“HEART TO HEART…” | Fairy Tail Origins S5 EP 31 | Minecraft Anime Roleplay

Video Information

Hey guys it’s me devin uh if you like the videos and you never want to miss them hit that subscribe button and hit the bell make sure you have all notified because i’m sure you don’t want to miss what i have to give you i’ll see you guys the around

Content contains some scenes with adult themes and maybe some cursing and something like that it might be unsuitable for children to watch so uh viewer discretion is advised so uh Live is you i cannot breathe Ladies and gentlemen thank you so very much for coming here i’d like to introduce to you a very special guest of honor introducing the princess francesca hello everyone i’m francesca it’s nice to meet you all brandon could you come here and stand by francesca please after all ten long years you’ve seen

Each other oh hello hi hi hi and now that the guests of honor are together let’s get this party underway there we go we’re running low on the beer again you need to stock it up what do you mean i need to stock up i did the last run it’s your turn

Stuck up i’m stamping on the producers the worst thing are we aha right sure that’s that’s hey listen you said you needed some help running the bar because you’ve run it a lot recently and i was just like fine i can do it you know when i said help i meant the

Fact of helping me serve other people drinks not yourself oh okay cool cool i i could try that welcome ladies and gentlemen boys and girls what is this supposed To take pick your poison i’ll take this one oh uh we do cognac but most of all we lend a near to your troubles what ails you not poison yet oh saving this for a certain someone just in case things don’t go well cool please don’t we’re all just sitting

Here okay with this i mean no obviously not but you you okay with this so why are we here why is this happening who thought this was an okay thing who didn’t stop this okay i’m gonna say a name to you and then you’ll understand this entire situation cool with it

Richie there we go does that answer your question this isn’t okay it doesn’t matter i know i did it do you even i’m guessing he’s told you the plan though right no i know nothing you know oh that’s helpful okay so all i learned is there was a wedding

For brandon and francesca seems to be wedding this is more of an engagement party yeah it’s more engagement to be fair but basically they’re trying to get their dad i’m trying to shh they’re trying secrets that’s funny fantastic secrets always go well for us don’t they

Oh yeah yeah they’ve gone so well for us in the past haven’t they michael okay right basic premise they are trying to get their dad as drunk as possible to get into how to get back that’s the whole point however he won’t drink unless a big event you there madam

Trust me i don’t like this water this is the dumbest idea i’ve ever heard i mean it’s also done i also agree with that but still awesome the idea we’ve got what are you doing are you serving alcohol to a child no i just have alcohol in my hand i

Asked them what will it be they haven’t even replied to me yet so i’m just moving on to the next customer what will it be for you sorry i’m good you sure have sure drink are you sure oh positive you don’t want to pick me up

Build me up uh david i think he’s he’s good he’s good he’s good yeah i feel a bit attention don’t mind just do you want do you either no shoulders stay away from him stay away from me oh yeah i’m a responsible adult i was told to stay

Away from you by my brother Yeah your brother which one uh richie yeah he’s a murderer that makes sense wow wow wow wow i mean he wasn’t that great of a guy before yeah oh jesus i keep forgetting about that yeah don’t get blood what’ll it be we sell don’t worry it’s mostly harmless beer and cognac

I can drink yeah i don’t i don’t see the problem oh he’s he’s got the right choice he’s got the right choice it’s fine question why he’s covered in blood i mean technically i do remember a few days ago he said he would go off training

Ah i do remember him saying that okay i wouldn’t put it past my vocals did you just where’d the mud go um i think he ate it i threw it oh uh yeah we got plenty where that came from help yourself go crazy you might want to steer clear of him

Plus i think i need to slow down now because he’s going to be crazy for michael i’m very very concerned for his mental state he’s your empty can oh thank you very much i’m kind of new to this you know i don’t really hand out i’ll call that one all this time oh

Well oh well no magic do you guys know we have no magic it’s great congratulations you just realized this else okay all right all right one more question one more question question anymore what who did you use the axon oh you know bad things and uh yeah did it have running water

Anywhere where you were no that’s why i came to lucas but then i realized hey blake congratulations covered in blood training we’re just getting to that point training that’s all we noticed yeah and apparently there was no running water so he came to see lucas but then he realized there’s no magic

Yeah yeah oh focus can’t claim me anymore can you go can you actually go have a shower somewhere am i yeah see i didn’t know that existed but then so richie told me he does hmm then don’t have a shower then please take a dip in the sea no no no no go

Um go down take a left it’ll take you into the gardens there are many ponds and fountains about it’s not quite a shower so ritchie told they should use fountains but then his uh well there’s like there’s like three or four in there his father said do not use the fountains

And i’m i heard he’s a king guess what i don’t think i can use it technically you can use the ponds they’re not fountains and they’re around there as well he is also not wrong just out there oh hello hey richie hello he’ll be fine you guys don’t

I haven’t stayed yet i was just torturing my brother oh that that’s wrong yes good job there’s no magic really She’s such a pretty girl i wasn’t expecting her to look so normal you don’t know her it’s what inside it’s what’s inside that counts huh i’m pretty sure you’re saying the most important ignoring her okay are you drinking too from this younger than me she’s a minor in my eyes

Well she’s only minority stuff you know what maybe i do need a spice problem oh over there what’s up with uh brandon’s fiance no i haven’t talked to her yet actually how about you lovely couples and you know you two go to the dance floor and have some fun with them

Um i don’t want to but you’re telling me too aren’t you that wasn’t a request off you guys okay have that on the house at least goodbye if you break anything in case you don’t come back farewell it was nice knowing you okay real nice reinforcement you’ve got this don’t worry

We’re over there they’re over there yes sir oh right okay thank you take your time with it all right okay we can do this okay we got this okay we can do this okay all right all right let’s go good luck i have the backup plan don’t get too

Close to it i know you’re ruining the location i swear i i just can’t i’m not comfortable without it for some reason and i have the backup plan to the backup plan this is the most insane plan i’ve ever heard you’ve all lost it here hmm what’s happening why is he having a

Frickin world did you think this was gonna work you just put your brother into the hellscape this is [ __ ] ridiculous no no i’m [ __ ] going michael do you want to talk no none of you the pond is on the left side mr michael what just happened i got after wow that was

I think he uh he didn’t kill enough wars like me he needs to vent it out i have a feeling that was something else i have a feeling that he vented quite a bit just in that one paragraph miss anything trust me in that dialogue that was uh

He was kind of prickly when he was here at the start he he didn’t really understand the plan or like see it as a decent one so you know drag up the fact that your brother hates her what and putting him through such uh strenuous mental torture is not good for his

Health overall why should i run after him should i know what’s going on i mean that’s up to you it’s not going to come out i’ll be back okay good luck bye evan michael michael buddy where have you gone there you are always worrying me i guess i always wear

You too so i guess it’s fine but michael michael hey man what i i didn’t expect that from you um it’s not every day right no i can’t actually remember the last time you had an outburst like that not even with the whole hidden situation you’re pretty calm then too but

It’s easier in those situations that’s we just have to rely on my power my strength right it’s that easy kind of yeah we don’t get out of here no nothing to rely on myself i mean i’m here i’m also powerless but i mean not really reliable person after all

I’ve have a bad streak it’s not really about that i mean you know i understand i’m not not angry about that anymore i haven’t been for years to be honest yeah no not necessarily i couldn’t even say i was angry to begin with is there anything i can like i say

Anything i can do but like of course there’s not anything i can do but listen just like this this whole place that’s in a world without magic that removes half of our personality right funny to say that for me a little too close to home for you yeah it’s a

Little too on the nose wouldn’t you say michael yes hello what’s gotten you so down place just makes no sense and people are getting desperate now could you imagine funny joke but yes i understand your sentiment and for once i don’t mind you being here in funny really funny put his own brother

I would have laughed but it would it didn’t seem like the right time no it was definitely not the right time at all at all i can’t actually i couldn’t stand see brandon like that either oh god what was he thinking richie idiot he does stupid big

[ __ ] idiot yeah he does have some insensitive moments just thinking too much about other stuff forgetting about the people who are closest to him sometimes we’ll admit i’m not stranger to that kind of feeling um neither will i or was i or am i whatever you’re still not over

The idea still with you always will be yeah yeah always will be we’re just damaged goods all of us so yeah don’t confuse me for trying to make you feel better though i’m not confusing you for that i know you have a lack of empathy confuse me for that because that’s what

I’m trying to do don’t even get confused though don’t do that or might start to laugh cry uh it just makes no sense what was he of course his father doesn’t know a way out of here it’s insane to think he does it’s like that’s so magic

Well not enough that any normal person could use you have to have special tools yeah you need to be made of ethereum ethereum very much concentrated magic yeah you’d have to be made of ethereum wait a minute is there don’t get me wrong i’m so pissed i’m angry oh i i

Have no doubt that you’re still angry at all yeah even though you have that you know calm face it’s very much so betraying that um i mean he’s always had that calm face i mean just look at him thank you eden that wasn’t a compliment

I didn’t think it was no and that wasn’t sarcasm i definitely just used well i’m glad we’re on the same page well we just some big happy family how can you you can stop with that that’s not apparently more of a family than we originally thought yeah it’s

It’s it’s odd but not really when you think about it but yeah i um well it’s an idea yeah tell us what’s on your big brain i might have a way out and i hate to say it but thanks to the blue fellow the blue fellow yeah the blue fellow

The one who i don’t like still the one that this one likes did it shut your mouth not the other blue fellow you eden oh i definitely don’t well i’ve accepted you but that doesn’t mean i like you that much but because of all the things you’ve done oh

Put a can in it okay i think just confused can it and put a put a sock in it it’s like shut up okay all right yeah so it’s it’s all thank you said something you said something that might just be our way out of here we need an energy source

Yeah someone made entirely of ethereum to create a portal out of here oh michael don’t go don’t go thinking anything brash what do you expect him to do that’s all he thinks brash thoughts what was the whole spirit that he was talking about before that was such a brash decision wasn’t it

Shut up that was the only decision we had at the time look how it’s the only one that made sense and let’s be let’s let’s be honest here shall we then eden whose fault was it that things happened in the first place well it was all according to my plan so i

Um exactly so it seems like it went well for you did it you got exactly what you wanted there’s always some good in the bad hmm where’s the good in this for you well for one you’re not dead that’s the good for now so the good is neither are you

Yes that’s the whole premise he’s not dead so neither am i exactly but anyways back to my point well no way an idea have an idea yeah because i do know someone who’s made entirely of ethereum at this point uh you do um remember what i told you when you guys

First landed here that your celestial spear spirit which means my existence is entirely based around michael oh how droll what a wonderful plan no it’s not well michael i theoretically i could get everyone out of here i can’t just enough magical power i could open up a portal but not to atlanta michael

This wouldn’t kill you right no no no no it would probably weaken me for a little bit but no nothing more than that unless because i can’t lose you you’re the last bit of family i like real family i have yeah i mean there’s only one way but

I mean only a novice would mess up that badly was that a bit i think i know to fix it at least to work around it okay so in this world we have two things we can do right yeah we can survive off of the ethereum around us hence why eaton

Is still able to talk to you so easily hello yes and why i exist still yeah and the other thing is we can infuse items with magical energy right yeah theoretically i am an infinite depository of aetherium sort of i pull from the special spirit realm which still has a

Way of opening up even in this room clearly because i am here yeah so so you could let me get this completely straight used you’re just gonna be a battery source you you just want to be a battery source for all of us to get out of here is that

Is that your plan well theoretically i can infuse some kind of an item that might already have a little bit of a magical energy in it i mean boost it up a bit give it like a turbo charge and then open up a portal into the celestial spirit room

Who who do we talk to after that to get us back to you know well once we’re in this the realm it’s very easy for me to get us back to atlanta oh okay i just wanted to make sure because then i can just didn’t want to be stuck there too no no

Currently uh i assume this is the lesson i was supposed to be taught but something about i don’t know learning to control my power in a sense but in both the physical and mental sense i guess so but i mean that would put us into the social spirit realm which

Fortunately enough the king has allowed me to have an open portal for the time being at least until my key is found and the things that will hand that are sorted and michael just because i want to share this because you’re my brother um and i don’t want you hearing from anyone

Else um i may or may not have a crush on richie and i’m realizing these feelings now i know you two are well right now i don’t really have the best opinion of them but i and i can’t change that that’s that’s not up to me i

That’s not for me to get into i don’t plan on defending him in his stead but look devin yeah can’t stop you from doing what you want to do first and foremost you never have no yeah honestly it didn’t stop you seven years i shut your and on top of that

That was just yeah you’re not going to live forever right no but you will yeah so but uh you know maybe time’s relative to me but that means i just don’t understand it yeah so you do what you want to do i have my own things i gotta take care of anyways

Speak for yourself i plan to be immortal it’s like good luck with that good luck with that anyway get out of my head okay i don’t know if you’d like to go back to the party or not but i’m not necessarily going i’m probably going to go see what the others

Are going to be doing so i kind of want to be yeah you tell them what i found out i’m going to go and then find an item that we can use yeah if it’s anything that i it means anything i’m sorry they had to resort to this uh for for brandon

Like i know i i know it’s really unfortunate and i i as long as brandon’s okay and we have a way out of here now so it doesn’t matter all right yeah i’ll talk to you yeah after a bit i guess i have some meditation i need you to okay see you michael

Hmm you know i tried the best i could the best i could i can’t stop time for you

This video, titled ‘”HEART TO HEART…” | Fairy Tail Origins S5 EP 31 | Minecraft Anime Roleplay’, was uploaded by FourOhFour Entertainment on 2020-12-16 22:00:10. It has garnered 38018 views and 2282 likes. The duration of the video is 00:28:55 or 1735 seconds.

Hey guys! It’s Four/Devin here! I want to thank you for clicking on this video and I hope you enjoyed your time spent here! 🙂

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● Song Credit: My Playground by ONLAP ft Aurélien Fontenoy – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PtMi1Sus7u0 ● This song on SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/album/4ijtIUmNfn8NGm0o364JeB?highlight=spotify:track:74DUrYjgrgHK3L13RRNbUi ● This song on APPLE MUSIC: https://music.apple.com/album/id/1516452019

● Production Music by Epidemic Sounds www.epidemicsound.com

● License: CC BY (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)

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  • WorldScape Realms 1.20 Survival

    Welcome to our Realm Server Community! Hello everyone, we are looking to create a dedicated and friendly community on our realm server. As we grow in numbers, we plan to transition to a regular Java server. We are seeking committed individuals who can help us build an amazing world and form lasting friendships. If you’re interested, feel free to reach out to me on Discord: Archality. Read More

  • New National Front

    New National FrontNew National FrontIs a small Minecraft survival server. We also have a Discord server https://discord.gg/rNe7XrKsmvAreas can be protected and things can be sold via our own user, admin shop.Ranks are linked to our Discord and you unlock lots of cool stuff!Note: Spawn and shop have been slightly reworked from Planet Minecraft. Credits go to the created users Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Minecraft noobs stuck in the past”

    Minecraft Memes - "Minecraft noobs stuck in the past"Looks like those who didn’t migrate are missing out on some high-scoring memes! Read More

  • Craft a Pickaxe Quick & Slick: Minecraft’s Trick

    Craft a Pickaxe Quick & Slick: Minecraft's Trick In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Crafting a pickaxe is how a player survives. Gather some sticks and materials strong, To make a tool that will last long. Wood, stone, iron, or diamond so rare, Each pickaxe has its own flair. For Netherite, use a Smithing Table with care, To create a pickaxe beyond compare. So follow these steps, don’t be shy, Craft your pickaxe and reach for the sky. In the world of Minecraft, where adventures unfold, Your pickaxe will be worth its weight in gold. Read More

  • “MLG Water Bucket Fail Compilation” 🔥😂 #minecraftmemes

    "MLG Water Bucket Fail Compilation" 🔥😂 #minecraftmemes “When you’re so excited to learn MLG water bucket in Minecraft that you accidentally pour water all over your keyboard instead of in the game. #fail #minecraftprobs” Read More

  • Block-breaking Shenanigans: Minecraft Episode 1

    Block-breaking Shenanigans: Minecraft Episode 1 Minecraft One Block Series: A Thrilling Adventure Begins! Welcome to Livestargamingz’s Minecraft One Block series Episode 1! Join the excitement as the journey unfolds in this thrilling gameplay. Dive into the world of survival, resource gathering, and exploration as Livestargamingz takes on the challenge of surviving in a single block environment. Key Points: Survival one block map Minecraft one block challenge Exciting gameplay elements Resource gathering and crafting Exploring the One Block World: In this episode, Livestargamingz embarks on a quest to mine blocks and expand the limited space available. With the appearance of pig spawns, the challenge intensifies… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for an Epic Zombie Apocalypse Experience!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for an Epic Zombie Apocalypse Experience! Are you ready for an epic adventure like no other? Join the Minewind Minecraft Server today and embark on a journey filled with excitement, challenges, and endless possibilities. With a modern, upbeat community and a wide range of features, Minewind is the perfect place for Minecraft enthusiasts to come together and explore the virtual world. Immerse yourself in a world where creativity knows no bounds, where you can build, explore, and conquer with like-minded players from around the globe. The Minewind server offers a unique experience that will keep you coming back for more. So, what are you waiting… Read More

  • Summoning A Demonic Wife: Sjin Enchants the World #23

    Summoning A Demonic Wife: Sjin Enchants the World #23Video Information hello my dudes and welcome back to all the mods 9 enchant the world we’re doing a magical mods playthrough of this mod pack and this episode we’re going to be jumping back into occultism and getting to some of the endgame things that mod has to offer pretty exciting well yeah definitely endgame occultism has some really cool things we’re going to look at today familiars as well as storage some highle quarrying and the endgame pesta resistance we’re going to summon a wife now of course we’ve added some red carpet because I wanted to go… Read More

  • Insane 5-Hour Roblox & Minecraft Marathon!

    Insane 5-Hour Roblox & Minecraft Marathon!Video Information hey what’s up with a happy Roblox family with Mom Dad Daisy mly and the baby [Music] baby with the star Squad smart and fun and little crazy well maybe just just a little bit just just a tiny [Music] bit don’t forget to hit subscribe and check out our awesome SN news at. hey guys what’s up it’s me Molly and Daisy and I want to show you this amazing fan video that we found on YouTube and today’s video is going to be based on this fan art it says Molly and Daisy but they’re evil… Read More

  • Unbeatable PvP Action with OTRABA – Top Clan Slaying Tali Krysha

    Unbeatable PvP Action with OTRABA - Top Clan Slaying Tali KryshaVideo Information Brasil [Música] [Música] [Música] m [Música] m mij m [Música] h ha [Música] This video, titled ‘PvP Funtime / top 1 clan ss / Kv 1×1 Tali Krysha’, was uploaded by OTRABA on 2024-04-25 08:32:53. It has garnered 108 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:52 or 112 seconds. #minecraft holyworld #gg holyworld minecraft, woopsen anarchy, broke the bedrock in the player’s base, wipe anarchy, trade after the wipe, after the wipe, that they won’t be found minecraft anarchy, minecraft carrot farm, ifrit farm, minecraft griefing, sold my base, like me sold my base… Read More

  • Bluey goes INSANELY FAST in Minecraft ONE BLOCK!

    Bluey goes INSANELY FAST in Minecraft ONE BLOCK!Video Information hello my dear friends today we are embarking on a new adventure in the world of Minecraft on the one block map where every block is a whole world of possibilities together with our loving and reliable family we are here to survive thrive and create wonders out of tiny cubes we started this journey together with each of us putting a piece of our minds labor and Imagination into expanding this lonely block into something grander my mom a master Miner carefully extracting resources from the depths of this World opening up new opportunities for us to… Read More

  • 🔥 Insane Minecraft Live SMP 24/7 CRACKED Server! #minecraftlive

    🔥 Insane Minecraft Live SMP 24/7 CRACKED Server! #minecraftliveVideo Information ब ब ब ब ब ब ब ब ब ब ब ब ब तो क्या है हालचाल तो गाइस बताओ आप सभी लोग क्या बोल रहे हो बार मैसेज कर रहे हो क्या क्या बोल पता नहीं तो हमारा एसम पी जो है उड़ चुका है मतलब जिसने बनाया था उसका घर उड़ चुका है तो इसलिए हम न्यू घर बना रहे हैं माइक ऑ था हमारा क्योंकि य हमारा जो है ना किसी और रूम में था इसलिए आप रिक्वेस्ट कर ओपन कर दिया हेलो ब्रो प्लीज भाई एमआर राहुल कुमार सबका स्वागत है लाइव स्ट्रीम को… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Scam Exposed: Building Epic Forts in Hardcore!

    Insane Minecraft Scam Exposed: Building Epic Forts in Hardcore!Video Information hi everybody wax FR here and welcome back to episode two of the hardcore let’s play series we are starting the episode right outside of our very first house in this series and we have plenty more to make the goal of this episode is actually not to take care of myself but to get some housing for the villagers because you know I mean I have a house but the villagers don’t have anything the only housing that we’ve made so far is actually the small dirt Hut that we have a mending villager in and our… Read More

  • Join Now! Free Gaming Server IP!

    Join Now! Free Gaming Server IP!Video Information तो आज हम वो कर रहे हैं नया अकाउंट बनाते हैं ये क्या करते हैं क्या पता 303 करते है ड [संगीत] अकाउट देखो तोय बेडकम य यह वा नलाइन करते आईडी वो हो जाएगी तेरी म तेरी आईडी की मजी बेबी ते इतनी गंदी सा ले र है गवा आदमी पागल ये देख रिफर क्या है नहीं भाई ये कमेंट रूल्स के मुताबिक य जीरी मैं तुम्ह खत्म कर दूंगा रुको मैं एकदम ठीक हूं अब मैं क्या करू तो मेमो मैं ता मुझे मजा आता है धो [संगीत] लेता भाई वट द वाला होता है ठीक… Read More

  • 🍪 Ultimate CookieVanilla base showoffs on KUMKA Server 🌆 #minecraft #fyp

    🍪 Ultimate CookieVanilla base showoffs on KUMKA Server 🌆 #minecraft #fypVideo Information [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] a This video, titled ‘Minecraft Server(Balkna) CookieVanilla starter 🌆bases🌆 showoff #minecraft #fyp #shorts’, was uploaded by KUMKA on 2024-01-08 01:13:40. It has garnered 58 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. If you want to join us, go to our discord and fill out the application for the whitelist Discord link:https://discord.gg/trmFytRags Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE Minecraft SMP gameplay 😎 || Road to 2k! || LIVE now

    UNBELIEVABLE Minecraft SMP gameplay 😎 || Road to 2k! || LIVE nowVideo Information सो हे गाइस क्या हाल चाल सभी के क्या हाल चाल भाई साहब सभी बढ़िया होंगे आई गेस सो कैसे हैं सभी यार मेरे ख्याल से बढ़िया ही होंगे और मेरी थोड़ी सी तबीयत खराब है बाकी तो सब सही चल रहा है बस थोड़ा बहुत हेडेक है थोड़ी थोड़ी दिमाग खराब हुआ बहुदा तो अगर कुछ गलत या सही बोल दूं तो भाई माफ करना कुछ खतरनाक बोल दूं तो दिमाग खराब हो जाएगा आपका तो भैया थोड़ा काबू में रहे और हमें भी काबू में रहने दे समझ रहे और बताइए सब लोग क्या हाल चाल… Read More

  • AngelCv3

    AngelCv3Survival MC Server! You can claim your land of course! But you can also buy a plot at the new city UPDATE! SELL to earn money, with it BUY, from stores.. or from players! Work with others or alone. This server is new so there is A LOT of land still left and unexplored ruins and dimensions! Enjoy~ fun fact I made the banner in 2 minutes soo.. yeaah THERE WILL BE A PROPER TRAILER SOON! angelcv3.minehut.gg Read More

  • Survivemc RP – Roleplay, Modded, SMP – Whitelist, 16+, 1.20.1

    Welcome to SurviveMC RP! SurviveMC RP is a new rp-based server with a growing community. Experience intense zombie survival with immersive mods and challenging gameplay. The world is unforgiving, with NPCs to trade with and a life steal mechanic adding to the difficulty. Features: Custom zombie skins and behavior Performance-based mods for smooth gameplay In-game character creation and unique world map Permanent death mechanic for added challenge If you’re a fan of post-apocalyptic worlds like “The Last of Us” or “The Walking Dead,” this server is for you. Join us on our Discord to start your adventure: Join Discord We… Read More

  • War kingdom

    Dive into a world of endless possibilities and adventure on our Minecraft server! Whether you’re a seasoned explorer or just starting your journey, there’s something for everyone here.Join a vibrant community of players from around the globe who share your passion for Minecraft. Make friends, team up on epic builds, or compete in friendly competitions. Read More

“HEART TO HEART…” | Fairy Tail Origins S5 EP 31 | Minecraft Anime Roleplay