Yo what’s up guys running backpack here and in this video I’m going to be telling you how you can get your very own OG slash rare Minecraft account now before I tell you how to get these accounts I’ve got to tell you what makes a rare Minecraft account well rare there Are basically three times for our Minecraft accounts if your account is OG has a rare Cape or as some other cosmetic or power that makes your Minecraft account unique so what is an OG Minecraft account an OG Minecraft account means your username is a common word now there isn’t a fine line for What is an OG name and what isn’t but here are the general rules there can’t be any prefixes or suffixes if your account is one of these it’s a semi-o-g and not worth as much as your name without the suffix or prefix if you’re confused basically think about it like This read is OG reading or reader is semi there also can’t be any underscores numbers or anything else other than the common word for example dream123 is not an OG name the dream is okay now we’ve covered what an OG account is let’s move on to what a rare Cape is if your Account is a a cape it means you have a cape on your account which isn’t the migrator or vanilla Cape as these capes are given to hundreds of thousands or even millions of players these capes can be on as high as 7 000 accounts or as Low as just one a good example of the most common type of rare Cape account are the Minecon Cape accounts these capes were given out to the players who attended the five Minecon conventions hosted by Mojang in 2011 2012 2013 2015 and 2016. so if you have one of these Capes on your account it could be worth upwards of eight hundred dollars today okay so I’m gonna be brief on this last section which is the other sort of section and an example of an account in this section is the dead mouse account which is owned by Deadmau5 who is a Electronic dance music DJ and basically his account has ears which can’t be seen on any other account without some client or server modification these ears were given out to dead mouse because he DJ’d one of the Minecon festivals and yeah that’s basically the story of that so Now we’re into the middle of the video how you can get one of these accounts for yourself it 100 differs on what type of account you’re going for with OG accounts being the easiest to get by far as there is a way that is much cheaper Than the other this method is done by using a turbo program which I already have a video on so I won’t go into a lot of detail here but it’ll be linked in the description I’ll put a card in the top right corner now so you can watch it But how this works is when an OG Minecraft account’s name is changed by the owner it becomes available 37 days after it’s changed so programs have been made called turbos where you have a bunch of Microsoft accounts which send requests to change the account’s username to the rare one when it is About to become available this one is basically luck so if you have a ton of Minecraft accounts and proxies watch my other video and try and get an OG name or a name you like the other way to get one of these rare accounts which works On not just ogs is to buy them from a seller this goes against Mojang’s tus so I’m not endorsing it or anything but if you want a cool Minecraft name this is the way to go it can set you back from a few hundred dollars for an okay name to A few thousand for a god tier one if you plan on doing this make sure to always use a trusted middleman to hold your money while the seller of the the account secures it to prevent being scammed anyway guys that’s it for the video if you did enjoy it please leave a Like And subscribe to my channel for more videos like this speed five Video Information
This video, titled ‘How to Get OG Minecraft Accounts in 2023’, was uploaded by Random Backpack on 2023-02-10 10:31:06. It has garnered 8525 views and 132 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:29 or 209 seconds.
Hope you all enjoy this new video
There is a slight error in the video, however. Deadmau5 was not given the ears because he DJed at Minecon 2011, he was given the ears because he played Minecraft in the super early days (2010 era), and Notch liked his music so much he gave him the ears. (Although he did still DJ at Minecon 2011)
Links: Turbo Tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iLD-wC-9DFY Instagram: https://instagr.am/lilbeamed Discord: https://discord.gg/TFYUez5Uxn
Music By GYVUS & atlas Thumbnail, Editing and Recording by me!