Hardcore Minecraft Challenge: One Life Only!

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where’s my music dude I just can’t hear anything oh my god dude Nvidia is a like a curse I don’t know what it is hey Jack how it going D blue how you guys doing my Nvidia broadcast Nvidia broadcast is a thing you’ve seen that can make your background a green screen even though you don’t have a green screen and you can like remove the background noise on your mic and it just keep keeps launching despite me saying I don’t want it to launch when I turn on my computer and it keeps launching and messing with my stuff anyways you you’re going bald who said that heyoon hey unkers hey JC hey G oh [ __ ] just uh I’m just doing I’m just fixing my uh oh Jesus Christ I’m a heart attack on a hook hey brick how’s it going 53 months such a long time long anniversary I’ll probably ever have LOL same long time I appreciate all the support from the beginning Rick I’m just I’m doing my uh the [ __ ] is it called my um my my bot my chat command for the new video there’s a new video guys and n now you can click exiss Point new [Music] video am I live on YouTube I think I’m good okay okay uh then the timers new video sorry my nose a bit annoying this morning it’s been annoying for a while now the result a hard attack on a hook hey Fells four years dude that’s awesome oh four years holy [ __ ] hope you’re good man flash is love I am I’m a bit tired but uh yeah thanks for the long time support dude appreciate you the video I linked where Amber isn’t going no no this is so um this is a series we were work like work working on you know we were playing a Minecraft every week or something and it was a Minecraft hardcore thing where if you died you’re out and the result it was me Joey Jacob and dub and dub died so he’s out so it’s just three of us left the result a heart attack on a hook and um hey yo your serper Walker comes in with a tiar the what the [ __ ] just happened what I don’t know what’s going on there’s like two different notifications I don’t like this chat I don’t thank thank you super Walker for the sub if that’s what happened yeah Link in the comments oh the comments of the video I don’t think you’re allowed to put links in the comments let me see if you’re in the held for review you are held for review oh [ __ ] does any so oh my God I’ve seen this guy too so Moon said that someone’s wearing my merch in this comedian’s video at would you say [Music] 154 you sure about that hang on S I’ve just noticed behind you um you have a t-shirt on that says Don’t bully me I’ll come oh no okay dude I was so excited you you made me so excited that’s not my shirt H mine’s don’t cancel me I’ll come I couldn’t believe it even got pointed out I was just going to say like there’s no [ __ ] way someone wears it out too in public you know yeah yeah a f of him too is pretty funny uh almost though almost I mean that’s what it’s based on the don’t bul me I’ll come but with my um my my love of edging my my cancellation you know any how’s it going I was sure that was it close close I’ve got that shirt the bully one or the cancel one I I actually wor my mine on um outside once or twice always forget I’m wearing it and I get looks you know like bold I’m in a small town too not great not a great look yeah we’re playing a um we’re playing Minecraft today and yeah for those that haven’t been here the first couple sessions we’ll do it I have um a recap video for you guys so don’t worry if you feel like you’re you’ve missed out I’ll recap on what’s been going on um yeah and so so it should be fun so what we’re trying to do I think just go to kill the Ender Dragon basically and that’s I think that’s our main goal and if you die you know you you don’t get to play anymore I didn’t even plan anything else for this Stream So if I’m done like I guess I just end stream I don’t have anything else are you like speedrunning no no no just just playing having fun but then we’re on on edge the whole time cuz if like the amount of times I’ve jumped off a hill and like landed with three hearts or that like I’m not paying attention and like a skeleton almost kills me so it’s like it’s that be careful you die you’re out I why I sound like that my hair’s a mess this morning holy [ __ ] this YouTube vid title if I die this video ends oh my God you’re right that’s really good that could be if I make a video out of this yeah that’d be really [Music] good hell yeah to pretty sure Minecraft is a children’s game could be wrong what do you mean by that how you say that out of nowhere did I say something about it being mature I love the really mature themes of Minecraft Helen good reference I also still play it in my mid 20s as well this G I always love to come back to it’s I remember my you know my friend actually found it out I mean I think I had heard of it my friend like got it before I did and when it came out I remember it coming out and he was like so this is how the game works so basically you go to this crafting table and then you listen you want to make a pickaxe have to make the shape of the pickaxe and stuff and this is a recipe and I’m like oo interesting I kind of like that so I bought it and then once in a while we’ plan on a server together but it wouldn’t it was one of those like it wasn’t a degenerate yet like I started in my path like I was I could have played this for like 8 hours straight but after like couple hours you’d be like I think I’m done playing for the day and I’m like you know and you don’t want to embarrass yourself like I could play this all day cuz back then video games were like if you play games all day you were like a loser I meant like should be not to die it’s hardcore dude this the hardest difficulty I think yeah so you’ll see what dub died to in the recap it’s pretty uh the twoe Minecraft phase yeah for sure every year you know you get a phase for like a couple weeks or just go back to Minecraft then you get Boran first time I played Minecraft was a ter old terrible Xbox version that’s funny I forgot it came out on Xbox I actually helped my my next my neighbor my friend my friend who was my neighbor he had to do a project for school and he made like a roller coaster Minecraft on his Xbox and he’s like do you have a game capture I thought you had a game capture you mentioned I was like yeah I do so I brought it there and we recorded it for him and stuff and I remember I’d never seen Minecraft on Xbox before and I was just like this doesn’t look this doesn’t look like good hey Johnny how’s it going open the scord to make sure my friends aren’t ready [Music] yet this Edition is better than normal Minecraft change my mind you’re just wrong sorry okay wait give me a couple points that explain why you think it’s better than regular Minecraft I need to blow my nose English and math test tomorrow I I don’t want to help the [Music] terrible cuz it’s funny with friends you can also have fun with friends on the PC I don’t get it I do wonder how Prive my world would be if I stuck One World After All These Years yeah I mean the I feel the point is like the survival aspect of it once you gets settled and stuff it gets a bit boring well not boring but like if you’ve played hours and hours and hours like I have I feel I need like mods now like an objective something to work towards to you know so many good memories playing Minecraft on Xbox my little sister that’s cute only the Xbox 360 the best and most up-to-date console ever to date I can’t beat that argument honestly yeah no is a big factor in stuff that I like as well I live off Nostalgia it’s what fuels me honestly if you listen to my music man recently I’ve been listening to music that’s like more recent but a lot of the like my fourth song in my playlist is Romance by Ryan Higa because I used to listen to it when I was a kid you know what I mean I thrive off of [Music] it by the way if you guys haven’t seen new video Minnie did a great job editing it you should go check it out is your most nostalgic moment hm nostalgic nostalgic moment I don’t know there’s a lot of things that give me Nostalgia but I think the thing I ROM romanticized the the most was like I had like this uh winter break know Christmas break that I like really enjoyed and remember when it was done I was like crying I was like it’s over and I would always look back on it and there was a song I really enjoyed during that time um so like my in my brain it would do like a montage of all the moments with that song in it that would like want to cry and for like I think like 5 years I still like was remembering that winter and all the stuff that I like that had the fun times I had like I I think it literally stuck with me for like 5 six years I just kept remembering and I was like G never had a winter this good since then know what it is what about you guys what’s a good moment like the nostalgic moment the announcement of the old Battlefront games are reallying some G some Nostalgia yeah I’ve seen that I never really played it as a kid I think I played it once at a friend’s house they didn’t really care for it a lot of Tik toks of all things they had that in primary school that giv me such Nostalgia Jesus Nostalgia uh not for me man cuz sometimes they’ll be like yeah I was born in 2006 like what the [ __ ] me see you know what funny Shadow Mike someone on YouTube said they hated it on my new video let me let me find it love the new video but the Channel logo ain’t good man I I like it you know what I like it it’s so cute and I can’t believe he doesn’t like it I’ve never seen a Star Wars don’t kill me please yeah it’s really cute I don’t know why was born 2008 and you’re like 20s something no you’re not wait no that doesn’t wait wait what how old are you 10 2018 wait how old are you are you even allowed on Twitch why did I think you’re oh you were 20 my brain can’t do math how old are you how old are you oh you’re 15 okay we’re good we’re good just for now have you not seen Star Wars no interest you know what’s funny I’ve played all the Star Wars Legos like Star Wars or I’ve played some of them but I know all the characters princess liia Sky farter I um but I I do know some the Lord because I played the Lego ones and I think I’ve just heard about it so much throughout the years that I know some of the the stuff yeah 2007 Jesus you guys are all little babies I was telling Caitlyn today um my girlfriend that I look in the mirror and I remember that I’m 26 and I’m getting close to 30 it’s it’s weird it’s weird I don’t if you’ve seen But tmn 2003 animated show there was also a game for yeah yeah yeah isn’t there like a remake or something coming up there’s a new Ninja Turtles thing coming out there was I remember there was a Ninja Turtle game that was so fun dude I need to find it let me let me try to find it Well I think my boys are ready oh they’re ready [ __ ] let’s go see our boys he’s [ __ ] watching this [ __ ] and he’s showing all of you and it’s disgusting what [ __ ] oh hey flash why you screaming already dog I justed Joey’s spreading Asm to his chat right now he’s watching ASMR it’s not I don’t like ASMR man yeah and and I’m telling everyone he’s trying to indoctrinate them that’s what he’s trying to do just a cooking video it’s just a cooking video guys two hour it’s all you hear is all you hear is Tink Tink and it’s just subtitles no talking he just cooking guys and you know two months later you’re watching Dr ASMR chat you’re watching ASMR he deafened he [ __ ] deafened [ __ ] [ __ ] I’m going [ __ ] [ __ ] no he’s not evene what do you mean he’s right there yeah unde now dude he’s showing his chat ASMR and okay you’re like an anti-mr like spokesperson yeah yeah give me 20 oh that’s crazy how do you feel about it oh sag oh know only 20 and I feel like I’ve been having a midlik of cres cres yeah we’re not even close to midlife crisis unless we’re going to die die in like 2 years but thanks good Stu appreciate it dude he’s getting you Chad ATT 10 months almost a year thanks welcome Minecraft time guys before we play before we play before we play before we play I would like to show you a video oh God is this a video I could show my stream me jerking it really hard so you can’t show your stream no it’s yes you can show your stream I’m going to I’m going to I’m going to show my stream and I’m going to show yours and you it what okay I’m sharing my screen wait oh oh on your stream no no I’m streaming it to you on Discord oh on Discord okay sorry clicking now G okay oh dude this is great this is actually perfect I literally I just couldn’t find the clips okay amazing okay so it’s a little recap you can’t see me jerking it this is not I just it was bait so this is previously on Minecraft hardcore is there audio [ __ ] oh yeah there is okay go we’re good wait should I have my let let me let me let me let me move my camera quick uh I I I put a text that was supposed to show who made the the this this logo because they wanted they wanted a they wanted credit who who was it I can’t let me try to find it it’s for some reason it it didn’t render it’s supposed to be on the actual who made this video me oh [ __ ] okay I made it so people would know what’s going on um I’m just gonna I’m just going to shout them out because I feel bad taking an image that’s not mine I think I think you should have blastard said PowerPoint presentation I totally think you should have done a PowerPoint zombie Master T RAV on Def art okay thank you thank you so much for letting us use this picture okay let’s watch this thank you zombie RAV yo there’s another cave up there we can settle in make our home yo we should build our base here instead bro oh my God sorry but this is sick come here just take this we built a glass floor that actually is pretty dope did you see the new base no I don’t care about it not going to lie come here come here okay give me a Tor why don’t you care about it FL because we’re in hardcore mode we’re trying to do do you want to set here for real we can’t even find [ __ ] iron honestly with this with this Shader pack it looks absolutely amazing I’ve never tasted sh have we had like [ __ ] yeah so one time when I was growing up my parents no no no no yeah I want to rewind that cuz I don’t think you could hear what the context was seeing iron honestly with this with this Shader B it looks absolutely amazing I’ve never tasted my own [ __ ] Joey have you had your like [ __ ] I yeah so one time when I was growing up my parents no no no no stop it was an I was a child yeah you know you’re talking to you’re talking to the dooky demolish Joey pulling out a five course meal out of his diaper he’s such a [ __ ] little nasty [ __ ] I’m too scared to go to Cave alone I’m like honestly want to die no not you like everybody hit him oh lived the life that’s all you can say just murdered all the oh my God got picture where we’re all standing next to each other take a picture together jeez I just remember where the cave was so you’re going to do a thing chat where every every end of session we take a a picture together to to see the progression where we’re all standing next to each other every session we end we take a picture together Chez I I just remember where the cave was that we haven’t oh [ __ ] I almost died oh it’s an inter I looked at him I called you a turd oh I looked at him oh oh he’s going to kill me sh okay I saved you baby come here thank you there’s a stronghold right there or a Bastion oh no D why you [ __ ] Walking On The Edge man I was trying to get the arrows back I didn’t know you combine the two combine the two oh no how are you so low already dub I was trying oh [ __ ] my Cam’s me in the back why is he rocking half hearts no there a real big like n good luck guys by I think I’m going to go make a a little church can you give me his armor after I put stuff away we’re all doing we all contribute to it yeah okay [Music] beautiful all right guys I think we’re ready for Ceremony he tried his hardest breaking into The Nether Fortress with his friends his compatriots we will now put his armor as we lay him to rest no oh rest in peace kby we’ll miss [Music] you no no back for the [Music] ne rest in peace Kobe so this this was the the the the the the the the hey thanks the five gifted crunchy I didn’t hear it um thanks you so much but yeah so this is the uh the the the the the the the recap of the Minecraft sessions hello felico I love that that was really good so we’re going to hop in and then we’re trying to get [Music] to we need to need to redefine our goal oh yeah okay the dragon yeah that was our goal but didn’t we also want to try do somehow the Wither and also no no no no I think I think this has been going on for like a year somehow I think we need to just settle on the the the dragon yeah same texture pack okay I go Minecraft isn’t worth my time I be Ed so rude dud after flash showed that crazy video of all the epic moments that happened I saw a video oh after you they saw the video yeah thank you at work so I can’t hear but hi dude Evan I’m sorry man what a shame work imagine I accidentally launch dude if you try and ever play Bedrock Edition it is so bad I thought Bedrock was a good one oh it’s the weird one right no it is so bad like if you’re in a server and you alt tab it’ll leave the server really yes cuz Minecraft like TS if you’re in full screen you all tap and then if you’re in full screen your cursor will drag your other monitors that’s crazy yeah let me know when the server’s up all one sec oh [ __ ] dude what my YouTube stream was it’s [ __ ] unlisted no wonder man I was like there’s no one on YouTube talking and I’m looking like like like damn people don’t give [ __ ] about the YouTube stream I swear I changed it to public that’s how do you unlist your stream though I mean it starts unlisted oh [ __ ] oh that’s actually really funny I’m gonna I’m going to make a tweet real quick are you going to upload that uh recap uh probably I mean maybe along with this VOD I don’t know uh uh uh that’s so embarrassing dude [Laughter] welcome I need to turn off my I’m just trying to share it all right let me know let me know when you ready Jacob you have the IP right yeah flash let me know you’re ready I’m ready server going up here we go error unable to no I’m just kidding all right pinging should be up okay joining World here we go all right quick little L what hello very nice damn I totally forgot about this world dude why is it so what the [ __ ] the side bunk bed rolls no sucking others grippers what but that’s my favorite thing to do what the hell I love all the e all the e tools Z M all right my screen has over it what did you say Joseph my screen has this like weird what hello hello hello hello hello hello did it lag out yeah a little bit yeah you just it has this is it does it have the dlss thing anytime anytime I go full screen yeah it’s like it’s like extra white over the screen fors have the DSs thing where like you know when someone walks you can see kind of our shadow behind them like a weird um oh maybe let Meck I don’t know it’s there’s dlss on this side Fu picked up her mug from the the the the post office today W let’s go let’s freaking go okay one of my one of my Chatters got engaged oh I fixed it really congrats to them I’m kidding yeah marage he’s 25 it makes me feel like a failure love M dude Lonely Boy anyways where we so what was the last things we were doing so I have blaze rods and I have two Eyes of Ender I have okay I think this we needed we needed more ender pearls I think that was kill more end right yes how many end yeah we have no ender pearls in here so we need Endermen kills okay to wait we’re going to go in with Diamond Armor we don’t want netherite that’s not the plan dude we don’t want netherite you know long netherite takes to get we just need diamond armor and bows that’s what we need bows we already have a diamond armor yeah you remember you like you had that exploit you were doing it’s not an exploit it’s called metag gaming what up meta gaming meta gaming smoker oh we have a lovely little farm up here I rather oh I made that farm is it is it growing yeah it’s like full grown oh [ __ ] I need to oh God guys the church this is the Pocket Edition I this on your look this good on your phone I could get it try I don’t know I love how we have a spot for each of us when we die welcome in the church netherite is so easy oh these goats are creepy dude it wasn’t a year ago Flash kobby died what’s the eth month does it say the date he died on yeah we put the date wait how long ago is it uh what’s the eth month October what’s the eighth month that’s October is the 10th August August oh August so he died he died August 27th 2023 might as well be a year half a year forgot to heal oh dude I forgot that the uh right forgot to heal that was terrible and we put one of his cows here and he just stuck it’s like being hung yeah that’s kind of sad if he walks off the ledge here he strangles itself um I like that the sun peering through the the painted glass tainted no tinted Glass Tinted taint it makes the the lights like different like this is red and this is yellow looks okay so we got to wait for Knight to go kill a [ __ ] ton of end what do you guys think is acceptable age to get married um 14 ah that that’s okay I mean like what’ you say I said 14 I think it’s hard to put it okay age on it I think it depends on the the personal maturity yeah mental maturity all that kind of stuff well don’t say mental maturity Jacob you’re married no it is mental maturity [ __ ] I Rap bloxy God damn it we’re getting married for that cold Hard Cash oh I get it now all makes sense all the presents you get what there’s a pigman wait does he attack no not unless you hit him why is he here dude uh he came through the portal I figured but the portal is inside our house I think we moved it dude I should get better protection for my armor I think yeah I’m going to gather the resources from the farm we should probably get more diamonds so we can roll more on our armor we can also enchant books we need to we need to kill some chickens yeah let’s pick a task and uh work on it I I can go kill I’m down I I’ll go as well yeah I’ll go as well I just need to get a new axe I have a new a where’s the zombie pigman at I hear him wait does it just regrow wait it just regrows right the melon yeah just leave it like that see that’s cute that’s adorable wait what he said they’ve been together for 5 years [ __ ] numbers kid what’ you say I said [ __ ] numbers [ __ ] aren’t you only like three four married or together no together um no we’re together doesn’t even know uh oh no it was 2019 clip it clip it send it to Kiren wait it was uh it’s I think we’ve been five years too [ __ ] num mer he says Idiot Enderman thanks for the better proba shouldn’t be I appreciate it glass you change the name and skin to Notch and prank your friends at your Notch oh my God they’ be like oh my God not I need be careful dude I need to be careful think they’re stupid think my friends are stupid I hear him he got triggered by me wait you guys already gone to kill we’re no we’re outside no we’re just outside in the front yard nice putting food in we need a looting sword that’s what we [ __ ] need we don’t have a looting sword I feel like it’s just not to to get a looting sword the process is not worth it oh my gosh because on my stream PC I can have my render distance like all the way up very nice is this hardcore like what the skeleton missed me Twi the gasp there’s a creeper he just got me up God not again I had flashbacks do Shield takes so much damage I’m going to get I’m going to look for uh arrows and stuff guys okay got another one dude my shield think takes so much damage from oh I need a better Shield it’s like about busted how do you make a shield again Shields are easy it’s like it’s like and like a y shape and one iron at the top what okay oh I got a second sh like a y shape I’ve got a second Shield we’re good so put it in a y shape babe put in a y shape flash there always skeletons like wrecking my bum and now they’re not even out here it’s just zombies and spiders your all up in your business huh this is creepy now people get married and have kids in like 2 years tell that to my sister and her husband they’ve been married and happy let’s talk about failed relationships let’s talk about divorce guys what the [ __ ] is this oh it’s cows divorce never mind yeah it’s a real thing man we both suffered from it ah no my arrows me when I get divorced behind you behind you no oh this a skeleton I thought that was you man I don’t know why it look like a person you there’s this creeper behind the skeleton look at him there’s this [ __ ] golden armor or some [ __ ] get a music disc ow Oh’s upset oh my God there’s no Minecraft music playing leave the fighting to the better I’m like I’m I’m Rusty nervous a little bit nervous I’m scared that I’m going to die nothing else planned man if I die it’s the end for me if I die I close the server down just really had a spine all right guys I got to go there’s so many mobs spawning where’s the best place to find Enderman near you I have three ender pearls already you do you killed three end just now yeah no you haven’t dude hey I got one too what where are you guys the drop rate’s crazy where are you how you finding so many end you’re [ __ ] where you in the field in the field can I see you on a map or something there’s no [Music] map I’m here look with your exams ready oh my God he fell down a hole what an idiot I got Enchanted boots feather falling you should have you should have falling before dude I don’t know what texture pack this is but watch behind you enjoy your Olivia how many end Pearls do you think we need if we want to be safe okay okay and you have how many already J two two we have two Ender eyes already made more important than whatever is happening oh oh oh you good yeah I’m chilling I’m I’m almost full yeah don’t don’t pull a Colby I’m I’m collecting plenty of arrows here boys nice what is that oh there’s a seed wheat seed if we want to if we want to really be careful we should go in with two two water buckets each two water buckets yes one for down if we get like swarmed by Enderman and then one if in case we get knocked up in that water bucket or like in that water like pile yeah you don’t want to get knocked up I’m so bad I’m so bad and this is probably old news but I’ve been away for a while what happened with e um it just died off a bit um I think uh [ __ ] off there is a lot of really fast progression in some areas and a lot of new people who weren’t too sure about the fast progression thought they they got outpaced um so it kind of just uh died out a little bit L people just tried it out and it it just wasn’t their thing yeah so they would like go into a roll and then there would be no one in that role anymore that was online BR he launched this creeper at me it’s so funny dud how you guys finding Ender you [ __ ] I’m no I’m I’m just killing skeletons I’ve only found one so far flash look for some tall lanky dudes I know I know what they look like who did I dude okay you know what what what it’s really cringe we’ll say it I don’t I uh I had a dream that I met someone that I haven’t met ever I think uh you had a dream that you have you have met someone that you haven’t met ever what never mind I love cringe this is like the best part of a stream I I had a dream I I thought it was real this is where I I can’t tell my dreams from reality mhm wait hold on let me think cuz I don’t remember who it was I just remember it happening so maybe it was real I don’t know man I don’t know what prompted this I don’t know I just have like weird epiphanies oh the tall lengthy dude thing okay oh never mind it was real I take it back what was real Oh I thought I had a dream I thought I had a dream and I’m sure I have in the past where I met a random online friend IRL and their first thing you said was wow you’re really tall that’s like l the extrem is it Colby well no but because it did happen with Colby ah [ __ ] once something happens it SS jeez there’s so many mobs here what the [ __ ] is going on I need to go back home where’s Home why not just go to the nether for Ender are they there you can go the warp Forest I think we’re nowhere near warp Forest [ __ ] I don’t know where our home is guys where where are you I think I know are you running around like panicking right now follow up the mini map jum jump jump twice jump twice jump twice yeah dude you’re literally right outside the yeah I figured it out man holy don’t sass him dude you’re the [Laughter] one I’m going to go Min so many mobs out of nowhere it like there a swarm it’s like a witch all the skeletons were shooting at me with like uh what are they called enhanced bows arrows you like you’re like okay guys when you say enhanced bows like come on the way this was an actual experience for me but on a date once whoa whoa I think we need more food by the way C being 62 has its perks does it yeah get ladies all the time lanky [ __ ] um where’s link key where’s the crafting table sorry I don’t know what anything looks like with this texture pack text texture texture pack here come here is that a crafting table uh do we know what uh chat anyone in chat know what level diamonds are at uh yeah it’s called the The Village all right uh crafting table’s right here bro yeah I know I found it I know it’s minus is itus 50 some [ __ ] like that can you slam dunk like LeBron James oh oh can I slam dunk LeBron James style yes yes obviously I’ll slam dunk my balls in Lebron Jam someone comes in my chat hi flash how’s Tio no they didn’t yeah they did I don’t [ __ ] know dude well how is heus 56 good Che I’ll there he’s CED oh my God aren’t you inat AR you even in teal like super close or did something happen how many mods you think it would take for your PC to bog down on this game not that many man we a lot of the mod packs are massive really [ __ ] PC really I have to buy a second PC cuz I’m Alpha who’s been who who’s who’s been hosting the server oh he barks the [ __ ] who’s sound like a chih bark dude nugget nugget on the mic right now what the [ __ ] I’m Top Dog you say so dude CH I feel gangster I feel gay I don’t know way I really expected that too I want to go to the nether but I feel like I’m going to die gay as [ __ ] so are we getting diamonds for oh right Joe was ma Min maxing right for the diamonds so we never had to [ __ ] yeah but also why do we why do what do you want so bad we need Endermen you guys want to go to the Nether and find them or well one sec cuz I mean it’s day we’re just going to be bored well I’m doing other things right now as well other prep work I’m getting golden carrots South Africa cheers from Canada dude wa you need gold for that uh nuggets but we have gold anyways so right cuz we’re M maxing this sounds like a for chanter well what M maxing yeah what does doesn’t it yeah anyone got bones um I got a bone to pick with you I have I got three right here I’ll take some I’m sure there’s some in the miscellaneous uh we have 35 in here Johnny you’re 6’2 dude get on the tall gang man tall [Music] gang your goat mentality must be crazy shut the [ __ ] up right as I said that the Sheep I went no it’s not a goat but it was when when I was a kid had a friend I was pretty tall for his age and every time his mom came to pick me up or my mom would have a small chat and all she would talk about is how tall he’s getting so that kid probably like this weird tall complex like you’re showing right now for his life I never had that though which is so funny you have it now so I don’t know L L I guess this uh no I mean I never had like someone like praising my tall comp complexity you know C tall c um my tall C guys my friend dude he when we were like kids like ele um Middle School bruh his voice bro you talk like this deep all the time like it was crazy like and it wasn’t even like fake no not at all cuz he would scream and he’d Peak you know yeah I guess we uh there was a guy that I used to play with and I was going here and you had a pretty deep voice for our age when we were like 14 you know uhhuh and I talk to the one of the other guys in the group later and he’s like oh you totally faked it no I like that’s so cringe Joey you know we can buy 16 arrows for one Emerald right that’s great what if I talk like this all the time and then one day I’m just like a oh sorry guys yeah even with the that actually reminds me me no I’m not going to that actually reminds me this is my real voice voice I’m going in the nether I’ve had enough of waiting want to wait ah fine I just don’t know what else to do uh get gold for me get gold gold carrots yeah for golden carrots we can do golden apples we do both I have two golden apples on me yeah have three I bet one of them is coal bees we have have 35 golden nuggets here yeah we have also 11 Gold these carrots are going to provide us so much sustenance when we’re fighting better good good well it is but the carrot is going to be our normal food we replace that Jacob said we’re going to need a lot more food eh so I’m getting us golden carrots cuz that’s the best n like the best n Enchanted food oh [ __ ] wait golden apples you do with ingots I just realized yeah yeah oh and apples are like an enchanted food type they don’t stack their ability golden carrots you can eat like a stack of them okay Chad if you’re if you’re wondering why this [ __ ] town has like strips taken out of it it’s cuz Joey got all the logs from the town buildings just [ __ ] removed their shelter and stuck him in a hole that’s a men Max right there don’t be like him don’t okay love that Olivia we have a wind advisory until Saturday how to make golden carrot what what is it like is it like you’re going to get blown away or something like that uh you put ingots around carrots depends where they live if it’s is it nuggets nuggets nuggets okay you act as if like tornadoes don’t exist as well Jo they live in do you know where they well I’m pretty sure they live in California and Nevada California [Music] am I what it comes in handy in yes to your statement I’m so bad bro I’m so bad what am I doing stop okay I’ve got five carrots golden carrots that’s all those nuggets made well there’s more I mean I can make a bunch more I just don’t want to waste yeah we should make no no no we should make stacks do you want me to just make all the golden carrots well yeah for now I’ve got 11 that’s all I could make okay but I can go get more gold yeah we’re going to go let’s go to the nether I guess we get gold nuggets from there and fight yeah so yeah this is good cuz these are uh they provide really good saturation so the heal bonus that you get from them just passively is great okay oh all the that’s funny my achievements got reset because of I have a new browser or a new client hold left hold down left button to destroy the tree yeah I hate that I know to [ __ ] play it shouldn’t give you [ __ ] instructions when you had you have like 40 hours on the game you know well 40 we have like a thousand I said 40 this one this one’s client based server based cuz I had to restart my p 40 hours like we have 40 hours dude come on we’re Bros I’ve been in a tornado watch the past I can’t sleep because of the fear sleep in the bunker we don’t have cold dude uh buker I think that was our problem [ __ ] classic bunker mentality oh my God I forgot how scary it was out here bro why why is there blocks in the food chest why is there I guess sense which one you did [ __ ] who did that I want names cfor we raided this Bastion down here correct yeah we did okay yeah I remember that was like one of the first things that we did and then we went to the the oh we were not speedr running we’re just trying to kill the Ender Dragon without dying because if we die we’re out we’re done it’s done ask Colby brick build games brick build game is that is that a company I’m think of tiny build never mind did you guys go in the portal already I did oh [ __ ] careful careful don’t don’t like start running around cuz it’s pretty dangerous oh thanks Dad I die oh [ __ ] you’re right it is really dangerous uh I’m over here uh not away towards away from the Bastion away from the B there’s like a little there’s like a little bridge that you go across and then there’s another portal California knows how to party I didn’t know the rest of the song thanks the bridge then there’s another portal the bridge P not the bridge away from you’re like you’re you’re uh what’s the name of that thing like Stefano is that the name of his little voice yeah I see you look look yeah so we’re looking for uh nugget veins we’re looking for little nugget veins we’re going to slaugh should we type the coordinates in the chat no I’ll remember no you know what I’ll just type it just in case I’m not going I’m not going far I’m just running around here FL 11 you old sassy was that Sassy a little bit AQ you’re like you’re like a five on the sass scale oh that’s good I like it half sass dude that’s actually true though it’s really sad California where the homeless [ __ ] in the streets and leave used needles everywhere California on [ __ ] fire with their needles on fire with the needles I was making a reference to the forest fires that kept happening oh that that’s too that was you know there I don’t think there’s been any recently any big ones I hope not it’s [ __ ] winter dude I mean like you usually get like a couple of year like that’s just straight up how Works fair I mean they were they were pretty bad last summer I thought that was oh that was Canada dude Canada I was like what was Canada I think the Americans wh about it so much I thought it was American bruh yeah Compton is a new level of when Americans are [ __ ] burning down the forest no big deal right uh I think it was a big deal either way what happened in my shield that I had there’s flash flash with skeleton oh [ __ ] what is he doing make up his mind what a character he was um my Shield’s gone I had a second Shield where is it oh [ __ ] me dude oh let’s not do this what run run okay I there’s a lot of enemies spawn there is a new Fortress I don’t remember I swear I had a shield man I’m going to lose my mind man I’ve been so gassy ever since I ate those two bows of chili dude yesterday it’s just [ __ ] bad I wake up and I’m ripping ass dude and it’s not okay so when you say I’ve been so gassy since I had those two bowls of chili do you feel surprised like hearing that no I’m just it’s just the way of life man you know I’m sharing my story true my struggle mine what is what a Face Clan logo God this Soul Sand’s killing me oh [ __ ] it it is this [ __ ] Shield delay man Shield delay I’ll pull up the shield and then you’ll still hit me I don’t if it’s because of a server if it’s just like how the shield works I think it’s just you what’s no I mean I I right click and then it hits me anyways and I’m and I do like a good like half second before shut the [ __ ] up Jacob you’re a loser [ __ ] chilly boy go fart or something I will oh it must have been really quiet sorry you want me to do it in the mic no anyone wants that yeah you’ve done that enough honestly honestly you know last night when I did it I was literally just getting up yeah I know when I turned around my my ass are just in a nice spot there but so dark California sorry it’s okay how do I turn up the the brightness in this game Pump Up the Volume Pump Up the Volume pump up volume dance dance oh my gosh and I have fortune on this Babe oh Babe stop shut the [ __ ] up I don’t think if if FaZe asked to sponsor me I don’t know if I’d take it it depends on what they’d want no you take it don’t [ __ ] lie you want money like you in a heartbeat you’d do it you’d be You’ say to yourself it’ll be just for a few years I’ll get the money the exposure and then do you know how much I make for my job I make 2 million a month my job right you Milan real oh my shields in here how did I put it in that chest I had I was going to make a joke and be like I bet you probably put it away you would have been like no way bro that’s how I sound the [ __ ] no way bro oh my God flash why’ you say that so many times I’m back with my shield I’m like long gone by the way no I don’t want to be alone God all I want to say is [Music] California what direction did you go in uh I don’t know I know how to get back but I don’t know how to describe it to you I’ve been running around caves and stuff there I’m very scared there’s lots of zombie pigment around me and there’s also a fortress and a warp forest or Crimson Forest what does the gold stuff look like I feel like there’s just Soul Sand this is a [ __ ] [ __ ] spawn man we need Netherrack don’t we no well isn’t where it spawns near the Netherrack I doubt it’ be the Soul Sand yes yes correct that’s why I left yes uh that is factually correct oh I almost leaped off you know what I don’t feel comfortable here and I hate this area I don’t have to roam far you know yeah correct Ender I I almost have four stacks of 64 uh nuggets where are okay you know I’m just going to let you do your thing I’m just useless we need we need we need seven Stacks total to get one stack of 64 nuggets okay I’ll go this way maybe maybe there’s something that way for me oh my God I your dad I’m big [ __ ] I’m scared I’m confident my gameplay but I’m after my mistake oh [ __ ] you know we nickname you big [ __ ] behind your back that’s true I need I need a torch Dark how do he big [ __ ] doesn’t sound like a that bad of a nickname yo big [ __ ] in the house you know you heard about what happened to Big [ __ ] you died of an overdose I don’t know face I found gold [Music] nice do you have a fortune pickaxe no now you’re just wasting I have 36 gold nuggets they give a lot lot actually I don’t even think Fortune helps with the it should you doing zul not going to lie I just Tred to do something from sea of Thieves like I almost did it I don’t know why what do you mean like uh in SE thieves when you’re holding a sword you can like sword lunge so you charge up a sword and then you like if you jump as you let go you like fling yourself really far and I tried to do that how long ago did you play see of Thieves maybe a month ago oh okay month or two ago that’s still weird oh hey yeah it’s still like it but not as bad as it was like six years ago still off very surprised hey gold come here have you seen the on Tik Tok that’s like used this there might be a gas by the portal by the way okay have you seen a guy on Tik Tok that he’s like use this sound if you’re in a uber Uber and you feel unsafe yeah darling it’s so funny to me dude dude I love driving in Ubers I saw another Tic Tac was like that one Uber driver after hearing the sound eight times yeah a million [ __ ] times like okay I get it am I am I the villain am I freaking them out got good loot no fine I think that’s a more Panic though there I broke a block and there was lava that came out of it oh careful by the way zombie pig or non like Pig Raider boys they’ll come after you if they see you the ones with like the crossbows and stuff yeah they’ll come after you if they see you and then they’ll also uh they’ll uh what’s it called they’re also going to chase you uh if you break a Block near them they’re going to really be angry at you all right the break they like protect the gold y [ __ ] flash going I don’t know what it’s called I don’t want to look right now cuz I’m in the nether no oh [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] okay fear I can’t fear of God someone blew me up oh scared me I thought was like something exploded in the game you mock me piece of [ __ ] talk a lot of [ __ ] for a guy that’s winipeg wait what have you been doing jaob what have you been doing uh I’m currently getting emeralds so we can get arrows and stuff nice and I want levels so I can enchant books so we can get better armor nice that’s the plan I have some books here oh we have a ton of books but they’re not that good I’m also when it’s night I’m going for uh yeah six I have six so far that’s nice do you guys think we can end this tonight no tonight yes I think we can easily end it tonight yeah I think it like legit well I don’t know here’s the thing I don’t know if we’d all live but I think I think we could easily go tonight like now and uh I I want us to all live I want to be able to like I want to be able to like do something after if we want not even just like if we want like okay let’s go do the uh with now you know like we don’t have to stop at the Ender Dragon like obviously that’s our main goal right now ah ah okay this is uncomfortable now oh that’s better I’m scared of this gas I’m not going to lie geted this gas right guys dude that’s me that’s me on Chili that’s you on Chili dude jaob when chili that’s me a Chile I think overestimating the Ender Dragon that’s unspoken I mean he can smack you up in the air and you die and it’s over who the Ender Dragon correct someone said you’re overestimating him but it’s like one M we are we are we are we are there’s easy ways we could cheese it but I’d rather do it like the OG Minecraft way you know yeah agreed I agreed I don’t even know how to kill him I just shoot the towers shoot him bring beds maybe how many stacks of arrows do you think we need I’ve got 27 21 quite a few say at least 10 I hi dorus hardcore means if you die you die yeah you die you’re out it’s over have to go stream something else like a loser oh my pickax is we have more diamonds though uh well we can get you a diamond pickaxe for free for free yeah the villagers bro the villagers I got to shoot my arrows now I had a dream about this function last night the slash debate function in twitch that it was a real thing what was that Ace said a said I had a dream about night oh yeah the wait with a Croc I don’t know about that one I had a dream about anal last night weird um I don’t like the silence why’ you guys get quiet I don’t know what do you want us to say to that a weird statement it’s a shitty joke obviously why you guys not saying anything it’s not funny want to [ __ ] fake laugh at your shitty jok that’s he say it’s not funny don’t go silent that’s worse that means it’s not funny what the [ __ ] careful careful there’s holes all around yeah okay what the [ __ ] have you done to the portal [ __ ] you say so if there’s a uh if there’s a g we can just make sure I don’t care about St gles just gas I did I did a really good one one time that was really that was [ __ ] good what do you mean I can’t that’s one of their alt sounds dude oh is it you heard it yeah want to hear one of their alt sounds let me out I’m in the nether so yeah don’t eat the carrots right now just eat whatever you can that’s normal Jacob keep with your pearls in here so we can keep track of our uh holy fleeing cloop dude when I gloop all over your glar oh holy fleing cloop oh [ __ ] I for my bad what I’m globing lizy godamn who’s is on point Who’s is better ready we’re going to do a gas off I’m gas off guys all right Jacob you go first [Laughter] any other sounds okay I at first I was like what the [ __ ] are you doing and I get it’s like when it attacks all right no that was bad I can’t remember how I did it nice one from earlier was much better we put up a poll to see who chat likes better after my turn my turn ready this is the uhy when they fire their that’s when they fire their their little things isn’t it isn’t it technically a a cat they recorded a cat for the noises oh that could I could see that yeah pause a second got to pee okay what about uh death noise or was the death noise it’s like help me someone asked me to do a death scream like like yeah I don’t know if I do it on your knees on your knees on your knees got shot by an arrow Bor your style come on Bor style like you got shot by an arrow and you fall down to your knees oh [Laughter] [ __ ] [Music] oh I dude I actually was about to call the police oh my gosh oh [ __ ] that was a good impression too dude I was just expecting like you like you’re like a you know but just I feel like if I got hit by an arrow I probably say [ __ ] look you know that was good thanks now you got to make one of those 3D animations that you make for but for you [Music] by that would be [ __ ] hilarious the old MC sound I always wonder what my family thinks I’m watching when I don’t have my headphones Joey I want to hear your death sound now my what what am I Dying by um let’s just go with like got you got hit by a truck the road afterwards oh he’s on the road oh wait no you got hit by it and you got like flung across and now you’re on the side of the road kind of deal like okay ready ready yeah I’m ready wait that good dude good I want to go to the villagers to get are you actually dead you’re not moving I I tapped out of my game hello hello okay I my mic cut out dude I’m I cranked up my fov and everything what how did you do that what do we need for the to the get diamond pickax of the Village By the way emeralds you need emeralds do we have emeralds Chad was that good uh dude you just need to trade sticks that’s all you need to do is trade sticks so if you want to farm a bunch of wood hey you trade it stacks of sticks okay did you hear that jazz break what Happ the dumb man he died he died the last time we played you laugh it’s also good to uh cut down trees cuz we get apples for golden apples so true we have a lot of apples already I think now it’s cheap oh my God my game just completely froze I couldn’t move he sounds so weird you sounded weird for a second what’ you say yeah I said if I die right now it’s cheap oh it’s cheap thought you were like get apples right now it’s cheap it’s like a sail or something fire sale do your best cod zombies impression boom no they’re like I don’t know what it is it’s like they kind of sound like dogs almost they probably recorded dogs for it yeah that’s what nugget sounds like go phnd is get a treat yeah need to blow my nose I think I need to go deeper the laugh do the laugh bye bye I like the wind up for [Laughter] jaob I can’t Tab out for this clip or else it’s going to lag me out don’t Hur me H but it’s night I don’t want to go to the Village I’m scared can we sleep or should we un we got kill pears and dude don’t sound so whiny please shut the [ __ ] up I was I was talking to Joey dude oh you see if it doesn’t affect him he doesn’t care ja he has to defend his friends in a criminal case oh it’s not affecting me all right I’m out I’m not going to jail it’s like this is about you know the you test testifying for Joseph and he’s like oh yeah he did it have you heard the boyfriend hit you with a frying pan yest yeah it’s pretty funny like a get ready little girl or little wow and he and then he goes bang bang bang and it’s just really loud it’s really funny I don’t see Enderman are you guys out hunting for Enderman as well I’m in the bush about you I’m outside he picks up the meat oh oh CRA wooden planks thanks for the tutorial I killed a zombie there’s two of them he drops dead like you know [ __ ] rotten meat and then the second zombie just like picks it up on his way to fight me like oh I got you bro he just picks up his meat um I’m not here with you I don’t see any what’s your render distance three I’m kidding I don’t know like what three how do you check quality performance Daddy give me the arrows oh oh wait oh he got the arrow thanks man Minecraft is such I’m asking you what where it is oh 29 chunks that’s pretty far isn’t it yeah I don’t know how you’re like so blind what do you see them right now no I know but I mean like when you’re trying to look for other things I’m just stupid idiot you don’t have to say that again yeah Seinfeld line honestly I’m going to go what what is it about with uh dating teenagers what sign sefel did dated a teenager he was like 30 something 38 and he was picking her up from high school what there’s no way how did he not get cancelled for that all the [ __ ] that happens in this world and signf doesn’t get canceled for praying on young girls feel like in the 90s it was more uh excused more like excused also try and kill skeletons for arrows I know we’re getting them from Jacob but it’s good to there’s a spider chasing me watch out zombie shovel zombie shovel you have an iron sword yeah zombie shovel didn’t even drop start like some shitty dubstep song zombie sh oh my acent is Unbreaking too because because he was based Seinfeld you’re talking about what Seinfeld Seinfeld base compilation is with underrage girls in my opinion the only thing wrong with them is they are dating me that’s funny dude every time I’ve seen a CLI I’ve seen like three clips of James seld and and every single one of them he’s kind of an [ __ ] and then from that I’m just like he’s kind of a dick and then I hear this multi kill multi kill sorry I saw it he does give up like old men yelling at the world VI he gives off guy that got really famous and then he a dick everyone Vibe he thinks he’s like better than everyone he is though what that’s how he’s able to date that’s how he’s getting no okay going to say don’t no no that it made sense he does think he’s better than everyone that’s why he he thinks he can do that possibly I’m better than everyone I’m above the [Laughter] law yeah Leo have you guys seen um the clip of like it’s uh I’m asking chat as well um it’s like they did an NFL with SpongeBob and oh Tom is it Tom Kenny is that his name yeah yeah the voice actor is there and he’s doing SpongeBob voices commentating on stuff and then they saw saw someone’s Jersey and it said 25 or something yeah yeah yeah he’s like 25 no no no no he just saw Leonardo DiCaprio I think it was it was like it CU they were doing like uh they did this thing where they show like celebrities in the stands but it was like fish celebrities you know so it was like Leonardo de Harpy or whatever you know like like like they have like funny fish names yeah they have like funny fish names and the last one was like Leonardo DiCaprio but it was like obviously the fish version and then he made that joke yeah he was like 25 and they all were like because of his dating history it was so funny dude he’s such a you’re such a beast I love that it’s hard to think that he’s like a full grown man you know who Tom he’s been a gr man since before I know like cuz he’s he’s like a SpongeBob you know he’s the SpongeBob he is like a SpongeBob isn’t that weird I can’t do the Spongebob laugh dude that’s really bad like impression I’m going to go to the Village come on you have to go higher man you just did it for the gas what are you you purposefully [ __ ] up [ __ ] off you get angry yeah cuz you’re F two two Ender two where I see you outside the house to my left to I need chili chat I need chili right now oh flash over here over here over here look oh [ __ ] they are there their eyes are glowing a lot of mobs let’s kill this let’s kill let’s let’s clear out the oh my shield broke I need to go inside I got to go my broke [ __ ] let’s the [ __ ] out of here dude I can hear a spider behind me don’t get shot by a bow uh going across that bridge We Make A Wish stream wait what what would be your make a wish dream if you had one why not just like what would oh my God I would love a house honestly oh is it because I’m dying but it’s your make a wish yeah a [ __ ] your odds are not looking good bucko I don’t get leave the house for long no I would want to I would want to um that’s actually a good idea not going to lie I want euthanasia you want euth I want to euthanize that two Ender two end I know I know listen Jacob what you said really startled me for a sec what’ you say I he said I thought he said I want youth in Asia I want youth Asia to get proper education no I want them for Jerry Seinfeld someone said make wish was to meet Jerry Seinfeld age check I was going to make a water bucket for the Enderman but I don’t I forgot yeah what’s your age if you’re 17 or lower he wants you oh there’s an invisible spider bro what the [ __ ] is that a thing yeah it’s rare rare this why I was I was being by one and I turned around and I couldn’t see I killed one of them I don’t know where the other one went [ __ ] why did you wait for us you [ __ ] doofus cuz I think they just disappeared well one of them disappeared I killed the other one I have two pearls on me guys watch me teleport no no no I would been so pissed if I saw you just okay dude to I saw you write that same thing in [ __ ] flash chat I’m not going to start killing anybody he’s I’m going to get the sub to death I’m not going to kill anybody God I pulled up my shield you piece of [ __ ] game God it is 10 it is 10 Subs it is 10 Subs no 10 Subs to throw the whole game I would [ __ ] lose so much respect for you yeah but as a small streamer you’d have to understand where I’m coming from okay what would I you have a job [ __ ] I’m trying to think of what my I think it would be something along the lines of like spend 3 months at Disneyland or something you know three months on week two you’d be like done absolutely not dude yeah I grew up going to Disneyland Disneyland too you’re not even going to go to Disney World are you [ __ ] kidding me I’ll do Disney World we’ll do both there you go thanks for modifying my make a wish I don’t think they’ll be like yeah sure I my my wish would be to be friends with flash finally they have to reach out to me and I’m like no like oh make no that’s so sweet who said that I I don’t know who said that who did it who done it expose them expose them right now where’s the villagers put them all in the hole or something they are all in hole yeah um which one does the diamond stuff well you have to trade up so trade sticks for emeralds and emeralds for diamonds what a deal that’s a steal let’s eat a meal lunch and dinner peel no way you just rymed orange with something actually he peel with something you’re [ __ ] idiot I love it I don’t see diamonds orange no way I thought there was way well what do you need Diamonds oh there you go Diamond Emerald no I want the opposite what do you need what do you need diamonds for sword uh stuff okay so just get a get just trade the emeralds for the diamond equipment in there then there’s Diamond equipment oh there is yeah I want a pickaxe so I can get a free pickax pickax as well crossbow like the mask on their face flash you know met a girl what’s the song oh never mind it’s it’s it’s this other guy the random [ __ ] plain ass looking [ __ ] did you get like reset no he’s just we were looking at armor with see it I can’t see it I can’t see it I can’t oh dude by the way by the way one Emerald 16 arrows huh oh the plain one this one yeah I already got all the arrows for us I’m stuck there you go 18 I need 18 [ __ ] move you big noos move um yeah do you know what they look like can you see my stream long I was farming yeah I see your stream have seen the what the villagers look like they don’t have noses they have small trying to find out who to do it for the wor amount of back I’m not killing them you know how you said I was exploiting yeah yeah think about how long it takes to get all those emeralds for each of us takes so long exploit think about oh yeah think about it no get me I think I’m a man I don’t think dude I act all I do is drink beer and fix car dog what’s a car dog uh nothing much about you dude God he’s a shitty [ __ ] [ __ ] joke maker godam I think it was pretty good no you wouldn’t understand I learned from [Music] Jerry I wouldn’t understand I’m a real piece of [ __ ] I don’t like this role play why ever turn on the heater and it makes your legs really sweaty no I don’t have a heater you ever talk to Derek Jeter and shut the [ __ ] up dude the dude just started heater and he’s like Jeter he’s so simple sker what’s sker from again top I’m not killing my friends dude I’m sorry you haven’t got your [ __ ] what’s the highest you’ll go to he wants he’ll only do the lowest so whatever you say I’m going to go one lower oh fair cuz I’m a businessman oh we have enough Arrows by the way don’t worry about arrows anymore okay I got 13 emeralds right now flash for you very nice I’m just so just getting wood I’m not killing them guys if you give Subs I’m taking them that’s it I’m not giving I’m not doing anything else what nine Sub in 300 bits that’s terrible I’m not killing my friends for that so there so there is a price there is a price though that’s why are you winking why are you winking flash shut the [ __ ] up sh lies 20 Subs no throw the whole game yeah well you’d probably die me and Joey would just kill you wait going later to Austin Texas to see Disturbed and Falling in Reverse play can uh is reverse play kind of like four play or what can I need a translation on that I’m so lost what they’re going to go see bands falling your reverse is a ban isn’t it oh oh I didn’t know that I’ve never heard these bands Disturbed Disturbed isn’t that like a metal band I heard it’s like Disturbed and falling into the in Reverse we’ve played a disturb St on yeah I was going to say I’m pretty sure we have I think stricken is a disturb song stricken CU I am stricken can’t let you [Music] go I’m sure I could compare this to like a celebrity that talks like that but I can’t think of any shut the [ __ ] up bro shut the [ __ ] up I definit responded to a whole chat message came back and he was still going yeah I know Jacob and not knowing the anoke made a better 2024 combo no I Go Again hilarious right thanks flash I’m so I’m so grateful that friends that what the [ __ ] is this noise dude uhoh I fell with them they’re going to beat me up talking about me what the [ __ ] is this is Disturbed oh [ __ ] there you go wait what the sound goes that’s why blast start went in chat okay genius dude I thought no dude I thought he was he just said it out of nowhere I thought he was doing a blastard thing you know like right chat just it’s true though blastard is a weird [ __ ] I don’t say weird who’s moaning I know one’s moaning 20 tier two to kill both of Jacob first why Jacob first thing is I’m pretty sure they would kill me first like I would start hitting them they turn around and probably kill me it should be in the title like xmat it’s their name should be in the title if you want to if we do some for some reason if we do all the achievements everything that we need to do right get it all done we should try and see who can live in like a fight out of the three of us no I know I’d lose I don’t want to do it okay bro are you serious right now bro yes I am I’m just going to continue to get um I want to craft the perfect set of armor I’m enchanting books by the way nice been want to make more golden carrots we’re at 42 yeah we need quite a few just a stack basically yeah if we can get more than a stack that’d be even better I I have 30 flash you need a pickaxe or no I’m good okay I have 30 emeralds just keep trading to get experience so you can uh get the okay so we now have we now have we now have 54 golden carrots it’s a good start I’m going to go mine so let’s just say when we get the ender pearls we leave right yeah sure or the I ofenders cuz we we have everything we’re literally just waiting for the ey venders what nothing did I say something no just my he just got 20 tier two subs uh oh watch out the Hunt is on flash I have it’s just water it’s just water you know they just fall in the water this guy such like a like spy little narc you are Jacob what’ you say he said flash have your stream open dude aren’t you streaming yourself why don’t you open too why you so [ __ ] you’re a little freak dude just have six monitors all your [ __ ] all the streams open so you can [ __ ] sne little s do actually and I have I have a very special streamer on the top left monitor Joseph I got an offer from from every except for you man hit me with the number what is it number million dollars is there a cave nearby I don’t remember where everything is I don’t know cuz I never went in the cave we have a ravine oh God Adam Ravine it’s getting night though why would you stay outside to hunt some Endermans true we’re so close dude Joey’s about to bust I’m about to teleport so anyways that was such a so that was such a quick sew anyways you got to do the PO man’s enchantment Strat you do a bunch of level one books oh I’m hungry does that actually work yeah my stomach just went look I got I got two props I’m going to make Pro two and pro three now all right that takes all your levels away I guess you get them back it cost two levels they putting in oh this is projectile protection no Joey [ __ ] up Joey [ __ ] what are you trying to get uh proection protection but I had projectile protection uh I need all hands on decks right now all hands on decks grabbing decks grab them hard grab them fast yes it’s tall lanky dude hunting time our friend Colby died last session sorry I was try pure C P cash I mean I wouldn’t say our friend he’s kind of a flaker he’s kind of a flaker now yeah doing something hey guys want to play games tonight doesn’t show up chat can you guys spam L flaker in chat dude flash will reg not flash Kobe will regularly ask us the game and then fall asleep before he gets on that’s true he does do that or sometimes it’s just like he’s like oh yeah I’ll play with you guys when someone asks and he just doesn’t join just let’s play which one’s worse I’m just kidding I was going to say something [ __ ] up which one two end two end oh I’m coming I’m coming I’m coming wait where are you that’s flash I’m by the house he’s by I’m I’m near the farm he’s the farm farm Vibes Farm Vibes I’m a farmer boy I’m a farmer boy I don’t know how I noticed it is killing us now what I’m I’m still running like I stopped Escape my game come on killed one the other one’s not running we’re by the farm I don’t know see I see I’m stuck I’m stuck I’m stuck in the I’m stuck in the cow okay oh you teleport behind me cool I hear him there’s a witch nice okay don’t go that way there’s a witch and skeletons and and spiders yeah oh I’m poison yeah I’m going to run I might die no no you’re fine you’re fine you’re fine I can’t die from Poison but I can die get me when I’m poison what do they give me oh wait can you die from Poison hardcore I forgot I don’t know I think so I would say yes nice I don’t [ __ ] with a Wich [ __ ] I ate an apple just in case I I don’t remember if I can so I just ate an apple yeah that’s fine I don’t [ __ ] with no wi don’t [ __ ] don’t risk it yeah hold on there are so many creepers give me a Fu end I looked at him he’s by the two end two end 200 flash you looked at him you looked at him flash he’s angry he’s angry come after to me I’m glad I remember that I’m scared I’m scared I have no Shield I have no Shield I’m actually got him got him why is the creeper not caring about me he’s just after you man me he wants my ass dude I look so yummy oh my God honestly the fact that he was after you kind of saved you because I he wasn’t after me there’s another end out here NE there is my shield broke so I got to oh my God can poison Fu sake I saw him do it too and I still [ __ ] fell through it God damn it what so annoying I put a hole in one of the glass he fell through it it’s actually so funny and near me someone said just put one hole in the glass and see how long it takes someone to fall through it you went right next to oh my God there’s Phantoms oh my God there’s four Phantoms oh sh we didn’t sleep get inside get inside get inside we got to sleep end there’s an end there wait they’ll stay they’ll stay up they’ll stay up overnight they’ll stay up overnight will they I think so yeah but they’ll they’ll be anty they’ll be extra an all right sleep I’m sleeping I’m in bed bedtime are these are all friends no they’re just fake Internet friends who’s that sleeping hang on dud you the ones that told us to [ __ ] go to bed I know what I said but he’s so juicy so malleable yeah I hired them on um Epal since flash lost his sponsorship with Tio sponsor he’s kind of like just hired like I’ve never fought a phantom don’t go in there God you was sizzling already Ender pear Ender pear the Phantoms were just charging me man that was scary my God I like this zoke Comm a creeper outside the door we are we are the be I didn’t expect you to be right there I was just running back okay let’s sleep now I killed the okay oh there’s another one if I can we keep the chat English and not Russian thanks bring him inside job yeah what hello what the [ __ ] where’d he go oh my God he’s angry smack him smack his ass smack that ass yeah boy like that do we get one that’s I have four now nice oh my gosh night night sleep sleep sleep Jacob sleep hang on sleep I’m going to go push him I’m going to go push him what the [ __ ] you [ __ ] idiot [ __ ] way dude he fell again in the hole dude you can’t stop keep forgetting about it dude dude I’m going to I’m going to I’m going to sit on flash I just ate chili flash get in bed under me and smell your mattress just wreaking oh stop residual fart lingering oh God I’m us I’m holding look what I’m holding with um the shaders a a dman a dman a dman wait I can hear the he sto he stole a pumpkin he stole a pumpkin hey shut up oh my God I shoot a melon same [ __ ] see that’s the problem problem they get FL in the daytime like they like dub they’re both tall we should Capture One name him Colby and name himagine they to go to Joey’s house and stop nice by way how’s the golden carrot hunt going have a stack we’re good oh water we’re good okay almost fell okay just a condescending little [ __ ] me what did I say okay me oh okay yeah what are you eating Joseph pretzels with uh peanut butter pretzels with peanut butter dude that’s such a white boy food what what other type of food are there Jacob that you’d prefer gburger what’s what’s the other type of boy that type of food that you rather eat Jacob Jacob I gotta go guys I’ll be back I I don’t know see you later here chat open wide open your mouth e e Joey you’re drowning Joey swim up Joey swim up Joey swim up Joey Joey swim up Joey Joey Joey Joey no Joey no for real Joey no Joey swim up no no Joey you’re joking Joey Joey Joey Joey swim up holy [ __ ] dude my heart is beating out of my chest [Laughter] Joey Joey Joey just nonstop I thought he was gone I could dude I could not have lived with [Laughter] myself are you just sitting there joy that was I was laughing so hard I have a respiration helmet so I have like extra time oh my God dud I I thought you were I thought you were gone I was like this is it man this is how the friendship ends so like fear of God was in Flash there holy [ __ ] um I would have felt so [ __ ] terrible that I’m just trolling and you’re like open up white chat and you’re just gone or something for reference if if someone were to drown AFK just get a door and put it at the bottom cuz it’ll fall in like a an air Pock I don’t think that works anymore does it oh yeah it doesn’t never mind they patch it I would have been dead were you gone or you just looking at the screen laughing cuz I was the entire time that you knocked me in and I was still kind of like messing out chat go like holding up my cracker and then you started freaking out cuz I thought you were I thought you were going to react I thought you were just gone bro I think you were just gone imagine you you you’re up you leave oh I got imagine man I [ __ ] push you as a joke you die how terrible would that be you can’t come back either he’s back he’s back what the watermelon dude I almost passed out guys I was wheezing cuz I was screaming so much after I started laughing I almost legit passed out bro imagine you pass out and you die in Minecraft after you drown that would have been fck tragic where’s the where’s the thanks for I appreciate it that’s so funny I legit thought he was G I was hoping you’d hear me or something [ __ ] tragic what I was listening to I’m just laughing cuz it’s not him that did the bad thing oh my God what a terrible honestly I’ve learned my lesson from pranking legit there ain’t no jokes in hardcore Jacob you want to turn the rest of the pros into the eyes someone was asking me what my death scream was like earlier and this was it dude what do we need for this uh yeah how many pearls you have you have pearls BL definely missing some I put them in the chest oh okay I didn’t see him I’m hungry all the screaming gummy hungry for some food dude I started eating cuz you’re hungry oh [ __ ] ender pearl one I have Ender nine okay we need like 12 right wait no we should have more ender pearls Jacob got four we should have more than no he’s not talking hello you said you put him in the chest but there’s only one it’s miscellaneous why didn’t you put it with in the ores where everything else I don’t think put I’ll put it in there do you need blaze powder blaze rods to make the IE ofender powder powder oh cool we can make more let’s see uh I guess I don’t need a crafting table very nice we got [ __ ] we got we have 14 nice um that’s exactly what we need don’t we need more no we don’t nope cool okay ready yeah Sor I need to recover man I legit thought I was ending your run like it was the worst I’ve ever felt I was like we can tell we can tell man yeah the fact that he was just there looking at his Joey Joey I kind of wish I didn’t have a respiration helmet cuz I could have SL started taking damage yeah if as soon as I started seeing like I I would have like Jo freak the [ __ ] out joy come up dude that’s so scary man it was terrifying how you know how bad I would have felt you come back here I I scarred my friend in Minecraft yeah this is like this is a good VOD clip honestly this is a good this is generally good it all started with the hole yeah oh cuz imagine like you die and you come back and I have to wait for you to come back you’re like what the why am I [ __ ] dead and I have to tell you oh I was pranking you so I pushed you in water like oh W how embarrassing I just ruined your run it’s [ __ ] content I feel like it would have I feel it would have strained our relationship I could roll it back you know I guess like if that was the case if it was like a troll kill I would roll it back like no shut the [ __ ] up Jacob all right Jacob have fun going AFK yeah dude next time you we’re going to [ __ ] get you I I was thinking about getting chil a little bit ago no you farting enough dude I’m hungry and I only have chili why’ you say so desperate I don’t know guys make sure you have two water buckets one milk bucket all right milk yeah it clears any uh I need some milk if you get poison or something like that by who there’s witches probably in the cavern I guess to okay are you guys enough have enough food uh well we’re going to divy up those um gold carrots yeah but also we need like just actual food we need to divy up the stacks of arrows as well I think Jacob you got 10 we have so many [ __ ] Stacks is not even a problem anymore I needed level so I just kep making arrows I don’t feel good calm down you’re okay no I just scream so much and I have oxygen in my brain it’s like a you know when you’re driving um well anyway in chat will relate so you know when you’re driving turn the chat you like almost get in an accident or something like that and you kind of get that quick boost of adrenaline you’re like yeah and you’re like kind of heightened for the rest of your drive home like that was close acting like it didn’t happen gotten 20 subs for that I’m like crying cuz I feel so bad 20 Subs coming wait I need bro did not want to finish the game with Jacob alone Joey no pleas Joey please I have 27 Arrows by the way I know it’s a basically basically what responding to Trinity so you turn down your music to put yourself in timeout for the rest of the dve pull over what have I done Sun’s beautiful all right at Sunrise we leave okay oh my goodness look at all this money we’re making the 50 Crums dude for an hour and a half do you think we’re going to really do this no I’ve learned enough I I can’t do this what if they actually go IFK you know my mom was concerned about your screaming just thought i’ let you know she was worried me when I me when I found out Trinity’s mom got married start screaming my chance dude I just slobbered Trinity bom bom I don’t even know her name like yeah going I’m going to make a milk bucket about to milk your homelander what’ you say nothing you’re gross bro I definitely don’t want to milk your little iies what the [ __ ] dude what’s your actual problem call me little God damn what if I milk the horse and like it filled the bucket white liquid it just it just says milk in quotation marks new achievement unlocked chicken Hey Jo Fighting a chicken chicken stop bad boy can’t wait to add that to my soundboard which part does flame work on the dragon J I don’t I think maybe maybe yeah it’s good on the end oh no you can’t oh great I can’t put protection all right sorry I don’t know what got over me yeah that was a bit of a dick move flash yeah NGL NGL okay I can’t put any on my armor the [ __ ] a um he I have a hot take I think we should get a few more pearls I think we should each have two peos each in our pocket so if we get knocked up and we don’t feel comfortable doing water okay like Knocked Up in the Air bro yeah yeah I know dude I would hate to get Knocked Up by one of you guys if we knocked up by the dragon we could Pearl down knocked by the dragon should bring some extra monies we can raise that kid for what’s a pickaxe I love how we’ve just been living by this giant Ravine by our house yeah really just puts us on edge dude I’m always edging I like that for you man I also like Ed shut the [ __ ] up I’m making some food for yall as well nice yeah resource p is ELR and my my Shader is sers vibrant Shader extreme what are you saying dude the [ __ ] up Flash The Shield thing happens to me too it’s just a Minecraft thing yeah I hate it can I try to pull my shield right away pisses me off makes me angry look can me me chicken me I feel like your genuine screaming could be memd so much like like just anything like seriously I wish it was just general screaming just like ah no no you know so like it could like apply to anything but it was specifically Joey get up when Joey’s late for his appointment you know when you’re sudden Joey is it is it up for school yeah Joey please really begging that’s the worst part you were just reduced you were just reduced to this pathetic little what do you mean I wanted my friend to not die when you get your hearten byy Joey come back when you wake up from a nightmare after seeing your friend Joey in your dream who died 15 years ago the result a heart attack on a hook Panda thank you for subbing welcome hey Cody how’s it going going to milk oh where are we getting more uh I’m just walking around dude yeah I’m going to help with the pearls if we get Knocked Up what do we do again we can just like teleport back morning yeah you use the ender pearl to throw it down dude you’re sick you’re sick Bro if get Knocked Up you can throw it down yeah I thought he’s laughing at you Jacob what did you hear Jacob’s joke what he say that was funnier than mine he said morning after the morning after [Laughter] Pearl I love it I’m so funny thank you panda Rhino Red Rhino I’d love if flash order on Das for you bro bro Jacob gets people to order door Das for stuff for on him for all the time what the [ __ ] did you just say what did you say Joey I’m so appalled I can’t believe I don’t even know what the [ __ ] one word of the simlish simlish you reduce to simlish did you mean to [ __ ] having a stroke dude are you okay he’s playing still Joey Joey [ __ ] when Joey has a stroke on stream Joey Joey that’s so embarrassing what if my [ __ ] landlords heard that something’s going on with his friend Joey I can tell you that who’s Joey we heard you yelling last night is your friend dead oh no you fell in Minecraft a I have not seen a single Ender yeah I know it’s a Enderman lless night we can just go in the morning then and end Ender Pals hi I love my Ender Pals to lower your rank because oh no they wouldn’t come on be uh I started no I started messing up my sentence and then I just like going why did you say sentence all right I guess I’m having a strong we should each have two apples golden apples I have two yeah I think I want to have a maybe a second shield in case it breaks on our journey do we want to try the bed Strat I’m Kidd I have one bed that I brought we could try and use it for extra damage yeah why not just remember remember it’ll actually like insta kill you if you’re too close okay I don’t even know how to do it so I probably don’t want to do that so how do we do this Shield thing so it’s like this and then this on top no um you the little throat fart got me dude I said I you know how do you do a shield make a uh iron in the top middle that by wood and wood at the bottom middle surround that in wood and wood at the bottom middle oh like that yeah so I got it can I get I can get prop four nice I’m making bread for the JY I can get I can get prop four on my uh how many carrots did you guys stick by the way I have uh yeah we should each take like around that much I have 15 I have 19 they’re still left over no I have 19 no wait did we just say we should get ender pearls can we just get ender pearls at the dragon place we can yeah but we have to we have to worry about the dragon flying around and trying to snipe hungy Wy hungy bu all right so let’s um let’s also take into consideration right now um we need to put our cords in chat and you guys know the the attacks of the Dragon no think spit and swallow that’s what he’s doing gross you have no idea okay all right I think I’m ready I have a power four bow sharpness two axe y my armor is mid at best but it’ll last how many bows arrows you guys have I have three stacks okay I have 29 four Stacks where are the arrows go in the go in the armor GE just look around I have different chests very nice all right well we don’t really need the I have my swords like half a little lower than half and have a second sword think that’ll be enough yeah that’s more than enough I don’t even think we we’ll get through all gentlemen look out Bey on the are we actually doing this are we trying go from the dragon now yeah well hold on uh do any of you guys have any XP I can kill you for what okay I just need more should we take a picture let’s take a picture out outside should we kill all the cows and make some meat no we’re still going to come back if we all live what if weow kill no kill the cows I I I made babies so the babies will be raised by then they’ll raise themselves it’s fine I do have some mean on me but I just want to make sure we have [Music] enough oh I just like killed like three back baby’s following me as you murder our family stop killing my dad please you know it’s like so sad shut the [ __ ] up dude when your dad Joey’s getting killed by some Minecrafter you don’t call him dad you just call him Joey yeah your husband being murdered Joey please come on wake up the desperation bro that was a really sad moment why can’t I put I can’t put protection on my pants do they have a version of protection on them they have fire protection oh yeah there’s only one type of protection that could be on it the time put the beef in here about to put my beef on your face Joseph put the beef in here H put the beef in here oh yeah you’re right top one put the beef in here you have any m i take the levels I need the levels here okay Joey did you put the beef in here put the beef in here not enough put your meat in here get your meat Rod out put it here all right oh it’s time to go oh no what’s my name I need eight levels is there Qui Farm levels hey boy how really why don’t you just get FL whatever you want yeah I have 16 oh yeah okay thanks can you um boy I really want to be with you you put book on that helmet please question why why do she want a man why did she say hey boy I really want a it has to go hat first then bookep book Joey do you have a protection respiration yeah it should be prop for thanks oh we had a bunch of books didn’t we can I have the helmet let if you take my can have helmet but no no what what what did Jacob say hello wait flash what why did this hey give me the helmet Bag N what the I was like what a minute I did I did that was almost the greatest bait and switch of all time I thought I literally would have believed that flash like somehow reversed the [Laughter] enchantment i t my hat for you my streamer like that all right I’m leaving yeah wait wait we’re waiting for food no he can leave all he wants he doesn’t have the pearls he doesn’t know where he’s going I’m going to your mom’s house okay there’s your meat class and Jacob’s here’s yours Jacob’s and I’ll take whatever’s in there yeah I’ll take Jacob’s Meat TM cockaroo pie oh God don’t even get started out [ __ ] you know I should make a recipe of cockaroo pie no joke work ask your boss before you leave your legacy that you have a cocky roon pie on the menu what do you hate Trinity what did I say I spew a lot of mouth garbage so you got to be I’m going to your mom’s house that’s what you said like you just screamed it I think that was that that annoyed me as well yeah hey I want real meat in real life I’m hungry dude could eat a horse oh there’s a horse over there uhoh it was the Jacob Jacob’s Meat TM you didn’t like that Tred Mark obviously I’m not going to let anyone get a hold of Jacob’s Meat all right let’s go ready first Pearl going out what the [ __ ] don’t don’t kill him don’t kill him stop he’s got I don’t know why say he’s got egg roll he’s going to AGG R this way oh please don’t break guys please no please no yes all right let’s go let’s just keep running could hear the in your room Jesus shut the [ __ ] up oh [ __ ] I’m going to whatever what we’re probably going to get into the ocean didn’t we find the stronghold I have I have wood I have wood I swear to God we found the stronghold already uh nope I don’t think we did are you sure oh wait maybe we did I have a feeling we did want to throw another one or I feel like we’re what wait didn’t we let me cover wait let’s just keep running this direction hang on let there a hold with a sign that says stronghold here oh my God the rainy day it’s a rainy day because the dragon’s about to [ __ ] die bro today is going to be the it’s going to be the day that we’re going to throw it back to you dude today going to be the day I’m going to throw it back on you today is going to be the day back out I want to turn off my camera that so CR after have my camera what what’ you do nothing dude will straight up play ASMR for his chat and stay on to but this embarasses probably did something weird something weird feel probably probably did something weird d shut the [ __ ] up no cam boy you’re like every other stream now are we not why don’t we check before going on the water I think it is this way dude look did it did it just break no didn’t okay yo sworen thanks for the follow dude I appreciate it BN sworn get on my boat Jacob I don’t know what I remember get on my boat cuz I think I remember exactly what you remember we made a little Tower oh bro in that time you’re like get out of my Bo guarantee I could to swam there what it got much faster here I don’t know I didn’t see the the Pearl when you threw it up last time it’s this way no what Jacob which way did you go just in the water yeah it’s just this way I mean thanks today is going to be the day that we’re going to kill the dragon it’s G to die it’s going to choke on my big axe tonight I I I don’t believe shut the [ __ ] up dude keep going ah I like think about lyrics uh I’m pretty sure it’s beyond this mountain Jacob I I think I remember what you remember it was on yeah like a little Island right I I just remember us finding a stronghold or something I don’t know I don’t know what it is I I don’t know if it’s from another Minecraft session or this one yeah I don’t know either we play Minecraft too much yeah I swear it’s from this one cuz this is the only time we tried to do the dragon in like last year yeah and yeah cuz then we go beyond this hill so far ahead I feel like I’ve been running as Jacob stop right here if my memory is Right Beyond this hill right here is going to be an ocean we’re going to cross and there’s going to be an island and that’s where it’ll be if my memory is that good I’m going to go crazy holy [ __ ] okay chat chat hold on to your weenies it’s getting and there’s an island across this ocean right here and it’s on that island it’s not even waste pearls let’s just see if it’s it’s right there’s an island oh guess we’ll see I had 30 crunch CRA from Taco Bell 30 oh 30 you’re dying Char dude I remember this jacob I actually remember this yeah I swear we found it I don’t know Chad can we talk about my photo memory photographic just watch there’s nothing here oh there’s a pillar yes yes that’s it I knew it I remember something from eight months ago okay but let’s let’s remember that it was me that first said I think we found it already but you sparked my memory it’s just weird like no I’m taking the credit dude I can’t believe how good I am yeah your specifics were pretty playing with children Dude Where’s the entrance oh what the [ __ ] there water all over the stairs oh yeah we drowned it out okay here’s what we need to do we’re going to have to swi down no just plug it no cuz it it keeps going I don’t have respiration so I’m wait till he finds it let me check let me check yeah can we not just plug a hole or something uh swim swim down here swim down here swim down here swim to me swim to me there’s a there’s a hole we could plug down here yeah we definitely went can you go down I’ll plug it when he comes up just please move I I definitely remember this because I think I went a different way I think we all went different ways okay flash [ __ ] move out of my way dude I’m trying to clog it I moved out of your way and you stayed there so I just figured I’d come down then rad boy this is the most frustrating [ __ ] movement Tech I’ve ever done I’m going to wait till the water goes down this is [ __ ] annoying which is going I’m here but there’s no stronghold there’s no whoever did this one was wrong you know what this is the type of tower I usually this is very familiar okay no this is very familiar now we have now we access Jacob’s memory I think yeah I remember coming up into cave like I think I just started digging right what’s this Cobblestone here what is this no I don’t know what this is oh goes deeper there’s an entrance this way what goes deeper there Tes it’s here it’s right here it’s right here yeah it is here that’s so [ __ ] funny dude nice nice wait where in the under just keep going keep going down the spiral bro we almost filled it out wait a minute what yeah I I remember like we came three eyes we had three eyes left what the [ __ ] we have 15 or some [ __ ] wait hold on wait hold on we need to make this just look nice oh my God who’s [ __ ] oh my God I’m on a Tab out please don’t go in yet I heard you go message me on Xbox try to invite me is my [ __ ] brother why is your Xbox on no it’s like the Xbox thing on like oh Windows all right everyone we’re about to Enter the Dragon whoever dies dies we’re going to Enter the Dragon Enter the Dragon and he’s going to knock us up and then we’re going to throw down I want to get dragon please please you’re lagging sounds like very bad oh my nephew literally messaged me you stink okay damn all right here we go ready this is I’m scared I don’t know how to fight the dragon wall okay just make sure you have water buckets we’re going to take a picture yes water buckets are super oh yeah pictures outside pictures outside why I don’t know I thought it’d be funny okay before the dragon this is us before the dragon this is us after after like it’s one guy This Is Us what about the the ender pearls so we teleport we don’t have those right oh no but we have a bunch of extra Eye Of Enders hey look look look when we get in when we get in water bucket out so that way we can place down real quick just in case we’re on a floating island okay here we go one at a time who’s going first so that way we don’t Collide and push each other off all right flash goes first oh Jacob we’re on a floating island all right uh it’s not the worst yeah it’s not too bad take this down take this down take this down go Jacob go down oh it’s literally okay I’m yeah it’s not it okay so we just have to not look the Ender I’m just going to get some so I don’t I have something to build with yeah I B I I brought stacks of of stone by the way so if we need it okay I’m scared now start start eating your gold carrots don’t look at the dudes we need to start taking out the towers wait time out oh [ __ ] that’s poisonous I don’t know how to eat the carrot I’m not hungry yeah well just wait till you’re hungry time out time out time out did you go under what the [ __ ] get away from me get away from me get away get away get away get away what are you I need to put on my intense rock music oh my God are you [ __ ] kidding me so what are we doing we’re shooting those [ __ ] Towers here you go chat they’re all on fire me too me too I got to play intense music I’ll just do it myself where is it dude what the [ __ ] is going on dude you might look at an Enderman back look down or something boom one down I already metal boom what are you booming do not the you to shoot the the crystals on top of the towers let’s go guys don’t let him get in your face my God I don’t oh I got one I don’t know if I’m hitting it someone looked at Enderman no I don’t think so I did I killed one for an end Pearl nice FL those are cage off bro you need to you need to get up there and get the cage this is the scary part my God I don’t know if I can Jacob since you got the Pearl you want to be the guy that climbs the towers I’m already going up oh my gosh careful oh I think I got one yeah no you hit the dragon oh but the the the the thing’s out oh my gosh that hurts a lot wow his poison Cloud does three damage God I’m so scared to look at one of them the Enderman aren’t that bad they’re not that scary to me they are my horse we’ll distract come on you [ __ ] no I did hit the the tower thing did oh nice cuz I just got exploded on him yeah wow what a shot Jacob he’s coming to you oh no you’re fine he’s perching perfect time go this is the perfect time this is where we oh my God this is where we used a bed ow ow oh oh my God oh my God I’m so scared to look at him where is he he’s in the sky I think he’s flying he’s on me Jacob you okay oh my God he’s alive no way I got feather falling boots baby nice yeah I don’t have that I think how many more crystals do we get I don’t know take some you [ __ ] wait all the towers are gone no there’s one more [ __ ] him up where [ __ ] his [ __ ] on top of uh I don’t know how to explain it the opposite I I can’t think it I’m trying to take shots at it back shots get back shots oh god oh I’m [ __ ] shooting all over his [ __ ] back right now end mad end are mad that’s me me ow he’s hitting them they’re they aggroed on the dragon really they’re mad at him yeah he’s fighting them and they’re fighting [Music] him hey he’s killing Enderman are these end like buffed or something maybe come get you son [ __ ] don’t die Jacob oh what a water bucket move why is he fighting the end I don’t know he’s mad at him you guys are doing nothing almost he’s almost done he’s almost done yay we did it I’ve never had a dragon fight that does that that’s terrible he was so bad I I not going to lie when I got knocked off the tower I thought I was dead yeah me too my my only my my my biggest enemy here was this one Enderman that kept slapping me well um all right that was easy what the [ __ ] taking the the oh you can’t use it’s such a noob no you don’t need a pist no you don’t need a piston you just need a torch where’s it at watch don’t hit it don’t hit it yeah watch just do this when I was younger oh oh he’s hitting me [ __ ] the irony of dying to him would be that’ be terrible nice hey get the achievement get the achievement yeah when I when I I first beat the dragon when I was younger um I you didn’t have to do that you just had to you just pick it up all right well boys uh wether next yes sir the [Laughter] credits it’s so slow that was uh that was so underwhelming that’s so anticlimactic I’m not going to lie I was [ __ ] stressed at one point the entire stream well it’s like he got so easily distracted by me and Flash that you could just freely climb up the towers see the one like there was only uh one time when things got scary and that was when you got flung off the [ __ ] thing yeah camp that one Tower he just stay he didn’t go back to the tower that was still left he could have just gotten healed by that elyra I don’t elyra there’s a so we got we got Ender Dragon oh no no we got the Wither next and we got got to go into where the wardens are oh my God wither first which is a crazy thing to say we have wither scho now look at us that was so underwhelming I lowkey trashed these chests because I thought like it was over lot of us weren’t going to come back yeah killed all those cows for nothing we found it in 5 minutes beat it in two you no wither will be more more what is elyas elytras what they the things you to fly around bro what you use them to fly around the elytras no clue where they are what it’s literal flying you’re lying elytras yes I don’t know what they’re talking the wings I don’t I know I don’t do you know what the N cities are end the cities no don’t just get trolling I’ve only played modded Minecraft and I would just like do my own thing like I said I haven’t played like vanilla Minecraft and like I said you know you know what the last time I beat an Ender Dragon was I you didn’t have to like it wouldn’t teleport yeah basically 1.8 properly stuck in 2015 I love how many arrows we took into that and I didn’t even use one stack yeah I use I use a stack cuz I kept shooting the towers let’s go let’s go to the nether now let’s go to the nether let’s go try and get those wither skulls see if we can do two and shot oh I guess we need thek yeah does a bucket of milk remove the with effect cool um right here oh this way I’m not there give me a sec so we need three skeletons and then what do you use Soul Sand or something yeah we we have everything we just need the the skulls basically where I’ve heard of shulker boxes and I know about the warden your shot’s roasting me man I got three buckets of milk by the way cuz water buckets don’t work in the end so you make you drop milk on the ground milk puddle there were where their skeletons is where we were going earlier Jacob joy and I counter some this way oh we need ah now we can use a looting so I’m going Daddy I wish you the best L what LK what am I talking about best lunk with Daddy’s are you sh thanks for thanks for the L glad you’re able to watch us and witness the amazing amazing Victory soel game guys we beat the game which you shoot it what the [ __ ] that’s so cool which kobby can say he did so that’s true that’s true I’ve never beat Hardcore Minecraft before this is a actually big achievement a lot of people can’t do this a lot of noob Gam Gamers make that [Music] sound is that a cat you think dude he stepped on his cat’s tail for that one yeah okay that’s going to hurt but it’s only for a second yeah thank you for making these so many up there there’s so many look at them all look at them all look at them all oh [ __ ] that’s terrible should we shoot them from here uh you are you want to knock them off though oh you’re right careful the blazes careful the blazes right shoot the blazes behind you okay he’s just a normal skeleton my God I thought it was a Wither that just you dude there’s so many enemies here what the [ __ ] much love less than three Jazz almost two years dude thank you appreciate it guys eat up don’t forget that yeah I don’t I kill the weather me like I’ve been playing too many like CSO games cuz I’m like jumping I’m jumping and not shooting thinking it’ll mess up my accuracy they’re dying a lot are they are those we weather skeletons yeah I mean they don’t guarantee to drop ahead it’s like yeah I’m just surprised they’re dying so easily uh someone magma cubes these are good it was oh it’s cold drop coal there’s more we need a beheading sword or some [ __ ] what have I done I don’t know I don’t know is is he on me on you guys yes I got on you you hit those guys okay should I just leave kill kill all the surrounding ones get off that thing first of all just kill the surrounding ones and they’ll uh they’ll lose Agro if they lose visibility you okay I don’t think I don’t think there’s anymore sorry that like my brain took over well clearly not my brain but my brain took over my like instincts were just like kill this guy yeah I think they done this guy’s not aggro on me oh I Skeleton on me Skeleton on me is it dead Okay coal we need that I mean we don’t want have much coal at home for sure I almost hit him [Music] too the going to say like does there a sword that beheads or something not that way not that way I think Joseph’s muted sorry that’s in modern Minecraft hey do your best zombie pig impression I don’t know I don’t know what they sound like there’s definitely dudes on our left here Jacob they’re on our left I heard him they’re going to be up here want to get up yeah you guys got it I’m going to go look oh you [ __ ] [ __ ] dude it’s a blaze spawn actually I don’t want to do that no no no it’s a BL spawn there’s no skeletons either oh they’re in here oh [ __ ] you see them oh yeah fact they’re stuck oh we I is oh I’m safe I’m safe actually I literally made this wither prooof yeah let’s get out of here there blazes spawn here but cuz we put torches on the spawner doesn’t uh doesn’t help oh okay thought it did hogins oh big piggy oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] the Big Pig comes in s on me God we’re not going that way I just going to keep going down this way to the left no I don’t want to go that way I mean if you feel comfortable explain this yourself did you go the stairs I lost sight of you no I went downstairs turn turn around that’s what I thought go back to where we came look oh this way cuz it goes it continues going that way oh I don’t care okay yall know that tic tck sound don’t think so nice dude CP it guys hello with how are you I’m surprised with how many we’ve killed and how little heads we’ve gone I thought they were much stronger shot like 3 hours at him they’re basically like yeah I guess it’s the whole wither effect that’s pretty bad yes sorry Jesus Christ I got a new armor sound like you got possessed okay this is a no-o it goes off oh my God uh should try to get ating hey what do you call no come on say it say a [ __ ] what do you call a professional gamer who gets possessed possession or possessed oh that was the joke Jacob you’re proess you dir out damn we beat the dragon there’s wither skeletons somewhere I hear him oh look at this chest diamonds that was a perf of bra for the day how’s it going dirt in my chest dirt dirt in my chest what do I do with that chest I put her in my chest that’s great dude thanks dude now I’m going to act like Trinity perfect going toing out for the name I’m sorry what that’s a trinity said what you say I didn’t even hear what you said hate that than that’s also one of her perfect amount of I’m actually going to kill myself no don’t oh more Diamond are you having a conversation with yourself I’m talking to Trinity I’m talking to Trinity my don’t kill yourself you’re so hot stop don’t do it don’t do it Trinity kill yourself you’re so sexy so sexy three where okay nice they’re stuck idiot I missed you missed oh I one shot I love how you can hear your like you guys hitting your mouse like with the bow you like slap it yeah I don’t know why I do that oh my God you so far away any heads no head no head so no head great [ __ ] stupid [ __ ] bch me no head the [ __ ] was that skeleton douchebag you you me lose five hearts that that did I really no Joe you’re a bag of [ __ ] douche you know that Minecraft song with you3 win oo what would our Minecraft s it should be it should be like one of those old oh sorry it be like one of those old kind of like uh like Journey songs but about how we killed the Ender Dragon in hardcore how it was underwhelming that think it was a good idea diamond is useless netherite items is better G ner who said that um collector invest are you like a a stocks Channel I’m kidding I’m sure it is it’s better I don’t even know how to make netherite I’m it is better but we’re not going to go farming for that right now I’m trying to find the Wither heads you want to get Pepsi yet can I get some head right I’d love to get Pepsi I love Pepsi chat Pepsi or Coke well it’s ay for me a sorry my nose is so annoying oh I thought I fell oh really I just thought it was you what is this aggro range [Laughter] both to fing losers I sniped him from here nice all right we just need to keep running around the Fortress or we can make a brick or we can make a nether brick like ground area and hope they spawn there as well it’s got to be in the biome though Pepsi and conch pipsy is edible bug spray you’re stupid what who said that vortex more like I guarantee I guarantee Vortex is that your name I guarantee you read something you read something where it’s like there’s a chemical that’s in bug spray that’s also in Pepsi huh that’d be pretty bad not really though because it’s like it’s like what if there’s water in bug spray but it’s also in Pepsi not every chemical that’s in in in bug spray is toxic you know I guess [ __ ] one toxic dude these skeletons are garbage I see two Jacob I see two apparently yeah that was weird I know oh [ __ ] no oh nice I got one me no it’s a [ __ ] piggy it’s a [ __ ] piggy me I got [Laughter] it I see two skeletons here um how many heads do we need we need three we have only one or I thought we had one one of us will die at the uh the the Wither for sure I see that yeah now it just doesn’t happen beat the whole game with no issues like I guarantee this is when someone’s going to die just Co be was the issue wow what is that what is that oh it’s leather you’ll know cuz it looks like coal and you’ll be really happy or you’ll be really sad and then you walk over it’s a square piece of coal yeah that’s what happened on the first one I killed Dr Pepper all the way garbage I hate Dr Pepper Dr Pepper is good so did you know Dr technically it’s like a cherry flavored drink [Music] yeah o didn’t know it was cherry flavored what the [ __ ] do you mean did you know Mountain Dew’s lime flavored is it wait that mountain flavored they tastes like Mountain dude Honestly though think about the name Mountain Dew holy crap that’s like so refesh so [ __ ] good dude and then you drink it and it’s literal battery acid no no it’s so good looks like battery acid right dude any W’s in chat for Mountain Dew yo what’s up bananama W I’m putting in chat is W for your [ __ ] butt cheeks actual like old have we done raids what are raids I don’t think we have uh oh we could try and do those that’ll for sure screw us over is that against those Pillager guys yeah and you basically trigger them by running over to the Village I think the reason I didn’t want to do the ra had a bad moment was cuz I didn’t want to lose Villers when you trigger them you just want to be like stupid libero Baha Blast Baja Blast I don’t think I don’t know if I’ve had Baja Blast we might have had what I mean we don’t have Taco Bell here but they it’s released in stores now apparently it’s in every 7-Eleven in the US and I don’t know if it’s in Canada as well but it is I saw it in a convenience storm Canada you should get it it’s dude maybe just look on my door Dash and there’s like B blast [ __ ] 7 this Fortress is huge it keeps going two of them wife can you can you buy me Taco Bell I want B blast classic moment oh you know that’s a risky move Baja Blast code red I think code red and Baja Blast me are tied I remember having red or blue whatever blue one is you got another head already I got head baby wait Jacob did you didn’t get the achievement though oh my inventory is full I mean I think oh he’s not that means he’s already no no no but I was going to say that means he’s already we might have had one but we have one okay we would have all had scary skeleton what is this spooky scary skeleton crazy how all of those names red B major melon major melon’s major Allen dude no it’s a Cole on God on jaw dude great now I want to Dr to Pepper Chad don’t drink soda it’s bad for you but if you have to don’t listen to these [ __ ] dude soda is good for you you need the sugar you need the carbs you know how creators you know how creators are starting to do this thing where like they make their own little products yeah yeah what do we do what do we do what do we make my thing is going to be like a soda I think better make a good ass soda for me to go away from my Pepsi Pepi yeah I do I call it I call it Bim you know B Bri or crime drink this and you’ll do less crime where’s that little baby Pigman I think I’m just doing a rip off of prime you don’t jump on the edges dude shut up [ __ ] I had prime I tried it it’s disgusting cheese flavored soda we’re talking listen to this you make a company called Brine and it’s all about use making sodas from different kinds of brinds disgusting gross but they’re Del no they can’t I don’t think that works marshmallow b b Brian hey flash Brian Brian Brian doesn’t roll his heart like that Brian Bri you are such a handsome little doggy Brian what the [ __ ] let me French kiss you Brian I feel is it just me or you L stressed do you guys feel less stressed right now like I feel accomplished at least I just feel accomplished like if I already died I feel like I actually love myself now well good for you man never come j now if you love yourself even more go to therapy bagage boy bagage boy remember therapy is for the week chat people therapy been great Joe soda that would be dude I did my toes in it I’m so sorry yeah hey read the rule about the bunk no sucking on grippers you guys back home no I’m still around did you know there’s a direct correlation between decreased soda consumption and arising crime is it really I would commit a crime too yeah um you have CRI by I have yeah [ __ ] it’s pretty bad isn’t it I feel it’s like the target is for I think it’s okay okay it’s so sweet have you had the [ __ ] pops I’ve had both flavors I’ve had two flavors actually and they were terrible they’re so sweet it’s terrible compared to waa compared to um the original thing that I had it for which was a replacement for uh I had it as a I had it as a replacement for um sorry there’s I I no I got like 30 blades around me what what the no there’s like four Blaze um no those are gests um I had it as like a Gatorade substance is that even like is that does that even work with all the sugar in there yes that’s the point no is it I thought it was for kids to drink and get [ __ ] hooked on oh well they talked about as a Gatorade substitute at first that’s what people compared it to when it first came out guys I don’t know where I’m going I love how quiet y’all get when Jacob says something that might affect my gravitas same told you it’s like one of those things like you know when you’re in like a mall and there’s like a dude just like screaming top his LS for no reason that’s how it feels like you don’t know what to say you don’t know what to do put the thing down I’m dangerous when hungry maybe one day they’ll send him to therapy we tried wife wife can I have Taco Bell please dude what is this you ref went to therapy oh did you when oh did you h does therapy put Taco Bell on my table oh my God what the [ __ ] is this oh there it is there’s a I’m going back home I I’m finding so many skeletons of them dropping heads I’m bored flash isn’t getting head any dude do not give up on head so no head no head we need this though like it’s not a matter of like yeah I’m Bor but the thing is that I don’t know where to go and you guys are clearly deeper keep running around the Fortress you just run around the Fortress let him respawn in time well I’m already at the portal you want me to come back no just leave [ __ ] quitter do whatever you told me to go to therapy what when did I I just want to Taco Bell your wife told you to go to therapy no she said I told her to go to therapy kind of ironic that you told her to go to therapy oh the irony sounds like you’re about to sing a seashack oh theery that’s what I was yeah makun every single person is my enemy oh the treachery I’ve killed quite a few withered skeletons here yeah for yourself right dude I love that song can you sing it more no now that you like it I don’t want to sing it did you buy your wife a house yet oh my God not this [ __ ] again I’m trying to move into her [ __ ] bum ass country and what’s that one would you make a would you make a mouse a cookie or something like that would you give a mouse a cookie what the [ __ ] are you talking about it’s an old book it’s called like would you give a mouse a a Crum or something like that yeah of course give a mouse a Crum please someone vouch it’s it’s like a book I know I know you’re talk oh for sure he L would you make him would you would you give him as a cookie would you send Jacob to therapy is it the same thing same realm yeah I mean I’ve tried but he’s like no that’s right he goes oh the treachery every single person is my enemy EXC me I hate therapy if you make a mouse a cookie you turn him into a cookie I’m I’m not a gas lighter guys imagine how sad it would be if you’re walking down the street one day you just he you look down it’s just like the remnants of a mouse actually I didn’t step on it but I’ve seen it I was on a walk with Caitlin recently there was a mouse been there for at least like 5 days was like cooked in the Sun smelled a little bit have you seen the video of the horse where there’s like the mouse walking around and horse just goes clop and slams down no I haven’t I’ve seen some [ __ ] up videos but that’s not one of them oh it was so sad listen I’m not going to buy a [ __ ] house seen a horse money I’ve seen a horse just Chomp a baby chick like it just oh dude my oh yeah I think I saw one my aunt got bit in the back with by a horse [ __ ] that’s a [ __ ] horse dude I hate horses make a fish egg flavored soda it was a kese horse kese a Kyan yeah is the horses there behave differently they don’t regulate him as as much okay they they don’t follow the US lot I’m [ __ ] around flash it’s a wild animal Okay Okay I accept it not going to holy [ __ ] oh oh there’s like seven eight skeletons here at back at spawn I got another skull really yes I have two now and if you give a mous a muffin AA muffin that’s right what about those uh those David books the the like I don’t have money why to talk about what was his name naughty David or whatever it’s called Naughty David like bad David it was like about a kid who just behaved Den is the Menace no his name is David oh okay David the Menace I think the book is L just called David oh no David that’s what it was ow [ __ ] you piece of [ __ ] there so many skeletons near the beginning holy [ __ ] I know yeah no David is literally a book about a kid who’s like a brat he’s literally a brat and like all he does is like do bad things and they’re like no David stop so we cut off his thumbs that’s why you can’t be bad ow [ __ ] what the [ __ ] I’m going to die I’m going to die don’t die ja die I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die drink milk drink your milk drink your milk drink your milk you’re fine you’re Pro Jacob you’re a pro I just got ran on by like five Withers yeah I had like seven here with [ __ ] did you get a SC BL blazes no joy is Joy hanging out in the children book section I wouldn’t put past him what what’s up Legion what’ you say what can’t find a [ __ ] head to save my life dude ow [ __ ] oh how many you killed oh am I going to die drink God drinky milk drinky milk run away you’re going to die no it wasn’t milk it was fire I didn’t realize how low I was and I was burning and I couldn’t put water down or anything that’s when you pop the Apple yeah that’s what I did just now just in case isn’t there a story about why Caillou’s bald and it’s like he gu cancer is that really what it is and he’s like living in a dream world oh no he’s just this is the actual world this is the reality of it they just don’t show the part where the parents are struggling with money to keep up with the treatment well isn’t doesn’t it happen in Canada maybe it’s not as bad like cancer cancer happens everywhere no I know but the money aspect of it you have to worry about dying and not about being broke while you’re dying well SC all right we’re good we’re good I just don’t get it man i’ I’ve killed so many wait we need to do wait let’s let’s let’s see how many you killed uh go put yourself in hole there’s a stat you could check for Wither Skeleton kills I think go to statistics okay I’m going to get out of the nether first yeah I’m going to go why do we we have to check now at this moment I’m going to leave mobs killed get in a hole so wife iell Alex how you did not die oh hello idiot oh oh I’m stuck idiot who you talking to the skeleton don’t you feel like a fool Jacob he wasn’t even talking to me oh [ __ ] oh you oh I have no money wamp wamp you have money you were flexing your bank account to me yesterday I don’t I don’t know I don’t get it okay sorry do you know what would piss me off what if I’m one Health right I’m like I’m running away then I see a skeleton he shoots at me my Shield’s already up and he kills me I will literally like I’ll go to Mojang and I’ll [ __ ] [ __ ] down their throat like straight up you know what I mean you’re on a watch list now yeah for real though like how frustrating with that be I saw a skeleton he turned around and my Shield’s already up he hurts me do that not frustrating enough to do that no no no no no if I died on this hardcore world because of that yeah I would go over there and [ __ ] on them I’m back baby yeah I’m on my way do we have the Soul Sand statistics there’s no there’s no wither specific I got some Ender Chest I’m glad it didn’t stop to check my statistics oh yeah we should have an Ender Chest so that way we can okay this this is where things get scary I think scary cuz y’all know how this works right he has like a phase where he just flies around and blows everyone up and then he has a phase where he goes aggro and goes in your never f with her he just the whole time flash he’s he’s going to it’s I’m kind of nervous I’m not I don’t even care kidding I’m terrified I’m kidding no you’re not you stinky guy all right I got my SKS here how many milk should I have here flash you can get the achievement uh like three I’m going to get five actually I’m not going to lie five yeah cuz every time he hits you it just Withers you every time he hits you and Wither’s different than poison it’ll kill you okay here I give fles the achievement wait we didn’t do the I did I did I did already I did spawn him underground no that’s did he not pick that up that’s the [ __ ] way sounds like a good idea wait wait how can we have four skulls Jacob said that he I had one earlier I thought you were joking when you said I had a skull cuz I you didn’t like say let’s go I thought you were [ __ ] trolling wait I figured the math was wrong how many did you get how many did you get Jacob I had two on me so we have four did you so you got two oh my fault yeah you got the one well I I said I got the first one and then you like at one point you said like oh I got another but you didn’t say let’s go so I was like okay he’s probably trolling I’ll just keep looking oh hello hello sorry and Flash still has zero yeah I killed quite a bit I see why you raging now I see why you’re raging I’m like Jacob’s only gotten one like I barely just got my psycho like relax I heard Jacob say he got one right at the beginning there was something like that he didn’t though I look at the order of uh I don’t care dude hon look at the order of operations dude talking I’m very terrified right now where are my gold I’m scared as well are we doing it now where my golden apples go yeah what do you mean are we doing it now why would we wait I know I just have one Golden Apple you want more we should get more gold should we get we should maybe get more to gold right Jacob I don’t think I have any golden apples either I got gold bars so hold on we’re going to kill the Wither Skeleton I don’t know what Venture Brothers is you said the two brothers that are twins that do home renovations or whatever house flipping else I have a iron sword I maybe I should have a diamond sword I have an axe I have an axe oh this axe better yes in my opinion if there’s no enchantments it’s better if you jump crit hit it it’s [ __ ] nasty it swings slower but yeah should I make a a diamond axe yeah okay I’ll do it yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I need to repair my helmet all right guys you ready here we go give me a [ __ ] second right in here right in here our whole base why can’t I can’t repair my [ __ ] helmet my diamond helmet oh I can I made a diamond Helm I love it okay we need more gold where are we going to get gold for from show us the Hops oh wait guys check this out group therapy what do you mean just add group therapy come here come here come here we have to do something okay ready okay so Sneezy today Judy hops what the [ __ ] is going on my chat right now o Judy hops my type of stuff for sure good right I couldn’t watch a movie and sit still no joke okay where we oh oh yeah I love it the Church of the dub we did it man we did it without you but we did it we did it bunny I don’t want to look at what is going on I don’t know dude I’m going to die I’m going to die such a piece of [ __ ] no one likes you wonder you want want to go to therapy you’re just a [ __ ] psychopath than you close it on yourself anyways I closed it so you would open it that’s actually smart where are you going are you doing it in the the nether I’m going uh to get more gold for the uh I I I genely have the closest moment to death ear here and I’m [ __ ] [ __ ] myself and those weather skeletons are [ __ ] my butt cheeks I thought the envil he was using was in my room I looked behind twice I’m so dumb nice what oh is that my Anvil I’m really confused what oh I found gold nice right at the beginning overw world no I’m with you guys oh nice I think our arrows collided Jacob dude when arrows Collide title of our sex tape that’s how you know I’ve been watching too much Brooklyn 99 yeah I thought you be like porn you brag about how much you’re watching such a good show though wa is show but I just unironically did a [ __ ] title I’ve been watching Brooklyn 69 dude title of our sex tape again Gold Everything But gold yeah I’ve uh I’ve basically been making my way around getting as much gold as I can I’m in a ravine here making my way down [ __ ] fast my dad just put me in a headlock why is that one came up in your head that’s said like unresolved therapy trauma you got to go through no guys stop not going let the smell of rotten eggs seep into the armor what [ __ ] me when I fart dude oh dude I think my axe had something special on it cuzz I I would break the Netherrack like like that like straight up your pickaxe yeah it’s Unbreaking or efficiency 4 I think oh [ __ ] now it’s slow and I’m I hate my life like you know what I mean I hate that oh yeah you should do a dub you should do prediction if we beat the the Wither without us dying he’s in chat dub we did it without you I think he was watching yeah Kobe we full on did it without you like 100% like clear game over it felt easier honestly without without what you said babysitting oh that’s what I figured did it come from a truth no that my dad in a headlock didn’t come from a truth that’s that’s a lie surprising well I have 52 so I’m going to go back and make in it’s I I haven’t found one I haven’t found one I have two stacks oh nice I’m just going to go to the overw and go mining I remember seeing gold gold gold gold gold gold gold gold gold gold gold gold gold gold I think one stack gets you we should all open 100 CS cases later no terrible idea it’d be hilarious great content I want Taco Bell so [ __ ] bad it’s crazy this guy are you like what’s going on with your brain right now we should open 100 cases guys we should talk I want Taco Bell so bad right now F keep your mind straight bro selum sellium selum I made an apple Golden Apple for someone I’ll put in the ores play Russian roulette with a Glock no balls what watch me the fade away from the mic watch me I think what you just did is TOS what what we do I heard the Glock in the background there’s no Glock I don’t have a Glock Jacob’s Glock he has a Glock I don’t have a Glock he’s an airsoft Glock I don’t I’m telling the twitch b b b n what if like you guys came back to the overw world and I spawn the Wither in our base and all base all messed up I don’t even think you know how so you don’t even know how you don’t know how it doesn’t take a [Music] genius yeah yesterday’s Papa John’s dude what a flash Gaslight it’s called a flashlight CH we f guys coffee spelled backwards is eok wow you know when you’re got coo Bell is cuz you’re Stone as a wall that’s not true Jacob’s not Stone right now com by I’m not Stone guys I’m hungry I could go for some Taco Bell i’ I had it once but I could have because you guys are talking about Taco Bell I’m going to go get some no [ __ ] you [ __ ] I’m sorry I was out of it yeah I’m going to get some Taco Bell or In-N-Out one I’m getting in and out M I made up right there wow big surprise Joy goes in and out I feel like it’s a Thursday stream tradition is that the thing yeah oh I think I’m going to stream clone here after this off stream in a Discord if yall wanted to join you don’t have to no if figured you wouldn’t want to honestly I want to go eat [ __ ] knew you wouldn’t want to I want to go eat you’re everything he expected flash but worse okay do I have a gold it oh gold Apple do you have a gold then what are you doing just go mine already you’re just [ __ ] walking around this place I’m waiting for you we I’ve not eaten today I’m hungry want these guys to hurry the [ __ ] up so I can go eat would we have like a [ __ ] house Pig what is this nope dude don’t I actually made a penis penis penis you still in the nether Joey yeah I’m uh getting quite a bit of gold here very nice I don’t think gold gold gold gold gold gold gold I have three three and a half stacks right now so far D dude please tell please please please um respect my game what I I am the Minecraft pro respect my game I was I not respecting it I was like cool man you got sacks respect my game You’re a Rat straight up what am I having I don’t know I’m debating I bought some groceries yesterday to make food not Taco Bell not Taco Bell I could make some chicken mashed potatoes and asparagus but that sounds like a lot of effort to me how about that you let me talk not just interject with every [ __ ] little thing that comes in your stupid [ __ ] rat brain anyways yes [Music] [Laughter] asparagus just really demolish me for a second let’s go back mashed potatoes and then asparagus some roast beef some chicken I have’t planed one but I do want to go back to it Vortex Pacific drive now we’re doing the Wither waffles I can hear a spider out what was rude dude no way you know how we’ve been looking for coal like for a bit is there like a giant vein there’s some above our bed wait what yeah I thought it was a spiders I got scared I was like oh they can’t go in the ceiling they should be able to honey have you come here to say sorry for not getting me uh what the [ __ ] manipulation not manipulation love each other say hi you’re on my TV at work no way Jacob what the he what’s up guys ignore my weird friend flash is now your enemy why is Flash your enemy that’s what my wife said by the way Flash no we’ll talk about it later soon I have a lot of stuff to tell you hey that’s a I didn’t read that message that’s a good idea no the nacho cheese sauce is good though someone said I should door Dash you the worst it on the menu from Taco Bell just so you get like some piece of [ __ ] I’ll get you a Cheesy roll talking about me I was like I don’t have Taco Bell man no Jacob get him a get him a Cheesy roll oh that sounds very cheesy and a bit too much sounds a bit cheesy and kind of Rolly I don’t like working with chicken Mochi it stresses me out cuz bacteria oh my God same I have to put it on a cutting board and then I have to clean the cutting board but then it goes in the sink so clean the sink you have two different cutting boards wait wait you clean your sink yeah chicken juice goes in my sink yeah the [ __ ] you just rinse it out what do you you like wipe down your sink do you not ever wipe down your sink no I do like I’ll clean we’ll clean our sink like once a week but like we’re not going to wipe it down if we put chicken in there it’s not that bad yeah that’s the thing I aniet about okay fair enough you not wash your dishes oh my God I clean my sink I just clean it like once a week I don’t clean it after I do chicken cook the chicken I’m putting dirty dishes in there I’m not every time I put my hands in the sink I’m washing them you know I just I just have pretty bad anxiety about it flash my wife I cook the chicken if you want organic food is better buy your [ __ ] husband food the [ __ ] that’s right thank you flash the champion of the people and I was on her side until she said that buy the guy some food you get louder free my boy Jacob buy him some food I’m just walking around my base I ate some I’m coming back with the gold right now yay shut up soup boy why did you call me soup boy what how am I soup boy I’m going to call you chili cheese fart ass to [ __ ] eat your ass C damn handle raw chicken I don’t like the feeling either I’m also anxious about chicken thank you you see I’m not the only one well I’m I have to like prepare mentally to cook chicken which is annoying that bad I guess I would say you know my wife called you my wife called you soup boy flash what am I soup boy for I just shut up I don’t know why am I souit boy you probably look like one I’m going to find so much information about her and I’m going to [ __ ] talk so much next time oh boy get I know I know a good I know her husband I know a good her right now she said because you insulted her soup months ago she still REM chicken taco soup dude ah what the [ __ ] that’s a son of soup dude wait chicken taco soup’s actually amazing what it’s like chicken tortilla soup chicken tortilla soup I’m assuming it’s the same thing all right how many apples you have Jacob I have none how many apples you have flash two thank you baby Jacob are you you’re front line usually right [ __ ] off are you going to go smack him are you going to go smack him yes or no what do you mean am I going to go smack SE the there’s your shapa you’re Smacker now unless you want to give it to me and I’ll be the Smacker you can be the Smacker I did not want to be the Smacker well then don’t ask fing okay I’ve never done this before but I think we should build fortifications around low key like little walls so we can hide behind him just in case I actually like that idea that way we have something to hide behind and we’re not running around an open field cuz he shoots fast it goes like oh [ __ ] all right where we fighting him out in our field next to our house yeah sure we need the war zone dude you’ll be sick never mind I’ll save it for later just in case it does happen and I can be like dude I so sick okay let’s make a an arena well let’s not box ourselves in no we want to guys are stupid honest build walls around trap ourselves is this far enough we can we can do it in the Ice Area cuz there’s already pillars of ice no we’re going to get caught on [ __ ] slip around hey hey let’s see spawn in here right and then we put like put a wall here you know let’s Also let’s also um make sure that he stays away from our cows so if one of us needs to run away and get more milk we can do it and we don’t lose our cows in the process of doing it I’m doing these T of walls so we can see him but he can’t walk through I don’t know how tall he is but Creepers three creepers why are there three creepers outside our house I don’t know I never seen them I think I heard you were getting into cooking more recently if you want to make some of the best cooked meat in your life you get a souie I don’t want to do souie dude I’m not [ __ ] spending hours on a meal’s pretty noie you basically just don’t you need like a specific machine for it you basically just get this Rod that heats it up and you put the rod in a in a like pot of water you put the bag Chicken in and you just leave it for like hours and when you’re done you pull it out you’re done cooking that’s it how you don’t youie don’t you have to also cook it after to give it a crust and stuff yeah you I mean you can but you just throw it on for like a minute or two to crust it by the way he can destroy uh things so yeah I know that’s why I’m putting walls I don’t mind sushimi that much I don’t eat it often though it’s really rare it is I hated that wet wet smack whoever [ __ ] did that I don’t know I fell um or what you talking about IRL I mean I feel there’s less CH sound like a wet smack poisoning do that me if you eat raw sushimi then if you eat raw chicken I came here for BL if you’re guaranteed to be sick if you have raw chick Minecraft or Food Network I came here for block called him what do you on about what you about yeah we’re playing Minecraft right now we’re building with blocks honey I don’t understand what’s going on here what you saying this is going to be super cool she said I is this Minecraft or the Food Network I can’t came here for blocks she wants the food she’s so sassy today what’s her problem yeah what what’s going on here honey I’m going to pull I’m pulling the trigger I’m pulling trigger your dog ugly who what the [ __ ] don’t [ __ ] talk come on man what [ __ ] adorable dude God damn bro zig’s the most adorable little thing I knew that would trigger put him on the comp put him on the comp she just wrote Joey put him in the compilation we should this Arena looks sick keep building keep building until night and then we’ll go to bed and we’ll do it in the morning true I I think this is enough here now a dude there’s always so many holes when they when they oh you know what I want I going to get some more dirt and fill up the holes we don’t fall in them she said she said that’s it I’m coming after your hairline what the [ __ ] to who to Joey what the [ __ ] my hair lying you’re I have good hair your hair’s clapped buddy I have good natural CL I have good natural hair no matter what happens I have to back up my wife so sorry Joey oh my I I got tingles in my feet no joke I almost fell down the Ravine like and I think it was high enough it would have kill me I think you have feather falling though no I do yeah think foot tingles godamn yeah yeah that was scary I’m nervous my feet are numb Joy’s Joy’s on the next level numb feet I am going to position myself on this hill the way he works is he’s going to Target one of us okay maybe the target doesn’t shoot and just tries to survive well yeah he doesn’t you can’t really choose he just does so the first phase he floats around mhm and like shoots missiles at whoever and then the second phase is his aggro face he heals and then he starts shooting he basically tries to fly as close to one person as possible fa I’m going to equip a fresh shield for this um do we have obsidian extra obsidian maybe we make emergency bunker like like if you’re getting if you’re getting chased down no if like you’re getting chased down and you’re dying you need to stop to drink milk and take an apple you can run into the bunker that he can’t fit into you know yeah I’m still building fortifications [ __ ] this [ __ ] I’m building a I’m filling up the holes so that we don’t fall on them yeah that was a good idea I’m helping out with that right now you’re running away I’m in a hole you know that’s terrible dude that would be yeah drink your milky wiky yeah we’re a couple of milk drinkers out here you guys drink milk no I like milk I used to drink a lot of it when I was a kid yeah I don’t I wouldn’t say I drink it like I’m like I’m going to go for a glass of milk but like if someone’s like you want milk I’ll be like sure I remember the last time I had milk like by itself um Caitlin’s lactose intolerant and I don’t care about milk that much to buy it and have it go expired because I don’t drink it that much either so just don’t buy it anymore Joey would drink milk she’s on a crusade my wife’s on a crusade against you guys drinking milk huh life me it’s a weak weak ass [ __ ] come come back come weak ass come jesz when you can’t when you have like a [ __ ] you can’t your sperm’s too weak to make a baby weak ass come uh let’s who’s using bricks who’s [ __ ] using bricks dude it’s cool let’s go to bed all right guys this is the moment you’ve been this is the moment I need to I need to sleep I’m sleeping separate from you guys because I don’t want to have like this Bond of a connection before we go in and die you’re going to sleep [ __ ] suck your toes I’ll [ __ ] suck your toes dude stop there’s no toe did you hear that that’s scary man there’s no toe sucking Ru in this room my own Fire Res pots stop a potions fire resistance but we don’t need fire it’s wither so it doesn’t really matter I was going to say I was like it does fire ladies and gentlemen I drank my milk somehow I can still hear the [ __ ] oh they’re dying they’re burning they’re burning yeah you what’s you you guys have buckets of milk yes I have three nice I have four okay I’m going to make the bunker near our house okay just a real quick bunker it’s not of obsidian so it’s not guaranteed to be safe but it’ll get you get you out in a pickle okay does the ice does the ice biome have deep snow I think so maybe should oh no the ice no Okay Ice Bike okay we’re good I’m going that’s going my fall back spot why not this bunker that I’m making milk check who’s got the most milk I’ve got three milks four milks I have three I have three I have the least milk Joan flash are tied for the most milk shut the [ __ ] up dude statistics plant TNT around the Wither before you spawn it dude genius I think we have like three TNT in our chest we have enough for a lot actually all right we ready we have enough for a lot what a [ __ ] classic Joey sentence yeah [ __ ] let me just say nothing okay there’s a lot of [Laughter] words all right I’m ready guys my dog just cup check me okay so what reading a chat message I was reading a chat message oh he’s charging he’s charging he’s charging the result a heart attack on a h he’s charging he’s charging I heard these chug he’s going to go right for you you think so oh my God Joey run oh my God oh my God what the [ __ ] ow ow ow yeah you need to you need to oh he’s after me he’s after me I am I am R run top there’s a bunker by the [Applause] house I’m so scared I’m so scared scared to when you’re when you’re when you get to the bunker he AG off you Jacob get closer you’re missing all your shots he’s still after me guys I don’t know what to do keep ready keep ready keep oh my [ __ ] god he’s still after me keep running keep running oh God he’s going to hit me one of these days he’s going to hit me at some point no no no no no you’re good you’re good you’re good keep running oh my God I’m running out of food okay go to the bunker go to the bunker where’s the bunker the over the house over the house I can see a shadow behind me go over by the house if you need to eat something first eat an apple eat an apple first if you need to eat is it in is inside the eat an apple in there eat an apple in there you’ll be safe for a little bit eat an apple I’m eating my meat I’m crying oh my [ __ ] God get out he’s diing through oh my God what he okay okay he’s in a dager phase he’s in a dager phas he’s he after me still yes yes oh my God I don’t want this I don’t want this oh my [ __ ] god oh no no run away from the field just run away from the hle run away from the ah run away from the ow ow ow I’m full crying I’m full crying I’m so scared what no no Jacob go to the bunker kill him kill him up top I’m coming I had to go the long way I’m going to dig down I’m going to dig down that was is fair Joey you got to kill him I’m trying get up top and smack his ass he’s after me he’s after him he’s after him why was that an idea Joey you got to get in the bunker and and he’s going to glitch and I’ll smack him up top what in the bunker okay he’s up to me okay okay it’s okay it’s okay keep it that way keep it that way we just dude he’s he’s he’s all pushing he’s us wait he’s chasing you but shooting me oh God I pissed off the pillagers Joey help I know I know I’m coming I’m coming Joy taking yes drink milk drink milk drink milk drink milk I’m you died F where I’ve got the star Flash no damn man he was just after me the whole [ __ ] time how did he C how did he like end up getting to you well he just kept shooting me and just I I was getting withered so I I kept getting hurt and there was no break I figured you guys would swoop in to help at some point but man fl’s loot is all gone cuz he blew it up basically no man also the pillagers despawned somehow I just solo carried that second phase Christ [ __ ] you dude I was kidding chased the whole time look at how he started burrowing into the whole Jo yeah that was scary dude like diing in noash well good luck on your adventures guys no oh you really just dug all the way in yeah see you guys have fun bye-bye damn really just was on my ass the whole [ __ ] time I can’t believe it no [ __ ] break for this guy well we knew someone was going to die honestly man I wish it would have aggroed like one of the other guys for one second so I could drink milk but he was just I mean I I figured that one of them like would have souped into hell but man they weren’t they were shooting him at least but [ __ ] I feel like it wasn’t enough H oh well GG’s I don’t have anything else planned we played for a long time though which was nice through three hours I thought we was G you know could have died at the dragon you know get more bunkers I I was full heal when I was in the bunker yeah another bunker somewhere else yeah that would have been good it’s just to give us a break wish would attack my friends yeah they’re getting nice [ __ ] break I was just [ __ ] screaming the whole time I know what he had like like I don’t know man oh my goodness look at all this m making Freeze from freeze frer why you try not dying I don’t get it dude that was [ __ ] insane yeah the bunkers would have been good but you starts digging in but yeah at least the second bunker would have kept me alive Joey was not as upset about you d as you about him drowning result a heart attack the more we think about the talk about it the more upset I’m getting undy stream undy Man stream thank you so much for the the the sub appreciate it I think I’m just going to go I mean I I don’t really have anything else planned and I’m mad that I’m dead so I’m just going to go and I’m hungry that’s that’s sweet Vortex appreciate it thank you guys for joining and unfortunately came to a halt I mean at least we eat the dragon I think I not I think we died at the dragon I would have been really sad you know it was very intense a little too intense man he was just after me so hard I went into the bunker ran out and he was still after me GG’s guys thank you guys for joining I’ll see you tomorrow we’re playing uh yo and I are playing Kebab what is it called some [ __ ] Kebab game it’s a simulator type thing Kebab chefs restaurant simulator we’re going to be playing it together you guys have a good night oh wait we may we can raid a you know what they don’t deserve it but

This video, titled ‘The boys return to HARDCORE MINECRAFT (You die = YOU’RE OUT)’, was uploaded by FlashGamesNemesis on 2024-03-01 08:56:40. It has garnered 2075 views and 78 likes. The duration of the video is 03:17:55 or 11875 seconds.

This was streamed right here baby

Minecraft Hardcore logo: https://www.deviantart.com/zombiemastert-rav/gallery

People in this stream: Jakub: https://www.twitch.tv/jystir https://twitter.com/Jystir

Joey: https://www.twitch.tv/stringcheesedude https://twitter.com/StringCheeseDud

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Twitter: https://twitter.com/FGamesNemesis Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/flashgamesnemesis

0:00 Just Chatting 26:10 Minecraft

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    Crafting a Minecraft Prison! Expanding the World of Minecraft: Building a Prison Exploring the vast possibilities of Minecraft, players often delve into creating intricate structures that showcase their creativity and imagination. In this Minecraft Build, the focus is on constructing and expanding a prison within the game. Creating a Secure Environment Building a prison in Minecraft involves designing a secure environment to confine virtual characters within the game. The player’s creativity comes into play as they construct walls, cells, and other necessary facilities to mimic a real-life prison setting. Attention to Detail Attention to detail is crucial when building a prison in Minecraft…. Read More

  • Mezzy’s Surprising Gaming Adventure

    Mezzy's Surprising Gaming Adventure The Terrifying World of Minecraft Mods: Exploring the “Dread” Modpack Embarking on a Solo Adventure Join the journey as our fearless explorer delves into the eerie world of Minecraft mods in the “Dread” modpack. What horrors await in this solo adventure? Encountering the Unknown Follow along as our protagonist encounters mysterious entities and unsettling environments. Will they survive the chilling encounters? A Creepy Companion Meet a peculiar entity that seems to be watching our explorer’s every move. Is this companion a friend or foe? Unraveling the Mystery As the adventure unfolds, secrets are revealed, and the true nature of… Read More

  • Flight of Fear: Minecraft Creepypasta

    Flight of Fear: Minecraft CreepypastaVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Creepypasta: Flight of Fear #shorts #gaming #minecraft’, was uploaded by MidNight on 2024-04-05 19:00:28. It has garnered 1 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:03 or 63 seconds. Gameplay- GianLeco Minecraft Gameplays Audio- ESN Productions I have been playing with AI and decided to test how far I can push it’s story telling capabilities. I plan to do this but have fun and entertain not only myself but others as well. Please comment bellow if this story sounds familiar or if is a complete copy of something you’ve heard before…. Read More

  • ULTIMATE Speed Cheat for Endless Fun!

    ULTIMATE Speed Cheat for Endless Fun!Video Information This video, titled ‘демонстрация спидов на funtime бесплатные бесконечные спиды funtime bypasse’, was uploaded by kyst client the best cheat on 2024-06-22 19:27:21. It has garnered 3 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:23 or 83 seconds. скачать чит в коментах теги не читать:#minecraft #minecrafthacks #hacking #minecraftchallenge #hypixel #hackedclient #tommyinnit #minecrafthacker #dream #2b2t #minecraftclient #minecraftmods #client #themisterepic #kilab #hypixelskyblock #minecrafthacking #skyblock #hack #minecrafthackedclient #minecraftmanhunt #funny #hacks #cheater #minecraftmod #minecrafthack #minecraftshorts #minecraftpe #minecraftbut #glitch #challenge #hacked #minecraftspeedrun #shorts #duplication #cheat #minecraftcheats #skeppy #hacker #oldestserver #hackingreview #review #1000challenge #wurstclient #minecraftserver #stream #mods #bedwars #minecraftmemes #minecraftdream #bug… Read More

  • DrunkenHyena’s CRAZY Drunk Minecraft Stream!

    DrunkenHyena's CRAZY Drunk Minecraft Stream!Video Information This video, titled ‘DRUNK STREAM IN MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by TheDrunkenHyena on 2024-01-13 14:31:12. It has garnered 5 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:51:16 or 3076 seconds. #minecraft Read More

  • Insane Bed Wars Clutch in Tacpac! #Minecraft #FYP

    Insane Bed Wars Clutch in Tacpac! #Minecraft #FYPVideo Information This video, titled ‘My epic clutch in bedfight! #bedwars #minecraft #montage #fyp’, was uploaded by Tacpac on 2024-05-28 07:16:31. It has garnered 417 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dumbtacpac Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/nerdtacpac Tags: Im a Minecraft PVPer and use Lunar Client cause you can Boost your FPS with Lunar Client. i know how to butterfly click and how to dragclick and how to jitterclick in minecraft pvp, my butterfly can easy go up to 20 CPS. Sometimes i do make texture packs for minecraft pvp that packs fps boost… Read More

  • Insane SKYBLOCK adventure in MCPE! #rajuartgaming

    Insane SKYBLOCK adventure in MCPE! #rajuartgamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘playing skyblock in mcpe in cubecraft server part 1 #minecraft #rajuartgaming’, was uploaded by Raju art gaming on 2024-02-18 08:18:00. It has garnered 81 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:20 or 560 seconds. playing skyblock in mcpe in cubecraft server part 2 #minecraft #minecraftpe #rajuartgaming server name- Cubecraft ip-play.cubecraft.net port-19132 hashtag #clonearmies #shortvideo #minecraft #minecraftpe #minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftpe #minecraftonly #minecraftpc #minecrafter #minecraftmeme #minecrafters #minecraftbuilds #minecraftpocketedition #minecraftxbox #minecraftserver #minecraftbuild #minecraftart #minecraftps3 #minecraftuniverse #minecrafts #minecraftdaily #minecraftforever #minecraftskin #minecraftedit #photoseedminecraft #minecraftfx #minecraftdiaries #minecraftskins #skydoesminecraft #minecrafthouse #minecraftcake #minecraftersonly #minecraftparty #minecraftindonesia #minecraftgirl #pewdiepieminecraft #minecraft_pe #minecraftdrawing… Read More

  • Minecraft EPIC Chill Stream – Join Now!

    Minecraft EPIC Chill Stream - Join Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Chill Stream Come Join’, was uploaded by B1onicJay on 2024-01-14 14:59:45. It has garnered 2 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:42 or 282 seconds. Read More

  • Mughal Gamerz Reveals Mind-Blowing Minecraft Hack! 😱

    Mughal Gamerz Reveals Mind-Blowing Minecraft Hack! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘”Unbelievable Minecraft Hack You Didn’t Know! 😱”Mughal Gamerz’, was uploaded by Mughal Gamerz on 2024-06-13 02:00:13. It has garnered 173 views and 74 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. #MughalGamerz #MughalGamerzYoutube #MughalGamerzYTChannel 🎮 Welcome to another exciting Minecraft Shorts episode! 🎮 In today’s video, we dive deep into the world of Minecraft with [specific content – e.g., “an epic build,” “a crazy Redstone contraption,” “a survival challenge,” etc.]. Watch as we [brief description of the action – e.g., “create a hidden base,” “showcase the top 5 builds,” “battle it out… Read More

  • “Ultimate Minecraft Love Triangle: Who Will She Choose? 💔” #minecraft #shizo #drama

    "Ultimate Minecraft Love Triangle: Who Will She Choose? 💔" #minecraft #shizo #dramaVideo Information This video, titled ‘Choose any One Guys ❤️ #minecraft #minecraftanimation #mine #minecraftshorts #song’, was uploaded by SAIRAJ Khatuuu on 2024-03-17 06:43:26. It has garnered 10251 views and 416 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. Read More

  • BiblioCraft

    BiblioCraftRegular Vanilla Minecraft server, griefing is allowed, hacking is not. This server was created over 4 years ago, and has a long history of different players, civilizations, and more! Read More

  • Fractus Politica SMP – Roleplay

    Fractus Politica SMP The Fractus Politica SMP is a geopolitical Minecraft server on an earth map. Players can create realistic nations with complex governments, conduct diplomacy, trade, and go to war. Build nations from any period in history, conquer land, and create colonies. This server focuses on realism and international relations. We are looking for developers to help with server maintenance and mods. Apply for staff if interested. Discord Link: Join our Discord Read More

  • MineCity.pl The best city in Minecraft

    The nas🌟 Version 1.20.4 🌟📅 Edition start: July 1 📅🔹 Tryb FreeBuild 🔹Build your dream building on our plots! Create amazing structures, acquire resources and compete with other players in a world of unlimited possibilities⚔️KitPvP Mode ⚔️Ready for the challenge? Jump into the KitPvP arena, choose your favorite kits and prove that you are the best warrior! Fight with other players, earn points and move up in the rankings.🏆 Minigra MobArena 🏆Experience an amazing adventure in MobArena! Fight hordes of monsters, earn rewards and see how long you can survive. Do you have what it takes to survive?🌌 Tryb SkyWars… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Diamond Sword”

    Minecraft Memes - Diamond Sword"Well, at least we know what’s really important in the Minecraft world – meme scores! Read More

  • Crafty Crew: Minecraft Motor Mayhem!

    Crafty Crew: Minecraft Motor Mayhem! In the world of Minecraft, where adventures unfold, A motor gang movie, a tale to be told. With Kare Kafa leading the way, Entertaining us all, every single day. Subscribe and turn on notifications, don’t be late, For Minecraft adventures, we can’t wait. Support is key, so don’t hesitate, Join the fun, let’s celebrate. Kare Kafa, the master of Minecraft lore, Bringing us joy, always wanting more. In Turkish, he shines bright, Entertaining us all, day and night. Let the game begin, the fun never ends, With Minecraft facts, and rhymes that blend. Kare Kafa, our favorite guide, In… Read More

  • Setting my toaster on fire with a beatbox PT:9

    Setting my toaster on fire with a beatbox PT:9 I turned my toaster into a robot and now it won’t stop singing “Toastbusters” on repeat. #robotproblems Read More

  • Sneaky Minecraft Build Hacks Guaranteed to Work!

    Sneaky Minecraft Build Hacks Guaranteed to Work! Exploring Minecraft Build Hacks with Unspeakable Unspeakable Minecraft Build Hacks have been taking the gaming world by storm, offering players innovative ways to create and customize their virtual worlds. From intricate structures to hidden passages, these hacks provide endless possibilities for Minecraft enthusiasts. Unleashing Creativity with Minecraft Build Hacks Unspeakable’s latest video showcases some of the most creative and mind-boggling build hacks in Minecraft. Players can now push the boundaries of their imagination and construct awe-inspiring creations that defy the limits of the game. Breaking New Ground with Minecraft 1.20 Build Hacks With the release of Minecraft 1.20, players… Read More

  • Shocking Minecraft Challenge: Poor vs Rich in SirenHead Build!

    Shocking Minecraft Challenge: Poor vs Rich in SirenHead Build!Video Information This video, titled ‘Poor Mikey vs Rich JJ Diamond SirenHead BUILD CHALLENGE in Minecraft !’, was uploaded by Joobek on 2024-06-15 07:37:01. It has garnered 1581 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:51 or 951 seconds. Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Party with Viewers

    Ultimate Minecraft Party with ViewersVideo Information This video, titled ‘Hive With Viewers! (PARTIES + CS’S Minecraft LIVE)’, was uploaded by Seanst3r on 2024-05-08 08:14:04. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. I hope you enjoy this video, like and subscribe for more… Join My Discord Server Here: https://discord.gg/czvhNfVtU2 Become a … Read More

  • “🔥LIVE 24/7 Minecraft Hindi Gameplay JAVA & PE🔥” #shorts #minecraft

    "🔥LIVE 24/7 Minecraft Hindi Gameplay JAVA & PE🔥" #shorts #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Live || 24/7 MR KHATRTI GAMING || Minecraft Live Hindi || Java + Pe #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Mr Khatri Gaming on 2024-06-06 14:16:32. It has garnered 579 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 05:23:27 or 19407 seconds. Minecraft Live || 24/7 MR KHATRTI GAMING || Minecraft Live Hindi || Java + Pe #minecraft #shorts Title: Minecraft Server SMP | Come play with us ! 🔥 livestream , youtube member , youtube algorithm , Breaking Youtube Live , youtube experiment , youtube live , youtube livestream , membership ,… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Sackpic Challenge – Meet the Grim-Reaper

    Insane Minecraft Sackpic Challenge - Meet the Grim-ReaperVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Sackpic: The Chicago Grim-Reaper’, was uploaded by Jeybriski on 2024-02-16 21:00:09. It has garnered 45 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:33:28 or 2008 seconds. Join Jeybriski and Pauzol in their epic modded Minecraft 1.20 adventure! This modpack lets play series is full of exciting quests, magical mods, and thrilling exploration. In this modded Minecraft video, Jey and Tezel take on new challenges as they journey across an incredible world of inspiration and imagination. From technomagical builds to dimension-hopping adventures, each episode features the best mods 1.20 has to offer…. Read More

  • Zakazi’s Horrifying Minecraft Texture Pack! (Eyes Bleeding)

    Zakazi's Horrifying Minecraft Texture Pack! (Eyes Bleeding)Video Information This video, titled ‘J’ai téléchargé le PIRE pack de texture sur Minecraft ! (ahh mes yeux)’, was uploaded by Zakazi on 2024-04-23 16:07:22. It has garnered 309 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:28 or 268 seconds. Hey! in this video I downloaded the worst texture pack on Minecraft (I should have never..) ___________________________________________________________________________ -Texture pack (the worst): https://texture-packs.com/resourcepack/ms-painted/ -Texture pack that I recommend: https://minecraft.fr/faithful-32×32/ #minecraft Read More

  • Creepy Carnival Minecraft Horror Story 🔥 Ep – 1

    Creepy Carnival Minecraft Horror Story 🔥 Ep - 1Video Information This video, titled ‘Haunted Carnival Minecraft Horror Story in Hindi | Uvx gamer | Ep – 1’, was uploaded by Uvx Gamerz on 2024-03-24 07:02:19. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. So guys in today’s video We found a strange box in minecraft. its a minecraft roleplay in hindi by Uvx Gamerz #minecraft #roleplay … Read More

  • Craft a Magic Stone with CaptainSparklez | ATM9 Ep 6

    Craft a Magic Stone with CaptainSparklez | ATM9 Ep 6Video Information This video, titled ‘Just Craft A Philosopher’s Stone | ATM9 Skyblock Ep. 6’, was uploaded by CaptainSparklez 2 on 2024-06-06 00:00:28. It has garnered 57153 views and 1879 likes. The duration of the video is 01:26:28 or 5188 seconds. Today we play a Minecraft modpack called All The Mods 9 To The Sky which is a lot of words I can’t put in every title but we must make the star. Thanks to Apex Hosting for sponsoring! Use code “CaptainSparklez” to get 25% off your own server’s first month: https://apexhost.gg/CaptainSparklez ATM9 To The Sky Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLli4oThJ08ZyAkQ-C3xpHWICvUUIPBuXe My Links:… Read More

  • Insane Boss Battle & Ancient Hunt in Minecraft Dungeons! 🔥

    Insane Boss Battle & Ancient Hunt in Minecraft Dungeons! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴BOSS MODE & ANCIENT HUNT Max Apocalypse Plus Gameplay in Minecraft Dungeons (Livestream)’, was uploaded by Corredor-RH on 2024-04-08 18:30:50. It has garnered 186 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 01:01:19 or 3679 seconds. 🔴BOSS MODE & ANCIENT HUNT Max Apocalypse Plus Gameplay in Minecraft Dungeons (Livestream) First Time playing minecraft So please Help And dont Forget to Like And Subscribe. Minecraft Live Stream Minecraft Live Live Minecraft Minecraft Wither Fight Minecraft #minecraft​ #meme​ #memes #minecraftstream​​ #minecraftlive​​ #monsterschool​​ #minecraft​​ #animation​​ #школамонстров​​ #монстршкола​​ #майнкрафтстрим Tages:minecraft dungeons,minecraft dungeons gameplay,minecraft,minecraft dungeons review,minecraft dungeons walkthrough,minecraft… Read More

  • Insane Pixel Art in Minecraft | Viral Trending Profile Pic!

    Insane Pixel Art in Minecraft | Viral Trending Profile Pic!Video Information This video, titled ‘Making my subscriber profile photo pixel art | #viral #shorts #minecraft #pixelart #trending’, was uploaded by Omkar on 2024-04-08 01:30:20. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Making my subscriber profile photo pixel art | #viral #shorts #minecraft #pixelart #trending Ненужные теги: xxxtentacion, empire, … Read More

  • SpiralGN

    SpiralGNWelcome to SpiralGN, the ultimate destination for players seeking the thrill of Minecraft’s Op Gens experience! In the vast and ever-evolving world of Minecraft, SpiralGN stands out as a server dedicated to taking resource generation to a whole new level. At SpiralGN, we’ve crafted a unique and engaging Minecraft experience that centers around the art of overpowered generators (Op Gens). Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft veteran or a newcomer to the blocky realm, our server offers something for everyone. spiralgn.net Read More

  • Modern Anarchy – Anarchy 1.20.4 Java

    Welcome to Modern Anarchy – A Dedicated Community of Anarchy Enthusiasts! Server IP: modern-anarchy.org Anarchy at Its Finest with a Dedicated Community: Hack like a pro, build empires, survive the chaos. No bans ever – only mutes for hate speech, hard slurs, or chat spam. Forge Your Path in a Pure Vanilla World: Experience the true essence of Minecraft with no vanilla altering plugins or meddling admins. Reach your potential in this survival wasteland with no resets ever. World Exploration Extravaganza: Discover a vast 3×3 million block world border. Respawn within 500 blocks of 0 0, allowing you to redefine… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Not Today, Block!

    That meme must be too busy racking up points to deal with your shenanigans! Read More

  • Unleashing Glid: Twitch Streamer’s Epic Minecraft Adventure

    Unleashing Glid: Twitch Streamer's Epic Minecraft AdventureVideo Information This video, titled ‘Подписывайтесь на твич #necoyume #Глид #Glidingtheo #minecraft #twitch #stream #майншилд #mineshield’, was uploaded by Глид DOP on 2024-06-21 19:56:08. It has garnered 314 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. @GlidingtheoW https://www.twitch.tv/glidingtheow Read More

  • Phone to Bedrock: Top Minecraft Servers Unlocked!

    Phone to Bedrock: Top Minecraft Servers Unlocked! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks come alive, We dive into servers, where adventures thrive. From phone to bedrock, the best ones we seek, With Ali Mpe as our guide, we’re never meek. Join the channel, for gifts and for fun, With updates and news, we’re never done. From Java to Bedrock, the comparison is clear, With Bedwars and Hardcore, we have no fear. 100 days of Minecraft, a challenge so grand, But with Ali Mpe, we’ll make a stand. Minecraft but… the possibilities are vast, With tutorials and SMP, the fun will last. So come along, to… Read More

  • 🔥 Herobrank’s Hot Mess 😂 #minecraftmemes

    🔥 Herobrank's Hot Mess 😂 #minecraftmemes When you accidentally unleash Herobrank in your Minecraft world and suddenly your peaceful village turns into chaos… #oops #shouldhavereadthemanual Read More