Hardcore Day 4001 – Life Without An Elytra (when your base is too big…)

Video Information

Foreign [Applause] hey guys welcome everyone hey uh good morning good afternoon good evening good night depending on where you’re shooting in from let me do that again that felt good oh my God welcome to day four thousand and one well um four thousand but we’ll get there we’ll get there guys uh last

Stream was epic last three was wild last stream honestly is one of my favorite streams ever I had such a good time I was dead by the end of it but I was I was excited that by the end of it um I had a good week too I did a little

A little writing last stream we we made this this is the four thousand day book it has 41 Pages after I put all the names in there put them back on there um today is one of those uh interesting days today every day works a little bit

Different and the reason that it all works a little bit differently is uh well is they four thousand and one so we’re not using the Eli trap Meanwhile we’re named welcome to the stream slime swap is here Nick oh we gotta go that way would I play fortnite Bad Boy I tried it

For 10 minutes and then I figured that’s not my game I feel Rusty guys I feel absolutely Rusty um but but let’s let’s get things started we need that we need this back in the let me take that Sugar box we might be needing that today also both

Of these electrons well they can go bye-bye because we’re not going to use that for all of today Nick am I alive dude I’m so hyped so guys let me run you through it what we’re gonna do uh today we’re not flying why can’t I use an electric okay that’s

A good question but we just got to 4 000 on the last stream and on the last 100 day Arc we we made a rule um we set that on every 1001 day stream I’ll just go ahead and not use the Elijah just change your perspective a little bit

So things are gonna whoa well either worked differently is what I was gonna say but that kind of looked like gonna not work um the whole idea behind it is no flying it kind of messes with how you usually play the game and everything just feels a little bit different so what we’re

Going to be doing today is first thing why do I throw potions mid in the air not on the floor uh lastly they they last longer if you um the hitbox for potions that affect them I was gonna go to the starter house but I figured we

Can go somewhere else can we no we gotta go to the starter house there’s there’s no other option um if you throw potions on your head they hit your head hit books which last longer so either Crouch down or throw the potion up both of those are valid

Struts oh my God that was that was an epic throw that was so clean oh whoa whoa whoa do worlds are on foot Jacob well we’re starting to kind of gonna do that um it actually adds to turn your way up you’re super soft the man welcome to the stream as well uh

Potion Master welcome I see Warren suster Sav good to see you again guys I’m I’m stoked So the plan for today we’re gonna walk around a little we’re gonna see lots of places we’re gonna probably build something we’re gonna say hi to Starry let’s do it right now

Uh I got oh there’s wait there’s no music hang on okay that must have been super loud I’m so sorry I was vibing to that song too you you guys just got a whole lot of looty excitement with no music to back it up that must have been a Vibe too I’m

Kind of I’m kind of thrilled to watch that back and see how that feels I was I was on that song what up steri Let’s uh leave this man be didn’t notice there was no music glow I can totally imagine that I could slowly imagine that

Um thank you for I think it was a member message earlier on right um let me uh oh my God I don’t have it anymore oh that I took it to the hang on do I have anything that I need okay wait there’s there’s got to be a

Solution oh my God no emeralds either um I I I brought all the feathers and all the everything to the to the base so we’re gonna have to find it on the way there okay we got emeralds let’s start dude can you like give me a bunch of those and then oh

I feel like I almost shot that man in the Hat oh I just I just used all of the demos well that’s fine this should give us books right okay that’s the start that’s the start wait oh that’s a 4 000 day checklist well no we can’t re rename that that’s

Not good um okay guys let’s let’s walk the mangrove Trail for starters I think we’re gonna be able to get the items that we need on the way there yeah there’s probably we’re gonna run into chicken we just gotta believe DJ welcome to the stream send on Welcome to

The stream first time on the Stream looking on replay can you get the book please guys we’re gonna change how things work with the book a little bit it’s been hectic lately and I wanna um I want to restructure that but before we can even do a book and put

Udu in there first we gotta get to the book what do we want to do the man well first off we we gotta get to the base and it’s it’s a long walk like we can’t even see it it’s still out of render distance we’re gonna get there ducky Games first

Time here welcome dude Andrew welcome as well Mabel I see Frostburg made it try rethinking voxels I did it’s an amazing Shader but I can’t play with it because it’s it’s just too heavy like there’s no way to run that and get deep decent FPS on stream

So the only thing that I can do with it is make epic replay mod shots with it thank you for now one Euro that that is clearly gonna get you in the book at somebody else but um I I need to find a chicken and I need to find ink now I

Think ink could be in here should be in here probably possibly hopefully okay that should be in clean Landing where the squid at like seriously where where’s where to squid at River peace guys sea turtles come on this this has got to be some sign of a scam

Oh there they are there they are I just need one ink sack okay give me that and then now we need a chicken you guys reckon we got one over here what shaders is this um this is a complimentary Shader personal favorite they’re correct and I think they’re surprisingly light

Compared to uh some other insane shaders after I run uh reimagining voxels I was like oh my God yo there’s a chicken there’s a chicken dude safe by the grass oh my God he’s he’s invincible we are now okay there we go there we go what

Date is it today let me check that out it is the 25th 25th of August 2023 uh that should be a slash and then we’re gonna put um in the book and as a bonus name I want to pick uh Yuki Aiko in the book um you you could give me a great

Suggestion this morning in one of the commons which is going to turn into a short on Sunday uh guys I I hope you’re enjoying enjoying all the shorts they’re um I’m really having a great time making them I feel like we’re getting better even though it’s uh we’re only a couple

Of them in okay so as for the book what I want to go and do guys is I want to give people who are watching the streams but they’re not on the streams uh a chance to get in the book as well and I also want to be careful with the book in

A way because I feel like over the last few streams book stuff has been hectic now you guys know that I want to put you in that book and I want to put you in that library but I also want to make sure that the streams are fun that we

Get all the uh all the stuff done though we we have to get done and we don’t pause it too much um so I’m gonna grab more names for uh to go in the book after The Stream put them in the next trip next stream book

So you guys can see at the beginning who made it in and then grab a little less bonus names so we uh we can keep going a bit more it’s red welcome to the stream as well Mac Mac welcome to the stream shorts are amazing cake thank you dude I appreciate

It Meanwhile we’re almost at the mountain guys I was barely paying attention to it Melancholy I saw your um you’re coming before the stream started that you went to cover your farms and make your world look pretty and it totally made you love the world more that that was so cool to read

Furry how was my day today has been epic week has been pretty sick guys I’ve been getting to this story um yeah let’s go into the base first I’ve been getting to this story since we started stream today but let’s get to it today is an interesting stream guys

Um because today is gonna be the first of four days of streams then after Monday so I’ll stream on Monday as a bonus day we usually have have the day off on Monday but I’ll stream on Monday and then on Tuesday I’m Gonna Leave um I’m gonna leave for a couple days I’m

Gonna go on a quick vacation with my girlfriend then we’re gonna be back on Monday and I’ll take the usual day off on Monday but on Monday we’re gonna get the keys to our new house because we’re moving in together which is super sick and it’s crazy place and I really really

Excited to uh to to go there I think we’re gonna live there for a while it’s the same city but it’s it’s a house that’s a little bit bigger it has a bathtub which I’m super stoked about it’s uh it’s at the water as well um so so really looking forward to that

And then after that um we’re gonna be close to the uh to actually moving into that place and then we’re going to be close to the 4 000 Day movie final editing week because I’ve done a lot all the pre-sorting is done a lot of scripting is done and not

So long from now that uh that’s gonna get into full editing mode okay wait we gotta go here to get into the base huh Better not mess this up right now okay good enough good enough yo thank you for the congratulations that that’s Epic love it guys thank you um and then after uh after I come back to streaming on the fifth we’re gonna have like five streams before I move and then I don’t know I

Have this apartment till the end of September so I might keep the streaming set up here for a little while longer um but basically we have 10 streams before I’m gonna move to a new apartment which is wild then after that little bit of A.M uh could you put it in streamtet Duck

I have trouble hearing you over music okay let’s get through here ladies just want to see the look of the base rethinking voxels we can check it out while we’re down there uh Prosper bear with me only ten ten streams here’s another little we’ve done a lot of

Streams here guys I when did I move here um August 1st 20. 2021 so it’s been two years just about oh we need to go this way I’ll let her girlfriend we want to move that’s not up to me guys what’s the internet speed of the new apartment actually that’s such a good question such an important question too it’s it’s gonna be much better I love no internet same like the last

Time no so guys I was super I was nervous about moving and my biggest concern with it at all is that I was gonna be in a similar similar Internet situation as we had last time I really don’t want to be in a similar Internet situation so I had the old resident of

The house um do a speed test like I I told the realtor we we won’t be able to say yes and commit to the apartment unless I have the current resident do a speed test because whatever numbers an internet company will give you they’re not reliable like

You don’t know for effect and what they’re saying is actually true EXO welcome news app I’m moving in um uh on on I get the keys on September 4th stream week back yeah we’re gonna be here for a bit and then the oh my God guys wait wait wait wait wait wait wait

Wait wait wait I completely forget to look around this is a this is very different than it looked a thousand days ago oh my God we had all the walls back then all the Cobblestone all the everything it was so scuffed is that really have a video for like

That things move fast though XO welcome Jordan welcome to good to see you as well Jordan I read your comments after the uh um 4000 days you have nothing to worry about dude nothing oh we have the Slime jump coming up guys what was the internet speed

I think it’s a hundred down 30 up um whereas now it’s just unstable for me which is the main issue I don’t need crazy numbers I just need stability oh yeah guys we’re doing this oh this is how far we go with decorating last time let’s

Call it the base is epic or uh awesome dude thank you grinding for the next thousand days I’m excited for it guys I’m excited when are we going to the nether we could go to the nether later I didn’t put a stair here yet when did that cave happen Nina 4000 a

Stream that was like uh one of the last things that we did what are we planning to build next I’ll show you guys I was gonna say I don’t even know but I know like I I absolutely know what we gotta do next I kind of forgot something

I was gonna get zero breath from the village I was just I was just talking I didn’t even think no for a second let’s go through the greenhouse turn left here this path is epic Prosper trying to Shader dude I know you’ve been waiting for a long time to

See this but we gotta get down there first we’re not even on the K4 yet I was I was gonna go and get a z or bro one of the horses that we got on the 3001 day stream guys this was the sick walk this is a

Sick walk Joseph how was the editing we’re well into it but there’s also there’s a lot of work left to be done look at look at loonie Ryder he’s nice and nice and hot I like that that walk took us about five minutes from the top

Oh my God five minutes from the gate that’s where I I uh through the potion okay um frostburn really wanted to see this guys and I think you you guys do too let’s uh switch this for a sec rethinking voxels r01 Alpha 4. that sounds kind of intense quick simple water

Is it loading oh yeah I click apply it works different in sodium um so rethinking voxels guys are kind of sick but you can notice that my game doesn’t really flow uh when we do this like it’s okay ceiling is not rendering in yet but it has an Ambiance that is really

Quite special uh because colort lied and especially here in the uh in the pink area and when you get closer to the purple area it looks pretty wild it looks pretty wild but we’re not gonna be able to run it because it’s it’s unplayable for me um so

This is what it uh this is how smooth my mouth moves without the shaders slime swamps dude thank you for the five well this is what the mouse moves with the shaders you can see that it stutters all sorts of ways five months already time flies but wait what do you

Have planned for the next thousand days I’m about to show you guys because the the next thousand days we’re gonna get our progress quick like for for the last 1000 days we placed like I don’t even know guys I think I placed like half a million no joke half a

Million uh just smooth muscle and a smooth result was not an interesting lofty place it was it was rough Oscar tried different shaders yeah we’re just gonna stick with complimentary because hey the base is designed for it be they absolutely Rock so for for the last Thousand Days guys

We did a ton of smooth result just to get the fan weight am I what is my fov it was off by five but it was off by a little bit I grabbed a screenshot before the stream started um why do I have rockets in my whole bar

We’re not using those right now I I can doesn’t do anything love the 12 hour visal stream oh my God that was that was rough but also kind of exciting I was stoked how many people were there for it that was wild mirror books music welcome to the stream how

Much do you get with um complimentary enabled High chunks complementary be enabled in the base we’re running about 60 which is fine slime swamps in the book yo I’m sorry I’m sorry okay guys so for for book updates what I’m gonna do is I’ll still grab a bonus name uh so

Majestic is gonna go in the book right now and then if somebody donates for a second time in the Stream I’ll also grab a bonus name still that’s what we’re gonna do chug A Notch Apple for the lulls you know why not 4001 days we gonna we’re gonna we’re

Gonna celebrate today today’s a special day sometimes you just You’re Gonna Make It Count yo that felt good I’m not gonna lie that felt good turn on FPS visual in zodiac shot Oscar I I don’t really care about having it on the screen um but guys let’s talk about I actually

Did it I was like why not we’ve got 21 22 of them we got 21 now whatever it’s fine but let me get up to the uh top of the base um oh wait there we are so this is what we’re gonna do for next Saturdays the

Very first thing that we got to build is this room because I currently I really like the teleporter because we need it we need to get up to the up to the base quickly also there’s no way to just walk there anymore so it’s literally is a

Necessity but then we get to this room which is like this right now where we’re standing is my least favorite spot in the world I I do not like this place and the reason I don’t really like it it’s well it’s uh I don’t have to explain you guys all see

It this is a terrible look and then from here we can we can look around a little bit here um you know what do I have do I have snow blocks in my inventory something okay that that will work it’s not much but it’s something it worked Electro yo thank you thank you

For the 10 months wild numbers uh we’re gonna put Electro not selectral Electro ignition book and then Kelvin goes in for bonus name and guys if you want to um put a bunch of names in the book with donations you gotta you gotta switch to membership gifted because then I can

Still put the names in the book but I don’t have to do it during the stream so it’s gonna be way less disruptive uh which means the streams will flow a little better and I think that’s in in the end that’s a win for all of us

And then to make up for Less names in the book I’ll grab them from the comment section um after the stream instead which is a just as good a way to do it but well we’ll have to streamflow so first thing we’re gonna do is I think that room down there where the

Teleporter comes out so let’s go it’s not too bad either it does have a little bit of a ring to it I’m really sad that these guys are gone I think when my game crashed the street the day before 4000 day stream when the door was broken I think that

Got rid of him which is unfortunate Looney’s secretly tried to kill our computers I I would I would never do such a thing you know what if these guys are not here we can get rid of their boats that’s kind of pointless keeping them around that was the star Trader and

The is nit wait buddy it is sad it’s a piece of History that’s left that’s lost which is really unfortunate okay let’s go down here and then I think guys after the main hall for the for the castle because I figured this rumor the teleporter is

Is is a great like throne room I buy milk yo leading by example that’s it that’s it if you want to get a bunch of names in a book let’s do that I’ll grab it from the comments or from the YouTube Studio after the stream finishes uh Papa milk

Is gonna go in the book and Mubarak is gonna go in the book as well and whoever just got a membership gifted congratulations guys you’re gonna go in the book um then the other thing guys we gotta like make these plazas on the outside of the castle look good we need staircases

To uh is there a way I can I can do this oh my God how do I get up there I know a way it’s gonna be a little cursed but we should be able to oh my God I’m on the roof yeah that’s not

I flew up way higher than I intended to why why don’t we go so high now we got to start out or jump down brick hat AJ brick out all come back to the stream good to see you okay guys so um right now there’s all these cool balconies on the castle

And we love cool balconies cool balconies Rock but um there’s no way to get here these those have any doors this one is a bit of a a tricky one because there’s a inside Garden but we can get like a door in here or maybe a door in

Here so we gotta fix that it was way too oh my God I’m gonna jump down here on that wall but I that’s a long way down if you miss it like that’s a long way down uh let me give it my water bucket we’re gonna need that today

No water no I didn’t have the water I just used the suit to fly up there um so so guys main hall here for the teleporter and then more rooms around it Castle interior is scuffed right now as and it doesn’t really exist so we gotta build something cool there happy log out

Grass percent speedrun let me finish talking what we’re doing and then then we’ll start that rush because I kind of I kind of like the idea it’s gonna be scuff though um and then the other thing guys is that uh uh right down here there’s gonna be something cool and I’m I’m looking

Forward to this this spot because I think it’s gonna be special so right now if we want to get back to like the castle basement uh there’s a way to do that I kind of inspired by the uh George why no Elijah because it’s a nice change

Of perspective we only do it for today and then uh they were gonna fly around tomorrow again but I wanted to mess with our perspective EJ with the 69-69 dude that that is a a pretty epic number I like that Mr streams I’ve I’ve been looking forward to you guys I think you

Can feel my uh you can feel like today as well I I’ve been looking forward to it okay so guys this here is a sort of a leap of faith inspired on um I I was building this and I was thinking of the Game of Thrones uh moon door I I don’t

Know what Castle it is but there’s castle that has like a door well a door basically it’s like it has a steep drop off a cliff with a door on top of it so I was like it’ll be cool if we could jump out of the castle or like throw people down there

Um so what I want to do with the castle is I want to actually give it a basement give it like uh sewer system give it like a um like a dungeon as well so the castle is going to extend way under where the castle actually is and if we look over here

Right there wait do I have my Spike left I of course I do uh this is actually the the main hatch a hatch it was ad chest in the Airy that that’s it that’s it imagination Warrior got it um so this guy’s just a castle entrance

So there’s gonna be a way here these are essential Redstone wires and I don’t really want to move them up or down I think they’re on the right level um but what we can do is there’s a there’s a line right here that is just blended into the ceilings in the next

Room so I think these ones are going to blend into the ceilings as well and then here um I want to be able to jump down here and then get into the lower walkable area of the base as well that means we have to decorate all of this then right

Here we have a framework for a uh Tower or or staircase room that is for the uh so scared of him falling down I am clutching that that uh shift key down like I’m pressing hard don’t worry about it uh do you get a book for that one I I

Really appreciate that you pointed it out but we can’t start making wild exceptions I’m gonna give you guys a chance to to get in the book after The Stream I’ll like at the end of the stream I’ll tell you how to do it Andrew does the castle have a name it’s called

Winter’s hold okay guys let’s get down there because uh I actually gotta go elsewhere we we have places to be so this is a little little sketch but that is gonna go through the entire leg basement um all the uh can we go up here I think we can

That’d be kind of cracked bonus name for EJ good call uh imagination Warrior after all nice actually that’s not the schedule that’s not happened what is the castle called it’s called Winter’s hold Madison is called the lonely Manson and then under the mountains is called Winter’s Hollow gilded hey Looney tired but still

Watching I did I respect it thank you for being here welcome to the Stream do I like space as in outer space yes it’s wildly fascinating okay I think we can make it in here Wow I just got stuck on a drip leaf I still believe okay please don’t wash anything down that was super lucky um yeah this this door is one-way traffic can we there’s Gotta Be A Way okay I think I think I have a solution wait what what is all of this

Why is that Sugar there I do not remember putting that there it’s there um I need wait where is it guys I have the most scuffed solution okay this one’s not silk touch nice okay and then uh I want to put that back so Shuffle goes there

Making the e-chest then I think we can open the door from here Nailed it can’t believe you never try going the other way last time last time I did something way more stuff than I did now last time I straight up dug my way through the door and then sealed it up behind me we gotta get to the Village yeah

Imagination warrior story of news take a visit don’t worry about it don’t worry about it that was just a friendly reminder it’s no big deal you still made it in Nina welcome to the stream as well grass very good good to see you okay uh do I take this these snowballs I

Feel like they might come in handy you never know okay guys I want to get back into the base and see if we can do something useful but I I gotta go do something else first wait this has got to be a joke is that a Cliffside frog

As in did he find his way to a place where he thinks he can’t that find that is that’s unreal If he’s gonna stick if he’s gonna remain there we gotta give him a name tag Mr Minecraft video thank you for that two dollars as well good to see you today welcome to day 4001. that feels good to say Mr Minecraft goes in the book and the next page uh potion Master makes

It in okay let me no no no no no no is this a problem is this a problem is this a problem Uh no that’s not gonna wash anything now we can’t get back up there again luffu yo do you think for the two Euros well walking around looks awesome better than flying it gives you a different appreciation for what’s going on right I think it’s a it’s a really cool change

Of scenery I I love I love doing this I was excited to do it for a while now too and we did a lot of hard work to make it look right uh luffa goes in the book and then Joseph goes in the book is about his name okay

Um let’s see I wanna I wanna see if I have a name tag we have a name tag idiots yeah that used to be a dolphin but we’ll just we’ll rename that uh to Cliffside frog which is unlikely I didn’t know that was possible that must have been one of the last I

Don’t How did that guy get up there I just don’t get it I really don’t get it when have we ever oh wait it’s a it’s a swamp of course he just spawned there like all the rest of them oh my God Cliffside frog that’s like the one animal where I was

Like yeah that’s never gonna happen he either he he just he recently spawned here that’s the only explanation I have he’s got the right color to have spawned here too Eclipse like frog Cliffside frog is a champion that’s unreal do we have all animals on a cliff now that that’s the real question

Ocelot is not real what a silly world it is a silly world imagination warrior with the 280 as well thank you imagination words already booked uh I’m gonna grab a goes in there and a human being goes in there who was here way before stream chilling in chat

Could call it Cliff frog nice be glad you’re not wrong you’re not wrong recently you have some Cliff animals in your world too did you name tag them uh we’re being we’re being whoa whoa whoa that Enderman Get Wrecked Cliffside energy yeah that’s not real that doesn’t exist

You can’t freeze the Ender Dragon anymore right drag Zoll yo dude thank you for another membership one’s more I’m gonna eat some of this stuff guys because there’s a lot of things in my inventory that I really don’t need um Drexel page number two bonus name Derek Roach

Have you ever decorated for Halloween thinking of triumphs and decorations we I did I did I want to hunt for uh Halloween mobs again okay guys I still think Cliffside Pony is probably the fastest horse in my world but let’s see who’s quicker is it is it zero zebra

Z feels pretty quick to be honest what about bruh oh brush fast yeah easy easy win for bro here oh super stuck you can ride him away from that fence okay Z you’re gonna be here bro’s got the diamond armor as well that must have must be a good sign um

Oh my God I have not seen all the Phantoms recently this this feels new okay bro let’s let’s run let’s run let’s run try and get the fastest horse possible Jacob we I’m pretty sure we already have that it must must be Cliffside Pony like there’s no other

Explanation guys I think that we’re gonna be able to bring uh Z all the way down to the bottom of the base now which is kind of cool he is fast he’s really fast look look at him go can he jump too well maybe if I can well no it’s just

Jumping is miserable he cannot jump oh wait no no that’s not bad that’s not bad he’s nice Abdul welcome to the stream Mr Anthony W bruh yep Bros a good old horse well I I didn’t mean to do that I wanted to to Sprint but I think we’re already sprinting

Drexel how does it come how come it doesn’t say two months oh it wasn’t two months I I don’t know why I don’t know why don’t worry about it thank you for the two okay um need a potion okay okay I’m a little worried about

This bro are you are you gonna be all right bro don’t don’t take too much damage okay if if you’re if you get hit we’ll we’ll get you a potion it’s gonna be all right oh my god oh I’m dude I’m so sorry we we missed missed the drip leave there it’s

It’s gonna be all right you can lose Phantoms until you go unless you go into a house well we’re undergrad now we’re gonna be all right we’ll throw him a healing potion it’s gonna be all right I just I’m I’m curious if we can make it

All the way down into the base I feel like we should be able to oh bro can you be on the pressure plate awesome dude nailed it bruh come on we’re too tall you like golden Carriage right dude just follow me down here you can do it dude you can do it

EXO set stop smashing his head against the wall dude that was my head that was that was all me nice bro bro get over here get over here I need to I need to put this back though like we can’t steal our walls okay we’re good we’re good

Dude we’re crushing it can’t just keep going boom door open door closed stupid bro’s a pretty uh decent’s eyes is respectable why don’t make more room agent duck sure we’re gonna get stuck again next time you’re right you’re right you’re right guys can you believe that I can walk a horse

I I am taking some Suffocation damage here it’s it’s it’s a rough ride oh my God ow ow we can we can ride a horse all the way down into the base um wait can we though kind of stuck here okay we’re getting there we’re getting there leaves don’t don’t suffocate so

We’re gonna be fine oh this is a rough quarter bro we’re gonna sneak through bruh we’re stuck bro we’re stuck bruh bruh can you can we do this trick again I’m just gonna snack on this carrot am I saying that of course I’m saying saying the horse’s name you think I’m

Just saying bruh of course not bruh oh wait there I did um okay let’s put that guys we’re making our way down oh my God no we got slime jumps does that work on a horse he’s almost healed up though guys oh no I’m worried about the Slime

Jump this this is not gonna be good not sure about this design for a horse well it wasn’t but if it works I mean you see apple to get him to move no work with the golden carrot okay bro we gotta aim right here are we stuck yeah we’re totally stuck

Dude wait get back ow oh my God notification is real maybe we can put that back there on the end okay bruh let’s go No no no okay maybe we got we gotta take a side step here huh oh it works wait now we’re now we’re scuffed hang on I know I know another way down horse proof either but okay bro just just like just go backwards ow dude nope sorry

Wait we’re there we’re there we took a shortcut we took a successful shortcut totally nailed it nobody saw that wait where are we poor bro bro’s gotta get a reject potion guys don’t don’t worry about it don’t worry about it it’s gonna be all right

How am I lost him it’s a big vase dude I like it’s easy it’s a really big base but we guys we made it we made it now um yo bro can just run up this hill like nobody’s business there we go a shortcut I want to see your slime

Jumping no if you’re killed a horse you’re gonna get canceled yeah we can’t kill bruh we cannot kill bruh oh dude I’m sorry guys I’m really trying here I promise have fun stuffing that’s fair that’s fair hang on there I’m gonna I’m gonna get you that thing

Um I think you need this one yeah give me one of those here Brad catch oh my God I just did he Regen yeah that didn’t work I I gotta I gotta be long distance healer did that work it didn’t work nice bro I was like bruh I’m not gonna kill Brooke guys

Fire why would you say that it’s behind a book present on in the book how much night fishing do I have two minutes bro we’re gonna get night vision get over here guys where do I like this horror or leave his horse I think you’re demonstrating why no one

Uses horses dude horses can do this can you run up a hill like that I think nobody uses horses because we got a needle I try that that’s the entire thing bro can you dude you’re he’s too thick I don’t mean to I didn’t mean it like that it’s more like no no

Bro I bruh you look fine you look Majestic that’s not what I’m saying it’s just we couldn’t fit in there it’s okay okay okay okay dude horses are cracked look at that movement you’re a mountain I don’t even care doesn’t stop me so guys um quick update this is all Madness so

Far your base I don’t think your base optimal for horses oh it’s not optimal but it’s still remarkable that we could walk a horse to bedrock don’t you guys think as at least a little bit special um so there there’s a couple issues with this having a horse in the base and

That’s like we can’t get him can we get him up there is there a way to get him up there oh no that that’s how that’s how Brett dies we don’t do that um so there’s a couple couple spots we can get to and I think we we gotta fix that

Eventually but um right now guys I feel like I gotta be somewhere else I gotta be in a storage room do we walk bruh all the way back up there yeah I think I I should have took it taken that turn uh we need to get some resources because

I want to build that teleporter room to Danger noodle Bridge we can get bread to Danger noodle Village guys look isn’t it cool that is my entrance to the base it’s way up there you wouldn’t skull why would you say that dude that’s that’s not that’s not cool oh cool

Okay um guys we got places to be bro we gotta you know what I’m gonna be smart we’re gonna quickly go back to that store or that potion room and I’m gonna get some extra region potions because I have a feeling we’re gonna need this course has slow falling potions

Dude we can totally get brought to Danger noodle Bridge the only thing is is he gonna walk off by himself later because that’d be kind of scuffed it will he will walk off myself later right but not if we put him on a lead got snow falling flashes for Bruh Bruh

Dude I’m already getting snow falling potions um okay I need a whole line of those one more and then slow falling is this oh no that’s water breathing this is slow falling I killed a dog I didn’t know such thing who tells you that ‘ll add your name we don’t take book

Requests we don’t take requests there’s no way Jonah you died on day 148 dude I’m sorry to hear that that’s a good run fee get to go to orientation School in an hour which means I won’t miss some of the stream oh don’t worry you can watch

It back feet and there there’s gonna be um watch the end after you uh you get back just the very end like last two minutes I’ll tell you guys something cool in the last two minutes okay um oh you have clipped it that I killed a dog oh because he killed the skeleton

That I really needed yeah that kind of happened that’s that yeah that that was not that that was not my smartest moment I feel like that’s that might come back to haunt me oh I need I need to be there down there like there say it works what is the horse’s name

Bruh you don’t have the horse’s name that’s bad we can jump over here it’s totally not a small a molten lava River that’s fine fire see you later dude thank you for being here um guys I’m kind of pleasantly surprised at how easy it is to navigate the base

Like this is uh this is better than expected let’s let’s be real wait okay there’s no there’s no way up we can’t walk the horse up okay bro we we’re gonna leave you here for a second you gotta chill I’ll find you a nice fence it’s gonna be an awesome fence don’t

Worry about it where’s the where do I find a fence okay um bruh I’m sorry I I’ll just leave you wonder here for or let you wander for a little bit maybe there’s a okay that’s a bit of a weird you know okay bro just just hang out here for a

Little bit okay I’ll be right back brass not been sentences live underground we’re just I’ll I’ll put him off up above ground before three minutes dude you’re always making me out to be the bad guy post your master go to finish school lessons dude good luck I respect that

You’re putting into work see you later thanks for being here save the Striders strider’s fine okay um I need to go to the storage room guys yo no jokes I’m kinda amazed right now and how doable it is to navigate the base foreign I can just go places without any light

Trap in a base like this that’s kind of wild make a horse wait for to get up to date your noodle Bridge how would that work can you do that flying machine with a fence on it I think you could bro needs sunlight again we’ll bring him back we’ll bring him back

Bro was admiring the sky that amount of those are trees and now he’s just in darkness isn’t is it a magical cave it’s fine um okay guys we need we need some resources right now let me this book is kind of cool I think I want

To put it somewhere so we’re going to leave that for for a minute I have some firework real guys say we’re gonna leave here because these are actually decorated like their their quality fireworks we gotta save those dude Olivia stop it okay hang on um guys I think we gotta

I think we gotta do a super quick round trip is there oh no I’m gonna I’m gonna investigate something stupid you can fish it up with a fishing rod that’s how the horrors lies for sure okay what happens if I yeah I don’t want an MLG down there that’s that’s way too far

There’s no there’s no way we’re not doing that the only thing I can imagine doing okay this this is gonna be scuffed but I kinda have to this is a bad idea yeah end of pearl I might have that but I think I think my closest ender pearl is yeah it’s up

There it’s up it’s not down I don’t think we have one here no no no ender pearl is not it but there I can I can think of something stupid um I just need trap doors some kind okay okay this this is totally not gonna go wrong we’re gonna be fine

Guys just just trust me this this is gonna be all right hey Bill clutch uh what about the clutch also works slime blocks also works like the collections will work guys but I don’t I don’t want to trust myself with that right now but I think

I think I have something that might be a little bit smarter than that could also be Dumber like I is it Dumber use the slow falling potion that’s actually way smarter but I kind of want to know if this works yeah this is this is super dumb do we do this

Only if I have another water bucket Mega Stacy’s chamber George we have one we have one Mayo welcome to the Stream it’s just a totem I haven’t popped a totem for like 3 300 days I don’t want to do that okay we have more water I don’t want to pop totems

Not sure what it is but do it that’s bad advice do it do I eat another Golden Apple another Enchanted Apple I think no it’s just gonna work sometimes you just gotta Trust okay we’re down there oh my God that was yeah that that I did all like that

Pearls yeah I should I didn’t have any pearls we’re gonna take some ender pearls oh my God that was scary to do that was I know it’s just a totem guys it’s not about losing the world but I really don’t want to pull totems like that’s not me okay so I need

A stack of these whoa okay those are running out this was a full double chest if you like well no no it was it was a one it was one choker box probably because otherwise why being so risky Samuel I was I was I thought it was gonna be fine

Uh and five’s happening on screen okay okay okay guys I I just wanted to be here to investigate because we got to build a room around this thing and I’m kind of curious what how that works we need Spruce logs for sure um deep slate do I have

Do I have Gilda Blackstone I think I do okay so Spruce logs Blackstone gilded Blackstone deep slate and that that will be it to start anxiety level way up yo mine too like I that was not a very me thing to do but I was kind of sure it was gonna work

Smithing tables such a great Building look they’re kind of cool what is this weird Redstone that I hear oh I know what it is it’s a firework engine let’s turn it off safety foot switch am I going the right direction yeah I am oh my God guys we’re gonna have to do

The stupid thing again kinda sure what’s chilling yeah exactly but now now we have April so now we should be fine boom be a brave voice sometimes sometimes if you have one ender pearl anastasis will you be able to use another without a despawning Melancholy the answer to that is do this

Oh you well that doesn’t work I just phased out oh no there’s just no wall there um if you do that like you’re in in super flat you throw one over there wait for the reset and you throw one over there you’re gonna teleport twice so that’s proof that that does work um

All right we we gotta get some stuff sorted um I need to get deep slate and then Spruce logs I think both of those oh no we cleaned up all the sugar so they’re 100 gonna be here okay that’s the display box that’s the deep sleep this is not

Cleaned up by the way guys I’m saving these I just realized I call this clean up this is not this is not what clean looks like um but we’re gonna sort all the stuff in here when we get to the uh two year anniversary for the world it’s kind of exciting

So many shulkers it’s wild it’s wild I think this one’s gonna go into this uh storage monster um barrels also I need Spruce logs and I think they’re going to be in one of these brown ones I don’t think that’s it I’m thinking maybe a gray show for them it’s all tough

I could also just be out the difference between much and many basically the same thing would you use them for different words like it’s many people I don’t think they’re wait there’s gotta be a clear distinction between when you use both of those

Much is a lot of one thing many is a lot of different things maybe is that how it works okay guys I don’t think I have Spruce um we’re gonna have to cut some of that have I put that in assorted chest no okay then we need a green chooker box from here

Light green one wait saw one more no I’m I’m kind of disgusted by all of this this is bad this isn’t real bad okay this this could be it and then this could be it too many is something you can count much is something you can count nice that’s a very clear distinction

Okay neither one of those okay this is the one I needed looks like a firework show kinda um okay that siblings do I have bone meal I do not have Romeo okay I kind of like that I kind of like that let’s uh let’s go get some bone meal

Are you so scared because of lag because of a previous world Samuel I think in a way yes I’m just like afraid of losing another world could be too lag could be to something else okay guys I think we’re gonna make this Beautiful throw nice foreign at being able to navigate the base like this let’s leave night vision for a little bit during game of voices you’re gonna roast me okay okay I’m here for it When is the two year Rave Mir um it is on April 10th so it’s a little while from now it’s more than half a year yo world is not even on one and a half years old that’s kind of crazy whoa we’ve done a lot this song is always on when Angels where

I think we all have a song that that is that song for us um let me take one stick of butter meal Luis are you late again yo don’t worry about it welcome to the stream thank you for joining us that’s all welcome as well seems like you and everybody’s enjoying

My idea dude it’s so true guys uh Deadshot is the one that convinced me to do a no elytra stream and then when I was finally ready to properly think about it I was like you know what they should be a transition oh Mr C shot I’m sorry to hear that that

Is a bumpy ride um wait guys I missed I missed a turn I was not sure that was a full block or not it wasn’t but it still works of course looking at Google Maps to find my way around the base kinda need it looks amazing without night vision UD it’s kind of cool without night vision I just for building I think if we’re not

There yet like I I literally made it short like guys there are so many shorts in production I I hope that you guys are enjoying them but there’s like four more that are just about done and then there’s new ones on the way already okay where do we go from here I think

I’m just gonna eat bro do I even have no I don’t have dirt how do I get to storage room from here do we have to make a round trip there’s got to be a better way to do this okay I think I think I know something um let’s throw over that way

So I fly there about to land and there we are Okay oh nice nice this is actually what I need um we’re about to do to do something that feels so old-fashioned I have not done this in ages it’s the kind of thing that you don’t have to do when you have a little eye drop well uh okay that that’s a whole mess

Like I didn’t let me through let me through this is all good I wanna I need I need to be yes there remember wait wait wait we can’t see a thing right like this unacceptable uh let me get some night vision going also I need oh my God my storage is so full

Um let me put this in here honestly I think this should be enough you guys remember when you collected trees like this all the time things you never do anymore when you have your elytra did you use night vision no gamma malt I think it’s way more fun

You still do this okay you have any light train you still mine them up like this to me this is a vintage move this is like really early game but it’s fun um can we oh we wait hang on hang on I’m doing this right now which is not

Necessary uh let me grab these and these I want to get one more and then I think we’re ready to uh go collect it up remember the old times yup when Minecraft just feels different we need that one there or it’s gonna go Haywire do I have a preferred route up to trees

Like clockwise or counterclockwise I never thought about it but I just went clockwise twice so I think it’s going to be clockwise or would be Louise wild times there’s a mod called NCC killing which skips rendering of laggy blocks if they’re covered is going to help because your Farms are covered

Oh frostburned that that’s cool the thing is guys with the lag I know that there are solutions that are better still but I kind of want as long as possible I want to use a setup that is not too hyper optimized because if I make it hyper optimized right and then I give

You guys a roll download it’s only gonna work for you if you hyper optimize it too I would like it if it’s runnable on a normal system without going over the top okay I think that will have to do for right now um so where to next

Got myself a nice cup of tea and some cookies are having a good evening all life of zays and welcome to the stream I’m doing awesome I hope you are too is there water here no okay we’ll just run to the teleporter I think we have everything we need to get started except

For stonecutter we need a stone cutter I think there’s one in this building maybe we took it out though the United Pro went far it was a decent throw I had momentum upwards okay please have a stone cutter no oh my God how is their Brewing stands in

There but not a stone cutter is there another spot we can easily get to that has it maybe up here and your pearls bruh is useless now bro’s not gonna get replaced by ender pearls guys I can’t have that that’s not that’s not fair I’m just really hoping there’s a stone cutter somewhere

At the very least we need a crafting table bruh is not going to be underground for the rest of his life wait oh but there’s no way up there oh how do I fix that Yeah that’s not gonna I can’t leave bro there you guys should never let a gonna let it go how far can we get up there until the Slime jumps no I think there’s a way I think there’s a way we gotta believe can you feel Condors with poison in Java

Holds Apple unfortunately no that that would look epic for these machines guys I’m looking around because I feel like I need something um let me grab the smooth basalt and I already got chest I need something else um I I just need a wood for a crafting

Table but I think we’ll just make it let’s just get up there Japanese house in a pink area to fit the theme Samuel I don’t think we’ll build a Japanese house here but we’re gonna build something there and maybe we lean a little bit Japanese style that could could still work

Okay back up there um I want to get this room looking decent three four five six there’s a mulch for colder and Potions same issue though as soon as you don’t have them all it doesn’t look good anymore so I want to try and make it accessible for everyone

Okay and then we need um a set of chest up here this is gonna get so messy because we don’t have access to a load of stuff due to walking okay do you have anything I kind of for a moment hope that I had a stone cutter in there it could have been

That that sugar why do you have rockets in your inventory that is a good question let’s get rid of those let’s get these in here let’s get that uh party maker in there as well I think all the rest I need kind of let’s get let’s get the cloak in there

Black Raven thank you for the congratulations for 4 000 days Emily welcome to the stream as well okay step one I want these pillars to be why is that there wait that that’s unnecessary Redstone I think I think we can just Place those okay that was always on fire

I think we can play some only um repeater as well basically works the same oh my God that was scary loud Uh same issue over here how can we reroute that one okay this one he just needs to come back okay we’ll fix that uh for now I’ll do this because I need to be under here and I think that’s gonna be hard to get to without flying

No electric just for an hour for longer iron X um just for the a thousand and one day stream so we’ll do it again 5001. but for today we’re we’re challenging ourselves to see the world a little bit different and it’s it’s a little scary let me eat this uh

Turn off the castle let’s go Castle interior first or Guardian Farm I don’t know for sure if we’re gonna do the guardian Farm uh definitely Castle interior next oh my God guys do I still need night vision potions here that’s kind of ridiculous or no we just need light sources honestly

Okay for now I’m just gonna build the full floor Guys if I fall down there I’m gonna have to clutch up Let’s do this Oh oh my God there’s I’m not ready for this I don’t have torches either um do you get those from storage room uh this yeah I need to get torches we need to make a lap wow they actually stick the world to her what do you mean keep walking around

Don’t build a thing now we need to build the thing Landers from librarians okay hang on uh that’s cursed I know how to fix that but we need a lever for it I’ll tell why do I not have any elytra I have plenty of religious I just we we

Made things a little different for today we made things uh out of the ordinary you start playing Minecraft the same after a while but have a bad limit have it lately of falling off blocks unintentionally dark Larkin this is true that happened all the time that’s not a good that’s not a good

Um thing to have happening right now I think I’m gonna go lanterns maybe because they don’t have torches here they’re they’re gonna be in a chest somewhere okay quickest way to get back there um I think teleport for sure teleport straight up ninja I made it I made a shirt on that too

Oh my God guys scary let’s do this again oh my God I can’t see there’s nothing in there that we can fall on right no only there on the on their left only electrics in wash exactly foreign I can’t believe that this is the quickest way to get back up there again

We’re gonna have a lot of fun with that one guys during this thousand days that teleporter that’s only gonna feel sicker as time goes on um okay for now let’s put some temporary torches on here for temporary lanterns we’ll get rid of those the drip leave took the credit

I could totally fall on that and that’s not impossible oh that’s poor design oh my God oh that terrified me I gotta be careful with those but I also need them in my help bar Professor then my girlfriend just sneeze I didn’t hear it Epic third spamming times are long gone she

Definitely sneezed they’re not long gone full streamers dream web I kind of want to do that one day guys where I just start to stream and I’m not there and just like open up chat on a different window and see how long you guys are gonna wait for me

That will work for a while but you’re in the background message got forwarded guys many things whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa where did he come from also nice armor also terrible durability two and three oh my God yeah all of that are not all that large Don’t ask me to torch Pam I mean it’s it’s kind of still torchbam even though we do lanterns right but there’s even in this area there’s a little bit of torch fan look down yeah there’s a lot of torch bam guys I literally I I already recorded

The short it’s I made a point out of it streamer tags is epic it is it is can you make an OG stream without chem and with the old skin Julie we’re gonna eventually visit the old world again at one point that’s gonna feel very OG

I’m I’m down to uh like do a stream without Cam though if you guys want to see it I’m here for it spawn proved to prevent Pigman Tower incident part two infinity or kind of right you’re kind of right that’s kind of how it went down that first time okay out of blocks

I think we had him in here AJ Hard Times dude Welcome to the streamville good to see you Zorro welcome to this dream as well okay guys how far do we build this back I think with this whole um door thing that we just designed there we can probably build all the way

Towards the end of the room just have a little bit of room to navigate around it okay let’s just do that for right now Or yes I do she make a malt this I learned to avoid any season three Samuel no I don’t want it I want I want the possibility of things going wrong I don’t want to have it go wrong but I also don’t wanna fully rule it out feels lame

So mob switch is a is a hard pass Quinoa welcome to the stream what are we making today I want to have that teleporter room which is basically wait hang on play less it’s basically right here is where the April Stacey chamber is so that’s where we teleport up and I want to have that room look better

Time for a third account no it’s not you don’t need that these all look very weird for now looks like the room is way lower than it’s supposed to be well this part of the room yes like this is this is not but I think

This one’s like we don’t have a lot of room to make it higher than this foreign there might be room for like a bigger bigger room under here but I think for for this place this is all we have but Nina I I fully get it like if we

Look up at the inside of the castle it’s it’s kind of bad right now which is also why we’re doing it let me uh turn off shaders this might be a little better without the night vision right now okay wait I kind of want to keep that pillar

Um because that’s how we jumped out Excellency later dude thank you for the help apologies didn’t hear the first time shot welcome to the Stream funny you say you don’t have a little room in a huge base everything is relative right Bluebird see you later thanks for being here okay

I think that works um let’s extend those arches me saying I don’t have a little room in the base yeah that’s kinda that’s a little goofy I’ll admit I’ll admit okay um so we skip three put one in the middle there then we skip another three and then that’s a pillar

And that’s the center and then this is a pillar we might end up using those now uh no we need a solid wall in front of that Infinity are you heading out as well are you everybody’s saying uh bye to EXO aren’t you guys what’s the dragon statue in my

Background it’s just an Ender Dragon just sitting there like a blushy um I think guys we need to grab some of these and then match up the pillars Infinity heading out see you later thanks for being here okay I think it’s up here that’s hard to judge let’s just go for it

Oh and then this one needs to be [Laughter] thankful happy to hear anything to keep you guys safe okay so that is two blocks oh my God look at that guys This is gonna be interesting room to build because we also got to build other rooms around it and that’s gonna be a little bit of a puzzle I don’t know how that’s going to work out we’ll figure it out AJ yo dude thank you for becoming a gentlem ever again

You just said that I read out nice uh let me put AJ ballistic in the book yo guys it is so fun to be streaming again corpse is going to go in the book as well uh let me put EXO throttle and daksha in there thank you guys for helping out

Slime swamps starting out see you later much better the green name yeah if you need to have it you need to have it okay and then we need um more Spruce Wood so for tomorrow’s our first XC Mead part of the varsity team what what is XC uh

Is it healthy to eat a shoe dusk I’m just gonna trust you that you don’t really need an answer to that question I think you’re gonna figure it out without me you’re gonna be all right please be all right um let me put a lantern on there as well

I literally just wanted to fly over there but we can do that is there any way we do we we get there okay what I’m gonna do is pointless But I kind of want to get the snow out of here oh my God now I wanted to crouch in between there but that’s another thing what are we building right now yeah I hope we’re we’re doing the foundation for the uh the teleporter oh my God these are messy

Um I think that’s gonna be fine they don’t need to be logs or uh would they they just can just be logs because they’re they’re gonna be a ceiling on there has to be high for the movie Tornado I’m very very excited to uh finish that up still a lot

Of work though but we’re gonna get it done water bucket yeah but we also washed a lot of stuff down we can’t really have that kind of curious about water disaster somewhere near I don’t think I messed it up did I Jordan your name was great for two

Messages in this stream they got gifted a membership nice that will get you into book two solid if you’re here a lot you’re gonna get the gifted memberships I love that it works like that okay guys I think we gotta this is gonna get a little tricky um I think these go here

So I want to do this but I don’t have any flowing water because that’s gonna get super scuffed I don’t want to accidentally ruin any Redstone either a little movie be I I don’t know yet Wait why did Okay um you guys remember what I said about not breaking any redstone so that didn’t work out what did I just oh that was the one that had the torch on it yeah that’s dumb I looked on top of the block and I didn’t see anything That torch is long on now um how do we get there because we can’t settle for an up now okay uh I think we gotta we gotta go down and maybe see if we can bring a horse up here that’s super scuff this is super scuffed

Gamer boy dude well good to see that’s been a long long time I hope you’re doing well Let me turn on shaders while we drill down there Okay I just need a redstone torch we might Wade I want that stonecutter was looking for it earlier okay we’re not getting lucky I remember you yeah dude you’ve been here a lot are you even planning to get him up here oh I forgot about this I need a lever too

I really want to fix that door that’s so scuffed Seeing without totem gives you anxiety and then accidentally triggering April that’s not a good vibe dude no worries no worries thank you for being here okay um step one Redstone George step two get brotherhoods up there it’s a better option guys I don’t see any better alternative wait no

Oh where’s my redstone blocks I hate that well we can just make sticks but that’s scuffed I wanna have that back where the sticks how do I not have sticks step three Save The Strider to Strider Is AO gay don’t worry about the Strider guys I also think we need more potions

Just use the Eli trap not that complicated isn’t it okay we can’t we got milk today okay this is this is a safe method guys and I love it it’s too cool not to do it lever torch bruh okay I completely forgot about the lever well we’re gonna

Go through the storage room anyway you know what we don’t need nine efficient potions well where’s bruh Russ up here it’s brother yeah Oscar what no please no no that’s fine I was like I haven’t seen him in a while we’re gonna get bruh back now

Gamer boy is so beautiful dude thank you we’re working on his base for a year and a half now and it’s getting there it’s getting there for sure okay uh brother horse whoa dude this whole being on a horse with a trident looks pretty sick um I think there’s there’s gonna be You guys don’t even understand how cursed this is bruh I’m so sorry dude I’ve okay we’re gonna get out of this I promise that was so cursed that that was that was some yeah that was that was a clear very clear bruh a moment okay bruh can we get up here Oh my God I’m I’m so glad this horse is smarter than I am we would not get very far kill issue big fat skill issue right there me talking about how I’m gonna get way up there guys I got it I got it I know I know exactly how we’re gonna

Get out there it’s gonna be Majestic if this works I’m I’m stoked Laughs okay even if this works it’s it’s a little scuffed I’m gonna take a heap of damage on my way up there almost fell off wait maybe there’s there’s transitions there there are transitions okay like that and then Okay guys bruh is super cracked I think if we go there are we are we there I think that’s it I think that is it it is a pretty solid jump no oh my God I thought I’d be in it I thought I thought we were gonna tumble way down on that

Whoa whoa whoa okay horse parkour is real Whoa oh my God he just jumped up three blocks bruh is insane guys we’re making it we’re making it up we’re making up this is the hard part book press correct oh my God yo this is sick I would never manage to climb up there by myself without placing blocks

And this this horse just got it he’s he’s a real one he’s an absolute Trooper wait I think I think we can make this okay Bray or thick there’s no way we’re jumping up there okay there’s legit no way okay that’s not it so we gotta go through here guys are stuck no

Just let me go just let me let me pass maybe like this I need to heal up I need to heal up already took well we got it we got it we got him he’s gonna be all right he’s gonna be all right guys don’t sweat it oh bro knows what he’s doing

He’s a lead okay got it got it got it we just we need to place that torch back for that Lantern X unacceptable you can’t just take that was that even where it was I think so oh my God where’d he go bruh dude no why did you go there

Dude we were doing so well there’s 270 people watching us you can’t you can’t mess it up like that let me that’s the three block jump okay bro you got this yo okay guys we’re almost back up there okay okay okay we’re in we’re in totally bro moments heaps of them

This isn’t entirely broad stream right now but we’re gonna be there we’re getting there to the store true I didn’t know what these iron is tunnel with horses in mind I will be on this that was not pre-planned okay bro you’re doing excellent um we needed Redstone torches and all

That yeah we got it let’s just keep going we got this we got this oh wait wait wait uh lever it’s epic isn’t it and we can get all the way down there which feels so good okay I need Cobblestone which I should have here and then again sticks which I already needed

Okay Cobblestone goes there I only need one lever but we’ll just use these this is why people don’t use horses merging should fix our hitbox now the horse’s hitbox is fine it’s just that on top of a orange you go with your head in the ceiling it’s a little rough

Okay maybe it’s a little more than a little rough but ow it’s mostly my my fault though no not the horse’s fault okay guys I need to um how does this work again okay bruh like you’re gonna go on that pressure plate but this is not the right moment

I think the way you fix this oh wait there’s um they’re supposed to extender in between there so we can do that I need to just dig down into that Redstone for a second um I need to get to that Redstone circuit without the pulse extender where’s the pulse extender right there

Bruh I don’t like the sound Ward you’re doing there please please don’t please don’t do that bruh could you could you not do that okay I think that fixes the door where did I climb down again it looks like a fixed door so now we just get rid of that Place dust back

It guys it is good to know your redstone it is so worth the time that goes into practicing it look at that I just repaired a door now we just gotta place this one back full extender still works nice okay let’s trigger that again go through that door and we’re good nice

How did that happen AJ I think it’s unloading issue I don’t know exactly but you you fix it by a quick double pulse to the um to the source it took me a while to figure out how to easily repair those okay bruh you’re doing amazing but now we

Need to drip Leaf parkour our way up there and I don’t think that’s going to be your Forte I don’t even know if it’s possible okay let’s think about how this would work bro we’re sinking don’t don’t be sinking Oh my God this is an issue because we jump into the bottom of the blocks dude we’re so close you’re almost free you know Nina doesn’t think it’s possible well that’s not a lot of faith Nina if you don’t believe then how is bro supposed to believe sahil yo dude

Thank you for the six months epic dude thank you for half a year that’s crazy um let’s put sahil Rock in the book and then AJ is already in uh someone grab Juarez bonus name Okay um of course we don’t have faith in you guys why why like this okay we could also leave bro in this cave for a little bit brand book that’s true Bruh brother kind of Epic so far that only seems fair Okay um guys we gotta get to there is there is there like a way to go around I need to know if we can get up on top of the drip Leaf like is it is it a feature oh my God why is there dude where is that skeleton even

You can’t be shooting bruh where do you come from bro are you okay He barely took damage he’s fine where’s Camp parkour yeah but I don’t think we’re gonna get up there like I don’t I know where you see it small Roofing issue for sure we need to solve that he probably jumped off a ledge or something guys I think we we gotta

We’re gonna make it make a bro proved route okay this is not terrifying at all this is gonna be fine bro just don’t oh my God he already fell off dude we didn’t even start it’s a horse parkour stream now well I need to I need to get him out of

Here you guys are gonna complain forever and ever and ever if I don’t you just jump you’re you’re the massive jump stats you were cracked okay almost there now I just need does this work with your hands okay that doesn’t do anything uh bruh dude no you’re not gonna go off the Elijah

Course we’re not doing that just know it’s not worth it’s not worth it it’s not worth just trust no oh my God we’re not doing this no you’re not chill wait I have a HS here is he calm he’s calm okay dude bruh oh my God oh my God

I always shot him up with the door that would have been so cursed oh my God make just join this movie almost done that are still a lot of work left there oh imagine I just I just had him suffocate in the door that was not okay I’m gonna bring it

Back I’m gonna bring it back to where Z is chilling what are you building right now it’s a plan for future projects upcoming Thousand Days drags out we’re gonna build the interior to the castle first and then maybe we make a sick bone meal farm with a guardian Farm but maybe I

Wanna do the castle interior first Brothers not give us a break no Bruh Bruh is living that wildlife I can’t keep up I can’t keep up I’ve been brought back home he’s just making everything so stressful I know we can’t have the worst diet that’s that’s the main thing

We cannot have the horse die okay guys we’re actually working on that um teleport a room but I think we might have to do something else because I just saw something that I think we left behind very very scuffed and 1K days only for the castle I don’t

Know I don’t know how far we’re gonna get in how many days I think we need to work on this uh this little Tower a little bit because this looks pretty isolated and weird how is life without any like it is weird but cool but weird did I say it’s weird it’s weird

Is your water here somewhere please how’s there no water here I just wait there’s other ways to get up on top of a tree besides having water love you seeing love seeing you walk through the village on foot looks Epic all the things you never see

Kind of crazy okay so here’s my issue this Tower looks sort of out of place because I transferred to terrain here I think it needs some some Hedges and some uh some plants some flowers Maybe I don’t know 100 sure but I think we still have some materials that we can

Use at the starter house I don’t know if this is the most effective way of getting there but we’ll figure it out let’s make a giant tree next to that thing I don’t know how many resource we have over at the start house but let’s see

I’m not fully opposed to it I also don’t quite know if I why is none of that loading hello wait are we walking out of render distance I think oh yeah it’s a little low I think we are like that is weird maybe some wagons around it kind of nice

What are the chances for the book in the comments you guys will have to find out you’ll have to find out there there’s gonna be multiple ways but I think guys we we had a dynamic where um I really really get it that you guys are book hunting

But I think it made the streams uh uh challenging on both of us it made for opportunities for everybody to be kind of unhappy with how things went um so I I felt like you know what let’s see if we can find a redesign where everybody enjoys it and stresses less

Because stressing less is uh it is usually better Thrift style farmland I love that but it’s also kind of whips thing well it’s also kind of not it’s just more of a Minecraft farmland cool so pretty Shane thank you dude I appreciate that okay that was quite the move

Swim on there yo thank you for another one euro uru much appreciate it that’s your second time that I’m gonna get names in the book which means a little big Mech yes Big Mac epic name as for the giant flying pig in the sky a random Flying Pig I don’t think we’re doing

That that’s gonna feel very hot in place uh and then Lily is going to go in the book as well Lily Haiti Lotus or Laurice it’s double s right it is okay it started house storage she makes the Tower bigger dusk I I get what you’re saying but I really really

Shouldn’t the tower is the exact perfect hide and I’ll show you why it’s the exact perfect height I I literally I measured out how high it had to be before I built the Tower um because it’s it’s called the screenshot Tower and the reason I call it screenshot Tower is it’s completely

Level to the best spot to take a screenshot of the castle um okay we have a little stuff on us but we need some plants like oak leaves nice let me leave some of the deep slate here I think I have a deep slice Joker still

And that can have this in there as well uh wood can go in here so we have some Oak log or oak leaves I kind of like the Beast nests wasn’t expecting to use those but let’s uh let’s put him there they’re gonna look cool in that Village

And then rose bushes for sure um what else do we have okay glow like and kelp don’t think so maybe proper gills and string if I made sure my world isn’t upside down it doesn’t really have an up and down and a down right now so I think we’re good

What did I need that redstone torch for oh yeah fixing the teleporter is it going to be possible to play the World download in non-hardcore a deal like you can always switch your version from Hardcore to survival if you want to you gotta go through open to land

Lindsay Smith welcome to the Stream it’s part of my forehead pink no it’s not I love the question though oh my God guys I I have such streamer brain I’m gonna need to get into Rhythm for a little bit again um oh maybe crop field you know what

Yeah I might I might have to go crop field so we have lanterns then I need some I said bird slabs that we use for those I think it is okay this should this should work um let’s leave one of the beehives and then see if we have string there we go nice

Hey let’s go back up had a reel when it happened I I spun around last time we did all that I was about to land with a water bucket on a tree and then I went like oh no we can’t do that anymore not this version

That’s old stuff I didn’t know this cave was here Okay cool stuff a Crowfield yeah but we we can get the seeds from the crop field over there Nina why did I not making sure with all the stuff I need honestly because I’m an idiot I’m playing so primitive today just because we can’t fly that’s that’s not that’s not the rule like I can use all the other stuff but I’m just not Riptide tridents are a game changer I

Think they make these streams really fun okay I think I can land on there nope cannot try again sort of good enough sort of kind can we go around here oh okay I’m stuck why did I have to take the shortcut I think because I can’t can we get a

Definition of streamer brain it’s basketballer it said you’re playing on stream and you’re doing things and you just forget what you’re doing you’re like I I wanted to come here for It’s like because you’re multitasking a lot um and it’s uh you just start doing weird things so as

I said guys Tower is exactly here because this block that I’m standing on right here the trap door is in the perfect screenshot position um so the tower like we we don’t need to make a beer we kind of can’t make it bigger exactly what it needs to be

We’ll start it from old style wood chopping became more and more primitive what are you guys talking about oh the Stream we did go old style old chopping we like we had all of that but then again we did get bro all the way to the bottom of that

The place that’s kind of sick okay guys if we make a crop Farm here where does it go and why Samuel today are jumping from one one project to another well yeah literally it’s because with any light track getting back from one place to another is really easy you’re gonna go there

Fast and right now I’m quite far away from where I just was so I’m like okay let’s just do this thing here because we’re in the area anyway it changes your mind and your perspective on it what’s the Looney well yeah that too now I think all of that like the whole

Dynamic of how the stream is going right now is literally because the wings are gone make some rocks in the terrain could do could do I mostly just want to have this area not feel as like dry and open as it was I think my biggest issue literally

Was this flat spot with no grass well I completely teleporter room today uh eudina it’s gonna be too much work we might be working on that for a day or two some course dirt along the path would solely work don’t have it here though we’re gonna get mobs in a minute like

This is this is not gonna go well um where’s my sword guys this is terrifyingly dark War I see you later thanks for being here good to be back Doric welcome back good to see you okay that one’s gonna be dead okay guys because it’s night time

I think I’m gonna run over that way we won’t be able to really do what we need to do here so let’s fix that teleporter we have the redstone torch now Sony ruins as old as an old wall border I like that a lot that would look very cool

Jack when’s the next Lo-Fi stream I think it’s gonna be a little while because I think over the next few days I’m gonna be finishing up the script around the streams so I think we’ll maybe we’ll we’ll just do streams and not a lot of preparation around it

While I finish up the script I think that that’s the best way to uh spend time right now and then next week after I come back for my little vacation we’re uh we’re gonna finish up the uh or we’re gonna go on low five streams again

Am I gonna get there before night time I think so yeah jorg four thousand day story done no there’s a fair amount of work left there enjoy the vacation Chuck thank you dude I appreciate it we’re almost there guys it’s kind of mind-blowing how far everything is right now

Considering to how compact my world feels if we’re flying it’s these no Wing streams they they mess with my perspective a little bit did you ever ever slept in the world no no that’s why we’ve got we’ve gotten so much done in the time that we’ve uh that I’ve been playing this

I thought I missed that okay we need to be in the teleporter room I think the literal quickest way to get there is go all the way down into the base first whoa I didn’t know items triggered drip leaves that’s a very interesting mechanic that’s kind of sick

I think that even has PVP potential even just 100 blocks feel slow when walking true true and this is our way longer right now oh guys oh my God I’m almost doing something real dumb I need to take the other path because if I go down here I’m not gonna

Be able to teleport up we’re gonna have to walk all the way all the way back up why aren’t gas in the game what a waste of them all no they’re cool they really add to the terrifying dynamic in the nether especially first time you get there there’s scary

Did not lose objects with trigger drip Leaf either and that’s kind of wild I like that oh my God how many more times am I gonna do this I was gonna get the snow block again but I have another idea run nailed it okay we need to get oh my God

We need to run all the way around here wait are these even spawn proof yeah they are okay that was a fair shortcut still we need to get all the way up to the top guys wait why are there mobs here well this is a spawnable block for sure foreign

Are we lacking snow layers there we can see that no okay this is kind of cursed um okay I know I know how we get up there very cursed very very cursed but I need to make sure that this is still spawn proof under here I don’t know where this guy’s guy is

I’ll I’ll figure it out later is the whole castle levitating no it’s not it’s not all filled like that this area was spawn proof before we built it foreign I don’t even remember what I was gonna say the Big Mac thank you I appreciate it

Okay guys I I bet some of you haven’t even seen this right there we’re walking right now Looney I don’t know if there’s a way to implement this into your builds but I saw this really cool castle gate design with strip screws logs at different levels vertical tipped with a hopper

Stripped through his logs vertical tip Widow oh yeah cool I don’t think my gate is big enough for it though you need a really really big gate to be able to do that but that’s that’s a nice nice design I like it I had to visualize it but got it

Okay nice uh we made it to where we needed to go so I gotta squeeze in here and that activates again and then we need a pearl down there and now we have a teleporter again there’s a little curse didn’t work for a little bit but we’re good okay so that was important

Uh now where to I kind of want to fix that Tower let’s do it yeah that’s not gonna work This navigation on the tree over the thing And on the spider nailed it whoa this room is very dark I gotta make sure that all of this is looking good so now when will the 4000 egg movie come out um it’s it’s gonna take a little while but I hope in September should be don’t know exactly when in September

But in September how are you doing haven’t been here in a while Clemens welcome dude had a little a little break weren’t you on the 4000 day stream I feel like I saw you there maybe not if not that’s my bad I’m sorry but I’ve been good dude I’ve been good

I’m I’m really really stoked with all the progress generally feeling good I’m gonna move to a new house next uh like September 4th I’ll get the keys guys really excited Day Count goal for the end of the year don’t really have one we’ll see how far we get I want to get

The 5000 Day movie out for the end of the year that’s the main thing oh wait need more string well was it maybe I was like a week ago last week uh Thursday are they trying to do re-watch it okay we need um George is somewhere here

But I need fences of any kind let me just leave all of this stuff in here do we make a little crop field here I kind of think I want to Let’s go for the narrowest path literally just lost the leaders oh my God Frost bear in school starts in your country on September 4th timing completely in sync Okay I think we need um let’s take these three glass grass blocks that’s perfect fill that up I need an infinite water source real quick harmful why is the bitrate so loud I I think it’s looking decent for me standard stuff What song is your favorite uh it’s called just give it a go by flux Vortex instrumental version x a little pull next to the tower I was thinking of a small crop field speaking of okay first let me get this um beehive on here and I want to put another one on this

Side just so we have some bees flying around we’ll make the area look a little bit alive oh that’s so cool that that’s a great idea um let’s uh Harvest a little bit of this crop field guys I need the seeds actually not the the wheat so using Fortune here is is epic love the sweater thank you recent favorite what came from Portugal and you’re from Belgium Thomas you’re on on a holiday there vacation nice hope you’re having a great time oh that’s plenty to start with I think

Glad B’s got positive rap in Minecraft wouldn’t the bee population like super super super super important for the health of the planet I think they’re like highly highly essential make it all the way up to the uh danger noodle rich brought it not make it all the way up to

Danger noodle bridge but bruh did make it back out of the castle again so you’re gonna get a little trip but he’s uh he safely made it to the other side which which is a lot like we a lot of you guys weren’t expecting that but here we are

Living in Germany launching from Germany so Latina thank you for being here Arya I’m still alive yeah we’re cruising dude I wanna I wanna make some uh even a little bit of progress on the no flying stream this this feels like that vintage Minecraft feel to me

It just hits different if you’re not flying around all the time very important like just like all the other animals Fair that’s a really good point yeah we’re appropriately shredding the ecosystem right now it’s a dangerous bridge it is a dangerous bridge we got to be careful with it

Okay that one feels like it’s in the wrong location I think I needed a little bit more over here cut that tree down neutral chaos epic good location respect it No idea what that placing was like no idea Sav calling it a night see you later thank you for being here Kind of like that shape but I think we can do a little bit better I think it has more flow to it Cyclone yo thank you very much for the congratulations appreciate it where am I from quick Sonic I’m from the Netherlands a quick uh quick reminder guys to please keep the stream in English so everybody can follow regardless of where you’re from I do like the look of a swamp tree with

The vines hanging off they’re cool even even if they’re like uh simple they got that nice style to them you’re gonna have to play Minecraft for two years I’ve never gone to the end so I’ve never flown used to walking everywhere dude this is your stream nice

Do you want to go to the end are you not going on purpose or is it still uh still scary place to head out head off to Okay let’s also clear this all the way around do we need another water source I think we do right around here oh wait we need way more lanterns well actually I don’t think we do because water sources help but they’re not essential right once you plant the crops I don’t think

The the seeds are just gonna pop off like that you can grow crops without water it’s just really slow isn’t it I’m not entirely sure somebody backed me up on that I set Nina out you guys are heading off together epic epic love that eventually you want to go to the end gotcha

Yup don’t need water okay sick you do need line but you don’t need water I do think you need water to just keep it as Farmland when there’s no crops on there but as soon as you plan something you’re fine foreign just traveled back with my brother 15K

In our world and I’m 15K back all my foot bronze that’s that’s really cool that sounds like an adventure I think you guys must have had a good time doing that okay we need more seeds okay this is gonna look real nice I like it just got higher what are you building

Today DHA um we’re uh we’re we’re doing lots of small small tasks we made a star to the teleporter room but I think we’re gonna need a little bit more resources and a little bit more both mobility and focus as well to get it done so we’re gonna continue that one tomorrow

And I wanted to make this small area around the uh the screenshot Tower the one that has the perfect vantage point to the castle right there I want to make that look a little bit better and we might have to make another trip to the starter house

Or maybe we can make fences out of these oak logs that would also work because we need some lanterns okay um question is do we extend the field up here or do we like it that it’s like really small and kind of squeezed in between there I think I’m leaning to uh

Letting it just sit there I think it’s pretty cute I feel like that needs to be a stare or maybe a slab I think that works Mr B can you please get out of way for a second thank you uh I need a little bit of cross to fill that in

Well that’s just coming you know oh my God I forgot that it was night time because usually if a creeper comes up I’ll just open up my elytra go to Whole personal mind like that and just fly off but that’s not an option so we got to pay attention right now Mark welcome to the stream good to see you today oh we need that okay that’s one grass block have you not been here since 3 000 days since then a lot has happened dude things are kind of crazy around here guys how many people are here that

Weren’t here at the beginning of the stream and have not seen that walk all the way down into the base yo the songs vibe had to look for the right spot took me a minute any Shadow story was late don’t worry about it wait you you guys have all not seen that

Do you want to go on that tour or do you feel like now I’m fine we did it with a horse before was equal parts cool and cursed I need to get more oak leaves I think oh my God wait no no I feel like I hit just next with this hitbox Um yeah let me get the oak leaves I’ll get you guys that tour I’ll get you guys a tour first oak leaves saw it they can’t never see it again it’s pretty Epic it’s kind of unreal that we can do that We’re gonna outrun the Phantoms I believe okay it didn’t work at all but I guess they boosted us it’s fine What what what okay okay I went way higher than that there than I expected let’s get up into the starter house mobs used to attack you in creative mode back in the day sick Ninja Turtle welcome from 3K live I couldn’t watch any of your lives because the notification from

The live stream every time came after I finished it yo Mark that that’s that sucks dude I’m sorry to hear that you know what let me show you um we’ve we’ve been so busy so much has happened oak leaves oak leaves oak leaves and oak leaves and oak leaves wait why

Am I not picking these up are there dark oak and dark oak you know what let me trade those oh um I’ll make these into hay bales those are gonna look cool I’m not 100 sure how you manage your Riptide jump mid air oh that was the Shader thing that messed you up

Um I was uh I jumped into a waterfall I’ll jump into it again so right here on the side let me turn off shaders what I just did time and dude thank you for the 10 months oh hang on I got I gotta dive not to get hit there and then

Put Simon in the book 4K one days oh you gotta get riding rig I had an excellent birthday last Tuesday came into the stream dude late happy birthday still congratulations hope you had a good day uh timing is gonna go in the book and then as a bonus name and we’re gonna

Put brand canelas in as well notification for stream tonight was the best notification the whole day yo nice dude I I was I was looking forward to being here again um about that Riptide jump mid-air that we just did this is what I did that’s how we got up there

Could have killed yourself nah we’re good we’re good the risks are moderate today except for that one where I did that off the bridge all the bridge under the base that one was sketch it feels so weird running around my world like I do not jump a little like I

Don’t have to aim for blocks we don’t parkour for Speed ever which shows because I’m not very speedy oh dude you didn’t just do that I 100 thought that first shot was hit we’re better about to take a 16 hour flight dude that’s a crazy one 16 hours for a flight is that as uh that’s a challenge I’ve had a lot of long flights like even in the 27 hour category with layovers um but 660 news plenty long to hurt yo thank you for another two grab a couple shulkers of Ender Pearls quick

We could use those to travel around but honestly and this might be dumb it feels a little lame today doesn’t it guys we’re changing up the whole uh how we do the book a little bit so who do you thinking for the two euros I’m only gonna um

Big names and bonus names anymore for uh first two donations just to like I really think donations are awesome I appreciate them and I want to put your names in the book but I kind of want to have everybody um want everybody to have a chance to do

That so we’re gonna do it through comments after the Stream instead of uh having donations spam because it dear reels to stream a little bit and I want to keep the progress going try and have a have a stream this as entertaining as possible for all you guys

What are armor can solve the problem the movement problem wait I don’t know what you mean but I like the sound of it water armor armor that where that makes you swim faster like specific time how many pages of the 40 4K book end 41. she’s a stupid amount that’s so many so

So so many I haven’t been here since your last World for three years please add my name Michelle thank you for being here again we can’t take book requests because too many of you guys it’s not fair I’m gonna say yes to you and then have to say yes to a lot of

Other people and I I just I won’t be able um okay I like the way this looks but we need some leaves over here Feels a little weird on this side because it’s only close to the thing and then there’s nothing make special armor for the knowledge Electro streams rule we have a special uh Lo-Fi armor now but I don’t think we need a special kit for this one unless there’s a really good name for armor

Where you don’t fly do you guys feel like there is one one specific kit that makes a little sense for Lo-Fi streams I went with silence not because it was the most valuable or rare but silence for Lo-Fi just sounds epic like that’s it I’m not talking so Silas armor let’s go

Do you ever take mobs that have non-enchanted armor for a museum nah they gotta be rare They’re gonna be really rare otherwise you flood the museum it becomes laggy what are uh armor so can you use to try it in every time oh interesting stuff sounds very op though leaves leaves leaves yes okay um mangrove propagules and strings let me see where those go

I think we’re gonna put them here Leaves are very cool they’re pretty sick decorative look using these basically like flowers okay stream day streak sounds cooler but it’s simply not true what I didn’t see where that comments stream days three oh yeah no no kind of streams nope not the days or account that that one is one

Day if you really want to you want to be super strict with the rules kind of is one stream but just just say stream streak how many are you on Rick you’re you’re gonna be you’re gonna be on a crazy man you were on a crazy amount last time you checked

Need to go Samuel see you later dude thank you for being here I hope you had a good one okay that works a little bit of a leave thing here Okay I like that is there anything else that we need here okay we’re probably yes this is epic um if we just planned here we’re gonna get blue orchids so let’s fill up a little bit with those as well make sure we get rid of enough of the grass

Oh that one’s cool because it’s different okay a little bit over here as well that was super weird I felt like I just grew that beehive which is not the case at all just literally didn’t happen but for a moment I thought I did and I was like what

Neutral case can’t wait to see the movie can’t wait to finish it up we’re gonna be working on it for a while longer so you guys gotta sit tight but we’ll make it epic we’ll make it epic for sure okay I kind of wanna get on top of a tree

Oh my god that’s way too high ow I I knew I was gonna be fine but I also I was like why am I this this far up okay I like it if this is gonna grow in that crop field this whole area is kind

Of gonna make sense I like the bees a lot maybe we go rose bush over there foreign that was much better hey there still streaming yup still on it still on it uh let me uh when a couple of these here it just looks empty it’s a little

Okay that one on the Block is is too much I think that does the same thing where it fills it up but it’s not that huge Overkill anymore please please don’t ask about the the book continuously I uh like literally I can take names uh on request because there’s too many

People to say yes to everyone so the only fair thing to do um if you keep asking we’re gonna have to sign you out I’m sorry came across a person in the Stream chat whose screen name was my real name and it was weird the other neck I I imagine

I got that feeling I I understand that okay I think we’re done here guys um let’s see if we need to leave anything in the chest Legend Kebab what is the version 120. of course I saw that and then if you feel like you should just go for it

What about some sniffer flowers I’ve used them in other places I don’t know if I want to use them here okay I’m gonna take these oh the hay bales of course the hay bales I feel like we put those over here Okay that feels super messy if we do that don’t put it on top of leaves feels dumb Overkill Mark will we make a statue on myself like in the first world I don’t really like repeating Concepts I would I would prefer to come up with something new so that’s probably a no

Do I have shears nice okay that’s all much better uh let’s leave all the stuff that we don’t really need in here close the door like a decent person bumpkins look cool oh they do I have a bunch of them here guys look at bruh he’s still chilling

This is good this is good okay let’s let’s walk to the bottom of the maze one more time and then we continue to get uh together tomorrow and we will be allowed to fly fun fact don’t think I’ve ever watched The Stream in high quality for such a

Long time as you did in Legoland out of all places there is where you got to see the quality solid no rig you’re a trooper dude here in any circumstance guys today at the beginning of the Stream early on we found something so crazy literally just jumped off

Here’s Cliffside Lama you guys might know him I gotta go around get around this corner Cliffside chicken was down there as well look at this guy we got a Cliffside frog now which is just plain stupid because frogs jump everywhere but this guy has a block over his head

And I think that’s the thing that keeps him from jumping off he doesn’t see the potential for the jump there which kind of gives us an impossible feature wait this is not spawn proof sketch Jacob is there Jacob is their way to know if you’re in the book so the best

Thing you can do if you’re curious is after the stream find the last mode where I checked the book and just see when I flip through the pages because otherwise we’re gonna have the same thing where everybody’s like can you check if I’m in a book and now we’re

Not like I really love the book guys I love that we have this library with names that we’re building together but I also want to try and prevent everybody focusing on the book from being able to put on a good stream because in the end we we all lose with that

Make some stables for a brand friend UD I really need to do that actually okay so let so that’s how we get it down now nice please just watch the stream guys it makes it fun exactly shame that’s the move that’s 100 to move

I also like I I really um I think the books are awesome as I said but I feel like it was getting a little for real lately and I think it’s uh it’s just as important for you guys to make sure that we focus on the stream

And we make sure that it’s fun and we get the progress done so tomorrow we’re gonna start a new cool project which I’m really excited for and I I gotta walk a little bit but I’ll show you where it is let me get through this door

Ocean Master why do I put people in the book it’s a cool way of saying thank you for being here and I love it that gradually over time you you guys become a part of the world until I pulled that scroll that is Sav much Savage

Skull guess what I just I have no clue dude I have no clue how long am I gonna play without any Electro what’s up only today only today tomorrow we uh we start the stream for that Elijah on and we get to work because we got another thousand days to

Grind out and by the end of these thousand I want to be largely done with the base I want to have some areas under the base that still need work uh and I want to get all the rest of it done neutral chaos you ate most ones me too actually

At our survival lifestyle we went deep dark Larkin dude guys take a look here bass coming along so well glowworm Vibes cave is nice thank you thank you Ben’s is your birthday today I as I said we’re not taking a request but happy birthday that’s exciting good stuff I

Hope you’re having a good day so far did you do anything special for it publisher mass or heading out for a shower see you later dude thank you for being here I love this room guys this is a this is a cool recent Edition is your goal to expend your total build

Area wait hang on I gotta make this slime jump because my goal to expand a total build area or only focus on what you’ve already built now we’re definitely going to expand the build area but I also don’t want to leave the things that we started unfinished and there’s just a

Little more work um to to get the bass like done for example we have that ice pillar that feels super out of place now we’re going to build a blue area around that to make everything make sense I’m still gonna grab a bunch of extra names after the stream in the book anyway because we had the five gifted early on my pot my milk all right let’s go through the greenhouse guys this whole this whole walking path goes through so many cool places right

Now Mark see you later thank you for being here man really love the bass please get glowing yeah we’re on it we’re on it there’s a little more work left to do guys that was uh that’s how we get all the way down into the into the bottom of the base

Um for right now I’m gonna call it a day because I want to get a workout in um and then uh get up early and continue writing for the uh for the movie script tomorrow because we gotta get that done now before we end it let me let me grab

A bunch of your names uh we’re gonna put not Rick Astley in the book we’re gonna put uh AJ brickhead we’re gonna put Clemens in there uh France France goes in the book weird name Yakov 11. still Pascal if I put a double name in there guys uh from early on don’t worry

About it dealing that goes in dealing just joined right at the end but also just in time because your book your name in the book uh we’ll put the man in the book and then you know what let me just fill this whole page as well as Caesar we’ll put lemon in

Joe doing and babber uh honors foreign have a good break Jacob Lee thank you I appreciate it stickiest goes in the book and the book is back yes sir uh pkwiki 333 Ms montalva or Miss Montalvo uh Jacob marriage first stream watching you for a long time have a great workout dude

Thank you very much thank you for coming by as well Udu was in the book of course I will put Brandon in then we’ll put Dylan chanter in there a bird with knife and then one more name uh shock Baragon and then after stream guys I

Gotta add a couple more names now here’s what we’re gonna do here’s what we’re gonna do so uh Pascal I I Um I put an extra l in there right I did okay done fix it I still gotta put five people in there from gifted memberships after the stream finishes but here’s what we’re gonna do if you guys leave a comment on the stream after it finishes with your favorite moment or just

Something nice I’ll uh grab up to 10 names and I’ll put them in a book for tomorrow just before the stream starts so then what we can do is if you guys have enjoyed it or if you guys watch it later and you enjoy it I’ll grab new

Names before the Stream and then you guys get to see who’s in the book before the stream starts and that’s what we’re gonna do also and it’s gonna get better we’re gonna play a fun game on how you guys can make it into a different book a

Special one but for that one you gotta watch the short that we released on Sunday for right now guys I want to thank you a bunch for watching the uh no elytra Thousand and One Day stream it was cool it was cool this one was uh

Kind of wild compared to the the other one is the live chat or the comment section uh the comment section dark Larkin good question dude thank you for checking that so guys for right now signing off getting their workout in I’ll see you guys soon and uh until we

Meet again you know what we say you guys have a great rest of your day for right now Looney out

This video, titled ‘Hardcore Day 4001 – Life Without An Elytra (when your base is too big…)’, was uploaded by Loony on 2023-08-25 21:13:46. It has garnered 7941 views and 481 likes. The duration of the video is 02:40:00 or 9600 seconds.

I Survived 1000 Days in Harcore Minecraft… 4 times… without sleeping! And today our journey continues on day 4001.

Join My Community Survival Server play.bumblecraft.net

Loonyville discord: https://discord.gg/loonyville

Streaming playlists:: https://www.epidemicsound.com/playlist/3labi8bpzarpxlf0jtim6p65lim9ftd3

Video shaders: Complementary shaders: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/customization/complementary-shaders

Current parkour training maps: https://www.minecraftmaps.com/parkour-maps/parkour-spiral https://www.minecraftmaps.com/parkour-maps/parkour-spiral-2 https://hielkemaps.com/maps/dimension-parkour https://hielkemaps.com/maps/parkour-spiral-3

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  • Insane Hardcore Minecraft LIVE: Ray’s Day 77 Craft!

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  • ViiPerMC

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  • NerdNu PvE Creative Network Semi-vanilla 1.20.4/1.20.4

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  • Klee’s Cat-tastrophe: Meow-sery and Mayhem

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  • Unhinged Old Man Takes on Royals in Minecraft SMP!

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  • Ultimate Animal Farm Guide

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  • INSANE SURVIVAL GAMEPLAY with fans in Minecraft Bedrock

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  • Insane 100k No Reset Speedrun Challenge – Couriway VODS!

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  • Insane Minecraft Pro Hits 40 CPS! #mindblown

    Insane Minecraft Pro Hits 40 CPS! #mindblownVideo Information This video, titled ‘I got 40 CPS! #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by LelItzPanda on 2024-07-18 13:30:11. It has garnered 10713 views and 360 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. #shorts #shortsfeed #shortsviral Setup Information: Mouse: Glorious Model D Wireless Keyboard: Razer Blackwidow V3/Corsair K70 RGB Pro PC Specs: RTX 3060Ti i7-13700K 32GB RAM 1TB Hard drive (SETUP TOUR AT 8K SUBS) Background Music(s): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r4qn3-a3KSY&t https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1BOr7K0T26U&t https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQ5_1CAczsw tags(ignore): Minecraft, But / How to Bedwars / Top 5 Things / Bed War / Bedwars Texture Pack Folder / Hypixel / Ranked Bedwars Montage/ Pugs Premium… Read More

  • Spawn Mutant Steve Zombie vs Golem Eggs Battle

    Spawn Mutant Steve Zombie vs Golem Eggs BattleVideo Information This video, titled ‘WHAT IF YOU SPAWN STEVE ZOMBIE SKELETON CREEPER ENDERMAN MUTANT EGGS vs GOLEM EGGS BATTLE Minecraft’, was uploaded by GOLEM STEVE on 2024-09-21 15:05:12. It has garnered 6759 views and 83 likes. The duration of the video is 00:54:24 or 3264 seconds. WHAT IF YOU SPAWN STEVE ZOMBIE SKELETON CREEPER ENDERMAN MUTANT EGGS vs GOLEM EGGS BATTLE Minecraft #minecraft #howtoplay Read More

  • "ButterJaffa’s EPIC Demon Slayer SMP 2 Adventure!"

    <p>"<strong>ButterJaffa's EPIC Demon Slayer SMP 2 Adventure!</strong>"</p>Video Information This video, titled ‘DEMON SLAYER SMP 2 MEGA MOVIE!?! | Demon Slayer: Island Akuma – Minecraft’, was uploaded by ButterJaffa on 2024-09-09 17:00:36. It has garnered 22183 views and 728 likes. The duration of the video is 03:48:23 or 13703 seconds. Heyyy Guyyys & welcome to Demon Slayer: Island Akuma! Me and a bunch of demon slayer have all been trapped on a Demon infested island with no way of escape… Together we will hunt down demons and try and solve the mystery of Island Akuma… Sit back relax and enjoy the FULL adventure! 💛 – Subscribe for… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Viral Respect Shorts!

    Ultimate Minecraft Viral Respect Shorts!Video Information This video, titled ‘How☠️ #minecraft #viral #respect #shorts’, was uploaded by The Boys Blogs on 2024-07-05 06:21:41. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

Hardcore Day 4001 – Life Without An Elytra (when your base is too big…)