Harbor Build Madness! | Minecraft Let’s Play #8

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Uh all right now let me wait until I see it on YouTube maybe oh yeah that’s better hello everyone and welcome back to another Minecraft stream where we’re playing a little bit of everything where I have finally found the one block that I have been waiting

So long to find but I’ll show you that in just a second let’s close that open this then Minecraft o it did where it is it is dark I’m glad I came back when I did oh I’m throwing bread everything’s a mess my bed’s on me all

Right oh I got a message in Discord here in villager humps perfect uh close this Discord all right okay I think we’re actually ready now so we’re going to leave my bed right there for a second this is this is our current state of um our town Village I don’t know yeah

We have these buildings City build our city it’s more of like a village anyways um now last time we built this actually technically I built this off stream but last time you guys saw this beautiful um pathway and over here legitimately right before stream um I

Kind of started to trace out this dirt pathway the reason for this is because I want to be able to see the building um our storage unit is kind of a special situation where to have a building that big and that we could ex expand on very easily it kind of needed

To be underground so I’m fine with that I’m happy with that um we have our water wheel there we’re going to have a mill that kind of cuts into the back of the mountain but over here in order to give ourselves more space so that we could

Have full buildings on display um it’s not to say they can’t go into the mountain at all it is a pretty flat face so I’m sure will’ll be terraforming the heck out of it what could be crazy just looking at it right now is that there’s

Kind of like a valley right there what if we did like a big Dry Dock cutting into the mountain and like a ship build or a ship being built in in the we’ll talk about it um ideas but that way we can have several different um homes and it’s going to be quite

Compact because this is the main Harbor everyone would want to be here um and I was going to fill this all in with dirt and then I realized I’m going to have to make a pathway anyways and so I place dirt only to break dirt so yeah this is what we’re starting

With um and then we’re going to carve into the mountain a little bit Reet terraform after the fact and yeah so that’s super exciting I really need an Unbreaking 3 villager because if you were here for last stream the enchantments that I got were so bad but

I won’t get started on that hi Luffy how’s it going thank you for messaging me about the um server and that also reminds me so hold on I heard a cat sorry give me give me a second where is this cat is it inside I don’t know I keep

Thinking I hear it outside why is it raining again what is it with this world no it’s outside I need to find this cat hold on legitimately don’t see them maybe it isn’t stor you don’t think it would have spawned in the cavity Behind the Walls right you see

Here are you kidding yeah she was oh yeah oh no we love me love me St St St St stop st stop stop stop one all right come here okay so Step One is hatching all of those um luckily I got some Stone on me if you

Do uh slabs it should be fine it shouldn’t connect the walls but it should up oh that’s right that’s why we need to he’s smart he smart I try um so the whole thing with the subscriber server and also a server that we are currently trying to recruit

Some streamers kind of on the same subscriber level um and reach level as us um we actually bought a mini computer that we are going to be able to run all the servers off of um and I am so very excited for it because something that we’re it’s it’s not necessarily a

Struggle right now but it definitely will become one when we go to the end but basically having a very low render distance is really really tough because for instance the mangrove uh swamp that I spent no joke over an hour looking for wasn’t actually that far away from here

But it was it was just a difficult it was literally directly opposite of Spawn and like the same distance from Spawn to here yeah spawn yeah it was a pain in the butt but regardless um having that is also going to make this look a lot better because standing out in the front

Of here you can barely see over on the other side of the harbor um and with normal friender distance you can actually see like all all the way over to the Cherry Blossom Forest so it’s it’s an upgrade that will be super helpful especially as we get further and further into building out

This world um so yeah that’s exciting I’m just all right that side’s done uh would you count me as a streamer uh I mean yeah why not you know yeah I think I think um but you were basically technically like one of the first to sign on to subscriber uh

Servers so yeah uh streamer so there’s I don’t know are we having a different subscriber yeah true true well it all works Luffy’s on that one too yeah muffy’s on them all um yeah it’s actually the the Mini PC we got is a um it’s an old HP business workstation uh that was

Refurbished by Amazon has like 90day warranty so and it’s got good reviews so I think we can trust it and if it doesn’t I just get get a new one um but it’s got like a I5 6500t I think it has 16 gigabytes of ddr4 um and has 256 gigs of storage

Which we can expand with an external drive but I don’t think we need that for a uh for a Minecraft world but maybe if we use it as like a media server or something as well and if you’re like me and have no clue what the hell he’s saying don’t feel

Bad there all that for like it was like $100 and it comes with a keyboard and mouse and it’s like you know why not not that we need the keyboard and mous it comes with a keyboard and mouse yeah that’s why the box is so big I mean relatively

Big good to know yeah so I’m hoping that gives us plenty of overhead um if we do modded servers or plugins and modded server yeah we got that’s going to require more ramp yeah but we got on a whole rant about like the some of the OG YouTubers doing like crazy craft servers

And I was telling him about the time where I like I binge watched um where it was thinka think noodles and DanTDM excuse me and they play a crazy craft and oh my gosh oh I love that so much it was great I miss it really oh hello um thought

About going back and rewatching them just a classic it is really interesting to watch the like OG YouTubers and the folks that like we kind of grew up watching grow up themselves um start families even or we’ been onto onto new things I don’t know how I did that don’t

Ask questions magic something like that I need more almost done oh but the block that I was looking for was this beautiful Mangrove um I have it in a recording that I really need to start like processing and editing so that way I can keep so I can

Start posting them um I made the ugliest Mangrove tree monster you have ever seen and I’m I’m standing by that because it it was it was rough you guys um because we need a lot of mangrove trees or a lot of Mangrove wood because the colors that I want down by the

Harbor which I think would be really pretty but if you have other suggestions please do let me know um I want you guys to be able to kind of within reason um conform this village town whatever you want to call it into something that you

Guys would also like to see um so I would love to take inspiration from you guys so let me know uh in chat but I was thinking Acacia Mangrove um maybe some jungle in there as far as like the primary wood colors because I personally think it is so

Pretty to have these really bright colors right next to the blue water so that’s that’s my current thought um so yeah if you have any other ones let me know all right that is all taken care of now go e okay your dad works in it so you knew a

Lot of that stuff um that makes one of us I I let him handle it for a reason I mean I I think it’s it’s it’s plenty overhead it’s probably more than it’s needed for a little mcra oh my bad um I think that I don’t know we could we

Could use it for a media server I get more storage for it I I don’t know if there’s any other games that we could run off of it but having that CPU power I think would be would be worth it what going to start the sub server

Um my so we have not yet tinkered with it um and kind of gotten it up and running so that is why we still have the low render distance that we have now um so as soon as we get it up and running and then we do I’d say one or two test

Streams whether it’s Minecraft related or not um I think after that I don’t see why we couldn’t I need to start a channel in the Discord server of being like hey if this is something you’re interested like message here uh in this chat so that way we can start Whit Lessing

People adding them um and we can kind of get a good number on it oh no this ring is so beautiful but it catches hair is like nothing else and with me cats it it’s enough I need to say nothing more um also also I keep looking up to

The top of my TV because that’s where my camera used to be but as you can see it’s over here now so I got a um like a monitor Riser because playing Minecraft for hours uh was really hurting my neck but ever since we got the Riser a my

Desk looks so much nicer I have so much more space I can tuck my keyboard under it um but it’s also just a lot better for my neck so I’m able to stream more longer and better faster yeah so it’s it’s been going good you guys can kind of see uh

Keyboard uh mic all that fun stuff uh and then I have all of these little Christmas tree a Christmas tree I have all of these little like Minecrafts I have like a squid a panda um and then I have like a little cow I don’t know how well

You’re able to see these a little pig and then a little Endy mans uh just like chilling on my desk and it’s really cute and it brings me joy anyways that’s all all right so let’s get started I’m so excited I need you mister to come down here because and

By by all means anyone who is in the chat please let me know if you have recommendations on how this is shaped what we do um because this is genuinely the heart of our town so if we mess this up we mess up a lot so all right clearing out my inventory

Just a little bit I mean some things you could move and change for this I think we’ll be working our way around the harbor as far as building goes so I have Minecraft Lego netherite Enchanted H H I don’t know what that is but it sounds cool actually made a enchanted

Hoe out of Lego which is pretty cool another right Enchanted Oh I thought you met in the game and I was like I got cross over right also if you are just joining chat please come join in message I try and read out every single message um because

I really love interacting with you guys kind of talking through my thought process um that’s why any building that I build except for the horrible one that I had to remake um I like to do on stream because I did not start off building like this and I know there’s

Still a really far away to go as far as getting better at building um but if you saw some of like my previous builds this is a th% better so all right let’s get into this all right um how do we get into this I don’t know

Okay so this is going to be laying out these houses down here yeah so I think I want one here we can even bring it a little bit forward also as I want run back up to our main house there’s three crafting tables dotting the way including this

One it’s so bad it’s so bad all right all right so I think the first one uh if we bring this kind of up more it could start maybe here or is that too close I think it’s fine I mean I thinking of a harbor like a

City I’m thinking like a little bit more condensed exactly all right and then we can bring it back to here is uh yeah let’s bring it to there I’m just going to build up so I know or we could do like um like a diagonal part of this like wall o I like

That maybe uh I don’t have what are you doing well I was just thinking uh what if we bring this back and then bring it out oh right or you can move it back uh I’d like to make it a little bit no no no no no no

No put that back oh uh if we go what are you doing I thought you want me to put it back where it was when you put it down no just throw it to me I okay perfect lovely goodness all right and then we can go like here and then over one two

Here okay is that is that a good and then straight back so I think it’s in two like that all right right first building is there um dirt breaking ASMR you never knew you wanted it but you sure did get it all right goodness does your fingers ever itch yeah oh it’s so

Annoying all right next one oh maybe not necessarily on this person but or like this house but maybe on the next one I want to build him oh we could do a cute little like lean to tent um against this like against the mountains that way he could

Have his like shop out there what the wow this guy is freaking freak out okay sorry what um so this next building that we make I want him to have a little lean to side out here so that way um we can have like a little shop out you know like in

A harbor would be okay yeah all right all right let’s make this one out of stone sir calm down he tep all right maybe the next one should do like there or one closer maybe I think closer there I think that would make sense maybe or if you even wanted to do Road

Houses down here you know where they’re like sharing wall maybe later okay but I figured these are like Prime spots like teeny tiny Alleyways yeah I don’t know fair enough fair enough a little bit of uh World building that’s what I’m going for okay I dig it all right and then if we

Go straight back we go over to here and then I want his little tent here So something like that should we bring it out more it’s kind of a lot of space for the harbor sure that yeah yeah I think that works and then he can can have his little tent here what if he has it right here kind of next to his well I kind of want

To I don’t know I kind of want to make like a little patio or something and have some of his like work blocks back there all right um like maybe like a collagen of water stuff like that um where it’s his outside storage area or where he works

But his like selling Goods 10 is there okay it’s getting dark um damn it I’m so bad at placing dirt it’s kind of funny I’m go down I would appreciate it can you do a frog house please okay when you say frog house do you mean

Like a house that is shaped as a frog or do you mean a like house dedicated to frogs because if you mean a house dedicated to frogs I can add touches of green and then what I would like to do is have wait can oh no I don’t think a

Frog um Frog Light Farm can be in the Overworld it has to be in the nether right yeah you’d have to bring in magma cubes it would be pain but that is where I can store the the Frog lights like a little frog light salesman that would be good we can do

That you know we could make them like a cleric or something we do like potions as well yeah whatever I don’t know o maybe I make a a sheep farm as well or a wool Farm I should say that sounds very enticing down here though

No damn it all right so he’s going to have his little tent like think can like here I want it tent like there you know not necessarily those Dimensions okay am I D what does pfp stand for Prof picture ah zoom in in hands sorry my chair squeaky um oh

I as much as I would like to do that I think think that’s something we save for the like subscriber or the streamer world because I don’t think it would quite fit with the town although would be a beauty but oh this is neat I like this I like

That it’s on a diagonal here thank you I thought it was cute add some character yeah I need coffee I think if we make this like a boardwalk or put like a railing or something on this side I we do like a create a barrels here or

Something create a barrels a pile of barrels or something and that way it kind of like forces you to walk near his store he’s like go do it okay I can’t place dirt I’m gonna get even more another stack on you I do or I can just start filling this in

While you keep going if you want um I need I yeah help me fill in this section and then you can go on from here but this is where the next house has to go so I kind of have to fill it in now I don’t think we’ll do it a dry dock

Here I would like to do one on run with me run run got a raw fish easy yummy raw fish I think one could be cool to do like over here okay see do you guys see how close this Village is it just felt so far away

This is that Village that we brought the Villages from um when we went around the cherry tree we went up there and then across it generation is a little whack but um yeah there a lot of chickens oh tell them about the freaking coword that you saw okay so I

Was running back home I had already found the mangrove wood and you know I wasn’t thinking much of it and I get off um on this like piece of land I’m running and I look to my left I’m like oh there’s a cow when I get there there are at least 30

Cows in a spot no bigger than this and they were all huddled together and there was like a mountain side um but there was still a lot of flat spawnable land but there was a crazy amount of cows I do have it on recording so you guys will

Be able to see it in one of the videos but it was wild okay next house ooh I wonder if this could be a cool spot to have another like pathway up to hit another set of houses behind It oh goodness hold on I’m gonna show show stream that better not be my dirt block sounded like you just said what what that brought me joy what’s up what’s up okay so in that case uh I’m going to start the next house maybe can you come here

Thanks where do you want the next house to be Um well what if we do another tent right here and then a house and then we could have the pathway straight here yep yep yep yep yep so maybe like like that it’s a Prett strange shape but I think I like it let me move this one out one

Actually oh my gosh that scared me no I don’t know what I don’t know what that was hold on so my streamlabs worked for something oh but I don’t know for what oh thank you Banna for joining the turtle family oh my goodness G me a proper jump scare too

See yeah it came up on screen and everything I heard it but I cuz I’m in Minecraft I didn’t see it goodness gracious it’s right after see I see it now that’s so funny I’m I got to go eat I’ll be right back bye Luffy see you soon that’s really funny Brianna that

You did that because I was talking just before stream about how I was like darn I forgot to do the streamlab stuff because it hasn’t been working I wonder if they did do an update because oh you think that’s why the other guys worked yeah that’s wild oh

Well I appreciate you doing that and now I know it works is messing with my head it’s I think it’s symmetrical I think the front is one two three versus one yeah it’s a little bit wider okay yeah okay I think the house maybe like here you got like a

Teeny tiny little squeeze right right right yeah and then it could come like back to here and then go over I think could we make this like a bigger uh structure um and we do like a twostory and then like a little one story piece back here yeah is that what you thinking

Oh what if we have uh one one two what if we is that right yeah what if we have like this yeah this is like a peaked roof like on either side and then it goes up a story um for like this back half okay I

Take it so this this these Corners here oops okay you don’t got to go breaking um or like this this front is one story and the back is two I dig it I dig it I like that here so like this actually and then we

Can uh one two three do we have should we have it symmetrical or no um doesn’t need to be if I was the builder I would make the back bigger between story area bigger than like the front entry way can we bring the back or the front in one

Sure yeah I guess I kind of matches the Contour a little bit better um and then we can build this out slightly which is fine with me cuz it was a little seek to begin with um let’s see terraforming this Bay is going to be deep it is so

Deep maybe we get a conduit okay pre terraform with the conduit oh yeah no my plan was to just oh yeah all right I mean I think we could at least to bring it down some because that would be like a warp that they would build you know

Mhm okay so now it’s this and then we could bump this out one more okay okay what do we want this building to be because that’ll kind of depend on shape and what it is um helpful I’m thinking does anyone in the chat have any recommendations for

What this should be so we have to go over we have one building right there it’s relatively small that’s where the main Grove logs are then we have um a second one here and then it’s their T site someone else’s tent site um and then this building that we’re not entirely sure what

Um what the shape is yet go to sleep um it could be like report Authority building you know or like the Harbor Master towns it’s right on the side of the or like middle of the harbor yeah so we could do some maybe a warehouse maybe be

The back entrance here the door and then maybe like an office up front hold on hold on hold on cool idea okay so we do this right it’s it’s symmetrical so that’ll make me happy um so this is his tent area this this is where he keeps like his extra like

Blocks and stuff kind of like that back part for the dudes there’s a second entrance like or exit right here um and then we can build like a little Warehouse that goes back kind of like our storage area does okay it doesn’t have to be super

Big but it could be like a wide opening it just be mean we just have it being overflowing with barrels or just have it yeah be maybe pain glass make it look like Shadows like seed into the darkness oh that could be really really cool who knows ideas so we’ll just skip

A little bit of space like maybe here I don’t know okay or it could be like the town hall we don’t have a spot for a town hall but he has a little tent unit if we had a town hall it doesn’t have to be

For that tent doesn’t have to be for him that could just be like a fisherman stall is for him okay if you wanted to be what is the Harbor Master selling Harbor related things my understanding was typically they would just uh they were like the authority they

Handled who was in and out permits so I’ll do you one better what if we over there kind kind of where it starts to come in what if we build like a like side building that’s connected to like a Gate entrance Archway big and then have because if he was a Harbor

Master and he’s controlling who comes in and out he would not be this far into the harbor he would be at the front that’s fair that could be cool I think so okay so so I think this this building I it’s almost halfway or it kind of is

Halfway around the harbor so this could be the maybe it’s the cleric a church like could be kind of a church or would it be too loud for a church and it needs to be a warehouse type thing yeah it could just be like a warehouse you know what I wonder if this

Would be a fisherman’s oh I guess fisherman are going to have smaller houses yeah probably or or right on the docks or something which we need to build docks we do or or peers I guess yeah so we got to pick few spots to bring out peers yeah that’s for a later decision

Yeah um I’m not sure about about this if you have ideas let us know I think we have one two three and 21 sorry two houses and two tents so far that I need to build yeah that’ll get me started that’ll be funny for uh what version of Minecraft are you

On I think this is 1.2.2 yeah um and that is for no other reason than the software that I have to go on to edit the thumbnails after the stream is done um but I think once we have maybe once we have the server we

Can update I don’t know I mean it’s it’s a newer update so we have all the the goods something broken oh yeah he likes trains he’s a fan I you like trains I dig it I I traveled on trains quite frequently when we were a long distance

Now we are no longer long distance I’m right over here shocking all right big question what do I want this to be made out of I’m thinking Mangrove but we need a stone base we need a hearty Stone base because soil would be quite quite damp you know I

Think some stone bricks could be nice I like that some stone walls I like that I’m going to move my axe I think feel like you really want to use like the mangrove for like roofs or accents I’m worried about just a whole like house oh

I don’t want it to be a whole house okay cool so I trust the vision so you see how like it’s not overwhelming up here yeah but the color pops that’s kind of what I want to do let me grab some jungle as well I think that may look nice oh my

God some Villers spawn right in place like right in front of me five of them um where I saw them on your screen briefly but no one comment that I am not using my be here I’ll use my beautiful pathway now they literally spawned oh my gosh like they literally spawned right in

Front of the the house with the porch shoot I don’t think we have a bucket of lava oh are you just getting to kill him yeah I’m just I was just running around for a second why did you put in steel just put steel okay they better not shoot me in the

Back they better not shoot the villagers are they aggro towards villagers oh yeah they are yeah no I retract my previous statement we are not plentiful in the way of jungle wood oh he followed me down oh balls GL I fire chck turned off yeah we turned off fire chck just

Cuz D just cuz it didn’t want to go with that dang it no bad Omen no but we lost that Banner they didn’t extinguish the fire that’s fine yeah no bad Omen okay you have a looting on your sword no oh that’s the other thing I want to do is

Enchants this thing fire oh we can also see how our oh my gosh did I hit you I don’t know I might have hit you don’t think I hit you because I think it would have done more damage I think I hit you I couldn’t tell what happened to the

Fifth one I killed one oh you did okay oh look at that it’s so pretty iron farm putting in work it is putting in work it took a little bit to figure it out there’s some weird weird stuff going on but once you got it up and

Runnings just great for anyone that this is like the first stream you’ve watched by me you can rate whose iron farm is better um his which we just saw or the one I’ve completely accidentally made mind you we have not spawned a single iron golem in

Here there are one uh villager in each of the houses I don’t never has a zombie been around but there’s like 30 in there now I think stopped spawning so maybe they hit they must have hit a c i mean thankfully it’s not affecting the farm although it shouldn’t anyways I it could

Could but Farm is different different which we will be have to be careful with um how we spread the uh the city because I think it’ll count doors and beds as uh parts of like the village and that’ll shift its Center so yeah we got to be careful we

Can’t bring it up too far up the hill we got to just do like well can I do it like here probably because let’s see the the the old villager house was right here don’t look at that ugly Hobbit Hut so probably but I wouldn’t go too far

Past or too far closer to the farm than the old house Lo the old villager house lochen restock your items please taking forever I just need one more trade trains fans I know you were working or you were asking about the version of Minecraft um we sorry I just

Don’t know where you’re going with this we uh are we recently got a little mini PC right now we’re running our server off [ __ ] we got a little mini PC and we want to um make a either a stream server or a subscriber server maybe both who

Knows um so stay tuned for more details about that that and if you are interested in getting on a subscriber uh server with all of us then hit that subscribe button and join the Discord and we will make a Channel about that uh to get everyone Whit listed and the

Discord server yes not like imagine someone like dedicates a whole Minecraft server just to figure out the subscribers to be on another server I say server I meant like Channel this word Channel I think this Harbor is going to look so good I’m so excited I’m really

Excited for how we like start to terraform and like build little platforms and plots up the hill also I think some PE like some OG viewers can I think I confirm this this is actually our longest running uh server so far so I am usually really bad where

I’m like yeah so this is our new server and then like few weeks later we don’t play on it anymore but I I blame that um on school but I’m no longer in school so like that’s a win anyways cool and and um work ew yeah no I hate knockback I hate it

Respiration three on a helmet is actually pretty good it’s not bad protection three on a chest but it’s icky all right so you’re enchanting we’ve decided or we’ve laid out the buildings in the harbor that you’re going to build today um and maybe next at least if get all day so I’m what

Having a mental conversation with the enchantment table to please just give me more than respiration three um come do the Dy dance I don’t know if that helped so like we have just fire protection 4 and Just feather falling because this enchantment table is just super dedicated to giving me just one

Enchant oh see there it is damn it there it is uh server invite was invalid oh hey can you yeah let me let me generate a new one um maybe that one timed out a weeko we will have to figure out how to make a permanent invite link um I guess

I guess the one the method that we used to generate an invite link did the time sensitive I’m having pain and suffering over here but not oh um don’t want sharpness three on a sword or protection three on a chest plate okay in chat is a new link for the

Discord server and after the stream today we’ll copy that over to the description I can do it now um will it no I can edit oh okay yeah just uh copy that link so that one is set to never expire so should be good uh Discord sorry about

That that’s not it uh can can you just copy the text Maybe it not anyone I that looks good all right it should also be updated now in the description okay do I scrap what hit that like button oh okay um should I scrap the respiration

3 I mean we can just buy a new Diamond Helmet right from the armor yeah I just I hate that there’s no even like Unbreaking on anything it’s just it’s just rough man yeah um let me I have no space have some more iron here let me take it off your

Yeah oh by the way um so I was thinking we don’t we also don’t have to fill every house with a villager you know we could do like the Frog lights behind the windows um and mix those in like we just don’t have a use case for it like maybe

This building just becomes a warehouse or or the mayor’s office or something or city hall and maybe some wings or some parts that are just vacant and no Interiors do we want blast protection 4 on a chest plate I feel like just normal protection would be better would you

Agree that’s what I tend to do but I’m doing it Unbreaking through on the chest plate e enchants are just not going my way uh yeah I need to go um do some trades so I can oh that’s a lot of slices okay show up all right so youve got the harbor

Plotted out I’ve got a little bit of time I got to go run out and get a grocery pick up um in a little bit here but in the meantime I’m going to work on this water and see if we can get some for Progress that is a fast restock I appreciate It did you just restock they’re on it today oh that’s exciting back up to level 30 just like that you guys don’t have an iron farm in your world build one recommended I cannot recommend it enough honestly I don’t have good inchant well okay do I just go for em like Unbreaking

Three on a chest plate and hope or should I cycle again I mean let’s let’s think of like the worst things that could happen to Unbreaking 3D you get Thorns that’s a solid chest plate no it’s not I have fire prop on my pants oh okay

Yeah in that Cas oh that’s what we’re looking for but watch I’ll have looting three on my sword see it always happens like this I would go for the prop though yeah I think it will I just need more levels happy good be angry about all right um I think we’re all

Iron traded out for today which means we got some time to go start actually building the harbor and for those of you who are joining anyone who’s been here I’m sorry if I sound like a broken record please if you have thoughts on like materials like how you think it would look best

Let me know why do I Have I don’t know it it was just a sword floating in my inventory oh that fcker hold on uh trying to mess with our inventory system uh for context there’s an Enderman that was in there earlier holding a grass block yeah there Was I don’t know why I kept the chest plate on me go here I do have six on me can I adjust this curve a bit har sure okay here there’s the Ender’s contributions to our there you go okay I’ll actually build now sorry uh build Montage okay all right so definitely

Mangrove what ratio of like Stone to Wood do you want I mean I would follow like structural like things like either the walls are stone or the first floor is stone or the corners are Stone first block is Stone thinks he’s helpful he’s not do what you feel is best he thinks he’s

Helpful um okay let’s just try this idea if it’s awful we’ll change it it’s fun um what would these folks use the wood for doors window shutters maybe some roof see that just looks so good wow that is that is red red that’s pretty important clarification oh gosh it was a frog

Noise are sticks just like made on demand yep okay this look good let me test it out before I grab all of it a darn it I swear daytime goes so much faster than night time I mean there is a way to um decrease the tick speed and that’ll

Make the days longer and the nights longer but it’ll also make it longer for like crops to grow or blocks to update all that fun stuff that doesn’t sound fun do we like that okay crafting table you got to move it I I don’t like how flat it is though yeah I hear

You very very flat now what we can do is carve this out a little bit um what happens if we inset this by one so before I forget again train did that um did that new Discord link work for you just to make sure there see that takes a away for

It not just I don’t think I can make assault stairs though I yeah I don’t think there’s a variant for that I think the has variant smooth that would be aggressive does it have slabs no wow just smooth well let me check smooth nope just

Darn I like the Polish B salt and I would like to use it I just ooh okay another IDE fair enough it’s adapt improvise I’m really trying I I guess that’s the one kind of frustrating thing is that you have if they just had the same like type of

Blocks I don’t know if that makes sense but if they just had like the variations for I’m like oh yeah yeah that would work fine but they don’t and so like that’s that’s a problem but they don’t have the slab St variants yeah I hear you now that I can get

Behind oh wait that would be so cute I can keep it like that and I I actually can’t keep it open because zombies will we’ll get your toes but uh actually it’ll just eat your face on uh can I ask you to do me a super quick favor can you

Go breed and also um clear out some of our cows cuz I need food yes thank you I was not watching where I was jumping you fell in the water didn’t you okay good job I we I keep forgetting that our storage is down here why no you could

Just Farm it from oh the farm bro let’s get some mangr doors perf one thing that I think I’d really like to have on on our server is that um like better animations mod or or Plugin or sh P whatever it is I mean I’m also a

Fan of like the bare bone shaders um because it it looks like the like the trailers and I think that aesthetic is really really nice but honestly just the better animations is brings like a whole new level of life to to uh Minecraft brings it brings it up to date like modern game

Quality I see it I don’t know what to do for the front entrance um I mean I feel like you would probably have a aess suspicious door I mean or maybe just a single door oet my thinking is that it’s it’s a a space is is not a is a premium you

Know on the Harbor so the probably wouldn’t use double doors except for maybe that like grand hall or Harbor Master or city whatever it is the big building at the end that might have double doors that makes sense the other great thing is that nothing is permanent it’s just need you

Later if you want to does it look weird having the stone stairs there in the front front I don’t think so okay just I wanted some sort of variety yeah give it a more traditional front maybe more uh colorful valys sides yeah that’s kind of my thought process D it

Let’s let’s do some trading and then let’s get some glass panes so that way I can make a window why are you raining it’s l like almost every other day just just clear it I don’t care no we’ gone this far without using commands but that’s the thing it hurts a

Video it hurts the stream yeah and it’s not like we can sleep through it and I’m building outside so compression is is rough and hopefully next time we sleep maybe I’ll set it to rain so that uh reset the ticker the clock that’ be nice let’s go get some glass from our Villager I love that the iron goem just looks like he’s like staring at you he’s like what huh what you need he’s the troll honestly yeah he kind of is got it he’s just taking a a bath I okay I see I see what you mean by don’t jump down the the pathway

Now what I see what you mean by don’t jump down the pathway now yeah just a hair too steep to take damage oh that be cool I think I like it what do you think oh yeah yeah awesome that thanks I like the like double the

Two level you get it y I’m done you get ceiling that good it’ll bring up the roof line a bit and also lead your eye up The Path if you’re looking at it from across the harbor okay I’ve got a stack and 3/4 of

Of steak or beef so I cook that do you like that or vice versa I could get rid of these put um where I have the mangrove wood I can put that as more Basalt and then put Mangrove fences on either side um I liked it with the stone walls I think

That was just a cool strip of color I’m going to set the weather to rain and then we can sleep and hopefully that resets the uh weather imagine sleeping in a wet bed that must be horrible you ever had a wet sleeping mattress or sleeping bag when camping

It’s sucks or when you’re camping and it’s like slightly damp Y water starts leaking into the tent gets on your sleeping bed gets on your air mattress it just goes downhill from there you just stop caring you’re like Yep this is my life I must accept it yeah exactly I’ll cry about it

Later wake up sore keep going I’m trying not to take damage I like together dude that looks so cool is that all going to be a window no okay but it looks so cool I agree that I wonder if I could actually um like this damn it

Guys I went through three axes three iron axes to try and get all this Mangrove wood do you like that little section I’m not thrilled about it actually a little different but not in a good way I mean now what we could do is do like like a strip like that yeah you

Know also depending on your roof line you could bring the roof lower at the sides I’m not sure what you have in mind for the roofs that looks kind of cool see I don’t I don’t love it that food coming along it’s cooking okay don’t rush me I’m rushing

You uh so the first rline will be there yeah right now what to do about this side feel like this side would be relatively flat as far as like not sticking out into the alleyway yeah because it’s a thin Alleyway um I agree with that I mean if you wanted to you could

Do like a little door back there with like just two slabs above it to be like a side entrance hm sorry if you wanted to like towards the back of the alley you could do uh just a little door and then um two like a slab or something

Above it to be like a side entrance if you want I haven’t clue there a cat another one I think so my friend oh yeah out oh my gosh hold oh it’s a sese it I’m just kidding it feels like that’s enough slices thank you huh there’s some steak behind you oh

Thank goodness um here take take dirt and Cobble and stone you’re in the storage yes but I need to pick up my stick um all right I don’t know what I was hi funky oh maybe we should we go over the cat tower hunky want to jump up on the

Cat Tower and be on stream yeah oh are you a little scared of the heater back there hey babies oh yes oh yes come here f is a Calico um organ’s Calico um the softest cat ever so fluffy spent so much time um she loves to groom yeah so much time

I she really likes to try and eat my hair I don’t know why I think it like she’s like oh I groom often I I’m you part of the pack I must groom you as well uh B says honestly I think I play on my Minecraft world okay I mean no problem

Feel free to stick around if if you mean like going to play now uh I could always leave it open on the other window or thanks for sto by and did the did the link work yeah okay cool or I don’t no I’m sorry I meant I don’t know if he I don’t

Think he uh answered that question but uh I was saying yeah yeah CU I forgot about that question um yes it did awesome oh great wonderful oh I need another iron ax it’s some reason it it shortens your name for your last two messages to just pnls

Fan maybe he’s no longer a fan of drinks is is PN LS like short for like a rail line or like a freight line pafic don’t ask why I just open the door to go through that’s all no further comments anyways that’s not how you break wood Okay um before it gets too late I need to go oh here is the tea oh that’s why it’s connecting to this one short for your train Club full name for my club is the Pacific Northwest live Steamers very cool that is awesome very very cool

That that’s so cool I used to really like LEL change when I was a kid and like I get in our house I mean right now we we don’t have our house yet but in the future and we have a future house um I’ve seen it on Tik Tok before where

They have um like model trains over the uh like over the kitchen cabinets if we don’t do like ceiling High kitchen cabinets oh no cuz we’ve evolved to things are happening over on stream why is this a thing it’s like this I want it like this maybe if I if I place it

Here try replacing no because I no no that the other stair no I tried doing that and it won’t connect properly watch see I either get that or that why the reason it’s prefer it’s preferring to connect to that side instead of I hate stairs in this game it makes no

Sense at all like I have purposely placed all of this why do you think I want my mangroo stair to curl behind itself and connect to my stone stair it’s weird behavior that it prefers one over the other I’m going to cry cry tell it to work maybe if I do like

This no no okay okay okay so like what if I do what if I do this and then I do this so if you connect to there I’m going I do that and then if I break you you’re you’re just can anyone explain to me why this is a thing

Anyone okay I don’t know it’s dark any before before before uh stairs stop working um that’s really cool um about about the Train club uh I think we’d like to build like a model train with like the holidays that goes above the kitchen cabinets um in our future house can you get the

Stair to work no I don’t think I can I think Minecraft is just saying no I’m sorry yeah okay any I need to head out and go pick up the grocery um yeah I am going to see uh I will probably be back before stream ends

But I’m not even done with the first house man you you will be back that’s fair that’s fair does that look cool it’s a little much I agree side exit or side entrance I don’t know what to do I don’t know what to do everything is being a bully currently

I wish there were like wood like walls in addition to like wood fence blocks okay well all right get the order you have fun all right I’m going to be here in pain because it just it it doesn’t want to work have fun love you love you

Too that’s what I do okay guys I have a better idea so we do this and this and then bring our BT back he’s breaking stuff out there let we do this yes yes okay y do he have a window back here maybe what why not you

Know that’s that’s the question why why wouldn’t he he’s a furry man okay but that means I do want to close this and holy Um like the to more stairs going across the top how did I do this door oh okay that’s how I did that door no I don’t like that uh if I do this this I would like I don’t have the slabs on me I want a slab to kind of come forward

So I can put lanterns on it I don’t think that’ll work how I want it to put glass oh oh goodness okay I often break things in this game a wall won’t connect I do walls up there and wood I feel like some builds go together very easily and others are just a

Pain NOP pun intended we did that and that I don’t think stairs will connect how I want it to well it’s not Horrible I don’t think that looks good the first house in a place is really daunting at least for me because I it kind of sets the tone for the rest of the area and right now I’m trying to figure out what I want it to look like and then figuring out how to

Properly display it or figure out how to do that and I need more inventory space Oh okay I’m out of iron nice um okay let me get rid of some Acacia stuff I need a cat cam so bad there we go I have on the table you see over here

Um there’s a little bed underneath and she just crawled up I think it’s just so she can watch my snake but who am I to tell her what to Do let’s put these in there let’s put these in there I do unfortunately have to run all the way back up to where my villagers are so I can drop off um or I guess where my enchantment table is so I can drop off the chest plate and

Whatnot do you have any cool facts about trains I simply don’t know enough about them so if you have cool facts let me know there we go that’s some inventory space back my gosh there’s just little bab’s left okay I don’t remember what Mangrove I like that looks kind of

Cool I’m almost wondering if I should take this this one it’s really chunky up there so what if I break it and place it with a wall building is hard that looks significantly worse wonder if we have maybe like this let we go here and here here and here

I genuinely cannot tell if I hate this or not I think if I replace the front layer that I just did with stone brick I think that’ll look really really good like that that place wrong I’m neither good at placing dirt no stairs what if I take these out and replace them with

Mro it just helps to break up the colors a little bit more what do you guys think I cannot tell if I love it or I hate it and therefore oh gosh there’s a whole lot of stuff in here therefore I default to you guys I’m not going to lie that looks really

Cool at least like that part does I am not convinced there anyways um let’s see take some more Mangrove Build It Up put our walls hold them up just like that all right we got to make a decision it’s very simplistic in the front and I like that I think we go for one over the head like that we SC H we squish that one closer we trying to mimic

It let’s try it yep no it would be there there are so many little details in this that are kicking my butt that looks weird if you’re wondering what I’m doing the answers I have I have no clue what I’m doing oh that’s what I should do though a little bit of

This destroy this do some of this and then I think I like that more I I think it adds some color which is nice not convinced about that block but love the front you like it Um we have to close this in right and if we have to close it in that means we can’t have stairs on the side so yes I just built or I spent all that time building something that I’m not going to tear down but it’s fine that

Is very true to what normally happens okay I think we we need to close this in somehow and I think it starts off maybe we can have a log going across like that that’s that’s a lot and then what we can do is make this and pretend like that never happens take

Slabs come up here one two looks cool can’t tell if I like it or not yet Story of My Life That and then we have to close this in fully we just want to like H groceries acquired yes now if I could figure this out we would all be good um that is really strange I think if it’s is that better is that worse oh why don’t I just do this okay

This would make for a whole lot of Windows though like that I say we destroyed this it was a cooler idea in my head maybe we up One baller which we’ll need to anyways for here because I don’t want the roof to cover it so the roof is going to go just going to start here it’s going to covered though o nope got to go to sleep that is cool but does it fit the

Vibe this is why I need him here is because I can’t always make building decisions or I go too crazy or I overthink things like now that that’s not good um if we do this oh no but it’s only I want to be able to see The Mangrove from like up

There is a gap but is it a gap we’ll be able to see no yes darn it this is why I don’t care maybe I just do a solid beam across take out goodness do that see window is my goto but I I think that looks good I’d like that

It still have to do a back wall which is super fun you’re not supposed to beat this tle that’s where the roof’s Going oh that would look a lot better slabs from underneath mind you go perfect oh like it I oh there they are really yeah we could just do that okay I mean to do this yep that’s it oh on my way back no okay that’s exciting

I need your opinions on lots of things so do hurry peace um I don’t know the height difference is going to work it’ll be fine why is it connecting like that why is that it’s not doing it over here sorcery that’s what it is all right we need more stone

Bricks we will need more stone bricks I should say so if it’s this block and this like that and then it Peaks here in the middle we’re just going to do this right now Dar need to hop down I actually need the stone cutter that’s all for right

Now no I’m not tall enough for that all right what do you guys think of the start of the first house you like not is this giving you as much pain or is this causing you as much pain as it’s causing me I feel it maybe if we do like

Yeah and maybe we could do like yeah something like that a little chunky a little chunky I think all we have to do is turn these in inwards no stairs man Fain of my existence I hate them I mean I love them but I hate them um there was a There that went over no we’re not not doing this thank you goodness it’s my biggest complaint I think roofs are my least favorite thing about building it’s they’re just it’s so easy to make them look so bad maybe we just like this we go like this and then it would still be like

Like this and this wait what happened there oh that’s not right um whatever guess we’ll oh that looks cool I don’t need this block that looks cool but I don’t know what I did this needs to go here nope I rather just bring the window up by one more and keep it

There CU that just looks Better and do that I think it’s a lot of Stone I wish he would hurry up I mean I think he’s pulling in now but I’ll come back to it I’m going to keep working on the house that’s 14 more plenty of St where that come from more pillagers that I’m sure going to want to end my life soon

Here brings up a good question question of how I’m going to do this because it drops down a level wonder if it Peaks and then just carries downward on one side hello it’s been a struggle man been a struggle seen I don’t know it’s just not cooperating the and

Yeah quick and I get more groceries oh okay I mean you said you look got it I so I have this I like it I I think I do I don’t like how chunky that is yeah could you do slabs instead I don’t know like oh look this this over

Here which I think I like okay I don’t know it’s going to be looking out on the alley right yeah um I don’t know okay I have much confliction I’m wondering if maybe um instead of the glass what if you do like Cobble walls what what’s up with you in Cobble

Walls I think it has a nice texture I really really do and I think you know for an alley I think it would be cool cuz it’s kind of more of a a darker texture I guess it has some more ingest of feel oh I like

That see it just it just doesn’t end up looking good though ow not sure I follow so okay give me a second real quick and then I go GE I know I know I I know I know see but you have to do full blocks here

Cuz it looks weird if not yeah and then or just do those do those instead of doing the full blocks behind them as stone bricks do them as um the balt oh oh you’re on to something bring it bring it up more and then do a mango block back there

Thank you no problem I told you I’ve been struggling so bad of oh I don’t know that oh oh goodness I am I’m very happy he he came home when he did I was about to start losing my mind you guys actually I don’t think those STS

Would be there they may I don’t know okay I’ve got a kind of funny thing that I found okay so we bought four two lers right yeah um this was a grocery pickup and and obviously that’s a huge huge time helper they double bag okay so they

Put three sodas in one bag hold on I don’t know if they can hear you I’ll talk loud they put three sodas in one bag and one soda in its own bag they double bagged the soda that’s by itself and they just left the three in

One bag it’s going to rip it’s ripped in two places what that’s some Walmart math for you I’m just saying okay big brain does that make sense to any of you it does not make sense to me Do we like the stone roof yes I think it helps to helps to Tamp down the mangrove so that way it’s not as like that makes sense I don’t okay okay I think let’s just bring that up for now this is that and then stairs here gosh we did get a lot of

Groceries yeah put them in a lot of hey I got a question okay how do we want this roof to be done um I I can maybe just like keep slanting it but I don’t know well you could um cuz I think I want to Peak back here

Well then just do the peak yeah just just make it slanted yeah sorry hm just do that on the other side as well but I don’t know where to start it because I don’t started there started at the bottom oh so okay yeah and then

Wherever it ends up it ends up yeah see what that looks like first and then I would I would if you’re going to make a change I would change it from there sh all right you goodbye oh no That’s a bit of a chall a you could just make the roof line and just bring up the front until the meets the roof you know just continue the the Sal pill that’s an idea go get groceries you’re letting in cold air dude this ow so if we follow this

Pattern like that and then like that okay I’ll get the rest later Um like that oh I would hit one block lower and that would throw up all of the work I just did so I can make this one block taller but actually that may help over here you see what he does he makes me question everything sorry I was kind of expecting

Like a response like a oh okay or oh I was like I’ll think about it and then I just felt cold air coming in I was like what the hell okay so we’re literally one block off and if I go down one more block this aesthetic that I’ve made over here which

I do like will be ruined right so I don’t want to do that okay but I could extend it all up one and then but then I have to read this side um well what I was thinking that works BR you not side up one when I was thinking was um

You just do one roof line where they each come up to a peak and your front little like bump out just continues up until it hits that roof and you just make the roofs overhang what you said makes no sense so you take this and you just

Bring it up you take that you just bring it up and step down so now you have your roofs coming like that and don’t worry about this front you just bring the pillar up until it meets that roof I feel like that would be a very tall building okay

Um I hate that I finally finally get something that I like then I have have to go destroy it all yet again cuz it doesn’t work this happens every time I build something it’s always a healthy amount of trial in a is it healthy if it makes me want if

It causes me immense pain is it healthy is is it healthy it’s a learning experience no not even that no it’s a Growing Experience it’s a pain in the butt I no I need to keep that regardless just start from this side I okay don’t mind me chat I’m just going to be

Unpacking the hall from Walmart grocery grocery trip Hall comment below if you want a video on that we’re not making a video on that why not that’s that Cutting Edge content because we’re unhealthy enough as it is I I need to broadcast that oh goodness ah nothing nothing

Nope I do that and that and so this should be tall enough and then it would be here okay why do I like this like that are you kidding me right now you’re pumpkin let me bring you over to the catch oh wait where is where is in frame okay so I’m fr

That should in frame sure sure okay okay pouring all the new stuff hiu what is happening pain and suffering oh no yep good girl sucks I am partially concerned this is going to be far too much stone bricks there you could do an outline in a different a different

Block you could do like a deep slate match the Thea o that could be nice it’s not like the outline is the only thing I finished now no no well fill it what I’m saying is fill it in and then and then take a take a step

Back you not break stuff I’m trying not to also sorry Chad if there’s just bag noise back here sorry I love bag noise unwrapping stream that’s that’s cute that’s cute cute we were going to do grocery shopping yesterday and then took longer don’t even get started

On that because we are the same people that were like oh yeah we need to do laundry and that was how don’t say how long it was a while still working on this but hey look we got the cabinet doors done that’s beautiful the kitchen cabinet okay if

Anyone’s new to chat uh we’re renovating a camper um and we made a lot of progress so far in repainting our I’m clearing weather because the sorry I’m clearing weather because I’m looking at YouTube and it’s really bitt yeah because okay I’m sorry I I hate rain in this game

Oh my goodness everyone’s joining Chad oh oh hi oh hi flare hi hi Grim Bob I don’t know what you want to call what you want me to call you um I’m finally able to make a stream woo um we built that those pillagers have been

There oh for like 30 minutes now they’re back oh yeah new camera angle yeah you’re down here um I got a TV Riser and so it boosted my TV up a lot which is helping my neck um but the camera doesn’t fit um underneath the um overhead cabinets that we

Have so yeah you’re over here now but now you can see like pretty Christmas tree uh and stuff like that and you know my super cool gamer keyboard so uh yeah I don’t know how to do this house how do how do I do this room don’t mind me I’m unpacking a grocery

Hoarder bear with me did you say hoarder grocery order nah you said order I heard it with my own ears news to me oh I should I should go to sleep yeah all right let me just uh those pillagers aren’t going to kill the villagers are they um they have been in

That exact same spot for a while aome nice house thank you oh nice tree yeah I think it’s cute all the ornaments we made on it not that you can probably see it at all um the lights going bloom a lot let’s do they do the bloom do the

Bloom it needs a star we need to go shopping for that cuz the star that we had didn’t fit ceiling but I guess the top gets cut off anyway so if I didn’t say anything you would never would have known anyway wow nice going man this is our storage area

Um got all the stuffs we got some bro stands some materials we got an iron farm up and going uh yeah got a lot of stone and that is because I have a um a silk touch pick a silk touch pick um so yeah it it it do be getting a lot of

Stone he oh and if you’re watching Boop the like button it’s pretty cool it make it’ll it’ll show some cool make some cool graphics gosh it’s been so long or subscribed we we learned that the um alerts working again so yeah no that jump scared me pretty bad

We’ll it’s a good jump scare yeah that’s time at least I like there was a benefit to it it let me actually go get this wood before it despawns is a whole lot of stone brick that’s a whole lot hey oh oh my goodness breaking things too much actually I’m I’m legitimately breaking

Too much stuff do that and then it’s a funky house but it’s are I don’t know make it make sense chat no no don’t don’t make it make sense leave him hanging girl sucks kitties are guests appearing on stream as they do as they do D sucks getting

It thank you thank you this is technically not our house it’ll be at another just villager house but thank you okay I’m just going to go inside B don’t mind me and I apologize for the bag noise I’m working on unpacking no mind him do it grocery order um why you being so

Loud we were going to do groceries yesterday but we just bur out of time what were we doing yesterday I went to the mall oh yeah Christmas shopping Christmas gift shopping you should trap and name the pillagers why that sounds scary wait we could we could

Like make cages for them and name them Pirates you know like typically in like old ports they would put pirates in cages and and paint like display them yeah that was pretty dark let’s not do that this dude’s wild out here the pirat of the Caribbean right Disney World disy

World is disy not that me what nothing I said nothing don’t don’t don’t no nothing I’m just suffering damn it are how’s everyone’s night doing or going peachy cuz they like it there oh my go okay I don’t this is not going to work I want it to oh really

Huh this is not working how I want it to and I don’t know how I want it to work I could just like rep replic that’s what I was about to suggest um or mirror it maybe how about yours well if you’re asking about like mine specifically this building has been a

Pain right in the butt but it’s fine because it’ll look beautiful once it’s done right oh darn it I’ll replicate it literally the first thing I put down is is wrong this is good good you guys don’t come here for the good builds you come here

For the misplaced blocks and how upset I get when I misplace good content it’s something nope yes Bob I still not got good at placing stairs yeah you’re asking about salads I figured but I figured I’d answer huh he’s asking about your day oh um wasn’t too bad

Um kind of working on things around around the place here rning laundry cleaning up a bit taking care of grocery shopping that’s cute I like that great that looks good dude this house is or sorry this roof is weird this roof is weird weird I think the words you’re looking

For are Quicky and fun no it’s weird weird all right no more bags that’s good sorry that was so loud you see it it’s so lopsided well we’re going to have more stuff back there don’t know about this see and like it the center of this is is not the center of this

And why don’t we why don’t we put a pin in it it’s done for now you work on the roof that’s that’s my final decision you work on the roof chat what what you’ve just observed is a prime example of what’s called delegation leadership term delegation zero care is given not a

One oh boy all right I’m I’m here where am I why not add another part to the building um because we already have the buildings kind of sectioned out and I mean I like the I don’t think the like this side comes down far enough so it doesn’t necessarily look like an aine

Ooh may have an idea I’m still G to make you do it I have an idea all right I don’t know if it’ll look good though I probably won’t go to sleep I’m on the other side of the bay I I don’t want to run around and sleep

Anyways should we make this one on a jungle all right yeah I’m fine oh I feel like a dripstone themed building by it would look really nice okay cuz it it kind of brings out the red oh I didn’t even notice it the dripstone farm move um if you

Mean uh I got rid of it yes it did get moved in fact crazy you ask um what’s a big circle thing in the mountain oh uh that’s going to be our uh water wheel so basically the water you see will get it’ll go onto the water wheel um

It’s just not done yet that’s essentially what’s going to power our city don’t question it or at the very least um it’ll look at it provide like power to a mill you know which would be an important capacity to have in a in a town such as this that

Has farmland around it and and there’s also a windmill but um no question yes just don’t do us all a favor don’t look at it don’t question it no um I know we thought it would be cool kind of add like a steam Punky Vibe and I think it’s uh come out

Well this dude’s going to sell dripstone that’s what’s going to happen fair enough you need uh you need to create something mod to actually power your city um I like my life um I know the mod that he’s talking about we I I know it too it seems

Infuriating it can be a lot it can be a lot I mean it would be cool just to have the wheel moving bring some more life to things but yeah I uh you know we are going to be um hosting the server soon ourselves hopefully knock on wood we bought a Mini

PC um to host the server and it’s probably way over spec hi sock it’s probably way over Respect but hoping that you know plenty overhead with ram and uh I just want to show you to say hi maybe that one actually she is saying hi kind of where she is forgot the camera moved silly goose she said I said hi I’m I mean

Fair she’s a tuxedo cat she’s not just a black cat goodness dude I feel like copper could look really cool for this build I see it I’m going just retire some Mangrove stuff because I need inventory space black stone can I do stuff with Blackstone we might need to go mining

For it some more but yeah I guess that’s an update yeah we can we went to the Nether and and we found a very very close uh nether fortress but it also spawn us in a um what is it called a uh ass salt Delta that’s right and that’ll make it really

Nice for getting um frog or yeah what are they frog lights M um and making a farm in there if you miss that uh go back and watch the previous uh VOD episode make sure you add beeswax so it doesn’t oxidize how do I make beeswax that’s uh shearing it from a

Beehive are using shears on a beehive but you have to have a campfire underneath it yeah I mean if you don’t they’ll get angry at you but it’ll still give you Tak care I saw him go flying you guys like my crafting table it’s so bad oh no what am I doing

Maybe that’ll be like a an Easter egg you know leave a comment down below of how many um crafting tables you saw in the world this video wait there actually three right here one two three there’s one on the pathway and there’s another down there there’s one of the storage

Unit uh he said you’re a pin cushion oh am I oh yeah they really they gave me like a skirt of air little hedgehog all right well the harbor oh wait I’m not don’t I need more dirt oh okay where did I put all my beehives oh

I put them in the flower chest nice yeah I did ooh what I want to make a beekeeper I need that that would be great girls behave Uh Wood thanks everyone for tuning in tonight this has been a very active stream it’s been a lot of fun yeah uh when did you

Make the storage area uh need to make a beab area see that’s what I’m saying oh I think that may be the next building I do um I made the storage unit two streams ago I think at the very least I started on it um and then I finished it off stream just

Because it it was a lot of um H how to how to put it was just a lot of like this just going all the way around repetitive tasks doing the floor breaking the ceiling placing the ceiling it just wasn’t great it wasn’t super entertaining like but you know it

Got it got the job done and you did record that um process and planing to edit that down yeah I got to so I can just do you have a few flowers on you huh do you have a few flowers on you no why um just cuz if they go too far

Sometimes they can get lost you’re bees here some flowers oh you guys are L on me huh a that’s so cute oh one’s already has honey wow oh I yeah huh oh did it already have honey when you it must have that’s what I was trying to say and no words came out

Just yeah what do you think of the um haror profile TR to hold on what oh yep that’s my bad man that’s that’s my bad you I just need this too oh I I gosh your roof is so ugly please fix that oh do you have any logs on you

Dark o yeah throw me through please I don’t think it’ll work under water probably not no no no logs I thought I gave you logs you gave me planks thought I gave you logs my bad no it’s okay thanks you fix it’s so bad I think they’re already out so just do this and then wait will that stop it no no smoke has to be under them no I I don’t want to I want it to stop so that way they’ll go back into their beehive and re no they will they’ll go back even with the

Smoke underneath will they I don’t think so yeah they will yeah you just leave this campfire underneath and they’ll go in and out they’re all inside because it’s going to be night time now hey we need to go sleepies but if they get Agro DC and maybe that’ll work

I want to do a copper roof on this dude is that crazy no that’s not crazy crazy it’s crazy stop it all right so what is happening no one knows do you want me to bring this wall back down to where it was huh do you want me to bring this

Wall back down to it’s just that wall is fine I I like it better that way just fix the roof I don’t know how you fix the roof but but please just fix that’s a lot of texture actually maybe maybe not um no one no one saw

That that is uh good to know that I can Rel light a campfire and just let’s try this oh which do you think will look better with the ripstone Deep SL brick bricks or deep slate tiles um I think deep St deep slate bricks because it’s less

Pattern with the dripstone mhm yeah I agree bricks I we use tiles a lot when find the other houses yeah you hurting yourself so in other words yes is your happen yeah welcome to my life I don’t never know is that cool or weird I think it’s

Kind of cool with like some like a stair in front with like a little planter those are windows do you mean like a PO on the stair there more why are these guys why are these guys spawning so much is it because the village is bigger now I don’t think they typically spawn

Like in villes I don’t know and they have a spawning rule that makes them spawn closer to Villages that’s so fun I’m going to need more Cobble deep plate technically you don’t need to go down and mine for it because I have a bunch of just deep slate but we’ll try

That just make the of those I picked up some of your stuff and buried very deeply sorry that’s is do you like that hang on I can go like this or I could like double Lantern it I don’t double Lantern but for aesthetic I don’t think it needs double

Lantern for aesthetic what if you do single Lantern and you add shutters of uh some trap door block that has that you can see the drips on behind it hm what oh oh oh oh got it I got real confused for a moment just for a moment hey how’s your

Shield 107 here wait no you’re working with stone brick you take that thanks you’re welcome so I have Mangrove so let’s see Mangrove Birch doesn’t I don’t want Oak jungle what is jungle trapo it’s uh oh B boot no no no if you right click it it opens up all

Them well then you just click see I don’t think we’ll get enough variant with jungle though all right all right chat what what um trap doors your options are either jungle bamboo cherry blossom Mangrove oak or AAA I’m going to try Mangrove just cuz I think it has

Potential to look nice I you’re not I think the uh jungle would match colors but that’s the thing I don’t know if we really want to match colors right because I don’t know if it’ll give enough variance what if you get rid of these two the side stairs that look funky it looks

Naked well that could be neat good girl pumpkin the main Grove trapo is really nice CU they’re very unique block or like shape I’m not sure if they’re great for shutters though I agree you use Mangrove it’ll look simar little house next to unless you don’t

Want that I thought it could be cool to tie in but I dang PK I was it’ll bring out more of like the cherry color in the dripstone but it’s just not looking right let’s try let’s try some jungle I mean it adds a little something I don’t know if it’s I don’t

Know oh wait that’ be so cute hold on hey throwing your bricks at me try the Redwood from the Nether um because we have not found Redwood from the nether yeah we do need to oh that’s cute I don’t know about the jungle trap doors but like look like a

Little drip Stone that’s so cute I’m doing that okay okay I I kind of like the jungle it’s just a little bit more variant but it’s not too much my only other thought is like leaves but I don’t think it’s going to read well you can do what if you do leaves um

Instead of the Blackstone stairs on the bottom what if you just do leaves make like a pitch or bush or something we can Try we can make it we try anyways I yell hello gorilla how are you hello welcome to chat we’re building your town it’s been a difficult process today we’re building around the harbor now villager City that we’re thoughts thoughts I kind of like it I Vibe with

It you can try some different types but like I think that looks good I’m just going to try these for right now cuz we have a crazy abundance I mean a wild amount quite honestly of Mangrove because well if you have not cut down mangrove trees in a while

A I’m jealous um and B the wood you get such a little wood for each tree but you get so many roots and in order to find the wood really easily I was just shearing all the leaves so now I have a lot of leaves U but thank you I’m I’m

Glad you think it looks good I think I think we’re on to something where’s that I don’t want that anymore it’s ugy I don’t like it have some charcoal okay that’s I ever experienced Pinnacle of delighted happiness I mean I don’t really know what that means I think I think there’s

Several different kinds like I tried uh Benet in New Orleans Louisiana and let me tell you what those little pastries oh they’re busting they’re they’re yummy yummy they’re yummy yummy 10 out of 10 W eat again this we know and I mean I’m on my way to doing this as a

Job so that makes me very happy what about you oh this is going to be a thin building thanks oh I mean like look at this it’s that’s going to be skinny skinny I’m wondering if we need to push it back some hang on okay

Um well I mean I don’t think so because I think we’ll have maybe a separate roof line coming off here to make like a porch right he works for me um could be you know I was legitimately questioning to myself I was like why am I Gathering dripstone I never ever use

Dripstone in a build and this is becoming so much easier of a build in that first house was and I’m I’m I’m pretty stoked about it that’s looking good this first house is like gives like Sith colors you know like from Star Wars huh Sith Colors oh my

Gosh nobody see it it’s the worst thing it’s very cool thanks hey calm down uh and then some more jungle trap doors this will be one of the buildings that does not have people in it fair enough 3 four 1 2 3 4 one two three

Four name an animal with a cow on the side of its head close I don’t know what that means I don’t know what that means but thanks for tuning in the Stream I think you can get infinite potions with uh trip Stone uh infite potions I don’t

Know about but I know you can get infinite lava which is enough for me there that’s so cute now I just got to do the whole entire front hey hey calm down ni Salu I’m so sorry if I just horribly mispronounce pronounce your name I am notoriously bad for mispronouncing

Names you do discussions going on in chat like to see oh oh goodness it’s okay is grim deep sleep better um maybe it means Blackstone oh I think one name for Blackstone I think was Stone at some point or originally I think I think deep SL

I think Blackstone is missing out a lot because it’s quote unquote like Smooth Blackstone it’s very grainy which is not my cup of tea you put the potion in The Cauldron only on bottle so there’s room and set under the dripstone excuse me and it’ll

Fill up with whatever potion is in it I is that a thing didn’t know that is that a bedrock feature I know that they use uh cauldrons a bit more extensively than Java like for like Ping leather um I don’t know if that functionality exist like I don’t think you can fill

Up a cauldron with a potion but I could be wrong at least in job that is not how you make good door is this wild that’s that that might be a little much I yeah I agree uh we have not fought the warden although we do actually know where our

Deep dark is it’s actually right below our house yeah it’s terrifying behind the under the hill behind this town um and Bob said it does work in Bedrock but not sure about Java I don’t think it works in Java unfortunately that would be pretty cool that would be really

Awesome yeah I do know that that Bedrock tends to do things a little bit more freely when uh we are oh I need more um more what uh lanterns which I’m taking as a chance to go up to the iron farm get some more iron trade with the Villers get L we got

The iron farm working finally yeah and it is it is producing very nicely one of the villagers trades for iron and and or buys iron so great n n n n uh and if you’re new here and you’re liking the stream so far Bop the Subscribe button it’s pretty cool

It also has the chance to jump scare me and before you press it and get your hopes up it’s it’s not normal um it just makes a lot of noise that scares me and your name pops up on screen hopefully yeah yeah it wasn’t working for a really long time and then someone

Subt earlier and it worked so that’s kind of cool took you long enough yeah with the iron oh I don’t know I was like what is he talking about I need y’all to restock your blocks please please I’m almost level 30 darn it uh uh did you get the village zombie

Fired like prevent it from spawning zombies um no no I think um to zombify them and then convert oh no so I actually have kind of decided not to and I know it would probably be smarter to do that but the thing is I have we have stons for days with

Emeralds we do um these are their current traes yeah like with trading four iron or less for for um an emerald and then stone for Emerald it it’s just it’s going really really fast and so I don’t want to go through the hassle of like possibly killing our mending villager or stuff

Like that so cuz there is a possibility that like instead of converting them the zombie just kills him and that would be really sad when we have a really nice menu 14 emeralds for a mending book I am more than happy to do that yeah um give me sleep uh yes

Thanks and then um mang gr wood yeah never mind let me go nothing speaking of like other projects or like I was just about to ask oh well you go ahead if you guys have any I don’t know ideas or suggestions for what farm we should do next um leave

Them in the comments I am becoming very partial to I don’t know like thinking maybe a gold Farm cuz then we can get we can get gold and then we can get like piglin trades going and get a piglin farm which I think would be really nice plus that’s like unlimited golden

Carrots which are better for saturation true once we go into the end I want an Enderman Farm because those are the best for XP so any other ideas let us know we’re all ears I mean I’m more than ears but okay what was I doing yeah see that’s the whole thing I

Kept running into so I’m like that’s not right well you can’t really see that that well um maybe like two potted plants that could be cute it keep falling off this darn roof we need probably not do that I try it’s not going H I’m trying not to but it’s not

Going super well clearly okay I’m going to put the copper back cuz I don’t need it right now and it’s taking up inventory space okay uh oh did it be just drown bro what a bee just flew into the water got uh gold Farm does seem like the best or an XP

Farm yeah I I almost take gold over XP just because I’m getting a decent the thing is I’m getting great levels for enchanting I’m just getting poor chance so isn’t that just so fun um I don’t know what I was doing okay I mean I got to smelll some

Clay uh where’s my huh okay what plant would I want in there have little mushrooms that could be kind of cute do you want red mushrooms no no do you want flour Maybe maybe a flower we got enough poppies I’m thinking maybe white brighten it up you know I mean that’s pretty

Cute you like and then do you want to do slabs above the door so they’re not as ominent sure I do make my life more difficult like that I could could go like that no that’s too much too much too much I think so I think that’s nice see it feels naked

Um what if you make a like a a little roof or like a porch for it that be too much what what you mean like well if that’s the case I would just go like this and then like this I meant like more built out and then like maybe like fence

Up maybe slab fling down I don’t know damn it I keep Bing off of this thing I don’t know chat what do you think I think it works I think it looks good should I do like the roof from up here what do you mean the oh the porch

M yeah sorry yeah maybe darn I know I need my copper I don’t know uh I’m not the best builder so everything you’ve done is far more than I could do listen I did not start off even remotely this good um it’s just it’s been a lot of trial and

Error way it’s okay I’m in the way of you so it’s fair um it it just takes time and practice I mean I know you weren’t here for like the beginning of this but I probably redid this in so many different ways of like how I wanted to arrange the doors

Or the walls and it was a whole thing but it’s look it’s looking good okay question do we like copper roof or would we like the oxidized roof more well we can always let it oxidize and then if we don’t like it you take Axe and you take an Axe and you right

Click on it and it takes off all the oxidization mhm okay I didn’t know sorry so you take an axe or you just remove the oxidization if you don’t like it I know but I was asking like so before I convert a large portion of our copper into you

Know a roof um do we like it would we like oxidized copper or should I just go with a different material in all I think I want to do a different style roof yes I I just Place those but I don’t know I I don’t want to do

The same the this roof pattern I’m okay still using the copper but just it matches exactly the roof right next to it so maybe try the first stair of oxidization and see how that looks I just don’t have any oxidized stairs I don’t know I think the green

Could give it kind of like an older look which I’m I’m down for I think would look really cool I just I don’t know how to do a different styled roof does that make sense oh see I want it shorter right but I still need to start here so maybe if we

Do it well that’s gone um seems a bit shiny with everything else wrong yeah that’s why I think the oxidized copper is going to look really really good know why I thought that would work sa you time Sure the bed is too far away Hardon bounce bounce bounce bounce I need slabs yeah slabs yeah she yeah I need more copper okay I don’t think I’m get to to the water wheel ton see like that color I think would look really good don’t you think that would look

Good yeah see I I see it and I want it I know you don’t like them like partially oxidized no it I have strong words about that sorry that okay see now part of me wants a a drown farm so that way we can have so much copper you know that

Mean with Fortune I know it is relatively straightforward you get a lot of copper but ground farm would definitely be easier sorry my brain is gosh darn it why it’s always raining or this world he no no falling now oh why I’m doing falling go to sleep go to

Sleep yeah I guess you can no no no socks socks get down babe get down please get get get get get get thank you good girl um I have no clue I’m having so much fun yeah I mean I do got work tomorrow but um need to work kidding we do yeah

We really at the very least I’m going to finish this building do we like that Bad the roof might be a little High one cares about work pulling all nighter don’t tempt me that’s a thing the roof is high but if I put it lower then it’s going to cut off the beautiful sides that I did oh I’ll try it well no cuz the roof

Looks stupid it doesn’t look stupid look bad maybe we could work a different roof line I don’t know a different cry through the paint oh gosh that scared me uh snake lights turned off oh I was like h yeah that looks better would you agree I can do like that like

That yeah that’ll better yeah you want to do slabs instead of those stairs slab slab maybe it’s looking a little thin yeah just at that corner yeah okay almost fell but it’s fun just for your Dar AR any more slabs H H what why is why are these next to each

Do they need to be next to each other I thought it looks cool okay it’s fine is it it doesn’t sound fun hey if it’s a choice it’s a choice I’m do we have any more normal yeah that looks good uh yep in the chest I think that was all the norm salt

In the chest well that’s harassment so I got to go oh no this is just it’s just hasn’t been min oh is that smooth oh no he got a little Canal up here huh you have a little Canal oh you know every every city has bad roof lines bad

Drainage it’s part for the course oh yeah well okay I need so many slabs well if if we’d like to take a look at the roof line that I’ve been working on we can U I have 14 more slabs to place give me a second thanks d D how far are you going

Um in the water oo visually very interesting so I like it it’s tough to see it but basically I did two A-frames you come over to the right um and then a window because the front like door entrance and that window the 2 by two window on side are in the same like

Plane on the front the roof line needs to be the same um and so it kind of requires the shape so it looks it looks I think nicer from the right side from the left I added the Dormer just to break up the roof a little

Bit I like it okay I think it’ll just add a little bit of a visual difference to the the city roof lines yeah don’t sound entirely convinced I don’t know I like this alley though this alley is feeling cool I think we we put some like barrels and stuff in here maybe

Like an iron gate and like opening up it could be cool it could be it could be really cool you like a little maybe we could work in the entrance to the drip Zone Farm if we do a drip Zone Farm behind this in the mountain side we could

Either do the entrance we could have that as like storage and if we need to enter the farm like like we’ll have the all like the drops and stuff routed to inside the building here but then if we need to access the farm we’ll do like a little stairs going down or something

Back here and we can put another door in back here as well yeah yeah but that would be really cool oh yeah it’s access to the back side of the storage yeah that could be really cool that could be I like it nice oh pulling on nighter last time

I pulled an all nighter was College doing FAA simulations while Morgan was sleeping yeah on the phone I was pasted I don’t I don’t pull school all nighter never have and I never will those were were they I don’t no I mean kind of because what was really gratifying about

The simulations was that when you got through it all and like it worked it worked you know or or if you did it right it it all came together and uh very very satisfying you like that I like that I think I like that yay bam dripstone house is practically done and it

Took a quarter of the tongue see I think we could stack like barrels up on either side in between the dripstone yeah I think that’ll look good did I break my shovel ah darn I mean I think we’ll work on the actual like Farm part of it and all the all the

Um access and Storage another night I mean this might be a nice stopping point I have to finish the house darn it Oh I thought it was no it doesn’t have a back wall oops was done look looks back here oops goodness you silly See that I think I had two lanterns here and here right yep awesome um uh can you make me another set of jungle doors please uh sure I’ll say the only proper answer is is yes just on the other side of the harbor right now that looks nice down here though where’s the

Floor what do interior in the chests it’s in the uh Ikea packaging yeah later dat you want to sleep first sure no I mean I think CU that one will have an interior the dripstone um house will have an interior I don’t think it’ll have a villager in it but we’ll do

Um the dripstone farm like output routed up there we’ll do um what you jungle doors mhm and then we’ll do that access uh can you get two white TPS please ah darn it I don’t have the pots either never mind I can get you pots okay

You’ll have to smoke clay okay I just need two pots want two drawers uh yeah put the dark oak saplings in the jungle shut it I don’t even think I we not have jungle saplings anymore then huh we should have jungle saplings check in the dark

Oak Che we’ll just uh hi socks get that ball yeah good girl um we just break some these okay well Shucks whoopsie that’s wild very I should have turned on the heater sooner wow a dirt floor bro listen what is this sass turn on the back eater oh I’m sorry

Socks she took that personally she got the zies tonight uh what else do I need go there did you put a piece of belt in front of um ember’s door yeah cuz she was scratching a lot did it work kind of Hello all right I think I got perfect two we toilets perfect right um You have the jungle yeah oh wait there’s one more jungle door in here I got it oh you only needed one yeah I thought you needed two it’s fine it’s Fine there the back is done as well um nice does that does that bring chat to a close or does that bring stre to a close though I think so I’m really happy with how it’s turning out I think there’s still a lot of work to do um I think off

Stream one of the biggest things that I’ll do is plan out where the other places are going to go um I need to build a beekeeper because I have so many beehives it needs to happen um I was really starting to flesh out this first L I really can’t wait to

See this with like like a render distance up I think it’s going to make World a difference yeah um quickly for anyone that’s currently watching would you like me to do this path on stream or off stream I don’t mind either way but it’s not always the most

Thrilling it’s just like placing blocks and being like that’s too many of this type in a row and it it’s not the most thly but I can leave it for stream if you want um yeah thanks so much for everyone joining chat I mean this has been a really

Exciting stream it has been um if you are interested in watching for the streams and you did enjoy this one um Bo Boop that subscribe button and then a little bell will pop up and Boop that too um it’ll let you know when I’m going

Live I try and go live every Monday at 800 p.m. Eastern Standard Time um and I I’ve been enjoying it a lot uh but yeah I don’t mind either with either okay I may continue it on a little bit because I think building the structures themselves is a little bit more exciting

Oh wait to close off stream let’s go try and enchant something and have it go horribly wrong and only give me one enchant maybe maybe stream end will be some Lu yeah I have some luck in the chat luck in the chat emoji that really describes I’m glad I could watch me too

I’m glad you can make it I’ve the last like two streams I’ve been like where is Bob we have missed Bob but we’re happy absolutely all right protection on Unbreaking that’s all I’m looking for hey all right we can do that what end of stream luck end of stream end of

Stream luck yeah look at that look I’m so fancy oh let’s check what my sword is is all Bob Unbreaking three on the sword not particularly great I needed Unbreaking breaking three dude yeah um yeah we need books for our Shields to get Unbreaking on me yeah I hope it’s still touch with

Efficiency my chest plate I think I don’t know if he was doing your check chest plate work has been worky it has been um I I get that but I’m happy you can make it I’m glad everyone who stopped in um was able to chat it it’s my favorite part about this

Um if you did like it after you subscribe and all that fun stuff uh hit the like button it helps me out and by all means put in the comments what you think we should build next next uh other than the beekeeper house I really don’t have much planned other

Than honestly I just got to keep building uh I do want to go to the end soon though because I think as soon as we get this world onto our or get the server onto our Mini PC where we can see farther um if that’s next

Stream I don’t think it would hurt to go to the end yeah yeah I agree with that we have the blaze rods I think we need some more ender pearls but that is something we can work on Extreme um found that desert when you’re looking for Mangrove so we could go there they

Have higher end SP or we could go into The Nether and try and find a warp Forest be good to stream H that would be good to stream that’s what I’m saying like we we get the stuff and then we go to the end fight the end a

Dragon depending on how that long that takes we can fight some elytras yeah um I see what you mean yeah yeah I am uh another base house oh another based house that could be cool that could be really cool yeah um yeah that could hold all of our like nether wood and

Stuff I could Vibe with that well they’re kind of spread out the storage a bit but maybe we could do another Farm behind it another wood Farm that’s possible oh and then we just have the collection there to then transfer over to the storage maybe I don’t know I do I

Do like the thought of having some nether bills worked in here I think the um warped wood could look really really nice here and honestly the Crimson wood as well I think I need to see the Crimson wood beside the mangrove wood I can’t remember I think Crimson is more red

But I don’t know Mangrove Mangrove is pretty saturated but yeah I hope everyone enjoyed watching uh subscribe hit the like button notifications all that fun stuff um but do comment what you would like to see next uh I’ll be working on the pathway in between

Streams uh with uh no further Ado I hope you guys enjoyed and I will see you on the next one bye

This video, titled ‘Building a Harbor! (Little Bit of Everything) | Minecraft | Let’s Play (#8)’, was uploaded by HowDoYouTurtle on 2023-12-19 04:40:06. It has garnered 67 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 03:29:07 or 12547 seconds.

I have finally found the one block that I have been searching for! Come hang out with Sajjad and I to see what it is and to help shape the heart of our town! We have so many more building to create and I would love the help of you all!

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    Ultimate Cobblestone Generator Hack! Minecraft Encrypted_ | ULTRA FAST COBBLESTONE GENERATOR! #2 [Modded Questing Survival] Embark on an exciting Minecraft adventure with Nik and Isaac as they delve into the world of Encrypted_. In this modded questing survival series, they showcase an ULTRA FAST COBBLESTONE GENERATOR that promises to revolutionize gameplay. Let’s dive into the details of this thrilling episode! Exploring Stoneopolis The journey begins in Stoneopolis, a new generation of Stoneblock that challenges players with unique quests and survival mechanics. Nik and Isaac navigate through this innovative world, uncovering hidden treasures and facing formidable challenges along the way. The Power of Modded… Read More

  • 3 Mini Farms in 3 Minutes: Easy Peasy Minecraft Squeezy!

    3 Mini Farms in 3 Minutes: Easy Peasy Minecraft Squeezy! In just 3 minutes, 3 farms to create, Sugarcane, wool, and music discs, don’t wait! Redstone system higher, don’t forget that tip, For efficient farming, don’t let your progress slip. Sugarcane farm, a simple design, Fixing mistakes, I’ll show you in time. Wool farm next, shearing sheep with glee, Collecting resources, for all to see. Music disc farm, a unique feature, Gather those discs, become a Minecraft creature. Like, subscribe, comment, show some love, For these mini farms, sent from above. Read More

  • Building a Modern Underground House in Minecraft

    Building a Modern Underground House in Minecraft Exploring Modern Underground House Building in Minecraft Are you ready to delve into the world of modern underground house building in Minecraft? This unique and creative endeavor allows players to construct a stylish and functional living space beneath the surface of the game world. Let’s uncover the details of this exciting project! Setting the Groundwork When embarking on the construction of a modern underground house, it’s essential to establish the dimensions of the structure. By using the ground level as a reference point, players can create both upper and lower sections of the house. Upper Section: Starting from ground… Read More

  • Crafting a Portal to My Own World – Minecraft

    Crafting a Portal to My Own World - Minecraft Minecraft: Creating the Akudav Exe Portal Join UzeMing in the world of Minecraft as he embarks on a new adventure to create the Akudav Exe Portal. This portal, inspired by the YouTuber Akudab, promises excitement and challenges for all players. Materials Needed To create the Akudav Exe Portal, UzeMing gathers the main materials of obsidian, flint, and steel. Additionally, he prepares white walls and Redstone blocks as supplementary materials for the portal’s construction. Portal Creation With the materials in hand, UzeMing begins constructing the portal with a size of 4×5. Using Redstone blocks in the corners and white walls… Read More

  • Creating an Alliance with Tôi Cùng Ăn Mày | Siro Minecraft Mega SMP Ep. 10

    Creating an Alliance with Tôi Cùng Ăn Mày | Siro Minecraft Mega SMP Ep. 10 Exploring the World of Minecraft with Siro in Mega SMP Episode 10 In the latest episode of Mega SMP, Siro, along with Chiến Tranh Tổng and Tôi Cùng Ăn Mày, embarked on an exciting adventure in the Minecraft universe. The highlight of the episode was the formation of a new alliance by Hồng Kỳ, bringing a fresh dynamic to the gameplay. Forming Alliances and Building Empires As the trio delved deeper into the game, they realized the power of collaboration. Hồng Kỳ’s strategic move to establish a new alliance opened up opportunities for expanded territories and shared resources. This… Read More

  • Mobs vs TNT: Minecraft Logic

    Mobs vs TNT: Minecraft Logic Minecraft Logic (ASMR): Mobs vs TNT In this hilarious and entertaining Minecraft Logic video, we delve into the timeless battle between mobs and TNT in the virtual world of Minecraft. Witness your favorite in-game creatures facing off against explosive blocks in epic showdowns that will keep you on the edge of your seat. The Clash of Titans From creepers and zombies to skeletons and spiders, no mob is safe from the destructive power of TNT in this ASMR-filled adventure. Whether you are a seasoned Minecraft veteran or a newcomer to the game, you will be enthralled by the chaos… Read More

  • Upgrade Galore: EP 3 – Java Joy Ride

    Upgrade Galore: EP 3 - Java Joy Ride In the world of Minecraft, adventures unfold, As Alexa searches for sheep in the jungle so bold. With iron armor and shield, she faces the night, Crafting bread and trading with villagers in sight. Two blacksmiths, a stroke of luck so grand, As she explores the village, with wheat in hand. Donkeys and chickens, a farm to tend, In this Minecraft world, her journey will never end. So join us next time for more fun and delight, As Alexa’s Minecraft playthrough shines bright. Like and subscribe, don’t miss a beat, In this world of blocks, where stories meet. Read More


    ULTIMATE TNT RUN CHALLENGE! 😱 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft TNT 🧨 Run #minecraft’, was uploaded by KING GAMING on 2024-04-07 21:35:46. It has garnered 10204 views and 142 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. Minecraft TNT 🧨 Run #minecraft minecraft, minecraft 100 days, minecraft house tutorial, minecraft music, minecraft house, minecraft song, minecraft legends, minecraft 1.20, minecraft jj and mikey, minecraft civilization, minecraft videos, minecraft aphmau, minecraft animation, minecraft april fools 2023, minecraft asmr, minecraft armor trims, minecraft automatic farm, minecraft ancient city, minecraft ambience, minecraft animation movie, minecraft allay, a minecraft parody, a minecraft house, a minecraft… Read More

  • Insane Theory: HoloJustice’s Color Conspiracy!

    Insane Theory: HoloJustice's Color Conspiracy!Video Information This video, titled ‘Calli’s Theory about HoloJustice’s Colors 【HololiveEN】’, was uploaded by Sashimi Clips on 2024-06-19 19:20:00. It has garnered 27642 views and 1788 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:26 or 86 seconds. Check out the Full Stream source: ◆【HOLOMYTH MINECRAFT】shinigami LOVE golden apples (part 3) https://www.youtube.com/live/_tpb4yN2tmQ?si=Nf0GfPD6fJkhJ9SG Talent: Takanashi Kiara https://www.youtube.com/@TakanashiKiara ● Mori Calliope https://www.youtube.com/@MoriCalliope —————————————————————– Sashimi Twitter https://twitter.com/Sashimi_Clips —————————————————————– #hololive​ #hololiveEnglish​ #holoMyth Read More

  • Escape Deadly Traps Across Time! #minechunk

    Escape Deadly Traps Across Time! #minechunkVideo Information This video, titled ‘Escape Traps in Different Ages #shorts #minechunk #minecraft #minecraftshorts #gaming #gamingshorts’, was uploaded by Mine Chunk on 2024-04-08 10:04:38. It has garnered 11366 views and 250 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. 🚀 Dive into a time-traveling Minecraft adventure with “Escape Traps in Different Ages #MineChunk”! 🕰️ From medieval dungeons to futuristic puzzles, watch as we navigate through history’s most cunning traps. Can we survive the test of time? #MinecraftAdventure #TimeTravel #EscapeChallenge #MinecraftTraps #MineChunk #Minecraft #MinecraftShorts #EscapeChallenge #TimeTravelMinecraft #MinecraftTraps #MinecraftPuzzle #MinecraftAdventure #GamingShorts #MinecraftTimeTravel Read More

  • A Minecraft SMP

    A Minecraft SMPStep into ‘A Minecraft SMP’—a realm where adventure and mystery intertwine! Discover enchanted lands, battle formidable foes, and build your empire in our captivating RPG-Survival blend. Unfold your story in a world brimming with endless possibilities and become a legend! play.amcsmp.com Read More

  • Realmportal SMP PVE Magic Dungeons RPG Towny Custom Economy 1.20.4

    A mesmerizing RPGMMO Towny Survival Experience! Embark on an epic journey with classes, skills, mobs, bosses, and more. Enjoy PvE survival with a twist! Descend into massive dungeons, battle mobs, and solve puzzles for exclusive loot. Fly on dragons and explore colorful biomes. Engage in a bustling economy with player shops, auctions, factories, and farms. Protect your fortress with land claims and container locks. Enjoy new textures, models, and sounds without the need for mods. Join us for a free-to-play experience with no P2W elements. Experience a decade-long online presence with active staff and a non-toxic community! Screenshots and more… Read More

  • SMP(Magic, Dungeons, More+) 1.20.1 and Simple VoiceChat(optional)

    SMP(Magic, Dungeons, More+) 1.20.1 and Simple VoiceChat(optional)My server is located in VietNam (Asia): (Cracked)Language: English, VietnameseServer Feature:- Simple voice chat 2.5.15- Mythicmob x ModelEngine and more custom mobs- Be able to become Vampire/ Werewolf- World generation- Realistic Season- Magic, Vampire, Werewolf- Custom ResourcepackImportant: I host this server on my own laptop, so i can open my server up to 16 hours. Hope u have fun!Discord owner: Imokenpii#8209Discord server: discord.gg/7grRgBBZjH Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – It really do be like that sometimes

    Minecraft Memes - It really do be like that sometimesIt’s like Minecraft knows when you need a mental break and just hits you with that peaceful music and scenery to chill out. Read More

  • Unveiling the BREEZE: Ultimate Guide

    Unveiling the BREEZE: Ultimate GuideVideo Information This video, titled ‘Everything you need to know about the BREEZE!’, was uploaded by WisdomOwl on 2024-06-15 19:57:49. It has garnered 417 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:33 or 33 seconds. This guide tells you everything you need to know about the breeze in Minecraft. This mob shoots wind abilities that launch you into the air. And as of uploading this video is a new mob found in the trial chambers. The goal of this video is to educate players that need to learn about this mob. Read More

  • Minecraft’s Satisfying Delight: A Rhyme in Sight

    Minecraft's Satisfying Delight: A Rhyme in Sight In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, Players build and explore, using blocks to gain. From towering castles to intricate designs, Every creation is unique, every detail shines. With each click and each tap, a masterpiece forms, As players craft and shape, in the digital storms. The satisfaction is real, as structures take flight, In the world of Minecraft, where imagination takes flight. So dive into the game, let your creativity soar, In Minecraft, the possibilities are endless, and so much more. Experience the joy, the thrill, the delight, In the most satisfying video, where creativity takes flight. Read More

  • “Enderman: from noob to pro in 98 years” #minecraftmemes

    "Enderman: from noob to pro in 98 years" #minecraftmemes Enderman age 1: accidentally looks at a player and runs away screaming Pro enderman age 99: teleports behind you "Nothing personal, kid." Read More

  • Minecraft Madness: AI-Generated Gaming Fun

    Minecraft Madness: AI-Generated Gaming Fun The Magic of Minecraft Unleashed by AI Exploring the world of Minecraft through the lens of AI can be a fascinating journey. Let’s delve into the realm of creativity and innovation that AI brings to this beloved game. Unleashing Creativity with Invideo AI With the help of Invideo AI, Minecraft enthusiasts can now experience a whole new level of creativity. The AI-generated video showcases the magic of Minecraft in stunning 1080 resolution, bringing the game to life in ways never seen before. Enhanced Visuals and Immersive Gameplay By harnessing the power of AI, players can expect enhanced visuals and… Read More

  • Outrageous New Outro for Let’s Plays!

    Outrageous New Outro for Let's Plays! Exciting Adventures Await with Mad Red Panda in Minecraft! Join Mad Red Panda on thrilling adventures in the world of Minecraft with their brand-new outro for the channel! Get ready to embark on magical journeys and experience enchanting moments like never before. Whether it’s casting spells, playing games, or exploring new worlds, there’s something for everyone to enjoy. What to Expect: Stay tuned for exciting content every Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday as Mad Red Panda takes you on a whimsical ride through the Minecraft universe. From building magnificent structures to battling fierce creatures, there’s never a dull moment in… Read More

  • Minecraft SMP gets SUS!?

    Minecraft SMP gets SUS!?Video Information This video, titled ‘The Minecraft SMP is Getting SUS’, was uploaded by MxZed on 2024-06-07 16:00:52. It has garnered 2625 views and 171 likes. The duration of the video is 00:37:42 or 2262 seconds. ►For Access To The Exclusive Discord, Monthly Exclusive Videos, Early Access To Videos, Uncensored Versions Of Videos, To Support Me And Much More Join My Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MxZpatreon ► Join My Discord server here: https://discord.gg/pW9e5N3PPR ►My YouTube Channels • Main Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCX_aohDsELT4r68oJLudC3A • Extra Gaming Content: https://www.youtube.com/@MxZed • Non Gaming Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@IsaacRose • Solo Gaming Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@mxz.gaming • VOD’s Chanel: https://www.youtube.com/@MxZUncut ► Where I Stream:… Read More

  • Insane Custom Nether Portal Cave Build!

    Insane Custom Nether Portal Cave Build!Video Information This video, titled ‘CUSTOM NETHER PORTAL CAVE! – Minecraft Hardcore Ep 28’, was uploaded by Whistler on 2024-06-16 12:00:56. It has garnered 900 views and 45 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:11 or 1871 seconds. CUSTOM NETHER PORTAL CAVE! – Minecraft Hardcore Ep 28 In this video, I build a giant custom cave for my spawn nether portal with a volcano theme. I hope you enjoy! Whistler Socials: Twitter: https://twitter.com/Whistlerooo Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/whistlerooo/ Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Water Logic!! 😯 #shorts

    INSANE Minecraft Water Logic!! 😯 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘😳Minecraft Water Logic…#minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Квайт on 2024-06-12 11:01:00. It has garnered 12008 views and 415 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:29 or 29 seconds. Read More

  • BeezeeBox Minecraft Modpack – Nightmares Unleashed!

    BeezeeBox Minecraft Modpack - Nightmares Unleashed!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Horror Of The Night Modpack – Live Stream’, was uploaded by BeezeeBox on 2024-03-01 14:29:36. It has garnered 37 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 01:52:41 or 6761 seconds. Join me, BeezeeBox and JaroksPlayz in this live stream as we delve into the terrifying realm of ‘Horror of the Night’ Minecraft modpack. Brace yourself for heart-pounding scares, eerie encounters, and nerve-wracking adventures as we navigate this Minecraft horror mod! Gather your courage and join the stream for an unforgettable experience filled with screams, suspense, and survival against all odds. Dare… Read More

  • 🔥 Royal vs Mr Aabid drama exposed 🔥

    🔥 Royal vs Mr Aabid drama exposed 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Aaj ka tazaa khabar 🤣🤣#minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts #shortsviral #viralshorts’, was uploaded by Royal x Mr Aabid on 2024-02-26 11:05:45. It has garnered 256 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Aaj ka tazaa khabar 🤣🤣#minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts #shortsviral #viralshorts Minecraft is a 2011 sandbox game developed by Mojang Studios and originally released in 2009. The game was created by Markus “Notch” Persson in the Java programming language. Following several early private testing versions, it was first made public in May 2009 before being fully released on November 18,… Read More

  • Monkey Manhwa Recap: 8 Billion People Transmigrated into Minecraft – Only HE Knows Recipes!

    Monkey Manhwa Recap: 8 Billion People Transmigrated into Minecraft - Only HE Knows Recipes!Video Information This video, titled ‘8 Billion People Worldwide Transmigrated into Minecraft, but ONLY HE Knows the CRAFTING RECIPES’, was uploaded by Monkey Manhwa Recap on 2024-06-16 12:45:28. It has garnered 13609 views and 474 likes. The duration of the video is 10:42:17 or 38537 seconds. Eight Billion People Transmigrated into Minecraft Simultaneously. On the First Day of Transmigration, While Everyone Else Starved and Slept on the Grass, This Man Lived in a Mansion, Leisurely Eating Meat. All Because He Had Been a 10-Year Veteran Minecraft Player on Earth #animerecap #manhwaedit #anime #animerecommendations #animerecommendations #manhwareccomendation #manhwaedit #manga #animerecap #mangaunboxing #mangacollection… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Surprise: Callie’s Insane Ability Revealed! 🤯

    Mind-Blowing Surprise: Callie's Insane Ability Revealed! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘Калли Удивила Бибу Своей Способностью [Hololive RU Sub]’, was uploaded by kir on 2024-04-06 16:52:05. It has garnered 3030 views and 380 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:44 or 44 seconds. Mori Channel: @MoriCalliope Bibu Channel: @KosekiBijou 【MINECRAFT COLLAB】block game with @KosekiBijou !! Stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FqYOwITnJ68&t=11369s ———————————————————————— [Донатик клиперу] https://www.donationalerts.com/r/vtkir ————————————————– ——————– Subscribe to the channel to watch your favorite Vituber girls every day! ————————————————– ——————— #vtuber #hololive #holoen #hololiveenglish #holoadvent #kosekibijou #calliopemori #moricalliope #vtubers Read More

  • Casual Dude’s Insane Modern House Build #minecraft

    Casual Dude's Insane Modern House Build #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘MODERN HOUSE #minecraft #shorts #casualdude #minecraftbuilding’, was uploaded by Casual Dude on 2024-05-04 14:00:31. It has garnered 554 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. Welcome to Casual Dude, your go-to destination for laid-back gaming adventures! here to share my gaming experiences and bring you into the world of fun and entertainment. 🎮 Gaming Vibes, Casual Style: Join me as I navigate through various gaming realms, explore new releases, and dive into classic favorites. Whether it’s epic victories or hilarious defeats, you can expect genuine reactions and a… Read More

  • SHOCKING REACTION TO NEW PET ‘Shushu’ in Minecraft Pe 😱

    SHOCKING REACTION TO NEW PET 'Shushu' in Minecraft Pe 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘MEET MY NEW DOST ‘Shushu’ BUT….(This Happened 😱)| Minecraft Pe:-6|#minecraft’, was uploaded by REX Magnus on 2024-04-24 09:51:46. It has garnered 16 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:56 or 896 seconds. Hello guys this is Rex Magnus I hope you Enjoy My Videos and if you and make sure to like the video and subscribe to my channel because this is your brother’s chor barti friend so it is okay to subscribe…;) And share it with your brothers, friends, friends and love everyone… Follow me:- Instagram:-https://www.instagram.com/rex_magnusyt?igsh=NTltOW55ZGMyMjV0 Minecraft pe Survival Series… Read More

  • Axolotl SMP

    Axolotl SMPfun lifesteal server for you and your friends! if you like to play in survival you will have tons of fun please enjoy i will sometimes add update so stay tuned axlotolcraftmc.world Read More

  • MineRealm SMP Semi-Vanilla – Public 1.19-1.20.6 21+ Staff Legit Custom Plugins

    MineRealm Community Since 2010, MineRealm has welcomed over 265,000 unique players. Join now and be part of the third longest running SMP! Get Started: Server: game.minerealm.com Website: minerealm.com Trailer: Watch now Discord: Join server Rules: View rules About MineRealm: MineRealm has been running since Oct 28, 2010, as the second longest running SMP server. We focus on maintaining a close-to-vanilla gameplay experience with optional meta-gameplay features. Key Features: Legit gameplay without spawned items Custom-coded gameplay features Grief prevention system – CoreProtect Custom land protection system Join our Discord server to share your ideas for the future of MineRealm. For more… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Where is my luck 😭🙏

    Minecraft Memes - Where is my luck 😭🙏Looks like even in Minecraft, luck just isn’t on your side! Maybe it’s time to start sacrificing some chickens to the RNG gods 🐔🙏 #79scorestruggles Read More

  • POV: The Friend with Lava Ping in Minecraft #HotMeme

    POV: The Friend with Lava Ping in Minecraft #HotMeme POV: When your friend’s ping is so high in Minecraft that they’re basically playing in the year 999. Good luck trying to mine anything without it disappearing into the void! #laggyfriend #minecraftproblems Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Iron Factory Build Challenge

    Ultimate Minecraft Iron Factory Build Challenge Building an Iron Factory in Minecraft with Create Mod Embark on a creative journey with Uberswe as they showcase the construction of an impressive iron factory in Minecraft using the Create mod. This project is part of a 30-day build challenge that promises innovation and excitement in the world of Minecraft. 30-Day Build Challenge The 30-day build challenge sets the stage for Minecraft enthusiasts to push their creative boundaries and explore the endless possibilities offered by the game. Uberswe’s iron factory build is a testament to the intricate designs and technical prowess that players can achieve within a limited… Read More

  • Crafting a Bathroom on 2nd Floor!

    Crafting a Bathroom on 2nd Floor! Minecraft Survival Builds: Exploring Creative Construction in the Game Embark on a journey through the world of Minecraft with @ricplayzgamez as they showcase their creative skills in building a simple bathroom on the 2nd floor in this exciting gameplay video. Join in on the fun as they demonstrate their building techniques and share their passion for gaming with their audience. Channel Overview @ricplayzgamez offers a diverse range of gaming content, from classic NES games to modern favorites like Hungry Shark and Hill Climb Racing. With a focus on hidden object games, fighting games, and more, this channel provides entertainment… Read More

  • Mistalunchbox – EPIC Minecraft Live Stream!

    Mistalunchbox - EPIC Minecraft Live Stream!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT BEGINNER | 🔴 LIVE’, was uploaded by Mistalunchbox on 2024-06-01 19:22:18. It has garnered 90 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 03:50:36 or 13836 seconds. Live on twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/mistalunchbox Live on Kick: https://kick.com/mistalunchbox MERCH: https://store.streamelements.com/mistalunchbox Discord: https://discord.com/invite/f7dVvqcGrj Read More

  • Unveiling the 15th Anniversary Minecraft Map – RedFriendGaming

    Unveiling the 15th Anniversary Minecraft Map - RedFriendGamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Playing the new 15th anniversary Minecraft Map!’, was uploaded by RedFriendGaming on 2024-05-28 23:58:00. It has garnered 45 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 04:42:33 or 16953 seconds. Today I play the new 15th anniversary Minecraft map! Subscribe and you can experience this too. Read More