How fast can you prestige in treasure wars i don’t know let’s find out to answer this question we first need to find out how much xp it takes to get to level 100 because you can only prestige once you’re there so it’s time to go to the high forum Okay that’s way too confusing for me wait a second it’s right there 556 100 it is next we need to figure out how fast we can gain that xp and there are two real methods the first play through every game as fast as possible and play through heaps of Different games the seconds destroy every treasure and kill every player thus hopefully getting more xp just a reminder that this is purely hypothetical if you can find me someone who wins every single treasure wars game perfectly i will actually mail them a million dollars now for the question of the day How do we figure out which method is faster do we a eat melons b take a holiday to paris see do math what gamer does the mathematics what bear with me this will be over soon the any percent leaderboard shows the first place speedrun getting two treasures and Two finals in one minute thirteen the perfect percent world record is in two minutes 17 and has all seven finals and all seven bases what going on for the hives counter this is the total amount of xp earned for each run the perfect percent run being Higher but at a slower pace hive plus gives us an extra 50 xp boost and other xp boosts give you 50 on top of that then there’s a 10 boost when you have a 10-day login streak i have a one-day login streak but we’re going to talk About that equals up to 110 more xp tasty if we were to replay both runs for an hour straight this is the total amount of games played and xp earned for both of them perfect for sense is the run with the higher xp in an hour and is The best strategy sorry about that math section over um just kidding whoa now that the best strategy has been found all we need to do is take that xp in an hour and multiply by as many times as we need to reach the amount of xp needed for level 100 556 100 that’s the number from the start of the video whoa a recall remember remember wow we can reverse the equation and do it in division and the end result is this it takes 24 hours to prestige in treasure wars there you go the fastest prestige possible and yep i Just tricked you into watching an educational video sucker You Video Information
This video, titled ‘How to PRESTIGE on The Hive… FAST!’, was uploaded by Yarraboy on 2022-01-30 22:30:01. It has garnered 32825 views and 1314 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:05 or 185 seconds.
today, i found out the fastest way to prestige in treasure wars. spoiler: it’s pretty crazy. i didn’t know you could prestige that quickly…
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