HermitCraft 5 | ORCS HELLFORGE! | #58 [Minecraft 1.12]

Video Information

Alright ladies and gentlemen welcome back to another episode of hermitcraft I hope everybody are doing family freaking tastic today dudes last time we did that if we did they build up with my boy holy crap he built so much better than me it felt like I loved thee I loved the birth

Of mumble but babe wait don’t I though and on a stream afterwards a lot of you guys said that you liked it as well so I’m happy about that what am I doing here I need a lot more doors than that for what I want to do

Today though dudes in the comments of the last video holy crap it’s like you guys got together and you had one mission and that was to tell me that we got to do mobile ISA today and you were right I’m missing the place we’re gonna head over there that’s the

Main main kind of idea today and then later I’m hoping to get together with mumbo and revealing and the results from the poll from the last episode but first of all what I want to do and this is something that I put off for so long and

I just felt this morning I woke up was like that’s what I want to do we have if you guys remember we’re not going to do this today though but we have a an Inc form here we caught like ten of these freaking Guardian fishes and they’ve

Jumped out so right now is there only one left there’s only one zapper left anyway we got them from over here I believe it’s right over this hill oh yeah over here there is a guardian temple here and I’ve been wanting to catch more and it’s something I want to

Do on stream with you guys because it takes some time it would be nice to just chill out that hang out on a stream and do it but the elder Guardians there are alive and I want to kill them and also what I want to do is get the are there

So many Guardians already bolts here I’ll remember this I also want to get the sponge because if you guys remember we have already killed one of these fortresses this season Papa didn’t get any sponges and I need some sponges so real quick to begin this episode what I

Want to do is try and clear this out and then get get some punches going so I got some potions I got some scallion blocks prepared I got some doors I should be good I didn’t bring a chest plate though okay trap I’m gonna go bring a chef’s chest

Plate victory plate very fine section for I’m breaking three that’s all we need and yeah let’s go first hoping to break this before ah nice I still had my haste oh oh you didn’t expect this you stupid idiot so here’s the first guy and I don’t know if

There’s always three maybe you dudes can let me know I don’t know if there’s always three of these I’ve kind of got the understanding that there’s to 2 or 1 to 2 now 1 to 3 or 2 to 3 I don’t freak you know but there we go we’re doing

This we do this that’s the important thing when you break that open before you get the mining fatigue can we get out of here though or it’s or are we stuck here now oh no we can get around here oh there is a sponge room here

Yes but freaky tastic okay so there is a sponge room oh I’m happy now by the way if you didn’t know this the reason I bring slime blocks with me when I clear these things is because they you can instil break them even with the with the

Mining fatigue thing which is very nice and very nice so we can clear this room over of water I still want to kill the other Guardians though the elder Guardians I’m just happy that I found this though and we captain’s lucky and it’s all cleared there’s something

Special about this game when you break blocks it feels so nice it’s so very nice all right let me take a screenshot here ah there we go so that I can find my way back here on the on the courts did I did I do have

Three when I did that I’m pretty sure I did that would be something if I did it oh it’s the second one I’m in trouble oh I’m in trouble nothing to hide behind dude did the thorns of these guys oh I might die don’t die a scowl don’t be ran

Don’t be ran dawg don’t be rendered okay trick is to circle right circular all these stupid idiots okay two down two down and I just got another mining fatigue so there is definitely three maybe there are always three ah guardians in these temples I don’t freaking know dudes like I said you

Gotta let me know all there is wow dude I I think I’ve cleared this this whole temple before my first posters ran out even though I went back and got the chest plate that that must be some new record how can I see that if I disabled

The book thing oh yeah look at that so I cleared it in like frickin five minutes that’s insanity guys remember to like this video because I didn’t do a like paid dudes III quick sellout moment of doom I’m doing quite a bit of streaming lately both Minecraft and pop G remember to

Follow my twitch channel twitch.tv star siskel 85 guys look what I found this is a different sponge room I’m pretty sure I found a different sponge of two sponges in this Guardian temple and the first one I’ve even made I’ve even gone two of these and I found nothing

Oh well I’ll take it so I think I think this is one sponsor might think I have my yeah I don’t have haste anymore the other one is here is it yeah look at that look at that if see how many sponsors we get them and last one we got

50 sponges not bad let me just double check there’s nothing in here no no and there would be nothing in here no no okay I’ll take it I’m happy with with freaking 50 of these maybe I dropped no I don’t think so some more some guardians are in here I could just I

Could just take this dude dude I’m gonna take this guy yeah yeah you’re gonna go in my form for now I got a name him though viva la revolucion yep yep yeah I’m trying to destroy any evidence or anything like that if we can do this pick that up yep we’re good

Hey dump him off so what we gotta do here in order for them to not jump out is to raise the bars like raise this and I destroy this bolt oh yeah I did it yeah we’re gonna raise these bars but I don’t want to do that until I’ve caught

Some more but we got one down there and then the guy that we caught good that’s gonna increase the efficiency a little bit but we need yeah we need like ten in there for it to be we’re really efficient anyway I’m very happy with this I’m gonna go and dry these dry

These punches and then I think like I said for today we’re gonna head out to mobile Lisa and I’m very very excited about it oh I miss this place let’s just take a little fly actually this is this is friggin gorge I dude laughs you guys i I’ve almost forgot about this place

Rinse bread’s place is looking freaking fantastic much better than I remember it he must have done more work here since I was here last and look at the tree line the stress has been making this waterfall Wow this is coming together this is coming together we need to up we

Definitely need to need to continue here so what I want to do and this is something that’s super excites me I want to focus my my dog is whining don’t mind her I don’t know what’s with her she’s been talking with me for the past the past like hour just walking around just

Saying random things anyway ah I I would have focus on this area here if you guys remember this mountain I want to make it into like a hell Forge birthplace before that works if that makes sense and I think this is gonna look fan-freakin’-tastic if we can pull it

Together so I’m gonna extend the the roof out there that the idea is like we have the kingdom up here and it will probably go pretty far back like all the way – definitely – that canopy maybe more eventually and I think it with such

A big project it’s like it’s gonna be a asset a season-long project for sure but we got time we got time and inspiration and I think I want to start focusing on this area here so that we kind of can can work slowly towards that area over time

Alright I’ve laid down some foundation and I’m not talking about makeup says I I don’t wear makeup but I’m a guy okay no but I’ve laid down some foundation right here this is not very etho friendly maybe that will trigger him to come back to the server coat go spam it

In his videos though I’m just kidding anyway what I’m planning here there is like a natural little cave here which is great and I’m kind of envisioning and this is gonna be a little bit tough but a kind of ambition thing then we punch a

Hole in here a rather big one but not too big and then I want to make it look like a cave into so I’m gonna mix it up with some cobblestone and and recycle and stuff and make it make it hang down a little bit but yes something like like

That size-wise I think would be good maybe a little bit bigger actually by the way dudes Brando has a great tendency to steal the beacon so I actually have to go and get this iron which is my last supply I put down two beacons here and they’re both gone Ren

Has said that he has bored them for something that was ages ago though can you guys tell him in his stream were in his in his Commons whenever return is cause beacons hashtag return is cause beacons anyway yeah that’s the first time we’re gonna punish it out then I’m

Kind of I want to like do something grant around that cave opening maybe or if we put like a statue of some sort it’s gonna be a little bit tough on the diagonal though but I’m gonna try this cave hold first of all that’s gonna be

Kind of the birth hole for this he’ll forge whatever it is we’re trying to do here yeah I’m kind of starting to like the feeling of this this is good it’s this that looks like an evil hold right of the mountain there okay so I did some

Shaping and stuff this actually the next day hermitcraft started lagging so badly last night that I I was like nope I’m not doing this I’m not doing this but I’m happy with this had to readjust the size of it the first thing that we did together we had like it was caught

Here but I definitely think this is better now the next thing I wanted to do I was thinking would it work if we do like I think this could look cool let’s do something like this here because the Ortz in this kingdom has used acacia to like reinforce things it’s like some some

Kind of weird super-strong wood Californian redwood no I don’t know it’s a so kind of strong wood anyway oh that’s gonna be hmm maybe we put it I’m trying to not be like precise with measurements here because they would have been there in the in the real story either way or

Maybe we put it there and I don’t like I don’t like that very much there anyway let’s have a look does that work as a kind of reinforcement yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah okay then the question is do we want something on top as well let me

Try and put this may this may be bad because it’s on a diagonal it’s like these have their these have their there’s thing there’s thing their orange part and we don’t want that showing here so we’ll have to do something like this and something like that

How did we put them on the right level trappers I want to put it over here then maybe yeah let’s try it over here I don’t think this will look great well who will just have to see here but I’m thinking that this this may look a little bit

Weird specifically if it’s yeah I would like to I would like to have like a little bit of depth there so it looks like it’s actually holding something up you feel ya feel it’s just mixing a little bit of that and let’s take this garbage show down by

The way because I because I couldn’t play more last night because of the lag we mean Mambo pushed out the results until the next video for the vote off yeah that’s kind of looking weird plus it gives it it gives it like a center thing and I don’t like that I like the

Things on the side though I think that looks fantastic specifically if we go and do like do I have yet a slab there maybe just make it look like it’s a little bit falling up anyway so I’ll remove that then what I was thinking on the floor

And this is where it’s gonna be very interesting I think you’re gonna use a lot of gravel and make this floor looks super off I did bring some of this stuff as well I stole some from stress she’s old she’s not working on that on the whole terraforming thing but yeah that

Makes you there together with maybe some cobblestone I’m not a big the biggest fan of having cobblestone with gravel I know a lot of people do that I think it’s a little bit weird if I’m honest but it could work we want to make it

Look very rough anyway in here and I got some plans for the side we’re gonna play with fire ladies and gentlemen one more dilemma that I’m not sure about but I got an idea we talked about a statue or I spoke about a statue earlier I really

Would like to have some kind of helpful statue and what I saw what I was thinking is up here let’s see if we can do this if I remove a little bit of this and flatten a little platform here like a 5×5 maybe that would work

Let me try let’s go down actually the more we go down the more straightness like this we get maybe a 3×3 is all we can afford here honestly now that I think about this but if we would have something like that that would be like

Man built or orc built let’s do a little bit of bricks I guess – to represent that like that and like that and then we place a statue one of those side face sorry diagonal facing statues up here would that work or is it gonna look like unnatural yeah I mean it’s

Pretty that’s pretty cool I don’t think that’s terrible if we if I tear form the rest of that like maybe even but this may be weird with the rest of the mountain and this may be a big job but maybe I’ll take the mountain and I’ll

Kind of shape it upwards so that it looks like they’ve they’ve tried to create a foundation right here so we’ll get rid of all the dirt I really don’t like the dirt here anyway and we’ll do something like that do I have under sight as well no not a

Lot we’ll do something like that there let’s just have a look how this looks this could be so good if it works this is one of those moments where the build will come alive if this works I don’t I really don’t have the blocks with me that I beaded all right it’s fine

We can craft them up here now let’s see how that looks please please don’t look garbage yeah that’s pretty cool so that’s definitely like they’ve carved out a little bit of it and then the rest of it is man-made it’s a little bit weird though a little

Bit weird may have to adjust it a little bit also feels like it should be a 2 by 2 right looking at the entrance but that may be because I’m tricking myself here anyway our gonna work a little bit on this floor to start off with and then I

Want to spend some time today to work on the whole fiery hell Forge thing that’s gonna go inside here oh I’m excited about this build all right so I’ve been chipping away at this for quite some time like it it doesn’t look much but I’ve got all the floor done I messed

That up I I messed up the ceiling a little bit and now I want to play with fire and here’s a very interesting thing so what we could do we could go and put fire down right here like on the sides and stuff and that will light up this

Place let me show you I tried this out just just for for interest but we could go ahead and light light it up on there on the sides and make it look flamey but that doesn’t look very good that doesn’t look very impressive what I think would

Look really good though and it’s gonna be a little bit tricky with mobs walls and stuff but hey I want to do something pretty in Minecraft what I think will look really good is if we instead leave a big dark spot right here right where we’re at and then we have a

Hole behind here which is light and the look that I’m going for here I can’t I try to Google a picture for this but I know I’ve seen in the in the Lord of the Rings movies when I watched it it’s like a place in Lord of the Rings where they

Make that works right if anyone can like reference picture that on Twitter to be that be excellent because I can’t freaking find a picture for it I hope you guys understand what I’m trying to do also what we should do yeah look already like just the cave light in there what we

Should try to do is make sure that we Center it around that statue statue platform that we have up there I’ve worked a little bit more on that by the way as well by a something like that and then just for tests here I think I want to block

Yeah let’s block this this place off turn that’s just out the other side there and this place up here we can remove the torch I oh I’ve been such a good cave liner and now now I now I’m redoing it redoing it from the scratch and nor actually lighting up much oh

Yeah let’s just try that and then this light down here oh yeah yeah yeah you’re gonna have a free reign to spawn up here it’s gonna be a bit scary that line up there let’s let’s move that on to the center and let’s use some flames I don’t

Know if the flames would be very visible that’s kind of what I want to try or test out I’m putting them them on different height levels it’s here on purpose all right let’s have a look at this I play some fires down okay that looks pretty pretty good bacio yeah the

Flames don’t look great do they it’s almost like I want to hide the the lighting entirely like I just wanted to to be lit up let’s try let’s try with just seeing the top of the flames maybe that’s the trick so we’d have learned them in the floor I don’t know

As far as function I’m not actually planning to do anything with this place I just wanted to look super cool and unique and have like its own it’s only look if that makes sense I can’t stop away as well yeah that’s better okay so that’s better I think that’s

What we want to do but just have the top of the flames showing it feels almost too bright though let’s what happens if we just if we would just do one and then we’d block this stupid dirt up because that’s really really annoying in the background there

I guess I don’t have any more smooth stone I’m gonna mix this this is uh this is gonna be a visible place so I think it’s gonna be it’s gonna be clever to mix in some rough blocks there as well like ah so okay so with one flame it’s

Still gonna be too bright in that one spot yeah it oh man I was hoping that we’d get like a faded light but I suppose the only way that’s possible because honestly like it looked at best when we have a torch let me show you

What I mean if I put a torch like down here that gives that nice warm yeah yeah very warm nice feeling right and then maybe one here let’s see if we create two light zones with this and no not really well a little bit I suppose a little bit

We create two light songs I really like playing with light in Minecraft by the way can you tell what if I put another one there did we get a top light zone we do get a top light zone okay so we’re creating interest slowly but surely

Yeah I like that better than the flames honestly I really wanted to have fire in this but I think I like that better you guys will have to let me know it’s kind of centered but not really centered also right now though it kind of just looks like a mysterious mysterious cave I

Think we have what we got to do next it’s like put I know they make charcoal a lot so I kind of want to have some dead logs laying around here but they are that they use for for chopping and I’m gonna think about some other things

That we could put here but I I don’t really know what kind of interior stuff but just to add a little bit of different color and it’s not far from the it’s not very far from the from there from the original one other thing that we could do what did I just say

From the original ah never mind me I’m I’m an idiot let’s throw some garbage away another thing that we can do I’m thinking is add possibly a little bit of their banners yeah I think we can add some banners let me get some stuff ready here and we’ll try out some stuff

Together but that’s looking pretty good it’s a little bit a little bit off-centered with that thing maybe I should just move thing actually over one or do with 4×4 that’s gonna make so much more sense anyway let me get some red stuff here oh and dudes Iren bars we gotta use some

Iron bars maybe we could reinforce this entrance somehow look make it look like it’s like bin oh yes maybe I like that that’s gorge I okay I really really like that so let’s build that up a little bit and possibly also here just make it look like they’ve liked reinforced the would

That make oh yes oh yes already because it gives another color it gives that little like little brightness color I think it really works and it’s kind of like it’s it’s a workshop up here for something they create their own lives which is freaking weird but anyway I’m

Not gonna I ain’t gonna judge the the the orcs okay and then I was thinking it’s it’s not gonna be very visible here because it’s very dark and I’m sure it’s very dark on YouTube but I’m thinkin we add some some bone remains maybe they they’ve harvested bones from like

Dragons or whatever and they’re using them to sturdy up their their their or their works their orcs yeah yeah I don’t know if I’m making any sense like for someone who’s a nerd but I think that that adds another like whiteness collar and it ain’t too far off either which is good

And then some banners do we want to mark do they do they mark that this is their their territory up here I hope they do because it’s gonna add red which is gonna help me out maybe maybe I mean this area here is obviously not done

There may be a building coming up here and abroad my dog was sitting on the sofa singing to the radio what a freakin weirdo she’s like a pig okay anyway back to this I think the banners their work I like that they’re displaced a little bit it

Adds like a cool effect oh wow that creeper spawned virus I’ve walked out get out of here man get out a gig gig gig get please don’t blow up please don’t blow up I’m thinking also let’s just try something if I go down can we add a

Torch here is that a bad thing that’s not necessarily a bad thing is it that’s kind of cool I kind of like that let’s with that and that I kind of like that that gives a little bit of a little bit of light I still have to do the walls up here

Though I also wanted to try okay so here’s the next thing what if we have bloodstains and I’m gonna use wool I think wool red blue laughter they changed the color is the best color for this just a little bit I know that people use redstone and we may mix that

In as well it has the same color that’s the exact same color so it’s an easy mix mixing thing check this out guys this is what we gotta do this is what we gotta do dig down to fire and then a slab right Oh hold this here this adds a

Sound to it you hear that crispy fire sound in add smoke and it gives a little bit of a cool light I’ve done it in some more places here oh that adds so much so much I kind of want to do it everywhere it’s weird I know I know I’m weird I

Like playing with light and fire who doesn’t right I’m just gonna add that a little bit more here I gotta say though I really really like where this red is taking this place like the red wall is so good for like bloodstains and it just like basically it doesn’t even need to

Be bloodstains it just when we look at this what I’m looking at is the base the red first my eyes like drawn they’re you know super super super interesting I think at least I think these things are fun in minecraft let’s do another one here a double one doesn’t really matter

I don’t think if we have to well yeah just look at that add some cool weird glitchy lighting effect very nice very nice I also fixed up this thing here a little bit I still feel like I should bring it out more but what I was think

Dudes is for that statue I would love to see where you guys come up with a corner statue 3×3 or absolutely maximum 4×4 is what we need and I know there are some pretty good people out there creating corner statues if you google corner statue minecraft you see the classic one

Like a knight that holds like an iron bar down or a fence post looks like a sword I want something a little bit more orcish if you guys want to submit that on Twitter please do that at Escalade e5 but dudes this is this is really coming

Together I think what I want to do one last touch with the interior here is add a little bit of like oak and trapdoors maybe just to get just to get some other colors in there as well we’re trying to like get the eye to move into places

Where it doesn’t expect to be moved into if that makes sense and this color is a color that we’ve used here before obviously so we’ll use that do I have I don’t have a lot I don’t know if we need to create like a a structure necessarily of it the

Important thing here is the color do I have oh yeah I do there we go okay so some fence post some trapdoors and some oak planking will work and oh holy crap this is a spawning zone of Doom – Enderman Wow I can attack them okay so we’ll do like

Maybe we’ll do these wrong types of things hanging down that I always like to do just to add they may be structural as well that actually looks like a structural thing that that works have been I added some more acacia Loucks as well by the way in case you

Didn’t see that over there I need some more of that those fences Wren has taken all the iron out of this place I don’t have enough to make advils but I got another idea that I want to try out here all the ideas are flowing is there any iron in here

No that’s the last chest yeah I brought iron over here who has all of it for something like I said earlier I think I said earlier in this video go spam in his channel or in his comments field or whatever he needs to give the arm back what about adding some displaced

Minecarts and this is a thing that I never use but you can like give rid of the blocked block grid oh yes baby they don’t have to be mine cars they could be barrels possibly can I put that over there yeah yeah cover that hole and maybe will do I have one of

These things hanging as well I really fancy that or I like the look of it it’s what I’m trying to say Oh baby now we’re talking how can I forget about that and why didn’t you guys tell maybe that was what you did you tell Pat that

Telekinesis is it into my head oh I don’t like that I don’t like that can we uh oh I did turn in class second yeah want these to be a little bit like this this this grid place like that yeah that’s very nice very nice there could

Be what they transfer the stuff in maybe and we could even use rails here but I think I think we don’t need to actually let me try something if I put a rail on there that may be a little bit of a workbench I like it I like that I may

Want one more cauldron up here do I have a mob so short on iron let me borrow some of this garbage right here yeah I may want another one right up here and boom and maybe I don’t know how visible this would be but let’s try

And fit a a red banner right up there just again give the I yeah give you a little bit of focus there look at that now I’m almost feeling like I don’t need the the oak anymore oh that’s good it definitely looks like something is being

Created in there and it is it’s the works of the mobile ISA or kingdoms or whatever we call this thing anyway dudes that’s gonna do it hope you guys have enjoyed this video hit the like button if you did subscribe if you knew thank you so much for the love and support for

Hermitcraft and yeah I hope that you I hope that you come back next time write something down below in the comments have a found freaking tastic time zone and I’ll see you in the next episode

This video, titled ‘HermitCraft 5 | ORCS HELLFORGE! | #58 [Minecraft 1.12]’, was uploaded by iskall85 on 2017-09-13 14:00:04. It has garnered 59810 views and 3272 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:15 or 1875 seconds.

HermitCraft Season 5 HermitCraft is a whitelisted vanilla Minecraft SMP server, season 5 is running Minecraft 1.12.1

● Previous Episode: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MK_GQzsN3Qs

● Hermitcraft Website http://www.hermitcraft.com ● Season 4 World Download: http://hermitcraft.com/ ● Season 5 Seed: https://www.reddit.com/r/HermitCraft/


● Twitter: www.twitter.com/iskall85 ● Website: www.iskall85.com ● Patreon: www.patreon.com/iskall85


● Hermitcraft is hosted by CubedHost, a reliable Minecraft server provider with great customer support. You can get 25% of your first using this url http://cubedhost.com/hermitcraft


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    Zombie Attack in Minecraft Land! Minecraft Adventures: Episode 588 – Zombie Attack Minecraft Adventures: Episode 588 – Zombie Attack Xin chào mình là chủ kênh Lờ Đờ Vờ, xin chân thành cảm ơn bạn đã xem video của mình, mình sẽ cố gắng làm chủ đề Minecraft trên kênh game của mình nhanh chóng phát triển. Mặc dù có những lần nhận được nhiều lời bình luận không hay nhưng mình vẫn sẽ cố gắng làm video và sẽ bỏ ngoài tai những lời không tốt từ phía người xem có ý nghĩ tiêu cực. Chân thành cảm ơn các bạn. Building a Chicken… Read More

  • 100 Days of Chaos: Minecraft Modded Hardcore Fail

    100 Days of Chaos: Minecraft Modded Hardcore Fail Minecraft Adventures: A Journey Through Modded Hardcore Gameplay Embark on an epic Minecraft adventure with PlayFusion145 as they dive into the world of modded hardcore gameplay. Join the excitement on Twitch, stay connected on Discord, and catch glimpses of the action on Instagram. For more thrilling content, check out Mini Draco 2’s YouTube channel and explore unique creations on planetminecraft. Exploring New Horizons With a dedicated community following, PlayFusion145 immerses viewers in a world of challenges and triumphs. Witness the highs and lows of surviving 100 days in a modded Minecraft universe. From resource gathering to facing formidable foes,… Read More

  • 2000+ FPS in Minecraft: Big Mistakes!

    2000+ FPS in Minecraft: Big Mistakes! Boost Your Minecraft FPS: Common Mistakes and Solutions BharatMC Network: Explore Exciting Game Modes Join the BharatMC Minecraft server to enjoy a variety of game modes like LIFESTEAL, SURVIVAL, PARKOUR, and BATTLE ROYALE. Connect with friends and dive into the ultimate gaming experience! Server IP: PLAY.BHARATMC.FUN Discord: [Insert Discord Link] Optimizing Minecraft for Maximum FPS Are you struggling with low FPS in Minecraft? Follow these tips to boost your performance: Graphics Settings: Adjust settings like Chunk Render Distance and Smooth Lighting for optimal performance. Mod Installation: Explore mods like Fabric 1.20.1 for enhanced gameplay. Gameplay Optimization: Fine-tune settings like… Read More

  • Ultimate Fully Automated Tree Farm in Minecraft!

    Ultimate Fully Automated Tree Farm in Minecraft! Komplett OP Baumfarm voll automatisch! Welcome back to another exciting episode of Minecraft! Today, we delve into the world of Simple Tree Farms using the Create mod. These tree farms are not only easy to set up but also incredibly efficient. With minimal items required, you can have your tree farm up and running in no time! Setting Up a Simple Tree Farm Creating a basic tree farm in the Create mod is a breeze. In this episode, you’ll learn how to set up a straightforward tree farm that will meet your wood production needs. Stay tuned as we… Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Ultimate Minecraft Survival!

    Join Minewind Server for Ultimate Minecraft Survival! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a fan of Minecraft house tutorials like the one you just watched? If so, you’ll love the Minewind Minecraft Server. Join a vibrant community of players who share your passion for building, survival, and creativity. Experience the thrill of crafting your own unique structures, exploring new worlds, and collaborating with fellow gamers. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, Minewind offers something for everyone. Ready to dive in? Simply enter the server IP: YT.MINEWIND.NET in your Minecraft client and start your adventure today. Don’t miss out on the fun – join Minewind… Read More

  • BareBonesMC (Hermitcraft like server)

    BareBonesMC (Hermitcraft like server)A non p2w survival server that is nearly 100 percent vanilla. Here at barebonesmc we feature a diamond based economy with player trading shops and land claiming. No gimmicks, just fun! play.barebonesmc.net Read More

  • MODMIX Network – Survival Towny Lifesteal Cobblemon 1.20.X

    Modmix Network IP: play.modmix.studio Discord: https://discord.gg/6BMT3mfnfs A World of Infinite Possibilities Dive into the Modmix network of servers, where each realm offers its own unique blend of adventure, creativity, and excitement. From the Survival instincts to the strategic depths of Towny, the relentless thrill of Lifesteal, to the innovative fusion of Cobblemon, there’s an experience for every type of player. Survival Server 🌳 Classic Minecraft gameplay Endless exploration Build, survive, thrive Lifesteal Server ❤️ PvP with a twist Steal hearts to survive High-stakes gameplay Towny Server 🏰 Create or join a town Build your economy Engage in politics and warfare… Read More

  • CreeperCraft SMP

    CreeperCraft SMPCreeperCraft Is one of the MOST Friendliest servers on PlanetMinecraft!We have custom plugins like:/shop /warp /claim /home /fly /sellSo don’t feel afraid to join!For every person that joins in the First WEEK of this being posted will get $5,000 in-game!CreeperCraft – Offical Trailer! (Click Here) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Pixelated masterpieces in MCJ”

    Minecraft Memes - "Pixelated masterpieces in MCJ"“Painting for mcj? More like painting for ’em’j’ because all I see is a masterpiece!” Read More

  • Steve’s Hot Mess Adventures

    Steve's Hot Mess Adventures When you accidentally dig straight down in Minecraft and end up in the middle of a lava pit, but you gotta act cool like you totally meant to do that. #minecraftpro #oops #hotstuff Read More

  • Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft Survival Experience

    Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft Survival Experience Are you a fan of Minecraft survival series videos like the one you just watched? Do you enjoy building your own starter house and exploring new worlds? If so, then you need to join the Minewind Minecraft Server today! At Minewind, you can take your Minecraft experience to the next level. With a dedicated community of players from around the world, you’ll never run out of new friends to meet and adventures to embark on. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out, there’s something for everyone at Minewind. Join us at YT.MINEWIND.NET and start your own survival… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Clutch 😱 Watch Now! #pvp #shorts

    Insane Minecraft Clutch 😱 Watch Now! #pvp #shortsVideo Information ओ या मैं ब्रिज अप कर रहा हूं गाइस अरे यार ये तो ऊपर ही है फटाफट से आगे ब्रिज अप करके टी एनटी लगाते हैं एंड लीवर से इसको एक्टिवेट करके फिशिंग रोड से अरे भाई खींच लिया इसने तो अरे यार वाटर बकेट यस मैंने कर दिया ये फटाफट से टीएन लगाते और फोड़ देते ओ ओके जल्दी ू य नहीं फटाफट से वाटर से बच जाते ओ यस गाइस मैंने उसको मार दिया ओके गा This video, titled ‘Minecraft Clutch☠️|| Don’t Forget To Watch 😳 #minecraft #pvp #clutch #shorts’, was uploaded by UI HEROMC on… Read More

  • Ultimate Lucky Block Staircase Race

    Ultimate Lucky Block Staircase RaceVideo Information today we’re having a Lucky Block race with Mikey and JJ to see who’s the luckiest in Minecraft I’ll take you up on that challenge woodo and at the end we can even have a battle to see who got luck let’s say that the winner of that lucky block battle at the very top will also get a special surprise from Mikey and JJ wao really that must mean we need to get started right right now voodo I want that special surprise not without me guys hello I bet you thought I wasn’t here wait a… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Hardcore: Draining Monument Challenge!

    EPIC Minecraft Hardcore: Draining Monument Challenge!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Hardcore – Draining Monument’, was uploaded by hlpog on 2024-02-20 22:38:24. It has garnered 10 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 01:05:04 or 3904 seconds. I like blocks Ignore Tags- Like ParrotX2 videos and the LifeSteal SMP, a Minecraft Server Not like Dream SMP or Tommyinnit or Technoblade or any other Dream SMP members. This SMP is like LifeStealSMP and OneTrySMP, this is the hardest Minecraft Sever ever! and it is also a lore-based server in the MCYT community. I hope you enjoy this video. Not only that, this server… Read More

  • 🔥EPIC Minecraft House Build: INSANE Hanging House Tutorial!!🏠

    🔥EPIC Minecraft House Build: INSANE Hanging House Tutorial!!🏠Video Information [موسيقى] ا [موسيقى] ا [موسيقى] ا [موسيقى] ‏h [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ا [موسيقى] ا [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏br [موسيقى] ا [موسيقى] ا This video, titled ‘Step-by-Step Guide: Building Your Own Hanging House in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by LEGEND 69 on 2024-02-26 06:00:26. It has garnered 1344 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:17 or 257 seconds. In this comprehensive Minecraft tutorial, learn the intricate steps to construct your very own hanging house! Follow along as we detail each stage of the build, from selecting the perfect location to crafting the intricate design elements that make your… Read More

  • Insane PVP Server in Minecraft 1.20 😱 | Ultimate Java Edition Server

    Insane PVP Server in Minecraft 1.20 😱 | Ultimate Java Edition ServerVideo Information This video, titled ‘Top 3 Best PVP Server for minecraft java edition 1.20 😱| Best pvp server for java #minecraft’, was uploaded by Unplayz Ankit on 2024-03-18 11:16:48. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Top 3 Best PVP Server for minecraft java edition 1.20 | Minecraft pvp server for java join our discord- … Read More

  • Unbelievable Witch Farm & Collection in Minecraft Forge 1.19.2

    Unbelievable Witch Farm & Collection in Minecraft Forge 1.19.2Video Information This video, titled ‘Witch Farm and Collection System | Minecraft Forge 1.19.2’, was uploaded by Derek Tech Archives on 2024-02-03 08:00:55. It has garnered 12 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. My Witch Farm on the Valhelsia 5 modpack but otherwise using vanilla methods witch farm,minecraft witch farm,simple witch farm,witch farm tutorial,minecraft witch farm tutorial,how to build a witch farm,witch farm 1.20,easy witch farm,minecraft bedrock witch farm,witch hut farm,witch farm minecraft,minecraft witch farm 1.20,easy witch farm minecraft,mcpe witch farm,automatic witch farm,minecraft witch farm 1.16,1.16 witch farm,witch farm minecraft bedrock,witch,minecraft witch… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Space Race with SenkoVR – Week 8!

    Insane Minecraft Space Race with SenkoVR - Week 8!Video Information oh wait a minute might not even do anything oh yeah it is it live [Music] Caster where’s my [Music] microphone apparently it’s connected this looks like I’m Live on YouTube today [Music] y the more than likely glitched we’re only going to go two hours today yeah um just I have all this job material I really need to study [Music] so loud I was turning a stream volume music was like yeah it might be well I recorded uh a video that I won’t talk about in VR chat before this so hey I’m just that… Read More


    Defectt DOMINATES Hive SG MAXEDVideo Information I want to Max every PVP game on the hive and the only one I have left is SG I mean I also haven’t maxed Capture the Flag but luckily for me capture the flag is not real okay got some decent loot off mid as you can see I’m actually only like 2 and 1 12 XP bars away and there’s a cow let’s go okay I thought I had decent gear but I actually don’t have a shirt so that’s a bit inconvenient now the thing with getting XP in survival games is that like 90%… Read More

  • SHOCKING NSASS Failsafe Griefing – Minecraft Parody

    SHOCKING NSASS Failsafe Griefing - Minecraft ParodyVideo Information [Music] [Music] right [Music] you never dig down you never go craft you never just TT your packs you got Griefers going way back you never press you never play much you never make an effort to stay in touch I’ve got this feeling something happened [Music] [Applause] [Applause] here [Music] [Applause] [Music] today my feel you did anybody kill you today my W on you now T my great you did I I kill you did i i k you but to say now [Applause] my it’s not [Music] Hess dou but not hope [Music] [Applause] [Music]… Read More

  • When Earth Was Flat

    When Earth Was FlatWEWF is an Earth server running Towny with a custom war system and a massive farming/food expansion to give trade/travel greater value in the world!. WEWF has over 50 custom crops limited to regions all over the world, from molasses in Canada to black pepper in India. These crops are implemented in expanded foods and are also used in recipes for the popular Brewery plugin which allows you to ferment, distill and age alcoholic drink. Get true Tequila from the heart of Mexico, or the finest Champagne from France – or just sit down with a hot bowl of Pho…. Read More

  • TheCrib SMP Java + Bedrock 1.20 – Supports all versions – Survival – Community Events

    TheCrib Minecraft Server TheCrib is a Minecraft server that offers Survival, SMP, Factions, and Anarchy game modes with quality of life features to enhance player experience. The server is accessible on both Java and Bedrock editions, supporting versions 1.7 and newer. Server Information: Server IP: thecribmc.us.to Bedrock Port: 19132 Discord Server: discord.gg/thecribmc Wiki: wiki.thecrib.live Read More

  • Simply A Server

    Simply A ServerA Simple Server updated every day, not much to do but im always adding more, and please support and help me in the long run. Supports bedrock and java! In this server you can play survival and creative like any other server but ill make sure to add more than like bedwars and pvp. If you want to keep up on updates or want to know the status of the sever like if it is online or not, then join the discord.Discord: discord.gg/eT7Ck6UF Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Beef: Real Spicy Beef!

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft Beef: Real Spicy Beef!Looks like this meme just leveled up to epic status! Read More

  • Drop it Like it’s Hot: Mobs in Minecraft Shower Op Loot!

    Drop it Like it's Hot: Mobs in Minecraft Shower Op Loot! In the world of Minecraft, where mobs roam free, We trade in OP items, just you and me. From pigs to chickens, we slay them all, To gather the items, big and small. With each kill, a new op item we find, To defeat the Ender Dragon, one of a kind. But beware of the mobs, they can be tough, With each challenge, we have enough. So let’s keep playing, with rhymes so neat, Crafting our way to victory, in every feat. Minecraft, a world of endless fun, With OP items, we’ve only just begun. Read More

  • 999 IQ Minecraft Mastermind Destroys -356 IQ Noob

    999 IQ Minecraft Mastermind Destroys -356 IQ Noob -356 IQ: Tries to swim in lava in Minecraft 999 IQ: Builds a working computer in Minecraft using redstone circuits Who knew Minecraft could be the ultimate IQ test? Read More

  • OwenP’s Minecraft Mayhem

    OwenP's Minecraft Mayhem Chaos Unleashed in Minecraft SMP Suit Join OwenP on a wild adventure in the world of Minecraft SMP Suit where chaos reigns supreme. From accidental mishaps to hilarious misunderstandings, this stream is a rollercoaster of laughter and fun. Unexpected Encounters As OwenP navigates the server, he encounters a friendly creeper, a landlord dispute, and even tries his hand at starting a bread-selling business. The interactions with other players lead to comedic moments that keep viewers entertained throughout the stream. Landlord Troubles One of the standout moments involves OwenP declaring himself the landlord of a fellow player’s house, leading to… Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Epic One-Shot Moments!

    Join Minewind Server for Epic One-Shot Moments! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com! Are you a fan of Minecraft and looking for a new server to join? Look no further than Minewind Minecraft Server. With an exciting and vibrant community, Minewind offers a unique gaming experience that you won’t find anywhere else. Imagine facing off against mutant mobs in Minecraft with powerful weapons that can one-shot them. The thrill of the challenge, the excitement of the battle – all of this and more awaits you on Minewind. Join us today and embark on an epic adventure like no other. Don’t miss out on the fun – connect to Minewind… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Build Hacks

    Ultimate Minecraft Build Hacks Minecraft: Unleashing Creativity with Awesome Build Hacks 🔥🤯 Embark on a journey through the pixelated world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and players can unleash their imagination with awesome build hacks. From stunning structures to intricate designs, Minecraft offers a playground for builders of all skill levels to showcase their talents. Exploring Minecraft Build Hacks Delve into the world of Minecraft build hacks, where players can discover a plethora of tips and tricks to elevate their creations. Whether you’re looking to construct a majestic castle, a bustling city, or a cozy cottage, Minecraft offers endless possibilities for… Read More

  • “🔧 The Ultimate Minecraft Mechanics Guide!” #shorts #shortsfeed

    "🔧 The Ultimate Minecraft Mechanics Guide!" #shorts #shortsfeedVideo Information This video, titled ‘🔧 Minecraft 101 – Mastering Minecraft Mechanics! #shorts #shortsfeed (101)’, was uploaded by Pixel Builders Guild on 2024-04-09 10:32:27. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. 🎮🛠️Welcome to today’s episode on “Pixel Builders Guild”! 👇 Today, we’re diving headfirst into the blocky depths of Minecraft, where imagination rules and creativity knows no bounds. Whether we’re facing the fiery Nether, crafting intricate redstone contraptions, or embarking on epic build challenges, there’s always something new to discover and create. 🏰🔧 In this video, we’ll guide you… Read More

  • Redstone Mastery: Double Block Swapper Tutorial

    Redstone Mastery: Double Block Swapper TutorialVideo Information [Music] [Music] by [Music] oh [Music] [Music] a oh This video, titled ‘Mastering the Art of Redstone: Double Block Swapper Tutorial’, was uploaded by Ninja Nexus on 2024-04-07 04:30:14. It has garnered 22 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:33 or 93 seconds. Join me in this step-by-step tutorial where I dive into the mechanics of Minecraft to build an efficient and sleek double block swapper. Whether you’re looking to add some flair to your base or just love tinkering with Redstone, this video is for you! Don’t forget to hit that like button,… Read More

  • “Bunny Craft: INSANE half Nether portal tutorial!” #Minecraft

    "Bunny Craft: INSANE half Nether portal tutorial!" #MinecraftVideo Information द जाइन जॉम्बी तो आप में से बहुत सारे लोगों ने आई फील टावर स्टू च ऑफ लेटी और बहुत सारी ऐसी बड़ी-बड़ी चीज देखी होंगी लेन आज मैं आपको दिखा रहा हूं [संगीत] mc5 डेज सब्सक्राइबर चैनल जी0 टू 100 के सब्सक्राइबर आपको बस इतना करना है कि मेरे चैनल को सब्सक्राइब करना है और मैं डेली डेली कंटेंट पोस्ट करता रहूंगा से रिलेटेड फैक्ट से रिलेटेड और बहुत सब कुछ तो सब्सक्राइब के लिए थैंक यू तो इसको समन करने के लिए सबसे पहले आपको लिखना है स्लश शमन और उसके बाद स्पेस दे के लिखना… Read More

  • Kashan Mc: INSANE Near Miss in Minecraft! 🎻🔥 #shorts

    Kashan Mc: INSANE Near Miss in Minecraft! 🎻🔥 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft:That was so close …🤯(World’s Smallest violin)#minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Kashan Mc on 2024-02-01 13:50:18. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Title: “Minecraft Showdown: Who Nailed It Best? | Epic Build Competition Unveiled!” Description: Get ready for the ultimate … Read More

  • Insane Survival Mods in Minecraft – MakiTuna’s 600 Subscribers Celebration!

    Insane Survival Mods in Minecraft - MakiTuna's 600 Subscribers Celebration!Video Information hello humans nonhumans and the undead my name is makuna and welcome to the 600 subscriber special now if you’ve seen my community post and asking you what I should do for 600 subscribers you might be confused why I’m in the mods and buildings world I just wanted to do the intro here so I can create the world with you guys and we can start the survival world together and like from the start so I also be surprised if I create the world and I see it a bit then I’m not as surprised now… Read More

HermitCraft 5 | ORCS HELLFORGE! | #58 [Minecraft 1.12]