HARDCORE MINECRAFT: Streaming Until Mountain Finish

Video Information

I really wish I had a great excuse as to why I’m late and why I you know I’m just like started the stream a minute late or something like that I really really wish I had a good excuse for this one but no no I was just uh laying on the couch on

My phone and uh did not uh did not look at the time on the clock it’s uh it’s the way it goes you know sometimes sometimes you’re just like you know what I got 10 minutes I’m just gonna sit it here for five minutes and then I’ll get up I’ll just know when

Five minutes goes by right and um 10 minutes went by and I was like oh no oh yeah we got to we got to go do that oh we got to go do that streaming thing that’s uh hi everybody how we doing me just I was like on my couch I was

Literally laying back there just on my phone just like well oopsies I’m supposed to be streaming right now I need I haven’t even turned streamlabs on I hadn’t even opened Minecraft nothing literally nothing nothing was Open it’s fine it’s fine it’s a mood it’s Monday it’s Monday we got a mountain to build so that’s what we’re here for cuz we’re doing it we’re doing the mountain thing Charlotte if you’re still in here thank you so much for the 20 months I really do appreciate it thank you for

Stopping by totally understand if you can’t stay no worries at all happy Monday or where whatever day you’re at right now all right everybody how we doing glendle word hello hello Renee Arc Knight hello yeah this is like a sage green I mean I’m color blind but yeah

It’s green it does say green on it right there so obviously it’s green come on now Emy Sophia how we doing how was your Thanksgiving Thanksgiving was good it was so busy busy but it was good ate a lot of delicious food was super fun uh hanging out with the fam just playing

Card games and everything like that it’s not green I think it’s more green than not but you know it’s also the camera has a different lighting effect on it to make things a little warmer so that’s why it might not look green on your side uh but yeah Thanksgiving was really

Good just sat around ate a bunch of food hung out with the fam watched uh comedy show watched some football all that good stuff you know as you do uh only made one Black Friday purchase I bought a new microphone arm so this one’s you know the squeaky squeaky it’s it’s going to

Be gone and I got one of the low profile ones so this arm won’t be here anymore it’s going to come from underneath my monitor and like come forward so the mic’s going to be sitting here instead I’m very excited for it that’s supposed

To be here in a week or two uh and then we went to the apple cup on Saturday for the US or people who who are interested in us college football uh that was super fun and huskys won so you know great great day there no complaints uh it was

A little little anxiety inducing heart rate was going a little high uh but it was fun game to be at was there with the whole fam ran into a few people that I knew and everything like that so it’s fun to reconnect with all the folks it’s

One of those things where like I know Seattle is like a massive town and I don’t know if anybody else from Seattle is here in the chat but it’s one of those things we massive town like there’s I think I got to I got to Google this before I missp Seattle

Population as of 2021 it was 733,000 people live in the Seattle area that’s a lot of people if you think about it that’s a lot of people but I swear every time we go to an event it feels like such a small town of all of like family friends my parents friends

All those other people you just randomly run into them everywhere you just we just go out and we just know so many people um so yeah apple cupo incredible game oh my gosh yeah that I was trying to root for the huskys but there’s so many times where I was like guys you

Guys are not playing well today what’s going on um but yeah uh Seattle is such a big city but it feels very small town anytime you’re out of events like we’re walking around and granted there’s crowds of people everywhere but I feel like I kept looking over and be like oh

I know them oh I know them hey how you doing good to see you and so that was really fun uh kind of catching up with people and seeing how they’re doing ran into somebody who I haven’t seen for like 10 years so that was that was cool

Touch base with them and everything that old family friend um but yeah so that was super fun and then uh Sunday we did absolutely nothing and that was exactly what we needed to do because uh yeah it was exhausting after everything else but yeah it was really really fun honestly I

Ran into friends from back home when I live there which is back home when I lived there oh like where you are now oh fun uh TZ web thank you so very much for the 21 months at tier 2 hey F Whip and chat everybody say

Hi back to TZ web everybody say he or hello whatever you want to say be sure to say hies scly dibbly thank you so much for those six months at tier 2 wow I’m so happy that I’ve been able to be a part of this community it’s helped me

Through some really hard times but also made good times say hi to the peppers for me I will thank you so much for being here I really do appreciate all the support very very kind of you and glad you found feel like you found a

Place you can hang out St of fire thank you so much for the gift membership we got Kier with the tier one membership we got Brena with the 11 months following for years only a member for 11 months hey you know what all good all good

Thank you so much for being here I really do appreciate it for the years of support and everything May thank you so much for the Dono it is it is a Monday stream I know sounds like the town back home is small so everybody knows everybody yeah

I I like it’s one of those things where I’d be like cool to be in from there but it’s just such a different lifestyle when you like walk around and you know everybody like we used to go visit our grandparents and they were very my grandparents very they’re very much from

A small town where they knew literally everybody and you’d go and you’d be they you walking down the street and every person you passed was a five minute conversation and catch up with him so like it’s got It’s good and bad but everybody is really in everybody’s business which

Again good and bad um yeah overall really fun weekend uh hope everybody else who is in the US had a good Thanksgiving weekend and all that and uh I defin we definitely got some good cyber monday deals today very happy I’ve been looking for a new winter coat and

Uh marmit they’re amazing they’re pricey but their stuff is so good I’ve had a jacket that from there for like six or seven years and it finally it’s like got a few little tears in it and the stuffing is coming out so I was like

Okay maybe it’s time to get a new one and then I went to look at them randomly today I was like everything’s 40 or 50% off like I’m going I’m buying I will I will I fell for it I fell for the cyber monday deals I’ll say

It for real got me a code I got s coat she keeps stealing mine so I like got to give her one too so you know wait two Christmases I mean Christmas is over a month away no it’s actually not it’s what isn’t it it’s the 27th now what is

It 29 days 29 days something like that oh my God that’s coming up really really close what color do you get uh I got a black jacket and then I got like a one of the two tones that’s the blue that it’s like one of those like three in

Ones where has like an inside like fuzzy vest um and then has the outside as like a waterproof gorty thing it’s like yeah good jackets are worth the money yeah yeah yeah it’s one of those things where if you live in Seattle or anywhere rainy and you don’t have something waterproof

With a hood like you’re going to suffer a lot especially here cuz it gets too windy so you can’t really use umbrellas like it’s I don’t know why Seattle dies on the hill of don’t use umbrellas but they do uh so the easiest way to tell

Somebody who’s from out of town in the Seattle area is they’re walking around with a umbrella um because everybody else just has their hoodies up and they’re just like dealing with it because the wind is going so the rains like sideways the umbrella doesn’t do much

Yeah they last forever yeah the last one I I mean I should I’m sure I could go get the last one repaired for free I just uh I don’t have the receipt anymore so I don’t know how to do that but you know what we got other things to do

We’re not here to just talk about the weekend plans what is this an IRL chatting stream just chatting no no no no no no no no come on leave a like on the stream if you haven’t already my friends I very much do appreciate it and

We’ve got a mountain to fill in and build ignore the sheep farm it technically in the timeline of these videos does not not exist yet because it’s supposed to be for the next episode but I’m working on it so just ignore there’s a cow in the house we’re just

Going to put that up there time for some Mining and crafting and blocking placing all that good stuff so uh I need to pull this up real quick what do I need to figure out what I was planning to do for recording real quick because this is the last thing I need

And then episode 52 is done I just this is all that is left okay we’re just going to Time Lapse it perfect nope I don’t need that one I need this one in the front Okay now I can see chat again umbrella as a windy Welsh Mountain

Dweller umbrellas are a lie yeah okay so uh for those who missed the last stream let me go put these things away real quick all right the music’s kind of bumping a little loud today so I’m going to turn it down if it’s too quiet I we turn turn it back up I’ll

Fiddle with a little bit more yeah this is a new sheep farm it’s all for a mass type of wool but uh that being said let’s just get ourselves a ton of stone in here and I filled up this morning I went through and got a bunch of grass

Blocks and dirt blocks that we can keep using to fill out all this stuff even further um so yeah I’ve been on the grind but yeah the last section we have here we started on Wednesday’s stream of coming down from this r line and working our way over here and to do something

Different with it we decided to bring a Creek in that’s going to kind of run right along here head out over this way it’s probably just going to be a one light wiow a widow water Wing uh that’s going to go down here come through this section we’ll carve it out as we’re

Moving and then it’s going to follow where those stones are I’ve decided that I want to we’ll do this at the end of stream uh as like the final step of I want to bring this road up so we’re just going to get rid of or we’re just going

To tear up all the coer move it up a block to give this a little bit flatter so it doesn’t have this weird little bowl cuz otherwise that’ make more sense for a pawn being there then we need to tear out this hill just like a a channel through it to

Bring the water all the way down here to meet into the main river and that’s that’s the project today we’re going to see where that goes but so please be sure to leave a like on this episode on this stream if you have not already I

Very much do appreciate it helps me out a ton so I really appreciate I’ll taking the time to do that but I think we can just get on into the building here we got a lot of we got a lot of stuff going how’s the day been so far it’s been

Pretty good I I’m kind of in like the phase of I’m getting ahead on videos right now uh which has been fun to be able to go and just like do all that stuff so I’m like way far ahead so I today was a little bit of an admin phase of where

Am I at what projects what projects have I done what do I still need to do and all that fun and stuff so I’m kind of at the the point of that okay uh this I want to extend out a little bit further and then this right here can come out even more

So like that sure why not um yeah we’ll see how this goes I I don’t really I don’t have any like major plans of what I want the shape of this to be quite yet but uh we’ll figure it out as we’re kind of moving I’m excited

To have this wrapped up it’s been a really fun project to work on and do on streams but I’m I’m like I’m ready to move on to a new stream project and I think the stream projects I’m really enjoying just going through and kind of fleshing out the shapes of things and so

I think the next we’re going to work on is that uh Valley or not Valley the canyon that we created do I have my bed no my bed’s down here what time is it for me it’s 2 p.m. it’s just getting into the afternoon all right we did one line and

Place a little bit of grass blocks nice let’s go progress you want hardcore and Bedrock you can do hardcore and Bedrock turn a hard difficulty lock the difficulty and then if you die delete the world same thing I mean technically the same thing you know do you have a Bedrock Farm yet as

In like farming the Bedrock block no anything that does that is probably a little too cheaty for how I play this game 10 p.m. in the UK yeah I know it’s a little late for some people but uh as other people said it’s there’s some people who are like who’s saying it’s

Really early for them so I know not everybody loves these super late streams on Mondays compared to what I normally do but I think it’s a fun way of uh tapping into a few people that can’t normally make the streams because they the time zone the usual

Time I do doesn’t work for them so I like to have the these as a little bit of a uh usually they’re a bit quieter on the stream front but as some people who don’t who don’t normally get a hang out and stop by the streams because they’re

Busy with work or their asleep or whatever this this works for them so I I I like doing it it’s fun happy for the Monday streams yeah they’re a good vibe I think I think it’s nice cuz I I’m like a good chunk of the

Way through my day already so I am not like super in the morning streams I’m definitely like still like either partially waking up or like way caffeinated so I like these cuz they’re a lot Chiller also structure these a lot more as like a I’m doing this because I’m

Want wanting to do it and having fun instead of it feeling like oh it’s work time which is good don’t always get that for streaming uh shenko thank you so much for the 21 months just woke up glad I could still catch this at 6:00 in the

Morning hope all is well hey thank you for stopping by I appreciate it why you building a mountain I don’t know why do we build anything Minecraft kind of want to bring this out a little we’re just going to give it its own little Ridge there actually is no reason to build

Anything in Minecraft other than just to build it CU When you get into like even player progression things like oh I’m going to get stronger but what does that really mean cuz Minecraft in the end is all about like you build the thing cuz you want to build the

Thing even like most mob Farms okay cool you got a bunch of rotten flesh what are you going to use that for oh trading for emeralds yeah okay cool then what are you going to trade emeralds for oh Enchanted gear okay what’s the purpose of that oh so you can break blocks

Faster or you don’t die when you’re out Mining and exploring the world where you’re most likely going to get things to bring home see it all comes back to placing the blocks down for the purpose of placing the blocks what do uh Place block that’s what

Do all right I’m thinking on this one we could like here we could have a little bit of like a cut back in I don’t know why could be kind of fun just uh something that we can have something that we can have a few little like artificial Shadows

For yeah I’m trying to be so productive right now before I get so unproductive on Thursday it’s yeah it’s I’m very excited for the new World of Warcraft uh game uh game mode to release season of Discovery any if any other wow nerds are in here I’m like way too excited for

It I’m like way back on I’m definitely on a wow kick again because I was watching the whole race that they had for the new raid and everything I’m just like yeah I’m so excited to go play the game I’m going to go play the 10-year-old version of it yeah or

18-year-old version of it woo let’s just bring that here and then we’re g to bring you out like this GG Echo I know I know I was a I was a little bummed they they definitely earned it though they definitely earned it I’m I’m much more of a liquid fan I I

I think Max and all them they’re so funny to watch they’re so funny to listen to and the fact they’re able to joke around that much and still play that well I’m it’s so impressive to me but yeah Eko definitely they took it home they earned it for

Sure not no no such thing as too excited for Wow Wow be sure to leave a like on the stream if you haven’t my friends we almost got a thousand people in here and we’re not even at 500 likes yet I believe we’re going to do something like

This I really don’t like how like stuttered this is a little too much really looking forward to the new version of wild classic yeah season of Discovery looks fun my plan right now is to play a hunter and then get a Resto drill leveled up after I don’t know just sounds

Fun do you watch Cookie God I know cookie we chatted with him a few times I don’t like religiously watch his videos but I’ve definitely seen a ton of them that looks we’re just going to when’s the new video coming out we should have a new episode coming out this Thursday

Uh there’s going to be a new video releasing pretty much every Thursday until the Thursday before Christmas that that’s my plan right now and then uh which I think is like the 20th of December or something like that uh and then after that I’m going to be

Taking some time off for I’m going to take the entire last week off and then I’m going we might do a live stream or something but my plan is to take the week off and then I’m going on vacation for New Year so and then January is going to be

Largely stream focused uh I don’t know what we’re going to do yet I don’t even know if it’s how stream focused it’s going to be I’m really just leaving it up in the air if I even want to work or not um I really like taking January as a lighter

Month it really helps me I realized just get my Creative Energy back not that it really goes all that far but having that rest and recharge time before you absolutely need the rest and recharge time is a thing I’m trying to learn how to Value more okay so this needs to come

Out you will gift me the state of Florida I don’t want Florida is there any other state that you can gift me Florida doesn’t sound like the one that I want the most if I had to pick I would not pick Florida we built the River delta last stream you

Did or I did I don’t think I built a r Delta we’re going to bring that in I’m going to try and bring this out a little bit more to thicken it up what Florida do I don’t know I just I’ve just never had a yeah that’s okay it’s fine Florida’s

Never been like high up there on states that I want to visit you know one crocodiles alligators whichever it is I don’t know uh just no no I’m good I would go to Miami sausage has talked a lot about Miami and I’m like that could be fun that could be really really fun

But yeah I don’t Florida’s just never been high up on the list for me of places I want to go as an English person would you see England as a vacation place we’re hoping to go uh sometime in the next year or two to go to UK and visit and see

Everybody visit all the friends so yeah I definitely say it would be I mean I definitely would love to go visit it seems like a really really cool place just finding the time the hard part with going to the UK is that we try and structure a lot of our

Vacations and things to leave Seattle around the rainy season and the hard part about the UK is your weather is basically the same as what we have here I think we’re a little hotter in the Summers uh but like gray overcast rainy everything the UK and the Pacific Northwest have very much in

Common so it’s it’s always like a oh we’re going to go from a rainy place when we want to do a vacation to get out and go like usually we try and plan Vacations To Go like escape the rain for a while and so if we do the UK it’ll just we’ll

Have to pick pick a time of year that is uh if possible that’s a little bit less rainy yeah after becoming good friends with all the the YouTube crew like we I really want to get out to the UK and go visit them and kind of it was fun having

Them out here and kind of showing off a little bit about where I live and everything like that when they came out for the wedding and then uh and just kind of going doing stuff with them so I’m I’m excited to be able to kind of do

The reverse and go see go see all them where they all live and everything like that it rains all year round in the UK yeah it used to do that here but you know global warming said summer has no rain so mean not no rain just less sailor

Thank you so much for becoming a member I really do appreciate that thank you thank you thank you we’re making good progress here I think this is going to be one that we need to stitch close and just like get the Rock in and then we’re going to be like ooh

Actually not my face we had the the what it what was it I I might miscount the the numbers here but there was something crazy here for Thanksgiving that this was the like third or fourth Thanksgiving in the last 40 years in the Seattle area where it

Did not rain so if anybody wants to talk about you know rain and everything we’re we’re we’re having a a dry one over here it’s very very dry right now of uh first time in or yeah was it yeah I think it was the it’s like something in the last 40

Years this is like the first like there’s only been three or four thanksgivings where it hasn’t rained just like oh my god wow okay let’s do that and then this guy needs to come out don’t you light the inside yeah we’ll come back and do

It I don’t feel the need to do it right away you know if I do it now then uh I probably I’m going to either Miss places or spend way too many torches on what I need to do so I I kind of prefer to just get the

Walls in and get it all covered then go back in and get the dark spots we have so much light throughout that I know where the mobs are spawning and it’s not too spooky I mean the only problems is like these upper sections we’re going to

Have to figure out how to light those up which is probably just going to be a lot of Smash face into rock with elytra and uh hope no creepers are there we’re going to start looping this back around pleased to meet you yeah something like this it’ll work

Great okay bye Zachary thanks so much for becoming a member my dude I appreciate it how many hours have you spent building that mountain yes yes I don’t know a lot it’s pretty much been the last it’s been the what we’ve probably done like

10 maybe 12 I could look I could look I can actually count the thumbnails back um so yeah the this is the 11th stream in a row that we’ve spent building the mountain pee to meet you no 10th uh one of them one of those in the

LA one of the last 11 streams was not spent on the mountain and this has all just been for the backside and each stream is usually 2 and 1 half to 3 hours long so honestly for mountain building we’ve been making pretty good time

I know a lot of you are like this is good time this this right here is good could you please confirm that what you said is that this is a good Pace to be building a mountain yeah it’s unfortunate but it it do be like

That let’s do that and then this one can also be another dirt block right there cool patience is a virtue yeah I mean I just I really love these I’ve talked about it a bunch but it’s a really good opportunity for me to just hang and chat

Like we can just chill this is easy there’s no thought for me that involves that is like heavily involved with this this is these terraforming projects are the easiest way that I can just chat with you all and work on a build at the same time hi

Buddy thank you goodbye okay so this can all just kind of go back which is nice we could have it be a little steep though and maybe do like a lower section cuz right now this is very um yeah let’s build like a shelf out here let’s let’s plan this

So if I take this out to here and then we could have up like this and this is kind of where that shelf goes I just want to have a little little dirt section in here just something teeny tiny like that like yeah literally just this maybe yeah we’ll drop that guy

Down yeah why not why not it’s a little little flat on the stone here but that’s that’s okay maybe fit a cave in there I haven’t really been doing too many cave entrances I guess we eventually will need one in the mountain but I think we

Can kind of just plot that in after the whole shape is done sure that can go in here and then this is going to kind of loop back and then this is all just going to sure why why not we can do it this way this will be

Easy I do find when I do this sort here where I’m like going layer by layer it does look a bit flatter so I I do like to take the lines all the way up to the top and then sort them from there I think it gets a little bit of a more

Natural look exuse me uh or at least for me it helps me like stop doing a pattern I guess how time consuming is making a small let’s play series I’m thinking of making my own it depends on how much time you want to put into it that’s the best part

About YouTube you pick how much time you want to put into a video that’s I mean if you’re looking at the trends right now like if you’re going purely off of the trends that Minecraft is seeing right now and the Creator space or what videos are popular or whatever you want

To say like that like I technically if you were to go off of purely the big trending things I don’t put as many hours into a video as those big trending videos do but I also post weekly content so I think overall the amount of hours we’re putting into a

Single video probably or in do in how many hours of Minecraft I play in a month versus like the really big trending people who post like one video a month probably very similar but I spread that out over four or five videos and they put put it all into one video

And really hope that it hits home so if you want to do like super trending stuff right now you’re putting hundreds in hundreds of hours into a single episode and by me saying I don’t put that many into a single one an average episode that I record probably without

Editing time included when we talk about the idea generation phase and all of that I think I could safely say they take me on average a about 60 to yeah probably 60 hours on average I think yeah I that’s probably a pretty safe bet because there’s there

Are some weeks where I’m like yeah I’m not uploading a video this week so if I I have to average that count in too are you planning to build a giant castle like in survival yeah we got a few castles in this world already that I’m really

Enjoying uh but definitely I have plans for more I want to do do I really like what germy boy did with having a big like school and I want to do something like that I’ve talked about it for a it’s been an idea I’ve had in my head

For a long time and I saw him actually doing it I was like o maybe I do that soon do you think you would try another hardcore live stream only series thing with a friend um we had talked about doing stuff like that uh there we had we

Did have some ideas in the works to do something like that uh but then other series happened and so those plans got kind of pushed to the Wayside I do like those series it’s uh it’s more just if I can find the time to include them I feel a little stuck on the

YouTube side of the content that I think I that to me I’m like if I if I upload this content my channel will be more successful mostly comes at the single player hardcore content which don’t get me wrong I love I love making these videos they’re super fun but so I kind

Of have to if I’m doing group content and those types of things I got to work that in uh when it would be like and just kind of take into account of like I need it to be at a time where I’m not needing as many hours into hardcore videos I

Guess castles are a nightmare yeah if you want to do like a fully accurate Castle they take a long time you ever put a mini dungeon in the mountain that also say serves as a mob grinder uh I want to put a creeper Farm in the mountain that’s what we’re going

To throw up here okay we’re going to sleep and then I’m going to go use the restro real quick I was like sitting there at lunch and just like sitting there with like my water bottle just like constantly drinking and I was like oh my God I

Drank like half this thing I am in trouble I’ll be right back though one sec all righty we are all back oh I forgot to mute the microphone oh no oh no new YouTuber model looks great yeah I hope you all enjoyed the chair yeah was it hiding I’m

Sorry subscribe for chair content yeah please thank you like the stream for the chair just saying be sure to like the stream for the chair it’s doing a lot of work okay right that’s done I think we need to work on that like rock face down there and then we’ll

Come back and finish up the top cuz if we can get this molded in that’ll be a lot easier now I don’t know why I’m like nervous at this stage here I’m like oh God what do I do like well the same thing I’ve been doing the entire time is

We’re just going to keep placing blocks until it looks right but I’m like what if it doesn’t definitely have a little bit of like block placing paralysis right now I don’t know why we’ve already done so many sections of the mountain if this one looks a little wonk it’s not like other ones

Don’t already look a little wonk so it’s fine oh there’s the zombie hi pancakes or waffles I’ll be honest I’m turning into more of a pancake person I used to say waffles all the time but every time I get waffles like when we go out to like a brunch place or

Something like that like if I’m making them at home I like waffles more but I think anytime I go out to like a American breakfast diner or something like that I usually find that I get pancakes cuz whoever is back there making the waffles is just loading them

Up with and they it just they taste like dessert which like not a terrible thing but not what I’m trying to start my day with you know like time and a place a lot of like your typical American breakfast foods are just they’re just sugary syrups and whipped cream and everything

On top or you get eggs and it’s so it’s such a bummer it’s kind of really boring and maybe you get some bacon like that’s another option there too okay I’m glad I came to do this because this is like its own little section yeah okay that’s

Detached I was called hi eggs how you doing welcome on in tips on how to keep playing a world uh I uploaded a video on the exact topic less than a month ago probably there’s your tip go watch that and if you have questions ask specific questions

And if you have seen that video and you don’t have any specific questions go watch the video again and think of questions and then it can help how do you eat your eggs um I’m really like I’m not a huge fan of eggs typically not not the person like the the breakfast

Food eggs the mod and YouTube content creator twitch streamer extraordinaire good person we like that eggs no no specifically specifically the food item uh but I’ll typically do like an OV easy I really don’t like the texture of scrambled eggs it’s kind of gives me the ick

So not my not my fan not my fave eggs didn’t you say you pick the name eggs because you’re allergic to him anyways isn’t that am I am I way off there I feel like that’s true oh we still have a chest on probably don’t need that right

Now where do you get this music from well this song is from plants vers zombies the old mobile game hit you’re remember when they published a battle royale I don’t think I ever played it but I remember being like they published a br wow okay so I I was right on that that’s

Exactly why you named your a I think it’s a great reason to name yourself after something become the thing that’s trying to murder you Brena thanks so much for the Dono I really do appreciate it I’ll let the I’ll let the bot read that one out when

It whenever it gets around to it or I’ll get impatient and read it out and then the Bott will start 2 seconds later okay uh sure that can come out to here you can come back to there and then this we got to figure out how we can start merging these things back

Up we’ll just do that that’s fine can we not I’m busy now now you brought a friend still busy keep it real so I had a sucky weekend and then Monday came along and I’ve had a really good day because I got a new job and there congratulations like

Hello so I wanted to give you a bit of a holiday gift one thank you so much for the Dono and two congratulations on the new job that’s awesome very excited for you new adventures whatever that might mean it’s a new adventure oh hello darkness oh not my friend not my old

Friend I looked at it I thought I did okay Enderman dealt with fun fun times fun times will be had I saw it behind when I shot the bow and I was like no I looked at it I look I definitely looked at that this is not going to be fun for a

Minute concentration mode activate the end almost ended me it’s in the name okay let’s get the heck back out of Here I’ve gotten a lot better not to toot my own horn too much and Jinx things but I feel like I’ve gotten a lot better at fighting Endermen like the timing on the sword to keep them back so that they can’t get to you I I’ve got it

I’ve been trying to lure them in more often when I feel like I’m in a safe situation I have my chest piece on I’ve been trying to do it just when I’m walking around just to have more practice on all of it I think it’s been starting to pay

Off I need to go through like the Gemini Tay Minecraft PVP training Arc though I I need to I need to do that just get through the hole I’m going to be really ridiculously good at this game uh there I was like over here come on now I thought I was definitely far

Enough well that’s why we need the training Arc training montage with gem yeah the problem is is that like what I really need to do is like the parkour training which is unfortunate like I feel pretty good in a PVE standpoint like I I I can get by in almost every

Fight I definitely struggle a little bit more in the PVP because I don’t have a whole lot of that timing knowledge down or I like I know what it should be I just don’t have it ingrained into my brain enough to where I can do it constant like consistently

Um and then I also just can’t be bothered to go and sit on the p PVP servers and one V one people for hours plus uh you know to add another excuse for myself here uh just really just bringing that home of I’m not going to do it

Um I like it’s one of those like where I’m like this could be so cool to be really ridiculously good at the game like just so good at any form of PVP mostly because it’s my job to play this game so that’d be cool but also I

Think those moments where you mess up and you’re not doing things 100% correctly those make for some of the funniest moments in videos like you’re never going to see A Moment Like That from fruit berries like he he he’s there to impress you and show how good he is at the game and

You’re not going to have those funny moments where he just completely messes up because they just don’t exist they just you’ll never see one answer people nah what if I was just like nah I’m actually never responding to chat again okay we’re going to put some torches here to

Keep I know it’s spawn proof on top but just to like triple quadruple like five times over check this cuz if oh my God I just missed oh I missed so terribly wow that’s really bad oh it’s going to be night time outside Too not everyone can Scott see Scott is like no shade at all to Scott he would say this about himself too he is better at the team games Scott’s really good at like the communication and the team games and he can really he’s good but he’s Scott I wouldn’t say is a

Carry like he he’s good he’s consistently performing above average oh my gosh sleep through it sleep through it nope dang it ha stupid Spider but like there’s a different level you know when you get up to there you talk about like the different people who are the top Point scoring people on mcc’s typically like there’s levels there’s there’s you have people in different brackets for sure not the child not the

Child also need to practice fighting children more often got to learn how to smack the children with a sword only zombie children though we’re going to have to go make a bunch of torches and come back and just fill all that in that’s going to be fun yeah the spider animation I wish

There was a way to I wish they had like a slightly less super spitter one it looks good but I definitely know that like when they when they’re doing the animation where they’re like standing on like floating on top of not floating but like dangling from a wall it’s a little it’s a

Little yeah not real children don’t worry I would never clip that okay I just found out because I was I was watching somebody’s video recently that on Bedrock Edition it’s possible for a zombie to spawn with a baby zombie on its back and it’s like fullon holding on to

The onto the like the bigger zombie whether it’s a zombie villager or a zombie um yeah uh let me who was it whose video was this I think it was Dallas right I think so yeah let me find this on I don’t is that this one

Sorry I’m trying to find it I want to show youall yeah right here look at this oh you can’t see that this look at this let me see uh where can we find it yeah look you see that why am I oh that’s bading but yeah you can see it

When the there’s a child on its back there’s a baby zombie on the back of the head right there look at that thing why is that only in Bedrock one it’s terrifying I don’t want to kill a zombie and then just suddenly have a zombie child jump out that I didn’t

Realize was there but what come on there’s so many things I’m learning about Bedrock that I just didn’t know existed always on Bedrock yeah dude I never knew it’s pretty cool though I think it’s fun like I I would love for more little gimmicks and things like that to happen

Cuz then you have a higher chance of encounters being unique unque and just more fun Granton there is there is definitely a point where if there’s so many different things happening that it just turns too chaotic to make it fun like there is there’s a good thing about the

Simplicity of Minecraft but that sort of stuff like I’m just like why is this something that is gated behind the version you play like this is a core feature very much of like like why why is a z like either which way the fact that a zombie can spawn

With a villager on top of it to me I’m just like wait what or a zombie can spawn with a like a baby zombie on top of it seems weird that that’s only in the one but you know there’s a lot of things in Java that Bedrock doesn’t have

That I’m also like why don’t they have that that’s kind of a core thing if you ask blocky will make a creeper riding a spider for you he loves his spers oh no why did we give blocky this power just going to do that that’s fine

Doesn’t have to be perfect I would love for this to all be dirt down here like grass kind of coming up I think it could look better you any tips for staying alive in a world um no how and when to pick your battles is a big part like knowing when you need

To run away or watching yourself before you get into a bad situation like a a big thing that uh I thinking hardcore helps a lot is always knowing your exit like if you get in a bad situation and you need to start running like knowing where you’re going to run you

Know that helps in real life too and everything like that uh but also very much Hardcore Minecraft if you know where you need to get to and where your exit is so having some form of like pattern that you use on the floor like an arrow or something like that to say

Hey this is the exit of the cave over here or if you’re one of the people who only does torches on the left side are only on the right side like being consistent with that so you can always know how to run away like that’s another big thing you can

Do but also just taking the time to get geared up a lot of people die in their Minecraft world because they get impatient I I think most hardcore worlds I I think it’s fair to say that most hardcore worlds end either due to the person getting bored and trying to get

Through something more quickly or they end because the person wasn’t paying attention and usually that’s how it goes whether you’re not paying attention you fly into something or you’re like outside of that the other reasons would be doing something risky like fighting a warden or anything like

That like that’s definitely a a way a lot of people die too trying to get that Warden kill to say hey look how cool I am I defeated a warden in my Hardcore Minecraft world what did I get out of it one skul catalist and it’s great okay let’s get some buckets of

Water and we are going to bring the stream all the way down so I think we’re done with all of that right I think so are we done done with like the top yeah I’m going to put that there so the water gets stuck in that point instead flowing

Everywhere I think we filled it in that only took an hour look at that wow wow well we got to light up the inside still but wow okay let’s see how many problems we bring forward with this Oo now Oo look at it how far oh my gosh that’s one water source I love it I always try and do this I it’s a stupid game I play every time I’m terraforming and making like a stream that’s going to descend all the way because I love having the different

Levels of water and making it look a lot more natural I try and make it every single time work off of One Source usually I can’t make it happen but the fact that yeah so we got all the way to here off of one source of water and we’re definitely going to need

To bring that back a touch no no no no my torches uh Equus if you want to go watch somebody else that’s totally fine uh but please don’t promote that inside my chat it’s really rude you’re you don’t need to stay here at all if you want to go watch somebody

Else please feel free go right ahead but please uh don’t be advertising that other streamers are live inside my chat I know you might just be like oh my God this is so exciting I want to share the news but what it comes off is saying

Is hey let’s go watch this other person instead of the person I’m watching right now you can probably see how that comes off as a little rude look at that wow that did go really far that looks so good too we got it up there and then it comes

All the way down it’s going through here and nice look look at that oh I love it this is why you double dirt you’re right I’m sorry I failed okay let me see okay uh next up here let’s actually put away all these grass blocks dude I got so many more blocks

Than I needed oh wow I was like I’m going to need all of these we didn’t even use a Shuler box nice all right uh let’s tear out all the this Stone here and we got to do a little bit more terraforming before we bring that the rest of the way

Down you’re the 777 lier lucky like okay so with that out of the way it’s going to be night time in a second but we’re going to raise all of this train back up here up a block so like this road is going to be up on that

Layer just to smooth it out a bit and then we’re going to bring that the water’s just going to kind of run through the road I think it be okay but that being said we need to take all of this down think we clear out like seven blocks wide or something probably

Whatever this is will be fine and then we’ll just work in as we need to go okay uh I’ll pick this up and asleep and asleep and asleep sleep sleep 799 we’re at 820 likes now and almost 12200 people wow I’m telling yall the more y’all leave likes the more

People come into the stream and hang out it’s great it’s really cool the good and bad of YouTube If people actually leave like on the stream this is not be being like but like the good and bad of YouTube is very much that if the community does it that the

Stream actually gets pushed a ton more to people which is good so people are involved in enjoying it and it’s YouTube’s like more people will enjoy it the bad is that I very much have to ask y’all to do it all the time and I don’t like doing that that’s not as

Fun okay so that is where that’s going to go through let’s get rid of all the stone and fill it in with dirt double dirt is for noobs exactly Noobs maybe you can make a muddy Road there with some massive Stone SL rocks as the pathway yeah we’ll we’ll figure out

Something we might just bring in a bunch of like in the past I’ve done little like Spruce trap door like slightly raised up above the water so it’s going over the top of it so we could do something like that as a little bit like rickety bridge going over

I do like this being kind of a sudden dip down into here though I think that’s kind of fun uh we’ll probably tame back the other side a touch further we’re definitely going to need some extra water sources to make this happen coming through but that’s that’s okay we’ll

Figure that out we can do like slight low Rock right in here Yeah just something like that that’ll be fine why don’t you use armor stands as NPCs cuz I find they get really really laggy okay with that done let’s start filling in everything I’m just going to

Trace the outline of the road and then we’ll go back and tear up all the co dirt to be able to move it up a block oh no oh no it’s regular dirt I might have some Co dirt in my Shuler box I was thinking that would be Co dirt

Under because usually that’s I get lazy and I just throw it in there and I’m like I’ll come back in but this time I was like no save the materials think of all the materials it’s like five course dirt per layer okay Stepping Stones would be cool yeah

We’ll see what we can make work it is pretty cool technically right now the entire mountain is is surrounded like this is all just little extra steps here on the end but right now technically speaking the entire mountain is complete we’re going to take this bring you out like this a little bit

Further we’ll have to go double check and make sure from the inside that we can’t see any sunlight or anything but I believe I we did it right oh my God I hear a baby I hear a child underneath the ground we have a ton of dirt so I’m really just not

Being not being like trying to conserve it very much right now uh flowering lavender I don’t have that info I’ve chatted with her in the background and everything seems okay but I don’t have any info nothing that is mind to share and no don’t read into that and then chat’s over there like

Read into it something must be terribly horribly wrong I am jumping on a call with all the empires crew tomorrow though I’m pretty excited about it we’re not talking about Empire season 3 but we’re going to talk about potentially doing something whatever that something is I don’t know it’s kind

Of a let’s get ideas going session so brainstorming time tomorrow is the next video on the Mountain uh the mountain is not going to be a whole video because I’ve been kind of peac mealing it together into different parts uh like I’ve been showing different aspects of it throughout but who

Knows it’ll be featured in The Next Episode but it’s not the episode I don’t want these no thank you no thank you pass oh pass oh I’m missing a gray Shuler box that’s not good okay uh before we get too far into this do no that’s do I

Have any gravel I think I do in one of these I have one pie gravel nice now I don’t have an electron I know where there is some gravel though liking the sound of something yeah I don’t know if anything’s going to come up from it

But I I was I like a two three weeks ago I was chatting with Scott I was like Scott I miss recording with all of you I want to do something and he was like yeah me too I’d be down and then I was like if I message the group and try and

Get something going will you help hype it up so people will be more interested and he was like yeah and I was like okay I’ll I’ll message everybody try and get a meeting going okay we need to tear up all of this course dirt so that it doesn’t turn into a spoter

Town we’re going to just fill it all in with dirt after the fact too that’s not H that’s actually not what it’s supposed to be right there yeah it’s fine it’s fine just going to place that up there there turn that back into some dirt and

Then I kind of don’t really use path blocks anymore I realized that recently where I was just like I just don’t really use them at all but you know here we are we trying let’s see how it goes actually we’re not using any path blocks I don’t know what I’m saying

There actually are zero path blocks being placed down this is all course dirt for the pathway which somehow does make a better path block than path blocks okay there goes our road filled in which I’m liking don’t wor but your chest plate just looks like a Pokémon a little bit

Like a little Ghost type or something okay now that we got that sorted we need to figure out the rest Of our water cuz that’s that’s got to reach the river it can’t just stop there don’t be silly what would you do if you happen to lose your world uh if it happened about this time of year I’d probably just take the rest of the year off and uh start fresh

Later I don’t know there a problem with your entire all of the content is on your uh one hardcore world yeah it turns into wee bit of an issue if you got a you know okay let’s go get some blocks that we can kind of detail the creek out with

A little bit better do I have any mud on me where’s my mud box okay we got some mud so we can do a little bit of like an edge of the river with we got 49 Muddy mangr Roots it’s probably fine um what’s my Greenery box looking like

Not much do I have I can find some sugar canane but I don’t have string let’s go pick up a little bit of string let’s go pick up some sweet berries and we’ll go pick up a few leaves and detail out that little river bed

Section I the house I’m a bit laggy I hope I’m not missing much it’ll all be featured in a video and the vod’s always available after so maybe some podz for the river like bottom yeah I guess pzle does does pzle stay underwater be cool if you made an recipe

That was survival of course you had mods a lot of animal mods the world was based on different biomes that animals friend I got a lot more ideas yeah um I think we’re going to do vanilla for the next one or lightly modded or an established mod

Pack because I think most of the crew myself included has a little bit of a rough taste right now for mod packs after how laggy and buggy which is not anybody’s fault it’s just trying to throw together your own mod pack and not like having the technical knowledge to

Be like ooh yeah I this is going to be laggy let’s not include that versus ooh we know these mods conflict with each other let’s not do those and we just kind of were like yeah throw it in you want that one sure the pack boots up

Let’s go for it so it did turn into a little bit of a mess um yeah don’t look this is a spoiler I’m so many episodes ahead right now I’m like struggling with like have I shown this already or no where’s the barrel where is the barrel ah there it’s in the chest

Like a muddy Road where the waterfall also the person asking why I’m not answering their question I’ve answered it like 10 times in the last two streams so that’s why I didn’t really bring that many detail blocks but nor I forgot string we have to go back found your community videos all

Relatively recently been watch every episode so far now I’m caught up and can tune into the live hey welcome on in David good to have you glad you enjoyed it all so much there’s a lot of episodes to catch up on now we’re I’m working I’m starting to work on

Episode 53 I started episode 53 this morning which is a little crazy to be saying I don’t know why but just being episode 53 I I know like big about 50 has got me like whoa we’ve done uh done a lot of stuff there’ve been a lot of

Things happening in and out of here um I think I want to bring just like some wheat seeds along wheat seeds could be kind of fun where go oh we have 15 right there that’s probably fine I want to get some Tall Grass I’ll see if I have any down

Here I do try and make all of the videos that I record and upload something that you can kind of just pick at like whenever you want you can like obviously there’s an order cu the world’s been it’s a linear of what I’ve been doing but we’re at the point where

Everything’s so established that you can just kind of watch all these recent ones like you don’t have to do it fully in order unless I’m building a farm and then I’m going back to visiting that farm they’re all kind of Their Own Thing stead of fire just keep them

Coming there’s there’s probably another like 10 you can add into that list okay uh we should be able to do this now I’m thinking We I want to do a lot of the mossy stuff in here and then we’re going to kind of do a so enough that we can walk along it is my goal and then the outside can be a little bit Ah you saw nothing a no Mossy Cobble the one M no okay we have a since we’re at the Flat Point here and uh we have to keep thinking about how it’s going to move across here all of this does need to be Source blocks that’s

Okay what are you building just join the stream we’re building a stream on stream I know it’s amazing and this is just going to be kind of existing all the way down here just doing its existing thing you know and I want it to be pretty thin I’m

Okay I know up in the mountain we had a lot yeah we’ll just do something like that that’s okay or do we want to have this so I want it to be like a higher level buddy no okay he died squids are pretty dumb y’all just going

To say it squids are pretty dumb in this game a stream stream yeah we’re streaming live on stream stream setion not multi streaming but a stream is happening where we’re talking about streams and doing things related to streams this I’m just going to kind of take all

The way down I was just trying to empty those buckets okay okay okay okay let’s see professional Minecraft pvpers do this actually I want to bring that down okay that’ll do I like that that’s good I know it’s pretty straight like a pretty straight line but we can come

Back in with a little bit of stuff along here and we can actually place in some mangra Roots so it’ll kind of just like force these weird little it looks a little bit like it’s ground but it’s really really muddy cuz it’s got the water inside of it which could be

Fun yeah we’re speedrunning building a stream exactly and let’s go get the mud and muddy m Roots as a stress geology major do you want topography info I there a lot of people have tried being like actually this is how it would go if you were doing it realistic and

I’m like yeah I just can’t be bothered so you can you can share info I always like learning about it but I’m not going to like be at the point where I’m like yeah I’ll redo things I was working on you know so like you can share if you think it’s interesting and

You’re like like wow this is a cool fact I could share with the with the stream we like fun facts here fun facts are pretty cool I’m going to go get a little cor dir too any types for gradients for roof roof gradient gradient roofs we getting

On one in my world uh I mean you just pick the gradient and go from bottom to top or whatever way you’re doing it’s the same way you do a gradient anywhere else I think one thing that can help with roof gradients uh for me I find if I’m going along and like

Uh sure why not we’ll do that uh what was I going to say oh I find if I put like a little border trim on it it can help making things a little bit easier to follow along with which could be nice we’re not going to do mud

Along everywhere on the base but I do want to just incorporate a few spaces I’m okay with it being mostly dirt also don’t want to fill this entire thing in all the way down it could look nice with some ah no we will do it why not we got

Time I thought finishing the mountain was going to take a lot longer so we actually got a lot of time here we’ll see how long this mud can last though that’s the part I’m a little worried about right now so I don’t need that I need that and those

Yeah we can have some grass coming down I think it looks okay we’re going to cover it a lot with bushes and things so having the darker colors underneath will look pretty good why did I just think it’s night time it literally is morning I was just about to go run back

To my bed and be like okay it’s time to go sleep I literally just SLE a th stream in a steep valley means it’s the remains of a glacial flood plane and River beds you could claim the mountain range once had glaciers yeah mystical magical stream

Also D I would love to figure out how to build a big Glacier one day but the thought of collecting all of that ice to make it happen is one of the leading reasons why I have not like it sounds really cool and it would be really really

Cool why don’t let you like afking in your world I think having a hardcore world that has as much stuff possibly done in it and as little as days as possible is infinitely times more impressive than a hardcore world that just has a massive Day Count with um 99% of those days being

AFK that’s just a me thing though like I’m not saying don’t AFK in your worlds if you do you’re bad um I just for me I find that if I AFK in my world I I don’t know I like playing Minecraft and you’re like well duh yeah that makes

Sense but for me I’m in a position where it’s easy to spend a lot of hours in Minecraft cuz it’s my full-time job for a lot of you if not all of you Minecraft is not your full-time job as much as you might want it to be right now it

Probably isn’t uh and for me I have the ability to pick and choose what I make content of and I think making content I find making content where I’m like okay so I ran out to go gather these materials or I did this and blah blah

Blah is like most of it is a lot more entertaining and interesting to listen to and watch and see happen compared to me saying okay and so I AFK for 2 hours here at my Tree Farm to get all the blah blah blah blah blah and now I have everything like

I just that’s what you see in a lot of videos everybody’s afking at their tree farms so if I’m doing it a slightly different way and just saying like Okay so I ran out to the spr forest to go chop the trees blah blah blah just like slight differences there but helps my

Video to stand out as being different and more unique compared to other people who everybody just everybody right now in the hardcore beta just builds all their Giga Farms loads up resources at their Giga farms and then goes and puts the resources down at a new Giga Farm

Like that that is the Hardcore meta right now in Minecraft and I find it very boring and all the videos are the same so yeah I don’t like afking because I think there’s a lot more interesting ways to show the game being played to make an ice cast try to make

An ice castle on a few occasions the grind dude yeah I’m I think I just resort to tearing down an entire biome should we need these still I know it looks a little weird with the course dirt here as the riverbed right next to the road with the course dirt as

The river bed but we’ll hide a lot of it so it should be okay no trying to save the train below that be fine we won’t take it up much further that can be something that we tackle when we get more into the terraforming side mango blocks are a great addition

Aren’t they I find they’re hard to work with but when they work they work really really well but yeah I definitely appreciate them being in the game now okay uh We’ve Got Roots these I need to find a hoe moved all my hoes into this shoulder

Box no don’t need e berries we have pork chops I idea of doing Amsterdam Venice inspired City then and just have canals everywhere yeah I’ve always wanted to do a big Canal Focus City and it seems really I like I I 100% say go for it my original building with whip city was

Going to have massive Canal systems running through it and then I got like halfway through digging them all out I was like I don’t want to spend the time to do this this isn’t fun anymore I’m not having a good time okay we’re going to just do a

Little bit of work along here here I don’t want it to be like super heavy detailed compared to everything else that we got going on let’s do these in little bunches so get rid of you this way it looks a little bit more organized we can have a single one there

And group of three we have group of two and then a big tip I have for terraforming or Landscaping honestly just any form of decorative like decorations you’re doing in Minecraft literally any form of it doing things in bunches instead of a random spatter across everywhere will look

Better like if this was even with sugarcane going all the way down it it’ look really overwhelming sugar we do little Bam Bam Bam and little pockets of it it looks a lot better and it looks like it belongs in the environment a lot more naturally instead of just bam

Things Castle on the supporter server and I need so much ice I need over 2,000 pack ice so I understand low yeah yeah I to get almost 4,000 packed ice for the NE for uh the nether Hub build you’ll see in the next episode coming out um and yeah

That was that was pure pain I did not you know what did not enjoy clearly can say did not enjoy that but it worked really well you excuse me you all see that video soon that should be out this week so also ice Queens thank you so much for

The Dono makes sense with the name now yeah uh Joshua thank you so much for becoming a supporter and Maxwell thank you so much for the gift member I really appreciate that thank you thank you thank you thank you hi I made it welcome on in how you

Doing we’re going to do a little like that we’re going have a little single one right over here and we’ll do these last two just like one there and one there Bam Bam and then the berries we’ll just I’m thinking we throw the berries in as if

They’re like an addition to the birch leaf bundles that we’re making I don’t know if I did this on the far side of the river or not but I think it could be kind of fun here so it’s okay once all this stuff grows in it

Should look a lot more full so if it’s a little empty right now that’s okay there we go it’s like why can’t I jump up this what is going on is that really all I have yeah I only have 12 left okay oh no don’t break it don’t break

It pleased to meet you we do a bam and a bam fild in the last of these then we’ll just do the remaining tall grass that we have just around the rest of the place uh we should go to Sleep Austin thank you so much for the five months I really appreciate that thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you I really appreciate all the support today my friends thank you so very much hope yall are having a lovely Monday good old Mondays huh such a fun time I hate

Berries I know berry bushes are like really nice for slowing mobs and things but oh we have to deal with them h just like end this torment I’m over it can Monday be over already yeah it’s almost it’s almost there yeah that can work why not sure sure sure sure sure

Sure look at that oh I love that coming down that looks really good and then we have this little section we’re going to go cheaty cam mode just give ourselves a little bit of a glimpse chat I think this means we’ve done it I think I think this means the outside of

The Mountain’s done wow it’s it’s a mountain that’s it I don’t I’m trying to see if there’s any open spaces we’ll run on the inside here we got to go torch up the inside we we need to jump in there still and make sure that’s all mob safe but there nice

To meet you that’s the entire back expansion that we needed to do that’s that’s all of it done there’s a few places where we could add something but I kind of enjoy it like I’m thinking right there is could be a rock of sorts but I’m also like man

I kind of like it just being grass it it’s going to look great when it gets texturized yeah I don’t quite know when we’re going to do that yet but you know we’ll see pleased to meet you Spirit almond thank you so much for the 16 months we

Got Yuki within nine months thank you thank you thank you wow a finished Mountain I know we did it it’s it’s possible don’t let your memes be dreams or something you go back in here too I don’t know where that I lost a gray Shuler hopefully it didn’t have anything

Useful in it all right I got to check I haven’t hooked this Farm up to storage yet ooh ooh Ooh oh a lead a lead another lead I was wondering where I lost those three oh that hole right there yeah that we’re going to turn that into like a gate or something that’s how we access the nether Tree Farm a mountain is it is it cat-shaped

Yentel thank you so much for the Dono though I really appreciate it just going to leave all that there that’s fine real I was feeling really low today but I decided to turn the stream on because I couldn’t find something I enjoyed and now I feel so much better

Thank you fllying lavender thanks so much for being here glad you found a space to hang GL to be there to help out a little bit look at that wow I kind of love that little stream coming in we got the mountain all the way coming down

Woo just yoinking from the sheeps I mean that was my lead to begin with we’re going to go make a bunch of torches we going to jump inside shaders really make that view wheo yeah I really love the look of shaders it would be fun to be able to

Use them more often and like play with them but I also really really love the Simplicity of vanilla without shaders real love the stream you’re the best flip you always help after a long day hey Maxwell thank you so much for the Don I appreciate the kind of words

Thank you so very much for real me romantic cat face party face it almost got it it almost got the meain that’s good uh I’ll organize that stuff Later excuse me we need torches I’m going just oh there’s a stack of torches but I think we I think we need more than a stack I’ll be honest I think we need a lot more I think some creators overuse shaders toat us and I just can’t to be honest to

Be honest to be honest to be honest yeah now I’m with you I like I don’t like full gameplay with shaders but I really love the Cinematic look of a build with shaders turned on like there are definitely a lot of times where I will just like turn shaders on

And just kind of wander around the world if I’m like running dry on ideas trying trying to figure out something of what I want to do like it’s not out of the norm for me to basically just turn these on and just see the world with like all the extra life that

Shaders bring I think is a really good way of being like o yeah I could add something here what what am I going to do where blah blah blah blah blah like I’ve got an idea for something to do in this space that I think will be pretty

Fun um and then like figuring out how I want to like Bend this up and I really want to move into doing like that Palace up here like the a school of sorts I need to figure out what the school’s going to be there for like what the

School’s going to be focused around but I I want to do that I think I’m going with a school instead of a palace like traditional like leaders Palace like or ruler Palace I want to have more of a school but like this over here I love this space and I got the

Idea because I was looking at this with all the Shadows cast by the tree of this space in here whatever neighborhood’s going to be working up this side of the mountain they probably don’t have any light if ever like direct light so we can do some really fun like custom lighting

Options in there to make sure it’s a little bit cleaner and sa one safer for Mob spawns for sure but two turning into somewhere that’s just more put together and they really are focused around light and bringing in their own light sources I think it’d be a really fun neighborhood to try and

Create what if it was a palace that got converted into school that’s kind of what I’m leaning toward of just like a big fancy fancy building with a lot of classrooms and everything there’s been a lot of people that have done uh like magic schools and

Stuff and I don’t know if I want to go fully that route and I’m I’m tempted to do it as like an Artisans school cuz then we can make classrooms based around every single one of the Villager professions I thought could be fun and like that looks like a nice Hill streamer winking

Face uh we got to land we got to land run need to get somewh safer before we start din plus wh stream equals one heck of way to end that’s not going to be good it didn’t blow up somehow I don’t know oh how we got out of that without taking any damage

I woo I’ll take it oh he even dropped iron and chain mail just keep running just keep running running running running just out we took damage officially okay we’re need a pork chop I need a pork chop stat otherwise I could die oh that’s a creeper hey

Buddy I thought he was out of range I was like I committed we have committed to destroying this creeper speaking of creepers to destroy I need to get down and like spawn prooof all these nooks and crannies too if we want to turn this into a half decent

Creeper Farm it already seems to be spawning creepers pretty well though I will say the creeper spawn counts in here so far pretty good under the castle I’m not like super duper worried about making this absolutely perfect on Mob spawning like I’m okay if my when the heck was I

Fancy real me using coar dirt to pillar around I use coarse dirt to pillar and move somewhere underground wow I was living a bougie life at some point in this hardcore world oh my God he’s got a flame bow too oh I got rid of my bucket that’s a bummer

Dang I was living it up what happened no that’s a marker of the world that stays we’re just trying to spawn proof a little well we don’t need a spawn proof down there that sure is spawn proofed already I didn’t I like fully got rid of my bucket

Oh oh I don’t have a full bucket on me what do I ever do okay I want to get back under under the mountain I can I can deal with these caves later I want to get back up to the mountain top well Mountain Mountain inside does this go up it does go

Up how far do you go up hold to here a start up is where we want to go this general direction seeing a zombie holding an egg means he came from the Overworld somewhere hi chicken maybe just a little torch oh oh no no actually I will be turning

Away and I will not be going down there where are we coming out this got either be a safe point or this could be a very dangerous Point ah safe what you look at that I would like to do a whoop nope must be night time outside cuz I’m hearing skeletons

Walking yeah that’s a that’s a future flip cave to light up that’s not a that’s not a current flip cave to light up but the unfortunate part is when we do the creeper Farm in here um that uh that will need to be lit CU otherwise all of the mobs will be

Spawning in there and not the creeper Farm I think I’m going to do one of those really simple ones that looks like the bow tie if you if you’re familiar with creeper Farm designs I think I’m going to do one of those and just stack up

Like four or five layers I had thought about doing the whole logical geek boy creeper farm that I always make and I was like I don’t really need this as it’s not my sole source of gunpowder and if anything I still want to use the gas

Farm oh perfect uh actually can I put there needs to be a oh a full chain mail zombie there’s a lot of those down here yeah I think like four or five layers of that and then if I need another layer I just add one on top like

We don’t really have to do that much so I I think all in all like that’s going to be the most efficient way to do it I’ve got a ton of cats nearby so that’s not a problem B is good if you’re you’re in the neighborhood yeah cuz the other one

The mine cart can get stuck if you’re moving around and I don’t plan for this to ever be one that I sit at like I want it to be something that’s purely working in the background as I’m kind of doing things in the world cuz I’m not going to

Spawn prooof the entire outside of the castle but the Castle Mountain uh same same same oh he got me on One uh was yeah I don’t need like the big absolutely massive and it produces like 100,000 an hour like we won’t get those rates in here anyway so there’s no point in doing it I just want something that when I fly by I’ll collect like 5 10

Gunpowder each time cuz I fly over this area so much that we should be good get a lot of gunpowder that way okay so this is the area that I flew into a region the you got all spooki this we need to build a wall like

We need to we just need to build a wall and block that off just in case any mobs do spawn up here I don’t want them getting one already knocked a mine cart off of one of the TNT dupers and I had to go redo that uh and I almost and I

Not almost I did blow up the top of the farm um so I had to rebuild the nether Tree Farm I had to rebuild all of that the technical part of it like the part with like all of you know the Redstone goodies yeah that mine cart got knocked off

Because a creeper fell I thought I just heard a creeper uh a creeper fell from like up there landed on it and just wandered into it and mov the mine cart uh all of the mob animations that I have in here are through a texture pack

So they are all custom they’re not just in the vanilla game it’s called Fresh animations it’s really cool yeah it’s Java only there honest I think there are some animation packs on Bedrock but I know this one I believe is just Java also sorry for anybody who hates

Who at side torches on a single block we’re just focusing on lighting this up I don’t care enough keep he these spiders man giving me the spook I think we’re getting there oh here’s a little spot just got here how are you doing today I’m good I’m good I’ve had a

Pretty good Monday it’s been pretty chill I Am once this stream ends I we’ll be done with recording the video that comes out this Thursday and the video that comes out next Thursday and that’s very very cool and I’m already I’ve already started the one that’ll be the Thursday after so I’m like I’m in go mode of just get super

Far ahead and I’m having a lot of fun recording the videos right now and I don’t really have any other games that I’m playing that’ll change later in the week so I’m like in this mode of just record record record get it all done as much as I

Can get as far ahead as I can so that as soon as I’m done with all of the videos I planned for the month then I’m just going to I’m just going to go full vacation mode I’m very excited about it well not full we’ll still do streams if

I get done early early I don’t think I’ll be done super early but before like December 20th or 22nd whatever that Thursday is Before Christmas um like that’s when my last video go live for the month and after that I am checked out we might do one stream that next

Week after after Christmas just to catch up say h before New Year’s and then then I’m I’m I’m out of here for like a week or two I’m it’ll be vacation time for me me okay are there any very dark wall spots that we need to get that I can

Get this is pretty dark and this is already textured over here so these are totally fine to be lighting up what game are you going to grind wow probably I’m I’m always predictable I don’t really have any other games that I’m like super in right yeah no self-promo in chat please my friends

Stream died did it really oh no are we back it’s back we back we only lost like 600 viewers oh boy thanks YouTube uh if you can see the stream now type uh refresh and it’s back oh my God this dude is teleporting all over the place refresh if stream broke just type

That send it in chat for me oh no now we lost 700 viewers okay cool thanks YouTube nice nice nice nice love a good old YouTube stream crash zero drop frames on my side by the way would just like to point that out yeah I got zero drop frames over

Here and then who YouTube decided to die okay let’s fly out of here do have any more chickens in the mountain one um and I want to see actually I know well hello creeper nailed it yall saw nothing wow first try oh my God so cool good for me and it was short

If the mountain is not big enough to be able to fly inside of and not hit the walls the mountain needs to be bigger just as for anybody who’s contemplating getting into mountain building that is that is the scale of this is good enough is can

You fly inside of set mountain with a rocket and not hit the walls uh yeah looks like YouTube’s having issues fun fun fun fun fun fun real there was an ad I think it trying to come through caused issues might be that might be that Arc

Night if you can hear me thank you so much for the Don I appreciate it also I missed it Nova gray I don’t know if you can hear me anymore I don’t know if anybody can hear me anymore it’s back we’re back there’s so many donos and things that I

Missed oh no oh now now my music’s breaking oh it’s back it’s good we’re good we’re good why must YouTube do this I don’t know uh dova gray if you’re still in here thank you so very much for the Dono also Austin thank you so much for the

Dono I forgot to I heard that one I remember what it says many of y’all are still in here I really do appreciate it look at this though wow we can do a little Zoom little hippity hoppity all the way around Y A lot of these we will have to figure

Out how we can spawn proof them after the fact cuz everything that I’m doing now the the worry is that I might be placing a stone or having to remove the stone to place a texture there and then it’ll break all the Torches anyways so I don’t want to do it twice you

Know sound is fine Now uh Adobe I actually already pay for your stuff I don’t need an ad to pay for your stuff thank you okay sweet sweet sweet sweet sweet sweet this is so cool this is so cool I don’t know if anybody can see this right now yeah if sound is not working refresh

Your stream and it’ll catch you up right away and it’ll fix any weird audio glitches and for those that can see what’s going on right now look at this it is two rockets fully two rockets to get all the way across I think we can make it even farther by dipping down

Into here yeah we got to figure out so my goal is going to be to take all of the gunpowder that we get from the creeper Farm there and I want to send it on a water stream that’s going to come all the way over here and just

Drop it into this pit so it goes through the same item sort thing and it’ll get picked up by all these I think it’ be really funny cuz if we uh land on top if we just drop it like against this glass it’ll fall in there and then it’ll go

Into the hopper so it get picked up anyways um my only worry is that my current thought right now ow actually the creeper Farm doesn’t need to be in in the middle of the mountain so I could just put it like here and then we would

No I need to I need to go like here creeper farm would have to be here and then the items would need to come over shoot up and then go into a new water stream that would carry them all the way over and we could have that just

Naturally Fall by itself and probably reach it over to there without ever needing an ice block so then we would never need to worry about the um it real the is so Grand YouTube can’t handle yeah pretty much that’s the way it goes Max and

Cheese thank you so much for the donut I appreciate it um but yeah we can make it so that even if the chunks got unloaded there’ still be flowing water so that the gunpowder would keep moving I think that’s the safest way to do it so then we could have that running

And if all of this is have a torch yeah if all that’s running and all that’s working together be easy we need a better way in though that’s that’s the current problem my current only way inside the mountain is to fly up through here okay those chickens walked into

There themselves that’s not a me thing okay let’s see what this look looks Like there it is we got the last section in that’s looking awesome that is so cool there we go that’s it we could definitely come through and like mix up this a little bit more but I’m kind of thinking about doing something in there so I don’t want to do it yet playing

Around with the idea of a build or something like on that flatter section looking pretty dang cool this is the first time we fully completed mountains no we fully completed Salon mountain in season one of Empires but in the hardcore series yes this is the first fully completed

Mountain I mean we still have to texture it but like do we really have to I don’t know what’s the plan for the top that I really love how wonky it is I love how absolutely stupid and geometrically wonky the top of this is I

I I purpose ly made the top of that look so off and I really love it yeah if we could get this texturing over here and everything onto the backs side and we’ll start with all the grass I think the next step is moss I think I think next

Step I need to fix the Moss Farm um we’ll deal with all the Mossing and then we’ll think about texturing like before that there’s no part of my entire being that wants to think about texturing these rocks right now there’s a few Farms that I need

Before we can do it anyways I don’t have a basal Farm I have a good amount of Basalt but I think I need more looks like a bunny on top little bit I’m so mad where did I put that gray shoger box I always have two light gray shulker

Boxes right here as my Just Junk shulker boxes that I usually have empty and I usually have empty I mean they’re full of junk that I need to empty out of them and then I just fill them with more junk until they’re fully maxed out let me relog to save this replay

Footage just cuz it’s it’s going to be a long one and then we can go see if the Moss Farm’s working I mostly just want to test and see if it’s alive or not like finding a needle and a Hy stack dude me trying to find a single Sher box

In this world yep yeah right sorry s text me one sec okay no Shuler Farm I refuse I mean if that sound a lot more harsh than I meant it to be um but that this should yeah that’ll just save in the background no Shuler Farms are one of

Those Farms that exist in Minecraft that are so ridiculously overpowered that I cannot bring myself to make one getting Shuler boxes is not that difficult and you don’t need that many of them like I probably I have more Shuler boxes than I realistically should need in this

World between all of these that I need to sort into their own storage rooms I have all of these empties I have all of these empties I had to sneeze and there’s just so many Shuler boxes I have all of these boxes that are doing there I have another 62 shells to

Another 31 boxes that I can make sorry I’ll be right back I need to go blow my nose but yeah we don’t I just don’t need a Sher Farm you know okay we’re back sorry about that short chair stream sometimes the sneezes get you you know okay

Uh shulkers yeah we were talking about Shuler boxes yeah I Shuler Farms like you build it you run it for 10 minutes and you never need to run it again unless you’re one of those people whose goal is to store like a billion items like if you want to store like a

Million of each item then you need a Shuler Farm but if you’re not doing that you don’t need a shulker farm uh what was I going to look at I want to look at Stats real quick we at 109,000 Stone Place W 159,000 dirt place and 75,000 grass blocks plac that pastar aelia

Leaves I love that coarse dirt I have almost 44,000 Co dirt placed that’s all roads that’s where I use the most of it it’s just roads going everywhere Max and cheese thanks so much for the extra donam dude I appreciate that uh we were going to go look at the

Moss Farm that’s what today was for thank you thank you yes be sure to leave a like on the stream my friends of course one must simply like the stream okay uh I believe it’s broken so we’re off to a great start can I use this to get all the way

Up I think I can I I think the honey blocks are supposed to be down like I I did something in this well I actually unloaded the chunk and something happened okay we got all of them perfect is that supposed to be there or are they supposed to be down are these Moss

Supposed to be here no they’re not cuz I think what it’s supposed to be oh we did lose some Stone going through okay that’s fine we need to go find some stone wherever that ended up uh it’s probably in a box down here or not nope it probably ended up in a dispenser

Nice gray shulker boach is is in the pile of purple shulkers we’ll go find it soon thank you I appreciate that I need to find some more Stone to fix finish this up and then we need to place in the uh need stone stone not Cobblestone uh

And then we need to place those lava buckets back in so I think this needs to go right here right but then the weird part is that lava needs to be fully flowing along the top so that needs to go like I guess it’ll fix itself maybe as it’s like moving

Around I don’t know let’s try turning it on what the worst that can happen it’s already broken that’s the worst that could happen if anybody wanted to know this is the worst that could happen oh that’s good that’s good that by the way that worst that could happen we lose the

Lava I’m going have to go watch the tutorial again aren’t I oh Man I wonder if all that stone going in there is breaking it I don’t know but we need to go find some lava where can I find some lava in this lovely world I know where I covered it up I know exactly where to find some lava sup Trace thanks for stopping by

You have a going all right did I fill it in I don’t hear lava I’m doing it I filled it all in there’s no Lava here why would there be Lava here that’d be so dumb could you imagine thinking there’s lava there oh so dumb where is the lava

Pool at least it didn’t blow up true it could always be first that’s a good reminder all right let’s go find some lava we’s see if we can fix this thing if I can’t fix it I’m going to just have to go rewatch the tutorial on how to build

It o maybe a giant pit Into Darkness could have lava if not we can just go to the nether there’s a portal right there really did want to stay in the overw world no no lava in Here all righty no Lava Farm no I don’t have one I don’t have a lava Farm I don’t even have a pointed dripstone Farm yet I have been making a list of all the Farms I still need to build though yeah that was a pretty cool cave pleased to meet

You oh you saw nothing don’t look it’s spoiler Town don’t look you still watch the next episode thanks sup T thank you so much for the 18 months haven’t been able to catch a stream in a month or so hope you and the family are doing well happy to catch the

Nighttime stream hey thank you so much for being here I do appreciate appreciate it thank you thankk you thank you there are no spoilers cuz you saw nothing you closed your eyes yeah some really cool nonm thing just covered your screen for a minute there I’m sure I’m probably going to lose these

Buckets exactly thank you Nova thank you it’s just a really really long blink yeah okay so we cover this all the way across I don’t what I don’t get is how these got removed oh I think we fixed it that sounds like it’s working yep that’s that’s what we want Yes yes what tutorial do you use for you remember not at all that was going to be the scariest part of having to go find it yes look at that I know that’s like slow ticking up but like this thing’s in spawn chunks as long as I don’t change Dimension it just

Runs it is fully self-fulfilling it a half of it that it produces goes back into compost or turn into bone meal to go back into the farm to power itself so as long as you don’t unload it in a weird way like it will literally just go until it fills

Up oh I want that that actually is not m and then I have the extra overflow once those get filled up they just come into here do I need to refill this I can’t remember no that’s full yeah you can see that thing is maxed out maxed out it’s such a compact Moss

Farm too whose design is this let me try and find it uh Jewel sent it to me uh Minecraft Moss Farm uh it’s here it’s by the archist I’ll pull it up on stream these guys the archist it’s a server of super technical people that make all the stuff

But yeah you can this is the whole farm this is yeah this is a oh hexatron is the one who made it uh but yeah this Moss farm right here is I’ll post a link to it in chat if you’re looking for a moss Farm uh highly would recommend

Building that one that thing is so dang good uh it’s very it’s very quick I mean like you can see the materials here I don’t need to advertise it uh you can see me using it in my own world uh it’s it’s very worth it to build You’ played vivecraft

No look at that that’s like from when we started talking about it to there that I mean that’s already another like 6 eight stacks I guess I move the top ones down so it’s not 100% but yeah I’m going turn it off for now just cuz I feel like we’re going to unload

It you just don’t want to flick it on and off super quickly you need to wait for it to full cycle off and then you can start it up again whenever I definitely made that mistake before mous unlog smart individual one said okay uh I actually want to go remake some Rockets real

Quick not remake make some Rockets real quick I think that’ll be enough cuz I already got a few Stacks in there and I’ve been using part of the box for other things recently to cuz I’m I was kind of like I don’t ever really need 27

Stacks of rockets no I’m never going to going to need that many so I’ve just been kind of going along it’s fine though head back into the hot of the Mountain my midterms are coming soon so like we’re already reviewing o o I don’t miss that I don’t miss that that’s on Ramen pretty good I I like really I want to enjoy Ramen so much and I it’s just one of those foods that I just like don’t eat

That often but like I when I do eat it I’m like ah this is so good there we go that’ll do and then uh I could do the last stack why not that’ll fulfill the Box we got this little extra stack which we will use very quickly I’m sure that

That is nice to have those Rockets back elytra is decently repaired it’s Fine there it goes shrimp ramen is the best never had shrimp ramen might want Ramen now yeah food is yummy just like you know in general food pretty good would recommend food yeah f is also really good okay where is what’s that that’s common of the day book this is my

Project book what do we got in here what can we check off I haven’t looked through this for a while um well that I forgot to uh do but you know this is what y’all can look forward to in the next one oh no there we go

Uh yeah those all got done oh fix gold Farm I did that too that we did that that’s fixed we did that on stream uh and I haven’t done anything in uh update iron farm storage haven’t done yet C trees around Zone I’ve done some of

Those but it’s not check a box check yet haven’t done that yet fix villager cave entrance we did that detail map room not done yet tree chopping Zone don’t have sugarcane building interior no finish backside of mountain though put the turtle main City Gate terrain we did that

Too uh gravel Beach across mud BR Castle haven’t done anything out there yet transform mountains around City haven’t done that P post haven’t done that how houses around mud brick Castle haven’t done that expand River to Ocean sniffer Valley Farmhouse haven’t done that change lanterns to beacons on

Episode 3 castle Bridge we could do that right now north side of town Green Space oh I know what that is haven’t done it yet there’s no Battleship on that yet yeah it got sunk uh Capital City upper adventurers gu interior upper Cliff next to City Hall kind of did that upper

Carpenters Workshop interior Carpenter upstairs interior uh add camel to Stables haven’t done any of those industrial district backgate grass area that did uh covered Market details that is also done now uh industrial Street details haven’t done Mangrove Farm haven’t done wagon outside brick Factory no I haven’t done that yet

Statue next to water mill didn’t do that I did something else there so we’re going to mark it done monolith next to Brick Factory stables at Road Corner wow City auction house I haven’t done that yet building plus crane next to kelp farm at end of Road haven’t done

That crane at end of dock haven’t done that either I need to find a new grass area next to Armory I did that I did that that’s done too sweet look how many turtles we got in here now oh we’re going to need to start adding some more projects around

Look at that that’s almost a whole page of turtles by the way if you’re new and haven’t seen this when we made it uh randomly we decided to use the turtle as the marker if we’ve completed a project it’s very important that it stays the turtle a lot of these are like interiors

And things the cover of the Moss Farm I’m almost debating just eventually removing that Moss farm and like moving it down in the world so me turtles yeah the end I want to get out there and do soon oh I wanted to do this um um f to see

Build actually so I had the idea I’m going to throw it on here for now cyber Punk inter dimension let’s just put City it’ll be small uh through end portal so I had this idea we’re going to put that down as a eventual goal of I know that’s a you’re

Like what the heck are you talking about you know how you go through the end gateways and they just like teleport you just like whoop out into the middle of nowhere um I kind of want to do that and have it be like one of them sends you basically

To like something that was pulled out of another dimension and and we can have like this torn apart look to it to where like you can see where it got torn out of somewhere and torn out so it’s just like a part of it maybe like a full city

Block or a few city blocks depending on how far we expand it but like having that as like a really cool cyber Punky build just something totally different for this world but adding a little bit of the just like some extra lore to the

End of like it’s a kind of a twen lands University type thing yeah that is that box okay get that out of there soon uh what was I going to do what did I say we were going to do what did I literally just say oh yeah we can go do that

Now what was I talking about um oh the iron farm no no the lanterns to beacons okay how many do we need it’s going to determine how many wither skele Withers we got to kill okay so I want to leave the I want to leave these ones down here cuz those

Don’t need to change but okay so we need one two three four five six all right we need six beacons No 7 eight I’m assuming is going to be 10 we need 10 beacons okay so 10 means 30 skulls which we got for sure are you ever going to reform your

Starter base no I love this house I love that it hasn’t changed and I’m still able to live out of it fully I think that’s so cool okay so we got skulls back here there we go so we need 10 so there’s enough of those and

Then inside of here we can bring we need 40 so we’ll just bring a whole stack wrong box there you Go never built anything in the end but making another city right now is so fun never shared it though like keeping my builds private hey I get that that’s fair the nether cities like building in the nether is just such a pain in the butt if they made it so that mobs only

Spawn in light zero in the nether it would make it so much more buildable out there but uh it ALS I also understand that that would ruin so much of what the nether is if they did that in there cuz nothing would spawn around the Lava Lakes nothing would spawn around the

Lava coming down from the the ceiling if you had any fire things that’s instantly safe so like the nether would be a lot less dangerous if they did that but man would it make building there so much better when’s the next video should be Thursday oh there’s my slime

Farm for those who don’t know positioning wise this where we just flew this is the end this is the end stronghold one day we’re going to drain this swamp one day you best believe we’re going to drain it we’re going to drain all these stupid caves underneath we’re going to reveal the

Entire stronghold blow it all up and build something really cool here one day that’s kind of like scary part is like that’s kind of like one of my next like big big projects that I have still on the haven’t touched yet list um is doing like the whole stronghold

Uh I really want to do it it sounds really fun did the Ender Dragon died the the Ender Dragon did die 20 times this is the main end Island this is where we come and kill all of our Withers and try and like kill them before cuz sometimes they can die to

Suffocation damage and it’s so sad 20 yeah every single one of those portals you see around main end Island means the dragon died there goes two thought there was only one dragon yeah you can respawn it you bring it back back to life to kill it again if you

Want for people that are curious why this is dying so fast Smite five on the netherite axe if you ever have a hard time killing Withers Smite five on an axe that thing’s dead technically there is a way to get multiple dragons at once but it’s pretty it’s pretty

Spooky this is this is the Wither killing Factory I mean you can actually fully automate killing Withers it’s pretty crazy how do you bring the Ender Dragon back you need four end crystals and you place them around the uh top of this the bedrock in the middle of the end

Island which is the thing that we’re under right now but if you take four n crystals and you place one there there there and there it’ll respawn the Dragon all right we’re halfway normally only one Dragon other than crazy insane people yeah yeah yeah it’s something about you have to

Lure the dragon far enough away from the island that the game doesn’t register there’s a dragon cuz it checks its coordinates based off of like is there a dragon within x coordinates of the main exit portal if not respawn dragon how many have I killed mobs

Wither we’re up to 46 Withers nice we’re going to get up to we’re going to get up to 50 50 Withers today you can dup the dragon too yeah I’m sure I’m sure there’s ways to do it all mean what scar has a pet dragon on hermitcraft yeah seven glass and a gas

Tier exactly oh and an i en right in the middle two more doc does not scar Oh I thought it was I thought doc gave it to scar I don’t follow up my I don’t know hermitcraft lore all righty one more IM meticulously fixes location yeah

That would that’s the part that I would just be like no I never want to do that there we go sometimes they don’t register as kills cuz the Suffocation can take the last little clip there but nice we got all 50 there we go 10 nether

Stars for those who haven’t seen it and are like where the heck are we uh this is this this was this was the main end Island uh I destroyed everything I even got rid of the Bedrock and all the obsidian pillars and everything uh it is

A grind of a video if you want to go check it out it’s almost a year old now since we did that but yeah so I wanted to build another floating tree here in the end and I love it over there is a skull Farm uh over

There is an Enderman Farm just for experience uh that one’s just a general skull Farm um you can also use it for experience if you want to but yeah big old tree I would love to come back out here and do some more I really I’m just kind of like working up the

Courage to have that time to design like go in design mode and really figure it out cuz the plans I have for this space are just so Grand and massive and just being what it is right now you got to really do something just super massive scale otherwise it’ll just look

Off are you going to build a path to the farms in the end no uh then you have to you have to building pathways on the end out to your Farms is really tricky because you have to double carpet layer them which is very hard to detail on top of

And it can tend to just look really ugly uh so I tend to just leave them uh reason being why it looks really ugly is because you have to have carp like full block carpet carpet so you have the Gap in between but that’s the only way to stop Enderman from

Teleporting so my main island I covered everything in glow lien and frog lights underneath so there’s enough light that it stops Enderman from spawning which is why there’s none in there but the problem really comes more in terms of uh yeah also yeah if you’re like how does

FIP have so much obsidian that’s that’s about how much obsidian is in the end you ever wanted to know I’ve probably I’ve used a few shoger boxes of that too cuz the copper Farm took so so much obsidian that was two suar boxes of obsidian to build the

Copper Farm all right we just craft our beacons right there easy peasy one lemon squer Marathon Mountain Mondays yeah we already we already did it we finished the mountain in under two hours I was like what the heck I thought this was going to take the whole stream a long

Time feels like that video came out yesterday I know this this Series has officially been going on since the day that I started recording it it we have now broken two years which is a little little bonkers we’re just doing this for the flex by the way there’s really is absolutely no

Reason to need to do this there’s no difference in what we’re achieving here from lanterns to beacons other than Flex are you telling me an actual hardcore Mountain has been completed and I missed it don’t you mate me the stream’s been going on for 2 hours 45 minutes yeah yeah we finished it

Earlier we did yeah it’s uh we finished it we lit up the entire inside we built the stream going all the way down we’ve had a lot of product we’ve had a lot of productive work done today you ever plan on playing phasmophobia I’ve done a few fasmo streams in the

Past I love to do it I think they’re fun but it’s one where you need a lot of people to do it uh and it’s not one that I typically work into my normal stream schedule but if friends are like hey do you want to stream fasmo I will usually be like yeah

Let’s do it uh but uh I have not been invited to any fasmo lobbies or things like that but that’s also on me because I could definitely be reaching out and be like hey do you guys want to do this we’re going to try this so many

People have asked as me to do this for so so long I’m not hopeful I will say it right now I’m not hopeful for this looking good but we’re going to try it the flex thank you thank you thank you everybody’s like you need to make those

Thicker okay it does actually kind of look good I hate it when chat’s right can’t believe I missed the finishing of the mountain the vod’s all here if you want to check it out late later okay chat which one do we like more thicker one where we added the walls to the

Edge it loses a little tiny bit of depth to it which one do we like wait for tough walls I don’t think tough walls are coming no tough walls are coming tough walls are coming we can change these out later the new one yeah I think y all right

How Falls are coming in the next update it’s one of the main things I was excited about when it got announced A thick one yeah that does help a little and it kind of gives a lot a little depth right there by only being a wall and slightly

Skinnier so we still get a good shape to it I know the top is pretty heavy compared to what it the lower part is but I’m not the most opposed to it I’ll be honest I wanted this to be like Fantasy Castle just do that that’s

Okay yeah that works that’s okay I know this is kind of the curve doesn’t come all the way back down but I I’m really okay with that that’s fine I think it looks good as is yeah that looks with a beac on there is Valley getting an update

Actually you can’t really see the beacons I kind of disappear into the sun if we go up here for this super Flex Shot you’re just like did he use beacons to light up that bridge you bet he did I like it I think that works I think that works really

Well I need to come back through here and do something up there we need like another custom tree or something just that that section there desperately need something how many days have you spent in this game uh we’re on day 5,696 of this World uh and total time played is 49.2 two days of played time this is where I went all begin on episode three we have my little house no yeah that’s my house that’s my mine and then episode 3 is where I built the castle so we built this

Next episode 12 I’ve been I was trying to do every 10 days or so we got a few in betweeners in here uh that really grew a lot we went to the end I think yeah the nether portal Cave is down in there so that’s finished up the fishing

Area we got the town we got the castle we go back to spawn we got got all that stuff connected then I only did 15 but that’s because I did the tree and I wanted to Mark the tree being completed and more fields and things then 25 we have the

Quarry we have the start of the town is in we have a lot more stuff down in here the custom Birch force is over there that’s up there with the monolith The Raid Farm you can see the edge of it and then it turns over this way to

32 where we have have a big expansion we have the industrial district starting in there we have the town has the mansion and the garden behind it and everything uh we got the windmills up there the roads starting to inch up that way the whole custom train in front of the

Monolith is done that road being marked in there means the flower Forest Village is in uh that road being out there means the mud brick Castle came in and this is where we expanded to include all those this is the maximum size that I’m doing

On the map uh and it’s about time to update it again to be honest I’ll have to look at where the last marker is when did I do this one I episode 40 I haven’t updated this since 40 I need to add that to my to-do list right now for the next

Episode update world map me let me write I got to write this down real quick dude there’s going to be so many things changed oh the reason why I did episode 40 and didn’t come back to really do anything is cuz we went over to Papyrus

And worked there for a while can’t wait to see the river desert map yeah I need to make one there too I haven’t yet but that’s definitely a thing on the list that I need to do I didn’t really make a before one which might have been a

Mistake yeah we’re at there and I’m already done with 52 so that’d be 53 episode 53 map will go there um but yeah yeah so you can see all that stuff coming in we have the armor stands we have all these and then uh the mountain

You can see the mountain the start of it you can see the nether Tree Farm there’s the flower Forest Village all that cool stuff horse RAC tracks up there oh man that’s so fun I love seeing this whole world in here we need to we need to get

Some more farmhouses like dotted in and out here I think we now have one right over there but we need to get like maybe a little guy like right in there could be good we could have another little house right up in here uh I still want

To do that second house like right along the water there maybe a little water mill that somebody’s living in the tree expansion has been done so that’s that’s the last time we’ll see the top of the snowy tree which is fun uh but yeah it’s it’s

Been been some cool stuff it’ll be fun to see the back I guess we we’ll see a little bit of the back of the mountain cuz it covers up yeah all of that everything in here will be different these are all the largest Map size you can make so they’re just like

The bear I didn’t expand them all at anything yeah there’s all that stuff there dude there’s a lot of goodies in here so many goodies my secret exit I love that tree it worked out so well this world is just the best it’s been going on for a

Long time so we got a lot of things to show off in here which I’m excited about very cool to see it’s very very fun to be able to see kind of all the different aspects that I’ve been working on for so long come together it’s been really cool

You’re still streaming I think we’re actually going to be wrapping up here it is uh as you can see by the darkness in the back of my room it’s almost dark outside and the zombies are going to start spawning soon so you know I got to get off Minecraft next interior is

Everywhere okaybye maybe we’ll see I don’t know there’s zero part of me has ever wanted to do all of the the Interiors in the world but we’ll we’ll pick out some like the important ones the important buildings will have Interiors or at least access ways to get

Into spaces where they need to have something um for example like this I did the interior of the first floor CU it was open and it made sense to kind of show the receiving room for where all the raw copper comes in and gets processed into the rock copper blocks

And then that all kind of showing in here to tell the story of how The Foundry works but then like this space in here I’m like yeah no I’m not even going to bother that would just be an office same with the upper section just

Be an office yes there’s an LA stuck in there don’t ask me how he got inside uh but then this I completed for the wagon storage so we can have a way to get down to the Aging facility which I want to check is it all aged down playing

Stardew nice I’ve been I mentioned it a while ago I’ve still been playing coral island it’s been I’ve gotten a little farther into the game game and now I’m like I’m enjoying it more than I was before which is fun this is all H down perfect each uh there’s a stack of

Blocks up there stack here stack there and stack there so there’s four stacks of H copper in there I got to go pick up that’s a chore for another day oh big jump uh but like this right here jokingly called it mithin Meats uh I was just randomly going around naming things

But I think for sausage just I threw that in here as a little Easter egg I think this could be fun to turn into like a little tiny butcher shot shop there’s not too much space inside of it but we’ll make an interior like first floor of that building uh as it’s going

To leave Down lead down to the mangrove Tree Farm maybe we’ll have like a back entrance to that but then like this we for the bamboo Farm we need to make a little cafe at the top for it so like we got some Interiors coming together um

This one I think I’m I’m just going to throw frog lights behind maybe I’ll do a first floor like a first floor here could be fun but probably just frog lights behind the second floor I think that’s the way I’m going to go everything that you’d see on first floor

Level is worth doing a little interior for but everything above I’m just like yeah but like this is just really just set dressing of just having a building here so like I’m not going to come in and do that one there’s this would just be like a general little

Store more just to fill the space than anything but I love like the little garden and everything that we have back in here that was fun to do that was the adding the few extra buildings in here to fill in those empty spaces was fun

The last CU that was on episode 50 I did the three buildings up there and then I did that and I did the wagon storage and the other little garden space that was really fun all right my friends I think that’s going to do it today I’m I’m going to

Get out of here before I get too exhausted but thank you all so very much for being here I really do appreciate it thank you thank you thank you been absolutely lovely streaming we got the mountain finished and I’m very very excited to say that that’s so awesome to

Have this done so thank you all so very much for being here I really do appreciate it have a lovely rest of your Monday rest of your week and all that stuff we’ll be live again on Wednesday uh streaming doing all that fun stuff and then uh video Thursday and

Probably another stream on Friday if I had to guess uh but yeah that’s going to do it for today thank you all so much for being here and I will catch youall on the flip side bye

This video, titled ‘STREAMING UNTIL I FINISH THE MOUNTAIN in HARDCORE MINECRAFT 1.20 – Survival Let’s Play’, was uploaded by fWhip on 2023-11-28 01:01:12. It has garnered 30096 views and 1793 likes. The duration of the video is 02:52:15 or 10335 seconds.

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#Minecraft #Hardcore #Letsplay

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    "EPIC MINESHAFT DISCOVERY! Adam Net's Minecraft Adventure" #gamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Uncovering Hidden Treasures: Exploring a Mineshaft in Minecraft Survival Series Episode 3! #gaming’, was uploaded by ADAM NET on 2024-05-30 12:29:00. It has garnered 39 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:51 or 411 seconds. Uncovering Hidden Treasures: Exploring a Mineshaft in Minecraft Survival Series Episode 3! #gaming ———————————————————– guys this is my new Minecraft survival video and first series in Minecraft please support me and comment if you like my video and not _____________________________ Tags(ignore)- #minecraft #minecraftpesurvivalseries #minecraftpe #gamerfleet #anshubisht #technogamerz #ujjwal #minecraftsurvival f/minecraftinhindi #minecrafthardcore #minecraft100days #inhindi #minecraftfunnygameplay #trending #viral #Minecraftpocketeditionsurvivalseriesinhindi… Read More

  • DOMINION – Semi-vanilla 1.20, Whitelist, Hermit-Like, 18+, SMP

    Dominion Server Welcome to Dominion Server Dominion is a community of like-minded adult players who want to experience vanilla Minecraft without limitations like land claiming or RPG elements. With a focus on community and player interaction, we offer a true “hermitcraft-like” experience. Join our community of kind-hearted individuals for weekly events, monthly competitions, group projects, and more. Our whitelist process keeps the server safe from trolls and griefers. To apply, click HERE Learn more on our website: dominionserver.net Our Founding Philosophies: The Vanilla Experience Dominion preserves the vanilla Minecraft experience without plugins like mcMMO or Jobs. Donators receive no in-game… Read More

  • Minevita Survival – CLAIMS | COSMETICS | FURNITURE and MORE!

    Minevita Survival - CLAIMS | COSMETICS | FURNITURE and MORE!Minevita is the go-to spot for a chill and community-driven Minecraft Survival server! 🌟 We listen to our community and update very often! 🎉 Join us at play.minevita.net, and let’s make some memories together! 🕹️✨IP: play.minevita.net→ 🛠️ Survival→ 📜 Claims→ 🪑 Furniture→ 🏘️ Towns→ 😊 Friendly community→ 🎩 CosmeticsJoin our Discord for frequent updates and exclusive rewards! discord.minevita.net Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Epic Minecraft Failures

    Minecraft Memes - Epic Minecraft FailuresWell, I guess you could say it’s really “mining” for those upvotes! Read More

  • The Hindi Minecraft Conspiracy: A Blocky Tale

    The Hindi Minecraft Conspiracy: A Blocky Tale In the world of Minecraft, secrets abound, Conspiracy theories, mysteries profound. Herobrine lurking, in the shadows he hides, Players beware, as the truth collides. Dark secrets unravel, in blocks and in code, Unsolved mysteries, on a treacherous road. Conspiracy theories, part of the game, Intriguing and thrilling, never the same. So dive into the lore, with a curious mind, Explore the unknown, what will you find? Minecraft’s depths, endless and vast, Conspiracy theories, a spell they cast. Stay tuned for more, in the world of blocks, Minecraft’s mysteries, like ticking clocks. Conspiracy theory in Hindi, a tale to tell,… Read More

  • Minecraft Herobrine’s Lit AF Base 🔥

    Minecraft Herobrine's Lit AF Base 🔥 Why does Herobrine need a base in Minecraft? Doesn’t he already have the whole world to haunt and scare players? #ghostlyproblems Read More

  • Ultimate Tatooine Cantina Build | Minecraft

    Ultimate Tatooine Cantina Build | Minecraft Recreating the Star Wars Tatooine Cantina in Minecraft Are you a Star Wars fan looking to bring a piece of the galaxy far, far away into your Minecraft world? Look no further than this step-by-step tutorial on building the iconic Tatooine Cantina from Star Wars in Minecraft. Whether you’re a seasoned builder or just starting out, this project is sure to delight fans of both franchises. Getting Started To begin your Tatooine Cantina build, gather the necessary materials such as sandstone blocks, wooden planks, and glass panes. You’ll also want to choose a suitable location in your Minecraft world… Read More

  • 50-Hour Survival Challenge as Necromancer in Minecraft!

    50-Hour Survival Challenge as Necromancer in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 50 HOURS as a NECROMANCER in Medieval Minecraft’, was uploaded by Doublesal on 2024-06-16 15:00:27. It has garnered 4075 views and 263 likes. The duration of the video is 00:37:26 or 2246 seconds. I Survived 50 HOURS in Medieval Minecraft! Join me as we explore dungeons, battle bosses, and cast a few spells along the way! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Doublesal Discord: https://discord.gg/cdyPTJrdam Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/doublesal —————————————————————————————- 🔵BISECT HOSTING🔵 👉Code “Doublesal” for 25% OFF Modded server! 🎮https://bisecthosting.com/Doublesal —————————————————————————————- 100 days in minecraft,minecraft 100 days,100 days in minecraft modded,100 days,minecraft hardcore,minecraft,i survived 100 days in hardcore minecraft,i survived… Read More

  • Uncovering Ghost in Minecraft

    Uncovering Ghost in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘I found ghost in Minecraft #minecraft #shortfeed #short #viral’, was uploaded by MiniMiners on 2024-04-04 02:13:09. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Nolik’s Insane PVP Moments on 2b2t.quest

    Nolik's Insane PVP Moments on 2b2t.questVideo Information This video, titled ‘Пвп моменты на 2b2t.quest’, was uploaded by Канал нолика. on 2024-05-03 15:57:35. It has garnered 1101 views and 23 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:44 or 764 seconds. Support me by liking and subscribing! ip-2b2t.quest. ds:nolikezka006. 2b2t, anarchy, minecraft, minecraft, 2b2t, server, vulture, Russian 2b2t, server without rules, bettez 13, bettez 13, survival, analogue of 2b2t, tubituti, Ukrainian 2b2t, better beast, server IP 2b2t, bettez13, Russian 2b2t, tubetube , 2b2t cheats, anarchy minecraft, 2b2t history, construction, anarchy, 2b2t history, history 2b2t, base, minecraft 2b2t, new 2b2t, 2b2z, 2b2t how to enter, anarchy 2b2t,… Read More

  • ULTIMATE Minecraft Hardcore Challenge – Surviving 100 Nights in Fear!

    ULTIMATE Minecraft Hardcore Challenge - Surviving 100 Nights in Fear!Video Information This video, titled ‘100 Hari Di Minecraft Hardcore Fear Nightfall (Part 2)’, was uploaded by Jumper id on 2024-03-31 08:24:25. It has garnered 309303 views and 17972 likes. The duration of the video is 01:13:12 or 4392 seconds. 100 Days In Minecraft Hardcore But Using The SCARIEST Modpack Ever – want to know how the story and excitement is, how my brother and I defeated all those scary monsters? And did I succeed or not in completing the 100 day challenge? let’s just watch the video.. hope you all enjoy it, see you next video 🙂 Download Link:… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Performance Boost! Pojav+Java Tricks

    Ultimate Minecraft Performance Boost! Pojav+Java TricksVideo Information This video, titled ‘How to make your minecraft clean and smooth??(pojav+java)’, was uploaded by Thunder_Warrior on 2024-05-16 11:03:02. It has garnered 396 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:10 or 250 seconds. Subscribe pack link:- https://www.mediafire.com/file/5t9om8eqzmdtsi3/A+pack+like+shader.zip/file @ArenaPlayzZ @TufaniGamerOP @pubixd @SpunkyInsaan20 #minecraft #texturepack #minecraftmods #viralvideo #fpsboost #viral #trending my DC:- https://discord.com/invite/WBHjA6eTp9 mod minecraft java texture pack minecraft texture pack best texture pack for pvp pojav launcher pvp best texture pack texture pack for pojavlauncher texture pack for minecraft best texture pack for minecraft best texture pack for pojavlauncher texture pack pvp pvp texture pack Minecraft… Read More

  • Baba CAUGHT in All Girls School?! Storytime!

    Baba CAUGHT in All Girls School?! Storytime!Video Information This video, titled ‘CAUGHT IN THE ALL GIRLS SCHOOL (FULL STORYTIME)’, was uploaded by Baba on 2024-06-21 16:00:11. It has garnered 11478 views and 339 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:25 or 1465 seconds. #storytime #minecraft #story CAUGHT IN THE ALL GIRLS SCHOOL (FULL STORYTIME) Me in the ALL GIRLS SCHOOL! (STORYTIME) I WENT INTO THE ALL-GIRLS SCHOOL (STORYTIME) LIVE PLAYING RN! JOIN THE STREAM! Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/baba_streams KICK: https://kick.com/baba DISCORD JOIN! https://discord.gg/4crWFZ7eEc HIT ME UP! ●Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/baba_streams ●Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/BabaStreams ●Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/babastreams ●TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@babastreams ●Discord: https://www.discord.gg/babastreams ✉️ Business Email: [email protected] Read More

  • Discover the Secret Island in Minecraft 🔥| #shorts #minecraft #mrzthoppi

    Discover the Secret Island in Minecraft 🔥| #shorts #minecraft #mrzthoppiVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft ലെ ആർക്കും അറിയാത്ത Island 🔥 | #shorts #minecraft #mrzthoppi #comedy #funny #games #gta5’, was uploaded by Atom Guy on 2024-02-28 10:30:21. It has garnered 169474 views and 17127 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Minecraft ലെ ആർക്കും അറിയാത്ത Island 🔥 | #shorts #minecraft #mrzthoppi #comedy #funny #games #gta5 seed 1 = 28000016 seed 2 = 6942694259176815774 1.19 only minecraft Malayalam Games Explanation In Malayalam atom guy NFS heat GTA gamer Malayalam shorts facts mallu game shorts game facts gaming shorts gaming facts game shorts Malayalam gaming facts Malayalam gaming… Read More

  • Insane Player dominates #PUBG #Freefire #Minecraft

    Insane Player dominates #PUBG #Freefire #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘💀 #pubg #freefire #minecraft #bloger #igrog_uzb’, was uploaded by Igrog_uzb on 2024-04-08 02:04:03. It has garnered 422 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Gameplay from Spunky Playz!!!

    Insane Minecraft Gameplay from Spunky Playz!!!Video Information This video, titled ‘! Minecraft???’, was uploaded by spunky playz on 2024-01-13 14:05:43. It has garnered 45 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. #life #spunky #memes stay safe ! keep Smiling ! Todays Minecraft memes is minecraft! Minecraft traps in different times !!!!!!!!! and also very useful for you and you can try it in your minecraft world and yet keep subscribing Love you guys #share #support #subscribe #minecraft #viral #minecraftmemes #minecraftshorts #meme #shortsviral #viralshorts #smartypie #pewdiepie #dream #mrbeast #technogamerz #anshubisht #GEvids #casetoo #pigpong funny memes, unusual memes, memes for… Read More

  • Fox Geopolitics

    Fox GeopoliticsHello and welcome to Fox Geopolitics! We are an inclusive and small friendly server of people from many walks of life who have come together to form a new modded 1.19.2 Java server focused on worldbuilding on a vanilla minecraft world! Our theme is set in the 1860s-70s, and we are constantly improving things based on community feedback. We offer mods such as Create, Valkyrien skies & Eureka, Immersive Engineering, and a regulated and period appropriate mod for basic guns. Our server has been released for almost a week now, and we are looking for more fun people to join… Read More

  • SolarionSMP – SMP Whitelisted | Java 1.20.4 | Adult | Community-focused

    SolarionSMP - SMP Whitelisted | Java 1.20.4 | Adult | Community-focusedWelcome to Solarion SMP Join Us: Discord About Us We are a whitelisted SMP server inspired by Hermitcraft. Our goal is to create a welcoming and diverse community for all players. Our Vision At Solarion, we use plugins like Drop Heads, SinglePlayerSleep, and more to enhance gameplay while keeping the Vanilla Minecraft experience. Community We welcome players of all playstyles and host various projects and events to keep everyone engaged. Commitment to The Vanilla Experience While we use quality-of-life plugins, we avoid game-altering features like teleportation or virtual currency systems. Application Process Join our community by following our whitelist process…. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – I’m not a smart man, but math ain’t my game

    Minecraft Memes - I'm not a smart man, but math ain't my gameWell, at least he knows his priorities – getting that high score in memes! Read More

  • Glid DOP Twitch Stream Highlights

    Glid DOP Twitch Stream HighlightsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Подписывайтесь на твич #necoyume #Глид #Glidingtheo #minecraft #twitch #stream #майншилд #mineshield’, was uploaded by Глид DOP on 2024-06-21 19:35:10. It has garnered 413 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. @GlidingtheoW https://www.twitch.tv/glidingtheow Read More