Grian – Hermitcraft 9: Episode 47 – PLAYING DECKED OUT

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I’ll be honest with you, I’ve been waiting for Decked Out for quite a long time and it’s almost ready! A lot of the other Hermits have also been waiting for Decked Out to be finished. It’s releasing tomorrow and there’s a queue outside and everything but something’s happened. I was tuned into Tango’s stream

And a couple of the wardens have got- got themselves in a pickle and they’ve escaped. So we’re gonna go and help. I will do it! [TANGO laughs] [GRIAN] I will go! [TANGO] Excellent! We love it! What a good soldier! Follow me! [laughs] [GRIAN] I fear no warden. Why didn’t I-

Why didn’t I take damage? [TANGO] Er… Powdered snow. [GRIAN] You learn something new [TANGO] Every day, yeah. [GRIAN] Every day. [TANGO] You’re probably gonna want some of these. [GRIAN] Mm… [TANGO] Mmm… Mmm! [laughs] [GRIAN] Nah, I’ll go totemless. I can do it. [TANGO] Okay. [GRIAN] Alright, alright, alright.

[TANGO] Yes, so you’re free to kill them. Obviously, I got to get new ones anyway so… [GRIAN] Wait why? Really? [TANGO] It’s easier to get new ones than it’s gonna be to get them back inside there. [GRIAN] Even if I get them to chase me? [TANGO] Where are you gonna go?

I mean, you got to raise them up like 40 blocks through all the redstone and… [GRIAN] Easy peasy. Give me some blocks, I’ll make a little- I’ll make a little runway, you show me where. [TANGO] I’ll make an area then for you to get them in. This sounds great.

[GRIAN] I’ll take some bricks and all I ask in return is a fastpass straight to the front of the queue. [TANGO] You got to pass Scar? [GRIAN laughs] Is Scar here helping you wrangle some wardens? [TANGO] I mean, no. [laughs] [GRIAN] They’re angy at me. [TANGO] They are angy.

[GRIAN] So right, the first thing is where do I need to get them into? [TANGO] Right here, this white area here. If you can get them up into that, that would be great. They are three blocks tall so they should be able to walk right underneath that and walk right up that.

[GRIAN] Are they one block wide? They look chunky. [TANGO] They’re one block wide yeah. [GRIAN] They’re really? [TANGO] Yeap! [GRIAN] They look three blocks wide, dude. [TANGO] They do, I know. It’s totally an illusion. [GRIAN] It’s all like baggy t-shirt. Alright, so where are they? [TANGO] So they are… I believe…

Below us in this vicinity here. [GRIAN] So I actually need to get a staircase from there up to here? [TANGO] Yes, you do. [GRIAN] What did you do to annoy these guys so much? [TANGO] Well, they just get annoyed on their own.

[GRIAN] You weren’t trying to put them in a cage for life, were you? [TANGO] I mean, you know… What wardens can say that? [GRIAN] Oh there it goes. [TANGO] How’s it going? Does that tickle? [laughs] [GRIAN] Woo! At least I can take one of them. I can take one of them, that’s alright.

[TANGO] Yeap! [GRIAN] But there’s two. [GRIAN] So you need to get them back in there but you also don’t know how they got out. [TANGO] Yeah, that’s the thing I really got to fix. [GRIAN] Yeah, so you sort that, I’ll sort this. Ayyy! [TANGO] Ooooh! [GRIAN] That’s a splosion. [TANGO laughs] [GRIAN] Nooo.

[TANGO] I think the block I’m on is like one block out of their range. [GRIAN] Nooo! [TANGO] Oooh! [laughs] [GRIAN] Are they gonna leave me alone? [TANGO] I mean… I don’t think so. [chuckles] Did you want a bed to set spawn? Do you know, just in case. [GRIAN] That might be nice.

I’m a little bit sleepy. [TANGO] Alright, there’s a bed up here. If you make it. [GRIAN] That’s number three. [TANGO laughs] [GRIAN] Quick Tango, the bed! The bed! [TANGO] The bed’s right here! [GRIAN] The bed, I can’t see! [TANGO] Oh you’re blind, just walk forward! [GRIAN] I can’t see!

[TANGO] [laughs] I forgot you’re blind. There we go. [GRIAN] You haven’t got any more totems, have you? [TANGO] I- You know- [GRIAN] Give me as many totems as you own. [TANGO] Yeah, there’s a bunch on the floor here. And I have more if you need it. Well, that was a slime, right?

[GRIAN] I’ll be honest Tango, I took this job and I don’t really know how wardens work. [TANGO] That’s how they work, that’s all you need to know. [laughs] Ooohh! [GRIAN] Oh yeap, yeah. [TANGO] Oh he’s just taking it like a champ. [GRIAN] It’s the only way. I’ve decided this is the only way!

[TANGO laughs] Where are they? [GRIAN] Oh man, they really hurt. [TANGO] What a beast! [TANGO] Ooooh! [GRIAN] Ahhh! [GRIAN] Dude, I’m one down, I’m one down. Alright, I’ve got- [TANGO] How many did you just go through there? [GRIAN] Tango, have you got any more totems? [TANGO] Yeah right.

You just lost them all right? [GRIAN] I’ve misplaced them. [TANGO] Misplaced, I get it. Alright, hold on, hold on. [GRIAN] Okay, that will do. That will do nicely. Alright, okay, alright, here we go, ready? [TANGO] So have you seen them? [GRIAN] Yeah, I know where they are. Hello fella!

Found him! Can he get out? Ohh! [TANGO] Ooh! [laughs] He just sent you! [GRIAN] Hello, is he out? He might not have a clear way out yet. He should do, he should be able to get out there. [TANGO laughs] [GRIAN] Oh yeah, here we go. [TANGO laughs] [GRIAN] Ahhh! [TANGO] Awww!

[GRIAN] I forgot to totem up. I forgot to totem up. [TANGO] Ah. [GRIAN] I can do it! [TANGO] Pick up your stuff! [GRIAN] I got it, I got it. Oh yeah here he comes. I don’t think they can fit. [TANGO] Oh I see them. [GRIAN] Yeah yeah yeah. Hey fellas! Come on!

Oh yeah, they need another block. Oh yeah. [TANGO] Woo! [GRIAN] That one hurt. [GRIAN] Yeah yeah yeah, that hurts. [TANGO] I only have one totem on me. [GRIAN] Okay okay okay okay, we’re good! We’re good! [TANGO] Are they clear? [GRIAN] Ayyy! [TANGO] They should be clear.

[GRIAN] I don’t understand why they can’t- [TANGO] Oh they just wrecked you. [GRIAN] They’re not coming out. I don’t know why they’re not coming out. Oh there they are, they’re free! [TANGO] They’re free? They’re free! [GRIAN] They’re free! Woooo! Here we go! I can’t fly, I am so dead.

[TANGO] Dun dun dun dun! [GRIAN] Where’s my elytra? Oh they’re after you dude, they’re after you! Good luck! [TANGO] Why are we doing this?! It would’ve been so much easier to get new one- [laughs] [GRIAN] They’re chasing you, they’re going the wrong way. Oh he’s running the wrong way. Yeah, over here Tango.

[TANGO] Gah, bad place! I’m in a bad place! Nope! [GRIAN] Oh yeah, there he goes. [TANGO] Sprayed everything. Alright. [GRIAN] Hello warden, he’s going for me. [TANGO] He’s going for you now, I got time. [GRIAN] Where is he? Oh I see him, oh he’s stuck.

That’s the one that’s trying to get to me right now. [TANGO] Yeah, and he doesn’t care. I’ve got to make him angry at me. [GRIAN] We got to get him a bridge over. [TANGO] Come on, I’m right here! [GRIAN] Why- I’m just gonna push him. There you go.

Oh he’s going for you Tango. Go go go go go go. [TANGO] Ow! Ow! Ow! [GRIAN] He’s going up. He’s following you up. He’s following you up. Go go go go! [TANGO] Why am I in here? [GRIAN] Oh no, turn around, turn around. [TANGO] Is he in? [GRIAN] No he didn’t like S-bend.

[TANGO] He’s blasting me through the hole! It hurts! [laughs] [GRIAN] Come back this way, come back to the way you got in. I keep running forward. [TANGO] No, never mind, never mind. [GRIAN] Oh now he’s using the pink bridge! Okay alright, I’m gonna get you over here mister warden.

[TANGO] Hi buddy, just passing through. You’re doing great, thanks. [GRIAN] Woah! Alright, now up here, now up here. [TANGO] [laughs] Ooh! [GRIAN] He’s up! He’s up! He’s up! [GRIAN] He’s in! He’s in! [TANGO] He’s in? [GRIAN] Yeah! We did it! [TANGO] That’s amazing! [GRIAN] Keep him in there, keep him in there.

[TANGO] Okay, okay. I’m going- [laughs] [GRIAN] Lead him somewhere else in Decked Out. [TANGO] No! No! Not like this! Ah! All my stuff! Oooh! [GRIAN] Oh please tell me I have at least a totem. [TANGO] Noo! I tried to fly, I didn’t have my elytra on and I just blumped into lava.

[GRIAN] Oof, I only got a fraction of my stuff back. [TANGO] I just lost everything. [GRIAN] Wait what do you mean? It’s in lava? [TANGO] Yeah oh in lava, yeah. [GRIAN] Oh dude. I’m going in. [TANGO] Going in where? What does that even mean? [GRIAN] I’m going back in to get my stuff.

[TANGO] Uh-oh. [GRIAN] Oh. Oh. [TANGO] Slain by pain. [GRIAN] No don’t leave, don’t leave, don’t leave! [TANGO] I had to! I got no totem, no food. [GRIAN] I just can’t see anything. Yes, okay. I think I got everything. I might be short one pick.

[TANGO] Where is it? Where is it? I thought it was right here. Did it just despawn? [GRIAN] Keep looking, yeah it was just there. [TANGO] It was right here a second ago. I think it just despawned in the time. [GRIAN] Don’t worry, don’t worry it’s just a pick. [TANGO] Yeah, it just despawned.

[GRIAN] It’s just a pick. No. [TANGO] Okay, we got one guy in there! [GRIAN] We got one guy in there. See? Easy peasy! [TANGO] But the problem is, we haven’t fixed the hole so I don’t know where… I mean, they’re just gonna get out again.

[GRIAN] Yeah that was probably number one to do. [TANGO] Probably yeah. [GRIAN] Oh oh! I found it! [TANGO] No you didn’t. [GRIAN] I did! [GRIAN] I found it! [TANGO] Where? [GRIAN] Okay ehm… Oh. I think coordinates might be the best way for this. I found it! [TANGO] You found it! [GRIAN] Woo!

[TANGO] Congrats! Meanwhile, I’m getting slimed to death. That’s amazing! Thank you! [GRIAN] Now do I get a fastpass? [TANGO] Yes you do. [GRIAN laughs] [TANGO] Yeah, I’m going to get you tickets [TANGO] right now, my friend. [GRIAN laughs] [GRIAN] Oh that was- I kept going back to where we found them

And followed some like natural trails. Thank you, yeah. I found the problem and I got one warden in. [TANGO] Yeah, give it up for G-man. You did great, thank you. [GRIAN] Right and just so we’re clear. I removed some wool up here but I have replaced it. It’s all fixed!

[TANGO] Yeah, I’m gonna have to double check this. [GRIAN] I will see you tomorrow for some Decked Out. You definitely need some more totems. [TANGO] Yeah yeah yeah yeah. [GRIAN] Success! I’ll be honest, I don’t know what frozen shards do but we need to go and get a new pick

And we helped Tango potentially have a really long winded problem on his hands. So I’m feeling really good and we’re gonna come back tomorrow and we’re gonna play some Decked Out but in the meantime, I’m gonna- I’m gonna clean some stuff up. I’m gonna clean up some stuff.

This has been sitting here most of the season. This is still treeless. Let’s do some chores. You know last episode when we covered the perimeter with several hundred thousands blocks of dirt and we had to actually go back and mine more dirt? Well, I found many shulker boxes

That somehow ended up in this barrel instead of the perimeter which by the way- Doc has kind of accepted the peace here. here a little bit. He was like “That’s insane!” and it’s done. He immediately put the perimeter back how it was. So I didn’t even get to see it.

So we’ve got a perimeter and it looks like he’s decorating it now. Maybe for Christmas? And he’s got a beautiful tree to look at. So that’s all done and dusted. It was a fantastic and very, very fun little thing that we had going on. But it had to end

Or it would have ended with the destruction of everything. At some point you’ve just got to draw the line. Hey! Scar’s done some stuff here! He’s- Oh that- What a man! What a guy! He’s gone and made a little pathway round my base. He’s rebuilt the archway in the correct place.

He’s really put in the effort. What a hero. Ah and then look at that! The entrance to Scarland. That’s been done properly. If I had done this, I would’ve definitely done this half heartedly. Okay well that’s pretty good news because that means that this side is all wooded up

Which is exactly what I need to do here. So the plan is to take some of this leftover dirt, try and make this river look a little bit more natural, try and fill in this hole over here and do some chores because today is the day. You didn’t even know where I cut.

But it’s the next day and Decked Out is happening in just a couple of hours. So let’s get some chores done. Let’s get some bits and bobs done before we play Decked Out and just strap yourselves in because we’re going to be playing a lot of Decked Out today.

So this might be a very long video. Oh wait! That’s what I was gonna do, while we place dirt why don’t I explain what Decked Out is a little bit because I realise now looking back that I went to go and help Tango out and I didn’t explain at all.

There might be a handful of people watching that don’t know what Decked Out is. Well as you saw, it’s that big game that Tango’s been working on for a year and a half. He’s literally been building this thing for a year and a half. He didn’t do a base, he didn’t do nothing.

He just has been building this game and it’s finally done. We’ve all been extremely excited to play it. So what is it? Well it’s a game where you go inside the dungeon or the… the… Whatever it’s called, the labyrinth. And you’ve got to collect stuff,

You have tokens and you got to get out alive. There’s some ravagers and some wardens in there. I’ll be honest, I haven’t played it yet so I don’t exactly know but based on the original Decked Out which was a couple of seasons go. You have to go in, you do a run

You gather stuff and you’ve got to try and get out alive and the longer you stay in there, the more dangerous it gets, the ravagers and the wardens, they find you. It’s a bit of a spooky game. And it takes lots of runs over and over again to get yourself the materials

To get further and further into the game. It’s a fully fletched game within Hermitcraft. Not just Minecraft but within this SMP that we know and love, Hermitcraft. So I really, really encourage you to stick around, check out the runs and go to Tango’s channel and check out what he’s been doing this season.

Hopefully that was enough of an explanation for you to kind of get it but when we get there, I think it will only take one run for us both, me and you, to kind of figure out where this is going. But in the meantime, it’s time to do some chores.

This is loading and unloading the dishwasher, doing the washing up, going and doing the laundry before you get to go out and have a nice meal. So let’s do that. [MUSIC] That’s looking a lot cleaner and there’s a lot of people waiting to play Decked Out. I’m already late.

It started like 45 minutes ago. They’re all there. They’re all there, I want in! I want in! I’m here! I’m here! I’m here! I’m here! I’m here! I’m here! I’m here! I’m here! [TANGO] Woah! [GEM] Hey Grian! [SCAR] There he is! [TANGO] Welcome! [GRIAN] I’m late. [SCAR] Just in time.

[GRIAN] While the others are running through, I actually need to do a little prep before I can run the dungeon. One, I need to watch the “How to Play Decked Out 2” video. Which I’m gonna do now. And I’m gonna put a link to that video

In the description if you want to just get the Tango exclusive “How to Play Decked Out 2”. The second thing I need to do is claim one of these and get myself like- a little cubby hole. Oh no, that’s Cub’s cubby hole. Alright, I’m up to speed, this is gonna be mine.

Alright here it is, Grian. I’ve got plenty of shards. I’ve just watched that video and I highly recommend that you watch that video otherwise you may not know what’s going on but I’m gonna do my best to kind of explain although I’ve had to take in quite a lot of information

In one go. In here, I was given three cards. This makes up my deck. The goal of Decked Out is to get in, get treasure and get out. That’s it. And then these are left- This room is left intentionally blank so that I can decorate it. I’m not sure what I will do

But I’ve got actually two frozen shards here from Tango for helping him wrangle those wardens earlier. So this is my key to get into the dungeon, I believe. And then I’ve got my cards here. [sighs] You know what? I might need some help. Right, we’re adding our head here.

Grian but in cute glasses. I don’t know why the head that I had out there is suddenly got pink glasses on. You know what? I think this will work better if we just play through a round and try and explain as we go, I think.

Tango’s gonna be watching as he’s streaming right now to a lot of people. [CUB] So Grian, you’re primary goal is to exit the dungeon with an artifact. [GRIAN] Yeah. [CUB] You get an artifact buy following the compass, throwing the compass on the ground. [SCAR] Grian is watching it again.

[GRIAN] Oh yeah, I’m doing some last minute revision for my exam. [TANGO] A little research. [GRIAN] I’ve got my exam coming up in five minutes and I haven’t done any homework. [CUB] He’s cramming, he’s cramming. [GRIAN] I’m cramming before the exam, dude. I’m sweating one out, I don’t like this.

[DECKED OUT] The dungeon is ready for its next victim. [GRIAN] Yay! [SCAR] That’s you, Grian. [GEM] Go on Grian! [GRIAN] Wooo! [TANGO] Alright Grian. Good luck, join the audio group when you’re ready. [GRIAN] Oooh! [TANGO] Who’s ready for this? [GRIAN] I’m ready! [TANGO] Woo! [GRIAN] Ah this is so cool!

I feel like I’m in a ride in Disneyland! [TANGO] You are! You are! [SCAR] That’s what I’m talking about! That’s the energy we’re looking for. [CUB] Let’s go! [GRIAN] Oh is that it? Okay. Right, I think I did it. Alright bye guys! [BDUBS] Bye! [GRIAN] I haven’t got a- Wait wait.

I didn’t pick up a- I didn’t pick up a compass. Oh. I promise I looked how to play! This is so cool. Please tell me I get a compass because I didn’t pick one up. Ooh!! Okay okay okay, here we go Ahh it’s so cool! Alright here we go.

Ah I probably should’ve eaten a golden carrot. Make sure I was fully saturated. The door’s closing behind me. Don’t know where the exit is, don’t know where anything is. Oh the ravager is just there, that’s rough. [DECKED OUT] Treasure hunter. That’s rough. I already saw a ravager just- See? That there?

That’s a ravager. That’s an oh noes. Yeah I hear it. Now if I go that way, it’s gonna see me. I’m gonna backtrack. But that’s definitely the way I need to go. [gasps] Oh it saw me. They definitely saw me. [DECKED OUT] Sneak. pff pff pff Okay. My heart’s racing. Noo! Not already!

Not yet, I’m not ready. Okay. Well compass says over there. Aha berry bush. [DECKED OUT] Stumble. Ah no. Heuh! Ah I’m going the wrong way. I need to get over to that left hand side somehow. That’s a dead end. This is a dead end. Oh hello!

Key, that’s not where I want to be. This way, right follow the compass to get to the relic. I’ve been playing a lot of horror games lately and this is more terrifying. I wonder if there’s a- Oo! Is that it? Oh is that- That’s it! I got a relic!

Alright okay but I’ve upset the thing. I should’ve really checked where the exit is. Mm… Exit. Exit. Exit. Exit. Exit. Where would the exit be? I’m a little bit turned- [ravager noise] A little bit turned around in here. Unfamiliar with all of it. Oo there’s a key. Where would the exit be? [laughs]

I just need to get out and if my directions are- If I’m feeling like my- -directions are right. No, not that way. Not going towards the clear sign of a ravager. Ah I’m sure it’s that direction. Tango, if you’re watching, and exit sign would be wonderful right about now.

Wait this looks vaguely familiar. Is there a way? Dang, I’m just lost. I just don’t know where anything is yet. I’m getting keys, I’m getting treasure. Where’s the exit? So if I just follow this right hand thing here. If I follow the right hand wall,

Maybe I’ll come across a way to get out. Yes, I know there’s a ravager down there. I’m just gonna die. I don’t know what the heartbeat means. If the heartbeat gets too fast, do I just get a heart attack and die? Where’s the exit? How are you meant to know where to go?

Campfire. I feel like the campfire has meant something. No? Is the exit- Oh goodness. This isn’t the exit. Noo! Not again! Oh I got to get somewhere. [sighs] It’s chasing. Oh wait I’ve been here. I’ve been here. I did move the ravager away potentially. Nope nope nope nope nope nope. I didn’t.

I’m really like lost. This is so infuriating because I just don’t know where to go. I went there, maybe I should’ve- [sighs] I should’ve done something to keep track of where I was but I’m sure this is a dead end. I might as well get some berries. So, what’s this?

No, just a button. The thing is I don’t even- I can’t even remember where I entered from. I’m just gonna- I might have to just kill- I might have to just give this run up because I cannot find even where I got in. I recognise this place. [DECKED OUT] Stumble.

I can’t even- Yeah stumble’s right. [TANGO] Grian, the exit is at the entrance. [GRIAN] Yeah but I don’t know where the entrance is, Tango! That’s not helpful information to me! Because I don’t remember where the- Oh great there’s a- There’s a ravager. Oh good. That’s good. [SCAR] Oooh.

[BDUBS] Good try. [SCAR] Good run, good run, good run. [GEM] That was so long, Grian! [GRIAN] Yeah I mean, if I knew where the exit was I would’ve got out quite easily. I just ended up going in circles because I couldn’t find where the exit was. [BDUBS] You were close.

[GRIAN] Was I really? [SCAR] That was the closest- [BDUBS] Yeah I think so, you were close. [GRIAN] What am I looking for? I’m not even sure what I’m looking for. [ETHO] I’m scared. [GEM] It’s right by where you entered, Grian. [GRIAN] I didn’t really take stock

Of where I entered from to be honest. [GEM] The exit is right next to the entrance. [TANGO] I’m trying not to give hints. [CUB] Yeah, don’t give hints. [GRIAN] But I couldn’t see it. I couldn’t see it at all. [ZED] Next time you go in,

Make a note of where the exit is basically. [GRIAN] Yeah- That yeah. Alright while I wait my turn I’m gonna decorate my little room here. I would describe my first run as painful and embarrassing. There’s no other way to describe what just happened. Painful and embarrassing. It’s kind of to be expected.

I went in without really looking where I was at the start. That was my first downfall. I did not look. So I really didn’t give myself much of a fighting chance to find the exit. I got to the compass, I navigated through the ravagers pretty well but I just didn’t pay attention.

I did not pay attention. I don’t have a fantastic idea for this yet. So what I’m gonna do is just put my colours so it’s instantly recognisable as mine. There we go. Instantly recognisable as me. Unfortunately it’s not quite got the height. Actually, I could totally do a little extra here.

I’m beautifully ashamed of how bad this is. It’s really quite bad but in a weird way it’s me. There we go! Simple, yet elegant. If I think of anything better, I will add it. There’s a lot of people waiting here, there’s a big space behind here not being used.

Can we make a waiting room for like just to mess around with, place some like mini games, get a proper queue going because I don’t know who’s next. [TANGO] Er… Yeah let’s see. Er… I’d like to keep this background in tact but let me see. [GRIAN] A little secret door or something?

Because then you’d be able to hear when the next is up. [TANGO] Yeah, you can go through here if you want and go back there. [GRIAN] Sweet! [TANGO] Is that okay? We got a lot of people waiting around so we need to make a little waiting room so that we can discuss,

Make a proper queue system, we’ll figure it out. Okay so. The waiting room had to move from down here to here for a very good reason and it’s that you can hear the game down here. So, we’re moving it with Tango’s permission up here and having a bubble elevator up

And a drop down so you pop up here, and then you go over here when you’re ready to play and you go woooh! Boosh! Aww I need to move that over just one block. Oh wait no, wrong one. It’s this block. We’ve got some good progress on the waiting room.

It’s going pretty well but I’ve been called up. It’s my turn in the dungeon! Wooh! [ETHO] Break a leg! [SCAR] Good luck Grian! [GRIAN] Here we go!! Run number two. [SCAR] Remember to drop it right on the block. [GRIAN] I got to go into the group with Tango, right? Hello, I’m ready!

[GRIAN] I’m ready Tango! [TANGO] Let’s go! [GRIAN] Let’s go! [TANGO] Note the exit! [GRIAN] Woah! Alright, here we go. I haven’t had any like food in a while so I’m gonna play this tactfully. I need to have a top carrot before I go in the dungeon. [TANGO] There you go. [GRIAN] Yeah.

[TANGO] Pro move. [GRIAN] Alright, there it is, there it is. Nice. Tasty, tasty treat. Alright. The box goes in, I go in the cart, I got nothing on me. Here we go Tango. Wooh! Right. Game on, people. Into the dungeon we go. [TANGO] I’m rooting for you this time.

[GRIAN] You weren’t last time? [TANGO] I’m rooting for you this time. [GRIAN] What do you mean, this time?! [TANGO laughs] [GRIAN] You mean every time! [TANGO] I’m muting! Muting now! [GRIAN] Wait. What do you mean?! Alright, I have the compass, I’ve got the map. Right, the exit is right here.

The exit is right here. The door is there. There’s two ways, I went that way last time. So I’m gonna go this way so I familiarise myself with the way out. [DECKED OUT] Treasure hunter. Oh dude, that’s the corridor where it was. Anyway, I’ve got to go this way.

I can hear something already, Alright, there’s the exit. [sighs] I got to go- all the way this way. Yeah, I recognise this from last time. Oh! [DECKED OUT] Sneak. Interesting. Is there a way? Oh I can see the gubbins of Decked Out. [TANGO] Nothing to see here, please move along. Thank you.

[GRIAN laughs] It’s that way. It’s a level 1 artifact. It’s not right here, is it? It can’t be. Yeah, there’s more there. [DECKED OUT] Stumble. [laughs] I can cheat. Ha ha! Ow ow! No no nooo! Alright I need to loop around to the left. I’ve been this way before. Listening for ravagers.

Yeah I can hear it. I’m already turned around, to be honest with you. Yeah okay, I got to cross. Oh there was- Where is the berry bushes? Pretty sure there was a berry bush here once. There it is. I think I’m close. Yeah. Somewhere here? No? Am I wrong? Yeah. There we go.

Alright, we got him. Let’s get out of here. Now the key is to remember where I came from. Mmmm! Really should get some gold. Any gold? Now this is the mistake I made last time, isn’t it? And end up going in circles. There we go!!! Easy run! Woo! [DECKED OUT] Stumble.

We did it! Relinquish your artifact. Oof. Is that it? Now I’ve done it, I’ve thrown the artifact. Noises! Good sound design. Round of applause. [claps] [TANGO] It’s the please wait music. [GRIAN] Woah! He’s only gone and done it. Where do I put my map? Yo! Is that it? Okay, that’s what we get.

Alright let’s have a read. Phew! We did it! Ehm… Frost embers. Frost embers, frost embers? Are these- uncommon cards. I have to process this, I’ve never been a winner before. Rare cards. Every 15 seconds that speed run is active… Oh right. Oh 64 frost embers. I- I got seven.

I can’t even afford a victory tome. So what dictates the level of frost embers I get from an artifact? Hmm… Alright. I can only afford one card. A block two. Can I take these frost embers out, Tango? [TANGO] Take them out? What do you mean? No, they won’t leave the dungeon no.

Whatever you don’t spend is lost. [GRIAN] So I’ve got- But I can’t afford anything. [TANGO] You can afford two things. [GRIAN] Common card. Wait, two things? [TANGO] How many do you have? [GRIAN] Seven. [TANGO] Yeah. You can get a moment of clarity or a sneak. [GRIAN] Oh yeah alright, sorry there’s six here.

Oh yeah I think- I think I think extra sneak is pretty- [TANGO] And just a reminder, if you have coins, make sure you convert them into crowns. [GRIAN] I didn’t get any coins. I got in and got out. [TANGO] That was quick. [GRIAN] Alright. I’m gonna go for that. Ohh! Where’s my card?

[TANGO] It will be returned to you up at the top. [GRIAN] Ah sweet! Alright, where do I put my map? [TANGO] You don’t worry about it. You can leave. [GRIAN] Tango- Oh there’s leave. Glorious exit of supreme victory! Woo! Oh it’s death, isn’t it? Ah! Oh! [laughs] [TANGO laughs]

[GRIAN] I literally turned around just as it got me! [TANGO] Just right there in your face. [laughs] [GRIAN] Woo! Winner winner [TANGO] Well done! [GRIAN] Decked Out dinner. [TANGO] You got another card. [GRIAN] It turns out I was actually pretty awful at keeping track and recording the progress of the waiting room

But here it is. And over here we started playing a little game. So yeah, we actually built this room and now I’m gonna cut back to where we were where we decided to play some waiting games because there was some maintenance and people taking turns on Decked Out.

There was a lot of waiting around and we kept ourselves busy as only we know how on the Hermitcraft server. Waiting room shenanigans. Go on Etho. [ETHO] I got a challenge for you, a riddle. This is what we call the block game. So I’m gonna give you a question

And you got to tell me what block in Minecraft answers the question the best. And the question is: I can’t be on stage, this is too much. [GRIAN] Ah Etho come on! [CUB] Ah come on! [SCAR] Get up there! [GEM] Wimp. [GRIAN] What is it? What is it? It’s a Minecraft riddle.

[ETHO] What block would be the meanest thing to describe Grian’s personality? [GRIAN] The meanest? [ETHO] Yeah. [GRIAN] Oh this feels like an attack. [ETHO] There’s a very cruel one. [GRIAN] The meanest block? [ETHO] That’s hard to get. [GRIAN] The meanest block to describe my personality? Pink glazed terracotta? [ETHO laughs] [GEM] Magenta. [laughs]

[GRIAN] The magenta one, that’s it. The one with the arrows. [GEM] I’m stumped. [GRIAN] Yeah, I’m stumped. [ETHO] Alright, you want an answer? [GRIAN] Yeah. [CUB] Smooth stone, smooth stone. [ETHO] I would say… [CUB] I don’t know. [ETHO] Grian has a personality of a- a wet sponge. [laughs] [GRIAN laughs]

[GEM] He is a bit wet cat like, isn’t he? [SCAR] Oh my gosh. [laughs] Oh that was worse than your first joke. [laughing] [GRIAN] Do you know what the worst part is about this whole thing, right? Is that when we were building this thing he was like “Grian, Grian”

“I’ve got a Minecraft riddle for later” and I’ve been anticipating it for so long! [laughs] [laughing] [ETHO] Yeah it stumped ya, it was perfect. [GRIAN] Oh. Alright, another waiting game then. Alright so, one, two, three, four, five. I’ve got five, everyone stands on there. Right, I’ve got five questions.

The first person to punch me gets to answer it. Alright? And you get a point if you get it right. This is just a trial run. The first question is: What is milk sog? [ETHO] Oh my goodness. [SCAR] I know where it can be purchased. [GRIAN laughs] [GEM] What do you mean? [laughing]

[GEM] What? [GRIAN laughs] [ETHO] I’m with you, Gem. This is one- [GEM] Everyone is looking around confused. [inaudible] [GRIAN] Everyone looking round. Yeah so I- [SCAR] Milk sog is when your brain is fried when you’re on stream and it can be purchased at Bdubs’s cafe. [GRIAN] That’s right. [SCAR] Thank you.

[ETHO] Milk sog is when you- You’ve been streaming too long and you get like a foggy brain and you got to purchase it from Bdubs’s cafe. [GRIAN] Yeah it’s what you drink when- [SCAR] That’s what I said! [ETHO] You didn’t punch Grian, though. [GRIAN] You need to punch me.

[GEM] Etho might be the sharpest person I know. [GRIAN] One point to Etho. [SCAR] I literally said that! [SCAR] I didn’t know there was punching involved! [ETHO] You got to buzz ’em! [GRIAN] Oohh. I should’ve left that one for last but it was brilliant just seeing all you guys go like [laughs]

[SCAR] I knew what it was! [GRIAN] You didn’t listen to the rules, Scar. It’s the first one to punch me and answer it because we don’t have a buzzer. Alright okay. Question number two: Who won the diamond pillar race? Go on Scar. [SCAR] Us. [GRIAN] Yeah we did. [laughs] That’s right!

[CUB] Didn’t everyone win though? [GRIAN] No. [ETHO] I thought Mumbo won, he got all the diamonds in the end. [GRIAN] Ah okay well now it’s getting ambiguous, isn’t it? Who’s the winner? [SCAR] Now you’re making it grey, Etho. [GRIAN] Yeah. [laughs] We got out of there.

[SCAR] It was Grian, Pearl and me, right? [ETHO] And then Mumbo gave me diamonds. So technically I won that one. [GRIAN] Yeah Mumbo did somehow end up with a lot of diamonds. Alright. Point to Scar. Question three: What colour is the best crown from the button? [CUB] I got there? Was that me?

[CUB] Was it me or Etho? I don’t know. [GRIAN] I think it was Etho. [CUB] I think it was Etho too, yeah. [ETHO] That would be a royal purple. [GRIAN] It is a royal purple crown. That’s two points to Etho. [GEM] Good job, good job, fellow Canadian.

[GRIAN] Alright, here we go, here we go. Question number four: During April Fools many ghasts were released in a prank. But how many survived and are roaming the world right now? Etho. [GEM] How do you guys all know this? [SCAR] I tripped! [CUB] This is an interesting question.

[ETHO] There is a total of one ghast roaming the world. [GRIAN] Oh that’s not true. Scar, you punch me next? [SCAR] Two! [GRIAN] There’s two! [SCAR] Let’s go! [CUB] Here’s the question though, [CUB] is there still two after I captured one? [GRIAN] There is still two. [GRIAN] There is still two.

And every now and again they just pop up and do a bit of damage and float away. [SCAR] Hey, Hypno made it to the end. [SCAR] Got an artifact. [GRIAN] Ey! [GRIAN] Alright question number five: What was the name of Bdubs’s ill fated horse? [laughs] [SCAR] Alohomora. [GRIAN] What? [SCAR] Alohomora.

[GRIAN] Ooh was it? [GRIAN] No, Cub? [CUB] Mi Amore. [GRIAN] It was! It was Mi Amore! Not alo- I think you’re getting confused with a Harry Potter spell. Alohomora? [laughs] [GEM] It was Italian, not Harry Potter. [laughs] [GRIAN] Yes Etho? [ETHO] The correct answer is “Speedy”,

It’s the horse I gave him and he loved. [SCAR] Is that what he renamed to Amora- [GRIAN] Mi Amore. [GEM] No that was the one- He had Mi Amore in episode one. [ETHO] I think he gave it to false or something. [GRIAN] Mi Amore was the big one

That died by the hands of… [tuts] [SCAR] I have such a good GIF of it. That’s really funny. [GRIAN] So I’ve got another game but it’s quite difficult to explain. So maybe I’ll try to explain it first. Alright so you come over here, you guys all look behind this sign-

[CUB] Okay, I got some questions too by the way if you want to do that again. [GRIAN] So you go here, you type in a number between 1 and 10 and you guys all know what the number is, yeah? [ETHO] Yeah. [GRIAN] Do we want to do this Minecraft themed?

[GRIAN] Yeah? [ETHO] Sure sure. First round. [GRIAN] Minecraft and Hermitcraft themed then. Alright so edit the sign and choose a number, I’ll explain to the audience how this game works. Alright so we’re playing a new waiting for Decked Out game here. These guys are all looking at that sign

And there’s a number between 1 and 10. I don’t know what that number is and then I’m gonna ask them- I’m gonna give them a arbitrary scale and they’re gonna give me an answer that they think best matches that number and then by the end of it, I should know.

Why did you put 10 on this side? I can see that. [HYPNO] Just to throw you off. [GRIAN laughs] Okay alright alright alright. We’re gonna keep it Minecraft and Hermitcraft themed. [ETHO] But it’s the same as what we got on this side. [GRIAN] Okay right.

Go on then, if you got your number go up to the pedestal and we’ll start. Type of ore. [ETHO] And do you interview us one by one or do we just- [GRIAN] Yeah one by one, this is Hypno’s. Type of ore. [HYPNO] Oh I didn’t know I was going first, my bad.

Gold. [ETHO] Really? [HYPNO] I would say gold, yeah. [GRIAN] You don’t give anything away. You can’t say whether you disagree or not. Alright, okay, alright. Cub, [CUB] Mm-hm. [GRIAN] Cub. [GRIAN] Ehm… Type of mob. [CUB] I’m gonna say skeleton horse. [ETHO] What?! [GRIAN] Okay… [GEM] [laughs] Etho is flabbergasted.

[ETHO] These guys don’t know how to play this game! [laughing] [SCAR] Based on the number we put on that sign, is that how we would rate whatever we say? [GRIAN] Yeah. [CUB] Oh how you rate it? Ooohhh okay. [GRIAN] Okay Cub didn’t know how to play this game!

[GEM] Hypno was right, I think Cub may have been a bit off. [ETHO] I think Hypno was a little off too. [HYPNO] I don’t think so. [GRIAN] Alright. Do you know how to play now, Cub? [CUB] Yeah yeah yeah, I would amend my answer. [GRIAN] Yeah. [CUB] I’m gonna say…

I’m gonna say pig. [GRIAN] Pig. [ETHO] Yeah yeah, I can see that, yeah. That’s alright yeah. [GEM] [laughs] That’s acceptable, is it? [GRIAN chuckles] Quality of Decked Out player. [GEM] What?! [laughing] [GEM] Worst question! What do you mean?! [GRIAN] I just got really personal really quickly. [GEM] What do you mean by quality?

Am I meant to name a player? [GRIAN] Yes! [laughing] [GEM] Ehm! Okay listen. [ETHO] Objectify them real good too. [laughing] [GEM] Based off of the runs that I’ve watched, [GRIAN] Uh-huh. [GEM] I’m so sorry. [GRIAN laughs] [GEM] It may be Scar. [GRIAN] Okay! Okay right. We’re on the lower side of things. [laughs]

[SCAR] I just want to let it be known, I still am currently winning as points go so… [CUB] Excuse me, you’re now tied. [GRIAN] Block palette synergy Scar. So choose two blocks and their synergy level is their number I’m after. [SCAR] Oohh. Goo.

[SCAR] Okay. Oh oh. [GEM] Why did you give him an easy one? [GEM] What is this? [SCAR] It’s a hard one, oh my god. Okay synergy with two blocks, cyan glazed terracotta [GRIAN] Mm-hm. [SCAR] And cyan terracotta. [CUB] Okay, yeah that’s not bad. [GEM] That’s accurate I think. [ETHO] That’s reasonable.

[GEM] That’s accurate. [CUB] Yeah that’s good. [GRIAN] Right, okay. Huh. Er… Wow okay. I’m not sure where I stand now. I don’t know. You were in season seven. [ETHO] Mm-hm! No this is season nine. [GRIAN] Minigame from season seven. [ETHO] Oo minigame from season seven. [SCAR] Oh this is dirty.

[GRIAN laughs] [GEM] This is awful, Grian. [GEM] What?! [laughing] [GEM] You made me being mean to Scar, now you’re- [laughs] [SCAR] I’m winning this game! [laughing] [GEM] I didn’t mean it, I didn’t mean it. [CUB] I got one in mind for this one. I got one in mind for this one. [laughing]

[ETHO] Oh man. I have one in mind, I don’t wanna say it though. [GEM] Yeah exactly! [GRIAN] This is what helps me, now I know it’s on the lower side of things if you don’t wanna say it. [SCAR] Say it! Get one from the mushroom competition maybe or something. Who to remember that.

[ETHO] Oh yes! Scar’s battle. [laughs] With the crossbows! Yeah, Scar’s battle with the crossbows. That’s a perfect, perfect analogy. [GRIAN] Wait, didn’t that one really not go well? [SCAR] It went really well, everybody enjoyed their time and their experiences and they still recollect on it. [GRIAN laughs]

[ETHO] I couldn’t have picked a better one, Scar. Thank you, thank you. [GRIAN] Wait, I can’t remember. That one really didn’t go down well, did it? [SCAR] No it went really well, everybody had fun. [GRIAN laughs] [ETHO] That was the one that went on for about an hour. [GRIAN] Yeah okay so…

I’m thinking the number… So alright we had gold ore, a pig, Scar, [GEM] I’m so sorry, Scar. [GRIAN] cyan glazed terracotta and terracotta cyan terracotta. They go together reasonably well. [GEM] Are you thinking of the right blocks? [GRIAN] I might not be. [GEM] Think of what terracotta looks like.

[GRIAN] Cyan terracotta, what one is that? [GEM] What one is cyan terracotta? [GRIAN] Is it the creeper one? [GEM] It’s not cyan. [GRIAN] Yeah, they all change colour, don’t they? [HYPNO] It’s kind of like the grey one, isn’t it? [GEM] It’s grey. [GRIAN] Oh the grey one. Oh I see, okay.

And then the last one is Scar’s crossbow game. Scar look up, don’t look sad. [GEM] We really love and appreciate you so much. [GRIAN] It’s cruel of me. [GEM] You’re a 10/10 in my eyes. [GRIAN] I’m gonna go with 4. [GEM] That- How?! [GRIAN] Is it it? Is it 4?

[CUB] Bravo! [ETHO] Quick, edit at the sign! [ETHO] Edit the sign, edit the sign! [GRIAN] Oh it’s 4! Wooo! It’s a great game. [CUB] Bravo. [ETHO] That’s impressive. [GRIAN] Right? [CUB] That is impressive. [SCAR] That is really impressive. [GRIAN] Thank you, thank you. [ETHO] Isn’t lapis a better 4 than gold though? Really?

[GRIAN] I’ll be honest, I’ll be honest. And I thought pig was more than 4 as well. [ETHO] More than? I thought pig was less than. [GEM] Scar was also more than 4, I would like that known. [GRIAN] Pig is not a bad mob. We love you, Scar.

[GRIAN] And your minigames. [CUB] You guys okay with this? [GRIAN] Yeah okay okay. [ETHO] Hypno, [HYPNO] Hello! [ETHO] in terms of usefulness, what enchantment- enchanted book would match this number? [HYPNO] I would say bane of arthropods [ETHO] Oooo. Three even, not even a four? [GEM] I would’ve forgot that that existed.

Good job, Hypno. [ETHO] Wow okay, okay. [ETHO] That’s pretty revealing. [CUB] Good answer, good answer. [GRIAN] Yeah yeah yeah. [ETHO] Okay Cub, what shop in season seven [laughs] [GRIAN laughs] [CUB] Oh season seven. [laughing] [ETHO] Let’s get real here, let’s be real. I’m glad you guys picked a low number too. [laughs]

[laughing] [CUB] Season seven shop… [TANGO] What is happening? [GEM] We’re having a quiz. [GRIAN] This is what the waiting room is for, Tango. [TANGO] I wanna play! How do you play? [GRIAN] You wanna play? Okay hold on, hold on. Let me make you a pedestal here. [CUB] Doc’s mending book shop.

[GRIAN] Oh yeah okay. [TANGO] Wow. [CUB] The very start of the season, you guys remember. [GRIAN] Yeah yeah yeah yeah. [ETHO] That was pretty useful though, wasn’t it? [TANGO] So everything is on a scale from 1 to 10? Is that what we’re doing here? [GEM] Yeah. [TANGO] Okay, okay.

[SCAR] Not what I would’ve done but good. [GEM] Be nice to me Etho, I just had Grian’s question. [laughs] [ETHO] Your favourite Hermitcrafter. [GEM] Stop! [laughing] [GRIAN] Your favourite Hermitcrafter. [ETHO] Ehm… In terms of texture beauty, what block? [GEM] Glowstone. [SCAR] Hello. [ETHO] Scar,

[TANGO] At what point- Oh he gets to make a guess when he’s done? [GRIAN] Yeah. [TANGO] Okay. [ETHO] Out of all your bases, which one describes this? [SCAR] Of Hermitcraft bases? [GRIAN] [laughs] Out of your bases. [SCAR] Season five. [ETHO] Your season five base? [GRIAN] Remind me what that one was?

[SCAR] Oh is that anybody’s base? [GRIAN] Yours, specifically yours. [ETHO] No it has to be yours. [SCAR] Okay yeah, season five. [GRIAN] I don’t know what that looked like but I’ll take your word for it. [ETHO] Grian, what type of Minecraft transportation would fall under this number? Are we thinking like elytra?

Are we thinking like minecart? [GRIAN] Pig with a stick. [ETHO] Slow horse, maybe? [ETHO] Pig with stick? Okay. Okay. [SCAR] I mean, that’s kind of fun honestly. [ETHO] Tango, [TANGO] Yes? [ETHO] of all the challenges making Decked Out, which one would fall under this number? Or frustration or anything like that.

[TANGO] Figuring out how to use the compass. [laughing] [GEM] Watching us trying to use a compass right now. [laughs] [ETHO] Okay so. I’ve heard all your feedback, I’m feeling a low number here. I’m feeling a low number, lower than 4, lower than 3,

I can’t decide if it’s a 1 or a 2. Ehm… Based on the fact that Hypno said bane of arthropods III and not I, I would have to assume it’s a 2. [GRIAN] Yeah! Yay you got it! [GEM] Good job! [CUB] You got it! [CUB] It’s a 2! Man oh man.

Tango, you wanna play? You wanna play? [TANGO] Well you said there was five, right? [GRIAN] Yeah no, it’s just five questions. You buzz in when you know the answer. [CUB] Whoever buzzes in first. [TANGO] Okay I see, sorry. [CUB] These are gonna be season nine questions. [GRIAN] Okay okay okay. [CUB] First question,

What is the name of the river near spawn? Hypno! [HYPNO] The Hermisippi. [CUB] You got it! You got it! [GRIAN] I didn’t know that. I didn’t know that. [ETHO] Oh snap. [CUB] Points for Hypno. [TANGO] If I can just put this away, I’m not gonna need this. [laughs]

[ETHO] Cub’s got the museum of facts on his side too. He knows like everything. [TANGO] I’ve been in a hole for 13 months, I don’t really know. [GRIAN] Alright, alright, alright. [CUB] Alright, second question. How many TCG arenas are on the server? Grian? [GRIAN] Four. [CUB] Incorrect. [GRIAN sighs] [CUB] Etho?

[ETHO] I’m gonna say… Five. [CUB] Incorrect. You can’t buzz in again! [GRIAN laughs] The dinger says- It’s three! [CUB] Gem? [GEM] Six! [CUB] Yes. [GRIAN] It is six?! [TANGO] Just keep adding one. [GRIAN] Gah. [CUB] It is six. [CUB] There is the pyramid, there’s Doc’s, there’s Xisuma’s, there’s two test-

[GRIAN] Ahh test ones? Test ones?! [CUB] Beef’s TCG. [TANGO] Wow. [HYPNO] Doesn’t XB have one as well? [ETHO] Oh at Beef’s base! I forgot about the one at Beef’s base! [CUB] Oh you’re right! Hypno’s right, I forgot one! [TANGO] Oh! [GRIAN] Oh! [GRIAN] Seven! [ETHO] Seven! Seven! [GRIAN] Seven!

[TANGO] This whole competition is a sham! [CUB] It is seven, oh man. [GRIAN] Alright, alright. [CUB] I’m so ashamed, okay. This is an easy one, this is an easy one. Maybe. Who owns the biggest wood shop on the server? I think it was Tango, I think it was Tango.

[TANGO] Do I get 50%? Keralis? Keralis and Ren! [CUB] Yes, correct. [TANGO] Yes! [CUB] Correct! [GEM] Good job buddy. [CUB] Point to Tango, point to Tango. [TANGO] That’s right. [CUB] Alright this is another one. Very difficult question here, here we go. [CUB] Who built the nether hub this season?

Oh I think it was Tango again! [CUB] I think it was Tango. [TANGO] Oh let me see. [ETHO] You can’t give him the answer. Come on, he’s disqualified. [laughing] [TANGO] Got to dig deep on this one, yeah. I wanna go Tang… Ta- Tango? [CUB] Yes correct. [GRIAN] Tongo? [TANGO] Tongo? [SCAR] Dongo!

[CUB] Alright last question, last question. [SCAR] Here we go. [CUB] Who won the Easter Egg hunt this season? Grian? [GRIAN] Me? [CUB] Yes, correct. [GRIAN] I didn’t know the answer! [laughing] [TANGO] Me? [GRIAN] I really didn’t know! I didn’t know! [laughing] There was some good waiting games there. [CUB] Who’s up? Grian?

[GRIAN] Me. I’m up. [ETHO] Make us proud! [TANGO] Here we go. [GRIAN] I’m eating the carrot. We’ll get in the minecart. Toodle-pip! Right, we’re gonna stay in a little longer on this run. We’re gonna stay in a little longer, try and get ourselves a few more goodies. Alright, here we go!

First, let’s B line for the relic. Ohh okay, I know where that is. Oh I’ve done it again! I’ve done it again! Stupid thing! Oh no! [DECKED OUT] Treasure hunter. [gasps] Ayayay! Noo! Oh he’s in that room. That’s really annoying. I’m going for it! Did he just not go for me? Oho!

Nice! Nicely done! [DECKED OUT] Sneak. Wait I should sprint less. Aw… Come on dude. Did I go the wrong way already? Ravager’s there- Oh yeah, here it is. Here it is, I know where I’m going. Oh yeah. Is there another ravager? Oh he’s in here. It’s in that room with the other ravager.

[DECKED OUT] Sneak. Is he in there? What can I hear? Is it in the same place as the one I did before? I think it is. Yeah, I think it’s here. Nice. Okay. [DECKED OUT] Stumble. Ohhh! Ooh! He’s right there. Good stuff, okay. We’re okay for the time being.

I think there’s only two ravagers on this round. We know where they are. One is over there so we should be able to fairly freely take a look around. If I can get across this here. Where’s the gold? Tango, give the goblin some gold. Where’s the- Where is the gold? Where’s my treas-

Oooh no! Not in there, there’s three ravagers! Three ravagers. I need some soul juice or whatever the flames are called. Alright, he’s still there. Oh he sees me! Oh that’s rough. Please tell me he’s not coming in here. It’s the line of sight. Yeah I see him. I see him.

Can’t go that way. Ugh! [DECKED OUT] Stumble. I might try and get out now. Heuh! Yeap he’s going for me. Oh he’s gonna hit me! He’s gonna hit me! Go go go go go! Oh that door is closed! That door has closed! Okay, I need to turn right at the nearest available-

Oh can I go this way? [gasps] Dang it dude. The way out that I know and love, not working. That door’s locked. [sighs] Do I have to loop all the way around? Ah it’s gonna happen again. I’m gonna get stuck.

I know where the exit is, I just can’t get there right now. I know I can’t go that way. I need to get- He’s there. [sighs] What? I’m pretty sure that’s how I got out last time. Ah here we go, here we go! Now we’re cooking. I didn’t find any treasure.

Here we go, no treasure? No problem. We’re going, we’re getting out. We’re getting out. There we go, that’s the best I can do. I had- I have four hunger bars. I didn’t find any treasure or any ember flames, nothing, didn’t see anything. So… Nice, alright nine that time.

Yeah I can’t afford any of these. I got nine this time. I might as well maximize because I still can’t afford a victory tome. So I might as well maximize my spending here. He’s obviously valued these at nine so I’m gonna go for- for the +4 card. Alright.

+4 treasure next time I go in. I didn’t see any treasure. [TANGO] Yeah that was low treasure. Yeap. [GRIAN] Ugh. [TANGO] [chuckles] Ugh. [GRIAN] Yeah? Fight me! [TANGO] Survived. [GRIAN] Alright, that was three rounds of Decked Out, a whole lot of waiting and the creation of the queue room

Where you queue and get in line for Decked Out. We’ve been having a blast, we’ve been playing some little games here in the meantime. It’s very, very fun. So thank you very much for watching. I hope you enjoyed this and [sighs] I can’t say this enough, Tango this is

Probably the most incredible Minecraft project that’s ever been created in a SMP format. Like it’s just hands down, there’s a lot of incredible Minecraft projects out there but I’ve not seen someone do something like this in a SMP like this before. He spent 15 months, over a year of his life

Making this and we’re gonna play it until we win. So thank you very much for watching everyone. I hope you enjoyed it. Please do check out Tango’s video below. I’m sure he would very, very much appreciate it. And hopefully you understood how Decked Out works and are exited for more

Because we will definitely be playing some more and maybe because there’s quite a lot of runs of these, some of them will be pushed over to the second channel and you just get full uncut runs of Decked Out. So, Decked Out season’s in, thank you very much for watching. Good-bye!

This video, titled ‘Hermitcraft 9: Episode 47 – PLAYING DECKED OUT’, was uploaded by Grian on 2023-09-10 18:00:31. It has garnered 1125447 views and 76229 likes. The duration of the video is 01:02:16 or 3736 seconds.

Hermitcraft 9: Episode 47 – Playing decked out on the hermitcraft server! This minecraft project is out of this world.

How to play decked out:

First day full stream from tango:

#minecraft #hermitcraft

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  • Five Multiple

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  • The ComBREWter Strikes Again!

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  • Minecraft Horror Seeds That Actually Work!

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  • SURPRISE! Warden in our Minecraft Witch Cottage Modpack!

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  • SHOCKING: UK President Caught Playing Minecraft!

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  • Insane Helpful Minecraft Mod! 😱 #minecraft #shorts

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  • UNBELIEVABLE! Herobrine found in Minecraft Animation 🔥 #shorts

    UNBELIEVABLE! Herobrine found in Minecraft Animation 🔥 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine 😈 #minecraft #animation #shorts’, was uploaded by Datta Gaming on 2024-08-09 08:30:11. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

Grian – Hermitcraft 9: Episode 47 – PLAYING DECKED OUT