GrapheneGlatteis – Minecraft Realms – Lofi and Crafting

Video Information

Foreign Died um internet just one of the internets that we have because we have like two types just completely shut down so yeah that happened um audio test again Okay I I guess we’re back stream just died and YouTube didn’t give me long enough to well restart it or start it up again so that lot live stream just kind of ended abruptly that’s unfortunate anyways um for that 10 minute just to recap that 10 minute thing

No we kind of summarize what just happened um we’re looking for a desert to find um cactus conversion with a new wood type because we already have the pink ones because they actually spawn pretty abundantly um we are we fixed the Minecraft phenomenal error so I’m here today we’ll play

Minecraft servers now and we’re just chilling out listen to Lo-Fi while I work on a uh how do you say um villager breeding system I’m not gonna make an auto system yet I’m just gonna make it simple and also a tonight but definitely the Villager stuff gets settled

So yeah that’s where we stand but yeah I guess internet died abruptly which is unfortunate we’re back the chunks are still loading pretty slow we are gonna be is that a villager Place yeah that is Village something else oh I’ve never seen this one before Oh this is awesome just I’m robbing you

Sorry villagers I kind of need all of this for myself got to take that as well I love this song this is It’s called White Dragon featuring wishes and dreams it’s a Lo-Fi girl can just check out the uh links in the description oh crap I gotta get some touch now oh

My God did I bring my I did not bring my my uh chauffeur boxes that’s unfortunate I need a new mouse though this real world’s kind of iffy all right let’s see don’t mind me Mr I’m going not here to kill or Rob anybody okay maybe flying other up apart but not killing

Ironically it’s been raining all day where I’m at love it literally walking in the rain all day thank you foreign decorative items I don’t believe there’s a way to crafting would just behind it which makes it rare in my book can use this for the spawn things in the

Nether but I don’t see really a point for that right now all right onwards to the swamp biome Foreign Anyway S I don’t need cobblestone box oh copper perfect okay now we just need another all right there’s a copper and we need a chicken and hello flag game oh she’s a buggy chest okay oh God there’s a perfect thank you here’s the chest though all right so we need to make a

Oh wait I need a coffee table just a brush hold on to that I’ll be able to get preventing oh wait this is an outdated hold up let’s see can we find an updated uh faithful texture pack we haven’t will put 21 yet no they do not okay since they don’t

Have an updated version we are going to have to just play Minecraft on it because then we aren’t gonna be able to tell where the suspicious Scrabble is Oh crap what um that’s weird We might be we might have a problem Foreign don’t tell me this problem’s back after I just spent three months trying to fix it we’re gonna keep testing this is the error I kept getting in the past I eventually would hit me with a null error which you saw a minute ago thank you this one okay

Oh here we go this is one actually I’m curious before it um during test oh we can’t it’s actually way more defined I forgot okay I don’t have spider webs or a bucket so I was watching ethos video and I found out you can actually collect them thank you

It has something we don’t care for hold on I’m sorry wait what oh so one next to it so what if a wooden pickaxe oh okay whoops oh hello what’s your training uh the miniature box I guess you could just say he’d LED himself to death All right take damage if you’re being pushed onto it lots of water logged right now we want to collect this we are going to pick up suspicious two win oh all right I already had one which is stupid okay so the best way to do this is I wish I brought my own

Brain farting um this is gonna suck into the ground don’t we okay we’re gonna test it first try services or ask did we get it gravel stove all right so now it’s just it’s a wheat Also episode there’s so much weeds huh not much worth it okay I got the llamas heads ET yeah I know all right we’re good foreign back to looking for a tree cactus get some cacti I’ve noticed that YouTube actually did indeed fix their own algorithm put a lot of things at least

They’re streaming stuff especially for Minecraft because also watches uh I don’t remember JCP or whatever one of the Minecraft Youtuber guys it makes like one to five minute very short videos basically talking about certain updates or problems going on he’s currently talking about Reddit some other things but he mentioned Minecraft school or

Whatever which I used to watch as a kid like the OG ones and apparently it’s become cursed and to stream for Minecraft YouTube streaming whatever area has been infested with it or was they apparently fixed it which is awesome actually helps out a lot of people another showing off like smaller content

Creators which is phenomenal that was a lot of people foreign Looking for your uh other counterparts and look for other counterparts the uh my brain’s not working the swamp instead of going high we’re going low ignore my smack the money you’re cracker over here Foreign yeah okay I believe it’ll be surpassed that’s just a map okay you can’t stop at every single shipwreck Nick I don’t have water with me thank you Suffocation I forgot the lyrics I know the song I’m talking about I still can’t swim thank you lying again oh no

Why I know why but like why bogeyman okay Random pumpkin yeah oh that’s what I was going to talk about for you to find now we got a tip let’s get some sponges from later yeah I’m not locked now I just can’t swim any water logged doors sadly not cold though foreign blocks away which is fine but pledge to uh

All right boys plenty of meat thank you oh that’s just the dirt this is all beaches maybe an actual oh is that a desert over there possibly no it’s not gonna go on a website and look at where it doesn’t is watermelon I got watermelon seeds you’re chopping all this bamboo you can

Make so many bamboo blocks without even having to throw at all panda come back for your kind later I guess I could find all the sand but there’s no uh beaches are deserts around here Wait is that that’s the new tree we’ve acquired one item it’s all the mud all right now here’s the real question does the data pack that I have work for this no how does this tree work though and they can cut the mangroves we need to see what is this that’s got

Fortune okay oh here’s the actual tree there we go here’s how to find the source where’s the seeds or wait there’s a way that you would grow it the main roads itself I don’t know I’ve never actually used this trees I don’t know how it works you know our best friend Google

What is the way of the knowledge all right let’s check it out Step one final Minecraft swamp and a mangrove tree and harvest it’s Mangrove Pro player appropriate a normal dirt grass or mud type block if you’re impatient oh oh that’s the seed okay hold up that might actually change the game for a second so the seed is I think what comes from this thing

Yeah yeah this is the seed okay so I’m gonna have to chop the trees just take these things actually awesome all right let’s find a good few of them so we don’t have to risk them later all right awesome let’s do a test as well if we are to break the um

Leaf it’s on instead of breaking it will it just disappear let’s take a ton of these oh okay some of them have to be fully grown oh they grow off the side at least that’s what Gathering face plant So this one here would be fully grown no it’s not okay that one’s full thrown okay this one’s not got it okay I understand we now have micro saplings which is a step up that’s what we need now we need to find I still gotta I’ve used honey blocks for building Redstone

And I know you know how to utilize them in that sense I still don’t know how to do the whole harvesting beehives because I had my friend learn that and I just was like I’ll pay you the blocks that you need in items and resources because that’s how

The server was at the time it’s an old server back like what three years ago wow it’s been a long time check out for me Mr ruin nothing understood all right that’s a good time main roof seeds things Works old growth Birds okay we are now looking for desert desert not dessert

He hit him a ton of food now dude I cannot wait to get Panda Express tomorrow oh gosh we’re going east okay some cookies well as long as we’re going east we’re good oh I’ve been craving pan Express for like a week because a new one opened

Not near me I live next to a bunch of them but near an area where I work or used to work and I’ll tell my friends live so so yeah I don’t know how long ago to open it oh not too long ago we are we are 15 000 blocks out and we

Have yet to find a desert which is understandable Village again oh going Village rating again holy crap what kind of Village y’all got here what what is going on why is it in the cave what there’s two spider y’all are crazy my guys come back to robbing

Or was it called pillaging where are the pillagers now what is this generation let’s see let’s see there we go that’s a seed and this is the chords for this chaos all right I’m robbing some wood from your house table we are once again making a wooden hoe because

I can’t mine it with my actual pickaxe it’s all sick touch I literally spent three hours or two hours in the end for choker boxes and I didn’t even bring anyone left them all back home right on this house I did not I did um let’s see this hello CBS where’s the entrance

48 okay we got room is there any up top I don’t recall no okay just down here ow that’s the back of the house it’s just creepily just walks to the back of the house and stares at you through the window we’ll check out the other side before we

Go down into the whatever the that is and I apologize if you hear my clicking of my keyboard not exactly using a proper mic empty map map I don’t even need this actually I’m Gonna Leave This here I have plenty of those what do I not need taking those

Okay I guess we’ll just stick with what we have all right into this chaos Abyss taking your bell I know this is chaos all these guys are gonna get infected and die I’m just gonna ignore the spider spawners here nothing else for everything yeah ow that’s a skeleton a chest

Nope we’re good all right back to finding a desert We just need one cactus we’re set of course one Cactus would take a long time desert another shipwreck no desert though will dilute do I have this one I do okay holy crap that’s a lot you know what since you get plenty of that suspicious too though

I just want everything we can make more blast furnaces no Whatever Is that a desert of Affair nope She’ll find one in one day Beach it’s another Beach all right I guess the journey continues until we find it not sponsored I also haven’t found any truck with cardio tropical it’s like a ocean with like all the variant fishes I haven’t found that yet I have located the um one underwater

Cave that’s like has axolotl find that one type of ocean biome type in order to fish to breathe axolotls I hope I hear him being rude okay hello Mr zombie that’s right fireworks I mean we’ve got gunpowder a little bit look at the tall birch trees to our right jungle Eventually right eventually which is a matter of am I going the right way and will the seed gives me a I think can you find cackle and you can loot them or not loot them on trade them RNG bass thing pretty sure at least now I don’t enjoy having the FPS counter

Up there but oh desert no but um it tends to like Drop and then that means something’s going a little bit crazy visually watching it I can tell obviously if it drops like 20 30 60 frames I’ll be able to feel it but sometimes this is dropping to 100 is not as noticeable

Foreign That would take so long wow oh it’s out it’s 20 okay okay you know what we’re gonna do we’re gonna mark this we’re gonna come back with a uh another portal probably in like a month the horn though wait we don’t have carrots do we see that okay okay We got the Allies another day hello Mrs CC 2225 sounds like a um second name for SCP so scp-224 I don’t know any of the scps by her what I’m talking about welcome to whatever chaos I ensued currently in the looks for a uh a single cactus so I can grow them

And make green dye for a villager house I’m trying to make I don’t think I’ll make the farm as close to my base this time because last time I had like so many Farm picks in my base it was kind of lag inducing find a desert Grand

All the amount of light record calls by mining all these trees that would be fun oh we’re not that high up yet we still got 364 blocks ago I think render chunks render render out of desert oh my gosh I’m stupid I love Star Wars I watch the original

Movies I was watching a few of them with uh her name like Ray like the first two that came out with her back in like what 15 the 26th however it’s been a while but I just haven’t watched like the last one I watched was the one that came out before Han Solo

So I’m extremely behind I’m assuming though still that that’s not from one of those movies but remember the Star Wars characters obviously you can’t forget the originals but as far away is the desert no it’s a beach still fireworks yeah surprised I forgot the uh nickname for the Star Wars thing

Oh I need oh there we go wood all right let’s see 10 pieces that nine that’s more than enough okay boom okay and we are out cc224 which which story is that I’m oh that’s not a Droid oh my gosh that’s a stormtrooper I’m so dumb Commander Cody

Oh I feel pain because I watched the Clone Wars when I was a kid I loved it uh what I found a desert but what a desert yep Clone Commander Cody school with it does it was a male clone Marshall commander in the Grand Army Republic who commanded the seventh Sky corpse

Including what’s renowned ah yep I remember him from the Clone Wars okay I remember now I don’t remember too much but I remember the general gist we finally found what we needed though it only took one hour it means there was a uh what do you call it a um the one biome

Underneath it’s considered yeah this is considered a desert okay I’m gonna collect a few cactuses so I can grow them fast enough probably could get some axolotls that’s something I didn’t even think about just now what’s the pleuroflex models or is axolotls the plural I don’t think it is and soupy

Sea of trees okay this gives me a very coffee shop Jazz vibes it’s not jazz in any way but it gives me that vibe that I could listen to a cafe shop that also has jazz music there’s a really small patch of a different desert is there a desert temple by any chance

Nope but there’s also this biome I was looking for right next to this Axolotl place let’s try something real nice here okay bunnies come down and it works in the dick straight down Oh found it oh that’s right Oh of course I found a dead end one all right I’m gonna take one more look around for anything that may or may not be useful obviously finding this biome was very useful we’re going to California oh I’m playing the Java version of Minecraft Java Minecraft it’s my preferred version the original version I played back what 2010 into 2011 is when I started playing Minecraft so it’s just the original Minecraft it it just feels better I could play Bedrock as well but it doesn’t feel as smooth to me Temple

A lot of my friends are still on Console so they still play the uh battle Rock Edition but I’m not but I as soon as I got a PC that worked I was like going back to Java I this is the first time I’ve seen you actually in a while

But specifically Windows Java we got this other bottom let’s see what it’s called all right Mr Temple we are going to defeat you as if it takes much to defeat the question is what can we grab suspicious stew you’re gonna be gone six pieces nine pieces there we go well that’s actually useful

Um did we we don’t need this and get more of those bread we can get plenty of saddles or kind of rare I don’t really wanna well I’m not really using the gems for anything actually so the bones I will need a bucket depending if I want to take the armor or not

Definitely taking that what are we dropping this for more suspicious do I don’t need the more for anything Let’s see we don’t really need armor we just take the Saddles but yeah I just don’t know what I want to trade it out for okay that works okay

What’s the final call again just so I remember this is it oh wait what did Badlands oh Badlands that’s right you ring that wrong most good all right it’s just all bad plans now I I do all right back we go 15 000 blocks back home

Or time to grow these things oh I guess everything first oh lapis is going elsewhere put that with that growing upstand I don’t really have much organization going on here we’re actually gonna grow these right now I have like every tree type around my base so I gotta figure out which side

Um I need the cactus for so I’m making a villager house or like a villager Town type of thing this is a religion of my house here I’m gonna tear it all down but way back there if you can see the bamboo and the Birch right

There I’m going to make I need Green Cactus because I’ll make the windows green they should be able to grow into anything leave those there for now but yeah I just need the Green Cactus for the windows essentially because I got white windows from my house

And then green for those houses so I think it’s gonna be like a color coordinated thing different colored cacti for different houses or different windows okay we did have okay we do have that that sucks okay just for now um books leather I don’t need with me immediately would okay sand

32. yeah we’ll do 32. that works um the music so if you go into the description of this live stream um the music isn’t mine it is from a YouTube channel by the name of Lo-Fi girl they have three concurrent streams at a time um this one is specifically the Lo-Fi hip-hop radio

Um have a second streaming Channel which or a second stream which is more for like sleeping very relaxing and then they have a third one which they just created a couple months ago it’s synthwave radio um I love all of them this is the only

One that’s free to use as long as being linked so that’s the one I’m using it’s a live stream though but you have the actual YouTube channel you can click in the description and the link to their live stream that I’m currently using right now they have a song it’s called

Silver silver by wys and sweet medicine that’s the song that’s currently playing girl they’re uh I’ve been listening to their music since uh what middle school and graduated college already so um 15 2014. you’re loud oh gosh you’re loud this is what I’m working on here I’ve got a general outline I got one villager in that house which will have to torque down and one in there but I’m using the bamboo blocks we’ve got a block of bamboo and bamboo planks okay I’m using two different things for the uh builds and then green green dye for the glass

For now let’s just start placing sand to grow the practice okay I’m not doing it next to that that’s why I have so many bamboos now I could make a redstone a Contraption for that but I’m not too worked up on the idea right now trying to look for a good flat space

I guess it works I usually got friends who um are more of the builders but I’m trying to get like actually build this time around usually I have to do all the Redstone the automations and all the uh Farms and they do all the building

All right so now we’re gonna do an every other type thing so thank you let’s keep going awesome the middle one might kind of get broken but for now that’s good I had to cook them that’s right so that means we need to get some furnaces ready to cook the dye

The cactus never die do you have any this was like my face before oh I forgot all these swords let’s bring these back to spawn for anybody else okay so there’s only two teleporting or three teleporting commands on the server there is the teleport home which you only can

Set to one home teleport spawn which is for well spawn and then the TPA command so when I press tab you can see a number next to my name so I do trigger TPA set the number basically which I can’t do myself but if someone else is online I can put in the

Code number that they have next to their name and it will basically send them a teleportation request all they have to do is accept it and I can teleport to them but beyond that we’re gonna continue building the Villager base wow yeah yeah Mr uh villager honestly I have so many sex

Um I mean it’s okay the new update I like it I do enjoy it I I enjoy an update no matter what no matter the size obviously it’s not e it’s not a um update like Minecraft uh 1.19 which added like new generation and you know Big World changes but that’s

Not a problem at all this adds a lot of different blocks and new items is it a lot I don’t know I mean it is a lot of things they added but I guess it depends on the context of what you’re looking at because in a way

It feels less than 1.19’s update but I would say it’s arguably more stuff they added I don’t know if that makes sense let me figure out what I want to do but I do like the update I like the bamboo um add-on so the bamboo is more useful

Than just sticks and Scaffolding and I like we have a camel though probably not going to be utilized it can um what else did they add trying to remember because the alley I’m pretty sure was already added I just didn’t find one in the 1.19 the trees though

Love the trees love the new biome and I’m trying to remember struggling here I don’t actually remember what else was added at the moment but everything else everything that has been added that I can see right now I do it like it’s all very useful for building I like

New blocks new blocks new plants are my favorite thing I want to add it to Minecraft even though my building skills are lackluster so if I’m doing this pattern that would mean oh because I want to do glass right because I’m going to use what black was I going to use for the

Inside oak or what’s going to use jungle I’m trying to figure out what block I want to use jungle would be a floor I think I’m going to use jungle for the floor Oak for the walls yeah gotta deal with that house in a little bit I’m gonna move that villager actually we

Do that right now in fact move you saw I wouldn’t say safer spot but away from the house so I can do some building probably have had this already ready all the armatures that’s right look at the armor trims yes um I haven’t done much with them yet or

Anything I just I only have two different styles right now but the idea from what I’ve seen I think it’s great it just adds Aesthetics now if you’re obviously playing a PVP server it’s probably the least important thing can’t break that can I break it up because I’ve traded with him already and

If I’ve traded with him he should not change we’re gonna test it don’t change I think we’re good um but yeah for the armor trims I love that idea just add more customization to your own your own stuff I need a torch so you don’t die from a zombie spawn

But I haven’t done anything with them yet so I don’t know what style I’m gonna go for because I know there’s like if you use leather armor if you include the idea of leather armor there’s like an infinite amount of like different styles and ideas you can do put this in here actually

Oh that works that screw it would just we’ll make it as ugly as possible but no I haven’t done anything with it yet I’m probably gonna go for a netherite armor um after I do this house and then I’m gonna go to the uh trim stuff but the trim stuff is going

To have to just come over time because I have to locate the trims and as if it currently stands I’m not actively trying to look for any trims so that’ll just kind of come as I go that makes any sense but I got two different trims right now

And I know with the diamonds I can just multiply them do a style with that so that’s probably what I’m gonna do but I want to make sure I have mending on my armor first before putting Trims on anything so I’m not like wasting it if my armor breaks

This armor doesn’t have a bending yet but that’s fine it’ll be fine hopefully um I don’t know let’s see what time is it it is it’s almost midnight but I generally am up until late and I don’t work tomorrow maybe hanging out with some friends

Um or a friend so and given that we both oversleep and sleep out throughout the day we don’t get up until late so probably gonna be streaming until I feel like getting off so at least another two hours or an hour and a half that’s just my guess Anything Could Happen though

Creepers do nuts come and say hello I’m not trying to say hello right now going foreign Sir you are awfully close I missed such a short jump um I won’t say so much what my job is it’s a delivery service job to keep it broad um but my plan job is to at least say plan job which is not really a planned job I have

My plan job which is what I want to currently start working at and then I have my job of what I actually want to do career-wise the current job that I want to work at is um like short time is as a my brain it’s failing trying to work at a coffee shop

Not because it makes more than my delivery job if any facts it makes less um but I want to work in a coffee shop simply because it’s just more laid back I don’t drink coffee first don’t drink coffee personally I enjoy coffee I do drink it from time

To time but usually if it’s like mentioned or offered um but I want to work at like some type of coffee shop it’s just more laid back it’s enjoyable I enjoy the social aspect of it because my delivery job there’s nothing really social about it I’m just pick up orders or deliveries whatever

And then I delivered to the location okay hours a day I make it to listen to music and chill and the vehicle all good but I want something more social interactive for now because I’m a very social person I love talking talk a little too much I get told as a test

Another thing but my I’m also going into school soon at that school I’m gonna get my uh real estate license soon so getting a chimper temporary job at a coffee shop is the plan that I’m gonna work at a or get my license for Real Estate not necessarily because I want to do

Real estate long term I kind of don’t that’s not something I want to do long term though it pays well and it’s a good job and it’s a good career choice it’s not something I want to do long term it’s just something I want to do to have

A stable income a high stable income so that I have the freedom to work on other things more as a personal projects like right now me and my friend who I will be hanging out with tomorrow are actually in the process of making a film um a few films actually short films nothing

Long nothing crazy but working on making a horror film more of like a story based film that’s more like visual I realize that the center part is kind of pointless now it’s fine it’s fine wait do I yeah um but I want to do things more that I like

Things I want to do but it’s going to be more hobby based so I love filmmaking I love telling stories I love creating stories I like video editing making videos so I want to do that more as a project rather than a job now if it

Became a job I don’t think I have a problem with it but if something is becomes a job not for everybody but to me it just becomes Exhausting because at one point I was editing videos as somewhat of a job it was more like a part-time job thing but it wasn’t fun it wasn’t fun at all it felt more stressful and not enjoyable what am I trying to do here I’m trying to do something similar to the house

Hold up and check what I did over there because I forgot glass yeah okay um we are going to break these down actually oh I could do that I’ve just had a mental thought of what I could do foreign expensive I could do it though sorry I’m thinking out loud I’m trying

To figure out why not breaking this part I’m trying to figure out what I want to do for the walls right now um really anything uh I usually at least on my servers I usually do things like Auto tree farms but on this server we have a

A lumberjack data pack so if I drop down the bottom it breaks the whole tree but usually things like Auto tree farms villager Farms food farms for watermelons pumpkins carrots potatoes wheat anything um automated chicken farms Enderman Farms actually if I head this way um anything that’s automated really

Any type of farms that generate items iron Farms that I’m going to be working on gold Farms I’ve made a gold Farm in a while though with their Farms both skulls with her roses realistically any type of farm but I usually like to do things that are

Generated I used to make a comment one server when I had a really crappy PC I had a cobblestone generator but like an automated one It produced what like 12 000 roughly no not 12 000 36 000 Cobblestone an hour and I’d cut it on for a few minutes

And then cut it off because it lagged me so bad but the reason I had that um cobblestone generator is because that’s loud on that server with a bunch of friends we had a how do you call it we had a kingdom based thing going on so it was like teams of four

Turn on the sounds so everyone made their own kingdom and me and my friends were making a medieval style Kingdom so we needed a lot of cobblestone so we made because we’re also supposed to do Wars it never ended up happening because we ended up running everyone got busy

Because school started back up at the time but we made these kingdoms my kingdom was Cobblestone walls with no no it was a it was a mixture of cobblestone and furnace walls so the furnaces would be facing backwards to just add the aesthetic of

The design but it made it so that if you were fighting along the wall at least the plan was um if anybody were to try to right click to eat or use a potion they would right click the wall instead if they were facing the wall which would make them

Vulnerable we also I also made a Wither Rose farm because I was going to make like a like I used to say like a hundred blocks away from the kingdom walls which is going to be layered in with the Roses so look so the trees were all going to

Be no trees and then Logs with no leaves and then actual trees but look like a ruined landfill and then there was also supposed to be a lava moat in between that okay I repaired that’s what my lecture was all I needed so that was the plan and

It was a lot of fun also had a skeleton Farm simple one just from the uh Gotham spawner but I try to build any type of farm anything that’s more useful I have not made a witch Farm yet simply because it’s the time it takes to buy now a

Large area to make it efficient truly efficient I just haven’t spent the time to do something like that yet um and also what’s the other farm that you can make that’s similar I made an Elven Guardian Farm before I’m trying to remember something else which is another form oh yeah the

Pleasure post I’ve never made a farm for that either but I do want to parts now not every Farm I do utilizes Redstone but do you like to use Redstone a lot specifically like Redstone dwarves and Thor’s and like secret entrances and exits things like that that’s what I like wrestling for

Really what redstone’s for getting automation I like automation because it helps basically eliminate the time it takes to gather resources and you can just get straight to building but sometimes having that ability makes the game boring after a while not the same Minecraft’s boring it’s just get bored after a while when you’re

Just like oh I’m not really doing the Minecraft thing I’m just kind of grabbing and building it’s like creative without the flying not do that okay I think I figured out what I want to do for this now this is going to be the door so let’s

See I want to use bamboo door though I don’t ever do my Redstone stuff until after I get like another eight and a fortune so that when I go into the when I go mining I can just mine all the Redstone and get the abundance of it oh yeah the door nothing okay

Okay let’s not do that all right bamboo door I have another floor yet I don’t worry about that later I’m just trying to get a general idea cool oh I Peace Out Mr uh let me see this right Mr Cody Storm Trooper Cody audio sir

Okay so we got this now so now we do the glass all right so for the flooring what we’re gonna do for that was it gonna be jungle then we’re gonna do jungle four yeah miss the jungle trees I need you that’s a good example of the uh the data pack foreign oh

Sure enough it’s real fast foreign Sure foreign oh I can do the one design I did so there’s one world I did where I made it oh no it wasn’t my world it was uh actually this friends server that I was talking about earlier with the um where I had like the kingdom and all it

Was the kingdom one no no it was the what’s the wait was the world before the kingdom or after the kingdom I don’t actually remember um I think it was the world after the kingdom War M yeah yeah there was another world that we played um where it was a lot less people

And um my base was actually The Fortress of the end portal so I just made it like made all the different rooms into like a different bedroom or base rooms and then like a storage room and all that I forgot to mention I also made Auto

Sorters I haven’t done that I did that massive one in the last World before this one but um the side track a lot while playing games cannot focus gaming and talking but on that world I had a villager base that utilized watermelons and pumpkins as the flooring which was actually a

Really nice design I made the house into a peach and then made the flooring into like pumpkins and watermelon it was very much a different style than what I’ve done but it worked this is just test one so what do we want to do one from each side because I feel like

I feel like I should do one more of these maybe we could do that as well oh that’s the wrong block though that would add to the uh depth I guess you could call it aesthetic I don’t know boom actually we don’t even need every wall to have a window

Because we got to be careful because if there’s a window and the villagers are too close they can be eaten by zombies like right here this doesn’t need a window this doesn’t need a window well these can have Windows though it does not need a window s still alive that’s good

That does for us is allows me to create some stairs with this and then we would want to use what would go nicely with that actually I don’t know if anything would what’s the trapdoor look like that would be too dark this might be the right color though

Sure let’s try this one first that works oh yeah yeah that definitely works okay awesome the jungle wood big trap doors perfect okay yeah we don’t need to make the village replace that tall the next block is gonna be a roof make it look a little more natural in the sense of

It has one more block of like support foreign Okay that looks more awesome all right back to the stairs which we do not have enough of which is fun it’s fine stairs crafting okay oh wait we have fixed this so this is good now Thank you oh that’s this place oh I could do one I could do one window of spots that prevent zombies from killing that’s how we can okay okay I came up with an idea wait wait pause on my weight if we equip sticks what more can we make

She’s the same recipe I don’t know why it’s separate but whatever do we want to do that yet how do we make floating like hanging signs hanging sizes isn’t something I know how to make yet which is fine um definitely do the one window idea so I’m

Trying to think about how we can perforate it into more spots so my idea is make little fake wall things first let’s do this and let’s say I were to make this like that oh wait like this oh that would work and I can utilize it everywhere

It doesn’t need to be a tall one it could just be a narrow one thing is we need to figure out what general spots oh Cactus let’s slide that out We’re gonna turn our sound off while we take a lot of damage Cactus dies by cactus Okay I should probably definitely make an auto farm for this but but amount of dye that I need it’s yet once we don’t need it for a while we can just make one then and then we’ll just come back to it randomly and be like oh look at that All right Foreign Wasn’t sure foreign no no I guess I’ll make the bottom floor of the breeding session and then the top floor is where it’s like organized now make the underground we’re gonna we got this done put inches all right let’s see so now we can use our green gold Green

Glass but what I want to do did I actually want to do that bamboo idea I had no actually let’s use it for someone else a ton of sticks it won’t smell all of it but I’ll get some of it the oak planks definitely had a very Bland look to it but again

Once I do the interior it’ll should change them a little bit make it look a lot better all right so that’s all the glass now the rooftop so we need to do the logs which is going to be Birch oh wait I completely forgot one design feature is how it’s meant to do

There we go it looks a bit odd but I think the oddness of a villager house what makes it work Ah that’s what I meant to do for the inside this is not supposed to be here supposed to allow this to be viewable that’s why it looks weird and Bland

It actually looks a lot better already it’s more electrical I guess you could call it definitely matches better though boom okay oh awesome honestly that looks good with Oak so now that we have that done let me do the roof so the roof is going to have logs of course

Um let’s see let’s do oak logs oh no no no because I need birch logs just have like a really dark like light inside and then a dark roof what did I do for this roof I made a dark outline because the outside was open the outside

Of this sense it’s gonna be bamboo so the rooftop is gonna be bamboo let me get some bamboo real fast [Applause] grabbing as much as possible because at some point I’m gonna forget and just need a ton I’m gonna make bamboo planks because we’re gonna make stairs for the roof

Then we’re going to use [Applause] this is the first time I’ve needed this much bamboo honestly I am completely okay with it Bamboo’s fast growing but we are certainly running out of it pandas are coming extinct we’re pandas they’re omnivores but I feel like I’m sorry they’re brain function you got carnivores which

Only eat meat herbivores only plants and omnivores evolve which humans are herbivore are omnivores oh my gosh so I thought I know pennies eat bamboo which is a plant don’t they also eat beet they just don’t by choice I don’t know oh that’s a good catch

That my brain we are gonna also do jungle no Acacia should we do Acacia I forgot how bright Acacia is Acacia all the acacias see I don’t know what sugarcane is actually used for in real life I know it can be used in four forms of paper

It’s not really paper but it’s kind of used for paper it’s used sugar and some other things but I don’t if you can actually make a physical like essentially what wood would be like Star Wars palettes whatever can you do that with sugarcane in real life because if you can imagine them doing

The same concept with bamboo but with sugarcane blinks be so cool yeah it does not give us a lot at all Okay we got some here here that’s all I see okay um got the Cherry ones which are bright pink jungle Minecraft would actually look great oh they’re growing though they’ve grown okay stick with this one for now let’s try occasionally how bright is the acacia it’s very bright okay we might

Just stick with the jungle and do a jungle and bamboo jungle bamboo jungle bamboo for the rooftop okay there’s mascara I was about to say um let’s see so okay so we need Oak we need a lot more Oak actually why do I keep shutting doors I don’t need to shut those doors

There’s no villagers in there yet when there is I’m gonna make something so they can’t um I’ll probably make I don’t know yet I’ll figure it out all right loud noise and coming brace yourselves you have three to turn your phone down or device two one wasn’t that loud because the bottoms

Have known but still that took a second to load as well because there’s so many logs yeah just open virtually only two with that I’m aware of that can grow right next to each other so place a bunch of them you can easily get a ton versus spruce all right

The right thing I can use the trees fuel but not really good no reason thank you oh there’s so many trees okay is that all of the spots yes girl I don’t care I just wanted to make sure I had all the spots planted um so close Oh yeah and plenty of apples apples apples over here wait where is get plenty of those easily oh I need to write down the chords for the ender portal or the what portal the Discord chat about boys and girls okay let’s do that now because I will forget

Luckily we only need firework together thank you all right so 590 negative one two oh seven Open up Discord real fast foreign for two hours almost wow This car is opening a bit slow Oh chords what was the court scanned it was 590 negative 12 7. foreign now for the roof we’re not using Acacia for it this is also calming for some reason when it comes to like relaxing music Lo-Fi obviously but for like relaxing genre type music it’s a guitar to me isn’t that relaxing

Guitar for me is more like upbeat romantic or like harder just more heavier music when it comes to like music like this the piano the violin the harp the um Viola the flutes the um I forgot they’re called there’s a different versions but they all use like a stick with a like a

Rubber ball in the front or like a foam ball I don’t know the material and there’s like these little like I guess I don’t have to call them I’m gonna google it real outside um names of instruments um I’m just gonna look like yeah like the Glock glycos feel spiel the Galactus feel

Essentially The glycos Fill type instruments yeah yeah exactly that the glycosphere black glockenspiel yes things like that the saxophone can also be very relaxing the soon the things I pronounced it trombones thing like that but the guitar to me really isn’t that relaxing I don’t know why

I love the guitar don’t get me wrong it’s just not relaxing at least it doesn’t be in a low-fly type of mood let’s start logging around I am stupid the oak is for something else I don’t need okay Birch what so stupid because well I need Oak but not that

Much Oak I need more Birch for the logs [Applause] sadly don’t get as many siblings when you line Birch which is fine hopefully okay so now we got that have you ever watched this far into the stream so far whether that means you’re clicking on it later or you’re watching it now

I’m gonna be making some really unhinged videos like shorts not all the time but the premise is to offend people not like intentionally offend people but the jokes are meant to be uh not so soft how did I do this last time I just stopped at it like that okay basically dark um

Darker morbid humor things like that of that note that’s kind of my plan for Content I guess you could call it basically if you watch the do Grizzy um big Puffer who else who else raccoon eggs people like that but you don’t know who they are

Probably a good thing if you don’t know who they are then bless your soul I still have some inkling of Sandy or you just don’t like gaming videos really don’t watch them for that reason because they do gaming stuff and well with that humor but I love it I love that type of

Humor really insulting racist sexist stuff like that they might be thinking well that’s kind of messed up are you racist and stuff no I’m not really racist I’m not sexist either I say I’m not really racist because I am a minority Brain function um I am a minority uh ethnicity so I am born and raised in America so I speak English somewhat fine but I make those jokes those really messed up jokes because it’s for comedy’s sake I have a very diverse friend group okay bye pan black Asian Hispanic white

Different types of whites you got like you know Irish Irish you have Caucasian Australian white I actually don’t have an Australian Australian friend British friends things like that so my group’s very diverse so I feel fine making those unhinged jokes about those parties in groups ethnicities and um sexual orientations and sexual preference

I don’t know all the terminologies for everything but yes I make jokes like that and I enjoy them I think it’s hilarious because I got picked on and bullied as a kid for my ethnicity and how I looked but after a short point I was like oh

This is actually funny you can enjoy the jokes instead of getting so offended by them just enjoy the jokes laugh about it whatever people say things whatever move on what did I has this meant to be the eyes the roof film okay the roof I use locations right though yeah I’m gonna do

I’m gonna just do spruce but yeah I enjoy those types of jokes messed up jokes of course there’s still a line to a lot of things but in general I enjoy the really unhinged messed up jokes like religious jokes depending on the joke I generally don’t want to hear those

Like if you make a religious joke that’s like based off the religious script that’s like a play on a scenario it’s like if you’re playing Minecraft this is a good example playing Minecraft right and you come up to a river or an ocean but for some reason there’s like a chunk

Loading error or just a generation error where the ocean is split down the middle and it’s just nothing until it meets the sea level you can make a joke about you know that being it’s like oh my gosh you’re reliving you know my brain my brain who split the sea

In the Bible oh my gosh Moses yeah okay my brain was telling me Moses but that felt wrong yeah when Moses Moses the Israel um when the Israelites reached the Red Sea Moses stretches out his hand and the water’s divided allowed his followers to Safe passage so

Jokes like that where it’s like oh you know you’re playing on the stairs like oh this reminds me of scripture whether it’s Christian scripture or other religious whatever you believe in unless you don’t believe in anything it’s up to you but things like that is fine but if

You’re like making mockery of the religion politics uh politics jokes make as many jokes as a politic about politics as you want to live in America America’s ass but only Americans can say that things like that I love all types of humor basically have no boundary I do like on the government though

All sorts types of government humor wise I’m not following the government just like the Joker said it the Joker’s crazy enough to fight Batman but he’s not crazy enough to fight the IRS and not pay his taxes that’s the level of crazy you gotta be I find a superhero just don’t with

The government’s IRS I love this song as well again it’s called ephemeral ephemeral by thean it’s not my music of course um I need more pictures so now we got the inside I actually like it it’s very cozy I’m gonna do the rooftops the rooftop’s gonna be bamboo and we’re gonna be

Outland with I think jungle wood or if I go with Spruce Wood hold on let me see what the my house was made out of I don’t remember so the thing the Allen was dark yeah the Ellen was dark oak hello Mr Blake Mr Blake Leisure welcome

Kind of joined it in one of my personal rants I don’t think anybody was watching so I just kind of ran into something random um but welcome I’m just chilling listen to some Lo-Fi music by Lo-Fi girl check out the description for that it’s not my channel not my music but lovely music

Very relaxing music I’d say but just kind of chatting talking about whatever playing Minecraft on my server with me my friends though no one’s on right now because it’s like midnight no one’s ever on at midnight and I’m building my villager base I’m also trying to remember what I was

Doing for the uh rooftop so I think Cabo here uh this world I created it a week ago um on a Monday oh no no it was on a Tuesday or Wednesday so it’s not that old it’s if I press F3 only 93 days as far as like the Minecraft thing

Um this is a Minecraft realm though so it kind of just runs so I’m not on every day I get on like every other day but trying to do more building this time than focusing on Redstone and um automation because typically that’s what I do I’ll join a world

Basically get netherright within the first two days the best gear make the end farm make villager Farms food Farms all that iron Farms but I don’t really want to do that as much this time I just want to build stuff which seems to be like something I don’t

Do all the time oh I’m trying to think so do I can do dark oak again no it’s too dark though no jungle no jungle’s gonna be the ooh lagging um but no I haven’t been on the world very long and comparison to I mean in a week’s time I’ve been on it

In a while because it’s only been up for a week wait yeah it’s been up for a week full creeper um I love building stuff I just never do it I always end up because my whole like mental the way I think about it is like

Okay if I make all of these massive Redstone automation machines to produce every block I need every item I need then I don’t ever have to spend time mining to get these items and I could just go and build but by the time I build them all I’m already pooped

Out of playing the game so much so I’d never end up building anything so this time screw the automation I’m just gonna go straight to building I will have some automation stuff but for now it’s just go straight to building I just forgot what we do for the roof I’m gonna do

Oak oak for the outline all right Oak for the outline as I did so I’m gonna do uh bamboo and Oak that should does that make sense was that a zombie on a chicken um I’m trying to think because I should keep it the bright aesthetic and get some jungle do I have

Jungle wood with this thank you yeah we got something okay so perfect like that and then read Oakwood which we got plenty of dark wood for that now okay so what we’re going to do is we’re making the roof we’re gonna make it primarily bamboo stairs

And then have some uh outline which is probably going to be the outline of Oak I might use the jungle in the middle of it just to add some I guess more depth I think that’s what I’m looking for I remember um so if I remember correctly it goes one past yeah wait

Because that was for there yeah yes let’s redo that boom wait what type of roof we’re gonna I don’t even think about what roof I’m gonna make because I’m not I don’t I’m not going to copy that house I’m gonna do something different that’s fair that’s fair welcome to lurking I said oh

It’s clicked I realize that YouTube finally I want to say finally but they improve their algorithm or for like streams because I had another Channel where I streamed a couple months ago and I might get one view every few streams and I ended up not streaming anymore

Because I ended up moving out of my place I never went back to streaming and then I made this Channel and I started streaming again and I people are seeing it people are joining in I mean they might not stay but people are actually tuning in

So I’m like oh that’s awesome I got a community to talk to random people and I don’t mind talking about anything because that’s all I do talk talk hello Mr group okay so let me think so rooftops should I do you can do that that’ll work okay which is yeah okay

So it’s gonna be what we say I wanted to be Oak we need more Oak remember correctly it goes don’t worry all right yes I think it’s like that boom um oh yeah that actually right now first of all I don’t like how I did that so let’s fix that fixed upstairs stairs

One two stairs nope one number two because that’d be a white hole so now we just need slabs slabs well it’s not too many oak slabs Later okay all right oh perfect actually works very well okay okay Thank you okay awesome awesome Boom fall three one two is it one two yeah there was one more oh no it looks wrong okay let’s do some counters I think I forgot so this is one two three stair this is one two three ah I see I messed up on that side okay one two three one two

One down this one two one awesome okay awesome we got the arch that we wanted there’s a mimic at the other side so it only snows in this one patch what line was this snowy slopes that I was weird one two three two one three two one slap

Because I made it sidewalk that’s four wide now it’s like I should make one more white to make it lower one just oh no that looks horrible never mind let’s go back to what we’re doing foreign how do we want to make this actually trying to think um

It’s gonna look very weird but I think one two three two three three one I think that might work what do I have to do four two three this first one three one two one let’s suppose this one does that look great and how big’s the gap

Yeah it’ll look fine because that’s how many that one is that’s four okay oh perfect that worked out surprisingly well that case hello okay now do the rest how did I want to do the outline just one row I guess that would just do this I’m thinking about it correctly in front yet

Um let me see what the I let him that was okay so yeah also again I apologize for any uh clicking you may hear don’t really have a I don’t have a muffled microphone pretty well bamboo I need a lot more bamboo planks though don’t think I’ll need to use this anymore

I don’t think I have enough that’s fine see what we can for now also I need slabs it’s impossible see I don’t need to do that oh right that’s right thank you and then there’s some slabs here definitely a very interesting design I’m going for but it’s different it’s

Not the prettiest way but it is unique format for all villager houses on the side to side nope foreign so what I’m probably gonna do is never mind shut up foreign I’ll type the name of the song in the chat I don’t want to see it

Again if you want to see any of the music that is playing just check out the live stream um in the description it’s not my live stream it’s another Channel known as Lo-Fi girl if you haven’t heard of them they have three straight channels live at all times great music very relaxing music

That is the name of the song that you currently listen to it’s currently playing less dot people you all sound the same I like it a lot if it looks like the Minecraft game is like changing weirdly like it’s like flickering it’s just me tabbing in and out and uh on full screening the game only got one monitor so that’s what I’m rocking with foreign once again we are filling in the corners are we Not for this part I don’t think I guess even in size sometimes well don’t like because the attic will obviously store some stuff it’ll probably store like excess items flowers I could just go into there and have all the blocks that I need Thank you how do I want to do this so typically if it’s lower I can just have it connect as such but higher how should I connect oh could probably do that make like a center little tower has like a what do you call it um hiccups right now

A almost like a not a watch tower it’s what they have at boats um in the ocean let me look at a lighthouse figured out right before I left out so yeah it could be like a lighthouse type thing it’s not too tall figured out for now These zombies at they are so you are in the house you are so loud Foreign that’s not good all right that was a perfect amount as well okay time to get more of my move [Applause] it’s a very bambooy house [Applause] thank you oof frame was just dropped massively given a lot of ton of entities on the ground Okay so we got some more bamboo some bamboo or block of bamboo now we just need to make it into it okay so let’s make some slabs this time he’s a rest for the bill now it’s a black skin foreign Keep falling definitely gonna do that all right let’s get these slabs going so this side’s done So my idea once I get this tall Arch extend it into the center it’s just gonna have a staircase that kind of just falls into the rest of this evenly or smoothly I should say now let’s just continue to extend this one see that’s where kind of causes the problem

Unless we just do it this way that’ll work okay remember that Facebook um let’s see do I need any more blocks I do not so we can use the rest to make stairs actually perfect let’s go boom I feel like one more out will be better we’ll chop all this back down

Since the stairs gives the illusion that it’s extended slabs still and then this top part they’re slaps back foreign we’re about to get the felt the other Bamboo’s already grown pretty fast so we should be able to get the rest in a second boom we’ll arguably say this looks a bit

Weird but it works right here right now actually I need more slabs that’s the problem okay so I got the that part done um we do not have enough slabs So yeah all right almost done with the roof hot water I don’t know if I’m going to use glass for them I could use realize I probably will so another chest to be at you can also do glass some restaurants I’ve been they’ll have it where they have like a second floor

Quoted on that but it’s just like a ledge with some chairs and a table to add like I guess the point of it but it’s done so I could do something like that except it’ll be glass and nothing behind the glass oh chisel that’s right oh I had some flakes in here

In that case I should have plenty okay that should be plenty now cool Perfect this part looks weird but it’s done actually I know I do want to make it look nicer let me see if I can just this should make it look a lot better if I just change this up oh yeah way better foreign well rooftop not the inside of the roof

So I could at least bring the villagers inside now boom boom it all looks okay it’s clean awesome okay so now operation bring the villagers in or operation make the bottom floor because the top floor is where the the living’s quarters is going to be the

Bottom floor is where I’m gonna have the actual breeding site which could be right here actually yeah this will be the staircase Let’s uh let’s work on this actually all right General outline okay so staircase it’s actually perfect so just make it look nice um

What do we want to use for the staircase I use jungle the other one I guess we could just use Spruce Spruce we have Spruce what’s this song Hold up we’re typing the song in chat again All right thank you I actually want to remember and add these later this is love Violet probably not violent exactly but I still love the instrument thank you jungle wood you still use chocolate Foreign Okay I really enjoyed that last song that played that surprisingly works okay awesome I’m going to make this Cobblestone just as outlined do we have Cobblestone yes awesome thank you just to give an illusion that the whole flooring is being supported by Cobblestone and then we can use the actual blocks which I don’t know what I want to use do I use dark oak walls

Jungle floor Spruce stairs dark oak walls or dark oak ceiling and the walls could be I don’t want to use Spruce so Darko ceiling it could be Spruce logs and Oak let me do that uh let’s get the logs real fast so Like the support beams we just use Oak okay that’ll work I’ll see what’s gonna look great and this is the perfect height actually because it’ll be four blocks high and one for the actual roof or do we want to go lower or three blocks high okay this would be the roof right here

Let’s get let’s get some dark oak real fast just so I can like Mark it like subconsciously the next time I mine the bamboo I need to make a farm should be at least um dark oak dark oak oh if it wasn’t obvious I’m using the faithful texture pack

Um it’s not updated yet still 1.19 but it’s very nice it’s not that I don’t enjoy the normal Minecraft look or the old school Minecraft look it’s just that looking at it all the time it gets kind of like boring I’m just like oh you know what’s been interesting because I have other

Texture packs ores one the X-ray one was in the last server because I was testing something we have the doku craft which is my favorite one John Smith looks nice in some circumstances in the faithless faithless is more like very much 8-bit art arcade type style it gives like a zeldo Mario game Thank you awesome we’re here foreign foreign Okay now that we got this corridor one two three all right or did I need to yeah oh and then I can make the uh turns wait there’s some locks okay not gonna open it after it works thank you of course I can go spend time getting

Vegan and do all this which is quicker but until I have an iron farm I’m gonna have haste two yet so it doesn’t matter so first we’ll make the Villager stuff read a few of them get some butchers going then probably make an iron to the right and then an iron farm

From going then we can go looking for getting a beacon again if I’m gonna do much with redstone this time around I mean I will eventually but I want to keep it less automation more vanilla makes sense thank you oh wait it doesn’t mean foreign wait my brain’s thinking

Okay no we’ll be fine with that so this other side hello Mr plush stream as you can I’m currently working on a villager uh it’s called base basically a home for villagers um there’s gonna be a bunch of villagers up here just roaming around and then downstairs we’re gonna have the actual

Trading going on um but I got Lo-Fi music on if you want to know what the channel is for the Lo-Fi music and the music check in the description um there’s a link to the actual Channel That’s streaming the music it’s not my channel it’s nothing that I own or

Anything but it is another low-fi Channel called Lo-Fi girl they have streams for different types of music it’s great but just relaxing chilling sometimes I’m talking about random topics but for the most part just vibing and building it won’t be streaming for much longer though I’ve been on finishing at least

Opening up this area probably finishing it and then immediately probably gonna get off for the night because I’ve been trimming for like what three hours now I don’t know something like that thank you very much um let’s see so this so far is just the inside

I’m trying to utilize the new blocks um this is the outside I haven’t got the roof I feel like I overused the bamboo but it’s we’re gonna keep it that way for now we’re going to Village we’re hiding this little box right here but this is the the rooftop will be used

For something but for now it’s just gonna Hollow I just finished making the roof and then if we go over here that’s my actual house so far this is the house honestly the first good thing I built in Minecraft in a long long time but I haven’t organized anything I just

Have a ton of blocks so kind of everywhere hello dog um but yeah so I’m trying to keep it with the buildings I’m just trying to try new things because I don’t really feel I usually build underground I usually build the mountains so I built like inside of them

I just have like a random wall you press a button or hit a lever somewhere hidden and you have like this contraption because usually I build with redstone but this time around I’m trying to actually just build houses so that’s that and this is a the Villager house so far I’m gonna tear

Down these other houses eventually but for now we’re just gonna keep them up but yeah it is definitely odd at least to for me I feel like I’ve overused the amount of bamboo but it works for now but I appreciate it do try but yeah it does feel pretty wide

It feels like it looks like a mushroom head actually just like if you’re playing Mario the mushrooms the Goombas so it looks like it’s a Goomba not the same right color but it is a Goomba we’re back down here so this is gonna be where the chests lie

With all the training items but this side so we’re gonna have the actual villagers everything about each villager just needs the Villager space where they stand and the thing they trade with only needs the wall on the back film and the item so three spaces I guess so

For reference I guess if I’m going to be wall villager trading thing in front of them yeah that should work that should be enough follow this out first we only have two lodiers though at this Village all the other ones I’m pretty sure just died because I didn’t lock

Them in their houses when I um started building my house here but there is another Village that’s like 300 that way 200 blocks so it’s not too far actually foreign I shouldn’t need any more torches I should be good so let’s unequip that This is not a survival uh single player world though this is a server with uh my friends it’s a Minecraft realm specifically but as you can see no one’s online right now eventually my friends will be joining me and I’ll probably live stream when they’re on sometimes

Not on time live streaming much probably what I stream it’s kind of random probably just keep it from Minecraft right now but yeah I got a bunch of different friends that play this game and we all play this but everyone’s got their own schedule everyone’s busy so as far as when

They’re on and if I even stream if they’re on it’s very rare but you’ll probably see me uh have some banter with him and YouTube shorts which I’ve had some answer in the past you can actually check out those videos I think they’re like seven months old

It’s just fun banser a lot of chaos but that was for the last server that’s not this server anymore So it’s the same actually both ways it’s a mirrored actually surprisingly works oh wait this was supposed to be the block I actually know that far that works because it gives it like an extra Gap so how to walk through it feels more spacious I feel like the strings what is it

Running out actually team study um I think it’s fun I probably need to change a bit rate at some point higher froze for a second well I guess when I Tab out it like freezes that’s weird I just realized that Probably need a stack and a half of Oak but I’m probably just gonna grab two stacks Okay now for contacts in this realm server we have a lot of data packs which basically it’s mods but lots simpler it utilizes in-game functions um and code these data packs to have their features usually they’re minuscule changes but in some cases they can be much larger like omit certain mobs

But actual mods are much heavier much larger I did not need that much wood are much larger so they don’t actually they mods usually incorporate a lot more and incorporates different like actual code to add new things versus data packs uses what’s in the game to change up things

If that makes sense but anyways I have a data pack on here that essentially allows me to chop down the bottom of a tree and it chops down the entire thing that’s why there’s so much wood wasn’t because I spent that long minding it it’s just it was a lot easier to get

Okay the floor was gonna be jungle wood S foreign That’s good now for this it’s operation you get the villagers inside without dying probably make up this wall right here further back so I can have like a uh basically it just affect the villagers and then convert them back okay cool this is done so now we just need dividers

I don’t actually know what the dividers would be All right that could actually work foreign This would be all the way up to the wall but not yet and then each villager would just go in each one of these rooms okay cool it’s gonna surprisingly works and this is surprisingly the perfect to go um let’s see Foreign Foreign This has a very nice contrast actually foreign I thoroughly enjoy what I’ve done so far okay so now it’s just time to get the villagers there’s not many voters though but we’ll get to that for starters we need beds because we need them to breed and we need to prevents for that here

I’m gonna start deconstructing all these a little bit professor this one I got plenty of sheep I could definitely Shear them but yet they’re going pretty well oh they’re already okay awesome yeah it’s the first time I’ve grown these trees I had to look up how to actually grow them awesome

I’m excited to use that wait what is that wood even oh wait I do know it’s like a red color sort of what I call it would be consider red I don’t know it’s a nice color though the mangroves yeah I’ve kind of just oh wow I actually have every tree here I

Just realized so yeah I’ve kind of just gone everywhere and found every tree type and literally a couple hours ago I found the mangroves at the start of the Stream but I now have every tree type here which is very useful because I’m going to eventually make an area where they’re gonna grow

Like almost in the side of a mountain but since that won’t be the case I’ll probably just have like a crater where they all grow okay as Mr villager it’s almost time it’s almost time to free you for now we’re just gonna place them right here all the beds

This is not night time yet it’s daytime he needs something to try and take as a cake oh I did not mean to hit you my guy you’re about to charge me so much now for yourself thank you Um Let’s let’s mute the Minecraft sounds for a second because these animals are very loud somewhere perfect okay We can go over it now let’s get the other villager that’s gonna be the problem one not necessarily actually all right hello Mr villager we are going to place your are you even gonna walk to it because okay we’ll try okay you do that’s awesome we’ll go right through the wall

Come back no oh no he’s wandered gonna wander very very far if we don’t get it sir sir you need to not be in here sir I need you to retreat back home sir go go go go go go go go yeah path fine go keep walking no thank you Bingo gotcha okay awesome so we got the villagers in here probably the only downside inside with the wall being as short as it is but we did it we have the villages as far as your classes I guess you’re gonna I’m gonna call them put them next to where you will reside

So boom boom right there but until then we need you all to breed essentially so I will be back with some oh I don’t even have a garden wait there’s a garden right here it’s wheat work I don’t know if we works right right no carrots and potatoes usually work I

Don’t know if wheat works that’s the next thing we need to make because I have every plant type right be rude wheat potatoes carrots watermelon melons and then bamboo and sure we’re sleeping also let’s be sleep this is almost like real life just can never sleep

Oh my God how long does it take until I can sleep here we go okay awesome so now if y’all take this that’s not how that’s so close because they might jump over it nope villager is going down there you go you found it okay Are y’all gonna trade the wings I just gave or what’s up okay yours is more expensive huh I didn’t punch you how about you oh yeah you’re more probably because I punched one of y’all okay that was on accident I’m sorry um as far as going up to the Rooftop that’ll be perfect

Perfect now blenders should not be overclined this right yeah let’s just hope they can’t you know that’s not even find out right now okay so last thing I’m gonna do for tonight assuming these boys and gals whatever you are these thingies breed let’s see the child I’m gonna work on the rooftop which

Trying to remember how I did the other one so I did that though foreign if I do that so he’s parking Birch Green Glass Is that how we want to do it so it was which is going to be bamboos we still need bamboo which we don’t have much of right so bamboo and then Birch [Applause] foreign I’m ready to prank on somebody once where I place bamboo all over the base

And um they quit the server it made them Rage Quit because they essentially kept crashing horrible person it’s great I think it’s the nicest person on the server person of the game two people had noise machines a bunch of them in their base one two people had or one person had

Fully bamboo in the race actually it was two people that live in that base one was they had obsidian they had like six beacons in the race every Beacon had obsidian from the very right where the beacon lied all the way to the sky limit so you can imagine even back this was

Like the old uh Minecraft or 1.18 1.17 I don’t remember which we’re basically uh the sky look was a lot smaller but it was still very high and then let’s see we had one person there was two people in the server there was a sign man who just play signs

Everywhere and then someone who’s called button man who put buttons everywhere that was never me but I knew there was one person that did buttons and one person that did signs it was a pranks in server that’s for some prank prankster servers chaotic it was fun though but I just remember those

Two things mostly and then we’re gonna make so now right yeah that should work then boom boom oh no this needs to be one more too thick oh yeah that’s a lot better wow okay Oh I don’t have my scaffolding one second am I blind I’m blind not blind just didn’t open the right chest yet oh right is that right I’m gonna give it a similar Close but not exactly now these slabs now though and then I need the uh did I do it right it might all my brain struggling um slabs or no we don’t need a little bit more and then more stairs though I’m having a great day I mean if we want

To be technical here it’s a new day is it like it’s one in the morning so it’s a new day so as my new day has started it’s so far but now yesterday was a great day it worked had food had some McDonald’s I’ve been craving pan Express though

That’s what I really want and then I’ve played games that’s about it um okay I think I think I’m doing this right so this one’s going to be boom yeah okay that looks good so far oh it was good beyond that though I didn’t do much yesterday Sunday wait what was yesterday actually

Yeah no yeah yesterday was technically Monday for me so yeah Monday was fun Sunday was Father’s Day and I actually got to see the new Spider-Man movie that was fun I went with my little brother and with my dad so it’s a lot of fun it’s a boys night no women allowed

That’s how I wanted to do it what about your day how was your day either today or yesterday I don’t know whatever the time zone is whatever thy time zone is how was it well that’s good good days are always good days yes that’s words not up until about two weeks ago I’ve

Been at a very poor mindset but help of a friend Minecraft finally working oh The Flash movie I haven’t heard anything about it yet I don’t watch DC movies I enjoy the DC Comics the DC cartoons I used to watch it as a kid but the movies I always hear

Bad things about them so I never really watch those how was it is it worth watching how would you rate it if you were Rotten Tomatoes what would you rate it was okay that’s what I expect no offense to DC it’s just they they do great for some of their

Movies like The Joker movie the Batman movie six out of five okay that’s about what I would expect for the Joker movie the Batman movie the old school Batman movies I say old school the ones that I grew up watching which was The Dark Knight series love them but like the newer ones

The newer movies I would say with like all the other superheroes it’s meh awesome okay prefer watching Marvel so I guess the best way to put it is DC Comics and cartoons are awesome are like the my favorite but then Marvel has my favorite movies

So the marvels of the MCU I love that the DC Comics and all that I love that looks like something so off oh no just because it’s aside because next up I still need to watch the John Wick movie and I still need to watch the Mario movie I didn’t watch The

Mark movie I just know it’s really good it’s a lot of themes of it I’ve had some spoilers but I haven’t watched it yet with John Wick movies though I haven’t had any spoilers surprisingly um but that one I’m excited for I’ve always watched the John Wick movies

Every time they came out watch them in theaters but I don’t think I’ll be able to watch John Wick movie this time in theaters I mean I could but I’m focused on her stuff right now as far as like what to do with my time and as you can see I’m obsessing over

Minecraft right now for context um starting back in March my Minecraft stopped working at least didn’t stop working it was uh for multiplayer servers whether it was Minecraft realms or multiplayer I’d always get an uh connection interrupted or a null error so I was unable to actually play online

Minecraft for three months until about last week actually I finally was able to solve the issue which took like four or five hours it was ridiculous um but I was able to finally fix the problem and now I can actually enjoy and play Minecraft which is what I’ve been doing this is a

Minecraft realms with me and my friends no one’s online though it’s like 1am in the morning which is expected but wait what did I do for that side but um I finally have been able to fix it so now I can actually play Minecraft so I’ve been playing the crap out of my

Group because I love playing Minecraft not so much single player I like playing it like online with friends we all build our own different things we all do what we enjoy and we can interact with each other that to me is my favorite part is is this like up here I forget

Okay so I haven’t done the walls yet so let’s do that now I do also have a bunch of friends that play Bedrock Minecraft which is not what I’m playing right now I’m playing Java um because a lot of my friends still only play consoles because I was a

Console player for basically my entire life until sorry my brain’s burning until someone recently I switched to uh PC a year and a half ago even though I switched to PC there’s a lot of games I couldn’t play until about this past November I ended up operating

My graphics card to a 30 50. 10 50 prior or 1060. so I could play that many games um but I finally upgraded so I can actually playing a bit more a lot of my games but before then all my friends are console players and some of them are PC

Now but most of them are still console so they play Bedrock Minecraft which I’m able to play with them I mean I could play with them but I don’t enjoy Okay yeah that works but once everyone switches to PC they’ll also be joining some people have already but not everyone is obviously switching to PC is costly so you can’t just do it whenever which is fair be fair I didn’t buy my PC I’ll just actually give it to me by a friend

But I eventually did upgrade it myself I had to save up money you gave me a bunch of his older parts and then I had to upgrade a few things but beyond that yeah he helped me out so now I’ve been about the next I think the next thing I’m going to do is upgrade the um

Thinking right now my Ram from 16 to 32 uh gigabytes hello zombies so there’s some things that are still a bit slow it just needs to be the same actually three two one three two yeah okay all right Should I do this one one more layer or leave it this wide You play what eagler is that I don’t think I’ve heard or is that just a typo It looks pretty funny here they’ve changed up a lot of things with Minecraft since Microsoft owns it so it’s cheaper but more expensive if that makes sense I’m not saying that makes the difference for your situation to be for the game but it used to be Minecraft was 25 bucks

Or 26 bucks when I got it first account because I have three different accounts over my lifespan and then about my second account which is this one that I’m using and then I have a third account uh Eagle here is Minecraft but it’s like 1.5 oh okay

I mean hey that works 1.8 is a I’m thinking right 1.8 is I mean it’s not that old of an update unless something misleading and thinking of the wrong one for me oh 1.8 okay so yeah that’s around the time that before PVP got added which means it’s still a good version of

Minecraft that’s the before the PVP dreams joined PVP back then I’m no longer good at it ever since it got changed but I also haven’t practiced enough there we go glass true and if you’re able if it’s on Java on PC you can also you can probably mess with the um

Crap misclicks mess with the files and you could probably add mods to stuff but I’m not sure oh I have silk touch I forgot but I don’t know I’ve never used eagleridge so I have no idea on here of course if you see Minecraft Java I’m able to affect the uh change

The code and all that it’s not open script though which a lot of people have problems with like oh why isn’t it open script you can do so much Microsoft just doesn’t want to be it that way because they want to have more control over it so they make money but

They obviously can’t do too much because it’s Java that’s why they uh do a lot of micro transactions for bedrock but I prefer Java because I can do this like if I want to do Minecraft skin I will find one and choose it if I want a texture pack

As such I will find them and use them same with mods that’s why I don’t like Bedrock though because it’s like it’s much harder to get mods you can still if it’s a pain you can change your texture skin and all that but it’s a pain

But if you want to do it the easy way it costs money it’s like no I’ll just go on Google all right upstairs is done villager what are you you can go up ladders you answered okay the more you know um Okay so they can actually go platter how should I do trap door realistically fats let’s do it here yeah oh wait can I make a bamboo let’s find out now did y’all conceive a child yet one job y’all had I don’t hear a little one um no y’all did not okay

I’m gonna need to get more plants life I don’t even know if I have any plant stuff that’s like plenty of oh I got plenty of wheat assuming they can canned villagers be fried by wheat um Minecraft food to breed villagers let’s see loaves of bread carrots potatoes and beetroot

Okay so it needs to be actual bread it can’t just be wheat good to know this I’m gonna make a ton of bread awesome so if we make the forgive them the bread they should have a child so it wasn’t just wheat it was just meant to be bread

But after I finished since this is finally done I’m gonna organize the inside of it another day but I’m going to actually make oh wait actually that’s wrong I need to use chunk of wood um after now that I’m done with this once I start bringing the villagers the next thing is

Going to be another right enough villagers I will do an iron farm and a food farm or I need a food farm first yeah coming by closer you’ll definitely do not need that much bread but whatever are they gonna do the thing fine I won’t look okay judgy eyes

How much potatoes or bread do you need all right and they definitely definitely need to be alone I mean it’s fair fair everyone needs a privacy not everyone’s into that thing into that that’s a so many cows oh gosh we need your leather it will be very

Much useful and needed why is there goats in here these goats are not meant to be in here stop jumping into my cow Farm s all the wheat I’ve gotten so far just from The Villages cross over time all right so let’s get some more wheat let’s make a ton more bread

Just to have there and then we will just hope for the best we’ve done this before but apparently I don’t know what’s changed or I’m just I don’t know all right we all right do I hear a baby one no well you’re not angry at me anymore so

It’s 16 I know it’s meant to be 16 foot it’s not gonna no nothing which is we’re just leaving for now what are you doing all right I think now it’s time for operation fire it’s time to rid of these other houses so we can use the land for other stuff so

Hey and everything else is also doing that as long as you don’t burn that we should be good and everything else though oh it’s a cave here forgot about that now ow Okay we’re good I thought I was burning the other one hello fella yeah indeed no more Village there’s only one Village allowed it’s the one I built for you the new home is your only home resistance is futile I’ll actually leave this one here though because it’s kind of nice for now

Let’s break down the other blocks as it goes and that one I also destroy once I get the items out kind of heads wait are they doing it doing it right before they leave because I didn’t even have beds in sight for them to actually breed

Do it do the thing do the thing wait wait wait come on come on Yes you oh my gosh please love him everything make children don’t want to have to travel 300 blocks from the other Village just to find capable compatible mates Why they have to be in a box they used to be fine honestly probably though real world I have it would just breathe them in small spaces and they would work apparently you should know I had Maybe I don’t think it changed though I will figure out another day for now

I’m gonna get rid of the Villager houses and then honestly probably gonna end it for tonight I’ve been streaming for like what four hours now the most Upstream in a while given I don’t stream very often I’ve said it before I’ve said it already thank you

Next time I get on probably be tomorrow or Thursday I probably won’t stream though I probably won’t stream until next week so when I return to streaming I don’t know even though it’s my world I’d have to get you basically have to pass as you would call it the live check

Because everyone that does playlist server currently has a very our Schumer is very much unhinged and not only that you’d have to meet everybody everyone knows everybody it’s like 20 of us or no 15 of us very unlikely no offense um we don’t because everyone knows each

Other in person so it’s not a thing where we have people that we meet online to play on server not saying it’s impossible it’s just currently that’s just how it is invited anybody if they said they were cool they could come in destroy everything even though I

Can back up the server it’s a hassle something I want to deal with but if you do get Minecraft do find out what you enjoy about it um as far as like multiplayer because there’s different types of servers and I trust that you are but like I said not something that can

Be decided right oh there’s military zombie right now but when you definitely get Minecraft on here um on Java definitely go online and see what type of player you are there’s PVP servers there’s a faction servers which is another game there’s just casual survival servers uh Anarchy servers which anarchies

No rules pure chaos what was once his home oh favorite what type of player you are though me I’m more of a redstone fighter released before the PVP change this is me like Dead trying my hardest Thank you But I’m getting there I’m learning That marks all of the houses I’m pretty sure I cooked potato it was also one building which is the blacksmith I’m not messing with that yet let’s see these guys ever have a child let’s see oh it did we have a child finally put you into slavery in labor boy you

Better be ready all right so that is done wow okay I’m gonna put the rest of this back in the chest though Everything in there don’t even care Yeah so we are done we have finished the town hall all there is left is um interior design where I’m gonna organize all this and organize upstairs I’m not sure I’m gonna do the bedroom um there is sadly no joining from anybody outside the server Mr Leonel Bianco This is just a server with me and a bunch of friends personal friends it had like a server thing where it is like outside people just to kind of see how that goes I was trying to do that one point but that didn’t work out for now it’s just within within the

Realms of my friends but that is it for tonight I’m actually gonna log out for the night and yeah expect some YouTube shorts um in the coming week I want to get back into that just FYI it’s going to be very sensitive content in the sense of it’s going to be very

Insulting to different groups of people so if you’re not into that stuff is that not your humor don’t watch it but as far as the live streams live streams are going to generally be calmer if it’s Minecraft it says Lo-Fi in the chat it’s used to be more relaxed

There’s no Lo-Fi in the chat if it says like it’s just Minecraft with friends or it’s Call of Duty with friends or whatever game I play just know it’s probably gonna be unhinged so yeah anyways adios until next time

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Realms – Lofi and Crafting’, was uploaded by GrapheneGlatteis on 2023-06-20 08:04:13. It has garnered 68 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 03:46:44 or 13604 seconds.

#minecraft #lofi #synthwave #craft #building #explore #friends

Today I have news, about a little over a week ago shortly after my YouTube Short about the Minecraft Realms error known as “null”. I have fixed it, and it fact have been non stop playing on my Minecraft server with my friends. That is honestly why I haven’t uploaded any content, but ill be sure to start up again this week… hopefully.

Main Channel – @Black_Ice_Brace Livestreaming Channel – @GrapheneGlatteisExtra Shorts Channel – @GrapheneGlatteis ————– Music: @LofiGirl ————–

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Texture Comparison: 8×8 vs 64×64! 🔥

    Ultimate Minecraft Texture Comparison: 8x8 vs 64x64! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘which is better 8×8 or 64×64? #minecraft #shorts #texture #trending #viral #videogames #edit #edits’, was uploaded by Attendat on 2024-04-23 12:00:59. It has garnered 5018 views and 162 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. Minecraft 8×8 or 64×64 texturepack vs minecraft texture pack minecraft edit video minecraft music minecraft graphic mods Read More

  • INSANE! Minecraft with RANDOMIZED blocks every 60 sec! 😱

    INSANE! Minecraft with RANDOMIZED blocks every 60 sec! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft but blocks randomise every 60 sec 😱|#shorts #gaming #minecraft #viral’, was uploaded by Mr BEWAKUF on 2024-03-24 15:37:52. It has garnered 10440 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:45 or 45 seconds. Minecraft but blocks randomise every 60 sec😱|#shorts #gaming #minecraft #viral key words 😉 short shorts youtube shorts blocks randomise randomise 60 sec sec giant I am a giant Big Complan tota I am a tota I am a parrot parrot clears my inventory ur like clears my inventory my inventory inventory gets cleared flash speed ur like make me… Read More

  • Become the ultimate hacker in Minecraft Luckyblock 2.0

    Become the ultimate hacker in Minecraft Luckyblock 2.0Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Luckyblock . minecraft but.everything is luckyblock’, was uploaded by Pro hacker 2.o on 2024-05-09 13:46:55. It has garnered 4 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:29 or 449 seconds. Minecraft Luckyblock . minecraft but everything is luckyblock #music #song #trendingreels#shorts #subscribe #shortsvideo #simulator #pubgmobile #popular #granny #gym #gymsimulator #minecraft #freefire #prohacker #trending #vlog #video#music #song #trendingreels #funny #minecraft #minecraft #comedy #trending #instagram #youtuber #viralvideo #video #viral #viralshorts #vlog #viralshort #viralvideos #tiktok #trendingshorts #trend #edit #education #youtubeshorts #ytshorts #youtube #youtubeshort #ytshort #yt #india #youtubevideo #indian #islamic #allah #anime #amazing #add #dance… Read More


    BHALAVI PRO GAMER DESTROYS BEDWARS! 😱 #MINECRAFTVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft God Playing (BEDWAR) reaction 😨 #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Bhalavi gamer on 2024-02-29 08:27:49. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Video Ditels:- Editer :- ANGRY SONU(ME) Edit :- capcut voice over🎙️:- capcut thumbnail 🖼️ :- pixelLab scripter :- ANGRY … Read More


    ARONTEX GAMING - INSANE TWIST AHEAD!Video Information This video, titled ‘Wait for it…’, was uploaded by ARONTEX GAMING on 2024-04-24 06:30:56. It has garnered 16782 views and 371 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:42 or 42 seconds. Wait for it… How High Can You Fall in Minecraft? This Minecraft TikTok trend is shortly followed up by Minecraft: SEND this to a special someone 🥰 Watch until the end for a little surprise message 🙂 #shorts #minecraft #tiktok ====================================== PC Specification- (Dell G15 Gaming) Rtx 3050ti Ryzen 5500H 16gb Ram ======================================= Mobile- (POCO X2) Ram- 6gb Processor- 720 Snapdragon ========================================== BGMI ID- 5644051212 VALORANT… Read More

  • Lone SMP

    Lone SMPOur Server has Survival SMP where You can build, kill and raid / have fun in survival with little addons like home / tpa , etc . Read More

  • Ryns Dynasty SMP – Whitelist

    Ryn’s Dynasty Server Ryn’s Dynasty offers a modded server inspired by the world of Medieval Dynasty. Face the challenges of nature as you build and maintain your empire in this harsh realm. Join us on Discord to rise to power! Read More

  • Snake Konginchrist Studio

    Snake Konginchrist StudioWelcome to our server! This is a simple Minecraft gaming platform that we decided to set up to make good use of an available server. There are no complicated rules or grand objectives here, just a place for everyone to enjoy the fun of Minecraft. Whether you’re into adventurous exploration or enjoy creative building, you’re welcome to play here. Come and create your own wonderful experiences in this straightforward world! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Raiders: No we winnin’

    Minecraft Memes - Raiders: No we winnin'Looks like someone needs to level up their meme game if they think a score of 1 is a win! Read More

  • Lucky Bow Blocks 2.0: A Global Update of Minecraft Luck!

    Lucky Bow Blocks 2.0: A Global Update of Minecraft Luck! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, I bring you news of a lucky block dream. Egorka’s update, Lucky Bow Blocks 2.0, A thrilling adventure, a gaming show. With arrows and bows, the action takes flight, Crafting and building, under the moonlight. The update is live, for all to explore, Download it now, and ask for more. Egorka’s channel, a treasure trove, Of Genshin Impact and games that move. From Honkai to Minecraft, the fun never ends, Join the adventure, with Egorka, my friends. Follow on socials, for more gaming fun, Hoyolab, Instagram, the journey’s just begun…. Read More

  • Pick your poison: cursed ore edition! 😂🔥

    Pick your poison: cursed ore edition! 😂🔥 When you have to choose between cursed ore in Minecraft, just remember: diamonds may be a girl’s best friend, but cursed ore is a miner’s worst nightmare! Choose wisely, my friends. #minecraftstruggles #cursedorewoes Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Builds and Community Fun!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Builds and Community Fun! Welcome to! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video showcasing the creation of the Nepal flag in Minecraft. The intricate details and precision involved in crafting this flag were truly mesmerizing. It got us thinking – what if you could be a part of a community where creativity knows no bounds? That’s where Minewind Minecraft Server comes in. With a diverse and welcoming community, Minewind offers a unique gaming experience unlike any other. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, there’s something for everyone on Minewind. Imagine exploring vast landscapes, building magnificent structures, and engaging… Read More

  • The WORST Naruto UHC Player

    The WORST Naruto UHC Player The Worst Player in NARUTO UHC Minecraft Have you ever witnessed a player so bad at a game that it becomes almost comical? In the world of Minecraft, specifically in the NARUTO UHC game mode, there exists a player who has gained notoriety for their lack of skill. Let’s delve into this amusing tale of the worst player in NARUTO UHC Minecraft. A Notorious Death One of the defining moments that solidified this player’s reputation as the worst in NARUTO UHC was a particularly memorable death. The player met their demise in a spectacularly embarrassing fashion, much to the… Read More

  • Dream Animator vs Nightmare Minecraft – Subscribe for Prisma 3D Animation

    Dream Animator vs Nightmare Minecraft - Subscribe for Prisma 3D AnimationVideo Information This video, titled ‘#prisma3danimation lil dae dreamer vs nightmare minecraft animations part 1 new video subscribe pls’, was uploaded by Dream imator on 2024-04-07 01:59:12. It has garnered 94 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Read More

  • 7 Terrifying Minecraft Rituals You Must Try

    7 Terrifying Minecraft Rituals You Must TryVideo Information This video, titled ‘Scary Ritual For Minecraft | #trending #examine #gaming #minecraft #viral’, was uploaded by Examine Gamerz 2.0 on 2024-01-04 07:48:06. It has garnered 3072 views and 107 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:44 or 44 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Stonks! MEMEdicine Ruling the Blocks in Minecraft!

    Insane Stonks! MEMEdicine Ruling the Blocks in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘[3×3 Skyblock] Ep. 1 – Trademark Cobblestone Generator | MEMEdicine plays Minecraft’, was uploaded by MEMEdicine on 2024-03-04 14:00:41. It has garnered 21 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:31 or 1531 seconds. Skyblock, but with 25 islands of size 3x3x3 to explore. Thank you beruang8283 @DaIndonesianChad for making this enjoyable map! Map download:×3-skyblock #minecraft #memedicine #minecraftmaps #skyblock Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Loot Found! #viral

    Unbelievable Minecraft Loot Found! #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Coal Iron Gold Lapis Diamond Emerald In Minecraft | #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts #viral’, was uploaded by Empire Gamerz on 2024-02-26 06:15:01. It has garnered 4743 views and 38 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:07 or 7 seconds. GTA V DUDE THEFT WARS CAR FOR SALE “I hope you have enjoyed this video. Empire Gamerz will continue to produce more content for your enjoyment. Please consider liking, sharing, and leaving a comment.” 📺 YouTube: / @empire_gamerz_yt Contact: [email protected] | Empire Gamerz | #viral #gamerz @dudetheftwarsofficial @Blade_YT @MrBeast #dudetheftwars @TechnoGamerzOfficial @gaming #viral… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Ceviche! T1 vs LDC

    Mind-Blowing Ceviche! T1 vs LDCVideo Information This video, titled ‘CW Liga FLORUS | T1 vs LDC – T05 |’, was uploaded by ceviche on 2024-04-22 03:38:50. It has garnered 376 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:10 or 610 seconds. CW⛔TAGS IGNORAR ❗⛔❌ CW MINECUB CW LOXER. CW MINECUB, LIGA MINECUB, CLAN WARS, MINECRAFT PVP, DESTRUYE EL NEXO, SERVIDOR 1.8-1.7, PVP GAPPLEADOS, ,,SHOTBOW, MinecraftHCF PLAY metiendome en bases hcf HCF ME METO EN SU BASE HCF TRAP SOTW HCF 6V2 HCF VEIL HOLY KOHI FAITHFUL VORATION HCF SHADOWPLAY TEXTURE PACK HCF FPS GODLY MOMENT FAITHFUL SOTW SOTW HCF VEIL HOLY… Read More

  • SHOCKING: Baba’s Scandalous Playground Antics REVEALED!

    SHOCKING: Baba's Scandalous Playground Antics REVEALED!Video Information This video, titled ‘Doing It In The PLAYGROUND! *SUS* (FULL STORYTIME)’, was uploaded by Baba on 2024-04-28 16:00:20. It has garnered 94362 views and 1142 likes. The duration of the video is 00:23:32 or 1412 seconds. #storytime #minecraft #story Doing It In The PLAYGROUND! *SUS* (FULL STORYTIME) Caught Doing It In The Slide (STORYTIME) Doing It In The Slide! (FULL STORY) LIVE PLAYING RN! JOIN THE STREAM! Twitch: KICK: DISCORD JOIN! HIT ME UP! ●Twitch: ●Twitter: ●Instagram: ●TikTok: ●Discord: ✉️ Business Email: [email protected] Read More

  • 🔥 EPIC Minecraft Battle with Virsonas! 🎮

    🔥 EPIC Minecraft Battle with Virsonas! 🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘【MINECRAFT】 playing with other Virsonas!’, was uploaded by Boomi Mamana Ch. 魔愛ぶみ【lucid☁️】 on 2024-05-09 15:31:48. It has garnered 170 views and 39 likes. The duration of the video is 03:04:26 or 11066 seconds. Welcome to my Mega Chill Minecraft series! 💎 Part Zatsudan (Just Chatting) and part Minecraft, we gather here weekly to decompress and hang out! Join me as I dive into the lucid SMP – lucid Multimedia’s community Minecraft server! Join lucid’s Discord community to earn access to this massive survival multiplayer modpack that combines elements of adventure and RPG! 🍰 Support my… Read More

  • EPIC Build Hacks in Micro Corporation Survival! @AntarikshTV

    EPIC Build Hacks in Micro Corporation Survival! @AntarikshTVVideo Information This video, titled ‘micro Corporation Survival series episode 3 build expre form @AntarikshTV’, was uploaded by 1RK gamer2.o on 2024-04-06 05:46:24. It has garnered 295 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:39 or 819 seconds. The Most Fastest GAINT MOB XP FARM You’ll Ever Seen MINECRAFT || Hindi | Mcpe Survival Series Ep – 3 World Seed :- 42554663565242704 Mcpe Version :- Survival Series :- EP 1 EP 2 How I Became the OWNER of this Minecraft SMP! I BECOME A OVERPOWERED IN MCPE EP-9🔥| Minecraft pocket edition part 9 |… Read More

  • EPIC Lamborghini Mod in Minecraft! 😱🔥 #viral #YTshorts

    EPIC Lamborghini Mod in Minecraft! 😱🔥 #viral #YTshortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Lamborghini mod #shorts #shortsfeed #minecraft #viral #youtubeshorts #yt #fypシ’, was uploaded by Kedicik on 2024-03-03 11:46:25. It has garnered 513 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. shorts,#shorts,short,chany shorts,viral shorts,shorts viral,shorts ideas,shorts creator,shorts popular,short film,shorts evolution,hairstyle short hair,hairdo for short hair,hairstyle short video,hairstyles for short hair,hairstyle girl short hair,asmrshorts,viralshorts,shortsvideo,carnivorous slide of evolution #shorts #evolution,taylor swift beautiful ghosts reaction,cookingshorts,beautiful ghosts reaction,streetfoodshorts,hoh,norris nutsminecraft,minecraft but,minecraft shorts,minecraft mod,minecraft speedrun,minecraft challenge,camman18 minecraft,minecraft facts,minecraft but challenge,minecraft seed,minecraft but i cant touch grass,minecraft rarest,minecraft 1.20,minecraft how to,minecraft update,minecraft tips,minecraft but you cant touch the… Read More

GrapheneGlatteis – Minecraft Realms – Lofi and Crafting