Guy Trolls Minecraft Players

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All right starting yet another unplanned stream just cuz I have free time right now cuz I’m sick it’s fluff I think I TW the mics and I like pick up that I’m sick or like sound bad so it should be good all right so I just died which is fine so yeah

Just squading out I’m streaming because I got to get my hours in I don’t know what they’re doing dark par like the the the people that grind the most in this um realm food P store up to death what is this Farm doing there usually food in these but there’s not

Now oh yeah there was some food in these chest right gold right there let me see see like go underne oh no may know I don’t even know where is the door here where’s it go okay where’s the food what are these for where’s it where’s a door the thing

That has rails in it there was the thing with the railways the mean the m Parts yeah what is this how do I get to that I need food I need what what is this what is in here what what what am I doing with this diamond armor

Then wait is that food here I’ll take the seven this kid is actually Minecrafting this kid is actually Minecrafting bro what is this bro there’s actually no way okay I’m G to put this on I I didn’t even ask [ __ ] take this yo what’s up Ray in the

Chat I didn’t even ask I’m just taking it take this ax too but what else are they trading bro what the fluff sword looting sword no could just crap so I need to tr for crap right now what’s up Ray in the chat bro I probably some right now I’m sick dog I’m

Sick okay so okay so cook is fooding um the cook is fooing I just need um some sticks to make like the other tools I’ll make a an Axe and then a sword that’s good got to go but why do people always have to go when I join bro this guys

Have been like grinding all I mean he has been grinding all day they’re both like okay we put the rest in here I’ll put these two oh I’m put this armor here too um I’ll take this gold but I’ve not found a Bastion yet which is actually

Pretty confusing I did find a fortress before Bastion which usually the other way around okay um there’s no have diamond armor what is this protection wait does that make me swim faster I think it does right I need I need food right now though I don’t know how I find it but I

Need food right now oh I need a bucket too how am I doing Y what is up seang in the chat bro seang no F bro that’s one of the people I think s is one of the people that like just joined and then they leave oh yeah

This this is on the real msh bro wait was what time M joined the the realm bro look at what this kid is doing dog this is wait what who do a thing we do a firework this is what Duckman has been doing I mean it’s probably getting help

From um fa and Par was they played together for like they play together a lot but dougman is actually good at farms you remember when I I was skeptical about him joining my team I was an idiot bro this kid is actually a Minecrafter this a room we killed yes

This is the room where I kill why is that the thing you remember that I killed somebody in this world what bro wait I need a bucket what am I doing why is there so many villagers holy we’re rich it’s like unlimited resources I’ll take this bu it right

Here then I get some water with it yo my throat hurts bro holy crap my throat hurts really badly what is this okay I I think I remember seing that from like the other stream okay so we’re going to get the water okay I probably should get like

Wood bro I’ve I’ve been watching back a lot of techno based streams that’s why I like having my pickax here like Toth pick this BR actually like I don’t know it feels nostalgic watching them I don’t know just feels I don’t know feels weird but then exciting at the same time I

Swear I I should stay for the entire stream okay I I hope I hope that’s I hope you actually stay out to hope you actually stick to your word and actually mean what you said cuz I feel like same person like joins in to leave let’s hope you do I mean I feel

Like after beating the game the viewers have plummeted I guess people don’t care anymore just want me to see just want to see me beat the game but uh yeah it’s fine all right I’m going craft a like a golden armor thing I’m going try to find a fortress right

Now I mean I should probably um sure I get some obsidian so I can just go to the over world and no I’m lost and then just you know um yeah probably should where did this go I don’t know where that goes okay I’m going go here all

Right I don’t have a shield what am I doing what am I doing CH what am I doing what am I doing bro I keep forgetting like the most basic I don’t care about the thing is when you have too many stuff you don’t really care about losing

It all like I I didn’t even think I was crafting a shield now I got to go back all the way just to craft a shield because I did not didn’t think I crafting a shield this is actually so scuffed I should probably plan my streams other than just that didn’t go

Live this they’re just going at it okay I’m going get my iron back and then I’m going to craft a shield is that like a useless portal here I remember I remember seeing Gio’s base and like um whoever G’s playing with um I don’t know what you teammate it buz all

Right prob put all the stuff back here I really need an Ender thing I don’t really need to cuz I I I wait he might be using it it’s not really mine he might be using it um so okay I need some obsidian though I don’t know how I’m going to go

About that wait do any of the other those guys uh trade obsidian do any villagers trade obsidian I don’t know I’m going to see though why is a for just FL stuff okay no no no okay um I don’t know see one person left the chat and I’m I’m

Guessing whole harder it’s say young they already left the stream oh know I’ve fallen off I mean it’s fine they can do whatever want with their time sure I have the water closer I bar have any food too CRA I need to uh grind for some food

And which is like it’s probably not a good idea to go to a Bastion without food so I’m just going to like spend the time uh wait what okay like looking for food okay I keep like going in circles cuz I I’m like the the worst planner ever I’m

Going to try to sleep through night then like uh kill some sheep okay nice all right um wait where’s the are are there a where’s the Villager at where’s the zombie one oh right here this one it’s a zombie okay it’s not too bad um bro my throat like hurts really

Badly bro I cannot even I don’t know it’s fine okay I’m just um get I’ll get like four okay just take all the damage bro okay like what are we doing here all right so I’m going to get like um some wooden they not planks logs I’m

Going get some logs to craft a smoker and then I get a lot of food as much food as I can because bastions are draining and I don’t want to have to kill hogins for food cuz just like food that fights back but in the overall you

Just kill cows cows are just strafe and try to run away from you okay so you didn’t have to go for that long how does how does a chicken tank a sword what is this a diamond sword what is this okay n I’m going go

For the bigger stuff I I’m going use an axe too [ __ ] X got more damage X is do more damage okay so we have no sheep or like any good food around here um okay5 do you have the name tag are these kids like were they like grinding or

Like okay cuz one of them is my teammate and one of them is not I’m not sh my sword twice and both got my had to okay the kids are teaming one of them is my teammate one of them is not which is quite the situation

Here I think so I don’t know what they’re talking about probably need to waste this block then I’m going do my last I’m eat my last food chat all right all right bro this is why I hate with mcraft whenever we don’t need them you see cows like everywhere but then

Now I’m looking for food it’s like bro where the cow was that this pigs over there bro it’s like Lally no like no no no peaceful mobs like the ones that I can turn into food like bro come on spawn like one bro I don’t need chickens like the worst situation of all

The things I’m looking for right now just give me like C like just like uh what do you call just give me like what do you call a group of cows cattle cattle right doesn’t like sheep and other stuff go to cattle I don’t know it’s like kettle oh that’s

Livestock but then what is I don’t know D I don’t know sh stay in school I no oh no chat use this food too it’s not horrible food but like right now what I’m looking for I’m not going to the nether with with sweet berries bro I

Suicide in game I don’t know if that’s the word the S were just like triggers YouTube I don’t know okay so what is that is that a sugar farm or just ra your Le I found a sheep I mean whoa least I found a pig for the Sheep is crazy all right

Uh I’m I’m going try to kill this with my pickaxe I’ve been watching too many techn BL streams like back then like back 302k it’s not bad the pickaxe is not bad so I’m getting sheep now hey things I got to get good PP to be

Doing this though it’s s that’s not bad at all though just feel I don’t know okay um wait is that enough food I need a lot of food for a basion dog or like try even find trying to find one because think I got go like a whole dozen blocks out of

Where the portal is right now and then start ering because like it’s like I don’t know know I don’t think there’s any I don’t think there’s any Fortress near where we’re at right now like where the Fortress the the portal is because bro you can ER you can do whatever it’s

The same entity right I I just suck at funing portal H Fortress um bastions or that’s how it is does anyone know in the chat if like the sometimes just the eay does not work or the the Bastion just too far to even eay I’m us my axe all right okay

So wait is this where is this where like near the is this near the the stronghold okay I don’t know I think I towered up when I was going to the stronghold I’m not sure though it might have been another Tower over I don’t remember might just might might just be another

One does anyone know in the chat if you like if you can still find um if you if sometimes just you just cannot e right because the bastion’s too far yo but it’s not enough food dog for a bash that is not enough food I did not even open it s

Right proba I’ll probably find some food on the way back probably some find some food get out of here why will you hiding from me why were the cows hiding from me chat but is I don’t I don’t even know what to compare to the like how fast should a a

Chat with four people be going I mean espeically three people I don’t even know how how like an active chat or whatever is I don’t know oh is it like is it like on me because I’ll be watching some streams like just like look at what works and

Then like I don’t know the chat just like moves for some reason this is the most random stupid stuff but I don’t know just moves I if like that’s on the stream or or okay just rain bro please yep I love the rain bit R is going to go

Down I love this I love Minecraft chat okay so I might be lost or not okay here you go I’m going go this way I’m going go this way so it’s going to be a while till I get to base because I’m like the worst person at navigating the most random the most

The most simple Terrain so we might be in C okay stop I just like holding my pickaxe like holding it wait so this’s cows now the rain might be bad but then the cows are spawning though you see this is what I like here this is what I like here

Yep yo Chad typ one in the chat if you uh you want to be alive by tomorrow type in the chat if you want to be alive by tomorrow like let’s get something going here chat let’s get something going here start a conversation here chat okay what is this what is

This something like random blocks just bro I hate the new Minecraft I don’t know what that is dog what is that is that like useful okay trying to find BS not lost whatsoever feel just I I don’t know if I don’t know if YouTube has Bots but I

Feel it’s just Bots watching right now cuz nobody’s saying anything burn to death bro how much stuff did he have how much stuff did he have okay so now I’m trying to find base which was like at like two minutes ago though but I just I don’t know I just

Suck it keeping check where I’ve bro I don’t want to ask for the cords again because it’s going to look I’m going to look stupid asking for the cords again I know one of the okay okay I’m actually lost chat I’m just going to go the other

Direction I thought I been going right now I’m just going Direction so it’s night time right now but I should have been at base I I have not been gone for that long man I do have full diamond armor so I don’t really care about n time right now

Unless they want to sleep unless the other people want to sleep I don’t really care I mean I’m sure you all have diamond armor right now cuz the kid just grinded out that with like full diamond can’t just fall bro it’s wonderful Chad I love falling in random places I love

Minecraft I I swear I’m I’m just I’m just being watched but like Bots by YouTube Bots okay so there’s creepers here I don’t like creepers see I want I want to okay is he talking to me I’m lost do there’s not even sprinting there that’s why I didn’t make that jump

Okay I hate the rain I don’t care about food anymore I’m care about I care about survival and I care about making it back to my base what is this how did I get lost again did I just I just like Circle back around I like go back to the place I was

Lost in like like At first it’s fine all right so I’ve lost all my viewers right now it’s fun it’s wonderful I love my I love YouTube chat should proba like try Twitch streaming feel like that’s better I don’t know I feel like twitch is better for stream

Cuz it’s like mainly streaming I’m going to try twitch and just like leave YouTube alone cuz just not that could be where my base was cuz I st or okay maybe not so I’m just going to swim around cuz I just I’ll just like circle around just go in circles here

Probably like the worst weather for an end up in right now probably the worst I mean you can just find like shelter but still though I think I’m going to ask for base qus again I’m like the worst traveler in Minecraft bro but I

CL it gave me some oh just the the meat the rotten flash bro that’s so lame I thought I’d get I’ll get it I thought i’ get a trident real quick that’s actually so lame I might need base cords again I’m not going to lie I’m actually

Getting things I want to find it by myself I kind of want to find myself but I do want to get that quick too yes let’s go I found it I found I F I F that F let’s go I’m not too horrible at this game the bit rate is probably

Horrible right now because of the rain might have to clear it I don’t know I’m just going to wait for the viewers the plummet and like nobody watching then I’m going clear the weather all right duck are you playing with full bright what even is oh it’s a

Bro I wish I had that I don’t know how to apply the mod like that what is it like um thing a shade shade Shade all Right which one in the end there’s a farm in the end wait what what why did I not know this I did not know of this can me me cook some food first I I’ll see that later there’s no way they have an Ender Farm that’s actually not possible

I don’t think these guys are not that good Chad I mean they know that they play like the whole time but they should not be that good okay just use the T I guess I’m going cook the best food first beef it should be like coal lying around

Right here I’m sure like one of these little openings there should be coing them the reason I’m streaming early today is cuz I have a I have play with my friend later on I mean he said it’s cool streaming but I just don’t feel like it’s pushing it I’m not going to

Lie I going try to kill this creeper without he exploding first okay now let’s go let’s go chat okay find some I want to find some we find some coal in one of these little openings over here um okay who joined oh they just met up in the

Whatever they were at bro how many times are they going to say Hi Guess Co is not that common but it is common though could find by doing this maybe not I mean it does just like like peek out of whatever like hole that is that isn’t in that that could is

That that is prob wait what someone someone fall that food is probably done cooking right now the smokers are actually really good as as um at cooking food are they making like an endam Farm I think they’re trying to deal with the emite or something but what are these kids doing okay

I mean beef is good food he feels good for I’m not going to lie huh it’s not opening okay I’m the last few I have D I’m just I just keep this in one of these chest why is there nothing opening okay bro said he swore he’s going to

Stay but then bro did not stay actually tells me a lot about his character I’m joking just going to get as many views as I can I’m juding people’s character Now okay remembering the stupidity chat which way is back which is forward I think forward I think so but no this is back this is forward okay come yeah I’m trying I’m trying one one sec who so I need I know this leads to Gio’s

Base I’m just go there try to Ste like a couple I I see like what what the progress is I’m want to see what Gio’s progress is in the game is he a gamer chat is he a gamer is this still it this is the same oh

It’s pretty sick what do they have here have like an iron farm or anything just basic stuff I want to semi spawn there on accident it’s just basic wait oh they might have stuff wait they might oh they have villag what do these guys trade mending that’s pretty good it’s not like

Really good but it’s like good though what how am I burning I’m taking damage though protection four CH how am I burning CH what is this how am I burning can you check underneath this oh I was about to say like what I thought it was like some glitch

In Minecraft or something okay so oh there two people here so guessing that’s one of them’s base think that’s Gio’s base then I’m guessing this is par oh this is farm this is a village of farmers in it they got kids in here too bro where’s the where’s the entrance this to this

Prison there’s no entrance they get no fresh air I a Tre that was here though it’s like no entrance bro huh how does stuff keep hitting me what does this B what does this space meta huh okay bro there’s a c Farm here I just do a little trolling

Chat just a little bit of trolling just a little trolling I’m like glitching in my own realm this wonderful just a little bit of trolling chat just a little bit of trolling okay so just glitch me when I’m trying to troll just glitch me when I’m trying to troll for Content Here okay okay let’s go back to the nether that internet’s really horrible I’m not going to lie Chad internet’s really horrible n what huh bro bro come on how is it still here I don’t like this game anymore chat I like got lost in my way

Here okay so now wait I’m still kind of lost though I’m not going to lie where’s the portal cuz like this I think this led to a portal which which led to the end but now I think I’ve lost that I don’t know what that is now I’m so lost

Do I’m going to be honest with you but it was like somewhere here though it did not go up here it’s like the wrong place I don’t know might have gone the wrong direction oh this is the this is the road that the portal this is the

World did not mean to go down there it’s fine though it’s very recoverable I thought thought it okay let me run to a small space I thought it worked as the the Crouch thing where you don’t go to the other block when you hold your Shield up

But clearly not it’s fine though all right to the end to the end portal to the end portal oh there’s a thing right here nice like a blockage nice I like that I like that I like that a lot I like that a lot C I like that a lot it’s

Like a trap here just don’t appreciate someone just like Minecart somebody there I don’t appreciate that is in the cave or bro that was going stronghold oh no wait we did find a way to the stronghold and I’m going to break this because that keeps like linking crap keeps like this like it

Keeps linking the it keeps taking the portal away from the stronghold like it keeps leing us here instead of the stronghold I totally missed that I panicked what am I doing okay I’m Minecraft um um Pok Pro let’s go let’s go here all right so okay so there’s two

Directions here it’s probably going to be I’m I’m going to check for like any block placement or whatever um oh my God I did not mean to I did not mean to walk down there that was probably the the most important clutch I’ve ever done cuz whenever I

Have I need to and clut I always miss it probably the most important clut I’ve actually done bro wait are they do they have an Enderman Farm they’re actually Minecrafting I’m over here trying to survive I wish it didn’t like unlink the port okay so don’t even have enough BL of tower up

Do anything do bro what where is the Fortress at he was like somewhere here chat like do we like walk like a whole lot of blocks or I’m I’m so lost I’m actually I feel I feel I feel left out they’re over there grinding the enemy I’m just here trying to find the

Fortress cuz the stupid portal keeps linking it to this I think we up here right or must have went up here right see some blocks over there do not push me do not push me up okay I think we went over here that wait that’s right there what okay I think I

Right there I think I right there somebody fall off or something bro I’m so lost I feel left out chat okay so think we went this way should have went this way cuz I see light over there there’s no like nothing else it could be just lava though it’s Lava Chat

Wait this could be I not another time game is glitching okay I’m so lost bro okay that’s my last wait that’s my last food that’s my last food oh oh my bad I did not see this I did not see this okay wait okay might the worst gamepl you

Ever watched whoever Us in the chat right now but I’m sorry I’m trying hold SL what is that what is this oh bro okay this some like okay those torches down there might help I’m not going to lie okay so I’m just going to blunch see you later okay

Do these lead anywhere okay so this goes here this does not lead anywhere chat I’m cooked for I actually suck at this game actually be soon I hate Minecraft hate this game wait full full gold zombie just drop the boots I already have want to pick that up and wear it so

I can destroy it off of you too you can just pick it up and wear it no want to die without armor it’s fine okay so just don’t kill zombies this is not the walking dead shut the fluff up diamonds right here I’ll mine them oh oh he was looting

One nice got three diamonds from that nice oh another Diamond I just mind diamonds while it’s coming should be like really close here camera’s like okay bro what is this Cave System I it’s not the cave system just that the portal keeps fluffing unlinking dog it’s actually pissing me

Off C just like M some blocks to Tower up with okay okay okay I feel like I’m I’m streaming where my wait I can see him my friends gets here I’mma stream it I’mma stream with when my friends get I’m I’m I’m like keep stream until I

Play with my RL friend bro is an elytra chat bro is an elytra chat bro oh now I remember this now I remember this this is where the lights lead to I’m stupid I forgot all about that bro is now stacked out he probably could beat me the five right now I’m

Just 60 brother we have hold of oh yeah anyway they both they L CH they actually Minecraft us be over here with full diamond that’s from him by the way he made the full diamond armor he traded it with the Villagers and I’m just over here being the side character oh no I’m

Over here being the side character chat just avoid them like the smoke okay that’s what I thought okay now I might be lost because I just got distracted put the skeletons where’s this kid at chat just m down just m down yeah I S I stole one of them without consent I

Didn’t even ask I just took them wait what do we have here oh smoker I need some more food chat wait what am I doing I take these cheese saplings can also cook food I did do a little trolling why did I take the stuff oh right

Here I’m just like come back forward I’m say my spawn here and then come back forward all right all right buddy oh wait I have bread wait coming coming coming my bad why does he keep okay following there’s no way they have an Ender form chat there’s no way

I’m actually that be stun struck they actually but they might have they have one I’m I don’t cross my and it’s it’s made of thing too it’s made of um leaves too I cannot emo on these okay go down the ladder quite scary there chat quite scary there

Okay I’m just not fall off I’m just not fall off chat I’m just not fall off I keep looking at chat without want to to crouch I’m crouching I’m crouching crouching let me go let me in okay let’s go in the safe spot why is there so many end here

Bro what I’mma take it what are they going to die just abusing enemy bro this is so unfair feels guilty wait how many and bro and how many Ander do they have can I have to see so I can find the slime chunk can c that

I just like missed up yo what’s up Alex Pope I remember that person in the chat that is not their first time D start stream nice good job man you should you should you got to stop procrastinating even even if like you like one viewer for

Like a year bro you just got to keep going just got to keep going even if there like one video for 5 years if if you really like streaming good I keep going I’m probably to take my own off cuz sometimes it does get to me but we all human

What does what does slime do what does need slime TR for attack me if I go any deeper but my sword is like really freaking low right now I don’t have any sticks do you have a sword do you have a sp sorer spray Sword how did he make it there huh R out SW this guy comes here for vengeance for his family where this kid go I’m going go back for the stacks I think I think there’s any here I’m going go back going back for stick chat going back for sticks

Man okay so this is this side is dangerous I got to be careful got to be careful got to be careful man okay just glitch don’t let me swim just glitch so you’re going to let me swim down okay okay let’s get it let’s go

What what is he doing what if I just hit him off whatever just hit him off that would be hilarious but it’ be very not it would be not nice it’d be extremely unkind but it would be funny though probably not even funny that would not be

Funny great wasn’t cooking when I was okay makes sense makes sense it does make sense cuz the chunks loaded just like one stick dude all right I do have a okay I had a iron sword right here chat and I have a diamond I have a golden sword right here

Chat I’m not stupid shut up I’m going get another one CU I want to grind those those um lovely people where is this kid going though I don’t trust that thing no more this whole thing I don’t I mean I’m try to try to go in there I mean they probably

Looted all the nearby things though they probably have looted all the nearby and cities I want Electra come on man let sh here I thought I thought we all teammates here one Army I guess one Army for All right other me infinite bord I was like what is that is that him is that him or I same things what is that it’s like I think it’s a username I don’t know I don’t think that’s him I think it’s just like the white carpet over

There this te is so scary like even like the the blank screen in the nether I mean the end they just scary cuz let me watch Wait Alex Pope said he’s going to stream what do his stream look like live bro is not bro is not streaming Bro is not streaming at all

All Right bro did not start stream what are those what are these so many eyes he all right all right just kill this enemy right here oh what this kid go where this kid go I think is bro I don’t want to trust anyone too much I this kids is going to

Betray me if I trust him too much what is this did I break this probably place it anymore right oh I can again try to quit can I quit here this is fun I love to end man for experience bro come on I want to reach 40 then I’m done why

Do I keep breaking this carpet okay okay okay did I break it again okay I love Minecraft I’m thinking press chat I think press right now why is that so loud feel like 40 is good is good enough levels you’re going to GRE each other again look they’re going to GRE each other

Again this playing together all day they keep leaving and greeting each other again yo no do It’s the funniest thing ever yo look okay I’m at 40 levels what this kids have been playing so much maybe too much bro holy crap Bro went to eat then came back to play Minecraft Bro

Been playing Minecraft all morning went to eat then came back to play Minecraft like bro come on dedication right to the Chad he’s a true gamer Chad so just don’t y I love this game my my thing is not even that bad I’m a my interet is not even that

Bad why is it not letting me swim do weird this weird animation oh that was F okay I might just need to use the letter can you just let me swim bro okay thank you how much for e oh wait I want to go to the thing

What did it go to spawn or something okay huh bro what should just gone back what was that that the most random thing to happen bro CH up no no no no no no I’m good I’m good I’m good I’m good I’m good I’m good I’m good I’m good I’m

Good right right no I’m not good no oh my God I am not dream what is this what is this Minecraft Manhunt at moment bro what is this Minecraft Manhunt at a moment what was that what was that this is not Minecraft man hunt thought I was done for there what

How do how does this color how does can you do that how does this is color what’s up brother I’m I don’t know what what was talking about bro Skull first C it’s not is not a j 63 just don’t Clash that up yep love Minecraft love all this game mechanics hi and see um just wanting around right now I don’t know who’s watching the stream dog you are a real one if you actually are dog

Cuz what am I doing here there’s no like plan or thing I mean I feel I should just limited myself to Minecraft honestly because it does get boring I a little bit of time bro bro just hopped on the stream he did not know I was streaming Bro someone does not have the

Noes on someone does not have the noes on chat should I get a horse shat I I have a settle though bro bro wait was it the one wait there was one at the in the nether was it the same thing oh in a cave

Bro so bad I’m going protect him for all the M from all the mobs get out of here I’m going try at least to was bro AFK cuz he was like trying to watch the stream bro again I thought I broke it so we’re time traveling so I can’t hit

Him he’s an invisible skeleton Invincible skeleton can’t hit him it’s wonderful love Minecraft okay if I find those torches I think I’m good I did find the stronghold are finding those nice yep I got to go in there nice Nice bro what is bro doing I need the man where you at bro I probably closer to the strong cold I’m use that portal to go back if I can oh no if I can find it now yo why is this like the the hardest stronghold to find chat

Where’s the way back too think bro I’ve lost the way back now I love Minecraft I love Minecraft chat I love my skill level man I’m where are you okay where are you cuz I found the stronghold but the portal though it’s different store so I know

It’s like down from all this stuff it’s like really down there right here right yeah yeah right here I’m the strong I’m like the worst teamate I’m tired yeah Bro okay it’s fine you died buddy like just almost lost your stuff oh he made probably almost died before he got crap I’m tired I’m need to sleep supp de all right all right actually gaming how fast am I why am I so fast under waterer yo what is

This how am I so fast this is fast than nor really get any damage bro this guys at chat oh right there okay so just take all the damage I have G oh that makes you go faster I am not filled on Minecraft get the fluff out of here kid let’s go

Brother yes brother I know from the L Chat wait for Okay you Show for wait I forgot I’m streaming I was just I was quiet the whole time my bad yo anyway my mic is away from me anyway yep bro I forgot I was stream I just playing Minecraft yo I’m actually cooked anyway oh don’t walk off that what do I want to

Do again wait how do you get how do you get fireworks I don’t know forgot I stream for a second I was just like playing like I play when I’m by myself anyway yo going to the back back to the other world feel I want to practice on

PVP right now oh I I was going there to get my food I did I was cooking for some but I do want to get some wood though to finish the cooking I think I was cooking some steak in the end portal Room I dead n what is in here what what this kid is actually a gamer CH how do you even use this thing yo I’m flying chat try land on top of the thing maybe not why does it lag so much on the Electra hey hey I’m actually good at L

Like the second time I’m using one yo what’s up Marsh BR what if we just die that would not be wonderful okay I’m actually gliding chat where is Marsh what’s up brother what’s up brother hey he’s a good guy why you giv me other people loot shading food nice friendly server Here it’s not good it’s not good it’s not good but I can travel better now let me take the course for the base Bro it feels so real chat this is all survival no cheats nothing I got an elra O ocean Monument I don’t know if they want to use that I’m going to put the coordinates though I don’t know how they use that but coordinates of ocean anyway they might want to use this bro

Duc is a gamer what this SC living crap out of me gliding chat I’m gliding running on the floor yeah I’m running on the floor chat okay no don’t do that oh crap I did not mean to waste those okay this game is is it my

Internet chat let me see I have one bar so it probably is I love Minecraft I love my internet yep that’s the go wait what if this is Gio’s base that would actually be funny it’s not just the same biome that Gio’s Bas is in there like nothing I want to find

Right now I just just gliding around just gliding around chat the village Village still okay a butcher a butcher okay it’s a butcher oh there’s a village up there like a house up there is that a different village didn’t mean to use three but okay what why is it doing

That why is Minecraft glitching like that what if I died keeps glitching out I don’t know why it’s annoying bro what huh what is Minecraft doing chat no yo what is happening bro no I’m not said just put there there a pro yo I’m okay I love Minecraft

Chat what what is happening bro huh what still one bar okay having so much fun are these two different villagers or think they are cuz I’s way too op to be the same Village car this wa I can yo can you like actually like play the game smoothly bro come on can play

Minecraft from VR bro I wish I could what is happening I wish I could play this smoothly on my PC dog oh no lovable I us to get excited for those back in the day those those are for brokies now I am another a local not the

LOL the only thing I I will stop right now is U is a mansion yo Gio joined nice yo crap I do not have my stream open probably not reading chat right now if anybody’s in chat I did not see it oh G show the chat

Nice I did not have the stream open just doing something else another Village wait whose base is this I see it I just I just flew in here I just flew in here I just flew in here I just flew in here I just flew in here I did not know this was

Base I just you can watch my stream I I I I I have nothing I have nothing to do with this how’s your base that far away though holy crap I was playing for like hundreds of blocks there brother do I drop guy right now he

No this is not the walking dead shut the fluff up I stand on p a stand I want bread I’m going get bread my the seals though here you go you you can you can plant your seeds bread boy I want just fly away though if he like tries anything not hitting

Good bro you good bro want the smoke you good let me see that let me see what what I just lock what do you think this is I just lock fck what what I do him what I do him CH what I do I just destroyed his I just destroyed his bad bread

Thing what for but I did not set that crap on fire dog I just flew I was just flying around watch that I was just flying around dog I did not do that crap huh why is everyone of my team get blown up by a creeper my stomach just

Sced huh huh huh is it blocked or now is this a blocked okay LeBron might want to hop down I’m I’m about to troll them really badly right now about to troll them bad right now they would have joined us without consent they probably doing something important right now they’re going to

Join them this to this uh mini game this kid kill me dog for no reason GI inside it’s me and you I’m Coming For You Gio it is your fault forcing them to play a mini game team blue for for for bro wait bro I I forgot I was streaming

Again I keep sharting up and like just thinking stuff left is so easy okay that’s whatever you say bro I keep forgetting I’m streaming just like keep everything I said to myself anyway what is this in the middle oh it’s a gold look like copper thing probably copper block something some

Something stupid I don’t know dog I don’t even know man okay yo what’s up green yellow what is this for we’re just playing bro I I need that for the cow form what what do you mean I take my weed very seriously Bro wait what yo my R friend is messing my my my whoa my ey RL friend is messaging right right now might have to hop on the realm that I play with him on oh no Chad I’m about to leave my viewers oh no oh no it is time configure yes switching World

Switching worlds what is it bro okay anyway yes anyway anyway what’s up brother let me call my brother chat probably going need to change this again yo what’s up brother yo did can you Jo did you join the realm bro I got some I got some viewers to join yo

Yo very it’s um it’s going to be scuffed I don’t I I don’t want to ban them from the realm it’s going to be scuffed I mean they we’re very far from Spawn as long as As I don’t have is wait what you good we’re just teleported as long as I

Don’t have a I don’t hold F3 we’re good we’re good from them that’s my problem I’m always playing pressing weird buttons you know bro me with like my finger on the tab button that the whole entire time no what do you what do you think Jeremy what do I think what about what

Should should should that person stay or no I’m going to mute you oh they’re fine okay they they just vibing okay yeah uh what world is this um we aren’t supposed to be here we have to find no do not find us no we’re just some goofy

Man hun guys I mean we’re stacked though they’re like they’re like have nothing right now they got to punch wood can you change it back when you leave okay but the thing is he’s stack in the other world dog like in the other realm bro he has farms and everything he needs to

Grindo he’s on he’s on the grind yeah all right we’re trying to find what we trying to find again trying to find something and I think we’re going this direction J me I think we’re going bro they’re fighting each other I think we going this direction like this direction right here

Yeah yeah I think so I think I think we came from cuz replace the bed like this right yeah you want to keep going bro left the game he wants to grind it’s fine he’ll get the chance to grind okay let’s go let’s go this way let’s go this

Way all right yes sir yes sir yes sir yes sir probably like the best um like weather type of like biome to do your thing stone age is crazy I mean they’re good at the game though they’re going to catch up pretty soon so let’s not get cocky I mean the D

Generation of this version is really good so I’m also death band what what does that mean no what does death band mean I don’t know what that means death man I don’t know what that means but um hope it’s fixable tell me the thing wait let me ask him on Discord

What do you mean death B death band bro okay this is not scuffed at all I can leave if you want no you’re good all right um we’re going Direction bro did reset the server everyone is confused every everybody is confused I did not explain crap I just I just

Joined all my stuff is gone bro no they don’t understand def World just I’m going say I’m I’m going challenge them to try to kill us okay going to try and po just left yeah just try to kill us who of us wait is it just the two of us now it’s fair we about to get wrecked

No we’re not no we’re not we’re not we’re good at this game we’re good at this game Jeremy don’t do not underestimate the skill that we um possess is true yes sir sir wait wait do you want to see how the other the other world looks do you want to see the one

That that they in right now or no I mean yeah I mean I guess we can okay let’s let’s go see let’s go see let me let me change it one second I think it’s this one right it’s it’s the most scuff thing so I do the same like

Bro okay let’s join I think this I think it’s the second world it’s like a different world in the Realms it’s fine it’s fine Doug just wanted to um wait Bros it wait you would spawned right now which just wait let me think how was spawn looking wait what

You you had spawn you like at spawn on This Server like the one oh yeah or like bro I don’t even know what spawn is do I know what spawn is I don’t think I know what spawn is on this one they they they should know though they should know bro

I have nothing right I just died with my eler and everything yo no I’m cooked I’m cooked wait where am I going right now am I going to back in the okay we’re back I don’t even know where you’re at I don’t somebody help bro how does it look

Like can you like stream it on Discord I want to see what it what it looks like cuz I do not know where spawn is on this one I might try to find it though I don’t know I don’t know bro bro we should play whatever whatever you told

Me the the other day work the thing we have to guess the build I hope there’s lot of people there wait what is there a village even there is there even a village oh no bro what is spawn dog yo n bro is a left hand is it’s actually

Not this it’s yes I I let’s judge him bro left-handed in Minecraft I do not know what that is I’m be honest I do not know what that is I mean I’m at a wait somebody help him the coordinates are just like really low so last one to down

On bro what okay parasite is coming to you hey let’s go let’s go let’s go bro what you you say you had lunch what’ you eat for lunch why you eat for Lun poptart poptarts yes sir yes sir yes sir I think bro they’re too sweet for me like it’s

Too much wait can I delete by accident bro bro this man killed me and he’s destroyed my leg on accident this is War This is war I’m going find I mean he’s better than me at PVP but I’ll fight until until I win until I win once all right let get these diamond

Tools okay so there’s zombies everywhere in this base wait Gio do you know where do you know where uh me and Duck’s Bas is is so you just like take him here cuz bro does have like a villager for diamond armor and stuff hey is somebody there do you see somebody I see

Somebody let me go oh nice let’s go ah very cool how bro bro has a bro has a a different color thing elra I did not know you could get that I did not know you could get the thing yeah yeah if you have a c

Oh yeah he explained it but I I didn’t know what it I didn’t know that before I did not know that like bro what are we doing here all right okay let me get some some stuff here Mr parent where are we going I think it’s in one of these did a

Creeper bws up I think a creeper blew this up wait did a creeper bleow up the armor stuff oh I did not yo we’re back I don’t know what’s happening confusion should have probably explained this I did not play this well anyway it’s fine everything’s fine anyway what’s up brother any it’s all

Fine scous what is br oh he supposed eating cake br’s left-handed and eating cake oh I still have that okay um put these on I’m bad as soci stuff bro you play other people the whole time what do you mean what do you mean nice sweather bro dud was mild bro

Everyone is joining what is this the whole gang very uncloudy I I see a decent amount of clouds actually dang everyone’s on that’s what I’m saying that’s what I’m saying bro wait I need to okay let me get like let me get let me get a good amount of

Armor I have not seen in this world bro my Electro is lost I just started a war yeah he killed me for me for my L I’m coming for vengeance I I’m not letting that slide I’m not letting that slide okay um anyway who’s on who side bro

Bro okay it’s fine anyway um what do want to do okay I do have I did not do anything I did not I did not do anything I did not bro it was just wheat I left your seeds there I left your seeds there I just took the

Wheat come on come on here give give give me a break I I I bro it was just a minor it it was just a Mis demmin not of a crime that’s a misdemeanor bro what are we doing here if you give me stuff G easy win bro I’ll destroy you dog I’ll

Destroy I’m good at bro bro think is better than I’ll destroy you who who said that downtown I’ll destroy your PVP buddy don’t even play with me they’re not even play with me here okay okay this is okay um I think anybody here can beat you in

Parkour though hey hey hey hey hey that St between you and me okay okay nobody nobody needs to know that nobody needs to know I get Parkour nobody needs to know that bro what are you doing here you trying to expose me here now they know

Now they know I suck at parkour thank you Jeremy I appreciate that it’s important bro it’s need to know information okay good okay good yo what’s up Kelvin Matthews what’s up just give me okay just come to my base I’ll give you it just come to my

Base I’ll give you it bro was whispering while I’m streaming like everybody can see that what are you doing bu what are you doing bro was whispering the Minecraft chat while I’m streaming like bro what what is this it’s fine anyway um bro I I I wait where you

At right now where where is where’s per taking per take him to the base bro where still a spawn we’re still a spawn where spawn give me the cords where spawn give me the quartz I barely have any food too though just go to like z00 oh z z okay okay

It’s pretty much around there okay okay around there okay you know how I am with navigation but okay it’s fine it’s fine okay he’s taking he’s taking to base taking to your base nice nice nice nice no no no no you got it he got it

You got it you got it par bring bring him here par bring him here par bring him here say okay when you’ve hurt me say okay when you’ve hurt me bring him here I am not trying to get lost again dog I I get lost pretty

Quickly I suck bro you know I suck a navigation KN bro I feel bad for these Ender for these um me for these Iron Golems okay he saw he saw me saying that okay good okay good I have diamond armor but I still have Diamond I I still have iron tools I

Need to go grinding for some diamond tools bro death SW is like a like a really good um enchantment BR bro I did not know I swam faster with that what it’s actually pretty good wait you don’t really need bastions though cuz this guy just gives me pearls for

Like what five Emerald you don’t need bastions especially with the with the brutes right now you don’t need bro what what do we even okay I need I need to craft a bucket all right U tell me tell me if you want to join the other world tell me if you

Do not everyone is like social like that am I talking to myself it’s posted in the description call okay wait am I oh can they not hear me oh wait for that time we cannot hear you for that time but right now not oh no I right now

We can I didn’t say anything okay okay yeah they can’t like they they can’t like right now they like they can’t the whole time you I’m I’m streaming you without consent uhoh wait is that an AEL oh it’s just a dolphin bro you have no food start I feel

Everyone here is I feel like the only thing we’re not focusing on is getting food like everyone’s stopping here except for I don’t know I’m going to go to Geo’s Bas and like try to get my stuff back because bro just robbed me off my stuff I mean the creeper killed

Me but bro lowered me for the creeper to kill me cuz what wait wait duck do you have any food duck do you have any food duck any food oh there’s potatoes right here let me cook the potatoes so I can get food just m some a wood over

Here oh there’s already wood in here you can have your stuff back where’s my elyra though I I you did not destroy my elytra I want to see proof that elyra is destroyed I did not trust you I did not trust you I did not trust this man where’s my Electra at dog

Bro this man stole my lat bro that was given to me by duck duck is is the teammate that I was not sure if I wanted but this game this man is a grinder this man grinds this game 24/7 this man says I got to go and then he goes for 5

Minutes I thought bro was going for the the whole day bro says I’m going to I’m going to go eat dinner then he lcks right after he’s done eating dinner I’m like bro what what’s wrong with this man this man’s a Minecrafter he’s about that life he’s about that Minecraft life

Yeah that is full wait what do you mean I thought you lost it what do you mean elra is full durability now I thought you lost the elra give my elra back bro give me my elra back bro okay I’m I’m let me get some enough food so I can go

To his base cuz this kid is trolling me right now wait who’s that I’m wait for to get here first how the mighty have fallen you we had full damond armor on the other thing now you have like what what you what what what kind of armor do you have right now

None that’s the roof that’s the proof what do you mean what do you mean that’s the proof what is this kid unow This Is War brother I’m about to get I mean old has B up I place with new oh okay good he does not he does not

Want the smoke okay I understand I’m I’m going let you I’m going let you off just cuz I like you I’m going to let you off all right he’s better than me and PP by the way he destroyed me like the first day we met oh no but um we don’t talk

About that anyway um I’m going go to his base and say hi real quick okay just take the damage it’s F all right bro we should definitely play the thing thing you were talking about yesterday the thing you guess the the build oh yeah guess the build yes sir

Yes sir we should definitely do that wait is that I don’t think this just goes to a base think yellow way that goes to the base what what what is it suppos talking about F that was too much off game yeah come to my base come to my base so

I can I can give you you quot to G PP yes Duc duck is my teammate duck get him duck get him duck get him he’s he’s good at PVP get him on our team duck bro how are we lost uhoh uhoh bro just wants

Gear bro I still not find a Bastion in this world we found the temp um The Fortress and everything but it’s still no Bastion yeah I see the Fortress right here oh wait you close then wait wait wait wait let me see let me

See let see oh crap a pigling on me crap there’s a pigling on me your chat fing the what the chat fil wait or is that just something on my end what happened the chat just what like the the filter yeah the the chat filtering you know like like what like like certain

Words yeah oh I cannot see that you see that on your oh no give me a sec B I’m a du SP one oh the hashtags you mean the hashtags right right yes okay yeah I see I see what you me I see what you me it’s the new Minecraft thing

We all we all snowflakes in 2024 anyway so I’m I’m at The Fortress right now are are you guys do the Fortress or no uh no got you I’m going to Geo’s base to get my L back that that c was fun dog wait did I just he somebody take damage okay I’m

Might be tripping oh no that are you still watching my my oh I might be wait let me get in a safe space it is night time right now I need to be careful but bro there’s a there’s a zombie villager here in Gia’s base I

Don’t care though I don’t have to keep for them but where’s my stuff though if I don’t get my stuff This Is War I’mma kill this zombie vill just cuz he might get the more powerful I don’t care um just my stuff this creeper here I hate creepers so badly it’s far

Though where’s it at it keeps blending in with the other stuff he footsteps who’s that who’s that hey let’s go wait oh might be a thing oh you’re in the nether I have I had another footsteps shoulding wait are you at my base right now oh you’re G’s base

I’m here I’m here I’m here I’m hereit where you at let’s go we made it this is someone else’s base this is not my base oh but still close enough close enough I it’s yeah it’s good wait I’m here yo let’s go let’s go but just kill this

First mob it’s wonderful I’m right here yo okay let me go let me go get all my stuff where’s my where’s my I didn’t see my ler though where’s my L right here it doesn’t have the men the the Unbreaking thing but I do have my ler though

Where’s my fireworks I have my fireworks let’s go I think I’ll do the other stuff here honestly I I’ll take my shield guess my pearls um don’t really need anything else I mean Jeremy you can get um I mean dodo I’m doxing bro you can get the doing

Me the sword I guess you just get the sword one of the swords I guess I don’t know you’re not even going to use it once what do you mean who’s talkinging I’m getting wrecked happen sounds great oh hi s bro what okay most this is the most NPC Minecraft

Chat ever I swear what is this I’m losing brain CS by reading this I’m I’m steal some nobody mind I’m kind of starving that wasn’t can bro what are we talking about okay anyway um let’s go let’s go back to my base Jeremy follow me follow me is it more copyright

Infringement what is no is is your base copyright infringement like it was last time uh oh no no no no no no no no wait kind of kind of kind of kind of kind of kind of kind of kind of cuz um kind of I

Mean I I don’t even have a house up there I just like click random beds around I ah I see who’s who’s using the thing okay someone’s using the electro or something I don’t know oh okay okay it’s fine still falling okay bro I lost all my experience I I

Was at 40 experience we you have a Enderman form thing bro yo let’s go let’s go these kids are actually cracked like out of than mine like honestly like honestly too good yeah oh wait is somebody sleeping right now I mean I mean we we’re in the nether so I don’t

Think I think they can still sleep did you was fall yeah I did wa don’t don’t don’t don’t don’t don’t don’t don’t like don’t like catch up to me I’ll fall if you do what you like when you like when you walk okay don’t like don’t like fall like

Don’t like be in the same block that I’m in it’ll make me fall you know you understand what I mean we have to crouch this is such like a treacherous like Bridge it’s like one block this is not safe at all yo my bad bro it is now day I’m guessing they

They able to sleep this is the actual B it’s a monstrosity it’s like nothing’s in order but we get stuff okay wait what vill just died your stuff died what oh they turned into oh this one turned into the thing what about the main ones the main ones

Died bro these are the ones with diamond stuff what is this that’s that is unfortunate that is very sad am I glitching wait why is there so many vill here bro it’s like look at this they’re all cramped together look Jeremy look they all cramp together like bro what is

This the the Villager rights they don’t not they don’t have any they don’t have any rights all right um put this on bro I Bo flying is so fun d bro bro having an elytra and the new the what is it called again the Sledge what

Is what what is the new weapon called having it in lra and that weapon is actually cracked bro what what are your opinions on on I hate it I hate it they should stopped updating 1.16 they should have started there like a long time ago I know what they’re

Doing I don’t know what they’re doing they’re ruining the game they’re ruining the game yeah I got I got to find like a like this should be like the grinding base and then I I got to find like a beautiful base where I can build see how

Like Gio’s base looked it looked so much like aesthetically it was aesthetically pleasing you know what I’m saying indeed indeed it was I’m joking I was stabbing bro I was stabbing him oh he got new villagers nice this kid is a bro this kid is a grinder this kid is actually a Minecrafter

He’s a m crafter he’s a Minecrafter let’s go let’s go to the um let’s go to the end and to the form I’m just like exploring this just exploring this world cuz I’ve like done like 1.1% of 0 0.1% of like contribution this kids have been grinding bro I swear I need to

Put it on my arm peace all right let’s go to the end we’re just exploring this point how many people are right now the M worldour we have like what five people on bro what it’s the most random ever wait think this wait okay so that one goes oh yeah right here right

Here bro you need like signs or something bro I do not need s i got this i got this it’s all fine I’m probably going to be the lost like like in in a little bit but I’ll find it though trust trust I’ll find it trust I’ll find it trust I’ll find

It oh we recruited the other guy let’s go Gio you’ve been you’ve been neutralized we have someone at the same skill level as you at PVP so you’ve been wait what How’s he able to reach me I’m just avoiding it Gio you’re no longer the main character you’re no

Longer you’re no longer a fear you’re no longer feared now just a regular guy anyway um just going down here just don’t die now he’s worse nah he told me he told me he beat you one time so I don’t know man bro why is this I thought your nether path is treacherous

Bro in a one V one and kid smpp were equal what one V5 me you see you a tad bit better this isn’t anyway let’s go up why do it keep it keeps like stopping from jumping I don’t like this okay this is a part got the guyp is that

What I have been him many times now wait I think it’s this way I think wait why am I kind of lost here wait why am I kind of lost here wait I’ve let him to wait what okay I know this is not it but do

You want to mine these if you want to but this I don’t have a pickax or anything here you go broke here you I’m going give you the the iron pickaxe not the diamond one I this right now isn’t I am p is crazy okay wait wait wait wait wait okay so I

Might be lost wait my bad let’s just go up here I’m assaulting him again Chad okay very nice wait is it wait why am I lost what is this huh huh I’m actually confused oh no no no we’re not going down there those are annoying

Spiders bro why is like none of this lit up though because we’re Gamers we can survive this crap we’re Gamers yes Gamers okay now okay I’m not I I may not be a gamer because I’m actually wait okay don’t go up here don’t go down

Don’t go down don’t go down yo this is actually annoying I I I I just found this like a few like a few minutes ago like 30 minutes ago I found this wait does this like start anything yo no I’m I’m about to actually be pissed okay

Where do we come from okay this way oh this way this way okay how about to say how am I lost okay so you’re going to go this way can to go this way wait let me get my water let me get my water wait what kind of food do you have

What kind of food you have do you put it okay like bread have some bread no I don’t have a lot of food though very limited me too me too me too bro what what what are these Ohio jokes Ohio was like funny like 2021 okay anyway let’s go

Here oh not push me okay you can’t get full part before I build bro what how does one build Ohio what is this I saw the one’s going to be before before okay wait okay Ohio was a place in okay whatever you say man oh was like a a place okay

Proba was place in a server where they we at like a place in the server they played in uh I guess so have to go eat nice bro’s going to eat like 30 minutes and he’s going to come back and lock in and keep grinding do not push

Me who’s this oh somebody put just aely in nice this bridge is also T it’s also scary especially looks like it’s incomplete almost fell off question BR bro bro is going to eat at the same time very cool the only thing I like about this is is the ender pearls it’s like infinite

End pears the experience but I need I need a better sword with like sweeping Edge so this like an an like it’s not enchanted sword what do you what what kind of sword do you have I think you had like enchanted sword right I have I have an iron sword

What what does he have what much ench what what enchantment is that sharp sharpness three on it that’s good right wait what kind of enchantments do you have wait what is this wait should probably share this with you since you have a diamond one the gind curse of Vanishing very cool

If you have mending this is like a probably like the best thing you could do if you men what are you doing right now J’s just quiet wait do you don’t want to grind XP wait how do you have a what Fusion put it down let me see what give

Me it I want okay wait no put it like put this like place it down place it down place it down place it down okay just a free Che box I’m about to kill this kid okay he has better stuff than me and he’s probably better than me I hate that

Sound uh oh I can hear in your screen that’s why it’s so loud I can hear from your screen too that’s why I was like bro let let me stop I got you I got you you good you’re good you’re good all right can back I was like but

Why is it like double the noys bro did it did it just kick you or oh no I I L up by myself oh I I want the sound to go away and then I can come back in you wanted this out yeah wait did somebody give him Pros already

Okay I’m going just give him Pros cuz he’s a teammate I’m going pretend like I don’t know he already got pros so I can so I can keep his Aon still I want I want a good PVP on my side oh no oh no that was you what do you

Mean did I hit you oh okay no I I hit you I hit you too I think I’m not sure though bro b geing everybody up bro then there’s no power system everyone’s the same what what a Chad no it’s not well it’s not Mr past

In Minecraft get out of here he is Mr Minecraft Mr Beast bro this man’s a this man’s a fraud this man’s a fraud he just told everyone is good at PVP now saying this Su to PVP this man’s a fraud chat it’s two for me what do you mean

Two oh yeah two two yeah it’s two for us too okay I thought say that two like in the in the the in the morning to wait where am I going I’m going to the anend end thing let’s go to the you want to go

There or you want to go to the thing yeah yeah n you’re a fraud bro is a fraud bro just told us was good at PVP now he’s saying it’s not good at PVP that’s the definition of a fraud wait where’s your respawning point at uh Spa bro what you

Very you if I remember the way back I probably don’t but bro I don’t I don’t even know what spawn is dog what is this what Doan just go to like z z what do you mean okay let okay Zer Z let me try let me try to find it

I’m like negative a th000 though let me try let me put my elro on okay wait how we going to okay I’m going try to go I’m trying I’m going to spawn right now don’t move do not move two weeks ago go is like okay I

Don’t know what they talking about I do not know what they’re talking about in the chat like bro what is this okay I’m going to spawn jamy I’m at negative though wait that’s actually cool I just saw a thing okay let me stop getting distracted here getting close says 00 I’m going exactly

To 00 right now so the thing is now I don’t really know where the base is so there’s going to be two people lost that’s that’s unfortunate it’s very unfortunate I’m basically at 0 Z right now do you see the lava pool by any chance the lava pool yeah oh wait no I’m

Oh I see you I see you flying again flying in flying in flying in we beating zombies to death nice true all right so the hard way is we go this way straight for like a, blocks oh we trying to find the nether for the Nether um portal that you guys

Used bro the ne pter we us was the other direction this guy this guy’s here okay he knows the way guys got us buddy got this got us okay it’s the other way you’re right okay all right hope he knows where he’s going hope he does not just lead us to how

Does everyone know where everything is and I’m just lost I don’t know where anything is people just good at the game for some reason imagine being good at Minecraft like come on now I’m going just fly to the to the to the port to the portal I am not doing the

Nice I’m just wait for you guys to the porter all right bro bro just blocked the first thing not today thank you much bro all right I’m going go in bro wait bro the thing is though we already beat the dragon in this world what’s the goal like nothing’s

Interesting we’re just like running around trying to do stuff Minecraft is dead after they beat the dragon is is that is that is that is that is that a good opinion wait what’s your opinion that that is not my opinion what that actually that’s probably like my best

Opinion of Minecraft like that’s your best mcra like like leave the other stuff like the hating the newer versions But like after the Dragon Minecraft is just a block game like I mean that’s that’s kind of what it is in general no no no after that before that it’s like oh my gosh

Bro gotta go to the Bastion you gotta you know it’s a block game but just like so much more interesting before you before you beat the game that’s what PvP is for yeah I mean says I mean it’s all about being the strongest after I think which is like unattainable when everyone

When everyone’s being friendly and giving people diamond armor when they first join in that’s not very see that’s why you got to start a war every for no reason that dog even though you don’t for stealing somebody’s wheat starting a w of weed is crazy yeah

G I’m judging you starting a w of weat is crazy I I even put the seeds in the chest there I mean if you’re starting a war I don’t want to be the did you repl did you replant no I don’t have time to replant it I just left the we in the

Chest wait I that’s too risky I’m going to hit the wall or something can you hear my keyboard when I’m doing that oh no uh no I mean a little bit little bit not repan exactly not replanting that’s that is not the worst thing you can do you can kill someone’s

Dog that’s that’s not the worst thing you can do bro bro how do you feel about the dog armor that crap is lame bro the whole point of having a dog is trying to protect it they should have stopped updating a 1.16 I swear I swear that’s

That’s but you know what that’s my best Minecraft opinion right there they should have stopped at updating at 1 Point 16 okay that that that’s that’s my second best my first best Minecraft opinion is that after beating the dragon it’s just a block game nothing more nothing glass hi

No what are you trying to do go straight go straight go straight go straight I didn’t remember if it was straight or it was straight it’s straight trying to kill me just knock me up the thing being the game is not a BL game what what does that does it mean like

It’s bo be in the game oh that’s what you said what bro he’s quoting you no it said after beting the game it’s just a PL game that’s what I said hey what’s up brother what’s up brother yo what’s up Do Lord YT what is up all right

Um so next thing we do right now is to find netherite I mean I feel like I should be nether rer honestly I’m getting an table no I’m still first no e tables get in front of him so he stops mining I’mma troll him I’mma troll him bro anyway uh

What BR bro wait the thing is I I thought I thought having an iron farm would be like so I thought it would be like so good but then we have one it’s like bro after you get diamond stuff okay I just fall on the

Thing the crops the what yeah I just oh yeah it’s a we just replant it right no okay um yeah D troll not going to lie pointless okay brother okay what you say man bro no this right here this oh it’s oh this thing the iron golden thing yeah

Just just wait I just okay just look in there just look in that chest it’s like oh y very cool very cool very cool the most wait what did somebody El join oh they just met each other buto everyone’s at my base right now bro I found this Village and then

Everyone follow me into this Village this is mine everything here is mine everything is mine I built this break my break anyway but our village this is my Village this is not a communist Village this is not our thing okay anyway um wait did you reset all the

Trades bro I don’t think anybody can efficiency this this wait wait y what’s up my gamer um Jeremy what do you want to do now do you want to go beat the warden do you want to find a warden and Beat It Go beat the warden yeah just just

What you look at my lck or what okay anyway you want to go try to find a warden and beat it sounds easy enough just like just be just sounds easy enough just Beed the water you know just like hit it multiple times and just die

Just just casually yeah just Beed the my bad I just like crit it out crit it out crit it out I mean the sonic boom does go through Shields which is like extremely unfortunate but then you know we are Gamers though we we’re gam we are

Gamers we Deb the final boss of of the game which is like which wait I have like zero food right now wait this guy wanted Pros I’m going give him Pros even though he probably has them already this game bro even though he has them for no reason at all just to be

Annoying oh just thank you okay never mind then guess he wasn’t annoying n take him take him Jer me for a little bit for a little bit wait just without consent without consent just giving your Pros consent a yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep get get pearled get pearled don’t

Give them back don’t give them back not give them back bro this is the best day in weeks in Canada right now imagine living in Canada I’m I’m I’m a I’m a I’m a person I live in Canada nah couldn’t be me Chad couldn’t be me

Couldn’t be me don’t exist Canada is not a real place he cannot convince me otherwise Canada is not a real place Chad that guy is s by the CIA to make us believe that can is a real place Canada is not a real place all uh wait we should let’s go kill the

One ss easy enough I don’t know where we’re going just following St just following just following yo yoed that man P friendly one though friendly let Set spawns wait why does he have why does he have a diamond sword I don’t like this I have I have an

Iron one let me set my spawn here what is this troll I am the USA guy um um I live everywhere I live everywhere Place undisclosed Place br’s wanting to die let me get food first wait shut some food if you’re not scared of me shut

Some food if you’re not scared of me sh some food I don’t have any food show some food the stream delay is probably he’s going to get that message like tomorrow give me give me some food if if if if you if you’re confident he’s not confident he’s punching me right now

He’s not confident he’s punching me right now I have I have zero food right now I do have any l i could just fly away if he like it’s like embarrassing me sayone Spawn here say you spawn there say spawn here bro I Jeremy okay he’s giving me food okay let’s

Go one second let me get ready Jeremy watch this watch the piece watch me destroy this kid come here that’s something American would say l no I did not you can hit me first if you mean it what do you mean okay that’s not what okay oh he’s he’s

Trying to give you an advantage cuz he’s so sure that he’s going play yeah I’m I’m about to humiliate this kid Chad watch this watch this okay why what is it FY aspect sword no no no no no no no what is it Point

Sword no no no no no no no no no no I did not consent to this I did not consent to this what is this I not consent to this chat bro just true he didn’t run I’m running bro I’m flying away I’m flying away this is not a fair fight

What is this I did not know he had fire aspect I thought he just joined chat what is this he’s hacking he’s hacking no what I did not know he had fire aspect do you did you see the lava just but it what did consent to die I did not

Consent I did not consent to dying I did not consent to dying I thought no no no no you have one what bro no I don’t like you guys are all against me I’m the main character here joking anyway um wait am I fling down or

No okay let FL down I pull out the fight I pull out the fight I pull out the fight I pull out the fight I pull out from the fight pull I pull out from the fight what is this she’s tapping out I’m tapping out you are a cheater you are a

Cheater I do not like you you cheat no fire aspect no fire aspect buddy no no no no no no no no no no no no no no do you want to go to PVP Legacy what what does he mean what what does that mean I don’t know what that you only did

One heart of damage to him you had one heart this is embarrassing no no no no no know he use you you cheat but he use fire aspect I do not have fire aspect what does he have soers take to Legacy yeah let’s go to Legacy let’s go to Legacy kid I’m going

Destroy this guy bro I’m going destroy this guy on who fol say he B five lapis what is this bro bro a bro is a guy we want to eat Doug is a guy we want to eat bro back bro back to the Grind bro’s a Minecrafter he’s on the grind yo

Again bro okay jerem how could I you PP you want 2 one one of them want 2v2 some of them what a one huh wa better question am I in the two or am I in the one no no no no it’s going to be 2v2 2 V2 2v2 it’s me and you

Against them I I’m very mediocre I’m not that great but I guess we can do it me too okay let’s go Legacy let’s go let’s go Legacy let’s go to Legacy everyone everyone join Legacy we have Legacy right yes I should I got you yeah we do join that one time

Cuz I yeah cuz that one time I played with you I think that’s like I see I see I see I see I see you I’m over here let’s go we we’re in um where’s it at we’re in versus 14 we’re in versus 15 I

Want I want him to come uh catch up with us here versus 14 this is this is the area I’m F5 this area in uh oh he invited me to his party join invite invite uh dodo too he invited me oh could join okay a I’ve I’ve accepted it par over here par

On this side parrot par on this side BR that’s like bro that that dodo is a oh okay okay all Jer dodo this is a do your name it’s too late bro say it’s too late bro they already know they oh know and don’t even know my name do not say my name

Oh 3 v3s let’s go wait how many people on the server oh 3 v3s how many people on the on the realm but that’s the that’s the thing it’s done washing okay anyway 4K what is this world what is this kid what do we what knck him off knock him

Off no no no no no he’s knocking me off no I fell off I’m about to die I’m getting carried what is this what is this map I don’t know that is not GG that is not GG I swear it’s not GG bro why is

The lava why was it still there who’s my teammate is it I’m about to say I don’t know I don’t know I mean I mean team blue oh we won okay I okay par is okay that would have been good to know earlier yeah it would have

Been I thought it was just me and you against him let’s go no let’s go different kid different kid different kid different kid different kid that is horrendous the that is the most horrendous kit ever that the most 33 oh he’s right here Jeremy 33 33 33 yeah yeah yeah Fusion oh this

Yeah wait what did I I don’t know if I did very bottom left right yeah yeah yeah yeah why why does it keep changing there’s potions now is is is everyone I know here oh is there somebody okay think team am I somebody left the chat somebody left the

Thing oh wait okay oh this is a 2v3 it’s F wait who’s on the other side who’s on the other side wait there okay this is so confusing so many people oh no I’m getting yo what is this they know they know what they’re doing I’m just over here

Swinging they have they have strats ah did you die already what I got kicked watch oh no I don’t have any mobs on I don’t have any mods on what is this we about to lose the the the 3v2 what is what is what do you what is high

Contrast I don’t not using any mods what is this what does high contrast mean the UI contrast MRA build the high contrast uh like mod is texture yeah I I didn’t even download download this I don’t know what it is oh I don’t know it just kicked me off the server is my

Internet too bad what is this I know it is bad but it cannot be that bad I got kicked I swear I got K I mean downt you can you can watch the stream I got kicked I did not leave that cuz I was losing I got kicked off the server bro

What is what was that wait I still PR I need to go in PR 14 bro my bad my bad uh that was an L for my side bro wait let’s let’s show my kid where’s everybody else wait am I in the wrong versus what

Versus was that Jeremy oh I I off the thing yet I off the the match we we we still going bro I’m surviving longer wait okay it’s probably it’s probably going to make you lose if you stream on Discord my bad um what vers was that though I don’t know oh I’m good

Are you guys winning no we’re we’re getting wrecked we’re getting wrecked wreck and it was like only only Gio was fighting it bro he he he pretty much is like 2 one green parrot bro what is this are they are they too good no yes what is this wait when whenever you’re

Out of the thing can you can you click four and then uh right click and see like what versus you on like what like which thing on the server 14 right 14 I think it’s 14 yeah okay let me go again it didn’t show you guys in 14 again

Yeah okay let see if I can fine why is you in downtown on the same team okay this is it this is it oh yeah I see I see you let’s do my kid yo everybody join everybody everybody Yo which one is it okay oh no this one

This one this one the the bottom left bottom left bottom left bottom left bottom left botom left y where’s the other guy put I’m left no no no no no we don’t want the nerd no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no who’s this guy

No we didn’t want we didn’t not want that guy who’s my teammate where am I I’m the nerd I’m a nerd um Gio okay I’m ning Gio wait I’m might lose wait no wait what I just saw my teammate my bad I saw my teammate no

No I’m G to die I’m G to die no no it’s good by you what is this I mean you’re good you’re pretty good though what is this died the ultr died too I was trying to kill I was trying to kill downtown bro what is

This bro come on bro who’s this nerd kid bro let’s go you guys won man this is unfair I don’t like this game anymore I’m so sorry bro wait what I’m so lost okay okay let’s go bird wa a I’m lose no no no no okay I’m getting destroyed get

No what how did downtown kill me he was he must have killed me from behind wait what what is it now wait it’s only G of my team and it’s downtown and parro no this nerd kid should wait who who else was in the Ser I feel like was six people in there

Who’s who are we missing I think it’s duck I think I’m missing duck yeah I think I’m missing duck bro no I hate this wait you still oh okay I thought you were still in oh I okay I it’s fine it’s fine bro Gio’s holding it Gio come

On Gio did clutch a 2v a 2v one that one time he’s good at PVP I mean downtown is here he friend he must be with pressure hey we don’t have like that many gaples in this okay I think is done but he’s he’s doing good though he’s trying he’s

Holding his hopefully on on a 2v 2v one okay okay GG G GG wait wasn’t it only one round that was a good kid no wasn’t that two rounds one was was one let me fix my kid wait one sec maybe it was I don’t know

I wait where am I at wait I did not consent to this you did not consent to this I did not consent to this all these people all these people my bad didn’t mean to do that okay it’s fine we’ll just we’ll just do it anyway

Cuz why not wait we have totems in this one okay oh no wait what team am I I’m team what I’m team white I’m team I’m team red why are you playing with these randoms what is this okay this kid is glitching something that me or him what what if I

Just glitching nobody’s glitching I’m just tripping the no no I I no I sold that so bad I had this kid low no you not get me the cobwebs kid you not get me the cobwebs oh y there is two did you die bro I’ve been dead for a while I just saw

That okay I’m letting my teammate fight by himself right now you luck in now he’s letting you fight by yourself who I was on one heart oh my God just t one person at time take 1% of a time how am I on level right now how am I on level right now

How am I lava what happened oh fire is right here okay is this match too long wait J are you still the call okay okay oh yeah yeah what do you mean this m I didn’t hear it for a second I was just I was just spectating watching

This take him watching Pro PVP go wait heal heal heal heal he this kid is being helped by downtown so bad this kid is being carried is this just random guy yeah just a random guy eat okay wait I need need get my X out here

Okay just walked into the thing oh no okay I need to get these in here wait no did my teammate died I didn’t read the chat did my teamate die no no oh okay he’s not he’s not dead oh my God bro oh my God okay okay this kids are

Good this kids are good h bro okay he bro sleeping bro fell asleep I’m miss him so badly bro this is lasting way too long no no parrot you must carry that was good though holy crap I’m sorry parrot GG oh my bad shut up

Wait I just put myself in Cobble in the thing wait what am I I’m going to right okay okay I might get I might lose this one that was just pure luck right there I want this kid I want this kid by myself I I want I want downtown by

Myself I want him to me I’m just kidding me ah I missed that PE I would have gotten him shut up bro what is this I need to okay okay oh it’s my teammate no he pearled again I just I want to like fake I want to fake

Being low somebody so somebody push me I was I was just punching someone my team I suck I like get kn no I keep missing this Pros I I’m I’m low I’m low I’m low I’m low low low okay I’m low again no no you good JY yeah okay hope this is

Not too boring I’m trying I’m try I’m going try to make it quick wait are you still in the game are you still fighting or you dead that’s funny got wrecked yes let’s go no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no

No you’re not you’re not Compu kid wait no one person okay I missed a pro there wait where’s he at I can take this kid 101 where’s he at where’s he at he he’s he’s ring around the Ros play Ring Around The Ros okay I need a sh I need an

Axe where’s he at okay it’s kind of confusing here kind of confusing here okay I might actually suck at this game what is this why am I sucking so badly I’m going my teammate die he does not want to fight me okay this kid is not good at all this kid is

Not good he thinks he’s good want to break his shield up okay why you struggling against this guy it’s me I’m getting getting carried here getting carried I just I just hit my teammate dog I keep he might actually win though because he’s actually this kid the thing

Is this kid is just last too long I IAL let’s go get out of my game get out of my game I I I got carried I got carried but hey he I got to tuck smack wait it started already I forgot about that I I thought it was still spectator mode what

Yeah this this crap last way too long it’s like bro it’s not even fun it’s just it just last too long in my opinion who’s Hing me he popped I popped that kid get out my game I own you I’m your father okay just survive jery they’re taking you they’re like

All they know I’m the we oh that’s I keep what the heck I’m stuck in a tree just me and you downtown just me and you yeah Pearl yeah Pearl I’m your father I own you no no bro oh oh crap okay it’s kind of okay it’s fine oh

Crap oh I’m going to die I’m going to die one heart one heart okay this this last way too long don’t Pearl yeah don’t PE pear yeah yeah I own you okay I’m might need a pro I’m might need a pear it’s not let e Pearl it’s not it’s

Not let me gpp it did not let me gapple what is that man it did not let me gapple Chad no bro it not let me man n let’s do my care let’s do my care let’s do my care let me do my kid let’s

Do my kid that kid is is is whack what are we doing what is the okay okay this might not last long but it’s kind of complicated though Legions kit what is Legions this should go faster okay okay good okay good okay good okay good okay okay what are they what are

The what are the four rip bad teams oh team bouncing bad okay what do you mean wait what’s on my team bro they they’re disrespecting us they are wait ah ah oh no no no I don’t like this game I don’t like this game Anymore uh bro shut up shut up I don’t like you guys you’re trying to stop trying to laugh on me you’re weird ah I don’t like this game bro I swear I don’t like this game bro I do not like this game bro what is

This they always winning no I I I I know um let’s try let’s try my kid let’s try my kid let’s try my kid my kid is faster though I think my kid is faster bro I I I don’t I think it’s faster let’s go is everyone here do you have

Any randoms here are you here jery uh yeah okay oh crap I did not organize my inventory okay how am I missing every shot but are you sure want to do this wait he’s actually good Chad wait Chad he might be wait he’s actually good H wait it’s actually good wait wait wait

I’m going die oh on what happened Jeremy what happened I’m so confused why are we all clumped up No yes I’m a HFF a heart Huff heart no no no wait it’s them now it’s them this this is the pros at work this is the one V one this is the one V one right here One V one for up on the on the on

On the realm One V one for up on the realm I’m joking I’m joking wait this is the one V one oh No One V one I’m voting Gia what are you voting what bro I got to say downtown he’s on my team downtown is good wait down downtown might be

Winning oh oh those those BS are nasty that arrow is nasty oh this forting he’s fortnite he forting oh who oh GG that was actually so good okay that was actually a good game huh what oh no bro why is the bro so op why does it do so much

Damage inventory set up I’d have to like manually like change the what oh you didn’t change it when it was loading up no wait can you yeah you can when it’s like counting down you can you can like organize it it’ll be that way like every time oh I see I

See he’s going use the bow now since it’s good he go I’m abusing the bow now since it’s good the Bro the Bow’s too good oh no oh no ah e I’m sorry I’m sorry Frankie Frankie didn’t get into this one uh per didn’t

Get into this one he get the we get the next one I’m just a SL character in in the in the One V one how am I missing all these he’s running a straight line let’s go let’s let’s go the bows are too strong bro bro left the party come on oh crap

Who’s that is that he hitting me with the bows come here as soon as I get close to you done okay huh wait how how do you wi did he kill both of you bro you do got to weaken the boat that thing’s way too overpowered okay

I’m I’m weaken I’m wait what am I doing wait power what do you want me to give power two I think it was power five right now I going give it Power Three yeah you put on power five is that Max yeah I’m I’m going give part three part three part

Three is good right okay we’re going to do 3 v3s okay I’m going join this I think this is you guys right is is this not you guys this is you guys but there someone else Alat cor is a random it’s fine got the squad right here wait what

Did I get rid of I got rid of something wait is this oh this a random kid this a different kid okay different kid wait who’s my teammate what color am I I am blue so I got who you and downtown on my team team okay these bows are weak

Though doesn’t do any damage no okay ah might die I might die I might die I might die I might die might die might die might die might die oh was on heart you got a one three them what they they’re way too good this

Is not fair this is not a fair match up what is this okay I’m I’m going join this uh this one here this one here one yeah yeah that’s one that one that one that one yeah ah the one you facing yep the one on the right this is it yeah you

Yeahjust V right now right now right now right now the bow is not as strong right now three is not bad three three is not bad right wait no three is not bad at all why am I getting two 2 V1 no no no

No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no what what is is that the bow no it’s still still overow still overpowered what oh no one V3 is crazy now what I just do my thing this matchup is

Not fair I just do my parot carry bro what did we did par kill all of us I’m going kill this guy I just punched I did not mean to do that I don’t have my I did not adjust the inventory like you said I should Sorry by people no hot again

No so this gu’s like d this is not a fair match up I swear this is not a fair match up bro this guy just grind PVP bro I’ve already had enough of PVP already bro they’re Grinders bro okay yo what is up Nicola hello okay wait honestly yeah but wait oh Fe

Oh fear oh someone said fear someone said par is better than bucket Let’s test you guys have a PVP Let’s test it a one V one I mean what One V One One V one parro what do you think is better parro or a downtown I don’t know I mean because

Downtown is like straight up in like 2v oneing like you and parrot before so hey he you’re right you’re right you’re right but we did win though wait downtown’s actually standing on penis right now what is this down let’s go you got this okay maybe not never mind never GG okay let’s

Go okay these BS are actually annoying though look at this kid again why you running away I’m I’m going die I’m going die I’m going die die I’m I’m die no no no get off me well get off me I’m going add Pros to this I’m going add

Proos so you can like run away when you’re going to die no Gio’s low Gio’s low Gio’s low Gio’s low Gio’s low man we both died we’re both getting K by teams how this kids are too overpowered what is this what is this is that your

Kid that was my kid they like they’re too good I said I me they’re too good are you in this one or no okay you’re still in this one who’s this Avatar person I don’t know is that you trying to attacking me or is that that that’s different person okay wait P is

Good wait better is good I didn’t Gap I didn’t I didn’t pre Gap I’m getting 2V1 okay too far to see that to not see that I can hear your keyboard bro it’s try Harding I’m going to die I’m going die yeah oh yeah actually P I’m trying to I’m kind to

PVP let me use this bow wait what team am I I just shot my teammate what am I doing they actually using the they actually using the things this is just like the most oh you’re my team my bad what are you doing I need get play again they keep targeting you so

Badly I don’t like this game anymore I don’t like this game let’s go back to the round I don’t like this anymore bro who am I oh I’m expecting somebody I to just threw my sword wait I was tabed no play is our next team wait is our team next round

What no it’s not wait oh D is my team okay yeah he’s right yeah how do you even set that up though I don’t even know how you set like someone for someone to be in a team I don’t even know no bro oh he tapped out they keep saving each other that’s

The thing when like I think are they a v call cuz whenever one person is low I just walked into it how am I not healing this Gap suck ch okay it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine bro so many things like do you know the the subtitles when everyone’s F it’s like so

Many things it’s like lava going off arot TS critical attack bro what bro now now now now at least now I know not to start any wars on the realm because this gu are good at PVP I’d have to I’d have to bro they going to wreck they messing

Around they’re going to wreck us is crazy bro Wait no that’s the wrong one this evid person is a stranger it’s fine though wait who else is supposed to be playing I mean we don’t have another um the six person so it’s fine I I don’t know how to change like

Teams I don’t know how to change like put this person this team put this person this team I don’t know I don’t know how to do It got invite P I invite dodo wait how do I invite I don’t know how to do this crap okay SL party right slash party um um create um me enter yeah I invited you in my party wait it says wait what did he say invite who oh it said invite par not

You jumps okay I I hate I hate I hate this game I hate I hate okay it’s fine create uh parot free here enter can’t leave okay SL leave enter party I don’t know this crap works it’s fine I’ll figure it out party create invite um wait par okay think

I’ve done it now think I’ve done it think I’ve done it put it here okay I think that should be good I think that’s how it works all right all right all right it’s fine everything is fine I love Minecraft which which which world is better for

You like which realm world is better for you the wait okay so who’s my team so I’m still not repair it this is this is the most UN this is this is unbalanced but okay I don’t care I got the good team I don’t care but they said

This they said this was balanced yeah oh no I know I can’t beat you I’m wait where you at don’t no no running away here come here come here I am the dark lord what am I doing you will suffer oh crap no I did not look at my health so

Old BR sold I did not look at my head I was I was just bullying you I did not look at my help I was just quitting the wait how low are you not low bro or like maybe like halfway though bro I was like quitting you like the whole time let’s go Wait that’s my teammate yo I suck at this game okay okay come here come here want to kill you up first no you’re not low right now there’s no way this kid this L kid is stop talking to me I don’t like this crap ha this lesser kid I hate this

Lesser kid get out of here get out of here bro SC for you too strong no bro Frozen hole what wait they wait what oh this is the One V one here this is the one one wait no this one V2 let’s oh no downtown is done H GG another round oh

Okay oh I think I made like a lot of rounds oh no okay they need one more round to win okay so I’m going to Target you first but this last I need to get off my oh wait just Gio Gio Gio’s good yes no Gio you’re supposed to carry you can’t die

[Laughter] I I forg I forgot block you die oh no wait so then it’s even he forgot wait we got this we win these GG two more rounds to win what is this this is not Rainbow Six Siege know we do not have you know how like like seven runs or

Something this is not okay it’s fine they like seven rounds or something R six SI wait this is guys come here come here wait wait wait where did our other guy go he left wait what no he did not no nobody left what do you mean

Nobody left what do you mean this is a 2v3 yes I B you bro that he escaped everyone’s here oh wait no you died nobody nobody left what do you mean mean wasn’t there supposed to another guy in R we only have two trying to gasl

Me wait didn’t he die what happened what are you talking about I don’t know what you talking about oh that’s what you mean I’m I’m going stand off I’m I’m make get fair I’m going make good Fair I’m make it fair I’m make it fair I’m make it fair

I’m make it fair I’m gonna make it fair I’m must stand off we getting W no bro you guys are just 2v 2v3 I’m going just stand off I’m I’m not going to fight I’m going make it fair on you guys I’m going to give you guys just the best

PP on my team and just meet back off how I don’t think this balances out I’m still much worse than what do you mean that’s what I mean bro it’s getting destroyed just watching from AF far it’s a it’s a 2v one nice GG all right that’s enough PVP isn’t it

That’s enough PVP right or you see one more oh I mean whatever whatever’s good man whatever’s good I mean it’s fun but like come on we we we can come back to P let’s let’s go to build battle let’s go build battle let’s go Bild battle okay

Um after this match after I hope they’re watching the stream so they can know because sometimes it’s just lucky and not watch the stream hope they watching the they know that we’re going to build better after this build better after this build better after this do guess the build

Guess yeah oh wait bedw Wars bedw war is like good idea even though I suck like I we can try it do we did me and you play beds or no uh we haven’t but we haven’t wait I think we did once no we we I

Don’t think so I remember playing oh I think was with Eli’s brother okay no no no Jeremy we definitely play with who Eli’s brother hey you’ve killed parot I actually did something for the team goit I’m I’m just running around not helping dog wait what team am I I’m team blue

Okay come here JMS come here who Do You Think You Are I Am the I Am Lord Vader no wait not GG no hey is there 2V1 wait is it a 2V1 I’m done then it’s like against the best people too let give me that’s oh wait it’s not

The best people I just kill this kid who do you think you are kid okay maybe not hiding huh I’m shielding up he’s still Happ to do all those things to me what is this game I’m done yo we’re doing build batt after this doing build batt after this

Oh wait we can play the thing there’s some mini games on the round but I don’t think they’re good though they’re not that good the mini gam just like just like the free like like the epic parkour One n that one’s that’s that’s not epic nothing about that is epic nothing about

That thing is epic the most the worst parkour thing ever dog holy crap that thing stressed me it has traumatized me from parkour right now bro I’m just playing around I’m not even fighting and my team is losing people I’m throwing my bad my bad I’m throwing you’re throwing

Let’s go I killed that kid oh shoot I need to be Gap let’s go parkour healing what I take UHC healing off this but what I forgot who my teammate was there for a second bro honestly that’s to like which team am I on yay we win these okay

Wait someone is over here fting probably need to heal Jeremy’s actually holding his own right now you’re not like getting destroyed like before I’ve learned a few things in these last matches I didn’t see that message let’s go let’s go get off my game bro you beat him so hard that he

Just left the game no that’s not him that’s wait that was that him he rageed quit he Rage Quit let’s go okay we’re doing doing doing doing a high pixel Now High pixel High pixel High pixel High pixel CH High pixel High pixel High pixel what wait are you still

In the server are you still in PvP legy or no no no no no I’m go H pixel High pixel High pixel I don’t even know how we can join together but High pixel High pixel High pixel uh do you need me to I think you’re my friend but I don’t join

Friends though my profile did I do that then Yeahs profile friends friends dark is my friend you’re my friend what do invite to a party okay all right I don’t know how we’re going to play with the rest of the guys I hope they know how to do it because I

Do not how I did not know how to do It downtown in inv me to his party do you want to join it let’s join this party you might know how to like make all of us join okay how do I how do I slle party SL leave my bad I invited you a party for

No my bad my bad okay how do I leave a party I’m going just disconnect connect again I don’t know how to do it okay downtown send me again send me it again excuse me excuse me me again yo send me the the invite again party was this banded because was

Um I think you rejoined the party like right after you left like the same one you were in before the one the one just me and you oh wait um I see you right now okay it doesn’t matter I see yeah oh yeah yeah we’re in the same

Hey yo look at this epic parkour over here I hate parkour with all my heart okay invited me to a party um down make sure you invite him too can someone invite me yeah um okay uh uh downtown invite everybody invite um parrot invite dodo everybody everybody okay give me

IGN n’s in game name give me your in game name Jeremy Doo it’s the same as the oh okay um yeah okay I don’t know oh wait where you at jery where you at where you minut where you at where you at uh oh I see I

See okay this is username watch the stream this is username right here dodo plume the p is a capital the D is a capital all let’s do this epic parkour where we wait it’s so warm in here holy crap where there’s no epic parkour here oh there’s epic parkour nice okay I died

Too how do I get up do I have to use the ladder every time I get up uh you should have like a pressure plate that you can left click with oh you’re right how am I falling that okay how’s everyone falling nobody’s good okay invited

You and uh fearing parot 133 FR part 13 F is capital P is capital and then 13 all right wait bro he made press the second jump I’m still the second jump in this parkour yes I made to the first checkpoint okay I come pass it okay

Yo what I hate parkour with all my passion with all my heart I hate you oh we about to start cheing out um I think it’s everybody did you you invite Gio I think you fed Gio that should be good that should be good should be good

Should be good should be good should be good should be good we’re good other than Gio where’s GI at Gi Oh does you not have Hypixel come on SHO should have though should have it though what are we even going to play I think we should start

With bedw Wars but I feel like if if anyone has like a teammate of more than four people they’re probably too good you know what I’m saying if it’s like two people it’s just like a couple friends playing but it’s like more than okay I hate this parkour

Thing I ha Parkour in general yo just make the jump bro just okay it’s fine look I’m jumping I’m running and jumping what do you want me to do okay good what are we doing oh build battle wait is it is it teams of four teams of four teams of

Two them penguin wait we we did penguin right I think we did penguin once yeah we did penguin once we did wait what was the meme though cuz the meme carry the memes do do carry let’s go wait Am I by myself oh I’m downtown oh

No this kid and me are not friends this kid does not like me put subot me oh no wait who are you with who are you with I’m with parrot bro you trust him do not screw you over bro okay I I I I

Believe in him let me let me call um let me call Downtown real quick so we can plan this out so you can not screw me over yo bro Ro part does not even have Discord open okay okay what are we doing here wait which where is the front which

Which one’s bro it’s not even teammate bro is not even planning this crap out bro just building by himself what is this buget bucket bucket hello hello okay so what I’m thinking is that we just I’m making like the right now all right so I don’t know what

Else but we need like a belly gotta wait where’s the B going to be like right here like here yeah exactly yeah yeah wait Jeremy do you still hear me wait you leave the other call wait can you call two people on Discord at one at the same time or no um

Well the same thing so we can make like a group wait give me one second let me after this after this we have so much time okay oh I’m getting carried again what is this five minutes need we don’t need to win it’s crazy I did not expect that from you you’re type

Of you’re the type of guy to want to win I don’t know I I am the type of the guy that wants to win wait let me wait wait carry for a little bit carry for a little bit I got I’m trusting you right now I’m trusting you right now okay okay Jeremy

Jeremy yo I did not know that you can only call one person at a time my bad I left without saying you’re you’re all good okay um I’m going Dr my team’s uh disc uh call for now then I’m going call you back after right you cool with that

All right all right my bad bro this is rude I apologize you all good I got you okay drink coal okay all right back for now all right um wait doesn’t isn’t just the stomach white or does does Everything is Everything white it’s a big ass so

Basic arms are white oh okay oh arms white we kind okay okay so I’m kind of lost so I’mma okay I’m just okay you want the head the head got you where’s the head going to be like um you want be more the Apple body than the head or like right here

Okay should be like right here yeah you want to extend the head a little bit out like in for how does penguin even look okay the refence photo wait let me let me look up look up look up yeah cuz my brain just washed if any like I don’t

Even know what a penguin look a penguin looks like right my head multile but we can probably just go okay up penguin wait huh what oh yeah I’m just remembering the African ones have like blood on their the keeps cutting you off I don’t well some of them have like a little

Yellow thing wait they’re very different what yeah yeah they have like gold yeah yeah okay BR bro that’s so they’re so different though okay how’s this look even okay I’m so I’m so confused I’m not going to lie I’m so confused you might just have to car this one I’m I’m

Actually confused I’m just motivate you you got this I just I’m going just be the ringside person you got this you got this man hey I believe in this guy um so let’s extend a little bit little here wait wait wait wait it is it is the it is the yellow the the

Yellow um legs wait wait they’re not even yellow no no no no I just I just copyed someone else’s build but the legs are not yellow this this black legs just black those people are going to lose those they have black legs um I’m going to add a little bit of yellow the

St it kind of I don’t think this looks wait wait do you know to turn the floor into white like snowy place like into a snowy place that’s a good idea I oh how do you do it how do you do it um options oh there nice wait no let’s see

Let’s see this’s use a snow block let’s use a snow block like actually yeah I didn’t have on me a I got I got it I got I got I I got it there did it for you yeah you do not have enough time to do this

Uh it head is going to look a little deformed I won’t lie it’s fine it’s fine just do it just do it just do it just do you uh lock lock no no you got this you got this you got this you got this do not got this right now

You have 20 seconds I’m just going to put a roof on its head give it a little eyes and hope we win there why did you put this what okay oh no hey that so we didn’t build this we didn’t build this legendary wait wait this looks exactly like my dude what was

That wait who’s this is this yours that was mine [Laughter] what what the oh um I kind of did not do anything there I kind of just just sat there not doing anything why would you do that yo what’s up yamy food bar bro I don’t know what was that we tried though

Bro this looks good what is this this is not a build bro this is not a build TG whoop you’re not funny this bro this one’s also I’m just voting epic just be nice someone told me to press alt f4 is that a good idea it’s a great idea it’s a great idea

To press alt f4 you sure it’s it’s a great idea definitely yeah you do you do it first press alt f4 right now what I said someone someone told me to say to press alt f4 you said it’s a good idea I’m telling you to do

It I I just did see do it right now what happened did something good happen of course okay bro penguin penguins penguins do not have orange legs Penguins do not have orange that was poop poop super poop pengin this one’s actually actually pretty good I hate this kids I I hate all of

Them we go to 12th Place bro how do we come in seventh I feel like we robbed of that wait how are you guys even like team mating if like it’s not even a call bro what I don’t know I don’t know but you got still build a good one though oh oh

Yeah we we we were just doing whatever you know yeah bro okay I want to play the one yo what’s up what’s up y me FR bear yo um we should do a guess the build yeah let’s do a guess the build uh down let’s

Do a guess a guess the build guess the build I don’t want to Jo again no no no I’m going to disconnect I don’t I don’t want to do this crap I ha build battle yeah I just I just start PVP Legacy again my bad I Jo this wait are you

Stilling the build battle thing no no okay wait maybe it just joined me into oh yeah there we go there we go wait is oh guess the build guess the build yeah we got we got it okay nice nice this is going to be fun I I I could guess stuff not not

Going to lie it may take a while do not people do people not play this what okay no no it’s good we’re good we good we we got 10 out of 10 people wait is it only 10 people I thought be more oh yeah this this one is uh weird you you’ll See okay okay okay okay okay dude we got this okay something what happened here team is being selected Builders Godzilla okay so where where you at wait okay I can I not I can’t see anybody except for this one person is is that what do you yeah me

Too so yeah they’re they’re going to start building we have to guess what it is their builing okay Flame nothing table you’re just G like just spr spr pot extreme credit card debt no just guessing oh oh okay uh flow pot no so so you see where it says like

The dash and an o dash dash dash dash yeah oh yeah bro what is this wait what coffin is crazy what coffin wait what I’m so confused huh this person is prob building what oh somebody guessed correctly oh I don’t even know what this is bro

They but finish with it I’m not bro some somebody some people guessed it correctly what what is this Pond oh P what no it can be Pond I don’t know what this is KES is crazy what is what is this CRA London that’s a phone that’s just a phone it’s it’s a

Horrible it’s a horrible building off a phone of yo bro how how did yo what is that bro yo I’m done oh oh sign wait wait I got it hey hey let’s go I got I got one point let’s go me too wait do we all get a build oh yeah

Yeah oh it’s par turn let’s go wait where’s he at I don’t see him am I kicked out I can see crap oh right hereit what is he building wait wait I’m trying to wait what let go wait what what is it no only has four letters what do you me what is

It I hate this game so badly I did not even see that you can see how many letters and stuff it has oh I keep forgetting about that though I don’t like this game come on build why building I just guessed like the most spaceship car no huh oh oh

Yeah someone got it wrong oh all right play this car right play this car I I was too late it in fast enough ah I’m so done I’m so done how many points do you have one point how many points do you have I only

Four only have four I I just said I just told you I have one told me I only have four okay buddy okay show off what do look at the top they have nine points they they they’re sweats they sweat too much this game what what even is this

Dog I don’t even know how for the stuff they’re doing right now ah fluff I wish you could play this by speech and just like say it cuz I’m I like could Ty in on the keyboard what is this oh piano piano Pi piano piano P wait no p be

Beond right that doesn’t have enough that doesn’t have enough though oh wait what what what I feel like so I feel like I know what this is but I feel like I don’t know what it’s called oh crap wait what zebra oh no there too many [Laughter] words huh what oh what is

This there we go how did you you got to think of B if it’s something I don’t even know what it is I’m I’m done measurement yo I’m so done you suck you suck at building crap have you built yet have you have

You built yet oh no oh no I’ve not got I still have one point dog wait what okay I thought I was the one building I about to say what domain domain expansion that’s first I thought his dead domain exp y I want to show me the the amount of

Letters that there is cuz I did not know there was a thing before huh um has an A has an a you are done huh oh they left the game bro oh it’s you let’s go hey what what is it what is it what is this it’s

Your tell me wait is going to let me know I don’t know what the fluff is that build it Whatever It Is build it I don’t even know if I don’t the right thing wait what wait what wait no how much time how much time is left bro bro how much time is

Left you got a minute you guys guess this crap you guys guess this crap oh very cool it’s not cool at all I Su good building yeah I I don’t know I don’t even know what the fluff though was I hate this game I tried it’s it’s open it’s like an open

Place what saw your stream y that’s cheating what is this that’s cheating what is that’s cheating why you why you watch the stream wait what downtown you a cheer stop cheering wait bro just standing there okay begin in yeah what is it huh what what is it huh no what is

What bro I’m still lost huh what what is bro building wait what is this what could it be I’m so done huh what am I looking at chat I hate the huh I I want to I want I don’t know what this is so bad vacuum the last second what is

This this is such obvious bu how did you not bro how is there glass how is there yo that was not obvious at all this said two use cooked that was not obvious at all dog grass yo what are we doing here BR said grass monster y I’m so done wait what

What is what is what is green legs water who’s this sleepy bird person they they they need to touch grass I swear what bro guess is everything Bridge he does he needs to touch grass but what is this iguana iguana trying to get the spelling iguana what

IG wait a dog bro what start with the letter what’s starts with the letter I though oh crap I forgot about that um um I see that it’s some sort Of yo what the fluff is this I’m so lost I have like zero seconds I suck at typing huh in in oh wait yeah there you are insect you got it Jeremy you’re try hard you need to char grass too I still got three points how

Many points do you have nine I have nine I have three points what is this it’s it’s the guy with a try hard I hope he’s good at building a try hard yeah I hope he’s good at building cuz he guesses good I’m sure he knows I’m sure he knows what he’s Doing Ro said circle circle stone there an eye how me what build faster kid build faster what is this how is that a cage what is downtown doing it says cylinder oh no cylinder it says a says a y I think there a y I’m tripping I’m tripping I’m tripping I’m tripping I’m

On crack anyway um where what is this can I break this box what is this this wait wait oh yep yep you suck I hate I don’t like you person why do you know this what is this CH what is this CH what is this what is this

Huh okay I don’t know what he’s building inside I don’t know what the heck that is huh huh huh huh H what is this I’m about to start tweaking out that could be anything that could be anything cage that could be a dog cage that could be I don’t want to look at

The stats I’m I’m I’m what I’m I’m what fifth place I’m fifth place how many people are here wait there’s only six of us why is there only six I’m in I’m in fifth place I love this game so much bro having fun Chad having fun that was not fun at all

I thought better than this okay okay my brain just like whatever come on same thing or something else ah this the same thing things I want to be good though I want to win at least one thing I know I have potential I’m a Minecrafter I mean this not even

About being a Minecraf it’s just like I don’t know I can do it though I got it let’s go okay that was fun that was not funny at all I don’t know what you smoking I not it’s fine though I got it I got it I

Got it I got it let’s let’s get it let’s go all right okay I’m about to get like I’m I’m about to say every word that comes to mind right now you have no potential shut up shut up wait you’re the first Builder okay okay the first one but not

Excited about that I I want to do this one it’s gonna look really bad though I’m quitting you right now I keep going up and quitting you again what why would you do that most the table without even see seeing what it is Bird Cage I’m in your way can you see

Me or no Okay C cannot see no I cannot see you I like getting your way to not make you build but meaning of life bro what the meaning of life what is of life wait what water gun wait no What’s this called again the the the the thing bow the

Other bow in instead of the other Bow crossbow yeah crossbow oh it’s not a crossbow some somebody wait what wait no no no get rid of that butterfly no this looks so bad something ifer huh I’m confused this is so bad what it is okay is it a gun it’s like some some

Sort of gun or no who the heck is who the heck is hker how did they guess that right what feather it’s it’s not a bird it’s not a type of bird why is it a it’s okay I don’t know feather yeah yeah that was really bad on [Laughter]

Myly that’s too easy there what is kid on downtown’s a troll just like just like a piece of like Firefly give you more points bro no you point legic bro why is this kid on there’s no way people are guessing this crap right there I still have zero points right now huh

Gates am I tripping let’s go I just gave you my point though I just I just told you what it is that man had a more genius idea than I did for the Firefly but I feel like I feel like I don’t know if everybody would have got

It I don’t know if everybody’s cultured in the Minecraft memes anyway wait what do you mean wait you could have just like down like four pixels how they did it in Minecraft the update when it’s like yeah yeah except they never added them because they were poisonous we just standing

There bro was just standing there huh BR just teleported am I tripping who is my internet bad did you see that too tree house bro bro’s teleporting on my screen right now okay oh wait what I huh huh huh what type of tree is this what is this a dead

Tree I’m about to sh this place oh whoa who stop stop in game in game in game in game how is that even close to like there’s no way you You’ have given me 100 years I would have not guessed that tree in that the plotus Des it fearing

What still have one point bro is the highest you’re the highest right now why do you always why you always good at building stuff why do you like this wait what are we doing why is everyone guessing right what oh s Castle sand castle right hope that’s a right spelling hope

That’s right spelling let’s go let’s go D Cactus downtown is thring downtown is thring okay guess what he knew what it was wait is he watching my stream start shouting it I mean he’s still going to watch he’s going to see it still going to see it so

Anyway bro anyway bro 4 hours stream is crazy 4 hours stream is crazy it’s fine okay stop guessing yo I see shut up shut up downt to shut up he’s weird he’s weird for that bro what shut up bro what were you saying bro what what are you saying what is bro

Doing what do you mean what am I doing talking to me oh no what is this guy doing how did someone guess that right already how did how did he guess it right already they must be friends telling each other parrot is op parrot knows what’s up what what is this look

Huh what am I look give me another just give me another letter please give wait what this kid sucks at building I swear I suck too but what huh huh how did you get what said oh and guess it right what do you mean oh what do you mean oh what is

This this does not yo start might start tweaking got that like instantly though might start tweaking how did how does that bro let’s build a coun or something build like something that it says not wait what huh BR I don’t know what bro was talking about sand oh yeah there’s some there’s

Some blocks you can’t use oh yeah umbrella volleyball umbrella you sure them is Mom milk wait um come on do it come on build more build more parro you got this par par I’m going to ban you from the channel if you don’t build this whole thing

What I’m going to B I’m I’m going to ban him on YouTube If does not finish d what is this brother what we already know it starts with the D he both really telling us no why would you do that the second mommy mommy what is it do you get it right yo

You suck Jeremy wait did I get it yeah yes I got I got it right yeah I I guess I kind just it but uh I don’t know I downtown this kid sucks this kid sucks bro is this skin Anakin wait is it bro it’s trying to be me yo you’re trying to

Be me so bad sure I’m pretty sure it is he’s trying to be me so badly I’m I’m Anakin no Anakin is gone I am what remains anyway bro what is he doing I don’t even know dog oh he’s going to break it all out

Huh yo you suck Jeremy you suck I don’t like you as a person what what do you mean it’s the floor changing the floor over and over again what oh yo that [ __ ] is I’m about start tweaking out how is that how is that a

Hint oh wait what what do you mean what is that how that I don’t even know what that is I might have to look it up you know you can you you can choose between the three options that beginning I did not know it just chose for me you almost

Start tweaking out bro you could choose between the three God you a dumb shut up shut up what is that that was easy changing the floor was so obvious oh bro oh bro he saw bro he stream sniping you stream sniping yo no bro stream sniping okay I’m try try

No it keeps something it keeps something keeps something if I can build it all wait open inventory open inventory open inventory give me wood give me wood give me wood give me wood okay how do I make an arrow okay um just it just disappears I like this game so much dog

What how to make an arrow oh wait you didn’t what a quiver was I did not know what that is bro I got six place there’s only six people first place oh good for you man good for you man yo downtown you’re weird bro you’re weird you’re actually are weird bro why

You stream sniping downtown is weird nah bro it’s actually weird why is bro stream sniping what is this that is not fair okay I got to like I got to redeem myself though I got give me one second coming back you’ll do great this bro this kid is actually not

Bro Jeremy bro Doo is going to entertain the stream I’m G give you one second wa oh no it’s all on me oh see you bar oh it not even there I’m back I’m back I’m back it’s you it’s all I oh no oh no oh no I’m

Sing put my headphones on okay wait okay oh down because yo no kid is actually weird how’s why the BS disappearing I no bro is not okay oh man this is part on my old brain ah I was not even here no I was even here dog I was not even

Here dog that was not fair why do they pick me when I’m not here wait did you tell them I was not here yeah yeah BR not even here why so many cheaters in build battle it’s not cheaters it’s just the stream sniper bro wait what oh no no oh what

Huh some sort of ball yeah what is it rainbow ball no there’s too many characters okay wait what oh oh you suck why do you know this what is this bro it doesn’t look anything like it but okay yeah understandable if it doesn’t look like it huh they dancing down there what are

They doing disco ball I hate this guy so badly yo I I guess it before but I didn’t I wasn’t fast enough to type it D you you gota have them fast uhoh uhoh wait cooking wait I can see your build but why can’t I see your

Build wait how you going to build the thing then what is it again remind me what you build this again what okay never mind didn’t work didn’t work didn’t land next time we’ll then next time campfire huh camping what no what what is that I don’t know I don’t know bro

Okay bro someone someone in the chat said give up stop being you what what bro what oh uh parro is back said said he need to be reinvites I don’t know we do uh mid game I guess down time invite parent uh mid game please oh it’s right here what do you

Mean right here oh was I not reading CH for like a while okay never mind never mind that was a be the be uh it’s on the tip of my tongue not in the party oh he’s not in the oh uh downtown invite him then know but okay I don’t

Know anyway um what the what is but building here Bel Bel is crazy huh wait I’m wa I I’ve already had my turn and I did a horrible edit let me stop judging people Beach um no sou Beach um stop trying to type it out what do you mean what are you doing

Ba basketball right I don’t think that no it does not fit oh is it oh bat okay basball bat okay I scored fourth place I did better than F par let’s go uh do I mean uh downtown invite par is downtown even this in this thing I don’t think

Downtown is in this I I see him anymore yeah bro actually caring the stream I mean he was stream sniping too though down inv down invite them anyway anyway just a new realm and just like see we can beat the game first I mean these guys are crack though that’s not

Really fair bro we all know that they’re just going to we’re just going to be Side characters in their world is true I do want like like a I do want like a little like vanilla challenge I I don’t know what it could be vanilla challenge yeah like in one of

The Realms like a mediocre Minecraft man hun or something I don’t know something fun though but like something Minecraft man I don’t got a nice ring to it if we do Minecraft man we need like GE or somebody to be the person we ar we know we going to get

Wrecked why I do not believe wait are are you guys playing another game right now no I’m just in the lobby me too I’m I’m in the lobby uh downtown invite them what was the I mean I don’t know if I mean the same thing I don’t know the party the downtown is

Disconnected they have five minutes to rejoin before the part is disabled oh no bro disconnected oh no no no no no bro bro I feel like we should do like I don’t know I just I just want to play in the realm the Realms we should do wait what is this the

Pit oh he’s came back he came back he came back the pitch no I’m say downtown came back I just what what this bro the pitch is just like sweaty pppp I don’t think I don’t think this is say this is a random place this is peaceful this is peaceful I can’t stay

For super long you’re good brother you’re good brother you’re good brother bro playing since this morning I joined bro say he’s going to dinner then he came back and then I mean say he’s say he’s going to eat if you want to play realm just leave hey shut up shut up

Shut up my man it’s your stream you oh it’s fine it’s fine I I want I want to play something that everyone enjoys all right uh we just just chill just Vib right now just vibing I’m going just go to the real just go to the real uh anyway just

Ving just Ving yes sir what world should I do though I don’t know try do like a a new like a new world so everyone can start like the same place or do you want to continue what do you want what do you want do whatever is fine okay configure

Um how about um how about we do a new world so it’s all fair I mean when when like I’m I’m going do this world I mean I don’t know I’m going just keep it but like when I when I leave the r I’m going to do the world where everyone was

Stacked in where everyone had like diamond armor and stuff I’m going do that one but for now like everyone should be on the same level no bro I’m going do the the other world when I’m leaving yep everyone chill out everybody chill out it’s fine I got I got I got I got

Don’t crap spenc you can join very easily bro what wait I can hear myself I can hear myself again hey what is this oh this is a world where everyone is pvping I need to reset it I need to reset it wrong World wrong World WR wrong

World I need to reset the world uh World template cruset world don’t know SC stream anyway Jeremy y what’s up with you man uh anyway um yo anyway um what’s up with me nothing nothing much just vibing just vibing bro always just vibing anyway bro is never not vibing

That’s good that’s good just always you got to Vibe always you know yep yep yep yep yep yep BR I had a short throw this morning bro I couldn’t do anything I called out of work I was actually I thought I was going to die thought I was going to die my know

All stuffy and stuff it’s fine though it’s fine how you you been doing good doing great nice nice nice nice but when I’ve never seen you sick when last some you’re sick you’re always just chilling at work always vibing at work what is it so I’ve never called out I’ve come in

Like ever sing what that was that was my first call out too I feel I feel horrible even though I’m sick I feel horrible that I called out I feel horrible like wait today or today yeah today was our first call out oh the thing is I I felt better after too

Though like right now I feel better but then then I bro I could have not done anything then bro I was yo no anyway you’re sick AKA you needed to stream but before I stream though I I was I was I I felt better yes I mean like I’ve like come in before

It haven’t felt good so I’ve left early but I’ve never like not come in no I I could not come in like the whole like bro I think it was until like what until 10:00 bro I could not I could not breathe I could not do anything but not

I feel better but I feel like it would get worse during the night too like during the day everything is good and then like bro downtown left the game what it say like everyone wants to play the world where was stacked in okay let me leave let me like everyone wants to

Play with the world where was stacked in switching worlds it’s fine switching roles they want to be stack they want to be stack they want to they don’t want to redo all the work again it’s fine I understand for Instant all right yo yo what’s up tuaco dude Roo said please say hello all right um wait where’s my L at oh I’m wearing it I was about to say you good something like we’re just got kidnapped happened but it was a okay wait where you at I can’t see you

Right now where you at is that you there or no oh I’m literally like right just went under this cave okay okay one sec why like hit you in the air I did I missed you wait did you did you just hit me wait wa I keep glitching out no do

You see me right now I think you hit me wait what oh oh yeah you’re just a are you stuck in the ground what the heck bro look at this bro look at my am I like lagging out or no I’m lagging out everybody else lagging I think it was

Me let’s pull out here wait Jeremy Jeremy Jeremy Jeremy wait is is G online right now I’m going to go I’m I’m going to go grief Gio’s base I said griefing was allow let’s go bro what bro mess with me first I hope Gio’s not watching the

Stream right now Gio’s done wait is downtown with with Gio wait is downtown even online right now no no I don’t think I them more but I have three BRS of internet right now this is not optimal at all oh no oh no yo duck we

Going to G’s base we’re griefing I don’t I don’t want peace on the server anymore on this realm anymore we’re done I don’t want peace any remember what you said how you can’t start a war because you see what happens there’s a creeper right there oh wait you’re right I just forgot

About the creeper scared the living crap out of me bro nice good job you are but I was bro said say say b a r b i e and I’ll sub do I say it b a r b i e do I say it and sub do I

Say it Jeremy wait do I I don’t even I don’t even know what that is what I’mma say Barbie make sure you subscribe say Barbie I tring to say like I I I just like unable to spell like I’m a little dyslexic you could

Let’s go let’s go to J B and say hi a little bit I’m I’m just leave a sign and say I could have roved your base but I’m just kind come come to the portal come to the portal hope not watching the stream cuz it just log in what when this base just

Destroy I mean I I was I was I was destroying that kid in PvP though who were you though hey hey hey let be nice here where you at okay let’s go this bridge is kind of scary I’m not going to lie oh crap the mouse keeps looking like

Elsewhere okay it’s fine now it’s looking the right place I hate gas so much but I’ve not seen a a single Bastion in this world Doug I’m giving you a job to find a Bastion the next time I log in cuz what is this

I just want to see one just for the sake of seeing it do your Bastion techniques that barely worked last time yo shut up you’re weird wait no no no no the chat is seeing speed run the the Bas tricks do work bro anyone who s Speed Run

Advocate for me the CH the the the Bastion tricks do work even I can even find the The Fortress with that I I have one for the Fortress too do not play with me I’m a speedrunner he a speedrunner but what’s was the fastest time you’ve done it I’ve never done it

What wait but wait wait wait nothing Speedy about it nothing Speedy about it wait how how time I’ve done it before there was this one time right but then the thing is though I mean it was pretty quick the thing is though wait where you at I cannot see

You right now I’m I’m literally right next to you oh I was looking for you the little hole the thing is like those are like a lot of pigs on me right right wait what it’s trapped oh oh that was the scariest fluff I thought I

Thought you could M blocks in the thing I think you got what oh no his p is p one of them par just assaulted you no don’t Crouch no no no he was waiting for us no crouching no crouching no crouching I’m going to do it I’m

Going to do it don’t Crouch no no this is a and be real if a war starts out between you and Gio I think I’m gonna be on Gio side because like yo what what kind of friend [Laughter] is I don’t think yo what going to this [ __ ]

I’m so dead bro oh that was funny bro say he waiting for the opposition Noah bro what oh you don’t believe J you don’t believe you don’t believe I gotta believe bro this man does not believe in me chat I gotta prove him wrong he does not believe in me yo no bro

You gotta prove me wrong wait Gio wait where let me see if G on Discord I’m going say One V one right now I don’t care I don’t care Gio One One V one right now I don’t care better respawn right now I don’t care even Germany doesn’t believe in me

Nah nah I just I just missed a water MLG don’t don’t talk about we don’t talk about that n where’s GI at GI on Discord call Gio no right now right now I don’t care I don’t care wait who’s who’s attacking me right now is that par wait par attacking me

You sure you sure buddy is is is par better than me and PP what do you think bro I all I can say is that everybody here is better than me yeah Weir I can’t account for any y we oh he’s trying to do the drive by no

He’s he’s not going to be able I’m going hit him come here come here yeah come closer you have flint and still by any chance let me try some Flint I’m going like that base on fire I want to see I I want to see what uh Gio thinks about

That I want see what you think about why would you do that because so rude I’m I’m sing on business this this kid this kid thinks is he something he’s think it’s something I don’t what’s going on war is going on where’s where’s gravel if if you logs in

I’m I’m logging out dog wait no I have Fai with myself no I’m stand on business are we fighting uh I’m saying no no we’re not fighting bro things can One V one Gio yo shut up what what happened okay just prev the thing I can though do you not believe

Leave I’m I’m about to prove Jeremy wrong I swear I’m about to prove this kid wrong why is GI not responding to my messages gi’s not responding to my messages bro he’s probably doing something else you’re right bro Bros probably got a life yo shut up shut up

Okay good we have FL and Ste now downtown just joined just join the thing I don’t want peace I want War I want troubles you want War I want troubles I mean my base is pretty flammable too I’m not going to lie this might be a bad

Idea my base is pretty flamable it’s pretty I don’t know man it’s pretty does anyone know where the end portal is don’t don’t be nice don’t don’t be nice don’t be nice don’t tell him don’t tell him oh he’s my teammate wa he’s my teammate yes he’s good at PVP

Too so yes I need him I need on my side this time what are you doing wait I need I need I need his attention okay I okay he does not care what he does not care bro doesn’t care you know I’m going do off stream

And and then deny it I might do off stream then deny it because there’s no proof that I actually did it now that you said that though on oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no I’m going

Home I’m going home no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no I’m going home going home going home let’s go home let’s go home let’s go home let’s go home let’s go home let’s go home why is it

Breaking it no you’re weird you’re weird don’t break it y stop breaking it yo no I’m so done yo this kid is weird I need to kill parrot what is he doing ah yo where person work can squishing me out squishing me out I can’t squishing me out what is cing me out

Look I’ve been assaulted are right now are they Doo are you with it is he going to stand on business or no y no y not y not you’re not you’re not what do you mean you on that side yo now you’re weird why is this kid following me what is this following

Me yo you’re weird why this keep hitting me oh I hoing on no no no no let’s go to P wait Jeremy responded Jeremy Jeremy what go to PP Legacy I’m going to one one this kid I’m going to one one this kid he thinks he thinks it’s something he

Thinks it’s something go to P Legacy I’m one on this kid if I lose him in stream okay come on come here come here I’m ready I’m on versus wait let me see I’m on versus wait who are you one V oneing uh uh Gio Gio Gio on PP

I’m in versus 17 come here bro I’m bro bro come here come here bro not playing come here where’s you at where’s you at I see you I see you G come on G come on J come on I’m want okay I got to go by goodbye uh parrot goodbye he’s hopping on

Okay come on Jeremy uh we going to do like um we’re going to join Jeremy look look look come to me right now Jeremy right here right here so I’m going to click first and he’s going to click after and then you’re going to spectate and then you’re going to click

After to spectate and watch giio come on waiting I’m waiting waiting he’s like Jeremy does not believe chat he does not believe I don’t believe okay I’m about to prove about to prove him wrong GI hop on Ro Gio’s already here what do you mean where is he on where’s he at

Where’s he at where’s he at I don’t see him he’s over here oh come here come here come here okay this is a moment in history this is where he dies okay okay how am I missing I’m glitching I’m lagging well blame it on the lag bro he’s flying all over the place

Watch My Stream watch My Stream yo n he’s flying all over the place yo n shut up down shut up this kid is weird that was so close BR he’s flying over the screen dog he’s flying off the screen no I’m dead fud okay I got destroyed GG very oh

Man oh man that was good game though holy crap okay maybe I got stop talking smack maybe after work I’m going to grind PVP Legacy to beat this kid yes sir ah a man it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine okay now let’s do downtown versus Gio let’s

Do downtown versus Gio wait what were people say in the chat wait was downtown talking talking smack or no cuz downtown does tu SMC go where he can bro still good Jeremy you good what okay yes sir yes sir are you tired you still still still want to

Go I will I will be a to get off at some point I got you no you’re good you’re good Bro you’ve been playing for so long it’s been how how long been it’s been a 4 stream I be back from work right now okay downtown join okay I’m going to spectate that

Wait what okay downtown left this okay never mind I think you about I’m against Gio I’m not good with this kid no I do not consent to this I did not consent to this I did not consent to that I’m going to die in that Lobby I’m

Going to die in that I’m not good at that I’m used to my kid you are one V oneing me who me no oh it’s oh okay it’s it’s on the bottom left bottom left um wait what why did he leave the game again BR I actually joined Guy this is like the

Worst kid I’ve SE it’s literally nothing mean this guy is punching each other but we have like diamond over this sus no I did not do anything no I want to leave this TL no no no why are they Jo I want I want to see Gio

And and downtown they are they scar of each other top right oh the want to go oh okay he wants me to join okay okay wait D wants to go okay wait VC VC VC VC VC VC VC this this’s get is toxic VY it’s not fair it’s not fair it’s not

Fair it’s not fair okay so he got some hits cuz I was Ving that was just that was just that was just scuffed cuz I was doing VC oh hey what’s up yeah what’s up what’s up that that the first round does not count I was trying to VC first round

Does not count I’m joking it’s fine no you’re good you’re good you’re good I’m joking I’m joking it’s fine it’s fine I had enough time to regen no no no you’re good you’re good you’re good I can beat you your light work put your armor on

Put your armor on light work I’m not exactly light work but okay come here yeah oh darn oh oh you’re lagging am I lagging yeah yeah I I literally crit you like three times and you like didn’t take any knock that wait how how many how many things

I’m on it says I’m on full bars though I don’t know why that is it might be honestly yeah it might it might be too nervous I think it might be Do Overs don’t let the pressure get to you oh the pressure uh I’m not wor honestly like could beat me well my

K okay you you’re kind of lagging not going to lie okay so the boat just not shoot it’s wonderful I’m going to lose okay have hard is am I lagging too much sorry what am I lagging too much I don’t know it’s probably me cuz I’m not full guard how are these shots

Missing okay you okay it’s fine don’t worry you got this you just can’t get low with me ever so oh that didn’t work no no no bro how did you not take oh who’s on okay I have one one Gio okay okay all all right I’m

Back all right I’m back is he did he pick up yo yeah yes sir bro I appreciate you playing talk I know like you about to leave like in in a little bit but I appreciate you’re playing anyway was it was it fun for you was it yes sir okay

Even it’s in the slightest I just want to this is the only day we get to game so you know you want to be good all right yes sir yes sir wait Gio they want wait I don’t know which one they are they on though are the P right now wait

Is Gio and uh this you on him no it’s not bro who one they on you want do you want a PVP like uh Jimmy let’s go come here it’s going to be this is going to be a close one what you want to PVP oh bro I made I made a

Kit I made a epic bad kit wait do it do it do right here do it how do I how do I do it just just right click right right cck right click yeah right click y yeah the there we go huh just just make it just make it rain or

Something bro wait was there way I could have done that yeah you can make it rain I think yeah oh no see this this is this is peak let’s go hey we win these he yeah what’s up bu do make rain is that the thing I I

Didn’t like the the weight list on hopl um let me see kid Creator um go to go to the like the little Redstone thing like custom settings you know what I’m talking about like yeah comom settings and like go to weather and then do it

Wether should be hey let’s go you made R go all right click again click again click again I I didn’t like the the weight list on uh hoplight Baka I I don’t think I was good at it cuz there’s like modded things and like special pickaxes and stuff okay

Okay wait you can hit people while like gliding wait can you oh no does it just face through I just fall fall damage you do not slay me fall damage not maybe I should put uh okay wait let me edit it more I need to put a feather falling yeah maybe maybe I

Wish yeah I wish I could do a pop but just like just like the the the wait ke was way too long I I don’t know how to pay for the one you don’t have to wait long I what am I lagging that I’m bar I’m on one bar let me lck

Out and L in again I’m on one bar I okay hopefully in the same um versus okay I see I see I see let’s go let’s go already all right we have feather falling four okay okay it still hurts I AMG it still hurts a lot actually yeah hurts

A lot add slow falling as the pushing effect that you have permanently like a permanent slow falling effect oh that that actually wait can you do that yeah H when I when I exit let me win this first yo n watch you win what do

You mean no no no no no no run run run oh I took damage no I’m done you suck all right go to custom settings what generation hungercraft and Rain dead jobs is that or do I just have to give you a potion no no you just dra go to like go

To like the the blue thing at the bottom like when it it says custom game stand go to like the what do you call it the beacon beacon oh po potion effects yeah Beacon yep then yep should slow fallowing let’s go hey I don’t think the

Amplifier just one I guess I think is that is that bro is there two on SL one I don’t know I think it’s only one right oh duration the whole time just to infinite gu like the longest time 9,999 yep yep yep y okay why does bro like this trident kit

Should I make the TR kit he likes to TRD to kit it’s goofy but it’s fun though it’s fun okay I’m it’s stupid that’s that’s why I like it wait okay um where you going where you going you’re going to hit right there got you all right let’s

Go okay good here we are wait what why you good at this this is the weirdest kid to be good at because I’ve done this before huh that look goofy to me like you didn’t do the animation you’re just like wait for you to come okay come here come up here it did

Not what what let let me crit can no I’m going to die no yes oh was half a heart half a heart trying to heal won’t let me heal there’s no gaps Oh no I got I got to run until BR the Trident is like getting destroyed like what do you

Mean the the durability no it’s fine I’m I’m trying to heal it’s it’s not it’s not too bad get away from me get away for me I’m in F5 right now oh both chasing me oh no going stra oh no oh no oh no the rain the rain sto right just stop

For you too it did stop yeah I think if you go high enough it’s okay okay FL wins this easy yo what do you mean it’s supposed to be M on my side why is everyone against me here first Jeremy didn’t uh first you didn’t believe in me then he doesn’t believe

Me I might actually run out of durability they do not believe never right guys this is so stupid I was HFF a heart he he ran I was half a heart you could have won not again you know my Trident might like it’s like almost dead that should have made it

Unbreakable wait does H have a weight list anymore wait that’s that’s that’s fun then I’m going to play hop on the next stream it’s a this like a server like it’s like kind of for a battle royale thing called hopl last time I checked like this like horrible weight

List I think J told me he doesn’t have a weight list I’m going play that next stream like after church tomorrow is good let’s go gg gg I’m actually I’m going to head off I got you I got you you’re good thank you sir thank you sir for working

For free I’m joking this is fun yes sir thank you bro you have a good day sir you have a good day sir I’ll see you later man all right see you later bro a that was fun W dodo in the chair W dodo in the

Chair that was actually good kid I’m not going to lie that kid was good MO is here BR just standing there goofy ass skin goofy ass skin dog okay it’s fine all right okay hello okay I can hear myself echo okay I can hear myself again what

Is this okay I turned my volume down I got I don’t I I can’t connect my Bluetooth headphones so like figure that out late okay actually wait a minute wait a minute never mind you suck at oh yeah I know bro I know I suck at dang say so bluntly holy

Crap you could have got me yeah okay now I’m just not hitting you at all I up oh my gosh bro my no why what did I just what did I eat there should just like ran or something yeah you eating a golden carrot doesn’t like save the golden

Apple then like okay I don’t know fine it does but you were eting golden carrot unless I’m down okay wait a minute oh that was such a bad move what do you mean me from me yeah yeah with your play with your bow aim you do not want to do that

Okay heal up and actually fight me um later and I like russio okay yeah exactly like that that’s the sh how I fight better people I eat oh you should have ran there okay what do you want me to like help train you in um this kid oh maybe off

Screen maybe off screen maybe off stream if you like if you want to on stream I’m not the greatest PV in the world but I I IED bro okay ah ah no eat what did I switch one heart oh yeah I threw there run run we run from these why can

I not run no oh come on why do I keep switching to the sword I want to eat okay my finger just go to the no matter what you do dead oh thought I was dead what happened oh no no you got to good like

Oh cuz if I over I could have over extend there if I didn’t drop okay now I’m destroyed okay I’m I’m just do this the thing 20 health is crazy that bro just it’s okay it’s fine it’s fine ah it’s fine let’s do a kit what do you

Have my kit uh uh I only have is it the bucket one the one with potions and buckets no no no I was thinking of my kid as my oh want join uh this oh no that’s that’s a long that’s that’s a long fight brother I don’t like

I like the one with like netherite and healing bro those are like really long yeah um that’s going to be the battles like later on in your realm that’s annoying holy crap I think I’m going to ban netherite that’s that’s going to be only rule netherite is just

Hor I mean I mean except for tools though NE way armor is hor though I’m not going to lie like honestly okay um oh wait do we want to go talk with like Gio and Marsh in DC uh sure uh just go to probably what a general one in your

Server oh yeah yeah you’re right d does Mar have Discord he didn’t want to join that one time I don’t know oh he’s not even here oh he’s in a g yo what’s up brother oh what’s up yeah thing yes yes yeah what is up brother busy last few days but doing

Good God good good I’ve been doing good too yep yep yep yep yep anyway um okay I got to up the echo okay go how did I not hit that did you block it or did you did I just hit it uh did I do what did you block that

Bro or did did I just miss bro there’s no shot want no why did you not let me eat it did not let me eat bro I ate that bro what okay it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine bro I I ate the gold what what is this

Bow it it literally does too hard no it it did like four for me bro it like it’s just power three there’s a reason why I said it was op yeah Power get until like Max oh bro this kid is good okay I may I I may

Bad habit what is what is my bad habit what do you mean so um when I crit you you should let me disable your Shield cuz then it’s just easier to go to the sword and fight you but instead you just let me Ax crate you so okay I messed up there

Yeah see yeah you just let me ask for it you like four times and then you’re just like going to die and mo having the longest One V one in the history of one ones right now oh wait do you want to do 2 V2s with Mar we

Could we could do 2 V2s I’m practicing a kit forp so it’s like take years oh okay then yeah now then we meet the TV since that that c we can just stand here forever guys do you know a slash duel um name oh yeah Cal is cool but then you can’t spectate

It oh you just left ipped I actually got to pass no you didn’t uh I’ll let you live okay oh no not go good I’m sorry guy I messed up there are you just giving up on like guy and if we ever play on the SMP I’m probably going to lose I’m unenchanted

Right now for now that is um later on yeah I mean I got mending book so all I need is a P4 but4 is kind of hard no no no did not go at I’m gonna I’m gonna see if I can’t get motion here is that okay yeah sure

Okay oh oh it’s this kit yeah it’s my favorite kit by far you doing with this okay assuming I win this round I just Not oh crud not fun all right I’m gonna go on I’m gonna go one Mo actually no mo we should wait here until we can do TVs which you can do in a second um what K were you thinking of getting through pvts like I I could make one go really fast

What kit sorry uh what kit were you thinking of going for the tvts um oh we oh we can do the candy crushing kit no Andy cing is too annoying okay and also it’s not meta on this SMP because I yeah no oh right let’s hop in

A 2v2 oh really a one one okay let’s uh hey okay I’m I’m going to default to Legion kit because that’s like in my opinion most fun I’m G to put that down there hop in we have one em in here actually was like waiting yeah guy are you

Alive now I’m gonna do okay I’m Gonna Get Us default ax kit so that that way we have like no distractions nothing just [ __ ] axe Shield okay and then this way it’s like a good um it’s a good thing okay cool I got axe let’s do me and mo bucket and uh guy

Huh oh oh we’re gonna okay actually is it okay we switch TV I’ve got an axe kit so like very simple very yeah just join my party and I’m gon to do it um I’m G try something a little bit more disable that and see

Okay I’m gonna be here you P guy I’m ping my bro Mr Beast uploaded like 5 hours ago I’ve been streaming for how many 5 hours yeah I got to end stream I got to end stream to watch me video oh no I’m joking I’m joking I’m joking joke joke

Joke 5 hours is a long time I feel like it is but I’m still good though you could have just not streamed and watched this video what what do you mean yeah it came out hours ago you streamed around the same time oh yeah but I I got to get

On that grind though I got to grind anyway so yeah yeah what happened what happened what happened left yeah well he left Legacy too so oh what what do you mean oh get witha are you on the you got cont the yeah I was watching the stream

I just got a heart attack okay anyway uh yep yep that yo how hard is it to join a simple server I’m on the we’re all on the ground wait what do you mean me and Guy wait no okay you’re back on I’m so sry we were always on

Legacy what are you talking about I’m oh wait okay I’m realizing that that was stupid of me I was watching his stream but I had it like way back I was like oh he’s on the G right now so I hopped on there’s no one there okay my bad my bad you’re good

You’re good you’re good you’re good all right I’m here all right all right he’s here he’s here wait Gio this is worse than me not knowing what the beatboxing puppy song was that’s not that’s excusable that’s the fact that you thought that it was singing the bad to the Bony if was less

Acceptable I I haven’t listened to like either I don’t even know what bad of the bone is yeah um you know let’s not mention that anyway um yeah so I don’t know if Mo is um here he’s been like sitting in the same spot

For a while so I’m going to St it uh you fck it you get you guy in there and then we’ll we’ll end up having again on my team you’re not meant to end it though Gio oh right I Ed it my B my bad I I get clear chalk 84

One not gonna lie guys I’m like low tier five and ax we don’t got this unless unless is like worse than me I’m high tier one and ax oh sorry High tier five and ax I’m not to one an a um I mean we have to practice right

Because we’re playing in that like X tournament nobody’s joining that’s c m wake up you oh he moved he disappeared okay all right I this map Gio I love this map especially when there’s no water good okay wait I was tab again good that didn’t work at all good

Man dead yeah yeah he’s dead dead cool how this okay this is a okay I was taed out okay I was taed out okay all good it’s all good okay good for a little bit I was T out okay okay yeah just Target Gio Target we win this

Easy where’s he at no yeah I waste this I waste this easy yeah at least was easy that okay yeah it’s because I took three x crit well I Batman 20110 is mad at me for not questioning that’s crazy no no no no ah done okay I’m sorry we lose this

I I got I got dumped into lava yeah there F we tried we tried we tried it was a back and forth back and forth it’s fine no it’s just a d map okay yeah switch the map yeah okay and then I’m not going to Tropical Islands that’s just um not fun

This one yeah please don’t have like the same my map with like the water buckets and stuff no no I I would never do that I might I’m I’m GNA try a few different Maps here like that I have done before but I think all the annoying ones I’ve done

Before so what I’ve never I’ve never seen this one can you go out of this can you like go into the thing okay never oh I think if you have pearls maybe but we don’t have pearls so it’s okay um I’m just going to Target you all right what

J was low J my bad J was low someone has my stream open not low bro what you not low I was like critting you the whole time oh yeah uh P tip ax if you like if you like jump down that does so much damage

What if you like if you like jump up and down and spam click while shielding uh over somebody no no that does so much damage bro what is that it does what is that you just die if you get hit too many times yo yeah but in

One but in one on get like low to your threes it is very easy to get at least one so yeah that’s I just demonstrated that on [ __ ] it that’s called an auto hit and so essentially if he yo no I don’t like this

Kid I suck at this kid I suck at this I’m sorry I’m sorry buget I’m sorry but get I Su at this kid what is this I I I also threw that round holy crap what is this okay wait wait wait what’s who’s this kid why is he good

Yeah who is this kid and why is he so good I don’t know man I’m sorry bro this is not fair I feel bad for buget I’m just I’m just I’m just carrying him down I’m just holding him back no no no Gio’s getting carried here

Gio’s getting this K is good right this the other guy is good I mean Gio is good too but yeah this this this this okay it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine all right okay so that C’s not good I’m gonna do UHC now so whatever we going be

A little bit more complicated but not but like just one level up got let’s see now Aid and you see the a sh one oh what shift one I I think in you see the access shap level see it how many was that um it has sharp one sh one

Okay that’s what I thought I I I heard shift one and I’m like oh oh yeah my bad my bad spe is not speech okay um almost got it bro your English is worse than gu is op and he’s in like South Africa or something huh what your English is better than Geo

And he lives in America okay whatever you say buddy whatever you say I’m British oh you’re British Gio oh doesn’t matter your higher being then Y what y I don’t even know it is it just sucks to be I don’t know okay this map might be a bit too small

But you know yeah like I like you know the the one like made out of sand where you can go into like the little things and you can like go out I feel that one would be better but I don’t know I might have a horrible opinion I don’t know I’m

Like not the PVP guy here no you you you look like you’re getting crushed knock going off yo shut shut up how is he not okay bro what is this okay I just I was like you you like hold your shield for a second and you got

Teleported who me no me yeah water water map and then like all right I lost two hearts here Buck it this is kind of sad that’s because I haven’t been going for you y I’ve been trying to one one you this entire time look crazy that’s because I’m trying to save my darn

Teammate yo shut up I’m not dying oh this isn’t even UHC is it not oh is it not UHC on my bad okay yeah I’m dead here I’m not dead here guys still dead here I think die I’ll save you yeah you won’t to climb up

Guys just don’t die I swear I’m trying okay I’m trying I got just Target one of them and I’ll try to Target them as well quick TR I’m not going to get quick here I’m not fighting you you’re going to drop you’re going to drop if you don’t Focus me bro I have

Eight hearts right now what are you on about I’m also at eight hearts and he took like five GS I I CH three I’ve CH more than five GS yeah you probably like eight at this point at five okay yeah I know three y was there any point in h focusing

Someone because you’re going through so many gaps I can feel like it’s one2 that’s by gaing do honestly bro I’m even more dead if if he dies so even though I lost like so much still better yeah I think he just got he just got me a lot lower thanck ever has this

Game okay that’s actually a okay on die my bad I tried bro holy crap I tried that’s was why I lost longer than I died bro that was really good I’m dead here though nope not yet okay now I’m dead okay oh helmet broke that’s crazy my how does that even happen in

You because I had to that was good that was GG it’s so bro all these people are good though like all these yeah Z is good and that’s I mean everyone’s getting mid to be honest like I’m mid um bucket n okay I’m just we F we are going to be

Fighting anyone that’s actually good at the game yet because like and that’s wble there I’m die I did not die don’t die please you your death really screws me I not low though this really not do that much damage he’s comboing me into the wall double to get okay I’m not EA I’m

I’m not eat the golden apples right now okay they did process gu no eat the golden apple you just just okay it’s fine I’m dead here no I’m not was always I got you lava didn’t I you got it in a hole and I got webs on you so you know I’m dead

Fud this kid is I’m sorry I’m sorry no you’re fine holy crap have to drop Bro stand here and then oh he’s intested okay get in the lava get in the lava no Ient you then bro Ash you got this downtown just take out one of them I mean they’re just going to run away it’s it’s really unwinable no any of them yeah they just run away the other one focusing you then you can’t even heal or whatever but you my teammate is lava

Bucketing me right now so that’s not a good sign good if that happens I could win I could win oh never mind I’m at five gaps somehow bro minute so just don’t kill me please just just don’t Gap anymore no more gaing honestly if I if I stop ging I still

Win this how are you still surviving this this just kill me on I have gaps I did have gaps too I don’t know what I was doing bro yeah wait there’s lava underneath this it’s like one block away from lava you died here I honestly would have just I’m

Hope wait I’m actually going down no please I got to see if I can’t survive oh I can’t survive this my bad ah I’m going to see if I can survive this you cannot survive that I told him there’s lava I killed him I basically killed Gio I told him

There was lava here and then he went down iive us yeah that did help I won’t lie now I’m just out of gas please I did Kill there no just don’t even No One V One One V one okay you I’ll go down to laa you know I

Guess put just rning over The Lava I mean I still lose this no matter what bro that did so much bro G GG yeah okay turn on healing because that was a little bit broken yeah let’s go okay okay I don’t even know what we’re doing but okay yep

Whatever you say man he he seems like do that again but we’re going to fix the healing got you yeah that means you will get hard dropped okay yeah oh I should the sand one this time you you should add a shovel shovel to this a really fast one too though you

Can’t be like really slow if you’re eding one okay there I’m the only one honestly so yeah oh my teammate is not good okay oh yeah just Target locks Target locks I swear I’m not good either though it’s like it’s it’s a good matchup got your water got your water got your

Water I got your lava this kid just focusing on love me yeah you got my lava but I’m going to get it get back using your water I’m I’m I’m going lose this kid okay never mind oh you didn’t chase me just focus on you bro if you’re going to oh on

Hi ah Chase ah did not get my water did not get my water ah no no no dude I’m dead I’m dead bro my bad no don’t I’m dead I can’t I can’t he’s quitting me ah I hate this game I’m about to end stream I swear

Dog hours but you can’t drop that’s only thing what do you mean I can’t drop that man was targeting me the whole time Gio’s good yeah Gio is good I I know that’s like the Only Rule if you don’t drop that’s a double oh okay okay okay

Now I know you got just keep eating all of your gaps until he no gaps okay now I know now I know yeah yeah instead of damage okay okay okay okay okay now I know now I no no no no no okay I just want to kill

This kid just like spams the lava I swear I’ll take this kid the next time I swear I don’t like him anymore joking oh yeah people love to spam lava very good Str it’s annoy it’s good but Annoying assuming you don’t lose your lava it’s a good it’s a good sh to

Initiate combos but if you’re going through Lava multiple times in it’s it literally doesn’t matter if like if the person you’re fighting has like P cells oh I got him I that’s crazy how many gaps do you have actually um how many do you have nine nine okay I’m bro I’m I’m at

Five wait wait bu get B get clutch B get carry how many hearts is he at no I don’t know I can’t even see it can I let me get into him let me see his PO and see if I can see oh what the game lag no over it I

Swear you don’t jump over cobs you block jump over cobs I I did bro you literally placed it um and I I was like over it or something and then I lagged back it’s insane more Gap oh okay I just had a gap ghost that I might die yes please

Die okay I’m dead here I’m dead here that’s you have mine he you he in my cob what is this you know I’m okay you feel G to do that okay feel GNA do okay oh I’m so l so the rule the rule is you don’t drop

Just just don’t drop okay okay I got this yeah don’t drop I don’t care how many gaps you use or if you kill Gio the Only Rule you’re fighting a good person is waste their time cuz if he’s on me and killing me that’s okay but it’s kind of wor gosh gosh

Gosh the Gap go okay hang on bro right now I’m kind of crushing you’re Tel so hard okay bro I’m literally half a heart how many Gs were you at two wait just I got three of your GS how is this fair this is not fair that’s the whole point now this is

This is Gio’s punishment for having good team M yeah you’re right you’re right you’re right you’re right now now you can keep streaming and feel good about yourself yeah yeah yeah Hard Target Hard Target all you got to do AET obsidian man the obsidian very powerful enemy you know what actually

Speaking of targeting the obsidian let me dig bro just lava just lava here lava lava I dropped my sword oh never doesn’t matter just you got you guys are no fun we don’t care we not care we not care we not care wait what I put Myck

Okay he’s in the lava he’s in lava I’m just going to actually go down bro okay I just took the damage wait where’s he at oh yeah he’s over here this push him lava yeah yeah yeah that’s literally the plan oh get him get him get

Him literally I’d rather be in the water right now I’m taking my what do you mean he’s not taking any damage bro get out of here you’re being bro just literally all you want oh come on I’m out I’m out if you’re just slow just slow just you know what see

You I’m just going to J off into the lava it doesn’t do anything if I’m also the lava you know what actually you know what actually you know what I’m going to do for real you guys are lagging for me my BS are not shooting everything that T I can’t move

Okay just C them out here C them out yo I’m lagging what okay bro I’ve being neutralized by the lag what is this I’m lagging okay I accidentally cwe did he get out of here did he get out of the pole don’t worry there is a way there is a way not

For long though not for long oh he’s he’s here I got him I got him he’s getting I keep getting stuck in the thing don’t worry about it don’t just lava me lava me lava mea me okay never mind my leg was so bad I’m in one

Bar I’m in one bar of internet thing one bar yes oh yeah you’re right like just joined again I say what now what does it say now says full probably will drop again prob drop again though it’s fine doesn’t have a good teammate and we win yeah that’s all we got to

Do please be like dble good no Doo good Doo yeah yeah yeah yeah D that guy you c c bro what do you mean Literally oh oh you ended it huh yeah I swear you okay but then I’m like oh you’re crazy I am crazy but I’m also good like high tier five I’m not going to lie guy um we easily Crush Gio in a war you sure but I mean we have the

Thing is we have duck though duck is a good grinder duck could get some could get us some netherite and then we could just like oh aren you Banning it aren’t you Banning netherite um I’m bending it from other people I’m joking um I’m I’m just I’m just I’m just

Bending netherite armor but we can get netherite um tools though like swords and stuff but armor is just annoying but yeah he can get us the another uh tools and that we can just I don’t know Doug is a grinder bro that kid can do

Whatever dog like if if if he can grind us like all the tools we need then we can just like Ambush Gio when he’s not expecting it you know yeah I’m going to go for a candy crushing kit and hope we just crush him huh what is a candy okay

Anyway uh candy crushing is harming arrows oh um so if you can just get those or bre them very easy win but just buying them from a Trader is somewhat easier so I got to my teammate’s prob not winning this actually wait did I not Gap your Gap

Goost to it happens that happens three times last GI ghap multiple time wait there’s rain so lava is not not even thing anymore yeah lava is a thing there’s rain though bro all of my health is gone I could this game I I could time bro off now I was literally told do

Not die do not die I was G this literally is critting me I’m sorry bro I I’m a failure I she’s a very hard kid that’s like a rule you you you say but you don’t actually like enforce it okay wait where’s my okay oh come on I’m dead here

GG oh my go I’m in the realm wait per TR to per trying to keep me so Gio can kill me wait Gio where’d you get the Electra from uh P gave it to me I’m going to hop on the wait so you’re trying to kill me

All right no I was not I did not say that I did not say that I not he trying to kill me huh he’s trying to kill me what you talking about I can’t hear what you’re saying he’s trying to kill me right now who me nobody’s trying to kill

You okay Li I’m definitely trying to kill you no no no no you got to go in secret brother up we do not want wa wait wait I’m not trying to yeah not trying to kill him yeah that’s the that’s the right word right there not trying to

Kill him we are both not trying to kill him not all friendly here friendliest sub Minecraft there’s a deest server and then there’s a friendliest server in Minecraft you see yeah yeah there’s not going to be a Content war no not at all we are not not doing that yeah we

All we all we all good people here we all we actually actually wait a second we we aren’t going that far what do you mean going that far Gio Gio yeah I don’t I don’t know about Gio we are all and Gio it’s all and G and Gio

We all good people and then there Gio you know you understand what I’m saying yeah yeah I am built different H I don’t think so but you just you just you know I’m I’m built worse I’m simply a worse person yes okay yeah that that’s a that’s true right

There this creeper just up my side nice good good good creeper bro those those uh cows are pretty good those CS that I I killed they were pretty good not going lie I’mma give you that please um base quarts is one two three four five one two three four five one two

3 a 2 by two yo Gio I’m my for H uh H up um by your base real quick try to go home yeah okay yes so you don’t mind is all you said right no I I do mind he do he does mind but he doesn’t you mind okay you

Don’t mind he said right you don’t mind you said right okay good see all go people here even Gio can change anyone can change Gio’s Redemption Arc it may be too late for him but maybe not too late you know maybe not too too late maybe he won’t go to hell but

Definitely yeah yeah yeah yeah sharpness let me get sharpness for bro bro I’m wanting my a better sword only fire aspect and knockback 2 knockback two is insane oh wait it also has curse of Vanishing all so you have literally the worst sword in the game that’s great hey I

Mean guys is op only did two hits to me in in the server thought were friends what is this what is this yeah yeah yeah it was like the Dual thing you were like PVP man I don’t like this game anymore try to creepers randomly explode

We all start at a bad level yep and good yep you’re gonna be like low tier three in a month trust yeah in a month you’re going to be actually High tier four no high tier one high high tier one come on are you doubting on his

Abilities I even know which one is good buddy yep don’t doubt me man high tier High tier low tier three is good high tier 4 is pretty decent but if you get to like low tier three and high tier three you’re like insane at the game oh okay so um yep

Whatever which one is a good yep whatever one’s a good whichever’s good you know yeah I want the good one yeah my yeah you’re G to get the good one yeah how is this how is this elytra taking so much damage bro I’m just I’m just gliding in it what is

This I’m going to break my elytra midair what is this don’t break your elytra bad idea I I I can just up though I mean oh the leaves are annoying the new version so that might not be a good idea F I should have stopped updating it

The 1.16 who else agrees with that with that opinion that’s probably my best Minecraft opinion right there they should have stopped upgrading at uh 1.16 who who agrees who a Minecrafter and agrees no um it’s not that they shouldn’t stopped upgrading it it’s that they should have made good upgrade yeah

Okay that might actually be the only opinion better than mine better D you got bro first time I’m trying to make a portal to go back cuz I’m sure GI will be hostile for go to his I’m I’m by his base they trying to kill me the come me

To oh wait uh if you can give me the the nether quartz I can come to you in like a minute got yeah uh come visit my base here no no no I feel hostility against me here no no no no no no he can just he can just be a little

Aggressive no no no no Gio’s Gio is um he’s a hacker so he’ll beat me a PVP cuz he’s hacking if he wasn’t hacking he wouldn’t beat me Gio won’t beat us wait I I see a portal here see a portal here wait what does it what does it lead to

Though could be someone’s base oh no think I know where I’m at I know I’m at I know I’m at I know I’m at I know where oh my gosh what happened protection or four piercing I need 10 stacks of emeralds dude 10 stacks of emeralds for what oh get

Good oh G but I mean where’s the Pillager at first wait J where you at right now let’s go I’m at my base okay never mind why do you ask I I have some flu still I want to see how it look on your base I don’t

Know yeah yeah yeah I’m TR look okay n I’m going to test that at like midnight on Monday cuz I think you go to school so you got to wake up the next morning and midnight I’m G log in like where’s G B at then what yeah bro that’s actually good that’s

Actually insane that’s actually good wait is it diamond or iron uh huh oh just a oh just a book good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good Hey anyway what’s up Gio man you doing good man yeah good to get uh almost Max really almost Max what everything man really yeah and then I’m going to get pots I’m going to get swiftness I’m going to get really yeah really what get um yeah pears and get TNT mine

C d That’s crazy oh yeah I’m make Ohio oh what I’m going to make Ohio Ohio this is not 22 Ohio was like two years ago this is not 2022 this is 2024 it was years ago I’m getting it back this is not get his reference you don’t get

His oh was a place in the server you guys played it okay I think I think think I caught that I C that thing I got my bad myad my okay so uh where’s where’s downtown okay this creeper is really annoying I I’m honestly trying to find the end portal because I

Lost how is he still alive no okay don’t die man huh dying bad bro when is Duck not on this kid like I I respect it honestly I respect that Minecraft grind dog when is this kid not on oh never mind I found the the portal

Nice do you want me to come to you me I’m I’m at the base yeah sure what’s up brother you think you could uh win against me oh absolutely that’s not a question the question is how many people could you kill I don’t know five 10 200 I don’t know you mean one

Not uh one did you just say 100 no no one yeah I think maybe I could do 100 yeah definitely no no VI Wait no that’s funny anyway anyway you actually wait okay wait a minute if you stream and hit wait are you streaming right now oh yeah why yeah oh okay don’t

Do not hit F3 because I don’t think Gio knows where we live I think he does I do I’ve already hit it before yeah Gio’s a creep yeah I am that’s a crazy statement brother yeah I am I am wait wait where where are you gu um I

Have Cobs for you you have what oh good thank you sir how do you have a shotgun I don’t have a shocker what is this oh I got shotgun a shot sorry I’m dying you’re good you’re good we all die sometimes you know happens anyway that’s crazy

CRA How does bro with two shot and I don’t have one what is this okay it’s fine bro I was given two how who gave you it um it par duck it duck not even on I thought we were teammates duck what is this why you give up people shers duck come

Here this kid is flying away from me I even have oh I do have gun poow thank you did not give shot C why why you trying to tell me against my teammate uh I may be wrong on the person hisory fact wait yeah I I’ve I’ve I’ve

Heard about your P you don’t have you don’t really good pass um who gave you this is it Doug thank you brother I gave it to him in exchange for sabotaging your team no I deny that possibility see minut it’s a possibility oh wait do you have two

Diamonds by chance guy ah no no no diamonds here not adding the allegations there should be some diamonds in the end in the um stronghold chest though I did leave some there okay W I’m just going to get back yo no it’s crazy do it’s fine okay you do you

Man oh I need diamonds for my wait no bro just M for them yet there’s diamonds like everywhere here I’m don’t have yet C wait you’re three dang I the Game ending we need more villagers oh we have a lot of yeah this need to be set up but duck is doing all

The work though I feel bad duck is like the one always grinding uh sleep or log oh okay fine duck I Duck’s in the nether right yeah he sleep we just need one player sleep on yeah sleep you command for that a what the command for one player s

I do not know dog I do not know I don’t I’m not familiar with the settings like that I just I I just I just break blocks and place them I don’t know the commands like that oh wait yeah you couldn’t even TP me shut

Up I gave you I give you spectator and it was all fixed shut up oh yeah you you get to give me oh yeah I need to upgrade FL do that today huh game wait do you guys want to do the thing again but like what would be the

Reward if you like do the thing where uh people stack up and then they fight to the death I mean it was fun for me but I don’t think I don’t think everyone enjoyed when I watched the stream I I don’t think everybody else enjoyed it as I

Did I mean I enjoyed it but maybe that was because I won okay maybe was a possible enjoyment Factor I mean I enjoyed it it’s just that um you did join early you like the what I didn’t like the spot fighting in that um whatever Place yeah yeah yeah the Mansion was no

F yeah I almost died a bunch of times because um the carpet was blocking my uh blocks so I can like yeah I I thought that I mean I probably should have started like on top of the Manion like on the top I feel like the menion

Is good though cuz you got to watch for other mobs and fight other people cuz if not if not it would have taken way too long for people to die not really actually because people don’t have food oh well that’s what I thought can’t change it now wait Gio do you still have

Fire reses or did you die yeah I do what that’s why making Ohio I’m going to make a giant lava Tower and then if you come to attack me I’m just going to sit there and I’m going to Dr up on you what that’s what I mean by Ohio I’m going to

Make a world H lava Tower yeah I don’t think I’ll just I’ll just not I’ll just I just I’ll just wait for you to come down hours even once the whole plane just doesn’t work yeah bro is not so yeah I mean that’s why I have pots

HTS won’t work if we get hot I mean I can just I can just like eight get eight minutes of fire rest though and then the whole thing is done yop is a scam you you’re a fraud Geo fraud Geo well I mean the fight’s going to take longer than eight minutes

So you’re going to need a lot of pots that’s take inventory this this kid thinks it’s good bucket this kid thinks it’s good bro I do than you actually okay has is doing a me today today yeah I just PR for no reason I might be cooked

Anyway pearling for no reason doesn’t do crap you should be fine I know I I like my brain might be fried right now um hours the thing is though the thing is though like my streams are not like the bigger stream I’m not screaming like the whole time though so I shouldn’t be

Tired it’s like like just playing random it’s just it’s just like playing Minecraft like it’s not like should have done fire resist oh resist yeah but yeah it’s like I’m doing anything crazy I’m not screaming at the cameras or anything I’m just like chilling with Minecraft having

Fun so I should be exhausting I’m chilling right now the only thing I’m thinking about right now is like having an apple or something I’m kind of hungry it’s fine though I canle like alive yeah okay you have an apple and then eat it with a eight met uh eight uh cubic

Feet of gold huh um what have an apple and then wash it down with eight cubic feet of gold I think that’ll kill me what what are we talking about here what what talking about okay okay we’re talking about Golden Apple oh that would not regenerate me it would not it will not

Um anyway so so first person to kill the Wen gets my next paycheck I’m joking I need to eat food I need to I need to eat food I H what is this it all no I’m not risking off this bro no you should do that

No no no no no no no no no then how am I going to eat food then you aren’t no it’s not it’s not very good is it it’s not very good is it it is very good no no no no no anyway like I should figure out how

Twitch works now I should like stream on Twitch and YouTube or something I don’t know like twitch is better cuz cuz twitch is like what can’t really do both kind of impossible but what do you mean you can do both that’s L I know people do

Both you kind of can but you can’t stream on both at the same time if my memory yeah you can oh you can never mind it’s actually in correct they miss and then yeah I feel it’s better cuz people are theread for like streams then the window see stream they click

But YouTube people there for like 5 minute videos of like fuss cuss and stuff yeah yeah anyway I got to get a gold going CU I’m well on gaps wait you have a lot of gaps I’m low on gaps I only have four right now let’s go Che four I have like

10 gaps right now what do you mean gaps I need gap what is this I have plenty of regular apples okay M do you want to go kill uh do you want to go kill um Mar is right here if he says yes it’s done

M is like right here if he says anything yeah if he says yes it’s done do you want to betray a guy you wait Marsh is my teammate wait Marsh Marsh might be closer to me than than this guy than than than bucket Marsh is like I don’t know

Man I’m actually pretty close to you because I have to kill Gio I’mma eat you with a spoon guy what let’s go that’s the spirit what I feel uncomfortable right here I I don’t know if I I don’t even know okay speak English I don’t even know if I

Want to touch this guy anymore he’s the guy or what what is this what is this who whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa I don’t I don’t even know if I want to get close to this guy he’s wait where’s he at where where did Marsh go he left is that the game

No you did not no we didn’t why did he say what didn’t leave wait all right got four M got three got three ending oh I missing a book that’s good okay time for more granding good I wish I could use that end grer so bad right

Now oh I just gained two subscribers let’s go let’s go subscribers go hey P wait where is he was he killing me I’m going to go get us uh some pots pet and I’m also going to get us aable laa no don’t kill him don’t kill him don’t kill

Him just thinking sure do St wait the pr join oh par just join wait par is good though I’m not going to lie I I used to not be I used to not be scared of but he’s kind of good I’m not going to lie he’s kind of

Good yeah you aren going to kill parrot yeah parrot is good I mean more she’s like my God though is that is that a stone is that a stone sword oh you’re CED you’re CED give me all your belongings this is a this is a downtown this is this is uh a

UK London uh simulation give me all your give me your stuff take out your sword take out your sword give me all your stuff need 172 oak logs I’m going get diamonds what a deal but just traded for the first time it is a deal I I I actually need to get um

Harming Arrow so I’m going to do that now okay I think we should make a team flag bro I have not been reading chat cuz my phone turned off someone’s speaking some foreign tongue in this chat which I’m very confused about you should do H okay uh flip

Barbecue said can they can they join sure was a long time ago and then meanus Q gaming said Can am I able to join am I able to join I’m back what is this chat I’m so confused six hours is crazy six hours that’s okay you know what par we got to get

Used to my fire R pots fire R bro that’s what we got to do fire R you are you do not need fire is we for Ohio got to go get some Nether and then I’m going to make the inner walls and I’m going to flood everything with lava lava cast it

Again I’m going step by step down this process and it’s going to look so good by the end no I forgot to SL okay anyway if you look at the chat right now huh it’s bait you’re you’re going to try to baat us out and then you’re going

To try to um kill us no I’m not how am I baiting you watch the stream there’s nothing sus going on here it’s all it’s all love here but why would why would you accidentally F that out why you why you why why why you why you like this why don’t you fall

For stuff why are you like this I anyway anyway I’m literally the N emoji wait Gio is downtown your like IRL friend or did you just meet him online I met him online okay I met him by him killing me in a SI event bro if you guys like never met each other

What I that’s normal right I it’s not normal I only play with people I know in real life this is just like I don’t know this is the first time I’m doing this like with people that I don’t know in live I’ve only playing with people I know to live that’s actually that’s

Actually insane me up anyone like I had a 100 friends on Discord and I’m like I don’t talk to like half of these people and IED like 70 people I mean i’ okay I have a bunch of fans here like four years ago that like literally it’s actually kind of funny

Most of the people on my Discord I had like really long um ement with in like like four years ago like over a Roblox game or something um and then um we stopped talking and then we never make office SC exactly like I um I a bunch of kids thought I

Was scamming them on Roblox because I was Shing to make a game but everyone was like really indecisive about it and then it ended up like getting Chang plans wait how it was very funny how does Marsh know where I live what must be yeah he’s also

In on the conspiracy he wants to kill you too huh Marsh I thought me and are good Mar yeah I’ve been I’ve I’ve been ding back and forth with Mar he wants to wait Mar I thought we were different I thought you were different from the rest

I thought we would I thought we lck no Marsh Mar is planing on killing me I thought I thought my side in the content oh yeah tell me where I live tell me where I live tell me where I live tell me where I live yep tell me tell me the quotes

Exactly yo this kid is not funny at all I swear this kid is not fun this man just push me to Earth I live on earth that’s like the funniest thing ever like bro come on what are we doing here what are we doing here die anyway

Uh Gio’s about to die Gio look right right behind you right now look behind you right now made you look right made you look no no no G me in Minecraft not in IRL I looked okay hang on hang on I did not look at behind me IRL I look behind

Me in Minecraft okay that would actually be insane that would be the sickest thing I ever done bro oh say my bad my bad um par fight him he’s not sorry we tell that we tell that fight him he’s not sorry parot six them thank you I’m going to give you the leftovers

Um there’s going to be like seven eight left over and then you can get get four what’s up suit Y what what do you guys think about the it’s probably too much let me not say that let me not say that let me not say uh who’s this person good bro nice

Nice who’s killing me I’m te out who’s killing me okay someone just hit me make it too I won’t kill you what are we talking about here what are we talking about here block y bro what yeah what are we doing here what are we doing here nothing nothing nothing trust what

What what what are these deals that were duck is like this man is Aura this this man is Aura this man does not talkg at all he just grinds this man is locked in no one has four death BL what I have 60 blocks right now how much you how how

About I make it grass blocks since you have to kill Ender for them that’s a good deal bro I feel like one day like if if being like a little bit chill like a streamer it doesn’t work I’m probably going to be one of those loud streamers scream for

Attention oh my gosh I can’t believe this just happened you should stay streaming five nights at PES what is that oh think it’s a scary game right I think it’s a scary game I don’t know what it is though yeah it’s it’s like be all like the reaction people playing it

And like oh yeah but that that would need my face cam though I don’t think I’m comfortable with that right now what do you mean I just want to poster face everywhere I’m joking what what yeah it’s a prob joke about that I don’t know bro you should

Be I’m just I’m just I’m just a guy man I’m just a guy random guy here you a just guy bro okay some of you might wait is any oh crap I just went to the F oh no I’m stuck with the villages oh no I’m stuck anyway wait so

Bro yes it is that’s true right there okay I might need an apple I’m starting to sit dizzy here what is this I’m mining an apple one second you guys you guys entertain the stream hello chat yep hello there so what we’re going to be doing today is

We’re going to be playing we’re going to be looking for Herobrine right right so wow okay it’s for guys it’s you know what I don’t know if I hav me to scream right now um buer can you scream real quick for me for the reaction silence okay you know I I understand

Um anyway what we’re going to do is we’re going to go and we’re going to uh we’re going to W cast that entire Forest we’re going to just I’m not screen sharing right now so you don’t know which Forest but you know we’ve got a whole we we have a

Forest over here we’re going to lav cast it we’re going to destroy the environment we’re going to just fill this entire thing with lava and we’re just going to get like a ton of fire resistance potions and just you know live there and just F Wasteland and

That’s going to be a base from now on I’m Bad probably the driest Apple I’ve ever eaten but it’s welcome back I I entertained I uh what I entertained chat but bu wasn’t willing to scream about herob so um let me see bro I don’t even have chat open right now but kind of sold that Bro what is this bro how does Mr Beast do this crap bro how does man get so many views like bro what it’s actually insane oh he’s been doing YouTube for 12 years yeah I know like yeah I know I know he deserves it but bro holy crap people like bro what

Okay that’s fine still insane what I’m even kind of like been kind of doing a similar thing with like the Alm like I feel like you get That anyway this apple is really dry but right now I’ll take anything honestly holy crap yeah anything with like sugar yeah go back to Minecraft why I move my mic yeah almost full for almost I have like a little bit more to go and then it’s potioning and then it’s

Lava casting and then we be it yeah we we need the apple right now I’m M the mic we’re good I’m M the mic I’m going M it again my bad for Gio is speaking in Discord yes I’m speaking in Discord right now Ma ability on everything about my boots

What he sounds like me he sounds just like me for oh do I I thought it we sounded kind of different yeah no I think we sound exactly the same actually I think we actually are the same person I think you’re might all actually that is true another

Time so I actually blazes can’t hurt me right so I could just themely they hurt you but not that much but I thought Fireball impact didn’t do any damage resist it does do a little bit of damage just a little bit right yeah gold potions lava buckets oh D par so

All right I’m back think I’m pretty much ready to go into The Nether huh think I’m pretty much ready to go on that NE qus sh got what’s up man he yeah okay good good I’m not I’m not is not good bro it’s not I come in peace I come

In peace I come in peace I come in peace what this is this is hostility this I feel host I I feel hostility here can we not declare where like an hour ago no you didn’t declare crap we okay well they you said we’re all good people here that’s what I said

I said we’re all good people here yeah maybe not maybe someone is here is hostile I I I I feel like like if you’re good with history and knowing who the bad guy is I feel like you should know who the bad guy is right now they just

Killed a peaceful man that man literally said he said I come in peace I come in peace I was not holding any weapon up I was literally okay it’s fine you know what this means war s stop let’s go this means we’re playing this wait is it like the stream delay

That bad it’s not that bad for me what bro who’s watching the stream right now who watching now okay do you see you see do you see the last chat like bro what are you what what is this oh no the chat’s been going wild for a while now Bruh Bruh hey there

Here what I’m weing it nah shut up no too late now okay give me all my stuff with peace I love peace yeah if you give stuff we huh you’ve never been to the how is not be to the ne yet bro okay guys uh let’s go to get your

Stuff I’m in the portal right now where you at let’s go can you give me some food can’t wait for you to come here can you give me some food real quick we come in peace wait to meet you can you give me some food real quick yeah yeah we

Come in PE you I have real food I I don’t know where they are come no no no down toown right here right here he’s right here give my stuff okay wait where’s my where’s my cooked where’s my baked potatoes at oh my baked potatoes I don’t see my baked potatoes

Here I got robbed okay it’s fine wait wait wait come back come back come back just my bad my bad wait where’s my thing at okay so you gave me the shos I’m stealing these just for compensation for for for killing me and and my baked potatoes I don’t see my baked potatoes

Here no no no BR threading violence of a baked potatoes isn’t that what Gio did though is that what Gio did wait yeah GD kind of start War but I I didn’t threaten violence I executed violent bro I didn’t just getting you I literally just this

Man killed me this man did yeah he did kill me yeah I remember that I remember that I remember that okay that’s why I’m your potatoes is he bad wait I come here come back give my potatoes give my my baked potatoes give me my baked potatoes right

Here drop them oh that’s not Tri wait did he give you yeah yeah I’m not in I’m tripping I I I need food though I need food I need food I need food where’s my axe at do you see my axe or I just leave it stole my axe okay I

Got I got your potatoes but I just compensated so you have all okay okay good let’s go wait you also got shers though dou W yeah yeah yeah that’s for compensation right there do not kill me okay Gio I want to come to your Bas in peace

Man in peace yeah yeah in peace we got our potato so we’re peace now but do I have my seeds wait do we still have your seeds I put them in the chest okay I guess you can come in peace H if I’m not home yeah fine you can come in peace okay

Me also also do you just want to get to him M is that what we’re doing gu we’re going to him yeah in PE I gave my X back look he gave my X back bro is just coming here like every two seconds yeah parrot I have I have your shovel I have an Unbreaking shovel

I can’t peace I’m going give it back to him okay Barrett I come in peace I want to give you a shovel back someone just messaged me oh oh it’s my friend uh dodo said it was a good stream he he had fun D just said he had fun w w w

No I want we come in peace though we don’t want any we don’t want any connection with you guys just we want to make sure make sure yeah I’m just everything you own you know what I’m saying Jokers are ours though yeah bro I I have not seen Doug what is Doug

Doing right now Doug is just not just just he said he lost it oh all I’m going to go grab some uh you have do you have an end chest by chance I do not okay got you’re good okay um where are you what where are you guys Infinity for

Yeah you know now this means L dude huh what means his theft of my AEL what no I just saw an ex in a river and I just joined it yeah that was my AEL on that um how would you know that exactly I’m screen Shar I’m watching your

Stream can’t do that you cannot do that cannot do that bro stream sniping they’re here they’re here they’re here they’re here they’re here [Laughter] there Qui I okay look I don’t even have any pots right now yeah yeah I know we all saw the advantage why you going from the 2v one

Bro I don’t have a shield right now oh [ __ ] wait let’s go back let’s go back let’s go back let’s go back let’s go back he you know what I do have though web wait what oh sh you have you have a you have a IR you’re doing good

Bucket oh have a you know I’ll be taking that oh yeah fire aspect that’s oh yeah I’m IMM to fire I forgot wait par just joined I’m retreating I’m retreating I’m retreating I’m retreating I’m treating okay I’m getting that I’m getting that they have my axle I’m gonna bu I’m

Going to go kill you and take your G real quick yeah yeah we kill and we steal no no no no no no no no no we come in peace here all done PE we come in peace here guys I’m honest getting out I’m honestly getting out what about you huh all

Right yeah following you so I mean you better not go back to your base what happens if I go to my oh he’s fine um yeah going to our base might not be the greatest idea right now you’re right you’re right uh I ran out of pearl I’m going to grab 16 but

Next time we oh my bad I took those youre how your vill looking dead but we don’t care ah okay does not care this guy’s he’s a Chad so wait where you going then wait wait if you have my stream open you’re weirdo you’re actually a weirdo if you

Have my stream open right now I I’m a weirdo how was that fair all right you’re done buddy you’re done what is where I at right now where am I at what am I what biome what like what NE at the CR obsidian just out of that NE portal actually out base I’m

Going to actually be popping in there really I’m lit like th BS from basement I don’t know what you’re talking about what’s up brother I Cann not stop doing that okay okay yeah they’re totally bassing they are not at the base we don’t need to worry

Okay yeah they are kind of Goofs the thing is though I don’t I don’t I feel like we need gapples or like better food cuz I was just like taking damage and I was like not getting a chance to heal or whatever predators are like horrible yeah yeah we’re fine though

Fine the enchantment table wait did someone break did you break the enchantment table yeah I did I’ve been working two days to get that bro the villagers are me they don’t care he said but fine it’s fine we did do a little bit of trolling didn’t we just justes a little bit of

Trolling why is a baby villager just walking around here get a job Kind of feel bad I’m not going to lie yo Gio no no no no reason yo Gio what I’m loed in yo Gio will will you forgive me if I say I I feel bad no no do you have food they have food they’re poor we just Dro some poor

Babies oh no I feel bad yeah I I have nothing right now I’m actually like only um half iron right now wait let’s let’s go out some um let’s go on some some emeralds so we can trade these golden apples from this guy yeah I need I need golden apples as

Well yeah same I’ll give you some right now huh uh I’ll give you some EMS right now got you got you yo uh Gio Gio do not do not include um duck in this he did not do anything uh well your face is getting red it doesn’t matter if duck there or

Not okay I mean it’s all Duck’s work so if you’re raing my base then you you’re raing all of Duck’s work duck is the grinder here if you do if you do that you know what duck duck okay if duck duck if you go drop guy right now or Rec

Right now uh we won’t kill you if you what just if you a kill guy right now uh we won’t uh why you why youing duck man that’s crazy man duck didn’t do anything to you man getting him involved now he have to to decide why did he do what what did he

Do that’s crazy man duck didn’t do anything well he did nothing yet he did nothing yet but yeah he doesn’t tell us where you are then you will have done something that’s crazy man trying to push duck into this by force um Gio’s a bad guy du is a good person why would

You ever do that yeah Doug is a good person I feel like you’re the bad guy here he’s the problem we’re not the problem yeah uh everyone sleep or log at the night all right any oh yeah what happened I’m GNA have to go do something in like 15 minutes so I’m

Gonna go get some pots okay so nobody’s no doing the game it’s fine and you know we’re going to go over them I think I found the ne portal um we’re going to go over there we’re going to trap them this is not very um kind of you brother

What what what what do we do to you man why you why are you being mad hostile dog what do we do to you hello there bucket is he actually near you yeah yeah he he just fed out our base right now yeah don’t get don’t get duck into

This he’s not he’s not okay yeah you almost just Qui up here just wait till he get shink pots which I’m actually cooking them now so you better better walk in here if you want to stop us huh bro’s not trying to trap me in the nether right

Now I know he’s not there’s no way bro thinks he can tra me right now no no no no no no we’re not even in the nether I’m still at his base area I was literally watching them the whole time okay I got to get out of here now

For real get out get out get out cat a skull yo do not incl do not include duck into this come on don’t put him into a pck he’s a good guy he doesn’t want to kill anybody yeah duck is a good man unlike you yeah I’m actually one good for once

Not a villain anymore huh oh I used I almost always am a villain Ro this is my Redemption Arc what do you mean oh yeah we’re the good guys in this right yeah you’re right you’re right yeah definitely the good guys we didn’t start anything this guy just just want

To kill us right now for like no reason at all like why you trying to kill us bro what do you do to you man come on it’s like you know yeah we are we we it’s yeah yeah yeah I feel bad for duck okay I’m going

To do a I’m going to do three pots of speed three pots of string why are you being so weird and trying hard chill out I’m going to be out of glass soon so you’re going to want to um why are you actually giving up for like an bro chill

Out dog I’m not CH so come over here and give me a one iron and I’ll give you two pots yeah okay stop being you’re doing one h of damage I hope you know that then I’m just going to block off the door imagine being good at Minecraft PVP

Yeah it’s actually so lame imagine okay I’m actually getting out here guys being feel was being a nuisance I mean this is an overall resource game for us because like um yeah like you can pay us pay us an axel these guys are these guys are bullies this guys are bullies they’re

Bullying duck right now CH can you bu us bro guys are bullies we are we are bullying duck still hurting why are you guys using abusing your imagine abusing your power in a weaker person yeah cuz we are we that is not the way of the

Jedi yeah we we we’re actually sth oh okay so that’s my thing so I’m the I’m the I’m the I’m the no I’m a good guy now I’m a I’m a redeemed Vader you guys yeah you guys are the set you’re you’re Jedi vad I’ve been

Forgiven for all the young that I killed I’ve been forgiven yeah who cares about this young yeah like come on this just young at all yeah creeper okay so if they worri about Creepers you might actually win this thing is he has lava buckets so which is annoying and they’re useless to him

Creeper inside of the house oh why why did you not explode that’s actually so KN so you know here’s the problem we can’t really kill them we actually need to get more enchants duck please grind out the game for like a million years please we need more

Yeah duck is our supplier here he works for free do not recruit him duck does not want a new job duck does not want a new job I promise he does not want a new job he’s very comfortable his job right now D if you can get sharp five Pro four in

Like a minute complete W let me check my phone real quick see if it’s my leg can yeah I don’t think we’re honestly going to kill Gio for now we got to we got to go on the side oh wait wait what is duck making deals with

Is duck making deals with opposition oh bro why is nobody I thought I thought I thought we sleeping through the night what is this bro has become the True Villain now he’s he is I had to cook some pots okay and now everyone’s back so I mean I’m going to

Leave but I needed a few seconds it’s about to be day anyway it’s about to be day anyway look the Moon is about to but okay never mind Yeah still R though sleeping is the worst part I mean I wasn’t War until then you know what worse than uh creepers sleeping yeah it is it is I mean creepers in your base is like a dream but like yeah you know okay so never mind scratch sleeping because

No no I don’t know what’s happening dog the sun is but the the Moon is setting anyway I mean it’s it’s a yep setting yep I love English yeah the moon’s upset right now mad at us why are creepers everywhere like they all the like the the critical spots too

Like bro I’m trying to blow a farm up bro like chill duck worked really I mean we worked really hard for this Farm we all yeah exactly wait where the villag is at what happened oh going to go Dr him goodbye huh goodbye okay so guy

Uh uh I have a plan I just need to get uh that quick if they ever ENT enter through our portal they’ll basically get one shot what do you mean oh you’re going to do a crystal CH I why you still in the thing I don’t have

Crystals yeah you could bar easily get crystals and either you’re broke or you you have crystals and both are good but wait but if but they’ll like instantly die both of them so let’s just hope they can’t get to the base faster enough gosh this you’ll see what I mean when I get

There I got not Crystal um I like foring golden apples I mean golden carrots right now yeah yeah get golden carrots and golden apples cuz Gio has prop for and unless BR Bo is crazy Gio why why why are you being sweaty what is three it might be prop three I’m not too

Sure okay but still too hard to win all right so you prob made a portal in the nether foress didn’t you why would we do that GI like why yeah why would we do that doesn’t sound like us I don’t know easy access to yeah but another for takes over most

Of spawns and I’m assuming you didn’t you said that you built like a thousand block that SP yet which would be up to 120 blocks out so you have to BU within 110 blocks of NE spawn bro bro is mathing right now in Minecraft yo n n Emoji in the chat

Bro that that is just though bro okay I did not I like I like like edging The Creep whenever the body explode I just move away anyway anyway all right all right I’m gonna prob hop on another SMP pretty soon are you talking about notice talking about the uh thing that

Just opened what thing P plays on All theps yeah I think I put six smps once get now bro right honly that’s a well I think I’m going end stream in like what five minutes how long have we been going you know actually I’m going to log in five

Minutes because I think I might have just found you P okay okay I just saw parrot I just saw parrot wait he is definitely going to our base trust wait wait wait wait wait no no no no no no no guys as we said we

Did that in peace though have oh yeah I I just found where’s he at where’s he at I don’t see him though duck run duck duck they here duck they here duck they here the man they’re flying what let’s go let’s go P wait bucket you stilling the

Call uh yes I am okay what’s the plan what’s the plan uh nothing I personally am getting out now okay same you know what I’ll get out too I rather survive than die from these monsters don’t kill him please no I’ll I’ll stay for I’ll stay for Doug you

Know what Gia we can talk about this if you want to can talk about this if you want I’m G stay for Doug I don’t care I stand on business where you at talk to me in the command where you at where you at I personally just say um

Let’s find parrot and K him par is is like frying around our base look there they are I see this Chio he’s rushing me right now he’s so weird he’s actually so what I I got wait I went to the wrong portal crap okay it’s honestly going to take we

Have access to the base let’s bring it down Gio I have one last thing to tell you I’m at your base right now all right you’re okay Duckman uh give me give us all your money me all your give I have TNT right now that’s actually so cold do not do

That Gio he’s a peaceful man Duckman one okay I shouldn’t be using knock back too I’m a liability I’m to pay it fighting nice nice good job man they’re going to farm me now where’s my stuff at five diamond block ah five diamond blocks okay that’s fine you got any NE

Yet you know I’m actually going to I’m going to Splash okay nice one oh he broke he broke my he broke my bed no yes we broke you B no I’ve lost everything okay not going lie I didn’t get much but I picked up some stuff that yours okay

That’s fine chase him down um oh my’s G okay wait but I do have one chick up on sleeve though got two I do have one chick up on sleeve though yeah yeah we have one trick one trick yo okay oh okay that’s um that’s a lot of gear in

Here that’s Duck’s stuff don’t do this man duck okay so de you know you know they kind of uh they kind of sold this for you didn’t they thank you duck um so here’s gu’s armor um so you know they kind of sold out this whole base right

By doing that whole thing don’t you think it would be better without them no do not take darkg from us he’s the reason way here you You’ be better off without them dark you know you should you should come join us no Doug don’t do it we are

Better darkg don’t betray duck is better than this duck is better than this no no no no no here you go duck is better than that duck don’t agree no we’ve lost duck no bro what why me like a man going to log off see you guys

Goodbye by goodbye in the morning you suck get out of here I I just lost everything I own okay I could win I could win this trust I’m trusting right now I just lost everything okay not goingon to lie I’m kind of bro said I’m must trust now he say

Not GNA lie he’s screwed okay it’s fine we got this guys what is this my found the way back I don’t know I I like work how does bro play Minecraft like that BR SL this SMP is going to I mean like this realm is going to play on the bro

What either you’re not going to kill me or you’re going to have to fight through cops no no my kill I only do like a heart I don’t even have sharp sharpness bro bro I’m actually better than par bro I I fought him off with like no gear he’s insanely

Bad I’mma L off do well that was a complete w i just destroyed par good good good good that’s good that’s good that’s good that’s good we destroy we destroy we win these even though I kind of died but hey not exactly a win but still I

Y all right bro see you whenever I see you see you huh not sharp one but still see you all right wait how many okay

This video, titled ‘MInecraft But,…..’, was uploaded by Guy on 2024-03-16 23:49:59. It has garnered 184 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 07:21:37 or 26497 seconds.

this is a regular minecraft stream #minecraft smp #smp #stream #fyp

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  • Redstone Farm Finale! Minecraft Survival #20

    Redstone Farm Finale! Minecraft Survival #20 Exploring the Redstone Farm in Minecraft Join EpicAlyssa1250 and Andrew in their latest adventure in the Boyfriend & Girlfriend Minecraft Survival Series! In this episode, they delve into the intricacies of the Redstone Farm, a key feature in their virtual world. Redstone Farm: A Hub of Innovation The Redstone Farm serves as a hub of innovation in the Minecraft world. It provides essential resources and materials for crafting, building, and surviving in the game. With its automated systems and clever design, the Redstone Farm showcases the players’ creativity and problem-solving skills. Key Features of the Redstone Farm Within the… Read More

  • Quick Tips: Bamboo Farm in 1 Min! #MinecraftMadness

    Quick Tips: Bamboo Farm in 1 Min! #MinecraftMadness In Minecraft Bedrock, a bamboo farm so quick, Just follow the steps, no need to be slick. Place mud, solid blocks, water, and more, In less than a minute, your farm will soar. With a piston, observer, and redstone drop, Your farm will be thriving, never a flop. Just add bamboo and bone meal with care, Your farm will grow tall, beyond compare. So easy to build, in just a short time, Your Minecraft skills will surely shine. For more tutorials, check out the link, And let your creativity in Minecraft brink. Read More

  • Mad Hatter Strikes Again: Skyblock EP 8

    Mad Hatter Strikes Again: Skyblock EP 8 Minecraft Skyblock Adventure: Episode 8 Fixing the Iron Farm In this episode, our protagonist embarks on fixing the iron farm in their Minecraft skyblock world. With a simple solution involving lava sources and trident killers, the iron farm is set to become more efficient. Despite some mishaps and a few deaths along the way, the determination to improve the farm prevails. Exploring New Territories After a few days of editing and posting videos, our player sets out on a journey to find their way back home. Following a path left by another player, they navigate through various terrains, encountering… Read More

  • 100 Days of Minecraft Shenanigans: Day 3 Adventure

    100 Days of Minecraft Shenanigans: Day 3 Adventure The 100 Days Challenge in Minecraft: Day 3 Adventure Embark on a thrilling adventure in the world of Minecraft as the 100 Days Challenge continues! On day 3, our intrepid player has completed work on the ground, setting the stage for even more exciting developments. Exploring the Ground On this day, our Minecraft enthusiast has dedicated their time to perfecting the groundwork. Building a solid foundation is crucial for any successful Minecraft journey, ensuring stability and security as they delve deeper into the game. Building Structures Constructing various structures such as shelters, farms, and storage facilities is essential for… Read More

  • Conquer Epic Challenges on Minewind Minecraft Server

    Conquer Epic Challenges on Minewind Minecraft Server Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we want to talk about an epic adventure that has captured the attention of gamers everywhere. In a recent YouTube video titled “It’s so Hard but, Finally I killed Godzilla in Minecraft,” the player takes on the challenge of defeating the mighty Godzilla in the world of Minecraft. This thrilling video showcases the player’s determination and skill as they face off against this formidable foe. The excitement and intensity of the battle are palpable, making it a must-watch for any Minecraft enthusiast…. Read More

  • Cubed Drinks: Minecraft’s Summer Sips

    Cubed Drinks: Minecraft's Summer Sips In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, Fangkuaixuan brings joy and no pains. With animations that are funny and bright, He crafts a world that’s a pure delight. From potato mash to lychee arms, His videos bring on the charms. With every rhyme and every line, He brings a smile that’s truly divine. So follow along, subscribe with glee, To Fangkuaixuan’s channel, where fun runs free. In the land of Minecraft, where dreams take flight, He’s the creator who shines so bright. Read More

  • Real Scary Minecraft Rituals That Work!

    Real Scary Minecraft Rituals That Work! Exploring Real Scary Minecraft Rituals That Actually Work! When delving into the world of Minecraft, players often come across intriguing and sometimes eerie rituals that claim to have real effects within the game. From testing scary myths to uncovering hidden secrets, the Minecraft community is always buzzing with excitement. Let’s take a closer look at some of the most spine-chilling rituals that actually work in Minecraft. Testing Scary Minecraft Rituals with Eystreem One popular figure in the Minecraft community known for testing scary rituals is Eystreem. With a dedicated following, Eystreem dives into the depths of Minecraft to explore… Read More

  • EPIC Indian Gamer Moments in Minecraft

    EPIC Indian Gamer Moments in Minecraft Indian Gamers’ Funny Moments in Minecraft Exploring the World of Palworld Indian gamers have been delving into the exciting world of Palworld, showcasing their adventures and funny moments in Minecraft. From building beautiful houses for their pals to capturing powerful Pokemon, the gameplay is filled with excitement and laughter. First Boss Battle with Legendary Pokemon One of the highlights includes the first boss battle with a legendary Pokemon in Palworld. The intensity of the battle and the strategies employed by the gamers make for an engaging watch. Building and Exploring The gamers also showcase their creativity by building stunning… Read More

  • Masha and the Bear vs Banana Cat: Battle Royale!

    Masha and the Bear vs Banana Cat: Battle Royale! When Masha and the Bear team up against Banana Cat Spawn, you know things are about to get wilder than a jungle gym on a sugar rush! #minecraftmadness 🍌🐱🐻 Read More

  • Surviving Minecraft: Day 3 – Danger Lurks!

    Surviving Minecraft: Day 3 - Danger Lurks! Minecraft – Daily Survival Let’s Play: A Relaxing Journey Through the World of Blocks Embark on a serene adventure with Solomon Leatherland, also known as PCG, in his Minecraft Daily Survival Let’s Play series. This vanilla survival experience offers a tranquil escape from the chaos of everyday life, inviting viewers to unwind and explore the vast possibilities of the blocky world. Immersive Gameplay Experience Join Solomon as he delves into the intricacies of Minecraft, from building and exploring to caving and collecting trophies. With natural regeneration turned off, the stakes are higher, requiring strategic use of golden apples and… Read More

  • GamerFleet’s Overpowered Weapons Exposed!

    GamerFleet's Overpowered Weapons Exposed! GamerFleet’s Super OP Weapons Unveiled in Minecraft World Exploring the vast world of Minecraft can lead to unexpected discoveries, and one such revelation was made by a curious player who ventured into GamerFleet’s survival kingdom. In a thrilling video, the player uncovered GamerFleet’s secret base within a majestic castle, where an array of powerful PvP weapons awaited. The Quest for OP Weapons As the player delved deeper into GamerFleet’s world, they embarked on a quest to locate the legendary OP weapons rumored to be hidden within the kingdom. The anticipation grew as they navigated through the intricate pathways and… Read More

  • Unleash Your Inner Wolf – Minecraft

    Unleash Your Inner Wolf - MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft’, was uploaded by Wolf Heart on 2024-04-13 07:28:59. It has garnered 31 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 02:22:19 or 8539 seconds. JOIN THE DISCORD #minecraft #mine #craft #steve #creeper #letsplay Read More

  • Psycho Family Chaos in Minecraft

    Psycho Family Chaos in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Having a PSYCHO FAMILY in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Aphmau on 2024-03-17 20:47:03. It has garnered 2028008 views and 36147 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:17 or 1097 seconds. Warning! This video gets CRAZY! 💜 Come take a look at my merch! 💜 ► Instagram: ====. * ・ 。゚☆ [Friends!] ☆。゚・* .==== ★ Aaron: Jason Bravura ★ Zane: Kestin Howard ★ Ein: Chris Escalante ★ KC: MegaMoeka NOT an official Minecraft Product. Not approved by or associated with Mojang or Microsoft. #Minecraft #Aphmau Read More

  • Unreal: Prism Water Minecart Boats in Minecraft!

    Unreal: Prism Water Minecart Boats in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Water Minecart Boats? #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Prism on 2024-06-15 11:00:05. It has garnered 74535 views and 2074 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft AI technology🔥

    Insane Minecraft AI technology🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Ai video 📸📸📸’, was uploaded by @ All Gaming on 2024-05-29 08:24:58. It has garnered 446 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. #Minecraft Ai video my channel subscribe please 🥺 #Minecraft #Ai video #Ai #games #gaming #gameplay minecraft site not working minecraft site for building minecraft site minecraft store april fools minecraft store addons minecraft store app minecraft store apk minecraft store amazon minecraft archeology site minecraft altstore minecraft account store minecraft app store account minecraft store build minecraft store bedrock minecraft store building ideas… Read More

  • Shocking Dad’s EPIC Minecraft Skills – Switch Edition!

    Shocking Dad's EPIC Minecraft Skills - Switch Edition!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Gameplay | Nintendo Switch @minecraft #minecraft’, was uploaded by Proud Dad on 2024-05-20 15:00:14. It has garnered 34 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:49 or 529 seconds. Exploring the Endless Creativity of Minecraft on Nintendo Switch Minecraft, the game that has become a cultural phenomenon, continues to thrive on the Nintendo Switch platform, offering gamers an expansive world of creativity and adventure. With its blocky, pixelated charm, Minecraft has captured the hearts of millions, transcending age, gender, and gaming experience to become a beloved pastime for players around the… Read More

  • SECRET Spiral House Found in Minecraft?! DJ and Monkey’s Epic Adventure

    SECRET Spiral House Found in Minecraft?! DJ and Monkey's Epic AdventureVideo Information This video, titled ‘JJ and Mikey Found SECRET SPIRAL House – Maizen Parody Video in Minecraft’, was uploaded by DJ and Monkey on 2024-05-07 17:00:35. It has garnered 21526 views and 145 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:42 or 1122 seconds. JJ and Mikey Found SECRET SPIRAL House – Maizen Parody Video in Minecraft OG Maizen Channel – #maizen #jjandmikey #minecraft #video #minecraftvideo Sneaky Snitch by Kevin MacLeod Link: License: Read More

  • P.N Journy: EPIC Tree House Build 💥 #minecraft

    P.N Journy: EPIC Tree House Build 💥 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Simple Minecraft Tree House ❤️ #minecraft #minecraftbuilding #minecraftshorts #minecrafttreehouse’, was uploaded by P.N Journy on 2024-05-13 14:17:53. It has garnered 2832 views and 60 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftsurvival #minecrafthardcore #shorts #shortsvideo #shortsfeed #shortsviral #shortsyoutube Hardcore Minecraft Days 2000+ Trailer | Pankha-Booi | Facebook Page FINALLY I ESCAPED FROM GRANNY’S HOUSE | GRANNY 3 I BEAT Garten Of Banban 7! (FULL GAME ENDING) We Played The Weird Steam Game Again 100 MEMOREST Vs GOD BELLENOIR! 😱 PALWORLD | Techno Gamerz | #56 I BOUGHT A… Read More

  • Minecraft Madness: Epic Mansion, Secret Base, Cliff House!

    Minecraft Madness: Epic Mansion, Secret Base, Cliff House!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Gameplay Fun, How to build a Mansion, How to build a Secret Base, How to build Cliff house’, was uploaded by Minecraft Junction on 2024-06-07 16:57:13. It has garnered 29 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:14 or 134 seconds. **Minecraft Gameplay Fun!!** Welcome to an epic journey in the world of Minecraft! Join us as we dive into some exciting Minecraft gameplay, filled with adventures, creative builds, and handy tips. Whether you’re a seasoned player or new to the game, this video has something for everyone. Remember to subscribe,… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Mobs IQ Test! 😂 #Shorts

    Insane Minecraft Mobs IQ Test! 😂 #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft mobs IQ 😂 #minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts’, was uploaded by BrickBoY PLaYZ on 2024-01-13 03:30:31. It has garnered 2530 views and 82 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:52 or 52 seconds. Like and subscribe for more amazing Minecraft videos and short comment which type of videos you want next time! Minecraft Minecraft shorts Minecraft videos Minecraft world Minecraft survival Minecraft creative Minecraft hardcore Minecraft logics Minecraft facts Minecraft unknown facts Minecraft horror facts Minecraft funny videos Minecraft memes Minecraft graphics Minecraft shaders Minecraft texture Minecraft RTX Minecraft SMP Minecraft moments Minecraft rarest moments… Read More

  • Batya Mine

    Batya MineКлассический сервер без модов для тех, кто просто хочет спокойно поиграть без вайпов. Read More

  • Constructia Freebuild – Creative, Semi-vanilla 1.20 with WorldEdit, CoreProtect.

    Welcome to Constructia Freebuild! Constructia Freebuild is a small, laid-back, freebuild creative server where you are welcome to join and build with others. We have two worlds to choose from – one with normal vanilla terrain and one that’s superflat. Our server offers protections such as the CoreProtect plugin for real-time rollbacks, anti-exploit plugins, and world backups for exceptional circumstances. We want our players to have the freedom to be creative without any restrictions. Join our Discord: Server IP: (1.20.x) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Bloke tried to slay me

    Minecraft Memes - Bloke tried to slay meIt looks like Blud needs to work on their PvP skills in Minecraft! Maybe they should stick to building instead. Read More

  • Mine Your Mind: Exam Stress Test

    Mine Your Mind: Exam Stress Test In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Fangkuaixuan brings joy with his animated dives. No worries of exams, just fun and delight, With funny animations, he shines so bright. Creating content that’s safe for all to view, His channel is the place for a happy crew. Original videos, each one a gem, Subscribe and join in, don’t miss out on them. From classroom series to songs that adapt, Fangkuaixuan’s channel is where it’s at. So leap into the verse, let the story sing, In every pulsing line, let the truth take wing. Read More

  • Neighbor’s Portal Upgrade: Hotter than a Cat Nap!

    Neighbor's Portal Upgrade: Hotter than a Cat Nap! When your neighbor upgrades their portal but you’re still stuck in the Stone Age of Minecraft. Looks like it’s time to start buttering them up with some catnip bribes. #DesperateTimes #DesperateMeasures 😹🪨🚀 Read More

  • Bedrock Pickaxe & Time in a Bottle! | Minecraft Submerged #7

    Bedrock Pickaxe & Time in a Bottle! | Minecraft Submerged #7 Minecraft Submerged: Exploring the Underwater Questing Modpack Embark on an exciting underwater adventure with the Seaopolis Submerged modpack in Minecraft. Dive into a completely customized world teeming with unique mobs and structures, all set beneath the ocean waves. From the overworld to the nether and beyond, players will navigate a challenging survival experience unlike any other. Survival Beneath the Waves Players start their journey in a small room submerged under the sea, tasked with not just surviving but thriving in this oceanic realm. The Seaopolis Submerged modpack features classic mods like the thermal series, opolis utilities, and strainers, offering… Read More

  • Ultimate Lag Fix for Minecraft Mobile

    Ultimate Lag Fix for Minecraft Mobile How to Fix Lag in Minecraft Pocket Edition and Mobile Are you tired of experiencing lag while playing Minecraft on your mobile device? Look no further! Here are some tips and tricks to help you reduce lag and improve your gaming experience. Optimize Your Settings One of the first things you can do to reduce lag in Minecraft is to optimize your settings. Lowering the graphics settings, render distance, and disabling fancy graphics can help improve performance on lower-end devices. Use a Lightweight Texture Pack Another way to reduce lag is by using a lightweight texture pack. Some texture… Read More

  • Monster Party with Prof Mush! Subscribe for 1v1s and more!

    Monster Party with Prof Mush! Subscribe for 1v1s and more!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴HIVE LIVE WITH VIEWERS BUT SUB = SUBSCRIBE (parties, 1v1, cs and tournaments)🔴’, was uploaded by Prof Mush on 2024-05-05 17:29:28. It has garnered 299 views and 30 likes. The duration of the video is 03:01:37 or 10897 seconds. hive is live chatgpt is taking over now… Title: “HIVE LIVE WITH VIEWERS – Minecraft Adventure Awaits!” Description: 🔴 Greetings, fellow Minecraft enthusiasts! 🌍✨ Get ready for an epic journey as we dive into the blocky world of the HIVE LIVE WITH VIEWERS livestream! 🚀🎮 👾 Join us for a pixelated adventure where the Hive Minecraft… Read More


    UNSEAKABLE FAN'S TERRIFYING MINECRAFT SEEDVideo Information This video, titled ‘ScArY MiNeCrAfT SeEd’, was uploaded by unseaakable fan on 2024-02-26 21:53:34. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:24 or 564 seconds. not for kids Read More

  • 🔥ULTIMATE Minecraft Wood House Tutorial!🔥

    🔥ULTIMATE Minecraft Wood House Tutorial!🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘How to build wood tutorial house⚒️minecraft ⛏️ subscribe, like share channel.’, was uploaded by magnate_gamer on 2024-05-11 05:40:00. It has garnered 130 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:29 or 329 seconds. I will make wood tutorial house We are playing mane game after so long sapoot my gaming videos (like .coment .share and subscribe) Instagram- Facebook- Distord- Twitter- Other channel About me. My name is jakariya khan, I am from West Bengal and i am a student. Now I am pursuing YouTube. I make family friendly clean comedy gaming videos… Read More

  • EPIC Police Station Build Challenge – Minecraft Battle

    EPIC Police Station Build Challenge - Minecraft BattleVideo Information This video, titled ‘POLICE STATION BASE BUILD CHALLENGE – Minecraft Battle: NOOB vs PRO vs HACKER vs GOD / Animation’, was uploaded by Noob Builder – Minecraft on 2024-06-11 11:00:07. It has garnered 5818 views and 104 likes. The duration of the video is 00:41:37 or 2497 seconds. In This Video: POLICE STATION BASE BUILD CHALLENGE Welcome to my channel – Noob Builder – Minecraft Animations! I am doing Minecraft Battle Noob vs Pro vs Hacker challenge – Build Battle and Building Tutorials! Subscribe and leave a like for more video animation! #minecraft #noob #pro #noobvspro #build #tutorial… Read More

  • Insane Moments in Minecraft Bedrock Montage

    Insane Moments in Minecraft Bedrock MontageVideo Information This video, titled ‘silly watch–minecraft bedrock montage’, was uploaded by rabbitpierce on 2024-03-10 00:09:47. It has garnered 58 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:29 or 209 seconds. i took a long time editing it because i took alot of breaks n between soyeah #combo #football #fr #hivemc #minecraft #pvp #subscribe #footballshorts #messi #zeqa #montage #montageedit #minecraftmontage #minecraftedit #mcpemontage tags (ignore) Minecraft PvP, Texture Pack, PvP Texture Pack, PvP Resource Pack, Minecraft Texture Pack, Minecraft Resource Pack, PvP Textures, Minecraft PvP Textures, Best Texture Pack, Top PvP Texture Pack, PvP Pack Showcase, Minecraft PvP… Read More

  • INSANE REACTION! Minecraft Pros Dominate Dungeons

    INSANE REACTION! Minecraft Pros Dominate DungeonsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Akhirnya VETERAN Minecraft Bermain Minecraft Dungeons!’, was uploaded by Budi Kurwan on 2024-05-22 16:03:47. It has garnered 128 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 02:18:23 or 8303 seconds. Don’t forget to Like, Share, Comment and Subscribe. Activate Notifications so you don’t Miss the Latest Videos! This content is very suitable for those of you looking for entertainment and to accompany you when you are eating, coming home from school or after other activities. Donate to Budi Kurwan : Saweria : Youtube Membership : Social Media & More : Instagram:… Read More

  • Unlock the Hidden Realms of Minecraft! #shizo

    Unlock the Hidden Realms of Minecraft! #shizoVideo Information This video, titled ‘Lp.#ТаинственныеМиры Майнкрафт #shorts #minecraft #таинственныемиры #майнкрафт’, was uploaded by Kseouse on 2024-04-22 11:35:37. It has garnered 442 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Welcome to the beginning of the third season of Minecraft with mods on my channel. This season’s build is exclusive, created by me and my team. If you like the videos, don’t forget to like👍and subscribe to the channel, because this is a huge motivation for creating content and improving quality! Playlist with this Lp. – (Minecraft Modded Season 3). _____________________________________________________________________________ Hello everyone,… Read More

  • 🔥HellFrozen – EPIC Mountain House Build! #shorts

    🔥HellFrozen - EPIC Mountain House Build! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Mountain House Tutorial🏠 #shorts’, was uploaded by HellFrozen on 2024-03-10 16:59:55. It has garnered 117915 views and 7583 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. ⬇️ Download Build ⬇️ –My Socials– –Music– #Minecraft #MinecraftBuilds #Minecrafttutorial Read More

  • Joker Jhanju’s Ultimate Push-up Troll Face #GOALS

    Joker Jhanju's Ultimate Push-up Troll Face #GOALSVideo Information This video, titled ‘Push-up troll face #shorts’, was uploaded by joker jhanju on 2024-06-14 08:35:50. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft thumbnails how to make minecraft thumbnails cringe minecraft thumbnails how to make 3d minecraft thumbnails cursed … Read More

  • Vanilla MC

    Vanilla MCA truly vanilla experience, online. Using a minimal list of plugins MC vanilla’s goal is to curate a truly vanilla experience. Read More