How To Build A Gothic/Haunted House In Minecraft! | Block For Block Tutorial

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What’s up guys it’s your boy ravner and today i’m going to be giving a block for block tutorial on how to build this gothic style haunted house inside of minecraft so those who have been on my channel for a while or have clicked on the other gothic house video may know that

That video was made just to give you sort of an idea of how to build gothic house styles in general but this is a full block for block tutorial on how to build a house just like this first we’re going to be looking up for pallet and just some other information

And then we’ll start building so let’s go right then guys so before we get into the build itself we’ll just have a quick look at the palette and the layout of the base so looking at the palette first it’s fairly simple really it’s mainly stony blocks i sort of arranged it and

Sort of a gradient but we’re not going to be doing that so as you can see there’s uh you know a lot of black stone so we’ve got the free variations of uh black stone so we’ve got the black stone bricks uh in the stairs and slabs as well as well as

For just normal black stone in those variants but we also have the polished blackstone brick walls another brick fence we have a polish deep slate and that’s also in the wall variant we also have deep slate a bricks and that’s also in the stair and wall variant we have basil polish battle

But we might be mixing in some other ones probably not we have normal stone bricks of course a stone wall and a stone brick wall and a stone brick slab and we also have mossy and cracked variations of the stone brick we have loads stones uh polished underside wall anvils iron bars

Iron trapdoors dark oak trapdoors light gray glass and cyan glass in the glass block and pain very variants as well as some spruce leaves so as you can see it’s a fairly large number of blocks but there are quite a few of them which are only used like

Once or twice within the build uh but overall you know they’re looking all right so going on to the layout as you can see it’s a lot bigger than most of the other uh sort of builds i’ve done uh in a block for block tutorial but it and it

Is fairly complicated but a lot of it is just repetition with just like a few changes within the build itself so the main big section is 25 by 15 so that’s obviously 25 on the longest side and 15 going down all of these measurements should be on the screen we’ve got this

Large yellow bed for back which is 13 by seven with this sort of small little cut out here that’s a five by three but i didn’t really think we needed to have it on there uh the next biggest section i think is this blue bit so that’s nine by five

Uh and it has a little and again another five by three cut out section on the end we’ve got these green squares so those are seven by seven and they’re going to be acting as sort of like square towers we’ve got this uh red as rectangle so that’s five by seven

Which is kind of the same thing but just cut off a little bit earlier we’ve got this uh seven by seven sort of purple square but it’s got a part cut out so it’s sort of circular or octagonal on the end so as you can see from the picture it

Goes along five and sort of goes in one and there’s a three on the end and it goes out sort of the same way on the other side i wasn’t really sure how to describe that so as you can see it’s just on there actually we have the

Orange bit so that’s five by five and then we have this pink circle oxygen sort of thing which is going to be our circular tower on the corner and for sort of radius of that s4 so it goes free then so like one back and then three

And that’s sort of exactly the same as the purple one on the end but just all the way around uh for the brown sort of dots they represent porches uh for one of the front of the build next to the blue bit and in front of the green bit uh those are

That’s going to be a porch uh so we’ve got one so in the back corner so that’s 13 by 11. we’ve got one next to a purple bit and in between the tower and that bit and that is 11 by 4 if you include the edge of the tower

And we’ve got this front bit which is 13 by 7. in the actual build itself it is a little bit longer i decided to edit it what before but after i made the image for this so sorry about that but as you can see uh it is

I’ve got the right measurements on the image on the screen it’s just not the same in the actual build so let’s get right into it okay so uh just before we get into the video just a quick say uh i’ve got 383 subscribers at the time of recording

And i want to reach 400 by the end of the year as you can see from the analytic analytics below it says i gained 22 in the last 28 days and we’ve got two months so like we can easily do that but i just want to make sure that

We get to that milestone and if you’re watching this please make sure we get there and if you want we can get even further so uh first things first we’re going to get our black stone and we’re going to start to build up the base so you want to get

Your polished black stone uh variant so you only want to get for normal block and the polished black stone stairs and you also want to get the wall and then later we’ll mix in the other black stone into the base so what you want to do is

You want to go we’ll start on this bit here but we’re going to do it all the way around so you want to go along here this front bit here we want to go along all the way on the outside five blocks then in the corner we want to build up

Two blocks with the wall two blocks with the other wall then next to the walls we wanna place these uh bits like this so as you can see it looks pretty good and then fill in this middle bit with upside down stairs so obviously we don’t actually need this

Bit we’re going to be going along the rest of here and then having that corner beaver wall so we can just break this and replace it with a stir and we want to repeat that all the way around but i’ll probably just do for texturing

All in one go so you want to get our blackstone variants and we want to place some slabs some blocks right some blocks of normal black stone in it we also want to place some random stairs just to rough it up a bit so in the end

It should look like this and i think it looks really nice it’s a little bit uh less sort of rugged from what i did last year but i think it looks really good so now all we need to do is go around the entire outside of this build with this Right then guys so we’ve gone around and we’ve detailed it all out and it’s looking uh pretty decent so far so now we’re gonna start building up the uh the first floor so what we wanna do is we’re just gonna go on top of these bits i recommend

Getting this like a base block so you know use a black stone if you want to so if you just go along the edge of the build just Now we’ve just quickly just made a layer for it’s also so now we’re going to start building up the first floor you want to get your deep slate bricks and deep slate brick walls and you want to get your stone bricks and in these corners where you want to build up with one

Stone block like this then a wall on top and then up like this so it’s five in total so you should have a block a wall a block a wall and then a block on top we want to go into the other we’ll just go into the other corner over here to do

That and it and when we fill in the walls so we’re just gonna be doing that with a normal uh stone bricks as you can see it kind of makes like a overlapping brick pattern kind of uh i don’t i you can see what it is but i don’t

Really know how to explain it so we’re just to go around this entire bottom bit here and just make it so it’s all up one floor just like this And we’re going to start building up the first sort of like layer that will separate this all out so black stone uh brick blocks so we’ll just get this one then we want to get our deep slate brick stairs we want to get the anvil and we

Want to get our iron trap doors so we’re going to build up two blocks like this with the uh black stone we only really need uh this top bit because this is just sort of like a placeholder block but i just normally do this so you can

Sort of see it clearly uh what the layers are you then want to go along like this but we don’t want to go so off the side so we only want it to be in front of it then we’re going to place our anvils on top like this

And then we’re going to place our iron trap doors on top of those so this is a very iron heavy build so you can make substitution for other blocks like for walls for example you could do that if you wanted to and as you can see it looks uh pretty good

And just another sort of thing so uh if i just quickly go along like this so obviously in the corners we can’t place an anvil because it doesn’t go both ways so we just want to place one of these So Right then so as you can see we finished adding in this layer to the build and it’s looking pretty good so just some uh details i kind of forgot to mention so in on the sort of curved bits so on this bit over here and this bit for the

Anvils we want to place them sort of facing in the same direction as the wall in front so in this case we want so these ones are all facing sort of this way so you want one behind it to also be facing this way and then we want it to

Be the same on this side uh so it sort of creates this pattern uh the other thing is obviously underneath those we want them to just be full blocks because stairs wouldn’t work uh over here i kind of forgot to mention this but in this corner bit here

We want to do a block and then in this corner instead of a full block we want to do walls but i think that’s sort of the main things for now so now we’re going to start building up the next layer so only on some i’m just going to mark it out

For now so we want to get the same blocks we’re using for this bottom bit here so we want to get our deep slate bricks and our stone bricks and we’re just going to mark out where it’s going to go up so we want to get this entire area going up

So it should just go all the way along here so i’ll just mark it out like this and as you can see uh this is gonna be where the second floor goes up so we’re just gonna go all the way around here however for this whole area here

Uh we’re not going to be having anything so this sort of bit sticking out here that i forgot what color it was on the original image but we don’t want this or i think this bit was orange and this bit is yellow so we don’t want that yellow bit to be

Going up it’s just going to be flat going along here but there is going to be a roof on here so it sort of blocks out that whole flat bit and as you can see we’ve got a good sort of like base for it so if i just go up here you can’t

Really see it very well but we’re basically chopping off this bit here uh and this bit here is only going to be going up uh sort of two is only going to be going up actually it’s only going to be going up three blocks so it’s only going to be

This tall and then it’s going to have via the other bit on top and it’s going to be the same for this bit here so it’s just going to be like this but for the rest of it it’s all going to be the full five blocks up so

As we can see here so i’ll just quickly fill in the walls and you’ll probably get slightly better So as you can see it’s all looking uh pretty good so far and as you can see if we just go back over here we can see this bits a little bit shorter and over here this is a little bit shorter too so now what you want to do is we’re

Going to add on this sort of like top anvil bit so this is going to be going around the top of here and then we’ll look at the roof So as you can see it’s all built up and it’s looking uh very nice so uh looking at this side here uh when the iron trap door starts to go into the stair we want to replace it with a full block and on these sides you just want to put

Them underneath it we don’t need any of specials like blocks or anything going on there and as you can see it’s exactly the same on this side as well so going on to the final layer so this is just some smaller towers and then it’s going to be going into the roof so

You want one going up here and this is going to be free so it’s going to look like this then in this bit here we want to create a tower that’s uh an extra five so this is going to be in line with this bit so one two three four

Five i believe yeah so it’s going to be a square uh by five so if you just count in well it’s a by seven really uh but if you count five of them place a block on the end and it should look like that and that’s the size we want it to be

So that’s looking uh pretty cool uh we also want to do that on the tower of the back here that’s also green so just count uh count five so we’ve built that one up now and the final one is just this tower over here so this is going to be an

Extra free tool uh so i’ll just mark it out like this for now so we we don’t want to do the corner bits for this yet we’ll wait until we have the windows for that so let’s Right then guys so uh as well as building up for walls i just added on this top layer here so it’s exactly the same as these two and it looks fairly nice so going on to the roof the thing we want to do is get our polish blackstone uh bricks and we’re

Gonna start building it up fairly simply so we’re just going to be going up like this so you want to place a block and then a stair on top and then go back a block that was i didn’t mean for that to rhyme or sound that cool but uh well there you go

So just quickly fix that like that so you want this to go up uh three or four in total so we just want to fix these uh along the way and as you can see it creates sort of like quite a nice like roof uh so we’re just gonna do this base

Layer and then we’ll go on to the more complicated ones in a minute So now we built up this first layer uh as you can see we are gonna have to fill in uh these roof bits here but i’m gonna leave that for later so as you can see they’re looking pretty good now we’re gonna start building up uh these roof bits here

So what we want to do is we want to just go up so similar to this uh sort of some details i didn’t really mention in these corner bits we don’t want to put a stair we just want to leave it sort of blank so it goes up

Like that and it looks pretty nice so we want to go up like this then what we want to do is we want to just go up in that sort of pattern uh all the way up uh until we reach uh so like a three so i think this is two layers

Yes we want to reach a layer like this so it should be around that tool and then we’re gonna add some extra details on top in a minute uh in terms of this bit here it’s a little bit awkward so we’re going to make this bit a little

Bit taller than it would usually be then we’re just going to make it go in uh like this and then we’re just going to top it off here so it’s on the s oh it’s one block higher yeah okay well we’re just gonna sort of block it off here

Uh and it should just go along like that so now we’re just going to copy this over here and then we’ll go for that bit later and we’re going to fill in these So now we fill up all of this it’s looking pretty nice i think uh this bit is a little bit awkward but we’re going to put a doormat there so you won’t really be able to notice it so now we’re going to work on the tower so the tower’s a little bit more

Confusing so for this bit we want to get our um we want to get our walls and our slabs so i’m just going to move all of these over here so i’ll just move them the max distance uh we also want to get our nether brick fence and our iron bar so

This is going to be a very pointy looking tower so first things first we’re going to build just along here so it looks like that then we’re going to place a block here and a block here uh we’ll place one over here so we’ll just fix on this side for now we’re

Going to place some stairs facing inwards like that and then a slab on top we’re going to go in like this so it should look like that we’ll place some more stairs on this side like this so it should look like that and then another one on the side we’re gonna

Place walls here and then we’re gonna repeat that on the other sides so i’ll just quickly do that okay so now that we’ve built all of this up we’re going to get started on the next layer so it’s very similar so we just want to go up like this

So it should look like that again up in this sort of pattern so it should look like this place the uh black stone brick walls and then we want stairs on top of here then we want one block up like that then then the wall then the fence gate and then the iron

Bar so it should look like that in the end and it looks uh pretty good i think so now that we’ve done that as you can see it’s looking pretty good that’s pretty much uh most of the roof detail uh for the actual roof itself now we’re gonna start adding some dormers first

Things first we want to get our basalt our deep slate bricks brick stairs and these and we probably that’s probably what we need really so in this area here as you can see that looks actually fine so we’re just going to go on to this back side here

And we’re going to add two dormers in for back so we want to get uh one here move three blocks and then one here so it should look like that build up three so it should look just like that and it looks uh pretty cool i think then

We’re gonna place some stairs going out like this we’re gonna do this on both sides and then going up so again the same pattern as we did before but this time it’s going to be on a um like face and a-frame so that looks pretty good then we’re just going to

Fill it in in the back so just going back like this one of the good things about this is it isn’t on the same level as the rest of the bricks so it gives it a little bit of sort of change and as you can see it looks uh pretty good

So i’m gonna do that right guys so as you can see we’ve built up the next few dormers this one is one block higher than it would normally be because it’s we don’t want it to be all the way blocked off by that and we also

Want it to be able to cover up this side so now it’s less obvious that it’s one block higher than it’s supposed to be and on the back here as you can see it’s looking uh pretty good so the next detail we’re gonna add is just on top of these roof bits it’s

Pretty simple we’re gonna get our uh sort of polished jeep state walls we’re going to get our iron bars and our anvils and we’re going to create a pattern so on the roofer so we’ll do it up here at first so we want to place uh these

Polish deep slate walls so you want to get our anvil and place it in the in between these so it should create a pattern like this and on top of the walls we want to place a an iron bar so it creates a little pointy pattern there and what we want to

Do is repeat that all the way around the build so we want to have the uh these ones in the corners and then we just want to miss a block go along like this and then place the envelopes so now that we’ve added all of these details for builders sort of coming to

An end really so we’re going to start detailing the little bits here so what we want is we want to get our we’re going to detail the roof so you want to get our black stone and our like just black stone variations really and just start mixing them into

The roof just to make it look a little bit more worn down so just going along like this and it should look saying like that and we’re just going to do that around the entire roof just to make it look a bit more interesting what we’re also going

To do now is we’re going to get our polished blackstone bricks and just fill in all of these areas here uh if you want you can like mark out this area like the corner of the brown bit with some base soap just so you remember so you just go up like that and

Then you can remember where it is and we’re just going to fill in this bottom bit here and we’re gonna like mix in for other black stone blocks So Right then guys so now that we’ve pretty much fully detailed for roof as you can see it looks pretty good just make sure to sort of roughen up these general bits that may look a little bit boring and as you can see if they’re all looking fine obviously we also roughing

Up that bottom but but now we’re going to be focusing on the dormers and then we’re going to be getting into the windows and then just doing some other final details but that is pretty much it after that so looking out for dormers the blocks we’re going to need are

Obviously the polished bezel uh deep slate bricks and uh deep slate brick stairs we’re gonna want our um not ferns we’re gonna want our iron trap doors and we’re gonna want our polished black stain slabs and just normal black stone slabs so we’re gonna start with this one so you want to move

We want to leave a gap of five blocks so that will go directly into that wall so that’s fine then one two three four five and then like that and that will go directly into there we’re going to build this up uh how many five blocks

So it will be well four blocks so it’ll be five blocks in total uh and then on top of that probably on this level we’re gonna go up like this uh so it’ll be six blocks in total just break that and connect it like that for now then what

We’re going to do is we’re going to get our deep slate stairs and go along uh like this so it connects into there it’s going along like this deep slate bricks and our anvil uh so we’re just going to go along here with these if you want you can make

These inner ones but i’m not going to bother so you just want to go fixing up this area here we’re going to go along just like this so it should all connect up into it we’re going to have to break the uh iron trap tools and then we want to go

With the iron trap doors along the top here so it looks pretty nice then we’re going to use our slabs and just go up so we want to go four blocks up in total and as you can see that looks uh pretty cool so uh to thicken up these pillars a

Little bit is looking a little bit heavy get your polish deep slate uh walls and just build up like this so it should look uh just like that so that’ll create sort of like thicker like round pillar uh if you want over here you can add in what i probably

Will actually so just build up with the uh basalt or battle i don’t know go up like that and just do that on this one as well so it should look uh just like that we won’t put one over there so we’re just gonna add sort of like a

Little arch if you just so do a load stone in the corner here then we’ll do four walls go along like that so that looks uh pretty nice so now we have a sort of very very thick pillared sort of area uh we want to get these blocks get our anvils and v’s

And just quickly place uh this sort of pattern uh place the correct pattern over here so it should look like that along like that and as you can see it looks uh pretty nice so now we’re going to build this sort of a very similar thing on this side

And on the back and we’re going to mess up this roof and then we’ll get right back to it so Right then guys so i i finished going all the way around and i just added some extra details underneath so as you can see we’ve just got some uh loads some upside down load stones just acting as like a roof and i’ve done that on all of them so as

You can see they’re all pretty simple they’re all fairly similar uh the only thing that i forgot to do was to add a sort of roof but right then so now we’re gonna get on to for windows so you want to get your polish underside stairs you probably want to also get

Some actual polished underside block and we’re going to start adding in for windows and doors so we’ll get our stone brick wall first and we’ll add a we’ll add a door so we’ll just get we’re going to have spruce stores in four areas so you want to get trap doors and normal doors

So we’ll add some stairs in a minute but if you go in here go here go sort like this if we get our stone brick slab place it here and go up like this with these as you can see it looks pretty nice then we’re just going to place whatever block

Here probably a black stone block would make sense place a door sort of in this block and then we’re going to go up with these until they’re in line with this i don’t even kind of show this off before but it is a pretty nifty door

Design so as you can see it sort of makes it look quite large we’re not super huge uh and it makes it look like the doors sort of a little bit circular so we’re gonna add one there of course one uh here uh just uh here so i’ll just quickly Do right so now we’ve added in the doors we’re going to start adding in the windows so we’ll just get rid of this for now so we’re going to get our underside stairs again we’re going to get our we’re going to get our dark oak trapdoor we’re going to get our cyan glass

And we’ll also also get our basalt and i’m pretty sure that’s all we’re going to need for now other than these so we’ll start over here so we’re going to put a base layer like that go up free so it should look like this then we’re going to place in the

Glass one block behind so it should look like this so we have one not a light gray then one cyan then one light gray like that on top of it so on the top of this block here we’re gonna have a trap door and then underneath it we’re

Going to have some leaves just coming down like this going up we’re going to do exactly the same thing so they’re only ever really going to be sort of like one block wide like this again placing the trapdoor in then we’re gonna break this block here and again do our

Spruce leaves so it should look like that and as you can see it’s looking pretty nice going up here we’ll just add a small little one up in this area so we’ll just do the cyan let’s do the cyan glass because that’s the most colorful we want to add some

Color to this very dark sort of myotone build as you can see that looks uh pretty nice so we’re gonna go around the rest of uh for build adding in sort of windows like that we’re gonna leave the tower for now we’ll come back to that later

But for the rest of it if you just follow something like that then you should be fine So so All right so those are all the windows i said i was gonna do for now and now we can work on these windows over here so what you want to do is get a polished granite block now we’ll just get rid of these for now so you want to on these towers

We want to place these in the corners so we get sort of like a little uh thing like this so obviously it doesn’t you don’t really need a window here because it’s just looking into nothing but uh it’s sort of like an all-round like tower window sort of thing it’s on

These you just place that and as you can see it kind of creates like a full all the way around window and you can like do uh for tops of the windows like this and obviously just add in via these blocks and it will just create a sort of nice uh like

Circular window that you could look out of and you’d normally have on sort of like a rich house like this a detail you might want to add is if you just replace these bits with a bath salt and it just makes it stand out a little bit more

So if we look at it it looks a lot like better in my opinion because you can actually sort of like see where it’s supposed to start and end and it isn’t just outlined by those and this just makes it look a lot more obvious so

We’re also going to do the same thing on this but over here so let’s get Right then so as you can see we’ve now built up the tower and i think it looks uh really nice i think these windows look really cool and uh yeah so final thing i’m this is pretty much for build done i’m not gonna be doing interior but i think this build

Looks really nice but the final thing is just to add like an entrance that guy really is ruining ruining it for us but we just want to build some stairs of course mix in some of these blocks uh on the sides if you want uh i probably will actually you can add in

Sort of like a thing going up like this and then on top of that if you get some of these walls just go down like that then on top of those you can add in some iron bars so it just goes up like that and it looks

Pretty cool uh yeah it looks pretty nice another thing you might want to add is a railing so all you want to do is just exactly the same technique that we did on the other side stuff like this yeah so exactly like what we did on the roof really

If you want you can add the spikes on top i’m probably just going to add in some iron trap doors just to make it stand out a little bit and make it a little bit more of an obvious railing so if we just go around and then just go around the other like

Bits like this on the build and add in that same railing so let’s do that and then we’re over The final thing i completely forgot about this is uh is you just want to quickly mix in some of the other stone blocks into the wall i’m just going to be doing it using world edit so it’s really simple all you want to do is break some of the blocks and then mix

In the other varieties but i’m just going to use word on it to say see that is for build fully done there’s nothing else we need to do in this build overall i would say for it is really nice i really like how this came out

Uh it’s just a really like nice build to look at it’s got so many cool details uh i i assume most of you just came from a video that i did like a year ago i think this is a huge improvement and a lot of

That is down to the new blocks but i am really happy with this build so uh yeah so if you’ve made it this far make sure to like and subscribe uh and hopefully i’ll see you in the next video so bye

This video, titled ‘How To Build A Gothic/Haunted House In Minecraft! | Block For Block Tutorial’, was uploaded by Rabniff on 2021-10-31 21:15:40. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

In this video, I’ll be building a haunted/gothic style Minecraft house in a block for block tutorial. This is a follow up video to one a …

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    From Mafia to Minecraft: EfeKan's Rich Poor Life In the world of Minecraft, a tale unfolds, Mafia Commissioner Kerem, a story to be told. Adopting poor Efekan, a twist in the plot, In Akademi Craft city, where dreams are sought. With a heart of gold, Kerem takes Efekan in, A new chapter begins, a chance to win. In this rich-poor life, a bond is formed, In the pixelated world, where hearts are warmed. Join us on this journey, filled with delight, As we explore this world, day and night. Subscribe, like, and share the joy, In the realm of Minecraft, where dreams deploy. Read More

  • Freefall Frenzy: Minecraft Animation Madness

    Freefall Frenzy: Minecraft Animation Madness In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, Characters come alive, in digital domains. Freefall, the animation, tells a tale so grand, With plot twists and turns, in a blocky land. Join the adventure, in pixels so bright, As characters soar, in the sky’s great height. The original song, a melody so sweet, Sets the mood, for a journey complete. Follow on Telegram, for updates so fast, And join the Discord, where friendships last. In the world of Minecraft, where dreams take flight, Freefall’s animation, a true delight. Read More

  • Fridge Masons in Minecraft

    Fridge Masons in Minecraft The Adventures of Stoshka, Roma, and Demoniwa in Minecraft Exploring the Boundless World of Minecraft In a world where the boundaries of reality are blurred, three friends – Stoshka, Roma, and Demoniwa – have come together to explore the vast expanses of Minecraft. Their adventure began in a series known as RDS Series #1, where every step forward promised new discoveries. The First Episode: “Three Girls, Two of Them with a Surprise” In the first episode, our heroes encountered the amazing world of Minecraft, where Stoshka added elements from Genshin Impact. Demoniwa, a master builder and explorer, was thrilled… Read More

  • Middle-Earth Madness: Minecraft LOTR Adventure

    Middle-Earth Madness: Minecraft LOTR Adventure Embark on an Epic Middle-Earth Adventure in Minecraft Step into the enchanting world of Middle-Earth through the lens of Minecraft in this captivating short video. From the peaceful Shire to the treacherous lands of Mordor, immerse yourself in the iconic landscapes inspired by ‘The Lord of the Rings’ series. Exploring the Shire Begin your journey in the picturesque Shire, home to the hobbits and their cozy hobbit-holes. Wander through lush green fields, visit the quaint village of Hobbiton, and marvel at the towering Bag End. Keep an eye out for Gandalf the Grey as he roams the peaceful countryside…. Read More

  • The Mystery of Villager’s One-Handed Score

    The Mystery of Villager's One-Handed Score In the world of Minecraft, where blocks are the key, Villagers roam, but one-handed they be. The mystery unfolds, in this short tale, Why only one hand? Let’s set sail. Is it a glitch, or a design choice? Let’s dive deep, with a curious voice. In the realm of gaming, where wonders abound, Let’s uncover the truth, with a rhyme that’s sound. Join the adventure, with Hasyblock in tow, As we explore the secrets, let the story flow. In the land of Roblox, where fruits do bloom, Let’s unravel the mystery, dispel the gloom. So come along, on this… Read More

  • Bedwars Disaster: Hypixel Exposed!

    Bedwars Disaster: Hypixel Exposed! The Evolution of Hypixel Bedwars: A Closer Look at the Recent Update Recently, Hypixel released a new update for their popular Minecraft Bedwars game mode, sparking a wave of controversy among players. However, upon closer inspection, it seems that the update has actually brought about significant improvements to the gameplay experience. Initial Concerns Addressed Initially, players were concerned about increased queue times and the presence of cheaters in the game. However, just two days after the update was implemented, these issues seem to have been resolved. Queue times have returned to normal, and cheaters are now more easily identifiable… Read More


    INSANE CRAFTSMAN 0.15.10 GAMEPLAY LIVE NOWVideo Information This video, titled ‘EN VIVO JUGANDO CRAFTSMAN 0.15.10’, was uploaded by zAdrxnMC on 2024-08-18 11:24:51. It has garnered 230 views and likes. The duration of the video is 01:57:22 or 7042 seconds. My Server OnlyMC Ip: Port: 19132 Version: 0.15.10 Craftsman/Minecraft Share the video please! Tags: #craftsman #minecraft #plugins MinecraftMobile, CraftsmanMobile, MobileGames, ConstructionGames, AdventureGames, MinecraftGameplay, MinecraftConstruction, FreeGames, MobileFun, MinecraftExploration, MobileCreativity, MobileAdventures, MinecraftOnAndroid, MinecraftOniOS, CraftsOnMobile, CraftSmanGameplay, CreativeConstruction, MinecraftSurvival, OpenWorld, MinecraftCommunity, craftsman server, craftsman server updated, craftsman server, survival 2022, craftsman server 2022, craftsman server survival, craftsman server hcf, craftsman server skywars, craftsman server 0.15.10, craftsman server updated survival,… Read More

  • πŸš€ULTIMATE Sugar Cane Farm Tutorial – 43K/HR ⚑️

    πŸš€ULTIMATE Sugar Cane Farm Tutorial - 43K/HR ⚑️Video Information This video, titled ‘BEST Sugar Cane Farm Minecraft Bedrock Tutorial – 43,000/HR! – MCPE/Xbox/PS/Switch/PC’, was uploaded by TheySix on 2024-04-24 19:01:35. It has garnered 24385 views and 410 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:47 or 707 seconds. In this video, i will show you how you can make a sugar cane farm based on the next generation of farms in bedrock edition with a high-performance kelp 0 tick reactor to keep the farm nonstop and without any bonemeals in Minecraft bedrock/mcpe If you enjoyed this channel will focus on high performance and simple farms that are… Read More

  • Skyfall Mc


  • Moonbat – semi-vanilla 1.21.1

    Welcome to Moonbat Minecraft! Hey, I’m Max8abug, the host of Moonbat Minecraft. Our server offers a creative server, a no-griefing survival SMP, and another SMP that allows griefing. With something for everyone, both SMP maps won’t reset, ensuring your progress is safe. We actively update and maintain the server, and occasionally run player events with survival rewards. Join us at IP: “” on Version 1.21.1. See you there! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “2019 Sonic Trailer 2.0: Minecraft Edition”

    Minecraft Memes - "2019 Sonic Trailer 2.0: Minecraft Edition"Looks like Minecraft is running so fast, they’re channeling their inner Sonic! Read More

  • Newbie Noobies: Minecraft Madness Unleashed! #minecraftlogic

    Newbie Noobies: Minecraft Madness Unleashed! #minecraftlogic In the world of Minecraft, our noob takes the stage, Struggling to survive, in every single page. From dirt huts to dangerous mobs, they face it all, Their noobish ways, a challenge, big and small. Mining resources, crafting tools, it’s quite a feat, Will they become a pro, or face defeat? With stunning graphics, in full HD, Join us on this journey, come and see. Like, comment, subscribe, for more Minecraft fun, Noob or pro, the adventure’s just begun. Share the joy, spread the love, In the world of Minecraft, rise above. Read More

  • Villager BBQ: Minecart Rocket Showdown! #lit #minecraft #meme

    Villager BBQ: Minecart Rocket Showdown! #lit #minecraft #meme When you’re just trying to peacefully mine for diamonds but suddenly find yourself in a minecart rocket battle with a villager… Minecraft really knows how to keep things interesting! #minecraftproblems #villagerdrama Read More

  • Rizzatomic: The Wildest Discord Mod

    Rizzatomic: The Wildest Discord Mod Minecraft: A World of Creativity and Adventure Minecraft, a game loved by millions worldwide, offers a unique blend of creativity and adventure. Players can explore vast landscapes, build intricate structures, and engage in exciting challenges. Let’s delve into the fascinating world of Minecraft! Exploration and Building In Minecraft, players are free to explore a procedurally generated world filled with diverse biomes, from lush forests to expansive deserts. They can gather resources such as wood, stone, and ores to craft tools, build shelters, and create impressive structures. The only limit is their imagination! Redstone Engineering One of the most intriguing… Read More

  • Surviving Minecraft Hardcore: Man vs Wild

    Surviving Minecraft Hardcore: Man vs Wild Surviving the Wild in Minecraft Hardcore Mode Are you ready to test your survival skills in the harsh conditions of the wilderness? Join us in this epic Man vs. Wild challenge in Minecraft Hardcore mode! Conquering the Wilderness Embark on the ultimate survival challenge as we navigate through the unforgiving environments of Minecraft Hardcore mode. Will we be able to stay alive and come out victorious in this intense adventure? Episode Highlights Watch as we face the challenges of the wild in our Minecraft Hardcore world. From building shelters to hunting for food, every moment is a test of… Read More


    INSANE MINECRAFT KING KONG IN NEW DONK CITYVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Super Mario | KING KONG IN NEW DONK CITY [264]’, was uploaded by Tripolar on 2024-06-21 19:05:28. It has garnered 5130 views and 189 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:25 or 865 seconds. In todays episode of Super Mario Minecraft, Donkey Kong becomes KING KONG and starts to terrorize New Donk City! Socials: Minecraft Super Mario | KING KONG IN NEW DONK CITY [264] #minecraft #tripolar #supermario #minecraftmods Read More

  • I Built a Crazy Bridge in Minecraft!

    I Built a Crazy Bridge in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Nah, I’d Bridge [Minecraft #7]’, was uploaded by Nekone on 2024-03-15 13:46:19. It has garnered 156 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 03:05:17 or 11117 seconds. bridge do be cool though [STREAMLABS DONATION ] So I can pay for my internet lmao RULES (nothing serious) 1. Please only use English in the chat so everyone knows what the heck is going on. I will not acknowledge any chat that is not english (unless you’re new here and haven’t read the rules yet…) 2. Let’s all be friendly here. This is… Read More

  • MrSting’s Mind-Blowing Minecraft Size XP ModπŸ’€πŸ€―

    MrSting's Mind-Blowing Minecraft Size XP ModπŸ’€πŸ€―Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft but XP = Your SizeπŸ’€πŸ€―…..’, was uploaded by MrSting on 2024-08-05 03:30:06. It has garnered 904 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:53 or 593 seconds. Hope you all enjoy this video. Also don’t forget to subscribe to the channel! and HIT that bell icon! Do follow me on Instagram – / mrsting7 ˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍ #minecraft #gaming #technogamerz #shorts #minecraftmemes #xp minecraft,minecraft shorts,minecraft but,minecraft memes,minecraft funny,minecraft tiktok,minecraft mod,minecraft facts,shorts minecraft,minecraft update,minecraft meme shorts,funny minecraft shorts,minecraft mods,minecraft 1.20,minecraft theory,types of minecraft,minecraft tutorial,camman18 minecraft,minecraft speedrun,minecraft challenge,minecraft animation,minecraft types shorts,minecraft but challenge,pov minecraft,minecraft pov… Read More

  • Uncover 15 INSANE Minecraft Secrets with Riss!

    Uncover 15 INSANE Minecraft Secrets with Riss!Video Information This video, titled ’15 Epic Minecraft Secrets You Never Knew About’, was uploaded by Riss on 2024-07-09 19:45:28. It has garnered 4257 views and 168 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:07 or 487 seconds. 🀯 Discover 15 epic Minecraft secrets you never knew! Learn about hidden moon phases, making pillagers harmless, and uncover the crazy effects of rain. Explore the mysteries of guardians and other hidden features. ❀️ Don’t forget to like, subscribe, and hit the bell for more awesome Minecraft content! πŸ•› Time codes: 0:00 – The Moon’s Hidden Secrets 0:12 – The Moon’s Square… Read More

  • INSANE! Hypixel and Minemen LIVE with 1k Subs!

    INSANE! Hypixel and Minemen LIVE with 1k Subs!Video Information This video, titled ‘πŸ”΄HYPIXEL AND MINEMEN LIVE NOW πŸ”΄ 1,000 SUBSCRIBERS!’, was uploaded by CubeDude on 2024-03-17 12:42:49. It has garnered 22 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:23:44 or 1424 seconds. Minecraft is a 2011 sandbox game developed by Mojang Studios and originally released in 2009. The game was created by Markus “Notch” Persson in the Java programming language. Following several early private testing versions, it was first made public in May 2009 before being fully released on November 18, 2011, with Notch stepping down and Jens “Jeb” Bergensten taking over development. Minecraft… Read More

  • Emotional Twist: Policeman Father Neglects Child πŸ˜ͺ

    Emotional Twist: Policeman Father Neglects Child πŸ˜ͺVideo Information This video, titled ‘Monster school: policeman father don’t love child😒 #shorts #minecraft #animation’, was uploaded by quboo on 2024-05-05 15:30:04. It has garnered 54589 views and 2426 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:54 or 54 seconds. monster school minecraft,minecraft monster school love curse,monster school baldi’s vs zombie apocalypse minecraft animation part 2, monster school,monster school minecraft,monster school animation,minecraft monster school, minecraft monster school,minecraft monster school love curse,monster school baldi’s vs zombie apocalypse minecraft animation part 2, minecraft monster school,monster school,monster school animation,monster school minecraft, minecraft monster school,monster school minecraft,monster school reacts to, monster school minecraft,minecraft monster… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Horror Server with Followers – anderCrack09

    Ultimate Minecraft Horror Server with Followers - anderCrack09Video Information This video, titled ‘🟧 SERVER DE TERROR MINECRAFT Y MINIJUEGOS CON SEGUIDORES #minecraft’, was uploaded by anderCrack09 on 2024-07-05 02:21:11. It has garnered 549 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 03:19:58 or 11998 seconds. WE ARE LIVE ON TWITCH: #minecraft #minecraftmemes #parati #viral #twitch #minecraftbuilding #vtuber #minecraftshorts #anime #itachi #memes #fyp #gaming #gym #gymmotivation #irl #paloma #peru #memes #mexico #fypγ‚· #viralvideo #paratii #irl #charla #capa #minecraftcape #parati #viral #minecraft #minecraftmemes #twitch #vtuber #minecraftbuilding #minecraftshorts #memes #tnt #fypγ‚· #gojo #jujutsukaisen #itachi #anime #shorts #gym #gymmotivation #gaming #memes #humor #updateminecraft #minecraft #minecraftmemes #parati #twitch #viral… Read More

  • KxngInTheHood’s Insane Fireball Fight Rage Quit! πŸ”₯ #Minecraft

    KxngInTheHood's Insane Fireball Fight Rage Quit! πŸ”₯ #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘This fireball fight made him Rage Quit #minecraft #fireballfight’, was uploaded by KxngInTheHood on 2024-05-30 08:33:49. It has garnered 499 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:33 or 33 seconds. Disclaimer: I do not own ANY of the songs in any of my videos. ════════════════════════════════════════ πŸ”Ž My Budget Gaming Setup πŸ” 1. Laptop: Windows 11 2. Mouse: FrontTech MS-0050 3. Underwear: Ayo what? ════════════════════════════════════════ ℹ️ Info about me ℹ️ Editor – Me, using ClipChamp Recorder – O Cam Minecraft IGN – PotatoBowMaster ════════════════════════════════════════ Tags – Ignore #fireballfight #fireball #montage #clownpierce #fireballfightshorts… Read More

  • Minecraft FAIL! Watch me trip in episode 6!

    Minecraft FAIL! Watch me trip in episode 6!Video Information This video, titled ‘I tripped! | Minecraft Create ep. 6’, was uploaded by PuffsGaming81 on 2024-05-27 03:51:08. It has garnered 6198 views and 317 likes. The duration of the video is 01:53:50 or 6830 seconds. #wendigos #SwayleMC #creepy #PuffsGaming81 #minecrafthorror #horrorgaming #minecraft100days #SwayleMC #minecrafthorror #minecraft100days #puffsgaming81 The mod pack is called Create: Perfect World made by mrbeardstone ———————————————————————————————————————————— ➽ Subscribe : ———————————————————————————————————————————— ➽ Twitter: ➽ Instagram: ➽ TikTok: ———————————————————————————————————————————— Music From Slip Stream and Epidemic Sound ———————————————————————————————————————————— #minecraft #puffsgaming81 Read More

  • EvPk

    EvPkJoin the realm of Evbo’s Parkour Civilization server! Climb your way from humble beginnings as a Parkour Noob to the prestigious title of Champion and rule Parkour Civilization! Read More

  • MineScape SMP Network RP PVE PVP 1.18.2 Dynmap Skilling

    Welcome to MineScape! The world of MineScape is a Minecraft MMORPG inspired by Old School RuneScape. Join now to start your adventure and make new friends. Visit the website and join the discord to get involved! Features: Interactive Custom NPC’s and Mobs Custom Quests 22 Custom Skills: Attack, Ranged, Magic, Woodcutting, Mining, Smithing, Crafting & More Beautiful handcrafted map Clue Scrolls Daily Rewards Pets, Cosmetics, Titles Active Leaderboards Links: IP: Wiki: Latest blog: Tree Gnome Village Quest, Slayer Improvements & More DevBlog #41 Store: Discord: Socials: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Plugins: MineScape Dynmap… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Crafting yourself mini-me

    Minecraft Memes - Crafting yourself mini-meWell, I guess this meme is living up to its name because it’s truly a “zero-information” meme! Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition πŸ”₯

    Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition πŸ”₯ Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecraft #meme Read More

  • The Chosen Froggy: Minecraft Shenanigans

    The Chosen Froggy: Minecraft Shenanigans The Chosen One in Minecraft In a recent video, Rezendola was chosen by McHorse, the creator of the Blockbuster mod and BBS mod, to become the next big content creator in the Minecraft community. πŸŽ₯ Embracing Creativity with Blockbuster Mod With the help of the Blockbuster mod, Rezendola has the opportunity to enhance his content creation skills and bring a new level of creativity to his Minecraft videos. This mod allows for the creation of custom animations, opening up endless possibilities for storytelling within the game. Collaboration with McHorse McHorse’s decision to choose Rezendola as the next great content… Read More

  • Nether Shulker Hunt! Minecraft Hindi Gameplay

    Nether Shulker Hunt! Minecraft Hindi Gameplay Minecraft Adventure: Finding Shulker in the Nether! Embark on an exciting Minecraft journey as our player sets out to find the elusive Shulker in the Nether. Join the adventure in this thrilling Episode 11 of the Minecraft Hindi gameplay series! Exploring the Nether As our player delves into the depths of the Nether, they encounter a myriad of challenges and obstacles. From treacherous lava lakes to menacing mobs, the Nether is a dangerous yet intriguing dimension in the Minecraft universe. The Quest for Shulker Shulker, a unique mob known for its ability to teleport and its distinctive appearance, is… Read More

  • CORRUPTION_2: NEW Minecraft 1.21 Update REVEALED!

    CORRUPTION_2: NEW Minecraft 1.21 Update REVEALED!Video Information This video, titled ‘I got EVERYTHING NEW in Minecraft 1.21! (ep. 41)’, was uploaded by Corruption_2 on 2024-06-23 14:00:07. It has garnered 338 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:57 or 897 seconds. #foryou #minecraft #gaming #cool Read More

  • Insane Block Placements on Hypixel!

    Insane Block Placements on Hypixel!Video Information This video, titled ‘These block placements were AMAZING!!!!!! #hypixel’, was uploaded by Hyppoe on 2024-08-05 16:01:14. It has garnered 511 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. #shorts #minecraft #pvp #hypixel Pack: Thunder 16x Shaders: Sildur’s Basic Vibrant Ignore this: irz doing the latvian strat block hit on minecraft the bridge while cruh explains not on cruhbridge though parihs edates jirz but thats aight while buckybarr hosts buckytour finals with pavkin and speedtoggled and lmblitz going xin69 on their oof oh and I should probably also put Trycs and Sammygreen and… Read More


    MINECRAFT TRAIL AT INSANE HEIGHTS! #gamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘SOO MUCH HIGH WOW!!! #minecraft #gaming’, was uploaded by MINECRAFT TRAIL on 2024-06-02 04:02:10. It has garnered 5202 views and 185 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:19 or 19 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts #gaming #secret #short #tricks #triggered #by #me #asthetic #graphics I LOVE TO PLAY MINECRAFT. EXPLORE WORLDS ,BIOMES , MOPS,CREEPERS, VILLAGERS, TRADERS, ADVENTURE,TRIDENTS,PORTIONS,ACIENT CITY, OCEAN MONUMENT, DESERT TEMPLE ,SPAWN EGGS,JUNGLE TEMPLE,SEED,WATER BUCKETS,SHIP WRECK,FRIENDLY MOBS,STRUCTURES,ENCHANTMENT,BLOCKS,OBCELEAN ETC. ON MY CHANNEL I UPLOAD SHORTS FROM THE GAMES I PLAY . IF YOU LIKE MY VIDEOS THEN DO SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL. Read More


    INSANE MEMBERS-ONLY STREAM: MINECRAFT & GTA MADNESSVideo Information This video, titled ‘MEMBERS-ONLY STREAM || MINECRAFT || GTA V || GTA IV ||’, was uploaded by Shafu Is Live on 2024-01-14 22:12:27. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Assalam u Alikum, I am a gamer and I will give my best to entertain you . Plz support me πŸ™‚ Discord: … Read More

  • Crazy New Texture Pack Download – Must See!! #minecraft

    Crazy New Texture Pack Download - Must See!! #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Crazy texture pack with download #minecraft’, was uploaded by Thunder PlayzYT on 2024-05-16 13:58:35. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Thankyou alot for 500 subscribers for that here is 500 subs surprise #2 #viral #minecraft #minecraftmemes #gaming #memes … Read More

How To Build A Gothic/Haunted House In Minecraft! | Block For Block Tutorial