HexNowLoading: 1% Into The Labyrinth | Minecraft Mod

Video Information

I modded a whole new structure the Labyrinth into Minecraft which adds them new items blocks mobs and finally a boss that you have to defeat at the end of the structure the mod is called dungeon loading 1% and it is available as Forge or fabric mod the first entry to this mod is the lar which generates underground and as the name implies it has a maze like generation that makes the player lost in the structure to find the Labyrinth first you will have to find a dungeon there you can find a map that leads the location where the dungeon is buried this creates a small progression path adding much more value to the dungeon now that you’re in the laby room the first mob that you might encounter is a spawner carrier when aggravated the spawner carrier will start emitting a flame particle preparing to spawn a group of mobs to fight off the Intruder the spawner carrier can spawn up three mobs every 15 seconds and it can carry one of the five spawner types zombie skeleton spider creeper or cave spider when killed it has a chance of dropping a spawner frame which is an essential material required to craft the new items in the library or you can lure to your home and make a Mo Farm if you’re that desperate for the XPS although rarer than the spawner carrier another moob that the player can get spooked over is the Holo this small flying ghost can face through walls just like Vex and it has semi-transparent body that makes it easy to lose track of the mob the Hol does not have a physical body meaning that the mob is immune to all attacks that involve physical contact the only way to kill this mob is through magic which includes potions and tip to arrows the Ling provides plenty of items that can help players combat Hollow so it should be killable even with with no preparation when killed it has a chance of dropping a soul cloth alongside the new Mobs there will also be many skeletons and zombies that will have equipped armors and enchanted weapons if you want to know what kind of enchantments they have on their weapon you can distinguish their roles by looking at their armor trims and colors when they are defeated they won’t drop their armor or weapon but instead they will draw one material related to their armor the mobs aren’t the only threats that can kill you in the library many of the blocks that generate in the LA room have dangerous properties that can either help the player or kill them the spikes are present in most of the rooms in libr and falling on them is deadly touching the spikes will slow the player down and deal four damage per tick without the armor the pickaxe is the main tool for breaking the spikes but if you fall and don’t have good armor it can kill you very quickly before you can destroy the block the spikes won’t delete your items like Cactus so while it has the same damage capability as lava it is less punishing when destroyed it won’t drop the block and there’s no way of crafting the spikes since I thought it was a bit too overpowered if the players could place them wherever they want the explosive Barrel is basically a TNT that does not destroy blocks it has no fuse delay and explodes immediately after it gets lit or receives Redstone signal it is affected by gravity just like sand and explodes on impact even if there’s a slap block below it if you don’t like the fact that the explosive Barrel has no destruction you can enable that in the mod config the barrel can be destroyed instantly and drops gunpowder similar to spikes there is no way to craft them another instance where a flame bow comes in handy is when you shoot the dungeon wall torch the flame Arrow will light up the dungeon wall torch making it easier for the player to light up places that can’t be reached easily the platforms are used to create shelves and bridges in the lby one of the ends of the platform must be connected to a wall or else they will break instantly this property can be used alert and drop multiple mobs at once if you can’t time it right let’s talk about the new items that can be found in the lby when you break a spawner it will draw four to six spawner fragments but using four of them the player can craft the spawner frame which is the same material that is dropped by the spawner carrier then you can use three spawner frames and two aists to craft a spawner blade now you can craft something that’s not crafting material by using two spawner blades you’ll be able to craft spawner sword this sword has the same attack damage and speed as a diamond sword but every time the player attacks it can do three additional damage by Jing half a heart from the player the sword won’t kill you when you only have one HP but it also won’t apply the bonus damage back to the crafting materials the soul cloth is dropped by Hollow and if you have five of them it can be crafted with four strings to craft the soul seal with Sil players can craft even more useful items such as life stealer this is a weapon that acts as a counterpart to the spawner sword it can be crafted using three spawner blades and a Soo the life stealer has the same attack damage as a diamond sword but slower attack speed instead of taking away the player’s Health it will heal the player by 20% out the Del damage if you have both life stealer and spawner sword you can deal a high amount of damage while healing yourself spawner armor is a new armor set that can be crafted using a spawner frame as armor material except for the helmet which also requires one solk once you have all pieces of spawner armor equipped you’ll get a full set ability called whimpers aid while there is at least one hostile mob within a five block radius every 10 seconds the armor will summon a new mob called whimper the floating doggle is a pet that assists you in battle its purpose is to redirect the enemy’s Target to themselves and stonely in the air until the player gets rid of the other enemies they are capable of killing enemies but only when they feel like it they will despawn after 30 seconds which means you can only have stream when per spawned at once the last item that can be crafted using the spawner material is a skull of chaos this item is an important progression item which requires five spawner frames one spawner blade and one chain in order to explain more about this item I would have to first introduce you to the boss of the labin the chaos spawner the chaos spawner is a seal skull that is contained in a large glowing box waiting for a curious Adventurer to break the seal to do this the player will have to use the skull of Chaos in front of the boss which will make a screeching noise is Awakening the chaos spawner after the chaos spawner releases a terrifying Roar it will turn towards the player and begin its Rampage while the chaos spawner has a simple goal of killing you by throwing numerous Stacks you might realize that there’s no way for you to attack back the boss is protected by unbreakable barriers that prevent all melee and range attacks from passing through the only way for you to create an openings attack is by destroying the barrier to do this you will have to break all of the eight Diamond notches on the frame which will instantly fracture the barrier giving you an opportunity to attack the chaos spawner the barrier will start regenerating after 5 seconds and after that it will restore one Diamond notches per second fully restoring the barrier once all the empty notches are filled with diamonds this will give the player a total of 13 seconds to attack the chaos spawner while the player have to work around these rules to fight back boss can easily attack and kill you with its three abilities the most common ability that the boss uses is the ghost bullet these bullets are shot from the chaos spawner when it opens its mouth and has bullet patterns the patternss are single Arc and burst shots the bullets are blockable though it will disable your shield for a few seconds this means that you can only block a single bullet per attack pattern since every attack pattern consists of at least three waves of bullets the ghost bullets can go through walls so hiding behind blocks is actually more dangerous since you can’t see the bullets flying towards you each ghost bullet deals 10 damage so two bullets are enough to kill you if you’re naked since Labyrinth is themed around spawners I had to include at least one move that summons mobs for a second ability summoning the chaos spawner spawns four mobs on each side of the barrier the mobs can be zombies skeletons or spiders depending on the number of players fighting the boss it can summon more let’s say you needle through the flying ghost bullets killed the bombs and closed the distance between you and the boss you quickly switch from your sword to pickaxe and aim to break the diamond Notch but the boss has one last trick under its sleeve when the player isn’t reaching distance to the barrier the boss has a chance of using a ground smash which creates creates a shock wave that knocks away all players and mobs within the range any mobs that get caught in this shock wave will get a whopping 18 damage the move itself is devastating but the battlefield is designed in a way where the knock players and mobs can easily fold their demise the ground smash can be blocked but you will still take nine damage also disabling your Shield the attack has a wire range of eight blocks so if you see the boss preparing for the ground smash you should run immediately now if you manage to reduce the chaos spawners hp’s 50% or lower work it will transition to phase 2 modifying some of the abilities from phase one the ghost bullet will have upgraded attack patterns the single shot becomes rapid Arc becomes strong Arc and burst becomes strong burst all of the attack patterns have more bullets and Tighter space to dodge demanding even more precise movement from the player the summoning will also have increased variations of Ms to summon on top of the MS from phase one it can also summon half Diamond armored zombies and skeletons invisible spiders spider jockeys and full diamond armor baby zombie with diamond axe ground smash is pretty strong as it is so I didn’t change anything about it after you overcome your extreme odds and fought through Phase 1 phase two and dealt the finishing strike to the boss the chaos spawner will make a suffering cry and drop to the ground the chaos spawner drops 8 to 16 diamonds five great experienced bottles 8 to 16 spawner fragments 50% chance to drop fors eight spawner frames 25% chance to drop two to four spawner blades and lastly one chaotic hexahedron out of out of all the drops the great experience bottle and chaotic hexahedron are the new items that we haven’t talked about yet if you haven’t noticed the boss does not drop experience the reason for this is because it drops the great experience bottle which contains 100 XP per bottle a single great experience bottle will instantly get you to level 7 and using five bottles will get you to level 19 the more exciting draw from the chaos spawner is the chaotic hexahedron this item can be used to craft the last new weapon in the library by using two spawner blades two sticks and one chotic hexahedron you you can craft one scepter of sealed chaos when you right click on any surface of a block with a scepter you can summon a new pet M called the sealed chaos the seal chaos is a stationary M similar to Shuler and attacks nearby hostile Ms with the ghost bullets each bullet does eight damage and shoots one bullet every second the sealed chaos despawns after 30 seconds similar to whimper but can be immediately summoned back since the cool down for the scepter ends at the same time as it despawns in fact you can retrieve the seal chaos by right clicking it with the scepter to instantly reset the cool down letting you move the seal chaos anytime you want now that’s all the features that are in laby but I’m not done yet I still have to explain some of the new game mechanics that I have added to the mod the first game mechanic that I’ve added is the boss reset mechanic when there is no player within 40 block proximity of the chaos spawner the boss will go back to the sealed state with fully restored Health this way the player will get the opportunity to collect their lost items without getting interrupted though you’ll have to fight the boss from the start you will you’ll still have to use a skull of chaos for every attempt but the item has cability giving you 10 attempts before you have to craft another skull of chaos another mechanic that differs from the vanilla boss is the multiplayer scaling to make the fight fair for the boss and make the multiplayer challenging the boss will gain 50% more Health per player that was present in the 40 block radius when the fight started Mojang started adding multiplayer support with the trial spawners so I think it is natural for the boss to adapt to multiplayer as well both the boss reset mechanic and multiplayer scaling can be controlled in the conflict so if you don’t like it there’s an option to turn it off now some might say that this system can be exploited by having one player starting the boss fight in the active range of the scaling and all other players entering the range after the boss fight has been started solve this problem without changing the boss Health mid fight I’ve decided to add a mechanic that rewards the player for interacting with the multiplayer scaling when the boss is defeated the boss will drop Loof for every player that was present in the range of the scaling when the boss fight started each set of drop loot will be visible and can only be picked up by the player that the loot belongs to this mechanic can also be turned off in the config if you like grinding there’s a lot more things you can change about this mod through config and data pack and if you need help you can ask questions in my Discord server the concept of this mod is to add new structure and boss every major update which will increase the percentage on the name of the B by 1% my goal is to reach 100% which is 100 Dungeons and bosses which sounds crazy so please help my journey by hitting the like button on the video and consider subscribing since that will make you to recommend this video to more people lastly thank you guys for watching and hope you enjoy exploring the laby

This video, titled ‘Dungeon Now Loading 1% | The Labyrinth (Minecraft Mod Showcase)’, was uploaded by HexNowLoading on 2024-04-18 18:27:52. It has garnered 376260 views and 29766 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:05 or 725 seconds.

I sold my soul to Whimper so please subscribe.

Download on Curseforge: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/dungeon-now-loading Download on Modrith: https://modrinth.com/mod/dungeon-now-loading

Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/dungeonnowloading Discord: https://discord.gg/NawU3rgAhE Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/hexnowloading Twitter: https://twitter.com/HexNowLoading

Music: HIgh Noon – TrackTribe Decimate – Jeremy Blake I Had a Feeling – TrackTribe

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    Narrow escape from certain doom | Minecraft HardcoreVideo Information This video, titled ‘Cama kla casi me saca del mapa | Minecraft Hardcore’, was uploaded by kidd sai on 2024-03-17 13:00:43. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Enjoy the video! Don’t forget to subscribe and leave a like! Read the full description for more info: … Read More

  • Who Will Win? Epic Anime Minecraft Music Edit!

    Who Will Win? Epic Anime Minecraft Music Edit!Video Information This video, titled ‘who will won #music #edit #song #anime #animeedit #minecraftcommunity #minecraft’, was uploaded by Risk Playz on 2024-05-09 07:26:19. It has garnered 492 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. #Minecraft #ReplayMod #PE #Gaming #Tutorial #UltimateGuide #MinecraftPE #Modding #Gameplay #MinecraftMods #MinecraftTutorial #MinecraftTips #MinecraftTricks #MinecraftCommunity #GamerLife #VideoGames #MinecraftPlayers #GamingCommunity #MinecraftAddict #GamerWorld Generated using YouTools https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.youtools.seo#Minecraft #ReplayMod #MinecraftPE #UltimateGuide #Gaming #Tutorial #YouTube #Gamers #MinecraftTutorial #MinecraftMods #MinecraftPlayers #MinecraftCommunity #VideoGames #MinecraftPocketEdition #CreativeMode #MinecraftBuilds #GamingCommunity #MinecraftGameplay #MinecraftJava #MinecraftBedrock Generated using YouTools https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.youtools.seominecraft minecraft mods minecraft mod catnap poppy playtime minecraft but poppy playtime chapter… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Pool Tutorial 🤯 #viral #shorts

    Insane Minecraft Pool Tutorial 🤯 #viral #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Swimming Pool Tutorial🏊 #shorts #trending #viral’, was uploaded by TrendoPlayZ on 2024-06-09 13:14:52. It has garnered 10801 views and 656 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:55 or 55 seconds. Minecraft Swimming Pool Tutorial🏊 #shorts #trending #viral #minecraft #minecraftbuilds #minecrafttutorialSubscribe For More Videos Like This 😊🔥❤️ SUBSCRIBE OR I TAKE YOUR MINECRAFT ACCOUNT ╔═╦╗╔╦╗╔═╦═╦╦╦╦╗╔═╗ ║╚╣║║║╚╣╚╣╔╣╔╣║╚╣═╣ ╠╗║╚╝║║╠╗║╚╣║║║║║═╣ ╚═╩══╩═╩═╩═╩╝╚╩═╩═╝ #minecraft #viral #trending #minecraftpvp #pvp #boxing #bestplayer @mine @iusehuzuni @Straaight @KZA_ #straight #kza #iusehuzuni Ignore Tags:- minecraft house,minecraft shorts,minecraft house design,minecraft short,minecraft builds,minecraft spider,minecrafter,minecraft house tutorial,minecraft tips,minecraft hack,minecraft meme,minecraft build,minecraft floor,minecraft funny,minecraft parody,minecraft tricks,minecraft design,minecraft tiktok,minecraft… Read More

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  • EnderElite

    EnderEliteWelcome to EnderElite Enderelite is an elete minecraft network wil a multitude of gamemodes and more to come. we have a frindley staff base and a discord server. a well maintained anti cheat and custom plugins. with the use of mcmmo a custom economy and shops, and land protection and touns and nations. we have 2 ip’s you can connect to the server. play.enderelite.com network.enderelite.com play.enderelite.com Read More