Hardcore Minecraft: Becoming World’s Richest in Spectra Libitina

Video Information

E Hello good morning everyone welcome welcome in welcome in how is everyone doing today hello hello hello hello welcome back for the official week two of Spectra Latina V and’s local Ghost Princess from the fourth generation hello land hello hello hello how’s everyone doing good morning good morning everyone W oh don’t worry about

That A n no scuff whatsoever hello hello how are you guys doing I hope you all enjoyed yesterday when we did the uh group collab on Missy’s Channel yes yes yes with all of J 4 that was a lot of fun I was so tired I feel like we were

All so low energy because it is it is certainly suddenly been a week shall I say it is it has been a week TM trademarked indeed car let go we are we are indeed so welcome back to another episode of block game hardcore mode of course where we are going to try and

Progress did you have a good night’s sleep my sleep schedule Is we don’t need to talk about that actually how about we move on to a lighter things yes my SE schedule has not recovered ever since how do you say it just debut week I think our last dress rehearsal was scheduled so early in the morning that I and I was so so

Tired that day I ended up napping and I never nap and since then I’ve just been gone dead to the world does your sleep schedule have any sleep in it it does it does have some sleep in it the issue is not so much the sleep but rather when I’m

Sleeping it’s fine it’ll fix itself eventually I’m just glad that uh I don’t schedule these streams any earlier just to give myself a few hours of buffer between waking up and streaming which should give you guys an idea of where I am right now but hello

Hello um today we’re just going to have a chill time on Hardcore Minecraft I’m feeling like a lower energy Karma stream today I want to eventually show you all the Karma side of Spectra the lower energy one that has less anxiety about meeting so many new people every day yes

Yes yes yes yes uh but hopefully it’ll be fun so yeah shall we shall we get right into it I have a lot of plans um first of all I I just want to I just want to get stuff I just want to progress I want to

Build my house I think I figured out a little bit about what I’m going to do I love comfy streams yes it will hopefully be fairly cozy you mean Spectra wasn’t already calm by default I don’t think I was I do consider myself a high energy

Cozy streamer and by that I mean I talk a lot and I talk quite rapidly which I think does up the energy in the Stream quite a bit but it’s the kind of background noise that you can calm down diamond armor before the end of stream

We’ll see what I can do I don’t know if I’m quite that ambitious but we will try yes yes yes yes TR would make it pretty hard to headat uh don’t touch me thank you thank you so yeah so yeah shall we get right into the game let me let me close some

Things yoink I love BL game I love BL game so much I’m going this all set up correctly yeah yeah let’s see if it deols uh we’ve actually Bann talking about the trios series on stream until until I can do my Trails proper rant because otherwise I’d

Never stop talking about it but yes oh my gosh welcome back to the hardcore world oh we we have done things and not done a lot of things there’s a lot of things at the moment that we need to keep need to finish um however we’re

Going to start a new project today and that new project is building an iron farm because we need the resources we need to trade with villagers I think to get what we need because we’ve been very very unlucky in a lot of respects in terms of getting resources so I think we

Want to go the Old Reliable kind of route and for that we need lots and lots of iron we don’t even we don’t even have enough iron to make four Hoppers which is what I need for this build so you might need to go out and and get some

Stuff but for now we’re going to start off I think with clearing an area for it uh and that Island isn’t big enough I think that’s too far away so I’m considering making the iron farm back back here no I think we’re going to make it

Back here basically we need to make it near enough that it won’t um that it will still work I hope I don’t even know if this is going to be near enough but we can pray we can pray have you had uh more building plans in your dreams no no

More Minecraft dreams as of late sadly but we you know one day they’ll come back they’ll come back they they come and go I have phases of going between really vivid dreams and wait hang on phases of going between um really vivid dreams and less vivid dreams so yeah going to thank you

Thank you no waste at all no wor at all glad to be back I know I I do like hardcore it is just a nice it’s just a nice fun thing to play that’s quite easy and quite accessible just make sure it’s same trunk you doing the same trunk okay

We are we are so not going to be in the same trunk as this but what can you do otherwise it’s going to be really really really ugly otherwise it’s going to be right next to our house and I can’t have that oh gosh wait a second oh that’s going to

Pose issues won’t it oh no oh no yeah our house is too far away but my my concern if I were to build it on is this close enough do we think it’s close enough it’s not is it but I think that’s okay right we’re close enough we we we’re

Close we’re we’re close enough right right yes yes yes yes okay okay cool I’m hoping we are a little bit far I I just if we put it there we’d have to flatten out a really big area and that that would take a lot of work close enough

For sure okay okay cool go cool wait really I don’t think we’re this doesn’t look like the same trunk to me but you know what I am not a farm Creator I’m I’m really bad at building farm so I expect this to go poorly um we’re also not making a particularly efficient Farm

Today we’re just going to make a very very B one to get us started um it will be banished to to the shadow realm as soon as we get an end portal and we can make an industrial district at spawn but that is our plan that is our plan for

Today yes yes yes yes okay okay I love Minecraft I say it a lot but um it’s it’s just nice I did a lot of work today I did a lot of you know agency agency stuff and my brain is now kind of fried so I also hope that I I

Don’t lose focus focus of you know early game hardcore means that you could die at any second and I hope that we manage to survive because I do like living got to all figur it out not particularly but I think so I like building but I don’t

Like building I know exactly what you mean I always get so excited to build and then I start building and I I think oh this isn’t nearly as good as what I pictured in my head um I get a lot of great ideas and then it’s just when it

Comes to executing those ideas it’s a it’s a little bit harder okay this should be I think this should be a big enough space we do need To I’m I’m wondering how much I should start pushing things in terms of not sleeping immediately I actually don’t think it’s a great idea not in our current state not in our current state yeah let’s go home let’s go home I do like living so the un undead

I’m not Undead hang on did you call me UND dead that’s outrage what do you mean it’s not night time it is it’s definitely night time um we need one shoel yes Shel perfect perfect perfect I always plan big and never end up building it that’s how I feel with mega

Builds and when I do my quote unquote Mega builds they’re not going to be mear at all because if I make them Mega builds I I’ll never finish them so I have to I have to really calm myself down and um stay I always when I plan Mega boats I

Tend to sort of make them a lot smaller than I would want them to be because it’s so easy to underestimate how much time it’s going to take to build something you think it’s going to be easy I remember once I I made a big I made a big uh certain certain uh

Structure build and I thought that um maybe I’d use I don’t know 5,000 blocks of of a certain block uh and by the end of it I’d used about 30,000 of that block and I did not realize how much I was using because I was just placing I

Was just mindlessly placing and placing and placing and building and building and then I look back at the end and I was like I’m insane I am so insane I need help oh my gosh it was it was certainly an experience so yeah so yeah let’s

Um okay let’s get started so I believe we need six 3 4 5 6 7 6 by seven and then 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 okay so actually I’m going to go this far so one six one H three 1 2 3 4 five six seven you may

You may know this Farm design uh I kind of yed it as the simplest simplest tutorial I could find 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 okay now I did it that way so uh this is going to be 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 don’t

Worry guys I have it all memorized in my little nogin what do you mean ghosts aren’t Undead my manual say so I’m a ghost demon I am I think alive I may not have a heartbeat but you know plants don’t have a heartbeat and they’re alive

You know what are the seven seven signs of being alive respiring you know what I I’ve just realized what those seven ones are and I actually don’t want to repeat them so um I suppose it’s a matter of perspective but I personally would not consider myself Undead 1 2 3 4

1 2 three four five six seven and then I think I do like a like a three like a three is that right I think this is right um and then we dig do we go one further down I I should bring some ladders with me uh I think

Ladders will really help me in the initial stages actually I’ll just make some what do you mean it’s raining please I thought I could escape the UK and it’s raining already please I hate I hate it here I hate it here we’re fine we’re fine okay

Um we’re going to make like three sets of ladders I think that’s good enough H is it is it bright enough I’m always so scared about mobs I just if a creeper falls on you it’s kind of over so you know forgive the paranoia it is for a

Greater cause are we still biding the house are we finding what do you mean what do you mean we’re not building any kind of untour Chambers we are simply creating a iron farm okay I think it goes like this uh I may need to look at

My references I memorized most of it I’d like to think but actually maybe maybe I didn’t remember hang on hang on let let me let me consult the materials let me consult the materials oh no at least Tor is come ground these days yes I think it’s like

Light level zero um for something to spawn so even light level one actually it depends it depends on the mob oh no please don’t like my PC please don’t like my PC I’m so paranoid about my OBS frame rate dropping to zero no expect how are

You doing I’m doing well thank you a little little bit lower energy today I’ve had a lot to do oh my God it is it is there’s no way there’s no way starting Discord is killing my PC please it’s fine it’s okay you know what I’m going to sell it for scrap metal

Very soon and anytime you feel frustrated about this please please just think about just just just just just just also also think about that day when I sell this PC for scrap metal okay I think we need to go a little deeper than this I actually can’t

In my notes I did not make a note on um this area in particular so I don’t know if that’s going to be an issue but we we’ll hope that it won’t we we’ll just keep going and if the farm breaks the farm breaks yeah okay uh I think it does

Need to go that Way H yes okay perfect and then okay I think it goes like this I’ve had my PC like um for 5 years I really need a new one mine is 6 years old and people seem to think that that is really old I didn’t think it was

Super super super old but is it apparently it is according according to um the reactions I got when I said that okay okay this is a hole um let me think about whether this is correct Uh I think it should be I think yeah yeah hang on let me let me just put some marker blocks yes I I think this is okay uh six years is basically ancient yeah okay well this is not good news for me and my financial and my financial accounts if

You want to see need the least and greatest uh then oh yeah yeah I’m I actually didn’t even get like top of the range when I built this PC but that’s okay okay cool uh we need to go murder some sheep as well uh I don’t think I

Have any shares this is not good for my uh iron Supply either but that’s okay let let’s go let’s go find some sheep I’m sure there will be some around there kind of oh yeah yeah I yeah that they’re definitely they’re definitely fine it’s fine we’re fine okay

Uh let me put my Dirt away I like I like keeping my dirt I’m that kind of person because you think that dirt won’t be useful but it is uh it’s really good for Mega builds as well um we’re also going to need some boats so I’ll get some

Spars H we need we’ll need to get some iron because I think we need four hoppers for this build are you blood gaming I am blood gaming hello Missy I hope you’re doing well I hope you got some good sleep after yesterday oh my goodness I couldn’t sleep after a talk

Yesterday because of what zel said it freaked me out and I couldn’t get to sleep I was I was caught up on my pillow I was clutching my skull with both hands cuz I was scared oh it was terrible anyway uh yeah great great great great fun great

Fun oh what are you doing here I don’t like you I really don’t like you bam bam okay sorry sorry I I didn’t mean to lose my composure uh we need to have a look for some iron any iron I see around here oopsie no iron really no iron okay no iron

Here it’s okay we we keep looking we keep going uh any iron here there must be some down here I don’t think we’ve really explored this area yet okay four just going to have a quick look zeli is a spooky little creature zeli is quite indes desable I love Z but

But z uh Z scares me sometimes Z is so sweet I had no idea you know the thing that she said yesterday about my accent I I literally had no idea about that she’ never told me that before um so I felt very very touched I wasn’t I wasn’t

Expecting it the pro Minecraft player using do underwater she truly isn’t my listen listen I just want to live I’m not a Minecraft pro I just I when I play hardcore I don’t want to die she goes over to 60 so fast she’s so funny all of

Us in helland are extremely fond of our of our little slime child she has a bit of a menace though that’s my only concern okay I’m going to put away oh stop it was it was trying to pull me down okay um we do need to borrow some of these

Guys let me think about who is the easiest to steal it’s not kidnapping it’s not it’s F we’re fine wait I need sheep I need sheep first hang on sheep actually the priority um where would we be able to find some sheep um oh like Spike sorry H let’s keep going let’s keep

Going uh actually haven’t seen many mobs around here to be completely honest with you uh yink okay there a cows we don’t like cows okay a wolf we don’t need that wrong white mob we need sheep not the all sheep are white sometimes they’re pink was it this world where we found a

Bunch of pink sheep I can’t remember all the memories they blend into one they blend into one chat I don’t remember anything anymore um H cat or wrestling what do you mean what is that why not steal the village bed uh cuz I don’t think we’re going to go so far

Away from home that we will need to sleep we’re we’re pretty close by if anything happens or if night Falls uh any sheep h no sheep did they do they know do they know what I do to their kind is that why oh goodness stealing cattle is cattle ring

But we we don’t need cattle we we don’t need them we don’t want them okay I’ve literally seen every single mob except for sheep we’ve seen cows we’ve seen chickens where are they where are they oh goodness gracious okay Okay you know what I Now understand what that other person in chat was telling me I can steal the beds from the village you’re right you’re literally so right I didn’t understand I thought you meant like the bed to sleep on oh chat sometimes you guys do have good ideas my

Expectations are just so low that I I never predict it thank thank you humble chatter who said that I I appreciate the advice I understand now I get it now a a I see I see so yes yes yes I get it I get it okay we

Head home we’ll head home now cuz we only need three um is there any beds here wait are these all like no bed no there are there is a bed excellent very excellent okay quickly head home and head to sleep let was that a compliment to chat I will

Let you all be the judge of that sometimes especially in the UK you will hear things uh and you won’t know if they’re a compliment or not you have to use your brain cells sometimes M I believe in all of you to do that I believe in all of you

Okay let’s sleep and then we can we can continue our progression Arc we’re on our progression AR we’re on day 22 so we do need to pick up the pace so that we can kill the End Dragon at 100 days yes yes yes if we begin with expectations at Bedrock

Levels oh Minecraft reference chat I’m so proud of you I’m so proud of you guys it can only go up right yes yes yes I mean I do I do feel like sometimes it takes a while for a community and a streamer to get to know each other I

Feel like one week that that’s not enough that’s not enough we need need more time yes so um it’s not it’s not necessarily a bad thing it’s just a statement bam okay so all those beds are good now we need a trapo going to make it out of oak logs

Because I feel like I’ll use Oak log ones more uh and then we need to like b b ah no not like that like this and like this so the villagers can’t escape yes yes yes uh and then oh can I excuse me excuse me sorry uh and

Then it’s okay we to dig out a small area and we need to spawn proof it but we also need a boat here so the boat goes there later on I’m going to put loads of torches around yes yes okay very very cool very cool we’re going to

Need more trap dos I lied I lied we need a lot more okay Mr Mo time what no not yet Mr Mo Mr MO is not Mr Moore is not a vtuber talent so I I I feel really bad Making Mr Moore come out all the time for my work Mr Moore

Has his own duties and hobbies to attend to so I really think we should um I have to respect that you know I have to respect that a true Red Heart face shap moment one day one day we will have our own heart emotes I hope you’re excited for that I

Hope you’re excited using brain cells is hard it’s not that hard just get better Ju Just train your brain cell it you can do it I believe I believe okay right so we need three villagers three villagers I think T you should prepare for random Creeper explosion I am as

Prepared for a random Creeper explosion as I can possibly be at the moment uh I there there is like nothing I can do right now like God damn it there’s literally nothing I can do right now excuse me get in thank you thank you um that would oh no

There’s actually zero things I can do at the moment that would improve my possibilities of enhancing a creeper blast that would be worth it I mean of surviving a creeper blast that would be worth it so unfortunately I’ll just I’ll just have to I’ll just have to live with

It uh now she’s committing kidnapping it’s it’s not kidnapping it’s uh productive relocation I like to think a Spectra if Spectra died would this world be lost yes the world would be lost forever if I die that’s the essence of Hardcore as soon as um as soon as you

Die your world is lost forever you can’t go back you can’t respawn yes yes yes it’s uh slightly unfortunate but it is what it is that is that is the nature of things okay uh we need two more of these guys okay two more was that my only

Boat wait where where are my boats I swear I had so many more boats in my inventory oh goodness gracious oh like noise redemptions M well maybe one day if we’re able to get um donations working and donation alerts working that could be that could be a

Chance or something that has a chance to be played uh okay so oh that’s what I was going to do I was like I’m forgetting to do something and I forgot what it was it was absolutely putting iron in the furnace we’re going to need more um how

Much iron do you need for a hopper again we need one 2 3 4 5 6 6 so 4 * 6 is 20 okay so we need more iron we need a tiny bit more iron everyone but I think we should focus on getting the villagers

First TR deal trade deal you get a boat I get a t of 13 guys I don’t know what you mean it’s it’s this is a very normal and completely fine thing to do uh and I’m sure the villagers are going to love it in their new location yeah yeah yeah

Yeah yeah yeah absolutely okay so I want to take some villagers through here I think uh so I’m going to make a pathway through it just cuz this will be useful in the long run as well oh my poor shovel my poor shovels they they just they always die

First they get the r end of the stick five iron and a is it five oh we might be actually we will be okay then if it’s only five but um oh well always always worth M M M we also need to take these away is that good that looks good good

Enough good enough for me chat good enough for me okay and we need two more guys hello oh a cat cute cute cute cute cute we we can’t we can’t get him yet though okay excuse me does anyone would anyone like to volunteer oh no no that’s too that’s

Too many volunteers that that’s too many volunteers I actually only need one of you I I I I’m so scared of like hitting the villagers and having the um Golem aggro on me because I am not surviving an aggroed Golem we’re going to make another bow I’m never surviving an aggroed Golem

I I I will perish so we’re going to get another villager set please where are the other Villages oh my gosh please don’t tell me those are the only ones okay oh God I’m going to have to do it aren’t I oh not that oh please okay that

Golem’s over there okay okay okay we’re fine oh my gosh we’re so fine now now one of you just one just one please one of you guys why do you not want to get in the boat anymore you you wanted to get into the boat like so quickly last time

Please push okay perfect perfect oh they wanted to go together they really wanted to be together it’s fine they I I I’ll come I’ll come back for that second one yep oh and I’ve messed everything up oh oh no we just going to we’re just going to

Oh F okay this isn’t working oh no wait a second wait a second okay we can uh we can I can fix it I can fix it how did that not work wait a second oh you are so annoying oh no I hate path blocks this is why this is

What path blocks have done to me it’s okay it’s okay I can use them I can use them to I can’t I can’t use them but it’s okay it’s okay it’s not okay I thought I could like use it to boost this up okay okay it’s fine uh we can we can

Just we we we we I I’ll improvise I’ll improvise I hate it here oh this this game is sabotaging me this is sabotaging me so so much it’s fine it’s fine we we need to get this done before before nightfall for reasons um because villagers will automatically pass by to the nearest bed

So we need to take advantage of the night to get them to where we want them to go everyone hates working with villagers and I used to be like oh I don’t get it I villagers are okay to they’re not okay to work with they are like the worst

Okay why why why come on come on please cerate with me I’m just I’m just a little guy why did I do that okay oh my gosh we’re out we’re out okay there might be a chance that we can do this yes yes yes yes yes okay speed

Speed speed speed speed we speeding we’re speeding is it still run two it is still run two I hope we don’t lose it again but we will we will see what happens I’m on my progression Arc so I’m optimistic that we will be decently okay mhm mhm Spector is good at playing

Minecraft don’t jinx it don’t jinx it aristocracy problems I don’t know what you mean I don’t know what you mean good morning how goes it it’s going it’s going it’s going it’s certainly moving and that is more than I can say for for some of you guys sorry that was really

Weird I I don’t I don’t know what to come over me I don’t I don’t I think I’m not feeling well um anyway let’s keep going we need one more set of villagers so we’ll quickly boat back and I think I think we can do it before

Nightfalls I think we can do it guys you guys don’t believe in me too much otherwise it will otherwise I think it’s going to jinx me and then we’re going to die forever and I would prefer not to die Forever at the moment uh we’ll see how things go but for now

I’m thinking maybe I don’t want to die we’re getting all the C today it’s okay we just need to we just need to become familiar with each other you see I think a week is not is not a long enough time for myself to equate myself with my chat

Yet which um but one day one day I believe I believe that we will a volunteer okay it’s just it’s just it’s just magma blocks I was really scared that um a trident had hit our boat luckily it was okay all right I need one

Of you I don’t know can I can I take someone who already has a profession I actually don’t think I should oh perfect perfect very excellent okay we might be able to do this in time so quickly we will we will head back home we got smacked yesterday as well I

Don’t know what you mean I don’t know what you mean chat anyway W up today CH violence you want to know why it’s because my tummy hurt and when I’m in pain I get sad okay okay it’s fine I’m bable as well fine I’m not human but I

May still have flaws okay it’s fine it’s fine I’m fine my medicine’s not working but we’re okay we’re okay um I I believe in in myself I believe in myself chat is very bull chat is bulli but they’re bulli partly because they can’t fight back do you know what I mean it’s kind

Of just me and and them and they they can’t speak they they don’t have voice permissions they don’t have speaking perms and they never will uh in all likelihood so uh that that is probably the the core reason why chat appears bullo I’m sure most of you probably are

As well uh but certainly the perception is exacerbated by by by just certain factors in existence okay this looks like a good torch placement all right will you guys be able to do what I need you to okay please do what I need you to no

Why are you going that way no no no no no stop it what are you doing man what are you doing mate get back here oh my good why why am I [ __ ] going to I can’t move I can’t I’m I’m I’m actually glitched oh this is awful how do I fix

This how do I fix this is there any way for me to fix this oh my gosh I I don’t like doing this at night time I really don’t like doing this at nighttime okay let me let me see if like maybe if like I try and swim up can

I this is so stupid that was a terrible idea um I I I would need Soul Sand wouldn’t I I need Soul Sand I don’t have Soul Sand I can’t do that without stop spitting okay yes yes path find pathfind to the beds pathf find to the beds yes

Yes they’re right there where are you going where actually no no no where are you going you’re going to be killed by a zombie literally what are you doing no no come come come back here what are you where are you going why are you not

Pathfinding to the bed why are you not pathfinding to the bed come here can you pass by into this where is he going I’m actually going to die if I go out if I if I go out into the Wilderness oh my Lord this is really bad where is he where did he

Go where is he gone I hate it here oh I actually oh no I just I just I don’t know how to do the swap command Okay um um He’s pathf finding to my other bed is he pathf finding to my other bed how how is he path finding to my other bed oh my goodness oh my goodness what a disaster right no beds for anyone for anyone anymore you don’t deserve them have you is he going to pass mine back

To the other place how did how dides that happen literally how right where is he where is He oh you know what we’ll get another villager we’ll get another villager it’s it’s what it is it’s what it is okay as for this my my strategy is simple it will be very very simple okay we need these guys to come through here and you can come through here as well H

Uh okay and then what we’re going to do is we are going to Um uh uh okay well we’ve got this far so that’s that’s progress um what we are going to do is I am going to build a funnel so that they can literally only go here yes yes I I I appreciate these villagers might require some extra assistance um when it comes to their

Abilities So uh and then we’re going to we’re just going to yep right you couldn’t anything go wrong here can anything go wrong okay I think I think we’re good I think we’re okay okay right uh do they need a staircase is that also why they’re they’re

Afid okay get get into the beds okay so he’s going to the bed oh my gosh it’s working wait what are you doing get get in there okay now we need to find the last guy and we need we need to get him back in a boat where is he where did he

Go oh okay okay okay okay um this is actually so bad in terms of where where’s the last guy there’s no way the Villager despawned I I actually like refuse to believe he’s despawned where is he oh my goodness okay well we can we can get another villager but that’s a lot of Effort a okay okay okay okay we’ll have we’ll have a bit of um a look around a rescue search operation I feel like the the why is he up there where is he going where is he going where is he going I can’t believe this is he actually trying to walk all the

Way back to his village I feel a little bad I would feel a little tiny a tiny bit guilty not too guilty but a little bit guilty if that’s actually the case Oh Come please come back please I swear our employment conditions are no worse than you would get anywhere else um with

Anyone else yeah okay get in the boat get in the boat get I can’t place a boat get back down oh God this is awful this is so bad if if a creeper spawns right now we’re just dead I want everyone to know that we’re dead if a creeper spawns okay okay get

In come on stop going up oh my gosh you are you literally the worst I I don’t want to I don’t want have to hit you I don’t want have to hit you up the cliff cuz I’m going to they’re going to make allegations okay they’re going to make

Allegations I’m sorry I’m sorry it had to be done it had to be done you’re trying to run away please come back just get in the boat just get in the boat we don’t need to F just get in the boat just get just get just get in the boat

We don’t need to fight we don’t need to fight please thank you thank you so only up don’t worry about it don’t worry about it okay just in time woo you love to see it you really you really do love to see it I love when my minations work ah flawlessly they work

Flawlessly and um I don’t want to hear anything about the fact that they might Not okay yes yes finally we did it we did it yes yes now go to bed yes so why is he not sleeping he he should be sleeping don’t don’t look at me like that I don’t understand why he’s not sleeping hang on what’s wrong does it matter that he’s not

Asleep I don’t actually think it matters that he’s not asleep um okay right now we need a zombie let us find a zombie oh but I placed torches everywhere I plac is everywhere so this might be a little difficult but um okay there’s a skeleton don’t really need a

Skeleton right now we need a zombie sorry for all the toggling of the um brightness I hope it doesn’t bother people too much but but let me let me know he’s not sleeping cuz he’s terrified of you I don’t know why he would be given he didn’t witness uh any

Uh specific acts but to each that to each their own I suppose okay we do need a zombie still see if that villager hadn’t run away we would have done this in time we would have been able to do it in time did I see

Light okay this is fine this is fine we can wait one more day to organize our iron farm I am okay with this every time the brightness changes I get flashbag well too bad smiley face um yeah sorry about that uh I will be using brightness

A lot especially at night time um I don’t know how to make it easier on the eyes I think it it might just be a consequence of my gameplay style um but hopefully chat will appreciate that uh you can see things which is more than what happens most of the time okay

Um I don’t know what to do next I I guess make our Hoppers make The Hoppers that we need um I’m going to use some saplings to smelt that out should we we need to get some oh we do need a bit more iron because we need two buckets

For lava okay let’s go see if we can find somewhere else to dig and mine a little bit Mr mag to freedom and force back into captivity chat don’t don’t self-insert don’t self-insert self insert is the person profiting of the wait a second hang on this is not going

The way I want it to oh um hm anyway if he stopped trying to regain freedom I wouldn’t have hit you um I you know these are allegations I feel like people are putting words into my mouth you know I I I didn’t I didn’t say

Anything but um you know if people did stop resisting that would be very conducive to my aims God I wish that was me what’s wrong with you I a second what are you doing what are you doing oh my gosh do you be real to you

The only ones who wouldn’t run away from being kidnapped by you is chat I don’t know what you mean by that I I don’t know what you mean I think that I am just you know I’m I’m I’m just a just a little guy trying to get by in

The world I’m just trying to make an honest living to feed the cats that I will steal from that Village in future I don’t think there’s a more is there a more conundrum here I I I wouldn’t possibly be able to comment on that no

Not me not not not Spectra not not your streamer your streamer would never do anything wrong right guys right guys honest living honest living goodness gracious well I hope um some certain individuals amongst you don’t find your way to whsy Castle because I will be kicking you out at 5:00 p.m. and

I don’t understand why people keep staying past 5:00 p.m. the castle is not open past 5:00 p.m. uh please leave I I want to go to bed I want to watch my ghosts play their little Mario Kart 8 tournament on Saturday and I want to go to sleep Vector never does anything

Wrong okay hang on H hang on a second hang on hang on me when me when I encourage a cult of personality but I actually don’t want a cult of personality and it was all a he haha but now there’s a c of personality and I I

Kind of need to deal with that and take responsibility but that’s kind of a lot of effort as well so I guys I just want to play B game don’t worry about it don’t worry about it b game B game is a good game and wholesome and and so very

Innocent yep no drowns okay no drowns very nice very nice kidnapping seems to be pretty bad I mean is it is it really kidnapping if it’s just Villages if it’s just Villages they can’t build anything so um clearly we’re not like the same we’re not the same chat we’re just not the

Same o little little fish an axe a lot we’ve been here before haven’t we yeah we don’t want to go here okay uh I’m going to grab a tiny bit of redstone not because we need it right now but because we might need some in future so I’m just going to grab

Some Devotion to Spectra’s cool I don’t know what you mean I don’t know what you mean is not kidnapping it’s inviting yeah chat they got into the bed themselves with very little encouragement I might add so clearly they don’t mind it too much clearly they don’t mind it too much it’s

Not kidnapping it’s um using basic game mechanics to my advantage yes I I would like to you know rephrase this propaganda other people other people’s spreading and you get to go on indefinite vacation what do you mean by that what do you mean by that me when me

When my chat are threatening to graduate me oh gosh it’s too soon it’s too soon for me to graduate I haven’t got any qualifications yet I have no qualifications to speak of H yes yes um right so I’m thinking we get our buckets we grab two pieces of lava and then we

Will be able to start making our yeah our farm properly that’s what every kidnapper says I am not tot not a kidnapper I don’t know what you mean okay okay okay let me just check the villagers okay so what is the kingdom named I don’t have a kingdom I don’t have a

Kingdom do these W no one can hear you oh gosh guys you’re making it so much more Insidious than it is it’s just encouraging them to start a new Village Specta is the one most likely to employ a s system for the villagers and be and Du I’m not going to I you know what I’m not going to cond you know I we’ll just see how things play out I think we’ll just see how things um end up going I’d like to say yeah yeah let’s grab some let’s grab some lava I don’t know why

I’m doing I don’t this isn’t even an accent I can’t do accents I don’t know what that was sorry I got possessed okay uh we need to find the Lava Lake I believe it’s somewhere over in this location and compared to C what did cooc do what what did you

Do yeah they’re fine they’re having a great time um let me go down here ah ah ah ah we fine I’m fine um was it this way I hope it was this way I I don’t quite remember but that’s all right I don’t think we’re allowed to talk about war crimes in

Wool later so let me quickly grab that wool well this a way to the lava Farm does anyone remember I mean not lava Farm lava pool and I think it would be prudent for us to grab some some obsidian while we’re there just cuz we have

Time what do you mean we love guys UK guys are we are we all right in the chat I feel like there’s some differences of opinion there’s some encouragement there some um horrified people I don’t know what you expected I had I I had a 1,000 day hardcore world so of

Course of course I might be accustomed to doing such progression based activities in order to facilitate um my my my mega bases how do you think I place 30,000 blocks of a single item if I tried to do that without villager training I think I would have

Gone even more insane and I don’t think anyone needs a more insane Spectra okay gosh this pool is is super far away and that is kind of annoying okay okay okay let us do us do our best not to die yink yink and then we can throw what can we throw

Away don’t want to throw away anything oh I’m I’m a bit of a hoarder oh okay we throw away the dirt right and then we grab do I want to grab enough to make a portal I I feel like that would be too soon on the progression

Chart yeah that would definitely be too soon on the progression chart yeah I I don’t don’t want to go anywhere near the nether today yes yesk I think DK is very Minecraft nether coded but then again I suppose all of helloand is actually I think zi would live in a swamp

Misma I don’t know where myy would live actually I think myy would also live in the nether I think um I would be an icy Tundra because of certain aspects of my area in the demon Realm uh but I I don’t know what Missy would be not

Specifically I hope stream is going well it’s it’s certainly moving along we’re going to become so rich chat we’re going to become super super super rich and it will be a wonderful time for everyone very very wonderful and O I’m scared and I’m sure nothing could go

Wrong I thought you didn’t like the Cod toiv a tundra I don’t enjoy the Cod but H you can infer what you will from what I just said yes yes yes okay lots of villagers around which is really nice lots of opportunities business opportunities so I like to think I used

To actually be really uncomfortable making using villager stuff I used to never do it uh and that was partly just because I think it made the game too easy but I’m old now I’m old I’m like you know what if it’s a game a game is a game

Mechanic I wasn’t always like this chat I wasn’t always like this my bill and Arc started and never returned what’s your favorite hosle mob I think the Enderman the Ender to me is extremely extremely cute and I feel like it would feel like velvet and they’re a little

Bit creepy and a little bit wrong and I like that about them the the end they’re just really enduring to me in my head they’re very friend shaped even though they will kill you in like two hits in hardcore like in full netherite prop four I think they kill you in four hits

Maybe three they’re really really really op so um kind of scary really shouldn’t go near them however I do think they’re very sweet I I think um partly because of my design where you can see all the little void elements I’m very fond of other things that have void elements too I

Feel a certain kinship with anything that relates to just a black hole of nothingness I don’t know if anyone else feels like that I feel like it’s very much a me thing but I I really do so there is there is that to work with Okay

Um going to put my bed back out obsidian can go here uh lapis and Redstone can go there I don’t actually want to sleep I just want to reset my spawn point not that it matters if I actually do die and we’re going to cover up the Hole uh

Because we don’t actually want the zombie going in there and killing our villagers that would be a bit of a disaster and I just remembered how bad that would be so our villagers are in here very Nice uh I’m going to put another piece of dirt there right so now what we need to do is we need to get as zombie we need to grab a zombie a zombie needs to come down here and sit in the boat so uh H full full brightness toggle warning

For anyone for anyone who would appreciate that warning now he’s trapped for their own protection indeed indeed and they have plenty of light down there and um some lovely cave air oh gosh I hate this I just need one zombie o hello speak of the devil hello please come

With me please please yes please follow me yes yes please do not touch me but uh you can come with me how do you talk to the brightness like that I have a full bright mod because the video game um didn’t an update that actually disabled our ability to like set your gamma

Levels to a th000 in the base game or something so now you actually have do have to mod it unfortunately no go into the hole you e yes no no yes yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah now Agro onto them is he In yeah yeah uh and then I think I need okay okay okay now we now we can start our our master plan yes yes yes okay so now what we do is we have the zombie in position okay and we need to we need to place Water by Each

Corner and I’m going to just going to yeah like that and I’m going to put water in the other corner I don’t know if I should have done this first I really hope nothing starts spawning uh and then we need to I’m scared I’m going to kill myself

In this trap um let’s pray that I don’t let’s just let’s just pray that I don’t please please please pray for me uh okay let me consult the manual let me consult the manual materials because I definitely didn’t figure how to do this okay so okay okay okay okay okay okay okay

Okay I understand I understand I have the mission brief uh I might have run out of um wood that’s okay that’s okay uh iron girl can spawn after only three villagers they can actually unless I’ve been lied to you but I I really hope I really hope an iron goem

Doesn’t like spawn right now and mess this all up cuz I I think uh I should have definitely not done it in this order but that’s okay uh as long as nothing breaks which is a big as long as we will be okay okay okay okay so what

We’re going to do is we’re going to get one of these we’re going to uh and then okay and Then wait a second how do I place these yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah beautiful beautiful nothing could ever go wrong okay right sorry I’m fixing I’m fixing I’m fixing uh I didn’t know that neat well I I hope so I hope that’s true setting up spawn condition

Before the Trap is ready listen I didn’t say that um I have I Peak brain cells I I I never claim to be um to be especially smart it was my gen mates really who hyped that up much to my uh despair yes okay good good good and then we need a double

Chest and I think that’s it and I’m going to pray that this works please work please work otherwise that would have all been for nothing the scuffed Farm design uh okay let me out okay um nothing is spawning though my my present concern is that nothing is morning and I don’t know why

H H I’ve got the zombie uh I do need to path block everything could that be it well the path blocks are are more to stop anything else from spawning I understand okay well uh what are you doing here we don’t need another volunteer get out of here leave sorry um

And can the villagers see the zombie yes they can they they they can they I think they can why is he aggroed on me and not the villagers no no they they can’t see him look they’re panicking so that should be your working H curious very curious you you

Got a license for that trap don’t worry about it no don’t worry about it it’s okay 1 2 3 4 5 H I don’t know why does anyone in chat know why it’s not working so hello yes they need jobs I don’t they they don’t need jobs they definitely don’t need

Jobs H the tutorial definitely only said three villagers H very curious very curious oh no we’re good may maybe it was the shoveling after all I can’t imagine why anyway we love to see it chat we love to see it we love to to see a successful Farm design with limited scuff yeah

Okay beautiful Stuff oopsie great cool so that’s all working uh and I guess in case we fle down by accident yeah great okay well that’s done time for STS indeed it is it is absolutely not a quick Farm it is a super super slow Farm but the design was

So easy that it’s kind of worth it and um ah uh yeah the design so easy that I thought it was worth doing I’m just going to get a stone shovel for path blocking I don’t know if this is too far it may be too far uh but we we will make

Do cool very cool all right and it’s not too close to our house which is uh also a a bonus point any free Iron is good in my books yes yes indeed uh we oh can uh can one of you not go on these that’s so weird I had no idea okay

Right I’m like a lord mower I’m like a lord mow oh oh no oh no no no no oh no oh no it’s broken already oh no oh no no no I don’t know what to do I need to get rid of

You I need to get I I need to get rid of you but and I I would definitely die if I try and attack him okay okay that’s an issue that’s a slight issue a slight spanner in the works uh so they say I can drown

Him I could I could I guess I could put the lav on him just walk up and push him no I I think that’s a bad idea I think is he going to walk in is he going to walk in yeah oh it solved itself so easy we

Love to see it okay beautiful beautiful beautiful stuff uh now that we’ve done that we can recontinue focusing on other activities including but not limited to trading with the very villagers that we you know tra trading with the Villagers we we need to do some trading with the

Villagers um I want to work on my house a little bit more I guess we can work on the house while we are just waiting waiting for that whole situation to um get some Goods as as the kids say the kids don’t say that uh yes yes okay okay

Right we need to find a really ugly cave to to Moss to mify uh turns out the Iron Golems are not smart there there’s l no mob in Minecraft that is particularly smart I hate to tell you the AIS of basically everything in this game are just really

Goofy and quite silly but that is how it is Unfortunately they were not blessed with the brain cells like um like I’m sure many of you are familiar with so it’s a shame it’s a shame bam okay let’s continue getting some Moss for our roof sure hope I don’t die in this

Really spooky cave that has terrible train and um uh looks terrifying yeah you know what actually I’m scared I’m I’m a little I’m a little nervous here it’s okay though it’s okay sometimes sometimes you have to go outside your comfort zone to progress in life and that is certainly me right now

M you know that poor sheep is is stuck there forever isn’t he okay we need to find a better cave we need to find a new cave to do our acts in H i mean you have a lot of caves we don’t really I don’t think there are many caves near us at least not that I’ve come across yeah like uh it’s not it’s not very cavy around here H skeletons have aim but skeletons are very powerful in hardcore because

Not only is their rate of fire a lot higher and their accuracy is buffed uh they often spawn with Enchanted bows I think it’s like 20% of skeletons spawn with an enchanted bow in hardcore it’s kind of op and you know power power one does a lot of damage in hardcore

Especially early game so it is unfortunate certainly unfortunate I don’t really want to mess up this this mountain too much do I this Mountain’s kind of viewable from places uh where is like a non viewable Mountain Area yeah this is also kind of near my house H we’ll keep going we’ll keep going

Only Minecraft is is from skeletons oh really that is unfortunate oh yeah I don’t want to go down there kind of creepy actually kind of a little scary as is this one why are all of the places around here so horrifying there’s a kind of Ravines that um you sometimes

See video shorts videos of where people basically fall into this big cliff and they have to be rescued oh those videos give me so much fear and anxiety in my soul but I see them a lot I see them a lot cuz I can’t stop watching but it’s

Really scary okay it’s very very scary for me and that’s why my retention is so good on those videos and they keep recommending them goodness gracious okay um maybe here yeah he here seems reasonably out in the open Bam Bam Bam yeah this seems like a reasonable cave

As opposed to unreasonable caves who are very difficult to work with Okay bam I want to try and use uh the rest of my burone Mill today like I want to use all of it I hope that’s not too tall in order most of your caves have been

Aquifers exactly exactly I I Do Love aquafer mining I think it is a safest way to to get resources in hardcore uh unfortunately it comes with the huge side effect of drowns with Trident which I learned early on I kind of forgot that they could be such a huge huge issue cuz

I don’t tend to go near them but when they sneak up on you it’s uh it’s it’s not ideal the algorithm is a mighty Force yes yes yes I completely concur the algorithm Works in weird ways and it’s also now that um you know I’m I’m a more focused content creator

It’s it’s really weird to think about the algorithm and about retention because like to an extent it’s kind of my job to understand it and I don’t but because it’s like how do you understand something that is constantly changing and constantly updating using hundreds of pieces of metrics and analytics how

Do you how do you turn all those analytics into okay well you know the algorithm is favoring videos of the longer or favoring videos with like I don’t know subtitles etc etc and all those it like things that are obvious like suddenly it’s very difficult to learn what’s not obvious uh

Because even the people who made algorithms don’t understand them so yeah so yeah it is it is a thing it’s weird to think about YouTube doesn’t know either exactly because I don’t know how if people know how algorithms tend to be trained but you kind of train a lot and

Then you just pick the best and whatever works basically and so you kind of don’t understand why something works you just just know that it does work based on lots and lots and lots and lots of information um and at any time YouTube is probably running multiple algorithms

And whichever algorithms put like spit back out the best statistics of who’s watching longer who like which ones are effective at people keeping on the site longer um those are ones that are kept and then it’s upgraded etc etc so it’s a really fascinating thing that is

Happening now but also on a human level for creators it’s hard for us to know it’s really hard for us to know we’ll see we’ll see the and the stock market you know the joural I do and you hope for the best that’s actually a very good

Analogy God the stock market what a concept but um it is it is indeed complicated in a way that’s good it’s it’s interesting to a lot of people um okay do I want to start Ying villagers for my projects shall we say um maybe I I

Kind of want to kill a spider or two when night falls because I would like to grab one uh for now actually I think it would be nice to just work on the house shape uh the front of house shape is going to change but I’m just going to

Like copy everything across for the sake of copying it across and then obviously we we’ll delete all the stuff in the middle uh a little bit later but it’ll be it’ll be nice to figure out the roof shape um and see some more structure on the house and

Its walls I I’ve thought about it and I think that maybe using stripped oak logs would be a nice compromise for the walls I know it’s not perfect or particularly exciting but I think it would work I think it would work you’ve already kidnapped before why hesitate now listen

Listen chat last time I kidnapped there were a lot of people in chat with a lot to say about it that’s all I that’s all I have to comment a lot of you had some opinions to share and I don’t understand why cuz it’s a very normal thing to kidnap in Minecraft

So oh goodness fin you see the but your debut oh amazing I hope you enjoyed the debut W so crazy to think I debuted over a week ago now you guys have known me for a week um I don’t know if it feels longer or shorter for you I can’t make

Up my mind sometimes I’m like wow it’s been such a long time other times I’m like yeah I haven’t been here for for a single day um and it switches very regularly which is unhelpful but you know but you know it’s not crimes it’s progress yeah yeah I think uh we’re

Going to risk it a little today and do uh we’re just going to keep building I want to do some work on the roof have we slept though we might need to sleep actually I I think it has been a little while since we slept

Properly but that’s okay if if oh no no I don’t want to fall here if if Phantom starts spawning then we’ll simply go to bed how you liking v& so far Spectra I really like v&u I think about it a lot sometimes when we have meetings where

I’m just like man it’s kind of really fun to be part of a of a vber agency especially when you like the people you work with because content creation even though it must seem very social it it is quite a lonely job uh you it it is just

You and your audience and your analytics like I often say streaming is just talking to yourself uh because all I am doing is sitting in my room and talking to myself it doesn’t matter that it says like oh there’s X many people watching it’s still just me sitting in my room

And talking to myself it doesn’t matter like how many people in chat if I just don’t look at chat for example um it is it is oddly solitud andal like what’s a good way to put it it it is oddly um something where there’s a lot of

Solitude uh because of that and so it’s really nice being part of like a group that does you know projects and things on the side and like has stuff you to look forward to and like gives you Direction it it’s a it’s a really valuable thing and I’m I’m definitely

Enjoying it a lot yes yes yes I like the people I work with uh which is a huge bonus oh gosh how do I get out of here now okay let’s have a look at this house shape it’s kind of hard to see uh but I

I think I think it’s going I think it’s going um when it comes to this part we we are going to need to just cut off all of this pretty much and have our own individual roof shape which I am still working out so I’m going to make this

Roof shape in dirt initially like we did last time uh and then we’re just going to go over it let me let me catch up on chat for a second I feel like I’ve missed a lot of chat messages so I want to just take a

Moment ex but anywhere I can thank you and actually watching bu is a huge huge amount for us you’d be surprised how how much like viewer retention is really helpful um Moon EX in your head so true so true bounce ideas off each other as well i’ imagine yeah definitely there’s

A free cam in Minecraft no I’m cheating uh I know I have a mod I have a mod that lets me do this it’s not in the base game okay give me the dirt and then we will do dirt structures being great watching watching

Over the past we can all of H has be great thank you I’m glad you agree I really love my gen I I think my gen is is full of some incredible incredible creatures and just really funny people um and I like that I I personally feel

Like we do things um that may not be currently done which is kind of rare cuz it feels like sometimes in content creation everything has been done under the Sun but stuff like DK’s um True Crime Niche he my tea tastings not to not to Hype myself up but my tea

Tastings things like that uh they do make me very happy do you want this to be bigger do you want this Frame to be one bigger I think it could be one bigger I I kind of wonder what if I did this and worked off that hang on so this is

This is concave this shape here is concave do I want this to be more convex or do I want to keep it concave and cozy that’s kind of cozy how it is what do we think do we want this to be bigger you got to remember that this is

Just the Moss outline so there will be other blocks on top of It kind of want it to be taller I kind of do but I don’t know if that’s going to kill the shape there’s two ways I could I could change the shape I could either literally just like add one block on top of here but I think that’s going to look

A bit silly that does look really silly uh or I can also up this but I think that is going to make it look too even yeah it makes it look too even maybe it’s fine as it is figers better they say who said who said

That no I agree I think I think I think we do need to make this bigger okay uh M and then I’ll check on my iron farm I know we actually I kind of slapped I slept so I didn’t really actually do that much but um kind of want to see how it’s

Going how is that looking no I feel like that’s lost the shape I like the shape we had before so I think the solution is to make this two high then do one and do do two again then do one then do two yeah I that that is better okay so

Let’s just yoink yoink yoink so we have a clearer idea of the shape is that nice yeah I like that more I like that more it gives it more of like a Elven elf kind of Elf kind of architecture yes yes yes okay okay like

That yeah I mean honestly now I kind of feel like this could be one Higher does that still look silly that does still look silly okay looking pretty good thank you thank you all right done with that then I think I might need to uh borrow some villagers from the local Village

For um totally not bad things yeah we don’t have any mine carts but I did get redstone I’m going to have to make sure these guys are protected super super protected is this Spectra’s Castle does this look like a castle it’s literally a dirt house it’s like a dirt house

Upgraded I don’t know if I said this explicitly but the reason why I’m doing a a moss roof is because I thought it would be funny cuz chat kept telling me wanted to see a d house or a d Castle onti is guys it’s fine it’s fine

It’s so we’re totally fine don’t don’t be scared 41 41 is certainly not bad okay we can work with this this is a good amount of materials to to look at further so we need to make a blast furnace I believe um what else will we need Blast Furnace

Ah is it a stone cutter Chad do you remember what makes a smithing table oh do I need gold oh you’re so annoying video game I do need Go video game why you hurt me you hurt me okay it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine I’m I’m

Fine I’m fine I’m not upset that we have to use our our hard earned gold for this where where’s my boat do I have a boat I do have a boat okay so while we’re gone we’re going to smelt some Stone we definitely have stone I’ve seen Stone did I use

It okay well um I I suppose uh we just do that temporarily and then let’s go grab a villager I think we’ll only take two flint and wood flint and wood for what wispy Castle will be built later this wispy Cottage it is no such thing my current starter house has no association

With wisy castle please please do not become confused please do not slander the good name of wisy Castle uh wisy Castle is much grander and has a complete different black palette oh smithing table you know you’re right who are you a blacksmith Oh no you’re Mason why what if I just m

Now you want to get out of there my friend yeah yeah you want to want to get in my boat go back in there get it get in the boat I promise you will like the boat yeah get in yeah he morning half as BL game we’re

Actually doing pretty well today I I felt so embarrassed after last time we spent like 2 hours trying to get a single diamond and we basically got none and the only way we got diamonds initially was by using a shipwreck map so I’m certainly happier with our

Progress today where the farm was not scuffed and we managed to build it in time mhm mhm yes another kidnapping in progress I don’t know what you mean I know what you mean the question is how do I I’m going to have to destroy my part of my sugarcan farm aren’t

I I understand I understand what must be done so we will need to make another dirt construct actually We can just do that um then we’ll want one of these okay I need I need to C up my inventory I need to C up my inventory another Bing in progress guys we’re we’re so we’re so fine here don’t don’t you guys worry about anything it’s okay it’s okay

M we will be perfectly fine throw a few of these three will be enough I think okay actually I think here’s a better place to put it isn’t it oopsie oh they’re getting night time oh dear that is uh sooner than I expected I’m just going to place some more

Torches just in case smile okay and then we will need what do we need we will need a trapo okay we’re going to bed we’re going to bed we’re going to sleep we’re going to sleep we’re going to sleep before please tell me that it did not

Turn my villager into a witch please don’t turn my villager into a I don’t I don’t have a lightning rod I don’t have a lightning rod what what why why does it tell me that I I’ve never made lightning rod huh huh it feels like that Meme where it’s

Where I’m getting a medal for something I didn’t do like this wasn’t me this was not me at all that had nothing to do with me I mean okay I I guess I I guess if you if you say so yes yes and then we get a trap door

The lightning scared you I don’t know what you mean uh that’s an allegation a Furious one I must say have you ever heard me be scared by anything ever no no no no my best guess like being on elevated dirt is the first thing the lightning I don’t think Minecraft really works with

Such a level of um Precision sorry little guy you got to you got to get up you got to get up go on go on why why are you not ah I see you can’t can you walk up here ah but now I’m stuck in a with you okay go

On oh my gosh you are so you’re so dramatic okay bam whoosh perfect um and now we make our blast brother guys I don’t know what you mean I don’t know what you mean I this is we’re just we’re making progress we’re making progress these sacrifices have to

Be made to to become um the wealthiest in the entire world so uh really I I think that they are flattered by by the fact that we are you know making making valuable use of them what were they going to do at the Village be unemployed

And sad so really so really I I like to think that um oh I’m so sorry that that’s my bad that that was on me that that was on me um I like to think that we are you know really really giving some some life purpose giving giving some life purpose

And also we need to remember to actually make sure this is shut this is a very temporary up but like when we’re not trading with them we need to shut this so they don’t get murdered you you don’t like why you trying no no you can do better I know

You can do better um I don’t know he’s trying to pass by into like another block maybe okay uh let’s get like another little villager area very ethical very ethical what are you trying to pathfind to he’s looking at something I think he’s trying to pathfind to this but it’s so far away

Please do not be pathfinding to this Barrel cuz I’m going to be really sad if it’s pathfinding to the barrel it is I bet it is I bet it’s a barrel no no please why I don’t want to have to get rid of it I’m going to have to get rid of it

This sucks this sucks so much um I put this Barrel like over here will that help first of the valley we can’t get rid of these as I said chat I’m a hoarder I’m a hoarder I need to keep these okay okay okay man wants to be a fisherman I know so myy

Coded okay I mean that I think that’s like as good as we’re going to get from him so I will lock actually no it’s not what do armor trade they can trade for coal can’t they don’t look at me like that come on come on all right we need to get another

Villager we need to borrow another yes yes yes yes I think this Village might run out of villages soon um but it is the most convenient Village for us to grab Villages from so coal and iron if I were cool that would be pretty good that would be pretty good

Employees is the right word right well I mean they are they’re willingly taking up the profession so I I think that is the correct word indeed indeed you destroying a a villager dream to become a fisherman I don’t know what you mean oh look a volunteer

Hello get in the boat no he didn’t volunteer after all it’s so sad I thought I thought it was a volunteer work but it turns out it was not yeah perfect sorry we don’t need two of you all right um they going have chosen death so

It was a choice wow I really TI don’t G guys guys we’re making progress chat everything I do here it it’s for you guys it’s for you guys H wait let me just check something everything I’m doing here it’s for you it it’s for you guys to enjoy

The progression content mhm mhm because isn’t that the greatest thing about having a single player hardcore world it’s being able to enjoy yourself and being able to make progress in the game so you can kill the Ender Dragon it’s for the content it’s for the content

Yeah no one has I don’t know what you mean I know what you mean all right get in okay he’s not he’s not going willingly you okay we we still we still need your sacrifices come on why why why you not come on why why you not enthused are you not

Enthused by the prospects of is enthused he is I understand B bsh Bush anyway uh oh me when I forgot to finish this ooh that that’s on me actually that that is on me um that’s okay though that’s okay I can fix this yeah you are just not giving me the trades I

Need okay that’s as good as we’re going to get uh you can go in here I’m going to shut that for you and we’re going to grab some coal don’t you I don’t know what you mean I don’t know what you mean okay we only have 12 coal at the moment so I

Guess this would be the best thing to trade to look that in Co trade is fairly decent yeah and like getting the boots trade as well is also ideal ideal for us I say through tears cuz it’s so many emeralds and for no reason but it must be done it must be

Done right um smithing table we two of these and read four of these so I’m going to Moosh these Minecraft mechanics are so bizarre I mean no no uh oh God uh no no no you you um you actually can’t no no no no no no no no no no you thought

You could Escape me you thought there is no other way for you there is no other way oh I mean I guess you could go that way uh but but but it also it also it also goes back so um yeah yeah There Is No Escape that Is No

Escape anyway um so that’s that what a what an adventure what an Excursion cool so you that’s that’s our little setup I’m going to keep it like this for now cuz there may be a day where we want to expand this that is not good enough going to get a better trade yeah

Cool almost made it almost yeah yeah all righty I think we need to get some more coal um getting coal is probably our next priority uh for trading purposes I also I do want to do some more Moss work how much how much grass do we have yeah I I want to I

Want to grab some more Moss cuz I want to do some more work on the house I want to split my split my Consciousness between many different Pursuits in the block game we’re making good progress though I’m really I’m really impressed with myself I did not think we would get

This far oh gosh it’s becoming night time isn’t it actually this is a little dangerous okay I me I guess I could technically just make a moss area um I guess doing it here once wouldn’t hurt yeah no who no one can tell no one can tell what happened here definitely

Fine definitely fine okay uh let’s keep going then with building the front of this I also if there is a spider I do want to kill a spider I think we need to get scaffolding at this point because I will make my building life so much

Easier wait the first thing I see is what oh dear oh dear oh dear well you know what one day one day chat hello hello land will have mods and it’s going to be over for a lot of you that’s all I’m saying that is all I’m saying M there we go

Bam oh I shouldn’t have done that is this like a moss house it is a moss house yes yes yes what gave it away guys what gave it away M uh but yes it is it is an incredibly Mossy house uh I’m going to do a lot of leaf decoration I just

Thought it would be fun to do a spin on a dirt house I’ve never made the full Moss roof before uh so I thought it could be cute I also do need to figure out like how we’re going to adjust this but that can that can come soonish okay and

Then yeah I I think we’re pretty much almost done with the Moss outline to be honest um we can start filling in the walls if we want should we start filling in the walls I feel like that could be a good idea um this will obviously have to be a

Temporary wool here but that’s okay uh temporary WS are also good ws and yeah H H I’m still not 100% sure about using stripped stripped Oak uh my heart isn’t 100% set on it but it is my best idea for the moment when I don’t know what that says about me but for now I think it is the best idea I have okay we can actually yink

This and this can be dirt blocks Temporarily okay uh let me grab some more to watches cuz I am so not paranoid guys I’m fine I’m definitely not super super paranoid about How about living I’m not I’m fine I’m fine yeah we’re going to we’re going to need to light everything up a lot more later M mhm oh that I had that in my inventory house is looking cute thank you thank you I like to think so otherwise it would be there wouldn’t be

Much point in making it so the annoying thing about the house now is I have not made a double door I have made only a single door and I don’t know how I feel about this I think I think this is uh not good

I think it is not good to say the least in terms of how I would ideally love it to look but it’s fine it’s fine we’ll make do but in terms of like a very loggy aesthetic I don’t know if I love a super loggy aesthetic but we’re going with it

Now we we’re we’re committing we’re committing to make like a a very very lucky house it’s okay it’s okay would it g be possible the thing is in hardcore is you kind of just don’t want to have anything open I would leave it open as

Like a three door if I could if I thought I would be safe but that would not be safe that would be um as as they say a bad idea and it would leave you open to a lot of mob attacks and not be good I’m going to toggle my brightness by the

Way where’s my boat I don’t have any more boats need to make another boat I feel like I’m always making boats all right let’s see if we can go and find a spoter I just need one spoo to kill uh and hopefully there will be one nearby put please spoo

Please okay okay no scooters don’t you never like to stream don’t be silly spiders not the spiders that’s a lot of brightness I don’t know what you mean I have you know ghost demons have night vision mhmh don’t be afraid to make mistakes cuz only makes you stronger uh in the

Context of Minecraft hardcore I think dying is not ideal and you would simp die so maybe maybe we don’t want to um maybe we don’t want to be so chill about mistakes I think for vtubers you can’t really make mistakes there’s very little room for it so yeah uh let’s see let’s

See so I’m going to toggle again just so I’ve got like an idea of how things are Going okay Sandy area is not bad for engaging mobs cuz it’s quite flat but I just don’t see enough mobs where are the spiders I just need one spider just one I don’t ask for much I think definitely don’t want to go near you okay we’ll keep searching we’ll keep

Searching on our quest for the spider depending on the mistake some mistakes can slingshock you do success in hardcore a single mistake tends to lead to you losing your world forever maybe not fatal mistakes but like that those are the only mistakes you make in hardcore what other what other things are

Mistakes cuz if you don’t die in hardcore there is no mistake does that make sense like that the only mistaken hardcore is dying that that’s how it works that’s the definition okay rcky Sandy Shores give me a spoa you are not the spoter I asked oh spoo

There are a lot of them and it’s quite far oh gosh there’s so many if I hit you will you aggro no you won’t aggro why w’t you aggro I I just I just need one spoter I don’t have enough arrows for This I kind of want another spooa I know I said I just needed one but I kind of want another cuz that gave me only one string hi spoter spooa please spoa yes yes yes yes yes come over here yes yes yes we battle boink ah not

Like that not like that yes okay cool um yep I think that’s it I think that’s all I need two three string three SP of string that seems like a a good good amount I think we can we can leave cool cool cool did I get any bones

I got no bones that’s okay we got one SPO at eye which is very nice you can get string from fisherman I think don’t you trade string with fishermen like you don’t get the string you give it to them buha yes I’ve been using that vocal Quirk this entire time

Ah I like when this sky is burgundy yes it reminds me of hell I mean the demon realm it reminds me of the demon realm oh yeah look at that look at that red sky look at that look at that violent Haze oh yeah that’s the good

Stuff that that’s a good reminds me of a certain person’s domain yeah anyway what’s it like being a ghost I’m a ghost demon so first of all please please please educate yourself about ghost demons you know we’re not all the same um I don’t know what’s it like being

Human how how would you answer a question like what’s it like being human I don’t know I don’t know how to answer um I just am just am I guess and that’s it that’s about it um I want to start decorating this place but I can’t I can’t we don’t have

Enough yeah um I do also want to switch to carrots cuz we’re running out of bread okay okay what’s next what’s next in our progression chapter we’ve done we’ve done a lot of work today certainly more than any other day you you think you can come back here get out of here disgusting

Disgusting don’t think you can run away anyway uh what was I saying yeah we should go grab some more coal so I think some coal would be found on the island yeah let’s go back to that little island uh because you need coal you need coal they both need coal I’m actually

Wondering if I should focus only on one person yeah you know what let me see how many axes I can get from this guy how’s the girl Farm I think the G Farm is doing okay one two three okay that is actually not bad so he’s going to upgrade his offerings I will

Put the axes away here because actually these would be pretty good for stripped logs everything else we can we can do away with okay it’s like being human a lot of contradiction oh yeah I suppose being a ghost human is less contradiction because um every everything is just very consistent you know I’m

Consistently I’m consistently made of kind of nothing and stuff at the same time um I float everywhere which makes things you know pretty nice pretty nice when it in terms of moving Around yeah I’m vulnerable to temperatures all that kind of thing or that kind of thing I think I would imagine it wasn’t too different to when I was human I still just feel normal I still think in a I would say probably a fairly normal way I thought you would give me more Stuff I really don’t the thing is I think coal is more valuable than emeralds to me but it also feels so wrong trading so much for for so little are those villagers by choice or did you and say they come here I don’t I don’t understand your question sorry

Please please clarify the the content of your question I don’t understand I don’t understand I I just I’m just a little guy I don’t understand what you mean ooh we love to see these do you did I get my experience one diamond for one

Emerald who do you think I am who do you think I am oh we’re going to need more of these villagers won’t we we need more tool M okay um well it’s nice that we’ve got that on the regular okay let’s go grab some let’s let’s go grab let’s go

Grab some coal after all that I lied I lied I lied denial and pretend ignorance I don’t know what you mean what a scam no those are pretty decent I mean I think the coal oh actually wait we saw some coal over there didn’t we I think

The Coal’s pretty pretty expensive as a trade especially because coal is really useful and I don’t have Fortune actually can I get fortune that is a question isn’t it uh let me quickly grab some stuff yeah let me see if I can get Fortune cuz even Fortune 1 is um very very strong

Ases they say oh I didn’t bring my diamond pickaxe this was a useful a useless a useless Excursion um wait yeah this is useless hang on where where’s my diamond Diamond is that lag let me check my thing says it’s all good so I don’t personally think so but if chat disagree let me know I put it in here that’s Why okay H only Unbreaking an efficiency speaking of we do need to kill those cows don’t we ah this is a this is a painful day unfortunately oh Fortune one I I will take a fortune one it’s not much it’s not much but this is the only tool we

Have right now so we might as well we might as well okay let’s head down here grab the coaly Stuff Okay okay how much is this 25 not even enough it’s like barely enough for one trade not even enough for two oh the pain the pain of early game grinding it’s okay it’s okay I’m simply too accustomed to being rich I need to I need to

Re-evaluate my oh no let me out let me out I need to reevaluate my perspectives I need to re-evaluate my my concepts of money um yeah okay it’s Fine isn’t the struggle the real fun yeah for chat for chat what about me what about your streamer think of me chat I’m I’m out here suffering oh goodness gracious me when I have to work for things it’s terrible it’s really terrible it’s so sad for

Me oh b b b pain pain pain pain if my iron farm was slightly faster it would be less painful but it’s not you timed out it should be me why are you guys weird do you want me to time me out I

Mean I can I can time you out for like a week is that enough you’re a princess yes I am a princess why do you ask oh my God we have no iron we have no iron in terms of iron we have no iron we

Have no iron we only have a mega mega iron farm that does not supply Supply what What’s the phrase it doesn’t demand it doesn’t Supply a demand that no it doesn’t Supply a supply that uh meets demand yes yes I got there eventually it didn’t even mean much um okay let’s see

Let’s see Gosh darn it oo okay so we do we do have a pickaxe option eventually very cool very cool let’s go grab some coal I think getting coal is like our priority and then we can trade up the armor Smith and then hopefully we can get diamond armor I really would

Like to get diamond armor I would feel a little bit better yes also uh please don’t spam smiley face CU if you’re being annoying in chat after you got timed out then that will lead to a ban by nature of logic right goodness gracious L pickaxe too there’s a decent

Enchance for one of your first villagers they’re not that good to be honest um but that’s okay like generally when you do um Diamond Trading or like trading for diamond tools uh basically it’s only so you can disenchant them and then reenchant them at level 30 so yeah

Glad I’m never annoying I’m so happy to have so much faith in themselves oh exciting exciting I think actually know actually know I I I have plans chat I have plans in my little mind and one day those plans will come to fruss and it may be good and it may be

Bad it depends depends on your perspective doesn’t everything depend on perspective but this one especially Um I wonder if we should get some copper not that we need copper but we might want to get copper just for the sake of literally getting the enchantment levels we we are poor enough that we do require that we we’re poor enough that any um anything that oh owie

Owie owie owie anything that can get us levels at this stage is good I should have planted some potatoes shouldn’t I so we could have smelted those as well okay um let let’s let’s grab a bit of copper copper is always an abundant Supply which I appreciate cuz it’s kind

Of a useless block but whatever maybe one day I will build with copper um people I feel like anyone who builds with copper is a good Builder cuz it is hard to make copper look good yes yes yes Auntie tier is planning on tormenting us I just

Okay I don’t want to offend anyone but I don’t know if I find tormenting any of you humans interesting enough for me to want to plan it you know I just I just don’t think there’s that level of um Interest really so you can all rest assur that you are completely safe for

Now F it’s not your fault you can’t help being human any more than I can help being a ghost demon but it is what it is copper has such limited uses yeah I think that’s why I think in the new update they’re adding more copper stuff but I don’t think what do you

Mean what me it’s not it’s not you have low standards if you think that oh my goodness I’m not human I’m a hat understandable understandable that does gner more interest from me I I would like to have a hat one day one day either in fan art or in a 2.0 outfit I

Would very much like to have a hat I feel like it’s a very um stereotypically British thing to have a hat because we have so many weird Traditions around hats we have a lot of um you you know aristocratic events where hats are required and it’s part of our

Traditional dress codes what kind of hat I would just like a really fancy fascinator I don’t mind if it’s crazy I want it to be Royal Ascot uh eccentric I want it to be royal Miller kind of just pretty fancy design that could be a little bit quirky yeah yeah yeah yeah I

Think that would be fun I think that would be fun give me emeralds oh all my emeralds just disappeared immediately I’m so sad like a big hat or a small hat probably a big hat maybe even a bonnet I I wouldn’t mind a bonnet actually do I want to sleep how many

Days do we have we’re not even at day 30 yet so perhaps I don’t want to sleep oh what do you mean this is really terrible trading for me oh this Trader is not we’re not we’re not allies we’re not we’re not best friends

I think I missed did I just miss an iron trade I think he’s not giving me an iron trade where I could have an iron trade interesting interesting where’s my blast furnace Blast Furnace oh my blast furnace is there you know what I can literally just use it

Can’t I like one of those feathery hats yeah yeah a little bit I’m going to keep only one set of chain M for Seasons that will become apparent a little bit later and I am also going to plant some potatoes you know I actually haven’t seen anyone in chat like comment on how

I say potatoes which I’m very for that no no way that’s so sad I say monotone in a monotone voice cuz not actually that sad fine I guess I’ll sleep I guess I’ll sleep if only to have these little creatures stop bothering me yeah they can stay there okay um I think

I I want to go get more I want more materials I need more material resources therefore we’re going to get more coal sorry this is this is now a coal mining stream you guys got you guys got gifted with so much progression at the start of stream in terms of I

Actually built a functioning iron farm on my first try and we basically done the roof of the house that we’re going to do coal mining this entire time we didn’t want to be rude that hasn’t stopped you before chat that hasn’t stopped you before I don’t know what you mean goodness

Gracious actually I guess now would be a good time to have your opinions I think this stream has been um what I would classify as a more chill stream how how do you find it compared to my probably a little more anxiety inducing upbeat kind of stream where

It’s a bit more rambly and I talk much faster how how does it compare let me know let me know I’d be interested it was successful it’s still happening it’s not dead I you humans are so quick to give up on things oh my gosh I like the

Bgm it’s the same bgm I’ve always had it’s a really chill and Kickback stream yeah yeah yeah yeah this often how my streams are but I feel like you know since it’s my first time streaming with all of you it’s a it’s a good opportunity to just recalibrate what my

Streaming style is and figure that out and figure out what I want to lean into and what I don’t want to lean into and all that kind of stuff so yeah feedback at the stage is very much appreciated thank you thank you oh great food in

Front of me I eat spoken like someone who went to boarding school did you go to Bo don’t dox yourself don’t answer don’t answer don’t dox yourself but that is spoken like someone who went to boarding school SM H SM it really fits on on to you yeah yeah yeah I feel like

Um anyone who’s here now after the first week you know they they they’ve been here that that is such a toy um they how I I’m trying to I’m trying to phrase I’m trying to figure out way to phrase this without without it sounding goofy um May

Been around so we know each other a little better there’s less reason for me to be as nervous as I perhaps allegedly was previously yes I need some leather by the way I need some more bookshelves to get to level 30 I know we can’t level

30 enchant anything yet but um just for then we’ve been here we’ve been here for sure I mean some of you some of you we are veteran Spas guys it’s been one week it’s literally been one week it’s not I mean I I I thoroughly appre appreciate everyone who’s been here

Since debut but at the same time it has been one week and I I I feel like you know I I feel like um now is not the the moment to draw to draw lines between who’s been here and who hasn’t not that that’s like a good thing to do ever I

Think just because anyone who’s supporting you currently is is such a cool and amazing thing to have as a streamer but you know it’s been a week let’s let’s calm down let’s calm down oh God me when I didn’t sort my inventory before I went off on

My journey and now it is it is causing problems me when my actions have consequences no contrarian British is coming out I don’t think it ever went away I don’t think it was ever you know in the pocket so to speak do I come across really I I also I

Will say this I feel like my accent does come out more more enunciated when I stream I don’t always sound like this but it’s because I’m trying to pronounce my words correctly the stream whereas I’d Mumble them a lot more off stream and so sometimes I do feel like oh yeah

No I do sound I do sound weirdly British I’ve done it to myself I’ve done it to myself me and me and I’ve typ cost myself and then I have to play that row oh no oh no okay I think I think we’re done here let’s head back explain Mr Bean to ask

Foreigners I feel like Mr Bean transcends cultures and language just watch oh my God I will say okay I will say I I don’t think I’m particularly patriotic as an individual uh I think that you know patriotism is is kind of like it’s like I don’t know if it feels

Really American but even though it exists elsewhere like when I think patriotism I think America no no guys no Americans but but like that that that is you’re a patriotic country I’ve met oh yeah pretty much every American I’ve met is really patriotic but I think you just

Anyway um but it makes sense cuz you’re a federal state and then you know there so you’re such a huge country that like you need that kind of unifying culture anyway um I’m not particularly patriotic but the opening of the London 2012 Olympics that was kind of a banger when

The queen pretended to jump out of a helicopter that was kind of a banger that was kind of that was kind of how do you how how how does kid say it that kind of hit different you know the COI and the Mr Bon that hit different so you know it’s

Not all bad it’s not all not all bad it was um it was yeah it was it was cool it was cool I like that a lot I feel like it encapsulated a lot of the OD quirks of um our culture in like a funny and very accessible way and the

Fact that we were kind of making fun of ourselves is kind of just Peak British humor especially on the international athlete stage of like the most prestigious we just like yeah should we just make fun of ourselves yeah why why not why not just go for it it was

Good good times anyway it was all downhill from there uh we don’t talk about it and that’s that using modern lingo they don’t know chat they don’t know um there we go let me put all that in there okay hopefully we can we can get diamond armor I just I really would like

To have some diamond armor I’m also going to put some coal away so I don’t keep trading it all off cuz I’m very tempted to just keep trading it all off and I shouldn’t I should keep some it’s kind of important oh my God look at what I’ve done to this

Place ah what do you mean what do you mean w okay please give me things okay you can also trade for iron very cool let me grab some more iron to trade with you even though it’s not much uh we might as well grab grab a lot life too short to

Be serious 24/7 oh I completely agree I say that and I’m actually quite a serious person I think unfortunately I don’t think I’m um that unserious ooh one for shield can I oh my gosh God look at this like Massacre this this battlefield items I’ve traded with this

Poor armor oh my goodness I watched the British two crime series and hearing an investigator say softly wow w w wow I do think British documentaries are very good um just dve it atam bro that’s all I need to say isn’t it it’s uh it’s good it’s good okay production 3 prodction okay

Okay not bad not bad I mean it’ll just be nice to get diamond diamond armor in any capacity so let me put some raw things away I can get rid of those too I’m going to eat this for beef and let’s see how many emeralds we can get in

Order to trade sweets and shoes indeed serious in general or just dry humored no I think I am actually quite a serious person um and it’s it’s really sad cuz I have friends who will laugh at literally anything like you can say anything and they will find it hilarious and they

Like I have one friend and I I’ve said to this to my other mutual friend like did she just laugh at anything because it makes me feel so much funnier than I am it’s such an ego boost to have someone laugh at like literally everything you say at the same time if

They’re laughing at literally everything you say it’s not you it’s them you know what I mean so um no I feel like I am a very serious person and I wish I could take things a little more light-heartedly sometimes cuz it’s not it’s not great to be super somber all

The time and and by Nature I am quite serious alas it is what it is it is what it is I don’t laugh easily either so any laugh you’ve ever heard from me is like definitely fake you will know you will know when it’s a real laugh that you

Hear from me if you ever hear a real laugh from me because um I I never laugh until I do laugh and then I laugh so much that I will cry so you will be able to tell you will be able to tell but just yeah even that one even that one

Chat nothing’s real this is why I put in my debut stream uh and I put in the visual novel Art Is A Lie nothing is real cuz you never know you just can’t tell I think or at least I would hope most of you couldn’t tell that every

Laugh I’ve done up until now has been fake I would hope so I would hope though chat but you know U we were lied to well no you weren’t lied to you formed your own impression you formed your own impression uh but yeah it’s not like a

Bad thing I just I just can’t love laugh you just don’t laugh like no one no one can make me laugh either like there’s no one I find funny enough to make me laugh oh dear it sounds really bad when I say it but it

But it is it is just the way I am and I wish I could laugh more easily but that’s life that’s life I think your giggle when you geeked out was real that it might be possible it might be possible you’ve heard one or two but uh they’re shortlived and brief until

They’re super long no music laugh there should be music can you not hear the music guys guys hear the music about comedians no I will really thoroughly appreciate good jokes I will really really really appreciate good jokes um and I will pick them apart in my head

And I’ll understand them but I won’t laugh I think my favorite comedian of all time has to be bo bham I think he is just so exceptional at blending comment commentary with comedy and I think there is so much that is so poignant about his comedy and I think

That’s really well fitting to today’s world and yeah I I I love pretty much everything B buram has produced I’m so I’m so happy that he came back to do inside he he did nothing for such a long time wait should I sleep no I’m going to

I’m going to not sleep and I’m going to keep building um he went like radio silent for a very very very long time and then came backward inside which was a banger I must say it was excellent very very good I would expect no less

From poam but um yeah it means a lot and actually I was I was listening to some of his songs more recently because obviously I’m not a celebrity I I wouldn’t really class any YouTuber except for like the really huge ones as a celebrity but um having eyes

On you and having an audience is a very thought provoking thing and he has spoken a lot about it and he has said you know if you can live your life without having an audience I think you should do it and anyway then I became a YouTuber

And now there’s a lot of you in chat um but no it it made it made me think a lot about well it made me think about his content in a different way seeing it more recently um because it it means something different now me me doing what I do I make it

Sound so serious as if like I’m not a super small super small vtuber on the on the internet just doing little internet things but no it does make you think and I think it’s it’s really cool it’s really cool to have that and it’s nice to digest something that you loved and

Appreciated once in a different way you know like it like it is cool to look back and be like okay well at the time like I didn’t I only appreciated this through the lens of Bo burum now I can kind of appreciate this through the lens

Of my own experiences and what I think and what I think I think and what I think I want does that make sense like it’s nice to go back and have um a piece of media that meant a lot to you mean a lot to you in a different way yeah that’s what

I’m trying to say yes uh but that is to say like I digest comedy not by laughing but by thinking about it a lot which is why I like Burnham’s comedy so much cuz he gives you so much to think about um yeah I don’t I don’t

Laugh you’re big to us R oh yeah absolutely and I I completely appreciate that and I’m not trying to say like I’m I’m not trying to say like I’m tiny cuz I I I super super appreciate everything that comes with being a Coro YouTuber not to say that being a Coro YouTuber is

All on chin and rainbows but it it’s a really it’s something that I really value and the the VB industry is so oversaturated there are so many of us who who want to share our passion with the world cuz I think it it’s School Ving is about sharing about sharing your

Passion with the world um yeah I I appreciate a lot what being able to debut as part of a generation uh has meant for me I’m not I’m not trying to erase that I’m not trying to erase that to clarify but yeah but yeah I I’m just

Trying to say I don’t think my situation is at all analogous to Celebrity Status also I I made that just now but I I don’t want it I want a dark H door yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah your Minecraft house sure is flammable yeah good thing I’m the only

One living here actually you know what that is a really good point I need to make a lightning rod oh I need to make a lightning rod you’re you’re so right you’re so right I forgot I forgot uh where do I put it I need put it somewhere where like went

The anything I’ll put it there um I’ll make another one actually cuz I’m paranoid Um that was a great way of putting it we what is we mean what does word mean you can melt all of your boots down you get nothing from melting boots I don’t think it’s worth it you get like one nugget one chicken nugget I don’t need one

Chicken nug we may be poor chat but it’s insulting you think I need one chicken nugget honestly honestly as a princess I have to draw the line somewhere uh right next to the crbs guys I I I don’t think those like seven carrots matter as much as um you think

They do I’m sorry to break it to you I know I know how attached you are to our little carrot patch but the carrot patch will be destroyed very shortly as soon as we can to be honest it’s going to it’s going to get yed so

Um please don’t get too attached to it otherwise we’re going to have some some sad incidents those carrots have families yeah families that we were always going to consume so I mean are you talking about like crop families I guess that would be different don’t hurt the carrots we can

Negotiate no there is no negotiation did I not tell you from the beginning this chat is a dictatorship I can ban you for no reason if I want to and I will I think I won’t do it uh but yeah no this is a uh there’s no

Negotiations like what what can you give me nothing there’s nothing you can give me that I want you know sorry guys had to break it to you had to break it to you somehow also um I will one day replace the wood that we have Al I’m going to turn off free

Cam not free cam full bright uh one day I’m going to replace the wood that we have with like fully sided wood because when I do the windows and stuff this looks really ugly we will fix that um I’m not rich enough to do that now so

We’ll do it later at the very end when it’s when everything’s like placed and we know what we can destroy and what we want to keep yeah H I don’t know which window we want to keep so one of these windows is going to be boarded up you want this one to be

Boarded up or this one to be boarded up H actually with this Tower I don’t know if we can board it up kind of forgot about this Tower not going to lie this Tower will probably be made of stone and mossy stone that will be separate from the main

House my dictated ghost demon princess can’t be this kid stop it stop it did I oh god there was actually I think a joke that I couldn’t make during debut because my internet decided to you know UND DK as DK would say um such a good

Joke and I never got to say it I don’t I don’t have like the exact wording now but it was when I was going to be talking oopsie oh I forgot I could do that it was when I was going to be talking about my about my um about my

Writing I was going to say please look out for my debut novel help I am I woke up as a ghost demon in the demon realm and now I’ve been transported to Earth with my demon Council comrades and now we have to live stream and run an amusement park for a

Living yeah my debut light novel sadly I couldn’t make that joke during debut it was better phrased in the script oh God we’re fine we’re so fine average mang it’s not a manga ti do it’s a light noev title although I guess like when light Noels get adapted into manga um

They they kind of retain it yeah I want to have like one big window like this I mean I say big it’s not that big and then this one is going to be we’re going to have uneven windows I hope no one is Gravely upset uh if you are go outside okay um

Yeah I think we’re going to have it like this by see so like this one is a big window and this one is a window of two I just think I just think asymmetry is neat uh and now we need to get more m i we need to get diamond armor I want

To get diamond armor before I do too much more so H I think I think it’s actually time should we grab some more villagers I don’t know I don’t know do you know sand in a furnace makes glass I don’t want to use glass for my house

Disgusting who do you think I am this is a wooden house we’re not using glass We’re Going For The Rustic what what’s a word where you blend Scandinavian and Japanese architecture which is not what we’re doing but it’s like the walls or like the windows I think have that

Um uh how you what’s it called japandi I think it’s called japandi aesthetic japandi architecture where you make Scandinavian and yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah what do you mean you can’t trade more with me it’s so rude there no glass interesting maybe maybe glass I don’t

Know I don’t know if I was being flippant or not possibly no glass I think feasibly no glass uh we just don’t have enough money I think we need to get some more of these guys yeah I think I think it’s time it’s time we expanded our collection I mean our employee

Force um it’s time we expanded because I will need to get a full set of diamond armor and I’m not getting it by mining at this rate so cool let’s head out the house is still not entirely secure far from it yes I know I can’t guys Rome was not built in

A day and neither will Spectra’s house be I am I am indecisive hipster Tia strikes again hipster am I hip Stu maybe I don’t know I don’t know goodness Gracious H one second chat how do you you how do you say it oh I’m going to hear myself again skeleton wait wait are my eyes my eyes are fine my eyes are so fine how long have they been like that skeleton Divine death blast anyone else H everyone else it’s fine

Okay um where are the villagers Taught me how to Divine death blast people guys I’m not going to lie I feel like we’re running out of villagers here Um so scared of hitting him that I actually don’t want to get him out um yeah let me just sorry sorry can you can you come with me please oh he looks so upset that I’ve taken his job look look this it’s it’s for a good course

It’s for a good course I swear I promise I promise don’t even worry about it don’t worry don’t worry about it can you breed more villagers yes you can but I would have to set up a villager breeder for that and that is like that is actually effort that I

Can’t be bothered can’t be bothered to do so yeah we’re probably not going to do that today this is also a very temporary like trading system it’s not going to be my Trading forever and actually hopefully not going to even be my trading system

For very long uh I plan to get rid of it imminently so yeah it it’s like literally the most temporary thing where we get decent armor and we’ll build like a proper trading ho probably across the river uh I do plan to make some more building structures around my area just

Not just not immediately okay come with me we are oh uh actually this doesn’t look good for us hang onnnn okay it’ll be fine all righty y learn skeleton Divine death pass no I don’t think it’s that difficult to learn um you you just need to uh yeah get a

Certain power up a spanner shaped power I brought peace and prosperity to my new Empire Minecraft world yeah yeah we’re so it’s so prosperous we we’re definitely not poor yep yeah we’re really prosperous yeah yeah yeah yeah I I agree I agree very Pro oh sorry I forgot I need to set this

Up again um oh my inventory management is disgusting right now it’s really really bad oh dear okay okay it’s fine it’s fine I’ll just grab some more of this and then I will grab yay diamond armor WoW incredible we have our first piece of diamond gear we’re still very weak but that’s

Okay we have one I have many wrenches and none of them come with Divine skeleton death boss oh that’s kind of a skill issue then yeah you really should have learned by now who trained you who trained you on your little training Arc that’s really bad I should someone

Should have a word with um with your professors with your teachers upgrades indeed we are upgrading and uh we upgrading too much actually now I’m I’m I’m running out of space for everything oh F my house was finished uh we have a lot of things to

Do at the moment we have a lot of things to do so I’m I’m for now we’re just going to have to oh make do with a reasonable quantity of scuff and Um ah let me out let me out let me out please me when I get trapped in my own Trap Who you calling a gorilla do I need to skeleton Divine death blast you H H My Eyes Are Open and frowning scarf is tiska so it’s fine is it is it Tia I I feel like that’s a is that weird I feel like you’re weird chat sorry I don’t is

Really H you know what each to their own opinion as they say to each their own is enduring I can see it being enduring I feel like it’s not taru taru DK taught me how to pronounce it I still don’t know how to say it

So um oh God we need oh we need so many things we need so many things so I need I need I need mine cart and I need trapo yes and I need rails but do I do I have rails I do I do giving her the ick I mean

Inevitably you’ll always give someone the I chat it’s not too bad right he’s up um get in get in get in thank you mink okay and then we put that there y I’m sorry my bad oh no my pickaxe oh that’s so sad that’s so deeply upsetting

To me I like that pickaxe I was very fond of it okay what are you pathf finding to he’s clearly pathf finding to something but what is he pathf finding to the bed he can’t be pathf finding to the bed he better not be pathfinding to the

Barrel what are you PA finding to get get get your career get get your career what are you what are you doing huh there’s no way the Barrel’s too far away definitely too far away I even move moved it Specifically yeah know I want you to have a coal trade we just don’t have enough coal though I’m not going to lie guys my my brain is going at like 500 Paces a second I don’t know what to do next cuz I’ve got so many things on my to-do list

Like on my to-do list is turning every puppy into bone meal so that I can get more moss and then finding the location to get more moss and then and then I just I I just there’s a lot I want to do there’s a lot I want to

Do and there so little time to do Anything what day is it I think it’s day 30 I think um we’ve done good progression so far and it’s okay to chill a little bit and and do some some home stuff oh God I don’t have any M I don’t have any M A I’m getting I’m getting to the point

Where we’ve done enough things that I start getting really scatterbrained in terms of what I want to do next cuz I want to do like five things next and I’m like we can do so many things chat we can do so many things but but is my

Brain ready to handle doing all those things Maybe not maybe not okay Auntie can jugle yeah we’re plate spinning at the moment plate spinning is an important life skill that I can do very well but it is stressful um it’s fine though it’s completely fine we are so fine okay B okay okay

Okay this is so scuffed yeah I think we we’re going to need to stop using this area because it’s so like full full of holes now I’ve kind of destroyed this this area oh we’re going to need to find a new cave though and I don’t want to find a new cave I

Don’t want to find a new cave this cave was quite convenient for a very long time which um upsets me okay we should head back before it gets too dark and then we’ll continue filling in the house um for much of the nighttime I want to get some building in

I also just want to spend some time next to the iron farm so that it can do its iron farm things and give me iron yes oh gosh I hate the water now I hate it so much after what happened in our first stream goodness gracious okay right let’s continue building a

Little and then yeah we don’t actually have that much Mo that’s okay though um soon we will be able to start working on the main portion of the roof which is like the the wooden outlining so that should be good that should be good fairly soon where do I start actually okay I like the sound as you place the Moss it makes me happy do I have one of these here uh oh I did okay and Then a bam okay how does the iron farm work uh basically it it works because the Golem spawn to protect the villagers who are being um aggroed on by the zombie so in basic terms um Golems will spawn wherever there are villagers basically to protect them uh

It’s like just the it’s just the village mechanic taken uh to another location essentially oh yeah uh the Golems will spawn in that area cuz you can’t spawn on path blocks and then they then they die then they get eaten by the lava and it’s a it’s a very unfortunate and

Tragic time but it is what it is guys look our house is taking shape slowly but surely I think I also want this to go out a little bit in the same way that I want this um shape to overhang but even though this will not

Be the final shape of the roof I just wanted to get the blocks down um it won’t be the final shape because I want to add like some uh irregularity to it and that will change things it’s also I want to get some terra cotta and we

Haven’t been able to go to a desert yet to get um Cactus die yeah it’s it’s coming along it’s coming along that’s why you called it production relocation got it yeah yeah yeah that’s totally it I like how the house is looking so far thank you thank

You it feels I’m going to be honest it does feel like a bit of a boring build um I know it’s a bit of a boring build it’s not interesting the color palette isn’t interesting the blocks us aren’t interesting but it’s a sta base so we

May do with what we have but I do kind of feel like G oh if only I had more materials to do something interesting with like a blog gradients or all that kind of jazz oh well oh well though what I could do is I

Could add in some beams at the back I think that would be nice we don’t have that much dark oak logs we can add one Beam at the back we could add like one here um and that would be our only beam but do we want to keep that does that

Make the house look too even I think it’s fine cuz we’ve got this in the corner anyway okay progress nothing can stop the machine I feel like I’m not a machine time um we took things quite slowly at the beginning now we’re speeding up a bit but we’re speeding up because we

Have more stuff it it’s kind of The Snowball Effect right just don’t burn out of your love in Minecraft I had a 1,000 day hardcore world I don’t think it’s possible for me to burn out I me I say had it still exists so yeah so Yeah actually you know what I want this to be the kitchen the kitchen is going to be in this corner Um yeah just in this back corner storage I don’t know if I want storage in the attic I feel like it would be cuter to have like enchantment table Brewing potion bedroom I don’t want storage in the Attic why do I want my storage but then storage in the basement is also really

Boring H see I have to make things exciting for myself cuz I played so much of this game I’m like yeah I need I need things to be a little bit unorthodox and a little bit like not what I would usually do cuz otherwise it’s doing the same things over and

Over I will think I will consider how to make it more interesting 1,000 yeah 1,000 maybe a little more than 1,000 you never know a thousand is as much as I’m willing to admit to um yeah enchantments we can do enchantments did you get a new oh that is

Decent oh wait wanted to grab that uh would you say you have been inflicted with game Brain rot I wouldn’t disagree I feel like maybe not necessarily brain R cuz you don’t really brain rot over this game but rather this game helps me stop thinking

And that’s kind of a nice feeling for me it doesn’t happen often that my brain is uh no thoughts head empty it’s kind of nice to have that once in a while and yeah because I’m like streaming it feels super productive to play this game that’s the other aspect of it that’s

Quite nice like I feel I feel like I’m doing something which is pretty good pretty Good uh and then yeah house is looking decent um we can then start with like decorating I I can’t wait to decorate this house I like decorating decorating is something I find fun um even though I’m not very good at it and I’ve kind of built

Using dark oak so that kind of means I should use dark oak for kind of means I should use dark oak for the decorative bits cuz it Blends better like not perfectly that’s the annoying thing about strip dark H it’s like the only block that doesn’t blend

Really well with its planks look at this this gu what are you doing here get out of here where did you spawn from huh honestly yeah maybe actually we can move our bed inside I know there’s not much left of the night but I’m going to sleep anyway just To H have my ey from done Stuff good morning good morning welcome into stream hope you’re doing well done a lot of progression I’m feeling kind of sleepy now it has done stuff oh my gosh we love to see it we love to see the iron farm actually doing Things okay I think I want to get half body armor that is one of my main goals for today oh I hate I really hate throwing my emeralds away for this okay let’s go see if we can find some more iron I think finding more iron is good

Productive Farm is good it’s not a super productive Farm that’s kind of the issue maybe we should put a better one but actually I don’t think I would have um I don’t think it would have been a useful use of my time to make a better one kind

Of because if I wanted to make a better Farm I think I would have needed a zombie with a name tag and that would have taken ages to get so I think we’re good I think we’re good as we are you should reset that table it’s too late it’s too

Late I most good it’s more making itself useful despite lacking design guys what do you mean it lacks design is it not the most beautiful Farm you’ve ever seen in your entire life I object I object that my build is not super super pretty how could you how could you chat my my

Poor my poor feelings they’re wounded as you can Hear eventually I’m also going to grab some Moss Mossy brick we don’t need that at the moment so I’ll hold off for now yeah it’s a shame we didn’t get a uh diamond axe because that would have been useful like weapons wise too but that’s okay that is

Okay cently just looking for a beans to get some coal which there will be lots of so that’s okay it looks like nice yeah yeah you sound you sound really convinced thank you thank you I I appreciate the attempt I I appreciate the Attempt ah okay did I miss some I did did I see something down here oh no it was just Stone I’m not going to lie I thought I saw a a trident zombie a trident drowned I I’m I’m so fine I definitely don’t have really bad memories of a certain incident that may

Or may not have involved a trident round yep or two of them there were two of them which is really not a fair fight cuz I could easily handle one but handling two handing two is a bit much I can hear lava where is that

La I guess we found where it was didn’t we this is so dangerous I know it’s so dangerous and yet I okay never mind never mind I’m no longer curious I’m no longer curious let me out let me out let me out okay more coal this is a coal mining stream

Today no progress only coal forever haunted by the drown uh that’s an allegation an allegation I say what’s your favorite door probably the dark oak one to be honest um I think it looks the most out of all the door designs you scared me too but you are

Cute you are you are cute hang on come here yeah you’re so cute wow Mine okay it’s a fishing rod we’re good fishing rods not so bad anything else pretty bad uh we should probably go before more of them spawn should we oh will we be fine yeah we only have

Diamond boots I probably shouldn’t get too big for my boots you know having any diamond armor is decent but diamond boots are not like the the biggest piece of armor you could get so let’s head out let’s head out do you like fishing no I hate fishing actually I find it incredibly

Boring but I I have never really done proper fishing for an extended period of time so yeah Miss’s the one who fishes if can take me fishing one day I think I’d appreciate it a lot more cuz then it would be with friends fishing is epic speak for yourself you will never

Catch me posing with a fish that is the length of my arm you you just I just don’t think I would ever do that man I love fishing I’m really happy for you patience of The Virtue yeah I’m not I’m not that patient I’ve told you guys this let’s see let’s see

Honestly I think I kind of think we’re pretty good we’re pretty good in terms of our progression like we set oursel up well our house is almost uh done in terms of its structure yeah you winning on hi DK we are winning DK do you like my house do

You like my house DK it’s not done it’s not done but um it’s going well I like to think how are you doing how how was your urban legend stream yesterday guys I I joined DK’s urban legend stream and DK was like what are you doing here get

Out of here I don’t want you around and I was like okay so I went to bed it was very very sad it was deeply upsetting I was actually really scarred by by such an interaction um but yeah no no it’s it’s okay why is the roof green it’s made of

M okay I’m just a nature enjoyer I’m a nature enjoyer wow yeah so true do your favorite SCP I actually don’t um I don’t know very much about SCP and I think I’ve forgotten all the ones I’ve read oh my gosh we have no

Iron in terms of iron we have no iron I said that it’s a scary stream yeah de’s like what are you doing here get out de’s like get out of here spect so very tragic deeply deeply tragic times I know I know can you trade iron you can trade

Iron oh my we win we’ve won we’ve won we lose so much but we’ve won cuz T hates scary stuff I do it’s not so much I hate scary stuff that I’m just awful at handling it which I suppose one could argue is like hating scary stuff I I get

You I understand DK I understood it’s all right I understood your intentions and that’s usually what matters not always but usually yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah you don’t need to worry you don’t need to worry I hope that stream went went well I was saying how cool it is that you do

Those streams to everyone Minecraft is the scariest horror game yeah we I’m going to say this now we are never raiding an ancient city I’m literally never doing that I don’t care about Swift sneak I I played this game for years without Swift sneak and I will not

Start now we will we will simply simply prish you know we’re not touching a warden there will be no Warden Shenanigans there will be Only just need things any Golems dead yet any any Golems sacrific themselves Yet okay I see a Golem sacrificing itself wanigans yeah indeed PR yeah we built like a whole whole iron farm even if this guy takes a while to die give me yeah that’s what I like to see we we’re literally like on our last legs I’m dredging up

Everything every material good that I have in order to just get these these diamond leggings you know what we could probably do that next stream what what do you guys think chat what do you think I think I think we’ve made so much progress today that I’m kind of zonked

Out for for stream I’m kind of I’m I’m Minecrafted out it’s it’s a rare thing for me to be Minecrafted out but I think quite conceivably I’m happy with our progress um and then we’ll return to it next Friday ghost afraid of ghost seems like a comedy sketch listen I am simply a

Complex individual okay I simply have you know dynamic motivations and a well-rounded Personality yeah we’ll get these next time we have 15 M that’s pretty good first EMP placee iron farm made a sh of progress on the roof yeah we did we did things today truly we did good

Work I say we like you guys are included it was just me I’m the only one who did anything but you know i’ I’d like for you guys to feel included too so yeah we’re ending on day 31 I think we always end like pretty much exactly 10 days to the to the

Thing um yeah I think we’ve had a good run I think we’ve had a good run that hurt why why you guys have been participating in the form of uh cheering me on yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah it is it is much much appreciated chat very much appreciated mhm MH participation re I

Know I know don’t you guys love it progress be booming it does I’m I’m glad I’m happy but I don’t know like what our go for next stream is I guess it would just be like diamond up like getting diamond stuff so yeah so yeah that

Sounded so good when I said it I’m never saying that again anyway um that concludes I think I think that concludes our third Hardcore Minecraft stream yeah look at our house we’ve done we’ve done good stuff today we did the iron farm we did the house we did some villager

Trading going stons are up stonks are up right now the Spectra stonks day count 20 31 31 so yeah I think that concludes the the Minecraft that concludes the Minecraft segment oh I’m stretching I’m stretching I can’t hello frames frames no there’s no way my frames are betraying me on this

Screen I’m so sad I’m so sad I so sad why this screen has never betrayed me before this screen has never betrayed me and yet it is betraying me um post MC chat anyway that concludes Minecraft I’m sorry about the frames um tomorrow we will be doing one shot I I’ve never

Played one shot I’m going in completely blind so I hope you guys are super super excited about that I am very very much excited for it cuz I had it’s a really cute puzzle game yes yes yes I love one shot yes no spoilers do not spoil me or

You’ll be be banned yeah yeah that’s another thing um I also went into Grim’s Hol blind but I think it was such a niche game not many people played it um I am going into one shot like 100 million per blind so no spoilers and if anyone types any spoilers you’re getting

Banned forever first try sorry I thought I’d tell you now just so you know um I’m not the kind of streamer who’s like yeah three CHS is in your I I I can’t I can’t keep track of that no spoilers thank you uh yeah I’m very very excited that is an

Actionable threat take cover all of my threats are actionable you just might not know it or not so yeah so yeah H I have a lot to do tonight and I have a lot to do tomorrow to set up uh the stream and with my frames like this I

Think we’re going to raid someone I’m going to read someone in one was great fun oh Mario player oh my gosh it would be also great when you it Mak be very quiet to avoid accidental spoilers yes thank you so much of being considerate if you’re not sure if something is

Spoilery or not it’s probably a spoiler I’m also not someone who really likes hints like feel free not to give me hints or like allude to anything um I like experiencing things you know completely blind So yeah thank you for joining me I think we’re probably going

To raid someone because my frame rate is not cooperating and I’m I’m going to have to like review a few a few things I’m sorry I’m going to review some things um who is live no one is live and DK is not streaming until 8 oh no

No one I’m subscribed to his life no um I do want to rate someone who’s Life mini moding is basically where you like assert the rules and you’re like trying to tell other people what to do in chat when like you have no authority

To do that if you’re not a mod don’t be telling people like guys stop spamming uh it’s okay streamer will deal with it rate a small random Channel I don’t know any small random ch with fun I’m looking I’m looking DK I’m looking I’m looking does anyone have any recommendations

Um let me see let me see redirect I see who’s like suggested oh my God there’s literally nothing no one is ly no one is live all of my suggestions are like we penr you mean fellow British royalty streamer who canonically is not from the UK what’s Erica

Doing oh it’s like part six of a playthrough hang on am I get allow to ra r I think I am wait a second do I want do I want to do I do I interesting chat do you want to see an outfit reveal for for three for 3D

Fellow fellow British person I a we do don’t call me a coward okay CH I need you all to be cool it’s an outfit reveal stream so please don’t send in a r who’s say no oh my gosh um please don’t bew uh they’re doing an outfit reveal so they probably won’t be

Responding to chat just go in have some fun um if you want to check out Erica who’s playing Spider-Man but it’s like part six of a series please also feel free to check out Erica’s Channel and yeah no no Road message it’s okay it’s okay I hope you have a wonderful time I

Think it’s an event stream so it should be a lot of fun and yeah I will’ll see you guys tomorrow same time 4 p.m. GMT and we’ll be doing one short so yes until then te for now and F everyone okay te for now at Fel byee by bye Bye

This video, titled ‘【HARDCORE MINECRAFT】BECOMING THE RICHEST PERSON IN THE WORLD (IN HARDCORE MINECRAFT)’, was uploaded by Spectra Libitina Ch. V&U on 2023-11-20 19:06:47. It has garnered 1653 views and 244 likes. The duration of the video is 02:55:21 or 10521 seconds.

TODAY WE GRIND we will not fail in our mission to obtain MATERIAL GOODS


Twitter: https://twitter.com/SpectraVNU TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@spectralibitina Fan Name: Spiritinas

Oshi Marks: 🪦🫖 General: #SpectraLibitina Live: #TimeForTia Art: #RoseTintedSpectracles Clips: #AdLibitinad Memes: #ASpectracleOfOneself Fanfiction: #LibitinaLiterature Assets: #SpectrAssets

Thumbnail “Minecraft Hardcore” Logo Credit: ZombieMasterT-Rav BGM Credit: Nobu via DovaSyndrome



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    MLG Minecraft Race Minecraft MLG Yarışması: A Thrilling Adventure in the Minecraft Universe Step into the exciting world of Minecraft with COOLMAN’s MLG Yarışması! This thrilling competition brings together players from all over to showcase their skills and creativity in the beloved sandbox game. What is MLG Yarışması? MLG Yarışması is a competitive event within Minecraft where players compete in various challenges, showcasing their mastery of the game’s mechanics and their ability to think on their feet. From building intricate structures to surviving intense battles, participants must demonstrate their prowess in all aspects of Minecraft gameplay. Key Features of MLG Yarışması: Challenge… Read More

  • Animated vs. Original: Stressful Mistake in Sons of the Forest

    Animated vs. Original: Stressful Mistake in Sons of the Forest Exploring the World of Minecraft Animation Introduction In the vibrant world of Minecraft animation, creators like Stresmen and Kulpi Semungku bring to life unique and entertaining content for viewers to enjoy. Through their videos, viewers are taken on a journey filled with humor, creativity, and endless possibilities. Unique Minecraft Animations Stresmen and Kulpi Semungku’s animations showcase the beauty of Minecraft through a lens of humor and creativity. From funny animated moments to unique experiences, each video is a testament to the boundless imagination of the creators. Characters and Creations The animations feature a cast of characters, including Stresmen and… Read More

  • Craft a Bow Quick in Minecraft: No Fuss, Just Fun!

    Craft a Bow Quick in Minecraft: No Fuss, Just Fun! In Minecraft, crafting a bow is a breeze, Just gather some materials with ease. Three sticks and three strings, that’s the key, Combine them together, and you’ll see. To shoot with your bow, arrows you’ll need, Craft them with flint, feathers, and seeds. Aim true and steady, let your shots fly, In Minecraft world, reach for the sky. So there you have it, a bow so fine, In Minecraft world, let your skills shine. Keep crafting, exploring, and having fun, In this blocky world, under the sun. Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft’s New Ride!

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft's New Ride! In the world of Minecraft, a car has arrived, Crafted with care, it’s a thrilling drive. A jeep in the game, a new sight to see, Modeled with love, for you and for me. The process was long, with modeling and texture, But the end result is a true treasure. With wood for the body, iron for the tires, Leather for grip, the design inspires. In Word Felt, the car takes its place, Ready to drive, with style and grace. Click to start, and off it goes, A new addition, to delight all those. So if you enjoy this… Read More

  • Crafty Love: Minecraft Animation Boys’ Musical Desire

    Crafty Love: Minecraft Animation Boys' Musical Desire In the world of Minecraft, a love story unfolds, With Martin as the storyteller, his words are bold. Desire for love, in animation so bright, LGBT+ elements, shining in the light. For those who embrace, this tale of love, Martin’s channel, a gift from above. But if it’s not your cup of tea, that’s okay, Just move along, no need to stay. Subscribe, like, and comment, show your support, For Martin’s creativity, a beautiful sport. Minecraft animation, boys love in the air, A story to cherish, with love and care. Read More

  • Survival Shenanigans: Minecraft Mobile Ep. 17

    Survival Shenanigans: Minecraft Mobile Ep. 17 Welcome to the World of Minecraft with INCREDIBLE GAMER 🎮 INCREDIBLE GAMER invites you to dive into the exciting world of Minecraft with their latest update 1.21. Join them on their survival series in this epic adventure filled with building, exploration, and challenges. Let’s explore the key features of this popular game and discover what makes Minecraft so engaging for players around the world. Survival Series in Minecraft Mobile 📱 Embark on a thrilling survival series in Minecraft Mobile as you navigate through a world filled with zombies, challenges, and endless possibilities. Test your skills in crafting, mining, and… Read More

  • Roblox Deathball: Robux Redemption Riot!

    Roblox Deathball: Robux Redemption Riot! In the world of Roblox, Deathball is the game, Where players compete, seeking fortune and fame. With blades and balls, they battle it out, In a virtual arena, filled with cheers and shouts. Redeeming Robux, a task so grand, Unlocking new items, at your command. Join us on our channel, for gaming delight, With Minecraft and BTD6, we’ll play through the night. Subscribe and like, to show your support, As we journey through games, of all sorts. Brother Ian and Ethan, here to entertain, With laughter and fun, we’ll never wane. Read More

  • My First Minecraft House

    My First Minecraft House Minecraft PE #5: Building a Home and Meeting Skeleton Horse “Haddi” In the fifth episode of Minecraft PE, the player embarks on an exciting journey to build their first home. Along the way, they encounter a unique skeleton horse, which they affectionately name “Haddi”. The video showcases the player’s creativity and survival skills in the Minecraft world. Exploring Survival Series in Minecraft PE The Minecraft PE survival series is a popular gameplay format where players navigate the challenges of the game to build, survive, and thrive in the virtual world. It requires strategic thinking, resource management, and quick decision-making… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft vs Roblox Kitchen Showdown

    Ultimate Minecraft vs Roblox Kitchen Showdown Minecraft vs Roblox: A Battle of Virtual Worlds Are you a fan of virtual worlds and endless possibilities? Look no further than Minecraft and Roblox, two of the most popular sandbox games on the market today. Minecraft: Limitless Creativity Minecraft, with its iconic blocky graphics and limitless creativity, allows players to build, explore, and survive in a vast, procedurally generated world. From building towering structures to battling dangerous mobs, the possibilities in Minecraft are truly endless. Roblox: User-Generated Content On the other hand, Roblox offers a unique experience with its user-generated content and diverse range of games. Players can… Read More

  • Master of Hypixel: Epic Wins!

    Master of Hypixel: Epic Wins! Hypixel: A Minecraft Adventure Embark on an exciting journey through the virtual world of Minecraft with the popular server, Hypixel. Dive into thrilling game modes like Build Battle and Skywars, where creativity and strategy collide for an unforgettable gaming experience. Build Battle: Unleash Your Creativity Step into the Build Battle arena and let your imagination run wild. Compete against other players to create the most impressive build based on a given theme. From towering castles to whimsical creatures, the possibilities are endless. Show off your building skills and earn the admiration of your peers in this fast-paced and creative… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Spice Up Your Game: The Came Game Hoodie

    Minecraft Memes - Spice Up Your Game: The Came Game Hoodie“Ahh yes, the perfect attire for when you want to flex your gaming skills while also staying cozy. Bonus points if you can actually spell ‘Game’ correctly!” Read More

  • “Only the Elite Know MrBeast’s Hot Portal” #minecraft #meme

    "Only the Elite Know MrBeast's Hot Portal" #minecraft #meme Only the chosen few have access to the mystical MrBeast portal in Minecraft. It’s like finding the golden ticket in Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory, but with more diamonds and creepers. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Animation Livestream! Join the Journey to 1200 Subs! #Problizz

    Insane Minecraft Animation Livestream! Join the Journey to 1200 Subs! #ProblizzVideo Information اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ ഹലോ ഹലോ ഹലോ അയ്യോ ഇതെന്താ ഇങ്ങനെയൊക്കെ ഇപ്പൊ ക്ലിയർ ആണോ വോയിസ് ക്രാക്ക് ആകുന്ന പോലെയുണ്ട് ഞാൻ പറയുന്നത് എനിക്ക് തന്നെ കേൾക്കാം ആരൊക്കെ ക്രാക്ക് ആകുന്നു മൈക്ക് ഇവരെ കൊണ്ടുവരാം ഇല്ല ഇവിടെ കുറെ പേരുണ്ട് ഇത്ര എടുത്ത് വന്നാലേ ക്ലിയർ ആകത്തുള്ളൂ ഏറ്റവും കൂടുതൽ കുറവുള്ളത് ഇതാ സൗണ്ട് സ്മോൾ ആണോ ആ اللہ ഓക്കേ അയ്യോ [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] ഹലോ [സംഗീതം] പെട്ടെന്ന് [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] ഓക്കേ ഓക്കേ ഗയ്‌സ് താങ്ക്യൂ [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] ഞാൻ ക്ലീൻ ആകുന്നില്ല ഇടയ്ക്കേ ഉള്ളൂ [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] ആ [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] ഹലോ ഇവിടെയാണോ മൈക്ക് ചെയ്യേണ്ടത് എവിടെയാണോ മൈക്ക് ചെയ്യുന്നത്… Read More

  • Insane SMP You Can’t Miss

    Insane SMP You Can't MissVideo Information तो मेरे बालो देखो हाउ टू जॉइन संस्कार एसएमपी तो मेरे बालो देखो आजकल के टाइम में ना एसएमपी कंटेंट बहुत ज्यादा चल रहा है तो मैं और मेरा दोस्त सीपो लेके आ चुके है आपके लिए संस्कार एसएमपी ये एक लाइफ स्टाइल एसएमपी होने वाली है और और लाइफ स्टाइल के अलावा इसमें तीन प्लगिंस है तो फर्स्ट प्लगइन है ग्रेव का तो मेरे भाई लोग तो देखो इस एमपी में कोई भी मर्ता है तो उसकी ग्रेव बन जाएगी और उसके हाथ में कंपस आ जाएगा जिससे वो अपनी मरी हुई लोकेशन पे जा सकता है… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Secrets Revealed – Me Rifan

    Unbelievable Minecraft Secrets Revealed - Me RifanVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Gabut Guys😁😁’, was uploaded by It’s Me Rifan! on 2024-03-07 06:18:43. It has garnered 77 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:01 or 721 seconds. Assalamualaikum guys!!!!! _________________________________________________ Yok Gas 4000k Showtimes! Intro Template From: Application : AM Intro Template Link https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JtIGCz_3kX4 ________________________________________________ Link Server:play.rebelionsoul.my.id Port: 19202 Skin Ku https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ce1ZGZVxLmF9QUOCDQfV5lJILKN2zzyX/view?usp=drivesdk Donate link 🤑💰 (Buy a cool quality headset because it’s damaged) https://saweria.co/MohammadRifan90 Rules: ⛔No copying of descriptions! ⛔ No Reupload 📷Instagram https://www.instagram.com/rifan_craft_4412/ ☎️Discord: Mohd Rifan GTR R35 NISMO #1992 Device: Realme 8 Chipset:Mediatek Helio G95 Ram: 8GB Memori:128GB Gpu:Mali G76… Read More

  • Ultimate Survival House with 100 Nextbots! Coffin Meme Madness!

    Ultimate Survival House with 100 Nextbots! Coffin Meme Madness!Video Information hello like And [Applause] subscribe nice hey [Music] okay oh my oh [Music] no no God go go go okay let’s [Music] go what wow yeah boy Yahoo oh my God yeah boy go go go yes yes yes [Music] yes [Music] Yahoo [Music] nice [Music] okay here we [Music] go [Music] M nice a few moments later [Music] nice go go go not bad not [Music] bad yeah boy yeah boy m [Music] m [Music] [Laughter] [Music] wow go go go hey what what the oh my God yeah boy [Music] no God not bad not [Music]… Read More

  • Uncover The Secret of Aquamirae Mod in Minecraft ⛏️

    Uncover The Secret of Aquamirae Mod in Minecraft ⛏️Video Information if you install aquam maray into your Minecraft world you will experience a Bethesda style Quest and storyline to begin you need to visit the ice maze this location is filled with ships owned by pillagers that are trapped in the ice one of the ships will host the captain who drops to Shell horn which summons Captain Cornelia a ghostly boss with Unique Mechanics That Make Her difficult to defeat once you defeat her you can obtain items like the three bolt helmet and frozen keys the keys can be used to open Frozen chests found within… Read More

  • 10x World’s Tallest Pool Build in Minecraft!

    10x World's Tallest Pool Build in Minecraft!Video Information and boom our swimming pool is officially done are you guys ready to have some fun in the sun Alexa you could have dibs on jumping in the pool first oh no I’m not jumping in that disgusting dirty umy pool what but it’s like a bajillion degre outside I am so hot and I spent a lot of time making this pool look at how big it is we can all fit inside no um this pool is too small and it’s dirty I hate it what it’s not that dirty there’s just a little bit of… Read More

  • Save the Princess with Hermain & Hamid – Minecraft Tutorial Dance

    Save the Princess with Hermain & Hamid - Minecraft Tutorial DanceVideo Information en [Musique] haut en bas à gauche à droite allez maintenant tous ensemble en bas à gauche à droite This video, titled ‘#tutorial #minecraft #dance #15april #princesspuzzle #savetheprincess #funny’, was uploaded by Hermain. Hamid on 2024-05-24 18:50:44. It has garnered 1 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Read More

  • 🤯 THE BEST MONEY FARM in Skyblock! 🤑 | 1.8-1.20+ Minecraft Server

    🤯 THE BEST MONEY FARM in Skyblock! 🤑 | 1.8-1.20+ Minecraft ServerVideo Information yo everybody what is going on and welcome back to another episode of Sky Block ladies and gentlemen this is the brand new Sky Block series that we are going to be recording here on the channel I just released my brand new Sky Block server Venture MC yesterday so if you guys want to hop on and support the server it is absolutely crazy this this is going to be my best Sky Block series I’ve ever posted and this is truly the best Sky Block server I have ever been a part of so the IP… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Battle – Graidgaming Episode #2

    Insane Minecraft Battle - Graidgaming Episode #2Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT character vs Animation | Graidgaming. episode #2’, was uploaded by Graid gaming on 2024-02-26 18:16:42. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Thanks for watching! Please subscribe to my channel: @Graidgaming Like and write a comment under this video. It makes me … Read More

  • Ahrne MC

    Ahrne MCWelcome to the pixelmon region of Ahrne! We hope you have a great time and stick around for a while. We have many exciting challenges and hope you are ready to Catch em’ all Ahrnemc.com Read More

  • Medieval Horizons SMP – Modded Magic 13+ Kingdoms

    Welcome to the Medieval Horizons SMP Welcome to the Medieval Horizons SMP, a modded SMP where you can live your medieval dream! Use your powers to assert dominance and expand your kingdom, whether it peacefully or through battle. You’ll find many different kingdoms over these ever-expanding lands, each offering their own trades and knowledge. Will you bring yourself as a heroic knight? Or an esteemed priest? Perhaps a necromancer, summoning minions from the dead. Bring forth your prowess NOW! Join our active Discord community to expand our horizons: Join Discord Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft’s Golden Age

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft's Golden AgeBack in the old Minecraft days, we had to walk 15 miles in the snow just to find a single block of diamond. And we liked it! Read More

  • Basement Blues: Minecraft’s Fearful Muse

    Basement Blues: Minecraft's Fearful Muse In the depths of Minecraft, a voice did call, From the basement, a mysterious thrall. Heartbeat racing, down the stairs I crept, Into the darkness, where secrets were kept. The voice whispered tales of fear and dread, In the basement, where shadows spread. But I stood strong, my courage unfurled, Ready to face the mysteries of the Minecraft world. With each step, the voice grew near, Telling stories that filled me with fear. But I pressed on, determined to see, What secrets lay waiting for me. In the basement of Minecraft, a voice did speak, Of adventures and challenges… Read More

  • Hot diggity dog, it’s a Minecraft meme!

    Hot diggity dog, it's a Minecraft meme! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNT-sion!” Read More

  • INSANE! YOU CONTROL WORLD BORDERS in Minecraft #shorts

    INSANE! YOU CONTROL WORLD BORDERS in Minecraft #shortsVideo Information मा बट यू कंट्रोल माय वर्ड बॉर्डर इसका मतलब ये है कि अगर तुम लोग चैनल को सब्सक्राइब करोगे तो मेरा वर्ड बॉर्डर इंक्रीज हो जाएगा एंड अगर तुम लोग वीडियो को लाइक करोगे तो मेरा वर्ल्ड वडर छोटा हो जाएगा तो गाइस मैं स्पॉन हो चुका हूं और ये क्या मेरा वर्ल्ड वडर तो सिर्फ एक ब्लॉक का है सो आप जल्दी से सब्सक्राइब करो जिससे मेरा वर्ल्ड वर्डर इंक्रीज हो जाए ये क्या मेरा वर्ल्ड वर्डर इंक्रीज हो गया ये क्या सामने तो एक विलेज भी है तो गाइस मैं विलेज में आ गया हूं ये… Read More

  • Unbelievable Underwater Survival Minecraft Experience

    Unbelievable Underwater Survival Minecraft ExperienceVideo Information me and Joe are stuck in this base without any known land near us it goes that we were exiled from our home planet without any instructions no gear the only thing we can do from here is survive but that’s only if the creatures of this planet let [Music] us oh there’s a book in here narrator where is it I see the book I read I’ve begun to become no I’ve become to become yeah take two I’ve begun to become that was not take two I begun to become disturbed by the sounds and voices… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Chaos with Vtuber Abby! 🔥

    INSANE Minecraft Chaos with Vtuber Abby! 🔥Video Information e e e [Music] po [Music] FL h mey chat I hope yall are doing well stay up Golden and enjoying your day or night oh my [Music] [Music] ear we are doing some chaos today in the form of Assassin’s Creed Unity potentially with Abby joining us H SS hi Hi Guess get guess what you’re high maybe I mean High mhm hey gay oh no gay she figed out I was what’s going on [Music] how you doing gck are you looking forward to the nor assassin’s PR I don’t I don’t know I don’t think… Read More

  • Insane Hardcore Minecraft Challenge Day 6!

    Insane Hardcore Minecraft Challenge Day 6!Video Information we’re back everything says that it’s healthy I’m getting frame drops I really need to double check my um my settings at some point see what I can do to minimize that but I’m happy that it’s back mostly dang come here you forance mod thank you it’s got to be maybe it’s all the world generation I’m doing I don’t know but uh we’re doing it maybe lagging lagging lagging okay I’m going to go kill skeletons skeletons are not as bad once I have a shield it’s facing off against a skeleton when I don’t have… Read More

  • Gamer Turns into Spiderman in Real Minecraft?! #viral

    Gamer Turns into Spiderman in Real Minecraft?! #viralVideo Information [تصفيق] [موسيقى] ‏h This video, titled ‘The Amazing spider man Minecraft V/s real #minecraft #mods #edit #viral #spiderman’, was uploaded by Acid = Gamer on 2024-03-18 14:05:17. It has garnered 506 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. Read More

  • SHOCKING: Herobrine’s Father’s Black Ghost Haunts YTAC GAMERZ 😱👻💥🤯😈 #shorts

    SHOCKING: Herobrine's Father's Black Ghost Haunts YTAC GAMERZ 😱👻💥🤯😈 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine ke baap kale bhoot ne machaya aatank😱👻💥🤯😈 #shorts’, was uploaded by YTAC GAMERZ on 2024-06-16 07:07:48. It has garnered 499 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:52 or 52 seconds. Herobrine ke baap kale bhoot ne machaya aatank😱👻💥🤯😈 #shorts Related Topics: 👿👿Water Bucket Mlg in #minecraft #shorts #viral water bucket mlg Minecraft all types of clutch Minecraft tik tok hack #1 #minecraft #viral #shorts #support #minecraft Slime Block Mlg #shorts #viral #minecraft how to do slime block mlg how to do water bucket mlg how to hay clutch how to… Read More

  • Insane Reaction: xQc vs Minecraft Update!

    Insane Reaction: xQc vs Minecraft Update!Video Information This video, titled ‘xQc Reacts to The New Minecraft Update (Minecraft Tricky Trials)’, was uploaded by xQc Clips on 2024-06-13 19:38:29. It has garnered 14060 views and 200 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. Subscribe to my other YouTube channels for even more content! Main Channel: https://bit.ly/3glPvVC xQc Reacts: https://bit.ly/3FJk2Il xQc Gaming: https://bit.ly/3DGwBSF xQc Clips: https://bit.ly/3p3EFZC Streaming every day on Twitch and Kick! https://twitch.tv/xqc https://kick.com/xqc G-FUEL ‘The Juice’ ► USE CODE “XQC” FOR 30% OFF – https://gfuel.com/collections/the-juice If you own copyrighted material in this video and would like it removed, please contact me… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Getting the Rarest Item from Agilix Server

    Unbelievable! Getting the Rarest Item from Agilix ServerVideo Information this is a dirt block and over the next 30 days I’m going to be transforming it into an entire Minecraft house welcome everybody to Day 26 of the dirt series in the last video I signed a contract with life steal and before you ask no I still don’t know what it is but what I do know is that we’re sitting at 1.15 million coins and I’d like to make that even more so to start off I have four ancient debris in my Ender Chest which if I smell I can use to make a… Read More


    OMG! JAX SAVES POMNI FROM DROWNING 🌊🔥 #minecraftVideo Information [Musik] l Aduh kalau jalan hati-hati dong bateraiku berkurang mama mama sini nak sama mama Aduh karena aku berbagi kebahagiaan aku jadi lemas banget Sayangku pomni kamu lama sekali guys ayo kita tolong pomni agar baterainya full kembali dengan like dan komen tolong pomni yang gak setuju komen tidak aja Oke nih ku berikan cumanah Wah bateraiku penuh lagi Terima kasih sayang deuh This video, titled ‘JAX TOLONG POMNI KARENA LEMAS ⁉️ #skibiditoilet #minecraft #sakura #pomni #viral’, was uploaded by Atma Prayudi on 2024-03-27 06:03:49. It has garnered 1393176 views and 140365 likes. The duration of the video… Read More

  • FlixRealms

    FlixRealms| FlixRealms | Gens | Mining | Crates | Lobby | Fishing | Farming | Free Ranks | Island | Premium Ranks | 1.8 – 1.20.1 | play.flixrealms.com Read More

  • 1f2d Anarchy 1.20.4

    Welcome to 1fighter2defenders (1f2d) Minecraft Server Experience a no rules open world environment where everything goes! No world resetting/trimming, everything you do will be saved for history. Server age: 3 years old since 26. April 2021 Thousands of players have visited the server at least once for a unique gaming experience. Connect with IP: 1f2d.net Versions supported: [1.17 – 1.20.6] Socials & Contacts: Email: [email protected] Discord server: Join here Read More

  • Minecraft server ms.opgens.com

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version unknown installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version unknown Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: ms.opgens.com (GL HF) Read More