Hive Live w/Viewers: Insane Cs & Minecraft Madness

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] watch [Music] [Music] C [Music] [Music] [Music] hey chat welcome to the stream have have you guys been today I just got on the hive Hi Li uh hi uh NY hi Jonathan hi xav have you guys been have you guys been I I literally just installed Onyx client on the last 30 seconds of that countdown all it’s xav have you guys man mlex is better back back in the old days of Minecraft I I would agree with you but um what is going on in chat okay nice call me Rocko oh I’m sorry um I I have a really bad memory so thank you for reminding me I’ll try my best uh I think great just B yeah no worries no worries um hopefully hopefully uh some hiive will be fun I don’t know yet I I wasn’t actually going to stream today so that’s why the stream’s a little bit late but yeah hey tley hey hey butell my birthday is tomorrow a happy birthday for tomorrow Happy Birthday I’m not sure if I’m going to streaming tomorrow so um yeah happy happy birthday for then all right there’s some uh party inites yeah the best need yeah if you guys haven’t seen my new video actually uh you should definitely go check that out oh yeah also was so like I got back bling yeah amazing yeah but um I guess we’ll hop into some games in a sec there’s an invite xaven fortnite yeah the new the new fortnite update uh in all right we’re going to play a little bit of treasure Wars cuz um there’s just like two of us in the party right now and I want to see you suffer um so yeah I I I really enjoy treasur though I’ve not played this math in years I tough on but I have many things to do uh to my PC so I can run Discord with streaming oo nice nice yeah good luck with that yeah I’m a little bit tired today chat so um I try my best to uh keep the stream going but um might be a little bit of a a short stream today if that is okay oh get over here goodbye it’s freaking treasure where it’s Friday it is freaking treasurous Rider oh no oh oh come on go get him go get him no are you kidding me this little slimy e boy I I still I Still Believe in Us I Still Believe in Us don’t you worry about it H did you guys see the the recent stuff with the uh the Willy Wonka event in in uh the UK care so funny man oh my God that guy was dodg a it’s like it’s been like pretty much all over like Twitter and stuff this guy’s reaching wait a minute I swear this guy is uh reaching oh that was weird yeah dude I I love I love seeing all of like the images and the videos from that event it’s so funny to me the green head was stuff I know right yeah pretty much B pretty much basically what happened is they paid like they made um this really horrible display and the AI generated like a bunch of images uh for posters and about like 800 people came uh to the event and paid like £45 for like this garbage like event with like this garbage display it was so funny well obviously not for the people who like paid that much money for it but um the actors killed it dude a hello TTV and hey lucky have you guys been I’m so happy right now yeah yeah yeah you seem really happy with that emerging oh no remember me it’s up to you [Music] oh you did great better hey Ruby have you being have you being I’m angry at someone why why are you angry what’s up see guys this why I don’t play Ear here that that is fair that is fair I’m on uh to Tri you’re done o r i don’t know whether I have you uh friended about oh I don’t wait send send me a friend request wait no I can just I can just party invite you what what am I doing today I I am so out of it today oh never mind you’re you’re offline how are you I am doing good Ru I’m still sad that I don’t have any I don’t have a phone yeah yeah yeah do you know when you’re getting back your phone or is it like kind of up in the air right now how are you in here what the hell oh done okay did I just say done you get out of here a BK and you’re next yeah just stab him up nice all right sorry I need to I need to read through all these messages really um all right yeah no worries Ria no worries um I was about to join it’s okay I I’ll give you guys another party invite in a sec don’t you worry about it yeah yeah t that’s that’s very kind of you um sorry you did wasn’t just say hell I uh I I don’t think I did but um I don’t really know what I said I’m pretty out of it today to be honest I I just ice commit murder oh you’re so close they’re swearing on streams Jen all right all right I I will try my best I will try my best I I don’t usually uh swear on streams to be honest the last time I stream uh sweared on stream or swore on stream was um probably in the last Str episode so like five days ago oh hello hello good SL or thing a bonk oh no all right where where is it Renos I I do see a great te over there hey B welcome I was confused uh I confused a child by backwards briding yeah dude I I used to do that um when I didn’t know how to front bridge um was so goof goofy honestly I don’t really see anyone doing it anymore so yeah must look pretty weird to everyone else I’m trying not to cry right now oh well um I I hope you feel a little bit better um let me know if that’s something I can do to like cheer you up or like anything like that um I know not much of help but um I hope I can do something to help here a damn do you ever think that if you apply for a job there would give matter guess it depends what kind of job right I’m not I’m not really like a big YouTuber um yeah how do you feel about being stoed in a stray not great not great um oh all right uh xav I I may need some backup got some uh little goblins over here never mind oh I knows he knows I’m here um oh do they have enough diamonds where okay that’s not as bad as I thought just some snowballs okay it’s pretty bad come here come here come here yeah nice try oh no there’s two of you hey xav I could really do with some help right now okay never mind at least I got one of them um oh my God it is Hive yeah I I am streaming a little bit late but I I am here um unfortunately for you guys you can share me up by giving me a hug oh virt your head next to you that hugs H all right what’s this silly little silly little guy doing up here oh I see what your plan is oh you think you’re a slick oh no he he actually a slick get out of here okay he’s got to be like really [Music] low oh he’s so low that’s the thing Ren is sweating mildly hey good job xaven I need he was [Music] L fmop phobia I have yeah we need to play fmop phobia again to be honest um all right there you guys go Freddy fast back um what what is this skin wait where are you on the list yeah what is this this does look like a Nookie made skin oh okay all right treasure Wars 3 hours let’s go you think you’re sick I’m having lethal company flashbacks of FR yeah yeah that that that guy stinky little guy oh yeah chat what do you guys think of the back bling what do you guys think of this cuz it honestly made me like laugh a little bit when it first came out um mainly cuz I feel a little bit bad for the people that spent like what what what is it like 40 um oh on wings they they spent like 4y PBS on wings and then they just kind of got like yeah AER and and then they just kind of like got a re retextured one in like a couple weeks [Music] time yeah I I don’t know it kind of sucks that Hive did that in a way um I feel like they shouldn’t have like retextured you little n oh my God come here come here filthy Eagle get out of here get out of here oh that is disgusting that is disgusting beat him up n beat him up come on N oh no no I I we um yeah yeah we we won that fight um yeah that went that went great I think that’s scary that that is fair that is fair yeah I I think that was like a little bit of a uh uh key thing to do by Hive though I got to say yeah yeah who honestly I um I bought Milo which is my little q but I I only really bought it for the uh the ingame thing cuz it’s like it’s more of like a flex right but um the the plush itself is like it’s cute but it’s like I don’t think I would like usually spend about like 35 to 40 on it I don’t know you got done in hey hey I we tried we tried our best yeah that’s our best um it’s fine we’ll win this one Redemption I believe filthy Eagle is too kind of you risen yeah yeah I I got to say a PG on this streams so yeah when I get out of basement when yeah when oh hello there goodby oh yeah you better run oh oh how the turntables they’re fortifying their defense oh no no yeah we’re taking so many LS today we taking so many LS all right I mean there are like 500 uh plushies out there yeah but like who who in their right Minds would pay 500 for a plushy you know I don’t know it’s s me falls off mhm proof resen cut when if there isn’t an overpowered object nearby hey hey hey don’t blame me we keep getting rushed um and my teammates keep falling into the void and threatening to Blue me yeah you know I think we should carry on playing this until we win you would pay 500 for a plush here I mean I guess it depends like what is off but no you know I’m not going to get rushed there okay maybe we are nope oh Jesus why is everyone and their mother after us get out of here disappointment all right right who’s first who is first is that evident there’s an Evidence again it’s definitely not evident there too slow all right oh sorry hello hello welcome to the stream ASCS I uh I I forgot to say hello to you but um yeah I hope your day is going get uh either way s would pay 500 for a Teddy I mean I guess I guess it depends what kind of Teddy but 99% chance I would not like 99% of the time I would not you would consider it I mean I I I don’t know it depends like if it has like some sort of like indult thing or something maybe but um if if it was like a life-changing ice some I don’t know I’m planning on installing a loose ACC company mod that when you fall into a hall it teleports you to a dangerous part of the uh facility instead cuz at this point I feel like Lum needs to try yeah yeah I agree if there’s like a mod that does that do it um because Lumi Lumi needs to get in get in the building a lot more hello welcome to the stream Jinx uh yeah sure you can join anyone can join uh we’re just going to finish this map or match [Music] even come here are they even trying uh when there’s a minigun in the 500 plus plus board yeah that’s kind of oh yeah that’s kind of what I was um hinting to it’s like a plushy that’s worth something right you are a [Laughter] disappointment all right you know I I don’t need socks I don’t need shoes I’m fine I’m doing great I almost got you there all right beat him up this this this long guy get back here beat them up beat them up steal his lunch money all right there he goes yay G GM G GM I would play 10K for plushes now that’s a little bit excessive I I got to say hello welcome to the stream all right we’re going to we’re going to do some [Music] asses let’s do like a mega uh CS we we are e them now yeah there we [Music] go I helped you you did indeed help good job all right there you go get in here is that like a isue on YouTube now that I can’t pin my own messages um oh I know I can oh well I guess uh YouTube fixed it um that’s kind of good I forgot you a British I am British do do I not sound that British to be honest I don’t really have a um very prominent British accent until I I say certain words treasure warse is the bane of my existence that is exactly why we’re playing it I’m kidding it’s a fun game it’s a fun game it’s uh it’s one of those games that kind of grow on you wake me up when we do M okay hi hello uh uh okay I I I am I’m on my [Music] [Music] way um I feel like I’m being out at gunpoint hey fellas how have you been have have you been no that that is foul that is foul all right um let’s do some uh let’s do some free shop then uh all right boom all right nice let’s go oh what is this oh I remember this map uh it is uh it is free shop remember so yeah I don’t forget [Music] that I think that’s good that’s good what what have you been up to as of FL [Music] famir oh my God risen raid wow so thank you thank you risen for the rain that’s [Music] crazy all right let’s go [Music] [Music] yeah I I really need to start like streaming Hive um a lot more regular you know what I mean do that like a lot more often um cuz I I used to have a schedule I I have not been following that schedule um so yeah oh no you don’t who is that oh I see you over there oh it’s B to powerful no all right well here goes nothing I guess want to get in some [Music] pets come on come on yes let’s go beat him up oh I just missed but Hive is uh 6 feet under indeed indeed it is that is the issue with Hive um it might be a slight skill isue because I’ve not been streaming for a while but um it’s uh it’s not doing as like well as it used to um which kind of sucks your hi streams are cool but I think people would enjoy it more if you actually stream Minecraft yeah that’s the point I was just about to get across yeah I just I just don’t stream enough um at the end of the day it’s mainly cuz I’m like oh tired or like whatever but but I’m tired today and I’m streaming so might might as well do it uh when I can come here oh no who is that is that butter file you know I swear we had a uh a third member of our team where did that little guy go come here B come [Laughter] here I’m going to get you say goodbye to your and tell or organs come here oh God I need I need to work on my aim really kind of sucks come here oh no come here a about up you’re going to have to die today oh wait I think someone just got uh eliminated if I’m not mistaken hello Gabriel I miss somebody of your streams no worries no worries it’s probably my fault to be honest I I do not stream enough U have you being there have you you can still grow with weekly streams yeah um I I’ve not really been doing that in terms of Hive even so yeah I I think it’s more of like the thing of I don’t know yeah what’s up oh he’s over [Music] there come here come here about it’s over it’s over accept your fate oh no it might not be over yes never mind okay that’s one down okay I don’t know how low you are give me a SE chat I will read your messages in a sec I’m getting sled all right where is your bed um yeah TR is gone um a gg gg that that was that was rough yeah g right let’s uh let’s go do some Sky Wars actually no let’s let’s go do some metam My Stream um let’s have a little bit more of a chill game mode shall we I’m so bad no you’re not no you’re not honestly all of the players in that game were like pretty good um I I didn’t see anyone as bad so um yeah can we do do SkyWars yeah sure we can do SkyWars after this uh there we [Music] go all right there we go oh thank you Gabriel that’s really nice oh thanks SN as well yeah I’m I’m like really tired right now but I I really appreciate that H there you go get in here can we do a run from bluen you know what you know what sure sure sure we can we do a uh we do like a hide and and seek shower [Music] okay well chat have you guys got anything planned over the weekend honestly I I don’t really think I have much planned this weekend just meeting some people um you know I think I’ve got like a lot to do for a stray as well it’s like every single weekend I guess that’s what happens um when you make cut scenes right now that you mention it tomorrow at 11: and I have something extremely fun today it’s super fun and not boring at all mhm what what is that what is that hi Saturday yeah we could do some hi Saturday honestly I I kind of want to challenge myself at some point to try and stream like every single day of the week might be fun uh so yeah I’m going to sleep over at my friend’s hat ooh that is nice Freddy Faz oh yeah I’m I’m pretty sure I got uh [Music] delayed yeah I got delayed yeah all right let’s go is there like a big stream delay like I know I know I’m like a little bit late on reading messages um but yeah I think I still have like a little bit of a cold yeah so Freddy fazar now reminded me of shest oh yeah yeah that as well oh heyy let’s let’s have a nice conversation about this I I need my organs okay oh what a save what a save you you saved me [Music] B people were saying Hi V dad is so dumb like no joke they think 10K players is dead yeah I think like I think it depends like what kind of like part of hi is dead um I guess I can’t really speak on this matter too much to be honest so yeah I I would say like high streams are dead that was my argument for a little bit but um the more I think about it it’s probably just because of the season um cuz like when when summertime rolls around like in a coule months um Hive will be back up there again so yeah it’s probably just like the time of month cuz they say this every year the time of the year even the bur ruined it too bad you you get me next time maybe never all right um oh okay let’s let’s go do some uh SkyWars life isn’t dead but streams ah yeah yeah yeah but hi Hive isn’t like dead itself I agree with you on that um but yeah all right there we go SkyWars squads oh no it’s all right I’ll um I if we have like enough players I can always set this uh the teams to squads but um yeah all right all right get in here get in here the streaming scene on Twitch is great h i I have never streamed on Twitch um or watched it that much I I watch some of my friends that go live on Twitch occasionally but um it’s not really my kind of platform yeah I’m sure like it’s great on Twitch and like just because of like how interactive uh the twitch platform is like you can you can redeem all this stuff and I know you can do that on YouTube as well but it’s like it’s just not the same hello welcome to the stream uh Ken Hopey day is going good do you recognize I do I do recognize your name you do seem a little bit familiar have you B all yeah I I would do I would do squats but I don’t really know if we have enough players for that unfortunately um okay all right nice to meet you too Nikki oh and my music died here we go the reason I don’t watch many high streams on YouTube is because twitch is so much better yeah yeah I I like agree and disagree with that um I think like Hive oh I think I think twitch streams are good but um I feel like the the the massive Paya on it is the worst and I don’t really like when a company does that kind of stuff to their streamers so or like creators so I’m not really a big fan of twitch for that reason I can’t ENT to hi your Minecraft question is low wait what oh maybe he needs to like update or something hello welcome to the stream Lads have you been it has been a while yeah yeah I I’ve I’ve heard of those people yeah yeah I um I I met um bear recently yeah Bear’s really nice I’ve been all right that’s nice that’s nice that’s good Monday went to the hospital cuz of chest fan oh no it’s I hope it’s like nothing uh serious iy are you doing okay nothing severe okay that that’s that’s good at least there nothing uh severe but um I I hope you feel a little bit better um and yeah what do you mean sadly what do you mean sadly huh I’m not having it who’s this get out of here get out of here you know never mind I will get out of here cuz I do not have a helmet um oh how the turntables by the way can we do free shop again when we’re done uh yeah maybe maybe um I might I might be ending stream though soon um cuz yeah it’s a pain that it CES randomly oh that’s kind of weird um have you like tried searching it up on like the Internet it’s pretty odd get out of here I have a fish yeah you better startop running oh who’s this oh oh it’s you again okay all right o I have a fish do you want to mess with the fish okay he does oh no it begins with a pressure on the left side of my chest then continues the stop like on my lung oh yeah is that um yeah hopefully that’s nothing like too serious um doesn’t sound very nice nothing severe though yeah nothing severe it sounds uh kind of severe but um I I’m glad that it’s not I’ve like never heard of anything like that all right all right let let me watch these two fight well this is entertaining I I should probably really get myself a uh another helmet just just don’t mind me I’m just hey hey hey I’m I’m getting me a helmet okay all right give me give me a helmet there we go oh nice all right now we’re stacked that’s a lot better y CH how have you been CH how have you been it has been a while since I’ve vised with you [Music] yeah it just sound a little bit confusing there oh I I don’t even know who’s fighting here all right I I’ll come fight you buser you asked for it oh dear God oh no you went flying I just got from the fashion show I did oh what what kind of you did a fashion show did you on your on your stream oh I’m kind of sad that I missed that now then I have so many skins I could have worn this is cool I content I know this may seem crazy but aiming is the most important aspect of PVP no really yeah I I should uh I I have horrible aim um I you know you know what probably doesn’t help um my FV it’s on Quake Pro um it’s uh this is this is what it’s what most people have it on like AC I think but it just doesn’t look right so I don’t know I don’t know it’s just uh it makes me feel so slow I I want to be Speedy I want to be Speedy hello welcome to the stream could I PvP here uh possibly not this stream I don’t know how long I’m going to be streaming but I’ll probably do another stream I can do one V ones if you still want to PVP then I don’t want to promo in your chats but you’ll see one of them new short I uploaded all right all right I I’ll take a look at some point then charie maybe it’s cuz that big F mov uhhuh yeah I I’ve been playing like this since um since I got a PSM so like a a long long time ago so yeah yeah don’t don’t don’t mind me I’m just I’m just kind of watching you guys why does it kind of look like okay chat hear me up kind of looks like butter butter has like a flush mask on let me look at your face yeah just just look at I thing or can I just join and play with you uh yeah yeah sure uh I’m not I’m not sure if I’m going to be doing any other games after this though um just cuz I’m a little bit tired today but yeah definitely uh in another stream honestly I I can promise you guys uh it’ll probably be on Sunday at the latest so yeah yeah yeah how you though either way have you been this has been going on for like 5 minutes I’m just going to I’m just going to I think I think I might end the um the game you you know what I’m plotting [Music] come on guys I I want to see some death some death oh evil yeah you de come here it’s over it’s over oh oh oh I see you down there oh that’s such a good clutch come here come here you’re dead it’s it’s time to die a GG G all right guys I think I’m gonna end this stream here um thanks um I don’t think we have like enough people to raid someone but um yeah thank you everyone uh that’s new that’s been here and all the usual viewers as well and I will see you guys next time goodbye goodbye my ending screen is gone good goodbye CH goodbye h

SurRisen on 2024-03-02 07:45:04. It has garnered 110 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:54:37 or 3277 seconds.

#hive #minecraft #minecraftbedrock Welcome to the stream!


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Faithless, you can download it from my discord in the texture packs channel.

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You can join by doing the command in chat ‘/cs EU_(code)’. The code will be pinned in the stream chat.

– TAGS –

minecraft,hive live,minecraft hive,minecraft the hive with viewers,minecraft the hive,minecraft hive cs,minecraft playing with veiwers,hive with veiwers,hive,hive cs live,minecraft bedrock,hive minecraft,minecraft live,play with viewers,minecraft bedrock live,minecraft bedwars,playing with veiwers,smp with veiwers,realm with veiwers,hive live funny moment,hive cs,the hive,hive treasure wars,minecraft but,#minecraft,hive skywars

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    Redstone Wonders: 2024's Top 10 Builds! Welcome, welcome, to the Minecraft show, Where redstone builds steal the glow. Top 10 structures, simple and neat, With tactics to make your world complete. First up, a tsunami machine so grand, Followed by a nuclear bomb, oh so grand. Magic fireplace, doorbell chime, Auto teleport, a true gem in time. Laser door, encrypted safe, Motor boat, ready to race. Missile launch, 3×3 elevator, Each creation, a true innovator. Join our Discord, for more fun, And remember, in Minecraft, we all shine like the sun. So grab your blocks, and let’s begin, Creating wonders, with a Minecraft spin. Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Characters Exposed! 🔥😂

    Hot Minecraft Characters Exposed! 🔥😂 I know them better than I know myself! 😂 #nerdlife Read More

  • MODDED MINECRAFT: World-Hopping Adventure

    MODDED MINECRAFT: World-Hopping Adventure Minecraft Survival with 150+ Mods: Exploring Worlds (LP 2) Embark on a thrilling survival journey in Minecraft with over 150 mods! The second series of survival adventures awaits, promising a unique and enhanced gameplay experience. Survival with a Twist With an extensive collection of mods, players can expect a whole new level of challenges and excitement. From new creatures and items to enhanced mechanics and environments, every aspect of the game is transformed, offering endless possibilities for exploration and creativity. Unleashing Creativity One of the most exciting aspects of playing Minecraft with mods is the ability to unleash creativity… Read More


    SHIZO HORROR MINECRAFT IN 4K SHADERSVideo Information This video, titled ‘HORROR AND 4K SHADER HARDCORE MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Saters on 2024-07-10 06:45:06. It has garnered 41 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 03:35:49 or 12949 seconds. WALCUM ZameRs, THis will for sure be the stream of all time Yoo, what the fupp is going on description. THE SCARIEST HORROR GAMES EVER GAME : HARDCORE MINECRAFT, HEIRS, BAD DREAMS, HUDDAM 2 BERZAH lik and subribe, zero deth sped run #gaming #funnyvideos #newgames #freegames #horrorgames #freehorrorgames #free #freemovies #funnyvideocompliation #funnymontage #howto #diamondlayer #scaryvideos #scarystories #scary #creepypasta #scp #skibidi #rage #minecraft #fortnight #roblox… Read More

  • Minecraft PvP: Top 10 Texture Packs!

    Minecraft PvP: Top 10 Texture Packs!Video Information This video, titled ‘minecraft top 10 texture-packs in pvp’, was uploaded by NOT_SK_01 on 2024-03-05 14:46:01. It has garnered 49 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:40 or 760 seconds. minecraft top 10 texture packs in pvp minecraft ,top 10 minecraft mods ,top 10 minecraft texture packs ,minecraft resource packs ,minecraft texture pack ,top 10 realistic texture packs for minecraft 1.19,top minecraft mods, minecraft texture packs,top 10 cursed minecraft texture packs, best minecraft resource packs, top 10 texture packs for minecraft 1.19.4,top 10 realistic texture packs for minecraft,top 10 minecraft realistic texture packs… Read More

  • EPIC FIREFIGHT: Minecraft Hardcore Hut Build!

    EPIC FIREFIGHT: Minecraft Hardcore Hut Build!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Hardcore not really part 9- Building a hut’, was uploaded by Fire Fox 64 on 2024-03-17 18:04:10. It has garnered 2 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:37 or 1357 seconds. I built a small hut to live in Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft House Build 🤯🔥#trending

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft House Build 🤯🔥#trendingVideo Information This video, titled ‘How to make minecraft house in Minecraft 🥵🔥🤯#shorts #trending #ytshorts #minecraft #gaming’, was uploaded by Confuse man on 2024-05-31 07:39:00. It has garnered 2 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. How to make minecraft house in Minecraft 🤯🔥🥵👍 People also ask What defines a house Minecraft? A “house” is defined as a claimed bed. If the bed is obstructed by a solid block, villagers cannot pathfind to it and therefore cannot claim the bed. Things to build in Minecraft Volcano. Castle. Modern Skyscraper. Floating Base. Bridge. Ship. Lighthouse…. Read More

  • 10 Years of Minecraft Evolution Revealed!!! 🔥🔥🔥

    10 Years of Minecraft Evolution Revealed!!! 🔥🔥🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft – 2014 vs 2024 #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by brine playz on 2024-05-13 14:33:16. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft – 2014 vs 2024 #minecraft #shorts Thanks For Watching ! . . . Share with your friends plzzz IGNORE ALL HASHTAG … Read More


    MINE KRISH - CREEPY SEEDS IN MINECRAFT 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘HORROR MINECRAFT ME SCARY SEEDS 😱’, was uploaded by MINE KRISH on 2024-04-24 14:34:35. It has garnered 1712 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:26 or 266 seconds. minecraft horror minecraft horror maps minecraft horror mods minecraft horror modpack minecraft horror games minecraft horror seeds minecraft horror maps 2 player minecraft horror texture pack minecraft horror shaders minecraft horror skins minecraft horror maps multiplayer minecraft horror maps 1.19 minecraft horror adventure maps minecraft horror adventure maps multiplayer minecraft horror addons minecraft horror art minecraft horror ambience mod minecraft horror apk minecraft… Read More


    SHOCKING: HIHA CATCHES BILLY CONFESSING TO KITTY IN MINECRAFT!Video Information This video, titled ‘HIHA PHÁT HIỆN BILLY TỎ TÌNH KITTY TRONG MINECRAFT*GIA ĐÌNH HUGGY 😍🤣’, was uploaded by Oops Hiha on 2024-02-27 11:00:10. It has garnered 754122 views and 14795 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:51 or 1551 seconds. HIHA FOUND BILLY CONFESSING KITTY IN MINECRAFT*HUGGY FAMILY 😍🤣 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Hey, I’m HihaChobi :3 Today, in the Huggy world, a super interesting scene appeared, let’s watch it ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Join this channel as a member to enjoy the following privileges: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 🎬 SUBSCRIBE HihaChobi ►: 📰 FACEBOOK FANPAGE ►: 📰Hiha fan group ► :… Read More

  • Secret Minecraft Cheat Revealed 😱

    Secret Minecraft Cheat Revealed 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘”Unbelievable Minecraft Hack You Didn’t Know! 😱”Mughal Gamerz’, was uploaded by Mughal Gamerz on 2024-06-13 01:59:41. It has garnered 153 views and 73 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. #MughalGamerz #MughalGamerzYoutube #MughalGamerzYTChannel 🎮 Welcome to another exciting Minecraft Shorts episode! 🎮 In today’s video, we dive deep into the world of Minecraft with [specific content – e.g., “an epic build,” “a crazy Redstone contraption,” “a survival challenge,” etc.]. Watch as we [brief description of the action – e.g., “create a hidden base,” “showcase the top 5 builds,” “battle it out… Read More

  • Epic Minecraft Parkour & Pixel Art Build! PPL Request

    Epic Minecraft Parkour & Pixel Art Build! PPL RequestVideo Information This video, titled ‘Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,632’, was uploaded by Relaxing Minecraft Parkour on 2024-01-13 11:52:52. It has garnered 276 views and 46 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,632 #minecraftpe #algorithm #artist you can get your short request video and post on your youtube channel mentioned me. if you also want to make your profile, just comment and then like the video. Please be patient if it takes a long time but I… Read More

  • The Redlands

    The RedlandsWelcome to The Redlands, a Towny Minecraft server with a large world, in which players can practice geopolitics, economies, and industrialization together! This server is friendly for the more technically inclined. Read More

  • ZynnCraft Vanilla NON-P2W Factions

    Welcome to ZynnCraft Minecraft Server 1.20.6! Join ZynnCraft Minecraft server! Server IP: Bedrock port: 25565 Version: 1.20+ Vanilla+ Factions Non-Pay-to-Win Join the discord: Server Overview: Welcome to our Vanilla+ Factions server! Experience Minecraft the way it was meant to be played, now running on 1.20.6 and supporting Bedrock players! Join us at: and become part of the ZynnCraft community today! 🌟 Read More

  • Vibe Nation MC

    Vibe Nation MCWelcome to Vibe Nation MC! We’re new around here and just getting started! Come join the vibes on our 1.21 Survival Eco/MCMMO server! Our servers Eco is based around 3 things: Fishing, Crops, and Mob drops. And yes, we also have spawners! Most importantly you can claim your land, so no one will be able to mess with your builds! Bare with us though, as stated we are very new to all this and hope to see some of you join in on the adventure!Here’s our Discord for any further questions: Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Endless glitch goodness”

    “Me trying to explain a glitch to my non-gamer friends: It’s like when you try to count to infinity in Minecraft, but accidentally hit infinite likes instead.” Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft’s Gun Showdown

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft's Gun Showdown In Minecraft, we added guns, a twist so bold, Fire, ice, potions, magic, and dragons, behold! Each gun brings a new power, a new thrill, Changing the game, adding a new skill. Fire Gun, Ice Gun, Potion Gun, and more, Magic Wand and Dragon Gun, what’s in store? Exploring new ways to play, to fight, In this Minecraft world, where creativity takes flight. So grab your guns, and let the battles begin, In this world of blocks, where you can always win. With guns in hand, the possibilities are endless, In Minecraft, where every moment is a new genesis. Read More

  • Villager Spittin’ Hot Fire with New Rail Hack

    Villager Spittin' Hot Fire with New Rail Hack When the villagers in Minecraft start chanting “Oi Oi Oi,” you know they’ve been hitting the minecart tracks a little too hard. Time for a rail intervention! Read More

  • Sneaky Reasons I Joined This SMP

    Sneaky Reasons I Joined This SMP Welcome to the Exciting World of Minecraft SMPs! Are you ready to dive into the world of Minecraft SMPs? In this video, the player joins an SMP in Minecraft Pocket Edition version, ready to embark on new adventures and challenges. Exploring the Minecraft Universe From survival challenges to parkour adventures, Minecraft offers a vast universe for players to explore. Whether you’re crafting copper items or navigating through tricky parkour courses, there’s always something new and exciting to discover in the world of Minecraft. Joining the SMP Community Joining an SMP in Minecraft opens up a whole new world… Read More

  • BobLyn’s Insane Arctic Outpost Build – EPIC Minecraft Adventure!

    BobLyn's Insane Arctic Outpost Build - EPIC Minecraft Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘Building An Arctic Outpost – Fjordhaven Minecraft Adventures Ep. 1’, was uploaded by BobLyn on 2024-05-11 19:00:18. It has garnered 412 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 00:44:44 or 2684 seconds. Thank you Team Buck Nutty, you are the GOAT! Join My Discord: #gaming #minecraft #smp #survival #building #relaxing Read More

  • Ultimate High Graphics Minecraft Download!

    Ultimate High Graphics Minecraft Download!Video Information This video, titled ‘Download Minecraft game with a very high graphics #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts #gaming #like’, was uploaded by Gamer on 2024-05-25 11:08:26. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft minecraft shorts shorts minecraft animation pokku herobrine minecraft meme 100 days minecraft challenge funny … Read More

  • Survived 100 Days on Island in Minecraft! Part 2 🌴

    Survived 100 Days on Island in Minecraft! Part 2 🌴Video Information This video, titled ‘We Survived 100 Days On a Survival island in Minecraft in Hindi 🔥 Part 2’, was uploaded by Down To Next on 2024-02-27 03:44:32. It has garnered 7 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:33 or 213 seconds. We Survived 100 Days On a Survival island in Minecraft in Hindi 🔥 Minecraft PE Survival Series Ep 1 in Hindi | My First Video 🔥 Minecraft: Survival Series #1 in hindi | Minecraft Mcpe Survival Series Gameplay #1 Tags :- #minecraftpesurvivalseries #minecraft #minecraft100days #minecraftfunnygameplay #minecraftpe #minecraftsurvivalep1 #minecraftsurvivalseries #minecraftsurvivalindonesia #minecrafthindi #minecraftpetips #minecraftsurvivalseriesliveinsaan #minecraftfunny… Read More

  • Aphmau RULES all BOYS on ISLAND – Minecraft Parody

    Aphmau RULES all BOYS on ISLAND - Minecraft ParodyVideo Information This video, titled ‘APHMAU BLOOD GODDESS on an ALL BOYS ISLAND in Minecraft! – Parody Story(Ein,Aaron and KC GIRL)’, was uploaded by Aphmau Fan on 2024-06-08 15:00:04. It has garnered 1046 views and 26 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:21 or 1221 seconds. in Minecraft Video compilation you will see: APHMAU BLOOD GODDESS on an ALL BOYS ISLAND in Minecraft! – Parody Story(Ein,Aaron and KC GIRL) 🔥 Press like to this video and subscribe to my channel, bro ! Write in the comments who you like Ein or Aaron? 😅 This channel contains the best compilations… Read More

  • Epic MCPE Mod OP Gameplay in Bengali

    Epic MCPE Mod OP Gameplay in BengaliVideo Information This video, titled ‘My First Day In Language Series (BENGALI) || LANGUAGE SERIES #1’, was uploaded by MCPE MOD OP on 2024-04-02 10:30:00. It has garnered 203 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:26 or 566 seconds. My First Day In Language Series (BENGALI) || LANGUAGE SERIES #1 #minecraft #mcpemodop #languageseries Like Share And Support!!!! ___________________________________________ ♥️ Subscribe 😚2nd Channel: 💜 Instagram 💙 Facebook 😎 Discord 🔥 Telegram For Business Email:- [email protected] ___________________________________________ Don’t Forget To Like, Comment,And Subscribe For More Minecraft Content, And Share This Video With… Read More

  • Foxageddon: Ultimate Farming Strategy Revealed! #vtuber

    Foxageddon: Ultimate Farming Strategy Revealed! #vtuberVideo Information This video, titled ‘Foxageddon //chilling before mining the craft – our farm will be the best! #vtuber #minecraft’, was uploaded by LifuLifu on 2024-07-17 15:43:19. It has garnered 353 views and 29 likes. The duration of the video is 03:45:45 or 13545 seconds. Armenian – Vietnamese Duo just having fun! Welcome to the gaming realm of LifuLifu, your favorite otter spirit queen turned gaming sensation. 👾🦦👑 Trapped in the mortal realm, she’s now ruling the Zen Garden alongside Zen, her bunny sidekick. 🐰 Gear up for epic gaming sessions, hilarious hijinks, and loads of laughs. For your daily… Read More

  • “Sloth of Wallstreet: Monkey D Luffy in Minecraft!” 🐒🌹

    "Sloth of Wallstreet: Monkey D Luffy in Minecraft!" 🐒🌹Video Information This video, titled ‘Monkey D Luffy in th Minecraft Verse 🐒🌹#digitalart #fanart #art #drawing #minecraft #onepiece #luffy’, was uploaded by sloth of wallstreet on 2024-01-06 11:00:56. It has garnered 10475 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Read More

  • Ultimate Showdown: Warden vs Mutant Mobs

    Ultimate Showdown: Warden vs Mutant MobsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Warden vs Mutant Mobs | Warden vs All mutant Mobs | Warden vs Mutant Creatures’, was uploaded by Parves Craft Gamer on 2024-04-05 15:57:09. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Warden vs Mutant Mobs | Warden vs All mutant Mobs | Warden vs Mutant Creatures Prepare for an epic clash in Minecraft as the … Read More