Griefer Invades Goinks’ Minecraft World!

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All right that should be it let’s see if that works see if this thing works hello hello hello I’m just going to let some people roll in really quick haven’t really streamed in a while um figured I might as well all right let’s get some music

Here uh let me let let me know if uh the music needs to be turned up or down just going to let it play out for a bit let me know if uh if it needs to volume needs to be adjusted wait can you guys hear the music you

Can’t hear anything oh wait maybe hold on give me a Second all right it should be working now all right no not you okay so I’m playing on um I’m playing on Cam’s smpp server right now chat say hi say hi to [ __ ] say hi to [ __ ] um I haven’t really streamed in a while May mainly because I’ve been kind

Of worried so just a disclaimer oh wait my bad um I haven’t really streamed in a bit because I’m worried I have like internet problems right now so if the stream kind of cuts out for a bit I’m sorry there’s nothing I can really do about

It um I also just want to say uh fan game streams are probably not going to happen as much now um I some of the street some of the love your head stap on my wall of course you do I think I put that there

Uh yeah so I have like my little my little retirement home yeah I can hold on let me show you guys around the server for a bit while I um talk about some [ __ ] uh so fan game streams probably not going to happen for a bit um I have beaten some games off

Camera I didn’t want to stream undertale yellow I know some people wanted me to but I I personally wanted to um just do it by myself so this is my retirement home uh I I kind of just built this day one and then um here you know you know

What Chad Let’s do let’s do some let’s do something conspicuous let’s do something conspicuous um so yeah I know my house sucks but uh I know I beat dust Hil last genocide off stream I made a little Community post um why do you have so

Much uh you’ll see why you’ll see why I do something a little funny in the server I don’t really play This Server much to like progress the game and play Minecraft but I I kind of do it just to [ __ ] around a little bit anyways uh

We’re g to we’re going to go see the goblin Shack we’re going to go check out the goblin Shack hello fatal error SS I haven’t streamed in a while and honestly have kind of wanted to stream a little bit more but [ __ ] uh stuff’s been stuff’s been going on in real life and

Unfortunately I’ve been been busy anyways this is the goblin Shack we have some more Herobrine I think this is um like piston right this is Piston’s head let me see yeah it is little lofan piston uh this is the goblin Shack this is where the goblin

Lives anyways um next I will show you oh here’s Cass Hi Cass um say hi sorry for the chat uh let’s show show uh let’s show them your base I’ll follow you oh I got a nice sword what the sword unrealistic you should be ashamed

Of yourself and by that I mean I don’t know just let’s let’s show let’s show this show the chat you and aa’s cool house don’t do that that was rude thank you let’s go to Let’s let’s go to your house C we all know it’s shorter true

Just an apple uh new trial mods they’re doing good the tower first oh wait are we going to sad bre’s Tower yes all right we can show you guys sad bre’s wizard tower um if you guys don’t know sad bread he’s the guy who coded the um the scampton delt chapter Rewritten game

He’s the coder for that yeah scampton sad Bread’s cool cool guy we love sad bread in this house and he built a little Wizard Tower yeah here’s this wizard tower it’s pretty cool I think um yeah only really you and sadre have have like really awesome cool looking bases I

Just made mine in a day and just didn’t bother um updating it oh yeah yeah we can talk about sad bre’s cursed basement he has like a mine and [ __ ] and it’s like absolutely atrocious in there other bases are on the server well I haven’t like seen AR’s base I haven’t

Seen leandra’s base I haven’t seen any of that but he a whole city down there yeah I don’t know if we’re going to show it considering it’s AR is no B yeah AR’s like homeless yeah this little guy is he a warden uh he might as wellbe

Yeah the minkle Bounty oh yeah so this whole server um uh like for like the longest time mink we all collectively like had a big Manhunt for mink who who got the Bounty by the way who who who was the one who killed minkle you remember it was AA

Okay yeah uh let’s go see your base yeah anyways oh what the hell is this be careful what the hell is this I’ve never seen this what is this who is this he’s okay oh okay I believe you it’s Ben Piston’s lost brother John Frank that’s awesome use Li F instead

True um okay the Q&A video it’s just kind of whenever I get around to it anyways yeah Sugo land we’re going to go to suoy land now um I have all the questions uh like down I just need to answer them so it’s just really a matter

Of whenever I get around to it but really we’ve just been busy a lot stuff with I mean under vent under vent kind of drained us which I’ll talk about under vent in a bit uh the green Sands Trailer of that anyways this is CM and ow ow

No no I have to go back I have to go back no no I didn’t have much on me anyway so but um so pretty much um I’ll talk about under vent a bit and cuz where we are with green Sands development and [ __ ] uh we’re still on

Hiatus right now well kind of we’re we’re technically by a technicality we are off Hiatus but and we’re working on stuff like we can’t really talk about um but we haven’t really begun working on the game in a bit um we’re hopefully we got two new

Coders as well so when uh when we do come back to work on the game again uh hopefully game progress will be faster because for the longest time it was just ali uh working by himself coding it hey goings how much did the under vent

Trailer cost um so I think it was around $800 or so we didn’t spend so there’s been like a misconception that we spend it all on the vocals um of course the commission was like half of it but the other half was um we we also bought the the copyright

To it the song because apparently the the vocalist that we hired would like she she’s legit like legit real uh I think like she worked on like just for example like she worked on League of Legends at one point that’s how legit you you know we

Got um and for a while this is not um for a while now I don’t really know fade just kind of did it fade just bought the the copyright uh I I don’t really know what it means but it’s something to do with the like the company Chad can you congratulate so for

Coming out as transs please uh uh solar is not actually trans but do it anyways anyways I need to did you get my stuff cast it’s there okay I’m missing my chest plate but it’s okay I’m missing some of my heads as well PC is seing right now oh there it

Is what do you mean you don’t kiss men on purpose how do you do it by accident anyways what was I saying yeah I don’t really know the whole gist of the copyright situation fade just kind of did it and I said okay okay so

Uh yeah we have uh we have that but um anyways this is a sooy land you can show you guys around cast if you want to give them a tour so this is where [ __ ] and Ava Live slave labor camp Oh yeah this is where Ben piston lives yeah Ben

Piston what does Ben piston have has a mending book it’s pretty good looting it’s pretty good and we have bub bub is awesome power bow piercing Arrow of healing hell yeah this is the gateway to Hell shitty storage room true casting spells home true yeah I don’t I don’t know who made

This green sand skin I’ve just I just kind of found it online anyways the Harvest to dog solar yeah yeah I wanted to go to solar’s base because uh there’s a reason why I brought these heads and Chad is going to see very soon what I like to do in this server

Anyways this is solar’s little stupid rat hole that he lives in and we’re going to we’re going to make it better we’re going to CH we’re going to we’re just going to you know decorate it a little bit you know give it give it a little home homey

Touches give it give it some give it some uh yeah give it some touches is she yeah I mean yeah that’s true solar does live on like your Mountain uh yeah we can turn down the music but yeah this is awesome hold on hold on this is what uh Mt we’re

Going to do a like a room tour after this and like just robbed you of nothing you’re lucky Co solar you ain’t going to do [ __ ] you ain’t going to do [ __ ] I’m making your house better and this is how you pay me just I mean CH would you guys want to live

Here be honest you can you can say yes it’s entirely logical for you guys to dream of living in a cave as awesome as this we’re doing solar a favor right now it’s [ __ ] hard to move now you can’t even you can’t even like move now he’s in the way and that’s

Awesome keep keep it coming anyway sorry if I’m not as upbeat I’m a little tired right now just figured just do a stream just cuz why the hell not you know I’m bored we’ll make it like we’ll make solar’s base like damn near impossible to daverse right

Now you get all that I kill myself a lot yeah I have like I just just basically have like a little Cliff I built right next to my home and I just jump off it a lot to get green Sand’s heads anyways yeah what you what do you guys

Think of what do you guys think of the improvements we just made to solar’s base this is [ __ ] awesome oh yeah we got to fill up the roof too guys solar’s being so ungrateful chat call solar names and call solar names for how ungrateful he’s being anyways let’s go uh I guess I’ll

Oh nope nope no the heads no this [ __ ] that [ __ ] creeper oh there was there another one morning God damn it at least I’ll take these snowballs there’s some iron here I’ll mine it emeralds oh wow solar was living on an emerald mine the whole time wait we got

To fill up this creeper hole it’s the most logical thing to do Oo there we go filling up the creeper hole cuz we are upstanding citizens here anyways um I guess now I’ll talk about uh uhoh oh some ender pearls [ __ ] awesome uh do you want them I’m not I’m not really going to use them all right I guess not oh okay you

Can have them then here you go anyways um I I guess I’ll talk about so where we are right now um school’s kind of kicking our asses right now so green Sand’s progress might be a bit slow we hopefully our our plan was to do something for green sanda’s birthday

Next month um a funny little side game and because we’re not going to do a demo so what we’ll do is um we’re going to like make a little funny side game uh it’s the next month I mean like next month is in February we’ve been working on something and help

Me I’m losing my train of thought right now but cuz he’s damn creepers and we’ll uh watch the sunrise and how beautiful it is and we’ll watch these skeletons these gentlemen kill each other while the sunrise is average undertale Community Day um so you guys might be getting another

Game soon and by soon I mean hopefully next month it might be a little bit delayed because again school is kind of taking some of our time it won’t be like another fan game fight game like uh Papyrus goes too far or promised or the evil D it’ll be something different a

Different type of fan game uh but with the green Sands characters and uh hopefully enough to hold you guys for a little bit cuz while we won’t be doing a demo we’ll we’ll uh drop some other [ __ ] for um so you guys aren’t starving the whole time we’re not going to leave

You in the dust like disbelief fans or wonderful idea fans um yeah meanwhile I myself um I’m not really sure what I’m going to be doing I think what I might do is cut back on engaging with the community a bit uh what is sadre doing

Here um so for a while I played so it’s I I played under till yellow and that game was too good to the point where like um going back to just s fan Game 12 kind of sucks now uh so I don’t know I think I might take

A little break for a bit I definitely plan on leaving some teams and pretty much like as of now like I I I just I’ll definitely still work on green Sands and evil D and [ __ ] but I think I might be a little bit more silent when it comes to

Things uh and only really talk when I feel like it um I still still plan on working with uh like working on Thanatos right now like all I really want to focus on is just green sand awesome games Thanatos and um nihilism and papyrus’s belief that’s kind of the main four right

Now um I would do more community events but honestly the server is growing so much and we’re about to take another fat [ __ ] w next month yes we’re doing more than just the hopefully other game you guys are getting two things next month and that’ll probably boost the server a lot more

And um really it’s just with how many people are in the server now it’s very hard to manage it we definitely can but if we do another server event it’ll probably be like a very big thing that takes a while and coordinated and [ __ ] but I don’t

Know for a while I just kind of want to focus on doing what I want to do and this community is I appreciate you guys doing like and your support but sometimes it’s just better if I need a break and I don’t know it’s sometimes this community isn’t

Really what I want to see the um I’ve been thinking like after I uh played under till yellow going back I know I said this already but going back to just the normal fan games and [ __ ] as hard and I’ll I’ll use something I think so evans’s dust not Evans uh Ellen a

Team delusional dust tail I’ve been looking at that and I saw their new Snowden video right and I looked at the comments a lot and people were praising it for just keeping Papyrus alive you know and that that I like I like to team delusional dust tail I think it’s

Cool and this isn’t meant to be like a dis on it I still think it’s really cool but I saw people praising it for just keeping Papyrus alive and in actuality it could be literally the worst thing ever keeping Papyrus alive could be the worst decision ever but

But uh people have been praising it just because it’s new and different and I’ve realized how absolutely starving this community is for new content and I don’t hi Ava I don’t uh just being being fed the same like three stories over and over again it’s definitely gotten very stale and I’m not

Really sure I want a part of it right now so I think uh I might just take a break for a bit and just kind of cleanse myself a bit and just uh take a break and when I come back I’ll be you know ready to look at stupid dumb dust game 60

And it’s just shit’s serious this thundertale community shit’s serious but it’s yeah I I have I’ve played Lethal company uh if you check on solar’s YouTube channel there’s a video where we play together um solar solar’s been kind of posting some gaming videos and you guys

Can check it out I don’t I don’t know why I’m killing horses I’m just kind of doing [ __ ] now I don’t care they can die but yeah go subscribe to solar he recently uploaded um a uh last Corridor under to last Corridor gameplay video and another lethal company video

And yeah I’ve been lately I’ve been really working a lot on um UND swap than a and we’ve been doing a lot of changes to it as you guys may guys may have known if you’ve all read the devlog pretty much the full game is coming back

Again but the Sans the final sand fight is going to be completely different and um it’s going to be completely different and um the story is going to be new and I was talking with uh casaman Eva about this the other day um it’s just the server broke Did It wait

Yeah it’s just what we’ve been doing with theas we’ve been doing something very it’s it’s shocking how like it’s barely even a dust Au anymore that’s what I’m trying to say s still kills people like Papyrus still dies at the end of Papyrus encounter but it’s just it’s different now and

Sans we’ve been finding ways to make Sans more of a criminal than just killing people you know Sans barely barely even kills anyone in Thanos anymore I mean I think by the end of the game his kill count is still in like the single digit you know and we’ve been doing something

With that because we can it’s he kills people because of the consequences of his actions and instead of just going around killing people for the sake of gaining experience to get stronger yeah he’s literally an anti-hero that’s why his new theme is called anti-hero cuz he’s just he’s doing more morally uh

Ambigu us stuff and instead of just going around stabbing people he’s like Walter White me and Ari have been watching Breaking Bad in VC a lot I think we’ve gotten to phase two I mean not phase two God damn it the undertale community is rubbing off hi

Eva ow hey stop don’t do that but um uh yeah we’ve been doing um can you talk about the fan and Sindy tail bendy no yeah Walter White is a horrible person it’s a terrible comparison yeah but basically it’s the whole thing of um him just kind of putting himself in these

Situations and changing because of it that’s kind of I need some food I need more food need to stop can you guys stop yeah in self-defense past season one bro yeah so basically Thanatos we’re doing it oh come here I got food okay cuz I’m going to go mining oh thank

You oh my dogs are broken thank you uh is just a mixed bag yeah so we’re just trying to make more uh Original Stories and stuff I guess that’s what I’m trying to say and I just don’t want to deal with the same same old dusta story it’s not it’s

Not a story I’m interested in telling and I just want to do more original [ __ ] group chat um yeah hold on give me a second I’m getting shot right now um put make a make a GC and just put me in it 10c delay I mean I think that’s just for

Chat right I don’t think that’s me Mir chat right now all right whatever let’s make a let’s just make a group Chat oh [ __ ] yeah hello all right can you guys hear Castle man Ava fine let me just let wait 10 seconds for chat to catch up [ __ ] bird that I hate yeah a dog that I hate no let lowy G steal all those heads anyways um Thanatos is awesome

Hello than is cool yeah what were we talking damn that’s a lot what were we talking about before like um I know when we were talking about this last you guys said something about like dust trust stigma like it can’t get better or something in order to make it better

Yeah my yeah my quote um you can’t make dust trust better cuz it’s dust trust you need to remove the D trust to make it better I think I don’t know talk about yeah that’s pretty much what we were saying you can’t have good D trust because it’s dust

Trust it’s just flawed inherently flawed it loses that’s D trust the better not this [ __ ] go that’s why we wanted to uh just pretty much remove any and all um trace of dust trust in the game and cuz preak was so limiting to work with to the point where it just wasn’t fun

Anymore is goings is not here so I’m busy busy busy I’m as like body guard and I’m in full so I don’t think you want to [ __ ] with me soul Arena put you in your Play netherite Enchanted yeah it is that’s mean D justce League better call SA

Season one no it’s not don’t say that I don’t know that reference it’s arenaarena until I reach you to take that b Arena yeah yeah sorry they’re sorry they’re sorry right now Sol alone he has iron armor I don’t give him he’s he’s he’s just a four baby

Little baby man said you don’t care he said you don’t care about me and that that’s really me the only reasonable thing is to kill you I had an ideaa so Chad is talking about breaking bad and dust trust comparisons now I remember a while back

I had an idea for like a very shitty like gust trust idea and it was just it was not meant to be serious at all never speak again yeah I after me and Ari we finish up project pre leak and like other than stuff like slaughtering the spotlight being in

Green Sands I don’t want to really touch dust trust again I I’m just I’m just kind of sick of working with it and I’m just I’m just ready to move on and I I hope um I hope project preak kind of gives people the closure of uh dust trust finally getting released like

We were talking about this earlier I’m not working on Reddit fell Reddit fell I’m not working on Reddit fell can we can we work on Reddit fell Rell sounds awesome this it’s just underfell Discord tail it’s that’s good oh my zombie despawn castle blocks the [ __ ] way I was

Actually talking about underfell Discord till like 20 minutes ago yeah that’s what Reddit fell is I was I was talking about an idea I had for it what’s your idea no it doesn’t even exist don’t worry about it okay guys I’m going to make wand I’m not I

Don’t know why I said that I’m just giving you false hope waren game is never going to happen keep crying need water I need water in my life save me water my really hurts why is there a zombie villager here uh I think s those soet I’m two HP that’s fine

Beat the [ __ ] out of them should we show should we show uh the chat the soet soet uh I I don’t even know what you’re talking about like the [ __ ] like purple little minion dude that you made for so so oh the Sprite yeah the so the soet Sprite get those soils

Out I probably even made that saids of like an S so I only like one Sprite well I mean yeah they just like all of the soet look like that it’s just that one Sprite copy pasted like 40 times I almost just died to those too that zombie and Creeper not zombie and

Creeper zombie and skeleton kind of stupid that’s true should we add solo to this awesome group if youever again that we’re not going to touch ever again after this VC true you can if you want to I think it’s funny if we leave him in the chat but

Fighting what sad bre s sad bread but um yeah awesome games in the future uh it’s we’ve dabbled with ideas for a uh a dust solar fan game so in the future uh there might there might be one we don’t know when uh considering we have lots of other [ __ ] planned as

Well but like Reddit fell like Reddit fell do you have plans for non undertale games I just know that with I’m I’m done making undertale fan games and I’m just going to start are making original [ __ ] my [ __ ] right now but um yeah maybe someday no plans right now

But it’s definitely something we want to do however considering with the exception of like promised all of our fan games have been strictly just kind of our own little world so to speak we with just original characters and stuff I mean the evil D dust solar I mean it’s all just kind

Of it’s just the they’re just all like original little guys and because making stories I think we I don’t know if it was us talking about it but when you make like an undertale au of sorts you’re just kind of very limited to undertale’s just story I guess you

Know like you have to work in plot points from undertale and [ __ ] when it’s just better to do your own thing I agree that’s and that is leads me to my conclusion as to why green sand is better than all of you because he don’t need no human

Souls who are who are you pass awesome games to when you’re done with it I’m not I’m not passing it to anyone yeah the Big Red Jewel The Big Red Jewel we love the big oh [ __ ] respect chat all all y’all type respect right now for the Big Red

Jewel I just hope you know if that dog goes after this zombie villager I’m going to behead that thing leave the [ __ ] alone one Fell Swoop yeah now you guys you guys are going to see a lot more of the Big Red Jewel in the future oh

[ __ ] that Jewel that Jewel’s gonna pop up again you’re going to see it no no no one sleep no one sleep when it turns night time I’m in a cave right now looking for diamonds so I don’t this message is specifically directed towards you if you sleep I’m to

Kill you and your dog okay damn shit’s deep I don’t know where I am yeah we’ll bring it up and put it in that other hole which should still be there maybe it’s not sad watching this stream you’re speaking to yourself I think that’s funny yeah I’m get the Fric there something

New well how do you know subred isn’t here actually sad bread why would sad bread watch a coin stream that’s a good question when he has awesome sad bread video soy should we invite sadre to the call yeah we should we should not invite s we should invite sadre to the call oh

Yeah we trust sad Brad We Trust sad he only said he’s only said one wrong thing in his life yeah oh yeah that was it the thing in like the uh the under event Server Like that’s in like the highlights no he said many by that logic he said many wrong

Things I don’t know if I can say that on YouTube but I I do it’s a I’m I’m schizophrenic that c I’m trying to like find my way down I don’t know where I am I’m lost in my cave why is there just lava Maybe very careful with the zombie villagers on 2

Hp there list another the thing next time you see is it the wing gter thing I forced him to remake the wing G team Wing G the Royal scientist green sand is not autistic green sounds is an autistic he just hates you yeah no yeah that’s

True oh Mr zombie villager please be a normal person this creeper goes me I swear to God I’m going did kill my grandma okay on big guy come on come on come on okay I think I know where I am now Scout ahead okay there’s nothing here does green s have celebral

Py I don’t think so it’s like an oddly specific question ask sadre if he wants to join the VC there two zombie Villages by the way what was the deal with the evil gnome oh dude that gnome was evil as [ __ ] don’t he’s scary [ __ ] that guy like actually Fu [ __ ] that

Guy he he he was um yeah evil gnome was a like he was threatening like it he he very much could have canceled a lot of your favorite fan games I think like he uh papyrus’s belief Thanos and greens and all could have been cancelled because of that guy

Because that’s how evil this gnome is I think he I think he also joined CM server that was scary the evil gnome sighting I cried myself to sleep that night it was really scary this is like this is just like an inside joke or something actually serious it’s something

Evil serious as hell why you why you why okay what’s more serious than the gome all right we got two zombie villagers oh solar do you want to join the call yeah I want join okay okay so not s oh that’s sad bread I actually think I have him friend it’s [ __ ]

Up I him oh never mind hi sad breus now this is what chat hello this is sadre the guy who made Dual Purpose the guy made scampton are you streaming yeah don’t wor about the J don’t think about the J don’t don’t think about the jerker don’t think about the

Jerker there are so many Phantoms here them all I can proba sleep now they’re under the tree someone says sad bread why are you sad oh my God are you sad what we do the second zombie villager I’m not sad dear viewer I’m just sad bread he’s lying no

You’re lying what does sad bread taste like oh [ __ ] I fell why you want to taste a sad bread bro he trust me he’s not that good okay yeah what does he taste like that what does sad bread taste like okay it’s like salty te ISM there are Phantoms here we need to

Do something about this oh my God you did something about this oh there’s another one I got this I missed no I didn’t where is it solar good solar solar leap into the why is there a zombie uh oh uhoh that’s not good hold on I’ll punch it with my fist don’t do

Don’t use the sword I’ll just do this a bucket no don’t use a bucket okay oh my shield broke this zombie got a potato found to mine for netherite for like three I is so dramatic I can’t believe just another villager just showed up what do

We call him what do we call him uh I need to come up with a good name I’ll give you the name tag okay let me think for like two three minutes BB two BB we’re not doing dub to wait let’s let let’s let uh chat decide what the name

Is oh my God yeah chat watch the oh my God this is I’ve never done this before chat this is chat I’ve never asked chat anything please name our zombie villager that’s going to turn into a villager yeah we’re trying to save this villager s do you have my stuff where’s my stuff

At dude why does this take like 50 years hit me um sir giggle foms the third is it no Bert no Gary with two RS him we could name it Sega sleeps alive spil lived they both made it name him Bob backwards oh that’s a good idea oh

There’s another zombie hold on we need to protect the villagers because the zombies are going to come and be like green Sands junior junior he not green Sands though idiot yeah it’s a villager uh Greg but with two G’s at the end Greg no win heisen bones bones heisen

Bones Bob I hear another zombie I need to kill this zombie in the walls oh yeah I put a bunch of chests up by the mob farm for storage like organized storage and the chests don’t load in when you look at them from far away so I thought someone just destroyed

Them no that was all the items just that was me no they were there that was me you unloaded the chests I can’t believe this sadre junor probably going to sell bad items okay I need wood just see the [ __ ] green Sand’s head cave from a

Distance oh should we call him we need do like soon I think B backwards is a good one well is it literally Bob backwards is that going to be his name B backwards just the two words Bob backwards okay wait oh hold on I’ve got

The perfect name give me a second hi sad bre uh sad tell tell my chat the story of your skin okay give me a second I just have to spell bub backwards also by the way by the way you should also tell chat about dual purpose and how do true yeah give

Give the greeners a lesson sadre is a very he’s a very wise individual he knows lots of things he also has his and sad he’s wise and where’s your Anvil there it is this totally serious [ __ ] serious [ __ ] totally serious as [ __ ] this is serious okay and then paste and

Then there we go I have the name tag chat check this out ready so it so it we win it’s bub backwards backwards why did you kill him cuz he was trying to kill me oh that’s messed up chat uh everyone call solar lame and tell him me that he has a long

Nose how many [ __ ] creepers Minecraft in Reaper so Dual Purpose that’s when you when when doing one thing accomplishes multiple things at once it can be more than two things it doesn’t have to be just two things even though it’s called dual purpose so like you could kill an enemy so it

Doesn’t uh kill you but you also kill it because it gives you coins so that’s an example of dual purpose or you could be like Mario and you you you you you jump because you want to get over stuff but you also jump so you can land on enemies

Or you jump to hit a question block so the jump has the like three purposes right there uh say say an example of Dual Purpose that’s in one of your games so uh the you in scampton the great you parry stuff to get points that are

Required to be beat the battle and you also Parry so the attacks don’t hit you and then there’s in Mike’s big Showdown the ground pound you use it to you know get the points for the TVs but you also use the ground pound to maneuver fast

Like you you can use it to dodge attacks if you want it’s a different mode of maneuver and a way to get points Sol again loser so mean what was the other thing you wanted to tell me you wanted to tell me why my

Skin is so [ __ ] up look hold on let me take off my armor yeah for him oh my that’s his window of surprise again did they even get that reference I don’t think they do you just said with no surprise they have no idea what be

Fair they we we do the same thing with them but for 287 they still don’t know what that is and and we have not told them so I don’t even know what that means it’s bad it’s badom 20187 was the Dooms okay okay Spike or whatever you say come

On here here have this oh golden carrot no the server is not public yeah no the server will never be public only for cool people only for really gay people it’s for cool people minus solar true going are you able to put images on screen I can

Yes okay then I’ll s send hold on this is going to if I’m going to I have to okay I can’t open Minecraft launcher I have to log out on Minecraft to do this really yeah because I can’t open Minecraft launcher while I have Minecraft open open I need to

Show you my original skin I kind of want to kill solar again stop being mean solarena okay she does a lot of things but like yeah come on be nice you’re you’re the better girl here true I am okay here’s my original skin piston made

Me this skin and it’s based off of that one picture why are you why are you because I’m sadre okay it’s based off of this picture of my profile picture makes like crazy stuff I need to see this I need to see this I need to

See this don’t be weird why is so squished this is yeah this is what he on the stream like the image was so squished uh are you putting that Sab drawing on screen as well yeah yeah yeah so piston drew the picture and then he made the Minecraft skin and then I

Modded modded this modified the skin to look like this now this is a very strange modification you might say and I say yes it is and the story of why this skin looks like this is because I was I was playing bedw Wars I was playing bedw Wars with

Random people and I was using the um bedw Wars Hypixel playback function where you can replay the entire rewatch the entire map as a spectator and at the beginning at the zeroth frame in the beginning of the match all your team members are stacked on top of each other

Like this like how like I’m doing this and they all stacked on top of each other and all their skins combined into that new skin and then I recreated it and then I made it my skin and that’s the story of my Minecraft skin and now I look like a cyborg

Z thank you it does look cool why you poisoned yeah why is he poison I can put him out of his misery if he wants to oh wait hold on get some carrots I got you here I got you here golden carrot guys Che out my YouTube videos I

Make way better content than goings that’s true he does do that yes is right he kind of is I’m sorry watch my s videos watch S one two and four the third one is just okay not getting the IP Bob oh wait yeah wait wait wait hold on

Solar holder solar we can show them your skin as well it’s a soet [ __ ] what is so soar skin like it’s him that is that purple guy no it’s him that’s lava that’s not good no so you can did the villagers get anything good I haven’t done anything with me I’m

Building their little homes still the little camps they’re going to spend the rest of their lives awesome the stick chest okay there we go it will never know Freedom Sol why did you have a diamond hoe I gave it to him that was my hoe oh you can have it back

Then I wish you could shift click stuff into villagers uh trading thing I’ll put it in one of your chests one of your barrels don’t you remember I give you a diamond hoe yeah my sword is named super weeny Hut Jr yeah of course it is why why wouldn’t it the economy

Can see a live Sab trading with a villager Bob backwards selling Bob backwards backwards BB backwards BB backwards backwards okay I’m out of being able to trade with this guy just I got 26 emeralds God if this guy breaks out I’m going to scream don’t do

That stop pushing me I’m sorry I almost hit the Villager all we have somebody [ __ ] sticks all right how do you make lect turns I don’t remember is my voice like good easy to hear or is am I very quiet um you’re pretty loud I think yeah okay well my

Microphone is all the way over there so are we completely out of boooks I have an idea oh I have a bunch of them but uh I’m looking for netherite I have an idea I’m just gonna buy a bunch of boot cases off of off of Ben piston Ben piston truly the greatest

Character true all I got a few Ben piston composed the battle theme for spamed and restitched fun fact thank you Ben piston thank you Ben pist thank you Ben piston thank you Ben piston I think this is how it’s a it’s truly it’s truly a shame

That he died by being crushed by team gaster go watch my latest video go watch sad bre’s latest video we did like one of those the reference we did a yeah to get the reference you must watch sad Bread’s newest video it’s quite funny I think it might

Actually be the funniest video I’ve ever made yeah I was in it so that’s why are any of your videos funny let’s see I think the newest video isun I asking a genuine question uh there’s a video there’s a on hour long video of me playing Minecraft

With piston and he kills me why would piston do that for an hour because he is very good at Minecraft straight or did he just like randomly die piston joined this Minecraft server ran into the middle of nowhere and then complained about how boring it was and then kept running

Away really the pon moment yeah going to come back one day and kill all of us yeah he’s he’s like building an Army in like Falls yep he’s just he’s on when we’re not looking he had like a 100 hours true oh should we play Hypixel I think

That would make awesome stre gaming content no okay never mind km doesn’t like Hypixel km doesn’t like that is not that is that is not a thing you need to have on stream why not it’s funny I could like I could rage like I always do can’t

Explain oh you don’t no you don’t want that you don’t want that you don’t want that I can’t explain I’m sorry I don’t have any iron dude I only have two which I guess is any iron but not that much left the game why what are you

Doing what is he doing chat what is he doing tell me I don’t I can’t can’t read what you’re saying but tell me anyways he jumping me they jumping me what’ he do what what is this bub doing he jumping me no what happened I got

Jumped oh you were fighting solar that I got jumped no oh my God soer is sending Fortune for six emeralds he’s just so much better than Bob we know Ben piston better than Ben piston okay love Yeah Bob’s awesome I’m sorry I misgendered him dang chm I can’t believe

This so we got we got we got soet with met Fortune that’s pretty good oo what is what is what is uh Bob backwards backwards I hav got a thing for him yet this bit is never going to get old this stream is a rerun I really

Sending men okay Bob backwards is better than normal Bob oh damn he just selling mending for a really better price that’s awesome well let’s keep them and not kill them the the old ones wait I have a plan I know how how I can I know how I can defeat

Solar so why thr carrots at me I have to scare him what what are you doing he’s just throwing [ __ ] at me I have to scare I have to scare solar in order to defeat him hi let’s see here I Made bread now I will not go

Hungry time is do I need is it Unbreaking think it is oh there’s a zombie in my house yeah I need them breaking I did find that initial zombie villager in my house by the way Cur why you selling curs of Vanishing my ass is not buying you serve hailing five holy

[ __ ] s do you serve uh no I don’t know what that means so no okay [ __ ] that guy what doesn’t mean Chris draw s bread serving how many viewers do you have going how many right now is that like a friend I don’t think I have many viewers

I don’t I don’t check I don’t check to see how many viewers I have I don’t think many green sandast yeah at least three sad I don’t mean to alarm but but don’t look at me right now because I’m very scary oh he’s selling sharpness for one

Emerald I don’t know what that means no I’m very scary right now like that’s why you can’t like you shouldn’t oh cuz I I have a I have a very evil plan right now this is how I’m going to scare Soler I don’t I don’t know what you’re talking

About well I’m like behind you I don’t know where you are I don’t know how scary you might be oh I’m very scary I’m very I’m very scary right now where is solar Fortune that’s pretty good book I could use that please move okay thank you exactly that’s what I [ __ ]

Thought where’s solar where is he where’s his good thing we had just enjoy this goodness gracious where where is his dumb ass where’s his dumb ass at maybe if I do the solar mating call he’ll show up please what I’m trying to get him to do good trades oh does he not

Disappear if I yeah no he doesn’t okay I guess I have to do the solar mating call so he’ll show upm’s House how could you I’m going to punch you now s if you do that I’m going to crit you with my axe hold on I’m about

To do the uh the solar mating call that that way he’ll come running towards me I punched CM all right he should be here any second now and then I’ll scare him and then oh okay apparently that also I had 26 Lev that also killed sadre apparently it was too scary it was too scary BR I accidentally [ __ ] up the Villager time to pic kill him no no

No just like infected again does the trade never go down like after I accidentally punch them that does okay so you got to love me at one point okay solar I did a stupid ass mating call getting good trades though d i don’t ever remember solar ma in call existing no it

Is it exists solar should be here at any second now so I can scare him with my evil Powers I killed sadre already that’s how scary and evil it is now he’s just selling me c b he wants me dead I’m so sorry is he angry at everyone because

You punched him no only at you yeah well that means we can trade for you oh he’s selling sharpness free for one emerald and I need I don’t have sharpness five uh no I’ll SC you can’t equip heads like you equip stuff FAS oh oh oh no no

No no you can’t you can’t you can’t I’m too evil too evil it won’t work it won’t work it won’t work nope nope not going to work not going to work that’s how evil my evil Powers prevent me from dying see well he didn’t die so you better run

Coward that was funny f

This video, titled ‘minecraft stream’, was uploaded by goinks on 2024-01-18 09:08:56. It has garnered 764 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 01:10:30 or 4230 seconds.

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  • SpiralGN

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  • “Steve seeks revenge in herobrine form – Prateek Gaming” #clickbait

    "Steve seeks revenge in herobrine form - Prateek Gaming" #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘steve taking revenge for Alex death in the herobrine form #shorts #short #shortsvideo #shortvideo’, was uploaded by Prateek gaming on 2024-03-17 10:41:35. It has garnered 5498 views and 254 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. steve taking revenge for Alex death in the herobrine form #shorts #short #shortsvideo #shortvideo tags minecraft minecraft speedrun minecraft gaming channel minecraft pro players minecraft streamers minecraft Java edition minecraft pocket edition minecraft bedrock edition minecraft Java edition survival series minecraft pocket edition survival series minecraft bedrock edition survival series minecraft Java edition survival series… Read More


    NEW CRAFTRISE UPDATE - SECRET REVEALEDVideo Information This video, titled ‘CRAFTRİSE MÜJDELİ HABER’, was uploaded by darknesse69 on 2024-04-23 15:00:59. It has garnered 4952 views and 236 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:03 or 303 seconds. sonoyuncu, I’m darknesse69, we played bedwars on sonoyuncu server in minecraft, don’t be ridiculous, sonoyuncu was a nice video with fun, enjoy watching #sonoyuncu #bedwars #minecraft Server ip: Play.Ravenrise.Net Ravenrise Discord: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Discord Sunucum: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Lonca link:… TAGS: keyboard and mouse sounds, hypixel sonoyuncu bedwars, keyboard and mouse sounds bedwars, bedwars keyboard and mouse sounds, mouse and keyboard sounds, hypixel, bedwars, keyboard and mouse, keyboard… Read More

  • Uncover Secret Mini Village Biome in Minecraft Aesthetic Gaming

    Uncover Secret Mini Village Biome in Minecraft Aesthetic GamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘mini village biome #minecraft #gaming #youtube #shorts #minivillage #music #song #cover’, was uploaded by Bundle Gaming on 2024-04-25 10:12:28. It has garnered 409 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:43 or 43 seconds. Read More

  • Project Parabellum

    Project Parabellum> Self-made guns and uniforms (ever expanding) > Different iterations with brand new guns, uniforms and vehicles > Heavy emphasis on community demands (including iteration suggestions) > Player-led units that can be created by anyone. Different unit types offer different perks for the unit as well > Historically accurate classes !! Modpack link on discord !! Read More

  • LSVanilla MK3 – SMP Semi-Vanilla Lifesteal Economy 1.20.4 Whitelist

    Are you tired of starting over on servers? If you’re looking for a new Minecraft experience, join our SMP server with unique features: • Custom currency system for trading • Lifesteal mechanic adds intensity • Discord team system to build civilizations Basic Rules: – No hacked clients or xraying – No alt-farming IP (whitelist): Read More

  • LMP MC

    LMP MCRediscover the Minecraft universe in LMP MC reborn and more captivating than ever. Immerse yourself in a unique experience in our Survival world, where every corner hides secrets and adventures. Challenge your bravery by exploring and find your way through chaos and destruction.For those with an adventurous spirit, it offers an unparalleled journey to a magical world, where every decision brings you closer to becoming a true legend. Discover the magic, master the mysteries and leave your mark on history.Explore this modality that awaits you at LMP MC. Connect and be part of our growing community of enthusiastic and brave… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Crafting Legend”

    Minecraft Memes - "Crafting Legend"Wow, this meme is more legendary than my Minecraft building skills! Read More

  • Crafty Creations: Minecraft Survival House Guide #18

    Crafty Creations: Minecraft Survival House Guide #18 In Minecraft’s world, where creativity thrives, We craft survival houses to survive. From wooden planks to stone and glass, Each block placed with care, a structure to amass. In tutorial #18, we learn the art, Of building a home that’s close to heart. With FugoCraft as our guide, we’ll surely find, The perfect design to leave our worries behind. So grab your tools, let’s start the construction, In Minecraft’s world, there’s no obstruction. A survival house, sturdy and strong, A place to call home, where we belong. Subscribe to KimizukaRentaro for more inspiration, In Minecraft’s world, there’s endless creation…. Read More