Hello everybody and today i’m going to be showing you how to install more world types so i already have it downloaded i already have my hot loader here and more world those are the two you’re going to need and i just reinstalled i just installed a new minecraft so i could show you Um whoops i forgot to delete all the files so i’ll just force update uh sorry about my internet connection it’s horrible right now i don’t understand why oh here we go it’s going up okay okay now once that’s done force updating um you want to go here and click present app data And then go to your roaming file did you dot minecraft um i already have these so i’ll delete them so i could show you okay and once you’ve done that you wanna open up mod loader with winrar and you want to go to your bin go to minecraft open this up with winrar Okay now we can exit out of that and what we want to do we want to copy all the model loader files over here and then this is just very important if you want to delete medium it’ll just take you to a black screen if you do not delete that okay so Do that then i open this up with the winrar and that’s the more world types okay we open this up and take this drag it over here and the mod should be installed um i forgot to put my minecraft on my desktop do that later okay um i’ll just delete that and What should happen is you’ll see a bunch of these and um skylines is basically the ground in the sky above the clouds caves is basically a giant k-4 world if you try to dig upwards and through the through the um cobblestone up you eventually come across the stuff you can’t break through when Ocean is basically a giant ocean you usually spawn on a island mushroom is a giant mushroom biome nothing but that melon topia is a world made out of watermelons which is very funny my opinion forest is nothing but a forest desert basically all of these up to super flat are everything but that The super flat is basically um a default world and super flat mixed together so it’s like instead of just digging like two blocks down and coming across the stuff you can’t break through you have it’s like a normal world where you could dig down very far But it’s flat on the top you’ll come across holes in the ground other than that it’s flat and you’ll have trees um i usually play on this when i’m using super more worlds wasteland is interesting it’s nothing but dirt or the top of the world is nothing but dirt There’s still cobblestone and everything else but the top and thirds and there’s no grass no snow and it’s weird random i think you know what that is guava ocean basically replaces oceans rivers and some of the ponds with lava instead of having water and that’s it i hope you enjoyed and Have a nice day Video Information
This video, titled ‘how to install more world types:minecraft’, was uploaded by bryce smith on 2012-05-29 00:49:06. It has garnered 49 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:34 or 394 seconds.
link to more world types: http://www.minecraftdl.com/more-world-types-mod/ link to modloader:http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/86765-125-sdks-mods-v1-apr-4-modloadermp-only/