Haunted Minecraft: After Hours PS1 Gameplay

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Hello people of the internet welcome to the stream uh I hope everyone is having a good uh weekend it’s the end of the year almost and uh I decided that I’m going to scare the absolute crap out of myself by playing Minecraft from the

Frog now had this uh M Pack set up for a little while now uh but you know last time or uh last Saturday really I kind of got a little sick and uh yeah it that that didn’t really work out but I feel perfectly fine right

Now and I’m ready to do this I’m ready to get it over with because I’ve been uh holding on off from playing this for so long mainly because I’m very nervous of actually playing it I don’t know what’s in this mod pack and that kind of freaks me out a little bit not

Going to Lie but yeah anyway uh I hope you guys enjoyed the stream and if you do make sure to click that like button and uh share it with your friends and family and oh and all ready this looks absolutely messed up dude what error unable to get Splash text

Excuse me oh I have to unmute it wait there we go is it unmuted there we go hi chat member how are you doing oh boy where to even begin okay first off 85 no let’s do 90 how about that is auto jump yeah that’s off everything should still be

Fine all right uh I already generated world because I wanted to make sure this would work so we’re just going to play that world I didn’t really do anything about you I’m doing pretty good I’m very nervous because I’m I am very afraid of what’s in this mod

Pack the only thing I know about this mod pack is that you know from the fog is a part of it and I think man from the fog is in it and that makes me scary oh another thing to note this has a Playstation One Aesthetics to it so it’s going to be

Very interesting oh my God this does look like a PS1 game oo all right then uh let’s get started I want to get in shelter as soon as possible uh if you guys don’t know what mod pack I’m using I’m using I am using a PS one mod pack it’s like it’s called

I forgot what it’s called but it’s like just look up Minecraft PS1 mod pack and you should find it actually I’m using a a modified version of it called Robert’s curse uh because it it fixes some of the issues I had with the original mod pack like one it’s actually a

1.19 which is nice also this music is there something off about the music if it sounds sadder I don’t know why but this the soundtrack it sounds sad I don’t know how to feel about that yeah this version of the mod pack like makes it more playable in my

Opinion no offense to the original author of The M pack but like it kind of went a little bit too far in the PS1 Direction this is a good in between um also I have like a brain icon what I I don’t know what that’s all about it shouldn’t

Be a bad thing right oh what if it’s sanity actually H I don’t know about that okay uh so let me get a pickaxe here is this a cave look at the graphics guys this is insane it looks like a PS1 game it it’s it’s really cool hello chat member how are you

Doing okay I’m going I’m going to go down here to get stone ooh I really hope the cave dweller isn’t in this if he is I mean I put him in the in the thumbnail for you know for the views but like I don’t actually I think he oh my

Lord that what that was like Echo bro what Minecraft with proper sound physics I’m sorry when was that a Thing okay is that iron well I can’t tell because it’s that’s not a crafting table what am I doing I am okay that’s freaking me out let’s get a stone pickaxe getting an upgrade hell yeah okay and get a stone sword just in case you never know when something’s going to

Pop out and try to eat me but better back up something is about to go down I think it’s just a zombie I hope that’s a zombie what what what what what what the screen the thing on the screen what what was that I’m sorry okay I just wanted I just want to

Get this I just want to get this no that’s copper I don’t care about copper yes okay zombie I hear you but have you ever considered that I don’t give a [ __ ] I’m just going to I’m not going to go down there I don’t I I don’t really want to deal with

That right now oh my God the water is so blue look at that all right yeah uh I need to make some shelter I’m sorry did you guys hear that what was that what did I just hear okay why am I so afraid it’s Minecraft I shouldn’t be this afraid ooh an

Egg uh it was the chicken is it oh yeah it is a chicken I’m sorry guys I am on edge I don’t know what’s in this mod pack I’m freaking out and nothing’s nothing’s even happening oh okay I’m just going to kill two chickens for food okay is that okay I

Think that weird like screen thing is the the sanity so I lose sanity killing animals I guess that makes sense I I don’t I wouldn’t like killing animals so uh whoa the cows are super different they actually they’re white cows okay oh I heard a sheep wait I heard sheep

Sheep I’m sorry little sheep but I need your w ooh this this brain icon down there that’s going to be a huge issue isn’t it I can already tell I’m going to have a lot of issues with with that uh mechanic because if I lose sanity

Killing things like how am I supposed to do things okay I’m going to get some of this in for a house for Windows and stuff how much was that 30 that should be good enough I’m not going to make a overly huge house or anything like that so it should be fine

Okay actually I think building the house right here would be pretty nice have to clear up some of this uh some of the trees and some of the dirt it should be a pretty good place to build a house it’s it’s kind of a shame that we

Spawned in a birch Forest though I don’t usually like birch wood but you know it’s fine it kind of It kind of fits I don’t know why it kind of fits uh with the PS1 look I think okay where’s the sun uh-oh I think we need to hurry up and build this house

Um how do I want this to be right there double door so wait double door um let’s push you back a little bit just because you know I want this to be a a decently sized house yeah like right there that’s not in the right spot of course it

Isn’t and later on I’ll build like a like a proper house that I would actually want to live in right now this should be fine oh hell yeah I can do that go away leaves why are you still here leave oh God it’s getting dark I don’t

Want to be out here while when it’s dark no way I’m out of wood really oh no oh no oh no oh no hurry wait I need to hurry oh Jesus Christ that’s a sheep I thought it was a thing no no hurry hurry oh my God I have to

Hurry no I don’t want to be out here speed up [Laughter] yes I don’t have oh no oh okay you know what sand this I just want to build this house as quickly as possible no no no no no no no no no no n

NE I don’t I don’t I don’t want to deal with whatever is going to spawn okay it’s it’s fine it’s fine I don’t have enough blocks for this I’m going to that’s a sheep still calm down calm down shocker calm down everything’s fine dude what was that no I I

Need I need more blocks and it’s fine it’s fine I have a sheep in here with me it’s fine it is fine I don’t why did you waste time I don’t know I just need I just need a little bit more wood that’s a zombie ow go away you [ __ ] stop It I don’t have stone I can’t make oh no what have I done I messed this up no I need Stone I need Stone oh god oh no oh my sanity is getting so low is getting so low oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no and put that

Down what was that what was that what was that what was that what the hell what excuse me yes hi sheep how are you I just need to okay stop pushing me please thank you it is fine at least I have you Mr sheep you will be my friend throughout all of this

Unless you unless you’re a skinwalker no no no no no get back okay uh I need I need torch give torch put torch live torch what the [ __ ] what what what what I’m sorry what what is that noise why is there Footsteps in my house why am I already

Being h by herobrine I didn’t even do anything it’s it’s it we in day one still what excuse me sir dude look at the [Applause] sky okay it’s fine oh yeah killing things hurt my stuff dude look how scary this is I don’t like it I don’t like it why

Am I why am I playing this I don’t have any wood I don’t have any coal I it’s it’s just I’m living in a literal put together Hut made out of sand wood and dirt okay um no brain well actually I have half a brain according to that little icon down there

I don’t know what that does I don’t want to know what it does oh oh wait I can wait wait oh my God stop it sheep why is the Sheep scaring me okay just get a little bit of wood and make it daytime okay okay no no no no no no no

No Mr sheep don’t leave out there it’s not safe oh Mr sheath left me why did he leave me I I need company nope nope you are too scared to sleep I’m sorry what do you mean nope I am I’m going to be down here until that stops oh my God get

Downstairs okay you know what no I am brave what what is it come fight Me let me sleep oh okay I can sleep I can sleep I can sleep I can sleep okay go away demons leave me alone see it was fine it was fine there’s nothing out here it’s just creepy music that’s all it was such a creepy music oh my God it’s him

Yo see creeper thank you oh my God that creeper helped me hello did I just hear something no it’s fine okay just uh Get Me Some Coal well that was a very hectic first night I don’t think anything actually happened but it wasn’t fun is that cool yes

Okay oh wait I can uh I can get a bow and arrow if I kill you you [ __ ] you didn’t he didn’t drop anything okay uh this time however I am going To actually finish the house on time so that way we don’t have that experience again now please picks up the house I am give me time chat member I mean all things consider it that did go that did go well um okay got to get rid of

You why why are they still here leave go away oh it’s because it’s connected to a tree that still has wood he couldn’t even get to me how pathetic okay so we’re going to take down this wall actually so we have to take down every [Applause]

Wall this is like the ugliest house in in the world it’s it’s the it’s the it’s my least favorite wood mixed in with sand dirt and Cobblestone it’s like a house I would make when I was like 12 actually to be honest this kind of reminds me the first time I even uh

Played Minecraft it was it was kind of like this actually being terrified at everything especially the spiders okay we’re just going to make a box house for now okay chat it’s it’s just going to be a box house uh In later on I’ll make it like a proper pretty house like I’ll probably look up something online that’s all like hey be good at building and don’t build like shocker and then it’ll look pretty and then it should be fine that’s the uh that’s the safety bunker that’s where we go when things

Hit the fan okay I need that’s sand I need a door this house looks like [ __ ] this is the worst house I’ve ever built in this game I mean look at it okay tell you what I’m I’m going to do a little bit more than just like box I’m going to make like

Um like a little roof God the fact that everything is wobbly is uh really messing with me it’s better than being stuck outside with terrifying monsters yeah I agree with that you have a good point uh do this and then we then we can like make stairs and make it a proper

Roof this is going to look horrendous isn’t it that’s terrible that’s actually awful actually that looks terrible all right a 2-year-old could make a better house than I have right now but you know it’s fine it’s it’s it’s it’s fine for right now let’s just uh make some glass here put

There do I want windows I kind of want Windows chat what if I saw like a like a face peering around the corner over there oh that’d be so [ __ ] creepy uh I’m not going to do it that way I’m going to do it this way that way I can actually make

This into panes glass panes have some windows on this side boom [ __ ] okay it’s a little bit nicer now it’s not bad could be worse all right why is that still there can you like go away thank you God there’s like H have to cut these two down bothers

Me it bothers me quite a lot it’s already it’s already the sun’s already setting it’s already almost nighttime and I haven’t done anything noteworthy except make a ugly looking house can now add stairs uh to the windows for extra safety stairs to the windows huh stairs to the windows what do you

Mean by like just add but then I wouldn’t be able to look outside of them wouldn’t I I just realiz I need to cook some food but hey look at my Sandy it went up I’m assuming that’s Sandy it’s uh it’s filled all the way so I’m doing something right why

It’s but why why is why oh can you go wait I hate leaves just staying the one mod this mod pack doesn’t have is the mod that gets rid of the trees more quickly I’m just going to sleep instantly I’m not dealing with nighttime okay not not

Going to do it I don’t have armor I don’t trust anything at nighttime okay I I think that’s enough um windows okay I want to make this better uh how do I do this so block that up do that now I need I need more than that

Crap now honestly I would love to play the game like normally with this uh texture pack and Playstation One Look cuz I don’t know I I it’s giving me it’s giving me a happy feeling but at the same time it’s like creepy it’s kind of weird okay

Uh so you see now we don’t have a giant hole in the ground well nothing creepy is happening so far besides what happened in the first night I thought that was like a little man standing over there yo dude what if they added dend to this just all a sudden you see

Like oh my God it’s a DWI day no just kidding uh I mean that’s what I would add into the game I would make a dendy mod it’s a little gnome guy who like runs around your yard and like Steals your crops or whatever okay get the food eat the food [Applause] uh this is kind of awkward okay here’s the thing I want this to be I want there to be a door right well actually a door is stupid what what huh what the what oh what huh what why

Why with the screen what what was happening I don’t know what that means I like this this on the screen oh my sand is going down there’s an arrow okay that’s what that means the the spaghetti noodles on the screen means you’re going insane got you that’s fantastic how that’s a

Thing dark scary yeah so we need to like uh just put that right there for the time being so that way uh I stop going insane so I guess this is just like the sanity stuff from Amnesia if so then I’ll I’ll be really good at keeping this uh keeping my character

Sane and down here will basically be where I put all my [ __ ] that’s where the chests will go and maybe a farm like I I always put my Farms like underground in this game I don’t know why but I I always feel safer doing that is that weird am I weird I’m

Weird welcome back CH chat member how are you doing uh okay I’ll put like stairs right there whoa whoa oh uh uh uh what is what is going on on the left there I can see through the world that’s interesting H all right let’s get a couple of torches there there we

Go oh yeah right forgot stairs well look at this this is very uh basic in uh not all impressive wow I’m very hard of myself as you can see okay uh let’s do the the Thing the the the roof let’s make this roof actually look good and by good I mean like not boxy uh how do I want to do this think I want to do it like This I know I hate doing this style of roof okay tell you what I’m scrapping this I don’t like this roof oh my God that scared me can I can I reach you hell yeah okay it’s just music it’s fine didn’t scare me it’s the sad music again why is why

Is it sad I I want to know why it sounds sad does it sound sad to any of you guys because it sounds sad to me I don’t like it Minecraft is supposed to be happy not sad and Terrifying ow well I haven’t commented on this but it this this has the old sound effects in it like oh I love that sound I’m amused by the stupidest things okay oh no sun setting what why would you do wait a minute hold up I have an

Idea ooh that would be kind of cool actually hold up why is there dirt here can I ah I can did that place correctly well we’ll see and I have to kill this tree die tree no don’t kill me okay that was stupid I’m slightly insane it’s fine why

Would you stop why there you go okay I got to sneeze ah I can’t sneeze [ __ ] all stuck my my nose is stuck in time okay it’s getting dark once again not dealing with that what but it’s dark let me let me sleep thank you like okay I know I’m I’m avoiding

I’m avoiding the content you here to see but just give me some time okay I I I I need to get Brave I I can’t I can’t do it yet okay it’s it’s it’s too scary okay basically what I want this going to require a lot of

Stairs I think that’s going to look cool okay for right now let’s block this in cuz I don’t want like the uh the midnight dweller or whatever he’s called to come and uh eat my butthole okay why do I have to word it like that like that that was that was weird I’m

Sorry but that’s what monsters do you know they like they eat you right they just find you and they’re like ooh some fresh meat to eat and there goes all my [Laughter] viewers oh god oh I’m sorry get plenty of wood here and I guess I should start NOP I should

Start planting down more trees that way I I uh get more wood there we go uh okay I’m going to need a [ __ ] ton more stairs I’m going to need more than that but it’s fine I know this this looks like an Abomination house at the moment but

Trust me it’s going to look cool I hope what what what my sanity went down why what happened what what just happened did you see that my like the the spaghetti noodles appeared on the screen hello somebody out here house oh why thank you okay what I’m going to do is do that

Okay I can do it like that I’m hoping the uh the windows are going to be placed on here nicely well I can test that right now actually oh yes it yes it’s ow that’s exactly what I want okay well let’s just Place those two there for the

Moment how tall do I want this to be well taller than that about that tall I hear a sheep no I’m out of wood ow uh by the way there is controller support in this mod pack um because it it after all it’s supposed to mimic like a console

Release hence why you know I called the uh I called the stream Minecraft for the PlayStation one is terrifying yeah because it’s literally if Minecraft was on the PlayStation 1 and I thought about playing this with a controller but then I thought no I would hate that I

Mean playing with a controller is fine and all but like I’m used to the PC controls no I need one more are you serious every time every time I I build a house it’s always like that like oh you need one more isn’t my sanity enough okay uh I need

To have a way up here ow hm try to rethink this because I want the ladder here actually so what I’m going to do just I’m going to do that going to dig this out a little bit that way we have a little bit more room should have made a

Shovel okay let’s just do that for the time being there we go and that will go all the way up here nice that’s pretty cool this might be oops this might be the first Birch house I’ve ever made that uh I actually like imagine that let’s make more glass panes there we

Go and the sun’s setting okay this time I’m not going to go to bed I’m going to I’m going to uh stay awake and see what Horrors are out there sounds like a bad idea I need more sand oh my God the door is open what am I doing why you

Dumb because I need content and I can’t get content me no you’re not done you’re not dumb I I think that chat member is referring to me other chat member being dumb is a specialty of mine if you haven’t noticed okay I need I need I need a

Shovel I got the shovel oh God Be A Brave boy be a brave boy I got to be brave okay I don’t I don’t want to be a brave boy I don’t want to be a brave boy okay no no no no I’m fine I’m fine I’m fine see it’s fine it’s fine

I’ll just uh build upwards if things get too serious oh wow that looks cool oh God okay no uhuh no no not doing this no oh God the furnace scared me Uh oh my god um so question about the midnight dweller if I see him through the window does that still count as seeing him I’m going to block the door I I don’t I don’t know I I don’t think I want to deal with that those are skeletons that’s fine oh

My God look at the amount of mobs out there Al so brave of you it’s fine don’t worry oh okay it’s dark up here I’ll just uh place the Torches There is this like the only song that plays in this SW pack besides like the creepy ones you don’t think he would oh he’d be able to jump up here like that Woody M I didn’t think of That okay there we go hello Mr spider you used to be the scariest thing in this game once upon a time now you’re Not I hate how I am going underground and I’m not getting out what the [ __ ] is that noise what was that what what the no uh-oh no NOP NOP NOP no I’m not leaving NOP uh-uh I’m not leaving you can’t make me how how do how do these YouTubers do

This my oh oh yeah well let’s let’s encounter this monster then huh okay if you’re going to laugh at me let’s do it let’s do it let’s see let’s see what’s out here hello I don’t see nothing it’s just a bunch of baloney but what the [ __ ] what that what what what what’s

That what’s that you see that on the left what is that what is that what is that what is it what is that it’s like a Goatman what what is it what is that chat what is it what is that what is that I don’t know what that is I’ve never seen that

Before Oh my God oh my God what do I do about that it’s just on the beach it’s just standing on the beach like it owns it go downstairs no you were laughing at me for that so I’m I’m going to I’m going to walk up to it hello hi buddy

No hello friend how are you oh he’s leaving yeah uh I I I you idiot I said D was laughing that’s what we heard excuse me friend you’re being a little rude it’s fine he’ll stay over there while I fight zombies where’d he go nope nope I don’t see him anymore no

Wait what no screenshots to show excuse me yeah uh hi Mr Skelly bro ow oh I don’t see him anymore so I’m just going to assume he he left he was nice and friendly he left and everything is fine he was just a friendly neighborhood deer guy I don’t see anything

Else see this house is perfect for this type of thing because it’s like oh you can see all around you it’s a watchtower so you can and I I I want to make it like super tall so that way I can like see everywhere although we do have

Fog I feel like the fog will be an issue okay okay well I’m going to go downstairs and uh I’m just going to work on [Applause] this put a torch there and I need to block that up okay do I want this to be the uh the

Storage room or do I want this to be the storage room because like I don’t really know do you hear that wait wait I I I hear something it’s not the skeleton I swar I heard something other than Mr skeleton down there okay maybe it was maybe it wasn’t anything uh

Uh where do you see the days at there way to keep track of what day it is oh my God I can’t I I don’t see it anywhere oh there it is uh we’re on day four really damn and see everything’s fine everything’s fine what flesh

Okay I’d say it’s time to finish the house a little bit uh I didn’t like that noise I heard a weird noise and that wasn’t uh what I’m sorry what was that what was that like weird aor noise what bro I I don’t know how to think ah you creeper [ __ ] how you

Doing Mr creeper okay uh I’m going to make another pickaxe and I’m going to get myself some more wood what the hell what’s that what huh I heard footsteps behind me God I don’t know why that’s so like when you hear footsteps behind you in this game it like freak me out I

Don’t know why cuz Minecraft it’s not entirely a scary game but like I don’t know I feel like it can be scary yeah that that deer guy just left he is not here anymore thank God okay just get more wood I hope the stream quality has been fine so

Far it says I lost over a th000 frames and I don’t really know why it it it does that besides oh your Internet isn’t good enough [ __ ] but if if it’s like really choppy don’t worry there will be like a full quality version of the stream on the after hours channel so

Uh where was that where was the tree where was it right here right yeah unless if there’s like encoding lag if there is then well [ __ ] there shouldn’t be cuz this is my uh fully upgraded computer so it should be fine there’s Mr sheep I need to try to get him back

In uh my house cuz I kind of liked him oh my God stop that please oh my God why does that scare me so badly it I don’t know about you guys but I don’t think this is normal I think a little somebody made made this little little uh trickster little

Troublemaker decided to play a little prank and be like oh look I made a little structure near your house LOL okay uh what oh my Lord that’s like no that’s scary I don’t like that okay I’ve been wasting hello why am I why is my sanity going down oh I’m hungry

Uh there we go what I kind of miss from the beta version of this game the beta version you could like do the shift click thing but like it wouldn’t make it all it would just you would have to spam click it I wish they made it to where if you

Right it’s shift right clicked it would do that cuz you know it’ be uh be nice just to you know not make all of the wood all at once so uh question does the sanity work anything like it does and don’t starve like does this increase my

Sanity no doesn’t look look like it what about placing it nope all right hello neighbor you’re welcome uh okay speaking of hello neighbor um I was sort of planning on play playing through that game again uh but apparently one of the recent patches for that game broke the AI again I was

Only going to do a uh a second playthrough on that game if like the AI was going to continue to be like halfway decent And well they broke it so I guess I have to wait even longer to replay that game I mean I guess I could just downgrade it now I think about it that’s possible to do anyway I need to build this uh Roof oh why did you delete the message D

You didn’t have to do that I didn’t make the stairs what am I doing ah did I close the door no I didn’t why why do I keep on doing that get up here make a little roof for this for the time being another damn trees in the way Eh this is actually uh normal Minecraft music it’s the uh it’s the good One not saying the other music was bad or anything it’s just you Know uh by the way how’s the audio like is the game too loud or or am I too Loud it’s getting dark Again cuz right now I feel like the game is pretty loud with the Music what the I I built that too tall okay Nice Okay ah [ __ ] why you do it like that okay need more I’m just going to block that up for the time being I don’t know if there’s anything that can break down the doors I know uh man from the fog can but I’m not sure if anything else can that’s the

Problem I don’t need let’s make this I probably won’t need that many stairs am I hearing something what I what am I hearing I’m hearing like a rumble am I just hearing things why is there a witch outside what Jesus stop stop that don’t don’t do that bad bad bad

Guy bad mysterious guy who’s definitely not Herobrine it’s me Mr zombie come to eat your brains let me eat your brains I want your brains now thank you oh the game just got laggy that’s probably not a good sign it’s always a good sign when the game lags

Yes hello Mr zombies can you not yes I know you want my brains but you can’t have them do I hear a bell no okay that’s that roof done ow you ass hole fine I’ll build on this side Jesus ow stop it my sanity is pretty low and the

Game is feeling kind of laggy I don’t know what’s causing that lag excuse me sir can you Not oh no I nope nope nope I’m not dealing with that uhuh what the [ __ ] was that was that a bear what did I just hear chat what was that I didn’t like that what I I don’t know what do I do oh my God uh wait one

Sec uhoh uhoh uhoh what’s happening uhoh did the game Crash no okay good hello what was that what was that excuse me what was that what what was that what stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop whatever the [ __ ] that is stop stop stop

Doing you stop doing all of you and don’t do me what what I don’t know what that noise was I don’t know what that noise was what I I don’t I don’t I don’t know what I I I’m I I don’t know what to

Do I I don’t know what to do about that so I’m just going to build about that Ah that’s a [Laughter] spider let me build my roof please that’s all I want to do I just want to build my my roof let me build my roof okay chat I honestly don’t know

What’s happening was that actually something I don’t know I don’t know if I should like be worried about that okay it’s it’s dark and it’s scary and I don’t like it okay that’s everything uh can I like drop down without hurting myself please thank you you what what’s

There what’s where what’s what it I’m I’m sorry did did my door just open if it did well that didn’t really help you out Cu uh well I have it blocked up did it open no oh so what was the door noise that actually looks quite nice I no stop

Okay well it’s daytime now uh I need more stairs is it me or has the game gotten brighter I feel like oh it’s because cuz my sanity I completely forgot about that look at my sanity bar it’s like halfway is that what is that what I’ve been hearing it’s the sanity

Stuff what how do I get it back up okay what what what are you what what what is it hello was that something or I think it was Japes I think I think it was [ __ ] [ __ ] huh huh there’s an Enderman he used to be uh one of the

Scariest things in this game once upon a time too oh you’re so scar okay yeah you’re okay you’re you’re scary what is going on what what what’s what’s going on what is happening what is going on what’s going on what do I do what do I do about this what do I do

What am I what am I supposed to do what’s going on go in the bunker I don’t know what to do hide what’s going [Applause] on how do I fix it how do I fix it it’s my sity how do I how do I fix it chat how do I do it

I don’t know what to do are you having a breakdown I don’t know I [Applause] [Applause] don’t you expect us to know what’s I mean to what your chat always knows though what the [ __ ] is that the voes I can’t I don’t know what he’s [Applause] [Applause] Dead Sleep sleep go to sleep go to sleep we need to sleep sleep uh uh the the look at the light that help that that worked in Amnesia why won’t they go away why why why won’t who go away what are you do about this what the [ __ ] is that what is

That is that is that why my sany is down to like [Applause] 0% uh I am going to cook yeah that’s what I’m going to do cooking 5 6 7 8 I am having a mental breakdown a mate look I I I I I’m cooking I’m cooking game I’m I’m I’m now I’m I’m now good that doesn’t help my sity what what does what do I do I don’t know how to fix this sleep you can only sleep at Night uh [Applause] [Applause] what 1 2 3 4 I am on the floor dying I I I don’t know what to do about this I don’t want to do I’m dead that’s that’s just that’s just that’s that’s that’s that’s that’s it I’m [Applause] dead can I make can I make flower Crown well this is lovely this is what a wonderful mod I can’t do anything now because I can’t go outside what am I supposed to do about This all right hello hello sir no no close the [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] door oh my God leave me Al alone yeah that’s what I’m saying right now leave me leave me leave me alone ghost demons just leave me [Applause] [Applause] Alone are you [Applause] friendly there was flowers over here I’m trying to get to the flowers I’m trying to get to the flowers right here there’s the flowers get the flowers help me this how this is how it works and how how do you fix this I don’t understand there’s something behind [Applause]

Me someone’s behind me let excuse me friend [Applause] Leave me be I can eat okay eating helps I just need to jump around a little [Applause] bit food go down I never knew food being down would it be a good [Applause] thing food go [Applause] down [Applause] I know I I don’t I I don’t know

What it’s only been an hour bro I feel like I’ve been playing this for like 5 hours what am I supposed to do about [Applause] [Applause] that okay okay leave me [Applause] alone let me eat or [Applause] something why won’t they go away I don’t know man I’m trying this something just fall

Uh I I I I have no idea this is so annoying I am I am I just going to have to live with this I I think I’m just going to have to live with this [Applause] okay to okay it’s turning night [Applause] time hush go

Away go away whatever is in my house [Applause] leave too loud too loud too loud go to sleep yes oh thank God oh my god dude Jesus Christ what what in the living hell was that all about bro what caused that I was perfectly fine and then I started to have like an

Aneurysm was it Herobrine like did he cause that just give me a moment I need a break I need I need a moment just to like process what the [ __ ] happened well I still hear something out here moving around I don’t want to play anymore I don’t I don’t know I I [Applause]

I I don’t Want why am I doing this why am I playing this I should be playing like a a happy game I should be playing normal Minecraft that’s what I should be doing just normal Minecraft without anything weird I could have been doing that and yet I I decided you know what

I’m going to torture myself and play a nightmare game a nightmare version of Minecraft there roof’s done hello hello I don’t hear I don’t see there’s something here and I don’t see it why is why why why why why is my sanity going down so are those things just invisible

Now I think those big Shadow things are still here they’re just invisible oh yeah that’s that’s wonderful yeah that’s great fantastic even I need more wood I don’t see anything what’s moving in front of me right now what’s making that noise oh no man it moves When I Look Away I hate

That I hate it hello stop no screenshots to show I don’t know why that keeps happening I’m trying to get my wood man I’m just trying to get wood leave me alone leave me be okay chat can you hear like that low rumbling noise do you hear

That there’s like a low rumbling noise it’s very slight but I can hear it and it’s freaking me out there’s more flowers over here I’m going to try something with the flowers I like how I just have my door blocked up so if I put flowers everywhere in here does that

Help my S does this help all right well I still need to finish the house um after the house is okay man whatever you do you just after the house is finished I’m going to go Cave Diving well I would like to understand the sanity mod better because like I don’t

Know what caused that like freak out to happen because like I mean I know there was Monsters all around me and I was hearing like creepy noises but like it like dropped down whoa that was weird it like dropped down like instantly and I don’t know why and that

Makes me kind of afraid to go into a cave because if I go into a cave and that happens it’s over just simple as that although the shadow guys they didn’t appear hostile so I don’t know stop stop that okay uh I want hold on I need more wood I should

Have turned all those logs into I just bumped into something hello something’s there I have some bones I can grow a tree real quick boom I’m going to need more than that though cut some of these trees down okay let getting dark but it should be fine just do that for the time

Being okay so basically what I want to do up here is I want to I don’t even know if this is going to look good but like I want this to be logs put this light up here and I want to do this just to give it you know a different

Texture just you know a little different text texture okay I’m definitely going to bed tonight because like you’re you’re too scared to sleep why excuse me you too scared to sleep that’s concerning well I I need see the okay that looks good actually that looks pretty cool I can

Like what the [ __ ] was that what Jesus Christ what was that what was that noise what the hell hell oh my god dude let me sleep oh my God why can I sleep let me sleep oh we’re bring in the music now why don’t you Minecraft just Okay A little Paranoid I just wanted to put those on the house can I sleep no okay cool still can’t Sleep I’m sorry what was that noise is that actually something over there oh my God it is what is that it’s like a big skeleton okay well this looks good so I’m going to keep it like that I don’t know how I’m going to get up here though uh I think

A window right here would be pretty good I’m sorry did he just open my door hello did you open my door no well what was that noise then I heard a door open I think it was just I think it was just uh Mr trick extra [ __ ] messing with Me okay well uh let’s uh let’s do some Mining because I can’t sleep which means I can’t work on the house so I’ll just mine for a little while okay what the [ __ ] [ __ ] what the [ __ ] what what what why what I’m sorry why I I just I’m trying to [ __ ] do [ __ ] and you I don’t like it I haven’t seen

The I haven’t seen the um the midnight dweller speaking of the devil that was him moving I think how many days have it been day six all right well okay then is it raining yeah it is can I sleep now hey I can sleep the rain saved us now I am full sanity

Nice die creeper ooh can I get like a no come on kill him no I wanted to get the the thing I wanted to get a a music disc I couldn’t didn’t I plant more saplings pretty sure I did but they mysteriously disappeared hm that’s a bit

Odd yeah I don’t know if these flowers actually do anything uh next time I’ll look look up the sanity mod and see if there’s actually a better way of getting sanity back because it’s kind of insane if there isn’t another way cuz like bro my God that was so [ __ ] creepy

What the [ __ ] [ __ ] I didn’t like that oh my God what is he still there what the hell dude that was so creepy that was like a player what is that what that’s insane that’s actually really really cool dude if I saw that when I when I

Was first playing this game I would have never touched this game again bro what what the hell it could definitely look better but I think it’s a pretty decent house for what it is get some seeds going stop you you stop that stop that stop that you you you better stop that

Mr herob Brin that’s that’s one way people kept on that’s one thing people kept on calling you herob Brin really only three seeds that’s all I got oh all right stop please just leave me be I don’t want anything to do with You okay there there [Applause] uh and I’ll do like that hold up that way I can actually get up here ow what what the [ __ ] is that noise oh it’s uh that’s normal wait what there’s two of them it’s Skin Walkers I think uh well that’s the

Uh that’s the house done let’s uh take a look at it oh oh no stay back back back back back stay back how much damage do you do oh my God you do a lot of damage okay okay thank you for closing my doors mate no more hiding I don’t know what that

Means hello oy get back here you little bastard face your death with some honor you’re supposed to be the monster not me get come here come here no no over here hi CH member no no no no no no no uhoh die die die hi chat member how are you

Doing I’m just uh just sitting here playing some uh good old calming Minecraft all right uh help uh I don’t I don’t know how to help you help you with what I didn’t place that down by the way I’m trying to see if there’s a cave around here

Somewhere because we kind of don’t really have a cave am I just on like an island where am I yeah I’m on like an island okay that’s kind of cool I’m standing on like a little haunted island of of death yeah I heard you hero Ren leave me alone here Ryan

Why is that’s happening a lot now he he likes running up behind me doesn’t he like I don’t know if you know this man but doing that like constantly isn’t scary it’s annoying stop why do you keep on doing that he keeps on running up behind me

Like it’s supposed to scare me half to death or something like I am all right I am making sure to sleep early this time I don’t want to be stuck awake in the middle of the night being like Oh what’s out there H okay back out I go

I really need to find me a cave where was that one place there was there was like a a hole there there was a cave I spawned near a cave oh no that’s not a cave that’s like a little water hole oh was is it okay here it is okay iron yes

Finally sad music is back really only two that was it and also that wasn’t the hole I was talking about this is the hole I was talking about hope there’s a like actually a cave Here ah My Sanity is going low why what’s what’s going on or do does my sany go down if I’m wet is that the case also I I should have I should have uh put my stuff in a chest or something because uh I am full uh okay

Interesting sound game okay I don’t know what that was but it was creepy oh yeah I just need make myself a chest I tell you what I’ll put one I’m going to move my bed upstairs what the hell oh hey man how you doing I didn’t know you were in this mod pack

Still mysterious bundle well I don’t have emeralds so go away I I I said go away it’s where my bed’s going to be like right right here just put all this junk in here uh is short inventory thing no okay makes sense I guess I don’t really need the

Dirt okay so uh there’s no cave on this island so that means we have to go somewhere else or just dig down there was a way like to steal his lead without actually killing him I need more wood uh in you know what else I could do I could also make a hoe

And start planting some of these Seeds M there we go let me go get some of the the seeds there we go nice uh so that way I can just have a good source of food without having to go hunt animals and stuff like that plus I I need to do it this way anyway because

Um when I kill animals and monsters and things my my sanity goes down that’s not a good thing yeah you guys might want to leave soon because it’s it’s getting late and you know I I I’m not responsible for what happens to you during the night so uh you

Have some good luck on your travels and uh don’t die I’m going to go back to mining because it’s either mine down or uh craft a boat and find another Island and uh find a cave somewhere else but I would kind of want like a easy to access

Hole so I’m just going to do it like this I can put that in my off tan and place them easily because uh there’s no OptiFine light up stuff no damn it I’m going to need to I’m not going back up I’m just going to make a crafting table

Here uh let’s see I’m going to stream for like another hour since we haven’t really seen anything too oh I mean that’s not true we we’ve seen some crazy [ __ ] so far but like we haven’t seen uh most of the scary stuff actually Le I don’t think we

Have it is getting kind of late though I was a little late in stream put that right there yeah in beta Minecraft you couldn’t do that couldn’t have the the torch in your offand no damn it and oh Some Coal here ooh I’m already that far down how far down am I

Oh I’m 43 down I didn’t know lapis Luli spawn that deep down or that high up I mean because I thought lapis only spawn like you know pretty deep like around Redstone level not like halfway down or whatever okay can can I can I complain about something I hate

Copper I like that’s like the most disappointing or life added into the game because like you there’s nothing really cool to do with it like there’s nothing to Copper that I like I don’t really like I mean you can make a lightning rod and I guess like the blocks age which is

Cool but like other than that it’s like what’s the point and why does it spawn everywhere you see copper and you’re like oh copper then you move on and and you never get it unless if you want to build with copper the thing is like they could have

Done like electricity stuff with it because you know there copper wire electricity goes through the copper wire it it could have been like a a cool redstone component but no it’s just kind of like whatever like there’s nothing about copper that’s useful I’m going make a couple of

These okay I think I might have to actually go find another Island because I’m not finding anything so [Applause] far oh iron nice if I could find more iron though that would be great ooh gold so I’m like pretty far deep now I need iron tools to get that I might as well

Go all the way down to bedrock and then I can have like a little mine I guess was kind of hoping I would find a cave but I haven’t yet oh my God stop why why I I hate that guys you have no idea like that that’s like unlocked a strange like paranoia

From like my early days of playing this game because I would always feel like like there was something behind me watching me that’s a torch and this mod just adds that into the game and it’s terrifying oh great I got more copper whoop ddoo how much farther do I have to dig

Yo I just had like a very awful thought what if there was like a a dweller right that Peaks like it’s part of the world or whatever like it it’s part of the stone and while you’re Digging okay uh like that that completely threw me off my train of thought hello Mr cave dweller he’s definitely in this okay um what was I okay uh like there’s like a a dweller that like dwells in the walls and while you’re mining you turn around and there’s like a face just sticking

Out of the wall and then like once it noticed you were looking at it it like goes back into the wall that’d be creepy and if you see him like that’s that’s your time they be like okay it’s time to go no more digging because if you continue digging then he attacks h

That would be terrifying if anybody here knows how to mod this game please make that a mod I I knew you were behind me you son of a [ __ ] I saw you I saw [Applause] you I need to turn down the the music that’s pretty loud ooh is that Bedrock no that’s a dark stone what is that what is this o couple oh that’s deep slate Oh okay that’s cool right I guess this is in 1.19 for honestly I thought

For a moment there like for a while I thought I was just playing beta Minecraft but no is interesting actually quite like deep slate um you can make some nice looking blocks out of it but I’m not sure how uh different this texture pack makes them look be interesting to

See ah but this block is very difficult to see in the dark I I do like the blue look of it let me see the Cobblestone version all right I like it I like this block son of a [ __ ] that scared the hell out of me the the the pickaxe broke right at

The right moment oh my God that scared me oh Jesus Christ it it like I don’t know it’s just paranoia bro that’s all it is because I know something can be behind me at any time and you know at the right moment if it runs up behind me it freaks me out

Okay that’s going down into the deep zone so I’m going to start digging out this way a little bit cuz I heard the cave dweller not too long ago that must mean there’s a cave this way somewhere yeah like this way what happens if I just dig like right under him that would

Suck Mr cave dweller Where Are You O Oh I thought that was red stone H damn [ __ ] copper worst Block in the game I swear I’m out of torches okay I don’t know where this cave is copper o iron a lot of iron wow and my pickaxe is broke again lots of iron

Wow Jesus Christ just keeps going well that’s another idea for the the wall dweller I guess like if if there’s like large clusters of AA like this he’ll pop out and scare the [ __ ] out of you and uh attack you okay I I know you’re here somewhere but I can’t find what the

Hell uh uh what was that that was weird it’s like glitching there’s a cave here somewhere and I will find it unless if it’s just [ __ ] with me where is it okay I don’t know where it is n i don’t want your stupid copper okay I can’t find this cave uh I’m just

Going to go if I could like see outside like breaking the blocks maybe would that work no he’s somewhere in here but I I can’t find the cave that he’s in so I’m just going to call it quits there and uh try to go find a cave on a different Island

Somewhere oh I need to get this gold did I do this I don’t remember that okay I haven’t gone up here in a little while oh you’re still here hey friend are you good everything’s good yep my house is still here yeah just help yourself I I have I I just Haven to

Notice that you’re you’re missing a llama what happened to the other llamas yeah that that other llama is gone help I don’t know how to help you mate do you want gold I can give you gold you leave me alone then probably not all right uh I tell you what I’m just GNA

Sleep all right uh I got a whole bunch of different Stone now I’m going to smelt uh the iron and I’m going to mine that gold I tell you what I don’t have the uh the coal for it if I can cut down more trees real quick hey look at my crops they’re

Growing I can get some charcoal Okay uh spell some of that first I’m I’m glad nothing too batshit crazy has happened so far like I haven’t encountered the cave loer although I’ve I’ve heard him uh I hav’t encountered the midnight Diller or the man from the fog and I haven’t encountered anything else that would be Bad so I think I think I’m doing it pretty Well I’m tempted to kill that guy for his lead that’s exactly what I’m going to do ow got it I’m a murderer I’m I’m an evil murdering psychopath who lives in the woods just go ahead and get more charcoal might as well and I’ll just put the rest in there that’s fine Cas I hate that really twice in a row really herrien so I wonder what would happen if you if you uh made the totem the S summoning totem I can see you you know that right all right man what whatever what you you do you I do me we don’t do each other Probably going to make me some armor armor and iron sword there we go iron pickaxe I’m going to leave the lead in here just waiting for the last piece of iron to uh finish make a boat and Then while that’s happening I I saw you little [ __ ] Trickster and it’s done there we go uh I want to put this all up before I go on my little Adventure here so that way I don’t lose it all all right I am going to screenshot the coordinates I hope that

Worked be mess up if they made it to where you can’t uh screenshot anymore well that ends up being the case chat remember the coordinates please 463 64287 okay well right what I was about to leave it’s turn night and I don’t really want to deal with

That so yeah I’m just I’m going to wait until it’s night time in sleep I like this little house that I made it’s actually quite nice and cozy can I sleep yet nope can I sleep yet nope can I sleep yet nope whoops can I sleep yet

Yeah well it’s time to go find another Island I’m going to go this way oh went into first uh third person mode that’s cool is this going to be like a ocean world oh my God you got to be kidding me well it’s definitely replicating that

Beta feeling because this was a a huge problem back in the day uh you see back when they were making the terrain generation more like grounded and realistic they like messed up and made the oceans unbelievably big I think it was like during beta 1.8 that’s when that happened

Oh my God this is ridiculous yeah this is definitely bringing back memories of that bull crap are you serious finally something all right uh I’m going to get my boat back oh this water must be cold man so it’s an ice Biome no matter how hard I try I always end up finding some of the worst biomes in this game oh what’s that ow this looks like a eagloo I guess it’s not unless was hard nope it’s nothing it’s it’s it’s nice biome oh polar bears look at them whoa hold

Up is that that’s a ship wow this is pretty cool was I expecting to find this ooh depth Strider mending nice and some carrots too paper yeah excuse me what was that noise why does this game do this to me don’t ruin this experience I’m having a cool

Treasure hunt thing going on here and you you play a spooky sound effect ow that’s pretty cool all right uh let’s just keep moving forward what the hell what what is this why did this pop up what oh wait this is uh this my this is the screenshot I took okay cool Settings no hey hey there buddy I’m not doing nothing run it’s just a [ __ ] Frozen Wasteland maybe there’s a cave somewhere over here or something something interesting please nothing’s interesting has happened in the past like several minutes and we have chickens I’ll kill you guys for food I’m sorry

I hope I can find a cave another polar bear ooh for some reason I thought I I like that snow was deep for some reason I mean this is kind of nice oh wait a minute wait a minute oh finally found a cave it took forever well by cave I mean

Like kind of not I need I need food that’s why I killed the chicken there we go Christ is averted definitely don’t want to go through that bull crap again I’m leave the furnace here this isn’t really a cave whoops oh no never mind it is damn

It I should be using the stone not not the um the iron for coal is that coal yes it’s kind of hard to tell like when it’s dark it’s really difficult to tell what what what what uh no no no no no no no no no no no no why

What what is this music bro what the hell hello oh that that mean it’s like getting dark okay well oh this is terrible oh No oh boy this is going to be fun this is going to be super duper fun and totally not terrifying and awful yes hello zombie how are you okay chat look I am really afraid of going into this cave like what you what’s the Strat what’s the strats be

Like if you encounter the cave dweller what’s the Strat of avoiding death Shield I didn’t make a shield I need I need iron how could I forget about a shield H yeah okay game okay I see how it is he played the classic old spooky

Sound it’s like uh let’s [ __ ] with him a little bit while he’s feeling paranoid about going into a cave oh iron oh thank God okay I need that I need to go back up to smelt it actually tell you what I can just smelt it in here this will be my little

Hidey-hole that’s a fun sound I don’t know what that means I’ve heard it several times before going to assume it means fun time and hugs I need to make a shield because I If he if the cave dweller is attacking me I can just sit there with

The shield and like slowly attack him back right how do you make a shield again just like that in yes okay put that back in boom got a shield so I’m a I’m extra safe now I got one piece of iron okay we’re good oh God oh my

Lord what the hell was that I some something just moved in my room what was that hello what the [ __ ] I heard something like move in my own room that was so creepy I don’t like that okay it’s starting to get it’s starting to get to me it’s starting to

Freak me out in real life I’m starting to get paranoid and the lava ooh bunch of iron and stuff think Herobrine is actually haunting me in real life too okay I I heard him it’s fine he’s like over there somewhere yeah this is a bunch of lava drip Stone that’s that’s

Cool if I could stop stop that from being stupid that would be great yeah little hidey hole just to make sure he can’t break blocks can he like that’s not a thing o Redstone like he can’t break blocks right surely not like they wouldn’t add that right oh

God I’m so afraid of coming down here you have no idea because I haven’t played with the cave dweller like at all it’s like he that’s that’s where the sound of where he Did I don’t like it I don’t like it I don’t like it I don’t like it I don’t like it I don’t like it I don’t like it Noe I don’t like it can somebody in chat please talk to me I need I need company I need

Company I don’t want to do this alone bro I should have kept the lava I don’t like it I’m going to need like that God oh my God I hate it oh I hate it I I I I oh my God why is it so scary

I I don’t know if I could do this I know I’m probably be I don’t want leave me alone I don’t want to do this hello hello Mr cave dweller I don’t know what to do I’m too afraid to go down there dude I’m too afraid to go down there I don’t know what to do I’m too afraid to leave too oh what do I do I didn’t think it was it was going to be this [ __ ] scary bro like it’s

Minecraft like I saw a video like mocking these mods and I was like oh yeah it’ll be fine like whoever made that video you have balls of [ __ ] steel like seriously how can you play this and think oh yeah this isn’t scary because I am shitty myself right

Now so my Strat here ah [ __ ] my Strat is let’s dig in the walls right uhoh are we Good what what what what happened that wasn’t a good time for that to happen that because I’m like in the middle of like trying oh for [ __ ] sake God he can’t can he like climb through holes like this I have no idea I have no idea oo careful

Careful I just want to get this done oh my god dude it’s so scary okay we have sad and slow m Music I don’t I I I oh oh oh oh oh oh it’s slow sad Minecraft Music bro how big is this cave how big is this cave cave I don’t like it I don’t like it I don’t like it I don’t like it I don’t like it I don’t like it I don’t like it I don’t like it I don’t

Like it I don’t like it I can’t I I I I I don’t know this is the most [ __ ] afraid I’ve ever been in any game yes even more afraid than [ __ ] subnotica the music isn’t [ __ ] helping ah Ah what what no what what what what what what what what what what what what was that noise Uh I don’t know dude and this videos the stream uh it sucks because I don’t know what to do come on I think he’s down there oh no no that’s a creeper [ __ ] uh how where’ your keeper go oh Go away stop It I’m so afraid of moving anywhere in this cave it is unbelievable how [ __ ] scary this is I can’t do it what is wrong with me it’s Minecraft but with Horrors Beyond imagine in this [ __ ] game dude I can’t I don’t know how to do this how do you do this

So a creeper it’s fun lovely I don’t think he was close enough to do that but fine whatever thank God the cave dweller isn’t based on sound okay oh oh I I I did I made progress I made progress bro oh my God zombie you’re oh stop stop stop don’t [ __ ] do that don’t [ __ ] do that don’t do that oh my god oh oh my God oh my Lord this is so here BR is right there he like oh hello spooky scary skeletons shivers down your spine D Papa doop

Scoop that keeps on going that way [ __ ] stop it stop being you oh it’s just so dark I can’t see it’s so dark I can’t see what the [ __ ] [ __ ] what the [ __ ] [ __ ] oh my God what the [ __ ] [ __ ] the [ __ ] [ __ ] my God it scared the [ __ ] out of me

Behind me how about you go [ __ ] eat several dicks oh my oh oh oh oh oh no oh what was that why did why you missed me getting the [ __ ] scared out of me I’m in a cave and I’m too afraid to move I think the cave D is down there I

Heard something say behind you and yeah hello hello I hate it oh why why oh stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stopy stopy stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop don’t do that I you is that Herobrine doing that is it Herobrine doing that is is Herobrine the

One that doing that oh my God yeah no what do you mean I have no idea [Laughter] Why no no no no no no no no no no no no my eyes itchy I I I I I need a break I I like I’ll I’ll I’ll I’ll be I’ll be right back okay I I just I just need a little breather I’m it’s freaking me out

Okay I I’ll be right back okay I’m back and I’ve made a decision I don’t want to do this anymore I’m leaving I’m getting the [ __ ] out of here I don’t want to do this anymore I’m out I don’t want I no I’m I don’t want I don’t

Care the only way I’m going to get diamonds as if I mine for them I’m not exploring caves ever again I don’t want to do this I’m not doing it nope I don’t want to do it I’m out oh that scared the [ __ ] out of me why ah Jesus

Christ oh there’s Darkness over here he could be over here uh just just have to scoot on past here without triggering anything oh my God it’s nighttime why is it nighttime why why is it nighttime chat why oh for [ __ ] sake oh why is it nighttime Hello I don’t want to die I I’m so tempted to just stop the stream here like it’s hard to explain why this scares me so badly um just Minecraft always had this Aura of like I don’t know how to explain like like it always I always felt paranoid playing this

Game and this mod pack just makes that right it just takes it and amplifies it to like 10 times here’s my other I’m going to have to wait I don’t want to go out okay I have no idea where my base could be how do

I what’s this how do I open up that screenshot thing whoops what’s the button for it I don’t know I I’m trying to open up like the screenshot menu hold up let me let me see if it’s in here somewhere uh contrl s well I’m I pressed that didn’t I oh there we

Go okay uh coordinates is 161 64 277 I would have to be going that way right yeah would have to be going down so it’s this way okay okay if there’s anyone in chat should I go out and just risk it uh okay no it’s fine it’s fine no it’s

Fine see everything’s fine we’re fine we’re fine everything’s fine fact I need string so it’s fine there’s nothing awful out here that’s going to going to kill me what the [ __ ] [ __ ] there wasn’t even a creeper behind me what ow ow ow ow ow ow ow H wonderful ow oh yeah wonderful oh

Yeah no this this was a bad idea this was a bad idea this was a bad idea this was a bad idea ah ah ah ow ow ow owow ow owie owie owie owie owie owie owie owie owie owie owie owie oh God oh God oh God oh God oh God oh

God oh God oh God okay no I’m waiting for day I’m waiting for day I should have wait I should have waited for day because now my sanity is going low and it’s going to be all like oh what was That and it was so close to being daytime I should have waited chat why didn’t you why didn’t you tell me to wait that was awful okay that helped a little bit what the stop that that’s so cruel oh my God that’s so bright oh my lord it’s bright was that me

Huh no stupid it was your uncle uh yeah I know you’re following me oh my God it’s just [Laughter] white it’s just white oh a totem stop I need to change that keybind it’s annoying this way I’m going home that’s not even helping my stamina or not stamina uh

Sanity I’m sorry for being a coward chat but there was no way in hell I was dealing with that cave I couldn’t do it okay I’m sorry I couldn’t it was impossible for me to actually deal with that especially when [ __ ] like that’s happening and now Minecraft’s trying to

Cheer me up with its Music Is that is like that’s sanity was that me bro I don’t know I just want to get back Home uh what was that my boat just moved am I going the right way I really hope I’m going the right way uh no I’m not going the right way I’m supposed to be going this Way right okay go little bit this way and then I think it’s just this way just leave it at that oh hey is this my beach home is this the beach of my home oh home sweet home oh my Lord look at this place oh I’ve never been so happy

To be here in my in my life [ __ ] I’ve got some carrots to plant is it is it done I can’t tell are you done I can’t tell I think it’s done well uh that was quite something hello what was that noise what’s there I don’t know I heard something I thought I’m I I just want to

Stop that’s uh that’s my goal right now I’m GNA climb all the way up to the tippy top of my house I’m going to put all this [ __ ] in here yeah I’m going to call it quits for for today lay off me please I’m trying to I’m trying to end the

Stream oh my God guys can I sleep how do I stop this stamina from being shitty do I just have to like run around get hungry eat is that literally the only way to uh restore your St uh sanity I don’t know why I keep on saying stamina but come

On Hunger see this is the time where a hunger potion would actually be useful can you [ __ ] stop making noises please I’m like bro did you even open my door no you didn’t so why play the sound I want to fix the sanity okay I’m going to change that keybind it’s

Annoying uh nope that’s not it I’ll just put SP no oh there we go trying to get hungry so that way I can restore the the sanity there’s not even Stone here bro okay okay here Ryan you’re just being a little trickster now or maybe that’s the sanity mod doing that I’m not

Sure what that’s what I’ve been asking this entire stream what is that what’s that what’s this what’s that oh my God it’s here what excuse me hello I don’t even have any food uh could I fish hold on I have an idea yeah yep good job you’re very scary if I were to

Fish I also go ahead and make myself a bow and arrow even though I don’t have any arrows so if I were to do this would this help why is the what’s that uh-huh right oh mother you because I don’t know I think this would be quite calming right fishing

Oh that does help you okay I figured it out okay don’t eat me please don’t worry chat member I won’t I will cook you though and it’s getting dark okay uh well uh I’m sorry I lied I need this uh sanity okay well um that was Minecraft from the

Fog I kind of want to just see Mr Boogyman and see what he looks like before I end the stream because we didn’t really see him he didn’t really he wasn’t really all that much of a problem it’s just everything else else though tends to be an

Issue so I’m going to go out here I’m going to build up [ __ ] that scared me oh my God I saw his white eyes it was so actually scary it freaked me out cuz I I know he can’t climb right and just to make sure he can’t get to me I’m doing

This oh my God here Brian is uh playing around with me now can he climb I don’t know I haven’t really played with any of these horror mods before yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah my God it sounds like me on a Saturday morning stop it you’re making my sanity go

Down now here’s a problem the fog is an issue it makes it to where I can’t really see all that far so by the time I see him he has to be like right there what the [ __ ] is that we also have to be careful man the sanity kind of makes

This difficult though oh stop it yeah uh finding Mr Boogie I’m going to call him that either that or Henry um finding him while all this other shit’s like going on is very difficult cuz I I I am trying to play this like a hardcore survival type of

Thing even though I’m not playing hardcore uh simply because I don’t want this world to be deleted I wish there was a way like I could keep the sity from going down well anyway too scared to sleep wonderful I mean really he he should be like over there

Right because he’s not at the beach there there is a lot of trees [Laughter] in okay then I don’t know what that is I don’t know what’s making that noise yeah you think I’m going to go out there and try to find man from the fog like like with that happening like hell

No what is it mhm okay I don’t know if that’s the sanity mod doing that or Herobrine or man from the fog or some other [ __ ] [ __ ] I don’t know about all right I have a shield it should get me safe famous last words oh crap ah No whoa oh ow Oh my God he was right there it seems like here bran loves the Beach okay man from the fog where the hell are you I want to see you at least once during the stream I’m I’m a brave boy I can handle you No that’s a Skeleton Mr Man from the fog but no like actually where is he what the [ __ ] was that no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no

No no no no no no no no no no oh my God oh my God okay that’s it no I’m done I’m done I don’t care I don’t want to see him [ __ ] it I don’t know what that was I I’m done oh it was you [ __ ] [ __ ] okay Jesus Christ

Christ oh my God that scared me oh yeah look at you aren’t you a little [ __ ] He’s mocking me oh oh okay you you you place down a sign huh what does it say I see you well I saw you too you little cheeky [ __ ]

Herobrine I mean what not hat yeah oh my God that’s scary okay uh I I think that’s a good place to stop I tried finding a Mr uh man from the fog but he’s uh he’s not one to show his face so I’m just going to go up to my my uh headquarters

Here and I’m going to call it oh my God okay well uh that was Minecraft from the fog or Minecraft uh for the PlayStation one or Minecraft play One edition whatever uh that was uh terrifying I didn’t like a single piece of that especially the part when I was

In the cave I don’t know why but that that [ __ ] was absolutely terrifying uh like my God I uh I should I should have saw how many days I was in now I I am going to be doing more streams of this probably I’m I’m going to try to do it like every Saturday and maybe Sunday I’m not going to do a stream tomorrow

Because it’s the Happy New Year’s uh but like I I I I am going to try uh to do more streams of this I don’t want to just like stop it there because we have barely scratched the surface like I I’m pretty sure there is much more scary

[ __ ] to discover and some more cool [ __ ] to discover too so um uh it should be fun um but yeah uh thank you guys so much for watching if if you enjoyed the video then make sure to click the like button and subscribe uh don’t forget to

Click the Bell icon to turn on notifications for when I go live or when I upload and stuff like that and uh if you want to see this stream in full HD quality without any frame drops and stupid stuff going on then uh head over to the after hours Channel where I

Upload full streams and extra content uh so yeah anyway uh thank you guys so much for watching and I’ll make sure to see you in the next stream anyways uh hope you guys have a great thanks uh not Thanksgiving hope you guys have a great Happy New Year’s and

Uh I hope 2024 will bring good luck upon all of you and good wishes and all that so yeah anyway see you guys

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Playstation 1 Edition is Haunted…’, was uploaded by Classic Shocker: After Hours on 2024-01-01 21:22:52. It has garnered 92 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 03:48:16 or 13696 seconds.

A blocky nightmare!

This was streamed live over on the main channel

Disclaimer my content is not intended for viewers under the age of 13 viewer discretion is advised ————————————————————————————————————– Thanks for watching! if you enjoyed the video then make sure to click that like button and subscribe! ————————————————————————————————————– https://www.minecraft.net/en-us https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/roberts-curse-mcsx-edit ————————————————————————————————————– Make sure to follow me on social media! Main Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/ClassicShocker Twitch Channel: https://www.twitch.tv/classicshocker4111 Twitter: https://twitter.com/shocker4111 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/classicshocker/

#minecraft #scary #hardcore

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  • Insane Minecraft Gameplay from Spunky Playz!!!

    Insane Minecraft Gameplay from Spunky Playz!!!Video Information This video, titled ‘! Minecraft???’, was uploaded by spunky playz on 2024-01-13 14:05:43. It has garnered 45 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. #life #spunky #memes stay safe ! keep Smiling ! Todays Minecraft memes is minecraft! Minecraft traps in different times !!!!!!!!! and also very useful for you and you can try it in your minecraft world and yet keep subscribing Love you guys #share #support #subscribe #minecraft #viral #minecraftmemes #minecraftshorts #meme #shortsviral #viralshorts #smartypie #pewdiepie #dream #mrbeast #technogamerz #anshubisht #GEvids #casetoo #pigpong funny memes, unusual memes, memes for… Read More

  • Fox Geopolitics

    Fox GeopoliticsHello and welcome to Fox Geopolitics! We are an inclusive and small friendly server of people from many walks of life who have come together to form a new modded 1.19.2 Java server focused on worldbuilding on a vanilla minecraft world! Our theme is set in the 1860s-70s, and we are constantly improving things based on community feedback. We offer mods such as Create, Valkyrien skies & Eureka, Immersive Engineering, and a regulated and period appropriate mod for basic guns. Our server has been released for almost a week now, and we are looking for more fun people to join… Read More

  • SolarionSMP – SMP Whitelisted | Java 1.20.4 | Adult | Community-focused

    SolarionSMP - SMP Whitelisted | Java 1.20.4 | Adult | Community-focusedWelcome to Solarion SMP Join Us: Discord About Us We are a whitelisted SMP server inspired by Hermitcraft. Our goal is to create a welcoming and diverse community for all players. Our Vision At Solarion, we use plugins like Drop Heads, SinglePlayerSleep, and more to enhance gameplay while keeping the Vanilla Minecraft experience. Community We welcome players of all playstyles and host various projects and events to keep everyone engaged. Commitment to The Vanilla Experience While we use quality-of-life plugins, we avoid game-altering features like teleportation or virtual currency systems. Application Process Join our community by following our whitelist process…. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – I’m not a smart man, but math ain’t my game

    Minecraft Memes - I'm not a smart man, but math ain't my gameWell, at least he knows his priorities – getting that high score in memes! Read More

  • Glid DOP Twitch Stream Highlights

    Glid DOP Twitch Stream HighlightsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Подписывайтесь на твич #necoyume #Глид #Glidingtheo #minecraft #twitch #stream #майншилд #mineshield’, was uploaded by Глид DOP on 2024-06-21 19:35:10. It has garnered 413 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. @GlidingtheoW https://www.twitch.tv/glidingtheow Read More

  • Crafty Ways to Cash in Your Minecraft Gift Card

    Crafty Ways to Cash in Your Minecraft Gift Card In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Redeeming your gift card is how you’ll arrive. To start the process, follow these steps with care, And soon you’ll be building, exploring everywhere. First, scratch off the code, it’s your key to the game, Then head to the website, where you’ll enter your claim. Input the digits, make sure they’re all right, And soon you’ll be playing, day and night. If you encounter issues, don’t fret or despair, There are tips and tricks to help you repair. Check your connection, your account, and more, Soon you’ll be back in the… Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Meme: Creeper Got Me Again 😭😭

    Hot Minecraft Meme: Creeper Got Me Again 😭😭 When you accidentally fall into a pit of lava in Minecraft and all you can do is cry emoji 😭😭 #minecraftstruggles #gamerproblems #memesfordays Read More

  • Back in the Scary German Underground

    Back in the Scary German Underground Exploring the Depths of Minecraft in German Learning German Through Minecraft Adventures Embark on a linguistic journey with Monday Morning as they delve into the world of Minecraft to teach German through comprehensible input. By merging language learning with gaming, Monday Morning creates an engaging and immersive experience for learners. Through observation and interaction, players can absorb new vocabulary and phrases while having fun. Join the Discord Community for Practice For additional practice and support, Monday Morning offers a Discord server where learners can interact with fellow German enthusiasts. Whether you’re a beginner or advanced learner, the community provides… Read More

  • Rat Infestation in Minecraft Bedrock Realm S3

    Rat Infestation in Minecraft Bedrock Realm S3 Welcome to the New Minecraft Bedrock Realm Series! Embark on an exciting journey in the latest 1.21 Minecraft Bedrock Realm series, where players dive into a realm filled with adventures and challenges. Join the fun as friends come together to explore this captivating world, creating unforgettable memories along the way. Introducing “Back to Rats” Realm The realm, intriguingly named “Back to Rats,” offers a unique setting for players to immerse themselves in. While the name may seem random, it adds a touch of mystery and excitement to the gameplay. Get ready to uncover the secrets hidden within this enigmatic… Read More

  • Minecraft Art Revealed! Trending #1k – Watch Now!

    Minecraft Art Revealed! Trending #1k - Watch Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Art #shorts #satisfying #mrbeast #minecraft #art #trending #1k please’, was uploaded by White Gamerz_7 on 2024-03-07 15:30:05. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Credit:Pete Shorts #shorthair, #shorthairdontcare, #pixiecut, #shorthairstyle, #shorthairideas, #shorthaircut, #pixiehaircut, … Read More

  • Mind Control Golem Strikes Mikey

    Mind Control Golem Strikes MikeyVideo Information This video, titled ‘JJ Control Golem MIND to KIDNAP Mikey in Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by Boopee on 2024-03-14 16:30:09. It has garnered 2519 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:36:21 or 2181 seconds. JJ Control Golem MIND to KIDNAP Mikey in Minecraft – Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his characters. We hope you enjoy our videos…. Read More

  • Join Now: Mr Gamerz Lytt’s Insane Discord Server2024! 🚀

    Join Now: Mr Gamerz Lytt's Insane Discord Server2024! 🚀Video Information This video, titled ‘best discord server2024 in Minecraft mcpe’, was uploaded by Mr Gamerz Lytt on 2024-06-15 18:13:36. It has garnered 14 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:26 or 146 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftserver #dicord #feathersmp #mrgamerzLytt #minecraftsmpserverstojoinbedrock #lapata SMP #lawless MP #ujala SMP Read More