How to: Astral Sorcery | The Basics (Minecraft 1.16)

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So you’ve just spawned into the world now what welcome all to an astral sorcery tutorial for 1.16 today we’re going to be going all over the basics of how you get started now so sorcery but first i would just like to say if this tutorial helps you in any way shall perform

Please leave a like and subscribe it really helps me out and join the discord for any updates whether i go live or video gets uploaded linked down in the description so where do you start i mean the first place you need to start is finding one of two structures

And the main structure we need to be finding is something similar to this now this here is an ancient shrine and underneath one of these ancient shrines is a little sort of temple area that has one of these crystals now as you see at the top there it says decidio collector crystal

It could be any other type of collector crystal as long as you have a collector crystal underneath one of these temples you’re in a good place now inside one of these ancient temples shrine majiggas you will also have a couple of chests where you can get various different items inside and they

Can spawn even things that are outside of manila and also the rest of the mod now these asian shrines they spawn in extreme hills biomes so i recommend looking around anything sort of like mountains like this in order to find it another type of shrine is a desert shrine

Very similar to this except it’s most likely going to be buried with sand and of course you’re going to find it in the desert but these desert shrines also hold a collector crystal underneath there are also some smaller shrines around this one here is actually a small shrine itself

They don’t hold too much value however underneath one of the pillars there will be a secret hidden chest which you can access and will also have some goodies in besides that there’s also a tiny shrine which is smaller than this however it holds no value it’s purely decoration no chest or anything

And the last one is a treasure shrine now the treasure shine is a temple that is underground and inside you’ll have an all block in the center of it and every time you break this all another one will automatically be spawned and it can be from any single

Mod in the game or vanilla of what this all could be so you’ve now found your ancient shrine of desert shrine now as it’s time to actually start the mod something to know that this mod adds only three resources to the game one of which is marvel as you can see

Here it’s very plain you can find it underground it spawns in similar ways as to diorite andesite or granite as well as that there are also two other types of blocks we have the rock crystal which will spawn underground very very deep down by bedrock level but it’s so rare

That it’s unlikely you’re probably going to find it just your ordinary strip mining the other is aquamarine aquamarine shale now this spawns over in any sort of water body so that could be lakes rivers the ocean it doesn’t matter where but it will be underwater and spawn just like this now when you

Break it you’ll actually get two aquamarine now the aquamarine is just like little gems like this and you’ll get a little stack of two of them every time you break some aquamarine shell now the very very first thing you should make with this aquamarine is the guidebook for astral sorcery in

Some mod packs you may spawn with it when you enter the game you’ll have it in maybe your first or second slot depending on how many books you spawn with in your mod pack but in some you will not spawn with the astral time at all which is what the

Guidebook is called in this now in order to make this time you’re going to need one aquamarine surrounded by paper in order to make parchment you’ll get four parchment in total for each craft and then with the parchment you also need a book and another three aquamarine in order to make the asteroid

Time and you’ll get only one astral tone now with this astral tone this will tell you everything you need to know when it comes to the mod however it’s all law based so when you first start you’ll see here looks like the galaxy this mod is all about the stars

So the first one you’ll see is discovery but there’s not a lot else you will discover other nodes around the book the further you get along in the mod but first you have discovery and you cannot unlock the next steps until you’ve completed the steps inside now we’ve already covered the rock

Crystals and the oars we’ve already recovered covered over the marble you can also get sushi marble which is crafted by surrounding coal with regular marble and the astral tone now there’s one other thing we need to find in the world before we can actually start with the mod and that is constellation paper

Constellation paper is can only be found in shrines now luckily for us in this small shrine here inside the chest we actually find two constellation papers now when you hover over them it says constellation paper there is nothing there however when you pick it up you will actually learn something you

Memorize the drawing of amara now omara is a type of constellation in the sky and at this level there are only five in total so go around and collect as many as you can now i picking up these two i’ve now found all the different types that is at

This level there’s only five in total now if you shift right click while holding the time you actually have a place of storing these constellation papers so when you’re traveling around keep the astral tone with you and then you can store up all the constellation papers in here

Now if you open up the book and we click on constellations in the top right hand corner we can see all the different types that there are so far i have discovered dissidia versio avitus amara and visio now all of these have different properties and they will be used later on the mod

But for now they’re not too important not at this stage anyway but if you are going around and you find more than five of these constellation papers most likely they will continue to say that there is nothing here but keep them with you anyway as later on they could be

Unlocked to get more improved and more of an upgraded version of constellations but anyway moving on the next best thing to make with your aquamarine is a resonating wand the resonating one is basically the most important tool when it comes to sorcery it is going to complete cross or

Initiate crafts as well as locate us some of these rock crystals so in order to create the resonating ones you are going to need two pieces of marble two aquamarine and one ender pearl in order to make this wand now by itself it doesn’t really do anything you can’t right click it

You can’t hit with it it doesn’t really do anything in order to find these rock crystals first we actually need to make it night and now it’s a bit dark in fact the sun’s just going down so we have the resonating one when holding its hand we can start walking around the

Surface levels of the world and you’ll start seeing these particles appearing what these particles mean is that down if we dig straight down while standing within those particles we will find some rock crystals now over here you can see that we’ve got some rock crystals right here so if we

Line ourselves up and dig all the way deep down into bedrock now i’m gonna dig down there ahead of time and put some torches down so i’ve gone down pretty far and i am now at level seven as you can see in the left-hand side there

But as you can see there’s not really any rock crystals here what we can do while holding the resonating wand again we will start seeing some particles underground now these particles are going to show us where these rock crystals actually are so if we dig around just a little bit we’ll start seeing

Here we go we’ve got some rock crystals so i put myself in survival mode just to show how this works now these rock crystals can be broken with the stone and as you can see i dropped two out of that one ore now the fortune enchantment i do believe

Actually affects these rock crystals however at this stage you’re probably not going to have an um you’re probably not going to have that enchantment so it doesn’t really matter um but something to note when you’re looking at these rock crystals at the moment they say something seems

To be here but understanding of it is not yet revealed which means store these up you don’t need mega amounts on them to begin with but store these up but don’t use them for any crafts that you see in the book as of yet if you see in jei or whatever module

Using to see all these different tools don’t use your crafts yet don’t use up these rock crystals as they’re more information will come from them later which is very important so now that we have everything it’s time to actually start with astral sorcery and the first thing we’re going to make

Is this luminous crafting table now the luminous carving table is made very very simply and this is where our shrine gets involved so first off we’re gonna need a regular crafting table nothing special you don’t need to add anything else but we do need to go to this crystal that is in

Either the ancient shrine or this desert shrine now what we’ve got to do is somewhere near this rock it doesn’t matter how close but you just got to place a workbench down you see it starts to glow what’s essentially happening is this is shining a ray of starlight against this workbench and eventually

It’s going to change into our luminous crafting table now you’d or something to mention you don’t need to have your astral tone with you but your astral tone is going to update after completing this step and give us another node of what we need to actually do in the game

Now when trying to create the luminescence table you may notice that it’s taking a bit of time something you have to make sure of also is with this collector crystal must have direct view of the sky so unfortunately this obviously spawned in a mountain so i’d dig way up

Hopefully in your version though it will be a little bit more out in the open but you need to give the collector crystal a direct view of the sky in order for this to change so now now that we’ve actually opened up a hole and placed this down you see that it

Actually changes really quickly so after creating the luminous crafting table something you’ll notice that with inside of your time you will have unlocked a brand new node this is exploration and this is where the mod really starts to open up and this is what we’re going to cover

Today now that you have your luminescence crafting table it’s time to actually bring your luminescence crafting table outside as all your crafts will need the direct view of the sky as well as that it’s actually going to need to be night time in order to complete any crafts at this

Level of the game so the first craft i’d actually like to show here is for the light well the light well is a tool that will allow us to generate a new liquid in the game called star light liquid starlight to be specific now this takes

A couple of new blocks as well it requires two act marine a rock crystal as well as two chiseled marble and three ruined marble now quickly just before we go into it these are all the different types of blocks that added intestinal sorcery marbles the only naturally spawning one

The ref rest are all crafted so for marble slabs they are created the exact same way and stairs as you would in vanilla minecraft the rest however for marble arch simply two marble you’ll get two marble arch engraved five for five pillars two for two runes you actually need to make a chiseled

Marble then two more marble but you still get three for three marble is four four and then stairs and slabs respectively and then in here you’ll see when you place in your items into the luminescence crafting table you’ll see that nothing’s happening there’s nothing here but there is a bar

This bar basically describes how much star light is being absorbed into the luminescence square there in order to complete so if we make it into night time here just simply just doing night this will make it the beginning of the night you’ll see it still sunset here

And you’ll see that we have a little bit of a bar now but you can also see this darker blue the dark blue shows how much light you actually need how much star light this is how much star light you need inside the crafting table if the craft

Actually be achievable and we are just below this level so if we change it to not just night let’s change to a later part of the night this is about but just past midnight in fact the mountain the moon’s just over that mountain there you’ll see here that it’s well and truly in

To the middle here as it’s a lot later in the night the more it is to midnight the more star light you have so you can potentially get a little bit more just the way how everything is alone you’ll see that you know the craft is ready to be

Completed when you can see the completed result on the side here however you can’t click on it just to take it out you have to use the resonating wand when you’re holding your hand and right click on the um lesson table you’ll start getting some effects depending on the craft will determine

How long it will actually take but then eventually your lights well will spawn however before we go into what the light world works and what you can do with it i would just like to say how rock crystals are probably a little bit different if you have noticed so if you get some

Rock crystals i’ve just gone and broken some of these you can see that instead of those all of them saying something seems to be here but understanding is a bit different or not yet revealed sorry you’ll see that you can now see a couple of statistics you’ve got size purity tool efficiency um

There’s also tool durability there we go and shape those are the current statistics you can currently get in 1.16 now if you’re playing in an earlier version of um astral sorcery and trying to follow along this is all brand new to 1.16 in 1.12.2

It was all based on how big it was yes as well as the purity and cutting but those were the only three and you could grow a crystal up to the maximum amount it would split in a whole different tutorial but that we’re not talking about 1.2 we’re talking about this new system

Here now a rock crystal can have up to eight accumulative properties so what does that mean if you scroll over here you’ll see that we got a rock crystal here for size one shape two tall efficiency two what that means is one two plus two that equals five so that is

Five different properties but you can have a maximum of eight so in theory you could have a three three and a two or two two and two you could give me a six it could be anything now these statistics are going to be random depending on the orders that you break

So you you’ve already maybe collected an x amount of rock crystals already and all of those are going to have different properties but as you can see some of them still say something seems to be here but your understanding is not yet revealed later on in the mod pack you will

Sorry the mod later on in the mod you will actually discover more properties that some rock structures can have now there are ways of actually increasing these rock crystals and how potent each of these majiggers are each of these statistics so that again is going to be using

The lightweight in order to grow these to get better rock crystals you’re going to need to bathe or bath or however you want to describe it soak these rock crystals in a bucket of starlight which you get obviously with the light which will demonstrate that so now on

The base level these properties by themselves don’t do too much however later on we will be showing some tools that can be made where some of these properties may actually need to be used for certain effects but at this step level don’t really worry too much about the rock crystals

However any craft you would like to make with these rock crystals i recommend choosing some that have a low amount of properties so try and find your lowest amount maybe it has just one of you has a size one or a purity one use those for your crafts as those will

Be the hardest ones to actually grow in size later on so definitely don’t use something like this right purity 2 shake 2 and durability 1 where it’s got so many effects now let’s demonstrate the light smell how the light well works is if you put either aquamarine or rock crystal into

The light well lights star lights will start being created so with aquamarine it’s basically almost like a flat rate of starlight that can be put in but with the rock crystal now that we’ve shown how all these different purities work if you put something in if you put a rock crystal with a

Higher amount of properties or a higher purity or something like that into the light crystal the light crystal the light well will use the rock crystal a lot longer as each of these have a random determined life points if that makes sense so let’s just put some aquamarine on

Here to begin with you’ll see that it starts filling up this pool now we are in the daytime however if it was night time the amount of starlight that is actually created will be increased but at the same time it will also make the disintegration of

Your item on the light well to be increased as well something else the light well is also good to use is here we are using mechanism for this but you can also extract from the bottom of the light well if you’re using a mod that utilizes pipes into sucking out these

Liquids so if i change that to pull you’ll see the liquid starts being sucked out and can actually be stored in a tank pretty useful stuff so if you wanted this constantly on the go you could have maybe some sort of dispenser or maybe some auto right clicker or even just a hopper

Also putting this stuff on and then you can have maybe a row of them you can have multiple all going into a tank later to be used in various crafts however something to note is with the lightswell when you are actually creating stuff you can’t get your item back so

What now the akron reads on here we cannot right click it back off we have to wait disintegrated or break the light well and then move it also lights liquid starlight cannot be pumped back into the light well once it’s been come out the light well that’s it it’s gone

However you don’t actually do any crafts inside the light well so there’s nothing too much to worry about placing down a second light well here just while that is going something else you can also do is using netherrack you can put light uh netherrack into the light would actually start generating

Lava the same thing can be done that can also be pumped into a pipe and then stored later in a tank now there’s a couple of properties that the light start liquid starlight can actually do so you need a thousand miller buckets in order to actually pick up one starlight

It’s going to take a bit of time for that to come around so let’s just quickly spawn in a bucket of starlight there’s a couple of things that a bucket can do mainly affecting water and lava to begin with something to note is that liquid starlight

It flows a lot quicker than water it’s very very quick as well as that when you jump into it you’ll actually get night vision so in a second it should there we go in the center night vision so i believe it’s only with like four blocks it didn’t activate till i’m in the

Center but i imagine it should be whenever you get in the center there also i heard a smash it looks like the netherrack actually smashed before the aquamarine so let’s just place another one there to get a bit of lava that’s how that works something else is that with the

Starlight it will freeze over water so you see here it’s just freezing it entirely this is actually creating packed ice which is very surprising and if you put it on top you’ll see it starts creating it like this it’s a bit strange how it doesn’t actually freeze the water it’s almost like

The water freezes it and if we try putting water onto the starlight it does do that also when pouring liquid starlight onto say lava something else that will have also happened is this lava will actually turn the liquid starlight into sand which means you could actually make either a

Packed ice or a sand generator so i quickly knocked up this little thing here very very simple stuff i’ve got an auto block breaker there from cyclic it’s not actually going to anywhere to be collected but this is just as demonstration purposes so if i

Go into here and say this to always be on what happens when i activate this lava will start flowing in but then the lava will well the lava will start changing the liquid starlight into sand as you can see this is constantly breaking away now something else that can also happen

If you have large amounts of liquid starlight bucketed what you can actually do is put lava on top of the source blocks and potentially the source blocks will actually turn into aquamarine themselves a little bit rare but it can happen now the last thing i want to show is

That we can make something called infused wood if you drop a log it doesn’t matter what type of lock any log into some liquid starlight it will change into this infused wood so it’s a one for one sort of thing though the liquid i don’t believe the star light doesn’t ever get used

But we can make as much infused wood as we’d like and it’s used for many many crafts so if you put it in a in the luminescence crafting table you can take infused wood and make infused wood planks and then that this is going to be our next item

We’re actually going to show using infused wood so what we’re trying to make here now is the phosic resonator and explain what it does shortly for this we’re going to need two infused wood which obviously we’ll get from dropping into the liquid start we need a bucket of liquid starlight two

Marble one aquamarine and one gold now again this needs to be done in the night time so again we’ll right click with the wand it will start doing its craft and eventually it will pop off and come into existence there we go now the photic resonator can only work

At night time what it effectively what it is essentially going to do is find a higher concentration of star lights energy i suppose you could say so while it’s night time if i turn around here you can see we’ve got a lot of this mist this mist is basically a high

Potent area of starlight so we we’ve been doing the crafts just randomly wherever you are you’ve been doing crafts outside at night time however once you have this created or you you will be able to put your luminescence crafting table inside of this mist now it disappears obviously when you’re

Not holding this as well so if we right click in here we’ll see that this is like about maybe a quarter of the way to the end but when we go over to say something like here it’s only just gone past half so it’s not a major increase

But there is still an increase there now i don’t think there’s any sort of thickness like i don’t think if you did it on the end it would change ever so slightly let’s actually test this now so here it gets to actually that does seem to be the case

Just ever so slightly oh yeah ever so slightly being in a thicker bit of fog actually creates even more star light so probably around this water it could be just the water actually does it but the thicker the better the more starlight you’ll gain now from here on out i’m not going to

Keep flicking towards day and night for every single craft you’re just going to have to take my word for it that’s how it works pretty much any craft you want to do in the luminescence crafting table you need to do at the nighttime but moving on we

Want to create another way of increasing the amount of starlight we want our luminescence ultra so when even when we’re inside the cloud this isn’t full and some crafts are going to need a completely full charge inside of the luminous salter so how do we actually increase this we

Can increase the amount of luminescence in all the amount of starlight going into luminescence altar by creating astral relays now in order to make crashed astral relays we’re first going to need glass lenses glass lenses are created inside the luminescence altar it requires four aquamarine and one glass pane that

Will give us one glass lens then inside the luminescence alter again we’re gonna need two planks one marvel two golden nuggets and a glass lens now what this is gonna do is create ourselves the astral relay however to actually use this astral relay we are going to need a second glass lens so

Bear in mind you should absolutely have a second glass lens for this so if we go over to our luminescence crafting table here and we place this down and then we put this here you’ll see that it’s not actually really doing anything it’s not until night time that we discover that it

Should be doing something so it may be night time for you you’ve placed this down and think oh why isn’t this working this surprisingly is actually a multi-block structure and requires to be built in a specific configuration so if we go into the book here and go to

Astral sorcery and go to astral relays we’ll see here’s the relay but then you need to make a little platform underneath your astral relay then put a glass lens on top of it so i’m going to quickly spawn in these items here and then i’ll create this here so it’s

If you’re also hovering the corner here on this star it will tell you all your required materials as well as that is that you can do this level by level if you want to this is only two levels so it’s not really necessary but you can also show or hide the air blocks

So once you complete your little multi-block structure here you’ll start seeing some particle effects and what this is doing is sending extra starlight energy in the air straight towards the luminescence alta as you can see we’re now completely full just with one of these and being in the dark zone

We have now got a completely full bar for any crafts that we want to accomplish so i’ve set up a quick test here you can create an astral relay 16 blocks away from the luminescence altar so it’s quite a way you could fit so many around the area and something

Else you can even do which is very very interesting is that you can actually create or use other other sources or other blocks of the same altar in order to create so as you can see this one’s also working as well these blocks have been shared between two astral relays

But they are two different structures it’s very clever how this mod works the next thing we’re going to make is actually for finding new constellations so at the moment you may have only found up to five constellations in total but this one is going to allow us to see the

Next level of constellations this here is the looking glass essentially a type of telescope this is going to require one of these glass lenses which we’ve created already four sticks one gold and one plank now again you are going to need to be at night time for this because obviously there’s no

Stars during the day but if you hold this in your hand and right click you’ll see and you’ll be able to look around and obviously when you look at the sky it’s just nice bright and blue but when we go into night time we’ll start seeing the stars

So if you look around the stars ever so slowly you’ve got to look up and down ever so slightly and you’ll see that that eventually you’ll start seeing some stars that are a little bit thicker than all the rest so i have finally found these stars i was

Looking for as you can see there are one two three four five six points of these stars that are slightly bigger now in with looking at your constellation papers that you should be holding in your astral time you can have a look at your constellation papers by right clicking and see what

There could be available to you so this here is our mara and this here is visio now this looks very similar to what we have in the stars so now that we have that let us now hold shift here and actually draw this constellation and what it will do it will

Automatically etch itself into our minds so there we go achievement got it i can clearly i can see clearly now we uh we have discovered the constellation of versio and when we look in the sky we can actually see the constellation itself so we and also the constellation paper has turned a little

Bit lighter cyan or whatever so if you have all five of the constellations that you have available to you inside of your asphalt time you can put them out on night by night you can get a different constellation some nights you will get absolutely zero constellations sometimes you just won’t get any

But and some you’ll get a different type so you’re gonna have to do this over a period of time as each night is different and it’s all dependent on the phase of the moon so as you can see this is pretty much a full moon

But if we waited one more day and then it maybe was a half moon or a quarter moon or even um some sort of solar eclipse you’ll get different constellations depending on what’s in the sky now also in this stage of the mod there are some cool tools you can actually create

The first of which is sort of like a light source this is illumination powder this requires you to go to the nether as you’re gonna need glowstone dust four of and one aquamarine and what this is going to do is actually provide you with a little bit of a light source when

You right click on the ground so when we right click on the ground here you see that it just place a light source it’s very nice you give you just like a little bit of an all but this doesn’t actually go away i don’t believe it goes away until you

Actually place a block on top of it if you wanted to get rid of it you can’t break it or anything like that so it’s very handy it’s a nice way of perhaps having your base area looking a little bit nicer as when you’re a little bit far away you

Can’t actually see the particle effects and there’s also not the chance of you breaking any torches while walking around something you can make from this illumination powder also requiring four runed marble to aquamarine is the cave illuminator now the cave illuminator is very powerful that’s what it’s going

To do is if we go fly to the top of this mountain here and actually break all these torches so as you can see it’s very dark in here but if we go up top here and use our cave illuminator what it will do is when we place this down it will

Detect all the caves that are down inside of the caverns and actually light it up so if we go down here now we’ll see that there is actually light sources and it’s even light sources the cave illuminator is automatically placing them down over time in all the places that are the light levels

Where enemies could spawn so it takes a lot a bit of time but it constantly expands so the way the book has described is that the more star light that is using the cave illuminator that is the wider coverage you’ll actually get which you can get or it just says a wide area

But in a spiraling vertical layers of eight meters apart so what it also means is that if we were to actually place our cave illuminator here inside the mist so if we make it night time actually starts doing up here if we now place this down it’s going to

Start doing a very very large area as it’s actually in the mystified sections as well as that is if we take this it should one of these spectral relays should actually start going over to there okay that doesn’t seem to be the case there are other ways of powering this

Not just being in the mist you can also use the um an advanced initiate illumination wand but we don’t have that at this stage of the mod the last type of powder we’re going to be showing off is this nocturnal powder this is going to require two coal or two charcoal illumination

Powder blue dye and black dye and this nocturnal power is a little bit dangerous so you have to be careful if we go into easy mode just for that it doesn’t matter whether it’s day or night if we right click this on the ground mobs will start spawning

Very very quickly inside this little area so this is not a bad way of doing a quick mob farm so you want to get loads of xp rather quickly you could have a dedicated farm set up place this down suddenly most will just start spawning out the wazoo however doing it in the

Same place repeatedly will give you diminishing returns over time it does not multiply the amount of mobs or anything like that and obviously the fizzles out over time but you can sort of put it in a large area But you can’t be too close otherwise it will not work the anarchy and finally we get to the basic tooling of this mod you can get all the basic tools you can get a pickaxe axe sword shovel as well as a hoe but something interesting about it is

Dependent on the rock crystals you use is dependent on the variance that your pickaxe will get so if you were to use say a large shape maybe a shape three or a purity three with maybe a two efficiency of three you’ll get a pretty good speeding axe

For what we have here let’s just have a check we have got a shape two and something else we have a size three purity one tool efficiency one and we have here a shape one and a something else that’s exactly what we’ve got in here

So if we make this night time just so we can place it down let’s see what we’re actually gonna get from this so here we’ve got our first pickaxe and as you can see we have got a size of six shape one tool efficiency one and something

Else so let’s test these out i’ve put myself into survival mode here and let’s test this out against a diamond pickaxe so a diamond pickaxe it’s not too bad we’ve all know how it goes it’s a little bit okay however when you’re using a crystal pickaxe it’s a little bit faster

Just a little bit just touch nothing major but it’s very handy and also something else you can have obviously we’ve got tool efficiency on here tool efficiency can actually go up to all the way to level three as well as tool durability so it doesn’t actually say the durability of this

Unfortunately but there are plenty of mods out there that don’t do actually tell you the durability but if you have a higher torque durability the longer it will last as well but this level however the only things you’re really going to be worried about are probably total durability or

Efficiency the shape and purity i will recommend trying to get those up as well as they will help you out later in the long run but for now this is the basic level of what these tools can do it’s almost like very early game enchants

Now there is one more thing we need to show in the tutorial today and that is the next stage of the crafting altar because as you can see there’s not a lot left here in this section to get further you need to make the next level of altar

Which is the starlight crafting altar different from the luminescence crafting table now again we’re going to need to be in night time for this and we are going to place our items in it’s built with four marble pillars two chiseled marble one liquid starlight buckets and a rock

Crystal i recommend choosing your lowest rock crystal for this just because later things will be better now it doesn’t need to be 100 full but we’ve got it 100 full which is very very handy and then we can right click on this and the luminescence table will start

Changing now it may take a little bit of time to begin with it’s pretty quick but the later crafts are a bit more difficult and you see that our knowledge has been expanded we have now into attunement the treatment is the next stage we’re not going to be covering all of this today

But something to note this starlight crafting altar is not usable as of right now it’s not as simple as a luminescence crafting table where you can place it down stop just start using it the starlight crafting altar is actually a multi-block structure when you right click on here luckily you

Keep the bucket you’ll see that we have this red bar that means that this is an incomplete structure how this is actually built it will it explains in the book if we a quick way for anyone else to know you can scroll in and out to go to your

Constellations but if you collect constellation back to research it just zooms you out entirely it’s a lot quicker if you go to exploration and go to starlight and go to the next page you’ll see that this is actually quite a large structure so i recommend you make

These blocks first like such as the marble the city marble needs to be made in the luminescence crafting table sorry that’s a lie it doesn’t need to be created in the luminous description well i’m completely wrong you can create it straight away but the rest you have to make a crafting table

So i’m going to build this structure here just like with the other structures you can shows you how many items you’re going to need as well as you can make it layer by layer so here we have the finished starlight alter it’s not too big but it is a

Little bit big and i had to move my astral relay in order to actually craft this as you can see at this level it’s just over three quarters of the way but something we can do of course is recreate our little astral relay this is something i often do myself in fact

Personally i don’t even place these astral relays down until i’ve got to this level as it’s not exactly needed right off the get-go and even just with one in the mist it’s nearly entirely full but something to note you don’t have to be in the mist like you can make this

Outside of the mist and i generally do this because i can’t find the mist or maybe i’m playing a skyblock mod pack where you can’t see the mist and what you could do is just literally wait until you get to this point and just put

One on all four corners it’s a nice way of making it look symmetrical as well as giving you a lot of power something else to know about the star lights or the star yes sorry the star lights crafting altars that you also have extra crafting grids as well so you’ve got the

Regular 3×3 and then you have some more spots later and the some of the later crafts that we’re going to get to in achievement are going to use these spots as well but all that is going to be it for me today thank you so much for stopping by

If this tutorial helped you out in any way shape or form please give me a like and subscribe i really appreciate it and join the discord i will leave a link down to that down in the description next time we are going to be going all through achievement so

Ring the bell to find out when that next video goes live until next time guys take care

This video, titled ‘How to: Astral Sorcery | The Basics (Minecraft 1.16)’, was uploaded by Mondays on 2021-04-18 22:00:12. It has garnered 111339 views and 1775 likes. The duration of the video is 00:39:15 or 2355 seconds.

Welcome to the Astral Sorcery mod. In this tutorial we will go through all the basics that Astral Sorcery has to offer in the early game.

Get the mod here:

Mod Dev: HellFirePvP Support HellfirePvP here: Art: VulpTheHorseDog Support VulpTheHorseDog here: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ To stay up to date on the latest tutorials, consider subscribing: ►Live On Twitch: ►Twitter: ►Discord: ►Instagram: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Harness the power of the stars! In Astral Sorcery you will command the sky as you improve your knowledge of the distant constellations. Using starlight, bend the rules of physics and uncover the power of the great beyond.

Today we will be going over all the basics involved in astral sorcery. There are different chapters to this mod and today we will be covering the first 2, Discovery and Exploration! ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Chapters 0:00 Intro 0:26 Types of Shrines 2:14 Ores, Guide Book and Basic Mod Tools 10:26 Beginning of Exploration 22:02 Fosic Resonator, Astral Relays and Looking Glass 29:38 Powders and Cave Illuminator 33:19 Rock Crystal Tools 35:24 Starlight Crafting Altar ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ All mods in my custom mod pack for 1.16: AIOT Botania AE2 Architectury API Forge Blood Magic Botania Clumps CodeChicken Lib 1.8+ CraftTweaker Cucumber Library Curios API Forge Cyclic Dark Utilities Ender Storage 1.8+ Extra Storage Extreme Reactors ForgeEndertech FTB GUI Library Item Filters JEITweaker JEI KubeJS Lollipop McJtyLib Mekanism Mekanism Additions Mekanism Generators Mekanism Tools Mouse Tweajs OpenBlocks Elevator PneumaticCraft: Repressurized Powah! Refined Storage RFTools Control RFTools Storage RFTools Utitlity Rhino Runelic Simple Storage NEtwork Storage Draws Structurize Trash Cans Wawla – What are we looking at Woot ZeroCore2 AE2 Extras Angle Ringe Astral Sorcery AutoRegLib Bookshelf Botania: Garden of glass Building Gadgets Carry on Chargers Client tweaks CoFH Core Cooking for blockheads Crafting Tweaks CreativeCore EnderChests EnderTanks Environmental Core Environmental Materials Environmental Tech Extra Disks Fast Leaf Decay FTYB Backups FTB Essentials Hwyla IAP [Mekanism] Immersive Engineering Immersive Petroleum Immersive Posts Industrial Agriculture Industrial Foregoing Iron Chests JEI Enchantment info JEI Integration JEI Professions Just enough Resources KubeJS Immersive engineering KubeJS Mekanism MineColonies Mining Gadgets Mystical Agradditions Mystical Agriculture Mystical Customization ObserverLib Patchiuli Refined Storage Addons Refined Storage Requestify RFTools Base RFTools Builder RFTools Power ShetiPhianCore Thermal Cultivation Thermal Expansion Thermal Foundation Thermal Innovation Thermal Locomotion Titanium ValkyrieLib XNet XNet Gases ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Attributions Music by Approaching Nirvana Song: Mountains Listen to the song on Spotify:

Cipher – Electronic Light by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 licence.



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  • Minecraft Memes – Crafting Disappointment: Every. Single. Time.

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  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Studios PS4 Launch

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  • Hot Minecraft Memes: Crafting Laughs!

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  • Join Minewind: Experience Epic Minecraft Battles!

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  • Crafty Chaos: Minecraft Story Mode Ep 2

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  • Insane Minecraft Noob Conquers Nether: Day 2!

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  • Shizo Clickbait: Finding Wednesday Adams in Minecraft!

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  • 🔥 BartolLive – EPIC 24/7 Minecraft SMP – JOIN NOW! 🚀

    🔥 BartolLive - EPIC 24/7 Minecraft SMP - JOIN NOW! 🚀Video Information This video, titled ’24/7 Joinable Minecraft SMP ~ 1.18 Java & Bedrock Server’, was uploaded by BartolLive on 2024-05-16 14:44:41. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. How to join this new latest 1.18.1 Minecraft SMP for completely free! Come join on Minecraft Bedrock, java and pocket edition are … Read More

  • Unleashing Ultimate Power on Hypixel Skyblock [7]

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    🔴UNBELIEVABLE: MINECRAFT YORICK vs GANGPLANK! INSANE LOL GAMEPLAY🔴Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴MINECRAFT YORICK until Gangplank gets buffed! League of Legends Gameplay🔴’, was uploaded by Shababplank on 2024-05-19 22:46:00. It has garnered 2728 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 02:34:51 or 9291 seconds. We basically play Yorick until Riot thinks it might be a good idea to buff Gangplank. The new Patch is out and we will test it out! Join us for some quality time! Shabablplank out! #leagueoflegends #riotgames #gangplank #lol #14.10 #patch14.10 #new #runes #items #yorick Read More

  • TheMadLad – Unbelievable Discovery!

    TheMadLad - Unbelievable Discovery!Video Information This video, titled ‘WE FOUND IT…….’, was uploaded by TheMadLad on 2024-04-02 05:31:11. It has garnered 42 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 04:17:46 or 15466 seconds. OMG GUYS WE FOUND THE MINECRAFT POISON POTATO DIMENSION NOT CLICKBAIT GONE WRONG AT 3AM. If you like the videos and content please like and subscribe and support me on my silly journey to becoming a huge streamer Read More

  • Hololive-ID Kaela Goes Hardcore in Minecraft! Copium Chaos #4

    Hololive-ID Kaela Goes Hardcore in Minecraft! Copium Chaos #4Video Information This video, titled ‘【Minecraft】#4 copium【#ホロ鯖ハードコアマイクラ】’, was uploaded by Kaela Kovalskia Ch. hololive-ID on 2024-05-18 08:25:49. It has garnered 252038 views and 14050 likes. The duration of the video is 11:55:01 or 42901 seconds. 【Local donation】Bittersweet treats are now very EZGGWP!~ Link: #Kaelaif #KaelaKovalskia #holoID ——————————————————————————————————- This game is being streamed and monetized after confirming with Mojang based on the following Terms and Conditions ( ——————————————————————————————————- 【Twitter】 【Instagram】 【Tik Tok】 【Facebook】 ——————————————————————————————————- Request from Hololive Productions to underage viewers Please search for [Request To Minors] or click on the link below, to read it… Read More

  • Minecraft Duel: Genius vs Idiot! Who Wins?! #shorts

    Minecraft Duel: Genius vs Idiot! Who Wins?! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘1050 IQ vs -155 IQ in Minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by NipunLegendShorts on 2024-01-09 07:30:01. It has garnered 18 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:43 or 43 seconds. Thanks For Watching 🙂 Subscribe To The Channel As Not To Miss The Minecraft Shorts! About The Short :- Title :- 1050 IQ vs -155 IQ in Minecraft #shorts Hashtags :- #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts #gaming #gamingshorts #shortsfeed #insane #minecrafttrendingshorts #viral #trending #meme #memes About The Game :- Game Name :- Minecraft Java Edition Keywords :- Minecraft Minecraft Shorts NipunLegend NipunLegendShorts YouTube Trending… Read More

  • Insane moves in Raziel Rig – Watch now!

    Insane moves in Raziel Rig - Watch now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Raziel Rig #shorts’, was uploaded by Swiggz on 2024-01-04 10:04:08. It has garnered 26 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. animation,animation meme,amanda the adventurer animation,amanda animation,animation vs minecraft,amanda and wooly animation,doors animation,animation movies,stickman animation,minecraft animation,wednesday animation,animation vs animator,animator vs animation,animator vs animation 4,animator vs animation 5,roblox doors animation,poppy playtime animation,garden of banban animation,minecraft animation stickman,animator vs animation 4 reaction minecraft animation,minecraft,animation,animation vs minecraft,funny minecraft animation,animation minecraft,minecraft animation stickman,monster school minecraft,minecraft vs animation,2d animation,animation vs. minecraft,minecraft funny animation,minecraft animation fight,animation life,minecraft movie,minecraft funny,minecraft school,minecraft dungeons animation,minecraft bedrock,minecraft monster… Read More

  • Miglands

    MiglandsServidor Original e Pirata. Servidor Portugues de Kit-PvP. Este um servidor lusófono. Pretendo oferecer-te uma experiência menos profissional mais relaxada e descontraída. Por enquanto o plano ter um Kit-PvP cada vez melhor e organizar vários eventos na minha livestream no YouTube ou Twitch. Segue-me nas minhas redes sociais: Read More

  • Firestarter SMP Java & Bedrock 1.20.6 No-Grief Economy Events Discord

    Welcome to Firestarter SMP! Firestarter is a simple, cozy, and relaxing community SMP! Whether you’d like to play with friends or contribute to community projects, we have something for everybody! Server Information: Server Address: (Java port 25565, Bedrock port 19132) Server Tour: Watch Now Features: Player-driven economy and shops Grief protection and land claiming Community events Quality-of-life tweaks Java + Bedrock crossplay Friendly and respectful community Check out our handbook for more information. Join our Discord community and start playing today! 🧡 Read More

How to: Astral Sorcery | The Basics (Minecraft 1.16)