Hermitcraft Season 9: Scarland is in Trouble – #48

Video Information

Foreign Server with a goat me yeah how’s it going guys um did you ever wonder by the way how I time my intro uh so perfectly no yes well actually I always sing along with the intro song I go like you know I start the replay mode and then you know go like

And then I’ll wait you know sing along and then I know exactly hey cup what are you doing I’m cataloging all the cards so that uh the uh yeah the pyramid has all the updated catalogs oh it’s just sharing the secrets of video production man ah I heard you saying yeah you’re very

Delightful man I’ll leave you to it I’ll leave you too no no no no no um yeah I wanted to look at the cards anyways that’s the start of the episode so yeah why not with Cub um yeah sure so let’s go for a test yeah there’s a new expansion pack the

Amazingly successful TCG IRL pretty order Bonanza is over now bruh I can’t wait to sign the cards you’re gonna sign some too right I’m shining I’m signing baby so yeah beef made a ton of new cards though where are they are behind yeah yeah look at this oh man is there any new

Metal Merchant already cup you you had a chance to play a few games already yes there is a ren Bob sniper meta that is emerging Ren Bob sniper meta yes yeah okay a hyperspace attack with this ender pearl is a very deadly combination okay

What does it do let me check it out so we’ve made like dude the game got way more complex I looked at it a little bit already it’s so cool so move your active hermit and any attached cars to an open slot on your board okay so you move ran around and then

What you do what can you do damage is dealt to opponent directly opposite of him ah okay okay that’s interesting so sniping damage termites with Ren and being moving him around oh he’s tanky boy too yeah oh the goat father what do I see here

Prankster yes I I have to confess I you know whined a bit do beef because Mambo got you know taken out of the tournament and then said okay then at least give me another cool prankster card and make it to Goat father and he actually did which is

Amazing okay yeah edible drop ability oh man this makes me so happy that’s cool that’s cool all right let’s check it out flip a coin if heads to additional 30 HP yes a damage dealer that’s what I needed for the prankster damage your opponent’s active hermit entered each hermit below

So now we’re talking um two-dimensional gameplay guys some of the new Hermits and we will learn more about them um evil X all the alter egos pretty much hell’s night the jingler man yeah the jingler who’s that right I wonder I’ve jingle people already it’s great yeah oh

Oh and Scar hot guy velocity what does that do I assume a lot of fat is a highly sought after card our people are already exchanging in the TCG uh exchange area or their cards when used with the bow effect card the bow card does double damage to the oh okay that’s

Of course very very good yeah man so yeah some new rules are that for example uh certain attacks count only on certain lanes and for example here the Anvil is also interesting I saw that that is really really cool I love that and was introduced now it has a 30 HP damage so

An additional damage dealer but also all the Hermits below that means you know if your hermit sits on top lane and then you damage over so every if I attack beat ups beef also gets stinged a little bit from the Anvil and there are several synergies like that now we will learn a

Bit more about that and as we play along I need to pull some cards today as well um the shops back open it’s a glorious day I know oh man it’s so cool hey what does potato boy do um peace and love heal hermit directly above and below see yeah that’s another

One of those effects that is lane lane how do you call that even over Lane reach arcing reaching I don’t know yeah it affects what Jason Herman says yeah yeah it’s pretty cool that’s just that’s oh man it’s for turtle decks it’s pretty interesting that’s cool is there any new Ultra rares

Yet not yet right yeah yeah there’s uh I think the armor stand behind you is one okay that’s a pretty powerful one it’s like a quasi-hermit if you take a look at the card oh okay so pretty much a uh 50 HP hermit that cannot attack but can can oh man

That’s interesting what does command block do what yeah that one’s super powerful people are going to make some wild decks with that one DOC for sure attached to any active AFK hermit items attached to his helmets become any type oh okay so you can pretty much if you if

You have mixed decks you could okay this card can okay so it’s to pretty much if you don’t have the fitting item cards you can it doesn’t matter pretty much right right exactly okay that’s interesting what are the new books Thorns okay damage okay and you get damaged when you attack sweeping

Edge what is that it also seems interesting opponent must discard any effect cards attached to the active element and adjacent termites oh okay so it can take three hours away in one play pretty much it’s it’s so wild like I’ve played like only a few matches and already like there’s there’s been some

Wild plays that have happened dude The Meta is great yo beef stepped it up a notch man those cards like we have a base game now but with those cards things get spicy man it’s like a whole new game yeah oh man it’s gonna be cool I’m looking forward to playing man

Where was the portal man you know it’s over there yeah man B has been grinding it out he hammered out these cards in no time man he did a really good job those cards are not easy to make I made one yeah one Pharaoh card and all already like

That was like enough for me I’m like I’m I’m stopping at this one you know I was contemplating to make fake cards right oh yeah flood the market with fake cards and maybe you know fleece some other Hermits if they’re thinking it’s the yeah sure for sure but making the mat is

Really a grind dude if you need a boost I got a golden card out there that you can like it’s already locked and stuff so you can just use that template and just fill in the main part and the attacks saves a bunch of time yeah man that

Would actually okay we can chat a profits then man yeah yeah yeah perfect your fleece ESO you know he swatched up he’s not into the game at all [Laughter] that intro went unexpected but nice thing out with cup a little bit um hey bud we can’t forget

Thumbnail of the week amazing fan art piece of the week by the playground check it out me riding on the dragon and I can highly suggest actually click on the link in the video description where I link to the original piece over there on Twitter

And um you know click on it and you know scale it up look at it it has amazing details shadows and as just a very very very very beautiful piece definitely worth looking at it in detail every time you know we have one of these amazing

Fan art pieces so thank you so much the playgrads support our artists make sure to follow them on the twitters and wherever they post their art and yeah I’m on my way now over to the shopping district of course and yeah towards TCG shop I’ve got like 47 tokens I saved

Up from all the games I’ve been playing and it’s shopping time baby I also got one pack when the TCG World Championship Finals happened spoiler alert now skip the next five seconds if you don’t want to know who won but either one and yeah all the attendants got one of these packs

So yeah let’s unbox it I haven’t looked at it but yeah obviously we saw it was Cleo um human Clio rare flip a coin twice if both are heads your opponent must attack one of their own AFK Hermits on the next turn opponent must have necessary item cards attached to execute an attack

Oh okay so yeah you cannot just say attack yeah obviously you only want to use it if the opponent is charged that just means you know you want to have I think item cards okay I brought a schalke box where you want to put the new stuff we can pull

And we also got a fire charge discard one attached item or effect card from your active ORF camera you can use another single-use effect card this turn ah okay if you want to re-gear pretty much interesting interesting five TCG tokens each okay I say let’s buy three packs for now one two three

Okay that means fifteen one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen okay here we go let’s pull oh okay there’s more in there oh okay let’s have a looky looky two times the hot guy when used with bow effect card the bow cut that is amazing

That was a great pull that is a very strong card that is something you know people be looking for hot car already because yeah that’s good and ultra rare letter oh man we’re pulling before attacking swap your active hermit card with one of your adjacent Ave kermits oh

Okay so that means you have one hermit that is fully charged let’s say it has the three items there already and you have another Herman sitting below and it is not charged you now you can switch the Hermits out and get the new hermit fully loaded in attack that is very good

Lightning rod attached to any of your active or AFK Hermits okay all damage done to your opponents next one is taken by the helmet this card is attached to okay so you can dedicate a tank pretty much potion of weakness opponents active hamster weak to your active oh that’s

Also interesting and a terraform item interesting but that’s very good okay let’s pull more and here okay let’s do this one first okay let’s see what did we get Beetle just okay all right pranks the card though that’s good we’re looking for prankster cards no it’s not okay yeah speedrunner of course

Entry pulled poultry man yes there we go that’s the prankster okay that’s a common prankster card nice nice if you want to build a full prankster deck okay what else do we get another portion of weakness a ender pearl move your active hermit and any attached cards to an open slot on your

Board okay this is to counter the lane attacks and so on okay that’s good oh and that’s the chainmail armor prevents all effect damage nice man we’re pulling decently here we’re pulling decently here and an Explorer item okay now let’s do this oh man we’re pulling oh

Okay rainbow nice damage is dealt to the opponent directly opposite this card on the game board okay so you can use them to snipe trident at um sorry it’s been damaged to the end of your turn flip a coin if heads this card is returned to your hand okay that’s interesting llama dead

Ranks none flip a coin if Matilda does an additional 40 HP damage oh okay that’s a nice damage card for the balance deck yeah I felt that was missing a bit for the balance deck a nice damage dealer then two anvils nice okay man you’re pulling I feel we’re

Having like extreme good pulls like let’s let’s wait is there these are these also really stocked probably but yeah I want to focus on the on the new items for now and then we’ll see maybe we can use some of the you know new items to also trade some of the

Stuff you’re still missing I mean we’re still missing books um so yeah um let’s pull two more packs here for now so ten more one two three four five six seven eight nine ten and then one and two nice all right man oh it’s been a while since

We’ve been pulling frantically but stuff is happening all right another poultry man not a common prankster there that’s nice ladder another letter oh crap I boxed this one too okay then uh okay let’s look at the item prankster item that’s all right another ladder so we got two of them now

That’s nice and two chain mail three Pistons move one of your attached item cards to an adjacent ah okay that’s also interesting interesting another llama dead so we got two of them now Rand Bob nice hyperspace yeah that’s a good good old card yep that’s good so we’ve got two hot guys

And two Ren bobs nice is Explorer Explorer oh that feels really interesting to build build around those what is oh hells night okay okay so you can that’s also interesting if opponent uses the single-use effect card on their next turn they must flip a coin if heads you take the card after

Its effect is applied and added to your hand okay okay that’s interesting and then yeah poultry man again oh man uh I want to pull again uh should we do two more come on I’ve been saving for so long so uh that should be it yeah 12. all right

Oh man the TCG addiction is coming back I can feel it creeping in okay we pulled how many packs six seven eight packs in total all right let’s have a look Thorns three interesting that’s pretty interesting I mean it’s ultra rare 30 HP damage that’s pretty interesting you know you can’t

Okay three llama dads I see I’m pulling Lamar that’s chainmail armor on top another speed Runner potion of weakness and the thorns book okay let’s put that in here nice it was also a good pull okay and let’s look at this command block attached to any active or AFK Hermits

Yep yep that’s good that’s very interesting you know it opens a combo of like putting one hermit into your deck that is let’s say you play prankster right and you want this one very strong whatever other type in combo with command block of course that would be very interesting right

Because yeah then you can play any other hermit and then two more is this okay we got llama dead again and then the com the target block choose one of your opponents AFK Hermits to take all Damage Done during this turn oh this is of course also interesting wow

The game just got so much like deeper wow man mean this will be crazy but I feel we already got a halfway decent selection of the new types and cards I don’t mean we don’t have anything yet and I wanna maybe hold on to some tokens maybe we also wanna

You know we need to buy some some items or so um if you build a new deck now I’ll definitely look into deck building and try to improve our deck um and yeah these are the three we have here already okay so nice um yeah let’s uh craft it all up and

Then we actually should start working on our project today um yeah we actually want to transport skulls into scarlet and um oh yeah I think I could return these and also get a little bit of an extra card let me see the weather catch has been running for a

Few days now and yeah yeah no issues so far all looking good let’s have a peak our skulls are just nicely lined up schalke is still there we got villagers there okay yeah I feel confident now to load two more witters in there and yeah we just

See how it goes it’s definitely exciting every time you do it because yeah it is just a bit of a scary thing to deal with witness but supposedly Hermits here don’t give much thought about playing with videos um I saw Tango and the Mad Lads found some some cave somewhere and just

Released 60 witters you know and they call me crazy it’s okay I get it it’s far off so you know here it’s a little bit more dangerous we gotta be a bit more careful but you know I go all through all these safety percussions uh or preparations percussions no I’m not

Playing the Bongos now you know all this safety protocol and all and they just released 60 and people call me crazy I was that’s upsetting okay let me quickly check um oops let’s get in there still makes me nervous to approach this thing do we still have skulls yeah enough for two

More perfect so we do this okay cool and now comes the exciting moment when we spawn another one in all right um no not this button here kalala okay there it is and it will be pushed up and boom explosion shielded nothing broke and we have two waiters in

There now and all there’s both of them skulls are lined up nicely it has started cop says oh yeah there were some questions about um those guys here those skull destroyers so um I mentioned before right we have two different skulls the blue ones and here those black skulls

Those black skulls have not such a huge blast damage they are not the evil ones the blue ones destroy pretty much anything those um if you have a block that have a halfway diesel blast resistance like here the Deep slate it’s good enough um you know that they won’t blow up

Anything here when they hit but what could happen and that is why there is this intricate designs of stairs and angles and corners and small tight spaces what could happen is if you have let’s say 50 widows in there right there will be lots lots lots of skulls flying

Around and the problem is they can explode in the explosions when they hit something of those skulls can actually accelerate other scars into a direction and that would hit something else again and that could actually create some cascading effect that reaches all the way back and we have skulls flying all

Over the place it’s like a you know nuclear reactor getting out of control pretty much but yeah we got two in there and I’d say um we do another one and then we run with three for a while and turn on the farm and see if that all works

Um and off one more time because yeah turning on and off it’s always a chance maybe something could go wrong but I’m yeah really really interesting design by now um it seems to be really stable all right let’s spawn in Winter number three and that’s of course already really cool

Right you can add more and more widows to a Wither cage without being stressed out it’s just fully automatic boom explosion shielded boats of course still in place okay that is whoa okay the winter will not go for this guy so it won’t matter but I think the guy

Came out of we didn’t break lose a boat now right oh my God that just gave me borderline a heart attack seeing this he came out of the portal oh you know that stressed me out slightly I thought a boat broke okay but that’s all right this guy will then just simply despawn

When you fly away and that’s the first task you can actually do now you know we fly away unload the farm and reload the farm as the dragon doing there was a nice metal scene listen ah there he is okay okay pretty good position I mean scar was not

On so much over the past few days I suppose because yeah normally I can always tell when there’s lots of traffic close to the perimeter the dragon moves all right um we approaching the setup again and let’s see yeah all fine no skulls Offline that is

Good okay and the piglin is also gone which stressed me out a little bit now let’s actually switch the farm on and see if we can produce a bunch of skulls okay there we go here comes the shulker we turned around nicely good lighting okay Shyker is inside the three winners now and here comes our skulls nice okay now we’re producing a decent amount now we can actually start working with the skulls but first turn this bad boy off again okay see if the sharper teleports out quickly daddy there it goes gets picked up

And we’ll be turning around again and this is looking very good yep okay we have a stable situation stable with the Reactor with three winners now nice all right we’re under the Water Reactor at the moment and yeah I have this iron bar here and this is where we’re gonna

Get our skulls out of the system the iron bar is in place that no bat can fly in here so we will manage to get the skull through this small hole here but the bed can’t go in because bats are our enemies like you know if we switch this

On in a random bed flies around in there and the winter targets wrong target we are in trouble town and yeah when we get the skulls out we will flush them over using water streams like this here and then bring him up um in a water tube

Back there but to ensure the skulls are moving along properly I can show you a nice trick you can use generally for all item Transportation um with water streams because you know the the power of water kind of Fizzles out right here it has the strongest push

And then eventually it gets weaker and weaker and weaker and slower and slower as you can see right and if you have item shoots like that and want to have items Gap or jump over gaps or move faster you can use a simple trick use mangroove root or leaves or any other

Water locked block and then you do this and now you can see the water stream is like extending but we still have the correct direction and this water streaming is extremely powerful as a source block so you can accelerate things moving along water streams small improvements but actually here for us

Moving the skulls around we actually do need it so the skulls can Bridge these gaps here when we flush them along so yeah I’ll set that up all the way here as you can see right other behavior of the water changes and yeah inside we’re just going into a tunnel here and

You can see I have my waterlock Mangrove Roots all the way and then there’s a bubble column going up um so this is how we transport the skulls right here we have a water locked stairs to create some draft for the skulls and yeah that helps us align them

Up but while I was digging around here look at that I actually discovered this there is two spider spawners here perfectly lined up maybe that that’ll come in handy at some point and we can use that never really saw that it had a perimeter walls are too vast I was

Looking for a string or cobweb there was plenty here and there’s actually oh whoa okay there’s another one was back here somebody explored there okay but that’s crazy there’s a double cave spawner right here at the edge yeah maybe that will come in handy I mean you

Know if the skull invasion of scarlet is enough we can probably use the same system here to transport some spiders over the scar oh man okay um yeah I’ll keep doing here a little bit we need a tiny bit of redstone in here to divert the skulls downwards but

That should be fairly simple and yeah then we can give it a whirl hopefully just need one flying machine pretty much to fly all the skulls over this Garden all right I installed the Redstone we need nothing big here pretty much at the moment when we have skulls flying right

They get destroyed here and yeah now we don’t want to do that so yeah we can just pull this a Target block out of the way and now if we collect skulls you can see one skull is sitting there right they will come through here and stop exactly below

Here measured it out beforehand then we have this Pusher we can press and send them down into our water streams so um yeah let’s collect one pack of skulls because yeah we have to think about it as pegs now right there is plenty of skullness around

We have three uh three winners in there shooting right so let me quickly I need some Rockets so we can keep track of everything where is ah got the fly box on me good good good get some Rockets out and then we can test it send the skull

On its way so first thing we need to do is we need to turn on the machine that we so we actually generate skulls and yeah let’s do this and then let’s go over there okay and watch the things happen okay we activated the shulker again Strikers in and oh yeah

First skull already came over that was the one that was stored in there already okay now we’re gonna get some more skulls okay we don’t want to do too many but they all should fly over here and stop there okay let’s go whoop back to here maybe I need a walkway

Between these two areas and turn off the setup again we don’t need so many skulls for now but yeah it seems to be working fine the skull skulls are all perfectly lined up together they’re all at the same position yeah okay eventually when the farm shuts off again skulls

Will stop flying towards us okay and we get good alignment again while turning off that’s always important to see okay and we should probably activate the skull Destroyer that is okay um yeah probably a good idea just in case but nothing nothing can happen I mean if

You don’t destroy disgust it will just float on and sit there right okay but yeah let’s turn that back on again and then you see piston extends right we have the target block combo again those skulls can destroy things I don’t they are not like TNT but you know they can

Destroy stuff okay now we aim for the skull Pusher here and I just hit that and we should be able to send the skulls down okay now then the water channel here and yeah we can wash them over and send them on their way through the system nice

But you know we’re handling with the skulls here in a very controlled way it feels wrong on so many levels but also right on so many levels Okay so one thing we can never do though we never want to unload the farm here when it’s in on mode right when it’s

Producing skulls for us to harvest then it can break so we you know hopefully I never crash when I’m running it or something like that and I’m just not stupid flying away okay now for sure it is off you don’t need to be scared and yeah we have the skulls down there now

And what do we do with them well um they’re all facing downward now that’s how they look from Below interesting anyways um yeah they are here now and the water flushing them over here was removed with this dispenser bucket combo reason for that is um when we have the water in here water

Slows down skulls quite a bit and therefore when they come down from over here they were not aligned nicely so we had this idea to put in the water later and now we can actually send the skulls on a journey yeah and here they go oh man and you can see right there

Barely make it the momentum of the skulls runs out but as we have the special water configuration here um you know stuff is moving along we could for example also throw an item in here now but it would also make it over the gaps there because it quickly

Balances up without ice so yeah that’s pretty useful but yeah the skulls will make it through here now and it seems to work just fine it looks crazy when they’re moving water the crazy burst of bubbles they pull behind them and yeah now we’re going whoops inside the walls here don’t die now

Okay just want to stand here and Chase the the skulls here they are probably should eat something in the meantime okay so wheel up yeah the skulls and here is then the bubble elevator yeah here though the item I threw in overshot because the water stream keeps on

Pulling here a little bit but for the skulls it’s all right and then they make it into the bubble elevator head laughs up they go wait oh there’s another dungeon all right then um okay up up up up up and yeah make it to to up there and yeah let’s go there

And check it out all right we got the skulls up here um yeah you can that’s a b hello yes come home the gas is nowhere to be seen I saw him this morning when I locked on um and I think it flew this way a little

Bit but yeah anyways now we have a spec a pack of skulls here and yeah we can start transporting in and yeah there was a reason of course we brought the skulls to here because when we look you it’s a nice straight shot right towards main square

Of Scotland so now I quickly want to show you something um that is you know I’m not expecting scar to have the time to watch the whole episode so we pack it somewhere in the middle but of course you know there is a way to get rid of the skulls again you

Cannot punch him you can literally put blocks inside of them you know there’s no way to just explode them easily but of course you can get rid of them easily we would not prank you know with something that cannot be reverted in some way but you know it’ll probably

Take them a while to figure out how to but what you can do is with these cars of course you can always give them momentum and as soon as they have momentum again they become yeah explosive right and their damage is related to their momentum their movement

Oop okay let me quickly get back up again we can put a little piston behind them also right this is a few scars I don’t know how many we’ve we collected now but a few so we can try to get a piston in here and and then

Um we put some slime blocks also so it gets a little bit more bounce and do we have some slime blocks yeah okay see if that reaches maybe that is that is fine and now um obviously you want these slide these scars to hit a Target so they actually

Explode right so here you could use whatever let’s see if we can make it that far and it gives them some wall they can fly into then if you push them now we can actually destroy them so let’s see bam so if this would have a lower blast resistance

Um yeah this would be damaged so I don’t know the purple trees scar has you need to be careful but yeah we have the skulls here now theoretically we could use a giant TNT cannon to shoot them over there but yeah I don’t want to build another giant TNT

Cannon I’d rather build a small flying machine and we take the skulls we bring up here and fly them really close to scarlet and from there we build a small cannon and disperse him all over the place yeah all right I got everything in place and

We should be able to move the skulls now just gotta turn off the water stream here and then we can collect a bunch let’s do this okay and get up and activate the system yes everything skull Destroyer is on man this is getting complicated to operate uh this massive control board okay

We’re switching over let’s get to here okay see if we get skull flow okay every time you trigger the thing it is stressful again okay we’re good again okay now let’s collect ourselves some skulls uh skull Destroyer off okay one two three four oh crap I just realized these are

Always packs of three oops better turn the skull Destroyer on this could be already quite a bit but hey you know whatever we got over there you know if you have too many we can still destroy him on spot try to get a few more I think this is always packs of three

Let’s watch real quick yeah or is it hard to tell is it always individual ones yeah I think it’s always packs of three yeah yeah yeah okay okay in that case we surely have enough now okay skull Destroyer activated now we need to turn off the farm we can’t go

Too far away we don’t want to do anything stupid I need a walkway here for sure okay turn off the farm okay okay make sure everything works okay okay shocker is moving out okay returning again and we’re in stable mode okay this is just all very exciting still to operate this

This machine that’s for sure okay now we have a lot of skulls up in there that means we do the skull pusher yes and all skulls are down there now good good here they are that’s a whole lot can we F3 look at entity I see 129 at the moment I mean looking over there yeah yeah I mean there cannot be anything much below us so right it’s a bit more than I wanted but hey who cares what we got we got okay and now it’s actually time to flush the skulls up here they go nice

Pack of 120 skulls coming your way scar all right skulls are on their way up nice that means we can go up too stay with the skulls now I’m thinking about it with the new flying machine I built here I don’t really have a seat for me to sit on oh hey perfect

Timing yes Here Comes our pack of skulls now the first thing we want to do is we want to get a slime block and place it in here I saw the flying machine is complete push that down and we push that over nice so now our skulls are sitting in the corner here

On our flying machine and yeah we should be able to transport them over like that it should be nicely stuck in there okay before we launch I’ll double check the Flying Machine we also need to remove this obsidian here and then we’re good to go and yes indeed it’s always worth double

Checking if you mess around with flying machines um this Observer here needs to face down so it updates the Bose Pistons here and I had it facing sideways uh good we caught that would not have been a catastrophe the Flying Machine would just not have taken off I mean nothing

Here is really a catastrophe we just don’t want to waste time and do it over but yeah now uh I’d say we just launched this flying machine and stick with it so let’s do this yeah ah always nice to come for a visit to beautiful Scotland touchdown I think that looks kind of all right I think we are okay cool now we just need to add some bits and pieces and um the fun can start haha that looks janky let’s quickly Stitch that together and what is left now we need to load some TNT into those dispensers because we’re

Gonna use the randomness of TNT to actually randomize the skulls because pretty much what we do now is quite ridiculous right we created perfectly arranged motionless skulls that are all perfectly aligned and I’ll be kind of want to randomize them again so it’s it’s quite crazy what we’re doing here um anyways

Um yeah let’s just try it and see what happens uh we we I mean let me let me put a bed here I don’t know maybe maybe we need a little bit more distance here so we don’t blow up oh yes there’s gonna be some TNT exploding here all right I I must

Confess this is not 100 tested but it should work um Okay so so we have a stack separator here it will separate out one skull and then launch it over let’s just try it okay there’s one skull going over there I was just asking a friend maybe was interested in joining okay okay we should have launched a skull over here now where did it go did we hit something wait where did one scar go I missed it I was reading the chat message Ren was saying I was asking if

He wants to hang out wait what happened what what did happen but it looks like the skull separator worked we we separated one okay let’s let’s shoot one more skull let’s let’s observe carefully yes wait wait are they out of render distance what happened oh yeah oh yo I was just

Like what why was this car Vanishing at a skull all right all right that’s perfect yeah that’s the other one nice okay and yeah they are starting to be randomized cool cool cool okay let’s let’s shoot a few more okay that that’s that spooked me out for a second man

Here we can’t see them from here oh that’s that’s that’s trippy man oh okay oh yeah that one we can see still it’s like that’s a bit shorter okay cool okay I gotta I got a stack of TNT in there crap no oh no no no no no no no no no no

That’s not good um that’s not not good at all crap oh no what happened why did it blow up the Redstone gets tankier by the minute that’s how to get when you’re not fully test stuff ah but yeah um it should be good now I think it was

A yeah but uh but it dispenser um update order issue um yeah now we have like old school hardcore wiring with repeaters and waiting for the TNT so uh hopefully this doesn’t blow up again anymore okay there’s a skull in there yes nice random spread so far and perfectly centered pretty much over

The over the square here okay I think that’ll be good let me let me launch some more please don’t blow up again yeah it’s looking good now okay All right two more to go yeah oh this is looking good and there’s a bunch out there we can’t see because they’re not rendered so that’s a full stack now a full stack I think that is enough we don’t wanna you know you don’t want to go insane

Also I need to fix this down here before scar locks on okay okay okay oh my God oh my God [Laughter] yes oh yes with the gold Banner in the background man who’s King now ah all right let’s get rid of those skulls okay then yeah well zero ticking is

Probably also not a good way to do that it won’t move entities all right here we go Hallelujah I was still too short okay then here boom all right there we go dad got rid of him and this is also how scar who will have to clean up and the

Only way is to push him and Collide him with something so you get a nice explosion he’s got to be careful though as they are grouped together closely the explosions might push the skulls around so you better better you know be smart but one thing’s for sure

Um I need to fix the park here you blew up some Hedges thankfully I think all of this is water locked so the corals you know don’t die so that prevented most of the damage it just took out the entities in a few bushes and I’m pretty sure

Hopefully scar has some more of that stuff around somewhere in this world otherwise I will have to go to a coral reef and get corals which would bug me out quite a bit because you know I lost all my Corals in the tunnel board I got

Blown up and now I have to give him mine and yeah ah here he’ll be a little bit more structural damage but nothing bad nothing I should be able to fix quickly I’m roaming around in scars absolute chaos he tricked us all he has chest Monsters Everywhere it just looks like

He has a proper storage system from the front here with the chests and all but if you go behind the scenes it’s the other chaos it’s like oh my God look at all those they’re full of things what is happening oh Lord oh my God there is utter chaos everywhere

Oh my God this is I would I would lose my mind this historic system is broken to no avail how on oh my God I’m never gonna find corals anywhere in this absolute chaos look at all these Minecrafts look at all these entities no wonder Scarlet is the worst leg yo

Oh my Lord this is this is a hopeless cause what is even going on here look at all of this oh my God it’s like completely random stuff everywhere oh my oh okay here’s TCG okay how does he even there’s a dragon egg here too oh it’s like

Is there stuff in the Shark book that’s oh there’s a bit of coral here foreign all right just a few more curls here and then that should be it okay oh activate it autoclick no and wasted two corals it’s already obnoxious he ran out of the

The fire corals here so I had to go to the coral reef and grab some more but okay so yeah was absolutely minor damage thank God that was so lucky just dropped here oh man okay though looking good skulls in place no damage anymore all traces removed

I probably missed this one up there I still don’t know what happened to this guy hopefully it’s just one hopefully oh look daddy it’s so amazing here oh look at that amazing Castle it’s the best amusement park I’ve ever been to ah let’s stroll around a little bit more oh

Look at that jelly balloons dad can I have one yeah maybe later maybe later we spend already a lot of money okay okay oh look can we write a train dead maybe later maybe later we need to get some food dad what’s Dad that’s menacing ugly skulls in the sky I

Wanna go home yeah yeah yeah one of five stars rating has descals in sky uh oh man ah you know but there’s one thing here in the park I definitely like you know I saw that in Scars video uh Cleo made that uh I mean look at that

Inclusion my friends very important and this broke scars hard rightfully so um giving memories of himself being confined to the wheelchair and uh yeah being in Disneyland with his parents and that’s why this whole park means a lot to him no it’s it is not easy to be

A villain all right it ain’t easy to be a villain I tell you but it’s fun but sometimes um one coming off and get though by you guys is by the way um quite a lot you say Hey you appreciate that are not always cut when I’m going from A to B on

The hermitcraft server because it gives you guys a really good idea where things are in relation because of me flying around with Bobby and you actually see things right Scarlet The Rock um Bunker Hill and then set off right TCG Arena the first TCG Arena then beat ups with this crazy metal he

Built the other day and yeah appreciating other Hermits builds yeah oh man he actually managed to disguise this the most ugly thing of season nine the dolphin Speed Tube there you know that transitions nicely in the comment I picked uh for this week um yeah it is by Muffin Man thank you so

Much for your comment and yeah I love the hot dog welcome 10 000 new subscribers and the first thing he did was show on them all other hermit spaces I see what you did there yes indeed of course um it’s important um you know this goes really really deep

Um let me explain to you in short words a complex Thing YouTube and this whole content creating thing is highly competitive as you can imagine and the YouTube algorithm is Relentless if you slack and by slacking I mean you get sick or you have a family thing or

You just can’t upload for a while for whatever reasons the algorithm of YouTube will punish you massively the less you upload the less the videos end up in the suggested video feed of people and subscriber feed these days it doesn’t really do the traffic anymore it is the algorithm when you do purchase

Videos for you to discover and get to watch but if you cannot upload regularly if you burned out if you’re sick if there’s any reason you cannot feed the monster non-stop your channel will tank and your livelihood will come in danger so what we have here on hermitcraft

Together is a very special thing in that regards because if for example my child was born Doki right and I needed to take some time off work um like as most people do and take care of Doki and the mom and you know the whole new situation I was able to take

Off three months which is a huge luxury normally if you do that on YouTube pretty much kill your channel and you start 10 steps back so you can’t afford that you can’t do that normally but as we have this group here hermitcraft right the others while you can take a

Break others carry on the torch and keep the server alive and keep on grinding and we always have our bit ups and downs some people need breaks somehow Mumbo took a break is needed a break for example or others or Ren is in a difficult situation has to move and um

You know his a poor puppy passed away his dog you know there’s stuff happening in life that prevents you from being able to work and um yeah as I said YouTube is extremely punishing for that but we have this group here so now when

I had to take a break and was sick right I can come back to a lively server get some nice interactions with other Hermits and people won’t forget about me and my channel won’t die and it’s a safety net a small safety net we have built together here on YouTube

Supporting each other and taking a bit of the pressure off this content creation involves and therefore I’m always always extremely grateful for any other you know to any other Hermits because you know because we built this together and this is our small little yeah I don’t even know how to describe it our

Small little safe zone or something you know in this crazy super competitive online battle that’s our Edge we have strengths in numbers being strong together that’s it and therefore you know if I see a little bit of hype because of the the incident you know when the tunnel

Blows up I I like to share that a little bit and um maybe when I gained 10 000 new subscribers maybe some of you haven’t seen pearls or impulses builds or whatever hermit you pick randomly right so yeah um let’s buy ourselves two more TCG packs right I’ve been unboxing a few

More having some good pulls we’ll be talking about that maybe in the next episode a little bit I’m trying to get a few matches in okay two more packs you’re only buying new stuff at the moment okay let’s look okay that’s interesting that’s also good I don’t really have much double Farm

Items very nice oh and the Pearl is also good um that gives interesting strategies command blocks I pulled like I pulled another pack before and I got two command blocks at the moment but I want to pull more so that is really nice okay what do we have let’s check this one out

As well okay that’s also good chainmail a prankster item uh oh oh is this a hot guy hot guy and Mumbo potato boy and hot guy nice okay that’s interesting hot guy that is very very good actually that’s super cool with the bow nice and then we have potato boy as a Healer

I’m tempted to build a deck with Mumbo attacker and potato boy as a Healer combo yeah let’s do some crazy mixes with the command blocks um yeah you you might see really crazy decks what is this by the way huh this is a shop is this TCG related

Is this a door no this no I think this is just a bag and this maybe it’s not finished yet what is this where why is there TNT in it and it’s right across the TCG shop and what wait this thing is running oh no oh no

This video, titled ‘Hermitcraft Season 9: Scarland is in Trouble – #48’, was uploaded by docm77 on 2023-05-19 14:00:50. It has garnered 293033 views and 18859 likes. The duration of the video is 01:05:15 or 3915 seconds.

Hermitcraft Season 9 is now on Minecraft 1.19.4… Pranking with Withers

Big Shoutouts to: https://www.youtube.com/@UCXfjk8C1Hvkax10rrmmjM2Q

Thumbnail Fan Art: https://twitter.com/ThePlagueRattt/status/1657844539220959232/photo/1 Artist’s Social: Twitter: https://twitter.com/ThePlagueRattt Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@UCY9tOQMBr2BEoDLzm_-IUrQ

Music by: Jono: https://www.youtube.com/c/shmidi Hivemind Anthem with the help of: Ghostwriter – majestydagod https://www.instagram.com/majestydagod/ Performer – let’s shine (Loochi) https://www.instagram.com/luccidamus/

Consider supporting me directly: Become a Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/docm77 Become a channel member: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4O9HKe9Jt5yAhKuNv3LXpQ/join


Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/docm77

Live Stream: http://www.twitch.tv/docm77live

#Minecraft #Hermitcraft #Season9

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  • Minecraft Launcher Error Code 0x80072efe FIX – Shizo TechFixIT

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  • BakSoo MC

    BakSoo MCServer Minecraft Indonesia dikhususkan untuk player indonesia sadjah. Dapat bermain lewat JAVA dan juga BEDROCK Untuk sekarang kami baru memiliki Hard Survival Server. Rencananya akan kami tambah jadi PIXELMON mc.baksoo.my.id Read More

  • MasterRealm – Semi Vanilla

    Welcome to Master Realm’s New Season! 🎉 Hey everyone! Master Realm’s new season is live, and it’s packed with awesome updates! 🌟 What’s New: Explore a Corrupted World: Dive into a realm sealed by ancient gods. Unlock chunks with blocks or items to face tougher monsters, structures, mobs, and items. Season Theme: The Corrupted Chunks. Venture into a world full of corruption and mystery with increasing dangers and Blood Moons. Economy & Trading: Robust economy with coins, an auction house, exclusive kits, and custom items. Slimefun Enhancements: New machines and gadgets for exciting crafting. 100 New Dungeons & Bosses: Challenge… Read More

  • CommunityCraft SMP! discord.gg/CommunityCraft!

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.21.1 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.21.1 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: play.communitycraft.live (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Herobrine: Too Spicy for Easy Additions

    It’s like trying to convince a Minecraft player that diamonds are just as common as dirt – not gonna happen! Read More

  • Stressmen Jail, Odo Kentang: Animation VS Original Minecraft Madness

    Stressmen Jail, Odo Kentang: Animation VS Original Minecraft Madness In the world of Minecraft, where blocks come alive, Stressmen and Odo Kentang, always ready to thrive. With NightD24 and ElestialHD, they create a scene, Filled with laughter and joy, in every frame that’s seen. Kulpi Semungku channel, bringing animation to life, With funny videos and unique experiences, free from strife. Haikal Hibatulloh, the mastermind behind the scenes, Editing models and maps, creating vibrant dreams. So like, subscribe, and share, to support their art, In the world of Minecraft, where creativity sparks. Watch and enjoy, the moments so grand, In every video, crafted by their hand. Read More

  • ¡El meme de Minecraft más caliente!

    ¡El meme de Minecraft más caliente! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” 😂 #minecraft #meme #trending Read More

  • Minecraft Shenanigans: Episode 681

    Minecraft Shenanigans: Episode 681 Minecraft Adventures in Episode 681 Welcome to the exciting world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds! In this episode, Lờ Đờ Vờ takes us on a thrilling journey through the blocky landscapes of Minecraft. Let’s dive into the highlights of this epic adventure! Exploring New Horizons In this episode, our intrepid explorer embarks on a quest to discover new lands and resources. Armed with nothing but their wits and a trusty pickaxe, they traverse vast forests, scale towering mountains, and delve deep into mysterious caves. Along the way, they encounter a variety of creatures, from friendly villagers to… Read More

  • Rare 4k60fps Pink Sheep in Minecraft! Watch now!

    Rare 4k60fps Pink Sheep in Minecraft! Watch now!Video Information This video, titled ‘[4k60fps] The Pink Sheep (Minecraft)’, was uploaded by SandDucc on 2024-08-18 21:47:42. It has garnered 30 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. Like so we can DESTROY the Algorithm Minecraft, MinecraftShorts, MinecraftShort, Minecraft gameplay, Minecraft viral, Minecraft trending, Minecraft funny moments, Minecraft meme, Minecraft survival, Minecraft Hardcore, Minecraft 100 Days, Minecraft tips, Minecraft tricks, Minecraft guide, Minecraft builds, Minecraft speedrun, Minecraft PvP, Minecraft noob vs pro, Minecraft challenge, Minecraft wither, Minecraft boss battle, Minecraft highlights, Minecraft tutorial, Minecraft epic moments, Minecraft clips, Minecraft hacks, Minecraft crafting, Minecraft… Read More

  • Real Minecraft Myths Revealed

    Real Minecraft Myths RevealedVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Myths🧐That Are🤔Actually🤫Real!#shorts’, was uploaded by Warrior Slave on 2024-06-04 18:50:34. It has garnered 10670 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. Minecraft Myths🧐That Are🤔Actually🤫Real!#shorts Dispelling🤫Myths🤔About Flowers💐in Minecraft🧐!! #shorts Related Tags:- minecraft minecraft myths scary minecraft myths cash minecraft testing scary minecraft myths minecraft phone testing minecraft myths testing 100 minecraft myths minecraft bedrock edition minecraft funny minecraft scary myths busting scary minecraft myths scary minecraft testing 100 minecraft myths in 24 hours busting 100 minecraft myths in 24 hours testing scary minecraft minecraft scary minecraft mod minecraft scary… Read More

Hermitcraft Season 9: Scarland is in Trouble – #48