How One Owner Spent $10,000 on a Minecraft Anarchy Server [Interview]

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How much money kinda did you spend since you bought the server yeah definitely oh yeah definitely somewhere above 10 10 grand [Laughter] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] welcome back to another episode of the Scotto show it’s so nice seeing you all back in the audience hello everyone as you can see we are in a new studio this one is very special because it was built by Trigg she’s an amazing Builder and also the same person who builds the

Unisa vanilla Q map make sure to subscribe to her and thank you so much trick but of course we’re not going to be talking too much about uneasy vanilla in today’s show because we have someone from another no hack Enriquez server simply vanilla’s owner netherwall almost

A year ago he bought simply vanilla from the previous owner and ever since then he has had an insane Journey with simply vanilla and its community and today he’s here for an exclusive interview on my channel I’m gonna ask netherwall some questions that everyone has been waiting

Months for ever since the server was sold like how much did the server cost why did he even buy the server and why is another wall so distant from the simply vanilla Community let’s welcome netherwall the owner of Simply vanilla [Applause] hello netherwall welcome to this guitar

Show it’s so nice having you here but before we go and interview please consider joining the Discord we have 500 Plus members in there and I really want to get to a thousand click the link in the description it’s literally free you can leave whenever you want if you don’t

Like getting things well don’t worry I barely upload and I only ping for uploads basically and of course subscribe to this channel because I put so much work into this video and like the video maybe it helps an algorithm so this video gets seen by more people

Thank you so much why don’t you introduce yourself to everyone that doesn’t know you yet oh cool so yeah I’m never all and I’m the owner of Simply vanilla I cannot tell too much about my private life for obvious reasons yeah but I can say this much that I am

Freelance as a software engineer oh yeah how long have you been playing Minecraft in general so I think nearly three years or so it was definitely a year before I bought simply banana wow that’s actually pretty recent to be that much into Minecraft to like buy a server yeah

Absolutely absolutely how did you get in in touch with Minecraft Anarchy In general yeah it’s a good question um so I suppose as usually everyone does say start with single player um and I want to go to multiplayer but back then I just didn’t like how most of

The multiplayers were ran so it was kind of like a very different experience to single player right yeah yeah so my base assumption was oh multiplayer is just going to be like single player but more people are going to be on right yeah but it’s very far from that right you

Have like high pixel or you know they’re very different yeah it’s a whole another game yeah exactly so I came to 2b2t which on the one hand is quite vanilla actually to be honest except of course that in most players are hacking so it looks less vanilla yeah but that’s what

Kind conflict stuck to me so yeah I joined actually and played around in 2bjt but I didn’t join I wasn’t very deep in the community so I didn’t join any any faction or any any group and from that first like you know you joined to be the T and you have this like

Completely destructed uh spawn point right spawn area that just fascinated me right away and that got me hooked into the whole like Anarchy uh principle the first thing anyone sees when joining in the Anarchy server like messed up spawn everyone remembers their first time joining an anarchy server now being an

Owner of Simply vanilla they still play anywhere or are you just too busy right now to enjoy the game yeah unfortunately I got a bit busy then to play again but I’m still very keen like I’m unfortunately because I mean I suppose you do quite a lot of videos on yeah on

Minecraft so unfortunately I’m not burned out on on that yet so I would like to play again it’s just that I I would like to spend most of my time still on taking care of the server and doing work on it and promoting it yeah yeah of course I asked some people in

The simply vanilla Community if they had any questions about you and one question was what’s your favorite experience that you had on simply vanilla I must say I’ve like a lot of really good experiences and favorite experiences but I must say the like one of the most really exciting experience was actually

That moment when I switched it on when I mean when I bought the server right and everything was transferred over and I switched it on and that was I think even the first time that I connected to something oh wait what I think I I I I don’t think yeah because

I mean I mean the server during the sale was kind of like on and off or it was like in in a weird state so yeah I think it was really the person that I connected to the server and I mean I had to escape spawn that’s nice

Amazing yeah yeah your own server exactly so I had to escape spawn still after buying it so I I haven’t skipped spawn yet probably wow wow so you did not play Simple vanilla at all for your bottles no I didn’t but but you didn’t know about its existence before you bought it

Or you only heard about it when it was being sold no I only heard about it when it was being sold to be honest um yeah it was it was quite interesting so I was playing uneasy back then yeah yeah I was gonna ask you as well I saw

Like when you just bought simply vanilla I saw that you were in the an easy manual Discord because I was just switching over to UV and it was weird to see I didn’t expect that yeah I was uh only uh not too long though only just

For a couple of months I was playing on uneasy that was basically when I you know grew tired of you know 2b2 was kind of I mean Farms just don’t work there yeah and if you and if you don’t hack or if you don’t you you basically have zero

Chance of you know doing anything really um so uneasy was kind of the first time I learned about like this concept of non-hacking Anarchy while I was playing the server someone then mentioned LOL simply is selling or something I’m not saying dissing it like I mean

We’re all we’re all good terms right so I’m not saying testing it but kind of like oh it’s a [ __ ] show there right now I mean it it was but we’ll talk about that later yeah exactly so most probably it was right but yeah um and and I thought oh that’s interesting

Um because it was around that time you know when you spend like I mean three months on a on an anarchy server I started having the realization oh [ __ ] you know all this time that you spit your feet on basically spinning on a server building stuff at any moment

Because you don’t have like backups right at any moment it could be just that the admin or owner decides oh okay they don’t want to run the server anymore yeah yeah so I wanted definitely to to run my own server to ensure that that could never happen and so it was

Just a perfect timing of having these thoughts and then seeing Oh it’s a server or community that is being sold so I snooped around and yeah I didn’t expect that would be why you would buy it do you have your own server to just have it be timeless yeah yeah exactly

Like I think well first of all we many people assumed that I did it for for money or something it’s so weird because it’s like like I mean you know it’s it’s obviously it’s a hobby right like you can’t make any any money with that and

And I I don’t even know a2b2t like I mean realistically I’m sure they can live from it but I know so they have a lot of expenses but it was never I never did it for money I really did it because I wanted to create something that will

Yeah like how you said it’s actually perfectly put like something that will be forever Timeless forever you know well now you should probably get to the harder questions the the hard hitting controversial topics you know but first I think it’s very important that I give some backstory to what went down with

Simply vanilla and the buying process why are people so mad that a server got sold and you know you might think it’s just an overreaction if you’re not familiar with the situation but I was there when it happened it’s my 911. everyone knows where they were when simply got announced to be sold

Okay no but for real it was really a [ __ ] show it was so bad that so many people just completely left sync with vanilla and moved to other servers before simply vanilla was even sold so I’ll give a very brief rundown of what went down and then we go back to the

Interview to finally hear all these questions that everyone has been waiting so so long on I’m so excited for you guys to hear this Simply vanilla was originally created by a player named beautifuls but from the gym the server had a bunch of problems it once was down for so long that’s two simply admins decided to make their own energy server called uneasy vanilla yep you heard that right if beautifuls would

Have managed his server properly maybe an easy vanilla wouldn’t have existed so I’m not gonna talk about every little thing that beautifuls did wrong I want to focus on that 9 11 moment the selling of the server one year ago someone found a Reddit post by beautifuls and in this

Post Butte was putting simply vanilla on sale but he never mentioned anything to the community about this before he put it on sale but of course very soon the Reddit post was all over the simply Discord and people were outraged at this time I was also covering everything

Going on in my video series called vanilla drama and in this video I just go over the Reddit post and I point out some [ __ ] up parts of it beautifuls was basically selling the hard work of the community for profits while never being very invested in the community and

He even mentions YouTubers on his server which you know is fine but I never got any recognition from beautifuls until this post so I got a bit upset too another weird part is that he says that the server income for 2021 was 4.2 thousands but it later got exposed that

Most of his money was donated by one person that was just donating a ton of money to Simply vanilla but the worst thing is that the top Doner left after that and in the next three quarters of 2021 simply barely made any money but you know 4.2k is a lot of money right

But butes was telling everyone that he was selling the server because he was running it at a loss but that doesn’t add up right the silver cost was about 200 a month if I could remember correctly and if you do 4.2 K divided by 200 that’s 21 months so technically he

Would have had enough money to run the server for a while so how was he running the server at a loss well he allegedly spent all of his money on wheat and just dumb [ __ ] while not saving any of the funds donated by that stop donator for

The server now this is all pretty bad right but believe me it gets way worse hold on tight because now we’re gonna go downhill real quick one of the most untrustworthy and disliked people in the community offered to buy the server everyone was like nah I’m definitely

Quitting if this bozo buys the server and Butte was like hmm I’ll sell to him I love money this was literally like the second plane hitting the tower when beautifuls announced that he was selling to this person everyone with a brain was like yeah nah simply is over there is no way

In hell I’m going to play on a server owned by a piece of [ __ ] and the worst thing about this person that was going to buy simply vanilla that is that he was friends and he was protecting people that had the dogs others before and just the worst kind of Anarchy people you

Don’t want your IP and payment info around people like that so yes this was the thing that killed simply vanilla before it was actually sold now you’re probably thinking what happened with that deal well the deal didn’t go through because that person pulled out and the best part is that before he

Pulled out of the deal he had already had creative mode on simply vanilla which allowed him to spawn in a bunch of illegals and dupes but of course an even shittier thing is is that beautiful is actually the deal went South pretended that he pulled out of the deal because

He cared about the community which was just a blatant massive lie because that piece of [ __ ] guy literally openly said that he was the one that put out the deal I’m 100 sure that beautifuls would have gone completely true with the deal if that older guy went through with it

As well another reason why people were mad is because there was also actually good people that were trying to buy simply vanilla idiot was one of the buyers a former simply vanilla admin he even wrote an entire expose about his dealings with beautifuls which I go over

In this video but as you can see it’s a very long video that there’s a lot to talk about but if you really care then you can watch this enjoy but after idiot and that other guy didn’t end up buying Simply Be YouTube was just gonna shut down simply vanilla he posted a

Announcement in the Discord and well want to see my reaction to it I was streaming at the time this announcement went live and I lost my mind just watch the clip what what nah that is cap that is cap what about idiot give it to idiot bro what the [ __ ]

Is this as many of you know I do not have time to or money to run the server anymore so I consider selling the server to this who promise to upgrade the hard way what about idiots yeah I was pretty upset you know it felt like the third

Plane hitting the tower if you don’t know what I mean after that obviously everyone just left the server because we all thought it was gonna shut down and then all of a sudden then everyone bought it and well now we’re here with netherwell so let’s continue the interview and get some of his

Perspective on it all and see how much he actually paid for the server now everyone wants to know how much did simply vanilla costs [Laughter] yeah of course uh so I mean there was a number that was posted in Reddit that I’m pretty sure everyone knows about yeah

Um so it was less than that for sure how much was that again I don’t remember so I think on Reddit it was posted for something above two thousand dollars uh it was it was less than that at this point I don’t know even if that matters

Because uh I already spent more than that throughout the that’s about the password so it’s like even if it was too thought I mean it’s it’s very meaningless uh what I would say I I suppose what people do rightfully were kind of a little bit upset about was

That you put in all this hard work kind of like for free and many have even donated but then their efforts basically get sold right yeah yeah yeah so everyone was really mad when when beautifuls the previous owner of Simply vanilla like advertised our hard work

And then he goes on to sell that and I feel like yeah people obviously are annoyed at that I guess at you it’s not right I feel like because you bought a server with with a right reason not not to profit of it obviously but I feel

Like people kind of have to understand that yeah beautifuls was bad but you’re trying to just have your server so I also don’t want to to be honest like I don’t want to talk bad about uh boots yeah yeah so whatever reasons he had but no I definitely didn’t get this for

Profit but I I 100 understand the frustrations that people had I I wouldn’t understand why though they would be upset with me though because yeah I mean you don’t have anything to do with with that you know yeah exactly right so a lot of people also want to

Know like the entire selling process was very messed up so you heard that the server was being sold from someone in chat saying it and then how did it go did you just DM beautifuls like yo I want to buy your server and then just like deal with that because Beauty

That’s other buyers like what what happened with the entire process uh yeah absolutely so I heard about it I went right away I think I joined recently running a Discord and it was I was already chaos by then yeah so I tried contacting mutes but he actually didn’t respond for I think

Almost two weeks oh my God so so I started like putting a bit more pressure and contacting him over various social networks right I think Reddit as well and and all that yeah and I I almost thought like I think a week after I initially contacted him I I sent another

Message and I thought you know if you if you cannot reply within two days or so you know my offer is off because then there’s damaged Beyond repair yeah I actually said it like that it’s damaged Beyond repair and so he then really replied I think it was a Monday or so

Monday evening or so and he did reply and and it was quite it was relatively uh quick then because I think by then um in all fairness like I think there was a lot of pressure on his shoulders or weight on his shoulders yeah yeah definitely

This so so by by then he was just like happy to you know get rid and I think he was so happy that I was kind of like an outsider yeah I mean I think that’s really good I feel like he’s still the server was not worth what you paid I

Mean of course that doesn’t matter to you but I feel like it was so badly a completely messed up that it could have gone for half the price I don’t know how you feel about that like do you think it was too expensive for what it was or do

You think it’s it’s a it’s a right price since it still has like some history to it well I mean I know there was a lot of damage due to dupes and um um also because the server wasn’t patched for quite a while and all that

But if if I put that like a little bit outside I mean that’s just my opinion how I see things right um I see this more like not an art project but like as an art yeah yeah okay yeah right and like the whole as a whole it is impossible to replicate yeah

So right because it’s like how many thousands of players put their mark on the server’s data so it’s it’s almost impossible to find a price so honestly even the 2000 is way too little if I put in the words of what was put into it I

Think it is worth 10 times all right you know what I mean yeah yeah the reality unfortunately is of course that and I mean I will never sell this but nobody’s gonna pay that I mean now it makes sense why you bought it because it’s obviously not profitable

It makes sense now that you’re telling me this that it’s almost like a living art project right exactly so someone so for me because I appreciate what is being done on the server and I appreciate what the community is contributing towards the server but also towards Discord for me that even if I

Would have paid the 2000 it would have been a steal how much money kinda did you spend since you bought the server because it can’t have been cheap like everything together all the all the moving the server around like the the advertising how much kinda definitely somewhere in the area of

Um let me just double yeah definitely oh yeah definitely somewhere above 10 10 grand so first of all the server is fully owned by me right so that was one of the the main goals of course to do like a Timeless project to me it was important

That that I also own the hardware so they’re alone the the hard drives right so it’s it has like eight terabyte SSD right and I mean everybody can just Google the price of that and it’s mirrored so you always have two discs and that’s just for the for the Nether world

Um sorry for other SSD drives for the other world uh so yeah and I had to pay a little bit to get it from from America back to Europe to pay certain customs and and some other fees it was crazy it was a crazy December but yeah quite a

Bit wait so I’m dumb you know so I I don’t understand a lot about servers and and all that kind of stuff but like how was the server when when beautifuls owned it he probably didn’t own the actual Hardware right I think he was hosting it back then

Um on ovh uh so it’s a quite known provider to to rent uh dedicated servers yeah so the difficulty or the challenge here running a Minecraft server at least for this size are kind of like two uh on the one hand you need a lot of storage

And the storage that is required is just above storage that you usually get at these rented places which means you then start you know the Costco exponentially usually then and I must also say that we’re now consuming approximately double as much storage as we did just a year

Ago so it is it is growing as well um that is the one part so storage and it has to be fast so SSD um then the second challenge is you need to have a really good CPU and the CPU that was running with ovh was quite bad

Right so the TPS was dropping quite a bit and that is also quite quite expensive to get a good CPU was it hard to get the server from there to your physical server like how does that happen uh yeah it was super challenging first of all I am obviously I’m based in

Europe yeah and I was running the server in us so now the difficult part is that you cannot easily buy server grade Hardware with a good single thread CPU performance which is required to run a server with a good TPS so you I had to actually custom build it but because I’m

Not there I had to basically have it custom built by someone else what yeah it was like constantly like doing you know remote calls or remote work and or remote chats to to get something done and then get it delivered to a Data Center and who helped you with that uh

Well I had to do it all by myself did you know anyone on the other side or was it just like employees or it was just yeah exactly it was just like uh companies and then you do like yeah um oh man that’s that must have been so

Time consuming I can’t even imagine like wow yeah um so basically when I first got access to the old server uh from Buttes I basically had one week to transfer the server over because I was also very worried because I did then read that he wasn’t paying invoices oh yeah so I was

Also worried that it would just shut down and I wouldn’t lose access to the data right so I had to I really gave also myself like a time lapse but within one week you know it’s very difficult to get something up and running so we did I

Think run it for I think it was almost a month we were on it on like very shoddy Hardware I rented and while we ran it on that rented Hardware we um uh yeah had a server get assembled and delivered to a Data Center and once

It was in the data center there were also some other issues like it was just like a mess but once it was up and running it was actually running pretty smooth I would say yeah um until the Big Bang last year what happens then so it was uh we were

Basically offline for a good month so that was I mean we had a very good summer but then in December unfortunately the the server just broke down um I’m still not sure what happened exactly to be honest because yeah because I mean I was left quite in the dark by the data center

Um and it of course you know once a server is not running good you do not have very good remote capabilities to diagnose right yeah so I don’t know exactly what went wrong but I assume just that it was a combination of the water cooling

Um just giving up due to the run time what’s most probably not meant to run 24 7 and uh the main board was probably failing I suppose that’s when you brought the server from there to here yeah exactly yeah so first I was suspecting that it was just a data

Center because they were quite cheap because we’re not capable so I switched the data center still within us to Detroit which went got some funny memes around that but then it turned out they weren’t able to get it up and running as well uh and that is basically when my hard drive

Up because then I knew oh [ __ ] this this is going to take oh my God a while did you think that that you weren’t gonna be able to do it no for me there is like a zero chance for the server to not come up or to ever stay down forever

Or or to be sold there is a zero chance that that would ever happen yeah but what I was worried about was that it we would lose a lot of uh active players and yeah it would take a long time to get up and running

Um yeah so that was what I was worried about yeah it was done for very long and then it finally opened and now it’s uh in the the beautiful data center near you I’m guessing or at least somewhere near you and and like how does a data

Center work like do you just rent like a place and then but then your your machine yeah exactly so um so this data center is quite quite professional it’s actually quite Enterprise to be honest so I’m in the same building as other bigger companies like Google Facebook

And the sorts like it’s the same building obviously I don’t have access to their to their rooms yeah yeah yeah yeah and I’m sure if they knew that in the same building there was a Minecraft Anarchy server I think they would like screw me out or something

But but it’s like it’s quite like so it’s really meant for like professional businesses not before well at least we know it’s secure there exactly but it’s like proper it’s secure they’re very redundant so they um have very high confidence and yes I have 24 7 access in theory uh which

Means that should there be any issue I can go there directly I can debug the issue but it also means that that’s what I’m more excited about is that sometime in end of this year or in summer I would like to upgrade the server again and it

Will be very easily possible for me to do so cheers yeah because now you can just go there and and build and add stuff way easier exactly yeah yeah wow the Journey of Simply vanilla that’s that’s actually crazy I actually thought at some point that you were just being like beautifuls

Like just you know like he he was making up stories like saying like yo the server charged me 5 000 instead of instead of 500 you know just just making up [ __ ] because we didn’t have money and I was like like how is it possible that

That the server is moving around so much and being down so much it’s but but now that you explain it like that it makes it makes a lot of sense because you were actually just trying to do your best and then it wasn’t working no it’s it’s

Really a shame like I would have loved to keep it in so it was in Kansas City I mean staff members say uh did send them like pictures and screenshots of uh delivery because yeah I was worried that staff member would maybe think I’m like

I mean it sounds like a wild story yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah from Kansas to Detroit because I’m in Detroit it’s not really known as a server City I mean it’s usually New York City is pretty yeah it seems pretty random it’s like okay like what well so the story was actually it wasn’t

Actually meant for Detroit but in the same building so usually how it happens right this data centers is it’s like a big I don’t know it like kind of like a warehouse but that warehouse is maybe owned by one company and then it will sublet a server space or areas to

Multiple companies yeah yeah so when I was unhappy with the provider uh in Kansas City coincidentally in the same building there was another provider so the idea was actually just to transfer it from one room to another to the different provider but they then said no they

Don’t have spacer anymore but they have another Data Center in Detroit uh Detroit Detroit so that’s actually how I didn’t search for it oh okay we’re going to drive it over to Detroit for for free uh because we still have space there and I said okay [ __ ] it why not damn that

Makes so much sense now yeah I mean what a journey you have a very hands-off approach with managing the the community you know people want to know why I would say rather on the one hand I’m quite grateful and happy that I found uh J Chris and imp uh quite at the beginning

Yeah uh so if the community has to thank anyone then it’s those two because without them simply wouldn’t be where we are today yeah yeah um yeah so they they invest a lot of work but they also gave me hope they helped me also understand what is

Important for the SV community so it was really and they’re still continuing doing really great work we do have now also new additions with Len magician Tim they are also doing fantastic work yeah the whole staff is very very mature and very happy but what is more important is

That they have been in the community for way longer than myself and they’re also all of them quite respected by the community it makes any sense for them to or for me to be less Hands-On and rather let them be involved in that while at

The same time I can take advantage of my strength and that is you know taking care of the server okay yeah so it’s just like they know the community better and you just let them do the talking while you just make sure that the server runs as good as possible exactly right

So it’s that kind of like dividing the the workload dividing the time but I have been also relatively active last year though I must say with the community or as much as I can yeah yeah I right like I do know like now the past two months I’ve

Been quite distant but I must say like the whole December took quite a toll on me so I was I’m uh yeah I’m still like recovering from that it was like quite extensive like work and yeah okay no that makes sense yeah it’s just like when you don’t know like I don’t know

It’s just I compare a lot to erock and iberium who are like like literally in the VC every day with with an easy vanilla and like constantly talking to everyone in chat I I guess it’s it’s just a different approach that you take I hope that people will understand why

You take a more distant distant approach and I feel like people now kind of know you better because of this interview and and know you’re not just trying to make money this is not just an investment for you the opposite probably it’s yeah [Laughter] like that’s crazy

Okay so I’m editing just now and I do want to pause real quick to just insert some thoughts I had on nether wall not responding when he’s actually needed I feel like obviously this man has like a very busy job he’s not a full-time server owner but I feel like still you

Can’t go weeks without responding to anyone especially like people that actually need you as a server owner to be there and fix stuff you either have to give the admins more power so they can jump in when you’re not able to be there or you just need to make sure that

You at least take a day or so a week or just a few hours to respond to the people or to fix the real problems that only you can fix because this interview was filmed about two weeks ago and since then I haven’t been able to be in

Contact with netherwall at all I sent them multiple messages and he only sent me one message back telling me he’s busy and this is not just me a lot of people have had so many frustrations with Netherlands just not being able to respond and that drives people crazy

When I actually need something right so this is definitely not me being negative towards interval but just like if you don’t want people to get mad at you or to think that you don’t care about the server at least take once a week to respond to everyone that really requires

Your attention maybe not a Discord just your DMs you know something like that because if not people are just gonna be frustrated because they want an answer or they want something to be fixed but only you can do it and they have to wait weeks for it so I hope netherwall does

Get a bit more in contact with the community even though I do understand its reasons for why he lets the mods handle most of the stuff but there’s just a lot of stuff that the mods can’t fix and that only neither of all can or important conversations between creators

And netherwall that the mods just can’t do in netherwall’s place you know um but in any case so like I’m you usually again like putting aside like the past two months um I’m quite approachable so the uh direct messages um I’m not how should I say I’m I’m not

Saying looking like I’m someone better so that don’t have to con uh chat with anyone it’s just I’m just currently a little bit need some recovery important question does this all ever take a toll on your mental health or your physical health like how are you feeling yeah

Like it’s a good question I must say and maybe this is something you as a content creator can relate to um I’m not it’s not so much that it’s taking well aside from like that whole like server move yeah issue um but mostly and even then why why that

Was more stressing for me right um I do have like an obsession with player counts if that makes sense yeah so um not an obsession in a sense of that I want to always reach a next high or so but that I want basically the community

To be kind of like happy to you to play on the server and that that aircon remains stable um okay I think that makes sense all right so it’s kind of like maybe I don’t know maybe you’re you also don’t feel like that but you know when you upload a

Video maybe oh yeah yeah yeah yeah definitely bro if a video this bad you feel bad it’s it’s just right exactly so that’s the funny thing like with all that server moves that was actually my biggest worry was not too much about the server move but like the player can’t gonna go down

Um I I never thought of it like that the player counts like from the POV of a server owner I mean it makes sense it makes sense that you worry about that yeah so of course you’re gonna be like stressed if it’s like down for for a few

Days that being said though I’m I would also be happy to run it with just one player online yeah for the rest of us of its life okay sorry I really just had to say something about this to some people this might sound familiar there was an another server called EU survival which

Had an owner that set the exact same thing no matter what the player count the zero always keep up and well look where eu’s rival is now it shut down even though I do have more trust in netherwall since he has put like way more into the server than than any

Server owner I know I do think that he probably will keep the server up forever like why else would he invest 10 thousands of euros and own the hardware of the server if he’s just gonna sell it you know or just shut it down so I don’t

Think this is a case like in EU survival I do have more trust than him but of course we can never know what the future holds right and and like people absolutely hating you for no reason that doesn’t bother you um not so much I mean I did I suppose

Yeah no not so much I mean I was very aware and I think I think it was even beautiful said it or someone else but like I do have to accept that at some time my my information is going to be docs yeah yeah yeah so I’m okay with that

Um that’s part of it but but it’s so it’s so weird because you’re you’re just like a regular ass person I know of all these kids just being mad at you for for like most of the time no reason yeah I mean I I guess you had some

Energy experience so you kind of understand it but but still you know sometimes it’s also difficult to understand like is that person really mad or is it just LARPing yeah yeah yeah yeah because most of the times like at least at the beginning people were just

Like LARPing right yeah yeah so and I don’t want to like sometimes I was feeding into it but I did it kind of like on purpose too like keep that I don’t know role play they were trying to do to keep to keep that fantasy alive all sorts but

Yeah you like to role play with people in the server yeah okay do you do anything to advertise the server and how do you plan on getting more people to join yeah interesting topic what I’m quite happy about is the website relaunch that happened sometime last year so it was

The original designer actually who did some mocks uh I’m most probably going to forget to give credit to the right people the mock-ups or the design was done by I think maybe one or two people from the community and then I did like the coding for that so I’m quite happy

About that we regularly post into Reddit uh into the subreddits for Anarchy servers obviously we have our vote lists going on so there is some like basic grunt work that is being done for advertising uh but we’re of course also searching for anyone who wants to do content yeah looking at you

Uh obviously this this video is not sponsored I just want to give simply vanilla and especially you a second chance so any content creators that want to make content they should do it and reach out to you absolutely um so we have a Content uh role as well

Which has kind of like the same benefits like if you were a donator and obviously there’s a lot of prestige in doing video or simply vanilla and visits history and backstory but there is also possibility to have a paid gig but that depends on multiple factors like how often what is

Equality what is the reach yeah um and we did that also last year a little bit but it’s difficult to track right how the success of that I would say I would rather have someone from the community because if you are specific towards Minecraft Anarchy content it has

A better impact you know my assembly vanilla videos still get like hundreds of views every day so yeah and they’re pretty uh pretty good like I mean I mean I I know I told you that but like it was your video and I forgot whose other

Video it was but it was those two videos that I watched uh just short before the sale happened and I was quite exciting to see your video like I mean there was like this drama alert or something yeah yeah yeah is this drama videos going on

Back then yeah it was it was super uh super cool so yeah I was I was quite impressed and I was like oh cool you bought the server because of me basically let’s say at least because of 50 of you oh hell yeah what future plans do you

Have for the server there’s of course there’s like the basic stuff of us continuously keeping the server up to date adding features based on what the community wants like one recent feature that we just launched is proximity chat has been enabled so anyone that uses uh

That has the client mod installed and is proximity check probably that is I heard that and that is so cool and I want it that is literally the best [ __ ] feature like I feel every energy server should have that that’s literally just Game Changer you should advertise with

That to be honest somehow and like that’s that’s so good bro that happened but the advertising around that also happened then of course um there’s a continuous server upgrade so I want to rename ensure that the server so it’s like at the top or on the

CPU line so to ensure really good TPS but of course um there’s a lot that will be invested in promoting promoting the server uh giving the staff the right tools to be as efficient as possible in hunting down hackers yeah so those are kind of the

Plan for for this year okay cool and well what do you have to say to to people that left simply vanilla because there’s a lot of them so because I don’t really know them so I don’t so I wouldn’t I wouldn’t know how to address them the right way anyway

Um but maybe to like reiterate like you know or to upsell what makes simply vanilla right so simply bananas really it has a very good history server history it has a relatively big community in Discord and another discords as well the server is 100 owned it will always run there is no Financial

Issues running the server operating the server we do not do chunk calling or how you call it so if you put a block in a chunk it will be there in the next 100 years you will still be able to see that single block that you put we’re keeping

The data forever and it’s really like a long-term hobby project of sorts yeah so if whatever beef or whatever issues you had most probably they’re not valid anymore but if they’re still valid uh just have a chat with me and I think I’m pretty sure like I don’t think there’s

Anyone I mean even it’s mostly is back on the server so it was so mad at you I don’t even remember why I want to say first of all netherwall you’re a [ __ ] idiot I hate and I hate you like a lot though I look no hate to influence and why the hate

For netherwall specifically first of all he’s a [ __ ] second holy sucks Deuces dick that’s it really he’s also like a complete brick wall when talking to people like he has a massive ego I hate him for it yeah so he he’s back and I mean most yeah that’s why I

Don’t know who’s left still he’s not on the server but I also guess to be honest that whoever is not back anymore I mean they have much more just moved on or they’re not interested in Minecraft and that’s fine as well I will for sure be checking out Simply vanilla again yeah I

Mean talking to you definitely has made it more attractive for me to to start on on simply again I wasn’t sure about you and simply vanilla now hearing that that your your passion project and you’re like actually taking care of the server it makes me want to play I think you’ve

Done a good job promoting simply vanilla in this video excellent I appreciate it I’m glad we’re here I’m glad to hear that um yeah I mean would be really great to have you back I think the community would be happy as well uh but I do understand also like you have your preferences

Um but uh both community and also myself especially we would be happy to see you back yeah well thank you so much for filming on this interview you know I I don’t know if you have talked a lot to other people before but um I appreciate it a lot like ever since

You agreed to this interview I’ve just been so stoked to do it and um super happy with how it turned out and with with all your answers to my questions I I had no idea how this was gonna go and maybe we can meet up sometime in real life you know

Yeah absolutely and my pleasure as well of course I’ll see the editing later than how how how bad I’ve maybe put in put in line no but but it was pretty fun no I haven’t done any any interview so far and I mean I’m also happy to keep it

Exclusive with with you oh hell yeah I’m not keen on doing any any other uh for now uh so yeah it was also on my side a really good great pleasure and very honored also for my side to finally uh be a part of your videos oh man yeah

You you can be on this guitar show now like that that’s something only only two other people can say the same so thank you so much if you have anything to say say it now and after that we’ll end the show well no all good for now you don’t

Want to promote your server just talk an hour about it yeah exactly please join simply hell yeah okay bye-bye thank you everyone

This video, titled ‘How One Owner Spent $10,000 on a Minecraft Anarchy Server [Interview]’, was uploaded by Skotose me on 2023-03-14 19:00:31. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

Simply Vanilla is a very well known minecraft no hack anarchy server. 1 Year ago it was sold to a player named Netherwhal.

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  • CraftNation – SMP, PVP, Semi-Anarchy, Land Claims, Realistic Seasons, Gold-based Economy, McMMO, Mob Levels, Waypoints, Wild Regen, Temp Stat, Advanced Survival

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  • Unleash Ultimate Power in Minecraft V-Collection Server Ep.1!

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  • EPIC NEW Nether Portal Design!! 😱🔥 #minecraft

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    🔥IMPOSTER'S TOP 3 EPIC FARMS IN MINECRAFT 1.20!🔥  | BEDROCK EDITION | TUTORIALVideo Information This video, titled ‘TOP 3 EASY FARM TO BUILD IN MINECRAFT 1.20 | BEDROCK EDITION | TUTORIAL |’, was uploaded by Imposter on 2024-01-07 11:30:10. It has garnered 1300 views and 26 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:16 or 556 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftfarm #minecrafttutorial #bedrock #farm In this video I will be showcasing 3 farms you should definitely have in your Survival world. In this video you will learn to make an sugarcane farm, a wool farm & bamboo farm . If you enjoyed this video, help grow the video and my channel! Hit the like… Read More

  • TicinoCraft

    TicinoCraftTicinoCraft is a brand new medieval-themed server. The gameplay is focused on creating factions and, when you are big enough, fighting with others to become the best one in the world! Main features are: – Faction, MCMMO, NPCs with a quest system and rewards and a creative world. We are constantly updating the server with new funny features! TicinoCraft is owned by TicinoGame (, a new company which goal is to create a big network where gamers can meet themselves and play games together. Read More

  • Karpcraft: Factions

    Welcome to KarpCraft! Join KarpCraft, a modded Minecraft server focusing on roleplay, worldbuilding, and factions. We offer a variety of gameplay options – whether you want to rule as a king, be a notorious bandit or pirate, or lead a simple life as a farmer. Our server features mods such as TahlNations, Villager Workers/Recruits, SecurityCraft, Alchocraft, SmallShips, and Create for a unique gaming experience. Find out more about the rules and how to join by visiting our Discord server: Join our Discord We can’t wait to see you in-game! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Spicy Minecraft Meme Madness”

    That’s a pretty “mine-blowing” score for a Minecraft meme! Read More

  • 100th Video Milestone: Roblox Death Ball Thrills All!

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  • Hotter than a lava pit: Minecraft Parkour Fail

    Hotter than a lava pit: Minecraft Parkour Fail Why did the Minecraft player break up with their acapella group? Because they couldn’t handle the parkour harmonies! #minecraftdrama #acapellafail Read More

  • Exploring the Twilight Forest Cavern with S5João

    Exploring the Twilight Forest Cavern with S5João Minecraft: Exploring the Riches of the Twilight Forest with S5João Welcome to the enchanting world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and adventures await at every turn. Join S5João as he delves into the depths of the Twilight Forest, uncovering treasures and facing challenges along the way. Unleash Your Creativity One of the most captivating aspects of Minecraft is the ability to build anything your heart desires. From humble cottages to majestic castles, the only limit is your imagination. S5João showcases his building skills as he constructs his dream home in the Twilight Forest, a sanctuary amidst the… Read More

How One Owner Spent $10,000 on a Minecraft Anarchy Server [Interview]