HELP! I’m Drowning in Debt in Minecraft

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Feature I AB also going to look up while we’re here I’m going to look and see there’s if there’s a mod that allows you to put everything in your off hand like in Java CU I would like all right am I able to join the room for the meantime wa a

Second ah dang it all right I justart should be able to now all right I just all right guys I’m back on live stream I just wanted to Res I just wanted to redo the live stream I have a different thumbnail same title yada yada y I’m go

To with the sauce that’s all it didn’t made me download it any it didn’t make me download anything did I join too early maybe I already have it I don’t know whoa Matthew I request assistance you request is there any is there yes I request assistance uh is there any way you could

Bring me a torch to the nether please or a few is it still broken oh my gosh uh dude I just got um now that that problem’s fixed I can use Ray tracing now in the realm and it looks so amazing I wish I can use I have Ray tracing now

I wish I can use retracing I’m actually going back to the Overworld to get the Torches don’t worry about dude raate tracing looks so great in the realm no but no you cannot use raate tracing your your computer would would probably it would probably literally

Turn off if you try to use R tracing it is so hard on computer power oh my gosh everything looks so beautiful in the nether so um Minecraft adding a feature this is oh my gosh this is insane how beautiful everything looks so oh my gosh what is going

On why is there like eight gas all shooting at me at the exact same time that’s kind of messed up dude seriously everything looks beautiful I’m I’m sorry you can’t experience this that your computer isn’t powerful enough but this is hey I I can experience it in Java

Edition I can experience that in Java Edition no you can’t yes I can you could implement it but your frame rate would probably be like five a second no it’s not it was at like a good 60 or 70 FPS I don’t think you were using R tracing

Then it was Matthew I know you’re probably going to try to convince me otherwise but I’m serious there’s no way that you were getting 60 FPS while using ra tracing it’s not possible with your computer well maybe maybe it was something different but I literally had

Like the good old I had the shadows and stuff so maybe maybe it was different maybe it wasn’t R tracing but I still had like the good old Java shaders where the sun is that’s just shaders there’s a huge difference between Ray tracing and shaders Dude any dude my phone can run

Shaders now it struggles a little bit well no not my phone no my tablet would my phone’s I mean the iPhone 13 Pro Max it’s it’s it’s pretty powerful for a phone it’s I’m not saying it’s powerful at all compared to computer but for a phone it’s really good but anything can

Run shaders Matthew rate tracing is totally different rate tracing I I’ll tell you what it is and then you’ll kind of understand why it’s so hard to run rate tracing is instead of when you place it when instead of Life sources is just emitting light in a certain block

Radius like torches have a a light radius of eight blocks or so Ray tracing every light is like a particle just like in real life and the light travels like light literally bounces off walls and stuff and it it it makes it basically Ray tracing makes the game

Makes Lighting in games where exactly like how light works in real life where light is actually particles that bounce off of stuff so I so I was so in Java Edition you know how the light you know how on the light like you could shine Through the Windows and stuff yeah in

Java Edition I can literally use stuff like that I don’t know if it’s actually I don’t know if it’s actually R tracing but I was able those are just shaders ra tracing is so different R tracing is is a is an entirely different lighting engine it’s like it’s not a it’s not

Even a resource it’s not even a texture pack at this point it totally texture packs all they do is just change the way the textures are in the game this it doesn’t just change textures it actually changes the way that light works in Minecraft I wish I can experience it I

Mean I could screen share you’d be able to see it it would be it’d be very laggy but if I screen share you’d be able to see what it looks like I can watch YouTube videos uh yeah I kind of want to go on Java Edition and

Show the mod because I those uh because I I mean the the shaders it really it feels like I have Ray tracing because I can see like the like the Shadows of the trees and oh hey what’s up nether MC why can’t I see chat

By the way yeah I can’t see chat Let me refresh it real quick yeah um nothing was uh none of the chat was popping up yeah still nothing is popping up refresh chat let’s see yeah sorry it feels like I’m ignoring okay there we go

I fixed it hey what’s up nether MC how are you doing I truly apologized I wasn’t able to get to your um uh message in chat I I thought I thought it was like automatically just there anyway you left the game dang it why’d you leave

The game because I just realized that I messed up the dynamic lighting pack in realm I forgot I added it but I forgot it’s one of those Macs that those packs have a slider and I have to actually turn it on ah okay I’ll leave the game wait why is

It not why is it a behavior pack and not resource it’s it’s not supposed to be a I actually when I actually installed that is it the same one in my realm when I actually had a realm because if it is it is on it’s on Max maybe maybe let

Me add it to my global resources and see if that makes a difference oh but it’s not a resource that’s the problem let me let me download a different one real quick a dynamic torch light we got two viewers what’s up how y’all doing today you’re

Doing good are you doing bad or you doing M Manos which is in between and espol what what is does that mean does that mean Matthew MOS ESP it’s um it just means the middle the middle like okay it just means decent in other words but

Ah you know that you know what that means Matthew what does it mean it means I eat kids ah okay okay now it’s not not no longer child friendly anymore why are you eating Kids ads are annoying I don’t think my content even is kid-friendly to begin with I I I definitely I I I noticed that I do this it’s like I noticed that I’m not don’t don’t tell no I want to say this don’t say anything on your Channel about your content being friendly

Because then YouTube is going to start getting more strict about the things you say okay I think it’s more like okay yeah I feel it’s not kid friendly but it is definitely like kind of mild because I’m not over obsessively making content yeah do you want me to leave yeah just for a

Second yeah like my content is a lot more mild than it was before because like during earlier this year that was swearing every other second and I took down those type of videos but um so that’s why you only see like 600 videos compared to like 900 earlier this year

Yeah so if you didn’t notice I’m sure some of you did I do take down videos that I don’t think will benefit the channel or just did fail so like a short that just failed it’s like okay I’m just going to make it private because then I

Can just look at it later there’s always that chance that it will just blow up again but it’s not worth it to have it on there in my opinion but yeah I I don’t think my yeah my content is not kid-friendly it’s just mild all right how do I turn on experimental features

Uh in real oh dude you’re gonna have to literally download your world you’re I thought it won’t take very long I’ve got high download fees you’re gonna have to download oh dang it okay guys you’re gonna see my you’re going to see my world here my good old Xbox I think

That’s my I think I’m joining my Xbox so I just have to download the world world settings and then and then upload that world as the realm yes okay uh I’m there might be some just probably some of your uh issues there all right what all do I have to

Turn on nether MC is your internet uh wait wait wait wait so uh okay okay okay so um I’m kind of curious like what is like the um stream delay time oh wait no I’m joining the uh my uh realm World anyway so what is like the

The delay because there could be like a 15 there could be like a a 15c delay it could be like a 30 minute delay 30 second delay not 30 minutes that’d be horrible okay now I should jeeez replace world uh yeah I I would assume last time

I tried to do that it didn’t work by the way okay this will remove your current world from your realm and replace it with a new one your realm members won’t have access to your current world anymore no I think that’s just gonna dude I don’t want to do that

Because I think it’s gonna make a new one how do I is that going to let me pick a world to make my Realm I have no idea anymore I haven’t I do I haven’t been paying a subscription for a realm in like some time at this

Point I kind of lost a lot of knowledge in it by the way guys this is uh mine and jaguars uh realm uh before the new one that we’re currently playing it is so I’m replacing it you’re gonna have to I’m replacing it I definitely do brotopia now should be uh join join

Brotopia look at all that cheese blocks we have cheese blocks in Maya oh a 60c delay okay yeah so I that’s a lot bro that is a lot that yeah dude that’s like honestly I don’t I it also could depend on the internet connection as well because it’s like there’s so many other

Factors when it comes to stream delay I don’t think my I think I’m running probably like a 15-second delay Matthew if if you ever get monetized I think the first thing you should invest in is getting a better computer and I will help you I could build you a computer as

Beefy as mine for $600 I can just go buy computer BP series for 600 whoa no buying a computer now that I now that I’ve done both now that I’ve bought computers and build computers I could tell you that buying a computer is a waste of money it they

Really are much more expensive than just building one on your own and building your own computer is so much easier than you think it is so is my computer just at this point lowend or is it still middle tier well it’s a laptop so there very there is very very few

Good like laptop Matthew well and even if it advertises as a gaming laptop it’s still probably about as powerful as an iPhone uh an iPhone can’t run GTA 5 at 60 FPS uh I I would not needs to be synchronized and optimized why is it taking

Forever joining real this may take a few moments yeah it’s taking forever I just joined perfectly fine are you in it right now is anything changed uh no all right then I’m just going to close Minecraft I’m and for restart it and join because I’m just I’m

Just stuck on the loading screen because not only that I can’t use uh my torch and my offhand at all I can’t also I can’t do do that it’s not letting me download anything it’s no it’s not that it’s not letting it doesn’t let you put torches

In your off hand but when you have them in your primary hand they light up what oh so it is oh okay yeah okay okay that makes sense okay cool yeah yeah then I’m perfectly fine yeah I’m yeah okay cool is it working for you oh yeah everything’s working for me the Torches

Your hand light up yeah don’t for me I must have some good luck today I’m wondering if it is a computer thing because I’m curious if I I’m curious if like because of these updates like my computer is not working as efficiently as it is anymore because it’s literally going downhill on my

Computer it really is is I don’t see I don’t understand it was working perfectly fine when it comes to survival and then all of a sudden I feel like my computer’s going into the lowend Spectrum well the computers uh computers get worse over time what’s your computer temperature right

Now uh I have to open up a different application to see it but normally but I okay it works it works in my hand but not when I have my R tracing pack on uh oh my computer is 167 degrees that never happened I just turned off all my packs and now the

Nether is not dark anymore bro my computer is 167 degrees that is kind of hot do you have an ice pack no do you have you don’t Matthew I’m I’m dead serious about this buy an ice pack from the store put it in a Ziploc bag and keep it in your fridge or

Freezer keep it in your freezer and then whenever you’re going to play games take it out and put it um under your computer but make sure it is in a Ziploc bag because it adds another layer of protection because if that ice pack breaks then all that all that chemical

All that wet chemical is going to go in your computer and absolutely destroy it I might just buy a cooling pad for my computer instead that’s a waste of money just buy an ice pack it’s the it’s the same thing a cooling pads use fans ice packs use

Ice but you save so much money I think the ice is probably going to melt yeah that’s how ice packs work yeah it’s it’s just gonna melt and then I want to stream for like an hour and it’s just gonna melt it’ll last an hour or

Like two hours or maybe three hours well then get a couple ice packs are really cheap I don’t want to I feel like I’ll just do the waste of money and just have like a cooling pad I don’t use his fans you can but I really think that is just

A huge waste of money what probably like 40 bucks but it might be worth it instead of using an ice pack because I also I’m pretty sure ice pack would actually be more efficient than Fans such a day Storer since he has this realm server you both can use Realms on the preview Edition for free what wait what’s what’s pre what’s what’s preview Edition oh preview Minecraft is basically beta like it it you can use all the features that Minecraft adds um you know like experimental

Features where Curr ly uh it’s using like the shaders but like you don’t need Ray tracing and it feels like you have Ray tracing but like it’s but it’s just shaders it’s shaders well but you tell me how to if you tell me how to turn it

On I’ll do it oh no no no no no you actually have to download a whole different application for it oh yeah you yeah and it’s it’s not depends on how hard it is to do oh it’s not hard at all you just download it you should look at

You you’re going to get it for free you’re it’s not you’re not going to pay a dime for it you have Minecraft as long as you have Minecraft you can have it I have it okay well do you want it just go and play um an experimental version of

Minecraft do you want it do you do you think it’s worth it do you want me to figure out how to do that and add to the realm absolutely I think it would be worth it you might might be he might have it for if if if he’s saying you can

Have a realm for free bro it is worth it I’ll have my own hey what’s up toy yeah okay ask him to tell me more about this free realm thing because I totally don’t mind paying for Realms it’s very cheap free is always better than cheap okay so he

Said day Stormer he said day Stormer since he has this realm okay one second the zombie trying to kill me anyway since he has this realm server you both can use Realms on the preview Edition for free so he’s basically saying you can use it for free but I don’t know if

It’s 100% the realm isn’t free it’s just preview Edition is free okay that’s what he’s talking about ah RS aren’t free in preview Edition I guess he’s just he’s just saying that it doesn’t cost money to use preview oh yeah I I don’t know tell correct me if I’m

Wrong but um I might because he’s saying that I I feel like I I maybe I’m not reading this wrong wrong I I I really do think he’s saying you can use Realms on preview Edition for free I I it kind of hard to believe but let me read this

Again oh yeah I’m doing a little thing like every single live stream I’m just going to like upload random PNG images and have like the weirdest titles ever so like ask if he wants to join a call cu the texts aren’t making much sense

Ask if he wants to join a call a Discord call hey nether MC if you’re still in the live stream which you’re probably not going to get this message until like 60 seconds later or more um do you want to join a disc it was NE MC the whole

Time it was NE MC okay yeah asked him if he wants to join a Discord call they explain it because I I don’t know what he’s anyway uh back to toffee real quick um yeah basically I’m just doing this thing where every time I do a live

Stream I’m just going to name it random things with the most weirdest thumbnails ever to exist in humankind so like today it’s like I’m in college debt but let’s just play Minecraft but with a sad Goblin face so you chose a sad Goblin face oh oh

It’s because it okay okay he explained a lot better is so brh it is because if you own a realm on Bedrock Edition then you can get it for free on preview Edition so you have to own a realm so you can and you can use it for

Free on preview Edition so no thanks and they also respond no thanks I can’t use Discord right now so yeah basically saying if you own a realm right now you can just use it for free on preview Edition so you if you own a Bedrock realm then you can use preview Edition for

Free he’s saying if you own a realm preview Edition is basically free if you own Minecraft in general you can just use your realm for free on preview Edition that’s what that’s what he’s saying basically you can transfer your realm to a preview Edition you’re under

The same account you own a realm I’m sure you can use it on preview Edition you can’t use it on Java obviously but literally preview Edition is just Minecraft Bedrock Edition but with beta with beta updates you’re you’re literally getting these it’s all experimental gam oh we already have beta

Updates I just don’t we already have a beta updates feature on realm I just haven’t turned it on no that’s the thing those are experimental features uh we’re just playing on a realm toffee so it’s not so uh it’s just a sacred server for both of us um

Sacred Dude tell them about the realm you’re G to make soon oh okay oh hey what’s up okay so somebody from uh my met 160 class literally uh subscribed to my channel which is insane so I I you probably found me when I was making my presentation today I because that’s like

The only time I’ve ever mentioned my channel so oh welcome to the live stream I um anyway yeah we’re making a Minecraft live stream it’s it’s a very decent calming relaxing experience I swear you’re just going to just sit back and relax eat some popcorn or fried

Steak or whatever popcorn cuz that’s all you got Matthew I swear your I swear your diet is 90% popcorn my diet is nothing but ramen noodles and popcorn and dining food that’s all it is like all I eat is pizza fries popcorn and ramen if I had

To choose just a few foods that I can have I swear green apples would be one of them green apples are are like I I think I’m addicted to green apples they are so good green apples are like my absolute favorite fruit I think I’ll probably survive off of beans see I love

I love red apples too red apples are good but it’s just green apples are just better oh yeah so green are kind of more sour than red ones red ones are really sweet and GRE that’s the only reason why I like green apples is because it’s sour I like

Sour the thing about green apples is it’s not like sour candy where it’s actually literally destroying your mouth sour candy is so bad for you because it literally citric acid you’re literally not supposed to eat that you know what’s funny it it tastes sour because the sour is your body’s response to citric

Acid it’s basically your body trying to tell you don’t eat this you know what that’s probably why that every time I eat sour candy I just feel numb to it because I literally am used to it but I haven’t ate and that’s the thing though I don’t eat sour candy

On a daily basis I don’t that would be horrible I mean it would be the worst thing to ever do to my body and I’m sorry I need your help H what do you need my heal with I was about to go strip mining I’m strip mining in the

Nether and I’ve gone pretty far and I don’t know where the I don’t know where the ladder is so could you like go to the ladder and get me the coordinates so I could strip mine back to the ladder because I don’t know where I’m at oh all right so we have another

Comment dang really calling me out laugh my off you should open up a precooked bag of microwave popcorn and look at it all of them r radioactive chemicals what do you mean Radioactive chemicals is he talking about what it looks like when you open up when you

Open up a bag of popcorn before cooking it and how it looks all nasty looking that’s just because it’s solidified butter inside the liquid and stuff that you see inside a bag of popcorn before it’s cooked if you decide to cut one open ah okay we got another comment is is it’s

Butter but in a solid form okay so what was I supposed to do again because I forgot I need you to go to the nether go to the strip mine and give me the coordinates for the ladder ah okay unless I can find my way

Back on before you get here I hope I hope you find a way yeah um so you should try Sour Patch Kids cereal nope it looked disgusting I cannot dude Sour Patch Kid cereal is a thing yes and I’m sorry I seen it that sounds gross horrendous that sounds like

Something you should not be putting in your body wait and then also it says I feel like people who buy that crap are are put a special list it and then in other respones it was a joke all the butter is hardened and it looks gross as

Freak yeah literally it’s not it’s it’s the stuff you see inside of a bag of cooked popcorn is a is a mixture of butter and popcorn salt that has been solidified so it’s basically nothing more than butter if you were to scrap it butter with a little bit of popcorn salt

In it if you were to scrape it out and eat it it would just taste like a crunchy version of butter all right I’m going I’m going to the ladder uh I’m going down the ladder currently that’s also why when you whenever you open a bag of

Popcorn you oh you found your way back what the heck man I was useless I’m call back up what do you mean I found oh you’re yeah no not found my way back I’m guessing I see I see your name tag bro yeah I’m I’m bridging towards you but I still don’t

Know where I’m at okay dude also this is uh it’s safer than the bed strategy and I’m getting a decent amount of um of ancient debris from this come on I found this is the way back however it takes a toll on the durability of my

Pickaxe well I mean to be honest I mean the bed strategy uh is kind of Ah that’s what I feel about it the B strategy is only safe if you have shield and a durable block such as deep slate okay what texture pack are you using I use

Plastic texture pack on my world because I have an interesting phobia of M texture pack anyway Minecraft spiders interesting because I’m not afraid of spiders L uh I don’t I mean if if you use a plastic texture pack I I kind of respect it why why are are you using plastic

Texture pack do you not like do you do you not like games that look good you know what GMA don’t look that good and hey guess what it’s a fun game so shut up like uh just because because Gmod is meant to run on anything oh yeah G Gmod is literally

Built to be able to run on any computer no matter how bad uh well yeah you know my laptop that I had previously yeah yeah um it was not meant to run Gmod at all so uh I would probably Gmod is quite literally if you’re if you have a computer that can’t

Run GMod and that computer belongs in the trash because Gmod is quite literally meant to run on the most lowend computers ever Minecraft your computer can’t even run Gmod then throw it in the garbage no my brother is using it for schooling oh well he he yeah he I

Guess he gets the computer he deserves can you sleep I got to put on some armor why because it’s very important to my daily dat are you going are you going netherite mining no I don’t suggest you go netherite miny because we can’t use it anyway all right remember we have to go

To a Bastion before we can even start putting okay we have to we have to get the template before we can even start putting netherite on our stuff neite is basically useless for right now all right so the plastic pack isn’t anything special at all I agree but it makes the

Spiders look extremely fake so that’s I guess I guess that’s the reasoning spiders you know what that’s absolutely fine you know what bro I’m going be honest with you spiders are like probably one of the most scariest mobs in Minecraft I just be chilling and all

Of a sudden I feel like it is I feel like it probably is the most scariest I’m gonna I highly disagree with that for me it probably is one of the scariest because I’m just chilling all of a sudden I hear and it’s like ah it’s it’s basically a mini jump scare

Creepers are the scariest creepers have the if you’re talking about noise wise creepers are the scariest when you’re just casually having fun and all of a sudden you hear right behind you and you know you’re about to blow up if you don’t take off running that’s what’s scary not

Spiders bro spiders are easy to kill because they always end up climb climbing up into a corner of a wall where you can just crit them to death stop being logical for I I don’t have problems with spiders except for last night on that live stream but I was faking that where

You know where you saw me I was losing that fight to the spider I was doing that I was faking that but um yeah I don’t ever have a problem with spiders they’re so easy to kill because they just they they climb up into the corner and just stay there and you could

Just crit them to death bruh chicken nuggets I that’s the only thing my bow and arrow I I know I have like 675 billion different bow and arrows but I the enchanted one I’m like not even doing anything in the bro my arrows arrows are bro I’m literally so

Basically what I’m going to do is that I’m going to always car carry a a all right now that I’m out of the nether let me leave to add my uh my uh R tracing back all right so it’s kind of funny because most people say creepers

And Enderman are the scariest and I have no problem with either it’s spiders and cave spiders for me I I guess it’s just the spiders I mean some people might think spiders are the most mayac toobe I think I I I think I think he mentioned that

Earlier uh in the Stream he had a phobia so uh yeah so it’s probably that it it has to be because even I kind of agreed to a slight extent but even if even then spiders in Minecraft I mean I’m more honestly I mean okay I

Don’t even know what to think I heard both sides and I kind of have to side it with you a little bit I try toci side I try toci side with the the viewer for a second but then it’s like I kind of understand at the same time but it’s

Like spiders aren’t really scariest to me I it’s scary a little bit but it’s not is you’re right creepers are more scary Enderman bro I have no problem looking at an Enderman dead in the eye I I do that all the time I’m like bro this ra tracing looks horrible

And amazing at the same time okay so it’s okay okay uh yeah I should have read earlier it says N I ain’t afraid of spiders in real life it’s it has to be the red eyes in the size okay that makes sense the fact that spiders are huge and their

Eyes glowed that that’s not scary to me because for me there’s a difference in scary and creepy something can be creepy but not scary what just happened okay so bro okay so my Minecraft just crashed that’s messed up okay now we’re talking about the warden in chat toffee yeah we’re not even

Factoring in in the warden wouldn’t you think that’s more scarier than a freaking Creeper because they can just one shot you with iron armor like dude like you have to be like you can Crouch and stuff and absolutely avoid it but it’s like really scary the fact you have

To go in a um sometimes you when you go what you think do you think it was R tracing that the crash on I don’t I mean I don’t think it should be because I even I have good frames so my computer is obviously running rage tracing fine because I have

Good frames I have good frames but my computer is hot I’m just like what what just crafted my Minecraft probably my go to with the sauce Minecraft skills that you can never have I I think that’s what it is I’m like see Okay so yesterday if you looked

At the live stream I was MJ bridging literally the almost the whole entire time just like MJ bridging all over the uh over the oh gosh I was MJ bridging and jagar did not like that at all which I totally understand because it’s literally griefing it literally is griefing but I will say

This I at least I got to keep my zigzag because I literally had a large battle this gigantic beautiful amazing zigzag whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa oh no no oh no did you did you fall into did you oh did you mine straight into lava at the

Nether no no what really what happened is that I so oh no did I bring my diamonds with me no I didn’t okay good okay so it’s not much much of a loss it was the fact that I was trying to survive by placing a water bucket but it

Actually enclosed me into the lava and then after that there was went were you able to get out so that all your stuff didn’t fall lava it no I I didn’t lose I didn’t lose anything too valuable I mean the only valuable thing is my diamonds and I had

Iron but it wasn’t that bad I can just recreate all this stuff how many diamonds did you have no no I didn’t have my I no I didn’t have my diamonds with me I still have all nine of them well what was the most valuable thing you

Had I don’t know did you have a diamond pickaxe I did have a diamond pickaxe that’s that’s probably was it Enchanted um no okay it the durability was like horrible again it wasn’t that much of a loss it was more of like I’m scared moment it’s more of

That I mean I mean I lost all of my XP but I mean if you’re willing to give me a uh if you’re willing to give me a uh you know actually yeah I will give you an enchanted diamond pickaxe though you can H you can have

This but you will have to repair it with your own diamonds you know how about you know what I think what the freak what hold up I want you to look at the farm look at the farm look that way I’m screenshotting this look look that way quit looking at

Me quit looking at me and stare that way okay nothing’s wrong with the farm no no there’s something wrong with you what what I got the screenshot hold up I’m sending that to you on Discord okay I’m just gonna open up I’m just gonna

Open it up on my phone if you really a second I have to um I have to crop it because it screenshots both of my monitors I have to crop it so just it’s just one of bro apparently my supposed person apparently uh the uh there it is

I’m not you know exactly what I’m talking about when the person thatt texted me on Snapchat starts with a K don’t don’t mention anything she might be watching the stream I have no idea she don’t need to know that I know about something anyway all right copy all right I’m sending

It anyway look look at what you look like what the freak leg your legs okay bro your legs your legs are messed up bro y’all y’all have to like the video so y’all want to see this I’m doing thiso you should make that your thumbnail you want me to make the image

You want me to send you a wider version of the image so you can make you have access to my YouTube channel if you really want you can actually make at the thumbnail for me you have access you can edit videos and make thumbnails for me yeah if you

Want to make that the thumbnail go ahead but f cow that horrible are you the new scariest mob in MRA no I promise I am not the most scariest mom in Minecraft holy cow I wouldn’t be surprised bro my legs are glitched out holy cow now I’m scared of

Myself I H I have to I have to I have have to change my Minecraft skin at this point I need to change it no I like it there I I sent you a skinnier version that you could use as a thumbnail the only reason why do you like my Minecraft

Skin because my Minecraft skin is the most unique Minecraft skin in Minecraft and when you recognize my Minecraft skin you’re you’re literally going to know who I am yeah dude if you change your skin your the people that watch your videos might not recognize you own cubecraft

Anymore bro I don’t okay I’m going to be I’m going to be completely honest with you okay fun fact apparently I’m the most popular cubecraft how dare you cut me off apparently I’m the most popular cubecraft bridges YouTuber so far but again I I am like on the research to

Find somebody I need to get a tornado mod in Minecraft uh yeah definitely um so apparently one of my um worlds are bugged out I tried to add OptiFine and then all or OptiFine on my server no uh no NE no no there’s no tornado mod on Bedrock Edition that is

Actually decent don’t believe all those fake mods because I tried it all and it’s horrible only on Java Edition so when I play Java some should create someone should create an AI that takes Java mods and rewrites their code in C++ so that they’re compatible with

Bedro but see you’re going to need an AI to do that because I understand that rewriting the entire code of a mod from JavaScript to C++ would take a long time so you probably need a AI to do it anyway back to the uh tornado mod yeah

Apparently with the OptiFine I tried to install OptiFine and then like now I just can’t even access the world like I can’t even so like the mod that I remember that time where we had to um try to uh well you you know like we we tried

To play multiplayer right and so I was using that which it made installing mods so much more inconvenient but as soon as I tried to add OptiFine it corrupted the whole entire thing and so now I can’t even join it so I probably have to reinstall everything that I had so uh

Yeah well you know it kind of kind of wait what happened to the pickaxe that I had did like you lost it the one I gave you yeah I probably do you still have it or did I just like mindlessly throw it in the chest oh no I still have it I didn’t

Give it to you because I was distracted by your weird character Ah that’s what happened if I were you it’s it’s Unbreaking three that’s it’s only enchantment if I were you I would take your diamonds and upgrade it cuz you don’t have enough levels to enchant right now and that way

You’ll have a pickaxe that breaks less often for the price of just a regular pickaxe because it would probably take about three diamonds to repair it at what it’s at right now right which is the cost of a regular pickaxe right now but if you think about

It it’s worth it because instead of making a regular pickaxe you just repair this for three NS and instead now you have a fully repaired Unbreaking three pickaxe which will last longer I definitely got to show you my Minecraft city sometime I just built Chili’s last week all right that that sounds awesome

We should totally make a video on joining his City that sounds cool that does sound cool I would like to go to Chili’s Minecraft Chili’s absolutely who doesn’t want D chili Chili’s is like like bro I’m lactose andt in the chest that I give I

Put it in the chest that I give you your stuff in dude I’m lactose intolerant but you know what’s funny I still eat cheese anyway I forgot torches anyway I still eat cheese anyway but I just be like and that’s the thing when I’m on the

Toilet I hate saying this on stream but it’s it’s maybe somebody can agree with literally relate to this but when I’m on the toilet my roommates have a problem when I’m on the toilet for an extended period of time but they’re the ones that take like 2our showers so I don’t want

To hear nothing let me watch Tik Tok or YouTube shorts for two hours straight on the toilet okay it’s so different so shut up the toilet is the toilet is the one place you can have privacy yeah literally sometimes you go to the toilet not because you need to use the toilet

Just because you want to be alone exactly yeah anyway so like people if if you’re that I I understand that you probably have the massive volcanic a massive volcanic turd that’s about to fly okay I’m done I’m sorry okay yeah you’re right I’ll hit you up on installator dang dude I hate dude

You’re getting I got four viewers right now dude you’re gonna you’re getting uh you’re getting fanboyed by your viewers uh I don’t I I I can I can disagree on that one I love this mod because it makes everything more 3D all the 2D textures become 3D but I really would like to

Have my uh my vanilla plus Java add-on and Bedrock all right since I am a transfer student I don’t have to live in a dorm so I got my own private potty damn it I don’t want to live in this dorm sometimes I hate my roommates and sometimes I love my room roommate

Sometimes it just it depends on my you’re right yeah you’re right got but anyway yeah it’s like when I say that I’m saying it’s like I don’t mind them anymore like I I don’t mind talking to them but then I just hate them for some reason maybe it’s just like

Depending on my mood like I it really oh there dude you oh you have you gave me the pickaxe oh or did you just like throw it in my chest while I was trying to go uh I put it in your chest while I was trying to I would repair it for

Three diamonds and then you have an Unbreaking three pickax and that’ll last you for long enough until you can have enough levels to do your own stuff should I like start a Gund me just for just be like you should not start a gofund me Gund me gofund me is for

People who actually need the money okay okay Texas Roadhouse gave me a potato skins with more cheese than potato so therefore the toilet was punished what is your favorite Minecraft block deep slate how you GNA how you gonna just casually say that and then go on to the next sentence I don’t

Know I think that needs to be addressed what the the Texas Roadhouse potato no that’s okay Texas Ro my favorite bro okay listen Texas Roadhouse gave me potato skins with more than Che more cheese than potato so therefore the toilet was punished what is your favorite Minecraft block that’s

Exactly what I typed in chat I’m sorry when I’m reading text it’s really difficult to not skip lines it is I can’t control no it’s not about that it’s about how you’re going to read read about the Texas Roadhouse toilet and then not laugh at it like that’s

Hilarious why did you not laugh at it I I I I don’t know I just can’t I thought that was [ __ ] bro I don’t hear you be laughing so shut up you don’t have any bro you don’t you don’t got nothing to say Be quiet n you didn’t even laugh you just

Said that was funny and you didn’t even laugh yeah I casually read things so that’s the thing what’s sad about it is like it’s really hard to make me laugh it really is like I can casually read things and like there’s kind of like no emotion to it I can probably sound like

An AI and just read things and people think are you a robot I don’t know it probably has something to do with the autism I have no idea the acoustic spectum the pool in the Titanic still has yes it still does totally yep absolutely I mean who

Wouldn’t oh okay so do you like watch those memes where like people just like make the most obvious statements and then all of a sudden it like transitions to a skeleton that says like literally is like having their hands on their knees and like Falls Face Forward I

Freaking love those memes and it’s like well it’s the bro I’m dead me hey I hey I got him to laugh damn it you’re right sorry for language dang it this is unacceptable how dare you that’s that’s I have weaknesses when it comes to laughter yes I dig that

Stuff he’s talking about the skeleton meme I I I would assume okay do you watch the Manny show I SW like do do you watch yeah because you told me I look like him but I don’t I never I I don’t think I’ve ever told you

That I think somebody else told oh no that was that was my other friend no uh no I told you you look like jeffre my other friend told me I look like him yeah so I told my friend that he looks like Jeffrey dhama rally Jefferson

Mixed okay I want to add a mod but I’m going to ask for your approval here oh can we like wait till it’s a it’s a very it’s just it’s it’s one thing I want doors to be centered oh all right like instead of doors being on the edge of the block if

You place them Inward and the the other edge of the block if you’re placing outward I want them to be centered no matter how way you place them they they are on the the middle of the block that would be cool uh what do you think can we probably a discussion for

Later to be honest all right all you guys food sounds really good while I’m over here in the UK eating sausage and mashed potato oh he’s in the U he’s in the UK uh not the person in my met uh 160 class obviously but Toof is yes oh feel bad for

Him feel bad for you sorry I hope you get better I know life is hard when all you have to eat is that nastiness that y’all eat British food is the worst Food on the planet it was never mentioned that Humpty Dumpty was an

Egg it was that is true it wasn’t if if you look if you really read the book it just describes him as being egg shaped which basically just meant he was a fat boy bro I’m strip mining bro can you sleep how I don’t have a bed which

Really which when you think about it makes it a lot more tragic when you when you think about the fact that he wasn’t an egg just a normal boy but when he fall when he fell off the wall he broke into a million pieces makes it a lot more there’s

L that a boy bro I have to don’t I’m not even gonna say l no lur is a swear dang it on my stream now because I don’t want to summon Matt Pat okay so if I say lore three times in the mirror and then Matt Pat already Game

Theory I can’t summon Matt Pat I’m scared of that man bro if he if he has some way if he pops go to the nether or sleep no I’m too far away from my bed you’re just going to have to deal with it I’m sorry but I want to build my my

House I am sorry but I literally am too far away from my bed now so I’m strip mining this package is so hard to open so I’m just ripping it open with my can you just off for a second every time I try to go strip mining it’s like something wants to

Block me bro go ahead go ahead do back Matthew I got bad news I need a strip mine what is the bad news uh there is no bad news it’s it’s no longer GLE it’s now it’s now SK SK y I don’t like that month no griddle

Sour dudes right now wait griddle sounds like a food is that is it actually a it to me like is gritty sounds like bro it sounds like grits like every time I think of griddle it’s grits whoa it’s literally The Bu of gritty the one thing in Michigan what

Okay I’m sorry uh if okay so for a michigander okay so you got michiganders in chat here do you think Verner is overrated because I’m sorry I’m from Michigan and it’s like in mi Michigan or saying verners is like the the Magic The Magic serum to fix all

Illnesses oh yeah we have Jacks you don’t have that yeah well we have we have White Castle gamer winner can I join um this is a sacred um Minecraft while just just for me and my friend Jaguar I actually can’t do that but I about the realm yeah

That’s the realm is just a survival series not a series I could be could I don’t want it to be unless actually you can if you want if you want to record it you can but I’m just playing casually okay uh for me I guess it could be a

Survival series but only if only if I feel like it okay so it’s just how am I else am I going to say what else am I going to say about the realm what else am I gon to say seriously what like all it’s is playing Survival Minecraft I’ve never met okay

Okay I’ve never actually okay I’ve actually never had Vernard okay good it’s not worth actually drinking I had brisk and it was a bad decision because it it tasted bad I didn’t like it but see that’s just cuz I’m Southern and and you got to you can’t make sweet

Tea like that you can’t you can’t give a southerner sweet te you can’t give a southerner that until him it’s sweet tea that’s no that’s not sweet tea oh no Canada Dry oh no that is worse than Sprite what wrong with Canada Dry bro have you ever had a bro have you

Ever had a bro was dude bro is forced to literally drink Canada Dry bless your soul I have you ever had you ever had AZ stop it you’re you’re you’re getting annoying now you’re hurting my feels um uh in this live stream I do not I’m not going to do cubecraft but

Tomorrow tomorrow at 1 o’clock which around this time frame I’m going to be probably anyway I’m going to bye anyway you cut me off man uh tomorrow I’m going to be doing a cubecraft live stream so there won’t be any uh Survival series survival video do

You want to play Bridges egg Wars and snowman survival what I want to play Sow survival yes but what time one o’clock which you’re probably going to be at work at the time I’m gonna be at work yeah so it’s not even worth it for you

Why can’t you reschedule so I can join because I literally made that schedule like two weeks ago why can’t you do it at 2 o’clock you can join at two o’clock I’ll be home by 2 o’clock your time yeah it I’m probably planning on keeping the stream up for like two hours

Like that’s really well then play can you play bridges in the first half so that so that I can be there for snowman surviv it’s probably what I’m probably going to do is I might start off with Cube crap Bridges and then I’m going to go to like egg Wars and then probably

Snowman survival at the end but yeah that’s what the agenda is tomorrow so far andless which uh if you have any other game suggestions I should play on cubecraft absolutely put them in the chat I can totally try them out again I could try new things and Micah I

Understand that hey it’s my channel and I could do whatever I’m just saying it’s like I do not mind suggestions whatsoever that’s the thing I’m just saying I I love suggestions it’s like it’s just like I can’t think of anything all right sometimes I just can’t think of anything so I just post

Content which is fun but sometimes I just really can’t and it’s have I have a hard time so it’s like yeah I absolutely love suggestions it’s it’s it’s the beauty of having a channel your subscriber suggest something they want to see and they’re going to click on the

Video and they’re going to be like yay my suggestion made it by the way uh don’t tell anyone don’t actually spread this rumor but I have this video idea which I kind of want to discuss like I’m going to go through every single one of my shorts or the comments and I’m going

To choose like five of them and then I’m literally going to do exactly what the comment says literally I’m just going to basically I wouldn’t say that on live stream because these people they could be brutal they go put some some weird stuff oh not from anything going forward

Like anything from the past I’m a huge fan of the game minerware what I I have no idea what minerware is is that that game that Minecraft was based off of I have no idea I have no idea oh yeah if uh if the dude from the

Met 160 class is uh still in the Stream uh if you want to hit me up on snap it’s a aw storm chasing all one word all lowercase so a aw so oh wait no uh my my Instagram sorry my Instagram and now your stream knows your Instagram

So what it’s a public Instagram anyone can follow it I don’t care I I really don’t think they’re gonna I don’t this this audience is targeted for people that enjoy Minecraft I don’t think they want I don’t think they want to see like beautiful Fall Foliage photos and weather-based content

That I think that’s a whole different I again I work literally I have two different um I literally I have social media bro I’m having Lu with diamonds bro uh second okay anyway I have I literally Target two different audiences one for weather and then one

For for mcraft I have more fun on Minecraft than I do the weather but it’s cool I message you I message you sir absolutely I can check that out dude um mat you what am I going to what was I going to ask you oh do you have any

Quartz mat bro my roommate just like text Bro my roommate just like texted me do you have any quarts no okay I really need works but my pickaxes is low durability now dang man let’s see what we got here okay so okay cool I’m not going to read my Snapchat DMS out

Loud that’s not good now I want to see storm photos I dig that stuff absolutely me too I I I literally do I I I enjoy uh different types of Photography like I like I don’t just do storm photos and see and that’s the thing when it comes to storm photos I

Like I have to wait until like there’s actually severe weather going on or just general thunderstorms that’s why I do different types of Photography so I don’t miss a day like I can find anything I can find anything anywh so that’s what anyway when it comes to that it’s either Fall

Foliage flowers um simple treat structures I do a variety of things for that reason because I don’t want to stop doing taking photos that’s the thing I have not again I’m already behind on my photography for this month I’m serious I have not even started and it’s already

Halfway through the month and like I’m supposed to be posting something Brook I’m just be strip mining how many diamonds did I find bro I found seven Diamonds by strip mining so I have like SE ye that’s super relatable oh my frame rate is not really

Great right now what’ you do I don’t know ah BR you know what I like about having a realm you know what I like about having a realm that it’s just me and you I don’t have to hide my diamonds you kind of do sometimes I’d be

Like I trust you when do okay so not gonna lie a can of brisk lemonade sounds good right now no it doesn’t it abolutely not wait first of all a can a a can a can we got it in plastic bottles are like where are you getting

Cans of where are you eting cans of of any drink I have no idea I have never seen so I can sleep real quick bro I just found diamonds man why do you have to why do you have to keep sleeping just just just just build

In the night let creepers blow up you know you know I could get more diamonds for you you let me mine them because I have Fortune yeah but I’m not I’m not gonna I’m not gonna stop you good Lu you could join yeah uh I I guess uh no I’m going

To be a little bit quieter my roommates don’t know how to mind their [ __ ] business sorry for language I’m just saying yeah I’m gonna rant as loud as I want there’s no way someone scolded me for saying cracker Cracker Barrel was too white seriously I I guess brisk makes uh can

That reminds me that reminds me of that Meme that was like they hated Jesus because he told the truth brisk makes they don’t want you they don’t want you talking about how the white cracker bar is too white because they don’t want to hear the truth anyway the truth the truth is

Cracker is too anyway brisk makes uh makes can bro and it tastes a lot better or or good tastes good okay I will agree with you that drinks and cans taste better but um they taste even better in bottle but not plastic bottle but glass bottles I swear it’s like

The drinks can be totally changed just based off of what you’re what you’re drinking it out of like in my opinion plastic bottles are the worst and then cans they’re slightly better and then glass bottles are the best as far as as far as taste ah anyway it’s too awkwardly

Silent why is it to silent why does it have to be like that stop it stop being silent say something okay okay okay stop stop okay you told all stop being quiet okay all right another comment heck yeah glass bottle Coke is where it’s at yeah glass bottles just make everything taste

Better to be honest but you know what would taste even better if Coke was made with real sugar instead of instead of uh that poison uh corn syrup ew corn syrup BR imagine actually just eating corn syrup by itself Coke is not made with sugar it’s not it’s made with corn syrup

That’s it gets its sweetness from corn syrup I’m wondering it’s been it’s literally proven that that like so does in other countries use corn syrup and it tastes better why can’t we do that it would literally taste better I keep finding diamonds I don’t know what your problem

Is my problem is I have plenty are you using are you what what level are you strip mining at 53 negative 53 are you just using my strip mine and branching off of it I would assume because I mean now our uh strip mines are just connected I just keep going forward I

Know I think I think um the most efficient way to diamonds is to just keep mining forward just don’t even do zigzags or nothing just keep going forward you I feel like you have a much greater chance finding diamonds you don’t find diamonds diamonds find you

Broh okay so okay so I that reminds me of a meme I I maybe I’m going to butcher this whole entire meme but in America we eat Burger King but in Russia Burger King eats you that reminds me of that okay I maybe I butchered the whole

Entire thing but maybe I I remember it that way I don’t even have Burger King you don’t have Burger King and what you have a viewer from Russia I don’t know no I I hope not I could say Russian Russians don’t like America for some reason I that’s not entirely

True listen I’ve talked to so many people from Russia so I know a little bit it they don’t hate Americans just like we don’t really hate Russians anymore the whole America hating russan Russian thing is a is a boomer thing Boomers hate Russians I don’t hate Russians

And also Russians are totally allowed to interact with Americans on the internet that is good okay I lost my way I lost my way oh in fact we never even went to war with Russia the whole Cold War thing was not really because we were like angry

With each other it was just because both of us wanted to be the world’s most powerful country and so yeah at War to try to see who can have the best tech but it’s but we weren’t like at war with each other we never fought I wonder if that’s where like I

Feel like the cold well I’m I’m done strip mining I got I got all I got all the diamonds I could possibly bro I I think I have enough to make a yep I have enough to make a whole Diamond set of armor bro I have enough but I’m to get my

Levels up first oh I feel if you I will pay you to make a mob grinder I don’t want to make a mob grinder but how much are you be paying I don’t know depends on how good it works and what you want what do you what

You want is your payment to be honest I’m stupid what do you want as your payment nothing you know why you know what the best feeling is to do so many kind Deeds for somebody just to say to give nothing in return you know what’s even

Better and the only thing is it spawns 10 mobs a minute I will give you nothing and if it um if it spawns more than 40 mobs a minute I will give you more nothing about that do you have a deal okay listen listen listen listen oh hey look

It’s one of my dogs I left in the cave anyway okay anyway I was just gonna say why am I mining bro I should not be mining coal right now okay what I was going to say is like when you do so many kind Deeds you’re going to literally

Feel guilty but like like I I I should be doing something return but I say no and it feel it’s feels so bad because somebody literally helps you out and you say I don’t want anything my turn or like or like literally like I would help you out like you know the

Other day what I said like like um yeah you can take the three diamonds uh did you ever feel that you wanted to do something in return yeah that’s why I gave you them back well the whole reason behind it was because your three diamonds I just took your

Pickaxe ah yeah the whole reason behind it was because like number one I mean they’re diamonds they’re they’re just diamonds I can just go find them and number two you you kind of were in the need for it at the time so it’s like I’m not going to care and number three

Diamonds do you have in total right now 24 oh I still have more okay an you just G to one up me like that no I’m not I’m not trying to like brag I’m just saying but I need levels not diamonds spider all right do you do you remember

Smelly pencils I think they were called sensels I I think I maybe I’m butchering the name I hope not smels I remember smell markers yeah I don’t remember anything uh they probably yeah I wouldn’t be surprised if I actually had one in like elementary school but they

Have been like a very very long time you remember silly bands yeah little rubber bands that you put on your arm that look like animals yes they’re making a return silly bands are becoming popular again yay an actual thing yep I’m all for it it’s better than first thing the first

This is probably the very first thing j Alpha’s done right you’re right you’re right but you got to remember the uh SK oh the schoolis Book Fairs yeah the Book Fairs I remember the Book Fairs they and no one ever got like no one ever got like real books either

Everybody got like comic books okay silly bands were banned at my school because kids would hang okay kids will hang out at recess and sell them like they were drugs F that’s stupid come on let wrong with a kid make some money from selling rubber bands bro just like there’s

Nothing wrong with selling weed in the school bath um no there’s everything wrong with that I bro I rather that than people literally selling marijuana in the school bathrooms I like any day any day I’d prefer that over people selling marijuana in my high school bathroom or

Or the school’s High School bro I’m no longer safe in this cave yeah that is horrible yeah I just realized I need more quartz to finish my build and also Al I need XP you know what’s messed up is like the best way to get XP my high

School ban cell phones Al together my high school ban cell phones Al together um and I’m saying this I know you know about this but I’m saying this because literally like the school treats like cell phones like it’s just like the root of all evil like it’s like apparently they they

Think cell phones the root of all evil but in reality apparent they’re they’re doing they’re not doing this for this they’re not doing this to benefit the school’s education they just want more money that’s the whole point because if you’re really think about it schools get distra kids get distracted on their

Phones all the time and not listen like they say like oh yeah it’s academic this and this and this how is Banning cell phones getting the school more money think about it what what else do you have to focus on come on what else do

You have to focus on like you have your cell phone you’re going to get distracted you’re not not going to listen to teachers and grades could slightly slip but so when you don’t have that cell phone you eliminate that distraction but you know what’s messed up they can ban cell phones and they

Also claim that cell phones cause fights like I’m sorry but which it’s stupid that doesn’t make sense no it doesn’t no the school that’s the thing schools my school does make cell phones well like I mean people use their cell phones to record public to record School

Fights but that’s not what started the fight the cell phone didn’t start the fight that’s just someone recording it yeah so I don’t understand but guess what you know but I heard that they can use their laptops their personal laptops their personal tablets all that type of

Stuff but they can’t use a cell phone literally a computer does more more you can use personal tablets at school literally why are you going to ban phones which is a personal device all get a Galaxy Z get the Galaxy flip thing it’s a cell phone and it’s a

Tablet you can argue that it’s that it’s not a cell phone that it’s a tablet I’m just saying like it it just does not make any sense it does not like how are you like bro if you’re gonna ban if you’re gonna ban cell phones ban all personal uh devices because if you’re

Really going to be like that’s like saying that never mind I I I I this makes me mad this whole topic just makes me mad because my my like I’m so glad I graduated before that rule was implemented like I am so glad like dude I I

Cannot anyway my school Bann phon at lunchtime oh my gosh oh my gosh all right my school baned phones at lunchtime ain’t that something not even I not even learned yet still can’t use them all right okay so um I I can’t like so like there’s like this gigantic heart

That just sits at the very corner of my chat logs so it’s like it has a hard time I have a hard time figuring out what that certain word is so like I have to maybe I can like like okay here we go uh my school baned phones at lunchtime

Ain’t that something not even learning time yet still can’t use them that’s messed up I remember always getting the diary the Wimpy Kid books always getting the uh paperbacks because I was too poor for hand covers dude relatable I wasn’t poor I was just not allowed to have money

Relatable bro you gotta you gotta stop cutting me off I was only poor for like the first few years of my life and everything had a wi everything out after that kind of went great we hav since bro you got to stop cutting me off every time I read these comments bro it’s

Having a hard time reading these comments it’s I’m having a hard time reading these comments I’m sorry I don’t have any more comments to read right now I’m just saying like dude you keep cutting me off I try to read them and you cut me off well I want to get my feedback

But I’m reading what you know it’s fine I’m just saying it’s hard to read comments I try to respond to every single comment possible I’m just say I feel I anyway what on Earth for some reason when I step on the mushrooms they break that’s goated with the sauce totally

I don’t this is a comment like that or not makes it easier to harvest mushrooms but what if I wanted to use them for decorations okay I’m mad my mouth is too dry I I talked so much to the point that my mouth is literally no longer

Producing saliva and I have to drink this bottled water good drink it I’m going to need it for all this talking bro I’m G make a Secret Safe underground with a bunch of ancient debris in it can you tell me where it’s at no but the thing is is that

I’m I’ll use it whenever we get the smithing template but I’m just I’m trying to just mine for uh for quse but I’m finding so much ancient debris in the process I play too much we can’t use it until we get smithing templates anyway I’m thinking I’m just going to build a

Little safe and put all the ancient Bri in there and and whenever um whenever we get sming templates we can use it okay the Peter Peter uh the Peter Peter pumpkin eater nursery rhyme is really about a man who had his wife cheat on him so he killed her and

Stuffed her in a pumpkin shell sounds like a logical thing to do broh I don’t like these zombies I must relatable relatable all right time to Mass Slaughter these zombies I don’t like them they’re all staring at me funny I don’t like them they’re mean they hit me and I I’m going

To sue these Minecraft zombies for assault that’s what I’m going to do I’m going to sue them for not only emotional damages but assault and assault and battery you see they’re assaulting me I’m gonna be a Karen I’m gonna be the Minecraft Karen I’m GNA be the

Definition of a Minecraft Karen and just Sue literally bro I’m so caring that I would sue a digital character most useless Minecraft mod oh Matthew I just remember dude you gotta watch the new Karen Christmas movie I don’t remember what it’s called but my

My mom made me watch it and oh my gosh it’s something you would like it’s a Christmas movie it’s basically Christmas Carol you know the movie Christmas Carol right with the ghost to Christmas pass and the ghost Christmas spirit and stuff right okay what about it but instead of

Scrooge it’s a modernday Karen oh my gosh no and they’re trying to they’re trying to you know show her the Ghost of Christmas Past and future and present that’s crazy all right most useless Minecraft mob the bat there’s it’s not it’s literally useless it’s the bat yes

I think a bat in Minecraft is the most useless silver fish I mean yeah it’s all debatable oh coish the bat end Ender mites no no because they give you um what they give you okay wait dude if I kill a bat like right now it’s not going to drop anything just nothing

No Dr nothing okay then it’s it gives you like 0.01 XP that’s about all that’s all you get okay I need to start placing torches this is just horrible and I found diamonds bro I I can’t I can’t even have a break all these carens are messing with

Me but yeah seriously you gotta I think maybe you should watch it with your sister she oh by the way nope uh the viewers are agreeing it’s bats yep so you’re wrong oh okay it’s bats come on I’m sorry if a mob doesn’t drop anything it’s literally practically useless even

If it just only drops X don’t drop anything it’s still bats I mean silverfish actually you know no silverfish have a purpose you see just to make your life more inconvenient but I mean that’s that’s the whole point bats they just fly around and they’re just a nuisance they’re just meant to

Just sit there in caves like some actually a little bit challing matth so they’re noteless you know how I was talking the other day about why they remove bamboo walls and you were like I don’t ever remember that being a thing and I’m like I specifically remember there being bamboo

Walls just like you remember in the last realm you remember the pack I made I added bamboo walls and so that’s where I remembered bamboo walls from is because I I they were in that pack I made I forgot that I added them to the game ah so that’s where yeah because I

Was like wait bamboo walls are not part of Minecraft it’s bamboo blocks but not walls anyway I need to know where those diamonds were because I’m mad I had a question you distracted me and now I don’t even know where the diamonds are thanks a lot it’s all your

Fault um how come the smallest the smallest slimes uh don’t do damage but the smallest magma cubes do that’s not fair oh I get tired of the tiny magma cubes well that’s unfortunate it’s a nether make it difficult anyway okay so Place more torches you can place ladders

In okay you can place ladders on glass yet what no you cannot you cannot Place ladders on it’s a question it’s a question though no I’m pretty sure you cannot place gladders on glass blocks okay and then the other thing is um uh they need to add glass doors to

Minecraft oh I mean it would be cool not going to lie I I think it would be cool okay there’s a skeleton right there I’m going to yeah I need I need to place more torches the magma cubes are female and they’re on their period they’re always angry dude magma cubes especially the

Big ones when you’re exploring the basalt Delta biomes are so hard to deal with you can have full enchanted diamond armor but then big magma cubes will will mess you up it B they basically make it impossible to casually explore the um Basalt Delta biomes like dude I chill I

Just want assault I think it’s a pretty cool looking block I found the diamond there’s one two there’s only two could have been four if you let me mind it shut up you’re not bro because soon as no no I’m not gonna let you mine it you know

Why cuz I need to work hard I need to work hard to get the good dude it was a trap there was uh there was um there was a very suspicious looking vein of um of quz growing on the ceiling of this cave and I mined it and there

Was lava right above it it was I mean it looks suspicious I I thought before I even mined it man this is a suspicious looking vein of Ora and then I mined it and then right above it was lava that’s so messed up but I’m fine I did not get

Hit by the lava I blocked it off before it kill me but yeah seriously you gota watch that Karen Christmas movie I feel like you would like it especially because you made me watch Krampus I don’t remember making you watch Krampus yeah you did or not making

Me but I you told me that I should watch Krampus so I did and I liked it but my mom doesn’t and I asked if we could watch it again this year and she said no because she doesn’t like it but I thought it was cool

Right okay I feel like I feel like you’re uh no offense I feel like you’re mother has like these the Ken jeans still in her but like not as bad as it was but I will be honest my mom was totally a Karen at one point you told me

About it that’s why I mention yeah she’s not anymore thankfully but yeah she totally used to be a Caren she first of all she was huge on essential oils and also don’t do anything um well I mean that has a ing effect but that’s about it I don’t

Believe any I believe that essential oils can calm you down like the smell of lavender is just calming it’s a it’s a nice pleasant smell and it calms you down but as far as healing you no that’s just made up there’s no healing effects to lavender

Oil it just it’s just a pleasant smell that calms you down okay I just walked over a mushroom and yes um they be breaking anyway basal IRL is one of the most coolest things you can see from tof okay I’ve never seen basal IRL though I

Du I did used to be huge on geology I’m not anymore but I used to be a huge geology nerd now he’s an aviation nerd yeah totally into Plains not rocks anymore rocks are still cool it’s respectable we’re crying out loud Patrick Star lived under a rock so

Geologist study that rock right there the rock that is under the sea where Patrick the star sits in that’s a good one you know the uh you know that little minseries I’m doing on my YouTube channel which that the stinker the cat you know that I’m sure you do if you

Don’t how are we friends hey I can’t remember where nether where the nether strip line is by the way I’m about to so for 2024 uh I’m going to give the uh I’m giving the I’m see that’s the cool thing about live streams I literally just leak

Any of my plans what I’m going to do not all of them though but just some of them anyway yeah but only your dedicated viewers get to hear your plans because is the DED the undedicated viewers don’t really watch live stream so if you want to announce something and you only want

To your dedicated viewers to know that you now on live stream exactly you think they’re gonna you think uh and that’s the thing I do that’s the thing H when I do live streams I get more retention than I ever which is self-explanatory you’re actually communicating with the

Audience in real time compared to just making a YouTube video and you’re not communicating with them in real time but I it’s more enjoyable to do a live stream because I can literally say stuff and communicate with a viewer rather than just posting a video and like the

Retention tanks and again when people say and I’m being dead serious when people say I’m not getting any views and and blah blah blah and I’m sorry even I I mean I get like 20 views on my um my long form content my my long form

Content sucks I’m going to admit it and I’m literally trying to improve and that’s the thing I care about retention and so when I make short form content I’m taking consideration that what if my audience does have a shorter attention span so that’s why my long form content

Is no longer it’s most likely going to be five minutes most likely and sometimes I’ll have like 11 minute videos but I wouldn’t go any overboard like some videos are 30 minutes but I don’t expect the view watch when shorts weren a thing that wasn’t actually that

Long ago no like what like two and a half years ago three years ago I remember when YouTube shorts weren’t even that popular and they were just trying to pump it out bro I remember the time when when all you had to do was use H like you were forced to

Do hashtag shorts just to make your content short form yeah just hashtag shorts like if you didn’t do that then it’s just going to be sitting there with your long form content you know what’s funny because every time I post a short form content YouTube shorts is not one

Of my automatic recommended hashtag anymore like anything else but like it’s almost like YouTube is like we’re tired of using PE having people use hashtag shorts so we’re going to make it slightly inconvenient to not Auto recommend this YouTube that’s your fault I use shorts because I’m telling you

Right now I don’t know I just use it they use it I’m just saying so anyway yeah I feel like uh live streams are just much more enjoyable instead of just making long form content because a lot of times I’m like by myself or it’s just me and my

Friend talking and it’s like yeah I mean true I mean it is fun when you’re hanging out with other people and making content like that it’s just so much more enjoyable you can look at it as as if you’re gon to play Minecraft might as well get some viewers while doing it

Yes I did know uh YouTube used to be a dating site but that was like in the very very beginning of the era literally like yeah yeah YouTube used to be a dating site I did not know that yeah very like in the very beginning so like

Literally when I was only a few months old but anyway maybe is that why it’s called YouTube yeah probably anyway it also he also said people would upload their video talking about themselves and hopes of finding a partner so yeah YouTube actually was intended to be a dating

Site in the beginning but then it people just decided to um started posting different types of content and I guess it’s something different again people shape that’s the thing what’s cool about technology and applications stuff like that people shape the platform the companies don’t it’s the people that shape a bunch of these

Different platforms just how like Tik Tok was good before the before the infection of of DIY videos half the screen and the other half the screen is Family Guy Clips anyway yeah I I remember dude I was born before YouTube I’m old I know

Like I I was only born like two or three like two weeks before YouTube came became a Thing YouTube oh yeah so YouTube slogan uses uh used to be broadcas your cell it makes sense yeah it does I mean come on you got to really think about it when you actually have a

YouTube channel it really is about well I hate I kind of don’t want to put it in this sense I’m sure Mike uh can make it sound better but really about YouTube it’s really about make frak I don’t even want to say this it sounds awful but it sounds

Horrible it’s really about you it but it’s it’s horrible I I hate to say it that way I almost just made a huge mistake I my my fortune 3 Unbreaking 3 efficiency 3 pickaxe I almost just spent all of its durability and it was so close to Breaking before I realized that

It has no durability left I swear if I would have broke just a couple more blocks it would have broke wow anyway yeah but YouTube is ah I’m not I’m not even gonna talk about any more further I feel like at once I say something else I’m just going to

Butcher it at this point all right so I have two diamonds I got some iron how much iron bro yes let’s go I got a stack in two I got a stack in two I am happy about that because earlier in this live stream oh ah I missed the old days of YouTube

With all the jump scare videos and dancing dancing bananas oh did you ever get tricked into watching that maze video bro maybe I don’t know or the German car commercial uh BR probably no I don’t think so or I don’t even remember those you don’t remember the German car commercial video

Or the maze one bro I’m sorry I have to like I have to literally just like see the video to memorize it anyway but have you dude do have you gotten tricked into those videos where people like try to do like these conflict scary maze game

That’s uh one of the viewers said that anyway um do you know there like videos that like try to trick you into watching the short form content for a very extended period of time like like for an example people are literally uh making a video on trying to get a ring unstuck

But they’re making a lot more complicated than it actually is which literally it takes like two seconds yeah what it is is and then at the end of the video they don’t even show it at the end of the video it cuts no exactly so literally you just got robbed so

Literally you’re that’s the thing that type of content is the worst I freaking hate that type of content yeah you’ve been robbed of your time yeah it’s horrible like I want to see the ring come off but no let’s just Rob people up their time because

Yeah very actually I can bro I can make an anvil right now just got to smell all this good stuff can I can I actually make a I I can probably make a Blast Furnace what yeah I’m going to I’m going to try to make a blast furnace what do I

Need ah ah smooth Stone that’s that’s so horrible oh I got Cobblestone perfect it’s all I needed yeah RV will be done shortly okay yes the video is called a nice dive into the countryside oh okay it’s like when you look up a recipe online and they spend three paragraphs talking about something

Totally irrelevant before getting to the actual recipe yeah no no the the SP the the first 90% of the of the entire recipe is like their family traditions and the history of this recipe I’m like I don’t want to know the history of the recipe I just want to know how to make

It you know what’s funny you know what’s funny this also reminds me what I don’t know if you uh I don’t know if you watch my story animated but like I was when I was like 12 years old or like 11 okay like I would watch my story animated and

I thought it was good content but then I realized that dude literally the thumbnails are clickbait the titles are clickbait you watch the videos it doesn’t get to the point to the very last 10 seconds of the video or they just don’t get to the point at all and

It’s just all clickbait you were literally being robbed of your time and they’re literally manipulating little kids into watching that stuff and it’s not even good content you’re literally being robbed I’m I’m pretty sure like I’m pretty sure like 90% of those doors were fake anyway

Oh bro you know what’s funny is I thought they were real when I was a kid bro you’re being manipulated especially that I watched one when I was a kid about a this girl who was allergic to water and now I’m like that’s not possible how would you

Be allergic to water it’s not it’s it’s not possible all right I’m pissed that tons of comment sections are being disabled due to Kaa or Copa or whatever you want to pronounce it as yeah um honestly when it like YouTube you know what’s funny is even I fell into a victim of that

Literally they just like disabled some of my content like like like comment sections like because I posted a video of myself but like it was only like like my um like my forehead or something and like they thought that I was a kid because of the angle and like they just

Disabled my comments and I it wasn’t really good I mean they they’ never disable my comments now but it’s like it kind of sucks that they do but I mean to really think about it if you have little kids and I’m sorry bro I mean I don’t

Care just disable the comments when PE little kids are wearing Dino masks and dancing the no disable the comments they’re embarrassing themselves they don’t need hate I agree with that disable to yeah it’s definitely embarrassing but but it’s still it’s stupid it is it literally is

But I’m just saying I really think I really think that the it’s all because of that new lady that’s in charge of YouTube and she’s not even no she’s not even in charge anymore why on the why on the face of this Earth are we trying to make YouTube kidfriendly when there is

Already a YouTube kids um I oh I’m supposed to I think I’m supposed to smell this again I’m stupid oh dude I remember that girl being allergic to water I probably do too I just got to watch the video again I also remember a similar video of a girl who sneezes

Constantly it’s sad but it sounds like a sick beat sick beat dude we got to go to sleep bro when are you going to change the difficulty to Hard Mode as the game goes on hold on let me get in my B this is one of the most enjoyable live

Streams I’ve made yeah I would say so like okay I gotta I gotta keep my phone away away from my computer my computer is a bit too hot it’s a little bit too hot for my phone to just be sitting next to my computer it’s like pumping out hot air

It my computer’s probably at like 160 degrees right now and it’s not good for my phone be and my phone’s at 100% anyway I have 11 ancient debris 11 netherite scraps and a netherite Ingot bro you be focusing on neite right now and I’m my stupid self is focusing on oh

I’m not focusing on netherite at all because I I have no use for it because I literally have no use for netherite because um we need smithing templates but I’m I’m focusing on quartz and as I mine quartz I keep coming across netherite so I’m just saving it

All and then whenever we get that smithing template I’ll already have plenty of netherite I’m I might be considering to make another Minecraft Java video like it like a normal I I think I have a world where I started a survival world like I started doing like a a little

Miniseries on like m inra Java Adventures but I I do consider uh making more content on Minecraft Java that that that is actually true throw all right all right so throwback to when YouTube didn’t have ads I dude I don’t even remember that that that’s too that’s too far back uh

Dude it’s been so long that YouTube literally had ads to the point that I don’t even remember it but dude I wouldn’t be surprised and at the same at the same time I don’t got nothing against ads what I got something against is disabling ad blockers if you want to

Have ads that’s fine have ads but also let people have the right to not watch them if they don’t want to yeah literally it should be it should be criminal to to not allow ad blockage okay this is a little bit controversial but should it be criminal to make cigarettes heavily

Addicting like the the the nicotine I I’m sorry it’s a little bit controversial but I feel like it I don’t know because because what they’re doing is they’re making this all about Free Will which is why I think that it’s wrong that they disable ad blockers I

Think people should have their own free will to have an ad blocker if they want but the cigarette thing that contradicts fix that so if I say if I were to say no I think they should stop doing that that would be hypocritical of me because I

Just said I’m all for free will okay I guess so so so no I think it’s a bad thing but also I don’t think it should be a I don’t think it should be a crime because people have the free will to get it it’s not the cigarette company’s

Fault that they’re getting addicted to cigarettes it’s their fault for smoking cigarettes okay and I’m missing out all that beautiful scrumptious iron here anyway you know what you’re right I mean I I guess it really comes down to the consumer and that is a valid argument sometimes I but yeah I I really

Do I I think that is a very valid argument I have nothing to say about it so yeah when it comes to Free Will you know what you know what can’t argue with that but I yeah I can definitely support the ad blockers by the way ad blocker still

You can still use ad blockers on YouTube trust me I use an ad blocker on YouTube yeah but they made it they made it very difficult to find ad blockers that actually work oh yeah I have a working ad blocker do you have a working ad blocker no mine doesn’t work

Anymore I have a I have a um an ad blocker that works oh right you got to tell me what that is all right give me like six diamonds and I will no no for free yeah I will I I have to I have to look at it

Though yeah come on you know what’s funny is that you know there’s just ads that I simply just do not want to see D I don’t know uh do you remember that sometimes you just be scrolling through YouTube and all of a sudden there’s like some sort of like inappropriate ad or is

That just yes okay good yeah there’s no reason for that ads those ladies those ladies dancing like really inappropriately and then it’s like it’s like click the link in my bio I’m like no no I’m not going to click the link in your bio oh and you know what’s a huge

Problem okay this is a huge problem on YouTube and I don’t it’s really unavoidable and I think uh YouTube is probably cracking down on this but because I haven’t seen this as often as I used to so when you’re going on YouTube and you’re scrolling through YouTube shorts there’s like these very

Suspicious YouTube videos that are kind kind of explict and or expcted and it’s was like click the link and and and you know it any horrible I don’t need and it’s like it’s like pretty blankly obvious that that’s uh that’s pork Rhymes okay I’m censoring it okay pork Rhymes but

You get what I’m saying but I’m just I don’t understand what you’re trying to say about it’s it’s uh guess you do oh okay no understand now you know very inappropriate stuff like nobody needs to see and it’s so unavoidable but I’m so glad and I know

This sucks but I’m so glad YouTube decided to disable links in certain areas I forgot where they disabled links I think it had to do in like the comment section or something oh yeah they disabled my link I just wanted a link I just want I had a a short that was like

Advertising the newest video on my channel and I put link to the video in the comments and I just wanted so you don’t have to you know so you don’t have to go to my channel and look through my videos to find it there’s just a link no

It wouldn’t let me with the link post but it you could you could copy and paste the link into a URL but it doesn’t highlight blue so you can click it no I I think uh disabling links on YouTube is probably a good decision until they can

Find some sort of alternative to uh you know Alternatives but as of now I think it was a good decision because maybe they should just make it to where they disable links to alternate websites for you can only have links in your videos to other places on the YouTube website

Oh yeah absolutely yeah so anything external um absolutely but wait I but at the same time yeah you YouTube actually probably would do that I if anything I would think YouTube would actually do that like I would see them because they want to keep you on their platform as long as

Possible that is like their goal any business wants to keep them on their platform as long as possible that’s how they make money increase in sales I mean you I mean you don’t have to spend anything on Tik Tok but you probably will end up one day

Because you’re on the platform so much and it’s like yeah let’s let’s spend my money on some sort of content creator even though you’re like you don’t have to but live the thing now yeah roses roses roses oh roses yeah oh thank you oh hot dog

Yum sh I don’t like the AI Trend what the hell is that still a thing or is that just it’s still a thing sadly yeah wow I I I thought it like died or maybe I’m just on YouTube a lot and I I I it doesn’t even affect

Me I watch YouTube shorts more than I watch Tik Tok roses okay I’m done you get the point it’s horrible okay Creeper Creeper you need to go I’m serious I keep getting jump I keep getting jump scared by these creepers you got to go you gotta go you

Got to go go go go go yeah can’t wait until Shrek five I am not aware what this Shrek five is new Shrek movie coming out you know what I would I would assume because that’s literally my YouTube thumbnail and then he had to mention it so I I mean

Literally it is Shrek my YouTube thumbnail is literally Shrek right now ah wonderful we still got three viewers in chat that is awesome all right time for a random poll would you rather eat spaghetti for the rest of your life or eat cheese for the rest of your life to terrible pole

But you know just something Rand I like I like cheese on my spaghetti too bad you can only have one of the other dude I got to I got to do some research and into that I’m moving my phone over here cheese on Spaghetti Huss and boots too

Was fire so I hope they do well with Shrek 5 and we got a comment saying cheese absolutely I would only eat cheese for the rest of my life but it comes to the cost of uh my I know probably spaghetti I’m going to be honest I don’t like spaghetti but I also

If I eat nothing but cheese for the rest of my life I’m going to be suffering through constipation TMI I understand but my house is built now I just got to Decor now I just have to furnish it wait actually you’re closer to me you’re actually closer to my house than

You were 50 blocks away yeah let me finish let me finish it and then you can come to my house okay I’ll let you finish it okay so here’s my zigzag thing I love this zigzag all right no cow you had to ruin the scenery I I don’t like that all

Right let’s go to the zigzag I would get too sick of cheese because it’s so rich absolutely uh cheese literally is Rich there’s different types of cheese oh yeah absolutely there’s a like you’re not limited to one specific cheese like it’s cheese I was vague about it so you can

Literally be like yeah bro you can yeah yeah there’s a lot of Che yeah there’s there’s cheese that is too rich such as sharp cheese like sharp ched like ched cheese is so CU sharp cheddar is what you use to make grilled cheese as a macaroni too

Rich okay no no no why is there a skeleton up there I don’t like that I mean no you light it properly can we go to sleep I gotta go I gotta get down my zigzag is dangerous my zigzag is too dangerous for me ah hey

Can can we go to sleep bro I am one shot I’m scared can we can we go to sleep please what is your favorite restaurant in Mount Pleasant um not sure I just literally not sure I don’t think I’ve actually been to a single restaurant in M dude there’s

Monsters nearby I can’t sleep what killed them at one heart um I haven’t actually been anyway I haven’t actually been to a restaurant in Mount Pleasant the only places that I actually ordered from was either Arby’s McDonald or Burger King so let’s just say those are restaurants I would say Arby’s let’s just

Hypothetically say they’re fast food joints but I would say Arby’s if you count that but I don’t think you would so yeah I I could try the Five Guys but I have this scared feeling that I’m probably going to no clip into the back rooms all because of this Micah kid see

He built a oh boy yeah I got to save up some money yeah I I get everything on door Dash literally door Dash is so good for uh just making everything so so convenient anyway I’m just saying you making everything so expensive oh yeah definitely a lot more expensive yeah but

It’s convenient though and I pay I I pay for dash pass which makes things slightly cheaper I feel like I feel like probably I feel like no I feel yeah dude I I really think they’re just getting more money for me for doing that anyway we’re gonna have to change that I’ll

Take it to a good old restaurant you know what cool who who one of the viewers ju this person is from my met 160 class so obviously we go to the same school I’m just saying anyway um then we got toffee spaghetti I would get sick of

Cheese because I don’t live I don’t even live anywhere near Michigan I’m on the other side of the country I’m not basing this off of experience but I thought Arby’s was supposed to be supposed to suck no no no not at all I I I I hate how people say Arby’s

Wendy Wendy’s is what you’re thinking about what do you mean Wendy is what I’m thinking about Wendy’s is the restaurant that sucks okay uh I mean their chicken nuggets are good and their shakes are good not their nuggets are not good you know what I don’t care like Arby’s has

Worms you know what if they got worms I’m still going to eat their the their double I’m still going to eat their double beef and cheddar burgers I don’t care if they got worms so what I love their I love their burgers yeah um or their whatever Arby’s changed their

Mozzarella sticks and got rid of their potato cakes yeah potato cakes wow wow I I I thought I I don’t know I still enjoy Arby’s during the summer I would I would eat nothing honestly more anything eat Arby’s more than McDonald’s I know it’s more expensive but I I just love Arby’s

For some reason uh they had good tenders and boneless chicken wings they had oh so they had good ah dang it are they really just going downhill I I feel I’m hearing some bad things about Arby’s now anyway I I I still think um Arby’s they do have good shakes oh yeah

Absolutely I I think I had a probably not I’m thinking about McDonald’s I don’t think I really had their shakes never mind yeah I don’t think I’ve had one of their shakes so I’ll definitely have to try that out now bro I’m about to Door Dash some Arby’s right

Now freak going to D and connect I’m going to Arby’s oh man Arby is not really that great you know what we all are entitled to work oh gosh the hiccups we’re all entitled to our own opinions yes so you know if I think RBZ is good it may not be good for

Other people so what I’m just saying you are you’re you are entitled to be wrong if you want to exactly exactly yeah you can you can say something about it but you sometimes you just can’t convince people it’s kind of just e now but if you like

It that’s all that matters their shakes are I’ve never been to the CMU dining hall uh the CMU dining hall is really uh how do you make a blast furnace one second one second uh this see you D no no seriously stop cutting me off I’m trying to read the comments

And respond why are you doing this to me anyway this bmu dining hall is I mean it’s mid okay there’s no reason you should be paying $3,000 to literally go eat like mid-tier food I’m sorry but like it’s good but then it’s not good I’ll tell you something it’s better than

Merill or or Merill I think it’s a lot better than that because every time I go to Merill it feels like I’m eating microwaved food but you know what at least it’s warm and it’s good for the nighttime and at least you can go into Merill and and and literally just get um

Free Fountain drinks you can just walk in don’t order anything walk in just drink the hell out of some Fountain drinks and leave literally you can do that as long as but yeah obviously I haven’t been there because I don’t live in a dorm um yeah uh living in a dorm it

It really sucks I I I I generally think it really sucks especially I thought you live in the dorm I do and it generally sucks they see uh I’m responding comments said you don’t live in a dorm no Micah I’m literally reading the comments and responding oh okay that’s

What I’m doing so yeah he said obviously haven’t been there because I don’t live in a dorm yeah living in a dorm sucks his parents must have money or something and put him up in a nice apartment or or do you uh maybe you don’t feel comfortable saying this but if you live

In Mount Pleasant you don’t have to uh live in a dorm you live in the community that’s the one thing but you I understand that right it’s the same for every town but what I’m saying is Norm is cheaper so usually if you’re a college student anyway and you have an

Apartment either you have a good job or you’re boil by your parents anyway uh toffee the the only fast food I get is barbecue okay the only fast food I get is barbecue chicken wrap from McDonald’s sorry it took a little bit too long to respond uh I honestly never had the

Um McDonald’s barbecue chicken WP is that even a thing in the United States or am I just like tripping what uh does McDonald’s have a barbecue chicken wrap I think so I don’t know I don’t I don’t go to McDonald’s I I literally don’t go to McDonald’s you should you know you no

You have to go to McDonald’s bro like they’re fried I do not go I literally don’t like McDonald’s you know what’s good about McDonald just too expensive oh they okay yeah okay so they got rid of the wraps but I think also and people are livid maybe maybe also they can probably

Still have the rap uh uh barbecue chicken wraps in different countries if that’s the case but if if it’s worldwide then yeah if it’s like worldwide and they do the same thing in every single country I would assume they do something slightly different in each country but

Yeah their fries are terrible some uh someone had to say it okay so I can actually okay so McDonald’s fries is only good if they’re straight up fresh but as soon as it’s like been five minutes they’re freaking soggy and disgusting so yeah McDonald’s fries is disgusting but at least it’s a lot

Better it’s a lot better to eat when they’re just fresh it’s standable well you know you can go to any restaurant and ask for your fries fresh right shut up just ask just ask for them fresh they’ll do it shut up stop being so logical I’m just

Saying I’m I’m a anyway I only like their chicken biscuits all although the biscuits are drier than than my elbows bro I feel like my I feel like I feel like my elbows are more dry than the biscuits I feel like my elbows are literally drier than the freaking Sahara

Desert I don’t even where I don’t it’s I’m serious bro I literally oh they’re quite moist today man bro maybe I’m getting some like natural oils maybe like my my maybe my elbows are just no longer dry never mind never mind they’re they’re they’re actually fine today wow oh never mind my

Left my my left arm has a dry my elbow left elbow has because I’m responding why are we talking about how dry your elbows are today only one is perfectly fine but the other one’s a bit dry I just I like to ramble sometimes okay shut

Up oh I have a totem undying where did I get that from I gave it to you it was the only one we got from the raids I gave to you how dare you you earn that well fair and square no we are ARS were well maybe we should and you’re also

Worse so you get it oh I’m worse bro the person that died to freaking mobs every five seconds bro the person that literally the person that literally lost to me in Cube crap Bridges bro once I start bridging then it’s game over for you you’re jealous oh I’m jealous of

What you see jealousy is a way of jealousy is a waste of brain space I should be no see jealousy is bad I’m sorry it’s the worst feeling that’s a waste of brain space it literally pains me is that one of my friends straight up told me they’re jealous that I have more

Subs than them that hurts me that actually hurts they’re not supportive they’re jealous a good friend would be supportive right yeah it it really it really hurts that they are jealous yeah they’d be like congratulations you’ve made it you you’re Giga Chad enough to pass me well

The okay anyway shut up I make jokes anyway I’m just saying I I I feel it is it hurts it does okay I need to I need to do something else productive instead of organizing my chest can we do something fun yeah give me one second my house is

Almost done and then I will let you explore my house uh explore your house doesn’t sound fun tour my house ex explore tour same thing same thing chicken I got to tap out I’m going to build a Lego set go to to Bob Evans and

Then hit the pool it is a pleasure being a part of this oh thank you very much yep you have a fantastic day I’m probably gonna end the live stream soon and probably within the next 30 minutes I’m hungry and like I’ve been starving this whole entire

Time but yeah I’m going to continue uh I’m going to tour uh Micah’s house real quick and then after that yes I’m going end the live stream okay let me know when I can uh yeah you where where are you I’m about to I’m about

To this is his old house this is his old house it’s very it’s very spacious don’t you think it’s very very I need a piston is it in a cave no ah yeah again you’re a lot closer to me the only thing no don’t go in don’t go in

Yet almost done give me a second don’t go in did I I spoiled it yeah I won’t go in no it’s the RV oh I’m happy because literally okay so and and that’s the thing the only reason why I’m excited over the RV is because when we

Played AO when I played um aot for SMP um Jaguar built an RV and that was his home for the longest time if not probably the entirety of the server which I would I remember it that way and and anyway it it was so nostalgic but then

MCP hosting literally had to just go out of business and then I lost access to my own server and they canel my ticket and I don’t even I don’t even have the ticket number to even I don’t even have my server ID to even get all my data

That I requested so I can never go back to that server or request any of the data anymore yeah the only memory we have of it is videos now only memories yep give me about two minutes and I’ll be done I have to use a piston wait can I build a

Dtown no oh can’t be doing all that but but but I I like to build a dtown Do you know where I’m referencing that from yeah from that server what do you mean bro you need to place perfect do you want to know where I got that from

PewDiePie no laser beam I actually got that from laser beam when I was young my brother used to watch a laser beam all the time I know cringe right he’s a fortnite YouTuber but when PewDiePie started making Minecraft video okay anyway uh when PE uh when PewDiePie started making Minecraft

Videos uh uh laser beam did the same thing and Pewdiepie kept on going on number one trending in his Minecraft videos as far as I remember and so basically he was like you know what he’s going to continue to make a Minecraft series series and that’s what he did he

Made a Minecraft series because of PewDiePie he even openly admitted it in his videos so so I’m just saying and and that was like four years ago bro I I was in either I was in Middle School at the time bro in middle school if not probably like my freshman year of high

School but still and bro it is so crazy dude it is so crazy the fact that I remember that and like I’m talking about my freshman year of high school that is insane I got to be old I am a freshman in college now it’s insane okay the I’m gonna I’m gonna lead

These mobs away from your RV because like I care about your RV too much that I don’t want a creeper to blow up anything zombies will you not walk in front of the dude do not walk in front of the creeper I don’t like any of you zombies oh my gosh very

Inconvenient we got one viewer in chat today tell them we’re gonna do the tour of my house very soon yeah we’re gonna we’re gonna tour this RV and then after that we’re gonna end second you gota wait let me finish in a second so and after that I’m

Gonna end the live stream if if you do enjoy the um the survival uh live streams I’ll I’ll absolutely do this more of often where is my green uh toffee said um they’re a huge fan of the RV you hear me you got a fan

Of the RV oh tofy still here yeah tofy still here okay tell him just wait whenever I uh show the inside is it gonna be I’m assuming it’s probably going to be at least similar or exactly the same as the one in the aot for SM no not really kind of different

Layout but still the same style of trying to fit as much in a small space as possible but still making it co are you are you doing this because of aot for SMP kind of I really liked that RV yeah okay because I also do too I

Actually did like it oh yeah the one thing build a melon farm next to it build a freaking melon farm right near it dude no the melon farm was pretty far away or not the melon farm is like 50 blocks away and the and the melon farm

Right there is is is about as close as the RV was the M farm at that time you know what to make it even more nostalgic how about you build a sign that replicates the replicates the the way you were cheating in the real the server how about you build that

Too just a sign that hey I cheated for the melons and got twice the amount of money while I’m working my bought off as an admin and and getting all the money by making it the most ethical way but no you want to build a sign and abuse your

Admin power just to for your own self benefit bro yeah I would literally give myself you know what it’s funny because in the aot for faction server uh there there’s way too many nostalgic memories I’m talking about before like we’re talking about two years ago two or three

Years ago we built like we were on a crazy it was like H like there was so many builds going on aot for factions was pretty active I wouldn’t say super I wouldn’t say popular but it was active with for a small server like two or three people on it like almost all

Time put this stuff in my house while I’m waiting for that to smelll that thing smel thing is the last thing I need and anyway uh people would build a bunch of stuff and I it is absolutely insane how many builds there are what the crazy thing about it was is

That there are so many more nostalgic memories in that server compared to any other server ever to exist and that’s why still up to today I’m not I’m not going to make updates in the server or anything at all it’s not worth it because literally the the server host is

Super corrupt and the staff are just awful like the staff are meeme literally I had nothing but bad experiences in that server and one time they went on strike remember that remember when they went on strike and then all of a sudden like aot 4 just like the bugs were horrible and then

They fixed everything but the damage was already done and know what’s even funny the most popular Elite server the the the owner of the most popular Elite server that was bringing in the most income they banned them because they were rebelling against this and it was just their server was at

Jeopardy literally they were harming people’s servers and they didn’t care all they cared about was literally oh I’m on strike I’m not doing anything which I I guess maybe because they need to get paid but like at the same time I mean you’re harming other people like it it’s horrible

I I was affected and I didn’t want to deal with it so it’s still up for the nostalgic memories you guys can play it which server are you talking about aot for factions no are you no the side of the RV oh it’s not that

Bad dude I was so close to to enchanting level also what’s where did it even come from it’s daytime why is there a zombie not burning in broad daylight what type of hat bro that that zombie just installed hacks I don’t appreciate that also what’s with the

Grass texture um I have no idea it’s just a PV PVP pack that I just us and it happens to have like some weird uh blue uh striped crap on it and I don’t like it but hey I like the PVP texture pack on the way it is but it makes everything

H well high resolution and I guess I kind of like it uh just the how the pppp texture pack is can you please go get me some dirt to fix this hole I don’t greatly appreciate I don’t think I own that much dirt oh the biggest thing the biggest thing

About um Minecraft is I love is it terraforming I swear it is yeah um like just to relaxing I could make a video just like talking about you you could probably get an overlay of the grass yeah I could but I have to like go off stream

And worry about that at a later time that’s that I feel like that’s just like not on top of the agenda as of now obviously but I feel like yeah I could definitely do that do you have dirt somewhere do you want me to just like go mine some dirt

No we’ll fix it after stream I just got to go I got to get them carpets and then I’m place the carpet and then everything will be ready and then I could just move in but I’ll move in after I I just got to move my stuff

All right I’ll I’ll do that after oh I’m mining a bunch of dirt right now I don’t care I’m doing it forget what you say I’m not respecting your wishes right now we’re mining that we’re we’re filling in that hole that’s what we’re doing right now no we we have to oh yeah

Did you notice that I actually uh covered uh this gigantic hole that actually leads straight into the cave with Cobblestone did did you notice this or did you I didn’t but thank you for that because it was so it was just I I didn’t like it I didn’t it I forgot something I

Forgot something but it’s probably why mobs just spawn like holy heck though it though it be doing that mobs be spawning like holy C and I have to place torches everywhere yeah that the bad thing about it is that one viewer still here ready to see the

RV yep we still got one viewer here so far oh give me one I got everything I need now to put the the rest of the stuff place in there which is just carpet are you ready for some cubecraft tomorrow because it’s all going to be cubecraft instead of boring old survival

Actually I don’t think this I don’t think this was as boring I think this was more enjoyable I honestly personally I think this is slightly more enjoyable than playing cubecraft um not to like be a huge shocker because I feel like just casually playing Minecraft Survival is just very relaxing

And it’s like you don’t even really have to think that much you can just walk around chat with the viewers very relaxing but when I’m actually like playing in a competitive match I’m always focused on what’s around me so it’s like it takes away uh it’s it kind of takes away

From like talking with the viewers so yeah all right um give me a second hey when you come in here just pretend like there’s uh just pretend like there’s uh not a spot that I’m missing because I I need one more piece of Green carpet but I don’t have

It hey do you like the do you like these garden decorations unless you w to go get me unless you want to go get me one thing of Green carpet hey hey go hey actually you I do need your help with something before this is done go get me a flower or a

Cactus or a sapling or something to get to put in this pot please oh yeah uh wait what go get me a uh like something to put in this flower pot you’re surrounded by uh D towns by the way you like your garden deorations you want me to get you a sapling or

Something um yeah a sapling or a flower or something to put in the flower pot and that will be the last thing oh there’s got you’re not getting an oak sapling that’s just illegal that’s a crime would give me whatever you think would look nice because whatever you give me I’m probably going

To keep in there so it’s it’s going to be memorable so give me something nice I can I can I have the honors to place it yes all right cool I’m actually going to place it uh as long as long as uh yeah we got another viewer how you doing

Today is this awesome is this goated is your day being goated with the sauce which means excellent where is my wool this is the last thing I need I can’t find it there it is found it can I just walk into your RV or or not okay give me one

Second I promise you I’m this is the last thing I just got to get this and take it in there and put it in and put it in the RV and then we will be done hey what’s up Henry how you doing hey this is the guy that literally

Absolutely crushed me in cubecraft bridges like I literally I I can’t I I I can’t even describe it I’m coming to place the last thing in there and then you can come in and place the flower and the one time the one time I win we couldn’t have a

Rematch that I I remember that all right let me place this in here and then you can come in and place the flower anyway all right I’m gonna break no no no you like your come in you like your guard decorations the tour the tour begins all right look at the outside

Look at this canopy I made out here look little canopy over the door oh that’s awesome I really like the design of the dtown I I absolutely love it this this adds a all right come place the flower dang it what oh that’s perfect good choice what did you see that flash

Of light that was weird all right this is some storage and we got the armor stand also look I had to use this is what I use the piston for I used the Piston to get it to sit in the middle of these two blocks because if it was over

Here it would be in part of the furnace and if it was right here it’ be too close to the door I used the Piston to push it in the middle of the two blocks all right uh glad to hear that Henry that your day is going good good news

Day Stormer mg27 what why am I talking in second person all right’s it so what’s the good news spread the word what’s the Word here we got a nice painting and some storage up here this is like the bedroom and also crafting area this has got like all the workbenches and a bedroom and pickles on the ground I wish there was different colored grass because then we can recreate we

Can this is the uh this is the storage room oh yeah absolutely I actually I kind of like this since my dad has an eye infection we can’t really go to the anniversary oh I am so sorry to hear that anniversary of what um I I think Henry

Mentioned something in the uh Discord chat about a family anniversary which is uh in the United States I don’t think anyone does a family anniversary but I I I think they mentioned like the 15th family anniversary or something like that so I I don’t know it it’s probably it’s I

Guess a different tradition I I I’m not really familiar with it and my mom has so much bacteria uh one second since she couldn’t drink water but I could skip well I I mean I guess good news for you but not so good news for your parents again I feel bad for your

Parents what they have to do with that but you know what you know what I I have nothing to say I just you know what good news on your end bad news for your parents I can summarize that it feels like a tiny house and I love it I’m put

Some more carpet right here but like Checker pattern carpet all right toffee said it feels like a tiny house and I love it so yep I love I love miniature decorating I think it’s so fun to do to decorate miniature you like the pickles they scare me you see I’m

Allergic to pickles lookist like I’m allergic to bees remember that hey you know what’s funny I I’m going to beg I’m going to beg Jaguar to make a mod uh called the despawn balloon because because in the nether you have a respawn anchor nah the opposite is

Despawn balloon I made a community post saying that that was funny for some dang reason I was so tired that I was laughing my butt off for the word despawn balloon I was so tired that I think I lost all mental sanity bro you should hear this kid when he’s tired I mean

Like extremely tired he he’s C oh my oh no no no no maybe you shouldn’t don’t no uh look at the server uh what server should I look at I need more light in here I got a torch got I got I got a a torch

Wait look at this there’s a light inside the painting I also keep my pickles on the floor next to my bed yep all right all right tofe that is that is the best place to keep your pickles okay I know it’s kind of weird but I always have like a bottle of water

Next to my head while I’m sleeping it’s always just some sort of weird tradition that I just do I’ve been doing that for ages I got some more decorating to do but uh for now this is this is good I’m going to put a big I’m gonna put I’m

Gonna put a big 4×4 map right here on this wall oh my server you want me to go look at my server aot 4 hey um uh should we should we extend hey I could just like I could join aot for factions real quick if that’s what you’re referring to

Because that is like the only server I own right now I don’t own a realm none of that oh yeah of course I’m just saying like I have water at the end of my bed while I go to sleep like at the end or right or right behind my head where I

Sleep so like so like sometimes if I wake up in the middle of the night and then all of a sudden my mouth is just like extremely dry I think that’s probably like the main reason and sometimes people I I don’t know um people also uh say that it could also

Just be like a a spiritual thing which uh I don’t even want to get no idea not I have no idea I just heard about it or like watch videos at one point but I’m not even going to go into that um I’m actually not in a voice chat

On Discord um I’m only I’m calling my friend on Discord so there is no voice chat that I’m currently in so yeah that so we weren’t actually intending to do a uh public because number one we’re on a sacred um we’re on a sacred uh Realm and number

Two it wasn’t really no no no no freak dude what all dude a creep there’s like a mass amount of creepers and they just blew up your path what path oh yeah yeah just uh just fix it ah okay yeah I mean people think that stuff that conducts electricity is linked to Spirit

Uh to spirits and stuff electricity yeah I understand what you were trying to say yeah I don’t know I feel like that just kind of I mean I could see that but like I mean water you can don’t you keep going like what’s your longest live stream on record seven

Hours are you serious yeah basically I was how long have we been streaming uh two and a half hours oh I was GNA say make try to make this your longest live stream just you know have fun make this a very long live stream but dude I don’t

Know if I want to go for seven hours no I’m not even playing for seven hours This Server I’m not no my intentions usually when I do a live stream I do I my goal is to usually have it up to an hour and a half but I guess

I mean this normally my most active live stream hour would literally be in the a like at noon that’d be like the most active but literally the audience like nobody from the unit I don’t think really hardly anyone from the United States would be on the live stream it

Would have to be people from like outside the country or a college student I forgot to add you on Xbox oh yeah o oh yeah I will but I got to fill in the path oh yeah I do uh I do add uh subscribers on the uh uh on cubecraft

Because you never know I could be casually playing cubecraft and all of a sudden one of my random subscribers will just join my game and it’s like awesome it happened at least once or twice which was cool so I absolutely generally do do enjoy that okay we’re placing torches here I’m

Sorry I I can’t deal with this like you need more once I move out the rule for my old house the little one the little one wide house which I don’t know why I even decided on that design anything in there you can have just don’t like take

Any block I mean like you can have the stuff out of the chest you just can’t uh you can’t take like the crafting and stuff out of there because that’s I want to preserve it you know all right uh people who also believe that Spirits can use quartz to interact with our

Plane because when two bits of quartz Collide they produce light it’s called a spark it’s nothing special nah hey what’s up we got tvom in here that’s awesome underscore I don’t know dude I think you should keep going with the stream it’s clearly working out pretty well oh yeah usually and this is

The first stream in a long time that’s actually gone it’s actually gone well so you should take advantage of it and keep keep it going and and this is the first stream in a long time where you’ve been able to consistently keep viewers that’s the thing though

Um I know I mean one like when I playing cubecraft like I think the one thing is is like viewers definitely want to join and I am all down for that but let’s just say I have 10 million Subs I will not be able to do that again I would

Have to like limit how many people can join it would be so like let’s just say hypothetically I have 10 million I would never be able to do that uh how’s everybody’s day my day is going great I’m just starving currently but you know what I can eat one meal

Today dude why don’t you order some door Dash like just take a second order some door Dash and you don’t have to quit streaming oh I’m not actually that’s the thing though um I can I’m going to continue streaming up to like 4:30 that I think that would be good which the

Stream would be like up to four hours by now so we can do a four hour stream that’s cool I’m totally down I have nothing to do today neither do I I literally oh my gosh you know what okay so literally I am so happy because like not only like I literally

Ah freak I’m done with all my college classes for the first semester it has gone great I feel happy none of that’s on my agenda so today I can stream pretty much all afternoon and if I really wanted to I can stream until 10 o’clock at night

Tonight why would I I I wouldn’t no okay yeah so um what I’m gonna do is that I’m going to I was oh yeah I was gonna add Henry on um XBox I think I have the Xbox app should I do that like so I don’t for forget about it

Oh imper all right Imperial ew survival I mean if you don’t like survival you don’t have to be in the Stream today but what you can I will and and if you don’t you don’t have to be in the Stream but I will say is that tomorrow I will be

Doing cubecraft which the agenda tomorrow will be um Frick uh Bridges it would also be uh egg Wars and Snowman surv so those will be the three things for tomorrow’s agenda I don’t think the stream will be as long as today but who knows I could literally end up produc no

No it won’t be that as long because I have things to do tomorrow all right Henry all right I’m gonna add you on Xbox I think it’s uh Henry 34 uh 354 yeah there it is all right yep I just added you on Xbox if my there we

Go all right so Random pole we’re going to do another random poll I I’m I’m I’m GNA do that I’m actually gonna do random poles all right would you rather be trapped up Frick never mind I gotta think about it real quick I’m sorry I’m sorry all right would you rather mine wood

247 or mine obsidian 2 47 random question random things that pop up in my head let’s see if y’all have an answer all right I feel generally bad oh okay cool oh yeah I had a I had a shovel I can totally do this you want to do something fun me yes

I’m moving all my stuff to my house y’all want to y’all want to see me consistently die in the nether not prepared to go into The Nether how do you read enchanting tables easy that’s how it usually the thing about enchanting tables in Bedrock it’ll give

You a um it’ll give you one of the things that is going to enchant and it may also just be one that it like like if you read enchanted table and it says Unbreaking three on one of them that means it’s going to give you Unbreaking three and maybe something else you’re

Definitely going to get Unbreaking three but you could get just Unbreaking three or there could be a second enchantment that it gives you but it doesn’t tell you the second enchantment like so if it says Unbreaking three then you might get Unbreaking three or you might get Unbreaking three uh efficiency three or

Something like that and it just doesn’t show you the efficiency but but always what it says you will definitely again all right let’s see okay so I got some diamonds I I got um what else there’s I still have things to do on my agenda all right I’m going to the

Nether I need netherite well uh at least scraps why well OB well I’ll have a use later but I just want to get some dude save the um Courts for me please can you do that oh yeah I can I just you know I can also I can also just like

Uh oh I dang maybe I should just like explore around dude I have no idea what I really want to do there I’m GNA be going to the nether very soon so if you want to wait for me to go to the nether with you I will be going very soon as

Soon as I move my stuff over I’m going to the ne I could mine for more diamonds but like so I feel like I feel like that would just be a waste of time all right let’s I’m GNA make more chests I think I think this

Would yeah that’s I think that’s what I should do mine for more diamonds you can’t have enough diamonds diamonds have use right now but until we get those uh till we get those templates netherite is basically useless for us don’t be logical we never have enough diamonds any any netherite you might

Just save it keep it somewhere secure so you don’t lose it bro my tired is kicking in and it’s only it’s only three it’s only 3:15 right now I’m sorry let me be let me be complicated like the uh some people it is a quarter past three just say

3:15 but you know what my you know my grandmother is like that like like Frick you know what’s funny it’s like I don’t know I’ve only got a few more things to move okay I’m going to I’m going to fill these chest up real quick I gotta and

Then anything in my house is yours after that bro’s about to hide all of his diamonds from me what a oh you know I’m actually oh oh I know exactly what I want to do never mind I actually know exactly what I was going to

Do what are you going to do that was one thing I want that was one thing on my agenda for today what what build build a lava cast oh please don’t do it anywhere near here no I I’m scared of how big the lava cast will be it will be huge so please

Do it far away from here I have a suggestion of where you could do it that it wouldn’t harm anything if you want me to give you that suggestion I need I need a second U wait I need a second um water bucket but yeah

I’m gonna I’m gonna make a a good old yeah absolutely do you want to hey do you want to be do you want to be a part of this epic journey of the worlds yes but we need to agree to be far away from base oh yeah Abol I will take you there

I will take you to a good spot can it not be too far away so it’s like in a walking distance but like like a far enough or it won’t harm anything I will keep it within within long walking distance not a close walk but still within walking dist yes because we’re

Gonna oh and I I I’m naming it by the way I’m naming it a certain thing oh also go ahead and get everything you need because I am almost done transferring everything to my house the funny thing is I don’t really know how to build a lava cast do I just Place

Water over lava that’s all I do like will it actually or do I no all right what are you trying to build that’s my question what shape are you going for a giant pyramid pyramid pyramids are harder um what version of Minecraft do you play on we are currently playing on uh

1.20 50 I think which pyramids are the hardest dang it I I definitely do want to build a pyramid all right what’s the all right I need a tutorial video yeah go ahead and look up tutorial because I know pyramids are the harder ones to build towers are the

Easiest I got lava I I need help carrying something to my house you need help carrying something goated to the uh your house yeah because I have just just barely not enough inventory space if you could just carry these two things to my house so that I don’t have

To make two more trips or three things sorry what version of oh uh what version of Minecraft do you play on no like Java Bedrock or education we play on Bedrock I’m sorry uh misunderstanding yeah we only we’re playing on Bedrock Edition currently um you know oh here’s a poll I’m sure I

Ask this all the time all right so the poll is would you rather only play Java Edition Minecraft or only play Bedrock Edition Minecraft there you go perfect there’s the poll idea only only Bedrock I know so many people disagree with me and I totally respect Java I

Play both so it’s not like I’m just I’m it’s not a biased opinion because I’ve played both but in my unbiased opinion I just prefer Bedrock it’s easier to mod there although there is less mods it is easier to mod because it comes an actual Minecraft files instead of instead of

Files that you have to input into the game they’re actual Minecraft files and all you do is click on them and it opens up bedrock and adds it to the game automatically I I mainly like bedrock Edition because not only it doesn’t take like 9 years to open like like I don’t

Have to open up a launcher just to launch the game and number two it’s just easier to join on crossplatform and easy to play with your friends that’s that’s my second reason my second reason is that it makes it easier for people to play together and also another reason is

That you can play Bedrock on so many different things Java you could play on computer that’s it that’s the only thing you can play Java on Bedrock you could play on pretty much everything all right all right so tvom said I play on education Edition that is bedrock that’s considered Bedrock yeah

That is on Bedrock let me see all right you ready I’ve got everything in my house now so I’m ready all right I’m trying to figure out how to uh oh let’s go to sleep first go go in your house and go to sleep yeah we’re gonna need a lot of blocks for

That pyramids are the hardest but also they’re the coolest looking how many do we need um basically we’re just we need to build a Stairway like we need to build four different stairways all connecting together there’s other ways to do so as well hold up let me Google it let me look at

It because I definitely do want to build a pyramid we’re about to do this like H we’re about to wait whoa whoa whoa wait there’s another thing Where’s A Okay that that’s stupid I want a alternative there’s an alternative way of casting I just want to make a pyramid let’s see maybe we could just build a mega Tower I I feel like I I don’t even I don’t think I want to put in like too

Much work on building a pyramid unless unless or maybe we can just build a pyramid I got an Idea I got an idea Matthew all right what don’t worry I’m help I’m gon help you with this all right because I’m gonna grab a lot of blocks it don’t matter it does not matter what yeah it doesn’t as long as it’s not flammable I think we should go for the

Inverse pyramid like a pyramid but not complete on all four sides it kind of caves in in the middle and it looks super cool okay sounds pretty cool all right awesome we are building a pyramid is it night time already night time yeah it’s night time we need to go to

Sleep yeah I’m sleeping this is a good way to get rid of all your extra blocks if you have too many or you can just throw it in lava that works too but this is a fun this is this way it actually makes the extra blocks beneficial I’m

Just funny you know what’s funny is that we’re getting rid of blocks to make more blocks all right let’s go to sleep I’m sleeping already okay literally earlier this morning I literally had 30 I had 3,7 like 20 Subs I I’m at 3,760 which is insane

All right let’s go let’s make the lava cast yeah I gained 40 subs for uh no apparent reason whatsoever you probably bring a here I’m bringing a bed so we can set our spawn there in case we die from the lava we won’t have to walk all

The way back can I can I try to join you guys on Minecraft um this is a private sorry it’s a it is a private realm it’s meant to be uh sacred but I might make it you’re Abus you’re using that word sacred Matthew okay but it’s the nicest

Way yeah it’s you could just say it’s private it’s just for me and you but we’re planning on making a realm soon that’s for everybody or hey maybe it’s a maybe it’s not 100% certain but it’s a maybe because I have to really think about this decision but I’m

Probably it even if I do it’s really cheap to have a Minecraft Ram it’s like probably like what four bucks a month just for or at least but that’s that’s only for two people you’re probably gon have to pay for like the eight one why

Am I GNA have to pay for the eight one it’s only gonna be it’s it’s going to be for me and two other people I’m sure not your sub well no because yeah you could upgrade in the future if get more people that want to play it yeah exactly and if

It’s like and that’s thing I only the only way I would upgrade if there’s if there’s cont stantly two different people in the game all right this is going to be this is going to be cool this is going to look great but we have to plan out with coordinates coordinates

Are going to play a role in how we do this we need to find it somewhere flat though and I prefer either a tigga or a desert because I mean obviously it’s a pyramid that looks flat up there if that if that’s flat we’ll go with

That all right looks like this is flat enough we’re going to do it here it’s right next to a Tiger Biome but it’s a PL biome bro you got a big head I like that BR you got a big Minecraft head bro oh my gosh look at how many flowers over there pretty Flowers what do you know about that I didn’t know you watch Bambi that exists yeah that’s a Bambi reference all right so we need to set up uh we need to pay attention to coordinates because we want to make this wide so here’s the

First one we got to make a a huge Square okay so six 643 uh do you want me to write down the coordinates so it makes it easier I’ve got a big a big white board right here why’ you have to pull out the Whiteboard that’s my thing okay

61 uh do you want to make it 100 do you want to make it a 100 blocks uh tall no because that would take absolutely forever I think I think maybe like four 30 let’s do 30 because it’s going to get B it’s going to be remember it’s going

To be way bigger than what we started out with because every lava cast is going to make it bigger okay so we got to count 30 blocks this way one two three four five six seven8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 do the map 21 22 23 24 25 26

27 28 29 30 hey guess what do the math listen look got be a block lower listen to me listen to me for a second it is negative 611 right pretend you’re adding 30 so it’ be 641 think about it that way so you don’t have to count each

Individual block is that Nega 641 yes it is yes okay so now now we’re on the other Spectrum so 644 so it’s going to be 674 okay which is right here yeah but it has to be level hold let me go see what level that

Block is right this one’s 67 what B that one this one is 69 has to be one two all right now it’s leveled all right but you gotta we got to get rid of uh can’t all right we got to get rid of this mountain right

Here just the just the top just whatever just the part that’s above the the pole so I don’t have I okay whiteboards are so useful absolutely whiteboards are very useful I’m telling you right now we don’t have to we don’t have to get rid of the whole thing just the just the

Edges oh yeah so yeah I literally whiteboards I literally write down all my classes and I write down what assignments that I have to do and it was very beneficial it’s not only that it was like really it helped me memorize what assignments that I had to do but

Also was like yeah I’m gonna write down when I have a test I don’t care if my roommates see what I have to do it’s place the next one go figure out where the next one is while I M this m while I M this mountain now I have a

Wall in my room which is basically a giant whiteboard dang dude this is going to be awesome looking I I hope so I all right what what which direction we’re walking all right so we’re going back toga – 611 here which it’s 60 and our level would

Be 69 yeah but make sure it’s on the same this way all right so it would be right here be okay go ahead and place it at the same level it is at the same level oh shoot he’s still streaming yeah I am still streaming I decid I’m going to stream until around

4:30 because I might because I’m not going to go to D and connect at 3:30 there’s nothing good there at that time it is late lunch and when you go for late lunch it is horrible so I might as well just go at 4:30 or 5 o’clock yeah

I’m gonna be streaming for probably another hour and a half help me out here okay there is you another shovel right there help me clear this mountain out or just help me clear out this hill because if you don’t if we don’t it’s going to mess up the lava cast

All right here we go going gig it doesn’t have to be perfectly flat but it needs to be it needs to be flatter than this all right tofe said it’s one to high uh which all right so which one what’s one two high did I okay so this one’s 69 I I’m

Figuring oh okay so this is one too high I get it okay so this is um this is what we need to place all right thank you so much tofe all right so we actually have to mine through here too as well all right so I we used to like

Originally I was trying to end the live stream Where um like about to the r come set your spawn point over here so originally um we were going to end a live stream about after the RV but now we’re building a lava cast so um I think this is big

Beautiful yes there I put a chest there was some extra blocks that way we can collect this dirt awesome that way we’ll have lots of dirt you know if we run hypothetically if we run out of blocks we got all the dirt well yeah but I would I want to use

All the other blocks first because this dirt is useful because we need it for terraforming filling in creeper holes but uh if yeah but if we do run out of blocks we can use the dirt I’m I’m gonna tell you right now terraforming is like

An addictive drug to me he M can confirm it dude I’m serious you know that wait am I am I am I digging I think I’m digging at the wrong yeah I think I’m digging at the wrong block height I’m stupid yeah I was digging at it we don’t

Have to dig in the middle of the mountains the the part that’s towards the middle is not going to matter cuz it’s going to be underneath the lava cast it’s really just around the edges and the top to make it not as high okay that makes sense all right yeah okay

Cool we’re about to make history all right so this is 68 69 come on one more one more level of flatness and then that should be enough here we go oh we we’re messing up already please don’t we’re not messing up no we got to flatten this one just a bit on the

Edges dang this is a three-hour live stream this is double what I normally do wow this is crazy we got to just trim the sides of this oh okay my shovel broke make a new one I love how cheap shovels are to make dude I should have brought an extra

Bed so we could sleep check for sheep so we can make one more bed it’s going to get late and we’re not going to be done with this by the time or no we could just leave it one of us can just leave the game while the other sleaves

Exactly it’s like the go to go to with the sauce decision to do anyway let’s see what we got all right leave the leave the game or you want me to leave I you can leave I I’m okay I found a sheep sleep through the night well but

It’s still probably not going to give us a enough oh no absolutely not now yeah we got the dirt oh I just realized when this is done we can dig out the middle and turn it into a giant wheat farm that you can AFK as bro thinking at 965 IQ bro

That’s stupid I’m sorry that that was just cringe all right is the night over yes it’s been over it’s been over for like 30 seconds just got to do a little more flattening and then we could start with the pillars and then as soon as we get

Done with the pillars we start lava casting imagine it’s gonna take it’s G to take multiple oh I just realized we’re going to need how many buckets of lava do you have I have one oh we’re going to need a few more it’s not good uh dude I’ll go back here you be

Flattening all right so where where am I supposed to be flattening just around the edges uh yeah let me check over here this one see like you go to you got to do around here cuz the block the block itself needs to be one block above everything around it so nothing around here

Everything around here has to be at least one block below the the blocks so see this has to go this right here has to go what about over here is are we good over no yeah just just this top layer just this top layer has to go

And then that’s Ju Just this little just this column right here and then I will I would suggest digging this out right here around the edges but just that one column in the middle has to go and then everything will be a block below but uh yeah you be doing

That I’m going to go get some some extra buckets of lava would it be cool if you turn it into a volcano it would be cool if we turn the lava cast into a Volcan it’s not gonna be it’s not going to be the right shape for that probably not hey

We’ll we’ll we’ll see but it will be a good shape for building if you if we decide to turn it into a building later on second thought let me use the seed finder to find the nearest lava pool I’ve got iron to make buckets um just go down the strip mines

And you’ll there’s literally a lava pool right down there I know but I I’d have to walk all back all the way back to base all right so when when will you play cubecraft though uh tomorrow at approximately 1 p.m which uh at Eastern time so if you’re able to figure out

What that correlates to to your own time zone it’s totally fine I understand there’s different time zon so I might actually time zone it is I can just say hey I’ll let everybody know an hour ahead of time as well but yeah um so be one you break the

Boat no I don’t think so I gota I’m going go back to base and get more lava buckets we only need one bucket of water but we need multiple buckets of lava do you have a water bucket yes I do okay I’m going to go get some more lava yeah um uh I

Um if you want to while you’re waiting you can be flattening outside of it so that the area around it is more flat and makes it look nicer it’s not necessary but like instead of just flattening inside the square you can also flatten on the outside so that the pyramid stands out

More if you need something to do while you’re waiting yeah I think the inside’s pretty good be honest as long as it’s one block below as long as there’s no part of the inside that is that is level or a block above everything need to be one block

Below or less you should be fine it looks like everything’s pretty good I actually yeah everything is leveled okay so yeah so uh the live I’m going to give more information on there I just want to give a reminder I’m sure some of you already know about this um

So pretty much the agenda for tomorrow’s live stream would be uh the tomorrow’s agenda will be cubecraft Bridges egg Wars and snowman survival that’s what it’s going to be I do not think it’s going to be 3 hours long I hope not I have things that I

Have to do but I was able to fit that into the schedule this only 1:00 would work so I will leave a reminder ahead of time uh probably about an hour but it will be at 100 PM Eastern Standard Time so time zones are definitely different

So so just look up uh what time is 1: p.m. in New York work which now that’s bugging me so yeah whatever your time zone is you can definitely correlate with that anyway do you have any extra iron in in your house uh I have my iron on me h i I guess

I you think six buckets will be enough I hope so do you think it would be enough because if you have six I’m going I’m going to my house to get more iron I I have a a lava bucket right I have a lava bucket too I know but I just

Because because what if we make a mistake and mess up one bucket I’m I’m just going to I’m going to house get some more absolutely all right yeah I’m going to I’m going to wait I got a Miss call who is it from ah no my grandmother called

Me and I’m live streaming this is so upsetting that was gonna I’m gonna I’m gonna scroll through my phone real quick I think that’s what I’m going to do real quick one second let’s see what the updates are all right I got all right I got 10 more buckets now I’m going to

Just go to the shrip mine and get lava and then I will pedal back all right I’m hungry I need to I need to go eat carrots all right all right where did you say there were in your strip mine do you remember oh um like that way I don’t have to search

The entire Shir M to Lava pools and you know like there’s one very close to the bottom oh somebody said I thought you were hungry oh yeah and that was a little bit ago yes I’m still hungry but I’m I I could stick it out for this lava

Cast I should probably get some work done see toffee uh all right yeah uh toffey’s about to leave the stream they got uh they got to go do some work I gotta get some so have a good day Loy Absol uh thank you for watching the

Stream um all right you have a wonderful day um yes uh we’re still we’re gonna continue streaming until the lav cast is done I I don’t think I I don’t think I’m gonna push it he can he can watch through he can later on go to the the

Live stream later on and just watch the ending if he wants to see the lava cast I could I could time stamp it too I can actually like I can kind of time just time stamp it to the end part yeah I can put either comments or the description I

Don’t think the description is that good where where are these lava pools at I’m I’m just wandering around your strip all right I’m gonna actually I’m gonna be going around um and killing sheep because oh well we already met our requirements for another bed so we don’t

Actually have to leave the game this time lava pool perfect but I need the food so oh we got two viewers in chat all right I got the lava I’m headed back now go to with the sauce not going to lie we have a cow didn’t expect That hey look Pig mine now there’s a baby pig alone sorry I I get I don’t get anything a return but you know what that’s ABS whoa that is terrifying ah I could have walked over I could have walked over the edge that’ be terrifying and anyway

H all right let me I’m going to make some a a bed real quick so then you don’t have to leave I got four wool which is pretty good not going to lie we’re g to go like that that we’re gonna make another bed all right so now

We don’t have to leave the game this is absolutely wonderful and we get to sleep right next to each other isn’t that great oh we we got one viewer in chat dude can’t find the way back to yours wait what can’t find the way back to

Yours whatever way you can f okay um the night is approaching I I honestly I’m not going to have you stop I’m just going to build myself a little Tower over the bed so just I could literally just log off real quick I’m still GNA build a little

Tower I’m building a tower you don’t have to I’m not I’m not going to force you besides I need the XP so and I need the arrows from the skeleton so I’m gonna I’m G to fight these skeletons to the death looks like I’m looks like I’m

Gonna be strip mining back your base I can’t find I can’t find the exit all right we got zero viewers in chat let’s all right we got zero viewers now oh Starbucks lady I found the I found the exit okay so when are we going to get the game mode into hard

Mode uh soon dang we you what’s funny actually no not funny um you know what’s crazy is that we how about week two what’s crazy is that we literally had a lot well techn for a survival Minecraft series on my channel that’s a lot of viewers four people that

Literally watch for like an over an hour that is insane that’s four people your attention on this live stream great all right I’m headed back to the boat now actually I um so I had seven viewers at one point but they kept on leaving and then I only was stuck with

Like two or three people so I think I’m headed back in the boat all right yeah live stream is really good to build uh watch time hours they actually add this towards your actual watch time hours when I get there you’re to sleep oh oh oh oh oh we have

An Enderman like really mad at me right now um and I have the levels we get there I’m gonna sleep so that we could do this during the daytime there’s an Enderman super mad at me we’re gonna be bridging up and if there’s skeletons on the ground they will knock us off

A zombie managed to get into my boat all right I’m almost back this Enderman is super oh I killed the Enderman let’s go we got zero viewers in chat all right now you’re probably gonna have some experience with sideways bridging but uh can use sideways Bridge oh probably

Not I can do MJ bridging which is my specialty at the moment dude that’s the thing though if you can’t MJ Bridge there ain’t no if you can’t MJ bridge and you fail then you’re not doing MJ bridging right because yes you is the most safest way

To bridge the most incredibly safest way Tod I just realized something I think we set it up wrong what do you mean hold up did we really set it up wrong I really hope not yeah but if we did the it it would be a quick fix all we have

To do is just move the blocks to the middle instead of the edges but I’m trying to see if we did or didn’t this is what I’m doing let’s sleep this this is what I’m doing in my free time building us a little Hut hey it’s

Memorable okay you know it you know it’s memorable besides and let’s uh hold up let me look at this for a second all righty yeah we set it up wrong oh all we got to do is move the blocks towards the middle though that’s all all right should I post a

Short uh Why Oh Shoot what the hell dude no oh my I need tell with your with your math brain tell me what the what the middle of these blocks are we got to do it we got I have a math brain you told me bro you made fun of me failing my

Math class and then withdrawing from it have come here I need your help all right just place the beds we’re not going to need that just place the beds so we can set spawn points we need the we need the hunt man we can’t man hurry up we gotta set my spawn

Point okay first of all don’t pressure me me bro just hurry up and place a bed there’s so many blocks okay it’s hard to freaking there a I was that was a bed bug there’s that one I’m sorry I can’t find the other one at the spawn point and I already

Did okay there’s the other bed all right then just um place a chest yeah there’s no there’s no really any reason for actually try to place the dirt in the chest try to try to try to use everything but the dirt all right now I need your help here setting the middle

Blocks all right I’m I’m super mad I I I I have to finish this Hut I have to re I have to I’m I’m I’m actually doing this right now I’m actually G to fix this up just a little bit because it’s memorable until a creeper decide to destroy it it looked

Beautiful until now all right what are we doing all right I need the I need the middle in between all the these blocks not the center but the middle and the edges that is going to be tough no not the center Matthew not the center not like the middle of the square

But the middle of the edges okay so how wait how how wide did we make them 30 we made it 30 we made it 30 yes is 30 is 30 an odd number you can split yeah uh 30 is an even so it’d be 15 yeah but no but that would be that

Would be odd so we gota make it make one what do you mean what do you mean it would be odd we needed an odd number so we can have an exact middle no are you no you’re not thinking listen yeah yes I am thinking it would

Be 15 but that would be two blcks the middle would be in between two blocks it has to be an odd number so that the middle can be a one block okay you see what I mean one two three four five 6 seven8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 right one

Two one two three four five six 7even 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 okay yeah see what I mean they it has to be one block wider so just place it right here just place it right here and we’ll just make the P we’ll make this go out

One just and this one needs to go out one yeah no no it has to go out in the corner by that so this is 624 624 okay oh I’m so tired all right now we just got to find the middles we got one middle find the middle we got to find

The middle of the that’s the middle of this one yeah yes okay is it 15 blocks from the from the edge to the middle wait why does this look so uneven wait look because isn’t this supposed to be back moved back once like this thing isn’t this supposed to be

Moved back no no no it doesn’t no one of one block stays the same the rest of them move that’s how something EXP and I move that one back I move that one back one okay one two three four five wait I don’t here’s we can four 5 6 Seven 8 9

10 11 12 13 14 15 is this what the middle is going to be all right put the mid three four five six 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 that needs to be moved right here and then after that I can do

6 so this is going to be 659 that means all the way across here is going to have to be 659 but approximately around here which is that level this means one two three four okay so that’s level now now we just do the sides make sure they match the

Coordinates no make sure these sides match the coordinates so this is at yep six negative 624 that’s next uh negative 624 624 all right so now what we do is bridge bridge up on all sides wait make sure you start wait hold up no no hold up no I mean starting at

69 look at me starting at 69 you want to go up like that that kind of bridge am I doing something wrong am I supposed to go up like that no you got it you’re doing right I just didn’t finish that one all the way we

Got to go up all the way on all four okay good brid require significantly less blocks than I thought it would okay so I think this is where it’s going if it meets at the top in a point like this yeah because this is a point right

Here they all have to meet in the middle at a point they should this one’s a no something’s wrong bridge that one up then we’ll figure out which one of these is uneven the one that you recently bridged up man they are all way off this one wait wait no because look these

Actually meet up I think uh we the middle was wrong I think the the two middles right here like the one that I bridged up because look because look these actually meet up so that one’s actually also they’re too low as well they’re also too low what do you what do

You mean what’s going on what do you mean they’re they need to all come to one final point at the top okay but I would assume like okay hold up let’s just go with these three because they’re the most even and we’ll fix that one so in that case this

One would need to go down wait hold up no this one needs to go up one let me make this one go up one all right that one goes up one and so this one goes down one or do move forward this one needs to go down

One so just break the top block of each stair ew that looks ugly and then this one all right perfect so all these line up now this one is the most messed up oh sorry oh I didn’t I didn’t get I had so much xp

Bro well I didn’t mean to I was trying to mine the blocks dude we need to go to sleep real quick first uh I need to pick up my stuff before it despawns I’m doing that uh we gotta Hur we gotta hurry up and go to sleep dude sleeping won’t make

Your stuff despawn so just go to sleep real quick then we can fix it I’m sure I can survive by picking up my stuff real quick sleeping doesn’t sleeping doesn’t increase game time at all no I I already I already picked up my stuff so calm down oh let’s to sleep all

Right uh this this pyramid might not be that big okay what’s up with the zombies like not even like whoa all right that was me you keep getting them away of my sword and Pi gu now it will because remember every time we lava cast it’s going to get slightly bigger

Okay okay anyway the zombies what’s up with them not burning in daylight like I don’t know I think it might be something to do with that all bright pack I mean the um Dy hey we got a viewer in chat what’s up tvom we’re about to Lava cast a big

Pyramid yes so you were you just came right back in time you’re also dude what the why is my crouching not working why is why is my crouching not working if I crouch I shouldn’t be able to go off the edge of a block by the way why is this

Why is this too oh no I can fix that why why does it do that if I crouch it shouldn’t let me be able to go off the edge of the block but it does my crouching is working um I think this is still messed

Up up or unless maybe it’s not no I know it it might be for a second wait yeah this one still has to go that one so hold up all righty all right break that as you come down break that as you come down we got to redo this one

Again let me start from here you’re messing up you’re actually messing up no it doesn’t have to be perfect it needs to be if it’s below it’s okay because we could place an extra layer it’s only a problem if or mean it’s only a problem if it’s too high but

If it’s too below we could just make another layer to make it to make it fit so I’m making it very low on purpose and then I’ll just add extra layers to it to make it fit all right all right just needs two extra layers on top ah

Yes I got my co shot and flu shot today now my arms hurt yep I hate that’s that’s the thing I didn’t get my flu shot for that whole purpose when I remember um getting a flu shot the last time I did that was like two years ago

Any anyway um I refused to get a flu shot because I had to use my arms for work and I didn’t want my arms in like horrible pain and so I was like yeah I’m good I got to go to work today and it’s Valentine’s day it’s going to be busy

And I have to carry heavy pans around no I’m not all right from from the ground does it look symmetrical the bottom doesn’t the bottom doesn’t matter as long as the top sub the Bottom’s going to be covered anyway yeah it looks symmetrical from the bot uh bottom it per looks

Perfect we’re bad at this come up here come up here alrighty making a little platform for us to stand on all righty you want to do the honors place the first lava bucket right on top all right now back up we got to make this platform we built go up one block

Higher oh I just realized we messed something up go ahead pick that lava bucket back up hold up I forgot to do something no you’re messing it up no I’m just doing what you had to do I think don’t you have to place water and then lava no it’s lava first I I

Made a spot so you could place the water okay but wouldn’t that be I swear wouldn’t that just be obsidian then you when we left to let the dogs lose and they’ve been tied up this whole day I didn’t know well check your all right uh let me make this all

Right go ahead and you place the well let it let it drain a little bit more so it’s not crooked at all actually I’m just let’s just wait until the lava’s actually gone to be safe holy crap it is okay so we got two viewers in chat

Alrighty uh now we got one damn it all right I got I plan on using all these lava buckets oh oh goodness so it’s gonna be much bigger than supposed lava’s almost gone hey think about it this way lava flows downwards a lot faster than lava

So it’s perfect that I think lava should like be completely gone lava’s almost gone I’m gonna wait until it’s it’s filling in the bottom which doesn’t matter because that’s not going to mess it up in any way as long as the sides are not full of lava no it’s all

Dissipating just like the storm cells just like that one storm cell where you thought you’re going to get a tornado and I told what was the bet that I made like if you get a tornado I will give you all my diamonds or something like

That I don’t know but I oh no it was it was if you get a if you get one if you get a tornado to go within 10 oh if you get a tornado within 30 miles of your house you pick the game and if it

Doesn’t happen then I pick the game you can place lava now you mean water no wa lava first lava goes first okay so I promise you lava goes first okay so why weren’t we playing uh placing lava uh why weren’t we why did we have to get rid of the lava at first

Time uh oh cuz it was crooked I I forgot to place this little thing right here this little this little pillar that I made floating above is important because that’s how you place the water I had to make that little pillar all right so why am I the always

The only one on live stream sometimes you know what I have no idea you have to place this little pillar right here so that you could place the water bucket but when you place that water bucket I have have to immediately break that block as fast as

Possible all right let it flow it’s almost it’s almost uh done flowing it’s almost down to the bottom still filling in on those sides over there are we making obsidian or we actually making it Cobblestone no this would it it will have one block of obsidion on the top

And the rest will be cobblestone I know a lot about lava casting I’ve done it so many times but yeah this top little block where the lava is that that one lava source block that will turn to the obsidian and all the rest all the flowing blocks will

Turn into Cobblestone all right go ahead and place your water bucket where do we place it where do I place it on the on the side of this bottom block so that it places right on so it places right on top perfect see it makes obsidian on the top

And all the rest turns to Cobble ah all right now go ahead and get up to get the water there is our lava cast but I think we’re contining not it’s not it’s not done we’re going to make several layers of it so here’s our first part of the lava

Cast it looks gorgeous it looks beautiful several layers uh how long is that going to take not very long lava casting is quick well we didn’t make it quick to be honest all right the water is completely gone at this point or at least almost completely gone it’s

Gone you both do way better than me uh we had to look up a YouTube tutorial video on how to do this I didn’t I know what I’m doing oh well at least I did all right now uh jump up here here use this block use that block to jump up

Here I had to now we place one more block on top and now place your lava source I only had one bucket oh yeah you’re right I got all the rest of the lava you see how it adds layers over time all right back up I’m breaking that

Block right there okay see how it adds layers over time so it slowly increases in thickness and every time every every lava bucket we we add it’s going to increase in thickness by two that’s go to with the sauce this is time consuming I thought

It’ be a we we started out by with 30 but we also had to shorten it cuz it messed up so we probably it’s probably about 28 wide but by the time we get done it’s probably going to be about 50 the lava getting close all right this this going to look

So beautiful when we’re done though all right I got move these out the way I’m going to Tim stamp the video the live stream to the point where the um the lava casting is completely done so hey we got another viewer in chat I’m about to place the

Water yes I’m ready to place the water oh already had water oh never block off your water though always use a bucket to get it NOP should we go to bed uh yeah oh yeah it’s definitely increased by thickness it it is insane but you see what the shape is

It’s kind of a pyramid that’s Hollow on the side that it’s also going to thicken on the sides a little bit so it’s not going to be that Hollow on the sides all right let’s go to bed hey you’re sleeping right next to me that’s awesome that’s gay that’s gay

Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa Matthew you’re you’re you’re being gay whoa enough now now offensive we were doing so good I’m tired bro I am so tired but this is gonna be so worth it yeah all right hop up here I haven’t eaten anything all day so it’s this is

Definitely going to be super worth it after I’m done after we’re done can I place the water this time yeah hold up I got to make this Tower no no no no no I got I’m going down I was just doing that to make the Tower taller

What this is so messed up you want you want to place the lava or the water I don’t have lava I will give you lava okay one second let me clear my Inventory no no no no all that’s going to get burned up so keep in mind everything you throw down there is going to be destroyed I don’t need that stuff anyway okay here I don’t want it oh I picked it up I have a math test and reading test

Missing but I honestly don’t care um I have a math test and reading test missing but I honestly don’t care honestly I feel that too but for me I definitely should care all right so on the bottom of the block oh no I’m stupid no just on the top right

There you know what I would care because I would tell you right now as a college student you can’t miss an assignment but I I don’t know uh what type of education level you’re in but like when you’re in middle school or is that like uh uh primary

School or yeah I think that’s like Primary School um it won’t matter as much but make sure you keep good grades in school it it’s very important regardless of your grade level or academic level that’s my best advice goodness gracious bro I keep yawning like a storm bro I definitely

Need to go eat Something not too far we’re not too far from being done oh where the stream’s about to hit um the stream’s about to hit four hours we’ll let it hit four four hours so even if we’re done we can just gaze at it all right placing the water

Now by the time the stream is done I can I can literally just like go to the dining hall literally it’s going to be right in time hey look there’s a sheep little uh struggling I want to kill it all right move move to this Edge block right

Here what is more painful stubbing your pinky toe or have or having a covert or flu shot well I would probably say stubbing my pinky toe because like even though like getting a shot on in the long run right it does depend on that as well for my experience I think I’d

Rather deal with sore arms rather than stub well that’s the thing dude it really is weird because it is a short it’s a shortterm and long run scenario I mean at the moment it feels like your pinky toe hurts the like it hurts worse but it’s just the Pain’s going to go way

Faster but when you get a flu shot it may not hurt at first but then the aches are going to be there so yeah he does have a point it’s either on the short term or long or short run or the long run so I’d probably

Say getting a shot because it’s G to be like that for a long time pinky toe it might hurt worse in the moment but you’ll get over it we have three four five six seven Locka buckets left on using all of them look at the bottom though

Oh my goodness yeah it’s going to be extended for a long time we we got we got probably we’re probably gonna be working on this for how long do you think we’re gonna be working on this 15 minutes now 15 oh bro I don’t think so I think it’s gonna be like

A I’m claiming 20 minutes I think that’s what I’m G do you know in the mean time while you place some while you place stuff I’m actually gonna post a short other then gota be a little logical she just died from the lava lava just killed

The Sheep oh it’s about to kill a pig oh no it stopped just short of the pig no that’s horrible it’s horrible that the pig didn’t die all right I’m gonna take my okay I’m watching this live stream while I oh okay bro TMI bro what did they say

I’m watching this live stream while I’m on the toilet LOL oh great bro she’s calling our content toilet I’m watching skibby toilet 68 part two while watching the live stream don’t you say anything about ski toilet I know we’re to I know we’re I know we’re both teenage boys here but

All right Matthew I need you to bridge up bridge I like the word bridge I’m addicted to Bridges all right I’m mining these blocks underneath he he he I I said in the most sarcastic way possible anyway sorry if I um sorry if I destroyed your eard

Drums not sorry your microphone kind of cuts it out so it’s fine oh on Discord probably not on stream though you want to place this lava bucket yes that would be the most Giga Chad thing you can ever do to me what ever do for me anyway I’m

Actually gonna post a short real quick you know just just because it might just be like oh cool this is going to be the biggest Monument on our on our thing oh yeah and it’s on a live stream dud okay you said you going to name it right what are we naming this

Thing oh I think we should Hollow it out make it a temple skibby toilet is trash um I like Alliance more than the skibby toilets okay so the um so uh I would assume uh you know I’m not no I’m not going to say nothing I’ll wait until

After the stream to say something about skiy toilets I all right you got to go you got to get to the top here because I got to make this thing go up again okay I can place the water next if you want me to but we gota wait though

Yeah of course but we we’ll have to wait though the hardest part is really just Bri is just bridging this thing up or it has schedule absolutely I’m going to post a video that okay so I have a video of bro roasted my mother bro raged

So hard uh I had other oh I can’t anyway yep you you guys get to know uh that with the videos those would be uh those are scheduled to be released on Christmas but I already have content scheduled from like up to Christmas so like every short is going to be at the

Same actually I’m scheduling this one to today I’m actually going to do that miss going to publish it right now I can I can absolutely uh schedule I’m trying to schedule things up until New Year’s Eve so like so it’s easier instantly I have one view on that video all right you can

Place water now awesome so we got a short can we just like yeah no no don’t pick it up yet look water no because no I know but don’t do it that soon because you’re risking it you’re risking it having a a weirdly a weird looking base every time you do

That are you going to go do GTA6 videos when it comes out in 2025 probably not no it’s too expensive yeah probably not I don’t even think I’ll be making a stable salary in 2025 if okay and if I was then I probably have the money to do

So look how Gorge bro look how gorgeous this Monument looks yeah I think you made the right decision on actually uh uh using all your lava buckets because CU it’s actually going to be a pyramid I honestly believe it’s going to be a pyramid it’s not going SP that spider

Down there is going to die let’s watch it ah yes actually let me I’m gonna turn my fov all the way up all the way down you know this also can is kind of G to be a a lookout tower bro oh my gosh look over here there’s a

Zombie that climbed up the thing and he’s about to get some he’s he’s dying from the lava zombie climbed up the pyramid and now he just died from the lava all right the spider’s going to die and a skeleton’s on the way here we go a d there and there’s a zombie too

Zombie’s dying all right okay let me place a torch so that the OD so that it doesn’t happen but as far as far as I know it’s safe up it’s safe up here the skeletons can’t can’t reach high enough to shoot us okay um and the the spiders can’t

Climb up because there’s lava so so I’m pretty sure we’re safe up here uh come on creeper this creeper better okay cool you’re walking on the monument awesome oh we got two skeletons that spawned oh uh oh oh oh the skeleton spring the Creer is gonna die oh my gosh this is

Amazing yes yeah that’s what you get for blowing up look to the right look to the right there’s a SK there’s a skeleton oh he just died over bro there’s another there’s another creeper an Enderman just went oh that sheep that sheep this is entertaining this is entertaining this

Is short form content right here right here awesome yeah I literally my fov is literally at the lowest hey hey look at me and tell me are you seeing this strobe light hold up oh you have a big head is that a strobe light for

You it’s a torch I know but like does the light light flash yeah all right we’re back to normal I’m sorry that our fov can’t be all the way down to 30 watch the action I it’s miserable looking at it that way anyway this is insane I think it’s

Insane look at this gorgeous scrumptious View oh it’s just going to get higher and higher we still have five buckets of lava left I’m raising my render distance all the way up M to Max so yall see oh there’s a village over there there’s a village over there Jaguar where’s your melons that

You said what yeah is that in chat yeah it’s in chat jagar where’s your melons that you said what is he talking about about I don’t know you do have a melon farm yeah I have a melon farm is that what he’s referencing I would assume are they

Still in chat or oh no no no my swords my swords my dag it you picked up my sword bro I actually you’re lucky it didn’t just fall into the lava it was row okay okay okay okay here go go down there and get it dude you were so lucky that didn’t

Just go in the lava I had more diamonds from the SkyWars the meme oh no no no no no because literally literally when we were playing um uh remember we were playing one of that servers and you made a joke about melons that’s what I think that’s what he’s referring to what

I oh yeah when I when I show when I was like Matthew look at my melons I think that’s what you’re um referencing what he’s trying to talk about I would hope or maybe or maybe um or maybe I’m just absolutely blind there’s a creeper on the tower look

There’s a creeper he’s about to get submerged uh oh let’s go oh a zombie with a gold yep that’s yep no okay creeper just died in the thing uh uh uh uh a zombie has also died yep hey we’re getting MD on already happening yep at this point hey we got

Two viewers in chat what’s up well I know Henry’s there hopefully Henry is not sitting on the toilet still but you never know you never know those type of things I please don’t don’t you say nothing don’t don’t you dare anyway back up back up I gotta make this higher look it’s

Lava it’s gorgeous BL bro mobs keep spawning like crazy and oh there goes that tree the tree’s gone yep the tree is gone dude this is so much fun just watching mobs die yep I absolutely love it I love it the Mob set I do I totally

Do not mind lava casting as long as you’re like this where you are away from base and you make something that actually looks nice nice instead of just random weird stuff actually make something nice like a pyramid I’m CH you know what’s funny I’m actually gonna

Change my uh my live stream nope I already finished pooping on skip you had to say something water time water time awesome water all right I’m actually gonna what I’m going to do is I’m actually changing the thumbnail to the uh live stream I I’m going to do you know that cursed image

Yeah that cursed image oh yeah I think I think I think y’all deserve it actually I have to edit that on my computer a Noah yep y’all deserve it actually technically we’re already yep we it has been officially 4 hours of streaming this has been a this is actually record

Setting for a survival Minecraft series well at least uh not I keep calling it serieses I don’t think it’s a series it could be uh for a survival Minecraft video I think it’s pretty good I think it’s goed with the sauce not going to lie I keep saying get up there get up

There because I gota mess with the bottom of this all right time to place some lava not yet lava no we got to fix the bottom of this there is a village over there I’m going to the bottom real quick I fell imagine if a creeper decides to blow this

Up creeper can’t really blow it up ah D hurry up and get up here please okay epic lava casting moment not going to lie this is so time consuming but I guess it’s only because it’s a pyramid dude what are you doing oh I’m just trying to get back up

Here so I can mine oh never mind I’m just trying to get back up that’s why that’s why I placed it anyway the moon is going down and the the sun is coming up you want place this one here you this lava yes I wonder if I pick up things better

When I’m not crouching Witch is coming up so hurry up you mean Starbucks lady Starbucks lady Starbucks lady okay that’s the running me in gosh like look out oh my gosh like you have to look out F1 G Starbucks lady a Starbucks lady Starbucks lady yes Starbucks lady is dying it’s

The 21st of SK I guess no it’s dude SK we need we need to do a we need to do a a live stream whenever we get to the second year on the realm just just this is the first year this is the first Year but we’re we’re like one4 of the way through the month the bucket Graphics looks like the old graphics what he’s talking about the bucket in Minecraft I guess I don’t I I I would I guess is there supposed to be newer Graphics or I don’t know yeah me neither

I I really don’t but you have a texture pack on so you probably it probably the bucket probably looks different for you no it looks the same that look yeah I mean you got like your armor is like a high resolution hello I am back again welcome back tvom you woman yay underscore

IDK so I’m kind of curious all right so can you explain what skibby toilet to me is other than the fact that it’s a guy poking his head out of a toilet which is just Gmod it’s literally a Gmod nonsense is what it is nonsense so it’s it’s a

It’s a man poking his head out of a toilet which is basically from the game Gmod and basically it goes SK whatever the freak because originally it this skibby was like this um this song from what was the song called it was from Lady to back up I need you to back back

Up all right so yeah there’s like a whole history about uh about it like first of all it went from this song from Lady Gaga then it was used in Wednesday like and then apparently this song was associated with the the TV Netflix show Wednesday and then a dude

Remixed the song and just said B bop bop uh dancing to the song anyway and then after that and then it became a skibby toilet thing so uh it has a really his good history get all way on the Block because I can’t place because you’re on the edge

Oh my gosh bro you keep interrupting me bro anyway uh I don’t g a lot for risus oh my n you’re have you’re gonna have to like make a make a thing to where you have to submit your age just to watch your live stream at this

Point I don’t got a lot for risus there is just one skibby someone phandom TXS the toilet CU Kai can it has to pee I’m more Sigma than you know I only Edge in Ohio bro we I saw speed there too he’s I honestly don’t know oh my

Gosh mat I just we got go get our our stuff from the thing our house is about to be encapsulated what oh our our Hut is g to be encapsulated that’s okay just uh let me move it I’m just going to take the beds and put them out

In the field wait don’t destroy the don’t destroy the base because it’s probably going to be encapsulated and it’s absolutely fine because if we still have enough it would be super cool if we’re going to turn it into like a a ever going to turn it into some sort of

Uh what are we going to turn into like a a wheat farm or something orever a temple there’s so many different things we could turn this thing into but we have to we have to completely Hollow it out but come get this chest or actually I got it I got it you

Just stay up there I honestly don’t know how to explain skib toilet yep you know what I know we’re I know we’re all the you know why they don’t know how to explain it cuz it’s nonsense it doesn’t makes it stupidness you know what’s funny is that we’re we’re literally two teenagers well

One is actually an adult and the other one’s about to practically be an adult and so we look at not I’m not practically about to be an adult do not call me an adult I am not an adult you don’t act like one but like come on

Because I’m not one and I’m not close to 160 does not mean I’m anywhere near being an adult I don’t want to I don’t want to have I don’t want people to call me an adult because I don’t I don’t feel like an adult I’m not no you won’t feel

Like an adult even when you turn 18 no but the thing is is like I’ve still got some childhood left so let me enjoy it while I can and stop calling me almost an adult he’s almost an adult everybody call him almost an adult ruin actually now that I now that

I think about this the way that it’s looking it might actually become a full pyramid I honestly do I I honestly agree I think it will we still got three buckets left all right get up here come on bro you know what’s funny you know

Like dude we I don’t know did you grow up to I I don’t even know did you grow up to DanTDM yeah yeah we grew grew up to Craner and Sundy yeah I grew up to DanTDM Preston plays uh Chad wild clay believe it or not he makes nothing but hacker videos

Now he used to basically play Fruit Ninja in IRL he would take uh his katanas and slash for which is very I grew up to I grew up to uh Craner unspeakable and guava juice mostly oh yeah I also did watch unspeakable as well so yeah we’re we’re old people at this

Point internet grows exponentially at this point we’re we’re old news if you don’t know what skibbidy toilet is go watch boom I I I I don’t know how to no no I’ve actually seen their Channel I know what skibby toilet is for so at least to a certain extent I just don’t

Understand why people think there’s lore to it all right back up up I got to make it higher are we just Boomers like are we actually just Boomers at this point is the internet outgrew us or like has like are we or did we outgrow the

Internet no quit doing that I just want to extend it so I have more places to stand I guess but you’re going to have to destroy it so why destroy it dude lava casting is so easy it it really the hardest part of lava casting is just the

Waiting I’m not going to say that what did someone tell you to say something yeah I’m not saying that I’m not saying that fast um here I’ll actually send it to you on Discord if you can actually I I don’t know if you have your second

Monitor open or not but I’m not saying that just the fact that when somebody says now say it faster or like just say something I I cannot don’t say it yeah I’m not going to say it dude I went to public school so I might know what it

Is I also went to public school but this is new like new oh it’s the Gen Alpha ranks oh yeah bro I know we’re Boomers I’m I’m sorry hey we got the college kid is back college kid you didn’t send me nothing on Discord I I’m typing exactly actually

I can just yeah actually here I’ll just send you a picture what the hell am I Doing dude that actually sound fire and I just came up with that dude I’m copyrighting that all right hey the thumbnail is 100% going to change I promise why well because we have a much better image you’re changing it to the one with your legs

Yes I don’t you just use that for the next video’s thumbnail or the next live stream’s thumbnail why what is I don’t want it to be Shrek anymore it’s we’re click baiting people okay okay so we okay so we got shoot he’s still streaming go eat some

Food no we have to build a lava cast I’m going to starve until we’re done with this and then Boomers yeah we’re Boomers I I feel like at this point I’m I’m I’m turning into a boomer I’m already complaining about a 20% discount over nothing actually wait no that means I’m

A Karen I’m not a Karen I promise he a Karen I’m not a Karen all I want for Christmas is that 20% discount at Macy and if I don’t get it I’m gonna call the manager and cause a scene just how it’s got to be anyway anyway man I’m in middle school

Okay so we got a middle schooler and we got a college kid after this we got one more lava bucket and then this thing will be done ah yes what are y’all even trying to do what we’re trying to do is we’re trying to a build uh we’re

Basically lava casting trying to build this gigantic pyramid for it’s going to be more of a Monumental thing so that’s exactly what we’re trying to do and so yeah yeah it’s it’s definitely a quite a view it is a quite a view can I place the

Last lava bucket yes you can back up and the last water bucket here I just placed the last lava bucket all right come up here yeah go up to the top now oh oh ah that was all in my throat the sneeze the throat sneeze the sneeze

And I feel it in my throat all right go forward I need room I’m dying a bro I need to drink some water it’s a good thing I got this H2O right sitting right next to my computer uh with a lid obviously why would I not have a lid I

Think I must have blocked off my water do you still have water affirmative okay do not lose that bucket of water because I don’t know where mine went all right so I’m gonna press Q real quick by holding the water bucket not yet not yet hold up oh it’s it’s look

It’s it’s it’s almost over our little house now I think with this last lava bucket it’ll it’ll cover the house I wouldn’t say all the way though I think think it I think that last lava bucket will go all the way over the house I don’t think

So wait oh we still have one more lava bucket to go y after this we got one more and then that’s all we got Okay then if that’s the case yeah yeah of course okay can we now place the water we not yet the lava is still going all all right go

Ahead okay um I need I need to get close as possible okay back up back up back up because I got to I got to be close too here we go I swear all the people that want to do is use me because I am average for a middle schooler doesn’t

Mean I am smart I’m gonna read that again I swear all the people that want to do is use me because I am an average I am average for middle schooler doesn’t mean I am smart well man well I know Timmy was an average kid that no one

Understood okay that I get that fair OD parents I don’t understand why people like to disuse people it there’s I I don’t understand why why would people want to use people for their own self gain it’s stupid it is the most jerk thing you could possibly do I’m

Sorry like see I use my best friend for cont I what I meant to say is he’s an amazing friend to play Minecraft with last lava bucket the last L I have too many buckets but yeah I I I really don’t understand like is this are is there

People actually trying to use you in school like it is it like a a friend issue I’m I’m kind of concerned I cover the house oh zombies this is the last time we get to watch the zombies Die oh this is good all right awesome oh they’re coming for

Us too that zombie wants us J you’re dying oh bro uh oh he tried to avoid it he tried to he oh he’s trying he’s trying he’s trying oh he’s oh he dead he dead anyway yeah it’s if even if you suspect somebody from people use me for test

Answers don’t let them use you for test answers I don’t care if they are trying to manipulate you or threaten you that’s that’s unacceptable even even though listen I’m I’m a high school graduate that graduated top of my class all right and even when somebody and

Even if somebody asks me for answers or anything I would tell them no I’d say no I’m not this is this is an academic Integrity issue I’m not going to risk myself getting in trouble or anything like that just for their self game like if it actually becomes an issue and they

Threaten you over it I would probably contact either the principal or something and if they don’t do anything tell your parents or somebody because I don’t think it would get that far but I could be wrong people would do anything just to pass the class I wouldn’t be surprised

Yeah tell the principal don’t tell the principal just because someone is copying your test answers that’s a little too that’s a little Overkill just just tell the teacher oh well the teacher simple yeah but I’m just saying if it actually goes like I would tell the student that wants like okay first

Of all I would say no to the student first I would because number one I always do that and I never have issues oh my gosh Matthew what look over look over that way there’s a lava pool over there I could have used that this whole

Time but instead I went all the way back to B all right when I go to school tomorrow I will I will talk to a teacher that would be a good decision um also I would definitely say no next time I would 100% if the teacher I’m

Sorry if the student ask you for test answer no not even money no academic Integrity no I don’t care bro like yeah I would do anything for a good quick five bucks but dude anything like sharing test answers no all right here we go last one let me place it let

Me place it never mind you did the lava anyway again I I would say no oh do you have a cobblestone a single Cobblestone yeah we just need one I have a deep slate I do have cobone we one for the top yay all right now let’s go down and

Go to sleep real quick so we can see what it looks like I I really hope uh things do go well I normally just tell people no do you do face cams in live streams no sometimes sometimes but not anymore oh come on these creepers are a

Problem bro I am done bro there’s monsters near go let sleep up sleep before another monster shows up and kills us both all right d try to grab as much as this as you can I already did I don’t need the shovel wait I have the chest I have the

I have the I have the chest cool the water’s still draining or not not I guess the water’s not draining I know dude I I dude I literally just why is the water not draining the creeper be like no you will not sleep I know dude it’s so messed up

We’re just trying to sleep bro we got a lot there we go had to get closer to the water for it to start draining yeah we have tons of short firm content to do we can literally just take Snippets and throw it as shorts that’s what I do I actually do

That if I find a really amazing moment that is short worthy short Worthy is something awesome an amazing moment all right go down as the water goes down so we can see it’s going to take a long time to hollow out though we don’t have to hollow out right now just leave

It well well yeah but I’m just saying all right let’s get far away so we can see it hey it didn’t encase the the the house the little Hut we made it pretty much did hey let’s see if the house is empty on the inside or if if it flooded

It there’s a skeleton with with gold armor in here I mean we could do this imagine an iro creeper comes in your house no I hope not no I’m making this pretty let me make things pretty for once oh this is pretty look at the look

At our big thing look at our big thing Matthew it’s big and thingy who would win in a Minecraft PVP uh unspeakable or Preston Prest PR Preston M I don’t know about unspeakable yeah honestly I haven’t watched him in so long to the point that I don’t even

Know who would win but that but I wouldn’t know I haven’t watched their content since I was a we laab yeah we laabs and when we mean by we laabs we mean by like what like for you it’s like two years ago oh look it’s half hollow on the inside oh for real

Hold up let me try to ah I’m stuck let me fill in the bottom okay come on you gave us unspeakable or Preston why did you have to just be like nope it’s dream bro you got some itty bitty little kids in your stream yeah probably yeah yeah bro go go eat baby

Food bro that is mean I’m sure they probably are no they’re not eating baby food anymore they’re probably drinking out of sippy cups now okay I’m sorry come here come here come here come here I feel awful I’m sorry guys that that was a bad joke I’m sorry come here

I’m showing up all right what do we got come look over here is it goated is it oh wait uh I want to go down I really want to go down all right hold up I’m going down you missed the water bucket I literally placed the water bucket me

Don’t this is look you can see the this is the very middle of it this is this is insane y’all are watching history Victory okay any stop it at least this realm history shut up no don’t lock me down here I didn’t deserve it why are you doing okay cool

You know I could just MJ Bridge right sorry if these jokes didn’t make sense my friend gave them to me n you’re good there’s something in my throat and itches we got to start at the top and Hollow it out all right I’m going to MJ Bridge actually probably not not a good

Idea anyway imagine if okay I swear if I was to I don’t even I don’t even want to say this I’m not saying this I don’t want to say it no I don’t even I don’t I don’t I don’t want to say This I’m not you know what I was gonna say something no dude dude we don’t need to hollow this out don’t Hollow it out I just found like the most brilliant idea dude what okay so instead instead of hollowing it out because look you know how the middle is basically almost

Symmetrical bro just make rooms in each of these places just make rooms like I’m doing okay I was say I’m making levels I’m making like individual levels yeah don’t actually holl the whole entire thing out just make it look prettier I’m making it level I’m making levels to

It just gonna say I got to go to my MacBook I got to go my MacBook is at 20% all right thank you for watching the stream have a good rest of your night or day or or just have a good day in general have a good and no just say have

A good just have a good yep absolutely just to say have a good yep that works too have a have a good no how about you have a chicken nugget chicken nuggets good oh we come from the land of the ice and snow in the midnight and the hot springs

Blow The Hammer of the Gods you drive Ship don’t get me copyrighted I’m sorry don’t get me copyrighted I I’m a young lad I swear I’m too young to be copyrighted actually I’m a young lad after this I’m gonna go watch Jack sepy why would you watch him because he’s goated with the

Sauce I sorry but I just I I disagree You can disagree all you want but is it because he swears no he’s just boring well yeah he’s boring that’s what I bro I’m a boomer heyya awesome we got just okay is it poofy or poofy it’s probably

Poopy okay it’s just poofy or just poofy I have no idea how I all right thank you both will be the thank you both we’ll be the goat always yep we’re the goat I guess we’re go with the sauce thank you very much for that saying I will take

That I will take that as a a massive compliment that is goed with the sauce that is a goed with the sauce worthy comment right there good with the sauce Drive our ships to hey what’s up uh just poofy sorry I I literally got sidetracked so far uh we’re in uh we’re

Making a good old uh we made a lava cast and now we’re going to make rooms out of it you should use streamlabs so that you can um get the announcement things when someone like subscribes I am using streamlabs and I do get the announcement thing oh yeah good for

You you know what I’m about to you know I’m about to yell at you right now go ahead I don’t give a CR yeah oh yeah well yeah yeah yeah you do dude that was upsetting bro maybe you do give a crap you do yeah you give a crap no I don’t

Give a CRA nah you do you just secretly just don’t want to admit it all right I got a method on how I’m goingon to hollow this thing out I have an actual method on what I’m doing so don’t mess it up bro maybe I should live in this

Temple bro we can live here we can literally bro we can make a library and stuff like that too dude it’s dude we have so many possibilities it’s huge so yeah we have plenty of possibilities to do whatever cuz I how big it is always Sweep with a

Threshing our only goal will be the Western show by the way are you a Minecraft OG player you seen kind kind of know everything okay kind of know everything that happened about dream SMP and you are good at PVP and things uh well see yeah yeah we honestly we kind of

Actually label ourselves as Minecraft veterans well yeah but we don’t care anything about dream SMP we’re we’re we’re we’re kind of um that’s the thing is that we’re old we’re old Minecraft players to the point that we’ve been playing Minecraft longer than dream has have we really

Probably I mean we’ve been playing since Bedrock came out bro I was playing on Xbox 360 edition I was playing X like I like if if if you haven’t heard of a title update bro the word title update that that is old I was playing since bet since since

Bedrock Edition was released oh yeah bro I think I remember I think the first time I’ve ever played Minecraft was I was like in second grade and I think I was like 10 or 11 at the time but it was only on a computer I’ve played Minecraft since

2011 but I am still trash at creepers are getting into the thing or spawning inside or something oh yeah I just realized this B this thing if we don’t like light it properly it’s basically going to turn into a giant mob grinder so we have to light it up very

Well what if we had at least one room dedicated to be a mob grinder can that be possible no we would need more room for that we can make a gigantic mob grinder actually we could just keep this as a mob grinder but we want to do stuff with

It there’s too many there’s too many possibilities dude are you hollowing out the bottom I’m just making it look better I want I kind of want to join tb2t but I I want if I’m going to join 2bd I I’m gonna have to um I’m gonna

Have to use a VPN I’m not trying to get like my stuff hacked or anything oh it looks oh it looks even oh I’m GNA build I’m making it look nice I’m not going to hollow anything out I’m making things look nice down here you’ll see what I’m doing I made everything look

Pretty I’m a dude and I use the word pretty on on acceptable I’m offensive that’s offensive offensive I use the word pretty oh I think I know exactly what you’re trying to do what oh you were trying to make a checker pallet weren’t you what a checker pallet like with uh

With Cobblestone and right or was I no that’s just how though that’s just how it naturally spawns I’m actually filling notes in that’s just how it is naturally I’m trying to fill those in oh okay dude this looks so good dude what I’m doing is I’m making the interior

Room a square making a square inside of a pyramid all right 2b2 T is truly a good Anarchy server but once you join once you joined everyone will spawn kill you yeah I would not be surprised I would not be surprised at all like honestly it’s just a guaranteed death

Sentence if you want to help me out you can actually we maybe there’d be Windows bro I I am no that wouldn’t work on a pyramid shape uhhuh it quite no it quite literally would not work on a pyramid shape yeahuh here’s how so what you do

Is that you call car extended warranty uh scam oper what I meant don’t no no no no I’m not I’m just saying we can call the car extend warranty scam operation that’s cool it’s it’s totally like I don’t work for them I wish actually I don’t wish that’s mean that’s bad things

Towards people that means that means you’re stealing money that’s bad but yeah uh yeah it’s literally an instant death sentence when you play tb2t like there there’s there’s no way around it you there’s no there’s no convincing anybody nope everybody knows this that knows or heard about the word of tp2t

Besides bro as soon as I join there’s like this um there’s like this um uh group called nerd Incorporated and they track your location and everything 24/7 once you join your information is gone to them and I don’t even trust this this uh place called nerd Incorporated I

Don’t trust that so as soon as I go on tb2t number one I’m going to have to not use my Microsoft account I’m going to use a different one a VPN anything to keep myself protected because I’m telling you right now I don’t want anybody stealing my information and

You’d be surprised what people do on that server so yeah I I would probably protect myself if I was actually going to do that because people can just hack your account easy nothing about it you can’t do anything about it once or maybe you can to protect

Yourself from hackers but you can’t do anything about it once they get your information unless you change your password I’m scared of that I don’t want to change my password too much work anyway I wouldn’t say you can’t do anything about it I would say not really the greatest decision to

Go in there without any sort of VPN or anything hey you know what you should do make the pattern on the floor look like like like a desert temple you know in the middle where’s the middle at right here make the pattern on the floor like

The pattern on a desert did you holler my name earlier no I didn’t I went I went ah wait so why you got 611 643 on the board oh it’s my girlfriend’s number it’s missing a couple numbers it’s it’s cord that’s for Minecraft something yeah that’s was that did you just kick the

Cat no he was behind the c bro just got exposed in 4K Ultra HD iPhone 13 Pro Max 16 megapixel Cod izy 41 Ginger camera display what uh what bro just got uh exposed in 44 Hertz what what okay Bros personal life just got Exposed on my live stream that’s crazy bro that’s

Insane bro my friend’s such a nerd my friend’s such a nerd when the mo when his mother walks in he thinks those is his girlfriend’s phone number but in reality those are just Minecraft coordinates what who are you telling this to bro everything’s literally leaked on the live stream bro your personal life

Just got leaked cat being kicked and everything how how could you let that happen what are you doing what are you doing why are you filling this in okay okay okay okay please don’t kill me you took off running I’ve never seen you run so fast I also did a head

Hitter BR look at how fast you wait we need to fill in the roof yeah look at how fast you look at how fast you run in here Matthew look at me yeah it’s a head hitter no wait I wasn’t even running because I’m not full of hunger let me let me run

Look hi I got bored welcome back toffee bro this stream is g to be five hours long let’s wait you said Seven’s the record right yeah let’s break it let’s break the record no do you realize I have to go eat soon and I and I’m playing games stre is more

Important than than than eating oh yeah you’re right sorry guys I can’t I have to start myself just live stream it’s just acceptable dude get door Das dude what if what if you go eaten I’ll I’ll I’ll keep I’ll keep your stream entertained uh I’ll be AFK yeah I’ll keep him

Entertained you know what I can do is I can go down to the dining hall grab some food because they have like this cool thing called Azie I know horrible name um anyway and and I could just be AFK and come back with that food dude Azie wild eyes is in the 0

Hall we don’t talk about a wild eyes we don’t talk about her I I’ll keep talking dude I will here let me open up your stream so I can see chat and then how long you think it’ll take you uh probably like 10 to 15 minutes but if I actually dine

There 30 minutes I can I can keep the stream up just just go in the corner of a room and I’ll surround you with glass and nothing can hurt you like this all right all right I’m watching chat bro you’re building up my watch time hours right

Now all right okay yeah go ahead build me in a a glass case I don’t have glass so just um cool guys I’m actually G to go eat like I I actually need to go eat so I guess he’s so my friend jaquin man is actually

Going to um I’m gonna keep you guys entertained for 15 minutes or 20 if I should I actually just go grab food and then come back or should I just like go eat n go grab it and come back all right take too long viewers are

Going to get bored I mean because I mean they’re not really here for me uh what are you talking about like you said it’s your YouTube channel they’re not here to watch me well they’re watching you right now guys give him a very give him a very hard time ask

Him a bunch of questions that he cannot physically answer and I want to hear him say I don’t know all right there you go hopefully they give you a hard time bye I’m going to go eat something you’re going to be able to like watch back this

Later and see what all they said dude I can literally just open up the live stream on my phone all right guys I am literally just go I’m going bro’s hungry just okay it looks like it’s just how do I see how many people there are I can see chat

But look at VI count hey he’s moving his screen he must not be Gone are you a noob at PP um uh it depends on what type of PVP as far as like Bridges whenever if you watch when me when me and Matthew play Bridges he’s absolutely amazing at bridg but I suck at it but if you if me and

Him do like a uh like a du match on cubecraft like just swords or just bows or something I usually win so I’d say I’m better at PVP but he’s better at clutching which is more important in bridges how do I check the amount of

People oh okay four okay I see it for watching now I’m I’m doing a past paper you know the bond in enthalpy what’s enthalpy of a okay I don’t even know what enthalpy is Bridges okay I assume y’all are all here to watch Bridges but um I don’t pray I don’t play Bridges

Unless Matthew’s live streaming because I’m just not really good at it and I know I can get better from practicing but it’s kind of just one of those things where I don’t really want to get better at it it’s not really a skill I want to

Have I just don’t enjoy Bridges as much as Matthew does so yeah I’ll play Bridges whenever he’s streaming but I other than that I hardly ever play Bridges dud but that that new Snowman game on I love that I think he’s going to play that tomorrow I’m going to be there for the

Second half of that live stream tomorrow he’s going to play bridges for the first half Bridges cubecraft anymore there’s plenty people play it but um yeah for tomorrow’s stream he’s gonna play bridges for the first hour and I’m not gonna be there but for the second hour I’m going to join and

We’re going to play the Snowman game I got work during the first hour of a stream dare you to hit him with a crit all what’s his Health okay might have to mine a block above though cuz it’s head hitters Matthew’s probably watching the stream on his phone now there what

Else snowman survive is the best game oh it’s only yeah feel like they should make a game that’s just similar to snowman survival but it’s just it’s not winter themed because I love the game so much but I mean it sucks that it’s winter themed because they only have it around

During December and November I’m look at your guys’s profile picture oh I can’t I can’t do that yeah I see what he I see what he means now about the heart thing yeah there’s definitely a big heart in the way of the comments makes it harder it makes it

Hard to read some of your comments if your comment is more than like 10 words the heart overlaps it like a hot potato game mod with powerups and stuff yeah I mean it’s basically the same thing it’s basically the same thing just winter themed so it’s snowman Hot Potato is a little different

Hot Potato is the one where you have the bomb and then your goal is to tag and pass it to somebody else before it blows up and it’s and it has like a like a 30 second timer on it and it slowly eliminates people I can make you say I don’t

Know you know how to make a warden Farm uh no I do not I do not know how to to make a warden Farm I also never learned how to make an iron farm I just I don’t see the purpose of an iron farm because it’s just it’s

Honestly easier to just go to the mountains and mine iron than it is to create an iron farm and iron Farms are so slow it’s just easier to go to a mountain biome and mine iron I should do something to prank him guess what should I do before you could Fortune iron iron

Farms are very good oh I forgot he doesn’t have his um his gameplay sound up what do you guys think I should do to him I could totally block it off for a second and go to the base to get something if I need to cuz we we are like well well there’s

A village right over there but uh the base is like 300 blocks away what are we making I I don’t even know it’s a big lava cast and we’re we’re just hollowing it we haven’t decided what we’re going to do with it but we’re going to do something with

It but yeah it’s just a huge lava cast pyramid and we’re and we’re uh hollowing it out to make something dude I might actually have to go to base cuz my diamond pickaxe is getting close to Breaking I got to start mining the ceiling now why is her

Tough why why on Earth is tough here does do lava cast spawn tough now it’d be nice to have a beacon coming out of the top of this thing oh yeah he’s listening she knows we’re lava casting but she wants to know what we’re turning it into I told her I don’t know

Oh what is who’s who’s sending the uh celebrating emojis I still see 3,760 something oh I don’t know if you guys know he doesn’t he doesn’t announce that much because he really doesn’t want to but if he gets to um if he gets to 4,000

Subs by the end of the year he has to posted a really embarrassing dance video so uh get your friends to subscribe to him if you can if we can get if he gets to 4,000 Subs by the end of the year he has to post that video but he doesn’t

Want to announce it because he really doesn’t want to do it ah gosh dang it why does my why do I have to move my mouse I could have just sat right here in the same spot and just sat here and just listened but no my

Mouse had to move while I was moving stuff on my desk anyway yeah yep yeah I’m basically GNA be eating good today which is absolutely fantastic someone asked you how you got 3,000 Subs already oh easy peasy pumps out shorts that is true I do pump out short

Form content and I I mean I did start this year with 698 Subs have you decided on the dance yet he’s already recorded the dance yeah I actually posted it oh yeah yeah literally uh I have recorded the dance I’m not posting it until we

Reach 4K by the end of the year if if we don’t reach 4,000 subscribers by December 31st I might this I might cut some slack on January 1st I might you should make me a moderator on your live streams oh I could do that right now if

You want me to I actually just chat something and I can make you moderator through my phone all right me Swit let me Switch Account yeah so you don’t have to actually okay cool yeah just chat something and we can do that yeah um mod me oh I’m

Already do you really are you sure it’s a little blue wrench Icon by my name I assume that me moderator I don’t know see if you can M me okay so managing moderator means you can block words and change chat modes and live and also has the capability of

Standard moderators or a standard moderator is you can review and remove chat messages I’m going to give you a managing moderator why not standard n you’re getting the other thing you don’t get what you want in life sometimes users on timeout can I put you on timeout bro don’t put people on

Timeout no I’m I want to put Day storm rg27 on timeout can you still remember me once you reach 10K 100 I’m sure I can if you’re still here yeah literally if if like you just show up for like one live stream and then I never if you just like never show

Up ever again I I will probably most likely not remember you where if you stay oh yeah I will most likely remember you I don’t have in your prison Cale now Matthew I’m eating ice cream oh well you’re going back into prison c ah why are you jealous because

I have ice cream in you don’t yeah I knew it I knew it it’s going to be very bright in there just making it the ah yes ah there it’s all lit up now ASMR cauliflower noises you’re eating cauliflower yeah why would you eat cauliflower that’s cauliflower is just like the bad

Version of a brogal I’m on the bad side of the spectrum then bro he’s on the acoustic Spectrum what’s up you with this joke that’s funny bro you probably have like I’m subscribing to poofy let’s see what kind of content do they make Let’s cross I don’t know what Let’s cross

Is it looks like it looks like a one of those crappy mobile game versions of Minecraft but don’t a browser I think I became a fan LOL you literally sound like you’re already popular than Mr Beast wait wait a minute uh poy do you not have Minecraft oh my gosh this food is great I don’t though do you not have do you not have Minecraft break this I need to get out of this prison cell I’ll eat my cauliflower at the same time all right what’s the agenda so what

What’s so what are we going to do on the top of here I’m just kind of curious like like what what’s the purpose I don’t know but I was discussing and I thought it would be really cool what she does okay I was concerned because it looks like a lot of

Whatever that game is on your channel look like off brand Minecraft all right now I want to make but I was discussing and I thought um it would be nice once we get the stuff to have a beacon going through the top of this oh yeah that would be a pretty good

Idea I honestly really en okay so I know this sounds absolutely crazy coming from me even though I’m a cubecraft Bridges YouTuber well I mean I don’t have the YouTuber rank but I’m just saying it’s like this is so much more enjoyable than playing bridges on a live stream because

I can just relax he just said that oh on a live stream yeah I bro oh my gosh yeah it is more enjoyable yeah playing the realm with my friend on a live stream is a lot more enjoyable than playing bridges on a live stream but still I

Absolutely I really think you push for the the live stream record try to beat seven hours okay let me look I’m gonna look on my YouTube videos now that now that you’ve got um now that you’ve got your food we should do seven hours I mean you

Don’t have anything to do you don’t have any school work anymore and I don’t have any school work and I’ve done all of my chores my moms have asked me my moms I don’t have more than one mom that my mom has asked me to do I’m on winter break

Too I don’t I don’t know when my winter break is but I’m doing online school so my winter break’s probably going to be shorter than most people but I don’t care because it doesn’t take me hardly any time to do school anyway even when I have have

School it doesn’t even feel like I’m doing school my videos are thought that was a new comment that’s you said that a while ago all your videos were interesting I’ve watch all your shorts all of them did you like did you delete a bunch of your shorts because there’s no way that

They’ve watched all of your shorts no I didn’t delete a bunch of them I only delete a few but like no it’s more videos that’s a lot of shorts how do you have like the dedicated time to I probably have like 300 or 400 shorts on there wow Matthew you are getting some

Like crazy loyal fans recently on these live streams you know what I thank you very much dude you yeah you you need to hurry up and make that um dude what if I paid for the first few bit of it until you get a job

For that uh realm for your uh for your subscribers honestly I want to do this um my I kind of want to do this on my own so once I do I have two realm slots I stayed 247 watching LOL wait so you’ve been watching from the beginning of the live stream five

Hours ago I yeah I’m kind of curious were you the well I don’t want to say that because we did reach like zero viewers for like at least like at least like 15 to 30 minutes so I wouldn’t say that I think they I I think just poofy uh

Joined the last hour or oh okay okay never mind then wow they’ve been here for the entire well just so you know we’re pushing to break seven so actually you know what at this point I might as well push to break seven even if there’s like zero viewers

I have to in fact I’m going to open up my uh YouTube studio right now I have it on my phone it’s it’s go to with the sauce it’s the greatest I could I could do something your YouTube if you need me too

Um so I’m going to go to uh I’m going to go right here because I want to see because my my longest live stream was when let me something quick I’m gonna check because I thought I remember seeing that they gave me two rounds slot public private unlisted yeah it’s

Got to be a private live stream okay so my longest live stream was 7 hours 19 minutes and 53 seconds and if you really want to know it’s 7 hours of my backyard footage from s to midnight to 7 uh 7 a.m. that’s oh okay no it doesn’t give

Me another realm slot it gives me the option to have another world but if I were to do that it would just change this round to the other world I have insomnia and I can’t sleep and I got bored so I watched your shorts

Low ah ah yes you know what thank you uh I I wish was something you could do for people like that cuz that’s like such dedication bro this whole time I would think my content wasn’t real ow you should invite you should invite her to

Um to the Discord server so we can talk to her she is on the Discord server oh you know this person they Jo yesterday or yeah I think so we should do another stream sometime where we um where we have the subscribers join on a Discord call and we could all play

Like goop graft or something together I actually do that yeah I know you did that it didn’t work out nobody joined except for that one guy I enjoy I I honestly dude okay um I’m still going to make briest content it is like I there there’s no

Doubt I I fell in love with that game but I heard some Legend say that Legends say that you can get burnout from the most awesomest amazingest beautifullest game called the bridges and so oh you’re burn out of bridges so you want to play this instead well

Well bro try bro trying to uh Bros trying to spread propaganda no I don’t stream on Twitch you should though I’ve been trying to convince him he should but he doesn’t want to you know you can do both right you can do both at the same time you can

Stream to multiple platforms at the same time and you can use you can use speech chat so that it combines your both of your comment sections so you’re not missing either one of their that is one thing one thing I’m not I don’t think I

Want to do speech chat if I was going to do speech chat you you got to donate just to minimize dude some streamers just have you donate just to have like the text speech I use speech chat on my Stream So when someone comments it actually reads their comments that’s the

Thing let’s say I honestly I’m not really that big of a Creator obviously you know 3700 is pretty big compared to somebody with 100 Subs that that’s that’s a big difference but when let’s say I all of a sudden I have this big active chat I’m GNA hear the speech to

Text over and over and over yeah and I am I’m gonna get annoyed so honestly I’d rather look at the chat read it out loud but you have you have me so I can moderate it oh yeah you’re a good moderator I can moderate it if someone’s

Spamming speak chat I could time out them I really think you should try but um oh that dance video is really embarrassing yeah you oh poofy how did you find the channel probably through a short probably through a short I wouldn’t be surprised what am I doing oh there we go okay cool

I was going to say my brain just died for a second hey we got three viewers welcome welcome welcome Hey another person welcome welcome oh by the way uh yeah I actually like okay so earlier uh I think it was earlier uh late last month I think I rebranded my YouTube channel a

Little bit so I made it more professional looking for a Minecraft YouTuber like before it literally said like um the banner art said subscribe for garbage nah I’ll remove that yeah it is I got motivation from my other YouTuber was like yeah that’s funny let

Me add that too on my own channel oh you you criminal you stealing okay I don’t know what YouTuber it was but when well I get motivation from other channels bro I watch Mr Beast to see how he does his editing style I’m not going to steal his editing style

Obviously I that’s the thing I don’t like editing long form long form content it short form content is absolutely ah just Survival live yeah someone actually found your channel from survival and not and not bridges that is surprising you know what what you know what that’s goed with the

Sauce bro Matthew you need to name some of your shorts like Minecraft Survival live as I heard that having having the title of your shorts sound like something that someone would look up increases your chance of of that being the first one that pulls up whenever you actually look that thing

Up did you okay you know what’s crazy is that when when you’re a smaller Creator I I mean like when you have like two subs just two subs it is harder to gain over a thousand views on a short it is I I actually tried it out

Myself I did exactly what my own normal editing my normal editing style and threw it on a a secret YouTube channel and uh it blew up with over 2,000 views or and so most of them one only one of them but then the rest is just garbage

Dog poo poo I even tried on his channel I have video on his channel and his most popular video is one of one of the he he basically runs my channel it’s my channel but I haven’t even touched my channel in in so long and all the recent

Videos on there stuff that he’s posted to my channel because he has he has uh owner permissions on my channel yeah and and uh Jaguar also has owner permissions on my channel so he can I’ve posted a few videos but but maybe maybe like two I took them down

That like I was like yeah you can’t you dude like the way he did things is like yeah no it’s not worth it this like the way he titled something the video crashed I was like well I don’t know your perfect editing style or however you whatever you do to make your videos

Blow up it goes to 1,000 I I would assume well I I care about retention I I care when somebody watches my content all the way through and I try different scenarios and different exper experiments on how to keep somebody’s retention that’s like the goal Subs 48,000 I have

Three I have 350 Subs but I got 48,000 views on my first video LOL it’s literally so trash but it still got 48k you know you know what uh one of my videos uh one of my long form videos on my YouTube channel has 26k and it’s like

The one of the worst videos but it’s one of the worst videos on my channel but it literally got 26,000 views and you see and I think what happened is like if it’s I think what happened is like it’s in such an easy way to search for it or

Maybe it’s just interesting if if it’s a good title or a decent thumbnail or a pretty good thumbnail people are going to click on it but then when they get blinded like oh wait oh crap this video isn’t that high quality but you know what they clicked on her video it’s getting

Impressions you’re getting react like I literally that video I think majority of it was just because of the title and thumbnail I think that’s exactly and especially during the pandemic at the time people were trying to find some solutions to literally get rid of their bordedom literally and so I think that’s

One of the reasons why that one video blew up and among us if you don’t know the IM at Super M blew up around that time frame I was like you know what I’m going to make an Among Us version which Among Us was thriving at that time

Too so you know what I I took advantage of that which I honestly to be honest I didn’t know what to do well it’s the same thing with the Ingram be mem for me that was kind of popular at the moment so I made my own version of it and it

And it and it blew up more than any other short ever posted on my channel until until I came around to managing your channel Matthew this was like three years no this was like a a year before I gave you manager on my channel oh yeah until I came around till recently and

Then all right we got five viewers in the chat welcome I’m eating pizza right now so don’t mind the uh the ASMR oh ASMR you say well don’t you dare do the ASMR vacuum cleaner oh my gosh he’s gonna do it I’m gonna do ASMR vacuum cleaner ah Who’s Who

Ah no zombie I would not I don’t accept that I don’t accept that behavior I’m going to sue Minecraft for a mo I’m I’m going to Sue that zombie for emotional damages not Minecraft Minecraft didn’t do nothing emotional damages that my that zombie literally just hit me and I’m sad

So I have to sue the Minecraft zombie I’m such a Karen that I will sue a digital character I’m so Caren ah maybe thumbnails must be so interesting honestly it’s one of the mo I think it’s one of the most crucial things to do on your Channel

Like thumbnails are like on the top priority of literally your YouTube channel like would you would would you rather click on a video with a boring thumbnail or would you click on a video with an intriguing thumbnail all right ah make this one quick please don’t don’t scare away

Anybody why is why is their message held for review uh can you check it guys subscribe right now if you liked his stream show was For all right now the microphone’s all clean yeah that’s that’s weird I don’t understand why um that would be held for review sometimes they just be holding things for a review seriously maybe maybe because it sounds like something that someone would say I don’t know Kitty oh ASMR cat ASMR baby Kitty bro I even got somebody Mak any is that making any noise at all no try biting your cat try biting your cat’s tail maybe you’ll make a noise no not the will B I have a cat of my own and she’s mean so well but your cat isn’t a baby like mine

No she’s an old grumpy brat my cat’s not even a baby it just doesn’t grow it just legit won’t grow my cat’s been small since she was born no I know but mine is like like not I’m not I’m not saying she’s small I’m saying she

Looks like she was just born a couple days ago and she is old not old but like it won’t grow any bigger than a kitten it is itty bitty and it will not grow but it’s not unhealthy perfectly healthy but it’s just it’s just it looks

Like a baby even though it’s not a baby whoa I just came across a huge ve of ancient debris bro’s going to get some ancient debris I’m here getting levels nah bro he wants that ancient debris he wants that netherite bling that’s what he wants I don’t have any use for

Netherite I don’t got a sniffing template so I can’t use it you don’t have a sniffing template bro you be sniffing templates I’ll sniff your template hey y inappropriate if it doesn’t make sense hey I don’t know I just by the way after I found

Your channel I was going to ask if I can join but I was so scared that y’all were gonna say no join the channel yeah let me read it again by the way after I found your channel I was gon to ask if I can join but I was so scared

That y’all going to say no what does she mean by join like be in some of the videos uh I in this video this is a sacred um realm or a a private realm I’m sorry he called me out on abusing the word sacred no I’m not you’re not abusing it

I’m just saying the way that you’re using the word sacred it it’s kind of weird okay you’re not using it for the right meaning okay it’s it’s a private realm what it do they mean by joining the channel they mean like being in some of the videos I’m not

Sure the word that’s not up to me I meant in the realm LOL okay yeah yeah bro we got people wanting to join the realm how do you feel about that one uh Matthew what do you think Christmas I don’t know it wouldn’t really work out anyway because it’s too player well here’s the thing I would say I don’t think this should be a public realm because you specifically said okay he ran away again well my opinion is it shouldn’t be a public

Realm because the intent was for us to have a realm to play on together which we didn’t mind streaming well what if we just played aot 4 with them what do you want to join the server we have a a old server it is an old server it’s not it’s not vanilla so

Don’t be like ah it’s not survival it’s it’s more like a mini games type server at that point yeah so like like poorly made video games uh something like a 15-year-old boy would make yeah but it’s fun oh it’s fun I will just I’m gonna put the the IP an address

To the server in chat what if we just played right Now we could play some A4 if y’all are down this is your chance to uh join the stream okay I will put I’m going to put the uh IP and address um I might have to make um the server five players though because it’s two player currently

Okay yeah do that now hurry up and do that now while I’m putting the thing thing yeah so I can do that if you guys want there’s so many benefits of being a small content creator Port is too yep here actually I’m going to do something

Too yeah as soon as he makes the player uh the player count five then uh I will’ll move to the server and you can play if you want here I’m gonna add on streamlabs I can add a text so I can actually like up I’m gonna add a a text box real quick

So I can add this Um ah yes welcome back toffee okay so for the Minecraft Bedrock uh players here we’re joining a server so you so that the viewers can play if you want yeah um I what what is this what’s going on here is what you need help with

Streamlabs uh I added I I I I tried to add like a a text box but apparently things aren’t working out real quick so I don’t know what’s going on here I don’t know you only got you only got uh well you got four so someone must be

Looking uh but not someone must be watching but not commenting but I mean I have you made have you made aot four five players yet no I’m adding a text box real quick but I guess just look at chat I was going to add a text box on

The stream so y’all didn’t have to look in chat but that that actually did not work out so I I I kind I I truly apologize about that one but yeah I’ll make the server five players uh should we uh join uh cornbread an OG aot four player

One of the most my gosh bro has been forever oh my gosh yes we’re gonna fill up all five player slots if toofy uh poofy and Cornbread join too should I make it 10 probably not probably not I’m not going to 10 all right yeah you can make it 10 if

Someone else wants to join yeah if it fills up real quick then yeah so all right so should we join a Discord voice chat if you guys want to join a voice chat let’s go to the um let’s go to the voice chat so they can join if they

Want alrighty okay so we’re gonna go A4 or the Stormer or days Clubhouse okay so we’re going to go into yeah the days Clubhouse and then we’re going to go down to aot for factions uh voice chat cool all right I’m G put a I’m

Gonna put a link to the Discord in in chat too in case anybody’s not in it and they want to be in it all right so we have the server five players I wish I could it’s very late oh I truly all right toffee all right I guess just watch the Stream iof

Oh he’s not leaving he’s just watching all right yeah the Discord if you guys want to join the Discord server it is actually in the chat currently yeah it’s not it didn’t show up as a link but if you just copy and paste that into a browser it should turn into a

Link YouTube is making links not thing anymore this is aot 4 okay I’m joining we’re going to summon we’re going to end up summoning null oh Lord no I hope that doesn’t happen well hey we got five viewers welcome welcome welcome hey we are we you want to join the Discord for the

Voice chat is in is in chat and the port and and IP for the server is also in chat okay I’m I’m just going to say this I think the I really think the W as soon as I’m going to be surprised with the results I’m I’m I’m nervous to look at

The live stream results see how many how much watch time there is hey welcome it’s poofy welcome now that you’re here tell us how to pronounce your name is is it poofy or poofy I’m bored I’m gonna eat food all right it’s just us what should we

Play well it’s just us currently yeah currently I’m gonna eat my curly fries real quick cly fries mhm you jealous I want to dop all right and then we’re doing uh then we’re doing sumo hey you invented the game Sumo and I just made it

Better okay how do I clear my okay I’m me just clear kit do I want do Soldier I’m wondering if we’re let’s see I want to see if I can hit you you can’t while I’m on the spawn platform you have to wait you have to let me get out of

Here oh no we’re okay we got to UNF faction then all what’s the what’s the group I don’t know is it a group that we’re in um if we’re in a death match we can a we can actually it bypasses it but we’re not this is not a death

Match oh okay so what what is considered a death match sky battle did I just kill you no I just did Slash kill oh that’s crazy because you did it at the exact moment that I hit you with my sword I know sky battle is overrated I

Mean horribly overrated but this is like the one thing that bypasses it all yay again this was designed by a 15-year-old boy named a for mg27 at the time so not 15 at the time well 16 not even wait were you 16 I was like 15 16 yes it’s been that

Long holy crap bro holy cow dang uh cornbread welcome all right we’re not starting uh well we’re starting a match uh just just wait for the end of this match I’ll probably win anyway it’s funny how I remember cornbread I do too it like I am wow I

You see yeah that’s the thing like you know what oh we should ask cor who was the owner of chamy oh who was the owner of chamy I’m curious yeah who was it we we we had a discussion about that recently and we couldn’t remember what his name was the guy that owned

Chamy puffy do you want to join dude I’m in three players I’m waiting on y’all yeah yeah the owner of chy he can hear live Matthew why aren’t you talking oh I’m sorry I I was I was going to consume more curly fries all right join fre player when you get

There the fact all right we’re get get in three player I am all right hit the slapper and then you have to hit it again unfortunately just wait be nice to cornbread okay absolutely not sorry cornbread I tried to back you up but um you know unfortunately no can’t hear you uh uh

Just poofy like check your Discord settings you might want to check them bro you teleported back that’s unfair what the heck oh dude that would have been crazy dude whoa oh no that’s the most OP area don’t you dare oh dude get your butt back over here

Oh we’re just Ching each other out at this point Come On fight me like a grown fight me like a woman ah dang it dude no I’m stuck in the internal void ah no I’m coming down there to kill you let’s oh what how that’s not fair that’s not even

Fair that isn’t that’s so messed up I take it it’s probably like really late at night for poofy and that’s probably why she’s not talking I hate time zones they’re overrated I’m I’m just kidding they’re important oh yeah oh really you’re gonna prey on the less vulnerable dude what else is death mat

Wait wait wait wait wait wait wait let’s do Sumo yeah but um cornbread would you like to do Sumo it’s actually there’s wait there’s no there’s only two player and four player then we can take turns okay only if uh cornbread wants to play Sumo if not I’m sure cornbread

Would like to experience the Nostalgia The Nostalgia probably probably not dude what if we all go play sky grid e sky grid no I like sky grid sky grid gives me PTSD poof are you gonna join should we be looking in the Discord chat Bro oh gosh it’s cornbread Purple Heart poofy go to your Discord settings and make sure your microphone is Set all right everybody this is a very historical moment I’m going to be revealing the most biggest secret aot 4 is ever known all the controver all the controversies aot for has had pretty much none are you ready are you ready Micah you might want

To teleport to me oh sorry I was messing up spawn why fun this is a very historical moment and you have to be here for it why is cornbread guest oh I must have mess with the ranks okay hold up I’m teleporting for bre only OG’s will know yeah only OG’s will know

This no no what are you doing no no I now one of the bricks is not the same no stop it what are you trying to do stop it’s doesn’t let it blow up anyway but I wonder if this will weird idea but what if you make a

Cubecraft co-ops that’s actually a good idea toffee suggested we make a cubecraft co-op Sky Block for your subscribers you guys hear me now I can I’m eating pizza with covered in beef stew it’s crazy beef stew nasty can’t anymore hey food is food oh wait a minute oh

My you’re a racing history you’re lucky we have the rollback feature oh yeah load up Hopey is no longer Talking my mic problems oh Cy said weird idea but what if we make a CBE oh never mind we already oh oh my gosh I just realized well that fast oh Hy are you a um we feel bad if we were assuming your gender we feel

Bad I thought you were a girl this whole time and I just went with it because I thought he just knew uh we were sorry why are you sorry assuming a gender we didn’t know it’s not our fault feel kind of bad oh I’m racing more history by the

Way you’re racing more history yeah yeah is it because of my yeah mostly sounds like sounds like something feminine I guess poofy sounds like poofy I guess hey we got one viewer in chat let’s go hey whatever happened to frost he’s like weird now we got one viewer yeah I think it’s poofy

Though wait where’s corn I just realized we just abandoned cornbread you’re in a wasteland um how do I join the um the link is in the IP and Port are in the chat of the stream or I could just DM them to you as

Well I I’m going to DM you the IP and Port cornbread did you do you have enough horse armor is this oh awesome wait watch this cool feature You you you hear why the Discord you hear why you hear Discord noises every time I type in chat gg gg yeah basically what happens is that once you chat it goes directly to my Discord and I can see chat logs I okay whoa whoa you’re going to literally break the server no

A oh you’re breaking the server at this point we’re screwed oh oh hold on let me fix it I’m on my way uhoh uh the server’s about to be destroyed one secondy let not poofy uh cornbread let me Spawn you something hey I think this is kind of strange but it’s not blowing

Up there you go you can here hold on let me give you a pickaxe here you go here’s a pickaxe and obviously the classical om me got to do some sort of weird trolling that’s a lot of that’s a lot let’s do a CH let’s do a challenge okay

You have 30 seconds to mine as much as possible before it’s gone okay uh oh wait no when the clock strikes 16 it’s getting set all to Air and mine as much as you can we’re literally at the faction spawn I gotta how much did you

Collect all right you know what let’s go somewhere that it might actually work bro I’m sorry I have to go ask my 15-year-old self you can you mine oh that’s strange hold up wait what is it old PVP jagan aot for Village that’s not it we got the nether

SMP Yep this is probably where I can blow things up hold up oh a furnace okay hey setting I’m setting it and your goal is to mine as much as possible Legends we’ll do it too we’ll do it to 18 when the clock strikes you might want to get out of that block

You’re going to suffocate Legends say if you say if you say the word Lord 18 it get set to air Legends say if you I’m making a joke ah I said Legend say if you go into the miror and say and all right my brain just died all right

All right Legends say if you say the word lore in air three times you may summon Matt Pat and that’s just a theory please don’t comment please don’t comment lore I swear you’re probably going to summon mat Pat what up I’m figuring it out I’m I’m adding you to

Whatever this area Okay the name of this area is SP on okay I need to all right let’s see something okay hold up almost got it all right cool so let’s do this clock strikes 20 all right cool and mine as much as you can before the clock strikes 20

Okay cool and then let’s do something awesome real cool are you ready yeah oh you can watch a stream for what’s gonna happen oh oh yep yeah just if you oh my frames are going down is that do nothing I didn’t do anything is the server lagging yes very

Much I may you’re at 19 clock’s at 19 I may or may not you gotta work through the lag I guess I may or may not have broke the server work through the lag work through the lag hey nothing comes easy okay so deal with it and the most respectful way of saying

Is quite literally phasing into blocks and taking damage and there goes the TNT that I lit three minutes ago are you serious it crashed it crashed well see what you did Matthew we’re still at 19 try again it’s not laggy anymore I’m sure so I’m so evil all right it’s at

20 I’m telling you all how much did you get wait I’m supposed to be filming a video with null today 46 hold give you a crafting table so you can turn it into diamonds well I’m supposed to be filming a video with today and and here’s an inner

Chest and a one more thing a Sher box for you to keep them in the worst okay so the bad thing about this server is like it doesn’t have the latest features like it just stuck on the nether the nether update which is not really the greatest and it’s missing like like 90

Like a lot of the blocks so it doesn’t have new features it’s not vanilla all right you can you keep all that um we have to we have to roll back the server you broke a bunch of things uh no not really you broke the you broke the

Historical brick wall the historical um brick wall of conspiracy oh yeah so whatever I go see what is uh oh missing oh the best way to break uh oh wait no I already read that dang I got oh what happened did it log you off as well yeah totally all right I’m I’m

Gonna I’m gonna roll back the server I literally crashed the server by doing something impossible yeah I’m going to roll back the server and no don’t blow up anything I’ll give cornbread back to her wait how many the cornbread have just give her a stack n but that’s not

Fair well I don’t know maybe pay her for the inconveniency ca it’s however many she collected I think it was 40 something all right give her 39 I like it was 46 oh toffey’s been in chat and we haven’t been acknowledging her or him bye dude what is that emoji looking

Thing I have no idea is ugly why do I have a server called ER like Earth without the H tofe I’m going to kind tofe I’m going to kindly ask you never to send that emoji ever again it scares me why it scares me all is the server roll that

Now you’re right got to go back we got to go back SL all right who is doing that screaming all right I gotta teleport teleporter how many was it cornbread was it 46 all right let’s go to something goated with the sauce I’m going to be revealing something very important are you

Ready something that I’ve never revealed with any oh here and uh in test over here oh I I worship jagar craft YT this is the secret thing uh don’t tell Jaguar I told you guys anyway hey do y’all want to see what happens I I will never send it again

Unless I want to or need to or I feel the urge you know what that’s just saying that you’re going to send it again it scares me hey you want to see something that happens to bad people uh oh I placed Bedrock oh no oh no oh didn’t

Work basically what’s supposed to happen is that if you play if you place bedrock in my server like it like you get jailed it was stupidest thing I added don’t Place Bedrock oh I got a funny idea ah those emojis are scary is there a feature where I can disable those IP

Address invalid let me see if I said it wrong okay so oh I’m missing the a hold up poofy if you’re still trying toal poofy are you able to uh join the server if not or maybe I sent her no wait I feel like I I think I just misspell it again hold

Up there you go there that’s how it is I sent her I misspelled that IP address that’s why oh okay yeah okay so yeah everything should be up and running um let’s see dang we we got 37 3,770 Subs that is insane that is I have a challenge for you

Cornbread I have a challenge for you okay don’t look down all right I’m gonna give you I’m gonna give you some blocks I’m sorry uh hold up and your goal is to build a house let me know if you need any more blocks Micah you kind of talked over uh poofy I

Couldn’t hear oh yes you can have let me know if you need any more blocks if you want to join the server I maybe maybe um maybe not everybody in I don’t know who is directly in chat other than toffee and probably just poofy I think those are the only two people that

Are actually in chat right now or maybe cornbread maybe cornbread too it’s saying two viewers so it’s probably oh hold up I have to wh list again white list wait slash area I forgot how to use commands in the server so I’m back to being uh horrible there you go you’re white

Listed now now your goal is to build a house hold on let me fix that what the heck there you go your goal is to build a house I want to build a house too hold on let me let me try let me hold

On there you go your goal is to build a house oh sorry all right your goal is to build a house there there just grab your stuff I feel so bad just let me just fill this chest with the stuff you need wait I can build a parkour map

Ah toffee uh toffee said that’s a very nice house I know it’s gorgeous it’s not I’m wondering wait what if I MJ bro imagine if I MJ Bridge with sand that’s crazy nope impossible anyway let’s MJ Bridge with uh oak logs all right here you go everything

You needs in the chest and your goal is to build a house all right time to MJ Bridge like a normal good Minecraft player and I’m in creative mode so this could be forever go to with the sauce This comes in clutch second later okay I will okay what world am I in am I just like is like am I ADHD brained right now like what am I supposed to I added a second layer of sand I don’t know what to be focusing on

Right now so I’m I’m going to focus on what’s going on up here okay all right cornbread let’s see oh Oh oh hold up all right I think the best all right I think the best thing to do is not place a single block on uh on the sand so what you all right hold up let me let me just there you go your goal is to build a

House I can help her okay okay that was not me let me just make a let me just make it out of a different block let me make it out of a different block hey what if what if um what if cornbread uh decided hey let’s just make

This in midair and if you fall what I’m I’m helping cornbread cornbread has hacks cornbread got hacks it’s crazy this is the last you see of Me top come over come over here what’s this hold up Matthew really all right combre your goal is to build a house on this yeah this is terrible there is no way around this what do you want to this this is make a house so that if

You roll out of bed wrong you fall and break your neck what what oh no back I’m sorry that’s so messed up either way I read I can’t I can’t I’m dying from the inside out this is TNT run aot for faction should have TNT run this is fun ah I’m just

Cheating what the yay we got we got just poofy that joined that game let’s go and we got three viewers in chat let’s go uh we have been streaming for six hours let’s go we got one more hour to go actually we got one hour TNT run is a

Very good game yes it definitely um we got we’ve been streaming for six hours and not only that we have one more hour before we break the record or at least an hour and five minutes before we break the alltime record of streaming the longest I don’t know how long we’re

Going to be streaming for but whatever it is by the way I can’t hear you m I’m making t t run for all of us get off of it Matthew oh I am just poofy follow me to something awesome it’s called the A4 village where a lot of mystery and L oh

Crap I’m checking behind me because if Matt Pat like possibly like shows up I got to be careful I got to look behind me because you know matat you know got to be careful I have to use the word lore lightly move don’t move never mind just poofy we we we

We’re we’re playing TNT run should I go and uh just poy can join okay should I go in game mode survival uh no you just if you fall you fall wait am I am I wait I’m am I why am I up here go all right TNT run we’re doing this

Let’s ah frick I fell I died to an explosion oh wait there goes uh there goes just poofy it’s just me and Cornbread now wait I I I heard a noise please who joined the Discord call who joined oh I fell if it is no if it is no looks like

Cornbread is the winner who is it let’s see I’m gonna open up my I’m I’m this is a okay I’m gonna be honest if this live stream is literally probably gonna be this live stream is better dude this live stream went so well today I I am so happy with this live

Stream be happy Let’s see we got cornbread join the party who is that I’m scared who is that that just talked it’s kerm wormy oh my gosh dude join A4 I so you must I like the Hy take I must I all right well you must because it’s it’s a

All right we’re playing TNT run oh no I suck at TNT run this is not good for me oh accidentally turn on fly I’m not going to turn on survival mode because it made I’m not going to fly like I can still fall oh sabotage no oh

OMG Kermit wait am I the only one that’s alive up here uh yes you win yay let’s go that means I can Matthew so I can reset it o I’m sorry yes Kermit this like kerit just joined the chat and is is Kermit still here no I think he left

Bro Kermit joined to get his voice in and then just left that’s funny let’s go we’re gonna we’re GNA continue this buto we okay we are we are officially only one hour away to beating the alltime record longest live stream ever well at least in our only ever in our

YouTube videos on the YouTube channel that’s it all right I teleport everybody I made a little bit of a bigger spawn platform so we’re not all crowded all righty never mind I’m going horn is trying to cheat yeah cornbread be trying it’s really up to us at this point cornbread sabotaged me

Talk what is sabotage tofe I have no idea what you’re trying to say Enigma is that oh I I Guess the inner mechan of my mind are an enigma I’m going to going forward I’m only going to eat what I didn’t hear that I felt like I was talking over what was that I said I’m on my way back oh okay nice who is that poy it had to be poofy

Yeah poofy is that how you even say your name the world may never know a one a two a three or you trying to figure out how many laks it takes to get to the center py pop yes the world may never know if you don’t even know what that commercial is yeah

I remember watching that commercial on cable TV I am that old but okay I watched Hey Arnold the Rugrats on Nickelodeon I’ve watched uh older SpongeBob I’m I’m old some may think I am 2016 2016 years old I’m not all right Matthew we’re going to play hide-and

Seek and it’s going to be very hard and I want you you can’t turn around all right no you you can’t turn it you have to stay looking that way and then I’ll tell you when to look all right now come find me bro you got to be cheating no no I

Will not cheating why would there why would there be a pain let’s see let’s see if cornbread can find me all right cornbread you have to look that way you have to look that way all right come find me bro cornbread’s cheating no I basically told cornbread that you were in

There but here cornbread is that possible to do wait hold on what if I do this this way what is this monstrosity hold up I’m making I’m making a place oh I think I watched a bit of Rugrats but no SpongeBob ah yes Rouge

Rats ah yes Rugrats I I don’t know I I feel like I never I never liked Rugrats I did it was my even my mother watched it all right this is the secret hideout of secret even my mother watched it and she was 40 all right know what do

We need in here cornbread what do we need in here to make it better yeah so uh I my sister watch rrats and Hey Arnold here I’m just G to give you yeah um don’t those are Millennial shows I believe or at least early or

Like early gen Z people I’m in the mid I’m actually mid jenzy gave you op you can use game mode one I am so goed with well I can’t say I’m goed with sauce but I can say that I have experienced at least a slight Millennial lifestyle for the childhood C

Red you have to help me make our secret base awesome no Matthew I’m not welcome I feel like a third wheel I was not allowed I feel like a third wheel it’s supposed to be a secret base to keep secret from you wait I’m a I’m a bad I’m a bad Bean oh

Let’s you know I’m opening up the Discord hold why you not why do you not hold up oh um all right okay so for the cubecraft people the people that just love cubecraft there are just under five days with the winter competition want a chance to win some prizes enter today

The deadline is December 19 2023 at 10:00 a.m. event is in Winter competition so basically I think it’s just like the art or whatever it was so yeah they’re just announcing that there only 5 days left that’s about it I want to I want to watch some videos

Now I kind of just want to watch some videos I just got kicked what is this area why is the area named Jaguar okay hold up I got to add you all right you should be able to build now dude I think that the most important thing that we need is

Um is this to make it really cool looking all right I got some I got some tricks up my sleeve I’m about to build something so cool oh I’m missing a block I’m about to build something absolutely so fantastically super cool in gigachad wait a second I feel offended I’m not welcome

To this secret base well you can be offended but it’s where we’re going to keep all of our secrets from you that’s so mean you’re so mean I’m you know what okay and then I’m thinking we need like you have to go through it to get oh hold up what

Is I’m thinking you gota like oh wait hold on and then we can have on the other side oh I can’t see nothing wait hold up oh wait here we go there’s there’s water on the other side if you run if you run through it real fast what the

Okay oh it got stuck in it I can’t see anything you have to go go straight hold up here let me just there ah I can’t dang it this way you go through here why did you op cornbread this is so messed up so that she can have creative mode to help me

Build one second I I I just got to do one thing just so I the inner minations of my mind are an enigma dude we could do we could do this I can’t see oh why’d you do that oh no what are you doing cornbread is on a Savage

Rampage are you oh my gosh are you hacking what is going on with your character what is going on no what are you doing why are you moving sideways yes okay cornbread is out of control what if I were to just what if I were to just do a specific

Command dude cornbread is gone she went all crazy and just okay fine I’ll ask you but you you gota what is wrong I’m going to trap corn brand in the storage facility so that I’m gonna trap her in here we go I’ll put her in my locker oh no who did

That who’s who’s doing that Matthew what it says day Stormer kill jagar crap yes I did I killed your player sorry I’m gonna put you in the worst place possible cornbread yes I’m going to do it the worst place the worst there put you in the word

Place oh my gosh I shouldn’t have given her admin bro why all right Matthew we got a bit of a problem yeah uh I suggest kicking from the game nah whatever that command is it does not sound ethical I was right what I have no idea what toffee is talking about Ah why did you do that maybe fly next time well why is it teleporting why is it teleporting cornbread the inner minations of my mind are n why is it teleporting cornbread whenever I try to teleport you Matthew oh wait oh every time I try what is going on

Okay I think cornbread messed up everything yeah you’re right just having one on uh one of my moments that is you’re right bro the chat is oh my gosh Matthew I can’t believe you I just figured out what you’re doing and it’s straight up criminal you figured out exactly what I was

Doing yeah I was controlling cornbread’s player I was controlling absolutely everything that she was doing I’m just oh be still that’s the beauty of it I’m free I have a gift for you a trip wire hook why’ you deop me I gave I I I gave poy a Trip Bar hook dang

It wait wait you know let’s have some Fun all right come on just poofy I’m playing as your character now oh no Matthew what’s the command all right I’m out that’s all I wanted to do hey tofy yeah be careful if you join the server you are automatically uh yeah toffee has said oh gosh this one

Oh okay so um the command is I see you and then you do control and then you do player that’s what the command is so yes you can play as cornbread or anybody else in the game it doesn’t seem ethical but holy cow it’s great

All right how do I stop it just leave the game for real yep what the Heck okay okay I feel bad I’m sorry corn bre I will not control your player anymore I feel bad all right I can’t Believe YouTube thought these emojis were a good idea no they’re not a good idea they look ugly I don’t like those emojis YouTube needs to improve

Them all right where is where is just poofy at all right you gave did you give just poofy creative mode hold up oh there we go no I was controlling her him sorry all right come on just poofy I feel like we’ve been excluding you from stuff where where you want play a

Game oh no no the second uh coming of poofy that’s not nice yeah that’s not nice of you poppy you shouldn’t say that poofy I’m so sorry the most UN no poy why would you do that to yourself you see what you done Jaguar you see what you done no reason given

Sorry I had to save just poofy I’m banned unbanned all right I’m gonna play some sky grid poofy you want to join yeah let’s play sky grid so we all feel included all right do uh do slash do slash Hub I’m I’m gonna go to this The Hub and

Then we’re going to play some sky grid and we only have 37 more minutes before we beat the alltime record of the longest stream on the channel you heard me I’m serious we got 30 more minutes oh oh hey wonderful start Legend has it Legend has it this

Man will be streaming even past de okay so we just uh the college K the college kid is back hope has been streaming since class let out dude I have literally I’ve been streaming this whole entire time it’s getting exhausting but at the same time

You know what a man’s got to do what a man’s got to do basically we decided hey we’re just going to just beat the alltime record of uh my longest stream which was seven hours which it basically in the next 37 actually seven hours and must have fell into the void on accident

Yeah hey so the next uh 37 minutes will be uh the alltime record I’m probably I literally just went to Bob Evans took my sweet ass time eating come back home and he’s streaming yes all right let’s play some sky grid yeah I’ve never I don’t actually do

A live stream this long ain’t no way I could deal with that but you know what I did it today it’s how long has it been going six hours and 30 minutes we’re getting close to the record yeah it’s only now we’re only 36 minutes

Away 36 minutes away see uh I I was actually forced against my will technically by gunpoint I I I I meant um uh by uh manipul by sword Point Yeah by mental manipulation point oh this reminds me of the I Carly episode where show this cornbread wanted the Guinness world record for longest

Web show this reminds me of the I Carly episode where they wanted the Guinness world record of the longest web show you know what honestly familiar to you that’s weird this place like for ailar to you cornbread you can jump you won’t die it doesn’t look familiar like a specific City you might

Know oh all right just poofy we wait be careful don’t mind that oh never mind all right I’m scared they were streamed for like they were streamed for like 48 hours without sleeping holy crap I would not do that bro you know what I do I honestly

Do want to do a a a a 24hour live stream but not with I’m talking and I’ll be no no I no it would have to be like a a pre-recorded live stream where I showcase like how far go down oh here it

Is 7 hours is easy I could do it in my sleep well no you can basically just pre-record a video and post it on YouTube bro you know what’s be funny I could literally just take this whole entire live stream hey once uh cornbread I want you to place this place

This on the ground no don’t do it here I’m G to give you an item I want you to try to use it I can literally just post ause it you’re gonna use it here it’s powdered snow it’s yes and when they got tired I remember they put their heads in a

Bucket of ice water to stay awake I would do the same thing if I had a bucket of ice water that’s for Sure I miss I I miss I miss the show I Carly I I’m serious I kind of do I’m not gonna watch it I’m not taking my sweet time to watch oh just poofy what if you see if you see a GI for you I have a

Gift for you here here I want you to use it it’ll give you an advantage use the gift I gave you don’t touch powdered snow it is a curse it may look like a blessing but it’s a blessing well it is a curse in disgu well yeah it literally is it’s it

Looks like a blessing but it’s a curse I’m helping poy okay don’t make touch uh powdered snow not a goodidea Ru you ruined the surprise cuz that was the surprise yeah powdered snow will kick you from the game do not do it no it won’t it justs the lava

Now oh it does m well that’s good D I made you a bridge to all the chests well that’s good I am I am Parkouring oh this makes me want to play in my Minecraft world now ah yes influencing people to play Minecraft this is what my job is to do my destiny by the way this is not normal there there’s no way this is normal I do not stream okay we’re just we’re just

Like I had to literally leave I literally had to had Jaguar entertain the audience while I was going to get food yeah I got food by the way I’m not actually starving right now I actually ate so I got the I got the energy I can’t watch I Carly anymore

Because the director made the kids okay yeah you know what I forgot all about that yeah never mind okay yeah I forgot that anyway and the mother of the actress of Sam forced her to act as a child you know what never mind I F I literally oh yeah I forgot all about

That never mind never mind now I feel kind of guilty of saying that that I missed the show but nope wait um didn’t they I swear didn’t they do like a a more modern ah goodness gracious I must have lost the sub or so I guess we’re back to uh

3,760 by the way um uh the subscriber count goes by 10 so I don’t actually know how many Subs I have so I definitely lost a sub while I was on stream I lost a sub it’s the end of the world anyway a random poll I’m gonna do a random poll right

Now would you rather watch a 24hour live stream or no watch a 24-hour live stream or watch 24 separate episodes of a Netflix series within the 24 hours and they’re all an hour at piece all right what’s the command that shows you all the commands uh do slh

Help no no no no there’s a Comm yes sorry a command that shows you all your mods I don’t know it’s a command that shows you all the mods you have Ena they did not have a reboot of I Carly but the actress who played Sam didn’t return can

You blame her no I honestly I cannot blame her nobody would want to relive that the poor gal probably has PTSD she still is friends with the cast even as adults though or uh live stream ah as adults thought or I think he said I meant I think he meant to say

Though yeah honestly I would not blame her if if you have like a very traumatic experience especially in a show yeah I I I wouldn’t blame her and what am I doing with my life right now Micah this is all your fault H Yep this is all your fault

You’re making me want to stream until the seven hour mark yeah I I I knew what you were trying to say my my second guessing brain has fooled me again hey I lost all my stuff isn’t that great let’s see uh let’s see what oh oh oh oh I’m

Sorry oh that wasn’t my fault wait a second who did that does just poofy does uh does poofy have operator no oh can anyone does though all right I’m about to I I’m about to uh I’m taking just poofy with me or I’m taking poofy with me on this awesome uh sky grid

Journey all right come on you’re going with me bro don’t even need to play Minecraft anymore I’m playing Minecraft for them they should make a car washes but for uh one second I gotta I got to extend this real quick they should make car washes but for humans that don’t make no

Sense oh now I get it never mind my brain has just yeah yeah they’re baths duh my brain just like died it’s seven hours I took poofy with me poofy is now uh adventuring in this sky grid journey and I probably gave poofy a heart attack by like jumping alrighty this is

Amazing all right I’m bored all right byee poofy I left you Str I’m sorry okay I feel okay so um hey poofy uh if you’re in the live stream would you like to uh play Sumo or would you like to play something else in the server because I feel like I’m just like

Leaving you stranded here uh because cornbread is doing something with uh Micah and poofy is just chilling here cor is not with me all right all right if you have or if you’re low on health just use SL heal you can only never mind all righty what would you like to do

Ah oh y’all are playing sky grid hold up let me go to HUB what’s used used to scare you when you were younger all right what used to scare you okay yeah so what used to scare me when I was younger was triangles and dark rooms triangles and dark

Rooms literally hey it’s weird Matthew can you come here and tell me if I look any different at HUB no wait wait wait wait let me look I gota look at my player hey I’m super tiny I am super duper tiny look at me

Look at me I’m so tiny I’m so tiny look at me why aren you looking I’m so tin tiny I need context for why you were afraid of triangles I have no idea I was just scared of triangles dude I used to have I have I used to have like absolute

Night terrors about like these two squares that would get closer and closer and closer and right before they would touch I would wake up just sweating from how terrified I was ah the prisons that’s where they I’m going to prisons all right just Poof’s here all right let me change my size to

A nor a decently size okay let me change my side to something decently like a normal size like anyone would choose yeah that’s about right right seems about right Mah how this look I this look for size this look good is this fine yeah I think this is

Good yeah I think this is good what do you think Mah I’m gigantic how does this look I think this looks great let’s play some prisons all right thank goodness you would wake up before the squares made a thank goodness you would wake up before the squares made a triangle

Micah what I think tof’s making fun of us offense taken hey look I am like twice the size of you I I am gigantic I’m super giant look at me I’m I’m giant I messed up my shapes I messed up I messed up my triangles it’s understandable one second I need

A all right wait I’m curious let’s see I’m gonna go in creative mode because I’m I’m kind of curious uh I feel like I’m cheating when I do this but I’m gon to I’m going to do this anyway because is why not you you see you see this gorgeous

Little Hopper right here I mean this tornado uh tornado looking thing uh where I’m tiny let’s see if I can walk under it I can wait can I walk under it yes I I can walk under it oh my God it’s awesome I would wake up in a

Cold sweat oh oh I used to have dreams of being chased by the number 13 and I would wake up and cold sweat bro I drive this boat all hold up I need to place water be careful bro I’m drowning you can only place boats on water well that’s what I’m

Doing wait wait wait wait wait wait this is awesome this is crazy look at me I am so tiny I’m under a hopper why are you ruining my dreams you want to watch a movie not uh we’re going to watch this the number 13 that’s crazy I know I

Know nobody asked but I used to have a a rational fear of balloons it kind of sucked because it ruined parties for me but it’s fine now dang it I feel bad for not asking you okay yeah um honestly you know what I make jokes about you see

What is the what is the opposite Micah don’t say anything what is the oh yeah I am definitely Ant-Man at this point hey guess what what I don’t I don’t want to be Ant-Man anymore I want to be I want to be a size 16 that’s my shoe

Size that want be my shoe size bro you should be a size medium who is awesome Ender size uh no I’m actually do you not notice that there’s a new person that just joined the game oh awesome Ender yeah I have no idea who that person is

Unless they’re an OG and then just happen to stumble across the stream hey yeah I’m gigantic now there is no Ant-Man anymore that is not good you have huge feet holy smokes yes you see the bigger the feet the deeper you can kick into somebody’s ball sack I I I

I meant um uh the the bigger your feet the better the balance yeah yeah absolutely no nothing don’t forget about what I just said yeah absolutely ah come on ah it was a joke bro wait wait wait wait you know what how about this I’m gonna do a size three awesome Ender yo

Awesome Bender how much time has it been 6 hours and 49 minutes are you trying to watch a uh are you trying to watch a movie you are the fuest guy I’ve met in a long time well how long exactly was that live stream the live stream currently

That you know that you were trying to be seven hours and seven minutes okay so we got about I’m gonna I’m let’s try to make it just past that because I gotta go all right we got 20 minutes then where are you all uh let’s see TP to well I was in prisons

Hey sorry my size is gigantic one second let me um let me go back to normal a normal human being all right let’s I cannot LOL how I’m just goated like that I’m sorry I’m just kind of like goated like that you know I mean like when

You’re like when you’re like the size of like my shoe size like you gotta be gigantic oh okay we got a new we got a new uh comment here toffee also my friend used to take uh h engin and I would look after them after them one one time they sat

Completely silent then randomly screamed that they were being chased by an orange oh frak oh I’m sorry oh Hallens yeah Hallens yeah ah are you sure they’re not the good old um the good old Miracle the I’m not going to say that on stream but the good old miracle drug you

Know makes you see things no don’t say that on stream I hey you warned me to tell you uh to keep it you know you know okay but that’s not the right one anyway no all right uh poofy is pretending to be a slapper I’m joining I’m already a slapper but I can

Be another slapper it could be multiple slappers of me I just made cornbread so mad I the most beautiful little slapper you ever seen I just made cornbread is so bad I um what she was mining in in in uh prisons and Gathering materials and I

Placed a diamond block and she like ran towards it to mine and right as she was about to mine it I broke it hey poofy I’ll be in the prisons which means I I am a bad soul I I am a bad Soul because I went to prison you see

This is this is what I did it again what is wrong with you see I’m a bad Soul because I went to prison that’s why I’m mining uh that’s why I’m mining stuff in Minecraft because I went to prison in Minecraft is just staring at you wait

What your live stream is so incredbly delayed hey Matthew here oh it is H that is sad okay I’ll give I’ll give it to yeah so yeah I keep doing it over and over and over I’m do hey This Server hasn’t Matthew what am I in uh prison for well

It all started back in the uh it all started back in 2022 where I decided to go now so basically what happened is I went to a Minecraft server and stole somebody’s diamonds and then left the game to never return that’s why I’m in prisons

For that’s why I went to prisons you see where I am right now I have to purchase I have to purchase things like an elytra so I can leave ouch yeah the server’s full I’m actually surprised I didn’t expect the server to be full do you want to join is I can

Change it to 10 slots I’m actually going to play prisons I just wasted my money on an elytra I’m actually G to play prisons legit I’ve set my game mode to survival and I’m not and I took everything out my inventory ah yeah rewarder punishment okay how do I get a pickaxe to

Start I I’ll change the I’ll change the number of slots if more people want to join because the server has never been this full for a long time so if you really want to join I’ll change the slots all right I’m starting with a gold pickaxe I’m already at my netherite stage

Which all I can do is just get more money I created prisons guys we don’t let Matthew try to create take the credit I made prisons It’s the funniest thing though because I create I made prisons just to totally neglect it hey what’s up we got

Francisco the pizza FZ King wow that’s a long name I’m calling you can I take out a loan from the Matthew bank I I I’m call I’m just calling you uh Mr King at this point yeah that’s a very long name if you’re good with that Mr

King can I take out a loan from the bank the server is full but Matt’s belly isn’t so go and eat an apple or cornbread or something no I literally went to the diner earlier I actually went to D and connect so I’m actually good

I’m actually take out a loan so I can get more than just a stone pickaxe because that’s all I can afford right now wait hey can you fix cornbread why can’t she chat no I think she’s just doing that no no you did something you disabled why is why is a Netherrack worth

$100 plus respect and sub absolutely what these prices why is everything so unbalanced I don’t know if you want to fix it you can I’m not going to dude you could you only need to sell like a stack you only need to sell about a

Stack of of of wait a minute no l plus ratio cornbread okay bro literally it only takes it only takes 15 uh it only takes 15 Netherrack to get an elyra 15 Netherrack for an elytra well hey so why hey uh sell why you be bully

Hey okay let me see if I can sell this I have no I kind of don’t really hey if you want you can let me let me just go to my uh my house my uh my thing you know we have prison cells up here right Matthew yes I’m pretty I’m pretty sure

You have one up here too let’s see okay can okay oh my gosh good stuff okay this isn’t yours how do I I’m not in here for stuff can you fix cornbread I forgot the command oh no because I know that little trick fix her uh fix her chat oh wait Matthew

You try to chat okay I’m sorry I thought she was just speaking random giberish no what I forgot what it was I wonder if it’s part of the admin command hey we got six viewers bro I thought she was just speaking no who the hell would speak 771 D9 FC

B02 I’m not going that speak yay bro chiplet has a cell Matthew which one’s your cell I forgot oh it’s right here let’s see what you got in here oh I forgot I’m not whitelisted in your cell only you’re whitelisted in your cell good oh I can’t open chest oh I don’t

Even got that good of stuff now I’m trapped in your cell cornbread help help help oh sorry sorry sorry help me Matthew all right good enough for you all right y’all are trapped in my cell again you know y’all could bro just do SL spawn no broke I broke out I managed I figured out that the iron bars don’t count as part of your cell so I can break them

Oh hey uh uh cornbread’s being bullied in chat L plus ratio cornbread my messages are delayed maybe she’s Steve Hawkings but not smart she’s being bullied in chat cornbread you can have sell all right okay let me see oh okay um let me see what the area is

Called this is area all right so um prison so poofy if you were watching the stream uh sorry I couldn’t get you the uh the good old demonstration how to play the game basically prisons is where you go uh you go and you go to these certain places so

Like over here I think it’s the ores so what you will do is you will mine some ores and basically a certain amount let’s just say I got some gold I’m going to let’s just say I’m getting some gold and I’m going to sell this certain amount I’m going to give you chiplin

Cell cornbread so I’m gonna grab this area yeah absolutely so then I’m going to walk myself all the way over to South so you’ll you’ll see buy and sell also these are good you have the dimensions mines you have the basic mines and you have shops

Over here and you got the wood so okay cornbread this is now your sell so I’m going to go over here to sell and then I can see all these different options and so I have gold ore oh okay all right cornbread it’s got your name on the sign and everything

This is now yourself I’m not reading that and chat I’m not reading chat anyway so so basically now I don’t even have white list in her cell she’s the only she’s the only person that has white list in her cell unfortunately I I can’t really control anything about the quote unquote taxes I

Hate the tax a is thing I don’t think I have any control over it it just has to do with something with the economy uh economy packs or the the the plugin okay but you got to fix these signs though oh who’s who’s gold I’m taking

That that is my gold well you shouldn’t have left it unattended are you serious in the in the public furnace you meanie ah no I’m admin I get to do whatever I want I think prisons is the is the one thing that work that worked out the

Best all right I don’t need this uh poy poofy do you want your own cell poofy yes get poofy the ah yes screw taxes poy wait a minute poofy nod your head if you can hear me okay I’m getting poofy her on sale okay let’s see which one of these

Is v i I generally just want to go home to be honest I I I all right unicorn girl cell is completely vacant I have to be on campus hope will be yours I have to be on campus until Saturday sell four I don’t want to look at the smelly

Campus for two more days but I got to no the campus isn’t that bad the jokes does poy have numbers in her names uh it’s just poofy that’s all it is that’s the whole username all right this is now yours and I will change the sign

Sorry then I I I I I guess I must be gay then because I’m not I’m not going to stop moving to follow a chat so I’m sorry all right this is yours now L plus L plus respect L plus wait that what about that that don’t make no sense I’m

Dead I’m brain dead it’s brain dead hour wait what time is it it’s 7:30 it’s brain dead Hour 3 hours hours asleep brain dead hour has came early this year brain dead hour has h ah we’ve been streaming are you still are are you still how long we’ve been

Streaming seven hours and five minutes this has got to be a the longest live I removed this stuff because it’s it’s not yours but uh you can buy from furniture at the shop I don’t know how much money you have hey Micah um hey could you uh could

You mute FR uh Francisco the pizza FZ King yeah um I should just put a INE timeout uh yeah just put it a one minute that’s fine oh the server is full but Matt’s belly isn’t go eat an apple or cornbread or something I just went to D and connect

Not that long ago that’s why I’m able to stream for this long I was actually able to survive longer because I ate something all right were you able to meet them yes all right I’m going to give you guys an advantage awesome Ender are you in voice chat not if you

Are okay a m is not in voice chat I’m gonna give him an advantage it’s kind of nice when you have Co but you don’t feel it I get to just sit up until 12:37 with no repercussions you know what that’s pretty you know what if you can’t feel

It but you have you know what I think I had Co once I think at least I had Co at least once all right poy back up back up hey Micah remember that time remember that time back up oh diamonds Micah remember that time when

We recorded at Uno game and I was using my phone and literally you said back up Micah what remember that time when we were playing Uno and I was recording a video and he said Matthew has Co and he’s dying remember that oh that’s bringing back that memory

And it happened around this time dude it literally happened around Thanksgiving like I literally couldn’t go to school for like a week all right back up bro you’re you literally hit puberty hardcore all right guys all right everybody that we have officially have beat the alltime record

Of the longest live stream on this YouTube channel here how about this but if you see the previous it’s not public but I promise you the last one is seven hours and 7even minutes this one’s seven hours and 8 minutes we have officially gone the longest live stream which that

Means we’re probably GNA end live stream pretty soon one like equals one more hour day lives uh uh I don’t like that com I don’t like that I’m scared I’m scared yay not even hard well it is for me I can’t play games for seven hours straight I I like

I could not survive that long you just got another hour to live I gave you another hour to live another hour to live I don’t even know how many likes I have on the video you have four hours to live why is there a big pool of water

Here is that big pool of water yeah in prisons by the buy thing oh I put that there why I have no idea uh dude let’s all go swimming I guess that’s the point guys oh H cornbread come swimming the where am I the water is safe cornbread the water is safe you

Jerk I’m so bad I’m sorry okay I’m sorry can corburn not be a a test dummy all right I think you picked up my stuff oh you didn’t now where did my stuff go who killed me oh yeah you do have an 8,000 um you do have an 8,000 uh cool

Down it’s 8,000 second or 8,000 minute cool down because uh for the slash heel because I’m not going to have players just go slash heal slash heal every five seconds so they can avoid it’s really it’s really a big Advantage if you’re like do a PVP oh sorry I forgot that kills

You yeah so I’m actually not going it’s it’s understandable to not even let not even continue with that I I honestly should disable the command but right now it’s probably needed you kind of there’s golden apples in shop if if you need to heal oh great so my

Crystals are uh okay so my stuff is gone ah goodness gracious all right the pool is even safer yeah I guess my poofy do you want to swim hey you did that to yourself it’s fine I I’m rich I’m rich in the prisons I worked I worked not that hard for my

Stuff I love how it lets me Spawn so many on one block it looks like floaters from subnautica this is a very sa oh free stuff go ahead keep it I don’t care I’m giving it to poofy poofy here you can have Matthew stuff that’s mean hey good I don’t need it I’m

Rich oh uhh those crystals that’s your number one fan Matthew you got to be more nice I’m sorry all right I need you know I I I got a I got a i need some sleep I need some sleep later I feel I feel goofy goofy a goofy

Uh I just joined because because Shrek poy there’s like a party going on in your cell ah yes I need to change the name it literally the live stream just says uh Matthew Matthew come to the party in poofy cell what okay so what you yeah we’re

Partying e it’s these things I don’t like them there’s a party going on in your cell why is the disc so bug big what disc what disc I like these are slappers oh my gosh what Earth is wrong with pig step no they’re not slappers they’re they’re an actual they’re the actual mob

For some reason villagers are the only mod that you’re allowed to spawn egg what is wrong with that disc I know here one second here uh uh here uh Frick um um here let me let me just make you bigger so that it yeah so it looks

Normal what’s the what’s the letters in her name or what’s the numbers uh for cornbread it’s 23 2366 okay hey we got five viewers wow it’s pretty active I thought it would be more active dude um what uh what’s going on what just happened did you crash the

Server bro you crashed the server dude oh wow you literally crashed the server that is so messed up don’t do that again uh toffee said ALS also I appreciate the subnotica reference so the reference that you made in synop for the subnotica reference he appreciates it I’m wondering Matthew did you know 10

People died in a fire in the Bronx last night due to a fire that killed 10 people in the Bronx last night during a fire uhhuh that that weird meme yeah yeah the official say that the offishal say all 10 of them died due to the fire that was too hot for their

Bodies all right it looks like the server’s functioning but it’s getting turned off and turned back on so uh thanks thanks for uh crashing the whole entire server that’s really appreciated I didn’t do it on purpose you did this on purpose this is all your fault I didn’t this is why I should

Never give you admin permissions this is why you’re canceled on Twitter this is trying to make uh cornbread like huge and it was like person does not exist server crashed all right the server’s back up and online and perfectly running and I heard the Bing so uh things are going

Yep I heard the Bing because it’s the Discord I heard the Discord thing I’m going to plots dude yeah let’s go to plots typ SL Hub Hubb Hub woo now who did that who made that w w noise wait who made this how did they make that in the middle of the

Plot wait I should be in game mode creative this is plots hey look mat look look someone made the F someone made a future hub for you look over here someone future Hub someone made the future hub for you yeah that you should make it look it literally says future Hub someone made

The someone made a hub for you for you to use oh that is so sweet wait who’s all who is this who is idiot who is idiot who is this suppos okay there hold up there’s signs yes I’m making pixel arts and stuff hope you liked it but who is it

Who’s the idiot I don’t know who that is I don’t want to know all right what’s hey Matthew here’s my here’s my house I don’t like it Matthew I don’t like it we’re not rolling back of course we’re not anyway Matthew seriously this is history no this is my house that almost

Didn’t win the contest because because it doesn’t protect you from the rain Matthew seriously stop messing it up dead serious stop because it doesn’t protect you from the rain it’s history don’t mess it up wait what there’s other there’s like a parkour course I actually really like this one remember the

Parkour oh yeah yeah yeah parkour ah dang it Poof’s not oh can I be back in Creative yeah sure yeah you should you should have operator put yourself in creative mode kbre do you have Operator just do slash just just do slash gm1 all one word like this wait is people naturally in

Survival mode when they join my plots dude just type that just type that in chat um oh here’s the thing cornbread you gotta Ty Hub H Hub Hub all right for the viewers in chat I want you uh to scan all right scan this QR code look Matthew there’s a tornado over

Here scan the QR code Matthew look there’s a tornado I know you love tornadoes hey my viewers are supposed to scan a QR code tornado look at the tornado I know you love tornadoes who is this buy I don’t know oh ah yes it’s it’s a beautiful it’s a

Bro just leave the plot and go right back on it why is there slappers underneath here hold up why is there slappers underneath ah yes slappers underneath what the wait they’re not slappers they’re just name no they’re slappers but they’re invisible and why are they down here I have no idea that’s really

Strange it’s the same thing from mines or from prisons it’s the slappers from prisons oh here’s that wonderful dragon that King Wing made bro this you ready yet oh Matthew I’m gonna go now all right bye jaquin man see you later another a soldier has fallen actually he just left and so it

Is now down to me actually anyway so we got three viewers in chat so far also yeah uh I think you should rate these builds out of 10 all right Absolutely I’ll rate a few but for me I definitely do need to end the live

Stream pretty soon so I feel I feel go out with a bang yes you’re right you do have to go out with a bang I just blew up all of plots ah yes it looks gorgeous this is a 10 out of 10 build all right let me be

Nice and I’m going to do this all righty so I’m tired day if you want the parkour uh completed I need to be in Creative what the oh you’re still not OP I think I think I oped you oh wait cornbread uh uh 2366 all right see if you uh see if you

Can if not here let me um get you all right cornbread 2366 all right that should be good um even if you’re not OP um you should um where’s my stuff oh right uh let’s see where are you let me look oh oh did your inventory get reset

Okay um let’s see let me get here I’m going to give you a netherite pickaxe I’m going to give you some chicken and then I’m going to I am just going to give you some diamonds I know it might not not be the best but I think I got you there you

Go yeah sorry um I’m gonna be honest with you this this Discord server uh not Discord uh this um this Minecraft server is pretty bugged I mean that’s why I’m not really going to do much updates on it it it it’s it’s really bugged I it’s really

Just to have fun with just to have fun on um after a lot there there’s too much history to the point that it’s Are you seriously streaming yeah are we still streaming that was a very long movie you’re back yeah I finished the movie did they start the movie without

You and then you just happen to show up at the ending no my grandfather’s washing dishes and my mom you know I told my told you my mom’s a stickler about noise and she she told me where we’re not going to watch the movie until he’s done watching

Dises oh okay all right I guess the stream keeps going on yeah let’s make it 10 hours no oh I just I just I just hit I just gave poy uh poofy uh 64 diamonds and then uh another uh netherite pickaxe and and some Steak N you should gave her efficiency th000 another

Pickax I going to buy them all seems about right you should have gave her efficiency 24K I I thought I thought poofy was a dude oh yeah that’s offensive dude I cannot remember that poofy is a dude for some reason I why is that hard to Remember D I’m gonna watch some of Poof’s content P all right so we have officially um obvious I I mentioned this we definitely beat the alltime record for the longest ever live stream on this channel but I am getting really exhausted I’ve actually been streaming since uh 12:30

Which basically right after I’ve left my classro and so why is playing offbrand offbrand versions of Minecraft anyway so I’m going to actually end this stream unfortunately um why I’m tired listening I said end the live stream not a valid reason I’m tired and I’ve been streaming

For seven hours dude seven and what 7 hours and 26 minutes I think it’s time for me to go adios time for me to go back to to break the record again tomorrow no no this is gonna be like like once in a uh uh every I don’t even

Know I I know I’m so sorry but yes I got to end the stream but uh thank uh thank you thank you everybody for attending the live stream I have to go back into the live stream and look at previous footage just to get that little time

Stamp where we take forever oh don’t worry I remember no because we were at you should go back and watch the entire live stream to make sure nothing’s messed up toffee you’re gonna be fine I promise I don’t know how I will go on there’s gonna be another one tomorrow

Yeah there’s literally gonna be another one tomorrow at one o’clock in the afternoon eastern time I’ll give you guys a notification hours thank you guys for watching I really appreciate the longest I

This video, titled ‘My Debt Is Not Getting Better Let’s Play Minecraft’, was uploaded by DaystormerMG27 on 2023-12-15 01:26:23. It has garnered 85 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 07:27:53 or 26873 seconds.

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AOT4 FACTIONS info: AOT4 FACTIONS has skyblock, sky battle, plots, factions, kitpvp, economy, and sumo! This is only a Minecraft Bedrock Edition server!

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  • Rich vs Poor: Football Player Kids Clash!

    Rich vs Poor: Football Player Kids Clash! In the world of Minecraft, a tale unfolds, Of rich and poor football players, their stories untold. Efekan, a talent, with skills so bright, Becomes a millionaire, his future alight. Training hard, scoring goals with ease, Fans cheering, cameras clicking, a breeze. But Yusuf, watching from afar, Dreams of glory, a shining star. The coach, the manager, all in awe, Of Efekan’s talent, his football law. But in the end, it’s not just about fame, It’s about passion, love for the game. So whether rich or poor, young or old, In Minecraft or real life, let your story be… Read More

  • Deadly Mistake: Choosing the Wrong Team Cave!

    Deadly Mistake: Choosing the Wrong Team Cave! Minecraft Adventure: Choosing the Wrong Team Cave! Exploring the Football Team Caves In this thrilling Minecraft adventure, Sausages and his friends embark on a journey to explore the football team caves. Each cave represents a different team, with surprises and challenges awaiting inside. From Galatasaray to Fenerbahçe and Beşiktaş, the team caves hold mysterious rewards and traps set by the infamous Baldi. Challenges and Rewards As they navigate through the caves, our brave adventurers encounter various obstacles, puzzles, and enemies. From dodging arrows to solving riddles, each team cave presents a unique challenge. However, with teamwork and determination, they… Read More

  • 7 Sneaky Minecraft Build Ideas

    7 Sneaky Minecraft Build Ideas Exploring Creative Building Ideas in Minecraft Are you looking to elevate your Minecraft building skills to the next level? Look no further! Here are 7 cool building ideas that will inspire your creativity and help you create stunning structures in the blocky world of Minecraft. 1. Redstone Contraptions Galore Redstone is a powerful tool in Minecraft that allows players to create intricate contraptions and mechanisms. From automated farms to hidden doors, the possibilities are endless. Challenge yourself to build a complex redstone contraption that will impress your friends and showcase your engineering skills. 2. Underwater City Take your building… Read More

  • Unbeatable Minecraft Duplication Glitch 1.21

    Unbeatable Minecraft Duplication Glitch 1.21 Minecraft Bedrock 1.21 Duplication Glitch Introduction The Minecraft Bedrock 1.21 Duplication Glitch has been making waves across all platforms, including PlayStation, Xbox, Switch, MCPE, and PC. This glitch allows players to duplicate items in the game, providing them with an advantage in their gameplay. How It Works The Duplication Glitch is a fascinating exploit that players can use to their advantage. By following a specific set of steps, players can duplicate items in their inventory, giving them an edge in crafting and building within the game. Step-by-Step Tutorial The Hook: Players are drawn in by the allure of duplicating… Read More

  • Crafty Cheaters Beware: Minecraft Guess Part 1 Fun!

    Crafty Cheaters Beware: Minecraft Guess Part 1 Fun! In the world of Minecraft, we play a game of guess, With my brother by my side, we put our skills to the test. Guessing items and blocks, in this virtual land, Creating funny moments, with each move we planned. Don’t cheat, we say, as we laugh and we play, Bringing joy and excitement, in every single way. If you want to join us, just leave a comment below, We’ll welcome you with open arms, in this Minecraft show. So come along, let’s have some fun, In the world of Minecraft, under the sun. Guessing and laughing, in this… Read More

  • Crafting Crypto Currency in Minecraft

    Crafting Crypto Currency in Minecraft Minecraft Encrypted_ | CREATING CRYPTO CURRENCY! Embark on an exciting Minecraft adventure with Nik and Isaac as they delve into the world of creating crypto currency in the modded questing survival game, Encrypted_. Join them as they explore new possibilities and challenges in this innovative gameplay experience. A New Generation of Stoneblock Stoneopolis introduces players to a fresh take on the classic Stoneblock gameplay. Dive into a world where creativity and strategy collide to create a unique gaming experience. Watch as Nik and Isaac navigate through this new generation of Stoneblock, uncovering hidden treasures and overcoming obstacles along the… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Experience the Best Minecraft Cinematic in #2024

    Join Minewind: Experience the Best Minecraft Cinematic in #2024 Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft. Today, we stumbled upon a breathtaking video titled “The best Minecraft Cinematic in #2024.” While the video itself may not be about Minewind Minecraft Server, it certainly captures the essence of what makes Minecraft so special – creativity, community, and endless possibilities. As you watch the stunning visuals and immersive gameplay showcased in this cinematic masterpiece, you can’t help but feel inspired to join a Minecraft server where you can unleash your own creativity and connect with like-minded players. That’s where Minewind comes… Read More

  • Sneaky Minecraft Parody Ending

    Sneaky Minecraft Parody Ending The Exciting World of Minecraft Parodies Exploring the vast and creative world of Minecraft is always an adventure, but have you ever delved into the realm of Minecraft parodies? These fun and entertaining videos take the beloved game to new heights, offering a fresh perspective on the familiar landscapes and characters. Let’s dive into the exciting world of Minecraft parodies and discover what makes them so popular! Unique Storytelling One of the most captivating aspects of Minecraft parodies is their unique storytelling. Creators take the basic elements of the game and craft engaging narratives that keep viewers hooked from… Read More

  • Talking Angela 2: Zoonomaly vs Minecraft vs Angela Cosplay

    Talking Angela 2: Zoonomaly vs Minecraft vs Angela Cosplay In My Talking Angela 2, a cosplay showdown brews, Angel Angela versus Devil Angela, who will you choose? Witness the clash of good and evil, so divine, As Angela transforms, her powers intertwine. With radiant wings, Angel Angela takes flight, Her grace and charm, a heavenly sight. But beware of Devil Angela, with fiery wings ablaze, Her mischievous energy, in a darkened haze. Join Angela on her journey, through challenges untold, In a world where light and darkness unfold. Will purity prevail, or mischief take the lead? Watch the battle unfold, in this epic deed. Subscribe, like, and hit… Read More

  • Minecraft’s Lost Its Roar: Skyrow’s the Cure

    Minecraft's Lost Its Roar: Skyrow's the Cure In Minecraft, the possibilities are vast, From building to battling, the fun will last. But in Hardcore Survival, the stakes are high, One wrong move, and it’s time to say goodbye. Exploring villages, seeking out loot, But beware of new NPCs, they may give you the boot. A Gorgon lurking, ready to strike, Game over in an instant, what a hike! So keep on crafting, keep on exploring, In Minecraft, there’s always something more in store-ing. And if you dare to take on Hardcore mode, Just remember, one mistake and you may implode. Read More

  • Nolik’s Insane PVP Moments on

    Nolik's Insane PVP Moments on 2b2t.questVideo Information This video, titled ‘Пвп моменты на’, was uploaded by Канал нолика. on 2024-05-03 15:57:35. It has garnered 1101 views and 23 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:44 or 764 seconds. Support me by liking and subscribing! ds:nolikezka006. 2b2t, anarchy, minecraft, minecraft, 2b2t, server, vulture, Russian 2b2t, server without rules, bettez 13, bettez 13, survival, analogue of 2b2t, tubituti, Ukrainian 2b2t, better beast, server IP 2b2t, bettez13, Russian 2b2t, tubetube , 2b2t cheats, anarchy minecraft, 2b2t history, construction, anarchy, 2b2t history, history 2b2t, base, minecraft 2b2t, new 2b2t, 2b2z, 2b2t how to enter, anarchy 2b2t,… Read More

  • ULTIMATE Minecraft Hardcore Challenge – Surviving 100 Nights in Fear!

    ULTIMATE Minecraft Hardcore Challenge - Surviving 100 Nights in Fear!Video Information This video, titled ‘100 Hari Di Minecraft Hardcore Fear Nightfall (Part 2)’, was uploaded by Jumper id on 2024-03-31 08:24:25. It has garnered 309303 views and 17972 likes. The duration of the video is 01:13:12 or 4392 seconds. 100 Days In Minecraft Hardcore But Using The SCARIEST Modpack Ever – want to know how the story and excitement is, how my brother and I defeated all those scary monsters? And did I succeed or not in completing the 100 day challenge? let’s just watch the video.. hope you all enjoy it, see you next video 🙂 Download Link:… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Performance Boost! Pojav+Java Tricks

    Ultimate Minecraft Performance Boost! Pojav+Java TricksVideo Information This video, titled ‘How to make your minecraft clean and smooth??(pojav+java)’, was uploaded by Thunder_Warrior on 2024-05-16 11:03:02. It has garnered 396 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:10 or 250 seconds. Subscribe pack link:- @ArenaPlayzZ @TufaniGamerOP @pubixd @SpunkyInsaan20 #minecraft #texturepack #minecraftmods #viralvideo #fpsboost #viral #trending my DC:- mod minecraft java texture pack minecraft texture pack best texture pack for pvp pojav launcher pvp best texture pack texture pack for pojavlauncher texture pack for minecraft best texture pack for minecraft best texture pack for pojavlauncher texture pack pvp pvp texture pack Minecraft… Read More

  • Baba CAUGHT in All Girls School?! Storytime!

    Baba CAUGHT in All Girls School?! Storytime!Video Information This video, titled ‘CAUGHT IN THE ALL GIRLS SCHOOL (FULL STORYTIME)’, was uploaded by Baba on 2024-06-21 16:00:11. It has garnered 11478 views and 339 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:25 or 1465 seconds. #storytime #minecraft #story CAUGHT IN THE ALL GIRLS SCHOOL (FULL STORYTIME) Me in the ALL GIRLS SCHOOL! (STORYTIME) I WENT INTO THE ALL-GIRLS SCHOOL (STORYTIME) LIVE PLAYING RN! JOIN THE STREAM! Twitch: KICK: DISCORD JOIN! HIT ME UP! ●Twitch: ●Twitter: ●Instagram: ●TikTok: ●Discord: ✉️ Business Email: [email protected] Read More

  • Discover the Secret Island in Minecraft 🔥| #shorts #minecraft #mrzthoppi

    Discover the Secret Island in Minecraft 🔥| #shorts #minecraft #mrzthoppiVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft ലെ ആർക്കും അറിയാത്ത Island 🔥 | #shorts #minecraft #mrzthoppi #comedy #funny #games #gta5’, was uploaded by Atom Guy on 2024-02-28 10:30:21. It has garnered 169474 views and 17127 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Minecraft ലെ ആർക്കും അറിയാത്ത Island 🔥 | #shorts #minecraft #mrzthoppi #comedy #funny #games #gta5 seed 1 = 28000016 seed 2 = 6942694259176815774 1.19 only minecraft Malayalam Games Explanation In Malayalam atom guy NFS heat GTA gamer Malayalam shorts facts mallu game shorts game facts gaming shorts gaming facts game shorts Malayalam gaming facts Malayalam gaming… Read More

  • Insane Player dominates #PUBG #Freefire #Minecraft

    Insane Player dominates #PUBG #Freefire #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘💀 #pubg #freefire #minecraft #bloger #igrog_uzb’, was uploaded by Igrog_uzb on 2024-04-08 02:04:03. It has garnered 422 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Gameplay from Spunky Playz!!!

    Insane Minecraft Gameplay from Spunky Playz!!!Video Information This video, titled ‘! Minecraft???’, was uploaded by spunky playz on 2024-01-13 14:05:43. It has garnered 45 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. #life #spunky #memes stay safe ! keep Smiling ! Todays Minecraft memes is minecraft! Minecraft traps in different times !!!!!!!!! and also very useful for you and you can try it in your minecraft world and yet keep subscribing Love you guys #share #support #subscribe #minecraft #viral #minecraftmemes #minecraftshorts #meme #shortsviral #viralshorts #smartypie #pewdiepie #dream #mrbeast #technogamerz #anshubisht #GEvids #casetoo #pigpong funny memes, unusual memes, memes for… Read More

  • Fox Geopolitics

    Fox GeopoliticsHello and welcome to Fox Geopolitics! We are an inclusive and small friendly server of people from many walks of life who have come together to form a new modded 1.19.2 Java server focused on worldbuilding on a vanilla minecraft world! Our theme is set in the 1860s-70s, and we are constantly improving things based on community feedback. We offer mods such as Create, Valkyrien skies & Eureka, Immersive Engineering, and a regulated and period appropriate mod for basic guns. Our server has been released for almost a week now, and we are looking for more fun people to join… Read More

  • SolarionSMP – SMP Whitelisted | Java 1.20.4 | Adult | Community-focused

    SolarionSMP - SMP Whitelisted | Java 1.20.4 | Adult | Community-focusedWelcome to Solarion SMP Join Us: Discord About Us We are a whitelisted SMP server inspired by Hermitcraft. Our goal is to create a welcoming and diverse community for all players. Our Vision At Solarion, we use plugins like Drop Heads, SinglePlayerSleep, and more to enhance gameplay while keeping the Vanilla Minecraft experience. Community We welcome players of all playstyles and host various projects and events to keep everyone engaged. Commitment to The Vanilla Experience While we use quality-of-life plugins, we avoid game-altering features like teleportation or virtual currency systems. Application Process Join our community by following our whitelist process…. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – I’m not a smart man, but math ain’t my game

    Minecraft Memes - I'm not a smart man, but math ain't my gameWell, at least he knows his priorities – getting that high score in memes! Read More

  • Glid DOP Twitch Stream Highlights

    Glid DOP Twitch Stream HighlightsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Подписывайтесь на твич #necoyume #Глид #Glidingtheo #minecraft #twitch #stream #майншилд #mineshield’, was uploaded by Глид DOP on 2024-06-21 19:35:10. It has garnered 413 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. @GlidingtheoW Read More

  • Crafty Ways to Cash in Your Minecraft Gift Card

    Crafty Ways to Cash in Your Minecraft Gift Card In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Redeeming your gift card is how you’ll arrive. To start the process, follow these steps with care, And soon you’ll be building, exploring everywhere. First, scratch off the code, it’s your key to the game, Then head to the website, where you’ll enter your claim. Input the digits, make sure they’re all right, And soon you’ll be playing, day and night. If you encounter issues, don’t fret or despair, There are tips and tricks to help you repair. Check your connection, your account, and more, Soon you’ll be back in the… Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Meme: Creeper Got Me Again 😭😭

    Hot Minecraft Meme: Creeper Got Me Again 😭😭 When you accidentally fall into a pit of lava in Minecraft and all you can do is cry emoji 😭😭 #minecraftstruggles #gamerproblems #memesfordays Read More

  • Back in the Scary German Underground

    Back in the Scary German Underground Exploring the Depths of Minecraft in German Learning German Through Minecraft Adventures Embark on a linguistic journey with Monday Morning as they delve into the world of Minecraft to teach German through comprehensible input. By merging language learning with gaming, Monday Morning creates an engaging and immersive experience for learners. Through observation and interaction, players can absorb new vocabulary and phrases while having fun. Join the Discord Community for Practice For additional practice and support, Monday Morning offers a Discord server where learners can interact with fellow German enthusiasts. Whether you’re a beginner or advanced learner, the community provides… Read More

  • Rat Infestation in Minecraft Bedrock Realm S3

    Rat Infestation in Minecraft Bedrock Realm S3 Welcome to the New Minecraft Bedrock Realm Series! Embark on an exciting journey in the latest 1.21 Minecraft Bedrock Realm series, where players dive into a realm filled with adventures and challenges. Join the fun as friends come together to explore this captivating world, creating unforgettable memories along the way. Introducing “Back to Rats” Realm The realm, intriguingly named “Back to Rats,” offers a unique setting for players to immerse themselves in. While the name may seem random, it adds a touch of mystery and excitement to the gameplay. Get ready to uncover the secrets hidden within this enigmatic… Read More

  • Minecraft Art Revealed! Trending #1k – Watch Now!

    Minecraft Art Revealed! Trending #1k - Watch Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Art #shorts #satisfying #mrbeast #minecraft #art #trending #1k please’, was uploaded by White Gamerz_7 on 2024-03-07 15:30:05. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Credit:Pete Shorts #shorthair, #shorthairdontcare, #pixiecut, #shorthairstyle, #shorthairideas, #shorthaircut, #pixiehaircut, … Read More

  • Mind Control Golem Strikes Mikey

    Mind Control Golem Strikes MikeyVideo Information This video, titled ‘JJ Control Golem MIND to KIDNAP Mikey in Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by Boopee on 2024-03-14 16:30:09. It has garnered 2519 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:36:21 or 2181 seconds. JJ Control Golem MIND to KIDNAP Mikey in Minecraft – Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his characters. We hope you enjoy our videos…. Read More

  • Join Now: Mr Gamerz Lytt’s Insane Discord Server2024! 🚀

    Join Now: Mr Gamerz Lytt's Insane Discord Server2024! 🚀Video Information This video, titled ‘best discord server2024 in Minecraft mcpe’, was uploaded by Mr Gamerz Lytt on 2024-06-15 18:13:36. It has garnered 14 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:26 or 146 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftserver #dicord #feathersmp #mrgamerzLytt #minecraftsmpserverstojoinbedrock #lapata SMP #lawless MP #ujala SMP Read More

  • INSANE MCPE Elevator Cheat! 😱 #MinecraftViral

    INSANE MCPE Elevator Cheat! 😱 #MinecraftViralVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft knockback elevator 🤣 #minecraft #gaming #viral #shorts’, was uploaded by Mysterious MCPE on 2024-01-30 03:35:01. It has garnered 2624 views and 71 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. **Description:** Join the fun in this video! My friend and I activated the slow-falling command (255) and equipped knockback 2 swords. In a 2×2 hole, we playfully spammed hits on each other, using the knockback to launch ourselves out of the hole. The excitement builds as, finally, we ignite a TNT cube, bringing a spectacular end to our playful antics. 🚀… Read More

  • Unbelievable Montage of China’s Top CPVP Player

    Unbelievable Montage of China's Top CPVP PlayerVideo Information This video, titled ‘China’s Best Restricted | Minecraft CPVP Montage’, was uploaded by ItzLuxifer on 2024-06-22 01:58:59. It has garnered 218 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:45 or 105 seconds. Best restricted #cpvp #minecraft #crystalpvp #pvpmontage #minecraftpvp #minecraftshorts ==================================== Like ParrotX2 and his School’s Minecraft Server / School SMP Series where he Started a War or Ended a War. Not Leowook, RoshamboGames, ClownPierce and his LifeSteal SMP Season 2 / his School’s Minecraft Server / School SMP / Brothers SMP/ LifeSteal SMP series/ Minecraft LifeSteal SMP season 2. Not Technoblade / TommyInnit /… Read More


    INSANE FACECAM REACTIONS IN ICYCRAFTVideo Information This video, titled ‘HIVE LIVE BUT FACECAM (CS AND 1v1s)’, was uploaded by IcyCraft on 2024-04-15 01:52:09. It has garnered 491 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 01:13:18 or 4398 seconds. hello guys this is my eleventh EVER LIVE STREAM so thats pretty cool but im gonna play minecraft on hive and zeqa AND u can play with meee ZEQA And HIVE With YOU (Hive Live) JOIN UPP MY FIRST EVER LIVE STREAM!!! (Hive Live) JOIN UPP Tags for algorithm (Credits to Squad of bozos) #hivelive #live #minecraftlive #hivelive #hivebedrock #mcpe #minecraftpe #minecraftbedrock… Read More

  • “Minecraft Fans Shocked: Create Giant Pixel Art on Car Moon! 🌙🚗💥” #games

    "Minecraft Fans Shocked: Create Giant Pixel Art on Car Moon! 🌙🚗💥" #gamesVideo Information This video, titled ‘Make Giant Pixel Art in Minecraft Fans 🤯💥 #games’, was uploaded by Car Moon on 2024-01-06 03:15:26. It has garnered 338 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Adventure with PixelNinja! #POTATOWAR

    EPIC Minecraft Adventure with PixelNinja! #POTATOWARVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT EPISODE 1 (LIVE SERIES) | NEW WORLD NEW JOURNEY | POTATOWAR | #MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by PixelNinja on 2024-04-14 17:52:39. It has garnered 5 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:59:46 or 3586 seconds. SUBSCRIBE AND LEAVE A LIKE.. . . . 🎮 Welcome to the ultimate gaming destination! 🎮 Dive into a world where pixels come to life and every quest is an adventure waiting to unfold! 🌟 🔥 Join me on heart-pounding journeys through virtual realms, where we conquer bosses, unlock secrets, and level up our skills! 💪… Read More


    INSANE MINECRAFT SUMMONING: 5 STAR TITAN VS SKIBIDI TOILETVideo Information This video, titled ‘JAYGRAY TRIỆU HỒI THÀNH CÔNG NHỮNG LOẠI TITAN SIÊU CẤP TRONG MINECRAFT*SKIBIDI TOILET VS TITAN 5 SAO’, was uploaded by JayGrayTV on 2024-04-15 12:46:17. It has garnered 124930 views and 2672 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:51 or 951 seconds. JAYGRAY SUCCESSFULLY SUMMONED SUPER TITAN IN MINECRAFT*SKIBIDI TOILET VS 5 STAR TITAN ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 🎁 If you find this video interesting, please do to Please give me 1 LIKE and 1 SUBCRIBE (1 like and 1 subscription) to the channel ¯_(ツ)_/¯ 😄 SUBSCRIBE TO JAYGRAY CHANNEL ➡️​ 🔥 “GOAL” TO REACH 1 MILLION… Read More


    POLLANDQue tal camarada! Te presento POLLAND Un server donde puedes crear, destruir y transformar tu experiencia a tu gusto nwn, un survival-custom con factions listo para ser jugado! Contamos con: Jobs Misiones (Mas de 1220) Historia/lore Factions Custom Weapons-Enchants-Armors Koths/Zona pvp Razas Y muchas muchas cosas mas!!! es un server raro pero unico, a que esperas para unirte a nuestra comunidad!!! Read More

  • Veiled Haven SMP Whitelisted Java 1.20.6 Squaremap Semi-Vanilla

    Hello Everyone! Welcome to Veiled Haven SMP – A vanilla+ Minecraft experience (Java 1.20.6). Join our community for a balanced and consistent gameplay. We maintain a mature and respectful atmosphere with an age restriction of 16+ and whitelist. Connect with us on Discord for seamless communication and coordination. Apply on our website for quick approval and access to our whitelist. Let’s build, explore, create, and connect together! We can’t wait to see you in-game! 👋🌠 Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Memes Fixed

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft Memes FixedLooks like this meme only scored a 3 out of 10 in the Minecraft meme world, maybe it needs a redstone upgrade! Read More

  • Aqua Adventures: Efe, Ali, and Kamil Make a Splash!

    Aqua Adventures: Efe, Ali, and Kamil Make a Splash! In the world of Minecraft, Ali, Efekan, and Kamil, Decided to hit the aquapark, for a thrill. Sliding down waterslides, with laughter and glee, Their adventures in Minecraft, for all to see. With Kare Kafa as their guide, in Turkish delight, Their videos bring joy, day and night. Subscribe for more fun, and turn on notifications, For Minecraft adventures, and rich-poor relations. So join in the fun, let the game begin, With Minecraft news, in rhymes that win. Ali, Efekan, and Kamil, in the aquapark’s glow, Their laughter and joy, for all to know. Read More

  • Minecraft Erika meme #hotterthanhell

    Minecraft Erika meme #hotterthanhell When you accidentally build a swastika in Minecraft and Erika starts playing in the background #oops #bannedfromserver Read More

  • Real Life Minecraft Pranks

    Real Life Minecraft Pranks Minecraft in Real Life: Exploring the Trend Many content creators have been exploring the concept of bringing Minecraft into the real world, blurring the lines between the virtual and physical realms. Let’s delve into some of the most popular videos and trends that have emerged from this unique fusion. Real-Life Minecraft Adventures Creators like Musa Belir, Enes Batur, Burak Kuloğlu, and Oğuz Aslan have been at the forefront of this trend, showcasing their adventures in real-life Minecraft scenarios. From crafting tools to building structures, these videos offer a fresh perspective on the beloved game. Testing Minecraft Legends in Real… Read More