How To Host A Paper 1.17 Server (How To Add Plugins To Your Minecraft Server)

Video Information

What is going on everybody i’m back again today this time i’m going to be showing you guys how to create a paper server in minecraft so what paper is is it’s a fork of spigot uh if you guys don’t know what spigot is it’s basically like a modded minecraft jar

So we’re gonna that’s how we’re gonna say it’s a modded minecraft jar that allows you to put plugins on your server and it also gives you a couple another file which you can tweak settings and stuff in but paper paper is a fork of that which uh gets

More readily updated it also uh patches like more bugs and fixes stuff quicker uh because it’s more readily updated and uh it’s better for performance and yeah just uh overall anything that really works on spigot should work on paper uh plug-in wise so yeah they’re almost interchangeable

So what we’re gonna do today is we’re going to show you how to create a paper server uh so the first thing that we need to do just like any other minecraft server is let’s just set up our folder where we’re going to put everything right now so

This is going to be our paper server i’m just going to name it that and then the next what we have to do is go and uh source our paper jar so to do that we’d go to the paper mc website um i’ll put a link to this in the

Description go to downloads and on here it says this this is all the builds so the newest one is number 46 for 1.17 we’re still currently in a test build eventually this won’t be a test build anymore but just use with caution and then click download

And yep chrome’s going to do this thing it always does where it says this type of file could harm your computer do you want to keep it anyway uh we’re going to click keep the reason why it says this is because you’re downloading a jar file chrome doesn’t know what’s in that jar

File so it’s basically telling you hey these types of files can be dangerous we don’t know if this one is or not so make sure you’re getting it from a reputable source we know it’s coming from paper mc and we trust paper mc so we’re gonna click keep and that’s our jar file

Perfect so we’re gonna drag that into our paper server here and as you guys see i don’t have java installed on this uh this vm yet okay or this computer so this jar file is not associated with anything so we need to make sure that we have java 16 installed

Now i see so many people on my last minecraft tutorial getting errors uh it’s like a jni error or is telling you that you have an outdated class or something the reason that it’s saying that is because you need to update the java 16 it’s not an lts version so you’re gonna

Have to go and manually download it from the java website or a third party and yeah i’m going to show you how to do that right now so just go to google and we’re going to google up java 16 sdk it should be the first link here on the oracle website it’s

Going to bring you to a webpage that looks like this don’t worry i’ll also link this in the description as well and we want to scroll down until we find the windows x64 installer right here so we’re going to click on that we’re going to check this box because we

Have to check that to download it and then click download and it’s going to give us an exe file and now that that’s finished downloading we’re going to run this exe file we can minimize uh chrome because we don’t need that anymore right now it’s going to ask us if you want to

Allow it to make changes click yes we want because we want to install java and this is going to go through its thing so go through the installation wizard uh we’re just going to leave the defaults and once it’s done we’re going to check our java version via the command prompt

Alright so it says sc development kit 16 was successfully installed uh we don’t need the next steps we’re gonna click close so now just to make sure that that did install correctly we’re gonna come into uh we’re gonna come into our command prompt here and we’re going to type java tac

Version and look at that java version 16. that’s all you need to run minecraft 1.17 you have to have 16 it does not work on eight or nine so yep we’re good there now we get to write our batch file so we’re going to create a new text document

Okay we’re going to call it start now this is huge because this is a text document but it does not have a dot txt at the end of it the reason for that is is because right now by default i’m sure most of your guys’s computers are like this

It’s not going to show file extensions that’s going to screw everything up and we try to change this name to adopt bat so in order to show that dot txt at the end you need to click view options right here uh change folder and search options

And then at the view tab right here at the top click that and scroll down and see where it says hide extensions for known file types and that box is checked we want to make sure we uncheck that and then click apply and okay and now you

Can see that our dot txt appears and when we uh want to rename our file it shows up and we can change that txt to a bat and it it tells me if i change the file name extension the file might become unusable are you sure you want to change it

Yes we are and now we get to edit our batch file and you guys can write in it before or after you change it doesn’t matter just right click edit uh to edit the batch file because if you try to double click and open it it’ll run

So to edit i’ll do that one more time to edit the batch file you right click on it and click edit don’t click open because it’ll try to run it click edit and then you’ll be able to type into it you can also change the dot dot txt to a dot bat

After we do this um so what we’re going to type in here is we’re going to type in java and we’re going to type in our memory arguments so x m s and i’m just going to give it two gigs of ram so 2048 megabytes that’s two gigabytes and we’re gonna do

The same thing uh for the max memory so xmx 2048 m and then we need to tell it the type of file that it’s going to open that’s going to be a jar file because you can see right here that our paper file is called a jar file running this

File on this file so we need to have this file name in here next this is what screws everybody else up is we tell it what type of file and then we have to tell it the file so we need the exact full file name that’s here it has to be exactly what

That is and then we would paste that here and you could see that this right here matches the name of this file the jar file up here exactly and put a space no gui just so the native minecraft gui doesn’t pop up use resources and i always like to put a

Pause some people argue you don’t need to but it just helps you uh read errors so we’re done with that we can save it and we can x out of that and then uh that’s pretty much it click start we’re going to let it run up it’s going to generate some files here

Probably our eula we’ll have to accept that and restart the server and we should be all set so i’m gonna let it do its thing right now and create its uh files okay so yeah it did the thing it created the the end user license agreement so we’re

Just going to click enter and you see how i type my pause right there if if i didn’t type that pause into the end of the batch file right here let me just edit this and show you where that is this pause this window be closed right now and i

Wouldn’t be able to read any of this but because i put the pause here i get to read the errors i get to read all this and then to close the window all i have to do is hit enter well while it’s in focus or any key

And okay we don’t need that anymore so if we come back to here uh we we get to go into our eula.txt we’re going to edit that and we’re going to change right here where it says false to true and we’re going to save that and that’s the last thing we really

Should just be able to start this up now and the software side of this is done i’ll prove it to you guys in a minute i’ll go on a client on a different computer and i’ll join this but uh yeah that’s all you have to do

Except for this step right here you do have to allow it through your firewall so if you guys are on a private or public network make sure you have this selected if you don’t know which one you have just check both of them click allow

So there we go it’s loaded up uh we have our server but yeah that’s the server it’s up now obviously this works like any other minecraft server if you if you port forward it and you give the person the right ip address they’ll be able to join that’s no

Problem port forwarding to this is exactly the same as port forwarding to any other minecraft server now to stop the server type in stop don’t click the x up here because if you click the x up here it’s not going to save your players and your

Worlds and you might end up losing some data so click stop and you’ll see it’s saving our players saving our worlds and it’s done we can click enter to exit out of that window now some cool things that paper gives us in here is we can see that we have something called paper.yma

Yml sorry we also have something called spigot.yml and we also have bucket.yml now what these are are settings each generated by the different fork respectively and they basically let you just change other settings on your server that wouldn’t normally be able to be easily changed via the file

So for instance let’s open up the bucket.yml file and we’re gonna click open with because uh my computer doesn’t know what a yml file is so if you guys have the same issue you click on more apps right here and then notepad and click ok

And here you go it opens it up and you can see these are our settings we can turn off the end uh we can set up a permissions file uh we can set limits for our monsters on what they can spawn this is a chunk garbage collection

So we have some control over that uh auto save control and ticks per spawns control so yeah there’s just different things we can control via the bucket file so if we come down to the spigot file we can see that there’s also a bunch of stuff in here

If you guys want to know what all this stuff does i’d i’d consider i’d recommend at least going and looking at the documentation for each one of these and it explains exactly what each one of these settings does uh because i’m not going to go through every single one of them right now

But you can create startup restart scripts so that when the server crashes it restarts you can actually change the messages for when you’re white when uh you join and get kicked for not being white listed for the server being full for when a command’s not typed for an outdated

Server or client or even when the server restarts you can turn off the advancements completely uh this is really good for like tab completion you can set up what what gets tab completed what commands can be used and stuff and uh yeah there’s just tons of stuff in here that you can do

And the really good one though is when we get down to the paper dot yml file because if you edit this this allows you to change a lot of different things that are going to help you fine tune your server to not lag so basically uh you can set like async

Chunk loading for instance in here uh which basically if you guys don’t know minecraft notoriously has had problems in the past for basically using only one thread to render or not to render to generate all of its chunks and it’s not just one thread but it’s

Most of the work is done in one thread and that that’s that’s been a problem in minecraft for a very long time so paper paper uh created that setting right here which you can change and allow multiple threads to actually generate your chunks which can help drastically with servers with multiple

People generating different areas at the same time watchdog will let you know if your server’s lagging without it actually crashing um spam limiter this book size stuff here because if you guys had people you know doing book exploits you can you can actually patch the book exploit right here

And then timings you can set up your timing settings and do there’s so many settings in here just look world settings i mean you can go through baby zombie movement modifier use vanilla scoreboard name coloring like there’s a million of these random settings in here that it just helps you customize your server

And i’d recommend that anybody that’s using plugins would instead of spigot use paper but it’s just so much stuff you can you can set up and i’m like i said i’m not going to go through all of it now i can go on papers website and you can

Look at their documentation for all that and it’ll explain exactly what each one of those settings does okay so now that you guys have the server basically set up uh you you know how to configure it now the big the next thing that everyone’s asking me is how do i put plug-ins

On the server now you can see here that we have a plugins folder that we don’t normally have in a normal minecraft server in here is where you would drag and drop the jar files for your plugins so we’re going to do that right now we’re going to go and grab luck perms

This is a very common uh permissions plug-in uh maybe i’ll do an overview of permissions in the future as well if you guys want that drop it in the description so luck perms we’re gonna download the jar file it’s sports 1.17 you can see we go to the version history here

That’s the version we’re on that’s the version we got so once that finishes downloading we’re gonna drag it into here and it’s done drag it right into there so now if we launch up our server minimize chrome we should see it load luck perms here for us

There we go luck perms loading right here so there we go that’s that’s as easy that’s all it takes to put a plug-in on a server now after this finishes uh starting i’m going to stop the server and then i’m going to show you guys that each plug-in

Usually comes with its own configuration files not always because some don’t require configurations but we’re going to stop the server now so remember the way we do that is just by typing in stop and hitting enter you don’t want to click the x because you can lose data

Okay so now it’s done we’ll click enter to exit out of there and if we go into the plugins folder where we just dragged luck perms you can see that it created a luck perms folder almost every single plugin will work this way it’ll create a a

Folder for that plugin and inside that folder is going to be all the files that you’re going to need for the plug-in so you can see here we have a config.yml file for luck perms in here is where you can configure everything that comes with all your

Plugins so if you guys got to change settings with any plugins you’d go look at the documentation for in this instance luck perms and it would tell you what all this stuff does and you can go through and change it all and configure the server exactly how you want

And that’s all it takes and uh just to prove it i’m gonna join uh the server so let me start it up now this is gonna be a big question that you guys all have too is how do i join the server there’s three ways if you’re on the same pc that you’re

Hosting the server from like joining to the same computer all you have to do is type a zero if you haven’t changed the default ports or anything just type zero if you change the port you need to append the port on the end you’ll know what that means

If you haven’t changed the port just type zero and that should take you into your own server hosted on the same computer now that’s not gonna work in my case because this is actually a separate computer uh to where i’m gonna be joining from so in order to to do that

Basically if you guys had the server hosted let’s say on like a laptop in the other room and you wanted to play from your desktop in your bedroom or something now you’re going to be on the same local network no port forwarding is going to be required for that but you’re going to

Need to know the i p address of the server computer so to do that you need to open up a command prompt so just search cmd hit enter it’ll open up a command prompt and you need to type the command ip config that’s going to print out your ipv4 address mine’s

Okay so that’s the i p address of the server now we’re gonna hop onto our other computer launch up minecraft and use that to join all right we’re here we got minecraft 1.17 loaded up you can see it’s a clean vanilla client on 1.17 latest release we’re going to multiplayer uh i don’t

Got to worry about that okay so we’re going to join now remember uh if you’re on the same pc type zero it’s not going to work in my case because i’m on a different pc but if you are on the same pc do that it’ll work now if you change the

Port to anything other than 25565 you need to append the port the way you would do that is like this you put a colon and then the port number 25565 is default let’s say you had two servers running and you won the second one to be on six six that’s

How you’d have to join even if it’s on the same computer because default gonna go to two five five six five but that’s not gonna work for me because i’m not using the zero in any type of ip address you still have to append the port though if you change it

So in my case mine’s gonna be remember because that was the ipv4 address from the command prompt that we found on the server computer so we’re gonna click join server it should log in and should put us right on our paper server look at that and we’re on paper so let’s push

And you can see right up here in the top left paper server on minecraft vanilla 1.17 So yeah now remember if you guys want to if you guys want to get people to join your server you need to port forward now in order to port forward you’re going to have to get into your router’s admin panel and you’re going to have to

Set up some settings and i have an entire video explaining how to do that i’m not going to do that right now because it’s redundant it’s the same for every type of minecraft server if you guys are having trouble with that please watch my other guides on it i’ll

Have them linked in the description as well as some cards on the screen right now so that you guys can click that but other than that that’s how to make a paper server guys as you can see i’m on it right now and uh yeah we got plugins and let’s

Just up ourselves real quick and make sure that we have access to those luck perms plugins so if we go back to the server computer remember how you’d opt yourself on your own minecraft server you type op and then your username so mine’s op voice dev made voice dev server operator

So let’s go back down to the minecraft uh client okay so now that we’re in the minecraft client you can see that i’m an operator and if i do slash luck perms look look at all the luck all the commands are here so yeah running luck perms version 5.3.47

So obviously it works you have plug-ins on your server and that’s how to do it so if you guys enjoyed this video at any point or if it helped you guys in any way be sure to leave a like down below uh and comment and subscribe for future tutorials if

You guys have any suggestions on what you want to see next be sure to also leave that in the comment section below and i’ll see you guys in the next tutorial You

This video, titled ‘How To Host A Paper 1.17 Server (How To Add Plugins To Your Minecraft Server)’, was uploaded by Voizdev on 2021-06-28 20:54:25. It has garnered 26125 views and 671 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:11 or 1271 seconds.

How to setup a Paper Server. In this video I am going to teach you how to make your very own minecraft server using papermc which is going to give you support for plugins on 1.17. This is very easy and free to do. If you have questions feel free to leave a comment down below. I will do my best to read every single one.

If you want to purchase a server from PebbleHost please consider using my affiliate link:

► Join The Quarantine: ◄ ► Subreddit:

■ PaperMC Download Page:

■ 64-bit Java 16 Download:

■ Notepad++ Download Page:

**TO JOIN ON THE SAME PC** In the address field type “0” or “localhost”

**TO JOIN A DIFFERENT PC ON SAME WIFI** On the server pc open a cmd prompt and type “ipconfig”. Look for your ipv4 address and that is what you would type into the address bar.

**TO PLAY WITH YOUR FRIENDS** You need to give anyone outside your network your public IP address to join. To do this google “what is my ipv4 address” figure it out and give that to your friend. Now have your friend use that with to join. It should be in dotted decimal notation like such and you must port forward. Video tutorial below. If you have changed the default port from 25565 to anything else you mush append the port on the end of the ip address like such

► How To Find Your Server Address:

Put this text in the batch file (replace paper.jar with your paper.jar filename) java -Xmx2048M -Xms2048M -jar paper.jar nogui pause

You can edit the -Xmx and -Xms values to adjust your allocated ram. -Xmx is your maximum memory in megabytes and -Xms is your initial memory in megabytes. This is not needed.

⬇ ⬇ ⬇ More Tutorials ⬇ ⬇ ⬇

■ How To Host A 1.17 Server: ■ How To Port Forward: ■ How To Update A Minecraft Server: ■ How To Host A Snapshot Server: ■ How To Configure ■ OP Yourself And Use Commands: ■ How To Connect To Your Own Server: ■ Get A Domain Name For Your Server: ■ How To Fix The Console Closing: ■ How To Show File Extensions: ■ How To Format/Color The Server MOTD: ■ How Get A Texture Pack: ■ How To Put Plugins On A Server (Spigot): ■ How To Put A Texture Pack On Your Server:


Music Credits:

Foria – Break Away ► [Foria]

Clarx – H.A.Y ► [Clarx]

Kozah – Hyperdrive ► [Kozah]

Ascence – About You ► [Ascence]

floatinurboat – Spirit of Things ► [Floatinurboat]… •

Marin Hoxha – Endless ► [Marin Hoxa]


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    Unbelievable Piano Creations in Minecraft by John HallVideo Information This video, titled ‘Realistic Piano | Creative Minecraft Build Ideas’, was uploaded by John Hall on 2024-01-13 16:00:27. It has garnered 2722 views and 83 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:43 or 43 seconds. 🌟 Dive into a whirlwind of creativity with our Minecraft Shorts! 🌈 witness the magic of building, exploring, and conquering challenges in the pixelated world of Minecraft. 🏰 Whether you’re a seasoned crafter or a newbie in the game, these shorts are packed with excitement, inspiration, and a touch of humor. 🔨 Watch as we construct jaw-dropping structures, navigate treacherous landscapes, and… Read More

  • Unlock the CRAZIEST new Minecraft weapon now!! 😱

    Unlock the CRAZIEST new Minecraft weapon now!! 😱Video Information Espera espera Espera espera Pero cómo Que Minecraft ha trabajado que Minecraft ha metido algo nuevo al juego me cago en la oficialmente Hoy es Día Nacional de celebración de Minecraft moan que ha trabajado ha hecho algo con su vida Y es que lo que ha hecho es meter un nuevo arma que la verdad que bueno es un poco a ver alegrarnos tanto por meter un nuevo arma es un poco rar uno pero bueno es que si nos vamos a la última snapshot de Minecraft y creamos un nuevo mundo con las actualizaciones de la… Read More


    SECRET MINECRAFT SMP ACCEPTANCE?!? 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘My Minecraft Application The Best Smp [Warriors Smp]’, was uploaded by Glich527 on 2024-02-26 15:03:30. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. THIS IS MY APPLICATION TO THE WARRIORS SMP I WISH I GET ACCEPTED ignore Survival Mode, Creative Mode Builds, … Read More


    CRAZY AMD CRAFTY MINECRAFT BLOCK! #21Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT ONE BLOCK EPISODE # 21’, was uploaded by AMD CRAFTY on 2024-02-07 00:07:03. It has garnered 41 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:17 or 557 seconds. MINECRAFT MINECRAFT ONE BLOCK MINECRAFT SKY BLOCK FISH AFK FARM #minecraft #minecraftshorts #youtubeshorts #minecraftbuilding #gaming #minecrafthouse #minecraftfarm #minecraftoneblock #minecraftmemes #minecrafthousetutorial #gamingvideos #gamingshorts #gamingcommunity #gamingchannel #gaminglife #gamingvideo #gameplay #games #gamer #game #gamers #gameshorts #viralgames #viralgaming #viral #vuralvideo #reels #reel #viralshorts #viralreels #minecrafthungergames #minecraftsurvivalisland #minecraftmods #games #live #gaming #amongus #gameplay #gametv #youtubegamer #livegaming #gamereview #gamecommentary #livestream #youtubegaming #gamer #ps #twitch #gamingcommunity #youtubegamingchannel #xbox #playstation #playfortnite… Read More

  • 5-Star Minecraft Map HACKS!!

    5-Star Minecraft Map HACKS!!Video Information Minecraft maps are getting kind of insane and nobody’s talking about it how do we go from this to this oh yeah in this video I’ll be testing five-star Maps throughout Minecraft history ah 2011 the world’s population just reached 7 billion people and Minecraft Beta 1.7 just added Pistons to the game this was one of the first Maps making use of them in a very creative way and I think we all know what to expect on the other side of this Temple door the question is is will I pass the test oh um hello… Read More

  • Ultimate Showdown: Skeleton vs Peppa Pig! Minecraft’s Safest House!

    Ultimate Showdown: Skeleton vs Peppa Pig! Minecraft's Safest House!Video Information darling you have to see this look what’s here hey where are you and here you finally found you look what a castle let’s go to it let’s see what’s their interesting beat you and I found after all never been in such a thing and to be honest I’ve never seen anything like it before it just can’t be why are there locks here there shouldn’t be any let’s go in then who the hell are you people get the hell out of here right now do you realize what I’m doing right now do you want… Read More

  • ZuberCraft

    ZuberCraftCome join one of our 3 worlds with your friends! We have a survival, creative, and skyblock world that you can play on. Our goal is to build a fun energetic community! Occasionally we will play minigames as well and do server wide events. Join our discord to get in on all the action and join our community! Read More

  • Manic Factions Modded

    Manic Welcome to Manic! Manic is a Faction server running on Fabric 1.20.1, featuring a thrilling modpack filled with intense magic and challenges. Immerse yourself in a realm where faction warfare reigns supreme, alliances are forged and broken, and battles rage on amidst a backdrop of mystical wonders. Join our active community of 150+ members and be part of the excitement! Featured on Manic Spell Engine with custom magic classes (and more coming soon) Origins Better Combat Create Ad Astra Bewitchment Tons of world generation mods Instanced Dungeons Countless small mods that are new to CurseForge, refreshing gameplay Immersive Aircrafts… Read More

  • Asteria (A Dungeons And Dragons Roleplay

    ASTERIA ( A Dungeons And Dragons Pvp Survival) KEEP IN MIND I AM NO WHERE NEAR FINISHED BUT IT HAS ENOUGHCONTENT TO HAVE FUN IN I HAVE THE SERVER OPEN TO FIND DEDICATED BUILDERS TO HELP FINISH THE PROJECT HOWEVER IM GONNA FINISH THIS MYSELF. The Pillagers Have Opened A Portal to the 9 Hells Releasing Dungeon Cores all over the world.At First Everything Seemed OKThen More Mobs Started showing up at night.Then the Sun Set for the Last TimeTrapping the world In the Infinite Darkness.This Server is a Hardcore ,Pvp,Survival/ Dungeons And Dragons Roleplay.Each Player Has 5 Lives And… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Absoutely Nothing Happened Here, Keep Scrolling

    Looks like this meme is so uneventful, even the score is yawning. Read More

  • Scream Supreme: Minecraft Dream

    Scream Supreme: Minecraft Dream In the world of Minecraft, we take flight, Crafting news with rhymes that shine bright. Updates and skins, all in a spin, With beats and art, we always win. Our favorite reporter, always in rhyme, Spinning tales of Minecraft, every time. Engaging the crowd with playful delight, In the world of gaming, we take flight. So leap into the verse, no need for a start, Let the truth take wing, from your heart. With every line, let the story sing, In the world of Minecraft, let your rhymes bring. Read More

  • Nether Portal to Riches! #hotmeme

    Nether Portal to Riches! #hotmeme When you thought you were just mining for diamonds but ended up stumbling upon the ultimate secret cash cow in Minecraft! Who needs a job when you have a nether portal full of riches? #minecraftmillionaire Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Ice Farm Guide – 32k/HR!

    Ultimate Minecraft Ice Farm Guide - 32k/HR! Minecraft Ice Farm Tutorial: Produce 32,000 Ice Per Hour! Introduction In the vast world of Minecraft, efficiency is key, and what better way to showcase this than with an incredible ice farm that can churn out a whopping 32,000 ice blocks per hour! This tutorial will guide you through the process of creating the fastest and most efficient ice farm that is fully automatic, expandable, and server-friendly. Farm Details If you’re looking to stockpile ice at an unprecedented rate, this farm is your go-to solution. With the ability to produce over 32,000 ice blocks per hour, this fully automatic… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Ultimate Online Gaming Experience

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Ultimate Online Gaming Experience Welcome to! Are you a fan of Minecraft shorts like the one you just watched? If so, you’ll love the excitement and unpredictability of Minewind Minecraft Server. With a community of dedicated players and a wide range of gameplay options, Minewind is the perfect place to unleash your creativity and explore new adventures. Join us at Minewind today and experience the thrill of survival in a world where anything can happen. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, there’s something for everyone on Minewind. Connect with fellow gamers, embark on epic quests, and build your own… Read More

  • Nether’s Strange Discovery

    Nether's Strange Discovery Minecraft Adventures: Exploring the Nether and Building a Starter Base Introduction In the latest Minecraft Let’s Play 1.20.4, our intrepid player embarks on a journey to drain an ocean monument, explores the Nether for a suitable base location, and stumbles upon something mysterious. Let’s delve into the exciting world of Minecraft! Season of Magic The player’s survival world is themed around magic, with rules in place to ensure a balanced gameplay experience. Fast travel buttons are introduced, but with restrictions to prevent abuse. The player must have a bed or spawn point at the target location and cannot use… Read More

  • “Insane MMA Gamers’ EPIC Minecraft House” #MinecraftMadness

    "Insane MMA Gamers' EPIC Minecraft House" #MinecraftMadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘starter house in Minecraft#minecraft #gameplay #gaming’, was uploaded by MMA gamers on 2024-04-23 12:49:23. It has garnered 7003 views and 210 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:57 or 57 seconds. In this video i have an starter house in Minecraft which can be made in both FABRIC and bedrock version of Minecraft. Block swapper in Minecraft Magic furnace in Minecraft Dog house in Minecraft Nether portal in Minecraft Minecraft gaming Minecraft survival Minecraft building Minecraft iron farm Minecraft tutorial how to play Minecraft shadder in Minecraft realistic Minecraft Dive into Minecraft, the iconic… Read More

  • World of Leaves: Minecraft Short

    World of Leaves: Minecraft ShortVideo Information माफ्ट बट वर्ल्ड इज ट्री लीव्स ओके ये अच्छी बात है कि हमें विलेज में स्पॉन किया गया है और नले अंदर जा भाई कर के नीचे गिर जाएगा वॉइड में चलो एटलीस्ट ये फार्म के यहां का ब्लॉक तो नहीं गिरेगा और भाई ये विलेजर को डर क्यों नहीं लग रहा है साले लिटरली सारे बाहर घूम रहे हैं बाय द वे हमारा गोल होने वाला है सिर्फ एक डायमंड को फाइंड करना एंड लेट्स सी इस चेस्ट में इतने सारे एमरल्ड है भाई पहली बार देख रहा हूं एक चेस्ट में इतने सारे एमरल्ड वैसे इस… Read More

  • Unlocking Funtime in Minecraft?! 😱 #shorts #shizo

    Unlocking Funtime in Minecraft?! 😱 #shorts #shizoVideo Information This video, titled ‘ОТКРЫЛ СВОЮ КОПИЮ FUNTIME #shorts #minecraft #funtime’, was uploaded by dpanukK on 2024-04-14 23:25:29. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. holyworld #minecraft #minecraftstream Hello) You are on the Lamp Cozy stream dpanukK. Please subscribe and… Read More

  • Insane Adventure: Vexus Storms the Fortress – Ep. 27

    Insane Adventure: Vexus Storms the Fortress - Ep. 27Video Information This video, titled ‘New Adventures #27 into the fortress of life’, was uploaded by Vexus on 2024-01-12 22:45:05. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. mods used all of them were found on curseforge and are not mine Medieval Craft (Structures) – Mods – Minecraft – CurseForge … Read More

  • “INSANE Minecraft Gameplay!! Subscribe for EPIC content!” #minecraft #shorts #gaming

    "INSANE Minecraft Gameplay!! Subscribe for EPIC content!" #minecraft #shorts #gamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘subscribe for more…#minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts #short Jai Hanuman Ji and Ram ji’, was uploaded by SPEXO GAMER on 2024-03-28 18:03:53. It has garnered 10930 views and 310 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:58 or 58 seconds. #videogames #games #gamer #toptags #gaming #Shorts #Short #instagaming #instagamer #playinggames #online #photooftheday #onlinegaming #videogameaddict #instagame #instagood #gamestagram #gamerguy #gamergirl #gamin #video #game #igaddict #winning #play #playing#rgb #gamerlife #videogame #esports #pcgamers #pcgames #computer #nvidia #gamingsetups #steam #gamingmemes #rtx #setup #twitchaffiliate #pcmr #twitchtv #streaming #instagamer #pubg #follow #amd #gameplay #gamingroom #cod #tech #pcgamingsetup #nintendo #custompc #r #intel#insta #bollywood #fishing… Read More

  • KidKinobi goes wild on Minecraft Realm!🔥

    KidKinobi goes wild on Minecraft Realm!🔥Video Information oh Jesus Christ oh wow all right um Minecraft realm stream it’s been a ooh what’s it been like two weeks maybe yeah I don’t know I been ah Jesus the undead H okay perfect um so it’s been about like 2 weeks since we’ve done this it’s been a while it’s been a it’s been a while so it’s too long old man I know boohoohoo I know listen listen I am the most tired I think I’ve ever been like you know when your body is like oh the the gravity is like 1.5% stronger than… Read More

  • EPIC Afternoon Stream in MultiVerse SMP – MUST WATCH!!

    EPIC Afternoon Stream in MultiVerse SMP - MUST WATCH!!Video Information प्रस ऑटोमेटिक वाले बनाए क्या ल भाई आ गया उनके डीसी में बैठे ल भाई हा व कुछ कर रहा है ना क्या [संगीत] हुआ कहां है पन लोग ओके कोई ना चलो यही प हो गया ना चालू सर्वर य हो [संगीत] गया हेलो क्या क्या क्या कैसे कैसे नेम होते हैं सब्जी लाइट न नाम सब तुमरा नाम क्या नाम होता है क्या है हत भाई हलवा क्या बोल र बन अ [संगीत] उस भा का क्या हलवा करेगा तू आज आ गया लाइव आ गया ल भा क्या अरे व अलग फम बना रहे हमने… Read More

  • EPIC Build! Watch Menji_x Build Log Cabin in Minecraft!

    EPIC Build! Watch Menji_x Build Log Cabin in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Clearing out land and building foundation | Building a Log Cabin | Minecraft’, was uploaded by Menji_x on 2024-01-13 15:00:10. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Like the video if you enjoyed watching Minecraft! Follow my stuff: Twitch: Twitter: … Read More

  • Epic Villager Dance Goes Viral! #shorts #minecraft

    Epic Villager Dance Goes Viral! #shorts #minecraftVideo Information sleep back that’s what I sleep [Music] back This video, titled ‘villeger dance #shorts #trending #viral #gaming #minecraft’, was uploaded by MASTER FAST on 2024-01-07 10:47:52. It has garnered 5 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. villeger dance #shorts #trending #viral #gaming #minecraft minecraft villager dance villager dance minecraft minecraft villager villager minecraft minecraft dance dance minecraft minecraft animation villager dance minecraft villagers minecraft villager prank dance battle minecraft minecraft dance battle minecraft dance off minecraft villager meme minecraft villager song just dance minecraft minecraft dance till your dead minecraft dance… Read More

  • Delta Net

    Delta NetDelta Net. A new and modern Minecraft Server. We can not display the description fully so please visit this link to view the description: Read More

How To Host A Paper 1.17 Server (How To Add Plugins To Your Minecraft Server)