How To Turn Your Minecraft: Java Edition Singleplayer World Into A 24/7 Multiplayer Server

Video Information

How to turn your minecraft java edition single player world into a 24 7 multiplayer server the first thing you need to do is open up your minecraft launcher and left click on single player once you’ve done that guys you’ll be in the world selection screen where you’ll

Be able to see a list of all your single player worlds as you can see guys i only have one single player world and it’s called web splaining this will be the single player world that i’m going to be turning into a multiplayer server select the single player world that you would

Like to turn into a multiplayer server by simply left clicking on it once you’ve done that guys left click on play selected world you’ll now be taken into your single player world as you can see guys we’re inside my single player world now and you can see my house right in

Front of us i strongly recommend that you go into your single player world and deposit all your inventory items and all the items you are currently wearing into a chest so i’m just going to go into my house now guys and i’m going to deposit all these items into this chest here so

I’m just going to put all my inventory items into the chest and i’m currently wearing no items so therefore i have nothing to deposit great so now i’m just going to go outside of my house guys i’m going to press escape on my keyboard and

I’m going to left click on save and quit to title this will save the changes you’ve just made to your world next guys left click again on single player to be taken back to the world select screen left click again on the world that you would like to turn into a multiplayer

Server and this time left click on edit once you’ve done that guys left click on open world folder a new window will open taking you into your minecraft world files we need to make a copy of these files to use them to make our multiplayer server before we make a copy

Of these files we’re going to have to close out of our minecraft launcher so i’m just going to open back up my minecraft launcher here i’m going to left click on cancel i’m going to left click on cancel again and i’m going to left click on quick game once you’ve

Done that guys the minecraft launcher will close now we can make a copy of our single player world files as you can see guys we are in the web splaining folder which is the name of my single player world you’ll also be in the folder for the world that you’re going to be

Turning into a multiplayer server to make a copy of your minecraft single player world files simply left click and highlight all the files in the folder once you’ve done that guys right click on any of the selected files and left click on copy and you’ll copy to clipboard or your minecraft single

Player world files now you can close out of your minecraft single player world folder by pressing the x at the top right hand corner here once you’ve done that guys you’ll be on your desktop the next thing we need to do is make a new folder so i’m just going to right click

Anywhere on my desktop here and i’m going to hover over new and then i’m going to left click on folder and as you can see guys we have created a new folder this folder is going to house all our minecraft single-player world files for the single-player world in my case

Called web splaining we’re going to need to give this new folder a very specific name the name we’re going to call it is world once you’ve named your new folder world hit enter again guys this new folder must be called world once you’ve created and named your new folder world

Double click on it to be taken into that folder once you’re inside your world folder simply right click anywhere inside the folder and left click on paste to paste in your minecraft single player world files that we copied to clipboard earlier great guys once you’ve done that you can close out of this

Folder alright so we’ve got our world folder here containing all our single player world files the next thing we need to do is get ourselves a server to upload these world files onto to do this open up your browser and navigate to the following url address this url address

Is my referral link for the server hosting provider called lenode this referral link will give you 100 free lenode cloud credit for you to test out the node servers free for 60 days i’ll put my referral link in the video description below so you can easily

Click on it once you’ve clicked on my referral link guys you’ll be taken to the following lenode webpage as you can see guys the web page says see if lenode works for you with 100 in credit to get this free credit guys you’ll need to sign up to lenode you have three methods

That you can sign up with you can sign up with google your github account or email most likely guys you’re going to be signing up with email so simply left click on email next you’ll need to create your lenode account where you’ll need to enter your email address pick a

Username and pick a password once you’ve done that guys left click on continue and then you’ll be taken to the billing stage where you’ll need to add your billing details and then finally you’ll be taken to the third and final stage once you’ve done that guys you’ll most

Likely receive an email from lenode to confirm the creation of your account so make sure you open up that email from lenode and activate your lenode account once you’ve done that guys sign into your lenode account now i already have a lenode account so i’m not going to be

Creating another one so i’m just simply going to scroll all the way down here and as you can see the node says already have an account which i do log in so i’m just going to left click on login here and as you can see it says login with

Lenode so i’m just going to enter my lenode username and my password so i’m just going to do that now guys once you’ve activated your lenode account and signed into it you’ll be credited 100 free credits to test out the node servers free for 60 days if of

Course you signed up to lenode using my referral link all right guys once you’ve signed in you’ll be on your leno dashboard once you’re here you’ll need to create a lynode server as you can see i already have a couple of servers running on the node already to create a

New lanod server navigate to the top left hand corner and left click on the next at the top left hand corner here you should see a button in blue called create simply left click on it once you’ve done that guys you should be able to see a list of services from lenode

The option that we want guys is lenode lenods are high performance ssd linux servers so all i’m going to do now guys is left click on lenode great we’ll now be taken to the lenode server creation page the first thing we’ll need to do is choose a distribution so make sure

You’re in the distributions tab here by left clicking on distributions underneath you’ll have the ability to choose a distribution so as you can see under the word images left click on this arrow here and look for ubuntu as you can see guys ubuntu is right here there’s lots of different versions of

Ubuntu the version that we’re going to be going for guys is the latest ubuntu version which at the time of recording of this video is 21.10 whenever you watch this video there might be a new version of ubuntu so you can select that latest version if you

Want again the latest version of ubuntu offered by lenode at the time of recording of this video is ubuntu 21.10 so i’m just going to left click on it to select it next is the region or location of your server select the arrow here under region to be greeted with a

Drop-down list of all the server regions offered by lenode so as you can see guys there’s quite a few different regions here i’m based in europe so i’m going to be going with the european server for you you might be based in north america or the asia pacific region so as you can

See there’s two european servers offered by lenode london uk and frankfurt germany the server closest to me guys is going to be london so i’m just going to left click on london uk here to select it next is the node plan so i’m just going to scroll down a bit here just so

We can see everything a bit better for the node plan guys left click on shared cpu as this is one of the cheapest node plans that you can create so as you can see lenode gives you a brief description of what a shared cpu is shared cpu instances are good for medium duty

Workloads and are a good mix of performance resources and price so as you can see guys the cheapest nanoed one gigabyte which is five dollars a month or zero point zero zero seven five dollars an hour you get one gigabyte of ram one cpu core and 25 gigabytes of storage which should be

Enough to host you and a couple of friends on your minecraft multiplayer server if your world is quite large and you’re going to be hosting multiple friends then it’s better to go with the lenode 2 gigabyte plan which is 10 a month and will give you two gigabytes of

Ram one cpu and 50 gigabytes of storage you can always start with a nano plan for five dollars and upgrade later if you need a bigger server so don’t worry guys i’ll also most likely make a video on how you can upgrade your node server

To a new plan i’ll put that link to the video in this video description below and as a card at the top right hand corner great for this video guys as it’s a video demonstration i’m going to be going with the five dollars a month server so i’m simply going to left click

On the circle here to select the five dollar nanoed one gigabyte lenode plan great continue scrolling down until you see a node label for your node label guys it’s basically the name of your node server you can call this whatever you want just as long as you recognize

It and know what it is so i’m just going to left click on this box and delete what’s currently there and i’m going to call it mc short for minecraft server all together make sure you have no special characters and no spaces in the node label name i’m not going to be

Adding any tags and the next thing is root password this is the password that we’re going to be using to connect to our server to upload our single player world files and configure our multiplayer server for this root password guys make sure it’s memorable and also make sure it’s different to the

Password that you signed up to lenode with the root password is completely separate to that and is specific to this minecraft multiplayer server so i’m just going to make a password and enter it into this text box here great once you’ve chosen a root password scroll down we’re not going to be adding

Any ssh keys and we’re not going to be attaching a vlan continue scrolling down until you see add-ons again for add-ons guys we’re not going to be checking any of these options as we just want a basic five dollar a month server to host our minecraft multiplayer server on to the

Right hand side of the web page you’ll be able to see the load summary of the configurations you have just made to your server so as you can see the distribution is going to be ubuntu the location of my server is going to be the uk london the server that we’re going

With is nanoed one gigabyte the node label is mcserver and the cost is five dollars a month once you’re happy with the node summary guys simply left click on create lenode once you’ve clicked on create lenode guys you’ll be taken to your server dashboard where as you can

See at the top left hand corner here our node server called mcserver is provisioning lenode is basically creating our server with all the configurations and booting it up for us i’ll be back with you guys once our node server is running all right guys i’m back and as you can see status has

Changed from provisioning to running now once your server is running navigate to the top left hand corner and left click on lenods you’ll now be able to see a list of all your lenod servers as you can see guys our newest server with a label of mcserver is now running we can

See our plan the ip address of our server the region and the backup status to connect to the linux server that we just created guys we’re going to need our server’s ip address underneath ip address here you’ll be able to see the ip address of your lenode server in my case it’s 109.74.198.

Copy this ip address by simply left clicking on the clipboard icon here great once you’ve got the ip address of your node server copied we will need to upload our single player world files onto our lenode server to do this we’re going to be using a client called winscp

Which allows us to transfer files from our computer via the sftp protocol to our server if you don’t have winscp already installed on your computer i’ll put a link to a video of mine in the video description below titled how to download uninstall winscp or how to

Transfer files using sftp in winscp so i’m just going to minimize my browser now guys to be taken back to my desktop i’m going to locate the winscp shortcut as you can see guys for me it’s right here i’m just going to double click on

It to open it just to note if you’re on a mac or linux operating system you will need to download another sftp client as winscp is for windows operating systems only once you’ve opened up winscp you’ll be greeted with a login window for your session underneath session you’ll see

File protocol as you can see it’s currently set to sftp if the file protocol is not set as sftp left click on the arrow and select sftp next is hostname the hostname of your server is the ip address of our lenode server which we copied earlier so all i’m going

To do now guys is left click in this text box here right click and left click on paste to paste in the ip address of our low note server for the port number guys leave it as 22. underneath is username for the username guys enter the

Word root this username will be the same for your server also for the password guys this is the root password that you created for your lenode server so i’m just going to enter my root password in now guys once you’ve entered in your root password simply left click on login once

You’ve clicked on login guys you’ll receive this warning message from winscp when you first connect to your lenode server which says continue connecting to an unknown server and add its host key to a cache now of course guys this is not an unknown server that you’re trying

To connect to as you’re trying to connect to your lynode server that you created so to continue connecting to your server simply left click on yes once you’ve done that guys you’ll be connected to your lynode server via the sftp protocol on the left hand side here

Guys you can see all the files on your computer in the location that you’re in so as you can see the location that i’m in is on my desktop on the right hand side here is all the files and folders on your lenode server as you can see

Guys we’re in the root directory and of course it’s blank as we’ve not added any files yet on the left hand side guys if you’re not currently on your desktop navigate to the very top here and look for the folder with the two dots and double click on it once you’ve done that

Guys look for where it says desktop and double click on desktop once you’re here guys look for the world folder which has all your minecraft single single-player world files as you can see guys the world folder is right here on my desktop if you save the world folder to another

Destination guys make sure you navigate to it once you’ve found your world folder guys we’re going to need to upload this world folder onto our lynode server to do this simply left click on it to select it left click again and hold and drag it into your lenode server

On the right hand side here once you’ve done that guys let go and the world folder will begin uploading from your pc onto your lynode server as you can see guys at the very bottom you can see the files from the world folder that are being transferred to your lenote server

Once the transfer has completed guys if you look to the right hand side you’ll now have a copy of your world folder once you’ve uploaded a copy of your world folder containing your minecraft single-player world files onto your lenode server we can close out of the

Win scp client as we no longer need it so all i’m going to do now guys is navigate to the top right hand corner and left click on the x and then i’m going to left click on yes to terminate the session once you’ve done that guys

You’ll be back on your pc’s desktop the next thing we need to do is to connect to our server using an ssh client the client that i’m going to be using is called putty if you don’t have putty yet i’ll put a link in the video description

Below and a card at the top right hand corner of this video titled how to install putty on windows if you’re on another operating system guys you’ll need to find an alternative ssh client like putty for that operating system again guys for this video i’m going to

Be using the ssh client called putty so i’m just going to double click on the putty shortcut here on my desktop and as you can see guys the putty configuration window opens on the right hand side here you should see basic options for your putty session specify the destination

You want to connect to and underneath it says host name or ip address in here guys we’re going to need to paste in the ip address of our lenode server so again we’re going to need to open back up our browser here and copy the ip address for

Our node server so i’m just going to left click on the clipboard icon here to copy the ip address for my server which again is once you’ve copied the ip address of your server guys minimize your browser window go back to your putty client and left click on the text

Box underneath host name or ip address right click on it and left click on paste for the port leave it as 22 for the connection type make sure the ssh protocol is selected and left click on open once you’ve done that guys you’ll be greeted with a security alert from

Putty similar to the security alert you received when you first connected to winscp so as you can see putty says the server’s host key is not cached in the registry you have no guarantee that the server is the computer you think it is now of course guys we know that we are

Connecting to our own server as we put in the ip address of our node server to connect to your server simply left click on accept once you’ve done that guys the putty terminal window will open at the top of putty here it says login as i’m just going to maximize this window here

For better viewing for login as guys we’re going to type our lenode username which in both our cases is root once you’ve typed your username in guys hit enter on your keyboard next putty will ask you to enter your password for your server this is the same root password

That you made for your lynode server and the same root password that you use to connect your server using winscp so i’m just going to type my password in and hit enter and there we go guys we have now successfully connected to our server using the ssh protocol in this

Terminal window we’ll be configuring our minecraft server using commands the first command we’re going to be entering into this terminal window is the command to update our server simply type apt space update once you’ve typed that in guys hit enter annual server will begin to update i’ll be back with you guys

Once the update has finished all right guys i’m back and just to remind you that all the commands used in today’s video will be in the video description below the next command we’re going to be typing in is the command to download the server.jar file from first

We’re going to need to copy the link address for the server.jar file so i’m just going to open up my browser and i’m going to navigate to the second tab here in your case guys you’re going to need to open a second tab and then navigate to the following url address which is

Https colon slash slash slash en dash us slash download server once you’re here guys you’ll be on the minecraft java edition server download page towards the middle of the top of the page here you should see a sentence which mentions download so as you can see the sentence is right here

And it says download minecraft underscore server.1.17.1.jar and run it with the following command we’ll get to this command in a bit for now we’re just interested in this sentence here so as you can see guys minecraft underscore server.1.17.1.jar is a hyperlinked piece of text the numbers in the name of the server.jar

File corresponds to the minecraft server version that you’re going to be downloading at the time of recording of this video 1.17.1.jar is the latest minecraftserver.jar file when you watch this video the version might be different but that’s okay guys the process is the same once you’ve found this sentence guys hover over the

Minecraft underscore server and whatever version it is dot jar and right click on it and then left click on copy link address this will copy the link address for the jar file next open up your putty terminal window once again and type the following command w get space and then

Right click in your putty terminal window here to paste in the link you just copied and then hit enter and your server.jar file will be downloaded onto your server to run the server.jar file you require java 16 or above for today’s video i’m going to be downloading and

Installing java 16 onto our server in the future there may be a newer version of java that’s available all you’ll need to do guys is edit the command and change the number 16 to whatever the new version is so for example if the newest version of java is 17 just replace the

16 with the number 17. great now let’s type the command to download java onto our server type the following apt space install space open jdk dash 16. jre dash headless once you’ve typed in the following command guys hit enter and you’ll start the installation process of

Java 16. your server will then ask you do you want to continue why or no yfs and n for no of course guys we want to continue with this installation of java so type y and hit enter java will then begin downloading and installing onto your server i’ll be back with you guys

Once the installation has finished all right guys i’m back java has now been installed onto our server the next command we’re going to need to enter into our cmd terminal window is the command to start our server to get this command open back up your browser back to the minecraft java edition server

Download page where we copied the link address for the server.jar file underneath the server.jar file there is a command in purple here and this is the command we’re going to be copying and pasting into the putty terminal window so all i’m going to do now guys is highlight the entire purple command here

And right click on it and then left click on copy once you’ve done that guys open back up the putty terminal window here and simply right click to paste great guys we now have pasted in the following command java xmx 1024m xms 1024m jar minecraft server.1.17.1.jar no gui the server.jar file that we

Downloaded guys is actually called server.jar and not minecraftunderscoreserver.1.17.1.jar so we’re going to need to edit this command line before we press enter and simply replace the text directly in front of dot jar with server so all i’m going to do now guys is delete everything directly in front of dot jar and then

Simply type server dot jar space no gui this edited command guys will be the same for any new version of minecraft and again this command will be in the video description below once you’ve got the following command entered into your putty terminal window hit enter on your

Keyboard to execute the command when you first execute the command to start your minecraft server it won’t immediately start and that is because we need to edit a specific text document so as you can see our potty terminal window says you need to agree to the eula in order

To run the server go to the eula.txt for more info the eula txt file is a text document file that we’re going to need to edit we can edit this file directly in the terminal window here to edit the eula.txt file simply type nano space the

Name of the file that you want to edit so of course we want to edit the eula.txt file so simply type eu la dot txt and then hit enter you’ll then be inside the eula txt file use your arrow keys on your keyboard to get to the line

Which says eula equals false we’re going to be changing eula equals false to eula equals true again use the arrow keys on your keyboard to get in front of the word false and then start deleting the word false once you’ve deleted the word false type true the line should now read

E-ula equals true to save the changes you have just made to the e-ula text document guys we’re going to need to press two keys on our keyboard at the same time these two keys are control plus o so i’m just going to press control plus o at the same time to save

The changes we have just made and as you can see at the bottom here of the terminal window it says file name to write eola.txt here you can change the name of your file we don’t want to change the name of our file so just simply hit enter on your keyboard to

Save the changes to the eula.txt document that you’ve just made to exit the nano text editor guys we’re going to need to press two keys on our keyboard once again and this time we’re going to be pressing control plus x at the same time so i’m just going to press ctrl x

To exit out of nano great we’ve now exited out of the nano text editor the next command we’re going to need to type in here is the command to install screen installing screen onto your server will allow your minecraft server to run 24 7. even when you decide to close out of the

Pody terminal window you must install this if you want your server to run 24 7 even when you’re not online to install screen simply type the following command apt space install space screen once you’ve typed that in guys hit enter on your keyboard and screen will be

Installed to start screen type the word screen and then hit enter as you can see guys screen has now started once screen has started hit enter again on your keyboard and now we can finally start our minecraft server to start our minecraft server we’re going to need to grab the

Start server command so open back up your browser here and copy the start server command once again so i’m just going to right click on it again and i’m going to left click on copy open back up the putty terminal window and right click to paste again guys for this

Command we’re going to need to delete minecraft underscore server so i’m going to start deleting everything here and now type server dot jar space no gui and then hit enter your minecraft server will then begin starting and using your single player world files to create your

Server i’ll be back with you guys once our server is running alright guys i’m back and as you can see our minecraft server is now running now if you get a message guys similar to this which says can’t keep up is the server overloaded running and then a certain ms and then a

Certain value of ticks behind this may be due to the fact that your minecraft single-player world is very large and may require a bigger lenode server to run it on so for this video i use the five dollar a month plan you might need the ten dollar a month plan the five

Dollar a month plan even though i’m receiving this message should still be enough to keep our server running so don’t worry if you see this message guys your server is still up and running you should only be concerned if your server actually shuts down however in this case

As you can see our server is running now to give yourself operator on your server you’re going to need to type the following command simply type op space and then your minecraft username in my case guys my minecraft username is web splaining so i’m just going to type the

Word web splaining if your username has any capital letters make sure you use them as you can see guys i’m using a capital w in my minecraft username if you have a space in your username guys simply replace the space with an underscore once you’ve typed in your

Username guys hit enter on your keyboard and then you’ll be greeted with this notification which says madewebsplaining a server admin so in here guys it will say your username once you’ve given yourself operator guys you can close out of the party terminal window navigate to the top right hand corner press the x

You’ll then receive this notification from putty which says putty exit confirmation are you sure you want to close this session simply left click on ok you’ll now be back on your browser you can close the tab for the minecraft java edition server download page so i’m

Just going to do that now guys and you should now be back on the lenode website we’re now going to connect to our minecraft server guys to do that we’re going to need to copy the ip address of our server and enter it into the server address the ip address of our minecraft

Server is so i’m just going to left click on the clipboard icon to copy it once you’ve copied the ip address of your server you can close out of your browser next we’re going to need to launch minecraft so double click on your minecraft launcher to open it once your

Minecraft launcher has opened left click on play to open minecraft java edition i’ll be back with you guys once we’re on the home screen of minecraft alright guys we’re on the minecraft java edition home screen now this time we’re going to be left clicking on multiplayer you’ll

Now be able to see a list of all the multiplayer servers you have added to your server list navigate to the bottom right hand corner and left click on add server under server name give your server a name so i’m going to left click in this text box i’m going to delete

What’s there and i’m going to call my server websplaining for the server address guys left click on it and in here we’re going to paste the server address for our minecraft server so all i’m going to do is press control plus v on my keyboard to paste

In the ip address that we copied from our load server list once done guys simply left click on done minecraft will then ping our server and add it to the multiplayer server list and as you can see guys the web splaining server has now been added to the server list you

Can see there’s no players connected and i’m going to be the first person on the server as you can see guys the server icon here is the same icon as your minecraft single player world that now of course is a multiplayer server simply left click on it to select it and then

Left click on join server to be taken into your minecraft server and as you can see guys we’re now inside our minecraft server and we’re in front of my house here i’m just going to go into my house now and i’m going to open up this chest just to show you that

Everything has successfully transferred so i’m just going to grab all the items here that i deposited into my chest i’m just going to go back outside here guys just to mention of course that all your builds and everything would have successfully copied over also all right guys that pretty much concludes the

Video on how to turn your minecraft java edition single player world into a 24 7 multiplayer server if you enjoyed this video be sure to give it a like comment down below and most importantly of all subscribe to support the channel i’ll see on the next video

This video, titled ‘How To Turn Your Minecraft: Java Edition Singleplayer World Into A 24/7 Multiplayer Server’, was uploaded by Websplaining on 2021-10-27 00:21:43. It has garnered 31749 views and 622 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:16 or 1876 seconds.

How To Turn Your Minecraft: Java Edition Singleplayer World Into A 24/7 Multiplayer Server

In this video I will show you how to turn your Minecraft: Java Edition singleplayer world into a 24/7 online multiplayer server. I will take you step by step through the process of making a copy of your Minecraft singleplayer world and changing that copy into a multiplayer server, allowing you to continue where you left off in your world and transferring over all your progress and builds. When your singleplayer world becomes a multiplayer server, it will be hosted on a server host provider 24/7, allowing your friends or guests to connect to your server even when you’re not online.

Get $100 in cloud credits from Linode using my referral link:

How To Get $100 FREE Linode Promotional Credit

Steps To Turn Minecraft Singleplayer World Into A 24/7 Multiplayer Server: 1. Open Minecraft: Java Edition Launcher and store all your inventory and wielded items into chests for the Minecraft singleplayer world you have chosen to be turned into a multiplayer server 2. On the Minecraft home screen, click Singleplayer 3. Click Edit 4. Click Open World Folder 5. Copy and paste all your Minecraft singleplayer world files into a new folder on your Desktop called “world” 6. Sign up as a new customer to Linode using my referral link to get $100 worth of free trial credits to host your Minecraft Multiplayer Server Free for 60 days 7. Create an Ubuntu Shared CPU Linode Server to host your 24/7 Minecraft Server on 8. Connect to your Linode server using WinSCP client via SFTP and upload your “world” folder on your desktop which contains all your Minecraft singleplayer world files. Don’t have WinSCP? Here is a video titled “How To Download And Install WinSCP – How To Transfer Files Using SFTP In WinSCP” on how to get it 9. Next, configure and setup your Minecraft 24/7 multiplayer server using a SSH client such as PuTTY. Don’t have an SSH client? Here is a video titled “How To Install PuTTY on Windows 10” on how to get it 10. Open PuTTY and connect to your server via the SSH protocol. 11. Type the following commands in order:

(I) apt update (II) wget [ server.jar file copied link address from ] (III) apt install openjdk-18-jre-headless – Type “y” and press “Enter” on your keyboard (IV) java -Xmx1024M -Xms1024M -jar server.jar nogui (V) nano eula.txt – Change eula=false to eula=true – CTRL+O to save changes to eula.txt, press Enter, and CTRL+X to close nano (VI) apt install screen (VII) screen – Press Enter (VIII) java -Xmx1024M -Xms1024M -jar server.jar nogui (IX) To make yourself Operator of your Minecraft: Java Edition Multiplayer Server, type the following command:

op YourMinecraftUserNameHere

Note: Watch capital letters in your username when making yourself operator of your server. Also, if you got spaces in your username, replace any space with _ also known as an underscore.

12. Open your Minecraft: Java Edition Launcher, and click Multiplayer. 13. Click “Add Server” 14. Give your server a name, and for the “Server Address” enter or paste in the IP address of your Linode server which is now hosting your Minecraft singleplayer world files as a 24/7 multiplayer server 15. Click “Done” 16. Click on your server from the Multiplayer list and click “Join Server” to play.

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How To Generate, Format And, Add Color To Your Minecraft Servers Message Of The Day (MOTD)

How to Setup a Minecraft: Java Edition Server

How To Turn Your Minecraft: Java Edition Singleplayer World Into A Multiplayer Server For Free

How To Resize Or Upgrade Your Linode Server To A New Plan

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  • Fireball Wipes Out 3 Ranked Players!

    Fireball Wipes Out 3 Ranked Players! Minecraft: Exploring the World of Blocks and Adventures Embark on a journey through the pixelated world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and adventures await at every turn. Dive into the realm of blocks, monsters, and endless possibilities as you craft, build, and survive in this iconic sandbox game. Discovering Unique Servers Explore a variety of servers such as Na.Minemen.Club,,, and, each offering a unique gameplay experience. Whether you’re looking for intense PvP battles or cooperative building projects, there’s a server for every type of player. Gaming Gear for the Ultimate Experience Equip yourself with… Read More

  • Carlos’ Minecraft Predictions: Game’s Got Jokes! #ShortsReact

    Carlos' Minecraft Predictions: Game's Got Jokes! #ShortsReact In the world of Minecraft, Carlos takes the stage, Facing challenges, with humor and rage. Surviving the creatures, building with might, His gameplay shines, in the darkest of night. Join him on his journey, through blocks and through caves, As he learns the ropes, and tries to be brave. With every step, a new adventure begins, In the world of Minecraft, where the fun never ends. So tune in to his lives, at 8 PM each day, And watch as he struggles, in his own special way. Support him on Discord, and follow on Insta, For Carlos’s journey, is… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Where You Can Build Your Own Epic Stadium!

    Join Minewind: Where You Can Build Your Own Epic Stadium! If you’re a fan of Minecraft tutorials like the one you just watched on how to build a stadium, then you’ll love the Minewind Minecraft Server. With a thriving community of creative builders and redstone engineers, Minewind offers a unique multiplayer experience where you can showcase your skills and collaborate with other players. Join us at Minewind server IP YT.MINEWIND.NET and immerse yourself in a world of endless possibilities. Whether you’re into building grand stadiums like Signal Iduna Park or exploring intricate redstone contraptions, Minewind has something for everyone. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to be part of… Read More


    ALMOST WON CHAOTIC MINECRAFT EVENT The Chaos Wars Event in Minecraft Recently, Minecraft players were treated to an epic event known as Chaos Wars, hosted by the popular content creator lalitojr1804. The event promised chaos, excitement, and intense battles, drawing in a large audience eager to witness the action unfold. What is Chaos Wars? Chaos Wars is a unique event in Minecraft where players compete against each other in various challenges, battles, and mini-games. The goal is to emerge victorious by showcasing their skills, teamwork, and strategic thinking. With unpredictable twists and turns, Chaos Wars keeps participants on their toes, making it a thrilling… Read More

  • Time’s End: Light’s Triumph, Dark’s Demise | Minecraft Doctor Who

    Time's End: Light's Triumph, Dark's Demise | Minecraft Doctor Who In the finale of Season 2, the stakes are high, Jack Driver seeks revenge, aiming for the sky. The Doctor is in danger, facing his demise, Will Jack go through with it, or will he realize? The Veil works on a cure, to stop the Darknesse, But the Doctor’s death could mean the end, a mess. Join our Discord server for all the teasers, Minecraft Doctor Who, the ultimate pleasers. Read More

  • Jack the Chor: Gaming Galore!

    Jack the Chor: Gaming Galore! In the world of Minecraft, where gamers unite, Jack the Chor brings news that’s always right. With rhymes that ignite and spins that excite, He’s the favorite reporter, shining bright. From Fleetsmp to Gamerfleet, he’s always in the know, Crafting stories with flair, putting on a show. With updates and facts, he steals the spotlight, In every verse he crafts, he takes flight. So leap into the verse, no need for a start, For Jack the Chor knows how to play his part. With beats and art that make the crowd sing, In every line he spins, he lets… Read More

  • Discover Your New Home in Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Discover Your New Home in Minewind Minecraft Server! Welcome to! Are you a fan of Minecraft and looking for a new server to join? Look no further than Minewind! With an exciting and vibrant community, Minewind offers a unique gaming experience that will keep you coming back for more. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, Minewind has something for everyone. From intense hardcore gameplay to creative building opportunities, there’s never a dull moment on this server. Join us at Minewind today and immerse yourself in a world of endless possibilities. Connect to the server at YT.MINEWIND.NET and start your adventure now! Read More

  • The ComBREWter Strikes Again!

    The ComBREWter Strikes Again! The ComBREWter Returns!!! – Minecraft Hermitcraft Season 10 Introduction The latest episode of Hermitcraft Season 10 brings exciting news for Minecraft enthusiasts – the return of the ComBREWter! Zedaph, a prominent member of the Hermitcraft server, introduces a limited edition Zed Plush and gamified Potion Brewing with the new ComBREWter. Limited Edition Zed Plush Fans of Zedaph can now get their hands on a limited edition Zed Plush by visiting Zedaph’s official website. This adorable plush is a must-have for any Minecraft fan looking to add a touch of Zedaph’s charm to their collection. Potion Brewing: Gamified! With the… Read More

  • Cube Xuan’s Minecraft Rhyme Time

    Cube Xuan's Minecraft Rhyme Time In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Fangkuaixuan brings laughter, like a joyful dream. Animations that sparkle, with humor and glee, Each video a masterpiece, for all to see. With a focus on fun, and child-friendly flair, This channel is a gem, beyond compare. No pirated content, only originals here, For a daily dose of joy, to bring you cheer. From funny MC moments, to songs that adapt, Fangkuaixuan’s creations, are where it’s at. So hit that subscribe button, and join the fun, In the world of Minecraft, where happiness is spun. Read More

  • Uncovering the Lost Diamond Temple

    Uncovering the Lost Diamond Temple The Quest for the Lost Diamond Temple | Minecraft Adventure Story Embark on an exciting journey with Alex and Steve as they set out to uncover the Lost Diamond of Eternity in the vast world of Minecraft. This action-packed adventure is filled with ancient temples, powerful treasures, and thrilling challenges that will put their courage and teamwork to the test. Will they be able to unlock the diamond’s hidden powers, or will they face devastating consequences along the way? Join them on this epic quest to find out! Exploring Ancient Temples Alex and Steve venture deep into the heart… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Bingo Night!

    Insane Minecraft Bingo Night!Video Information This video, titled ‘Saturday Night Bingo, except it’s in Minecraft’, was uploaded by slicedlime on 2024-08-31 21:48:25. It has garnered 1270 views and 59 likes. The duration of the video is 03:37:30 or 13050 seconds. Do I still remember how to play Bingo? Time to find out! From 2024-08-31, here’s the stream archive! #minecraftemployee slicedlime works as a Tech Lead for Minecraft at Mojang, but the YouTube and Twitch channels are personal projects run in his spare time. Fetchr – Minecraft Bingo is a Minecraft gamemode made by NeunEinser. You try to collect items from the Bingo card…. Read More

  • Meeting Olaf in Minecraft: Frozen DLC

    Meeting Olaf in Minecraft: Frozen DLCVideo Information This video, titled ‘AKU INGIN BERTEMU OLAF SI MANUSIA SALJU!! – Download Minecraft: Frozen DLC #58’, was uploaded by SteveRogers on 2024-04-09 03:59:44. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Hello Everyone, Welcome to my channel SteveRogers In this channel I will share mods and add-ons from … Read More

  • Insane Prank on MCSeksin Server! Watch Now!

    Insane Prank on MCSeksin Server! Watch Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘[MCSeksin] Server Griefing’, was uploaded by smackx on 2024-09-08 12:01:00. It has garnered 544 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:54 or 114 seconds. [60 ON] used to reach 600+ on Tags: server griefing minecraft, server griefing tutorial, hypixel server griefing, grieving a p2w server, mineland server griefing, minecraft survival server griefing allowed, skeppy griefing server, roblox personal server griefing, severe grief, griefing a server, abgegrieft server griefing, arazhul server griefing, griefing server kandang alwi, abge server griefing, griefing badboyhalo server, griefing bbh server, discord server griefing, minecraft server griefing deutsch,… Read More

  • “Insane Parrot House Build in Minecraft😱” #tutorial #derpyjhomes

    "Insane Parrot House Build in Minecraft😱" #tutorial #derpyjhomesVideo Information This video, titled ‘Parrot House😍 #minecraft #tutorial #derpyjhomes #fyp #viral’, was uploaded by Derpy Jhomes on 2024-05-24 09:20:45. It has garnered 6622 views and 203 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft PVP Montage by Akshat – MUST SEE!

    Insane Minecraft PVP Montage by Akshat - MUST SEE!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft ‘PVP’ Montage You Should Watch…’, was uploaded by Akshat Plays Live on 2024-08-23 16:55:18. It has garnered 16 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:28 or 28 seconds. Minecraft ‘PVP’ Montage You Should Watch… (dont take the title seriously) Thanks for watching and i hope you like the video 😀 Please dont forget to like the video and leave a comment! Editing Software? CapCut ⚠ Copyright Warning ⚠ Please be aware that posting this video on your YouTube channel without explicit permission from the video owner may result in automatic… Read More

  • Cat Sister’s Shocking Instant Karma! 😱#shorts

    Cat Sister's Shocking Instant Karma! 😱#shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Cat Sister Gets Instant Karma! 😱#shorts #ai #aiart #chatgpt #funny #gummybear #memes #cat # #comedy’, was uploaded by SaifAiToons on 2024-09-13 02:30:12. It has garnered 642 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Cat Sister Gets Instant Karma! 😱#shorts #ai #aiart #chatgpt #funny #gummybear #memes #cat # #comedy spider-man minecraft skibidi toilet mukbang car funny video mr men show theme song shorts cartoon dinosaur siren head catnap crab deadpool and wolverine songs funny videos godzilla granny hulk king kong minecraft school minecraft school monkey real life minecraft movie ronaldo… Read More

  • GAMING TREND ALERT! Craziest Minecraft Edits Ever #sahuplays

    GAMING TREND ALERT! Craziest Minecraft Edits Ever #sahuplaysVideo Information This video, titled ‘ᴛʀᴇɴᴅ 📈 #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts #edit #sahuplays’, was uploaded by SahuPlays on 2024-07-10 04:00:47. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. MINECRAFT EDIT #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts #edit #sahuplays Tags minecraft poppy playtime poppy playtime … Read More

  • EPIC Portal Tsunami vs Doomsday Bunker Maizen

    EPIC Portal Tsunami vs Doomsday Bunker MaizenVideo Information This video, titled ‘Epic PORTAL TSUNAMI vs JJ and Mikey Doomsday Bunker – Minecraft (Maizen)’, was uploaded by JJ MAIZEN & Mikey on 2024-04-10 17:00:37. It has garnered 82903 views and 535 likes. The duration of the video is 01:00:15 or 3615 seconds. Epic PORTAL TSUNAMI vs JJ and Mikey Doomsday Bunker – Minecraft (Maizen) This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his characters. We… Read More

  • INSANE DJ B2B SET at Tomorrowland Minecraft 2024

    INSANE DJ B2B SET at Tomorrowland Minecraft 2024Video Information This video, titled ‘DJ Isaac B2B TNT – Tomorrowland Minecraft Edition 2024 (Weekend 1) FAN MADE’, was uploaded by The Game Boys Events on 2024-09-13 01:00:06. It has garnered 1642 views and 40 likes. The duration of the video is 00:56:19 or 3379 seconds. Follow TheGameBOYS: -Main Channel:… -Facebook: -Instagram: -Twitter: * This is not an official event * None of the real djs participate in the event, the event is only done for fun, we are not generating monetary income with it. *Esto no es un evento oficial* Ninguno de los djs reales… Read More

  • Duplexia

    DuplexiaThis is Duplexia, a small survival server, with some customized survival aspects. From custom enchantments, ranks, full on land customization, and custom world generation, we hope you find your home here with us. Duplexia gotten its start back in Oct, 14, 2018 as Atheran, and sadly has been down due to the owner not being be available for the server. We promise moving forward, no matter what, the server will stay online, and talk with the community on new or returning features. We’re a non pay to win server. We only accept donations, in the aspect that you will only… Read More

  • Amaterasu SMP Semi-Vanilla Cross-platform 1.21 Nations PVP

    Welcome to Amaterasu! We are a Vanilla SMP Nations/Factions Server with Java and Bedrock support. Come mine, build, grow, and lead a nation or join one. Whether you progress through peace or find yourself warring for world domination, Amaterasu welcomes you! We offer nations, which are countries you can join or start, allowing you to wage war on other nations. Interested in community and peace but still want to make your own nation? The “kingdom” option awaits you! War cannot be waged against kingdoms, and members are safe against involuntary PVP. Join our Discord server to begin your journey:… Read More

  • Healthy Craft: Minecraft 1.21 Health vs. Damage Dance

    Healthy Craft: Minecraft 1.21 Health vs. Damage Dance In Minecraft 1.21, health and damage are key, Which mob reigns supreme, let’s take a look and see. The Ender Dragon, with the most health by far, A whopping 200 hit points, a true superstar. But when it comes to damage, the Wither takes the lead, With a devastating 12 hearts, it’s a force to heed. With cheats, you can boost your health to 1024, But without them, 20 hearts is all you’ll score. In battle, your damage can reach up to 19, But surviving a hit, only 10 hearts can glean. So be wise in your fights, and… Read More

  • Always dying in Minecraft 😂

    Always dying in Minecraft 😂 “When you spend hours building an epic castle in Minecraft, only to accidentally set it on fire with a misplaced torch. Siempre pasa 💀 #minecraftproblems” Read More

  • Ultimate Farming in Minecraft ATM9

    Ultimate Farming in Minecraft ATM9 Minecraft All The Mods 9 (ATM9) | Mystical Agriculture & Mob Seeds Farming Join the Minecraft adventure with ChevyCoolWithIt on Twitch as he delves into the world of All The Mods 9 (ATM9) and explores the fascinating realm of Mystical Agriculture. In this VOD, witness the mastery of farming mob seeds and learn the best strategies for resource gathering and seed automation. Exploring Mystical Agriculture Delve into the mystical world of agriculture in Minecraft with the Mystical Agriculture mod. This innovative mod allows players to grow resources like never before, including mob seeds that can yield powerful rewards. Discover… Read More

  • Painful Mole People Encounter in The End on Minecraft

    Painful Mole People Encounter in The End on MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft – Mole people, Episode 26: Exploring the End’, was uploaded by Splash O’Pain on 2024-08-29 23:58:24. It has garnered 30 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 02:07:25 or 7645 seconds. We have one in-game day to find all the resources we might need before we dig ourselves down to Deepslate depth where we will stay. Forever. Is it possible to finish the game without ever seeing the sun again? Follow us to find out! I am doing this challenge together with: @CaptainCrumbs @ArtySun27 #minecraft #livestream #Minecraftsurvival Read More

  • Exploring All Secret Bases in Minecraft

    Exploring All Secret Bases in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Testing Every Secret Base in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Skiddzie on 2024-08-30 00:03:49. It has garnered 567453 views and 9941 likes. The duration of the video is 00:38:28 or 2308 seconds. Testing Every Secret Base in Minecraft My Editor 🎥 Offstagevitor 👨‍💻 Friends in video 💪 Doni 💛 Creccent 💜 Kiply 💗 if ur reading this i hope you have an awesome day! thanks for watching 😀 Transcript Read More

  • Insane Lava Bucket Carry in Minecraft Skywars 1.20+

    Insane Lava Bucket Carry in Minecraft Skywars 1.20+Video Information This video, titled ‘Lava bucket carries! Minecraft Skywars 1.20+ (cubecraft)’, was uploaded by ThatGenosMain on 2024-06-12 11:32:51. It has garnered 4 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:38 or 158 seconds. Hi guys, My first vid pls dont judge 🙂 . . minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft xbox 360, minecraft parody, minecraft herobrine, skydoesminecraft, minecraft songs, captainsparklez, minecraft yogscast, yogscast minecraft, yogscast, minecraft skydoesminecraft, sky does minecraft, gangnam style, tobuscus minecraft, minecraft trolling, pewdiepie, smosh, tobygames minecraft, minecraft roller coaster, lets play minecraft, tobuscus, tnt… Read More

  • 10 Insane Tricks to Make Minecraft Wii U Run Like a Dream!

    10 Insane Tricks to Make Minecraft Wii U Run Like a Dream!Video Information This video, titled ‘Forgotten Minecraft Wii U Edition Runs Extremely Smoothly’, was uploaded by CombatCompany on 2024-09-20 13:12:08. It has garnered 457 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:33 or 33 seconds. In this episode, the host appreciates the clean and smooth interface of a game on the Wii U. They explore a cave, attempt PvP combat against a spider, and discuss the drawbacks of the console’s button design. 00:00 First Impressions and Interface 00:08 Exploring the Cave 00:16 Combat and Controls Read More

  • INSANE NEW Shader in Minecraft PE!! 😱🔥

    INSANE NEW Shader in Minecraft PE!! 😱🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Poggy’s Luminous Dreams Shader | Deferred Pack | Minecraft PE | #2’, was uploaded by CoveredMC on 2024-08-30 12:14:10. It has garnered 6393 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:20 or 80 seconds. Poggy’s Luminous Dreams v0.6.0.1 | Deferred Pack Link of This Shader Embark on an otherworldly odyssey with “Luminous Dreams”: a visionary Deferred Renderer Pack (or Shader) meticulously crafted for the luminous realm of Minecraft Bedrock Edition’s 1.20.80 (Beta/Preview), powered by the revolutionary Render Dragon Engine. This shader transcends the limits of ordinary visuals, weaving an intricate tapestry that… Read More

  • “INSANE MINECRAFT TRICK: Spot a Mob in 10 Seconds!” #minecraft

    "INSANE MINECRAFT TRICK: Spot a Mob in 10 Seconds!" #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘FIND A MOB IN 10 SECONDS! #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftfunny’, was uploaded by Pillager on 2024-07-07 19:21:55. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraftshorts 360 #minecraft 666 #minecraft ost #minecraft war #minecraft zoo #minecraft 0.0.0 #minecraft 2024 #minecraft … Read More

  • Epic Cat vs Human Minecraft Battle OHIO Challenge! 🤯

    Epic Cat vs Human Minecraft Battle OHIO Challenge! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘Catnap💜 vs Miss Delight👩‍🦰 (OHIO Challenge in Minecraft) Wait For It…🤯 #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Akimbo on 2024-04-30 19:00:17. It has garnered 206237 views and 7213 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Catnap💜 vs Miss Delight👩‍🦰 (OHIO Challenge in Minecraft) Wait For It…🤯 #minecraft #shorts Read More

  • SHOCKING: YOUR Hive Bedwars Defense Ideas by ZpinZ

    SHOCKING: YOUR Hive Bedwars Defense Ideas by ZpinZVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Built YOUR Hive Bedwars Defense Ideas’, was uploaded by ZpinZ on 2024-05-06 21:30:04. It has garnered 7188 views and 610 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:54 or 474 seconds. Today, I play a new mini game called Bedwars on the Minecraft Bedrock Server: Hive, to see if I can win a game with all my viewers bed defense ideas! Watch until the end to see some funny moments and insane fights. Make sure to like and subscribe for more content just like this. Timestamps: 0:00 – Intro 0:16 – Defense 1 2:05… Read More

  • Summoning Sigma’s Untamed Power! 🗿 #minecraft

    Summoning Sigma's Untamed Power! 🗿 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Sigma Never Afraid 🗿 #shorts #minecraft #minecraftvideos’, was uploaded by Sumit Gamer05 on 2024-05-05 06:05:00. It has garnered 17132 views and 905 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Read More

  • VeneziaMC

    VeneziaMCVeneziamc veut vous offrir un gameplay moddé RPG [construit ton empire, claim le et devient la nation la plus puissante] et RP [petite survie remplie d’évent et d’architecture] (avec du create et plein de mods bien sympa), ainsi qu’un gameplay vanilla avec des jeux Inédits configuré par notre développeur (le Vinci inspiré du splatoon et le Titan inspiré du loup garou de thiercelieux) Read More

  • Something SMP Modded SMP Roleplay Whitelist 1.20.1 Lore

    Welcome to Something SMP Minecraft Server! If you are looking for an active Minecraft server with lore/roleplay and various mods like origins, image to map, and enderite, then you’re in the right place! Join the Discord server: You can join the Discord server here and submit an application in #applications. Additional Information: This is a Java server with no bedrock inclusion currently. End and Nether reset every few months for new players. Server owner and staff are on GMT+8 time zone. Lore opportunities for next season. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft’s Future: A Tantalizing 100 Years

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft's Future: A Tantalizing 100 YearsIn 100 years, Minecraft will probably have merged with reality and we’ll all be running around punching trees in our backyard for resources. Read More

  • Block Battle: JAVA vs LEGO in Minecraft

    Block Battle: JAVA vs LEGO in Minecraft In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, I bring you the news in rhythm and vibes. From JAVA to LEGO, the battle is real, In the virtual world, where players can feel. Subscribe to my channel, hit like and comment, For more Minecraft updates, I’m always content. With scenes from creators like Axol and more, I craft unique content, never a bore. Fair Use guidelines, I follow with care, Creating new videos, a process I share. It takes time and effort, about six hours, To bring you content, with creative powers. So join me in Minecraft, where memes… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hot and Spicy!

    Minecraft Meme: Hot and Spicy! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” Read More

  • Crafty Mods: Fabric Modding Minecraft 1.21.1

    Crafty Mods: Fabric Modding Minecraft 1.21.1 Exploring Modular Mods in Minecraft 1.21.1 with Fabric MC The Concept of Modular Modding In the vast world of Minecraft modding, developers often employ a modular approach to creating their mods. This involves breaking down a large, complex mod into smaller, more manageable components, each handling specific tasks within the game. But is this method truly beneficial? Should modders opt for modular designs, or stick to developing all-in-one mods? Potential Benefits of Modular Modding One of the key advantages of modular modding is the ability to streamline development and maintenance processes. By dividing a mod into smaller parts, developers… Read More

How To Turn Your Minecraft: Java Edition Singleplayer World Into A 24/7 Multiplayer Server