How to Craft a $1,000,000 Super Pickaxe *Overpowered* (Minecraft 1.13 Crafting Recipe)

Video Information

We’re gonna be crafting a million dollar pickaxe before we can do that we got to start out small first we got to craft a $10 pickaxe spend $1000 pickaxe I think you guys know where I’m going with this however it’s not gonna be easy oh please

Pray for me is it weird for once that I’m not wearing a headset it’s like a breeze in my ears villager 81 ah very is the one the only Steve wait wait wait wait I am NOT Steve my name is Preston um I don’t think he’s Steve then who is

This guy oh he’s a famous youtuber famous he doesn’t look like famous he’s a famous dude too those crafting videos and I think I found a recipe Oh what recipe could it be villager 35 here take a look I don’t understand it but you might what in the head okay what do I

Look like to you guys I knew don’t answer that question honestly $1.00 pickaxe recipe we just got to get some sticks oh okay what is this bit this is I have the 1 cent pickaxe this is the one cent pickaxe guys which apparently gives you slowness – oh my goodness

Gracious this is awful but it can break cobblestone and dead bushes so we’re obviously getting over here we gotta get it gotta get it ok you know it breaks cobblestone pretty fast I will say that it’s it’s it’s busting up some cobblestone yeah now we gotta bust up

Some dead bushes and now it’s crafting time let’s put this bad boy inside of here and get ourselves the $1 pickaxe you gotta start small and work your way up wow that worked I didn’t expect that to happen so uh what in the world is

Happening now oh I found this is wet oh no great he found me another I just what I wanted guys another crafting recipe what is this one now okay this one’s this basic as the day I was born now we’ll just need to get three iron

Ingots come on this is like child’s play is it me guys or does this iron ore look very weird and by the way it doesn’t even mind that’s why it looks different I’m not actually mining iron ore I’m mining iron nuggets you know what just fell we are not having

Sit down guys what do you think no headset Preston or headset Preston comment down below also look at this look at this you guys see this new merchandise about the VL Bret said Stiles calm I now have collected the iron ingots I believe excuse me nuggets required to craft this pickaxe

It’s got to chuck these bad boys up and here make myself a little bit of odd ingots BAM Oh shiny tune oh look at this guys we got a 4×4 crafting bench this thing is legendary in Minecraft I like it the villagers are bantering about he’s like

Who is shiny tool I still don’t understand what’s happening you will understand and also forgot to give you these oh great 70 there are 17 new crafting I don’t even know what there’s so many graphic recipes I think I just got one two three four five six seven seven eight that’s

Eight new recipes all at once that’s too much you know this might be the world’s strangest million dollar pickaxe because in order to craft it I have to make gingerbread dough sugar shayok a–let’s is that supposed to say chocolate and flour and candy to make a pickaxe that makes no sense

Okay fine guys I’ll keep the headset off just this one video but if you want to see it off for more videos smash that like button down below so now I’ve got to make sugar I never thought I’d be having to do this in Minecraft I literally have to make sugar look at

This recipe to make flour I got to get eggs milk sugar and I don’t even know what that other one is oh that’s flour oh that’s to make dough so I think we got to do guys I gotta take the wheat and I got to throw it in here and that’s

How you get that’s this is great this is okay this is minecraft on a whole new level ladies and gentlemen look at that just spat up some flour at me so I think I’m imagining we’re gonna need quite some we’re gonna need a lot of different

Flours here so I’m going to try to get as much flour as I can and this is only for the hundred dollar pickaxe by the way guys not to mention I have to go break rubies oh okay Oh thankfully I don’t need that money okay just see like five rupees

I’ve got enough rubies for this bad boy but I do need to make candy for this one or at least this looks like to be candy canes to me so now that I got my four candy canes I’m gonna have my crafting recipe up Oh actually I didn’t even need

For candy canes I’m a little bit of a pleb I’m sorry there we go hundred dollar pickaxe has been created 3456 recipes and they gave you this baby I’m starting to lose my mind here yeah I feel you villager 8035 I’m also about to lose my mind

Apparently villager 81 is fine he’s not losing his mind but I’m definitely losing my mind guys I am so putting different things in my inventory I can’t even hold the new recipe they just gave me which apparently is for the $1,000 pickaxe now I’ve got to get gold this is

Ridiculous okay so after much harvesting of the gold I have a lot of gold left over ladies and gentlemen well actually I don’t even have that much left over well look at this recipe this is crazy it’s almost the same exact recipe as the last one but getting those gold ingots

It takes forever but BAM KaBlam thousand dollar pickaxe and also look at this look at this we have a 5×5 crafting bench what in the heck is going on oh no and the villager just gave me a new crafting recipe the ten thousand ten thousand dollars work wait did I just

Get a tit why do I ever ten thousand dollars sword recipe if I’m making a million dollar pickaxe recipe this is freaking me out look at this bad boy we need so many different andrel totally cactus speaking of cactuses pick act kind of looks like one alright I think we have

Everything to make this oh wait hold on we’re gonna need a little bit we’re gonna be one more candy cane ladies and gentlemen I can make that no problem and there we go candy cane quad so now I got this is a this is a big crafting recipe ladies and

Gentlemen a very big crafting recipe so it’s two candy canes like this emeralds in these pockets more emeralds over here and I think an emerald right oh that’s not right okay this right Oh what is oh yeah there it is wait this stuff did that weird thousand dollar pickaxe this is $10,000

Sword I’m so confused whoever made this map might have had a typo you know it’s okay I’ll let it slide this time but don’t let it happen again give me that 10,000 now the pickaxe levies the gentlemen Oh what is this oh oh I just said that’s enough give me the

Thing you just read right now you’re I am a boss man no don’t you tell me no I said give it to me right now yeah I could give you this what what are you gonna give me there buddy would you just get I don’t even they didn’t even give

Me anything to anybody it anyways see anything I didn’t even see him give me anything did I miss something did this man’s give me something okay apparently he was supposed to give me something oh he did give me something ladies gentlemen oh my god this is the hundred thousand dollar

Recipe for a pickaxe yet again with another typo so it looks like to make this pickaxe we’re gonna need a lot of dough and we’re gonna need a lot of chocolate cuz we got to make some gingerbread man I also like how the crafting recipe says Preston’s chocolate

I think that’s perfect I mean I do love chocolate but then it get like who doesn’t like chocolate oh there any of you guys watch this video right now who doesn’t like chocolate cause if so you’re crazy I just spent a very long time making dough in a video game I’m

Not proud of it but we are getting one step closer to this hundred thousand dollar tickets so to create the gingerbread man we’ve eight chocolate this is uh this is crazy wait do we even have enough gingerbread men for this okay we literally have just enough we needed five we’ve got five and

We even have a spare leftover iron or sorry golden ingot which is perfect there goes nothing ladies and gentlemen the candy canes they’re going in but ingot goes in afterwards and so does the gingerbread okay I always put these thing wrong let’s go ladies and gentlemen $100,000 pickaxe look at the

Gingerbread man on the tip you guys see him he skis not like wings it looks like a really angry gingerbread man who has evolved into a giant Hawk and now we have a 6×6 crafting table that just opened up villager 35 says I think this might be

The last one because that’s all I found well I’m surprised you found this many benches in fact I gotta say this is my favorite crafting bench oranges my favorite color but the purple one looks kind of like a command block swords dope holy moly ladies and gentlemen the

Million dollar recipe is here and it is mind-blowing look at how much gold we need we even need two nether stars that I don’t even know what this is is this prismarine shards I don’t even know where to get these from okay I think in order to get

The nether star in the prism arene stuff we have to go in here do weave the harvest see pickles we might actually have the arm but see pickles I’m so confused what is that okay so I just broke all these seed pickles wait there’s more to see pickles that okay

See pickles I need you guys to give me something over here this isn’t making any kind of sense wait wait what is this button do wait it’s a snake I’ve got to do a snake to get to these next resources all right this is more crazy than anything I’ve

Ever done in my entire Minecraft career and I’ve done a lot of crazy things and my Minecraft career holy moly I can’t believe I just did that and we’re not even done yet now we’ve got a jump on these giant green snakes just to get to

The next area where we can get some more crafting items for our recipe pit snakes what kind of crafting nonsense is this all right we’re just gonna hop straight into this I have no idea how to do this I’m just gonna go ahead preface and say

That I don’t know if I’m doing this right but so far so good it looks like I haven’t missed a jump yet and there we go there’s still more snake äj– you’ve got to be kidding me I don’t know whose idea this was but this is not what I was expecting to get

An item for a crafting recipe this is very intense and very difficult snake parkour I don’t think any regular human being would be able to accomplish this but we did it let’s go what’s in the chest don’t at the stars wait if there’s only two neither starts up here oh no

Guys what do I get two prismarine so we’ve gotten another stars oh no wait is it down when guys where do we go to hit the prismarine shards now I’m completely lost I might be the world’s biggest dummy but prismarine or apparently just sitting

Here staring at us in the face I had no idea that is not normally in Minecraft to my defense ladies and gentlemen I’m proud to present the fact that I have everything needed now to make this incredible pickaxe let’s just so if I don’t forget how to make this so we’re gonna be

Putting four candy cane stalks in the middle just like this nether stars go on the top and bottom of corners prismarine shards over here I’m really hoping I’m not messing this out then we’ve got six gold just like this with a space in between four gold nuggets I think around

It oh my okay and then gold nuggets over here emeralds over here and ladies and gentlemen we have finally done it $1,000,000 pickaxe now check this out this is the coolest thing about this pickaxe you get all kinds of different crazy effects that you can use it it’s a

Family extremely fast produce light all the time no damage while mining and able to break anything special abilities money fortune enchantment automatically activates when the abilities selected Nucor or scanner or converter and super block breaker guys I think we need to try this bad boy

Outlet so let’s give a little bit of a try alright so okay this might be the world’s best pickaxe I’ve ever seen in my entire life look at how fast we are breaking things I have so much money I would never need to mine again okay did anybody hear that

Apparently there’s a sound bite of me saying I eat whenever I use the Nucor whoa I’ve got wallets what this is crazy that’s the or scanner this is the or converter it converts all of this stuff oh baby super block breaker wait what’s happening what is happening um I’m

Scared should I be scared right now I’m pretty scared oh it just broke everything inside and then we have the nanny oh no oh me too I know she do well now we know what that one does comment down below what I should craft next and how

Much it should cost I could craft a million-dollar chest plate it crapped my mom I need your help my wife Brianna thinks that she’s going to sell more of the pink lip bags at Preston styles calm we need approved or that we’re gonna sell more of the red blood bags the link

Is down below in the description loser gets slime please help us win this war so we can slime Brianna

This video, titled ‘How to Craft a $1,000,000 Super Pickaxe *Overpowered* (Minecraft 1.13 Crafting Recipe)’, was uploaded by PrestonPlayz on 2019-02-15 00:59:05. It has garnered 6131873 views and 136042 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:03 or 783 seconds.

How to Craft a $1,000,000 Super Pickaxe *Overpowered* (Minecraft 1.13 Crafting Recipe) with PrestonPlayz 👊


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    Minecraft Command Build Hacks The World of Minecraft: Unleashing Epic Command Build Hacks! Armor Stand 1 Command One of the most exciting features in Minecraft is the ability to customize armor stands using commands. With the Armor Stand 1 Command, players can create unique and invisible armor stands with various poses and items. By using the command /give @p armor_stand{EntityTag:{Invisible:1b,ShowArms:1b,ArmorItems:[{},{},{},{}],HandItems:[{id:”stick”,Count:1b},{}],Pose:{RightArm:[303f,28f,0f]}}} 1, players can unleash their creativity and design stunning displays in their world. Spyglass Command Another fascinating command in Minecraft is the Spyglass Command, which allows players to equip armor stands with spyglasses. By using the command /give @p armor_stand{EntityTag:{Invisible:1b,ShowArms:1b,ArmorItems:[{},{},{},{}],HandItems:[{id:”spyglass”,Count:1b},{}]}} 1, players can… Read More

  • Endless Action in Private WBEDWARS! Join Us Live!

    Endless Action in Private WBEDWARS! Join Us Live!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴LIVE! – Private Games With Viewers – WBEDWARS WEDNESDAY IS BACK!!!’, was uploaded by The ByGone Archive on 2024-01-18 12:25:37. It has garnered 44 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:30:19 or 5419 seconds. #ohioisoverparty #hypixel #bedwars #minecraft #bedwarslive Classic WBedwars Wednesday action that anyone can join in on! Donate to Stream Here! – Main Channel – Discord – Merch – Hypixel is a public Minecraft server that has a ton of different gamemodes like bedwars, skywars, hunger games/survival games, skyblock, and many more! Texture Pack: Vattic’s… Read More

  • Cursed Vault Mishap

    Cursed Vault MishapVideo Information This video, titled ‘Hermitcraft Vault Hunters : Episode 17 – ACCIDENTAL CURSED VAULT!’, was uploaded by Stressmonster101 on 2024-01-25 15:00:01. It has garnered 18146 views and 1586 likes. The duration of the video is 00:29:32 or 1772 seconds. Hermitcraft Vault Hunters : Episode 17 – ACCIDENTAL CURSED VAULT! Hermitcraft plays Vault Hunters Modded Minecraft. My Gear and skills: ♥ My Social Media: ♥ My Stream upload channel: Intro made by Vans Design Intro/outro music: Gemini_Robot (YouTube create) #vaulthunters #minecraft #stressmonster101 Read More

  • Insane One Block Skyblock Adventure in Crafto FX 🚀

    Insane One Block Skyblock Adventure in Crafto FX 🚀Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft one block Skyblock servers #1 ☺️’, was uploaded by Crafto fx on 2024-03-09 05:21:20. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. trending #gameplay #trinding #gaming #gamer #gameplay #gta5 #viral #viralvideo #videogame #trending #trending #viralvideo … Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Skills – Must Watch!

    Unbelievable Minecraft Skills - Must Watch!Video Information This video, titled ‘Doing the MOST BEST Minecraft Stuff!’, was uploaded by EXBreak on 2024-04-16 13:14:17. It has garnered 7 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:31 or 571 seconds. Minecraft Wiki FrontPageSprite compass.png: Sprite image for compass in Minecraft linking to MCW:Community portalCommunity portal FrontPageSprite book-and-quill.png: Sprite image for book-and-quill in Minecraft linking to MCW:ForumWiki forum FrontPageSprite painting.png: Sprite image for painting in Minecraft linking to MCW:Admin noticeboardAdmin noticeboard FrontPageSprite clock.png: Sprite image for clock in Minecraft linking to Special:RecentChangesRecent changes FrontPageSprite sign.png: Sprite image for sign in Minecraft linking to MCW:Wiki rulesWiki… Read More

  • “BaryFlying: Minecraft 24/7 SMP Madness!” #clickbait

    "BaryFlying: Minecraft 24/7 SMP Madness!" #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Live || 24/7 Minecraft Smp || Playing With Friends #minecraft #shorts #viral’, was uploaded by BaryFlying on 2024-03-08 10:16:38. It has garnered 798 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 03:37:15 or 13035 seconds. Minecraft Live || 24/7 Minecraft Smp || Playing With Friends #minecraft #shorts #viral Discord :- Instagram :- Like and Subscribe Read More

  • Watch me TAMATIN Minecraft with Rp. 40,000!

    Watch me TAMATIN Minecraft with Rp. 40,000!Video Information This video, titled ‘Live: Setiap Donasi Rp40.000 = TAMATIN Minecraft 1 Kali… (hari 9)’, was uploaded by Clementdav on 2024-04-11 14:23:11. It has garnered 12169 views and 591 likes. The duration of the video is 03:38:02 or 13082 seconds. Livestream Minecraft Indonesia: Every donation = Speedrun TAMATIN Minecraft… Every donation of IDR 40,000 = I speedrun TAMATIN Minecraft random seeds (don’t use seeds) and can reset. Every 200k +3 runs & 1 million +20 runs. 🙏 Donate: Minimum IDR 40,000 ONLY FOR THIS LIVE, Text to Speech, Can GIF & Media Share Note: 1. You can also… Read More

  • Minecraft Hive Sunterla: EPIC Cs, Parties & More! Join Now

    Minecraft Hive Sunterla: EPIC Cs, Parties & More! Join NowVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Hive! Come join! Cs + Parties!’, was uploaded by Sunterla on 2024-02-18 05:16:54. It has garnered 281 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 03:32:33 or 12753 seconds. Support the stream: MUSIC INFO: SPOTIFY PLAYLIST: Minecraft Creator-Safe Playlist by Minecraft Music courtesy of Mojang Studios Nightbot: !menu !ign !rules !bluechat | for mods only. !nemo !commands !subscribe !brain !nightbot spam !confused !meow Read More

  • Top Secret Method to Fortify Your Military Base!

    Top Secret Method to Fortify Your Military Base!Video Information This video, titled ‘Wie man eine SICHERE MILITÄR BASIS baut!’, was uploaded by Ukri on 2024-04-06 13:45:20. It has garnered 85590 views and 2778 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:31 or 1891 seconds. Ukri and the little boy build a safe MILITARY BASE in Minecraft! To protect SemUkri City from evil Minecraft zombies with Semlaki, Orksui, Nelly and Billy. The secure military base includes traps, parkour and many other things that the other player has to do. Who will build the safest submarine in the end? Will Pro Ukri win? Will his noob friends Semlaki, Billy… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Anime Minecraft Animation! #Shorts

    Mind-Blowing Anime Minecraft Animation! #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft animation #Shorts #minecraft #mine #subscribe #tiktok #minecraftmeme #????????? #fyp’, was uploaded by Anime Tv show on 2024-02-20 17:03:07. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft #tiktok #enderman #mine #craft #animation #Minecraft, #Daily, #Short, #Funny, #Cute, #Relatable, #Tiktok, #Aesthetic, … Read More

  • Quadcrafters

    QuadcraftersQuadcrafters is a simple SMP server. There is no heavy handed moderation or ranks to ruin your experience. This is a server for those who just want to play with their friends. Quadcrafters in some way shape or form has been running since 2011. Read More

  • Pandamium: Snapshot SMP – Vanilla, Snapshots, 1.20.5 Pre-Releases, 1.21 Experiments, LGBTQ+ Friendly, Discord

    Pandamium’s Snapshot Server Pandamium’s snapshot server is an experimental, vanilla, SMP server that updates to every new snapshot with all experiments enabled. Be one of the first to play with brand new features and learn more about the game with friends! Server Features: Updates to every new snapshot Experimental features enabled Active community with diamond-based trading economy Regular End resets for exploration Enhanced dragon fight with dragon egg prize Join now to experiment with all the latest features such as crafters, Trial Chambers, the breeze, vaults, armadillos, wolf armour, wind charges, the bogged, the mace, and more! Upcoming Changes: We… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – @elonmusk on Transgender Rights

    Minecraft Memes - @elonmusk on Transgender RightsLooks like Elon Musk’s power level is over 9000 with that meme score! Read More

How to Craft a $1,000,000 Super Pickaxe *Overpowered* (Minecraft 1.13 Crafting Recipe)