Haunted Xmas on my Minecraft SMP!

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What N N Oh back merry Christmas everybody Merry Christmas I’ve got a frza air sound mother play is hold on uh where’s the where’s the a mute ready Yay oh wow this is as festive as it gets merry Christmas everybody listen to these jingle bell sound effects they’re amazing good this myself hey wait I’m going to add some cow bu to hold on ready okay I don’t if you hear this but can you guys hear that is it working

I think I got to use my mic properly it’s not even plugged on hold on this is the worst start ever hold on hey Merry Christmas [Applause] everybody playing this is this is the worst intro for like a Christmas [Laughter] ever it’s so bad why didn’t I pick a better sound

Okay get lost s that’s enough all right let’s let’s celebrate the real Christmas how’s you guys Christmas going all right let’s start with some of this let’s start with the evil track instead now I talking hi hi hi cler what a great start I’m not going to Scream oh yeah let’s go Merry Christmas it’s so loud hell Yeah I’m not even going to talk I’m just bagging my head right Now yeah what a start okay okay it’s a bit too much now all right let’s go to the synth wave and start chilling I said it’s chill okay I use Jingle Bells heavy metal and now synth wave all right this is brought to you by white bat audio KL

Casey I like your music thank you for allowing people to use this copyright free let’s play Minecraft put down a bit uh okay that’s enough okay what world am I going to by the way look what I found in my little uh crappy cupboard I found my skin again

Yeah I’m going to get partial superhero powers back now with my raw Shack mask my ink blotched out face by the way I ate half a pizza and I keep hiccuping chaos gaming Happy Land for medicated people kab which one well I think Chris is playing with us Chris are you there hello

Hello where’s CL she muted speak God damn it which one do we play I’m going to go back I’m going to go to chaos gaming we have to build a portal might as well chill and build a portal right uh oh wait this is creepy I’m oh no no please

Please I’m sleepy through the night I don’t want I don’t want trouble okay I just want a nice easy I want a calm day it’s Christmas dogs be quiet my mic’s all tangled hold on okay now my mic is untangled and I can actually move so where is everybody where’s CA

Why are you muted unmuted immediately apparently she say she’s a bit congested but no one cares I care I care why do you sound American why do you sound American you sound very quiet hold are are actually put all the girls down to 50% volume oh thanks okay okay now a bit

Louder again thank you hello is the mic close to your face yeah okay we have to build the portal so we’re going on adventure clearer by the way that [ __ ] he did didn’t give me a [ __ ] he took my buddy pickaxe you better come back give a

Pickaxe back I used got he took my diamond pickaxe who that idiot wizard guy from yesterday oh I don’t really care but he made me lose three levels goes kill me so you get level 30 okay I thought I was going to get the Buddy pickaxe no he just takes it for

Himself yeah cuz it at your bed forever you’ll never be back on his server I rather put like a a a McDonald’s straw in my [ __ ] penis hole like that’s how mad he made me what I can say whatever I want it’s my channel I’m I’m actually mad I’m I’m

It’s it’s Christmas I’ll let him have his stupid pickaxe all right yeah you know what’s really weird me that I’m in your house right now you’re in my house I’m in your house how I teleported here oh which house is is is the pyramid yeah yeah I’m in the pyramid

Right now I’m under the bed in the pyramid there’s a bed in the pyramid yeah um I just destroyed it but I’m um I’m coming out right now I’m in the chest I moved okay can you bring two beds for us okay sure we have to why that American accident Sun yeah

Sure sure sure sure why have you got why do you have like a what happened to your acccident what accent I sound normal okay I believe you we have to um put also a thing around here someone put the lights down but they’re really bad I think we’re protected

Now I some put stairs here we get rid of the stairs all I’m downloading Minecraft you do you doing what I’m downloading Minecraft wait you don’t have it no I do but I had no storage so it like uninstalled itself it uninstalled itself you notice he’s speaking like hogwash right now hogw

Hogwash hogwash hogwash oh my God n is so loud hogwash hogash okay nobody’s watching so I say whatever I want I going to say like penis whole 10 times no one cares maybe like 10 minutes it might get like an extra person that knows me but I expect nobody to come today it’s

Christmas you should really hang out with your family for me it’s it’s like Christmas Eve in like America for me it’s fine to like stream right now cuz my family’s with me that this is us hanging out we just said pizza and then Christa got $100 for her for Christmas I got absolutely

Nothing but that’s normal I’m a man nobody gets me anything and that’s fine every year it’s the same every year I don’t expect to get gifts I actually spent 30 bucks on your gift year you spent 30 bucks on dental floss he saying I got bad breath which is

Probably true but like no I got more stuff I just didn’t tell you what it is yet cuz I didn’t want to tell you yet how can you forget the one thing you have to do is get gifts no actually I I

Did I did get I did get um I did get Ark today I you B me Ark I really like that game I’m going to start streaming it it was on my bed but Mom didn’t pick it up that work I’m going to be playing

Hardcore Arc if I die I’m dead and I start over and I’ll keep doing over and over again oh clarified I was expecting to be like 3 hours to download then I remember that like Minecraft was like 20 meg was that [ __ ] it’s on my phone so Tak like a

Minute what what about your laptop I’m not playing on my laptop but why cuz my laptop will probably just like kill itself you thanks you just going you just thank you I’m so sorry no one’s going to watch a stre now I won’t get recommended cuz you said one bad word no I

Forgot it’s fine it’s nobody cares about my content I’m sorry it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine it’s like I’m not important I understand I understand there’s no importance to anything that I do then you guys can just like ruin it for me it’s it’s not like I’m trying to get a

Career going or something doesn’t really matter doesn’t really matter I’m I’m joking it was on purpose no one’s watching it’s fine it’s not like I said it the algorithm heard it though the AL was like what the [ __ ] oh great now I sworn the first 10 minutes algorithm I’m I’m talking about

My computer not people thank you your computer your computer is uning itself it’s fine yeah my computer dies oh [ __ ] that’s also bad I know can’t say that you can’t even say you can’t even say oh my God I said oh my God so much in my

Stream that I got flagged for just purposes I’m not even joking Oh my days I think I just like ruined your whole stream like why oh my gosh it’s been like a minute in ow why is my ears hurt okay just say I’m loud what is the yeah sometimes you’re quiet you’re super

Loud okay sorry I’ll just not talk no just don’t be just be just be normal why is there random blocks everywhere God I hate who would play This Server like seriously like just there’s just crap everywhere I don’t like people you guys ruin my world all right

I don’t care you built most of it he ruining my world cancel for what what we need what two bed we need two beds what are we going I’m sorry where are we going there’s oh so much [ __ ] wood there man these guys are rich what the

[ __ ] we’re going to get we have to get two Diamond Pickaxes we got to get all we got to create a portal hey you steal all my eggs I’m taking everything here no I was trying to make cake okay I’ll put your [ __ ] eggs back I don’t really care just leave just

Leave like eight no I don’t need them I just I just get I got one of the beds wait why is there only two buckets when my third one well to be honest I have I had a bucket with water and it’s gone someone stealing all the buckets I don’t know who it

Is I don’t know I where the same person who built like a huge base underneath the ground and we didn’t even see like their name tag or anything like what the hell that was pod that’s not pod he did it didn’t he no way that was not pod or Infinity

No is on the Ser I think he I think he’s been on the server at all oh shoot so I think cuz I know pod was talking about how he wanted a secret base and you were like no don’t do that well that’s why he’s being banned and because he touched little

Kids apparently I I know what he’s doing he’s talking he’s being a weirdo what oh my gosh it literally is in the base that says like the children are now safe he’s a bit of a weirdo say okay I have two beds now that’s disgus man the random [ __ ] people

Have is incredible I know right like as soon as things almost broke it let just Chuck it out but don’t just break it m gang okay I’m going up Here what else do I need I need a new sword I need a bucket to put over my head okay I’ve got 10 diamonds can I please build diamond pickaxe all right I’m building three Diamond Pickaxes we are out of diamonds officially oh Diamond outage there’s a

Reason we got three Diamond Pickaxes you know why we have two beds pick off we have to go get those really hard to get things that make no sense whatsoever but it’s fine what things we have to get the uh crying the the I remember what it’s called The Crying um

Obsidian we have to go to the to the thing the to the meteorite explosion oh we get lost again no I going to get there remember I actually know how to get back as well okay yeah I’m ready to go it’s going to be a great adventure I

Have to make some stuff no you don’t just just come I’m not waiting okay all right hold it please don’t die cuz I got important stuff here I’m keeping Diamond pickax for now uh is your yellow bed I’ve got a white one so yellow we making any comments let’s

Go oh wait is my sword’s almost broken I same let’s make wait is it I i’ got diamond sword okay it’s that’s halfway I think isn’t it I can’t really tell I’m color blind oh there’s a little bit left do we need just one diamond for a diamond sword

Two are you sure yeah but I don’t want to not have a diamond sword I have to go get more diamonds where I get the diamonds from need Stone I ain’t using Stone why not diamond pick Diamond I these two Shivers sh ah shiver me boobies I’m going to

Make I’m going to make one iron sword as a precaution as a precaution okay let’s have a sleep then we’re going to go right straight thing in the morning we’re leaving now remember I always dive at level 20 I mean level 30 at 29 need you

Die I never get the 30 so right now I’m on 27 so two levels I will die okay right now I’m at 13 I always die like I’m sleep I’m doomed are you watching the stream yeah I am maybe I should watch it too oh my dog’s sleeping oh we’ve

Gained uh 53 53 we’ve gained 27 subscribers in 3 days where are where are you where are you where are all these subscribers they come out of nowhere you booted me out I think I’ve been like viewb and everything why why aren’t you sleeping you booted me out I didn’t boot

You out it’s the bug the bug you’re still standing in front of me the bug booed you out happy December wi hello dead man hey dead man guess what I got today I got AR ascended for my birthday I mean for Christmas $100 [ __ ] I gave it away that

OB Santa Claus I said birthday by accident yeah she got 100 Buck oh I got a HCC up I got $100 and J got a laptop my son got a laptop from mea got 100 bucks I got herpes and I gave my girlfriend $50 um Sephora gift card but her birthday is

Again in like two days I have to like give her another gift I have to have the gift I pretend it’s two different gifts I thought you said you got herpes for Christmas that’s what de said herpes herpes herpes Christmas happy December Wayne are you

Back already can we sleep now so we can leave in the morning je we have to go I don’t think dead man seen the impact crat yet he hasn’t anyway how in the hell did we get 30 subscribers in the last like 2 days and they haven’t been on the stream

Either I only had like three Subs on the stream but then I go to sleep and wake up it’s like 10 extra God trailer then 10 then 10 extra Subs no it’s not not the trailer trailer is only like 10 out of the 30 Subs only like 10 are from the trailer

11 I got 1,000 views on that on the trailer directly that’s good and from those I got 10 subscribers then my brother promoted the video for like a week and that got like one subscriber all right we got to go this way we got to cross this

Water are you impressed I remember the way yes but you can’t even remember how to like go anywhere else I no I remember how to go out the mines too now I even know how to get out I L just memorized it I went okay left right left right

So I know that I got to get to here to see that stupid base but as idiots whatever they’re called now here is where uh um electric Nick called Olivia annoying and she cried you go this way and did you see up there that base up there you see that little thing there

It’s like a tower that’s where the pillagers live oh my mom called twice today told me you should put my present in the bank account I’ll send it back on Tuesday send it to me just press refund and that’s your gift back I have to my parents but I’ll wait

For like after the stream maybe we’re going to see them tomorrow yeah know I well sa Merry Christmas oh okay keep saying happy birthday I know it’s cuz n’s birthday on First and Olivia’s birthday is in like a few days and that’s really annoying it’s remember

When do you call you were like hold on you said smash the like button it’ll be the best birthday gift is that what I said yeah you didn’t say Christmas oh yeah [ __ ] I keep giving away that I’m Santa I keep forgetting it’s like your birthday I know it’s an

Accident all right we got we go to the halted Village here okay then we go straight ahead we walk right through it ignore everything please then pick flowers and another ADHD kick in just just go straight I don’t even have anyd I know but just don’t let it kick

In funny I don’t want press with my family I’ll take a $1,000 Christmas bonus from work the problem oh yeah I used to feel I used to feel really cringy when I used to get gifts I still do you didn’t get cringey when I gave

You 100 bucks I did I thought you gave the extra 5050 but is cissa very loud or just me okay sorry I’ll be no I’m just trying to figure out if this sounds fine you sound all right though hello it doesn’t sound like you’re talking from the toilet like rafy

Was when he he streamed like EV we all call oh yeah is calling from Mars there like a 7c delay and then you hear like what I don’t like wrong one ah I don’t have an axe aina’s going out to the park for Christmas why would you go to the park

Like a tree fall on your head all right there’s the bunker like the show ground yeah he’s the bunker okay right CH turn around turn around stop stop stop all right I’m giving you one diamond pickaxe don’t use or anything until I say so you can have that too I

Don’t want it and and that all right okay okay this is the important part now I’m relying purely on my dream all right you get the pickaxe we going to go over here where the fire is so this is where the actual portal crashed I don’t know

If dead man seen this I don’t think so I think he has no I don’t think so dead man have you seen where the portal crashed no not the portal keep seeing portal we’re making a portal from this the meteorite yes we’re making a portal here oh you’ve seen this twice okay cool

You’ve been here congratulations thanks for being a very loyal viewer and friend are you playing arid or what there some broken blocks now what the hell okay we’re here we need these blocks okay let take a just a break we need to get lots of them get

One yeah very easy let’s eat for some reason oh all right let’s get these crying neit uh sorry the crying obsidian this portal is going to be special no one’s allowed to go through it if you go through it inst death you get banned as soon as you go through this

Portal you will die the thing is if I go no no if I go through it it takes me to a different world but if anybody else tries to go through it you don’t have the spe special connection that I did my character got enveloped by that blue

Purplish ball thing whatever color it was nobody else got hit by by me but me no else tries to get to you just go through the nether you don’t want to go to Nether but if I go through people can join me does that make sense I have to be the other side

To be like the connection that make sense hello you’re a time machine no I’m not going back in time Dimension machine thing it’s no it’s just I have I have I got hit by that thing by the huge explosion the trailer that big electricity ball whatever it is that hit

Me I have the power to take people no one else so we’ll get this crying obsidian and I’ll tell you I’ll show you how to make this portal how many do you need just get all of them okay I’ve got 12 right now tell me I Got Dirt I got how many do

I have I have 11 I don’t want dirt yeah we need about let like maybe a whole stack we have to make a portal I think we might actually have to make the portal in here it might have to be in here like we in here like in the the

Center of the portal the the center of the crater yeah that’s where the portal goes I don’t know if it’s going to work for building next to the base I think people just people just going to go through it this T you know what I’m saying if I put it down here

It’s a bit of a hike the problem is we need also need obsidian and left that home by accident how many blocks away from my house is this 1,000 it’s not that far the first time it took us an hour to get here but now

It’s like I know where it is it takes like 2 seconds I know it’s cuz we went the other way it’s faster on foot than get in the boat I know we’ll just keep digging keep breaking crying obsidian why is it C what if I put I

Don’t know I don’t know why it’s called crying but I know I found a couple of portals after this right we’re going to bring this stuff back home then we’re going to look around for it there is a giant portal already built we might have to

Just complete it but I’m not sure yet it was gigantic I kid you not not I kid you you know what I’m saying you get what I mean understand yeah are you creeped out that you almost an adult yes wonder what time I get bored enough to have leave work tonight oh I

Wish I had a job but I don’t I don’t this is kind of my job I guess dead man do you know how to edit like actually like if I called you would you know how to show me how to press buttons cuz I need like a great editor I

Just see someone show me for like 10 minutes I have a very peculiar way of learning I need to have hands on well someone goes that’s right that’s wrong I tried to learn off YouTube and I couldn’t do it I just they they go so fast and like hey bros

Like just pleas some with button the [ __ ] press it’s so hard I can’t learn off it I can’t even learn off a guide I’m so bad at like like teaching like I just do it for people I can’t teach I just got to make shorts

Bro and I got to make that after effects thing at the end where it goes subscribe and it goes and G Po and just to like patreon that’s it that’s like 2 seconds subscribe r was funny but then he just then he gets mad I’m like I keep hearing like winging

Like I just wanted yeah you right if he just stayed if he just sat next to me for 3 days in a row for like 2 hours each day you would never have to do that again instead it’s just prolonged it for like 5 weeks like you’re prolonging the thing

Just just show me real quick but he also said that he had like trouble like he doesn’t know how I I can manage my time so well I don’t know I just did I had no life back then he doesn’t get it but anyway it’s Christmas I’ve say

Happy um happy birthday Merry Christmas to him one of the two Merry Christmas Merry Christmas everybody May the world be merry and I hope your birthdays are awesome even though they don’t fall on Christmas day let’s also commemorate the uh the life of uh George Michael who died on Christmas

Day who’s that very famous singer who died on Christmas Day I like I still like his music I don’t know who George Michael is got a girl wake me up before you go go that guy oh him he died on Christmas died on Christmas day yeah

Jeez you went to bed never woke up imagine thr Christmas day that’s terrible I know ra you’re never get your presents you think it’s weird that there is a day that you’re going to die one day but you just don’t know which way

Which day it is BR I’m going to have a p but you’ve already like you’ve already gone past that day many times before I know right that’s what Creed me out it’s like the 15th of of like September like i’ I’ve gone through that day over and ever

Again you know El scps me out is that I’m I’m half of in my life best case scenario that’s scary anyway guys after the existential crisis we all through just then Merry Christmas I hope you’re enjoying this chill St Christmas hi ho ho H ho ho everybody

H one day you will be uh non organic matter I don’t know I have 45 45 I have 39 you’re going faster than me I am get to work you’re going slower um I think it’s enough we don’t need that many for a portal do we no we need like well like

10 no I think it’s 12 but this is going to be like twice the size wake me up before you go go cuz I’m not standing to be a demonetized copyright do you know I’ve been copyrighted before on my voice I’m even joking really I got a copyright strike I

Got a copyright strike and it was like blah blah blah audio Brazil I was like what and then I heard it it’s be gone oh holy crap shoot the gun I can’t find my bullets that’s it was like that and then I found out those guys are doing fraudulent claims

Making money off it like and it was one of my biggest videos too it had like 450 views or some [ __ ] like imagine trying to claim like $1 off my video oh God what’s funny is when I get claims it’s always claimed on my my my

30 views never get claimed but they do claim the 150 300s I want to see them try and claim a really big oh man we should sleep let’s put the bed down I’m having a nap Clarissa about you but there’s a lot of crap out there and I don’t want to F those

Things should have to sleep on the roof I think it’s better can we get killed in our sleep I might get kicked out I forgot till I promot the video oh to my zero subscribers uh everyone yay I was going to like a story based thing but I realized I just didn’t have

To I had Fallout 4 video claimed after watching it watching by radio that was on uh you couldn’t hear for All 4 seconds leave the video man I had um I watched a video a movie in a cinema inside um I watched the cinema thing what you

Call I went to Cinema inside GTA I can’t speak man I go to the doctor like I can’t remember words it’s actually bothering me so I went to a cinema in GTA and they they took my video down a prop a strike like what and then only when I started streaming again just

Recently they let my my video back so I’ve got two identical videos one I chopped out the the audio the the video for it and I reuploaded it the other one was um they the stream they put it back up okay let’s go home wants to get me across this River

Riverishere I’m right across the fire straight ahead exact same where we came from we’re just I’m just walking to the town okay around here I think we should take the stuff back but there is a portal around here all once I swear to God there’s no mods

On This Server I did not do it I didn’t do this stuff it’s actually true like someone was going [ __ ] not real for real not real I’m like okay I understand the trailer was a reenactment this happened this is real one of these mountains has a huge portal on I’m not not

Joking um where’s the town oh crap yeah okay ouch are you going to play AR ascended once your computer gets back up dead man oh my god wow I I’ve got it now I’m going to install it I’m going to do a hardcore challenge where you die and you’re dead to start

Over hey Chris you seen this look how nice this is this feels like something blew up here right yeah oh wow that’s cute this is a very very oh look look look at the bottom here there’s like the this the bubbles oh shiv sucks you in

Careful that will that will kill you but why is there lava there I don’t get it magma magma oh you can see the pyramid from here all right we’re going to go home right then we’re going to go on a trek and I’m going to make sure we don’t get lost we’re bringing

Boats we got to go to look at this it’s like this is weird like the designs are weird we have to find the Portal that that was lost there’s a few portals I found one but I’ve lost where it is so we should go home make sure we get

Rid of our stuff so we don’t lose it and we try and find the Portal okay or we can just take what we’ve got and try and look for it I think we should just keep going oh who where am I I keep falling the holes just like real life yeah my life my life is a serious unfortunate event literally I know it’s funny though

Like I have this really weird thing it when like bad things happen to me or if I lose somebody I get someone better every time like just it’s just the constant betterness does that make sense yeah like the previous best friend or the previous friend or girlfriend just

Always improves it’s always a better person okay so who’s your best friend right now Olivia that’s your girlfriend there yeah she’s my best friend too though okay two in one she’s the person I talk to and laugh with the Most I fell I know I saw behind you how are we going to find that portal ow I’m going to eat I shouldn’t have streamed today I’m St to regret it you know why it’s Christmas Eve and Christmas Day everyone’s with family no one’s going to watch a

Stream no one gets our I I have three views three three views in the first hour three oh one right now yeah it’s supposed to be at least two cuz it’s me you and dead man at least I de man she’s at a party oh has the

Boyfriend oh my God he’s pretty good I’ll give Mission okay I just decided permission go to party no no no no I I I no I mean with you new boyfriend I I gave permission I said yes you have a new boyfriend thank you uh yeah it’s like I’ve decided to be a

Cuck for like um Christmas oh okay no I would I would literally off myself that was true oh okay don’t say that you can say that you I could say that I’ll say that okay can you give me your special stuff nuh give me your special things please I’m coming I’m

Coming my special things yeah you give me your special stuff here you go how’s my skin look they look cool what’s that no no I don’t want the four skin give me the proper stuff here e that gross fall skin that’s nasty that’s your that’s got pimos all over I

Have four skin St it how would I have four skin when we’re Jewish you’re an idiot I thought it was normal what what do you mean normal I thought like that’s how the guy talking why you talking about forkin I’m not you brought it up I

Forgot about that the end my FMA video message says please feel free not to subscribe or hit anything true right you got to use reverse psychology to Works guys if you’re watching the stream right now turn it off don’t watch get mad at me the comments say oh

My God I’m I’m not even like I don’t even support Christmas you disgusting human beings say that to me and all other stuff and whatever I don’t want to talk anymore I’m sad okay I thought christm would be fun but this pile of [ __ ] you talked what you

Talked I’ve got some food for you yeah I’m cake right now why did I say that really weird I got I said I got that the food for you I got the cake for You yeah eat cake someone ate all my cake already how’s it go again I a know a thing from like Olivia’s [ __ ] thing what’s it called let the me cake yeah I got that from Olivia’s uh Tik Tok I would never say that I know she didn’t say it was just the

Video no that’s part of the lyrics she’s like I don’t understand but why why are all these guys like adding me on that I’m like I on The Wire are you stupid partially what why would guys favorite a video with huge cleavage like seriously what reason would possibly

Be yeah but you what I’m saying anybody in the world with half a bra that no no weirdo I’m going to start doing my own uh t socks where it’s me with like the Pedro Pascal Jean bulge that’s what I’m doing you know what I’m talking about

That yeah so wa what do you know what I’m talking about then if you say if I’m going e you know exactly that meeme you know what I’m talking about Tik Tok yeah you know exactly what I’m talking about cuz I just mentioned it so you can’t you me if you know what

That is disgusting human being Tik Tok I’m not disgusting because I’m L your Offspring so if I’m disgusting then you’re disgusting oh my God please someone bring some dirt there’s a bunch of chickens stuck in here oh my God oh my God there’s more underneath oh [ __ ] oh please please somebody help

Where is it come help there’s some chickens in need there’s so many chickens in need right now I need seeds I need seeds I need seeds and dirt okay let me get the SE I can I can do this I can do this please I I can be a

Hero just let me be a hero please okay I got you seeds no no no no no no no I’m doing this okay okay this proves hurry up idiots all right come follow oh yeah yeah okay come come come come come no no no they all

Fing the whole back no no no it’s the opposite of I’m trying to do no all them in a hole please please they’re all in a hole now you idiots what are you doing get out of the hole now I’m in the hole

No how do I get how do I get out of here help I’m not even joking please I’m getting mad IDI get the [ __ ] out of there pull your seeds away okay okay let stop now I just panicked here I just panicked so much come here okay okay kind of they’re kind of

Jumping out there’s a lot of things stuck under there man sorry oh my God there’s so many of them oh my God oh my God there’s like a million under here oh Jesus I’m not even joking there’s like hundreds in here someone has entrapped a whole bunch of chickens holy crap oh my

God holy crap oh my God there’s like so many a this base is haunted guys I’m telling you there’s a cow guys get out quick how do we get them out of here this is the worst guys get out guys get out get out is it the whole hole Yeah

Okay come on get out get out get out let’s go let’s go can you get the cow okay I’m going to get all the oh God they’re all clicking towards me the Sheep like okay I’m stuck let’s go guys chicken man is copyright today on the stream we’ll droel for chickens seems

We’ve hit a strong deposit who trapped all these chickens I don’t know there’s so many down here right I didn’t do it oh no no did again sorry up get up get up okay they’re all following me now get the hell out get out okay all the chickens are out I need

Wheat do you got wheat no I get some wheat Oh no you’re at the door I’m going to click them over here then I swear to God I dug one one one hole and it was like 20 chickens all stuck in the laying

Eggs I I I got like a bunch of eggs out of what why is there a tree here leave the tree alone it’s that’s sa tree now I think I have place come on guys can I actually close this hole oh my God oh my God come on guys come

On okay I’m trying to fix I’m trying to fix it oh my God actually scared oh my god oh my god dad no no there’s a creeper there’s a creeper dad there’s a creeper where behind you what where wait where where’d he go

I is that creeper I just saw it oh no oh God oh my God they’re going to ah okay I saved them okay this is the chicken apocalypse right now oh my god oh did I kill him go away Creeper please creeper please no no no no please I got him

Yeah okay can I break this no do I’m going to I’m going to go around need food this is such a huge disaster you did it I didn’t I I dug a hole and there were chickens trapped underneath the ground like I’m actually the hero oh [ __ ] you

And your I hat this guy get [ __ ] son of a [ __ ] I’m going to find whoever trapped those chickens and I’m going to kill them IR in game okay that’s a threat I’m have to tell YouTube Hey another what the what is this what is this thing down here that was an iron

Farm what are these things though I don’t know to farm iron why is it not finished I don’t know I don’t know who I feel any person in this game that actually finishes any projects right it’s now just become like a it’s a bit of a ruin you know what I’m

Saying it’s it’s a ruin ruin your ass is ruined you had way too much Ramen why is this like this why is this broken here can you get some more a creep no no look there’s always broken stuff you need to get some uh stone blocks yeah stone blocks and oh no

There’s a creeper please please pleas this Stone oh my God stone block he you need one of the the Cobblestone fences ow oh no you’re digging yourself into a little hole now got to fix another bloody dirt hole you’re a dirt hole your ass is a dirt hole that’s you

My ass is actually squeaky clean not even joking when I wipe my butt it makes a squeaky sound you wet hair and it’s clean to go quique quick my butt does that I’m not even I’m not lying I swear to God my asses are clean okay believe me do why you so

Defensive I don’t know I’m Italian is pleas I’m Italian oh Italian always Italian’s always angry tell you the up you know what’s funny like women okay please don’t blow up you know what funny woman yeah that’s a compliment yeah yeah fun of you guys now women when you put women into a room

It always sounds like a bunch of turkeys talking it’s always like and then they laugh you just hear who laughs like that you laugh like that you ready that’s you see I got you I don’t know why I laugh like that leave me alone Olivia records

Are that’s her laugh and I’ve copied it but no I do that too I even snort I snort too all right go to bed there you go need Stone blue and there why have people done this why people like build little like they lazy like to go

Around and then they make holes for us to die in I Understand so stone blocks how do I make get so Porche is it my Porche [Applause] hey I have to do I have to cook the Cobblestone to make no there’s lots of it already in the two chests there not what two chests the chests that are like where we

Started digging the whole thing out there’s like hundreds of them you’re doing a task Tak two seconds and thank you for I don’t know where anything is I can get there I can get it in two seconds myself that’s fine you want to if you want a task done

Right you just don’t send the girl I’m here now in the 30 minutes You’ been gone I can just do the same task go do wait where is it where is it it’s here uh we need Cobblestone fency thing I have it where that you have it yeah you going to give

It to me I place them okay how’s your Christmas going so far Porsche imagine Porsche do even like cars like you didn’t even know that just name you made up he just made up the name Porsche but actually it’s he’s never actually heard of the car that’d be really weird imagine there was

Actually is Porche all right you going normal that what you just ignored me selective hearing what did you say imagine if his name was actually Porsche it could be there’s people call apple in the world so Apple I’m so glad you made me anything stupid yeah the

Least singer from uh uh what’s that gu from uh cplay whatever he had a wife with that GTH pouch or whatever his wife I’m pretty sure they called their kid Porsche I’m not Porsche they Apple they call the kid Apple oh I need that

[ __ ] all right now I no my God I’m am I so bad at this game why I play this game every single day I never improveed oh my God his name is Porsche I don’t believe him I don’t believe him Birth s it didn’t happen yeah pull up your school ID watch is like 42 what are you talking about what he’s 42 yeah Porsche is 42 I think he’s 48 n por Shack’s like a kid I think but not like completely like out of his mind kid like a kid that maybe went like private school or

Something like you I go private school yeah act like it no it’s cuz I’m educated but like I actually grew up poor as [ __ ] oh we’re closing this hole up it’s dangerous I’m out of dirt we’re just running repairs to the Garden right now okay there bomb’s

Everywhere I’m leaving if I don’t look at it it’s not a problem okay Porsche come with us we have a ritual to do it’s not really a ritual we have to open up a portal oh yeah so we’ve got junk okay I’m GNA put some food in for

Clarissa cuz she’s always like got no food I know oh no I don’t want that that oh I can make stone from that can you cook flesh I guess not what’s wrong with why are you oing flesh you you down playing the theh okay we got to make this portal

It’s really annoying we might have to go find that let’s all three go there’s a giant portal I have to like find and have to repair and then it looks like it goes to nether if you guys go through it you’ll go to Nether if I go through

It I go to different different server server in quotations it’s somewhere special nowh but I can’t do it until I pay for the server it’s going to be cool it’s going to be like the it’s going to be like the uh what’s that end world called the

Upside down it’s it’s very similar to the upside down I just got to figure out the server and the mods for it oh my God copyright it’s not no it’s not it’s like it’s kind of like we’re in hero Ville kind of area but it’s not there we’re

Like the other side of it where’re all the monsters are oh my God I can hear you in real life and then on do I talk loud do I talk loud guys hi guys my name is m I talk loud shut up you talk loud too

You’re so loud I can hear you you ass is loud what was that supposed to be oh I got the I’m the right uh obsidian I need like 12 obsidian 24 crying obsidian then Netherrack and I got like Netherrack on fire so I need the flint and steel as

Well need I have that crying obsidian obsidian obsidian obsidian black stus has racist is so I want to take that oh oh we do need we need Blackstone black stone is the steps that leads up to it okay this is all good I need is flint and steel Now where’s the flint and

Steel I have it um do you have extra bed right yeah uh you didn’t sound very confident you went yeah I have two beds what what what’ you say I have two bears yeah we need one for Porsche yeah I got three beds any more axes all right give me some

Axes my content I’m in mob farm did you just die yeah all right blocks of where’s the food where I’m go mob farm mobs I’m in mob farm we have to go where the food you got a farmer we have a farm why does everyone always ask for

Food I just you just said you going to put food don’t yell at me it’s right here you have a pork chop or two baked potatoes like real life oh thank you yeah I’m going to put your volume down you you have very high level of like uh

Treble in your voice it’s like and like it really like cuts through my my audable whatever it’s called you havlock my e balls oh okay it’s e balls called thank you all right should we make the portal here okay wish me luck I’m going to make it here

Okay I was going to go find the other portal but I think we should just like do it here okay okay please don’t be wrong why we don’t have enough obsidian obsidian I only have nine [ __ ] we going to get some more we need obsidian okay how do we get

Obsidian don’t we just dig down we need a bucket of water or some [ __ ] oh I know how to get that that’s go I know how to get that no no I don’t know how to get there who broke that there’s always some idiot that breaks things look there’s the steps

Broken there’s so many handicapped people in the Ser us [ __ ] hilarious okay let’s get through we don’t have we might get attacked please love of God we get attacked just run okay we’re getting attacked no not yes I am oh my gosh why is this guy so

Powerful why is there a skeleton already is he a boss oh my God I don’t like this place all right can we get through again this will bring us to the uh the graveyard of of obsidian obsidian portals right so we’re here this is the graveyard make make sure you

Eat you need to use your diamond pickaxe we need to break one down wait how many is it so it’s like one 2 1 2 3 okay I’m going get porsch to make the obsidian one you can make the obsidian portal first then it must be decorated that’s

One let’s try to take let’s take two portals Worth or one p portals worth all right that’s enough some from here don’t complete don’t break the whole portal we still want to keep some of the this uh record of the deceased portals that we have here

Oh okay that one works there’s one here we can break this one down a bit no idea we got lot lots of portals I have I can’t explain it some say it’s a bug some say it’s just like garbage okay we’ve got I oh [ __ ] 20 obsidian right now is that

Enough did you just get back through the portal yes why’ you do that I thought it would take us back from I no it doesn’t no it breaks it’s broken we need 24 how many do you need one 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

So is it 16 16 for a portal Porche how many is how many does it take for obsidian portal 16 right 1 2 3 4 5 5 6 7 same oh 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 Diamond 12 13 14 16 I guess can Porsche hear me he’s

Playing Porsche can you hear me you haven’t said a word found diamond I found diamond where what the hell you’re welcome there’s a diamond right there Diamond you take Diamond give me when I get back home okay why the why is there a diamond right here okay let’s

Go I don’t know why this is been created somebody’s been down here okay this is the way back where’s Porsche going oh thought probably the wrong way guys there’s a blob here I’m ignoring it I’m scared of them people’s like people have dug around here I can tell oh my

God keep going straight up until you see the copper coer copper okay here’s the copper block see copper when you see the cop you got M almost set the stairs up here and then you see the waterfall to your right you cross right yeah then you keep sprinting you keep going in this

Direction Direction you jump down here you behind me yeah you’re a bit too fast yeah cuz I know what I’m doing now then you go across here and you jump here there’s a staircase with the aole the a stands for [ __ ] cuz it’s a really long

Tunnel so you go down here then you then you go up to 19c climb for the stairs this is the butthole is that cool are you proud of me that I how to get back wait come back down why I lost you you’re right you just come ACR here

There a gigantic a for reason I’m sorry I’m blind I was looking in the different direction all right now I think we can make a portal you want the diamond yeah just I’m still full home I I have a lot of stuff stuff on me hey look at this I’m going to give

You I’m going to give you a bed you hold the bed I’ll get diamond thanks okay all right let me throw some stuff let’s let’s sleep this off where’s Porsche we have to sleep oh my stomach ah Yes you have to sleep please sleep now you’re going to help us build the portal I think we should find the actual portal and repair it but it’s going to be hard to get back okay someone take everyone take someone takes uh let me try to speaking please take a

Bed I got three beds okay you got three beds we need a stack of food all right and then we’re off we’re going to go find this portal it’s around here somewhere it’s a giant portal I swear to God I didn’t build it okay and it’s not a

Mod got some Netherrack we got the obsidian it should be enough to do it but I’m not really sure okay I need black stone NE I think we need two stacks of that I think that’s enough stuff okay I need a brave survive let’s goood is that is that where it is

Just I’m trust me it’s going to be a bit hard to find this that’s pretty uh who who’s bringing a boat bring two boats a boat need two boats make another boat okay look in my dream there’s a gigantic portal on the corner of uh a mountain next to a

Village that’s where my dream is so look out for a village that’s haunted there’s zombies there on top of the cliff there’s a gigantic portal we have to repair the portal we have to make sure the portal can go to the nether and then I’ll be able to go through it

Eventually I can’t go through it now I have to go through when I can I’ll know when the moment is if you guys go through it you’ll get stuck in another forever that’s hard to say I’m not joking the server’s cursed this is a haed server oh

Could it’s not it I think it’s could be down here can you find me yet where’s Porsche where are you guys wait we’re getting food you guys are very slow I’m an very impatient superhero he told us to get a stack of I have bed por I have you bed

All right he’s she’s got beds um just look at the stream just go straight ahead from the sorry you go left you go west looking at the big um plunger thing the the mob grinder you turn left and then you go back to where that um Pillager base whatever it

Is then we’re looking for the gigantic portal I swear to God it’s on top of a mountain somewhere it w be that you sounded so gra no that wasn’t me okay I’m going make a boat you’re mean I’m not mean I’m just like a beast all right I got a

Boat so you stand here put your boat out and you wiggle it all around and you do the hokey pokei okay I’m I’m going to like look around a bit and then I but I always end up going back you remember how to get to the thing right to the the Pillager base

Thing do you remember how to get to the um haunted haunted village deserted one he doesn’t know where he’s going I don’t know look he does I’m going to look for it oh gosh come back you guys are slightly slow guys should we come here in a different stream and blow this thing

Up no I have an idea I have an idea sh stay we’re going to infiltrate these [ __ ] right okay this is what we’re going to do no I forgot my please bring a flint and steel come back to me please the God okay I’m waiting at the Pillager

Place these guyss are posed too much of a problem for Us I’m just going I’m just I don’t know if they’re there or not oh yes I can hear him sh oh [ __ ] he saw me he saw me who’s going a flint and steel got a flint and steel oh yeah I have one all right just throw it out hold on

Um just just jump out yeah give me Ste oh no no I got it okay good job hey guys don’t don’t don’t attack him don’t attack him don’t attack him get back don’t attack them don’t attack them oh no On’s come out all right okay I got to kill this guy where is

He he’s he’s on the boat I got him all right stay there no one come stay there stay there stay stay stay there this is very important all right I’m going to uh no this is very important I’m just sick of these guys please work ow SC these guys Right stay there oh no I got to get around okay okay I found the entrance guys is it burning not really oh yeah it is it is okay please I don’t want to die please please please please please okay this is what you get for pillaging my base hope you

Die what destroying them be just a holes temporarily right we’re going to ride away who put lava there oh my God yeah they’re gone who put lava there no one did no someone put lava there I didn’t do it push oh look at that that’s what you get for

Messing with us did they all die W it’s actually C completely on fire Merry Christmas all right just leave it alone leave it alone wait for the fires to go out and see if we can get some [ __ ] out of out of that place they all perish are they all gone he’s on

Fire okay where’s the chest oh it’s up there okay all right this is like really really good was very fun to do this um where’s the chest it’s just above me okay looks like there’s just ruins now I’m putting the fires out with wood

I s a fire men use when they put fires out they walk around with blocks of wood just like stomp on it all right what’s in the chest the chest is empty guys wow the chest is empty we’ve destroyed them finally I’m taking your banner all right the Banner’s cominging get the banner

Yeah we have destroyed you after years of Oppression it’s over let’s bring down the rest of the banners I haven’t done the portal thing this is like this is just a little side gig right now okay is it all this [ __ ] hello hello guys that was

Awesome we just destroy the crap out of them bye okay onto the portal okay there’s a large mountain and there’s a right below the mountain is a um an abandoned haunted village not this one though very similar though okay um I don’t want that where a

Go did I get it where’s my boat G my boat vanish what my boat vanish my B vanished I’m little joking it’s vanished oh no mine advantage two I I I got two okay we have to rest here all right find a find a room to sit

In for a bit let’s nap we all stay together okay but put the beds down then okay let me destroy this oh this looks pretty safe up here okay cool come up here white bed I don’t care any B for’s happy oh I fell for the hole right back up

Oh all right it’s good enough let’s let’s like sleep thanks I didn’t say I didn’t say put a bed in my face Porsche where are you Porsche you Porsche leave no he right here okay I’m sleeping this has been fun so far it’s been a very quiet stream it’s expected

But it’s fun so we’re actually getting H we get to hang out Christmas yeah it’s nice I’m sad Christmas is almost over it just started pardon me it’s all right Chris take all the beds take all the beds CHR okay give me a second hey oh my word I’ve fallen and broken me

Ankle this coke they gave us tastes really weird cuz it shouldn’t have say the coke yeah they just tast old all right okay let’s head this way I don’t know if this is the this is the right place but we could find it could accidentally find the right

Thing trust me it’s a very high hike it’s a huge mountain oh my gosh if this is not it then it’s fine me out but we got to maybe we should like dig a some dirt and make a like a pole or something to climb

Up like a lookout so we can find where it might be wait what’s wrong with my game why can’t I I don’t think it’s it this is it but this High Ground no oh my god wow that’s so burnt down now suck [ __ ] stuck please we’re stuck

Please dad all right let me save an exit let me do a copy of the world and then you guys can come back in have your work okay hold on I need to go p hold on all right Community uh one I’ll put that just in case okay the world’s been

Exported we’ll go back in I don’t know what happened if you guys bugged out for whatever I didn’t I didn’t leave I was fine I was just playing itating the C world right for those that that believe me this world is cursed if you’re watching this like watching this stuff back

This is an unmodded Bedrock server it is haunted it is agonizingly terrifying whoa whoa look at all that oh my word god look guys look at all the coal we’re rich oh that’s so pretty how do you get these trees what are these trees called these trees are very nice I want them

Can you cut down get the get the uh things for it what are you what tree are you let me finish your life and then tell me what it is okay I don’t know what it is it says Cherry lo oh my word can I just kill one of the trees to

Get all the things from it please love of God I want the seeds I want to be able to build it what are you that’s so pretty oh my God I don’t want that can I have those what are you pink petals a what the hell oh man

This is so pretty look at this crap bro I’m taking all these this make my garden look so nice oh yes oh my word oops okay bner then need sticks you guys got to come to me the trees are so pretty are you want the

Blossom oh my God yeah I want to go Blossom wait is that Blossom biome Cherry sapling yes oh my God oh my God please I want I want to put some more these trees the other half of the the trees going to be

These where are you how do I go to you I don’t know I just think I just walked up the hill a little bit okay oh I see I see I see Blossom so pretty all right I think this trees have we got it I wish you made the base in a

Cherry biome that’ be so cute I’m going to get these and plant them in my base and look at all these little little cute little flowery things the rose petals the blossoms it’s so fun to pick it up yeah just get them Happ happen to don’t pick flowers

It’s a girly thing no there a new we can put this all over all over our base like outside and stuff it’s so pretty oh I want to see if there’s a pond we can make a little lake near our base but we can also like surround our base with

These cherry trees and all the petals make a um Trail now you can get the the banner what Banner I just th the ground you get some logs if you want I don’t really care if you use them all I Use I’m hungry go you just s half a pizza in game oh not you fat shaming me that that’s a stupid word why would I fat shame you it’s not my fault you eat a lot of food I don’t you do it’s not my fault no I don’t

Then why are you still fat cuz I was really fat and now I’m just fat so C it never leaves your body yeah it’s just like flu fluid and fat really someone’s already been here what I can see a village over there wait for me where’s Porsche I don’t know so far I have seven saplings oh no no no bye no way no and you have all the important things how would you die I didn’t know that was a mine and I fell well can you please run back and get your stuff I’m full and I’m not

Going to lose all the diamonds and stuff I gave you I know I’m com back good girl don’t like die what what are you before no not you I just don’t like the Slime thingies uh can you pick up these logs where’s Porche can Porsche pick up the

Logs we’re going to make a prettier looking Garden should the cherry trees be like right around around the entire base I’m May at the front right another one oh my God my stuff’s going to despawn I’m scared no it doesn’t I’ve seen stuff sit there for hours oh really okay yeah I found

People’s do spawn stuff in a hole like a week later of playing it’s going to get dark you have beds you better hurry oh no it’s where I died did you find it how’ you fall where’d you fall um I was trying to go to where you

Are and then there’s like a mine like right in the hill I was like minus 900 yeah it was something like that and I fell I didn’t see it I’m blind that’s why I just jump around Jump Around Jump Around yeah that’s where died but I’m not

Sure yeah there’s a lot of like pretty steep areas here wao whoa whoa but I also found um a lot yeah over here there’s a lot of coal there you see my stuff did I die there no I can’t see it’s too far down oh I’m

Asking Porche to come get some of this stuff he has to show up where is Porsche he’s driving his car that is really funny I didn’t think I die look at all that look at all this stuff look at all those chickens I like chickens they taste good in my mouth yum yum oh why I see a cat ADHD is kicking in for the girl I don’t have ADHD

I was trying to be mean but I didn’t I couldn’t do it what I was trying to put a chicken inside a hole permanently okay I’m looking for this stupid portal I can’t find it whoo What We will never find the Portal out here also you know how we went to get

You went on a boat to go the um here can you pick up these uh blocks if they’re any good and as many saplings as you can Porsche please I I got seven 17 sorry my stuff find did you find a spot yet Clarissa yeah why are you guys using

Wood I can’t run cuz I have low health and I mean low food thing I’m going to cut this I don’t know where I died hey M hey man hello man e you weird H man how you doing man I’m doing good yeah man I’m the mighty oblong

Man why hairy I’m going to die food uh okay there’s rest of the blocks for some reason I only got five rest the spawn or some [ __ ] guys we have to sleep no sorry not you it’s getting dark okay I’m digging a hole wait what the there’s like a staircase here

Already okay I’m making a hole Chris do you have your things no I’m looking for I don’t know where I died por you better hide oh no no please I’m on three hearts and I’m going to die and I can’t run and I’m one heart now please leave me

Alone let me live you guys are screwed please I’m going going to see Porsche Porsche food please I’m going to die I’m Safe no I lost two subscribers why I try so hard CU you smell bad and I’ve come so far and in the end doesn’t even matter we’re four now it’s 478 I was at 480 why oh you booted me out I have to do things sometimes I’m very

Disappointed I hope we have a [ __ ] Christmas why would you unsubscribe on Christmas Day subscribe the day after you sons of [ __ ] it was me you smell really bad no I don’t it wasn’t what I was hoping for I didn’t smell bad I just didn’t smell at all actually I smell pretty

Bad I’m in a little hole I’m trying to join back and get my Stuff I’m in a nice little hole how about you guys I’m in a perfect little comfy little spot I’m not in the server you booted me out I’m sorry but I was checking my stream it’s more important to me oh great another person subscribed keep on subscribing that’s

Joking no I’m actually I’m actually not upset just a little bit upset not on a Christmas day oh my God if anybody unsubscribes on Christmas day you deserve call up your you think SC CH isn’t Santa supposed to give you coal if you’re look bad

Yeah but then why is coal pretty good in like Minecraft No right if you’re just joining us we’re trying to find a portal it’s somewhere around here I don’t remember it’s not easy okay kill me please thank you it’s not easy Easy Being Green kill me please kill me please stop saying that sorry okay now we’re

Good is it daytime yet I’m mean I’m in here by myself still okay oh my God if you still stuff it’s all over isn’t it let’s go back to our base and just like build the portal there I really wanted to find where this thing is it’s

Important to go on adventures but I please God come down here can we get close to stuff and put to a container container container yeah a chest sorry guys I’m terrible at my craft that’s fine I’m L inside a box right now put them on phone I’d be way better

If I was on like I was really B I had a computer why don’t you bu me a computer Dad Dad bu me a computer oh my God por died I just made 44 stairs by accident Porsche games was SL by I made 44 stairs by

Accident why would you make 44 stairs I made 44 stairs by accident we going do the stairs now and I I put the stair in the wrong way around that’s not where Wrong Way Around please please right way around please feel God no all right can I please have the stay

The right way around thank you my God how long does it take to get morning I long get morning wood what huh what are you talking about how long do it take until it’s morning I don’t know looks pretty safe around here though no I’m at the base oh zombies are Coming do I close it oh Jesus Christ no no please for God please okay one at a Time okay I’m taking that I like how Porsche is sleeping in a bed but none of us have beds does Clarissa blew up her bed Clarissa you’ve doomed us all I’m sorry we are doomed on Christmas day all you do is not not fall like not jump on

The wrong thing I’m sorry I try to it was the easiest task of all time I try to find you I don’t know I’m I have to blame you sorry your fault you’ve you’ve created a bit of a [ __ ] storm that has caused a lot of heartache

And we have to like punish you now what you going to do B me we’re going to smack you on the on the on the Shins on The Shins yeah on The Shins you’re a shin your face looks like a shin not a shin you your elbows look like

Knees I don’t know why it all C like actually kind of funny actually rude nothing like the dirt door there’s so much of wood line around here we have stacks of wood we somehow managed to all waste it uh almost wow look at all this stuff wa is it where you die

CA that’s probably where Porsche died oh [ __ ] I pushed I too yeah twice [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] okay I’m good I’m good Jesus Christ that was so close you guys are so dumb no offense I love you guys these are great people Whoa man the dumbness levels are high you’re dumb no I’m not I’m actually a genius oh [ __ ] oh my God there’s like a no

Ceiling okay yeah there is is this there oh crap oh crap okay now now it’s good nice look at that oh crap please then BL up please then BL up that was so close are you guys still alive have you guys lost everything I’m carrying a lot of important equipment here crying obsidian

You know how hardest stuff is to get back obsidian I’m screwed if I die I am screwed my butthole is going to get replaced by a face like I swear to God doesn’t even make sense you know what I’m saying do you get what I mean you’re weird yeah you’re weird you’re

Weird they call me weird you are weird you don’t know how to like use your brain properly what’s wrong with being weird nothing why you so offended cuz I’m not weird I’m a very normal human being what the the sound is very late is it morning it no no no no

This beautiful little Hut here that’ll set of stairs of course it’s rain yes what’s your point Clarissa it’s raining in the game is raining men it’s raining Hallelujah okay do you think my that was a really bad idea I want to go look for my stuff I think your stuff’s still

Around I have a feeling this stuff is still safe but you know you have like a diamond pickaxe right yes yes you have a diamond pickaxe on you that you lost yes you don’t upset that makes me yes I swear I only die when I have a diamond and [Applause]

Stuff it’s like the game jinxes me I told you I always die like level when I’m at like 14 15 experience and I hit 14 I died I’m at 29 I’m scared the guy outside oh my gosh I’m at three hearts let me eat I

Know look at that it’s like a a cute little place there Hallelujah I’ve only got four of those blocks left not going to actually change it actually I might just put cobblestone in here I’ve been here for 10 minutes I’m decorating I see sunlight I see sunlight am I safe yeah it’s

Spawning yeah it’s spawning it’s rain okay you me can you get out of there I’m trying to do something stop that let me go push died what a a dumo you just walked around open the door right there’s literally a door and he’s trying to break through like

Blocks I don’t get the logic of these professional Minecraft players hey everyone has their off days that’s very true you guys seem to have the off days every day but it’s but I understand what you mean I I truly understand it you truly understand it you sound like you

Really truly understand it D oh that’s bad just see I’m screwed up oh no now I can’t replace that with cool looking Stones you’re a cool looking Stone what the [ __ ] does that mean what the do that mean that’s what I just said what the that mean no no

How do I fix this okay do that do that do that break that and that I’ll get all those then I put oh I’ve only got four of these this is not working out as intended 1 two three four no all right maybe I can break this

Now I’ll take that and I’ll put in here okay that looks really bad but not clear is it looks nice though look like a new cute cool little place all right let’s break this Dad yes I’m still shocked Kiki came back after a week yes that’s amazing what a good

Boy what absolute [ __ ] of a cat no no offense I know but he came back how do he find his way home that’s incredible I know right mom said he came to the front door and he’ll scratch at the front door he’s like hello he’s like let me in where’s my

Presents I got 25 of these now yes don’t move I’m close to you oh my god is that iron I’ve got iron wow this is the best base I’ve ever made it’s just out of nowhere it’s just perfect it’s cuz you’re lucky do I look lucky to lucky I have mil subscribers by

Now if I was lucky Mr Beast would have like G oh look at this guy oh he’s got financial problems I’m give you $50,000 no that’s luck I did not get lucky I’ll work for everything I get for got if you got 50k would you give me 100 are you

Joking $100 okay 100 bucks yeah we good I gave you $100 today I have no money you kidding me I tried give it back and then you just ignored me I’m not going to take your my gift back that’s so stupid but I feel bad well then you give me a better gift

And I’ll say thank you but until until $100 until you make me a better gift that’s my problem what’s a better gift than $100 $110 but then I’m gonna have to just give you my present back what but then I can just give you my present back and then you can get $100

Yeah well that’s your that’s your prerogative my priority prerogative prerogative how do I make fire now I see you you have coal I see can I burn doors hi Porsche can I burn Doors Down por yeah somebody a door my stuff okay I can use chair too oh

Hey I’m try to make cool little base can you not break my base use a freaking door rage it’s not rage rage I’m trying to fix my base up and you guys just destroying it with no like intention of like understanding how am I feelings work in the

World okay I’m a very Fey person all right I feel things I think everyone does but no none of you feel anything he are dumb oh going see oh here coms people that listen to My Stream and I think I’m actually like this all all time like I’m actually just like oh yeah

You idiot you are oh yeah yeah it’s true I am how do I make this look nice Dad where was that hole you found Mill’s hole what Mel’s hole what Mel’s hole is a real thing Google it I don’t know but it was the big mine

You found and you like is this where you fell yeah it’s just across from the rose rose garden thing I have no idea why I’m doing this little base right now was cute and now got nine my throat hurts for no reason all right

Um God damn it I found where I died you stuff there no you’re actually oh my God you are so like mentally slow no you don’t understand I placed the block it disappeared whatever whatever whatever it is oh my life is whatever it is if

You are you and I am me forever it is whatever it is thank you I’m going to un alive this AA alpaca please stop saying those things un alive is now also about to say is it yeah I’m I’m going to un breathe that’s also bad to say cuz things have to

Breathe oh my gosh I’ll un um please don’t break my stuff I’m trying to do something cool here okay get those I’m going to un Alpa this Alpa yeah you got to remove the Paca from existence okay no that’s also bad what’s not but like things have to exist no I

Don’t things have otherwise it’s like de you just said it again no I said deed God I don’t even know how to home doing anymore I just want to like die Dad it was funny though oh no do that Porsche is Raging is he What Porsche is Rage quitting why are you rage

Quitting bye that’s sad back that made me sad guys I’m building a base here for absolute no reason whatsoever okay what imagine how I feel I died like five times I haven’t died at all cuz I’m a stupid like you guys hey stop it’s rainu it’s raining vomit hallelujah it’s raining Vomit you ruined the moment you ruined the moment moment you born it’s not my fault I didn’t ask here yeah you did you remember when did maybe before you’re born it’s like a little gold gold there’s a little like claws with God or something and you

Went okay I’ll do it so maybe you did did agree to you just don’t know you’re not even Christian you you ever thought of that I’m a Christian what you talking about you are yes oh what do have mer Christmas for why would I say happy birthday four times in a

Row I don’t know see birthday huh have birthday whose birthday lives maybe she’s like the female Jesus I think so you think you think like the girl equivalent of God will be like well it has to because it’s they eventually going to do the old girl cast all the

Female angels are going to complain that it’s like a m dominated religion oh the the Ghostbusters movie yeah that was so bad that ghost busted me so bad that I’ve actually found it great and then made like that Chris Chris Hemsworth guy like absolutely [ __ ] in it I know it so

Dirty yeah it’s pretty bad cuz they just they make men be stupid dad is night I’m Scared I don’t even have a bed I’m still waiting for this bed your son is awake oh no I better go feed him and burp him yeah go burp him go burp you little oh I need four Stones I believe this looks actually a little nice

Base I think I should make this into more Stone too hey Dad guess what you bump fell off you’re a son yeah what about him you’re a son of a you’re a son of a [ __ ] you’re a son of a man I thought you trying to say something

Cool but looks like he didn’t oh oh my God roasted I’ve only got four I’ve got four hole uhoh I’m about to die wrong one this server is haunted and I’m scared I’m not even joking anymore oh going to die I’m going to die that’s time oh where are I need

Food H let me come find you where done I just found where I died oh no this is very bad absolutely no design skills no please let me live I’m going to build oh no I’m making so many errors you’re an aror that’s so mean to say have eight

Blocks do I break this off this must look so ugly from above guess I can okay that’s okay that’s okay looks good but I got to close this off so Is that off yay can you tell me when it’s morning outside do I look like I know everything you have a door and you can check outside no I can’t get through that door it’s a it’s a actual danger is it just for the design what this place the door

The door is to protect me oh okay can you bring some wood no I have two hearts and three food Health thing and I wait till morning you’re you’re frightening me sometimes you’re what you frighten me sometimes okay that’s perfect break that off and now I got to put so got to finish

This oh this whole water though as well Jesus Christ I’m I’m and the ceiling do I just not finish it I’ve officially run out of like stuff I don’t even know why I’m doing this I should stop it just gets really addictive it looks kind of nice you see what it looks

Like my nice little base yeah watch your stre that’ss cute right actual base yeah cuz I got to prepare I got to like write the coordinates down and protect my gear you can hide all your stuff in here now I will so I go outside and do things this is all my important

Stuff I’m very afraid of losing it so I’m going to I’m just going to go home I think and just I’m going to try and build this okay we that’s not good enough enough there uhing I don’t know I’m really talking to myself now and I’m getting like

Scared oh no no no no no no you’re actually joking no one last oh God there’s like a few blocks missing uh it’s not quite there is it we didn’t have enough wood is it night time again oh Jesus freaking Christ this little mini base is like

Protecting me but I want to I just want to put some more blocks around there right do the roof close that off do this side pardon me and I have a bunker that’s my goal and then I’m going to go back home sleep Christmas food see you next stream see you

Man what do people eat as Christmas food they eat turkey really I look like Thanksgiving Olivia is on her way home yay if you play that she slept like 1 hour okay the time I got a plan I’m going to make some food and get a sword and then I’m going to go

Get my stuff I planted like melons and beetro but someone stole it oh my God the ass this look so bad why is he done this I don’t understand I think get why he’s on this he’s just like random blocks Ling around okay I’m going back to get my

Stu Olivia’s home come play Olivia if you hear me sleep you alive yes are you kidding me I’m so drowsy are you kidding me I’m not to sleep you Cherry planks Cherry planks Cherry planks you’re a cherry plank your face is a cherry plank well thank you they actually very

Pretty okay one of my things broke I lost my helmet I’m in very very deep poooo [ __ ] here oh no no girl I don’t hear that sarcasm not sarcasm that wasn’t saraz he’s just taking it too hardly okay I got to so do that is Liv going to watch I don’t know

If she plays I don’t know oh no oh no it’s morning oh no Filipino voice in coming it’s morning good morning oh hello sir sir is Amy from door Dad why all the door Das people FIP cuz I have S cuz it’s shape hey it’s racist actually not racist but no it’s not it’s not why is it racist it’s not well he said it was racist like how is it racist it’s not it’s just

F it’s just that Asian people do think cheap than like white people I think it should be illegal actually I think you should won’t be able run your business from your own country I know I’m out of dirt we get some dirt trying to okay good job actually I’m going to

Get rid of the dir here that’s fine God everything’s breaking how do I head back Clarissa I don’t know you guys have ruined me oh [ __ ] okay yeah this is a problem this is a problem I bumped my head you bumped your head I bumped my head this is a really big

Problem that means I got to like I got to like put the stuff oh God I can’t figure it out where the stones go how I do so is that what we got to do we got to put Stone there do I need these I don’t need

This okay I can figure I can figure this out I’m a super hereo I can figure this out all right cool wait there do I need these I don’t need these Jesus Christ I didn’t need this at all I don’t need to where Isa yeah I don’t need to need to what

Anything I don’t need to do a thing I’m so good joking I’m just being idiot uh I’m trying to work out my base and I only got limited amount of blocks I don’t even know why I’m doing this cuz it’s not even a permanent base but I like having like random [ __ ]

Around the world that I’ve built wait give me a second I join back hold on gagu this a very chill stream merry Christmas everybody hope you’re having a good Christmas I hope you have a good die that’s wrong I’ll take the half of the the blocks put it here to make it the

Faster all right um let’s look at the staircase this really needed this is not really needed is it it’s not needed so I can change that and put that there that is perfectly fine I can get rid of these blocks and I’ll cook these two I’ll go over here and I’ll put half

In there the other half in here take that take that doink here get that get 12 now we’re talking now I can end this a little bit Here I’ve saved the block there I make that I can make that and that oh yes oh yes look at that one side’s done I going to make this and that then this that Happ to the music oh go back to the star please music thank you thank you for being high

Professional this is a number one streamer in the world I’m actually a huge Noob uh I got to do that oh I broke the door just give me oh [ __ ] right wrong one that okay 12 more hey bro play X how you doing Merry Christmas please love of God work no just pretty

Good wait get rid of that can I get rid of that yes that that oh look at this base don’t ask why it looks so Weird all it’s going to be so pretty just give me a second this is going be the prettiest base I’ve made random guy why does it look so weird I don’t know that’s how it was made I don’t know why things happen I was just running away from Monsters I’m actually

Lost this is not my base I don’t know where I am I don’t know how to get back I’m afraid yes already Christmas here too I’m in Australia guys don’t forget to subscribe and uh smash the like button yeah help us out I want to feel like special that’s my only Christmas present

This year likes and subscribes that’s how pathetic I’ve become my whole life is just about being subscribe to yeah I’m in Australia man oh [ __ ] hey is there any more a look at that now we just do around um is it just me looks like I’m

Digging my grave it looks like a looks like someone died here uh yeah this is actually becoming a kind of a grave site it’s mine I’m lost I’m running out of food I’m screwed it looks like gravide right uh a it’s thr under the tree too look so

Nice that’s the prettiest temporary base of seen in my life I’m back hi hello I just realized it’s like a grave site I I didn’t mean to but it does it is a grave it’s my grave oh yeah Chris died here it’s true you you actually died here yeah CH Chris

Died here we lost the B did you find your gear no how far down did you fall well the thing is I I can get there but then I get no like food Health thing so then I always die look I have to actually build a portal I’ve got crying obsidian nether

Rock and obsidian Pard of me okay is that meant to be a torture chamber entrance it could be what okay I got 10 more blocks to to repair here um let’s fix this up look I was supposed to just find a portal I couldn’t find the Portal and I somehow

Made this back of me plus everyone’s got ADHD I am a superhero but I forget things Easily okay no oh my God I don’t have any more blocks uh okay we got a lot of I want those Cherry saplings that’s for sure okay get the back uh I need more blocky things I don’t have that many I can make 10 more oh eight more blocks

[ __ ] okay I get the predator in a distance what I just do hey am I full I am full Jesus where’ I get two seeds from just the grass oh God why am I so bad at Minecraft please help Olivia Hello Olivia Dad hello hello Olivia oh my Lord Olivia

Okay it’s almost done I’m thinking of just making we need more Cobblestone Chris get cobblestone for somewhere else that’s such a pretty grave hi oh where’s my stuff all right chicken follow me this place is safe yes you can join right chicken all you got to do is hop in here quick quick

Quick quick I think my stuff despawn out jump in here here you go here you go quick quick quick you’re safe jump in the furnace you’re fine what you went jum in the furnace he’s too smart uh Cobblestone okay how am I going to do the

Ceiling I think I’m going to break that the ceiling is too low can we put the corn to this base like it’s very nice I think it’s a nice little thing you’ll find your way I’ll find my way you joking yeah it’s just where the thing is I of the

Way what I know oh sorry I the what I never understand what you’re saying half the time I it’s not your fault it’s me I can’t understand it no it’s cuz I’m congested you’re always congested I know oh no are you stop can you please get cobblestone

Please for love of God give me some Cobblestone I’m trying to find my stuff first your stuff is gone it it perished with you a long time ago Chris you had to give up you’re fighting a losing battle you’re going to perish that’s in real life though oh and then everyone’s going to

Go come to my funeral and go oh I wish we spent more time with him yeah I know you did did Liars you when I was alive no one said anything um Dad you’re live right now yeah none of you was saying anything to

Me I know I wish I spent more time with you no way you don’t actually what I I get burnt out very easily when you guys around me I’m like a I missed you guys 5 seconds later guys door already I know it’s hard for what I’m do here what

That’s how I feel when I’m near you I get burnt out you guys are ask a lot of questions you burn me out oh my God it’s supposed to be Christmas can’t you be nice bro you said it first I know but I’m your dad I’m allowed

To you’re supposed to you’re supposed to go no I love you Dad that’s I don’t want to I thought dad supposed to be nice no that’s are [ __ ] what do you think with your dad’s in the first place that doesn’t make sense I get wood oh it’s night do you have like beds

No there’s a lot of sheep you can kill some Sheep No you kill a sheep okay I’ll kill some sheep to why would I kill a sheep that look mean to you yes help I’m getting hit help I already come right I’m trying to get some Cobblestone

Okay let me just kill this creeper over here go away just please don’t take him to the house please for love of God for love of God please please pleas okay calm down don’t tell me to calm down okay sorry jeez if you calm down I become explosive oh my god there there’s

Three creepers right in front of me oh my God just don’t come towards the house it’s okay they’re dead please love of God don’t come towards the house please okay um they’re coming inside the house Dad they’re coming inside the house I’m I’m all right I’m good they

How to the house look look they’re coming ow my side hurts I think I’ve got like a Easter egging meal or something a what are you the Easter egg buddy yeah I had an Easter egg today was you didn’t have a heaster egg oh my gosh you land zombies in our

House I’m sorry hry I have one heart how cuz they were hitting me and I didn’t see are you stressing out what are you stressing yes we have a gigantic Mansion of a house we have a pyramid why are we even here why are you making a tiny

Little why are you making a tiny stupid little base that’s useless it’s actually kind of cute though right it’s like a little bunker yeah yeah maybe I should leave a layer of dirt and put flowers around wish you put wish you could put the flowers down on the ground that’ be

So cool like wish I could do this like put this on and just go but I can’t made a base in the SP the SP is really cute I like Sky bases huh Sky bases sky sky I said I wish you made have biome in this I mean a base in this biome

Why cuz it’s all cute and Pink okay I almost good enough for one bed well that’s good enough yeah you sure okay now I’ve got 16 of these I’m not used to the bunk beds anymore dad I Feel So Close phobic in here what the bunk beds in the bedroom what about them I feel so claustrophobic

CU I’m not used to this more bed anymore oh I’m so sorry that you have to you get to live with your rich mother I’m really sorry it’s okay thank you you’re very considerate okay I’m taking those flowers back now for the trees actually I wonder that I’ll do

That and that are you like swinging [ __ ] around my face no what did I just see what I up here was that a ghost I need Cobblestone I swear to God that was a ghost something was swinging behind me I saw it okay move sorry I’m being I’m being really

Mean I than mean to I’m just kidding can I have some more Cobblestone yeah let me just guess some I just really want to finish oh God no no no please please oh sorry sorry that’s get out no one likes you okay I’ll I’ll leave then sorry that’s true though no one does

Like me no one does like me you know what Mom says to me what like Bye Mom love you just forced to love me cuz I’m your mom what what what does she say she says you don’t love me you’re just forced to like me cuz I’m your mom she’s crazy that’s

True that’s true she’s a crazy person I’m sorry no but wouldn’t that be true like do you think I’d like you if you went my dad I um that’d be weird to be honest no but yeah I really like you random [ __ ] person on my dad

Why would you like me in the first place I don’t know my you don’t even like me cuz I’m your dad yes I do uh we need wood I’m not going can I burn flowers flow did you just do something huh what what you doing I was

Just looking what you put in there I’m burning pink planks pink planks are so cute give me some more wood just don’t oh Jesus Christ sorry sorry say it’s your fault I have your sneeze I have man s yeah I’ve worked harder for my sneeze it’s a man sneeze

How do you work harder for your sneeze it’s a dad sneeze well you learn you practice over a number of years where’s Olivia is she joining or what well I got it you sneeze exactly like your dad yeah stop that’s so offensive he sneezes way louder and it’s

So scared when he sneezes so loud I’m like huh what was that what was that actually swear on purpose like oh [ __ ] you I want to sneeze no you’re like [ __ ] like huh yeah it’s funny yesc me like why is this man swearing right now what happened I i’ got like trauma

Traa help hello hello are you getting attacked ow I saw I’m getting attacked you’re getting attacked my little guy oh God my health is to low you help oh wait my all this oh [ __ ] I’m in very bad I’m about to die okay I come come I’m safe now

Can you get the wood please I dropped a whole bunch of wood yeah did you manage to get my wood yes I got your wood thank you you’re welcome well there a chicken please give me the wood this is very important the wood there was a zombie outside your

Door I know I was running away from them I the wood yeah hold on you look like a chicken I’m a can you give me some wood no I actually absolutely cannot I need it please I want to finish this base and leave please yes there’s more wood out there for you hi

Olivia oh hello we’re going to we’re going to we’re going to go home so you can play yeah we going home because of you I can’t hear you guys why would you replace it with food I need food no you don’t I’m going to die you’re slowing me down and it’s

Hurting me oh my God you’re not going to die I should won’t be able to finish this already um oh no is anybody going to ask me about my Christmas Eve how was your Christmas Eve no I couldn’t hear you yet you’re very quiet yeah why you so quiet

Hello Ah that’s way better all CU cuz the mic’s in my mouth that’s good that’s what my mic is is it good like this yeah it’s good I don’t know why my mouth my mouth my my mic goes like really quiet it’s probably cuz it’s back wall oh I’m two blocks

Away two blocks away and it’s bloody finished I have a paint in my side you should get the $7 mic that that has this headset was like $60 maybe you bought one before that and you sat on it yeah I sat on it and I broke

It oh no a ween done I sat on it I’ve done I’ve done that with my headset and I’ve done that with my glasses I literally broke my glasses in half cuz I sat on them oh my God I did to I once broke a chipmunk record and I cried and

Then I sat on my cat the same day and the cat died I’m not even joking this a [ __ ] true story I always sound Kiki I always feel so bad I roll over Kiki have oh um what are we doing we’re stuck in the middle of

Nowwhere I’m going to go high I’m going to go to Le but we brought you 19 Cherry saplings with pink petals and pink wood yeah we can build my house we’re going to give you the wood and I mean the the things so you can like plant it

And make the that base look nice cuz you’re like the the flowery girl like you’re like even flowery in real life you’re just a flowery person look on the stream look what we built right Bel this tree is a nice little base it’s so pretty did you know

That I wore red lipstick for the first time today yeah I saw it because I don’t know like I feel like number one red lipstick is intimidating likez it’s [ __ ] bright red but also as like as like a woman of color but like I don’t know like when you’re like

When you have tan skin it’s all even more intimidating cuz not every red looks good on you like you can look like a clown very easily and so I agree that I made it work lighter on darker skin a lot of um like like this gloss is enough like color skin I

Think don’t you think am I just sound like an AO cuz I didn’t ask so um okay anyways and um but I was like okay I’m going to wear I put Brown lip liner and I got this NYX like red like matte gloss uh liquid lipstick thing in like a

Red like a deep red and it look really good so period sometimes when I wear eyeliner I look really Cool okay good for you what you guys mean wait d i remember we put like like the root spray on your beard and you had a l reaction oh yeah that colorful thing I feel so sick you ruin my face you know how there’s people that use like the hairspray for

Freckles yeah they we Ed the same brand on his beard and he had a leg reaction on the face that wasn’t pleasant a freck [ __ ] on his beard they said make they said to make my beard do oh never mind it’s like the root sprays like for the gray hair that

They yeah the blue root spray okay yeah that [ __ ] would not come out of his beard he was like was dressing like a birds yeah they ruin my face what’s up S where is everybody well no one’s playing cuz it’s Christmas but no I mean you uh we’re

Lost yay look at that guys L I’m getting some brown wood I mean pink wood so you can racist no I was thinking of O Okay eat the pizza what Mama Mia pizza did you guys eat pizza yeah you will atat the pizza I know everything was it good dad told you it

Was okay it was gigantic I know he told me he said he ate four slices and start dying that’s what he told me yeah yeah it was the Perry was the Perry Perry chicken pizza was so good but the meat lover was so bad I felt the other way around to be

Honest the Parry it was good but to take the jalapenos off cuz was too spicyy I was not feeling spicy look how nice this is when can we make our own houses that’s what I’m I’ve been asking are you [ __ ] joking this [ __ ] idiot knocked down the tree over the [ __ ]

Thing are you kidding me you cut down the really nice tree over the [ __ ] thing I’m sorry are you dumb we just spoke about it and you got knock it down I’m sorry you can put it back yeah you better [ __ ] put the blocks back which

One I literally designed that and you I designed it around that tree and you cut it down when there’s a million other [ __ ] trees you can go to she goes to my [ __ ] tree you destroy both of them put the blocks back I’m sorry I’m trying to leave this

Place that’s stay forever stop laughing I’m sorry you ruined my life stop it you Ru my life no I didn’t I made your life yeah I wish you didn’t no you didn’t yeah I do that’s not true okay bud cuz you wouldn’t be sitting there laughing you be

Like wow what a great looking tree this is [Laughter] now you have the most like evil laugh I’ve ever heard in my life there are evil when they do things that like gives them Joy they’ screwed someone up they just love it they just love Annoying

Me I didn’t mean to do that I’m sorry I just know how many kids Ru my base and stuff trees and where can I find them which trees these ones the ones I need to see them right now I need to get to them right now which one the these ones

Looking at right now yes I’m getting you the saplings so you can grab them on the base they’re beautiful thank you no you didn’t your mama’s beautiful look at all oh my God it’s all gone such an ID so what I ate for for Christmas dinner this is what I ate for Christmas

Dinner or Christmas Eve dinner I guess so so my mom made like three different um well she made two different like appetizers she made crab like a crab like um what’s it called like like pastry thing I don’t know how to explain it she made that and then she made like

A a smoked salmon cucumber thing like stuffed cucumber with smoked salmon and then she got a box of sushi like you guys smoke salmon every day almost I know it’s so good and then and then um then my aunt and my uncle they made like a roast dinner like roast beef period

Rest um and so I didn’t eat that because I don’t eat meat but then they made another like dish for the vegetarians and it was like a like a this like potato R like I’m already I’m already happy I’m hearing that with like fish and stuff and it was actually really

Good and like cheese it was actually good and then with like asparagus carrots on the side and like um what’s it called what what’s a little like bread thing bread roll called pen yor pudding how is that York pudding and then I don’t know a bread roll you should poet

Pudding anyways and then yeah yeah yeah that’s it I think would like gravy but I don’t eat gravy and then masth potatoes as well you that was no cuz it meat gravy’s meat yeah it’s like the meat juice yeah I I don’t eat that and then

Yeah and then for dessert I made uh a bunch like a 100 million thousand gingerbread cookies and literally everybody ate it with ate them within 2 minutes and I feel very proud of myself were they vegan no you you’re vegan but you don’t make vegan cookies I’m not vegan she’s veg

She’s vegetarian yeah but that means you don’t eat like eggs either in it no I do oh I eat anything except for meat red meat and chicken that’s Lally all I ate so I eat I eat like eggs and milk and cheese and fish oh so anyways that was my Christmas Eve dinner

Me I’m Happy Tomorrow People Get my parents house actually like have a barbecue or some [ __ ] but I’m telling you already I’m going to be pissed if you don’t go like it’s going to piss me off I have a shower huh I have a shower shower yeah but I’m

Scared the faint Chris is got to be in there like not in there but you saying like just that side I will go but who’s going to be there I’m going to be scared okay I’m running out of all the dirt cuz Chris has like just destroyed everything why would you mine right

There it’s just the levels of frustration I feel sometimes okay anyway let’s go inside yeah oh no all these trees take to grow are they going to grow oh and then we do the Secret Santa but I wasn’t even a part of the secret santa why is you’re easy to find

No what I know I don’t think know I said that doesn’t make sense cuz I wasn’t there when they did the thing and then and then someone that picked my name they they didn’t show up oh family members yeah and so I was like oh I get people that [ __ ] shop the family

Thing that’s beside of me are you kidding what that s cousin no okay what are you talking about I’ve always showed up no you’re saying you don’t go not since I’ve been I us I had 100% track record till I was like 35 or something like got sick then things

Changed where I noticed other people also didn’t put an effort and I didn’t feel like I have to fight through most illness to make people happy I just didn’t care anymore cuz never saw anybody actually fight for me when I was not well get away cow

I don’t know if that’s the right thing I’m going trying to fix this up is a creeper go away I think I should put it here swear to God Chris if you bring them here I’m going to creep up on your real life I’m not one two

3 one two someone please tell me what I’m supposed to do cuz I’m just standing there and we’re trying to go home and the base is kind of done I don’t know why I put steps here like down and under I think we’re pretty much ready to go you got to get back

Closer uhhuh maybe maybe you should log out and then I’ll sleep put the bed down I’ll sleep take whatever you can from here I guess we’re coming home we’re home I got to go for a p though why have I lost two likes oh I haven’t liked sorry you haven’t like are you

Serious yeah you know how much that hurts my channel I forgot how mean you are I’m down your man no I’m not joking so oh what the [ __ ] we got three Subs it went down by two and I got three yeah this is very strange I’m view you and I know I’m

Complaining but I’m just joking I’m not really being serious to be honest I I I see like of YouTubers they like they fake complain and it makes me kind of laugh to do that cuz I was okay look I’ll be honest I was watching a uh

A guide on how to improve youtubing and it says cut out the nice act and I was like what so I looked into it and it says yeah just cut out the nice ACT people don’t like nice people but if you like if you rage you

Get mad and stuff people like that I like oh that’s not really how I work all right once I’m done you sleeping go loog back in loog I can’t speak log back in I do have to pee there look at this beautiful little base this is beautiful little world I

You WR down the coordinates like somewhere going to remember remember forever oh here goes yeah can can you resume the game real quick so I can look I Am don’t don’t move so I can ride it of home or where you are where we are cuz I want to find this base again one day 64 stop moving that pretty little thing 6 five 9 17 13 2 we can have 26 of these

Trees and I got some too so it might be H oh no way did you just die again or some crap 6 4 653 oh my God 65 okay I’m going to get I’m going to get pee I’m going to pee for 2 minutes I’m not going to mute

My mic I’m talking too fast mer Christmas everybody I’m going to get for pee pee I’m going to keep streaming I’m going to keep streaming till we all get tired be right back Ow Anything Hey Carissa you got to put that thing on um like somewhere where it’s permanently kept like on on your phone or something yeah on my phone yeah I did I did oh I just got skipped half beats that was weird all right is everyone still playing don’t

Leave yet don’t leave yet no I’m not you remember how to find home yeah yeah yeah I like this little base it’s very cute okay let’s go hey excuse me I hope these trees grow I can’t be the most beautiful tree over is now dead wait let’s get rid of some of this

Wood I don’t know why it’s here let’s actually finish this off as a bridge okay this is what happens when people make weird stuff they don’t finish it you down it’s fine um just do this on oops oh look at the pink why’s not going to the ground okay the Tre blossoms chry Blossom sorry oh gosh how much colder is that look look how much colder is yeah in the mine I’m so scared yeah that’s what I say when I move cuz all right now have a bridge why you breaking it why what are you doing oh I couldn’t actually see

What you’re doing I thought you’re being just annoying I thought you going like make me fall I know maybe you should make it a little bit longer right there die okay like a fence not at all this is the ugliest Bridge I’ve ever seen in my life it’s okay it’s just for

Functionality you know what that means right we have to come back and finish this off yeah it’s always the case little things like this and I get triggered a little bit and like it has to be beautified you need beauti I I I need like beautiful things I’m ugly though oh

Man I have to be beautiful it’s actually bad to be beautiful as a man okay no one looks to [ __ ] like bra pit and goes wow beautiful well do girls say beautiful what a beautiful man girls say that girls do say that I thought I thought

Like guys said say that about their sons or something oh my s so beautiful no what I said about my kids it’s the on man thing I said La beautiful boy I said that beautiful beautiful beautiful Beautiful okay you guys are like you guys are likeing you guys like oddly twinsy and it scares me not your own fault you guys are oddly twin [Laughter] twinsy what the [ __ ] wrong with you you guys are on twinsy it’s so funny zesty literally you know the M zesty I smell

Zesty no you don’t you smell like [Laughter] [ __ ] oh my L this is like this this is like the Family household it’s so much F [ __ ] and endless annoying banter you’re annoying you’re annoying you’re you’re destroying more trees this Blossom thing was a nice beautiful place

To the wood I need the wood what are your wood for I want to build my own house soon what up building thank you well I’m going to can we go home now please before like the monsters come okay come I have a story to do I have to

Do a portal okay I mean Olivia I brought I brought uh 256 pink petals and 28 cherries cherry trees for you and your mom oh I can see our BAS from here yeah I can what do all that Hey Olivia remember that tower that we go to

When we turn right to go to the crash site we bur that place down can you see my stream I’ll show on the stream I’ll go there and I’ll show oh my God oh my God I almost di I see it yeah you can see the toilet the toilet

Right sorry what am I supposed to do with 256 pedals I don’t know like them down it’s like the gardeny stuff you want to do like make things look pretty oh you what you plant pedals you trying to speak you just throw them under the ground then they’re

Permanent cuz it’s not how it works in real life it’s Minecraft Olivia is not real life do you have a do you have a boat actually need a boat just walk there right yeah I made a little I made a uh um sorry I made everyone in the Stream

Is talk like no talk right now I know it’s it’s like that’s sound autistic you literally can’t talk cuz that’s what I’m saying I’m not saying can’t on this Dad where are you come here I I’m supposed to leave the stream and I can’t talk Dad

Where are you I’m about to cross to go back home it’s getting dark I made a bridge to do what to go to the Village what village I’m already I’m already halfway there you’re same I’m lit home where where’s the bridge the bridge at the Village you talking about I can see the

Plunger from where I am and it’s almost dark I swear to God if I die you’re a p he stop saying like that every single thing’s like the exact same thing I said but it’s like I got to go to the toilet you’re a toilet oh look at that I can

See a tree you’re a tree oh look at that I got a s knee you got a s knee it’s my heo leave me alone you know what really annoys me people who cut trees halfway and then just leave I just I really get triggered so hard everyone on

This Server [ __ ] does it I want to just head by every single person like there’s a chest here in a broken tree I see our base nicely lit we have to still finish off the duck oh my God this lots and lots and L this a yay level

30 I thought you already got level 30 like last night no the idiot made me spend spend my my stuff on yeah then you [ __ ] then we join the server again wankers really he would be back it’s Christmas he’s a he was a clear troll you can tell he’s a troll

You think Heather Sun’s going going to be back I I will be very sad if Heather sun doesn’t come back yes that’s a few things that makes me laugh in my Channel it’s not so bad with two two and a half hours is still 30 views it’s okay I expected way less to be honest I have shoot on Christmas day before it was really bad Christmas Eve will find me Where who farmed the entire thing and then put the seeds back not me I put seeds back last time I did it what the [ __ ] is this who’s doing this what what do people leave it I’ll fix it why are people doing turds why you give me work to

Do cuz I’ve been alone for like 35 minutes and I have to keep myself off yeah but you do things that little kids do what the [ __ ] how old are you five oh my God I expect more from one of the senior people in my TR what the [ __ ] what are you doing

Senior yeah she’s the most senior person here what is she like 80 years old yeah you’re a senior [ __ ] mentally [ __ ] I’m just going to see wow can you just like sweare louder I’m about to die look I’m like I’m I’m like it’s a wagon come check the pedals and there you

Go no please please please oh if you’re saying please please be sure you’re dead that’s so funny where are you please I put it in the little basket where the thing is no I lost all my Cherrywood where are you really close to you didn’t lo you just go back oh no

You guys stress me out you stress me out you stressed my ass out e actually sounds worse than I’m think see you see the pedals how you say that what’s all this stuff what doing liia what you where’d you take it from I don’t

Know I have just a bunch of [ __ ] in my inventory that I don’t you don’t need sh oh my God oh my God God you’re useless what what’s all this stuff [ __ ] you I hate you [ __ ] mean as [ __ ] that was a joke no I don’t like you I’m taking

Break up live on air what J funny I don’t like you I said break up break two days before my birthday that’s [ __ ] up I hate you you just said you hate me cuz I do yeah so people break up they hate each other not always wait so that means you actually hate

Me yeah cuz you said it like you knew that you hated me but it’s like fine yeah you don’t even you don’t even sound the way she’s saying it she actually means I can tell I can tell it’s 100% honesty just then by the way it’s Cher saplings do you want to put

Some trees down wait I’m taking the my I want to play the hey I have an idea what about all the cherry cherries here sorry going be nice around here all down here this area is kind of plain some cherry blossom trees be nice BL on sick tree I don’t understand why Olivia

Is giving me so much know about this song what you talking about Willis really what I said don’t say that that makes you sound really old why that was a mem just recently no it wasn’t it was a meme recently what would you know I know you didn’t even know what

Memes are you don’t watch memes you just watch same you go the again I’ll do it why you why are you planing them in random places you they can’t be they play them randomly you you plant them you planted them here I didn’t do it no it’s

Clissa so could be cute when it’s all gross you should really like measure it how many of there are like the ones I did like that so it looks like it’s nice and Neat where’s cake stand take a slice no cake today me cake where do I put them please direct me to where I put the the Cherry things oh my God just around there just take the dam like around around the base but they got to have enough enough space around them they

Don’t grow you need like three here you need no not here down there next to the next to the house look down here is very empty and down here’s very empty put trees here and there down here down below where I’m Looking In The Stream or here yeah just

Make sure they’re even so they grow they need like random no I’m telling you three they need three spaces they need 3x Three Square pie that don’t grow there has to be three away from that the wall I think where I don’t Grow I just count the spaces and then make them even like this one here oh one two here smart girl you figure it out you can count I don’t know how to count sound really strange right this going to be hard what what do I sound strange what the [ __ ] am I doing

One three wait so three spaces in between them one two I think I’m doing this wrong I’m scared one 2 3 2 please be right I want to [ __ ] this up give me a flint and steel I don’t have it are you joking I don’t have it you’re you’re joking me you’re being

Like ridiculously Joker I gave it to you no you didn’t I did and he took it and he set theis fire yeah then I gave it back to you you know what scared no you didn’t you oh yeah the F still broke I remember now oh my God I’ll get it back to

You you know what scares me people are like oh yeah the last time I cried was probably like 3 months ago I’m like what did you C today no but I’m almost cried like eight times why um I’m not ding I okay that’s I’m I think I done

Something wrong or do something you don’t tell me no it’s just I’m not about to like spill the tea on live on air what would make you cry BR because like families are crazy sometimes oh okay nothing nothing Dum I’m not asking you TR dump I’m just

Asking why I be like oh no I was just sad from some family stuff I that’s all I would have said I don’t want to know about your life I know what about it already I’m very sad you’re very you’re a delicate pedal [ __ ] what like a

Pedal um how do I get my gift card the the 100% real real one that I gave you oh huh it’s fake no it’s real I just got to give you the money so you can buy one No I don’t want I can’t get you the real one remember I can’t buy it from Australia they didn’t sell them yet but I don’t want I don’t want no I bought you one for a reason yes yes it worked holy crap all right now I got to do this why

Where’s the where’s the Tre they’re supposed to grow oh my God Cherry BL it’s like my dream what what do you mean he’s on the tree saplings it’s like my dream [ __ ] hell it’s is like my dream I don’t understand I don’t understand what do

You mean it’s not going to grow into a tree these are not the trees are flowers it’s not going to grow into a cherry blossom no you the sapling the sapling grows oh my God can you please say that on stream me shadow B idian listen I say that like eight times

A day I can’t I can’t sense myself like that okay I shouldn’t break these but I should I should put this down properly oh my God oh my God that looks so cool okay this is the meteorite material by the way when I was um when we were playing

And then the guy was like like oh why did you unad me I thought he was talking about me declining his friend request and I lit got anxiety I yeah he didn’t message me but messages you what the [ __ ] going on there I was like what like I was like I

Actually got scared I was like oh my God please oh my God I can hear ging already coming out of this [ __ ] Portal 1 2 3 one one two three one one two Dad yes one I’m going to go why I don’t feel like Minecraft I’m going to

Get like a 30 minute break okay I’ll join back in like 20 minutes okay good bye have fun bye she got bored my daughter gets bored what what what what do I do D are you talking about me no what D who the [ __ ] are

You all right this is going to be huge this is going to work when the sun sits through that you just wait ow yes I’m building the portal Christmas will should have mve AIT bit closer but it’s fine I’m thinking of putting some glow stone on each side here 3 four one

2 sounds like you’re doing like an ab work or something he glow stone Jesus Christ this is going to be working this is working oh no hey look I pled guys it’s been made I planning like this is that okay what I plan to them like this is that

Okay I can’t see you you have to wait ah that take forever to break when you make a mistake with this crying obsidian Jesus Christ someone said that this stuff can explode don’t the hell sorry for the yawning well you’ve barely slipt it makes sense just kidding I’m really not

Sorry that is so cool I’ll make it a little bit longer I want to feel more menacing and scary girl you’re menacing and scary as if I’m menacing and scary I’m me superhero look at that what do I do with the the petals the petals no with the

Petals I’m not really sure ow ow okay well then why would you give them to me if you don’t know the petals you can put them down in the grass it’s just like flowers it’s just ground flowers decorate yeah you put all around the ground like nice uh that’s not going to

Grow what do you mean the trees are gigantic I did I did three apart no they have to have they have to have like three like they need this much space I think like that that that’s what I did no no no show you that that that that that and that’s

And then you put one oh my God there’s a spider okay well you do it no I’m just going to show no you’re doing it I’m just going to show you real quick you just give up and [ __ ] give me more work to do I do I do enough work

I do enough work on this base this is the second time I’ve this is this is going to work you I’m showing you each one needs that much space so you might want to put it like in the middle actually no not I’m just showing you the

Space so it’s easy to see the spaces care you’re going to fall oh I really to do this I’m showing you so it’s easier to visualize what what you got to do does that make sense lady oh my God no way I’m going to start doing it I build absolutely everything in this

Base I I don’t want to you you can do flowers okay look okay that’s kind of uneven so I think you do [Applause] there I think yes that’s perfect that’s how you got to do it enjoy yourself thank you there come see can you come see please can you do it

Yourself no so you got to fill this up with dirt that’s that’s the space they need so these can’t be around here I don’t want or you could put like maybe one every two like two each side put like one it yourself you’re doing it please

Just do it I’m not doing it I’m showing you I’m going to end the stream just let you go to bed no one everyone’s is being annoying to me I’m trying to show you I how am I ignoring please you’re ignoring me I’m I’m trying to show you

How to do it not ignoring you it’s just that you’re doing it so you might you can put multiples by the way you can put multiple flowers on one thing you can press it multiple times and put like a punch oh makes me mad yeah just keep you

You can make it look all varied if you want to think I put one going try one here and one there you see don’t want to do it I’ll try thank you one of your trees already grown by the way it’s grown into the Side one two three one two three sounds hard two three one two three oh one two three one two three and we a tree there that looks cool yeah yeah that looks cool man now I got to cut down one of your trees Olivia oh no you okay I’m very

Tired like You’ never met a woman as tired as me right now yes I have you girl I you like I slept an hour and a half I’m very tired that’s not enough I didn’t I didn’t say that you didn’t sleep hard that’s not enough for me to

Survive and you did a whole bunch of cooking yes and I was like doing [ __ ] for hours and hours like look at your tree it’s like invaded the space you’re tree I’m quite quite simply sleepy I got a bed well I’m why is it in the

Air what’s in the air what’s why is it in the air what’s in the air the bush it’s done it’s just I’m going to pick up all the [ __ ] is the bush your tree grew into the no I don’t like that it’s going to die now it’s it’s it’s perishing why you did

It why are you saying that I did it I’m cleaning up to what you’ve done what are you talking about you must be you’re very sleepy girl today I slept an hour and a half what do you expect me to I know but you’re not even you even he not functioning I can

Tell you’re not functioning CU I’m tired like oh my God he look oh my God so SLE Christmas you want pink planks for your house girl oh so now I’m allow of house look you might want to save the pink planks so now I’m allow to house

We’re not building the houses here yet we are building the houses later everyone wants to do everything now now now now now by the way did you see my portal get rid of these lights cuz it’s making the rest look [ __ ] the portal to the other Realm

I’m scared of you you think I’m going to look away you think I’m look away oh yeah oh yeah yeah I’ll have a GU yeah you bloody Loser is he dead this area has to be Dark did he get bored I think I’m putting more glow stones but I don’t have Enough I don’t have putting glow stones here is cool or not like so I I think I right around I think so I think on the ground looks better I’m going to get rid of it I break it ow guys this portal is beautiful I know I know

You know it’s Hey Olivia I built this from the meteorite uh stuff at the start of the stream at the start of the stream I went to where the meteorite fell and look at all those materials that we saw and I brought them here this portal if anyone goes through

It they’re going to go to the nether if I go through it I go to the other world look so trying to pull me in look see no one else is get this [ __ ] treatment I need me I know it a I know it a you

Mak what this song Do I Do What if I do can I make is this this looks this look better it doesn’t right or it doesn’t what I don’t know if it looks better I think I I don’t know I think it looks [ __ ] I’m going to put it back to how it

Was there we go I thought maybe putting it around looks better but it doesn’t look better uh uh uh uhuh I know it a I know it ain’t the sty yeah you know it’s your girl I finally built something looks kind of cool I’m just putting flowers everywhere yeah they look nice you

Should do it I’m level 30 by the way is that amazing I’m surprised I haven’t died yet this used this used to be neat but now it’s not neat anymore what time is it time you got to watch uh 4 almost 5:00 p.m. oh so I was going to be like oh

When need go to bed but not soon yeah not yet stop yawning tired but you’re making me sound like I’m boring I I I know I I’ve said three times that I I’m I’m I’m I’m joking I’m joking I’m joking oh I’m tired I’m joking metal get

Away oh right I can put that there okay I want to use the [ __ ] stuff first oh okay what else should I do I’m kind of tired too to be honest but more like I’ve done everything I want to do on here and I want to play Arc well guess

What do I have to plow this like the garden’s absolutely destroyed no one’s replanting is this extreme laziness I don’t like it oh no oh where am I oh no oh my God no no no please almost dragged my own garden what the hell oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] please please

Please how do I get out of here what kind of get out of here [ __ ] me please let me out oh this is a death trap Jesus Christ I need more dirt got I hate this Garden do I have dirt yes I do have dirt thank you wait got

Seeds these a-holes never rep replenish the seeds and it’s always me has to do all the work these lazy Gamers oops sorry dogs no one’s watching I’m Me In The Stream soon are you going to bed I can’t even hear you Anymore once again can’t hear it again you just s you’re sing muffle on the stream now I said I’m just trying not to die a look at this is that actually fun it fre planting that’s so much fun did you enjoy putting down all the flowers do you like the flowers

Yes oh my God please what there’s a y on my stream I think it sounds so boring what you got a bedet I can’t hear you yes because you’re making me upset I’m making you upset what I do cuz you’re like please stop yelling please stop yelling please stop Ying

Yeah well I can’t hear you and then all I hear is the yawns well because I’m really I slept an hour and a half why didn’t you just got a bed because I’m TR yeah I have to try be nice you already H us uh do I have to P this one

I’m going to do this and then I’m going to end cuz everyone’s tired J where’s things on oh I ran out do you leave already you did you go oh she’s still there no I wasn’t sure if you left I fell asleep no I’m just concerned you’re going to fall asleep actually proberbly

While in stream I don’t maybe a snore or something I don’t know then to embarrassed wow are these chickens make so much oh wow how many of you are here the chicken apocalypse oh my God I still have to take off my makeup and do my SK

Care it must is so annoying to me a girl I just take take my sh off l in bed that’s my skincare routine but see at my age there’s nothing left to preserve I don’t really care although I did put on one of Chris’s face mask things and my my forehead was very

Smooth do that okay good night thanks for coming well no when you’re done are you done soon yeah I might just finish doing this and end the stream everyone’s hung over from like Christmas calling okay we actually have to get up to leave let go okay bye let’s finish playing the rest of

This everyone had a good Christmas everyone seems hung over spok it today everyone’s half dead I’ve run out of seeds this is what happens when you have dumb Dums playing on the server but don’t replenish stuff and things don’t grow Dum dams there should be some here thank

God I love it when like past me does things right this wasn’t for me be no seeds here at all just in case oh one of the trees have grown oh I so pretty okay that’s all planted I believe chicken going crazy go back here Shing all my

Crap oh the wheat I’ll get the wheat back wheat there egg wheat I mean the seeds okay it looks Good can I make bread I I how to make bread seriously guess everything any more weight in here go back over here I’m keeping this bread for me cuz I’m I’m no okay I’m putting it away uh uh take that any broken windows surprised these windows last as long as it is okay

Perfect so we’ve built the we got some nice trees going here hope they all grow we do need some trees here I think wait where’s the rest of the saplings where are the saplings they’re put here I’m sure I had more not there there any in here

No I’m guessing Olivia must have the rest I don’t have them on me I’m think we’re putting some more here like down here I’m going to go around here I’m going to check this dbas thing any trees in here trees in here no now the only place I could think of is back in my little container for the

Stream there’s nothing in there then I just going to give up at least we know where it is it’s just there yes I found them all right let’s put uh this never even which is kind of annoying any blocks is there one two three one two three one two

Wait one two three one two three that the way that one two three put one there or here maybe I’m going to remove that cuz the door’s here oh that’s not the wrong one oh where a shovel I need a shovel for the path don’t I why always break

Everything please I want a path thank you yeah y it’s a path now that looks quite good that’s very pretty I like the little layout of flowers the [ __ ] you guys do sons of [ __ ] you almost got me how did they even get in here how did they get right in

Here what on Earth just happened how did I invade our little Space how did I get how did I get into here I’m actually confused oh they must have jumped over this cuz somebody did that again yay the’re dumb dumbs the dumb Dums on my server is always awesome they always do stupid Sho like that I’m just going to open another

Yeah want put a little flowery hours here all these trees grow all of them I too many trees I don’t Know I guess time will tell oh W this already gr this is so nice oh my word I can’t speak oh I word uh there get that little one and I put it there oh yes actually looks nice kind of blocks The View though hey corn I’m thinking maybe maybe just like

One one there one there one there okay that one there that’s Fine a it’s so pretty right this is like amazing this now looks like a fairy tle where are they I’m guessing to put look like someone’s getting married here that’s nice do I put a path here as well see this looks dumb or not maybe not Here maybe the path Here I think that looks good that looks fine it should be a pathy too No Oh my God I did it wrong I did it wrong why are my shovels breaking you kidding me I’m got to make a shovel now love of God placee a shovel there any sticks cuz would there H hey quiet dogs I need sticks don’t I thank you looks like Corn’s got lag um maybe this one’s got to be removed right I’m not good at This yes that’s correct Perfect what about this one here wow this is miraculous how do I get we just do this this works right all right that was wrong the zigzag Path is that bad I think this is bad I think it’s be like this Right oh no oh no this is completely wrong I’m screwing this up let me figure this one out I need dirt need more dirt oh those trees are massive any more dirt no this path looks fine this looks fine this looks good around here is a bit different there still two that’s

Two this one’s not two this one needs to be that means I can just get rid of this okay is this tree ever going to grow I think we have a tree here looks bit Bland over here doesn’t it I’m going to try a tree here this one I’m going to put

Here for love a God one of these ones can grow here I think this is enough if one were to grow here it’d be a miracle H this is fine mob farm working excellent in a in a day nice did you see the new trees and stuff put down it looks absolutely smashing

Oh yeah there’s a little path SE too I forgot about them oh Tre you’re in the way you’ve got to grow here tree I’m sorry you have to find a way to grow uh good luck tree in the way but it’s all right it’s all right was that fine just needs it

Cool I think the tree should be here right just it doesn’t like sit well with me for some reason I just just that is too many here there there’s two walkways really close to one another I’m going to break one where is Axe have axe too many walkways give

That actually I think maybe the one here should be okay I’m going to destroy this one love of God how did I even get there I’m going to put one here again where’s the gate here okay that can block that off put new dirt here put some dumbass Oh wrong one dumb

Ass FL ah why so that’s needed so this it does that look weird something something’s not right here I just put oh my God I can’t [ __ ] decide I’m I swear to God I’m just going to block it off tottally I block it off totally I’m not

Going to think about as [ __ ] anymore I don’t know bro lot of idiots in This Server I saw a lot of broken stuff there today have you smashed the like button corn noticing a very lack of likes today [Applause] I put the door here I break that put the gate

There have you smashed the like button today corn okay this is fine I move the tree over a bit I don’t think it’s going to grow it’s been struggling to grow for some reason T actually looks nice now now I feel stupid hooray I’m done these trees can grow grab B

Nicer what I might do is move this door right I move that like here close this off trust me this will work fine do that uh porn hasn’t told me if he’s hit like or not why is Liv be mad what happened and now this can all go what’s escaped the

Animals what happened here who put a block what are you talking about where was a block they’re all inside bro any mean me and Olivia been playing can you get them all back in please I need to put any blocks here I was here I was farming this 2 seconds

Ago and they were all like following me here oops can you bring them back in please there there’s a piece of wheight you can bring it back oh God there’s the weight bring them all back please I’m trying to build tray and things h we need way more of those pedals it’s not

Enough let see this bone meal actually works Jesus Christ and that went GR why why W this grow why don’t you grow that’s very irritating is cu there’s leaves there well these two grew together maybe it’s going to be right here I try that no all the bone meal it won’t grow

Okay well I have to do still pretty though another tree would have been here so nice here if I would have cut these branches off would that maybe Grow now you got to get wheat and get the rest of them Back do you like how the new trees are and the guarden that wow it’s gr like right over this place oh man I’m climbing on the trees all the trees kind of connect yeah we do need another tree have to jump nice though by the way did you see the portal

Have you seen the portal to the Java server it’s amazing the sun sets right on it pretty cool I built that that’s from the materials from the meteor I found this at the start of the stream what there’s there’s always an idiot that does this it’s really

Annoying if you go look at all the sides look the other one I swear to God I’m St Banning people that do this people don’t re break it once they like they be dumb asses I’m just going to ban them next episode going to put Gates around here we need Gates right around

Here right around here I think the monster still jump in not sure we need Gates though need a gate here this seems really pretty good already we got to make the giant Duck the giant chicken probably right hello hi hi are why are the trees you like it

Yeah but they’re huge look I’m made a path and everything that was cute we just need we needified someone placed a block and a lot of mobs escaped I stopped it though oh my gosh no can you get him back yeah I’ll just oh what the flip okay let me get some

Wheat I don’t know how it was possible cuz liby didn’t do it I didn’t do it was was any mean here on the on the server unless you did it by accident it’s okay it’s okay okay I just need to get because I

Was farming and I saw I I did it too by accident but I doubt it Dad can I break a fence and then put it back why just so they can come through easier easily yeah well that’s fine it’s okay corn my nose is so runny come here chickens chickens come here

Here come here chickens you’re so smart I love animals come here chickens come on it all so good come Here come on guys come on come back in back in in in come iy all the pigs in that back you going have weight yeah I have weight I’m just going to get the chicken fast come up Dad look at look at the stampeed of chickens let’s

Go there’s a lot less than before though there it’s a cocen breed yeah but I had like loads of them there’s a whole bunch of them still running around hey come in come in guys oh God oh God move move hey get in uhuh he stay oh my God I swear come

Here oh no guys come In dad can you close the gate ibody outside I don’t know there’s more chickens out here no dad corn let them all out cor let them out corn let them out how no it’s take care I open the gate and he had the the seeds and they all ran out okay guys

Back in oh no oh no guys guys what what a pain guys come here I’m sorry guys come on jeez jeez Louise me my man squeeze okay let me try to get more who’s getting all the other animals back we have missing cows and everything yep the all coming the all

Coming guys coming was there a horse in here once where’s my horse horse is gone where’s potatoes I haven’t seen a horse in here for ages oh no way no way no chance come here uh someone opened the gate again no it was me I was letting them in move let me

Out thank you oh jeez oh go in oh no oh no no no put H what you put door for I didn’t know you had sades yeah I was trying to go I was trying to go in there to get the other ones I didn’t think you guys would open

A door sorry I was trying to go out I have no guys come in come in guys come in close the gate please Dad close the gate I’m trying to bring the final few in okay that’s so funny wait where’s quale quale oh no qu’s

Gad I don’t even know who quondal is oh my God’s a cow oh my God oh my God no what kind of Apocalypse is happening right now no or escaping guys guys please oh no oh this is really bad no hurry up people come back please someone I got to put the fence

Back okay okay oh my God the pink sheep there okay oh no what’s attack me we still have some missing chickens it’s fine I’m get I just want the pink sheep who put a block here again that was accident sorry I’m that’s the whole reason

They’re out oh my God you guys have fun with that I’m just going to log off oh wait I can’t I have to like be here to just Fix It Jesus Christ oh no F my life seriously major major FS major Fs in the chat right

Now where do my food go Dad can you kill the skeleton attack I’m not doing anything we have to sleep okay why is there a gate one empty gate ow the [ __ ] how’s he in that base he jumped through through from where they can jump through the fence for some reason

Well someone’s put like a block somewhere that’s why help corn please I’m going to have a mental breakdown someone’s taking all the rails we have we’ve have Griefers on on on the stream I’ll tell you huh I bet it was that idiot that was on here couple idiots on here he guys come

In chickens chickens all chickens must come in here mhm is there a missing gate somewhere for somebody oh guys in everyone in okay oh we’re missing a lot oh Um all the burn Mills are right now P our Pig we have no pigs now that’s okay I really care about the animals you guys are got to try and get come back though oh you you little fat cow get in come here what you need a witch for all the

Burn meal didn’t work I tried to make things grow and didn’t grow what grow guys there’s a like 10 chickens here I’m trying and they’re all staring at me like I’m dad or something dad like Dad Dad come here I’m going to see if breaking these

Off oh my God there’s so many chickens everywhere this they chickens everywhere they chickens everywhere you ever heard corn song their chickens everywhere no I found my horse his name idiot potato why does he put potato cuz um I had a horse named lettuce but lettuce died what about tomatoes

Onions um I’m saving the name onion for a better Animal come on chickens let’s go chickens good chickens I’m trying to see if other cool things grow around here okay good stay in now oh my God you little baby can’t get in go thank you look at me doing a woman’s job was the’s jum sorry guys sorry sounds like you’re trying to

Hijack a plane guys did you know if you get a wish to throw a weakness potion at zombie villager and give the zombie villager a go Apple it would put into a normal villager no I didn’t know thank you I have no idea cuz I’m an ad guys

Trying to make a nice Garden around us they too close to one another M bu M I wish I had like a million bone meal I feel like cheating just to get bone meal just kill some skeletons I don’t know how to make bone meal no you just get bones from skeleton

And then you make the bone meal yourself none of these trees are growing yet and I don’t know why there’s L enough space you think that could grow into the Space is that a pretty view from here no everything’s in the way nice stay in thank you how do these guys get up here where how you getting in how are they getting in with the fence and everything they’re like H how are they spawning in here what we CL around here

I’m going to murder with your own blood leather okay I’m going my food I think I in the Stream man I’m tired okay it’s been pretty dead for a while now it’s you know what it is it’s those special days called Christmas and people just want to like enjoy

Themselves all right are you okay if I it yeah we’ll just come back and and fix it up a we Pi up a okay um you while we’re logged off the trees will grow well doesn’t work that way yeah it probably go I think he there’s a broken fence right here and

All your animals are still getting out and the monsters are getting in but I found the gates I’m putting it back no okay I’m not put it back you just kill the other ones have food on here cor we’re going okay can you please get the other chickens ligher tomorrow

We come back to it yeah well then I’m going to start playing a survival ascended okay I’m going to do I’m going to play hardcore here today we lost two subscribers went down to 378 and now we’re 3 82 you got four Subs this episode but no one’s messaging me no

One’s talking there’s no one you but there’s more subscribers which is very odd wait who did this let me fix the stairs before we go 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 is my name somewhere my name is isn’t there and put your name there

Uh that’s me master the hero and savior and Lead whiner 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 so 13 at least have been on the server the max we had in one go was seven people good job like seven of the 10 slot yeah it’s coming along nicely although

Although I reckon the flame from that going to catch on trees on fire the trees grown yet no come on Bros just grow the ones back here are growing there’s already some trees here where why so many got fix the pyramid what what pyramid the stairs well you can put a

Stair down how is that put a stair down lady I did it am I am I like your your did you see the the portal I built have you seen it no over here on remember the materials today we got from the the medeor site of the crying obsidian yeah look wow

Look at that pretty thing do not walk through there you will go into Nether and never come out oh gosh the magma scared me yes if you go inside you’ll never come back if I go inside it’ll take me to the uh the the other world the upside down version of

Our server I think I see it you don’t want to go in there it looks like you’re looking through the sea but that is the other one that’s not here oh it’s not here no if I go in it’s going to be a completely different game I’m telling

You you will never come out no one’s all in there anybody goes through that portal is instaband you will never come back to this game I’ll click on I’ll click on block you will never return why cuz it’s dangerous and I’m trying to save your life that my

Friends is the key portal if you stand right here the sun sets right on it fine I’ll do it myself do what yourself Wonder go in you better not build another portal I will go in but I still have to set up the other server we need a Java

Server to do what I want to do when that sets sets midnight I’m going to walk in if you go through it’s the end for you for my friend you will never set foot in this place again I’m telling you I’m I’m just saving you you will never go through

That you would you you you not you would not there that’s that’s no that’s a some clothes on I can see your butt turn around no yeah I can see look at your butt it’s got a little smiley face in your ey that’s the two dimples in your

Bum hole it’s so gross I’m a duck cor did you guys just hear that no yeah I heard it the sun’s setting for some reason the audio has gone bad on my my my stream nuh-uh no B him can you guys still hear me on the

Stream it what are you doing why would you jump through it like that you do that someone’s brain dead wait oh Clarissa there’s a huge monster off you what can you guys still hear me in the Stream it’s saying that there’s zero bit rate I’m

Check I can hear you on I can hear you open widget it’s gone back to excellent I have no idea what’s going on there I Le should ended there I’m tired all right I’m going now I’ll see you guys tomorrow I’ll put the volume down thanks for all the likes and the

Subscribes and the people who came Merry Christmas again we’ll be back tomorrow and uh we’ll have fun I got to get the new server it might take a couple of days to maybe a week or two I got to pay for it cost money all right see you guys later byebye

This video, titled ‘Merry Xmas! Come to my haunted Minecraft SMP Server!’, was uploaded by Masked on 2023-12-25 07:00:50. It has garnered 56 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 04:07:56 or 14876 seconds.

#minecraft #minecraftsmp #bedrock #mods #java

Help us reach 500 subscribers! Click here! : https://goo.gl/GJwiyj

This is just a chill xmas stream. We found a strange hidden base yesterday which was very spooky. This server is haunted. I swear there are no mods! It’s not modded! Yet it seems to be cursed, haunted and so many horrors have occurred!


The story so far: (watch our playlist!!)

You can be part of this adventure and story, just subscribe and follow Masked on his quest! Not sure what happened to Masked’s server?

Then Watch this! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LDuJR2j8lMM

The Minecraft SMP Server Apocalypse is almost here. This is the last chance for people to subscribe and join in on the story. In the coming days many events will take place. Can we build our defenses in time? Will you join in to help?

Who attacked Masked’s Minecraft SMP Server, destroying the entire base, Heroville? Some said it was Entity 303 but this was not the case. Masked knew it was something else.

Last month a Meteor crashed and destroyed Heroville. Masked visited the crash site with subscribers to find a massive crater and wildlife on fire. The landscape was sprawling with numerous portals, crying obsidian, gold and netherack blocks.

In the last month we have been trying to find a new home and have almost completed building The Chaos Army Headquarters, about 1000 blocks away from the impact crater.

This might be the last chance for Heroes to prepare the Chaos Headquarters from the disasters coming. So Subscribe and be part of the story!

Watch him or join in with him, it’s always hilarious when Masked is around!!

Who is Masked? He is a retired and overweight superhero who has once again been called to action to defend Minecraft and other survival game servers! What he lacks in skill he makes up for it in comedy! Masked is a very interactive streamer with high quality content and a heart of gold. Come join in and be a part of this story!

Don’t forget to LIKE and SUBSCRIBE!!! Be a Hero and help the channel grow! Please click here to subscribe!! https://goo.gl/GJwiyj

Masked attempts to survive all the creepers, an enderman or two, zombies, and other monsters in Minecraft, while babysitting the server. All this while everyone is trying to build the Chaos Gaming Network Headquarters!

Two previous bases (Heroville 1 and 2), on both Bedrock and Java servers were destroyed by a meteor…we don’t know who our nemesis is yet, but we shall find out! Now we need YOU to rebuild the Chaos Gaming Network Headquarters!

Subscribe, Like the stream and you can join in and be part of the story!! You know you want to! 😉

We play on Bedrock & Sometimes we may visit subscribers Java Servers with mods depending on what we are doing. Masked is slowly losing his mind. Will he be a hero or a villain? Come WATCH the epic funny & meme moments! YOU can be part of the action on stream!

On a side note, people keep asking me to play and stream Roblox. I am thinking about it!

#minecraftshorts #minecraftmemes #minecraftanimation #interactive #moddedminecraft #modded #comedy

Donations over $1 will show text to speech on screen! So say silly stuff to Masked! https://streamlabs.com/maskedhero666

Please support the stream it will go a long way to help put food on the table: https://paypal.me/antoniocolella https://www.patreon.com/realistic_lighting_overhaul

Socials: linktr.ee/masked_official –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Music used in this stream! –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Main Channel Music by Dragens Do not use this music without permission. Masked has permission to use this music. https://soundcloud.com/tenragedragens https://www.youtube.com/user/Dragens2 Heavy Metal & Synth Music by Karl Casey – White Bat Audio https://www.youtube.com/@UC_6hQy4elsyHhCOskZo0U5g https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wbqVXwi3fMQ ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

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    EPIC Dream Minecraft TikTok Video! #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft viral tik tok video dream on #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by MR More07 on 2024-03-02 11:30:02. It has garnered 461 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. Mr More07 ============================== Instagram➡https://www.instagram.com/_mr_more07_/ Facebook➡https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100056299486427 ============================== Please like the video Please subscribe the channel Share the video for your friends ============================== Thanks For Watching ============================= #shorts #minecraft #mrmore07 minecraft, minecraft 100 days, minecraft house, minecraft music, minecraft civilization, minecraft house tutorial, minecraft song, minecraft legends, minecraft jj and mikey, minecraft 1.20, minecraft mods, minecraft survival, minecraft animation, minecraft april fools 2023,… Read More

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    Insane Minecraft Adventure with Bestie! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft with Besto Frendso :)’, was uploaded by Sarang Ram on 2024-03-28 20:57:38. It has garnered 46 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 02:43:29 or 9809 seconds. Thanks for joining in. Valorant grind later tonight. Stick around if you like the content. Leave a like and Subscribe as well. Thank yaaa. Read More

  • “Golden Apple beats EVERY Minecraft food?! 🤯” #shizo #clickbait

    "Golden Apple beats EVERY Minecraft food?! 🤯" #shizo #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Golden Apple VS Minecraft Foods #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Not Royalblade on 2024-06-13 10:35:48. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Golden Apple VS Minecraft Foods #minecraft #shorts #minecraftshorts #trending #viral #viral video minecraft in tangent minecraft … Read More

  • 💥 RACING TO 100 KILLS!! InsideMC Sky Battle Madness 💥

    💥 RACING TO 100 KILLS!! InsideMC Sky Battle Madness 💥Video Information This video, titled ‘Toph033 Talks Racing To 100 Kills In Sky Battle | InsideMC 107’, was uploaded by InsideMC on 2024-05-22 15:00:10. It has garnered 323 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:55:20 or 3320 seconds. In the 107th edition of the Inside Minecraft Podcast and thirty-sixth edition of MidweekMC, Orbitzz & AJX sit down with Toph033! Someone who is amazing at Minecraft, someone who places very high in tournaments, someone who is good at speedrunning and someone who has a bad KAD ratio in Valorant, wait what!? To kick start the podcast the… Read More

  • Milliumlife

    MilliumlifeServeur PVE revisité dans une ambiance chill. Actuellement toujours en phase de test mais assez avancé pour pouvoir ouvrir ses portes au premiers curieux ! Welcome to Milliumlife 1.20.2 Read More

  • Davidscloud Servers | SMP, Network, PvE | Java, Bedrock | Latest Version | U.S.A. | 13+

    About Davidscloud: Davidscloud is a long-standing gaming community that provides a welcoming space for gamers to join together and play various games without the worry of pay-to-win features. Our Minecraft server has been active since version 1.7.10 and continues to thrive. Player Protection: Our Minecraft server offers player protection through a grief prevention system and a helpful admin team. Players start with 2,000 claimable blocks and earn more over time. Pets are also protected. Our admins are always available to assist with any issues. Quality-of-Life Features: Enjoy features like a secure banking system that rewards playtime with interest. Visit the… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – April Fools: Minecraft’s Best Update!

    Minecraft Memes - April Fools: Minecraft's Best Update!They should add a “blocky” filter to make everything look like it’s made out of LEGO bricks. That would really throw players for a loop! Read More

  • Mine Room’s Boom: 100 Days in Bloom

    Mine Room's Boom: 100 Days in Bloom In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, We’re here to bring you the latest news and vibes. From updates to challenges, we’ve got it all, Just sit back, relax, and enjoy the call. Join us on this journey, filled with fun and delight, As we explore the realms, day and night. With MR_detox_Gaming leading the way, We’ll make sure you’re entertained every day. So hit that subscribe button, don’t be shy, Join the NXtreme Gaming family, reach for the sky. With tips, tricks, and gameplay galore, We’ll keep you coming back for more. From Let’s Plays to tech… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hot and Spicy!

    Minecraft Meme: Hot and Spicy! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Boss Mods!

    Ultimate Minecraft Boss Mods! Minecraft’s Most Insane Boss Mods! Are you ready to take your Minecraft gameplay to the next level with some epic boss mods? Look no further! Here are some of the most insane boss mods that will challenge your skills and keep you on the edge of your seat. Mutant Beasts One of the standout boss mods is Mutant Beasts, which introduces giant mutant creatures that will put your combat abilities to the test. From massive spiders to towering zombies, these beasts will keep you on your toes as you fight for survival. Mutant More [Bonus Mod] If you’re looking… Read More


    HEMERALD LIVE: SHOCKING MINECRAFT PROBLEM!!!Video Information This video, titled ‘QUESTO E’ UN PROBLEMA! – Minecraft ITA Penitenze’, was uploaded by Hemerald Live on 2024-06-10 18:23:27. It has garnered 1632 views and 50 likes. The duration of the video is 02:01:28 or 7288 seconds. A GIANT BALL of TNT is created, this is a real PROBLEM! 🟣Live Channel ➜ https://live.hemerald.net 🔴First Channel ➜ @hemerald ⚠️ My Social Networks ➜ https://linktr.ee/hemerald Live del 9/06/2024 MODPACK PROJECT SACRIFICE su MINECRAFT ITA Read More

  • Terrifying Minecraft Cave Project: Part 2

    Terrifying Minecraft Cave Project: Part 2Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Cave Horror Project pt 2’, was uploaded by Crisis on 2024-04-22 21:36:16. It has garnered 2 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:39:45 or 2385 seconds. Read More

  • Mind-blowing Minecraft facts revealed 🔥 #shorts #viral

    Mind-blowing Minecraft facts revealed 🔥 #shorts #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft fact 💯 #shorts #minecraft #youtubeshorts #viral’, was uploaded by (RANA) Gamer 64 on 2024-04-19 13:13:54. It has garnered 10728 views and 171 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. Read More

  • 🌟Mind-Blowing Minecraft Exploration with Starleigh Aurora🌟

    🌟Mind-Blowing Minecraft Exploration with Starleigh Aurora🌟Video Information This video, titled ‘【Minecraft】 Minecraft Monday #2 exploring the frontier【Starleigh Aurora】✨’, was uploaded by Starleigh Aurora on 2024-03-20 05:48:19. It has garnered 10 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:52 or 472 seconds. Credits: Model – DG Studio art&assets- ahyjay BGM – gannderp Additional thanks – agentf2s ——————————————————————- Follow my other accounts here! https://lnk.bio/SkiesOfStarlight ——————————————————————- bgm: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hwOSpQTh9pU —————————————————————— Support me here! paypal.me/StarleighAurora ——————————————————————- #vtuber #vtuberen Read More

  • 🔥EPIC Minecraft Server in Indonesia LIVE!🔥

    🔥EPIC Minecraft Server in Indonesia LIVE!🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴Live Minecraft Server Indonesia’, was uploaded by LanEzzy on 2024-05-27 22:00:06. It has garnered 118 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:04:18 or 3858 seconds. 🔳 **Minecraft Java 1.17.x – 1.20.x** *(Recomended 1.20.2)* “`IP: play.clubbymc.com“` 🔳 **Minecraft Bedrock/Mcpe 1.20** “`IP: play.clubbymc.com PORT: 19132 (Default)“` “` Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Realm Stream: Moon Vietnam & Moonvelion Creek 🌙

    EPIC Minecraft Realm Stream: Moon Vietnam & Moonvelion Creek 🌙Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 Moonvelion Creek- Moon Vietnam (Minecraft Community Realm Stream)’, was uploaded by KidKinobi on 2024-03-25 11:58:07. It has garnered 83 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 01:27:56 or 5276 seconds. Let’s get this Moonrock Flavored Bread Pop in and chat, say hello! Just follow the golden rule: Be Chill! This version is Minecraft Bedrock edition, on PS4/PS5! *If you want to join the Realm, you first have to get into my Discord, then go over to the Realm Add Channel, Put in your Information, and I will add later this week!*… Read More

  • Join Sasuke Monarch on EPIC Minecraft SMP LIVE!

    Join Sasuke Monarch on EPIC Minecraft SMP LIVE!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Live Minecraft Live Hindi public smp live java + pe || free to join || Sasuke Monarch’, was uploaded by Sasuke Monarch on 2024-01-10 02:35:58. It has garnered 15 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:49 or 589 seconds. THANKS FOR WATCHING……. ignore tags 🙂 24/7 stream 24/7 minecraft smp minecraft 24/7 stream minecraft live thumbnail minecraft live wallpaper minecraft live insaan minecraft live stream minecraft live apk minecraft live insaan skin minecraft live wallpaper 4k minecraft live player count minecraft live action movie minecraft live account minecraft live atlas… Read More

  • Jamesy’s SHOCKING Cheating Revelation in Build Battle!

    Jamesy's SHOCKING Cheating Revelation in Build Battle!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Cheated with //REALISTIC in Build Battle’, was uploaded by Jamesy on 2024-05-11 11:00:45. It has garnered 17973 views and 148 likes. The duration of the video is 03:42:55 or 13375 seconds. I Cheated with //REALISTIC in Build Battle Jamesy, Gracie, Louie and Sophie are playing Minecraft Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3qPTTV-3FUsiezeJrQUl4Q/join Follow Gracie! – https://www.youtube.com/@GracieWinsMC?sub_confirmation=1 Jamesy name is spelled like Jamesy not James C or Jamesie or Jamey or JayZ. #Minecraft #MinecraftMod #Jamesy #JamesyandGracie Read More

  • “Mind-Blowing Undertale Music in Minecraft!” #undertale

    "Mind-Blowing Undertale Music in Minecraft!" #undertaleVideo Information This video, titled ‘UNDERTALE (OST: 71) – Undertale part 9 (Minecraft Noteblock) #shorts #undertale #frisk #deltarune’, was uploaded by Gnhan Studio on 2024-04-22 09:00:25. It has garnered 362 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:28 or 28 seconds. Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoc1Hg-iaOcH1b-0L9zaKrg/join Tags: #Undertale #frisk #undertaleost #undertalesoundtrack #UndertaleOST #tobyfox #noteblock #FamilyJules #Alpharad #deltarune #Minecraft #piano #NoteBlock #minecraft #music #gnhan5555 #cover #coversong Read More