Hermitcraft Season 9: Mumbo’s BEST friend!- #52

Video Information

Foreign From the hermitcraft server with your goat it’s me the doctor hello guys how’s it going it’s 120 times upon the server but we are looking at different things well we look into 120 things as well there’s so much happened within one week I don’t even know last week I said ah the

Distractions we took care of the crown situation now you know got rid of distractions oh no there was another incident and I can’t believe it we’ll talk about it in a second before though we I I did some testing here I wanted to see if you can actually put

The crown on a zombird and it turns out you can’t so introducing King zombert mumbo’s best friend ouch I also realized I never put on the ground Crown in the last episode to actually try it out but yeah it looks quite quite fantastic a beautiful crown beautiful crown so those

Guys are a bit paranoid they don’t like rail tracks that much will no this guy will never burn the pumpkin will never take Brown Damage probably we gotta we gotta kill this guy to take the crown off of him and we can so now let’s put it on put it on

Ourselves for now oh wow man would be a shame if we’d be strutting around Green’s base Stuntin a bit with that bad boy wouldn’t it wait what is that what does dog def on have on his back oh baby yes indeed butterfly wings what ah yeah I’m telling you man the

Lord keeps expanding wait check it out oh baby look at how Majestic that looks man it’s cyber yeah butterfly is you know implant butterfly wings with you know Redstone components and mechanical components I’m a cyborg officially I mean I’ve been one for a long time now I actually got butterfly wings all

My electrons will look like that now and I love it I love it so much belmarzi the legend uh check out the link in the video description to belmarzi help me out with that but there’s a bit of a story to that and yeah let’s quickly look on the Twitter

Feed uh that’s actually absolutely insane all right so here we are you know at my Twitter feed and vacancy you know I retweet a lot of fan art here you can see the thumbnail from last episode for for example over here this you know there’s so many amazing pieces it’s not

Even funny it’s amazing how incredibly talented our fan artist Community is you know and um yeah recently I was telling some stories about Doki you know and um yeah that they like to role play recently you know either we play cat and then and then we are two bears and a

Below pillow cave and then snakes and we need to crawl on our bellies and then butterflies all of a sudden all of a sudden butterflies became the super big thing so we had to pretend to fly around right then you know God forbid I stopped flapping for five seconds

Documented the girls like hey Teddy keep on flapping man you know we’re butterflies and I was like ah come on can I at least be an eagle and uh you know doc would be like no you’re the butterfly I’m the eagle so I was joking about it butterfly for life you know six

Foot four adult butterfly sigh and then I realized oh crap the fan art community will go crazy with this they love making fun of me and then I realized like don’t you dare I will disown you all oh too late yeah I was embracing it so belmarsi here with

The first uh you know design you know having the butterfly wings on and it keeps on going these are so cute look at these amazing pieces make sure to check out all our fan artists here right there are so amazing I love this yeah with the butterfly wings and then me and talking

Yeah I love that bit so much with the pink Wings the dog is the eagle uh let me being like all right I guess I have wings now look at this amazing art pieces I mean it’s look at this oh it looks so good and you know the details

Look at me like like the face being like oh this is just you know and that even animated I mean look at this look at that’s by Yukon also um you know was featured in some of our thumbnails before and you can see I mean the fan artists were just having

A blast with it in between some cool pieces look at that I mean I can just yeah as I said I share a lot of fun at this it’s also a very Majestic piece uh it was an endless flood you know I mean just absolutely absolutely lovely look at that the red

Amazing right look at this it keeps on going people people had a field day with it and I loved it too I loved you know your creativity you were pouring out look at all these amazing pieces look at this look at this I mean what can I say

Our fan artists are amazing then there were some you know sketches and studies and then I came across this bit here by saber saber cat and I really love their interpretation of the pair of wings having these bits and pieces in there like some some cybernetic stuff and

Um yeah I love that two bits and then I contacted um balmarzi and said yo did you see that could you help me out I found a resource pack that actually has butterfly elytra wings maybe you could adjust it to look a bit like that and maybe make the

Collar pink because I find it yeah looking even more goofy you know like a fairy in a way yeah you spell mask was like oh I’m sorry yes I love it you know obviously also being part of the fan artist community and having a field day

With it and they did it yeah and that’s um yeah the glitter incident I just love your fan art GB dog here there’s so much oh yeah here there’s a bit a piece dog he made there’s also proud about that it looks also really cool anyways that is

The yeah and then this piece here that’s also amazing also using the cybernetic style um see-through which is also really really cool the dragon in the bag wow I’m thinking this is something material and yeah here you can see the thumbnail of this week yeah of course we need to

Appreciate the thumbnail of this week as well and yeah by low Ficus over on the Reddit uh amazing piece uh me with my crowns in the back and yeah I think that’s just fitting and I’m thinking maybe next week uh we have some material right here what do you guys think is

That a thumbnail for next week I mean that’s just absolutely stunning piece as well so yeah as usual right check out my Twitter feed there you can find a lot of our amazing fan artists and yeah as usual also check out link um to the newest thumbnail here

Um over on the hermitcraft Reddit and with that said now you understand why we expanded our lore I mean it has to be done from now on official Canon is I have butterfly wings yes indeed butterfly wings it is ah and yeah whoops wait there free cam confusing

Yeah and I think they turned out really really great super nice level of detail but you know I what was important is you don’t want to go too high resolution so things don’t look too modded or so and especially for the elytra I feel that was really important but it has great

Detail to it and I think that is just simply amazing so thank you belmarzi for they are making our vision come true and expanding the lore um talking about expanding things uh rapidly expanding explosives in somebody’s base or yeah when it comes to Tunnel bars is

A bad idea and uh recently like you know I was thinking pesky bird we’re done now they learned their lesson right they literally blew up my tunnel bone I was thinking okay they will learn that you know actions have consequences now was I wrong so zeddath went to pesky

Bird over there and asked if they could have a dragon egg too I would have given him mine that still sits back there with the exploded tunnel bar and anyways pesky bird was like oh yes you can have fun but we’re gonna make it fun I’m

Gonna make a scavenger hunt and I watch you know set us video and think wow this is fun cool ah man that’s typical Korean he always said you know tries to make good content for everybody nice good guy griered all right I really stoked and I

See ah how funny cool the scavenger hunt even leads over into the perimeter that’s nice I’m pretty sure not so many of zeta’s viewers maybe know what’s going on over here so that’s a nice plug you know it’s like cool so you know had these eggs everywhere and the eggs were

Kind of leading set up alarm and he comes along here and I’m like oh cool he’s exploring my base a bit that’s need comes over here and it points over there and there’s this what and then you know there was a clue I think that leave us leading to beat up

Sister but look at this the challenge in my base was Korean actually made that off blow up TNT in my base I mean you know they picked a spot where for sure they are there wouldn’t be much danger right there my storage room is below there but you know

That some damage that happens from that one TNT it is solid so you know I’m not saying you know this was extremely Reckless right but very cheeky I mean what and very pesky I am stunned does that mean controlled TNT damage to other Hermits bases is good now

Well I wear a chrome crown and what I say is law anyways so I say okay using Ctrl TNT explosions to get other Hermits in trouble is okay all right all right Korean all right I I got something for you man I got something for you that is you know and

Then I was thinking okay I started the video and then I was like haha surely you know it’s gonna be repaired when I come back no it was like dead Zetas also didn’t repair it what are you like am I at war with zerev now I mean you

Know the instigator was green clearly when instead of was just desperately trying to get his dragon egg but when you know he blew up stuff nobody told me like I only found out in the video yeah the artiki that is I mean that’s really pushing it that’s really pushing it so now

Yo I was like what are we gonna do to this guy I mean that is we need to like you know maybe he was just jealous you know about scar who by the way actually recently asked me what he needs to do to get rid of these skulls and I explained

Some ways of doing it it looks like he corralled a bunch of the horses here but you know skulls are still there right yeah right here maybe green was just just a little bit jealous that he didn’t get the amazing skull prank and he was like maybe I’ll poke the goat again

Okay then okay then grind like you leave me no choice like I you know I like I I I want to do other things I want to do other things and people be like oh dog always in trouble and you know overreacting what can you do you live

Next to crazy people like if you let them run crazy in your yard eventually your house will burn down I mean that’s you know so let me do it there’s only two options either you move out or you defend your home and um I sure will not move somewhere else we will

Go at them but before we do that let’s talk a little bit about 120 stuff so I looked into armored trims a little bit maybe the very observant amongst you already saw that I’ve have some templates here so I went exploring in the nether a little bit and yeah I came

Across Sebastian and yeah here’s a quick clip of me finding that stuff man I’ve been in the nether for way too long already I checked like five bastions at least or six now we are at minus five thousand already I mean you know the bastions are in kind of a

Straight line right so there’s one around three thousand four thousand roughly a thousand blocks apart so it’s not super hard to find them but yeah oh the loot distribution has been measly you know some Hermits must have been around some chests seemed to be looted I haven’t found a single armor trim or

Anything I’m literally looking for a snout armor trim at the moment because I think for pens there’s only one armor trim you could use and that is snout so there’s two more chests it’s another Bastion here um we need to clear it a little bit technically I’m not really fully

Equipped to explore here those Broods pack a punch when I see them I need to take them out right away it is a brute guy at least they take fire damage okay this guy’s dead this baby picture is also dangerous let’s check this chest here Oh wow golden carrots amazing loot you know the thing is these days right you also need a smithing template now to actually be able to upgrade stuff to netherride I mean you can copy those templates so that’s cool you need to find it once but yeah I think everybody

Was just talking about the templates and the armor trims but that you actually need an upgrade template to get your netherride gear I think that flew past a few people um so yeah okay here’s another chest who who what all right then yeah that’s you see that’s the smithing

Template you need oh my God okay normally I always thought that is in the main rooms always is there more is there other armor trims that can be in these things here it is what is this even yeah okay there’s a chest down here and see

Um there’s still brutes around I mean I got what I came for I’m not necessarily really Keen to keep on looking I mean enough I’m at it now for like an hour or so checking all the stupid bastions yeah I’m done man I’m flying

Home I need I got what I wanted yes okay let’s see if you find a way through here I’m done with the nether for today I mean they did a lot to improve the nether but yeah it’s tough tough sometimes with the yeah bastions being relatively rare and then

I think I looked it up there’s like around an eight percent chance to finding these snout templates in there but at least for the netherrite upgrade the templates there is a hundred percent chance as far as I know in the main room chest that is down below problem is with

That like maybe we come across the the best students again there was one around this here maybe I’ll spot it again around 4 000 ish hard to tell but a lot of the um bastions I checked are like kind of broken General they don’t generate properly at least with no main room so

We got like insanely lucky just now to literally catch both templates in one chest which was not a main room that or was it considered the main room chest loot hard to tell because yeah I couldn’t find the main room at this one as well anyways I’ll make my way home

Through the hell maze here and um oh Okay lava is updating here and so this area is not explored yet I suppose all right well yeah oh yeah for sure let’s make it home so yeah very lucky here to get these two templates um I want to quickly try out how it

Works with duplicating those templates I think it’s pretty straightforward and um I also wanted to ask you um you know did you how many of you guys actually knew that you need this upgrading template now to actually get netherrite armor because I I knew but I was it was

Totally not on my radar and then um yeah I remembered wait a minute yeah for upgrading there was something too but it was really everybody was talking about the trims only but that you actually need these upgrade thingies to do that to get netherride stuff now that is

Maybe something that flew a little bit under the radar okay we do need some diamonds okay let’s break some open you need diamonds to to copy that stuff um let’s quickly do so let’s grab the Fortune pick okay get ourselves some diamonds and then it’s kind of you look

At what the template is made of so this looks dark so this is Black Stone you need and this is just netherrite I assume another wreck better say yeah I wouldn’t say it would be netherride or would you no let’s let’s try I think it was

Something like that you put that in and then a step the stone thing yeah all right here we go okay boom and now we have two and yeah so for the snout then does Polish Blackstone work as well no think it was Blackstone if I’m not completely mistaken wait I have a black

Stone chest here okay let’s grab some of that and check it out pretty sure though hopefully otherwise I might have to look it up I don’t want a CTR okay nice snout armor trim nice we got an additional one so other Hermits also went out already exploring

Um the new features you know going around with their brush brushes brushing things like Indiana Jones like I’m not into that archeology update too much um you know uh it’s a fun thing I don’t know what do you think about it um 120 new features

Um hard to tell I mean there was some decent stuff I would like to get a camel I don’t know just to see the derpiness of it I think um actually Mambo found some sniffers and then we need to fly it to the Zuma void oh wait

Um yeah and duplicate some of the templates he posted on our Discord said hey I found some more templates if you need them and actually there’s two of them I would like to copy as well to make our armored trim which I hope should look really cool but if I am yeah

Not fully mistaken Mambo actually yeah there they are there yeah he had some sniffers there nice and he found this Pottery shot so you know we don’t have to do that we can just look at it here in Marvel space I mean also lots of Miss Chances with this

Pottery stuff here I mean it’s kind of cool you can make this individual Pottery you can’t put plants in it why why can’t we put big plants or or things or you know in there we cannot put in the small flower pots you could stick a

Small flower pot on top that kind of Blends in Fairly nicely and then put in a but why why can’t we not hide or put items in there you know and make these Pottery shots and then we could you know use them for mini games why can’t we not take the suspicious

Sand and or craft suspicious sand and actually you know put things in there there’s so many questions and missed chances and yeah this is a nice decorative item but it you know why not uh make it more interactable like you know I can’t even access an inventory

Here that would have been maybe cool you know so you can store stuff in there use it as an alternative storage or so I mean yeah I might know a way to actually make this into a storage container though hmm you might look into that eventually

I need to put that on my to-do list I think I know a way to actually give this thing an inventory um now you witnessed the springing of ideas how that works okay anyways here is the sniffers they are cute but I was thinking they were you know when they

Grown up those are grown-ups of course that they were taller do I smell nice do I smell like tomato or like a butterfly yeah there are pretty cool but yeah nobody found a Campbell yet as far as I know that would be cool to have

One I don’t know I find him kind of Derpy and fun also green made some good progress yeah we’ll spend some time over in this area today as well okay I’m on my way to the Zuma avoid he has some templates we need all right here we are

In the Zuma’s base and yeah it’s pretty cool I’ve been here plenty of times hanging out with the Zuma but never really showed it on video but he lives inside this skull a full skeleton body pretty much pretty cool and yeah this is stories room and what we need is we need wild

Armaturing and trim and Coast Coast is already duplicated here so you know we’re just gonna pay him for that give him nine diamonds so we should be all good no worries about that and we need a wild um because I want to put that on my

Shoes and then I think I have a really good combo of trim I want to use yeah for a while that I think we need mossy cobblestone to duplicate that question is where would that be I mean there’s nothing in here at all okay and it’s just gravels

Here with the Cobble now I mean we have Cobble just need some Moss also probably has a moss Farm somewhere we’ll find it we’ll find the Moss yes the Zuma also already made a small sniffer Farm here nice oh yeah it is getting the new uh seed I guess we can

Take one of each year as well that is no problem more than enough here tort flower in the picture oh yeah those are the sniff eggs you can find VIA archeology but yeah you know we don’t really have to look I mean you know sniff us everywhere I found a mossy

Cobblestone though so there’s that so now we should be able to duplicate the wild template and then we can start making our armor and okay where is it smithing template um wait I didn’t take it out right here wild okay so you do this again and then this ends around it with diamonds

Yep okay cool and then we put one big in here again and we give this over the rest of the diamonds for all the other stuff we took yeah but yeah he’s cool with taking a few saplings he already mentioned um so yeah that’s that we got all the

Templates we need and now we need a smithing table and then we can fiddle with our armor let’s head back to base all right made it back to base and duplicated the templates again so I have you know one access so now in total we have these three different ones plus the

Upgrading templates and yeah I looked into the armors a little bit there’s a websites you know where you can configure your trim and figure out what you like best and for now I came up with this so we need wild that’s gonna go on the shoes so let’s see how that works

The smithing table template armor please and whatever needs to go on there yes and of course um we want to use Redstone I mean yeah there’s there’s no doubt Redstone it is okay yes yes I like that it’s nice okay and then for the pants I

Wanted to do snout and that just looks really really cool in my opinion that’s grip snout pants trim hmm and make the pens and then let’s do the head right away for the head I wanted the coast piece then yes okay head and then we can look at it all

Together so here you go there and you go there and boom nice okay let’s put it on and from the back yes looking cool oh baby yes that’s a proper redstone armor you know it looks like an extension to my you know inner Redstone workings with my arm

Here and so on see the slits and now I have them on the legs as well and it almost looks like you know with the snout trim you have this round it almost looks like a belt buckle to me it looks like the control unit does weigh

The hairs and this is how I you know control the pressure in my suit and all the lore the lore is expanding guys okay let’s look at from behind here so the back we have the simple stripe but I liked um you know how this armor trim is there is the

Um silence armatrim as well that is really colorful Jeff has found that so we could have that for the head but I was thinking probably everybody will go with silence because everybody’s so hyped because also a bit rarer I think so let’s quickly take off the light rail

So we can see the back of the pants here looks really cool and I like the simple trim around the helmet focusing you know um on our face mask there well look at that man that is really cool yeah and then to top it all off perfect butterfly wings

Which also you know blend in color wise really well and it all makes sense law wise right if there’s some cybernetic implants and stuff in Minecraft it has to be Redstone powered right so yeah Redstone is flowing through our veins nice we’re at zero zero this is my grid I

Made for the Dragon but I know one thing all the Hermits went South exploring and when I was out here you know doing the the grid for the dragon and exploring here a bit I remember there was one desert village somewhere out here and I’m like 99.9 sure that it definitely gets pruned

Every time you know when we prune the world because out here there’s literally nothing so I roughly remember where it was there must be a desert village here and you know yep here we go all right let’s see yes you know sometimes it’s really worth waiting the first uh yeah two three days

With the crazy update update hype is going on and then you know do smart decisions yes I’d sit down nice okay because there’s one candle here there only I think it was like that right that you can only get one camel per per Village I’m not mistaken but yeah that that was

Just pruned okay let’s let’s quickly sleep up there or somewhere get rid of the night and then we’ll see to find a spot that is not monster habitated so you’re good yeah get rid of them and then we’ll see I can take that Camel home I brought a saddle just in case

Um I don’t know if you need a settle for Camel what is this is tinies what all right like a tiny Mangrove biome here all right then that almost looked like a man-made structure now I was not Andrew sure again about my this area gets always pruned Theory but true looks like it

Right and maybe oh man while we’re here I always need some hay bales hay bales is always good let me quickly check done some exploring in a while so there may be some suspicious sand in villages too no it’s only in this desert Wells I haven’t looked into any suspicious sand

And I I don’t think I will to be honest okay okay yeah nothing too useful here let’s just quickly double check you never know maybe you have a lucky find hello guy nope okay now for the main job a camel you’re about 2 000 blocks away from the

Perimeter so we would have to go this way I think to go back okay let’s see do we put a saddle on that thing we do okay stand up all right all right yep it’s not particularly fast question is are they better are they better candles and you can breed up speed and

Health and whatnot and the other question is why does a camel not have an inventory I mean you know that’s also one of the mischances normally you know like a camel should be able to take a double chest or two double chest or something like camels you know they are

Used for transporting goods around for century thousands of years why did they not implement it you can ride with two people but why not give a choice hey wait a minute there is another Village back there I didn’t know about that but I just spotted it on the horizon

Let’s take our super slow camel and you know I mean seriously riding this home will be like why but there is another desert village let’s go and have a look and that’s all like is this another one of this no that’s the mangrove we saw okay

We haven’t done any exploring in a while why not you know while we’re out here let’s look at things a little bit just want to check this Village if you find another camel with a camel King then yeah I have some leads with me um so let’s see one camel per Village they

Say As pigs Campbell camel camel camel camel Camellia and there’s another one the camel King strikes again now we can breed camel all right after the endless Trek through the wild I finally made it to keralis’s base I couldn’t find any surface lava for the life of me I should have brought

Some obsidian but I didn’t want to fly back and I was just like okay let’s walk but I have to say I had to drag the camera through some wooded areas oh my what a pain in the butt uh believe me like that was no fun why can’t we fly

With animals and leads you know couldn’t the leads do that why do they need to snap off so easily mobs get stuck uh it’s yeah it was a big pain man can’t tell you how happy here was when I saw keralis’s blimp in the at the Horizon

All right I’ll I’ll try to find this net oh there is a another portal right there you can go in there and then we see where we come out is that his main nether portal that would be very convenient for us just to get in there

Let’s see I think so then we need to somehow maybe yeah I’m not quite sure if we can reach my um portal in the main base but it will definitely be a whole lot closer oh yes okay camels to the nether whoa camel on fire no no stop burning I

Can’t put you out is the nether here please oh okay ah yeah I guess there’s gonna be a camel parade today it’s Garland let’s go cattle parade let’s go daddy look that’s camels yes little B-Dubs they’re tall unlike you all right let’s make it home the camel safely started home I quickly

Wanna rush over to the museum District here because oh there it is okay I wondered what happened to the guest laughs looks like it safely started away inside this glass box here there’s pandas wait are we having a zoo here right now because you know Captain also sent me a

Message said if I have a Charged Creeper in store well of course I do a brown panda oh okay that’s that’s actually rare it’s got them frogs in here I also heard he was breeding up a blue axolotl I am not man what’s going on here okay let’s test pandas everywhere

Blue bird What’s Happening Here historic bird of questionable origin okay then let’s quickly have a look around here man it’s got all them Easter eggs wow what is this live stream torches what yo skull and streets collections what ah had a first dragging in the hermitcraft Overworld that is cool

Legendary Dwarven beard how huge it is okay hot guy memorability yeah what’s that up there oh wow you need to parkour to get to get up there or what so you can actually see the exhibit the Hot Potato passed around what uh-huh the parkour crown okay and then some simple parking to get

Up I’m not gonna do that wow thank tank total chaos rare blue Ally totem octo drop wow yo he packed like everything in there so many memories like every single little thing shut up the historicon oh man okay normally that’s not allowed in the museum but you’ll speak when spoken too [Laughter]

Shut up awesome audio Corner oh play a record discount oh it’s allowed oh man that’s probably our ends and millions of yo okay we I think he’s still working on this all look at the individual trophies man there’s this is really really cool beat up simulator what creep

Yeah it is actually yeah it’s actually all really really really cool it can give donations people give money they don’t need money they need exhibits what there’s more stuff up here TFC eternal flame of memory oh man ah also part of our history by now we unfortunately lost one of our armies

That’s still something trip down memory lane I guess right all right enough distractions enough distractions now it’s time to teach pesky bird a lesson a lesson about life that actions do have consequences all right we are in a secret location here and yeah I’m just clearing out some

Space and yeah we brought some goodies and we will use this um to teach yeah so I’d say let’s get going here it’s not much to build it’s a pretty simplified design but it definitely should do the trick Thank you Out of the secret location again where we build a little something I’m over here on the bridge now and yeah I want to leave a little present for Korean and this present is Gonna Come oh man it was special little something attached to it but

First thing we need to do as we tested in the beginning of the episode oh now it all makes sense what this guy needs a crown and now we can carefully Carefully remove Everything around here and have this guy with the crown right here on the bridge waiting for green and we also gonna name the guy so he’s protected from sunlight now he will never burn with the pumpkin on but they also cannot get out of there and um there can only be one

Best friend so if green wants to become mumbo’s best friend he better he better kill this zombie nothing will happen if he kills him you know just get the crown nothing will happen at all I think though to really make sure they understand the message we need some signage All right perfect thank you so much for the dragon egg I had a blast finding it left a present for you it is in front of Mambo’s bunker said the greatest gift is friendship hmm thanks again said oh my God he got me the crown

There can only be one best friend oh a Braveheart reference you need to kill him actions do have consequences [Laughter] uh ah man it’s always kind of Epic to see the sunrise over the perimeter we did a lot already this season just the other day um I was standing up there on the

Perimeter oh look at that How Majestic that looks and Bobby renders in everything and it’s looking down it’s like man Yeah by now a lot had a lot of work went into all of this pretty crazy lots of projects and still much to go and I really want to focus on some more

Decoration I have I had a cool idea for this area back the there opposite side of the perimeter I think I need to tackle that we’re already on it a little bit with the Romos but it’s a massive project that will need millions of blocks but yeah I’m excited to start

Start there as well but yeah we did quite a bit uh this season I have to say there’s farms and things everywhere a lot of stuff that is not directly in the perimeter we did a lot of research and crazy projects and so far this season to

Me has been absolute fun loved every second of it oh yeah by the way I think impulse is taking a break for a week a family vacation and he left prices for all of us Hermits our free sample I think he built this crazy bamboo Farm all right the is the bamboo

Blocks as well right how do we even do those the final feature final feature of one it has to come layer bread a bread one camel the 120 features that is the planks the bamboo wood but I from what I can tell it didn’t look like

Super good it’s good firewood I guess or you know crafting wood how does it even is it a full shebang uh-huh okay then it does these blocks of bamboo yeah they actually look cool and then you can also strip them I think and then you can make other blocks out of them

Do they go in here no let’s just go in here oh all right yeah I think with these you can make the solid blocks then can you can you also do this no you can’t oh wait there was something can you I yeah that’s the bamboo plankstone okay it’s a two-tier front process

All right I mean yeah not too ugly and that’s the other variants you can craft from that but I think maybe those those packed bamboo bundles they’re kind of they’re kind of cool they look kind of cool yeah and you can make the raft out of him

And all the other stuff bamboo trap door how does that look let’s have a look real quick oh yeah nice nice yeah there’s some some nice decorative blocks blocks in there for sure so overall you know my opinion about 120 not groundbreaking but all right the armor trims is definitely my favorite

Feature but still I don’t know I would like to see uh emojing really really tackle the inventory situation now right I mean more and more items get added and let’s say you build something with two wood types with some variations doors things and blah blah your inventory is already

Clogged right and trying to tackle the inventory situation would really really be about time and I think sometimes you know when the reactions are not super super mega enthusiastic by the community like it was for this update nobody really complained or what but you know it wasn’t like oh my God life-changing

Update right and I think if Mojang would address one of the big big topics that’s been you know in question around Minecraft for a long long time and one of those topics is for sure uh improved inventory management increasing inventory size um that would make the community really

Really really happy so feel free to leave some ideas how inventory could be improved in Minecraft would like to read through the mess you know I always love to read your comments and yeah of course we have a comment of the week again before we wrap up the episode of today

So um yeah by Sophia here they say there’s no way that just happened during a thunderstorm by chance power of the goat I say now we just need to see doc flaunting being the first person I think to get the Purple Crown so Sophia was referencing to me getting the crown you

Know with our teleportation Contraption of last episode and there was actually a thunderstorm going on and yeah indeed this thunderstorm was legit there is no trickery involved and so yeah it just happened but we actually do have certain tools to our disposal to do things that are a bit

Special here on the hermitcraft right for example we have the trigger command um you guys probably seen before we can do trigger and then you know um all kinds of things um I don’t use many of these but we have for example here a trigger that is the

Cave cleaner trigger that would trigger um a command that all you know zombies or whatever glow up in the case below you and you can check if there’s some birds Dracula zombies that holding items and are causing lag you know because we need to keep the server somewhat clean

We’re playing over here for yeah over a year now and you know we are not the best in keeping everything like friendly as you know but we actually do try so there is tools like that cave glow is the same thing I think you can give them a gloden cave cleaner marks them

Something like that I haven’t used it cup dusted quite a bit goes around cleans caves and there’s custom model data that is used to make these the crowns for example things like that and then for example here the if invisible command um oh no

But total hot what did I do wait no no trigger if invisible yeah I want to do that boom right in the head well whatever I triggered just now um yeah then we can make armor stands like that invisible but as far as I remember we also had a trigger for

Thunderstorms actually and that is purely for let me see yeah here Thunder all right so I could I could trigger thunderstorm now and we have that in case somebody really wants to do a epic scene uh it’s mostly when we have story lines right and then there needs to be

Some epic showdown and you know we want to have a thunderstorm at a specific time purely for specific dramatic recording purposes we don’t allow using the sender command for example to farm creepers right so hey heads with charge creepers or something like that right for that we would try to to play without

Using the command but for dramatic reasons we could do that um or I don’t know shut off the rain you know you need to record your under time pressure it keeps on raining you can’t get rid of it during daytime we have a toggle there where you could shut off

The rain for recording purposes so yeah there is of course always uh yeah our approach to trying to stay as close to vanilla as humanly possible right and just straight up play the game but you know for Content production you need to be willing to do compromise and believe

It or not like it takes us forever to make these decisions it was very very difficult for example for us to finally come to terms with the idea okay we’re gonna use these custom models because there’s so much fun stuff we could do with it like the TCG trophies and you

Know all these things but very for us we are very conservative when it comes to that and always very careful because yeah we want to stay um relatable and don’t want to overdo it if we add items and things to the game we do it for storytelling for fun but

Still you know this is supposed to be survival vanilla Minecraft as possible as close as possible to an unmodded version but let’s face it these days I think I run about 20 mods by now right like light medical and and mini hard and and tweakeru just you know to help play the

Game and then performance Improvement mods and Bobby with the render distance and the texture packs with their light rust so I guess you know whatever survival vanilla Minecraft is that would probably be playing the game completely without any additions in one of the original skins I guess and never looking

Anything up because technically the game right also doesn’t really provide you with a tutorial and so on and yeah so you never know for me in the end it’s about us having fun and if there’s a thunderstorm needed to improve the drama dramatic you know scenario or whatever

I’m totally cool with it and yeah sometimes though you get lucky like I did when I actually got the crown and I walk up to my computer and it’s a legit thunderstorm and I was like no way yeah it really fitted with the scene but of

Course you cannot Bank on luck like that ah so yeah I didn’t even plan there needs to be a thunderstorm uh later down the road I thought yeah next time if I do such a dramatic scene maybe I’ll use to trigger triggers under command because that yeah was really dramatic

All right so yeah a little look behind the scenes I hope um you enjoy these little bits at the end of the video too where we you know talk a little bit about random stuff inspired by your comments feel free to leave comment um you know ask questions I’m always

Willing to talk about that because yeah it’s fun right yeah okay so yeah hopefully oh man this neighborly conflict will not further escalate I guess I kind of dragged that up into it um but you know instead of with the the guy that blew up my wall so I had no choice

Oh boy see ya

This video, titled ‘Hermitcraft Season 9: Mumbo’s BEST friend!- #52’, was uploaded by docm77 on 2023-06-23 14:00:14. It has garnered 224077 views and 14032 likes. The duration of the video is 00:57:20 or 3440 seconds.

Hermitcraft Season 9 is now on Minecraft 1.20.1… Minecraft 1.20 is upon us….but also Pesky Bird again…

Special Shoutouts to: https://twitter.com/belmarzi

Thumbnail Fan Art: https://www.reddit.com/r/HermitCraft/comments/14ekwr5/first_post_out_here_i_drew_the_goat_man_with_his/ Artist’s Social: Tumblr: https://www.tumblr.com/loaficus

Music by: Jono: https://www.youtube.com/c/shmidi Hivemind Anthem with the help of: Ghostwriter – majestydagod https://www.instagram.com/majestydagod/ Performer – let’s shine (Loochi) https://www.instagram.com/luccidamus/

Consider supporting me directly: Become a Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/docm77 Become a channel member: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4O9HKe9Jt5yAhKuNv3LXpQ/join


Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/docm77

Live Stream: http://www.twitch.tv/docm77live

#Minecraft #Hermitcraft #Season9

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  • Surviving with Friends in Classic Minecraft! Episode 1

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  • Minecraft World Glitch: I Found a Mysterious Hole!

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  • ๐Ÿ”ฅ 66th Leviathan Heart Hunt LIVE! Join Now! ๐ŸŽฎ

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  • Ep 35: CursedPugFilms Task in Minecraft Roleplay!

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  • Summit Realms

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  • 50×50 factions pvp semi-vanilla – SEASON 5 – DIFFICULT

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    DIMCHICK-GAMES๐ŸŒ Server Location: Optimized for players in Asia! Enjoy a lag-free experience and seamless gameplay no matter where you are.๐Ÿฐ Server Safety: Our server is griefer-free! With our advanced anti-griefing plugins, your creations are always safe. Build, explore, and create without worrying about trolls.๐ŸŽ‰ Community Focused: Join a friendly and welcoming community of players. Participate in regular events, contests, and community projects. Our active staff team is always here to help and ensure a pleasant gaming environment.๐ŸŒŸ Features:Grief-Free: Your builds are protected at all times.Optimized for Asia: Enjoy minimal latency and a smooth experience.Daily Events: Engage in exciting daily events… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Well.. Creeper on a hotter night!

    Minecraft Memes - Well.. Creeper on a hotter night!That’s more points than I could ever earn in a Minecraft game! Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Trailer Action Unleashed

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Trailer Action Unleashed In the world of Minecraft, action takes flight, With the best animation, it’s a pure delight. Craft your own stories, with moves so grand, Just like in the trailer, it’s all in your hand. Subscribe to AdamMeong, for more gaming fun, Follow on Instagram, see what he’s done. For the animation, check out ActionsNStuff, Watch it all through, can’t get enough. Like and share, spread the word around, Minecraft in action, hear the gaming sound. Thanks for tuning in, for the rhymes and the play, Stay tuned for more, have a fantastic day! Read More

  • Bro’s Dreamy Delusions #lit

    Bro's Dreamy Delusions #lit Bro really out here thinking he’s dreaming but in reality, he’s just stuck in another round of Minecraft. Welcome to the virtual reality, bro! #minecraftdreams #broproblems Read More

  • Exclusive Access to Chronos SMP! Join the Talent Show to Win ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ‘€

    Exclusive Access to Chronos SMP! Join the Talent Show to Win ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ‘€Video Information This video, titled ‘Chronos SMP Talent Show (Winner Gets In SMP)๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ‘€ [Live]’, was uploaded by JakeJxke on 2024-06-17 16:50:44. It has garnered 367 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 01:17:06 or 4626 seconds. Join My Discord Server: https://discord.gg/ANdxMbtTkk #jakejxke minecraft server to exist, and it was super intense. The Lifesteal SMP features creators such as ClownPierce, PrinceZam, Leowook, Parrot, Spoke, roshambo, and more. This server also contains people like Parrot (also known as ParrotX2 or zParrot) and Spoke (also known as SpokeIsHere). This is similar to Parrot or ParrotX2 on the school SMP series… Read More

  • 100 Days in Medieval Minecraft Hardcore

    100 Days in Medieval Minecraft HardcoreVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days in MEDIEVAL Minecraft Hardcore!’, was uploaded by Suev on 2024-06-22 19:15:09. It has garnered 67495 views and 2931 likes. The duration of the video is 02:34:44 or 9284 seconds. I Survived 100 Days in MEDIEVAL Minecraft Hardcore! MODPACK: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/medieval-mc-mmc4 ______________________ โ™“SHOP: https://suev.shop/ ๐ŸŽฎ Discord Server: https://discord.gg/z7Zwdc9 Music provided by Epidemic Sound Click here for a free trial! https://share.epidemicsound.com/gnetzl ๐Ÿ’œ MY SOCIAL MEDIA! โ–ถ Twitter: https://twitter.com/suevreal โ–ถ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/suevreal โ–ถ Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/suevreal Read More

  • Bockey Saves Herobrine in Minecraft ๐Ÿ‘€ #shorts

    Bockey Saves Herobrine in Minecraft ๐Ÿ‘€ #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: I Save Herobrine ๐Ÿ˜ณ #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by BOCKEY GAMER on 2024-05-30 13:30:00. It has garnered 206547 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Every Topics Related To Video:- All 250 Mods List 1. minecraft 2. j and mikey 3. maizen 4. mikey andj 5. ij and mikey minecraft 6. minecraftj and mikey 7. maizen minecraft 8. j and mikey roblox 9. siren head 10. shorts 11. minecraft ghost 12. roblox 13. mikey and j minecraft 14. sonic 15. choo choo charles 16. maizen roblox 17. sakura… Read More

Hermitcraft Season 9: Mumbo’s BEST friend!- #52