How To Grow A YouTube Channel From 0 Subs In 2023 (Complete Guide)

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Today I’m reviewing the updated method I’ve used to grow multiple YouTube channels from 0 to tens of millions of views and over a hundred thousand subscribers and this method works even if you’re a complete beginner starting from zero or if you’ve been doing this for a while but your channel is dead as

A YouTube Rewind it’s rewind time so let me show you exactly what it is and how it works see once upon a time I got this email from Joseph and he said I’ve been trying to do YouTube for a while but I just can’t seem to get over 10 views on

Any videos no matter what I do and Joseph’s email kind of hit me because it reminded me of well me which is the opposite of good no offense Joseph because when I first started YouTube I tried 11 different types of content posted around 65 videos and yet my

Videos all got between 10 and 40 views and everyone just keeps telling you be consistent never give up but after an entire year of being consistent I barely dragged my sorry ass across the 150 sub mark But then I’ll discover this method and I went from getting 15 subscribers

Per month to getting over 1 000 subscribers each month in a little over six weeks and in this video I’m going to reveal my updated version of this method and break down exactly how it works and to make up for insulting him earlier I’m going to give you examples of how I

Would apply each step using Joseph’s Channel but before I do that I need you to promise me something because if you don’t there’s a very high chance your YouTube channel will fail epically see this is the video I wished I had when I was a struggling YouTuber in the eight

Years I’ve been on YouTube I’ve never found a channel that’s properly doing the nine things in this method but isn’t seeing massive success so please promise me that you won’t watch this video and move on to the hell to get a hundred thousand subscribers in Two Minutes video because like Derek sivers would

Say if more information was the answer we would all be billionaires with six pack abs so my challenge for you is to commit to this video re-watch it as much as you need until you’ve fully internalized all nine points of this method then tattoo them on your eyelids

And take action so let’s get started this is Joseph’s channel can you guys spot a blaring issue here’s a hint so psychologists have shown that doing something frequently and consistently like posting YouTube videos helps you build mental momentum and motivation streaks are a good example of this so

Like if you post one video every week for 10 weeks you’re going to be more motivated to post an 11th video on the 11th week because you wouldn’t want to break your streak right but as we can see Joseph has only posted one video and upload frequency AKA how often you

Create videos is super important and that’s why it’s my ninth point on the gygc method well how much should I upload this is going to be controversial but I believe quality content uploaded less frequently will ultimately beat quantity content spammed out at a super rapid rate as Mr Beast put it it’s much

Easier to get 5 million views on one video than 50 000 views on 100 videos but the thing you need to understand is that it’s a paradox because quality comes from quantity the more videos you post the more practice you get at creating content and so the better you

Get at creating content so how often should you upload my general recommendation is two to three times per week now at minimum you should be uploading one video every two weeks but if you are doing that just bear in mind that your growth both in terms of views

And subscribers and your personal growth as a Creator is going to be far slower and so if that is you instead of just resigning yourself to your fate see if you can find ways to adjust your content style so that you can post content more frequently but here’s the thing even if

You are posting content frequently your channel will be As Dead As Joseph’s offense Joseph if you don’t do this next thing I’ve got a question for you what is it about Joseph’s channel that would make someone want to watch him rather than one of the other 50 billion

YouTubers on the platform now you might think that’s an unfair question because you haven’t seen his video yet but I have seen his video and the answer to the question is there isn’t really a reason why you’d watch him over someone else with so much competition out there

You want to try and distinguish yourself from the noise now you don’t have to distinguish yourself in a massive way but it has to be something tangible enough that a viewer could probably actually put a finger on it if they thought about it and normally if a

Viewer can’t put a finger on what it is they like about you above everyone else then that thing isn’t strong enough and I call these things your X factors they’re the things that make you uniquely appealing and valuable to your viewers in your Niche and X factors are

The eighth point on the gigc method now to discover your X Factor or X factors it can help to ask this question if someone had a hypothetical interview with your biggest fan and ask them why you are their favorite YouTuber what would your hypothetical biggest fans say foreign

What characteristics or value do you bring to the table that they would highlight and would cause them to rank you Above the Rest would they say you have a cool backstory or relatable life circumstances would they say you’re just the most genuine authentic person they know would they say you’re able to teach

Stuff in a way that’s just far clearer and quicker than all the other tutorials out there or would they just say you’re the most unbelievably good looking person they’ve ever seen now this X Factor list could be almost endless but the principle here is if you struggle to

Come up with a realistic reason or reasons why your hypothetical biggest fan would love your channel above everyone else’s then chances are that fan will probably continue to be hypothetical now it’s impossible for me to give Joseph here specific advice as to what his X Factor should be because

It needs to be authentic to him but one way I would try to uncover my ax factors is to think about the qualities I already have or the qualities I aspire to have or the unique value I bring or aspire to bring and then intentionally exaggerate those things and highlight

Them and work on them until they become noteworthy enough that people actually start noticing and appreciating them but in the scheme of things just being different isn’t enough because while clear X factors do give you a chance of getting far more views and lower subscribers there are still some missing

Puzzle pieces and to help me explain the next piece let me tell you a quick story when I was younger there was a particular YouTuber I used to watch pretty frequently he uploaded pretty frequently and he had some X factors that I found super appealing it was

Really funny he was down to earth and he involved his family in his videos and for a number of months I remember religiously watching this person he was my favorite YouTuber but then something changed he started trying to act cool he stopped filming videos with his family

He jumped on the whole diss tracks and debate train and while he had every right to grow and evolve as a personal Creator I just found myself not really liking him much anymore I used to be able to come to his channel turn on one of these videos and get a certain type

Of experience but now when I came to his Channel I didn’t know what was in store for me I couldn’t trust him anymore I used feel like I knew him and I could rely on him to be a certain type of person but now he was just too

Inconsistent and so even though the algorithm kept promoting his videos to me for a while after that I stopped clicking on them and I stopped watching them and this would have sent negative signals to the YouTube algorithm about those videos which made it less and less likely that the algorithm would promote

Future videos to me or people who have similar viewing habits and interest as me and eventually the algorithm just gave up entirely and just stopped promoting and what we can learn from this example here is that if you’re very inconsistent it’s going to confuse your viewers and the algorithm which leads to

The less promotion and less views and that’s why consistency is the next point on the method now it’s hard for me to rate the consistency of Joseph’s channel here because he’s only got one video but hopefully is the example I just shared Illustrated you should know that consistency matters and there’s a lot

More to consistency than just having a consistent upload schedule being consistent includes things like your attitude your personality your branding the types of videos you create the style in which you create those videos the lines you’re willing to cross and not cross and the list could go on now being

Consistent doesn’t mean you can’t evolve you should evolve especially if what you’re currently doing isn’t working but especially when you do find something that works for you be careful changing things up too drastically too quickly because it will confuse both your viewers and the algorithm which will

Lead to less views and no promotion but what’s the most important thing to be consistent about on your channel well there is one thing that if you’re inconsistent about it could literally make or break your entire Channel because one of the biggest problems we have on YouTube is competition for

Example if you’re creating Minecraft Let’s Plays You Are by default competing with massive creators for the tension of people who want to watch Minecraft Let’s Plays if you’re creating GTA funny moments videos you’re competing for the attention of viewers who want to watch GTA funny moments videos by default

Against all of the other massive YouTubers who create those videos as well well and the problem with this competition is that the YouTubers you’re competing with probably have more experience they have more time they have more money they have bigger Brands and existing followings so really chances

Are you’re probably just going to get your ass handed to you and not get any views so the trick is to not compete see in order to be in competition with someone you need to be doing the same type of thing as them for example the English Premier League’s Manchester

United don’t have to worry about competition from the NBA’s Chicago Bulls because while they are both Elite Sporting teams they’re not directly competing against one another hardcore fans of the Bulls probably don’t care about United and vice versa because they’re in separate categories and so these two teams don’t have to worry

About competing for attention against one another and that’s one way you can get around the problem of competition as a small YouTuber because the chances of you finding a brand new type of content that literally has never been seen before and has X factors that nobody in

The world world has is pretty unlikely but if you operate within the Paradigm we just talked about you’ll realize that you’re not actually competing against everybody in the world you’re only competing against people who are creating a similar category or type of content to you and so your job is to

Find a category AKA niche in which you can actually compete and make a name for yourself and that’s the next point in this method now finding a good Niche revolves around supply and demand your goal is to find a niche that’s small enough that there aren’t a stifling

Amount of huge creators who are pumping out so much content that you’re just never going to be discovered but at the same time the niche needs to be large enough that there are tens or hundreds of thousands of viewers AKA demand who actually want to watch that type of

Content so coming back to Joseph’s Channel I’d say his Niche is probably something like Minecraft Survival challenges based on the video he posted so by default he’s competing for attention against YouTube is like these guys I’m going to attempt to survive the next 100 days in Hardcore Minecraft and

Now I’m going to be turning into the crack into scene if I can survive 100 days against three fishermen with insane fishing here based on Joseph’s content which I checked out I’d say that the competition is going to be too tough for him and he’d be better off doing some research

To find another Niche that might have less demand and less viewers but is going to ultimately be less competitive until he develops a bit and grows but if he does increase his upload frequency and Nails the things I’m going to talk about later in this video it is still a

Chance that he could potentially find a gap in the niche and make this type of content work for him and so let me show you how I would do it if I was in his shoes and even though this video is a very specific type of gaming video These

Principles will apply regardless of what type of content you create I’d start by fixing this huge mistake he’s currently making but to understand the mistake you need to actually understand how YouTube Works YouTube’s goal is to make money and YouTube makes money by getting viewers to watch ads for example every

Time a video clicks on a new video they get a new ad YouTube makes bag I like money and generally speaking the more time viewers spend on YouTube as a platform binging videos Etc the more money YouTube makes so the algorithm is designed to reward channels that get

Viewers to spend you guessed it a lot of time on the platform so for example if you’re a Creator who has three videos and on average your viewers watch all three of your videos when they come to one of them you’re going to do a lot better and another Creator who also has

Three videos but on average when people click onto his channel they only really watch one video so instead of just trying to increase your watch time on individual videos you want to try and think about increasing your session time across multiple videos if you get lots of session time you’ll get lots of

Promotion from the algorithm and Views so prolonging your viewers overall sessions is super important and that’s why it’s the next point on this list and so Joseph here has a very obvious problem immediately and that is that he only has one video on his channel by default if someone comes to his channel

There’s not really much they can do to extend the session other than re-watching the exact same video which most people probably aren’t going to do so right off the bat the recommendation here is he needs to put at least five videos on his channel so if someone

Comes in enjoys one of his videos they have a bank of other content that they can also watch now you watching this probably have more than one video on your Channel right now and so if you do have that bank of content your job is to

Make it as easy as possible for people to binge your videos and two ways to do that could be creating playlists that automatically group your videos together and get people to automatically go from one video to the next video to the next video to the next video

It’s time to stop where the are your parents and another thing you can do is to try to create call to actions at the end of your video that kind of create feedback loops where someone clicks on your video they get to the end of your video they hear you promote it

On a lot of your videos and they click on another one of your videos and they get to the end of that video and they hear you promote another Money video so they click on that one and that one and they just get stuck in a web of your

Content the loop just keeps on going so what’s the easiest or best way to get people into feedback loops so you can start getting that session time flywheel cranking well to do that first you have to fix another massive mistake Joseph is making which most of you watching this

Are probably also making as well and it’s making YouTube kill your reach see while creating this video I watched Joseph’s video a few times and here are some things I noticed the first second or so of the video is actually just a blank screen then it switches to a scene

Of Joseph standing in very non-angin city-esque surroundings there’s not much going on at all and as a viewer it’s not very stimulating for me then the following 30 sec is spent where Joseph is Crouch walking down a tile at a ridiculously slow speed as he drifts closer to imminent death at a

Painstakingly slow pace moving on from the intro I could probably count the number of cuts in this video on one hand and there are multiple sections in the video where there are between 5 and 10 seconds of Silence in the commentary where not very much is going on And these are all examples of things that make the video boring and confusing for your viewer which makes it highly likely that the viewer will leave and click on someone else’s video who can actually retain them and this is bad because one if a viewer doesn’t stick around on your videos and channel

They’re probably not going to subscribe because it means they didn’t enjoy their experience the fact that they didn’t enjoy their experience also means they’re going to be less likely to watch your future videos If YouTube pushes them their way and because they’re no longer clicking on your future videos it

Makes the algorithm hate you and that’s why the next point on this method is create highly satisfying content that retains your viewers now I gave you some examples of friction points that are hurting Joseph’s audience retention but you might have your own things that are causing people to leave your videos so

You want to make sure that you’re removing any filler content that could be boring for your viewers check out your analytics and see are there drop-offs and things causing people to leave that you should eliminate from future videos especially if you don’t have much dire analytics just watch your

Videos yourself and try and put yourself in a viewer’s shoes and notice your own emotions as you’re watching the video or you can enlist the help of a friend get them to watch your content and then watch their reactions notice when they’re engaged notice when they’re bored notice when they laugh notice when

They don’t laugh and then using all this information your job is to figure out how to create your future videos so that they are better and will get as many viewers as possible to watch all the way to the end now you might be saying well

Marcus that’s all well and good but the problem I have right now is that I don’t have any viewers in the first place if you’re really struggling to get views to begin with here’s some advice now as we’ve talked about if you don’t have good audience retention and get watch

Time then you’re probably not going to get subscribers or session time but if we take a step back if you don’t have views in the first place you’re not even going to have an opportunity to get watch time but if we take an even further step back if you can’t get

People to click on your videos then you can’t even get views so improving your click through rate in other words and making your videos more clickable when people see them listed on their home page when the search results is incredibly important because if you can’t now now that then everything else

Just Falls in a heap and so if you can do one thing to get more promotion from the algorithm in general it’s probably increasing your click-through rate and so that’s why increasing the percentage of people who click on your video after they see it is one of the most important

Points on the gygc method now the way you improve your click-through rate is primarily through your titles thumbnails and the first few lines of your description can play a small part as well but basically you need the things I just mentioned to grab your impressions by the eyeballs and so instead of me

Just telling you how to design a good thumbnail or write a good title I want to actually give you an example of how to do this because I’m willing to bet Joseph’s click-through rate for this video is pretty bad and I’ll show you exactly what principles and techniques I

Would use to design a high click-through rate title and thumbnail combo using Joseph’s challenge as an example and even though this video is a very specific type of gaming video These principles will apply regardless of what type of content you create but before I can do that I need to introduce you to

One last concept see in 1976 a man named Jeffrey Stokes published a book the book was called star making machinery and it follows artists musicians engineers and technicians and all the creative people involved in the making of a typical rock album and this old little-known book contains the first citation in the

Oxford dictionary of this Gem of a metaphor you can’t polish a turd now despite the fact that you can in fact polish a turd as proven by MythBusters you know the Casual viewer might look at this and say crap it’s a great metaphor and the dictionary defines it as to seek

Or improve something which is inherently or unalterably unpleasant or of poor quality it’s kind of like a movie plot a movie can have the best actors best marketing the most hype but if the core movie like the plot is terrible the movie’s probably going to get horrendous

Ratings and so the lesson here is if you’re trying to grow on YouTube you can be the most creative editor on the platform you can be the best thumbnail designer from a technical perspective there ever was but if your video idea itself is inherently not interesting or useful to viewers there’s almost nothing

You can do to make it blow up and that’s why having a great video idea one of these enticing or exciting or solves a problem is the next point on the gygc method and there are three types of great video ideas the first are trending video ideas these revolve a lot around

Timing and they involve creating videos around trending topics basically harnessing attention that’s already out there I call this trend surfing because surfing gives us a good analogy catching a trend involves a combination of being in the right place at the right time and timing if you’re too early there’s no

Wave of attention to catch and your video will just be dead in the water if you’re too late the wave has already peaked is breaking and you’re gonna get overwhelmed and pummeled by the whitewash but if you catch the wave just as it’s rising up and it’s large enough

To propel you forward but it’s not so large that it’s seconds away from breaking and becoming unbelievably messy and saturated you’ll do pretty well and one of the best examples of a training video I’ve seen is the Mr Beast squid game video which is obviously a great

Video in and of itself but if it wasn’t for the trend and success and hype around the squid games TV show at that time the video probably wouldn’t have got anywhere near the amount of views it did the next category of good video idea is extremely unique or noteworthy it’s

The type of video that Sparks interest and curiosity in a viewer even if it’s not based around something that’s currently trending or hyped up Mr base is also a good example of this he obviously uses Trends to his Advantage but he also comes out with random almost Evergreen type videos but they’re so

Unique extreme and noteworthy that they really grab you for one reason or another and usually these types of videos involve something like being the most being the least being the shortest being the longest being the fastest the slowest the hardest but there’s still one more type of video idea and that is

Searchable videos these videos tend to solve a specific problem and get the majority of their views from search think how-to videos and while they don’t blow up anywhere near as fast they tend to be more Evergreen and these videos don’t have to be extreme in fact they’re

Some of the easiest videos you can make but you do need to make sure that the video You’re creating is very direct and clear in solving the problem that your audience have basically you just want to reverse engineer exactly what people are actively looking for now there are other

Categories of video idea but these are the main ones and video ideas is why I earlier didn’t give specific feedback on Joseph’s tile or thumbnail or video because improving what he’s currently got would only incrementally improve his results because I don’t think his video idea is that good ancient cities are old

News so there’s not really much hype or Trend around that and surviving in an ancient city also isn’t something a lot of people are searching for but the good news is we can take the ethos of this style of content but adjust the idea slightly and make it so much better so

Personally if I was doing this looking at this type of video I’d probably go down the extreme noteworthy angle there are a couple of different angles we could take we could go with the survival angle which would be something like I survived in a cursed deep dark biome for

A hundred days or we could go with an angle of what actually happens in the video in this video Joseph survives and fights the warden mobs that spawn in the ancient city and so we could make that extreme maybe use some cheats or mods or something and do something like I fought

100 wardens in a cursed ancient city now these two ideas are I think a lot better than what we currently have but at a perfect world really want to combine the survival and sort of unique horror combat aspect into one video and that video could be one where Joseph tries to

Survive a thousand days in Hardcore Minecraft but it’s a horror game there’s all these kind of crazy creatures and bosses trying to kill him while he’s trying to survive a thousand days in this world and I think the surviving for a thousand days type videos tend to do pretty well because they’re objectively

Interesting it doesn’t matter who you are the fact that you’ve survived a thousand days is interesting and the horror angle is kind of cool and now we’ve got a great video idea creating great tile and thumbnail becomes so much easier because I’m not polishing a turd

So for the title of this video I’d probably go with something along the lines of I survived a thousand days in Hardcore Minecraft but it’s a horror game or I survived a thousand days in cursed Hardcore Minecraft or something like that I could potentially go with

Both and like test both of them and see which ones get better results remember the thumbnail overall I’d want to give it kind of like a creepy hellscape Vibe I’d probably do like a comparison thumbnail to show like a before and after because those work quite well you

Can see I’ve whipped up something here we’ve got day one on one side and then day a thousand on the other arrow pointing across to kind of show like we went from this to this the day one scene here is horror s you can see it’s almost

Got that Slender Man kind of pixelated horror Vibe you’ve got old mate kind of creepily staring at you from behind a tree but it also kind of gives off like just starting out vibes I think you’re in a forest it’s dark there’s no building around it’s very day one Vibes

Whereas obviously the day a thousand is completely different now one of the main problems I do have with this thumbnail is while keeping day one simple and making it feel like a day one is important and also showing off what actually happened on day 1000 is also

Really important the thing we are kind of missing is showing off the extreme sort of mobs that we encounter in the video what I’m talking about would be something like this say and obviously we just need to move the text around and stuff to make it fit in a perfect world

What it probably won there’s a shot that kind of has this day one Vibe then I also want a kind of crazy extreme looking mob in there to kind of tease more of the curse Minecraft horror aspect but because I don’t want to spend like an hour and a half creating a tile

And thumbnail that’s probably never going to get used this will do and I still think this has a chance of doing pretty well and then when it comes to the video content itself we’d basically just reverse engineer what our tile and thumbnail is to make sure we actually

Deliver on what it is that we’re promising people and there’s another tip right there is come up with your idea tile and thumbnail before you actually create your content and overall if we compare this hypothetical video to the video that’s currently on Joseph’s Channel which video would you watching

This rather click on I’m willing to bet it’s the one I just laid out but even though we’re almost there there’s still one more point in the gygc method the number one most important thing you need if you want to succeed and yes it’s even more important than what we just talked

About because let’s look at this practically if you take a 30 000 foot view over the long term you are the driving force behind your channel without you the gigc method or any other kind of growth method for that matter is about as useful as a waterproof tea bag

Another way think about it is if the gyjc method is your vehicle to success then you are the engine if the engine isn’t operating at its fullest or if it just flat out breaks down and burns out then regardless of how great the rest of the vehicle is it’s not going anywhere

So you’re going to hate me for saying this but this is why I genuinely believe that cultivating a winning mindset is the number one most important point in the goigc method but it’s really Broad and vague so the question is how do you actually do that I have been lucky

Enough to personally know and work with a bunch of very successful YouTubers and here are some things I’ve observed about their mindsets they surround themselves with people who lift them up and give them energy rather than people who drag them down and deplete them they have an almost unhealthy obsessive level of

Hunger to succeed and overcome the obstacles no matter what it takes while at the same time paradoxically they have the discipline to confront the most brutal facts about their current realities and patiently work towards doing what needs to be done at a day-to-day level to reach that ultimate

Level of success they’re aspiring to so if you really want to succeed you might want to consider trying to gradually mold your mindset so you consciously start thinking in the ways I’ve just described so from here what should you do to actually put everything you just learned into practice so you can

Experience something like my 15 to 1 000 subscriber per month transformation but obviously there’s a hell of a lot of info in here so if you’re feeling completely overwhelmed my suggestion to you is to re-watch this video until everything really sinks in and makes sense but once you’ve done that I’ve got

A playlist on screen where I actually have individual videos on each of the points in the gigc method that go into the points in even more detail so I’d recommend check that out go through those videos and then start taking action on what you learned playlist is

Linked on screen check it out I’ll see you there

This video, titled ‘How To Grow A YouTube Channel From 0 Subs In 2023 (Complete Guide)’, was uploaded by Grow Your Gaming Channel on 2023-01-26 14:00:09. It has garnered 527151 views and 24524 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:14 or 1634 seconds.

Today I’m gonna show you how to get more views & subscribers, even if you’re starting from 0.

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  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Builds and Creative Fun!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Builds and Creative Fun! Welcome to! If you’re a fan of Minecraft and looking for a new server to join, look no further than Minewind. With a vibrant community and endless possibilities, Minewind is the place to be for all Minecraft enthusiasts. After watching SwordArtGamer1063’s latest video on building a swimming pool in Minecraft, it’s clear that creativity knows no bounds in this game. Whether you’re into building epic structures or engaging in thrilling adventures, Minewind offers a unique experience for every player. Join us at Minewind server by entering the IP YT.MINEWIND.NET in your Minecraft client and start your journey today…. Read More

  • Minecraft Modpack Challenge: Unpredictable Adventures

    Minecraft Modpack Challenge: Unpredictable Adventures The Unpredictable Adventures of Minecraft’s Randomly Generated Modpack Challenge Embark on a thrilling journey through the Multiverse in Minecraft like never before! Forget carefully curated mod packs with a cohesive plan – this time, it’s all about randomness and unpredictability. Join the adventure as our protagonist dives into the unknown, guided only by the whims of a random number generator and the roll of a dice. A New Mod Every Day Instead of settling into familiar terrains like oceans, deserts, or magical realms, our daring explorer loads up Minecraft each day with a brand new mod. From enhancing gameplay… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for an Unforgettable Gaming Experience!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for an Unforgettable Gaming Experience! Welcome to! Today, we stumbled upon an intriguing YouTube video showcasing the Clockwork Mod in Minecraft. While the video itself is not about Minewind, it got us thinking about the endless possibilities and creativity that Minecraft offers. The ability to create, innovate, and explore in a virtual world is truly captivating. Imagine joining a Minecraft server where you can unleash your creativity and build to your heart’s content. A place where you can interact with like-minded individuals, embark on adventures, and create unforgettable memories. That’s where Minewind comes in. With features like Create mod, Clockwork mod, Valkyrien Skies,… Read More

  • Crafty Minecraft Animation Tricks

    Crafty Minecraft Animation Tricks Minecraft Animation with Mine-imator: Unleash Your Creativity! Embark on a thrilling journey into the world of Minecraft animation with Mine-imator! This powerful software is a game-changer for both seasoned animators and beginners, offering a user-friendly interface and robust tools to bring your Minecraft creations to life. Craft Dynamic Animations Mine-imator provides a simple yet powerful platform for crafting dynamic and immersive animations within the Minecraft Universe. Whether you’re looking to create epic adventures, hilarious skits, or captivating stories, Mine-imator empowers you to unleash your imagination and creativity like never before. Join the Mine-imator Community Join the vibrant Mine-imator community… Read More

  • Bee Battles Bosses in Minecraft

    Bee Battles Bosses in Minecraft Minecraft: Bee Vs Some Bosses Are you ready to dive into the exciting world of Minecraft with some epic boss battles? In this adventure, players will face off against a variety of challenging mobs in a custom map created by THEJESTR and others. Let’s explore the details of this thrilling Minecraft experience! Map Details The custom map featured in this Minecraft adventure is from version 0.4.5 and promises an immersive and action-packed gameplay experience. Players can download the map from the GreenfieldMC website, but be sure to check out the terms and conditions before diving in. The website, GreenfieldMC,… Read More

  • Discover the Thrills of Minewind Minecraft Server

    Discover the Thrills of Minewind Minecraft Server Welcome to! Are you a fan of Minecraft and looking for a new server to join? Look no further than Minewind! With an exciting and dynamic community, Minewind offers a unique gaming experience that you won’t find anywhere else. While watching a YouTube video about finding a desert village in Minecraft, you may have realized the importance of exploring new and exciting locations in the game. Minewind provides a vast and diverse world for you to discover, with endless possibilities for adventure and creativity. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft player or just starting out, Minewind welcomes all players… Read More

  • Insane PvP Montage with Crazy Combos -__C0mp__HT5__

    Insane PvP Montage with Crazy Combos -__C0mp__HT5__Video Information This video, titled ‘HT5 cpvp’, was uploaded by _C0mp on 2024-03-09 12:14:35. It has garnered 106 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:00 or 120 seconds. crystal pvp, minecraft, marlow, drdonut, crystal pvp montage, minecraft crystal pvp, cpvp, minecraft pvp, pvp, smp, clownpierce, rasplin, itzrealme, crystal pvp guide, marlowww, donutsmp, cpvp montage, lurrn, vanilla pvp, tier 1, golfeh, marlow crystal pvp, crystal pvp texture pack, minecraft smp, lifesteal smp, end crystal, crystal, crystal pvp tutorial, donut smp, rasplin crystal pvp, marlow pvp, respawn anchor, 1.19.4, how to crystal pvp, pigsruss, vanilla crystal pvp, hardcore,… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft New Year Build Cheat 😱 #viral

    INSANE Minecraft New Year Build Cheat 😱 #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘New Year Build Hack in Minecraft survival #shorts #minecraft #viral #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by Alex Gaming 77 on 2024-01-02 09:21:46. It has garnered 177 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:28 or 28 seconds. #MinecraftNewYear, #SurvivalBuilds, #GamingHacks, #RedstoneCreations, #FestiveArchitecture, #CountdownClocks, #FireworkDisplays, #MinecraftInspiration, #CreativeGaming, #GamerCommunity, #MinecraftBuilders, #NewYearInMinecraft, #GamingCreativity, #MinecraftTips, #HappyNewYear, #NewYear2024, #YouTubeGaming, #MinecraftTutorial, #GamerLife, #GamingCommunity, #BuildingTips, #MinecraftCreators, #VirtualCelebration, #ImmersiveGaming, #MinecraftTutorial, #CreativeGamer, #GamingTips#MinecraftNewYear #SurvivalBuilds #GamingHacks #RedstoneCreations #FestiveArchitecture #CountdownClocks #FireworkDisplays #MinecraftInspiration #CreativeGaming #GamerCommunity #MinecraftBuilders #NewYearInMinecraft #GamingCreativity #MinecraftTips #HappyNewYear #NewYear2024 #YouTubeGaming #MinecraftTutorial #GamerLife #GamingCommunity #BuildingTips #MinecraftCreators #VirtualCelebration #ImmersiveGaming #MinecraftTutorial #CreativeGamer #GamingTips””Welcome to an incredible New… Read More

  • Insane iron farm hack! Karan Playz #shorts

    Insane iron farm hack! Karan Playz #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Iron farm 100% working | easy iron farm | #shorts’, was uploaded by Karan Playz on 2024-01-11 10:51:13. It has garnered 2429 views and 121 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:57 or 57 seconds. Iron farm 100% working | easy iron farm | #shorts #minecraft #minecraftnoobvsprovshackervsgod #3ddesign minecraft iron farm Read More

  • ULTIMATE HERO CREEPER: Epic Minecraft Animation!

    ULTIMATE HERO CREEPER: Epic Minecraft Animation!Video Information This video, titled ‘Hero creeper Minecraft animation video #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by GULSHER GAMERZ on 2024-01-01 07:28:54. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More


    INSANE SURVIVAL CHALLENGE! ELVENIA ON PS5 - 19KVideo Information This video, titled ‘[ELVENIA] MINECRAFT SURVIE HARDCORE 1.21 PS5 SOLO – 19K ✨’, was uploaded by Colonel Gaming on 2024-03-08 22:53:32. It has garnered 659 views and 67 likes. The duration of the video is 03:51:50 or 13910 seconds. ⚫▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ SURVIVAL HARDCORE MINECRAFT ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬⚫ ► SEED 589086665536842607 ► 273 hours of play 🕛 ► Day 819 🌞 📜 Program: ✅ Re-build the Base (17%) ✅ Build the city amestia (7%) ✅ Terraforming amestia limitation (75%) ✅ Construction of the abbey (10%) ✅ 4 forge models from the dig site (3/4) ✅ Magic Pond (0%) ✅ Decorate the Blaze… Read More


    🔥LIVE🔥PLAYING MINECRAFT WITH SUBS! JOIN NOW🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘⚫AO VIVO⚫MINECRAFT:JOGANDO COM OS INSCRITOS VEM⚫’, was uploaded by KenshinPlayer on 2024-03-21 01:51:42. It has garnered 144 views and 51 likes. The duration of the video is 02:21:24 or 8484 seconds. #bedwars #minecraftpe #games #minecraft #pvp #survival #games #sobrenatural #dungeon #suvival ⚫LIVE PLAYING WITH SUBSCRIBERS COME TO THE TROOP LET’S PLAY A LITTLE TMJ MY INSANE CREATS⚫MINECRAFT⚫ popular games: PUBG Mobile Garena Free Fire Among Us Call of Duty Mobile Fall Guys Call of Duty: Warzone Grand Theft Auto V Fortnite Roblox Minecraft GROUP LINK DISCORD AI 😁😁 with CameraFi Live Read More

  • GOAT goes Mental! Down With The Sickness – Noteblock Cover

    GOAT goes Mental! Down With The Sickness - Noteblock CoverVideo Information This video, titled ‘Disturbed- Down With The Sickness [Noteblock Cover]’, was uploaded by Note Goat on 2024-02-02 13:09:31. It has garnered 155 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:39 or 279 seconds. Cover of Down With The Sickness made entirely in minecraft noteblocks Comment ideas for future noteblock songs! I do not own the rights to this song nor do I make any money from this video World Download: [DISCLAIMER: I often use a video editor to speed up/down and change the pitch of songs to match the original so please note some… Read More

  • Plane Of Darkness

    Plane Of DarknessWill you become a creature of the night, or will you become a slayer and fight for humanity? The choice is yours on Plane of Darkness! Plane Of Darkness is a Lite RP, Werewolves vs Vampires vs Slayers server. We have Slimefun, Magic, Mcmmo, Jobs, Brewery, Marriage, custom mobs, custom items, and more! While Roleplay is encouraged, it is not mandatory. • Players can become werewolves, vampires, or slayers • Go on noble quests with awesome rewards • Jobs – earn money to buy items at the shop • Slimefun – make cool machines and magical items • Magic –… Read More

  • Akoot&Co Semi-Vanilla 1.20.4 Discord Events Building-Focused No Map Resets ViaVersion

    Welcome to Akoot & Co Join our community for a classic Minecraft experience! Features: Discord Server (Discord + Minecraft integration) World Map (dynmap) Bedrock support (Geyser) Unlimited Homes No pesky land claims (Honor system + rollbacks) KeepInventory (Optional per player!) Timed Ranks/Custom Titles Text Formatting (+Gradients!) Brewery (just a treat!) Delight yourself with unlimited homes, a grief-free environment, and a seamlessly integrated Discord chat system. Best of all, this exceptional experience is entirely free of charge! No application required! Just launch the game and play! IP: Bedrock IP: Version: 1.20.4 Read More

  • Catastrolith – PvE 1.20.1 | Natural Disasters | Early Access

    Catastrolith - PvE 1.20.1 | Natural Disasters | Early AccessCan you survive natural disasters in a post-apocalyptic world?Welcome to Catastrolith – a Minecraft: Java Edition (1.20.1) PvE server!In this overgrown world, you have only one goal – survive!HOW TO PLAYAfter entering the server for the first time, you will find yourself in the lobby.Later, you can exchange useful items such as armor or building materials for experience points.To start the game, enter one of the “Go to World” pressure plates.You are ready to go – explore the world and earn some experience points. Of course, you can earn these by the usual methods such as slaying monsters etc. You… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Villagers Scammed

    Minecraft Memes - Villagers ScammedPoor villagers, always getting low scores on their memes. Maybe they should stick to mining diamonds instead of trying to be internet famous. Read More

  • Another cursed portal in Minecraft, this time to Narnia!

    Another cursed portal in Minecraft, this time to Narnia! When you accidentally stumble upon the cursed portal in Minecraft, you never know if you’ll end up in the Nether, the End, or worse… a never-ending loop of creepers singing “Baby Shark.” #minecraftproblems #portalroulette Read More

  • Boralo: The Ultimate Tek Leader

    Boralo: The Ultimate Tek Leader The Minecraft World of Boralo: A Journey Through Creativity and Adventure Step into the enchanting world of Minecraft with Boralo, a master creator and adventurer who brings joy and excitement to his viewers. In a recent video titled “BUNU YAPMAK ZORUNDAYDIM 😢 BANA KIZMAYIN 🤬 – Minecraft,” Boralo showcases his editing skills in a beautiful location, captivating his audience with every move. Exploring Boralo’s Minecraft Universe Boralo’s content spans various genres, from entertainment to horror, ensuring that there is something for everyone. By subscribing and turning on notifications, viewers can stay up to date with his latest videos and… Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Enhanced Gameplay Experience!

    Join Minewind Server for Enhanced Gameplay Experience! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the Minecraft community! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video showcasing the addition of layer editing features in JavaScript for Minecraft. While the video may not be directly related to Minewind server, it highlights the endless possibilities and creativity that Minecraft offers. Imagine being part of a vibrant and dynamic Minecraft community where innovation knows no bounds. That’s exactly what you’ll find on Minewind server. With a dedicated player base and a plethora of unique features, Minewind offers an unparalleled gaming experience like no other…. Read More

  • Surviving Horror Mods in One Block Skyblock

    Surviving Horror Mods in One Block Skyblock Welcome to One Block Skyblock With Horror Mods! Join the thrilling adventure of Minecraft Skyblock with a twist – you only get one block! In this hardcore mode, our protagonist faces the challenge of surviving amidst horror monsters lurking in the world. Will they make it out alive? Let’s dive into the heart-pounding action and see what unfolds! Survival on One Block Imagine being stranded on a single block in the vast expanse of Minecraft. Every move becomes crucial as you navigate the limited space to gather resources, build shelter, and fend off enemies. The stakes are high, and… Read More

  • Daring Indian Bike Gaming Video

    Daring Indian Bike Gaming VideoVideo Information This video, titled ‘indian bike game #shorts #trending #viral #gaming #video #youtube’, was uploaded by Nks on 2024-05-01 12:24:33. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. indian bike game #shorts #trending #viral #gaming #video #youtube games minecraft gta 5 gta5 poki game pokemon online … Read More

  • Unreal Skills ON: Live Minecraft w/ Master SHOTY 🔴

    Unreal Skills ON: Live Minecraft w/ Master SHOTY 🔴Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴LIVE ON: Wbijaj Gramy W Minecrafta 🔴’, was uploaded by Master SHOTY on 2024-03-10 08:22:59. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:50 or 50 seconds. 💲 You can donate here:💲 🎮 Playing Minecraft🎮 #FeatherClient​​​​ #txt​​​​ #minecraft​​​​ TAGS; – TOP 1 IN THE MORNING – TOP 1 IN THE MORNING – TOP GUILD – TOP PLAYER – TOP – BIGGEST RANKING – TOP 1 – TOP 1 GUILD – HOW DO THE TOP PLAYERS COMPARE? – TOP PLAYERS ARE FALLING – MOST KILLS – guild recruitment -… Read More

  • EPIC Animatronics Quiz with Brother! HILARIOUS FUN! 🤙

    EPIC Animatronics Quiz with Brother! HILARIOUS FUN! 🤙Video Information This video, titled ‘Questionário de animatronics com meu irmão🤙🤙🤙🤙 {MUITO ENGRAÇADO KKKKKK}’, was uploaded by MineGreen on 2024-01-04 17:12:25. It has garnered 388 views and 24 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:21 or 201 seconds. #minecraft #animation #curiosities #games #humor #shortsviral #viral #digitalcircus #tadc #brasil #shortsviral #fnaf #shorts The Third Bite In Fnaf The Third Bite In Fnaf The Third Bite In Fnaf The,Third,Bite,In,Fnaf The,Third,Bite,In,Fnaf The,Third,Bite,In,Fnaf The,Third,Bite,In,Fnaf The,Third,Bite,In,Fnaf The,Third,Bite,In,Fnaf (Tags) Ignore Minecraft building tips, Minecraft let’s play, Minecraft redstone tutorials, Minecraft survival guide, Minecraft mod showcases, Minecraft creative mode ideas, Minecraft best seeds, Minecraft PvP strategies,… Read More

  • Insane OP House Trap in Minecraft!

    Insane OP House Trap in Minecraft!Video Information ‏e This video, titled ‘Op house trap in minecraft’, was uploaded by martinjebest_shorts on 2024-03-14 19:12:50. It has garnered 1007 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. Read More

  • Daiter reveals ALL Fisk Superhero Suits!!

    Daiter reveals ALL Fisk Superhero Suits!!Video Information all right guys I promise you I got to pay more attention to the alternative suits in the few Superheroes Mod so let’s start damn we got a lot of Suits today so first of all with Captain America we’ll start with Captain America we have one two three four five Alternatives used for him and one classic one I will be showing you the powers as well because sometimes we’re too focused on the hero packs bro we got to pay more attention to the mod itself too so obviously we have cap these are the stats… Read More

  • Boys🔥vs Girls💐 in Minecraft! Sad 4k status!

    Boys🔥vs Girls💐 in Minecraft! Sad 4k status!Video Information [संगीत] वाक ब This video, titled ‘Girl’s 💐vs Boys🔥🥺 life (sad 4k status) #minecraft #gaming #viral #trending #shorts’, was uploaded by Gaming with Ayush on 2024-05-05 12:13:49. It has garnered 160 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Girl’s 💐vs Boys🔥🥺 life (sad 4k status) #minecraft #gaming #viral #trending #shorts Hastags:- ##minecraft ##minecraftmod ##minecraftmyanmar ##minecraftanimation ##minecraftchallenge ##minecraftbut ##minecraftroleplay ##minecraft100days ##minecraftbuilding ##minecraftsmp ##minecrafthorror ##minecraftmanhunt ##minecrafttutorial ##minecraft_khmer ##minecraft#pvp#shorts•артемчик-мкпе•🇺🇦 ##minecraft#animationvictor ##minecraft#minecraftshorts#gaming#minecraftsurvival#kidsgamerpro2015 ##minecraft#shorstx_cybersamurai_x ##minecraft#minecraftshorts#jump#gaming#running#dramapixelmon ##minecraft#shorts ##minecraft#evulationbencosme ##minecraftanimation ##minecraft#fantasy#storyminecraftthequestforbalancespikygames ##minecraft100days ##minecraft#gamingfrostedpinecone ##minecraftárvoredecogumelolaranja🍄ivbuilds ##minecraftbuilds ##minecraftaphmau ##minecraftand #minecraftandchill #minecraftandroid #minecraftandroblox #minecraftandreallife #minecraftandportal #minecraftandbuilding #minecraftandjj #minecraftandrain #minecraftandroidfreedownload #minecraftandgranny #minecraftanddragon… Read More

  • Unleash Legendary Power: GOD CHEST in Minecraft Pokémon!

    Unleash Legendary Power: GOD CHEST in Minecraft Pokémon!Video Information in this video arus and I have three giant chests to choose from each chest has a different Pokémon inside and after selecting Pokémon for six different rounds arus and now are going to battle to see who is the champion all right arus in round number one I have a green chest a blue chest and a red chest ooh okay so I I figure that most of the colors of Pokemon corresponds to the actual typing so you would think that the green chest has a grass Pokemon the blue chest has a water Pokémon and… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Remix: Zoro x Luck Slowdown with Reverse Drop 🍀

    Insane Minecraft Remix: Zoro x Luck Slowdown with Reverse Drop 🍀Video Information every my know my my is s This video, titled ‘”Minecraft Melodic Bliss: Хcho – Ты и Я | Tik Tok Remix (Slowed To Perfection) with Reverse Drop 🍀🍋”‘, was uploaded by zoro X luck on 2024-01-06 16:43:00. It has garnered 2470 views and 99 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. “Minecraft Melodic Bliss: Хcho – Ты и Я | Tik Tok Remix (Slowed To Perfection) with Reverse Drop 🍀🍋” Description: “Indulge in the serenity of Minecraft’s reverse drop, gracefully synchronized with the melodic tones of Хcho’s ‘Ты и Я’ TikTok Remix, meticulously… Read More

  • The Real SMP – Semi-Vanilla 1.20.4 – Friendly Community – Sustainable Connection – No Claims – Fast Anti-Cheat

    Greetings from The Real SMP! Are you looking for a fun and inclusive Semi-Vanilla server? Join us to experience a brightening server with stable and secure features. Our server is suitable for all gaming needs, runs continuously, and has a strong anti-cheat system to prevent hackers. Features: Player Shops: Create and design your own shop to sell items. Spawn Protection: Dedicated spawn area for players and permissions to build in spawn. Giveaways: Participate in giveaways with friends. Why join us? Come be a part of our vibrant community and enjoy a server that meets all your requirements. Join our Discord… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecon Mayhem

    I guess he must have mined his way to the top! Read More

  • Crafty Creations: Minecraft Crochet Masterpiece!

    Crafty Creations: Minecraft Crochet Masterpiece! In the world of Minecraft, a bee plushie I made, Following pixel art, my skills displayed. Crafting with crochet, step by step I went, Creating a gift for my girlfriend, with love and intent. Four sides completed, the bee took shape, Hours of work, no time to escape. Stitching together, his face so sweet, Stuffing with care, making him complete. Adding the wings, the antennas too, Every detail crafted, each stitch true. Finally done, a labor of love, Will she like it, a gift from above? Next project in mind, what should it be? Leave a comment, share with… Read More

  • Car vs Poopy Playtime: Epic Portal Battle! 😂🔥 #minecraft #meme

    Car vs Poopy Playtime: Epic Portal Battle! 😂🔥 #minecraft #meme Looks like the car is no match for the poopy playtime portal upgrade! Maybe it’s time for a new mode of transportation in Minecraft – a poop-powered rocket ship perhaps? #poopypower Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for a Unique Gaming Experience!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for a Unique Gaming Experience! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and most exciting updates from the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video that showcased the addition of layer editing functionality in JavaScript for Minecraft. While the video itself may not be directly related to Minewind server, it does highlight the endless possibilities and creativity that Minecraft offers. If you’re someone who enjoys pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in Minecraft, then Minewind server is the perfect place for you. With a vibrant community of players who are constantly innovating and creating new experiences, Minewind offers… Read More

  • Crafty Build: Easy Wooden House Tutorial

    Crafty Build: Easy Wooden House Tutorial Building a Wooden Survival House in Minecraft Welcome to a step-by-step guide on how to build a Wooden Survival House in Minecraft! In this tutorial, Cheezzy will show you the process from start to finish, including decorating the interior. Let’s dive into the world of Minecraft building! Starting to Build The video begins with Cheezzy selecting the perfect location for the Wooden Survival House. Using Java Editions (PC) 1.19.4, the building process kicks off with laying down the foundation and constructing the walls. The use of the BSL Shader pack enhances the visual appeal of the house, creating a… Read More

How To Grow A YouTube Channel From 0 Subs In 2023 (Complete Guide)