Hypixel Exile Adventure – JOIN Th3Ex1le Now!

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all right arrow I’m live I’m live guys you guys should join my stream I’m in I’m in a stream with another streamer Exile no that’s me you stupid welcome uh but I’m back Hypixel nobody’s going to know what you’re talking about I’m going to do it bro Hypixel with Exile you’re not in Hypixel oh wait are you in Hypixel up I’m gonna do who just joined Who Dares join fishy probably it’s probably fishy yeah it is popart he’s the person that is in my shoe apparently welcome back baby please [ __ ] off I would never off me personally never get you’re not even live Alex what I would never get hacked like that’s just me personally though I can’t tell if you’re female or like really young a male young young oh imagine being young stupid I’m going to close what a what a fossil imagine not being allowed out of the antique shop all right imagine having only one insult that’s crazy all right I’m logging on to um I’m opening it up all right join my party Minecraft does imagine having a dad okay okay kicking you Alex out of here [ __ ] clown get out that’s gold imagine having a dad bro really bro yo welcome back since you’ve done that I have you’re you you have my respect bro sounded like Quagmire you sound like your seven that’s crazy you going to take that Lev of disrespect and he doesn’t eveny not be talking major I would not be talking really oh my God my FPS is sitting at 60 why is it C at 60 just do SL uhoh all right how do I okay it’s The Golden Child honestly because you’re broke it’s CU you’re broke are you all right I’m not uh let me join let me join I’m cracked join my party then join the Exile I’m going to put it in the Stream right now yeah we’re doing a quality stream he advertised on the wrong Channel ah stupid oh yo fall welcome is that you yes that oh it’s Al oh hello Alex I died all right what what should we play what what should we played uh guys you just join just subscribe to me and I’ll cue whatever you guys want I’m already subcribe on both of my channels too do bedar fine one game of bedar is all I ask and then subscribe to me all right hold up I’m closing this bro Alex and you have e boy skin kind of cringe not going to lie I’m E I don’t why is this you have the Steve skin you can’t be talking yeah I’m basic trash honestly not even a better skin trash I’m about to destroy all of you hey Bob what in the world was that confirmed ship I’m going to go after uh you major I don’t like you wait who’s red oh I’m not going to go after red you better not go after red you know what Red’s going to go after you you’re going to fear me no you’re not you if you steal my Kill from major then I’ll go after pink yeah go after P nuts off the nuts do bro what is my what is my sensitivity oh my God it’s 36 why is it not 42 because you’re gay you gay homosexual furry [Music] damn transgender bro that’s not okay how’ you get your B good question I lost I died you I’ll let you live you lost just like you lost your Google account yesterday the [ __ ] we are not talking about that that embarrass I’m talking about it yeah I think I’m going to talk about it too like imagine losing your Google account we music goes hard yeah music does go hard Dexter red me have you heard of tab can you come bring me blocks yo mastic welcome I don’t have blocks I need help don’t worry Alex I’ll kill you I got you Alex hey hey hey how’s it going majer murder him what the that’s gold that’s [Music] gold I need blocks that’s your fault I’m coming to kill you I’m coming for you not if I kill myself first just like real life life yeah they can’t do anything if you die first I’ll go advertise real quick you better advertise I’ll wait until the game’s about to end because honestly what’s the point in advertising the game is about to end [Music] yeah thank you you’re welcome shake my head hey hey hey oh wait hold on I’m got to put my diamonds in the my CH hey Hey Hey sir sir sir oh exil c all right oh no I accidentally did SLP warp hey no way I would have won all right what are we doing what are we doing what are we doing next let’s advertise first yeah advertise me too I need my subscribers if I don’t get my subscribers I’m going to hit someone it’s going to be the 60s if I don’t get my sandwich we all got what the 1860s yeah no no that’s with that’s with bad that’s with bad P join the Exile is that the yeah one then you oh I I’m definitely getting oh my God if I get um Dexter Dexter I know right Inc what do you mean live on Oh Oh I thought you were advertising My Stream is you oh saber just joined well we get a new person a bully oh my God saber or he’s oh wait what what do I qu um sa welcome all right yeah I got not just say that I hate you I mean like he does sound like someone who would say that Andre I hate you I could say way worse please please don’t saber I don’t think you can be talking you’re French you sound gay again because of your mic [ __ ] you I’m color blind hey stop advertising you’re streaming My Stream boy advertise yours oh same thing oh by the way Alex just shoot the colors that you see on your side isn’t Alex color blind purple shoot purple yeah I knew he was color blind I knew it I can just tell you could tell I don’t know what I’m shooting right now how is he how is this child winning cuz I sweat this game has he heard of outside no obviously having a dad talk tell major that tell major that no that’s crazy why me cuz your fatherless you broke boy this child sounds like he’s been carried all his life no how how he’s colorblind what and he won who that’s crazy you color blind that’s a skill issue Oh wrong one Oh wrong one again go outside go go go go easy he just said easy you GNA take that little disrespect yeah it is kind of strange you know what else is strange me not having a dad dude that’s not strange [Music] you I’m going to I’m going to I’m going to Matrix this o I lied you’re get out laugh I once actually matrixed it once I have two I don’t want to be under you I don’t believe here bro what the [ __ ] was that had a stroke I’m a little sick good just a little bit off my off my boxs get out I’m just a little bit sick I’m a little sick a little bit just a tiny bit sick I’m slightly concerned for you nah I’m fine I’m just a tiny bit sick Square no one deserves my squares Target major when we can turn when pvp’s on that’s a naughty word major we don’t say swear word and this this [Music] house oh God I survived Holy One safe point I’m going to Target if everyone Target major as soon as pvp’s on oh [ __ ] what I survived that I’m just better I got stuck in the fence sweet I’m I’m so cool all of you aren’t I’m hit the sigma on you like directly on your face no can I kick him please no thank you I love I love this parkour ding it I’m going to kick you from the party thank you you don’t have mod should probably turn on no wait you can just advertise me I forgot that oh my God let me get this jump there easy what the balls I’m actually pretty good good at parkour you are balls shut up saber let’s go saber saber trash trash saber does suck at the game good job he’s cool he just sucks yeah he’s n i mean he’s cold he he ain’t even cool he’s cold we can get three stars ladies and gentlemen oh I’m good at this except in it’s like a Texas school guys yeah I should know I’m from Texas no British school a British skull a British Skool is call me a m call me a m call me a call me a f oh God I almost hit that oh almost hit that one I just hit oh my God bro I’ve hit like three in a row come on oh my God y’all are so bad just get better the nuts I just hit three in a row again good this is so stupid so are you you’re a virgin no you is crazy that’s the greatest insult I mean bro y’all suck so good game yo Deft welcome welcome Deft I’m to advertise my stream no no no no no no no no no no no no no no too what the [ __ ] Mickey Mouse I’ve come for your chills my chills yes your children [ __ ] you how did you oh my God all right I have to steal from others that’s one of the things I’m best at stealing man you must have I only get probation yo welcome NAA gamer I swear to God if I’m in a VC with others it’s the best way I get a channel strike then why then we should private VC then or no I mean like I say stuff and then I get a channel strike because I’m an idiot I mean like face I have not gotten a channel strike yet the prophecy ascends I don’t even know the prophecy but okay get in the get in my hole you stupid Pig get in my hole you stupid that’s crazy stop projecting major it’s hard it’s hard to get a job yeah I think major can tell I projected C in Major’s mom pause what no no chillax I heard that one that’s crazy oh crap major you’re bald so are you you’re like six you’re like fresh from you’re like fresh from the womb hello small men it’s me big man big guy here I need your help guys so there’s a comp there’s a company no he he was saying it’s a company but someone just cut it and now he’s saying there’s a come how the hell is Alex’s reaction time so high and how is Major so oh wait major is the same oh that explains it give me this cake yes oh my God what I was one off no I was a little more stupid oh God horrible me too three two [Music] one my God we all going for the same a let me tap let top B this is rigged may I tap yo first place first place if I was a gun what game would I want to be how do you copy and paste those [ __ ] off click it oh I just click it nope it’s uh you have to do it in your client settings my client settings client bad line client just a those kind of clients not like meteor well meteor too but like what the [ __ ] is a meteor client meteor client is yeah oh the hack client I don’t hack much I don’t the only hack I’ve ever used in my life was Vape can you send me the file me no no oh my God what let’s play this I’m going to show you all my power oh yeah I’m oh my favorite game I actually love this [ __ ] like crazy I’m so hungry you will I’m terrible at skywar this is my main okay I main SkyWars it’s lucky blocks bro I you think that changes anything when ah idiot I announced oh you’re not on my Discord Ser probably I I’ve been hacked for oh my God stupid let me play I’m going to [ __ ] rage man like like crazy no he isn’t I have a dragon that’s not your dragon so I have a dragon you spawned the dragon yeah have a dragon oh my God oh my God please spare why can’t I open the chest with a sword are you serious it’s in announcements man death Forest is sweat I was on fire ah light shut up my ear bro what I just TNT myself ah you’re doing great ah Devil’s contract no thanks I’m very doing it you miss nice and Miss did you still jump no I just like looked up teleport to a random player oh my God bye-bye you’re cooked hey all chest have been refilled oh I’m dead later idiot how did you win I do I no hold on hold on the game yeah run it again wait how did ify I hit him off oh XO me on fire and I hit him off dang what what way to [Music] go I haven’t also PVP much so I mean I was lucky enough to win that yeah you’re not winning one bud probably not yeah with oh God y are done I got a rod we both died I didn’t die I’m just better I did but you see I have this funny thing called no no what is this it’s oh it’s Resistance potion ah it didn’t work it didn’t work oh you’re good I’m on fire again you died to me how’ you die to me I have no armor well I have armor now but hold on major I’m going to do all you I want your entire stream to watch as I murder you yeah because you suck my leg okay I’m about to destroy you on stream major viewers make sure you get this make sure you get this okay aspect of the Dragon where do you think you’re going coward cuz you’re just built different oh coward [Music] nope I almost died you little stupid fine I’ll actually try hard you little stupid hold up let me fix my FPS problem I don’t how do you fix this [ __ ] why turn your FPS better set how do I fix the cap it’s kept at 60 and it shouldn’t be kept there um is it on GE Force no major you’re going to want to turn on vsync turn on vsync if you’re using are you using lunar vsync okay go to options video settings and then turn your max frame rate all the way down until it says vsync just trust me let’s go Alex you got this it matches to your monitors it m it matches to it matches to your it’s going to options video settings it’s on your max frame right just turn it all the way down you’re f I’m not just turn it all the way down move your mouse all the way to the left bro I don’t have a desync setting here it’s not oh my God are you listening okay go back s go back Major go back Major go no on Max frame rate hover your mouse over maxed frame rate Max frame rate that’s v-buck I need vsync there’s no vyn I see oh my God oh my God oh my God go into video settings Max frame rate view bobbing it’s above it’s below your render distance it’s below your render distance it’s not showing are you blind are you blind it says Max frame rate unlimited your mouse is over it your mouse is over it on stream move move it all the all the way to the left all the way to the left just trust me major ma it’s all the way to the left what yeah cap 60 means that that’s your monitor or your laptop’s actual only thing you can use it was at 500 Days month ago yeah that’s all your monitor can processis okay fix it monitor is just like not worth anything this is sad that was sad that was sad major I’m going to have a rematch with you when I’m uh when this is fixed I want a rematch with you in bed you’re not funny yo Ren welcome you’re coming for me okay major oh my FPS is fixed let’s go I live at 175 Faz ball Lane you only at 100 I’m in thousands right now I don’t know mys also at 120 no way I have 1400 FPS right now oh it’s oh never mind it’s now at 500 FPS not about to get only shut the [ __ ] up I’m on a laptop that’s not your address yeah exactly it was a joke what is my address yeah you should for Real uh yeah try and find me try and find me bro trustop me the don’t make me start sweating wobble weo W wobble you’re nuts what n and age okay what’s my age and address go ahead find me find me what’s my name what’s my full name thank you for your that’s your real name man wisdom if I fell off right there I would I am not going to forget myself my name is Conor and I’m 14 no that is not my name off the nuts you [ __ ] clown I’m goddamn Walter right you’re right baby there’s like this joke in my class where I make all these drug jokes and it’s h for some reason everyone finds it hilarious and like and they’re like you can solo anime any anime character and I’m like yeah one punch man sure he can kill me with one punch he can’t he can’t not suffer from a cocaine addiction off come here off what color are you by the way he’s white y I’m going I’m going to gray oh you fat [ __ ] yeah get off me off my n can you build more please fine yeah major you’re getting cooked oh my God I I have a pvpd man I Rob no please back off shut up Rob get off my shut up Robb you don’t have any nuts what nuts do stop it that’s balls stop you I almost [Music] get off me man what were you using an iron sword cuz I hurt if I can win I will reveal my name on stream and I’m not kidding my actual name he’s kidding no I’m not kidding I will actually reveal my name frerick Drake Drake Drake leak Drizzy Drizzy [Music] de de I will I will reveal my name if I can win this game who the hell is [Music] Keith me I Ain ke Chief Keef I’m so scared man you have no idea walls to the walls de just let me win if you let me win I will reveal my name on stream and I’m not even kidding this is something Ren has been wanting for a long time who’s Ren Ren cat one Minecraft he didn’t even need the fireball I’m hungry yo who’s blue oh de you’re [Music] cooked Alex bye Alex bye nice bed though no no oh [ __ ] I’m sorry get your over here I’m sorry de chat let’s let’s team on De I’m being fued get your ass over here for me forgive me master get over here come on get his bed get his bed I will reveal my name if I win the game get away like some horror [ __ ] like this is something even Tristan one of my moderators um can like answer what how this game’s dog [ __ ] get his bed what are you all doing how did what get his bed major no [Music] sorry be done that’s so dumb what do you mean I fall de let me get your bed and I will reveal my name on stream open your bed I will reveal my name on stream if I win the game how did I fall I’ll kill him you get the bed I’ll kill him you get the bed all right is oh wait sorry sorry sorry I thought that was Major I don’t have anything oh whatever whatever it’s oh okay go why does the mic jiggle when I unmuted what all right I’m turning on my AO clicker chat doesn’t jiggle jiggle oh my God you you clown you’re really going to cheat yes nerd I really hope he isn’t actually because we could literally all get banned yeah and we could just kick him from the party that’s true yeah my auto clicker isn’t working as soon as I say that all right who should I go for no I’m being legit it’s it wasn’t working it’s probably oh I had it for 5 minutes and 30 milliseconds I like how you say why speciically 5 minutes and 30 milliseconds oh cuz I put 30 milliseconds not realizing that I had 5 minutes on there uh previously you’re incredible oh boy I don’t know who to who to go for all of you look like you’d absolutely butt white me you just use me as your [ __ ] toilet paper I would you’re a child all of you are children except major and Alex probably you’re you’re a child too who joined Who Dares join no is that bad it’s you [ __ ] yo welcome cool kid welcome e he’s BR e ew he’s British he’s British shut the [ __ ] up dude no ew you’re British someone get this kid out of here he’s British cheese yesterday in VI CH he’s British e get out of here camera on yeah no actually please don’t n shut the [ __ ] up no why is this kid so salty he’s like the epitome of salt I love salt he’s like pure rocks he has a man in his bed I don’t know what you talking about he’s black you sound like you catfish people or or you’re the guy who’s getting catfished I am the guy who’s getting catfished on The Daily thanks can actually do a good girl yo last month you had 712 yeah let’s go I got of oh hey it’s [ __ ] thank you I’m the mic I wish you clipped it that way you could put it in the video that way you could put me your description major can you hear all this that the guy’s saying behind me no he just said ddy com B yeah I bet you’d like that I bet you’d like that no I only like that from the gam bro the what the guild the gam girls what are those are you Irish watch yeah I’m Irish no I’m not [ __ ] Irish he’s [ __ ] I don’t care you care stop lying [ __ ] out of you mate not again uh how am yeah it is a British accent cool kid I know it’s disgusting it’s absolutely gross I’m kidding YouTube I’m kidding YouTube I’m kidding stop coping stop coping me because I will hit you with some rare insults mate medium rare he going to hit you with some medium rare talk to me when you can fill a SE Cup bro shut the [ __ ] up huh I can’t understand a word you’re saying when you can f a when you can fill a C cup a C cup I can’t tell from your British accent oh it’s just me versus major pretty much oh thank God he’s gone crazy your language to the [ __ ] off oh my God I mean yeah de oh yeah OU is by the way uh uh a har pit player he’s he’s from Harry’s pit yeah I’m not surprised higher level than this random level Milli major please please that did you attack me I was right in oh also um whatever that guy’s name is since I don’t care enough to let it into my brain uh you’re short by the way he left I know he’s probably still in stream everyone that you hate you’re just going to go yeah yeah that’s absolutely what I’m going to do probably his that’s probably his only way of coping he’s probably like 5’2 I’m no oh my god oh I just got a DM Who Dares direct message me from what your Discord kitten yeah it’s my mother probably like some 50-year-old guy but that’s fine even better you know hello mother my mother has come home from her basement I mean what and I have and your mother shut the [ __ ] up that was clever that was clever not even going to lie oh [ __ ] thank you let’s go uh sa oh [ __ ] hey there major that did that didn’t work that was sad that was that this is sad you’re making me sad de this is Rob is cooked he’s suffocating I’m alive get get him get him you won’t be for long get him Exile you got this oh my god he has like prod four that’s not a girl no girls watch me I will sweep you only reason I didn’t kill you is because you had freaking invis yeah if you can’t oh he has invis that explains why he’s being annoying yeah and the only the only reason you’re skinny is cuz you’re [Music] po bro hit him with that personal insult Jesus Christ that is hard to say to be honest I don’t think so because I’ve eaten so much even when uh I was in a lot you were getting fent andol look like a dry I was trying so hard to gain some weight and no I couldn’t I couldn’t gain weight would you want to gain weight because bro I don’t want to look like a [ __ ] twig out of like some Stickman show big back you look like big back you look like an angel hair pasta oh thank you guys for the emeralds by the way you’re not welcome [ __ ] ass monkey monkey excuse me who you think you’re talking to you you short skinny who just whispered okay okay I’m getting a channel strike all right thank you guys wait what did what did someone say to get you who is thinking that they are woman what someone thinks we’re woman man I mean Maj your team no no I’m not willing to cross team except especially in exile’s stream what and his party I also kind of want to kill Exile and you especially for what you did last time what did I do last time you I believe in you come on where is he where is he who me right there right there where he’s right there Bas he’s at gr Bas you blind [ __ ] he’s right there imil what do you mean right there right there what what do you mean right there my schizophrenic he’s no I’m I’m being so for real right now he’s just right there it’s right there if you can see where I’m pointing he’s right there yeah we’re putting at our screens what oh oh I see him never mindo from having a schizophrenic episode you run buddy you run I’m not going to lie cool kid I know he’s in M I know I need to be funnyit I was about to wait did you lose sight of him because he’s right there N I see him I lied all right good what do you mean you see him he’s right there oh let’s go I’m going to win nothing long I’m not allowing to happen you I’m going to kill you in the most dumb way if I lose in the most dumb way to you I’m going to legit announce everyone on my channel you you should ping at everyone several times saying to subscribe to me if I if I kill you in the most devious way H with 720 no scope with a bow 7202 twists and a no scope means hit him with the bow if you can’t beat him join him shut up no so what you can’t beat a skinny kid so you have to join [Music] him brittle bones Nikki was crafty I’m on but I think the YouTube uh YouTube is going to both kill Exile and me if I say it so I’m oh okay God yeah that’s not a dumb way but that’s not going to cause me lag bro I have 500 FPS that’s not going to cause much problems oh no the way I do it is it actually blocks out the way your vision so you can’t see me or hit me the [ __ ] I’m not going lie I could give you both stream uh stream strikes right now why I I could call major a very bad thing right now like very don’t you dare I will remove you from the VC and you’ll never join again even if you are sorry me Broski oh God he’s in there’s no doubt he’s in this hi there bro he’s right there he’s right there Major’s behind you behind you dude shut up right there come on come on exile no you have brought for Sharp armor you got killed by saber yo Dr Coker welcome you got killed with a fireball I’mma Be Right Back Chad can can you can you can you ping me can you ping me can can you ping your server just sub to me I want you to Ping at everyone [ __ ] you I I will I got you I got you oh that’s funny I’m pinging at everyone right now it wasn’t even me that killed you it was saber of all people the only Chan right now my what’s my YouTube name uh realore XL yo hey Sick welcome I just ex yeah or Exile yes it’s Exel no realore Exile and then got to copy wait hold on I did that wrong there we go oh he’s over here oh shut up cool kid that’s a mean word 2,000 easy all right time to start watching the stream again that made you sad One V one I will gladly One V one you after I murder neor because he’s bald where did major go how dare this coward run you sound like you’re in your mid-40s you sound like you’re [Music] six what is the answer to the equation 2x + 1 2 x + 1 that’s like one of the equations I if x is the age that you just said X+1 is my actual age what is 13 my actual age oh you’re not actually 13 I know that I am my birth certificate says I’m 13 yeah and my birth certificate says I’m 16 doesn’t stop me from selling meth to kids I’m lying YouTube I don’t sell meth to kids yes he does ban him oh my God welcome to the stream VR with a B Hammer BR I RL I do not know if I said that right I’m sorry if I be right hit the [Music] sigma how have you not killed him yet Exile cuz he has diamond armor he takes no damage stupid ski rler I’m not I am winning but this guy just doesn’t take damage welcome trist if I win the game like I said I will reveal my real name Tristan can back me up on this so all saber has to do is jump in the [Music] void ex oh yeah I got to I got a ping now because Exile oh my God if I get I know instead Exile instead of pinging to advertise you can oh rip I already did Ping to advertise and your bed’s cooked yeah that’s fine let him win please let him [Music] win I guess he doesn’t want my real [Music] name no way you actually won that won yeah all right my real name is Michael that’s my real name my real name is Mike the same name as my dad bro dud my name is Michael Michael William brothers and sisters all right anywayss [Music] uh whenever you want ping at here in the announcement saying whatever you want it’s either to self-promote or say whatever you have on your mind only once you should look at uh General chat sh since you almost absolutely not we’re queuing Blitz oh my God good game good game oh my God I love you I didn’t I didn’t all right I’m GNA go I’m going to go do something else disgrace I’m I’m going play Sky Block it’s that one it’s that one BRB got to do dishes real the one I just told [Music] you stab stab stab I have to play I got to clear out my slime minions can enjoy Sky what all 21 of them what will you name though let’s go people like my name I’m going to Target major excuse me off the nuts what nuts One V one give me a minute I’m killing major ah major you don’t have nuts like let’s be honest [ __ ] off I don’t have any I don’t have a sword uhhuh [Music] little stupid everybody just left mid yeah of course we’re [ __ ] oh my God we can tell major is this not Hunger Games it it pretty much [Music] is come back don’t run from your destiny death oh God Deft it’s a Deft oh wait I can bow spam [Music] I [Music] missed ladies and gentlemen he has strength I don’t like that all right I will accept your duel I win this wait you died Exile no don’t worry I’ll win for you or at least to yeah I removed the no I’m now d-class Personnel God damn it you’re mov the what come on where are you guys please let me learn oh my God yo welcome back Ren I’m going to go to Sky Block slcf [Music] oh I see you V get away from me you’re poor yeah I know you refuse to give me anything anyone want to give me Contraband I have two pending beastiary [Music] Milestones where’s my fishing rod all right there it is that’s actually a lot of money and off off the nuts no what does this guy have for me Enchanted and stone a poor Sky Block player yes I am which is why I need stuff oh my God get out of here leave me alone okay fine I’ll just go to the bazaar and do some selling what was I supposed to do ex out the game has no did De win yeah dude always wins he’s gay how does it feel to be a winner oh my God he Dam do just build like that we should advertise shouldn’t we like to get more people in the party and not have like a dead Community I mean like going to theed Lobby to advertise the stream you’re about to get [Music] muted all right let’s play hold on how many people are in the party we haveing right now to get more people in I’m advertising my own stream oh my God major I have nine viewers oh my God lucky you I’m just so cool live stream yeah me and Exile are both can you request a game sure [Music] live is it an ALT oh God who is this turbo car absolutely okay there are two ways this could go join our Island private this is not this is not turbo cart Racers I accidentally random L cued this let’s not cue that I don’t want randomly wait yeah I don’t care random CU all right damn it hide with seeking I’m hiding and queing get out of hereo I’m going to kill you you want 30 mil I will absolutely take 30 mil it’s all right I’m here give me give me money give me money please give me money I’m here I’m here give me my money I want my money wait am I a block oh yeah I am oh God the Strat doesn’t work anymore [ __ ] thank you very much sir no they patched it what do I buy with this I have literally no clue oh damn it Alex is dying this game [Music] [ __ ] trash you’re trash Oh [ __ ] [ __ ] I need 250k okay okay Tristan you got to ban this guy Tristan this this is this is this is your you got it oh my God you guys have to ban These Guys these are the guys that raided me okay um wait what guys raided you oh [ __ ] oh no no please please poy chill chill no [ __ ] you [ __ ] oh man we got this shut shut up shut up uh yeah you did it right um let’s go to where is where is everyone what was one of the things that I needed to buy I forget your mom uh where okay I must be blind oh we won game over all right mod not doing mod work all right let’s play I lost don’t play with me I he’s so goated oh you got to go all right thank you for popping in let’s do EG Wars oh we’re actually doing Bed Wars I was not expecting that oh we’re doing doubles what the [ __ ] oh [Music] oh no oh my God who is Eli 2014 that’s uh I think that’s yeah that person’s in our party that’s the yeah I know but like I advertised man two people from the advertisements joined oh hold on hold on wait aren’t we supposed to get [Music] viewers I’m the best no I hate you you’re so mean to me do I get like infection or something no you’re an [ __ ] I hate you what is this oh what oh we’re playing voidless oh there we go I’m not going to lie the last time I played boist was like [ __ ] year [Music] ago true Chad’s like bro’s really listening to both live streams at the same time he’s a Chad he’s a [Music] Chad true sigma’s only watch mine and we’re getting rushed by Deft or Dr Coke hi that’s a crazy name I’m not going to lie wait they’re both there why are they both going for you because they’re a part of the prophecy really Eli what oh who my God I’m having a stroke protect the bed or he’s not protecting the bed I’m 99% sure nice armed ug is an ALT Who Dares DM me oh oh by the way he has her Emerald cuz I died with it yeah wants my setup picture you set up oh my God setup reveal holy I already did a setup reveal in my first 24-hour live stream oh thank you Eli for the amount of help you [Music] are Eli you’re good great trust me get this monkey yeah someone should get [Music] Alex oh yeah M all right I’ll go and get a what do you guys think you guys are doing I’m at your base wait you’re joking right oh weren’t joking oh well don’t worry I’ll go and get us some uh I continue yes I have how are you all so blind it’s in my newest video sorry uh ignore everything I just said man he’s insulting his viewers chat you guys really going to take that little disrespect is this green team watch my vide me to go here just watch the latest one it’s it’s important it’s [Music] funny I need I need oh I can buy iron armor now I’m so tempted to just Target major don’t you dare don’t you dare also Quee a new game I actually want to see if I can win this cuz we all know I’m trash but it’s worth trying you know if I was the the party leader of my of my streams I wouldn’t do that why you why you target evoked for sh that’s get over here you’re on the same this let’s go I’m going for armed U hey there oh I did not know you were here uh Alex you can have him if you want I’m gonna go for okay getting me is not a good idea oh oh my God [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] B Alex please help please save me oh my God he’s in love with me oh my God I love [Music] you a anyway I’m going to be a good person plus 40,000 farming experience I mean Jesus I’ll win this for you thank you they’re at that base but I got knocked off and lost half oh my God Jesus Christ my heart dude should have actually gotten the kill hold on Deft I’m current I’m currently about to sell [Music] something I don’t even need money he’s invisible he’s invisible oh no oh no is he actually hold on Arrow what should I what weapon should I buy let’s buy a Hyperion I got stuck in a block no shot I’m not 880 million game game coward get back here stuck in a block no get back here coward oh oh he left no he race quit what armed you killed him oh God I fell you okay me right now EXO oh EXO he’s asking for a duel I never would have guessed speaking of dueling I want to rematch Exile all right [Music] okay get back here coward oh my God he really gaps [Music] time to be a little [ __ ] here hello Ellie or Eli welcome back to the stream or welcome back to the party at least yeah I’m streaming and I’m better I have more viewers because I actually upload I like how I have more subs bro do you know any of the people that watch your videos uh uh are watching your stream that or that sub from your videos came your stream yeah who Tristan actually the only one seriously no I have more than one most of the people that ever subscribe to me never watch Arrow is here he came from my videos I think I don’t know arrow and cool kid is he really a cool kid though probably I’m going to actually check my YouTube Analytics like who is subscribed to me only a small percentage of you who are watching my stream are actually subscribed so please subscribe we go into analytics audience armed I’m coming for you I’ve come to say hello oh what the oh God all of my viewers are male no I’m sorry I’m sorry please I’ll never do it [Music] again why was it worth it was it dude soloed me I can’t believe it I just got absolutely Molly wed can I kill yeah we should do Major versus Exile that should be my next video [Music] but oh God I’m trying to [Music] eat Chad we got this my four viewers my only four viewers and none of them are talking in chat they all hate me yeah here we go all subscriber count no like viewers okay so the most person who has who is subscribed to me is this guy named Robert who the heck is rabert he’s an animation YouTuber man incredible Exile I’ve come to kill you nah I’d win I lied that’s kind of my fault I did decide to K for you oh why wouldn’t you carry a water bucket let me grab that also my mid chest was horrendous I almost fell [Music] I need more chest are you kidding oh oh I’m about to wipe someone off the Earth n you’re a [ __ ] trash YouTuber on unsubbing [ __ ] you I had to uh oh hey waffle welcome trash YouTuber honestly you’re a trash YouTuber stop projecting okay it’s not healthy projecting bro speaking Japanese that’s Spanish I know weff just joins says and then leaves I know it’s Spanish my family is Spanish oh that makes sense yeah I just decided to make up [Music] something German maybe it’s both German and Spanish welcome back welcome back crash imagine crashing trash YouTuber honestly I me with like over 100,000 subs and didn’t even and couldn’t even what the [ __ ] nope hey [ __ ] hell man yo welcome Louis um Carlos the stream expect oerf to join the party and be hop on us huh who’s ol Nerf you know I don’t care I literally got every kill except AOK I’m so good no ex ol Nerf is the guy that be hopped on you on stream multiple times oh ew get out of here if that’s if Allen Earth joins I swear to God wa what should I quue [Music] random prophecy time what do you mean prophecy [Music] time if I get a ping within the next two seconds oh wait I got to advertise my YouTube channel I somehow knew you were GNA do that [ __ ] you I hate you advertise my channel I hate you so much bro I hate you so much there we go you nah at least let me advertise no I’m better yeah oh my God have you also joined a game yet now I have oh God this one oh no oh no I suck at this I’m sorry hiic I’m not in I’m not accepting duels from people who aren’t in the party I’m sorry SP different B is not be someone Target major hey why am I getting targeted by both of them are you kidding me are you kidding me is this what the prophecy [Music] is hey sup de God damn it why oh my God that screaming is crazy no de de behind you de look behind you oh my God no I’ll just hide in the corn oh I guess not oh my God this is ridiculous also we I joined your Discord server um on like um where you give away Photoshop for free that’s that’s a joke by the way is it a virus is it a virus are you kidding me he will not leave me alone hold on I’ll find the server it’s called waffles strats XD we is a strategist of the YouTube algorithm yes he is I I should mention everyone watching the stream I was really about to start a new channel because I lost my access to my channel I was hacked I’m so happy I did not lose the channel but I was real why do I have coordinates on why not don’t you want people to see that you’re using fake people [Music] that was so close if I could have actually gotten on there what the someone get we oh my God I love you you’re looking good man Mr sand ow I swear to God oh that’s my bad I’ll give it to someone else I don’t want to kill Dr CER no kill the F kill my favorite YouTuber even though he’s not my favorite YouTuber oh my he’s a try hard no way in a b game just keep doing it just keep doing it just keep doing it just keep trading major I had the itch yes no no don’t jump down with me how did Death Force leave twice no idea just go up to him close what how did I die that’s bald oh my God trash all of them are literally are you all crashing are you kidding oh my God why is it skin Travis [Music] Scott I don’t even like Travis Scott so that means you hate we no I just don’t even like Travis Scott we you hear that he hates Trav Scott which means he hates you you going to take that Lev of disrespect I’m not going to lie you’re dead man see you he see you Ellie balls can I C please this is going to take forever no it’s just two people just have them Eli oh Eli my bad thank you my bad Eli thank for joining in yo can I uh hang at everyone wait can I have my own custom roll can I have my Exile role in the prophecy uh wait in the Discord server yeah the pro the prophecy has a Discord server Oh I thought you meant my Discord server Jesus no I already have a good role I have media roll I’m cool I’m better than everyone else it’s not as cool as the people with custom Ain’t No Way ain’t no way yeah Dr CER won are you schizophrenic oh wait no I am also Exile media ain’t that rare in my server let’s play guns what the [ __ ] is guns I li exor skill issue I agree kill yourself I’m kidding I’m kidding I’m kidding I’m kidding I’m kidding I’m kidding I’m kidding I would never say that I would never say that you could have told them in Minecraft in Minecraft yeah in in Minecraft in Minecraft req okay why is only like five people in the game okay whoever named thems I’m suking major I’m gonna [ __ ] throw you [ __ ] you who changed her name to that who is that who is that who is this kid oh my God it’s Ollie you fan oh no is if he’s be hopping I don’t know bro why is the Kai in the call you so angry he’s not angry he just sounds angry yeah I’m not actually angry I like to have fun I also do [Music] not oh lucky BS I love you bro I love you yeah I know I’m I’m just the grace yeah I’m going to Grace you with love man I got two oh I got disco armor I’m so much better I actually don’t hate anyone I just like the [ __ ] run and tell everyone to go [ __ ] themselves I may be a YouTuber but I’m not going to sit here and uh say be the nicest man okay I’m G to still [ __ ] around I still love my fan base I just red hopping I know okay so apparently my fan is be hopping I’m sorry Exel I’ve uh encouraged fans to join the party and now they’re hacking or at least one of them you might want to ignore him first oh no oh [ __ ] I’m on fire so everyone Watch Dog report them I agree everyone Watch Dog report them what the what where where where how did I catch on fire oh someone’s using a blade Blaze [ __ ] you get off off the nuts guys Watch Dog report them de oh dude just jumped in the void oh my god dude H why dude I feel so bad I am so cool poor dude oh I still have a Smite scroll 200 IQ I agree you tried man you tried stop giving me heads all I have gotten is [Music] helmets I know how we can kill the H hacker why you open chat how do I play SK yeah I play Sky Block I’m currently grinding to one bill oh thank you for the sub no I’m talking to my stream chat major at least I’m a better YouTuber in repes to his jet faster MH I have zero second delay because I have op I I think I have like good internet I don’t know I I have an entire hot bar of disco armor and Hot Heads you’re doing great oh he got kicked he got kicked he got banned dude got banned Jesus Christ are you kidding me I’ve got another one can we get an L for Exile holy [ __ ] I’m about to die cheater Exile could actually do better at uh not Exile Jesus uh all can do that new all time two cents dude can like pay for new all I should mention that okay good I got iron pickaxe oh my God I play Iron Man absolutely not what this man is literally inside of me you do realize what you said right yes I do this Pigman won’t stop coming inside of me dude dude oh no oh no I hope what you realize what you’re saying is oh I [Music] absolutely this Pigman won’t stop being inside of me bro oh wait he died ah idiot won’t Stu coming inside of me it’s crazy just stop how about gold I have no clue what Goldman is you’re a gold man offensive Lucky Block oh it’s a child oh no wonder why it’s offensive because we love murdering children in Minecraft man what ain’t no way how did that happen by the way just 200s oh yippy I died get ready you might make the this funny in some ways maybe but for now they can just IP ban him yeah except Hypixel never does that and he also has a VPN [Music] oh God that is really offensive I swear to God I don’t want any more hotheads it always IP bans but I have a vpm yeah un fortunately bpn aren’t the best on Hypixel Hypixel sucks at doing their job I may can somebody tell me if this is his Alt I might have to actually close the party if he if it is I’m not kidding manger tell him to stop I have two axes but he won’t anyways you got two AES now stop joining the party with your hack Man play legit if you’re going to join yeah tell ban him if he does it again him on what I can’t YouTube b him on YouTube what what am I going to get out of banning him on YouTube you can still watch the live stream he won’t be able to communicate going install and be on him oh my God I’m so close to death offensive Lucky Block that is what are you trying to say I’m a spider oh that’s one way of saving my own sorry F I know how to do this now I know what I should die how about I do nothing that’s a that’s a brilliant idea yeah man go are nuts Liz I love you all right I’m going for the nearest person who should I go for God damn it no Exile what oh wait that was an exile bed yo awesome welcome they got they got two beds now welcome how about you subscribe to my YouTube channel no no no no he’s in my stream don’t subscribe to him don’t subscribe to him trust don’t do it if you do it you you are [Applause] [Music] balls I got him there guys okay yo fun bricks welcome I was like oh my guy sorry about the whole pinging thing oh my God he’s not sorry get him chat where’s Green I I’m going to Target Green mainly because they’re the main threat I’m also a solo player so I’m not looking forward to [Music] this oh yes sound of like a monkey right there Jesus Christ just like bad I mean that’s true true but he he ain’t relevant W music yeah thank you I got W music guys uh oh [ __ ] oh no I’m sorry green don’t Target Target Target major Target major and we I know you’re a pretty small Channel and it would be incredibly good for you if you um had like a shout out so if you target him I will I will give you a shout out I know it’s really bro no way did I lag out [ __ ] sake man I just lost all my goods I oh man I’m gonna be all right let’s get the [ __ ] are you a witch you shout out yeah but you’re not you’re not no no you you you don’t get shout out give a shout out to Waffle he killed me I will shout out waffle even though he has a bigger Channel all right hold on SLP what off my nuts bro oh no oh no I lost my bed no way bro has a shovel I’m I’m losing my bed there’s no way oh my God stop kill farming me I was trying to deal with this guy what the what in the world how in the world how did I okay running away you can have my bed waffle there’s nothing I can do about it bro it’s it’s a stream sniper who isn’t actually oh my God this man actually triggered my traps yeah it’s it’s like an actual stream sniper that actually uses hacks not like the Ripoff ones cough cough prophecy cough cough you got hacked no you can get you’re also not the only uh person with media role right yeah huh yeah the only other person I mean I will count myself but I mean I don’t know since I don’t really have a point I no off weff off my nuts dude off he doesn’t want no weff keep killing him I’m done leave me alone give me respect deft this isn’t even fair you have sharp you need that shout out yeah I know your channel is just star he needs the shout out guys what in the world is this oh I’ll take [Music] it thank you somebody get Green’s bed I do it please please what balls this is balls trying to SW no way did I fall didn’t see that on my stream please I hope you can see it I don’t think oh my God no no no no [Music] screen no M stop advertising you’re not allowed to advertise anymore you’re [Music] grounded thank you I’ll stop if you shout out the prophecy everyone in the prophecy is like millions of more subscribers than me absolutely not they need no prophecy shout out I will gladly make an advertisement um if I can get like um compensation I will make the an advertisement for the prophecy I’ll make a advertisement for the [Music] prophecy I’m fine man I’m [Music] fine how am I supposed to win against a man who actually is better at PVP and better armor what a black PL I’m running away get away from [Music] me wello black plus is easy to get you just got to get to 100 Hypixel level oh my God I’m going to cry want to turn later I’m going to cry bro I’m going to actually [Music] cry oh never mind yeah it’s hard to give for me shut up shut up I don’t want to talk about it we got waffle on my nuts here dude won’t hop up he seems to have left me alone so I might have a chance 10 out of 10 oh thank you thank you trades don’t give you potatoes um tra trades don’t give you potato collection not [Music] yet 50 blocks from me I’m probably fine 15 what do you mean what do you mean I’m scared leave me alone leave me alone keep bullying him oh [ __ ] me [ __ ] me you missed bro I don’t play Bed Wars I don’t [ __ ] mean Bed Wars and I got these kids who are sweating their lives on a man who doesn’t play Minecraft much oh my God I missed the things when I used to sweat beds this game kid I’m not kid I’m old I’m a I’m a fossil I’m going to hug you weff prepare for the hug of a lifetime bu is now a child thought he was a child already give him a h I’m going to give him father son Vibes bro hit us with the frowny face nice breaching I I’m thank you I’m going to cry well I I don’t mean Bed Wars I don’t mean any anything I’ve just played whatever I feel like this man had 27 gold excuse me I swear if waffles at my base hold on let me just get okay that at my base I’m nearly spared [Music] W had so many uh chances to break my bed I don’t know why he’s just waiting for uh for me to give up or just sleep I don’t know it’s going to make me rage quit God damn [Music] it Sid boots weff should totally shout me out in his latest video that he’s going to post in like a million years rust I don’t even know what he uh what he’s been posting recently he’s probably like posted but I haven’t gotten notified bro simping for a YouTuber imagine what do you mean it’s the truth when have I ever SED I also got hiccups if I’m going to sim for any YouTuber it’d be myself so I swear to God if they and they’re both here Yep this is a game I like really I enjoy this game I play this game for fun do you though no oh my God and they have are they both at your base bro should I go get a college education and a loving family okay apparently bed pointer you didn’t even hit a single shot that was [Music] sad keep bullying major and you’ll get that shout out trust I know you need it oh [ __ ] no no please I’m going to scream bro don’t listen to him he needs a shout out he’s a desperate man who needs a shout out [Music] bro I’m GNA lose it well my Channel’s dead man and do I even care no stop trying to sound like you’re a main character major no I’m not a main character what did I ever say I was ever say they have obsidian they have obsidian oh my can I forfeit can I forfeit no way they’re trying this hard in a [ __ ] block game [Music] fishing rods okay no I don’t want to I I’m I’m leaving I’m leaving the game no what’s the point in are playing in a [ __ ] block game no let’s just um I’m I left no that’s that’s ridiculous you’re playing in a [ __ ] block game calm down stop stop major calm down calm calm down calm down it’s annoying calm down I ain’t playing against someone who’s playing like thatal Cal calm Cal I’m Cal so can you be my father no calm down major imagine only have five viewers it’s a rookie number you’re watching [ __ ] you I don’t want to try why would I try on YouTube when I can be myself instead of being like this what’s going on guys it’s me [ __ ] [ __ ] here okay I’m going to calm down that gave me a lot of Shivers after streaming and I no way Ain’t No Way ain’t no way I’m I’m going to help you no don’t no I’ll help you I’ll save you okay no no no I hate you I’m reing just because of you I’m queuing just because of you [ __ ] you I don’t think we should ever play beds again I don’t want to fight those nerds bro you’re going to make I don’t think it’s a good idea that you keep like switching uh lobes it’s fine you’re G to make people want to leave the party and that’s going to cause [Music] less not my problem that’s future me’s problem okay who cares if I get demotivated or unhappy with my life I want to make people mad going to be like uh those annoying YouTubers well you of confidence I got we thank God oh my God I just massacred everybody oh God no get yes uh oh don’t worry I’ll save you Exile I think you just threw your sword I’ll save you [Music] Exile I love F5 mode bro I killed weff Dr Coker and de force the wor the most most good people in the party I got carried by a how does it feel to be killed by a skeleton guys well you’re actually so boosted by a skeleton yes do you come on all right I’m about to get destroyed Exile after him me let’s see that ego of yours I mean like you still got killed by me and a skeleton [Music] so you got this who do I want to root for you know what I’m going to root for HC as you got this no as SEC no SEC this is why I don’t PVP I don’t know how you could play this game 20% and that’s Rich coming from me that’s really rich coming from me oh man stop gapping stop gapping stop gapping fine gaing fine all right let’s kill hold on the game hasn’t ended me me please would you like to VC weff so you can join us I’ll invite you to the server if you want yeah I like you like to play like your life is oh my God major don’t insult don’t insult the famous person don’t insult the famous person major make a video on me I’ll enjoy my three seconds of Fame and then get canell over people crying in a block game except I’m crying that hard in a BL game don’t insult the famous person major that’s all he is he’s just a number I I need to stop is crazy I’m sorry weff I’m sorry please forgive me watch him be like act oh this could go so wrong bro saying I play Sky Block I don’t play Sky Block unless you make You Ren plays Sky Block I don’t play Sky Block Sky Block is boring but I mean that’s what if people like Sky plays pay to win servers yeah except I don’t pay to win at least I’m not those clowns you still make that number go up I won game ended all right I make that number go up H what do you mean never mind want my subscriber count let’s play no let’s play uh I have wait I have 11,000 hours in Sky Block it’s either either someone used to play on my own because there’s no way I played 11, 1100 hours that’s him oh I was going to say CH played 1100 hours someone’s spent on my account CU there’s no way this man has an ego higher than me who me yeah what ego do I have oh fell rip rip weff can I get a rip in my non-existent chat I don’t hate we but I hate the way he plays that’s so it’s the only thing don’t give away my location you fat [ __ ] hey I play normally man bro not what I was seeing a minute ago I don’t hate you but I hate the way you play thank you Deft also Exile what ego do I have yes that’s not that’s people keep saying I have an ego they’re [ __ ] [ __ ] because I don’t any that you can’t say that that’s a word you can’t say I don’t care I’m going to say if I get canceled I guess give me those views oh my God I said it multiple times waiting for it don’t cancelo but cancel me I don’t care I’m going to get a strike for hate speech I swear to God no no in Minecraft you all are no I’m kidding Jesus Christ it’s literally a slur major if people hate me don’t report Exile report my stream I can give two shits left if YouTube is going to get mad over a small hate speech small hate speech what that of a deal man I don’t think it’s that big of a deal calling someone that oh [ __ ] I don’t have anything to save myself [ __ ] I think I [Music] won man can’t believe what gaming it’s gotten to you know it’s funny how I say I hate people who try like their Li are on the line but I used to play like a clown this is when I was a bed War sweat and now I hate it cuz I realized how much it was a pain for people oh my God Exile all your fault that TR uh expanded silent Exile yeah I hate you why are you signing for that oh sorry I’m just messaging the waffle man eat him no I’m hungry WAFF what do you don’t [Music] to but I don’t want to go I want I want to play video games you’re not going to be able to play video games if you die I’m not going to be dead I didn’t have lunch but that’s fine that’s really concerning pleaseing nah food is for the weak yes real men don’t need food real men photosynthesize is my internet having problems yeah your stream crashed I got DM [ __ ] off major need help again again bro what happened oh God bad’s going through something again hope he’s okay my God with’s wff’s Discord I’m gonna DM him to uh some interesting gifts I don’t even know what I’m going to send him yet to be honest what’s going on I’m guys you all need to you all need to say that his stream crashed go into his stream and say stream crashed major you should advertise your channel again like the stream because you haven’t advertised in like forever you’re I’m not going to P you I swear in the mes still exist everyone go into his stream go into his stream and tell him that um and tell him that his stream crashed go into his stream and tell him that his screen stream crashed come on do it Exile go on his stream and say that his stream crashed um what did Exile die is you okay guys go into his stream and say stream CR you it’s working yeah no I’m not falling for that I’m not come on guys guys guyss ago go into his stream and say that it crashed click on the link and say it’s crashed Exile either Exile is faking it or he actually want to go eat which I hope it’s the second op because going to die come on someone say stream crashed hold uh just okay okay uh why is the screen black [ __ ] off you major the stream crashed [ __ ] off guys yeah no I’m not falling for it I need everyone to go into his chat and say stream crashed it oh man I fell for it yo think your stream crashed [ __ ] [ __ ] oh my god oh by the way everyone should report my stream since people seem to hate me everyone I need everyone to do it or else it won’t seem realistic everyone does it it won’t seem realistic like [ __ ] off clown hello if Nobody Does it there’s literally no stream you know what else is no stream my dad all later anyways shut the [ __ ] up major I actually think your stream crash [ __ ] off un dude or unmute your [Music] mic why why do I have GE Force open on my tab yeah major and turn your stream on guys I actually think his stream crashed I don’t think he can hear me I actually think his stream crashed like his OBS is not showing well his audio is not showing on my obs [Music] bro I actually think his stream crashed I I just messaged it let’s not do that again let’s actually do [Music] regular farming potatoes bro swear to God if this man is like saying no a stream didn’t crash stream I’m going to have a stroke like I swear I I can’t hear him and his stream is literally lagging for everybody it’s like saying democracy it’s like one guy in democracy saying I voted for this so it isn’t [Music] happening yeah well I swear to God this man needs to reset his stream this absolute [Music] buffoon oh this man’s it just Auto played for me [Music] bro oh I was watching his stream it immediately just autop played to the next one his it literally just ended [Music] [Music] I swear to God if this man does not reset his stream [Music] God damn it it didn’t work God damn it fine fine you get unmuted you get unmuted yeah I G’s over he’s too stupid and nobody actually listened with me nobody actually listened with me that was the problemen you had Wick you had Wick some other nerds here who were saying you couldn’t hear me and I wasn’t stupid man you muted it was so obvious man can I can I kill can I kill uh if these two stop oh no they’re not teaming oh wait were these the two that teamed I can’t wow that was an incredible death you’re not a nerd fair enough I can C all right what what are we queing let’s Ste um bad Rock cops and crims cops and oh I lied this is never going to kill like Counter Strike but for poor people oh no not this AG of a game why dud TDM what’s TDM Team Deathmatch I’m tempted to like go into my own uh Discord server and go into streams fors so that people can join my stream if they actually want to yeah no one wants to join my Discord server because it’s dead as [ __ ] don’t be negative on yourself who would join the VC man who would join the VC um I don’t know X I’m going to mention this right now you’re getting more subs than me because you are more entertaining I’m over here sitting here playing games that n you’re entertaining I need people don’t want that’s why I don’t grow as fast as you and I don’t care to grow as fast because people people want to see what they want to see I understand that’s not my interest I love which one which which one of you guys had cheats okay I’m I I I’m sorry you just vented I did not insult your channel I was just saying so that people from my uh the stream could join it’s me oh weff got banned guys no Wick Wick NM got banned trying to insult my Channel or whatever it’s fine if my channel is [ __ ] it’s [ __ ] did did you ever play CS2 CS go is that what it’s called yeah I I I’ve played I’ve played CS go before I played it a lot but I need I need my potatoes and I need my clo so seea wait what do you mean seea you got to go take care man I’m playing like an no one wants to watch a a person play Dungeons hit them up and then sit their AFK so I mean EXO you’re not insulting my channel I mean this is normal I don’t care if my channel dies at this point my channel is not good it’s not supposed to be entertaining because I just do what I want I upload what I want but I’m not speak you funny to hang around Speak Your Truth God I’m not going to sit here on I’m not going to be uh what’s it what’s those clowns names uh all excited and having uh confidence I mean I guess confidence does go ahead and bring your channel to a high standard but eh do not say slay [ __ ] off small YouTuber versus someone with my address what yeah weff probably has my address I’m not even surprised if he wanted to he could probably find my address if people find my address um what are you going to what are you going to do me for we going to come you’re G to come here come at me I’m also going to say I should probably say this on your stream so I’m going to say it on my stream so you might wanna I’m gonna mute real quick all right all right say this because I don’t think they YouTube would appreciate yours so um yeah all right he’s he’s just doxing me on his regular channel now that’s fine I’m fine I’m happy I’m stable Jesus what is taking so long we have extreme unstore gamer this guy hasn’t even left his Island yet waffle and de are just teaming [Music] we’re no longer playing any games we’re going to play sit I I want to be a Hypixel admin and add a and change all of the games from like for like April fools to hold on is he deafened is this short guy deafened oh he is who is this poptart kid is Deen all right um I want to become like a Hypixel admin for like a day and change and like make a game called watch paint dry and it’s like a super slow down version of like watching water like freeze into ice I think that would be hilarious of course I’m incredibly unfunny and original but you get the point Who Dares hard my comment oh oh that’s major never mind all right I’m going to send a text to my dad because I’m too lazy to actually socialize make me a quesadilla [Music] please there we go believe it or not I’m actually quite [Music] active on a scale of 1 to 10 how much of a chain smoker do I sound like [Music] 10 10 shut up um you oh right I forgot I’m the party leader oh my God what is taking major so long Jesus Christ get out of the NPC okay I’m just maybe an 11 hi there you go on a scale of 1 to 10 how much of a chain smoker do I sound like right now um six oh my God sound like you’re dying are you okay no no no I’m not Murder My Street this game does not suck I love murdering people I love to find out who the murderer is 100% murder 100% I’m very curious if Exile is the murderer I’m I’m literally live I’m live yeah I could check your stream but I don’t want to be a loser who joined oh smashed who is this guy hey you streaming isn’t this the British guy isn’t this the British guy [ __ ] shut the [ __ ] up I’m talking to Maj are you streaming yeah I am [ __ ] sake I wanted to say the N word you’re you’re white in British you can’t say that you made up that word that was your word if I’m not going to lie I don’t support the N word of course but people in Harry’s fit it’s Harry’s fit man it’s full of toxicity and people are bound to either pick it up or just start saying it and that game exactly except I didn’t pick it up I made people pick you up he’s white and he’s British I did accidentally he’s British oh my God guys he’s British major stop being friendly you’re British you’re British you don’t know I’m guys major stop being friends with the British man there’s no problem with being friends with another race man people we are all rain isn’t a race they’re things I’m kidding YouTube calm down you can the Bri for your opinion but I don’t care what you’re if you’re humans or not [ __ ] hell I don’t care if you are built like a dick Exile you’re thing that shouldn’t exist you little [ __ ] knob head shut the [ __ ] up stop projecting stop projecting stop projecting okay projecting projecting hard oh my God you’re like blowing on your mic Jesus Christ blow [ __ ] M how original not you this British man F shut the [ __ ] no I’m not you [ __ ] pedophile shut up that’s you I’m a minor what are you talking about oh cool stay away from me I’m seven please are you 72 cool yeah I’m s oh oh I was meaning age I’m seven dude are you seven or how old are you years old no I’m four oh man I’m olding you I am like 60% sure this guy is actively doing drugs oh God do I leave the VC you got the okay are you doing drugs o cool are you actively doing drugs I am very very drunk out of my mind what the [ __ ] did I just say Wick sended General Wick what the [ __ ] no oh it looks cute but it looks scary to see him he’s sing around oh no football he’s crazy oh no no that poor thing why are you drunk why are you drunk you mean why am I drunk I’m I’m allow yeah but why the age for being drunk isn’t 21 here because I’m not a [ __ ] n I’m Canadian we’re from the same people I’m I’m literally spicing this stream I’m literally going to get this stream more viewers don’t even lie half of them left once they heard you can this Exile kid just leave the call oh my God you’re British you’re British you can’t be talking you’re an nword what’s your point you I’m not allowed to say the actual word cuz may just streaming and I’m not that much of an not I mean I don’t care if you say the N word of my you it I will I will just to an argum just to get bed is he is he stream yes he is oh okay is I’d rather not get him in trouble he’s he’s a another YouTuber friend of mine and he does not uh he doesn’t mind swearing and [ __ ] I don’t know if he Minds inappropriate words because just don’t say racial [Applause] slurs thought I said it then you thought I said it I mean I saides bad has said uh the ni just saying ni instead of the full word what just nit yeah just like that I don’t know how my stream never gets it but I doubt it’ll like cause problems if you just say it like that and I except Alex somehow got yeah I am not that’s not happening anymore I do not want him to say the hard R if Major’s watching my stream he can join my my stream fors channel so it can fill up to like four people so if people in the Stream like want to actually join and talk with their favorite streamer um I need something better to do with my life yo hold on wait give me a minute I’m going to rejoin I’m going to rejoin I just I don’t want to yo weff you should totally join the VC [Music] trust what the H was that b hit us with a devious col devious callus [Music] [Music] so I’m going to go can I CU please yes I think [Music] I should have hold on I’m going to rejoin and ask him to say bottle of water give me a minute give me a minute I’ll be back yo yo yo cool um say say bottle of water say bottle of water for me water no no no say it in your really horrendous British accent bottle of water he clipped it in here yep I don’t byebye bye-bye British man oh also major you can rejoin my uh streams for VC so that this man won’t get me stried hardar will actually get you stri Exile Exile Exile say unique with an hour at the end I’m I’m stupid hello [Music] [Music] hello what this okay this is not scuffed at all okay can I K I think so all right yeah we’re doing bedw wars oh oh for sh [Music] [Music] all right who’s my Rush white team I’m about to get deaded my Discord link oh damn it I forgot I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry my Discord link is broken it’s outdated yeah I know that I just started spamming everyone there we go all right I can do this [Music] join [Music] no my Discord link is no wrong girl I just not even close [Music] all you got to do is join the server um complete the onboarding I think that’s called and then join the streams for voice Channel [Music] [Music] Ain’t No Way major oh I think either waffle crashed or he raged I think he crashed yeah he [Music] crashed now you guys can join my awesome Discord [Music] server yo major what’s good you epic epic gamer who’s in the I have 182 Ms I like this that’s really high yeah I know but everything feels the same it’s like 60 so yeah it’s cuz it’s not M man and it’s not like heavily at I oh gamees balls who just joined Who Dares join oh it’s confetti okay I give up on the world I give up on the world I give [Music] oh oh [Music] oh somebody get Major’s bed I can get this if you a oh I think I think he died oh wait no they just went to do something better with their life we’re friends on Hypixel so you [Music] know very go get pink team you get pink team it’sust oh where is is he this way I will go stab why does briding you know what makes sense Sky Block what do I buy with 20 million Sky Block coins he hold on let’s go to my collection farming potatoes one 934 now I’m so bad at video games okay same man [Music] oh you’re dead oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] are you enjoying this quality uh uh air conditioning ASMR is that what that is it’s a combination of my uh I forget what it’s called my computer and my air conditioning okay I thought it was just like the computer or something nah I have to have the air condition running right next to my freaking computer in order to keep it normal my my my yeah and I have killed pink whoever that [Music] was and they R quit okay [Music] a fireball [Music] right yep I knew it a just is better not I am giving such quality commentary right now [Music] [Music] [Music] why you so [Music] stacked no way okay [Music] I’m going to farming XP what do I use 20 million coins for oh [Music] oh why a b oh my this is [Music] is okay well this both spamming now yo George welcome [Music] yeah goodbye he crappie armor how do I what is I give up [Music] this isn’t I’m not V seeing with TR and I’m be seeing with uh awesome [Music] yes okay we’re very stacked [Music] and [Music] hey what what what is the armor called game okay okay sweet what should I cue bedw Wars takes way too long and I die way too quick bedw Wars 3v3 that should be fast it’s like two people or two teams sorry uh what’s cute party games [Music] what is this oh no not the crafting one I don’t know what to craft okay uh [Music] oh do I need to like Note Block oh [Music] oh I’m stupid [Music] okay yeah this is what I want [Music] right where is the other [Music] how is he so [Music] fast oh how are they already [Music] okay I’m so tired [Music] eye tired eye volts oh I jumped into the smoke [Music] oh my God stop sweating it’s a video game who’s the guy who’s nicked me cuz I’m just La that’s like the only reason oh oh wait sorry I was thinking about I video [Music] game this is taking so long you just die life is oh I was just I’m not paying attention [Music] Okay Exile said cheese Man O wo [Music] are you you that’s not r at all oh oh no [Music] [Music] why are you driving from [Music] there sorry I was just responding to a text message [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh I like this game yay can’t hear over all the grass Jesus oh I hate this game I hate this game [Music] [Music] how is De at [Music] [Music] 35 oh [Music] [Music] bro is this oh no not this one [Music] I of want to do Sky Block but I also don’t want to do Sky [Music] Block yeah it’s fermento how much does one fermento gear cost [Music] [Music] farming skill 30 that’s so [Music] much our next combat level oh I can do Slayers I forgot those [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] sh [Music] [Music] [Music] you’re going to go all right thank you for popping in dep I’m probably about to end stream right here too if you want to shut out the prophecy disc I’m go to all right that’s perfect timing I’m about to end stream U thank you guys for watching uh later [Music]

This video, titled ‘Hypixel With YOU!! [/P Join Th3Ex1le]’, was uploaded by Exile on 2024-05-10 23:24:24. It has garnered 66 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 02:28:07 or 8887 seconds.

yeah #gaming #hypixel #minecraft DISCORD SERVER: https://discord.gg/dUXuRDxgdw




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RULES: #1: dont hate on anyone #2: be respectfull #3: be nice #4: no begging for mod #5: i have the final say

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    Malenia SkyEmbark on an epic journey through Malenia Sky, a dynamic Minecraft universe inspired by the legendary realms of Hypixel, Wynncraft, and other beloved games. Dive into a world brimming with boundless possibilities, where every corner is teeming with adventure and excitement. At Malenia Sky, your voice holds the key to shaping the destiny of our realm. Our voting platform empowers players like you to champion your favorite servers, each one a beacon of innovation and creativity. From captivating storylines to thrilling minigames and immersive RPG experiences, our servers draw inspiration from the best to offer an unparalleled gaming experience. maleniasky.apexmc.co:25762 Read More

  • Bonded Blocks Season 1 | Semi-vanilla Server For Content Creators | Applications Open! Whitelist 14+ 1.21

    Bonded Blocks – Calling all Content Creators! Hey there! I’m ServerNotGood, a 16 year old British Content Creator who loves playing Survival Minecraft with other inspiring Creators. Bonded Blocks is the server of my dreams, where 20 unique Content Creators come together to create, make memories, and enjoy playing survival minecraft. Mods Included: Simple Voice Chat Creator Status Mod AudioPlayer Mod We are looking for skilled and actively-playing Content Creators who can create videos in exciting ways, whether it’s storytelling, redstone, building, etc. We value personality and passion over subscriber count. Current members include It’s_Spyke, ServerNotGood, and more. Pranking is… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – The Ultimate Kid Nation Arc Debatable

    Minecraft Memes - The Ultimate Kid Nation Arc DebatableLooks like this meme is powered by Energizer batteries, because it’s got a score of 4! Read More

  • OP Swords, One Lucky Block: Telugu Minecraft Madness!

    OP Swords, One Lucky Block: Telugu Minecraft Madness! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, I found a lucky block, a player’s dream. With a powerful sword, I struck with might, Defeating foes, in the day and the night. Join me on this journey, in the land of blocks, Where adventures await, in mines and docks. Subscribe to my channel, for more fun and delight, As we explore together, in the Minecraft night. Follow me on socials, for updates and more, On Facebook, Discord, and Instagram galore. Like, share, and subscribe, to show your support, As we continue this journey, in the Minecraft fort. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Creeper Edition 🔥

    Minecraft Meme: Creeper Edition 🔥 “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because he had too much TNTsion!” #minecraft #meme Read More

  • From Rags to Riches in Minecraft

    From Rags to Riches in Minecraft Minecraft: From Poor to King Embark on a thrilling Minecraft journey with Adispot as he transforms from a humble player to a powerful ruler in the virtual world. Join him as he navigates through challenges, builds empires, and conquers new territories in this exciting gameplay series. Building a Minecraft Empire Adispot starts his adventure with limited resources, crafting tools, and exploring the vast landscapes of Minecraft. As he gathers materials and hones his skills, he gradually expands his territory, constructing elaborate structures and fortresses to establish his dominance. Challenges and Triumphs Throughout his journey, Adispot encounters various challenges, from… Read More


    EPIC CROSSOVER: DARTH VADER'S SABER IN MINECRAFT!Video Information This video, titled ‘We Found DARTH VADERS LIGHT SABER In Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Omz Roblox on 2024-06-14 02:22:15. It has garnered 255798 views and 3537 likes. The duration of the video is 03:09:10 or 11350 seconds. Today Omz Crystal Luke Alexa Roxy Lily and Heather are getting light sabers! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes: Realistic Tree & Axe Part 366

    Minecraft Memes: Realistic Tree & Axe Part 366Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft wait what meme part 366 realistic Tree and Axe’, was uploaded by Sticky – Minecraft memes on 2024-07-06 09:17:03. It has garnered 36857 views and 366 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:26 or 326 seconds. Minecraft wait what meme part 366 realistic Tree and Axe in minecraft 3d mod Minecraft diamond in real life. Realistic house and water physics in minecraft rtx on challenge (realistic sheep fur, realistic snow in minecraft, realistic water in minecraft, realistic lava in minecraft) Minecraft in Real Life – Secret Treasures Realistic Texture Pack The First Hacker’s… Read More

  • Ultimate Armor Quest: Finding the Ultimate Armor!

    Ultimate Armor Quest: Finding the Ultimate Armor!Video Information This video, titled ‘J’ai Du Obtenir la MEILLEUR Armure du jeu…’, was uploaded by Wizux on 2024-05-18 17:30:10. It has garnered 948 views and 78 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:36 or 336 seconds. Hello today New video on the Skylodia server, which is for me one of the best minecraft servers of 2024 and or … I Got the BEST Armor … of the server on Minecraft! 👍and also think about the Baron Rank to win! My discord (very important) 😉: https://discord.gg/n3RbSXFvED 🎬i made other videos in this style! like the video: I have 24H… Read More

  • GamexRudra meets Mr Beast in Minecraft 😈🔥

    GamexRudra meets Mr Beast in Minecraft 😈🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Mr Beast 😈😎 | GamexRudra – @MrBeast #minecraft #shortsfeed #mrbeast #viral #trending #shorts #mobs’, was uploaded by GamexRudra on 2024-02-16 03:52:16. It has garnered 540 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Mr Beast 😈😎 | GamexRudra – @MrBeast Don’t Forget To Subscribe Gamexrudra gamexrudra android gameplay android gameplay videos android games gaming channel simulator gameplays Android gameplays simulator gameplay @GamexRudra #gamexrudra new update android game mobile game mobile gameplay android gaming mobile gaming noob pro hacker Noob vs Pro vs Hacker noob vs pro vs pro vs… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Creeper Race! 😱 #shorts #explosion

    Insane Minecraft Creeper Race! 😱 #shorts #explosionVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Creeper Explosion Race🤯 #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by MrMeadow on 2024-06-02 03:21:14. It has garnered 29518 views and 621 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. Welcome to MrMeadow In this channel, we dive deep into the immersive world of Minecraft exploring various gameplay modes uncovering hidden secrets mastering the art of survival tutorials redstone creations adventure maps multiplayer gameplay Minecraft tips and tricks and many more about Minecraft. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting your Minecraft journey you’ll find something to enjoy here. Minecraft Creeper Explosion Race… Read More

  • 🔥EPIC🔥 24kEl1te DOMINATES Minecraft Bedrock LIVE!

    🔥EPIC🔥 24kEl1te DOMINATES Minecraft Bedrock LIVE!Video Information This video, titled ‘[🔴LIVE] Playing Minecraft Bedrock With Viewers!’, was uploaded by 24kEl1te on 2024-03-25 07:42:11. It has garnered 99 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 01:04:31 or 3871 seconds. I hope you liked the stream! my dc server! :https://discord.gg/tyy5DbaBCx my twitter/x : https://twitter.com/dev_timm #minecrtaft #minecraft Read More

  • WafflezMC: Forgotten Minecraft Legends

    WafflezMC: Forgotten Minecraft LegendsVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Minecraft Youtubers Lost To Time’, was uploaded by WafflezMC on 2024-07-13 16:00:05. It has garnered 7950 views and 475 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:59 or 899 seconds. Everybody has their favorite YouTubers, but what about the ones who are no longer on the platform? second channel: https://www.youtube.com/@livewafflez3849 Insanely special thanks to Misdemeanors for helping me with the script and answering a few questions! https://www.youtube.com/@misdemeanors6552 also, three of the tracks in this video were made by Scott Buckley, one of my favorite stock music makers! will probably be using more of his… Read More

  • Insane Battle Royale in WWII Castle – 50 Players!

    Insane Battle Royale in WWII Castle - 50 Players!Video Information This video, titled ’50 Players fight in a WORLD WAR II CASTLE SIEGE in Minecraft’, was uploaded by History Recrafted on 2024-06-21 07:04:04. It has garnered 214 views and 31 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:45 or 645 seconds. In the first episode of History Recrafted, we recreate the Battle of Castle Itter! In this attempt to simulate a war in Minecraft, players are only given one piece of guidance: defend the castle or take it over. Will history repeat itself in this Minecraft experiment? Or will something completely different happen that has some SERIOUSLY BAD… Read More

  • INSANE progress in 10 days – Minecraft Survival Indonesia

    INSANE progress in 10 days - Minecraft Survival IndonesiaVideo Information This video, titled ‘Ber-awal (Day 10) – Minecraft Survival Indonesia’, was uploaded by putra p on 2024-03-11 22:09:56. It has garnered 233 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 03:14:12 or 11652 seconds. Support me, bro. https://sociabuzz.com/damaiputra/donate donate (min 1 ribu rupiah) . Join membership to early acces : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvV8J4602zYqqX7Xt0yPwCA/join !commands nightbot !spek !age 1k = 1 minute 50 seconds 10k = 29 minutes 50k = 2 hours 30 minutes 100k = 5 hours 150k = 12 hours moderator = 200k discount. #minecraftindonesia #minecraftliveindonesia Read More