me one second oven I’ll I’ll finish

Checking this cave out once we hit that and I’ll come look at it it was oven right yeah I did that thing again I just assumed it sounded like it came from oven’s mouth that’s nothing is this the same water cave or a different water cave it’s same me

Ow I don’t think I have a glow squid head yet either off dude yeah I’ve been here before that’s a dead end as well cringe dude looking Mega cringe where’s the on side that I had I know there’s one area that I haven’t checked is it up

There I see a glow squid that’s something I can kill yeah clearly there’s water like in here so let me in please thank you please and thank you bloody Invincible squid I’ll this place is bloody massive can you oh this we’ve already been in this thing surely this big open

Area exuse me has somewhere I haven’t explored yet uh this doesn’t look new at all and I’m going to drown there you go there’s some bubbles here M bubble am I not getting air there we go you guys should look up this song by the way and look up like the lyrics to

It this is like the the non lric version the lyrics are 10 times better it’s just impossible for me to talk over them rocks rocks about rock that power this is also a dead end this water cave suck man big empty space with no substance unless yeah I’m done let me let me

Teleport to you um oven you went into the lame cave I know it looks so promising and there was just nothing there ah this is it yep a look at it so cute and tiny fishing rod weren’t work here they’re broken broken hangang stay there stay there surely she has some somewhere yes

You bastard okay no that’s not the right way how dare you get on the rail let get out this [ __ ] yeah out of here h no he not me no go go down the hole there go down again I got more rails I’m just shy of like a GL

Man it didn’t even go in the right direction oh for the hole yeah I saw you trying to throw me off into the hole I would never sure all righty I’m going to leave you to it have fun with your Toys let me see if I can find like a new cave to go in we’re in a savannah there’s usually like big gaping holes AO everywhere around here there’s a witch My Wish head wish’s head is woman that I wanted it never drops one oh but that one

Does you don’t get to the Cloud District very often oh what am I saying of course you [Laughter] don’t very funny oven very funny I don’t know why I’m still collecting copper theum is very funny he’s not the best guy though this Z sucks he’s just quable whaty cringe Lord

Dude these are all pre oh there been people have been here as well b b thank you you creeper oh man I know n is ass but that’s why I have a new I’m on TF2 you’re part of the problem you’re why he has reach oh my god dude don’t don’t thr me

The hole ow ouches owie owie Owie is this SP a certain height that slime spawn I bet you there is and I’m just like wandering around the wrong area out of here miss me that gay [ __ ] we open oh here we go here’s a new area who dare attacks me get out of here cringe

Lord SK and head for free yeah out of be I thought that was a diamond ooh shiny these caves kind of suck dude I thought go had like amazing caves under their base it sucks need to get down deeper deep down down deep deep deep down you got Cloud just very

Often out of my face damn it come here come here little shits I need eight right that’s that’s how you make a stack of torches nope that was way too many well now I have two stacks eight total four Stacks in one go

Ow hang on hang on I can do this I can do this see Electra got over here what him slacking what him just looking in the corner dling himself yeah I assume I need to be way deeper for um slimes that would not surprise me in the

Slightest oh and I’m re exploring the same area God damn it oh hello what are you doing there a scalon head for my collection have a trinket for my collection let’s go down to like the actual like good area where I might actually find oh my

God I’m so glad there was water there cuz I absolutely missed the thing I didn’t pull my elra out I would have died if there wasn’t water there whoa this chuckle that come from God spaghetti cave the TNT is made oh my God the drop creepers most dangerous form of Creeper oh

Man bu of red stone nothing did S I mean I’ll take it doesn’t mean I want it rid of all this crap I don’t need as well h i kind need that Co but that’s fine whatever excuse me do you mine Joker doesn’t even know how to take his

Shots I’m with a 7.8 in PP a lovely PP you go at yourself Jesus christone I so close to dying to looking at ab’s pee PE win dead dead not dead stop being alive damn it little secret tunnel don’t mind if I Do nothing nothing worst secret tunnel Ever IM how epic and awesome it oh diamonds how epic an a it would be if when C logs back on I could be like I already I found it you don’t have to stress I did all the work but I found it I’m going to take a little little Kipper little nap

Oh little bit of a Lev like do I have water on me I do not I almost undershot that a little bit let me Grabel this gold M delicious gold that’s just a hole never mind uh this area up here we can go actually the anderman anderman

Get get out of here goddamn cringe Lord what I say but my m just being very easily entertained by my lame rail he’s just sitting there playing with himself he could be doing so much right now he’s just playing his little railing system more power to him honestly wish I

Could be aain so easily no mind by again okay you that a weak [ __ ] not here that was a waste of time ow water all the way over there I’ll be fine I’ll be fine I wish I brought my water with me where’s my water I can make that

Right I’m probably better off just like building across it honestly yeah I probably I probably could do but like that also works M shaft over there oh she has returned oh this is the same M shaft that I’ve been to like a 100 times honestly it’s probably better actually like traversing these rather

Than like caves cuz there’s a lot more Open Spaces I hear spider is that a cave spider no it’s just a regular Spider regular Spider all right hello all right oh my how did your testing go okay so a number of things mhm villagers are really annoying to work yes that one we

Knew the they don’t recognize the other you singing is not helpful to my head um they need a full blocks Gap above the bed mhm and as well as they weren’t PA fine the bed unless it’s a full block like they can’t PA find along

Slabs down to it or along stairs down to it there need to be a full block Gap like next to it yeah so what I’m thinking is instead of sticky pistons all I need is like actual Pistons that’s actually like a positive and the Pistons will just be the literal

Floor I think I don’t know well if that does work that’s that’s a positive more than anything cuz it’s less resource intensive yeah uh I also don’t think daylight senses are going to oven was it’s just gas light don’t try gas iron into thinking that you weren’t

Singing Beautiful who are you talking to there’s no one there of course who oven I don’t know an oven you talking to you’re talking to the furniture you going get dude God your ass the D senses won’t work either uh they it’s not that they don’t

Work it’s that they work too well they work before the um villagers wake up okay well you could do like an uh like a item clock then and just like time like you have to work at the math of like how many items equals a day but that would

Work I mean it would work you’re not right do I want it to work answer to probably that’s too if you don’t want to do that you could also do this like a really long line of repeaters and work at the map of that as well it take up a lot more space

Though yeah that would be very although there definitely would be time to do that um need to be wiring it down it down to the bottom of the system because I also learned that you can’t just activate a piston by having a redstone beneath it like Redstone Dust

It needs to be based on torches so need to be basing it on the Activa well you could have a redstone torch underneath the um Observer and just reverse the signal observers when work there in the needs a hold W yeah anyway I do know how that that’s that’s

Co just skito whenever they say I was seeing no proof definitely not like on recorder or anything theen was singing Fu I don’t need proof I think you’re going more sko Ain cuz you’ve just been you just spent the last 20 minutes spinning around in the circle on a

Mineart yeah that that is 100% true that’s way crazier Behavior than talking to yourself talking to yourself you’re so SK you’re SK not saying something to me it is saying something to no one shut the [ __ ] up nobody gives a [ __ ] I don’t care that you broke your

Elbow I don’t care that you broke I don’t know I need to manam that’s not good I’m almost against that and red oh yeah speaking of if you uh have any like amount of red find that’s the one thing that I’m like if you find it I mean I have

Like a stack on me of ore but I also have a bunch at home as well I have um I have uh some Fortune I have a fortune 3 pickax so I’d be able to take that off hell yeah and put it to very good use yeah

You can have it oh I’ve been like avoiding a little bit of it cuz I don’t have like a big use for it but I can prioritize picking it up while I’m here that’ll be so epic in the meantime I think I’m probably going to go hit the end farm and

Justly yeah something to do it’s it’s more to have like a not necessarily a mental break but like a effect what is effectively just always if you want if you looking for something mindless to do you can break down all my ores I would love to I know wrong

Basically the same thing oh [ __ ] I’m in water please don’t take please take me take me take me there we go um here you go here’s a job for you and if you skim a little bit off the top you’re also welcome to do that the only thing that I care about

Right now is redstone sucking it in for your butt yeah I’m very skilled in that in that aspect butt sucking M I don’t have any my end the chest do I no all right so naturally we’re going to start with all the Deep [ __ ] stuff up I’m going to put away literally

Everything except for pickaxe and I’ll take I also don’t want any of this shunks I’m going to leave this here you trespasser SC wait this is my that’s my I want a fly buzzing around me yeah you should get in this I think you would really enjoy spending some time in

It what do you think I doing your mom doing doing your mom this is an extra step I’ll give you I’ll give you you have shs yeah No I actually died from that damn that’s a big ass PP who wait who who who you the tower oh H ping ping double ping means gecko stream I assume gecko do be live that man has the most inconsistent stream schedule and I love it consist no not you gecko

Yeah no I know I was just commenting yeah you’re very consistent you feel on have like on this day we do this thing on this day we do this thing all I have is a time slot I’ve kind of dropped that I I just kind of do

Whatever the [ __ ] I want on each Street except for variety Friday where I trych and do something I haven’t done before didn’t you say uh weekends or also like whatever yeah weekend weekend whatever oh but now like the rest of the weekend is also whatever yeah oh I see like it’s

It’s mainly the finals but you know right now it’s also a lot of Minecraft um that’s it the cloud yeah that’s that’s kind of it fin after the two main ones the moment the only other one would be TF2 but I’m kind of moving away from that that’s

Fair you even have to call like moving away but just like taking a break like you’re I game anything whatever you want you want to know the best part about this Tower and iron M it’s a perfect 2 by two oh my God right at the top it flattens out perfectly tower flattens

Out how the [ __ ] are you here oh I came back here and grabb my [ __ ] oh oh yeah you died I forg about that oh yeah um somebody’s going to need to go to the bottom of the tower to catch anything that I missed cuz I feel I’m going to

Be aan you you have a job to do you can you go and pick up all the the scraps from Co Tower around the tower I think the ho yeah go touch Co junk go touch my peee did you find your my massive did you find your loot or do

You need help finding it I think all right well have fun I’m just going to WAND the cave ow ouch jeez owie until I find new caves uh tell that they not up on the tower they need to go around the tower um oven are you I don’t know where oven

Is you know what I’m going to TP them that’s probably a good call and then I’ll just hit them off they’re just kind of like wandering around so you just got to go get the stuff that’s around the uh bot this one well he’s down at the bottom now I

Guess he’s at the bottom he had a lot of deaths to begin with but they’ve skyrocketed now that they started hanging around us he’s the second he’s the second member above 100 near I can’t move I can’t move moov it anymore hello hello ma Mai Mai I can’t

Move it move it any more monies I got move it move it I got it move it move it any monio I’ve been really craving play in the Madagascar the um PS2 game oh really I have I’ve never I’ve never even heard of it it’s it’s good

It’s it’s a movie tieing game on the PS2 so it’s it’s exactly what you expect it to be but I want to I want to start like playing like like playing a bunch of of PS2 games like on stream and stuff enough to the ground that I can I can

Hear up and again you poor thing hang on let me find more Ores for you oh god um but no I want to I want to start playing um like some retro like P PS2 games on the stream I just need to get this [ __ ] emulator to work it’s

Driving me up the wall it doesn’t work properly what what emulator is it it’s uh dolphin Oh dolphin I remember when I tried to set up [ __ ] melee on that the thing is like it used to work like I very early on when I was streaming I was

Streaming um like an old Spyro game and it works fine and I I stopped doing it for a bit I came back to it nothing like I haven’t changed the files it or anything I’ve just left it for like a year or so and now it just

Doesn’t work and now whenever I put a new one in it doesn’t work either that’s really unfortunate honest I’m honestly like tempted just to buy like a capture card or whatever you need to to do it and just like playing natively on a PlayStation 2 capture cards are mad expensive though are

AR are I’ve looked into it to um try and stream on my switch I need it rough okay so you have um let me convert some of this into Roblox you have um converting them into blocks and seeing just so that you can sort of actually understand the um the

Numbers the numbers missing you want much how much Redstone do you want I don’t care I really I’m kind of just like mindlessly mining I don’t care about the resources yeah but like the Redstone CU I want to take a lot of the redone I don’t care you can have all the

Redstone I don’t really use a lot of redstone so all 49 blocks and six Redstone will be go for it let me go home and I I’ll go tell you what a ridiculous number I have 26 blocks and three of lapis five and four of diamonds you’ve got a

Stack and seven of uh a stack of uh raw copper blocked and seven raw copper yeah copper do we like that 24 blocks of raw iron thank you seven so 25 rounded up six blocks of War gold with five and 24 blocks of Co with five

Yeah you can keep it if you want like I I don’t care in the nicest way POS I’m not doing this for resource I’m doing this for Mindless mining I’ve got like a stack and a half of redstone blocks here so that’s that’s probably me for the season

Honestly God knows I have too much copper and too much um Iron as well I got like half a double chest full of [ __ ] copper of like blocks of it I’m I’m ready to be here prop for cuz you know it’s a cont it’s going to are you live right

Now no why don’t you if you’re going to be here for a while you might as well if you have it up if you have the spirits for it uh I think the the main reason is just uh if I’m if I’m streaming prop the

Point the point is say on on my morning sh right but uh my my they would probably that’s fair least my parents so I’m like I I can’t be as as loud as I I don’t want to have these random like live CH CU that’s just a

Little you know yeah that that makes sense that makes sense you feel me what’s the [ __ ] button I’m trying to work out how to open oh God what is it there it is I’m trying to work out how to turn you up a little bit there you

Are little bit quiet there we go turn me up why turn me up when I when you could turn me on it’s eaten alive by gravel who who who who said that who said what there’s no one here exactly exactly exactly I feel like I’m wandering in

Circles and like every now and then I find like a cave that has like one eye in it I’ve explored the these caves too much oh actually this is not helpful not not not not very good in that way excuse me [ __ ] off I need right now I need a dollar a

Dollar I need some I need a set I need just an automatic that’s what like a Bare Bones one or like some some like insane one not like an insane one but like it it’ll be it’ll be done proper pretty much every world that I

Make the first thing I make is like the very simple one that’s like a hopper into a furnace into a chest like the very well yeah that’s that’s that’s that’s what I’m going to do but it’s also an output chest and it’s a gold chest and

Then that like that kind of thing so it’ll be it’s own thing much for crap grab IR yeah last F sa how big do I want this to be I want this to be 10 more I forget how how like relaxing it is just mining I need to get into the habit of

Like doing it like when I’m stressed like just get in a random World get a pickaxe and just go mining yeah it is pretty not a lot of things I do that’s like purposeless I need something like that even like with Mining and that like

I I’ll only do it like if I need resources oh more copper I don’t need more copper but I will take it up the inventory 50 chests oh plus the To this 16 so another oh [ __ ] that’s pretty Much no nothing no way either there we go what are you what are you giggling at this time Fu his own his own shadow what are you laughing at what are you talking about yeah all right oh that’s is a white guy I need cre this is

Where any places I could find that like have like resources left to mine is a [ __ ] playlist on shuffle it’s been like 10 Hollow night songs in a row no it is there we go that’s something I love Hollow night but like that’s that’s a bit ridiculous come on

Now what was I saying oh saying something and I distracted by my own anger you’re ra i’ at leash a beast oh don’t say that there’s a beast inside me and it’s coming I think what I’m going to do is just like fly around until I see a big

Cave and then go down there cuz all the ones under your Mountain uh Baron and we there in the metime I actually don’t need to be this right now yeah that’s good leave alone that need to make 30s all that crap oh y Hi how are you hello you D rubbish I can’t probably putting into a chest hey I’ll take uh I’ll take any smooth you believe you may I don’t have aou pickax right now I need to get that but that’s that’s the next thing that’s

I guess that’s like like longterm goals you got to make the aut smelter so that you can make the Villager hle so that you can make the trading hle so that you can trade for emeralds then you got to make a farm so you can get the emerald and then you got

To do the thing and then the thing and the thing but you’ll have a s touch pickaxe yeah that’s right there’s that big ass hole next to the Village perfect hey plus 666 my God devil perfect there’s a devil inside of him that’s coming where do I want this to to go

I I I hope you like copper boysz that’s all waiting so this so-called big hole here was just a crater not a hole all looks also the tiate on this server is yeah we realized that like last stream right yeah it just it’s just so it’s zooming I ain’t

Complaining oh don’t get me wrong NE mind means it all my like Automatic Farms in the in the couple hours combined that I’ve been doing farms and stuff my uh my sugar farm two stacks worth of I can’t believe I been sorry all my um [ __ ] W Farms been

Going like crazy without well while been here oh yeah that actually is a good point he’s just sitting there loading all your Farms now yeah I can’t believe I hadn’t noticed that T speed was up oblivious little a little bit and this Creeper Man there go you

Know what I would love to do is like a longterm project I would love love love to make like sorry when you make a what to make a like Railway networ between between the uh major areas of the world family bases and stuff that would be cool except for because we’re on a

Faction servers everyone’s bases are secret so that I mean it could be which is why I was going to suggest we can make stations that are somewhat near but not quite enough to actually give away the places use there it’s it’s a nice idea I wish we were on a server that

Like you could be like more uh collaborative all right fuing drop creepers that felt like a very aggressive reaction and that makes sense no I wasn’t like fighting him and like got the jump on me no [ __ ] dropped on me from the top of a c I

Didn’t even see it until it exploded loaded yeah he drop bad man deal with from all my life only just getting me now honestly will will will Will I lose anything uh box and the chest chest plate no that’s everything the arrows it’s I don’t care about my um no deaths anymore yeah I’m I I am a little uh wait did you die no you didn’t yeah I I am I’m a little sad that I got my first

Death but I got it doing for for a good reason yeah I mean hell I got it before pretty much my first step I got up for all of the it was such an it was such an honor to be your first hey yo up that death

Cherry hey no this CH sounds like a band actually that that that’s mine that’s mine it’s you be the pur I want I want split Revenue then sorry I want split Revenue this is partly my idea you make the B you write the music

And you you go on tour and I will make the name 50/50 50 worth it oh I had like a ton of levels as well [ __ ] cring absolutely CR did you die no did I what are you talking about having a bunch of Ls yeah I died did you

Not the the drop creeper that killed me that killed you I didn’t get a death message you didn’t last message I got was oven proof uh was the oven proof set9 oh yeah it didn’t by oh yeah it didn’t in chat that’s weird I did

Die well I mean yeah I can say that cuz it says to teleport your death location you slash back oh but you can see that message should that just be your stream oh on the stream yeah I I I up did anyone happen to clip it I should have screamed that

When it happened but I’m guessing I did not you didn’t Ah that’s fine ah that makes me sound like a [ __ ] psycho then screaming like an idiot for nothing look I I did think it was an over reaction if you didn’t die but you know that’s that’s that’s kind of funny actually

Did I was just like wandering along just doing my own thing then [ __ ] you mean he s yeah you’re absolutely gun my gun one one second time’s up but whole time i’ would love to get to like the the actual good area but I’m I’m just wandering around in stone

Have so much iron and coal though I guess excuse me can you stop thisiss off yeah that’s right you better [ __ ] run one square up gun One V one Me what time is it like 2:40 when it gets to 3:00 I’m going to call it regardless what the [ __ ] is happening as soon as it it hits free on the dot I’m out of here clock it off I’m going home but I do want I do want to find a

Slime trunk before I go that would be pretty epic oh my God it’s a creeper no not the Creeper from pretend to believe it for like a second like oh that was genuine you got me there sh sh I’m just cing my boots you you are a scer

Fling you know I have a creeper redeemers for you could have just done on that it would have been better what are you talking about what you talking about I would have seen it if you did Def you definitely not no yes got squid like it it it it doesn’t exist oh

I see I see oh it it doesn’t exist I must be crazy oh no a creeper what that was you oh you got me fo yourself I swear to God watermelon watermelon oven’s oven’s enjoying himself up here at the very least has he not died

Yet you know what what I don’t I you know what I don’t think he has not recently is he still on his CH that oh there you go I know he wasn’t oh I left him AFK on that mine cart with a block above him so

He was just taking a tick of damage every time You’ go around Quest then Apple you understand it had to happen right well I mean you havn’t died in a while exactly so it had to happen sorry dude you just got such a stabbable face oh

Yeah yeah you could have but like that always takes way too long a weird little cave everyone’s always too busy trying to do that all right you’re not special I’m pretty sure he is don’t tell him that you like FL it special is the word I would use neuro diversion

Ah ah it’s a creeper ttic if you will you’re not going to get me I’m I’m my reactions are like I don’t have any reaction time you want to get me with those redeems you got to get me like but I’m not like too focus on what I’m doing but

Also not not focus at all it’s got to be a sweep in between like I’m gaming hard but I’m not the the best the best time to try and do it is very very specifically when you’re playing another game because the the the amount of Disconnect between your brain

And your body in that instance it’s going to your brain is going to be like holy [ __ ] there’s a creeper while your mind is still trying to figure out how there’s a creeper it’s like a 50/50 if that works it did work this uh when I

Logged into the um onto the um oh wow we got a funny guy over here um when I loged onto the the Minecraft world there’s a [ __ ] pigment in my base and my immediate reaction was there’s a [ __ ] mimic from a um lethal in the

Base it was like the same color as um ao’s skin yeah I’m now realizing I think you were there so I don’t know why I had to explain that yeah I was watching yeah I yeah I another spawner rainbow all across the sky I don’t need that I don’t need That I can hear a zombie villager somewhere where are you give me villager head rip dude oh Def Co isn’t that kind of rare uh yeah it is I got some and you don’t yeah I don’t have a pickax if I want got him you got no one but you feel real

Dumb right now I feel real dumb all the time diamonds in the sky diamond diamond Diamond beautiful can I hear these goddamn zombies where are Nan I think that was the most Gest singing I’ve ever heard that’s pretty accurate right that’s just like her yeah I want you to have my kids yo please take them off my hands I don’t want them anymore

Take who off your hands the kids oh I want you to have my kids I don’t want them anymore take them oh di it’s St it’s not becoming it’s not an event anymore just it’s just like expected at this point yeah oh here it is oh what the [ __ ] oh

Yes hang on I’m having a moment I got aie V me I think there’s two spawners right next to each other here these [ __ ] mobs would piss off oh yeah for some reason it’s not doing um my death message in chat that is weird H you definitely have died again

Oh [ __ ] you died again good yeah yeah oh my shit’s getting flushed away oh that’s that’s a flushed away like they hit hit the movie from 2007 wish I can remember a single song that’s in that movie oh [ __ ] where where is my stuff [ __ ] off stop shooting me a lot of

Mobs were there any creepers no were there any sand boners there was everything ask about another mob uh Andy boys yes spiders yes Spider jockeys no okay well then there will was every all all right well guess I’ll go [ __ ] myself then I got all my stuff back it’s fine yourself then

Yeah maybe zombie uh might have actually no yes yes yes no maybe so I don’t I don’t remember I felt like that was everything I have any food do have food yeah there enough space Oh torches that’s the other thing uh you I know a torch you are okay cave spider [ __ ]

Off oh my God this place sucks dude yeah there definitely is two spawners next to each other and that is not a good thing am I doing uh that so my inventory so I don’t have a moment what I don’t have a CO moment shut the [ __ ] nobody all right we’re going Spire

Hunting off [ __ ] off leave me alone ah no stay in the Box get out of my my skin oh [ __ ] I need get this creeper away from the spawner before it dies out out go away go away there we go give me the spawner give me the

Spawner no not you you you can go away all right spawn down bomb has been diffused Bom has been what a hellish place to be this sucks I get out oh no and some for some reason I’m not leaving I found the god cave I was looking for but it sucks and I don’t want to be here but also I’ve just spent the last hour

Looking for it so I can’t leave another spawner dude gotam spider farm I think I’ve got like six spawners in my inventory now and I’ve instead what a surprise somehow I’m not coming oh my helmet is about to [ __ ] break as well huh I think I’m going to have to go home

My inventory and fix this helmet and come back imagine going to sck cuz it’s not even 2 a.m. SEAL issue it’s 150 a.m. tried 250 oh he actually left H your punch line I think we’ve been producing enough punch lines on him I mean he was more often than

Not 1 two three four five six yeah six spawners qu and balls oh Oh stretch stretch s switch thank you Ain One Last Goodbye gift thank you thank you me place these heads in the wall we’re very quickly running out of space in this head room I want to keep exploring that cave but like I need to go to [ __ ]

Bed I got more water here hell Yeah what you fast back go Um guys is that Freddy Fazbear oh hello Ow Finally Ro and invite play with us hell since that day took our life away now we’re stuck here to Decay not like what you’re thinking 1987 be our friend why would you want to stay where you want to be I just don’t get it why would you want to Say I ever send you the actual cover that you’re paring uh no let me let me do that now okay we had this conversation right you bought with an AI cover but like there’s an actual one that you’re using as it To be now even though I don’t have a proper trading like proper uh trading Hall set up I still want to get a Fletcher set up so that I can start getting kind of uh pi to then get want know the worst part about this like the St that I

Currently that it’s unorganized and you don’t have anything no the fact that I know where everything is despite it’s disorganized yeah I’ll do it I’m just like why would I why would I change it’s not bad enough that will like justify um fixing it but it’s bad

Enough that you’ll hate it the whole time yeah music chat I do there I’ll dump into the music chat in my Server why already yeah it’s by uh the eight big eight bit big ban and their whole [ __ ] is doing that to um song making it in that style that that one is I think I finally got my first like subscriber emote with the with a copium one coore PM that’s just

Been sorry what uh blue has just been working on um coore PM oh hell yeah it’s like an emote yeah I feel like that’s going to be my first uh sub emote oh that’s perfect cuz everything is so far being are you doing that for um gravel doing it for

Flint use a fortune travel or Fortune pick if you have it uh I I don’t have a fortune shovel I have a fortune pick and aouch shovel use your fortune pick a fortune shovel and I need I don’t have Ming on it though oh we can just dump it into another shovel

Yeah I got a fortune 2 shovel hey put it in one spot and I’ll hold down in one spot one more one stubborn gravel hello Fortune 28 [ __ ] get fortune 3 dumb ass let me you silly ass [ __ ] let me grab something pretty fast bear oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh Oh my back is right where I’m standing wait I don’t actually think I need um many fletches right now as a top priority because I’ve already got like I’ll make a number of Fletching tabl because I do kind ofes in the end let me put down an investment for your business

Looking for a chest um an empty chest over over here over here chest in the chest chest just Chuck it in the just Chuck it in the the chest there you go investment back to work with SL home you dummy I know I was trying to slash back to to

This place and it it didn’t work say hello Fred how are you welcome welcome hey what time is it for you Fred time to go to bed did I have a chest full of crap somewhere am I Mis Ming uh I think you do might be it might be this

One I feel like I have a memory of leaving a chest full of crap somewhere I I love how there’s just like chests everywhere there crafting it’s not helping there’s torches everywhere like it’s it’s not it’s not oh I’m thinking of the the or Mountain I didn’t want that freaking out

Of how the [ __ ] do you make a Le turn uh books books and wood it’s like one book uh slabs and like planks I think it’s it’s bookshelfs means that I need to get some you have uh much spare leather a chance I have so many books and probably so much leather as

Well cuz I have like the just give me the leather cuz I have enough I have enough paper I have enough sugar cane to make enough paper too yeah for sure can I show you how much wool Co has now for sure sure how much lever do you

Need uh just as much as you as you’re able to spare basically you can have a stack yipp do a little cough cough and in return I’m going to show Fred how much wool you have so he can come and steal it yeah course don’t worry you can you can absolutely steal

It I had Le my I was playing um I was playing some D and earlier today and m i [ __ ] on a number of occasions I sneezed so hard that I killed was great powerful sne yeah they’re they’re pretty they’re pretty some of them are like more than

Never but the the highest one has three and a half stacks I’m just thinking though would this like last one be like getting loaded oh no it is yeah they’ve all got at least like three and a half stacks or two and a half stacks sorry except for

Um except for magenta I’ve only got two stacks yeah magenta is a [ __ ] [ __ ] boy it doesn’t like the like the entire time that it’s uh that its bait that it’s existed has operated m am I doing at least I will never I will never run out of the Bas that I

Need to uh what do I what do I want to get so I want to get mending I want to get silk touch I want to get efficiency I want to get Unbreaking they’re the they’re the big PL the big boys Fortune protection sharpness and looting protection sharpness looting they kind of

Protection is the biggest one for that um maybe feather for ever falling and depth Strider as well I’ve already got dep aqua affinity expiration whichever one does which respiration Brea underw Affinity yeah I think okay so I think I need like five six like good you want bow enchants as

Well uh I don’t have a would you get a bow if you had all the enchants that you need for it um maybe I would need Infinity what’s infinity like mutually exclusive with uh mending what can’t you mending so I I usually put Infinity on

And I just like make a new bow when it runs out like I I just put like all the enchantments on a new bow yeah I find it’s more valuable not having to carry 10,000 stacks of arrows with you yeah but then again at the same time a

Single item an entire item slot is taken up by a single yeah but it’s going to be like that regardless but if you do that then would you rather an entire item slot get taken up by a single Arrow get taken up by a stack of arrows

You could carry a stack of arrows if it makes you feel better I’m just I’m just literally thinking that yeah yeah not to e death Strider oh [ __ ] off red there’s no way you don’t like death Strider don’t even try and tell me that you prefer Ross Walker want to do with

These I mean for now I could just have like um villager holes this way you know you could do as well actually you could make the tents like bigger and then you could put like groups of villagers in it so like you could have like the yeah I was yeah I

Was planning on having one villager per oh okay yeah you could have like the the armor tent the tool tent the sword tent okay well [ __ ] my idea then you already had it you already had it 10 minutes ago I use Frost workers so jokes on you

[ __ ] [ __ ] Fred you do not use Frost there is no way I need to change my set just slightly it just needs to go what hipster yeah no it’s not hipster it’s just tring to be different yeah that’s what a hipster is now hipsters are different hpst suced I like to walk on

Magma I like to walk on magma so with though [ __ ] sake dude I like walk on magma so for taking damage without okay good you you [ __ ] up the centers not me you can also just like press shift and then it will do the same thing and I’m sure you would have like

Whff sneake so you could have you could literally have like both if that’s like the only reason do you want cross walker and plus it’s just [ __ ] annoying cuz like I’ll walk past my farms and they’ll be broken now because I’ve turned my like water elevator on my ice paff into

Ice just for [ __ ] don’t worry Fred you’re super different and unique and interesting for like yeah certainly different instead yeah you’re you’re such an Innovative individual you know you are so unbelievably cool and everybody wants to have right now literally like this it come over baby um playing Pac-Man over

Here go walk w w w don’t actually need I only Need here’s the I’m going to let out six of not including the uh the farmer I should be repairing my [ __ ] does I have mending on it no I don’t have anything that needs repairing that has mending well never mind so much for that brilliant idea

Yeah w w w w w w yeah I need to that my I’ve said this before I don’t know if I said this to you but I’ve said this before that my stuff is just far enough away from where I’m often like working created just enough distance between my

Main storage out where I work so that every time that I need something I go back and then I forget to grab yeah that that was me you were talking about with it’s [ __ ] it always happens especially on like like a little little scale like this it’s fine I’m going to let

Um couple of villag I’m going to let what what is it there six villagers free no need no mending points and laugh I’m poor dude I haven’t got villagers go all you you invested so I will be able to get yeah Co hasn’t finished making my Villages yet hey okay okay okay they’re

Not your Villers I thought you said I invested in this in this business yeah that means I have [ __ ] ownership no no you you’ve got you’ve got you’ve got some [ __ ] yeah shares equals not ownership they still partially mine I’m this place I’m going to take the uh cou them here

Why oh I was like why is my iron golem taking down problem has been solved that’s two three four oh this is I’m full where did my sh go there it is one two three four okay four out here that’s fine but those Sports I own part of the

W Farm which I don’t no you didn’t invest it did the fredd invest in your W Farm or did they just help uh both oh out out is great five out is [Applause] huge now just wait till night time okay they’re going to try and get to their

Beds I do ask that you don’t sleep I never do anyway you’re telling me not sleep it’s [ __ ] 3:00 a.m. dude talking about in game in Minecraft in Minecraft don’t sleep in Minecraft it’s nice having this little armor stand of oven here it’s like he’s still

Here yeah like he never left us it’s it’s nice having like oven sort of be here without CH being it’s like having a silent oven yeah that’s kind of nice yeah silent oven so let me make him some uh iron armor and then he’ll look like a full

Thing the skin basically is just iron armor honestly yeah yeah [ __ ] him up right now just while it turns toight I will be back in just a just a second okay good down I canle him down can you ask her uh if the sword was helpful oh jokes on you cuz they are

Gone I can’t ask them anything pman a hello how are you what was I doing oh yeah I making iron armor how you holding up just going to steal a little bit of Coes I’m sure she won’t mine organize your goddamn chests tired I feel that I feel that I

Should be going to sleep as well where do you keep your damn iron that’s because you ignored me what you didn’t do anything did you hide the the iron is that why I can’t find it oh Fred you had some real tough a second ago everyone point and laugh at friend small

PP oh and and then just to round it back up not not a record no we’ve had like a 13 I think seven or 13 some somewhere real small they’re just arounded off 13.9 big shun have I done my PP today I don’t think I have

N I still had the switch from um lethal and pasted 8.65 not bad not bad I’m I don’t think there’s any iron here I think I’ve been scammed yes who’s back back again gu back back back back back I think 14 in is the biggest 14 you ever seen I think

So do you remember there being a bigger PP at some point um I feel like there’s been a 15 or or like d near close enough to one where you could that i’ have to look into 14.97 something no I don’t think so I think

The way the bot does it is it’s like a it’s two random number generators like does the first number and then the second number I’m pretty sure the second number oh no maybe it does I’m not sure that’s a lie I got like 14.4 yeah

Um I guess so yeah I think 14 is the cap and then it has like wait the second number afterwards oh my God it’s it’s it’s shrinking guys let’s see do that in my presence I have that effect on people no see that see now that just

Doesn’t make sense cuz if it was in your present it should be gr facts don’t lie give me a random name of a weapon Excalibur why did you throw an iron helmet down cuz I meant to make boots skill issue a random name of a weapon or a

Hat in TF2 or just in general um what’s what’s a famous please don’t no no no no no like literally the the long the long thin sword that P I don’t like I don’t like i e r yeah I don’t I don’t like when you say it I

Don’t think you’re saying it right right oh a tf2 a tf2 hat um what it’s called you should do the brown bomber from TF2 it’s a really cool hat that not many people know about what’s this this is going here where the hell are all the villagers com

They oh my God they could get back to the [ __ ] oh yeah they’re all outside by the way I don’t know if you know no they no they weren’t they managed to get back in through the pain for the [ __ ] thing what a what a glass pain brown bomber like oh the Cap’s

Lock know how difficult what a conundrum you’re in you’re going to have to go looking for a new bed oh no what a shame Anyway are you stupid the beds are right there you [ __ ] knobs all right so it’s my face I am I’m literally looking at literally looking at the knob on his face oh my God the beds are over there please there’s not if you want a weapon them I’m going

To nominate the charge and charge cuz I like the way it rolls off a tongue oh my [ __ ] God all right I’ll pick something else then here we go now gentlemen gentlemen gentle I had a similar to it you’re thinking of the winter Woodsman which is like discount brown

Bomber please and and get knocked down please please path find towards the bed actually now there is a whole bunch of um discount Brown bombers they keep adding bombers in like every case frostbite Bonnet is that the the one for heavy the the white one oh my

God are you [ __ ] stupid yes there oh it’s the one for spy that that is just the brown bomber it just is with goggles who cares that’s like shocking that that that actually like got like added to the game but that is just I will remove all this that’s just the

Brown bomber and it has glasses go get in [ __ ] there we go one [ __ ] off [ __ ] off in the bed that is front you oh my God the [ __ ] zombie made his way down do you need help I hate I hate I hate working with villagers get in the

Bed get in the [ __ ] bed the Torches above it is that what’s breaking your [ __ ] pathfinding AI honestly at this point I don’t care do you have a bell uh if you ring a bell they like they like go to the they bad I’m pretty sure now you guys

Get get up get up get up I’ll bring one over for you get out get out get out get out get out get out get out you be the one that stays in here the farmer needs to be the other one that stays I am oh God damn it what if I

Just get rid of like all of these what if I give you an extra [ __ ] I give you an extra [ __ ] space [ __ ] idiots get get that just needs to be everyone except all right fine you get you get more space above you know what you get

I’m pretty sure your villagers get into their bed from the side they don’t get in like frontwoods so they won’t get into these little cell ones unless they absolutely have to honestly at this point I I just don’t care just go to bed children F except for the farmer the farmer needs

To go back the back does not recognize the the home sadly SL home yeah oh yeah the back yeah using home um overrides it which is [ __ ] annoying there someone in this bed at least yeah yeah that has been in there for you got one less bed than villagers looks of

It I need two of them to stay here oh there’ll be like the permanent Farmers yeah you recognize the bed you [ __ ] no get over here he they have done oops [ __ ] I have a ho oh just I’ve given you some C I wanted to silently fix the problem

Before you realize I broke everything I I have I have this oh sorry oh creeper I’m in what’s the here I think what going to do is give them you have some smooth Stone on you uh no but I can get some uh there there’s some in in one of my chests uh

One of the ones that are on the ground double chest I think it’s underneath a couple of other chests it’s got like Cobble uh Stone and then TNT tell you anything but oh [ __ ] I completely forgot to send that message I will do that oh I’m dumb I’m so goddamn

Dumb um I’ll send that tonight before I log off I completely forgot about that I pretty much crashed as soon as stream ended yesterday you need help with it like right now I guess while I’m on if you need spawner help I can do that now who’s shooting me whoever threw that

Your mom the ho your Mom’s that’s two issues yeah cuz we’ve also noticed this stream that whenever I die do do a chat message Oh I thought you sent it yesterday don’t worry I’ll ask her later go for it if you if you want to you’re more than welcome to as well I’m dumb

And forgetful and I end stream when I’m about to like collapse I think she’s still in gecko so it’s probably it’s probably best just putting a message in um the Minecraft chat perfect are these like this little temporary like holding cells for the time being yeah until I get like the

Market you should also put trap doors uh yeah trap doors on top of them as well so baby zombies can’t get in there oh yeah Yeah doing your mom doing doing your Mom secret tunnel sorry I’m so I’m so so by way they don’t need sleep to trade they need they need access to their bed to reset trade tra so don’t they yeah yeah they don’t need it to trade but like if you don’t do it like that then you’ll get to trade one

Inventory worth of stuff and then never again why they need Beds which is annoying how dare you need a basic how dare you need human rights oh the sun’s about to come up by the way yeah block them off don’t let me escape dang fu it’s functional that’s all it

Matters I pack hello blue welcome back if you CH them up the top they actually can’t they refresh with the job block yeah but they also need the bed as a part of that one don’t they I guess maybe not I don’t know they do need a they do need a bed

They do need one okay there you go I think I’m fa listen let well they do or if they don’t then let’s just pretend we’re giving them like human rights it’s either a functional reason or a ethical reason I don’t give we need some better storage oh my god get back oh

No okay I did a save this one go here block this one off you have thing that I use to um make villagers oh he can he can get up there I didn’t think he could not let that guy out um the other thing I use to make

Villagers like go where I want them to is water or or you can just walk straight into it no never mind after feel like seven holes they all don’t okay well epical reason it is then anyone got a name tag I do I have a lot of name tags I think

Maybe everything we just need to get that one guy in there Iron Golems yeah they they spawn as like a byproduct of the the Villager burito and I barely burito I hardly know her so now I have no no no no stay in the [ __ ] box no stay in the Box

No get out of my skin out of my skin okay I would like one to put on my strange hat oh a tf2 name tag no I don’t have sorry I thought you met a Minecraft name tag that’s awkward I just SP buttons and pressure ples yeah but it’s also ug

Lug I don’t think C Minds having them just wander around if it means the base doesn’t look ugly as hell a [ __ ] I accidentally hit a vill [ __ ] uh let me help let me help oh he’s not he’s not piss at you he is he is just giving you the silent treatment

I guess the the Iron Golem is but the the Villager is oh the B oh I might have to kill him and replace him with another one if you’re going to kill him do it with like a lava bucket so you don’t like damage your trades even

More it’s just annoying [ __ ] not to spawn inside getting tired getting e getting Ley oh it’s 3:30 yeah I I need I need to wrap up stream I need to go to bed I want to see this through though I want to see the villagers work yeah God to plan looks way

Better oh just let it look out look out okay get out oh [ __ ] [Laughter] anyway that this one will just remain empty while the uh and I prefer efficiency over any day yeah very clearly you you you go for like just make it like as efficient as possible

And then you wor about the looks later CO’s clearly going for like looks and like functional at the same time this beautiful villager breeder just made uh oh I’m breaking three immediately awesome H yeah uh could you get some signs for me sure why is that Golem dying love

You probably spawn bar yeah you spawned in a hole I’ve gone the completely wrong way you have a wood preference I no you’re getting Oak no you’re not you’re getting Spruce you have more Spruce you good yeah sorry not you the [ __ ] villager I’m looking at oh you don’t care have at

My will building no I don’t I don’t either uh they don’t oh they don’t need bread they don’t need beds to restock never mind you just sleeping [ __ ] their rights sleeping privileges revok stand there work for the company you’re godamn right stop peeing bottles I mean they were going to pay in bottles

That there you go pries I don’t do looks after I I just never do just purely for function be fair actually let me go home quick L I’m pretty useless in Minecraft I’ve never gotten anywhere near where I am now that’s not a bad thing though you

Have your own fun right you seem like a builder more than anything cuz I was exploring your base before with Fred you clearly like do all the the the pretty things there and Fred does all of the um technical stuff it’s a good combo do you have an extra now blue an extra

What [ __ ] to give cuz I don’t elra uh I need to go end busting I need some extra ones in case I lose mine where that [ __ ] cat go bro I need I need some I need some elytra I know you keep saying you don’t

Want hand outs but I do have an extra one laying around yeah next time we’re on and we got nothing to do we should just go in busting that would be amazing I would love to where the [ __ ] did that cat go I don’t have one oh poor blue let me up

Ow that’s something you can go for that’s a good point yeah you could could do no do it right now did I ask what this hole was for oh this is a stall I’m dumb I watched you build it that you did that you did I didn’t

See the hole on the ground excuse me how the [ __ ] did I lose this cat it was here like hanging around for so long and then as soon as I decide to tame it it it pisses Off F falling is for weak buckets of snow to win I mean I guess I prefer to not die though and if you want to be a real man you should be using ladds anyway man I’m losing it I can’t find a cat oh there it is can’t find the cat means you’re

Losing it literally yeah yeah you’re my best friend nower your S effect love how much your sound was C by That I think my favorite part about that was just how little of it I got to hear wow that’s that’s probably I imagine that’s what how you feel just in general about me oink okay sry is being dumb I Looks dumb okay bro do you want [ __ ] well at least some baby sleep real quick damn you still alive yeah yeah we having up soon like moment here maybe kid on Minecraft now I can’t leave make you do [ __ ] you don’t want to admit you’re an addiction my streamer addiction

Where are there they are and the blue there it Is do you have the FEA fing yesterday blue I have FEA folding I know you w asking me but I I I still Chim in I have F falling oh glow and behold no gab’s telling on me no that’s it’s very Cool Why do these SKS oh I want to do my usual [ __ ] Strat yeah that was uh not partic that I got to say that wasn’t particularly intelligent my arm it my armor is right now and I’ve got prop four mending Unbreaking fre hell yeah hell yeah you got all the

Goodies they didn’t launch any of my loot in their holes did it no good oh look that even like put some of it in the right order that was so goddamn dumb dude yeah don’t worry we I feel like chat [Applause] all right as much as I would love to

Hang around I do need to call it there cuz I I’m going to die my brains are hanging out of my skull don’t you worry don’t you worry don’t you worry child don’t you mine oh all okay yeah you’re too short to reach that no the [ __ ] did I

Fall um please tell me actually I don’t want to actually lose that armor arm yeah I realize you been armor I just never corrected myself all right I’m getting out of here goodbye Co thank you for hanging out chat say goodbye the moment all righty

Byebye all right let let me send let me work out where I’m going to send you guys off to and then I’m going to end stream upload the V and go to bed this be very sleep thank you everybody for stopping by um tonight it has been quite a lovely stream quite

Lovely and also monumental as well cuz we hit 200 followers as well thank you so much for that and everyone who brought me here uh stinky sexy vtuber gecko is currently live oh they got a new vtuber model as well so I guess we’re going to go raid

Gecko they got some titties on the stream so you guys you guys will you guys will have uh some fun there 30 33 hours and 50 minutes you’re so close to 24 hours you’re going to have to show up next time time for that one Fred I stole

Oven Etc and threw it near a creeper that exploded it to co after hell yeah dude I’m going to do the the social command uh just because that’s Tradition at this point if you’d like to keep up into date with me that’s how you do it Tik Tok Discord Twitter

Steam group YouTube twitch all all all of them are in there you guys have a good night already right when you get in there spam n ra spam your favorite emotes try and give gecko a little bit of a um a serotonin boost what you tell

Him I said hi and tell him he’s very stinky stinky and bad at the video game all righty good night Gamers bye-bye Bye-bye

This video, titled ‘Defending Forts 2 & Being Lethal for the Company + CO_Moment Minecraft Tour | LIVE’, was uploaded by NyanGoldfish on 2024-01-16 17:04:19. It has garnered 62 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 07:39:26 or 27566 seconds.

Thank you for watching! Feel free to Subscribe for more!

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  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Ultimate Control in the Circle

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Ultimate Control in the Circle Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and greatest news from the Minecraft community! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “Minecraft BUT, You Control the Circle🔴”. While this video may not be directly related to Minewind server, it showcases the endless possibilities and creativity that Minecraft has to offer. Imagine being able to control your own destiny within the Minecraft world, shaping the environment around you and creating your own unique experience. This level of control and freedom is exactly what you can expect when you join the Minewind Minecraft Server. With a vibrant… Read More

  • Love Blooms in Minecraft School: Part 4

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  • Join Minewind: Where Crazy Builds Come to Life!

    Join Minewind: Where Crazy Builds Come to Life! Welcome, Minecraft enthusiasts! Are you ready to take your building skills to the next level? If you’re looking to enhance your structures and create jaw-dropping landscapes, then you need to join Minewind Minecraft Server. With a vibrant community of creative players and a variety of innovative building techniques, secret tricks, and creative strategies, Minewind will inspire and transform the way you approach building in Minecraft. Imagine exploring hidden passages, collaborating on epic builds, and showcasing your unique designs to a supportive gaming community. Whether you’re a seasoned architect or a beginner looking to learn and grow, Minewind is the… Read More

  • Experience Thrilling Adventures on Minewind Minecraft Server

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  • Ultimate Farmer’s Delight Mod Addons

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  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Skibidi Toilet Adventures!

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  • Minecraft Shenanigans with Mister Stickman

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  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for a Thrilling Gaming Experience!

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  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server and Become the Best!

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  • Cow’s Gift: Minecraft’s OP Surprise!

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  • Stealth mode engaged: Creeper edition

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  • Transformando Minecraft en un juego de terror

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Server Guide

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  • Survive the UNKNOWN tunnel in Zombie Craft!

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  • The Ultimate Little Nightmares Finale

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  • Ultimate Duplication Glitch for Minecraft 1.20 | HINDI

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  • INSANE Masked Cowboy SNOW SLED BUILD!! 😱🔥 #viral

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  • Insane Minecraft Modding Hacks in 2024!

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  • Unstoppable Armor vs Lava Challenge! #shorts #minecraft

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  • Insane Challenge: Beating Minecraft in 1 Night!!

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  • Insane new strat – OP speed but LETHAL💀 #Minecraft

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  • “Skeleton takes on all blocks in epic Minecraft battle! 😍” #shorts #clickbait

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  • DankMC

    DankMCBanner is a joke but welcome to the DankPods unofficial mc server, where you can find idiots like us who like ipods and shit. Read More

  • WarpedRealm SMP PvE SMP-RPG A thrilling Minecraft survival server with custom dimensions, challenging mobs and bosses, and an in-game ranking system with over 32 ranks. Custom items like powerful staffs, tomes, and hammers, unique crafting system, custom resource pack with emotes and furniture, player-driven economy, player shops, mini dungeons, upgradable spawners, jobs, skills, custom armor sets, and grief prevention claims. Join us today and start your adventure! IP: Discord Gallery Wiki Store (Not P2W) Features: The WarpedRealm server features a variety of custom mobs, bosses, items, and special abilities. Other features include custom resource pack, in-game ranks, custom dimensions, mini dungeons, upgradable… Read More

  • Craftway

    CraftwayWelcome to Craftway, your ultimate Minecraft server experience!Craftway offers a diverse array of thrilling game modes to suit all types of players. Whether you’re looking to test your survival skills, engage in epic PvP battles, or build your empire, Craftway has something for everyone. Here’s a quick overview of what you can expect:Skyblock: Start on a small floating island and expand into a sprawling aerial base, complete with challenges and resource management.Custom Item KitPvP: Dive into action-packed PvP battles with unique kits featuring custom items that add a fresh twist to combat.Survival SMP: Join a community of like-minded players in… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Arachnid with a Fascinating Smile 😂

    I guess the spider was trying to fake everyone out with its sneaky teeth-eye disguise! Read More

  • “Big Brain Plays in Minecraft” 🔥😂 #minecraft #memes #animation

    "Big Brain Plays in Minecraft" 🔥😂 #minecraft #memes #animation When you accidentally hit your friend’s pet pig in Minecraft and have a “brain moment” where you realize you should have just stuck to mining diamonds instead of angering the pig army. #minecraftproblems #piggyrevenge Read More

  • Pranking My Friends with Fake Food in Minecraft

    Pranking My Friends with Fake Food in Minecraft Minecraft: Exploring the World of Blocks with 方块轩 方块轩, a prominent creator in the Minecraft community, is dedicated to providing child-friendly content that prioritizes the well-being and safety of young viewers. As a leading figure in the realm of Minecraft, 方块轩 crafts original animations that are not only humorous but also spread joy and happiness to his audience. Unique Content and Channels With a focus on originality and creativity, 方块轩’s channel stands out as the official destination for his content. Any videos related to 方块轩 on other channels are unauthorized copies and do not have his endorsement. By subscribing… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server: Avoid Terrible Mistakes!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server: Avoid Terrible Mistakes! Welcome to! Today, we stumbled upon a hilarious Minecraft prank video titled “I Made a TERRIBLE Mistake…” and it got us thinking – why not join the Minewind Minecraft Server for even more epic moments like this? Imagine the thrill of pulling off crazy pranks, building giant structures, and surviving in a challenging environment with a community of like-minded players. With Minewind server IP YT.MINEWIND.NET, you can dive into a world of endless possibilities and unforgettable adventures. Don’t miss out on the fun – join Minewind today and start creating your own unique Minecraft story alongside fellow gamers… Read More

  • Bedrock Redstone: Sneaky Double Piston Trick!

    Bedrock Redstone: Sneaky Double Piston Trick! Mastering the Double Piston Extender in Minecraft Bedrock and Switch Are you ready to take your redstone contraptions to the next level in Minecraft Bedrock and Switch? Look no further than the Double Piston Extender! This essential redstone component allows you to push blocks further than a single piston, opening up a world of possibilities for your creations. In this tutorial, we will guide you through the step-by-step process of building a compact and efficient Double Piston Extender using redstone components. Understanding Redstone Basics Before diving into the construction of the Double Piston Extender, it’s important to have a… Read More

  • Kurrgas reveals SHOCKING truth about his girlfriend in Minecraft 😂

    Kurrgas reveals SHOCKING truth about his girlfriend in Minecraft 😂Video Information This video, titled ‘She a lil Luco 😂 #follow #minecraft #sidemensunday #funnymemes #comedy #comedymemes #green #newmeme’, was uploaded by Kurrgas on 2024-03-22 06:45:00. It has garnered 31 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:19 or 19 seconds. SUBSCRIBE, LIKE AND COMMENT I WILL REPLY TO EVERYONE!!!!!! Join this channel to get access to perks:… +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ (WARNINGS: ALOT OF ADULT HUMOR AND FLASHING LIGHTS!!!!!!) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Follow my Social Media Twitter – Instagram – Facebook – TikTok – Snapchat – Clothing – PayPal – Apple Music –… Read More

  • Must-See Minecraft Mods 1.20.1-1.20.4

    Must-See Minecraft Mods 1.20.1-1.20.4Video Information This video, titled ’28 NEW Minecraft Mods You Need To Know! (1.20.1, 1.20.4)’, was uploaded by LuluBelleMC on 2024-01-21 23:00:01. It has garnered 92572 views and 2916 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:01 or 1201 seconds. 28 NEW Minecraft Mods You Need To Know! (1.20.1, 1.20.4) Hey guys, my channel just got the membership feature! If you’re into Resource Packs, Data Packs, and more Mods, consider joining. I’ll be uploading related videos from time to time *^____^* 0:00 -Let’s Do: BloomingNature 1.20.1 (Fabric) 2:39 -Spice of Life: Valheim Edition 1.20.1 (Forge and Fabric)… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Twists! Click Now! #shortfeed #viral

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft Twists! Click Now! #shortfeed #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft unexpected moments #shortfeed #viral #subscribe #minecraft’, was uploaded by Cooled gaming on 2024-05-05 07:04:51. It has garnered 11431 views and 289 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. minecraft trending minecraft trending topics minecraft trending topics 2024 minecraft trending tags minecraft trending shorts minecraft trending content minecraft trending hashtags minecraft trending skins minecraft trending topics 2023 minecraft trending mods is minecraft trending on youtube minecraft popular adventure maps minecraft popular anarchy servers minecraft popular again minecraft armor trends popular minecraft addons popular minecraft animals popular minecraft app what is trending… Read More

  • “Mind-Blowing Minecraft Snow Globe Sand Art! 😲” #shorts #minecraft #sandart #snowglobes

    "Mind-Blowing Minecraft Snow Globe Sand Art! 😲" #shorts #minecraft #sandart #snowglobesVideo Information This video, titled ‘Satisfying Minecraft sand art (SNOW GLOBES) | #shorts #minecraft #sandart #snowglobes’, was uploaded by Aveline Gaming on 2023-12-26 13:30:33. It has garnered 7401 views and 152 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. Hello everyone, Aveline here welcome to my channel. Here You will find lots of entertainment, exciting matches, Funny contents and lot more. I’ll stream on daily basis. So #LIKE a .nd #SUBSCRIBE to my channel. SEE you guys in my next stream. You Can Donate Through — UPI I’D : sanchitakundu97-1@okhdfcbank You Can Donate Through — Gpay :… Read More

  • Insane Shader Packs for Minecraft PE!

    Insane Shader Packs for Minecraft PE!Video Information This video, titled ‘SHADER TEXTURE PACKS FOR MINECRAFT PE’, was uploaded by UltimateCraft on 2024-01-10 08:55:23. It has garnered 6999 views and 107 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:55 or 55 seconds. Shaders Texture Packs for MCPE have many popular shaders for minecraft 1.20 that help you improve graphics and performance. Our app will give all Minecraft PE fans out there a little fairy dust without paying any fee!🧚 GET THE APP HERE: ———————————— ▼LET’S TRY OUR APPS▼ 🔸 AddOns Maker for Minecraft PE: 🔹 Actual Gun Mod for Minecraft PE: 🔸 3D… Read More

  • Dahmeion’s Epic Fail in Hardcore Minecraft 😱 | 31 resets!

    Dahmeion's Epic Fail in Hardcore Minecraft 😱 | 31 resets!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔶⬛I’ve NEVER Beaten Minecraft Before | Part 7 | Hardcore Mode | 31 resets so far |’, was uploaded by Dahmeion on 2024-01-23 05:46:48. It has garnered 139 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 04:26:50 or 16010 seconds. I’ve never beaten Minecraft before. NEVER. So I’m going to try to beat it in Hardcore mode. You know, to make it more interesting. In Part 1 we got to the Nether on our first attempt, but ended up dying to the skeleton guys in a Nether Fortress idk I guess I was… Read More

  • Insane Rainbow Oak Miracle in Minecraft #mustsee

    Insane Rainbow Oak Miracle in Minecraft #mustseeVideo Information This video, titled ‘Oneblock pt-2 #epic #minecraft #mindblowing #mustwatch #technogamerz’, was uploaded by Rainbow oak on 2024-01-14 11:34:49. It has garnered 20 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:57 or 57 seconds. #epic#mindblowing#amazing#mustwatch #videogames#pcgaming#youtubegamers#twitchstreamer.#gameplay.#streamer.#minecraft minecraft, minecraft armadillo, a minecraft movie, cherry blossom house minecraft, cave dweller minecraft, carvs minecraft, minecraft download, minecraft dirt block guy, download minecraft, download minecraft pc free, minecraft evbo #amazing #mindblowing #stunning #mustwatch #epic #minecraft oneblock minecraft seed, minecraft but you cant touch the color, camman18, camman18 minecraft, minecraft, minecraft manhunt, minecraft but,minecraftspeedrun,minecraft but i cant touch grass, minecraft challenge,… Read More

  • Insane Zombie Boss with 160 Health in Minecraft!

    Insane Zombie Boss with 160 Health in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Zombie Has 160 Health #minecraft #modded’, was uploaded by DomgodHilarious on 2024-05-13 16:30:09. It has garnered 3440 views and 60 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. This is the Modded Modpack on my channel and it is called MC Eternal And Enjoy #mceternal ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Like And Subscribe it is FREE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Outro Music By Ninety9Lives Sean Holihan – Split (feat. Scarlett) Background Music DanTDM – spacedog Read More