Herobrine Haunts My PterodactOwl Minecraft

Video Information

Herobrine scanning The Horizon maybe he’s watching me oh my God he was right there hello ladies and gentlemen pterodactyle reporting for Duty welcome to from the fog a Minecraft mod that introduces herobrine into the game to haunt and stalk us until the day we die yep that’s basically uh that’s

Basically the gist of it it’s not it’s not your Grandma’s old old Herobrine you know this is the Herobrine that that it’s the way he’s intended to be scary urban legendy so that’s what we’re going to be dealing with today uh he’s not going to start stalking us immediately

Uh there is a bit of a delay but eventually we will start sighing him and he will start haunting us and and messing with us and and trolling us and doing whatever he feels like doing because her Brian can do whatever he wants to do now that being said this

Will be linked in the description below if you want to check it out for yourself and while you’re down there you should consider liking and subbing because it does support me a great deal and I would absolutely appreciate it I guess I forgot to mention there’s also some new structures apparently

Apparently there’s a the Herobrine Shrine or of some sorts that we can like activate and things uh so lots of things to explore but the beginning of this game will likely just be us Gathering our bearings and uh I don’t know doing our typical Minecraft thing up until

Herobrine starts messing with us so uh I don’t know about you guys but I want to cherish every minute we have before Herobrine starts destroying us uh in terms of emot well in terms of psyche right in terms of our psyche he will start destroying us and wearing us down

Until we decide to just give up and allow him to to destroy us completely uh but I will cherish my my moments of freedom from Herobrine and uh yeah just do our typical typical mining thing here because we we still need our basic resources this is still a Minecraft

Let’s Play of sorts so we shouldn’t forget our Basics we need to we need to stick to the basics also did I not mindness I didn’t okay cool all right so here Brian give it your best shot I bet you can’t scare me he can’t scare me no

Way Minecraft Minecraft is the least scary game of all time that’s what I’ve learned except that that uh map that I played that horror map uh I think it was called last Light that one was actually pretty spooky I’m not going to lie like I played my fair share forr games that

One pretty good pretty good not going to lie but let’s go ahead get ourselves a stone pickaxe get ourselves a stone sword and we will be all set to go after we make ourselves a stone axe of course okay all right we’re good we need food hey look there’s Lake here there should

Be sheep and things here hey there are lots of sheep here look at that this is perfect for us my volume is higher right now because I know that some of the stuff herrine does um is sound related so I want to be able to hear it but I

Also feel like it might blow out my eardrum so we’ll see what happens if I end up yelling for the rest of the video it’s because I I can no longer hear prop L um and I I’m overcompensating for not being able to hear myself hey C you want

To give me some meat I know it’s not the best of circumstances but I do need to kill you before Herobrine decides to start haunting me and destroying my life’s work meaning my life because my life is my life’s work is that a village no that’s just a hill okay I’m I’m an

Idiot that’s fine okay let’s go I like going into ACAA biomes I think ACAA biomes are one of my favorite so we will go over there we’ll see if we can find a village um and if anything there should be a lot of cows and things in the ACAA

Village one of the reasons I like it so much is I think the cow spawn rates tend to be a bit higher there that is a huge Cliff over there a huge mountain that’s fine though oh I’m dying apparently I was drowning that’s great good for me

Good for me for sticking up for myself all right hey is that a village up there hey are you a village hey hey you are a village okay so the game wants me to climb up this hill and I think I need to do that though the thing

Is if I’m in a village will Herobrine start messing with all the villagers too oh oh part of it’s down here so I guess we don’t have to climb all the way up but we can look for more food uh there’s a sheep over here there’s multiple sheep over here

Nice and a pig cool so we’re going to have a decent amount of F Well I guess the The Village should have hay bales right so maybe it’s not necessary I get all the meat but I’m going to get it anyways because I like killing things it’s one of my favorite occupations you

Know me and herob BR actually probably aren’t that far uh aren’t that far apart in terms of what we enjoy doing um I like killing things he likes killing things I like trolling people he likes trolling people you know it’s not it’s not necessarily too bad oh hey look

More sheep hey sheep die die thank you is there any coal I could NAB real quick because I do need to I am like sitting on my mouse okay sorry that doesn’t make any sense but if you were here you’d understand exactly how I’d be sitting on

My mouse while I’m using it it’s an ancient art of being able to use the mouse with your with your buttocks it’s truly a gift hey you got any bread you do thank you I appreciate it you do have an emerald too I don’t know if we’re going to need it but I

Will take it I’m really just here waiting for Herobrine okay is that fine if I took this clay would you be able to trade for it hold on hold on let me get let me get some clay to trade with you so I can get another Emerald I don’t know if I really

Need it but I will take it how much was in here how much can I get from this is that enough no it’s not enough that’s fine though why do I hear a zombie I feel like I shouldn’t be hearing a zombie right now but yet I am

Hearing a zombie hey do you have any hay bells you have one hay Bell well we got to fix this because you cannot just have one hay Bell for me that’s not how this is going to work oh there’s more hay bells on there that’s good uh I do want

To get that coal but it’s very far away and I don’t know if I want to deal with that quite yet let’s get these hay bells and then we will turn all of this stuff into bread and then maybe maybe when we find Herobrine we’ll throw bread at him as a

Peace offering does that sound reasonable Herobrine he says yes okay I’m going to have to throw I’m going to have to throw bread at him because it it really seems to be the only way to preserve my life and if all I have to lose is a little

Bit of bread then that’s fine by me all right let’s just kill the animals over here they’re they’re taunting me and I don’t know how I feel about that so let’s go ahead come over here kill all the pigs get more meat do all that stuff

And then we can maybe do a little bit of Mining and things little bit of Mining and things hey Pig hello is that a ravine is that a ravine I see over here it is there’s lots of coal and stuff but I don’t know if it’s necessarily easy to get it’s not really

Easy to get to so I’m not sure about all of that uh but I will look for maybe some other things I mean there was a tiny cave over here that maybe I can hop into real quick and see if there’s any coal or other stuff cuz Coal’s really what I’m

Looking for I can make some torches hey there we go make some torches and and maybe cook some of the meat I have do lots of we can do lots of different things with coal so it’s important that we we grab it right now before Herobrine starts stealing things from us because I

Have a feeling he he’s probably going to start stealing stuff from us and doing things that I’d rather him not do so uh yeah we’re going to do this and then we’re going to wait for night time to fall and we’re going to sleep we’re going to make some

Torches and then I don’t know do mining as usual because we are miners this channel full of miners m i n e r s to clarify cuz actually a good portion of my channel are not the miners m i n o RS a good portion of my channel is

Actually 18 to 21 years old according to my demographics which is which fascinates me actually I’m glad older people still enjoy Minecraft it’s a it’s a lot of fun uh me personally I enjoy it um okay so if you are 18 to 21 let me know in

The comments down below because I’m I’m curious I’m curious if you are in that age range or just above 18 it doesn’t even have to be 18 to 21 just above the age of 18 cuz I am curious I am really curious let’s make some torches and that should be good for now

36 torches that yeah that’s good for now and then we can throw um some stuff into here okay night is going to fall and I do think Herobrine is going to start stalking us so I’m going to come here this is going to be my home for now we need to make a

Bed because if we can sleep the night away that would be fan freaking tastic all right going to sleep you can’t stop me here aha I win is it daytime already okay it is daytime apparently all right here Brian are you out there I really am surprised that this doesn’t

Hurt me in Minecraft I really wish they changed that like I know it might be a stupid thing to change but I think it should hurt us you know uh let’s throw our furnace down let’s start smelting some of the stuff that we have because we have lots of

Meat to eat and I think it’s important that we get as much food as possible cuz there aren’t a lot Of what was I going to say oh there aren’t a lot of hay bells for us to na unless they’re up there but I don’t know if I feel like climbing up there necessarily Herobrine where are you Herobrine did you destroy my crops did you destroy my crops this is not

Funny also why is this smon sticking up did you do this Herobrine where are you at Show Yourself show yourself I wish you could activate it like with your voice if you said something specific kind of like you know um what Bloody Mary you sp around three

Times and she shows up maybe something like that and it can register your voice I don’t know if Minecraft has any type of code that would allow you to do that but maybe you could introduce it it would be pretty cool it would I like I don’t know the

The functionality of all of the Minecraft code and what you can and can’t do I mean I know there are a few limitations but there definitely are limitations and that seems like it would be one of them hey me are you done in there yet because I could definitely use a

Bite so this going to be my home and then we can start doing a little bit of hello I heard something and it was weird it wasn’t the furnace shut up I’m listening shut up I feel like now I’m going to be on like high alert at 24/7 like I think

That’s going to be the scariest part is the anticipation is that you did you make that noise was that you stop making noises I didn’t get 10 bricks from him so I don’t have to smelt them I guess now just smell my clay balls well actually I traded them for emeralds so I

Guess I can’t do that okay anyways all right y’all we are being haunted by herobrine I than here soon um we we will have to go somewhere eventually and look for one of them shrines it said there’s like a shrine or something Herobrine did you do this too cuz this feels

Odd everything is Herobrine everything is Herobrine just like it was 10 years ago everything is Herobrine in 2013 in 2023 I was thinking of 10 years ago everything was Herobrine in 2013 and now everything is Herobrine in 2023 it’s just the fact of the matter it’s just

Just the facts it’s just the facts okay get your facts straight everybody Herobrine is real and herob is out for blood today though I haven’t seen him yet but he’s going to show up he’s the Great Pumpkin what if he is the great pump what if he what if I’ve

Just been told that he’s going to show up and then he never does and it’s just the Great Pumpkin story all over again if y’all don’t know what the Great Pumpkin is then yall got to look it up because there’s no way you shouldn’t know what or who the Great Pumpkin is okay

Here R where you at I want to chase him I want to see him and then run at him as fast as I can it’s going to be a fight ORF flight response and it’s not going to be fight and it’s definitely not going to be

Flight it’s going to be a little of each I’m not going to run at him with the intent of fighting him I’m going to run at him with the intent of preserving my life now I don’t know if that makes sense but if I run at him then it gets

Rid of the scare factor and he can no longer surprise me if I run at him and see what he does right my spawn Point’s here so yeah life should be good all right here we go we got food and that that amount of food should last

Us right we definitely don’t need more food than that right and then I want to take someone else’s bed I want to leave my bed in there for now hey do you got a bed it’s orange but I’ll take it I guess thank you I appreciate it all right let’s maybe

Do a little bit of adventuring maybe Herobrine will show himself while I’m running away from everything while I’m running away from reality maybe that is when he’ll decide that it is time for him to show himself hey cow you want to give me more food oh there’s lots of cows here nice

Give me your food Herobrine where are you give me that thank you okay cool herob Bri where are you hey what’s this is this a desert thing what is that what is that over there that looks like a nontypical Minecraft Structure unless I’m wrong I could be wrong but this does

Not look typical let’s see what’s going on in here let’s see what’s going on over here maybe it is typical I don’t know is this a Minecraft Structure May it’s been a while since I’ve it’s been a little bit since i’ played Minecraft uh so maybe they added something in my absence

It’s been a couple of weeks so maybe maybe that’s it hey what’s in here more bread oh bury treasure map nice maybe we can check that out now what’s over here okay so this is a typical Minecraft is it a Minecraft Structure or is this

Part of the mod am I dumb that I don’t know this maybe y’all can enlighten me hi drowned I’m doing a little bit of Parkour hope you don’t mind is there something up on your thing please don’t touch me thank you oh I must have hit him into the lava my

Bad is there anything up here I have no idea but I’ll figure it out hey is there a chest up here no there’s not a chest up here unfortunately cool Herobrine scanning The Horizon maybe he’s watching me oh my God he was right

There h i saw I saw you I saw you don’t think for a second that I didn’t see you h I saw that’s kind of scary actually it took it my brain lagged behind it but I did see it I did see it y all can go back and Rewind if you

Didn’t actually see it but he was there for a split second was watching me with those beady little eyes of his with his beady little eyes all right let’s go mining and uh see what we can do let’s see if we can find a mine that we can

Actually get to I know there was a ravine by that Village but but I don’t know if I wanted to really mess with that so much I feel like now I have to constantly look behind me I don’t okay all right I think we’re good for now I don’t know what else he’s

Going to do to me but I guess we’ll have to just wait and see huh we got more cows over here we can murder maybe he doesn’t maybe he’s a vegetarian and he doesn’t like that I’m murdering the cows it could be maybe that’s why but I don’t care I like

Killing cows I don’t mind get out of here get out of here get out of here leave okay cool all right we’re just going to keep running through the ACAA biome make life a little easier for us and then we will have to eat underwater

Our bread is going to get a little soggy but that’s sort of just what happens life will be okay life will move on here BR I’m watching I’m watching I’m looking out for him I know he’s around here somewhere with his with his bright little beady eyes of his where you at her

Obrien how far how far can he be from me is it as far as my render distance basically as far as far as I can see him last time he was actually like legitimately hiding behind something which was fascinating like he was hiding behind the Sandstone bricks which was definitely an interesting

Phenomenon okay let’s get more beef because beef is great this is why I like AAA BS there’s always a lot of meat to gather all right it looks like we’re heading into a bit of a desert we have 30 raw beef which would definitely last

Us a whole video so I’m not going to worry too much about everything else hey I’m just I’m on high alert right now I checking I’m checking everything okay it is going to be night time now though uh which is going to make life a little more difficult for

Us I’m going to turn down music sorry cuzz I have my own music playing in the videos and the Minecraft music does not need to be playing necessarily so I turn that off for now I don’t want it to confuse the the great music I’m going to

Have playing oh this is a nice open area for Herobrine to stalk me that’s great I place torches down I know he can do something with torches I want to see if he does something with the Torches for a desert it’s got quite the river attached to it

Anyways I mean we can we can roam around a little bit at night time and see if he does more stuff the Torches are over there still nothing’s happened to them Herobrine where are you you going to keep stalking me I really would like to find a cave hi

Bunny what happens if I go to sleep I don’t see him wait what’s that over there is that a little village hold on is that a little village over there let’s go over there see what’s going on maybe he’s going to be hunting the or haunting the uh villagers over here let’s

See oh but we have oh there’s so many M oh that’s a temple I don’t know if I oh my God that I should have just slept when I had the chance this is not good hold on hold on hold on everybody we got to sleep don’t mind this left side this

Is the configuration for the mod don’t worry about it okay life is good life is fine we are moving we are moving go go go go go go go you’re right haunt me more I’m very sad that you have not chosen to haunt me a little bit more am I going

Backwards I feel like I might be going backwards I feel like the AC is Where I Come came from right so maybe I should should go back over this way I will do just that I feel upset that he has not chosen to hunt me more am I not worthy am I not

Worthy Herobrine because if not then I guess I understand I don’t know why I would be worthy but like I’d like to be worthy of something your love and affection your haunting cuz we all know Herobrine’s sign of affection or love language is is haunting people so if I

Not been chosen to be haunted Then he doesn’t love me and that is so sad excuse me Herobrine don’t think I don’t think I didn’t see that I saw that let me go down here in the deep dark let’s get what we need to get out of here make life a little easier for us

See see what sort of sorts of treasures we can find maybe we can find some iron that would be nice we do need some iron um looting honestly looting one wouldn’t be bad if we can find an anvil two diamonds we can make a diamond sword nice any iron though we can make

An iron oh wow we can do quite a bit we can make an iron pickaxe too but I think I’m going to stick with the diamond sword how do I get out of here am I stuck here I think I’m stuck here I could probably mine out though mine mine oh okay

Herobrine help me I’m stuck I want to make a diamond sword that okay I’m just going to ignore that man I didn’t pick up my crafting table from the house that I’m probably never going back to even though though I thought I might also I should checked

The very treasure I don’t know why I haven’t done that yet that’s not how you make a sword nice now I have two extra diamonds cool go ahead and get rid of that do some of that maybe I can make a can we get a replay on that I can’t do

It right now but when I turned around was Herr there for like a millisecond I might okay I might have started to hallucinating all of a sudden I’ve been in the desert for a while okay but when I turned around it took me a second but did I see a a a quick

Apparition appear and then disappear everyone replay what just happened when I turned around after I dropped this sword um like when I when I had moved around like this and then turned around hey go go away I didn’t want to pick you up and I went like this there was

Something there had to be I might beuc hallucinating I might be hallucinating but there has to there had to have been something there right I’m not going to look at it myself I’m probably not even going to look at it in post um but if

You guys want to let me know if I’m crazy or not you can definitely do that and help me out because that that would be fantastic but we’re we’re still on our way looking for a mine of sorts if we can find one we got a little bit of a

Grassy area here in the middle of the desert a little bit of an wasis of Swords hey there’s a desert village nice yourr okay I’m just I’m I’m waiting for him I’m waiting for him I’m just going to I just want to see what he does

Um that’s really what the video is about it’s not about me necessarily um finding everything there is to find but just playing it and enjoying it for myself so you guys can kind of just get what a typical experience might look like I’m not one to overhype things or

Or do anything like that a lot of you know I can save that for the other YouTubers who want to be who have like a more childlike audience but me I’m going to keep it real I always have I’m just going to see what there is to see and

Then uh leave and then just end the video I’m not going to try beating the game if I feel like I don’t need to I don’t think this is a mod P a mod that requires me to beat the game so I’m not going

To um how much iron did I get six okay that’s a decent amount oh there’s more hay bales here okay cool here Brian you know the desert is a nice flat area maybe he’s scared of showing up in this nice flat area you know what here’s what I’m going to

Do I’m going to do the Forbidden was that you walking over there cat sorry I made a diamond hoe everybody just so I can collect these hay bals I had the two diamonds why not now I really wish Minecraft would Institute like you know Diamond Shields

Like if I could just used one of those those diamonds on a shield that would be nice cuz then one diamond is useless but I don’t think one Diamond should ever be useless you know hi are you mad at me you’re not mad at me okay I’m going to

Keep stealing the hay you’re not going to be mad at me right I’m keeping an eye out hey have you seen Herobrine lately have you seen him hey get off my hay bals get off thanks thank you that must have hurt oh my god oh I thought that was an arrow

That’s his tail I thought there was an arrow in his ass but there isn’t okay anyways let’s see what else we can maybe do while we’re sort of lurking about here here brine I’m like beckoning him if I were honestly I’d love to do a um something I’m super interested in is

Going and doing a uh like a lock down in a haunted location and then like like recording it and stuff I definitely be the person to taunt the demons though granted I do have or I have a suspicion of me being or having a negative entity attached to me um which

Is a whole other thing I’m sorry if you don’t believe in ghost this might sound like a whole load of bull crap but there sometimes something has to happen to you for you to believe it and this this could be a story for another time maybe

During my my 16-hour stream which by the way will be December 23rd 1,000 sub 1,000 minute stream uh will be on December 3rd starting around 7 or 8 EST not entirely sure um and then obviously going on for 16 well a little over 16 hours actually it’s

Actually going to be closer to 16 hours and 40 minutes um but yeah that is sort of what’s happening on December 23rd and maybe I’ll talk about my My Little Ghost Story um on stream as long as it’s in if it’s in the Q&A section in

Discord um by the way you should join the Discord so you can ask questions in the Q&A section for me to answer during the live stream um and also uh I use the Discord as a way for you to throw down suggestions for me to try you know

Whether it be mod packs data packs maps and stuff uh for me to play in the future sure uh or other games that aren’t Minecraft related you can throw those into the um suggestion box as well but anyway sorry I’m getting all types of sidetracked here waiting for Herobrine to do something to

Me um now that is classic Herobrine oh I know that was you Herobrine there’s no way it wasn’t where you At okay it’s not here um but yeah if yall are interested in hearing some ghost stories from me I’d be willing to to tell and divulge that information um I’m not one to try to convince you that ghost are real if you don’t believe it but um yeah we can

Definitely uh or I can we can definitely talk about that more in that 16 hour stream I think that’s more of a stream type of deal to talk about where people can actually like react live to stuff I’m going to make a boat don’t break my

Boat Herobrine okay I need the boat to live okay I’m listening I’m listening for things let’s go this way head into the jungle where it’s going to be even more difficult to see him I can’t see behind me and that’s I feel like I’m like just the

Fact that I know he’s in the game scares me uh or like I start being hyper aware of every single noise every single thing I see um which is a little crazy but it is what it is right now so we’ve head back we’ve headed back this way uh I haven’t spotted Herobrine

In a bit but we can crash land onto this island and maybe search that we got some bamboo going on man he’d hide himself really well in bamboo okay I kind of just want to I don’t know I want to I want to see him more is the

Thing like I maybe that would ruin everything but did you move my boat I know that might might ruin like some surprises and things but I don’t know I kind of want to see him more like obviously this has meant for a longer playthrough and not just a single video

Um of me playing for like an hour or so um I mean granted we have like 30 minutes left but okay so night time is falling night is falling upon us so we can definitely sleep again um only reason I’m sleeping and not letting and not staying okay see

That’s exactly why because that skeleton right there that’s exactly why I’m going to sleep and cuz I can be haunted by him during the day I don’t think it has to be nighttime don’t worry about the config it’s fine I made the advancement diamonds here Brian where are you

At or maybe I shouldn’t sleep I don’t know maybe NE maybe next night I won’t sleep but if that’s going to happen I need I need more iron I need to don’t do this to me um I definitely would like some more iron uh to make some more

Armor because if I’m going to stay awake I know I’m going to have to deal with things that I don’t want to deal with like skeletons zombies creepers excuse me ladies and gentlemen that was my bad hey we got a little flat area over here maybe maybe this is just

More ideal is that another ACAA biome we’re running into or is this the same AAA biome I do think I went into in a big circle I have a bad habit of going into circles or running in circles can it be under the water staring at me I don’t know

Cool you’re brine where are you see this is the acacia biome I’m pretty sure this is the one I was at before maybe let’s check out this uh this Village and see what’s going on here I curious ious though about like what else he he can do I know he can

Like steal torches he can mess with them when they’re on the ground um but I don’t know how long I’d have to wait for something like that to happen did you set this on fire here BR how dare you so this is a different village than the one I was in before I

Do believe uh yeah it’s definitely different uh I don’t know I guess we can just check things out here see what’s going on so many noises stop making noises everybody we need to be Noise free so I can wait for Herobrine to strike shut up I’m listening shut up H stupid pigs stupid

Pigs I really I only really feel like I’ve seen him once and I feel like it’s a little frustrating maybe I do need to go into a cave I’d like like to find a cave though I can go into uh maybe there’s one over there but the sooner I can find a cave

The better because i’ like I would like to spend some time mining uh because I know a lot a lot of stuff can happen while you’re mining so let’s uh let’s check this out maybe there’s something down here ah yes this is more like it this is probably going to scare me

But this is the life okay that’s not what I wanted that’s absolutely the last thing I wanted to deal with while I was down here you did scare me Herobrine you did if you’re the one who sent that after me you did scare me but that’s not

Really what I was expecting out of all of that okay please don’t destroy that iron I really want that iron so I can make some armor while I’m down here I feel like this is this is where Herobrine lives he lives in the cave not above ground so I think if we’re going

To find him then it’s going to be up up sorry down underground that’s what I’m thinking how which iron is that 14 okay we need a little more how far does this go I’m waiting for you Herobrine watching and waiting watching and waiting where are you going where

The are you going thank you at least I have a diamond sword that makes life a little easier all right cool some of that uh I don’t know get some more coal in case we need more torches later I guess I don’t really know we’ll see I coal is my favorite my most

Favorite monotonous activity hey there’s iron right there nice then we can make an iron pickaxe at the very least so we have to smell everything though again just playing this like I would a typical Minecraft play through no need to go super fast was that out was that in my

Room something I heard in my room or is that something I heard in the game cuz if so that was terrifying if it was in my room then it was probably Kisa doing something but I don’t know I wasn’t I wasn’t paying attention this is

Scary um does this end here a come on don’t do that to me ah we make we make it through in a typical horror game this would be the scariest part walking through the water no that just goes straight back up there and I don’t know if I want to deal with that

What we can do though is go ahead and place down or sorry make a new furnace my bad make a new furnace nice and just go ahead and start smelting the iron did I take the coal out of the other furnace in the village I don’t think I did honestly

Cool oh there’s more iron here nice so there was an adjacent one I was going to look but then I was like N I don’t want to there was an adjacent one that I miss does this go elsewhere like somewhere I need to be no okay I see uh man I hope I

Was really hoping this cave would go somewhere else but this actually I never I haven’t been up here though this is another area wait no is this where I came from oh this must be where I came from oh okay there’s more iron up here nice let’s go ahead and NAB as much

Of this as possible and we should be all set nice and that is nine on top of our 14 which is is close to a full set of armor but we’re also making a pickaxe which does change things slightly here BR where are you you better show yourself I’m going to be

Real upset here soon see I have a habit of turning really fast he was right there that time I know I saw him for a split second if you don’t believe me and if you didn’t see it rewind and you will see I know I turn really fast sometimes okay I didn’t mean

To turn around that fast but he was there okay I’m not going crazy he was there that time I’m we’re not discussing this any further he was there okay any other iron though I feel like oh you open into a pretty expansive area oh hi spider how you doing

Okay I think it’s best if we make it back to the furnace real quick and grab our stuff and then we can come back over here and do what we got to do well I guess we got to actually throw more iron into the furnace real quick but let’s go ahead and drop

Down ow fair enough I deserve that bam and I don’t know we can just throw stuff we don’t need over here yeah like over here uh that that well guess we can keep this stick no reason to really throw that out I don’t see myself needing the arrows it’s

Not like I’m defeating the Ender Dragon in this video like no way Jose is that going to happen uh now we can go ahead and make I guess we need to make more sticks first make an iron pick and then grab some of you and go ahead and

Make stuff should be able to make a shield pretty soon I’m I’m on Lookout I’m on high alert right now and then we should be able to make uh a helmet and then a shield with the rest of the stuff so I guess we can make the shield now just to waste time

While we’re waiting for the rest of it to smelt do a little bit of that do a little bit of that and then grab you and wait to make our helmet cool we will we will wait as long as we need to and life should be good all right helmet

Bam Bam let’s go ahead and pick up our furnace get the rest of our coal and uh let’s go up here and uh find out where we last left off which was all the way around here around town and then we made a little turn this way and we come up over this

Way and then down over here was where we left off and this should make life a lot easier for us we are geared up now iron pickaxe is right there so once we run out of the stone pickaxe we should be all set we can drop

Down get a little bit of light going here a little bit of extra light I should say okay okay cool got a little bit of lava down there but we don’t got to worry about that right now I saw you I saw those beady little eyes of yours don’t even say I didn’t

Cuz I did ow that’s not where I intended to land but that’s fine I feel like he is showing up more while I’m in the cave maybe I don’t know if that’s how that works but I feel like he he might be showing up a little bit more I’m hearing a

Skeleton and an Enderman hearing lots of things going on right now I haven’t seen uh any more iron while I’ve been roaming around down here though this is a little odd did he steal all the iron no he didn’t got iron right here we also need to make more torches apparently but this

Is enough to make some boots so that’s nice that in there cool that’s enough to make some boots and uh we might as well throw more of these here 44 torches should last us a decent bit of time see the thing is I want to run into him is the thing apparently something

Happens and I want to run into him but I feel like he doesn’t he doesn’t stay long enough for me to do that oh well I guess I’ll never figure it out we can go down in this dark tunnel though see if he follows us where you at he’s not

Here that’s exactly where I just was I’m sure where that skeleton was before so we’re going to come up here no hi skeleton or hi zombie you’re not a skeleton hi zombie why does my vision look so different right now now am I crazy Herobrine did you make this tunnel

Or this big hole it seems Herobrine like it seems Herobrine like not going to lie I have to sneeze but I’m going to hold it back it’s going to hurt but I’m going to hold it back cuz I have to sneeze okay I don’t have to sneeze anymore

It’ll come back later I’m sure in like two times the its capacity I got to eat apparently nice could have sworn I saw like some iron or something maybe that’s what I was looking at the Copper over there we have eight iron I don’t know

How much more iron we’re going to end up needing my God this keeps just going and going and going doesn’t it how deep am I how deep am I oh I’m only at 27 man that sucks I want to keep going deeper and deeper and deeper oh this is a pretty big area

Though want to light it up as much as possible so that Herobrine does not come and attack us let me just make sure that just so yall can see a little better I don’t really think that does too much but I just want you all to be able to see as good as

Possible nice not really worried about killing them I just want to find the Deep area to go down into next got to be another place we can go here okay well that was just okay cool nice um well there’s nothing down there Herr where are you come fight me

Like a man I saw you fight in uh what was it called Take Back the Night a Minecraft an original Minecraft song by Captain Sparkles I saw you fight then do you want to fight me now I can take you on that was not normal unless it was just

Water flowing through there probably could have been maybe it was normal okay I’m going to mine these is there eight here there’s copper under it man that sucks Fool’s iron Fool’s iron not Fool’s Gold Fool’s iron okay well I guess I can throw my furnace down and cook up the rest of this

Iron cuz why not and just wait for here ran I’m going to sit here and I’m going to wait for him that’s what I’m going to do for the rest of the day sit here and wait for him where are you at maybe I should look at the wall maybe

If I look at the wall he’ll he’ll sneak up behind me the thing is it’s it mentioned that like at times you’ll he you’ll you’ll hear footsteps I haven’t heard that and again like I said I have my volume up more than typical so I feel like if

There were going to be footsteps I feel like I’d hear them yeah I don’t know it’s a little Annoying it’s a it’s a little Annoying that things are not happening the way I wanted them to but that’s okay at least now you guys know you know how

Frequently he shows up like we’ve seen him four like four times I think four or five times he broke the cactus once or the cacti once um no I guess it would just be Cactus I mean there were two blocks of cacti but it was one Cactus I

Guess um he broke those we saw that um so I mean I guess that’s fair I mean I I’ve been I’ve been looking out for them it’s not like I haven’t been looking out for them uh some things don’t work out the way you want them to work out which is

Fine I just wish I could have seen him more I even changed it to where the appearance like he appears um the most um or or messes with us the most but it even seems like the most common uh setting for that is actually still pretty

Low which which kind of sucks I wish there was more I could do to change that so developers if you want a little bit of advice I’d say that turning allowing there to be maybe a numeric setting for chance because right now you have it set of common uncommon and

Rare uh for the chance setting but maybe making it like uh like you control the actual number or percent chance that he shows up maybe that that could be something looking that we could look into cuz right now I’m Comm and it’s actually not doing a lot which is unfortunate but

Very little we can do about it but I guess what I’ll say then is I guess we will end it off here and we will hi buddy hold on I need to run into him I want to run into him jump scare me oh well he appeared at the end of the

Video and that is good enough for me so so I guess that being said uh this will be linked in the description below if you want to check it out for yourself and while you’re down there just consider liking and subbing because it does support me a great deal also

Consider joining the Discord for updates on my uh December 23rd 1,000 minute Stream So about a 16 hour stream and uh leave suggestions q&as all the all those things in the Discord um but I am going to end this video here so thank you all for watching absolutely appreciate it

And until next time p d out

This video, titled ‘Minecraft but Herobrine haunts me’, was uploaded by PterodactOwl on 2023-12-12 17:00:31. It has garnered 2909 views and 62 likes. The duration of the video is 00:52:16 or 3136 seconds.

From the Fog is a Minecraft datapack and/or mod that introduces the feature that old-timey Minecraft players like me desire: Herobrine. At the onset of Minecraft’s conception, Herobrine has been a legend that many have heard but few have had the experience to tell. Legend says he roams the Minecraft landscape with a bloodlust emanating from his soul. But why? Does he stalk and kill for fun? Does he seek revenge for the innocent animal’s slaughtered in Steve’s wake? Is he a heavenly actor placed in the world for divine retribution? No one will ever know the truth. Perhaps that’s why his legend survives to this day . . .

Please consider liking, commenting, subbing, and ringing that bell to be notified of any and all future uploads 🙂

Check out From the Fog datapack/mod for yourself: https://lunareclipse.studio/creations/from-the-fog

Want to become a Lord/Lady of the Parliament? Join my discord here: https://discord.gg/v3P4xMpJk6

Want to see me play Minecraft maps? Check the playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dP7rcWgxB3g&list=PLKyybJBW9B4ok5VtkOx4IYMjeszr-uB5w&pp=gAQBiAQB

Like Minecraft Data-Packs? Check this playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hU5DMl8BMR8&list=PLKyybJBW9B4qN5XzjfFIMJHmau9A3l_0T&pp=gAQBiAQB

Many thanks to MusiqBC for creating my background and outro music! Check them out: http://soundcloud.com/musiqbrainchild/ _________________________ #minecraft #minecraftmaps #minecraftdatapack #minecraftsurvival #minecraftskyblock #survival #gaming #gamingvideos #gamingcommunity #gamingchannel #games #gamer #gameplay #game #letsplay #funnygameplay #funnyvideo #funny #subscribe #raftgame #raft #minecraft1.20 #minecraft100days #minecraftuniverse #universe #modpack #moddedminecraft #moddedsurvival #modded #minecraftlongvideo #minecraftvideo #minecraftvideos #fromthefog #herobrine #herobrinesmp #minecraftherobrine #1k #1kcreator #1ksubscribers #minecrafter

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    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.20 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.20 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: play.chickencraft.nl (GL HF) Read More

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    "Shocking Villager IQ Experiment in Minecraft!" #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Testing villagers IQ in Minecraft #gaming #minecraft @pixelyt05 @tashugaming057’, was uploaded by Tashu Gaming on 2024-02-17 06:28:56. It has garnered 2485 views and 42 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. Read More

  • “AZEN: The Ultimate TikTok Hack Exposed!😱” #clickbait

    "AZEN: The Ultimate TikTok Hack Exposed!😱" #clickbaitVideo Information सो गाइ आज मैं आपको एक ऐसा खतरनाक [संगीत] हां तो यार इसी बात पे अनेन चैनल को सब्सक्राइब कर देना क्योंकि ये चैनल अच्छा है This video, titled ‘THE MOST USELESS AND POPULAR TIKTOK HACK💀😂#azen #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by AZEN on 2024-05-04 16:29:04. It has garnered 419 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. AZEN,AZEN,Azen,minecraft shorts,minecraft,shorts,minecraft short,minecraft short video,minecraft but,minecraft memes,minecraft tiktok,minecraft mod,short,youtube shorts,minecraft speedrun,minecraft #shorts,twi shorts,minecraft challenge,funny minecraft memes,minecraft but challenge,minecraft manhunt,beating minecraft,minecraft speedrunner,camman18 minecraft,minecraft 1.17,minecraft funny,camman18 shorts,minecraft seed,minecraft animation MINECRAFT FURNITURE MOD 🤯 REAL GAMING SET UP… Read More

  • INSANE MINECRAFT CAVE REACTION!! #shorts #minecraft

    INSANE MINECRAFT CAVE REACTION!! #shorts #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘When We Are Entering in cave For First Time #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by MINECRAFT_OX on 2024-03-26 00:00:26. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft shorts minecraft animation Steve and alex 12345678910 minecraft minecraft wave mod cameraman bebek kwek kwek … Read More

  • WineSide

    WineSideplay.wineside.eu – bolt.wineside.eu – www.wineside.eu • Egyedi és stabil szerver! • Sok karbantartáson, áruláson esett át a szerver, de még nem adtuk fel! Csatlakozni az 1.18.2-es verzión tudsz. A szerveren FullPvP, MurderMystery és SkyBlock játékmódok érhetőek el. play.wineside.eu Read More

  • Stack of Grass – Modded – Australia – Survival – Whitelist – Towny – City Reward System

    Welcome to Stack of Grass Season 2! In version 1.20.1, Stack of Grass is a small server hosted in Australia, focusing on socializing and world-building. What makes us different? Player Base: Whitelisted server for mature players 18+. Ideal for a calm and chill community. The Gameplay: Offering a “Vanilla+++” feel with mods like Ars Nouveau, The Graveyard, Chipped, and more. The Commands: Access to useful teleporting commands like /home and Waystones. In-Game Social: Proximity voice chat for easy communication and emphasis on community and town building. The Server Life: Admin-run scripted Dungeons, events, and treasure hunts for players to enjoy…. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Spice Up Your Game: The Came Game Hoodie

    Minecraft Memes - Spice Up Your Game: The Came Game Hoodie“Ahh yes, the perfect attire for when you want to flex your gaming skills while also staying cozy. Bonus points if you can actually spell ‘Game’ correctly!” Read More

  • “Only the Elite Know MrBeast’s Hot Portal” #minecraft #meme

    "Only the Elite Know MrBeast's Hot Portal" #minecraft #meme Only the chosen few have access to the mystical MrBeast portal in Minecraft. It’s like finding the golden ticket in Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory, but with more diamonds and creepers. Read More

  • MLG Minecraft Race

    MLG Minecraft Race Minecraft MLG Yarışması: A Thrilling Adventure in the Minecraft Universe Step into the exciting world of Minecraft with COOLMAN’s MLG Yarışması! This thrilling competition brings together players from all over to showcase their skills and creativity in the beloved sandbox game. What is MLG Yarışması? MLG Yarışması is a competitive event within Minecraft where players compete in various challenges, showcasing their mastery of the game’s mechanics and their ability to think on their feet. From building intricate structures to surviving intense battles, participants must demonstrate their prowess in all aspects of Minecraft gameplay. Key Features of MLG Yarışması: Challenge… Read More