HasanAbi Reacts – Shocking Trump Court Showdown

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Some light stuff here Trump delivers remarks and closing arguments in a civil fraud trial which of course led to uh his closing arguments actually being stopped by the judge because God damn it folks this is a Banana Republic okay let me tell you they do not want honest Brave patriotic men to

Speak truth of power okay that’s right so people like judge and garan are terrified are terrified of the of the honesty and bravery exhibited by someone like Donald Trump is this of course came after the uh the the closing argument but I suspect this is what he

Wanted to say he he he pulled a he basically pulled a like a like a shower argument moment after now he didn’t have to go to the civil case he did not have to attend this uh uh case proceedings at all he did it anyway so what did he do

Well um his lawyer asks for permission to have Trump speak angaran says do you promise to just comment on the facts in the law Trump doesn’t even respond and immediately starts talking without agreeing to judge angron’s question he starts saying uh this I’m going to read

It out to you this was a iCal Witch Hunt we should receive damages for what they have taken our company through they have no documents they have nothing the only thing they have Trump concedes is the uh Triplex which was a mistake I’m not sure the dollar amount

Would have been that far off if you want to know but Trump continues I am an innocent man I have been politically persecuted this statute is vicious what has happened here is a fraud on on me the amount of taxes I’ve paid over this period is close to 300 million they

Don’t want me here anymore I have a problem they want to make sure I don’t run again Trump goes on without any Interruption from angeron or her team and attacks James Leticia James accusing her of election interference says you have your own agenda Trump angrily says to angeron you can’t listen for more

Than one minute and then angeron the judge finally pleads with Mr uh K or keys I don’t know how you say his last name and says please control your client Trump nonetheless accuses Leticia James Attorney General of going after him for political gain again or not attorney general sorry

Leticia James is a DA district attorney right I think Leticia James is the the district attorney of New York and not uh or no she is the attorney general she used to be a district attorney and she is the attorney general now um so yeah from the southern district of New

York all so anyway um and then he he says Leticia James is going after him for political gain including an allegedly failed run for governor at which point angaran shuts it down but it’s too late everything Trump want to say was said and now having said it he has left the

Courtroom after insisting James should pay him for the Havoc she’s wre on his company so some of the uh some of the the asks from prosecution are I believe 370 million in Damages for um the the false like for the false representation of the property value in general uh

Another ask I think is to per permanently bar Trump from doing business in New York and on top of that bar his children from also doing business in New York for at least five years those are those are the those are the asks from from uh Leticia James and

Considering how unimaginably R and ruthlessly brutal he has been to both the judge who literally received apparently death threats and bomb threats before the final day where he was supposed to hear closing remarks from Trump supporters I don’t know what will happen but what I do know is that’s

Probably not a good thing okay I mean I think unconditionally across the board bomb threats and death threats not great right like and I’m not even talking like top of the hour bad like top- of the hour ad break not great bomb threat’s really not great okay like if judge

Angeron was watching a threein Ab at the top of the hour I’m sure he’d feel some type of way unless he was subscribed at which point he could avoid it bomb threats and death threats on the other hand definitely not good okay especially when you’re like a

Judge here’s a three minute outbreak now by the way you can avoid it by subscribing for $5 or for free or by getting gifted a sub judge angaran so that’s so brave of you to say yes bomb threats are bad thank you okay exactly that’s you know I you

Come here for the brave takes anyway let’s hear from our brave boy though before experts and do I think any of it mattered I certainly hope so but for anybody that was been in the courtroom for the last 11 weeks you heard that there was not one fact against President

Trump there was not one piece of paper that showed anyone committed fraud and don’t forget that section 6312 a Consumer Fraud statute has been wrongfully used against my client innocent defendant the organization and every employee of the Trump organization which has single-handedly changed the New York skyline including the building we are in

Today yes this is uh the person speaking right now is Alina habba uh also known as The Gamer lawyer these are special properties real estate is an art not a science that’s awesome she’s great I’m uh you know when I hear stuff like that I understand why Trump uh selected her

To be the the trial lawyer here but you know what else isn’t art you know what else isn’t a science political motivated individuals she’s using this to paint a canvas awesome that Donald Trump is a fraud star because they can’t beat him in the polls they can’t beat him in the polls

So she ran on Trump because that was the only way she could win and now today after 11 weeks after 3 years we have concluded that he indeed committed no wrong the Trump organization committed no wrong and the kids have been Dragged In just like the other defendants and it

Is wrong the kids I love thinking about like uh Trump’s Sons as just the kids let’s see Trump Sons age ages yeah it’s like yeah look at this dude you got you got one that’s 40 years old and the other that’s 46 she’s not talking about Baron Trump who’s 17 she’s

Talking about she’s talking about the other two fail Sons not Baron Baron uh must be protected he’s like 68 he’s going to be a baller he’s the next uh he’s the next out okay he’s going to five star Camp that’s the that’s the next uh yic okay that’s the next Joker so

Um the idea that Donald Trump Jr and Eric Trump are just kids is pretty awesome America needs to step up and there’s only one person who can do that my client Donald Trump president Trump everybody thank you very much yeah we’ve gone through years with the this person

Uh she’s a political hack the Attorney General the judge is obviously extreme friendly with the group why’ you call her the gamer because she games she has a gaming laptop Bay surprise people on a positive side we’ll have to see what happens exactly but uh We’ve proven this

Case so conclusively and we’ve asked for directed verdict many times they don’t have any facts they don’t have any evidence against us millions and millions of pages years of do they think they can just talk their way out of all these charges I actually don’t understand what is this when the world thinks

You’re a gamer because the courts live transcript feed computer is placed in front of you wait Trump’s lawyer Sports gamer laptop at $250 wait no she’s not a gamer that’s I love how trashy she is I would risk it all yeah she that makes me sad all right

Um I mean it’s a big benefit for her to be fair because it’s like I I will admit when I thought she was a League of Legends player that made me think less of her not the fact that she’s Donald Trump’s like probably worst lawyer but the fact that she I even the

Fact that we even speculate that she may be playing league is like definitely a way worse mark on her um so anyway getting back to the matter at hand here though uh there was you asked like oh do do you think he they think that they’re going to talk themselves out of these

Charges and I actually don’t really know how rich people operate in this circumstance I like Alex Jones defamation suit right Alex Jones’s defamation suit led him to uh uh you know have to pay like a billion dollars and and he’s still in operation and it seems like he’s still doing it

And and it’s the same for like Donald Trump like I don’t know if he has a lot of money I don’t know if he has like a you know I don’t know how many billions he actually does have right so like what’s he thinking he’s just going to give 300

Is he going to make this payment I guess he’ll like hold it up in courts um with appeals for as many years as he possibly can right Hassan you are rich star blar is a socialist sarcasm yes um yeah I am I mean I don’t know how rich Trump is I

Might be just as rich as he is to be to be honest but that’s not necessarily because I’m super kicked up it’s just he’s a broke boy is my suspicion so I don’t know I don’t know like I don’t know why they do this kind of stuff like they get they get

Involved in uh these legal battles and then they just get these massive trial Awards right and it doesn’t make any sense like what the goal is what the momentum is how you deal with it after the fact what the repercussions are if you don’t actually pay or what the

Payouts look like by the end of this process when you do actually pay it uh off or you’re forced to pay it off many many years in the future I don’t know I mean these guys are like the second defamation suit for EEG Carroll was was one of those questions I had

Like was was why it’s so easy to just not defame this person IM immediately after you lost the defamation suit which Trump did he went on CNN and he defamed the person who he had recently lost a defamation suit to in the exact same way

And for me like I don’t know what the purpose of that is like do you is there is it worth it is it worth it like or does he think he’s just going to get away with it I don’t really understand that at all and I don’t understand this at all

Either I mean I get it this for him this is like a $370 million penalty that he is going to use as yet another as uh yet another instance of like political persecution he’s being attacked he’s being attacked for his uh political beliefs that’s what he is

Using this for he’s using this as another stepping stone or a a soapbox moment I guess like look at me the the elites are coming after me and they’re not just coming after me they’re coming after you I’m just in the way right that sort of thing so I don’t know I I

Don’t I don’t really know what his goals are here litigation and all politically motivated she campaigned on a I will get Trump if you’ve ever seen any of the seen any of her Clips they’re horrible Clips actually the anger she’s got serious Trump derangement syndrome there’s no question about Leticia James

The corrupt Attorney General of New York so we proven our case there’s not one witness against us other than one person who is a a deranged he’s got a lot of problems he’s a man who’s been convicted of lying he’s a felon convicted felon and not a good person seems like his

Goals are to be president yes I think that his goals are to be president no matter what uh the cost and partially because you know I I think he seriously thinks that he might get legal repercussions if he doesn’t make it if he doesn’t make it out the mud he’s

Worried if he doesn’t become the Republican Party’s candidate or if he doesn’t actually um if he doesn’t actually take it to the general and if he doesn’t have have the the base of support and the institutional Powers within the Republican party and all of its organs

All of its instruments like Fox News and like all of those think tanks come to defend him he might get cooked or at least he thinks he’s going to get cooked you know CU like normal presidents what do they do they go in they’re out uh

They’re in and out they do the president thing okay they do a bunch of war crimes and then what do they do they retire and they go hang out with billionaires like Richard Branson and they do podcasts and they do Netflix specials I’m talking about Obama obviously like Trump is not

Interested in any of that right like or or Jeffrey Epstein with Bill Clinton they paint like George W bush overall they just kind of chill out they write books they make a couple million dollars doing speaking tours here and there speaking engagements Trump on the the other hand is or you’ve

Been saying this is the day he will face legal repercussions for years now you sure this time um my friend if you think I’ve been saying this is the day he will face legal repercussions and not just he thinks he’s going to face Le legal repercussions I think you’ve Gravely misunderstood what I’m

Saying I’ve always maintained the position that he thinks he is going to just now earlier just just a moment ago I said Trump thinks at the very least he is going to face legal repercussions whether that is true or not the idea that I’m one of these like

Blan on style this is surely going to get him now type liberals is pretty funny I like that but that’s their only witness and he’s now crashed and burn they have no Witnesses and by the way that witness took back everything that he said he took back everything he said in court

Took it all back so to have no case it’s a shame that a thing like this is able to happen uh businesses leave New York uh she went after Exxon and they decided to move to Texas and hundreds of millions of dollars they pay in taxes I

Paid over $300 million of taxes over the last number of years 300 million and uh they don’t recognize that they don’t recognize anything so not think of it not one witness millions of pages of document years of this nonsense and now it goes on and one other Factor we won

This case already in the court of appeals the court of appeals voted in favor of us but this judge has been very very slow to accept that opinion because that’s not the opinion that he wants but we won in the court of appeals that’s the boss of this judge he has to know

That and it was a a conclusive Victory statute of limitations and other things and that case has already been won so that’s the story and I thought we’ come down to 40 Wall Street which is a great building and you’d get a chance to see one of the nicest buildings in New York

And a convenient place and I don’t have to pay any rent because we have it and it’s been a very successful building but it’s a shame to have to have gone through this for years and years and years and now we’ll see if we’re going to get an honest verdict we didn’t have

A jury we had no rights to a jury it’s a statute that’s never been used before for a purpose like this I just watched a certain broadcast that they said you know they’ve been looking has it ever been used before this is a statute that’s a Consumer Fraud statute never

Been used for anything like this before and it’s a shame it’s uh it’s really a it’s a Witch Hunt in the truest sense of the word it’s election interference and it just came out I this was just yeah dude it’s like I mean it it’s pretty funny to consider everything election

Interference like if you if you are caught doing a crime or something right if you’ve like defrauded people right all you need to do is run for president and then you could just say they’re coming after me because I’m running for president and there’s probably enough

People as long as you have the dumbest ideas of all time there’s going to be enough simps and stands on whichever respective stand Twitter space that you were occupying that will believe you and go no that’s right actually awesome just right now Leticia James visited Joe Biden in the White House

Numerous times during the Trump Witch Hunt and this just came out once you’re over the age of 35 you should just do that all the time just do crimes and then run for president 10 minutes ago I got it and so it’s all it’s all a conspiracy to try and get Biden who

Can’t put two sentences together trying to get him into office so I just want to let you know that uh we have our best poll numbers we have the best everything despite this and maybe because of this because the people of the United States all of those people back there but the

People of the United States really get it they get it better than anybody else yeah please Mr President do you agree with your lawyers what they said that you should not could not Beed if you ordered to kill a political well you’re talking about a totally different case the immunity I

Say this on immunity very simple if a president of the United States does not have immunity he’ll be totally ineffective because he won’t be able to do anything because it will mean he’ll be prosecuted strongly prosecuted perhaps uh as soon as he leaves office by his by the opposing party so a

President of the United States I’m not talking just me I’m talking any president has to have immunity as an example Biden could come out and you could get him on the border you could get him on what happened in Afghanistan a horrible most embarrassing moment in the history of this country you could

Get him on a lot of different things you could get him taking cash from countries you could get him on the prosecutor not Prosecuting his son or the company or whoever it was barisma uh in in Ukraine you could get him on that uh where he it

Was a quid proquo if you remember that uh if they don’t drop the prosecutor we’re not giving them a billion dollars of us funds uh if you don’t have immunity you can you know I mean you won’t be making any decision so you have

To have it and I like it to the F the fact that uh police have to have their control back they have to have respect and you can always have a bad apple you’re can always have something happen this is my favorite type of argument for crime and policing in America is that

Because they quite literally have everything that they possibly could get because cops as I jokingly say all the time live in like a Nordic style social democracy while the rest of us are not in that at all you know what I mean I mean unless you’re like a you know

Unless you reach like the top 1% of wealth when you’re functionally a God King and um I know this obviously you’re going to be like says you but you know yeah exactly you’re in the United States of America if you’re like working a regular wage job okay you don’t have any of the

Amenities right you don’t have any of the labor protections whereas you know if you’re a cop you it’s like it’s say though if you are like a steel mill worker in Germany right you get the health care you get the pension you get job security you get all of that so

Because they have all of that and then some with qualified immunity offering them so much protection uh to be above the law you finally arrive at a position where if you want to say like what can we do to improve cops uh you know living conditions or or uh job conditions you

Basically have to say they don’t get enough respect from the American population because when you talk about nurses or when you talk about any other real job for example when you talk about nurses when you talk about teachers when we talk about any number of real jobs

Like there are so many obvious issues with that profession that you can point to that desperately needs fixing nurses are underst staffed in hospitals deliberately by Hospital administrators right teachers are underfunded they don’t get paid enough uh and and the public school system is is fundamentally broken

So it’s like you don’t see teacher flags on the back of pickup TR no my point is because they have because cops have basically everything because cops have basically everything they want everything they need the only only thing that remains that they don’t have in that situation

Is like the respect of the American population so now you that they that’s what your complaint is like oh the police are not being respected enough and it’s like well how are you going to enforce that what are you going to make it illegal to like to

Say mean things about cops is now a hate crime or something like it’s just so dumb but at the same time you have to you have to stop crime in this country it’s very much like that it’s very similar to that but you have to have immunity for a president most

I’ve read a lot of legal reports lately and scholarly reports that are saying you really have to have a president of this country has to have immunity or they’re not going to be able to function an office y president Trump we’re just days away from the Iowa caucuses what

Percentage of your time these days is spent on your campaign what percentage is spent on your legal issues well see my legal issues every one of them everyone civil and the criminal ones are all set up by Joe Biden crooked Joe Biden this is something that’s never

Happened in this country even when you look at this this is all about Biden and her meeting they’re going to they’re going to turn policing into a protected class and it’ll be considered hate speech no it’ll be the only hate speech okay the only time the only time

Hate speech is real is if you are criticizing a cop okay or the state of Israel not Jews the state of Israel you can be anti-semitic and that’s fine that’s not real hate speech but if you criticize the state of Israel that’s hate speech the two the the real the only two real

Hate speeches in the United States of America is criticism of the state of Israel and criticism of police officers okay every other group marginalized identity you know uh ethnic background none of that is is what constitutes for real hate speech I mean even Ela musk is trying to do the

CIS is a slur thing right yeah he’s trying to do the CIS is of slur the real hate speech is against white people is against cisgender people it’s against cops and it’s against the state of Israel so even the Civil ones this is civil they’re set up by Biden

Uh every single just about case that I’m involved in is set up by Biden they’re doing it for election interference and in a way I guess you’d consider it part of the campaign because if you really look at it they are doing this it’s never been done like this in

This country it’s like we’re a third world country a Banana Republic but every one of the things that you write about are Biden indictments and uh I don’t know you know I just got a poll we just had a poll what do you what do you mean Biden

Indictment it just came out and we’re leading massively in Iowa we’re leading very big in New Hampshire we’re leading because the people understand this stuff these are all set up every time somebody sees me in court remember Joe Biden and his thugs that surround him did it

They’re trying to get a man in office that can’t put two sentences together and they’re doing that but so far we seem to do very well IUS Monday and Tuesday are going to be back in to the even Carol Case on Wednesday yeah well that’s another one that’s uh sponsored

By Reed Hoffman and some democrat operatives I never saw this woman in my life other than they have a picture with her and her husband uh John Johnson a nice guy who was a newscaster many years ago I remember him and she said horrible things about him since I mean horrible

Horrible things called him bad names uh I have no idea who this woman is I have absolutely no idea the whole thing is ridiculous that this is even case this should never have happened but again this is sponsored by the Democrats that’s another case all sponsored by

It’s a demeaning kind of a thing and that’s what they want to do it’s called election interference and yeah I’m going to go to it and I’m going to explain I don’t know who the hell she is I have no idea they called me up years ago they

Said do you know about this woman 25 or 30 years ago she doesn’t even know the date the time the month the season she she has no idea and if you read and if you watch take a look at the Anderson Cooper interview of her and if you take

A look at that Trump is so innocent but we have been given a very unfair trial there too I don’t get very fair trials in New York I a decision about whether you’re going to show up for the federal trial you’ve showed up here in New York

For your civil fraud trial you you just said you’re going to show up in the EEG Carol Case are you planning to show up in court when they begin whenever they begin sure I would do that well the documents case TR Biden and he didn’t have the

Presidential records act and I do what I did nothing wrong what he did a lot of people say substantially wrong uh you can’t have two tiers of Justice in this country but no I want to go to all of my trials these are all again these are all

Set up by Biden and the Democrats this is they are this is big TI goth girl thank you thank you for the 10 gift to Subs this guy said manwoman camera child was a big achievement it was perhaps the biggest achievement okay lowkey though uh looking at the State of Affairs with

Respect to Brandon it it is technically kind of a big achievement especially when you consider like whether or not Biden could do that currently I’m just saying think about that is their new form of cheating this is like last time this is their new form of cheating so far I think it’s gone

Very much against him yeah please yes during the hearing you said that Exon left New York because of the New York attorney general’s case but she actually uh Exon actually left in 1989 and they took they took the rest of their divisions out they left earlier they

Were treated very badly in New York you could have had them in New York they could have been paying a lot of money uh but it wasn’t latia jam oh no I think if you take a look you read the case study the case you’ll see that they took big

Divisions out after that they originally left and then they took the rest out you just said you’re going to you could get President Biden on various issues you outlined I didn’t say I could get him on anything I said he is using the weaponization of the doj and the FBI to

Go after his political opponent and you just can’t do that thank thank you very coward I’m just saying he said he was going to do that and then didn’t okay let’s which is like can we give Ka Subs yes of course all of your gifted Subs technically do go to Kaa anyway regardless

Because that’s what I spend my money on um this is such a tired old argument he keep saying Biden is demented mentally inette but then he’s in the same sentence saying Biden is I said place what is this better Recognize why can’t Biden do that if he has immunity what do you mean he said that Biden can be prosecuted because of Border policy so that’s the that’s the thing nothing nothing that Donald Trump says makes sense because on the one hand he’s saying as president he should have immunity from

Crimes that he has committed meanwhile all of his Defenders said during the impeachment process let the courts handle it and then now that the court is trying to handle it his lawyers are saying no he should still have immunity as president while also simultaneously he’s saying he should have immunity but also

Joe Biden is prosecutable as president because this is ultimately this this is a a uh weird bind that people find themselves in and if they if they’re looking for like honesty or moral consistency here you’re not going to get that there’s no intellectual honesty here it’s just about self-preservation okay it’s always it’s

Okay when I do it it’s not okay when anyone else that I don’t like does it that’s the whole point n bro he said if presidents don’t have immunity then bu could be prosecuted for XYZ Yes except he’s also advocating for Biden to be prosecuted that’s the whole

Point he’s saying I should have immunity if you don’t give me immunity then Biden could be prosecuted and actually as a matter of fact Biden should be prosecuted do you not see how stupid that is like think about that for a second just for one second now of

Course dude of course liberal Academia won’t agree with him yeah liberal Academia um now now obviously ka’s collar might be on too tight you are delusional my friend that’s not the case at all her collar is literally so loose that it can come off she’s just fuzzy she’s a

Fluffy I’ve talked about this quite a bit and I guess uh you know it Bears repeating because there’s always new people in the chat who are unfamiliar with this process if Trump can be prosecuted for things he did while he was in office as president which he

Should be because every man should be equal under the uh rule of law right in the criminal justice system then so can previous presidents and in a just world I agree with that and that should extend that should extend to actual war crimes as well things that presidents

Have done at the behest of American Empire however what is this what is this what is going on now now it won’t but there’s also way where Trump can get prosecuted given the uniqueness of his crimes because Trump’s crimes okay Trump’s crimes do not pertain to advancing American Empire’s

Interest like I mean he’s done that as well obviously but he’s not being prosecuted for those things he’s being prosecuted for advancing his own personal interests often times at odds with uh American hegemonic power that is the problem there that’s the reason why you know Nixon could get into legal trouble

And legal scrutiny in the same way that Trump could get into legal trouble and legal scrutiny and even in the way that maybe even Bill Clinton could get into legal trouble in legal scrutiny um but not in the same way that uh Barack Obama could right for drone striking extra

Judiciously murdering an American citizen which by the way Trump also killed another member of uh that person’s family for the record was also an American citizen as well so um but of course no one cares about that and everyone cares about the the Civil fraud that he’s engaging in uh that he has

Engaged in according to the criminal justice system or the January 6 Insurrection or a Litany of other issues his only current defense is what about ISM it’s so insane well like I’ve said debate Lords are lawyers lawyers are debate Lords and the more you level up in your debate Lord uh mentality the

Higher you reach in the in the justice system um Supreme Court’s uh Supreme Court Justices of the United States of America being like the the uh maximum like the maxed out debate Lord status so for that uh for that reason yes I do think that uh you know whataboutism is is not

Exactly valid in a court of law but it’s still used and people use it all the time they do it specifically to I guess changed the minds of a jury but there was no jury in this situation because maybe somebody just somebody failed to file the right paperwork I don’t know

Who anyway let’s continue let’s see what uh you know uh CNN has to say let’s get the latest from inside the courtroom now with CNN’s Paula Reed she’s live outside the courthouse for us Paula a bit of a surprise that the judge would allow Donald Trump to address the

Court nothing is surprising here Boris but things certainly taking a turn in in the last few minutes we know yesterday uh there were negotiations uh we had learned between the Trump team and the judge here about possibly allowing Trump to participate in closing arguments now this would be highly unusual closing

Arguments are an opportunity for lawyers to summarize their case the Trump team would not agree to some restrictions the judge laid out insisting that Trump stick to the material and relevant information and not attack the district attorney or the judge so things had been business as usual here the closing

Arguments went forward Trump’s attorney Chris kais summarized his argument other attorneys got up to summarize theirs but then Chris kais got up just a few moments ago and asked if former president Trump could address the court and he then launched into what our colleagues who were inside describ as a

Monologue telling the court quote the facts are the financial statements are perfect there are no Witnesses against us the banks got all their money paid back there were great loans this was a political Witch Hunt that is really how Trump and his lawyers have framed this entire case as a

Politically motivated and manufactured allegation everybody says when you say don’t go outside of these things we have a situation where I am an innocent man so there’s he’s referring to the restrictions that the judge tried to put on any participation that he would have he said quote I’m being persecuted by

Somebody running for office preferring to the district attorney who did promise to investigate Trump when she ran for office he’s insisting that I have to go outside of these bounds so here he’s making his case to the court but also arguing with the judge and any restrictions the judge wanted to put on

Him now I want to bring in our colleague Cara scel who is right next to me Cara was inside the court earlier for oral arguments now Cara you called it you knew that Trump couldn’t get through the day without participating in some way I mean is this surpris I mean that’s the

Whole point that’s the reason why he went he didn’t have to go he did not have to attend this uh Court proceeding at all he wanted to go specifically so that he could say some stuff okay cuz that’s the whole reason there is no he’s using this as like a campaign stop you

Know nothing in this trial has been surprising everything that we think is going to happen according to a certain courts changes and it doesn’t happen so it doesn’t surprise me at all that the judge allowed Trump to speak because part of the reasoning he gave initially strategically speaking do you think

These trials are a good idea I feel like it helps keep his base together I mean I I don’t I think it’s perfectly valid for whoever to be prosecuted for you know defrauding institutions okay if if you are greatly greatly overvaluing your real estate properties to a degree that

Is like Beyond Comprehension because this stuff happens all the time especially in real estate okay there’s a lot of uh tricksters but the the idea that like you can do it in the way that Trump did where you look at like a property that is uh maybe maximum 100 million and

Value it at like 1 Point whatever billion then yeah when you’re getting out loans well simultaneously when you’re paying taxes on said property you devalue it and you say this is actually costing me quite a bit as a depreciating asset then at that point I do personally believe you should

Get a little bit of legal scrutiny I mean that’s crazy that is the entire point of the court system right so I think that’s fine it it’s it’s ridiculous to just look at this and go well I don’t know what the political uh uh backlash of such a thing is going to

Be uh well it don’t matter right I I I think as far as like the pure politics of it all there are some court cases that are relatively sillier right right the the district attorney one launched in in New York about like the hush money I mean there’s

Still clear wrongdoing there but it’s not as like uh it definitely is a charge that was Amplified because of Donald Trump’s own personal doing um about uh or no I’m not talking about that’s document mishandling sorry the the the other New York State case that one is like definitely uh the weakest case

Against Donald Trump that probably does uh you know play a role in making it seem as though uh the government is after him or whatever but but ultimately it doesn’t really matter right his base doesn’t believe anything like what do you do do you let him get

Away with everything you can’t do that because that’s a dangerous precedent um and also if you if you uh let him get away with it it doesn’t really change anything if you at least attack him uh in with the court system for very clear-cut violations of the law then you

Know you atrophy him a little bit you piss him off you take his attention away from campaigning he can try and campaign off of this as best as he can but ultimately there’s still a limit to how many uh to how much of the audience he

Can capture of why he would allow Trump to speak is he said he had more on the line in this case than anyone else and since there is no jury he said it was only fair to let Trump speak but of course as you just laid out Trump went

Beyond the Contours of what the judge wanted to be permissible I don’t think tons of moderates and normies are really following any of this stuff yeah there’s also that other side of things I I I I talked to my Normie friends quite a bit about this to get a better feel for

What’s going on in the world of normal and obviously if you’re in here you’re probably not a Normy you’re probably a little bit more tuned in to what’s going on and I don’t think they care they don’t really care they just like see Trump as a bad guy who is corrupt or

They just don’t really pay attention like on the more uh Republican adjacent side on the center right of normies they still think like Trump is a loudmouth and Brash and they don’t really like him that much and then on the center left side of things on the liberal side of

Things uh they are just not paying attention to this at all everybody collectively thinks two things okay the broadest majority of Voters if you were to ask them in my opinion this my personal assessment if you were to ask the broadest majority of Voters they would tell you two things Joe Biden is

Incredibly old and probably shouldn’t serve in office I don’t think he’s mentally fit to serve in office and Donald Trump is Brash he’s corrupt he’s a bad dude overall and quite I would to say problematic but just like rude and annoying and a distraction right that is the the two

Sides of the American political uh Spectrum right now and those are the guys who are the guys who who go out and vote when you know when the time comes so that’s the um that’s the situation at hand and that’s part of the reason why a lot of people have just

Completely checked out of the political process and don’t even care they don’t even they’re not even following you know here by talking about a Witch Hunt by making this a political case and not arguing just the facts in the case you know but for closing Arguments for the bulk of it they were

Mostly delivered by Chris K’s attorney and he did stick to the fact in the case and he went through the evidence that was presented saying to the judge that the Attorney General’s office did not present any Witnesses who testified that there was fraud here and that has been a

This election probably going to be pretty anemic ter out turnout oh 100% this is a this is a race to the bottom right it’s a race to the bottom two two cand both candidates that are slated to become their their party candidates are uh very unpopular um and even unpopular in their

Own parties as well to a certain degree obviously I think Trump if he reaches uh the candidacy point if he gets out of the primaries which I think he will he is going to be able to uh capture the base again but is the base of support

Enough for him to win I don’t think so that’s the problem the Republican party’s uh you know passionate supporters are are not enough to win a national campaign but on the other hand on the other hand you have Joe Biden and the Democratic party which has all of the opportunity to have profound

Victories all around the country casting it aside and it’s it’s crazy it always it feels like they are um you know what it feels like it feels like the Democratic party is playing down to the level of their competition it literally feels like if you had like a retired

Basketball player a professional NBA player okay who’s well past his prime but like he could still he could still easily dunk on a bunch of like kindergarteners but he’s just like nerfing himself for no reason whatsoever that’s what it feels like and of course the stakes are much higher than a you

Know than a basketball like a recreational game of basketball did a segment that proposed the point is to be silly and ridiculous that people check out actually made a comparison to the rise of Hitler the propaganda has always been conable down to his hand movement in his speeches but

Now he’s even quoting the mfer no I don’t think I don’t think so um anyway uh but uh I don’t know if he’s like I think Trump if Trump was you know that interested in Hitler and trying to repeat Hitler that much that would require him to care about

Anything outside of himself and I don’t think he cares about anything other than himself like I don’t think he’s ever fancied another individual whether it be Hitler or not like sure he has a lot of uh political opinions that are adjacent uh dare I say hitan but I don’t think

He’s the type of dude who’s going to sit there read a book and like desperately try to craft his own Persona off of like Adolf Hitler you know what I mean I think he’s telegenic I think he knows what hits I think he knows how to

Read the room and he is a great marketer for a very specific audience and I think you know he understands what the Republican base of support is looking for but sometimes his own personal narcissism gets in the way of that like when he kept talking about

Out January 6th over and over and over again or when he kept talking about how the election was stolen from him over and over and over again and he legitimately pushed large like larger swats of the Republican base away from himself like part of the reason why the

I guess Suburban whites that normally would vote for the Republican Party reliably uh normally there uh that there would be normal Republican voters are are moving away from the Republican party and voting for the Democratic party a little bit is because you know I think they got sick and tired of hearing

Him constantly say the election was stolen from him

This video, titled ‘Trump IN COURT!!!!’, was uploaded by HasanAbi Reacts and Stuff on 2024-01-14 02:24:13. It has garnered 42 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:49:39 or 2979 seconds.

Trump in court!!!! HasanAbi reacts

#news #minecraft #fornite

Hasan Piker with the news

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  • 50-Hour Survival Challenge as Necromancer in Minecraft!

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  • Uncovering Ghost in Minecraft

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    Baba CAUGHT in All Girls School?! Storytime!Video Information This video, titled ‘CAUGHT IN THE ALL GIRLS SCHOOL (FULL STORYTIME)’, was uploaded by Baba on 2024-06-21 16:00:11. It has garnered 11478 views and 339 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:25 or 1465 seconds. #storytime #minecraft #story CAUGHT IN THE ALL GIRLS SCHOOL (FULL STORYTIME) Me in the ALL GIRLS SCHOOL! (STORYTIME) I WENT INTO THE ALL-GIRLS SCHOOL (STORYTIME) LIVE PLAYING RN! JOIN THE STREAM! Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/baba_streams KICK: https://kick.com/baba DISCORD JOIN! https://discord.gg/4crWFZ7eEc HIT ME UP! ●Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/baba_streams ●Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/BabaStreams ●Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/babastreams ●TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@babastreams ●Discord: https://www.discord.gg/babastreams ✉️ Business Email: [email protected] Read More

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