Hypixel Skyblock: How to Defeat KillIt

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Kind of makes you check them Out Fall it’s how are you I’m doing I’m actually not doing good but that’s why I’m here assassin with the diamond I guess they’re just not that expensive anymore yeah 100 Mil that’s not even that expensive it’s cheaper than a giant sword so you can afford a giant sword you can

Afford a Diamond Head f leric Know like Kiss k K K K I don’t know all everybody nobody nobody was talking to me like few months ago and everybody hit my phone up [ __ ] Bo my show Baby my They leave alone leave alone you I put it never going so f girl make take girl me nice D two stars from the first round Al SC you it’s Just I don’t youo man please be mindful of desper Link don’t unb it’s someone oh my god he has Spirit guys there’s a decoy down here what the dude I’m so hungry man I’m trying to eat less to lose weight it’s like I’m now I’m constantly hungry literally constantly hungry that

Sucks I don’t remember it being this bad last time though cuz like a few years ago I lost weight in fact I lost like 50 lbs back in like 2019 or whatever but I don’t remember I don’t know maybe it’s one of those things where you don’t remember like how you

Felt go or whatever sort of thing I go to the gym I signed up in a few days there’s a red name in there’s a red name in tab my God no way red name I mean I did five minutes of walking today but I mean that’s some

Bare minimum [ __ ] like I said I plan to start going to the gym in like a little bit like a few days like sign up for it would I mean maybe I’ll look into that doesn’t really sound right though I’m pretty sure cardio and dieting is how you lose

That I don’t see how that could be a but I I’ll do some Googling later I’m C of 51 it’s like it could be higher I just haven’t been bother to do s oh my God no way no rank player no way we got the naan big sheet

Oh wait we got the no rank master mode player doing better now that I’m playing yeah I just woke up it’s like 6:00 a.m. or something yeah 6:40 All B there’s already a guy in the room I’ll let him finish it I’ll Stand in the portal so we can go insta 300 tell boy C here am boy click is that a fro Got a blood block blood belongs to the Mage this is my room Rel Z it the other way around is Ral Z or is zal at the front or the back just SW there was a z in your name I’m misremembering or something your Minecraft IGN is zero right are you trying to gas light me bro don’t you dare don’t you dare gas light me

Bro every y’ are too lucky bro y’all need to lower y’all’s luck level and give it to me yeah it’s definitely worse than the old system but it is lazier so there’s that you don’t even really have to one tap the bear anymore one tapping the bear is optional now

Technically yeah the admins are pretty bad at coding I mean M4 still has bugs too like it’s still not perfect perfect there absolutely still a handful of [ __ ] wrong with it so yep that’s another one also Thorn going crazy if you let go of stunning is also a bug in

Itself it’s a bug that you can stun him but it’s also a bug that he breaks after he stop stunning you do this room oh they only partially did I think yeah there like two people in this room I’m going to leave it late as hell 300

Miss yeah but it was kind of nice cuz it meant you needed skill to do it fast you know what I’m saying like if you ignore it being a bug for a second and pretend it’s a feature it would make a really good feature if you had good damage and

Good timing you could make the boss faster you know it it rewarded skilled players you know it rewarded you for being talented you know nowadays it doesn’t really matter it’s just it’s literally just kill it fast like that’s it just the faster you kill it the better like that’s lame what

Happened to like timing it and doing like a billion damage you know this man is spiritual I’ll open up the dungeon hub Z El there it is [ __ ] there’s no Z is right [ __ ] right there it’s a visual but yeah that’s kind of funny what is this oh I figured out

Okay like I don’t I do not know this room I mean a golden dor head is not that expensive I mean you can get like a basic ancient five star for not that much I mean yeah like I have one right here it’s yeah it’s like 7 million

Coins 5 million for the item and then a little bit for the ancient yeah that’s 7 million coins that’s not Iron Man okay I see [ __ ] has to actually play the game me that’s kind of funny I never really knew that about him I don’t think I ever

Noticed I was thinking the same thing like that spot needed to be gyro yeah I gu still sitting here Cor he could go for the Thor Isep seven minute runs what are our what are our runs what was that four minute runs wow okay Mary finder goart honestly yeah dude you’re totally right [ __ ] F4 party finder sucks like as like as soon as you get to the boss everyone wants to like

Stand in the stands and do nothing if you’ve ever played F4 party finder that’s how it is you go in the boss and like everyone like doesn’t want to do anything they hope that someone else will do it and so everyone’s like up in the stands you know like hiding towering

Wanting someone else to do it hello not zero I like never play bed War God no way a Diamond livid head in M4 no way why expensive imagine could not be me bro Soul Leader could not be me bro my last profile was a 210 so I’ve actually passed where I used to

Be baby holy [ __ ] is that c no way I’m getting [ __ ] stream sniped hello I’m getting straight stream sniped right now me like pass the live check there you go you see you can visit me partic I’m hungry with [ __ ] Bro something [ __ ] it we drinking monster like Center on my block

Hello yes g51 it’s been a while since I’ve seen that name do we need to tank guys what do y’all think I’m getting booped oh wow okay this man only plays like M4 hello welcome to the world’s greatest M4 let you going are you any good at

It we’re about have a party of noobs honestly I’m like letting everyone in I’m like letting in underqualified people it’s going to be a party of like all underqualified [Laughter] oh my God this man has three comps that’s too little bro come on three comps you don’t even know how to play

Like yeah you haven’t even you don’t know how to play you don’t know how to you haven’t learned yet I just heard a sheep you hate them for it’s literally my favorite Flor like I’m playing M4 for fun like the money is kind of a side

Thing I’m playing this just to have fun like like just for the enjoyment of it I am playing dungeons for fun we already have two burs yeah face cam and we already have stud in cycle we have two bures it looks like assuming people are playing the class there or

Whatever there’s the guy I invited that didn’t join coward sucks having to be the bigger person bro it’s like when someone wrongs me it’s like it’s my job to fix it yeah St you know that thing is 10 years old I I made it out of cardboard and paper 10 years

Ago come that Claymore boy pimera 3 with mostly tier s that’s the name mine’s better we need an Archer actually wait Archer is the easiest class well you probably could are you any good at dealing damage you’re not okay never mind I’m like do you have a solor five

Terminator like no you did not please don’t use for real bro do not spiritual is Hash baned using a spiritual Terminator is a punishable effect or else bro come on you need that precise term any bro where where’s your precise term yeah precise and spiritual are 99%

The same like like like spiritual is literally like 1% so you’d go from like 50 million to like 50 .5 million you know what I’m saying like like the damage difference like you’re going to One Tap anyway like you know it’s not going to make a difference you know switching to like

Precise like that that 1% damage increases like not going to matter M7 yo where is our fist bro you do be needing Tata I don’t know how you’re in Sky Block simplified you’re not high bro that’s have you never played with Ron I got the DED w WIP C

46 hell too late now bro man said 1 second after it had started you’re just unready or something there you go I mean hey I was wiped when I was cat of 15 I’m still C out of 50 well out of 51 oh yeah my profile is like a year old

So yeah I’ve had way more time well bro show me that term you need to have a Soler five precise Terminator once you have a Soler five precise Terminator let me know uh real oh you got it from four to five that’s great man it should have never

Been four in the first place you should have just left it as like Soler or something until you could get duplex five you can’t be walking out here with a duplex four terms could have just left it soier till you got the money BR Puzzler sucks pzer oh my

Boom yeah so leader 5 and duplex 5 nothing else is acceptable if you’re rocking like a duplex 4 like that is not acceptable unacceptable it’s only kind of okay I’ll I I’ll take something like that cuz like I understand you know like getting that many duplex books you know it takes time

It’s not that easy you know but like if you can use the bizaar bro no excuse you know what I’m saying it’s different if you’re a normal player well I didn’t bring my Terminator I actually well I could do it but yeah I one of you all will do it

Instead no no way this guy can’t kill a Shad of bro you are Berserker bro what are you doing bro just just accept defeat and wear a Bonzo mask just admit that you suck and wear a bonso mask so you can play the game kind of funny

BR I mean like if you’re dying you definitely need like a bonso mask like if you’re having survivability issues that’s like what the bonso mask is for I mean I used to wear a bonso mask super regularly like when I play floor 7 as Mage I would wear a bonso mask like the

Entire run like I I would have wither goggles like in my inventory but I would I would play the entire floor 7 with the bonso mask on just just because you know I didn’t want to die right and I was like Kata 30 or whatever so I was like lowata so Mak

S it’s like you can still do that like even in master mode if if you’re struggling with survivability just throw on like an ancient fonso mask you know ancient five stars you know who’s stun great question A Healer that we don’t have the bastard down here he’ll suck dude she should bew by

Now no way the tank just died bro I think it was more so no one knew who was stunning so y’all need to y’all need to figure out who’s going to stun this round this I have another question for CH I need to like AFK blood or something am

[ __ ] looking up something I’m not Googling I’m just using chat GP but same [ __ ] Googling something and asking chat GPD is kind of the same thing cuz when you Google something you have to like click on a website and read through it but with Chad gbd they just straight up

Giv you the answer so I find like when I say I’m a Google something I end up just asking chat GT because I want just like a one paragraph answer you know what I’m saying I don’t want to like read through websites and [ __ ] on said I’m not screen sh on

Purpose I need y hear my [ __ ] oh whatever I’ll tell you about it I have a date plan for today but I’m pretty sure she’s going to like flake b or whatever you call it she’s always been like she’s always been like that she’s always been like

Unreliable you make like plans to do something and then like last second she like doesn’t show up I have a feeling she’s going to do it again she’s like super duper unreliable it kind of sucks she’s flaky that’s like the best word she’s flaky I was like asking chat GPT like

What do I do with someone’s flaky how do I help someone who’s flaky why are people flaky that sort of thing cuz like I don’t want to just like yell at her or whatever you know I don’t want to be like yo [ __ ] why you [ __ ]

Like setting me up or whatever the [ __ ] you like instead I want to be like is something wrong you know I noticed that you haven’t been showing up to dates you know is there anything you want to talk about anything we can do to help you

Know that sort of thing right I need to like be the bigger person and be like let me like help you with something wrong you know rather than being like yo [ __ ] stop [ __ ] bailing on me you know I just keep the vitamin death so I can sell it on the

Bazaar I’m a normal profile that’s like not that many I guess you don’t play Dungeons that much yeah you need a Terminator having a Terminator is like a prerequisite what did someone call NR or something I be the one I have waited centuries to see strange so from barely see the promise of

Glory can this be Helly yeah they sold for 200,000 k i y sh up with no decoys bro y’all need to be ready stop using spiritual dud I can barely see anything there’s so much going on let get some clearing going on here dude stop [ __ ] using spiritual you kidding

Me no way he [ __ ] died and left you’re kidding me dude what WR look pulled into the back and shot I just started the game um hello D time up dude um I’m not that good with the early game I haven’t been early game in like a

Year I don’t really know I mean my advice is watch guides like watch tutorials cuz people out there like know the answer you know they’ve done research and testing and like have made like videos guides tutorials on like how to make money so like I recommend go

Find those and watch them people out there really know what they’re talking about and have these like expert videos just go see them I bought a really bad Claymore yeah watch the tutorial on how to make money money making method gun how much did you uh pay for

That that looks like a really good deal I mean did you put money into it cuz it says it’s worth 700 did you like put CH on it or something yeah like that’s a really good deal hello guild member cabal can I M4 yes of course bro what a silly question

We’re right here join we whoa face that’s funny Mage learn Mage bro come on what’s your bro I’m on Spirit P that’s C someone beat you you should try to be like lined up and ready as soon as like someone leaves like insta join gu is blocking my

Chat I can’t yeah I can’t read chat I’m trying to read chat guys blocking it limited sedan head look at these clowns y’all need some helmets bro bro literally spend just like 10 mil getting a golden Thorn head guys come on Golden Thorn heads are not expensive

It’s literally like 10 milon for a decent one it’s like a single second star in profit I should play that [ __ ] pant clip again I [ __ ] love that can clip want to arrest your ass right when he came back what was the first thing he

Told you got he said if you get out I’m a what was trying to tell you that before you even started talking to before I tell you listen to somebody who has experience in life if I’m putting you on game right see you’re asking I’m I’m not going I’m

Not going because you’re manipulating the same thing you say you not want to do or you been through you’re doing the exact same [ __ ] and you’re using all these [ __ ] excuses of why you’re still [ __ ] up so you’re you’re you’re the type of person you’re going to have

To bump your [ __ ] head for you to learn so when somebody who is older than you I want to tell you right now your osty to up’ll take 10,000 100,000 of them to take me down so that’s how minuscule you are to my size is that just [ __ ] tank uh super Dr

Did y’all just see that oh my god dude it’s it’s funny every time bro I could listen to this clip for hours and still laugh at every joke when you’re in the [ __ ] Sahara and there’s 100 milon [ __ ] sand going to be one of those and I’m going to be a

Statue erected in Gold so understand I am like this because ADHD autism as right but because you said that’s what the mask is I think you’re a [ __ ] all right that’s fine really cool dream I still want to F all not be that’s my favorite line in the entire video it’s so funny

That is truly the funniest line in the whole video social they’re going to arrest arrest your ass right when he came back what was the first thing he told you experience if you on right there no one one stunning oh my God no one’s stunning honestly bro I may kick someone

Who should I kick I need y’all to like vote on someone to be kicked who should who should get the boot bro like this like like somebody’s [ __ ] up who is this nice one get them ni One should be KCK no [Laughter] they are you because I’m going to

Whatever [ __ ] ecommer you don’t understand you’re talking to right like I’m a genius Albert Einstein level history bookmaker you’re going to be forgotten like the dust and the sand when you’re in the [ __ ] Sahara and there’s 100 million thousand billion [ __ ] sand particles you’re going to be one of those and I’m going

To be a statue erected in Gold so understand I am like this because ADHD autism ND as well right but because said that’s what the mask is I think you’re a [ __ ] all right so that’s why you’re really dream I hello cabal are you ready make a [ __ ] like brutal Marauder I’m not

Going to be a brutal Marauder I’m GNA literally like you’re going to be paralyzed you’re be I’m serious okay can you fight oh of course yeah I apologize I know I met him tonight they’re going to arrest arrest ass when he came backing I’m not going I’m not going

Because you’re manipulating the same thing you say you not want to do or you been through you’re doing and bullsh exes thep off bro but it’s fun what do you guys think should I should I it doesn’t have fuming so I think mine’s better need to be brought up

[ __ ] trench and you have a [ __ ] the Bites come or the ants come at me it’ll take 10,000 100,000 of them to take me down so that’s how minuscule you are to my size right my St of intelligence character body and rence 1K is better for this [ __ ] want to give

Away are you jewi no man because I’m G to do movies stand up comedy everything all sh imagine how the conversation would have changed if he said yes cuz kou ask are you Jewish imagine if dream said yes do you think tant 2 would have went on like an anti-jewish

Like like saying like some crazy [ __ ] he probably would have like why else would he ask unless he was going to like insult that right but because you said that’s what the mask is I think you’re a [ __ ] right you’re really cool all [ __ ] that’s happened it’s not

Going to make fcking what went he totally would have bro like you can tell he wanted to bro he’s like are you Jewish like why would he ask that unless he wanted to be like insulting him for being Jewish or whatever that’s so funny he was going to like tie it into like

Being like gay and Jewish or whatever like you could tell he was going to do something bro he was going to throw like the biggest insults ever dude to before you even start talking listen to somebody who has experience in life if I’m putting you on game right

See I’m not you’re asking I’m I’m not going I’m not going because you’re manipulating the same thing you say you not want to do or you been through you’re doing the exact same [ __ ] and you’re using all these [ __ ] excuses of why you’re still [ __ ] up so you’re

The type of person you’re going not made me look at that to learn so yeah we got the little pie going w we got the little p list on bro I’m like listening to little beep cuz I’m like prepping to be sad for today you know what I’m saying I like

Never do that like if I know I’m going to be in a bad mood I’m going like try to stop it or whatever right but like I’m like giving myself like this one time yo Jesus [ __ ] Christ oh my God there’s so many mobs oh my God what the hell is going

On yo what the [ __ ] hello bro hello te hello uh anyway like I said I’m like the I’m like the kind of guy who like believes like if I’m if I’m sad the best thing I can do is like be happy or whatever right cuz people who like Double Down be

Like Oh I’m sad I’m going to get even more sad I feel like that’s like the opposite solution right pick cycle who cycle the Berserker fiery K fiery Who y’all are funny just the place that’s always seriously send Lobby bro thanks admins now I have to wait like a minute a long minute to a whole last 60 seconds thank you ad what was I saying oh yeah I’m [ __ ] prepping to be sad today I’m like

Doubling down on it something I like never do I need I need like I need to like cope later I need a Coke down love judgment cores what a shitty name um I would say cycle decoys because the stunner like the reason is the stunner uses a hot bar slot

For the tribal spear and then the cycle uses a hop bar slot for the decoy because if you made the stunner do both they’d have to like swap out their hot bar and that’s like extra effort so I would say a cycle decoy and besides cycle doesn’t even

Have a job pretty much honestly like cycle just places a decoy and kills bats like it’s not that hard bro it’s it’s it’s a easy job literally you just like place the decoy and kill bats like it’s not like a big deal to be decoy or to be to be cycle cyc’s pretty

Chill we’re missing one of our goons bro that’s I I’m pretty sure it’s always been like that cycle plac to the decoys I’m pretty sure that’s like like a dawn of time [ __ ] too I’m pretty sure it’s literally always like like going back years sort of thing like literally it’s always been

In every meta you know I don’t think it’s ever you is funny I mean I imagine people that play with perms have their own rules though like like like really sweaty people that only play with their perm they may have their own like way of doing things but as someone who plays

With party finder I definitely think that uh it’s cycle who play uh back stun back stun is when you throw like a single bone at Thorn right when he starts moving to get him to turn around so that way he gets in position faster in the top left corner uh quadrant uh a

Quadrant a quadrant r one top left corner but yeah like I wouldn’t be surprised if people like nuclear fuel have their own like way of doing things but in terms of like your average M4 I would say Cycles done like like it fults to cycle stun or uh or um no Sor

Sorry cycle decoy yeah cycle decoy unless like specified otherwise it it is default cycle decoy andless otherwise I all right nice stun location foro wow you you’re [ __ ] up the bear spawn location then we Goyle one so you’re supposed to stun in like a quadrant like like the first quadrant

Which is so like okay so like let’s say this is so every this is like the worst run of the day dude it was cold as [ __ ] in my house when I woke up dude [ __ ] like shivering breathing all right my music play no thumbs bro you don’t even have the best

Claymore in the party [Applause] he you guys are so funny you guys are so funny She know you two are funny hello fer y need to ready Up be funny I’m I’mma let him pick a side poer you have to choose who’s in the right and who’s in the wrong poer it’s on you bro who’s the one who deserves to be kicked you have to who’s in the right who’s in the wrong

Bro you have to choose you’re the you’re the mediator you’re the judge oh my God holder are you’re watching oh oh my God oh my what oh my God what a twisted turn of events oh my God what what a what a what a [ __ ] twisted turn of events bro oh man

Uh you can you can play whatever we need done well there is a fellow uh that K guy is the worst in4 player I’ve ever seen I’ve seen KRA to made do better Oh I’m dying bro oh my God this is so funny oh fire is calling you Out oh my God that’s so funny oh I’m dying laughing yo hello man what do we need tank can I get more magic power Mana pool bro that acronym doesn’t work cuz MP is like Mana pool and magic power you like I don’t you have to pick one MPS to

Meaning BR I need to edit a video for some guys next I of course yeah like should I get more magic power yes that’s like that’s a universal like I wonder what I should spend my money on Talisman like like obviously talisman’s is where you spend your money so I take

For yeah I kind of do want to like I’m QED 45 like I I am paring hi out we are 45 yo I I was thinking about it I was thinking about it he a YouTuber so it’s YouTuber K I like the guild I’m in I’m in a great

Guild y’all should join the guild that I’m in it’s funny that you are still at it it’s so funny yeah cabal’s in the guild what Guild Sky Block simplified discord. gsbs It’s a Sky Block simplified it’s like a leaderboard Guild it’s like number 13 whatever so it’s like just outside the

Top 10 best Guild like highest level uh 260 I think uh you actually you may not be qualified then let me check some I should join my VC I’m in my own VC [Laughter] I have a notification bu are subscribed thank you for the subscription think banana is sitting in the Guild

Chat dude honestly you know how people you know how people joke about how like um what’s his name 30 virus has like really shitty opinions you guys like hear about that right 30 virus has like really dog [ __ ] opinions like takes youve heard about that right in in my opinion I feel like

Modern Soldier has even shittier opinion like I I’ve watched so many modern Soldier videos and I’m like wow that is terrible advice no one should follow this like like the things modern Soldier have said makes 30 virus look intelligent like it like like like progression you know like like what

Sword to buy like things like that what you should do money making methods that sort of thing like he’ll just give like the worst advice ever and it’ll be like a 10-minute video about like how you should do it and it’s like not even a good idea to

Pi wait let me see if I can like find some wait hold up let me do like a [ __ ] let me see if I can like do this so I’ll just go off of like thumbnails and titles like ideas um Shadow Fury is the new best

Melee weapon now now do we agree that this is a good opinion is is the shadow Fury the best melee weapon better than a claymore bro like that’s a shitty opinion dog all right what else do not upgrade your Mage weapon what what is he saying stay on Spirit scepter what a shitty

Opinion never never party finder again you should only solo dungeons does does anyone agree with this should we stop using party finder and only solo like like who the [ __ ] says that melee weapons are useless really going from like a giant sword to a claymore is

Useless like the what a dog [ __ ] opinion okay slime minions I can get behind that you know um getting a JuJu early game I actually agree you should get a JuJu early game um getting Scrolls that’s actually a good opinion so these three are pretty good get slime minions get a

JuJu early um get some Scrolls um that’s pretty good I don’t know anything about farming can’t comment on on that um a a Revenant minion setup uh I don’t know anything about that a budget Diana okay this is another I disagree in my opinion you should not do dianaa if you

Don’t have a hype if you do not have a hyp perion you should wait until you’re until you have a hype before doing Diana so I I I I disagree with doing it in the mid game um using clay minions in the early game that’s pretty good

Advice um soloing floor 7 at cata of 25 I would never recommend anyone do that upgrading your profile that’s pretty good um two armor upgrades are absolute must have bro he out here using clickbait titles bro SM uh see oh the reaper oh you know I agree with

That the reaper mask is pretty good but this is a seven month- old video I feel like he should have recommended the um the the the other helmet at the time uh let’s see yeah like the mener crown what else do he say how you can solo floor five with bad

Gear come on dude El is on here using Superior Dragon to do Slayers you’d have to be really early in to do that um he calls the spirit scepter one of the most powerful mid game weapons I mean I I I guess if you’re specifying mid game I guess I agree

Um let’s see this cheap helmo is more stronger than you think he’s probably talking about like the diamond heads golden heads maybe using a golden head over sa helmet this armor upgrade was a huge mistake let me guess um uh Necromancer Lord cuz Necromancer Lord does like no damage uh

The broken Mage setup that no one knows about that’s a [ __ ] sedan head why does he have a sedan head in the thumbnail I I I can look at like at outline like this is a bear this is a a um a scarf head sorry s scarf head

That’s a spirit scepter that’s a necromancer Lord ches white um I can like look at an item like that’s a picon nimbus I you know I can look at an item and like know what it is that’s an aspect of the Dragons oh that’s a Talisman that’s a clay minion I like

Look at something and like know exactly what it is um wait killer why are you looking at modern Soldier though I I was saying that like people get on to 30 virus for saying dumb [ __ ] and I’m saying modern solders solders like yeah he says even

Dumber [ __ ] you know like like he shits on melee weapons which is such a weird thing to do he’s like oh you shouldn’t use melee weapons it’s like hello like I I use a melee weapon and I’m the most powerful person on the team soier is no

Modern soldier’s channel is for new game early game I agree I totally agree he’s talking about things like Spirit scepter Shadow uh Shadow Fury this is all early G one person who does end game weapons I can’t remember His Channel but he talked about what best like endgame weapons to

Use instead of new game yeah that’s what I don’t like about best AME weapon modern solders like influencing like new people that are like suceptible to like accepting opinions yeah like like Spirit secep does feel pretty early the only thing I’ll listen to about modern Soldier is party

Skills I think he said that you should do skills over like Dungeons I’m pretty sure he said that at one point Point yeah I mean he’s not wrong skills are like important it does you get more strength from doing foraging you get more Health from doing farming and fishing stuff like

That like I I partially level increases that too yeah oh my God we’re like still hute oh my God bro stop at like liid dagger Shadow Fury don’t go higher it’s like no bro you totally should get a giant sword man really failed [Laughter] puzzle oh he left the lobby as well I

Just realized well I mean he’s probably off to go do something play the game yeah he probably go another puzzle being Disrespectful yeah was funny that uh P are kicked both you yeah it was quite funny to be fair I thought I was getting kick to be honest yeah cabal and um lover got Ki yeah I could be so [ __ ] I’m pretty sure you w oh wow you’re INF flexing your boring

Profile cool good for [Laughter] you I’m like try I’m sorry I’m a teenager and I like flexing blra stuff I have a I have a very expensive minec con Cape let me just like Flex that for second it’s as old as that hat or that Steve’s did that that Steve

Helmet what do I call that Steve hel Steve head Steve head yeah yeah oh realistically no it’s a m so what what would you call it Ste that’s a good question who someone’s inviting to a party I wonder what probably someone who’s asking to join let’s

Any any is a cat of 43 or something he may like are in the same lobby as you uh no he it looks like he’s trying to P he’s like trying to do M4 he’s wearing a golden Thorn it oh my God God oh my

God he doesn’t have a bow oh my God no Juju no terminate I got a bow for him this man’s literally playing with a Soul Leader giant sword me the like unironically playing with a soldier giant I got 160 completions I got both before him how the [ __ ] is this guy walking

Like am I like let me like look through his Ender Chest up am I like missing something giant what the [ __ ] yeah I feel like like he’s got like I must just like be missing it he’s got an OFA l dagger oh it’s because of soulbound I was like go sell that yeah

Soulbound watch him be one of those b soulbound a giant sword wait check that actually check if he soulb did he’s stuck with it dude I don’t own like anything so who does that I mean Claymore understandable but a giant sword dude I don’t know like dude literally nothing is sold out well

Well when you star a muled necklace It soul binds it so I didn’t have a choice but besides that I mean you should soulbind stuff by being honest oh [ __ ] no you’re not dude I remember the day the museum came out I was pissed off and

I was like I’m never Soul biing anything and I stand by that yeah I said that until my whole profile oh my god dude look at dude so bro watched a modern Soldier video about how swords are better than bows now watch I go look adena’s in the looking

Tab look ad’s in tab ad’s in tab you should [ __ ] you should invite him tell for yeah I got a question when people earn the VC in Guild can you oh the the SPs Guild we see is like only for members and YouTubers yeah so you’d have to join to get in

You I don’t think he loves you though play with the Puzzle I need to let me grab some this DQ for a second to grab it that’s going to be my new thing by the way Sky TOS every time the 300 score pops up I’m going to have downtime [ __ ] thing say fail right y ready for these rolls I got some

Rolls all right come on Master right now right let me check my M let’s see what it’s it’s selected Rec yeah Rec comes yeah if it’s if it’s worth my while I’ll just open the chest come on I got three Recons wow that’s that is well that’s my rooll fell that

Off yeah I’ll sell like I’ll sell offer the valuables but then insta sell the junk yeah f I joined when I joined your M4 I got a spirit r that thing the rec Recon be like that they like yeah SP to 4.2 mil I want to sell

It’s all your fault it was 4.3 it’s 100K difference trying undercut the person it better sell so you know put it from collections well I I’m in my own Discord PC so if you don’t see me that’s because I’m in my own pretty much I just saying that like menacing

Banana was sitting in the SPs build chat oh hell no that’s no he’s on his own there’s like two people in there think Rift NE in we go it’s funny because like menacing Dana isn’t in the guild but he like talks in this Guild chat more than he talks in

The guild that he’s actually in he’s like more active than some of our actual members and he’s not even in the guild he just has Bridge he’s like the Discord Bridge access there like YouTube rank need I’m like really can I can I use precise s though

Instead of spiritual or do I have to actually have spiritual on M7 I mean the thing is in M7 it’s like every little bit matters so if you can squeeze out like 1% damage you totally should if you’re like me though you just have two Terminators I mean I don’t really need

Damage like my damage is quite good for a cat 46 like when we get Secrets I do like nearly 700 more damage for a turn uh I think if I was in your shoes would have a a precise Sol term just one yeah I have power seven I think your Soler Terminator is

Better than my Soler Terminator I I put all the five you definitely have fishous five yeah my second Terminator is much more max than my first me cuz like like with a Soler Terminator damage mostly comes from Soler but on the duplex term it doesn’t

Do all that much damage so I have to like compensate duplex is good but when you’re doing M7 you really do need a five time actually my Terminators are kind of weird I should probably pour more money into them they look kind of goofy I mean they’re both pretty good

But like yeah this one is power seven snip four and this one doesn’t so I have put more money into the um the duplex turn hello Andre maybe that’s what I should dump my money into hello Mr Anonymous I know well I’ve gotten money

From doing these m4s I was at uh 20 mil I’m now at nearly 46 yep stars do that [ __ ] good for money is it hate this floor for passion sometimes though because the secret routes especially super tall I always get super it’s my favorite room but like it it does get annoying as

[ __ ] sometimes make make sure y’all uh dislike the video where is he I’m behind for decoy back here this is the uh this is the corner to I went to the right spot so where is he what role are you he’s in the wrong spot he’s in the wrong spot are

Youy he went to the wrong spot are you kidding so your job is just to kill B right yeah easy I put my decoys over there cuz that’s where you’re supposed to put them and he put them in a different spot so I’m he’s now yeah [ __ ] the St up

Bit I would just do your job correctly no matter what so he takes all the BL or something go me hey that’s not not you know this room is actually not that bad this room is like this room’s the easiest one out all the floors the thing is like as a mage

Wither mancers are annoying but I guess I’m just M4 is not that high of a floor like when you’re cat a 50 M4 is not hard even if you’re playing like oh yeah I’m cat 46 M4 is nothing yeah below if you’re below cat 45 this four is actually annoying it’s literally easier

Than M5 if you can do M5 you can clear yeah you can clear but the B I’m about not the you got to have some sort of more ehp you know so I think the fact that I only got four hours to sleep is finally catching up to

Me yeah I uh only got C 46 the other day you just hit it uh like yeah the other day and now almost halfway to 47 already what’s your main floor M7 is now I feel your C you should do M6 uh M6 is really

Boring I do M6 at the first day when I get on to do my dailies and then I just go straight to M7 because I get warmed up for M7 I have to get warmed upse I’m not going to be able to play it is nice making money having fun

Like once I get to cat 50 I will probably get off the game or I’ll just do my skills I want everyone to know that I told her good morning uh 3 hours ago and she hasn’t said good morning back everyone should know this

Bro and you you were right by the way M7 is hella fun I definitely never said that you said that in the past said that in the past when you was playing tank you said M7 is quite fun so I didn’t believe you cuz I never got through it and then once

I did it the other day I was have hell of yeah well I woke up just to be on schedule with the girl I’m dating so I’m not like asleep when she’s off work cuz that was kind of like a problem that started right away and like she’d

Get off work and I’d go to bed and then we like wouldn’t hang out so I’m trying to like align my sleep schedule to her just so we’re awake at the same time and while she’s at work I might as well stream you know she makes the money and I Lolly

Guy you I didn’t know she was I had to get like an expert opinion on it to find out I don’t know I feel like the best way to describe it is like I’ve known her for so long she feels like family and so it’s hard to view her like in a

Sexual manner but like obviously we’re not related we just like shared a class in high school apparently she’s like a seven like that’s what people have said I don’t know if they’re just being nice but like I I don’t know I can’t view her I don’t know it’s weird it’s hard to describe

I like off the dist oh my god did this [ __ ] do like two runs and dip bro literally that’s what you call a [ __ ] barely to two runs and left this guy is in the wrong equipment there is another party queing he’s got a slightly better Mage I’m

Offended all right guys let’s roll like a singular chest is it worth it guys let’s see it was not I had to open the free chest dude I woke up so cold this morning dude [ __ ] freezing it’s good becoming winter bro it’s getting to that time bro

Yeah cuz it’s like no no no so I woke up this morning around 8:00 in the morning it was likeus 3 I think for me it was only like 60° but to me that’s b as H uh right now it’s 5° and it feels like it’s one it’s freezing outside

Bro I’m pretty used to being hot cuz my computer heats up the room always running something so it heats up the room so like when I leave my like because I’m under the covers in a hot ass room and so I get out of bed

And out of my room and hit the 60° like hallway I’m like cold as hell wait we got where Theo we’ll worry about it later why we going to have two birs on them yeah someone he’s wearing San for us yeah [ __ ] I hate that I wish people would wear a golden Thorn

Head I have a DI so I don’t really M for me nothing really affects me on this I got yellow room I guess Ser never never admit that something’s your fault just blame the for like sub is fine for me yeah that’s what I’m saying he’s like pushing his SK

I it’s like he’s trying to like not me bro it’s like yeah it is bro I’m on the same server as you and I’m doing fine on the same [ __ ] server like that’s the thing is like you can’t lie to us bro we’re in the server with

You like we know it’s not server side bro like we’re here feeling it this is a normal ass server once I think he’s just I think he’s just being a SK right now real it’s the only logical logical answer real real what room is this another Shadow is oh

No no I’m dead okay it’s that’s a skill isue why are you SK damn two trap as he throws me oh well knock me thank you Archer we do the room in front of me m4’s always been so good for profit and I don’t even understand why the star chances are unusually

High why can not be like that [ __ ] M5 or M6 I mean that’s exactly it on every floor it’s rare except this one it’s that’s why it’s so low price I mean they they’ve been nerfing it I mean getting rid of bow duping is them like making it harder to get

Stars I mean it’s not really made a difference though let be honest I mean that’s that’s the thing is like the thorn boss fight is way harder than like the liid boss fight so it does make sense that like if it’s a harder boss we should get get more compensation

Nice going to block P here bro it’s kind of funny seeing Reaper Mas it used to be that the mun was better back in my day tanks were a mender they had like 500 Vitality like final sto the there for a second sa it almost just died skull again bro I don’t want

SK yeah skull a good drop he left he left he left four five real real these randoms are so annoying they just leave after one run bro yeah what’s up with there bro we just got a new spirit Stone profit is it close you should have mods that tell you what chest to

Open yeah cleared one room he literally did he cleared one room bro I have my singular K I got a bone okay 45 damn bro that is pretty good healer 45 is really good mean that’s a cat 50 right there is yeah that’s yeah probably has overflow

Too W higher than 50 what do you have on your dark dark Climer uh it is hyper Max but it’s missing one enchant I bet the that that enchant is smaller it is looting five wait what okay understandable you don’t want looting on a [ __ ] it’s 15 million and it doesn’t do any

Damage so it’s like it it it’s the worst ratio like the most expensive for the least benefit so I mean if it w fishing maybe not but I mean it’d be useful for something like Diana but even then there’s already a dedicated Diana weapon anyway so what literally no one uses yeah so

Like even if I was going to buy a looting Five Buck it’ make more sense to put it on a DAT it no it be more worth to put on a um hype worm fishing and also some people use hype on Diana so he you got your money like the

Biggest portion is definitely Master mode floor seven in master mode yeah M7 is just fun Oho it is a difficult floor not me wrong but it is fun yeah we lost our W dubs uh only like 20% wait someone skip Yow room [ __ ] ah a sh the tank DC

Back Shadow Dead all right I’m done after bro fre connected yeah I’m probably going to take a break in a minute I’ve been on for a while bro I mean it’s not hard to find a bird friend for come on Q can be a [ __ ] though you can sit in Q for

Hours true true are you really a masterm player if you don’t spend hours aing real uh waiting simulate for M7 waiting Sim M6 is easy oh yeah that’s some floors are easy to get a team yeah yeah M6 is like the easiest party fighter ever but once you get to M7 or

M4 is waiting simulator waiting I don’t even understand why I I know m7’s difficult but like M5 is like generic Master mode M5 is like a regular M5 instant instant party but M7 yeah waiting simulat for about 10 hours go do trap or something that do

TR my my light skeleton for chest plate based legendary where’s stun we don’t have stun where is he uh the healer is why is he over here okay he’s gone to the wrong he gone to the other side he went to the wrong side bro you should did you just die yeah he

Did cuz he he went to the wrong side definitely his fault I have decoys over here for a reason I went to the right side went to the left side the decoys are I just checked the decoys are in the right quadr the top left yeah there’s three decoys in different places they

Decided to move there just make sure that you do your job correctly so they can take all the oh I am I am but um he’s not stunning what the actual [ __ ] is I me I guess I’ll St leave that me oh for me these are the kind of situations where

You want to make sure that like you do it right so they take all the blame you know they can have the blame kick them afterwards well you kick them afterwards for 50 I’m surprised why is he not doing his job properly s he failed the Run

AR how [ __ ] can you be for a c 50 [ __ ] I’ll be back in like 10 minutes so inv back when I get back me I’m banned now damn you’re abandoning no I’m not banding you bro I’m only going for 10 minutes I need a break I’m being abandoned hell no nuh

Nuh oh it’s the guy from the other party he left his to join us bro oh yeah that connects to some guys is uh in my F7 partyer we did like eight to nine runs without failing which I’m surprised about say uh Ken FY says

Hi huh uh say uh game chat FY says hi that connects you guys what his name is I don’t [ __ ] remember how I say his name says Hi I think he’s doing M7 he has no idea who that is he knows fire he’s going to say who is

That unless he’s going back into M7 why are there people back here the [ __ ] oh the [ __ ] deploy what the [ __ ] called what what is this individual summoning oh yeah so um what ages ago you said you forget usernames right when I changed my username so I thought you forget me like

About me cuz I changed my username F right I that’s usually the case like if if like your YouTube and your Minecraft don’t match or you change your name as far as I’m concerned it’s a different person well obviously I’m the same person because you remembered yeah there’s a barrier walk right

Here wait really oh yeah yeah there is yeah I don’t know why the barrier blocks there though the hell great question I thought that would work what uh the instance thing I don’t know I probably I probably spel it wrong yeah probably did you get a good

Bir we just started the run so his skill is unknown he’s got the C though he is uh 45 or higher cuz he joined I’ll be right back all right [ __ ] is in my good love first thing I’ve dropped handle I’ve dropped like a lot of rngs you know

Uh all all the Scrolls handle giant sword saay chest plate uh I’ve dropped a judgement core I’ve dropped a warden heart um am I doing it for money I’m doing it to entertain myself and pass the time I mean I’m technically procrastinating actually I’m supposed to

Like go shower do laundry get ready for my date but instead I’m playing Minecraft so I’m definitely achieving my goals right now I think she’s going to flake anyway I’ve dropped like pretty much everything except like the Slayer drops I’ve dropped all the base four ones those so

Like the warden heart and then like an overflux the fly slatter and judgement core so I dropped the the Rev tantula Spen and Eman all the the drops from those Warden heart overflux fly slatter judgement core I’ve gotten all four of those and then I got sa chest plate I’ve got

Giant sword I’ve got handle all three Scrolls so I’ve also gotten like those major drops as well yeah it also took me a while to get a handle as well yeah yeah like I did a th000 runs on my previous profile with no handle I was literally like 1,000 runs no handle

But then on this profile I got like five Handles in 1,000 RS so I feel like the game like made up for it it’s like oh your last profile you didn’t get any okay here’s a bun you know it was mostly because of the RNG meter right like back in the day there

Was no RNG meter in fact we didn’t know the chances people thought it was like one in 500 or whatever um and so like there was no guarantee of a handle however when I did my thousand runs on this profile there was the bug where you

Would get a handle and your meter would not reset so you hit 50% on meter and drop a handle and it was still 50 and then it went up to like 80% and I dropped another handle and then it hit 90% I dropped another handle and then it

Hit 100% And I got my guaranteed handle and so I ended up getting like five handles out of like a single RNG cuz it didn’t reset so like I kind of timed it you know out of all the times to grind for handle I did it when the chances were the highest you

Know that was the time where the RNG meter was like the best yeah things like shadow assassin leggings boots yeah there those definitely aren’t money items may not even be profit necessarily on the topic of my date for today I’m pretty sure she’s going to flake but I

Don’t know cuzz like she still technically has time to be like hey I’m ready come get me or whatever but also it’s just I’ve known her for a while she’s the type of person to like agree to a plan and then not show up so I’m like I’m pretty sure she’s going to

Like bail like last second or like it’s probably going to be like she just doesn’t respond like I’ll text her at like 1 p.m. be like you ready and then just responds like that like I I can just feel it like I just feel it happening I just like I know her pretty

Well I know the kind of person she is she’s very FL agrees to plans and then doesn’t do them he’s done that like so many times in the past cuz I asked her like yesterday like if she was like ready or whatever the [ __ ] I said and like she like she still haven’t

Responded and like I know she’s up right like I I know her sleep schedule so like I know she’s had time to like read the text she just hasn’t replied I kind of want to like get on to her about it but I know that’s like the worst way to handle it

From CH handle 150 I think B I’ve been thinking about buying like a third Gauntlet of contas hello welcome to the stream I could buy thousandal though that may be a better idea yeah I have dominance Mana pool and I have dominance Vitality I want to get like a speed GA of

Contagion or I could get like a Mana pool Mana regen got of contag that would also be a pretty good idea too but I also could just buy a thousand I already have all palman three well the thousands that I have are Recons yeah mythics legendaries epics rares

Even in the back all my Commons are turned into uncommon [ __ ] twitch all my homies hate twitch we stream on YouTube YouTube gang rise up I’ll ask chat get the another question once I get the blood I’m going to camp in the corner to go do oh my God that would actually work

Really well for me to could down to like double stream but I wouldn’t do it on Twitch I’d probably like double stream on like YouTube and or whatever but like I don’t think like kick is doing very well I don’t know like any like one who’s like doing good who streams on

Kick name name three kick Sky Block streamers exactly it could also be like an empty Marketplace sort of thing where if I stream on it I’d be like you only [ __ ] around there I’d get 100% of the market share we have five people do oh yeah the Discord link is

Broken I’ll just make a new one send it I’m like too lazy to s a real [ __ ] whatever um technically I’ve been streaming for a few years but on this pannel I’ve been streaming for about a year talking firms now I’m trying to think of how I’m going

To like confront her if she the like I said I kind of want to like yell in her face but like you know got to be the [ __ ] bigger person right I think I I got to just tell her like hey I’ve noticed that uh you tend to bail on see

It’s all about wording it right um okay let me let me [ __ ] see how how to word it yeah I feel disappointed when plans are cancelled last second uh because it’s important for me to spend time with you you can we discuss like how the flakiness is affecting our relationship

Uh do you think you could tell me some of the reasons behind it um cuz like I expect you to show up when we make plans um but if you need any help let me know you know what I’m saying like it’s all about wording it correctly right

I do it for fun yeah pretty much I would love for it to be a job but I’ve made zero coins z z c in general you need a th000 subscribers just to even get monetization so I’m not even close to enabling it let alone actually making anything more than

$10 just cuz you have monetization on doesn’t you’ll make anything you know you kind of need to get millions of views for it to matter yeah I’m very much a not professional I just do it casually for fun I guess you could I guess it’s like if

It turns into a job I’d probably take it if I started making you know five grand a month for streaming would I stream as a job like yeah it’s just it doesn’t make any money not at like the scale and popularity that I’m at but if I ever

Were to like blow up and get millions of subscribers like would I like do it as a fulltime job probably but I’m trying to get employment right now I’m currently un Ed but I’ve been applying places I really need to fill up this form that I just

Picked up the day and then I’ll keep applying to more places on Indies but I’m trying to get employment I need it having money nice having a job is nice makes me look more responsible anything who easy it’s only like 9:00 a.m. I still got a hell time I’m getting

Things it would put me in the hole man like I said I I make no money if I were to do something like say buy a banner for even if it was something reasonable like a dollar that would mean that I’ve made negative dollars I would have like

Oh how much do you make from streaming oh negative $1 you know like it it would literally put me into the negative so far I stream for nothing I I spend nothing but I make nothing it’s it’s like a net zero activity you know I don’t make money but I don’t lose money

So if I were to like buy a service I would literally go into the red and like I said I’m unemployed I don’t even have like it’s like I don’t got money to give them I can’t give you employment I’ve got no money I’ve got no income

Stream the small amount of money I do have is going to get blown on dumb [ __ ] like dates and Ubers and [ __ ] buying alcohol you know I’m broke as hell I got like $100 in my name and I’m going spend it like today I’m broke as hell yeah there’s no

Money to pay you that you uh you’re definitely going to need to look elsewhere for employment definitely going to be through me every that I’ve been dude like I said I’ve I’ve got nothing to pay with mine I’m going to spend my last dollars today taking my girlfriend on a date

After that I’m going to have $2 in my bank account I’ve got no money to think about I am unemployed in broke B I’ve been P not interested man I don’t I don’t need any serves welcome back how’s this corner y’all are both in Mage GE wow

We have three people wearing storm armor can you believe it it’s almost like we’re playing 47 with this much storm armor honestly bro I’m not doing very well at all wish you up bro thought was saying I’m back what you saying I’ll be back I was like hello bro

Ladies and gentlemen we got want tell yo what’s going on what the [ __ ] bro what is going on dude I I you believe I I I there so many mobs I think that’s like the point though like M4 supposed to be like Tech kicked or whatever like oh look at all

These cows and pigs and sheeps and whatever coming after to you like supposed to be like chaotic do say like get out the party so I can see you thanks I is is un that scam what’s this scam yeah that’s worthless I think it’s

It like a girl uh if your RNG meter is high if you’re at like 50% yeah I’m doing it because I don’t care I’m not Min maxing my profits I could be but I’m not cuz I’m lazy yeah because the idea is if you’re really high on the meter if you roll

Your chances of getting a star are quite high and so it’ll only take like maybe four or five KS you know so it’d be problem to do if you’re at like 0% meter it’s probably not worth it you’d have to spend like 20 kouth just to get a star

At that point you’d spend more on kismi so you do want to uh try to time when you roll you got to make sure that you’re spending less than uh the cost of the kiz because it’s one of those things where it’s like at that point it would

Be better just to hold on to the kiz you know it’d be like better to just sell it at the bizarre sort of thing so I think like the threshold is probably like 30% once your RNG meter is 30% that’s one4 three rolling did that guy really just say what cycle you’re kidding

Me gol boy C I’m like so hungry ug drink my drink it’s still 9 a.m. [ __ ] and FL LF stun y’all not stun him bro SMH back stun I left back stun oh look is this guy stupid I’m to yes that is factually correct in fact tank is the only person

Who’s supposed to grab bows he’s supposed to grab every bow sh the [ __ ] up I he clearly has barely any runs done if I had to guess I kind of feel bad for her since I kind of know why she’s like this I’m pretty sure she’s like scared and worried you know seeing me for the first time in person in like three years doing something kind of intimate like going on a day is probably terrifying for her cuz

Obviously like she’s like weak and Tiny or whatever but like I just need to like build trust or whatever but like I get like it’s like terrifying and scary doing something new whatever so I think I just need to like be understanding cuz like you know like

My heart’s telling me I should like yell at her for like bailing on me but you have to like understand that like not everyone is like as emotionally resilient as like yourself right some people do like get sced scared and baale you know it’s kind of like going on a

Roller coaster you know you get in line but when it’s your time to get in you get scared you know so it’s like I can like understand that like it can be scary cuz like I she’s admitted that she’s intimidated by me she like still is

Really I need to do like trust exercises or something like I need to like like get on her good side or whatever get her to like trust me I’m not going to hurt her bro supposed to be about having fun and besides it’s really my job

Anyway you know as like the leader the decision maker the dominant you know the masculine person it’s like you know she’s going through something it’s like my job to help you that’s that’s something that is kind of like uh like what sucks about being like a masculine figure is that like you

Know people are like oh you know it must be great to be at the top but it’s like it’s a lot of responsibility you know uh everything is your problem I feel like a lot of people don’t realize that like being a leader means everything is your problem even if it’s someone else’s

Actions I have to take responsibility for it right and so it’s it’s definitely like a lot of work like not everyone’s cut out to be a leader it’s definitely tough um and like a part of that is Jesus [ __ ] Christ that’s a Minecon Cape that’s cool as [ __ ] that’s a 2011

Um yeah like not everyone’s cut out to be a leader it’s a lot of work taking responsibility for other people’s actions um having to like step up and do things and like you don’t necessarily get thanked you know people don’t necessarily see the hardships you know

And you’re like got to man up you know you can’t even [ __ ] about it I can [ __ ] about it to y’all cuz y’all don’t know me in person but you know I don’t need to impress my YouTuber fan base suffering in silence is something I do in

Person no my dick you don’t even know how to play this four I’m definitely not giving you a leader bro you don’t even know what your job is you definitely wouldn’t know how to be a party leader that’s also another thing [ __ ] it being a leader is knowing what to do

Being an expert on whatever it is you’re doing I mean I’m having to like Google what to do and [ __ ] bro this [ __ ] is like offline for a bur we’re looking for a cycle the best cyclers of Firsts 33 I still wouldn’t trade my place you know change anything about

It that’s the whole point of leadership is it’s not all easy oh yeah that reminds me I do have training in leadership almost kind of forgot that my leadership I like forgot I took classes on it’s like oh yeah my leadership training is formal I have paperwork that documents that I’m a leader

But it feels more social than anything you know oh my God no way downtime lover holy [ __ ] you’re funny hand more yeah bro F7 is good money a million a run on top of all your other profits you got to attack on the Scrolls too and all the other minor [ __ ] D I’m fine I don’t I don’t want a blood rush and RCM gear I could but I don’t want RCM blood rush I want to be able to kill the minis One Tap them or whatever I don’t want I can’t be bothered to change armors this is me being

Lazy yeah I’m not sweating I’m literally playing just for fun I’m just hanging out chilling relaxing you know enjoying my day off I’m not here to sweat my ass off for like a 5 Second faster I’ll just take being slow I’m not bothered by it I find any speed below 400 is playable

That’s pretty funny that’s pretty funny I believe it too I bet you do I’m just used to it I’ve just accepted it as a fact and moved on so I’m not worried about it anymore h kn it probably looks like I’m sweating but I’m like basically playing with one hand

I mean I’m like like to me this is casual gameplay this this is me chilling on a weekend dude I’m so [ __ ] hungry dude oh my God I’m so hungry dude for a second yeah I’m not really worried about my stach is literally going how get money uh floor 7 and

M4 dude like like 40% of my net worth is M4 and F7 F7 and M4 are like the money I’m so hungry oh my God it’s weird CU I’m definitely hungry and not thirsty so I have a drink right here but it’s not hethy I don’t I don’t actually have a

Route for that room I was just doing it based off the Waypoint not the Waypoint but like the outline of where it was I don’t even know what the [ __ ] that room is I don’t have every room routed so sometimes just [ __ ] wing it that’s like me with

Trap I I I I do like the glitch trap so much that I probably can’t even do it vanilla without taking like an hour like I can’t even remember the last time I did trap normally oh like I I only like learned how to do it like the glitch way

Oh you’re 51 GG’s on that hey we’re the same Kata my my my fellow 51 my fellow C of 51 yeah I’ve done the Pearl trap for as long as I can remember my god dude I’m starving oh I’m my tummy hurt me tummy

Hurt dude I got cata a 50 on M4 as well I remember that it was like kind of accidentally too I was just trying to get some more [ __ ] bread and I got cat at 50 I I always grab one Secret in both in both traps I can’t be bothered to get the

Other Secrets they don’t matter cuz like you don’t need a 305 you know what I’m saying like you don’t need a 307 you literally only need 300 you know so even if you don’t like you know what I’m saying like you don’t need a 305 well that’s the thing is that like you

Have to like idealistically you would skip a few Secrets every dungeon and so it makes sense to dedicate which secrets are going to get skipped which is a trap every other secret should be done boy C I Cry you definitely do need to learn Pearl

Trap that’s what I do I grab one secret and trap and I use Pearl Pearl trap is the way I do it that’s funny most like it’s a def guys I am so hungry I am a Hungry Hungry Caterpillar I’ve only had drinks it’s only like 9:00 a.m. dude I’ve barely even been

Awake my ass is so used to constantly eating dude I mean I’m I’m pretty sure used Juju before I mean it would have been kind of brief but yeah you know I’ve pretty much always had a Hyperion and a Terminator it took me like like once I Creed my profile it

Took me 3 weeks to get the Hyperion and then two weeks after that to get a Terminator so I basically created my profile and then speed ran to hype and then as soon as I got hype I speedran a term So within five weeks I had a hype

In a term on a fresh profile so my profile is almost a year old now so I’ve like pretty much always had a hype in term like as far back as I can go so it’s kind of like I don’t know a life outside having hype in I’ve always had them

My profile is really young so everything is already out you know but yeah if your profile is old as hell then like you remember a time like pre Hyperion cuz like there was a time before dungeons existed there was a time before 47 existed so uh you know there was a time

Before the end Island existed so free dungeons oh yeah I remember the old h i member the old Hub thank you for making the server so laggy I can’t check my auction getting out of here bro you weren’t any good at it Lan is in my guild

Well I mean I’m pretty sure we’re already on version two of the tree island I’m pretty sure we are in like addition to admin’s big brain moment me and the boys using Code banana and the Hypixel store do y all use code banana in the Hypixel store banana is not Cal [ __ ] that’s

Not an accurate description of B [ __ ] is the opposite of col he starts fights about the guys out me B C that’s the Archer I’ve never heard of of any of this [ __ ] in my life dude I feel like you’re like [ __ ] you’re like making [ __ ] up feel now nice done bro

That was kind of funny be kill yeah I bet yeah especially I’m pretty sure Hil 9 is like old as hell so the admins have had plenty of time to [ __ ] detect it I’m pretty sure it’s blatant as hell like [ __ ] free camming whatever the [ __ ] those like old ass speedrun World

Records where they like just flew to every terminal and just like insta solv that was a hell nice W woo Nova NOA I just thought I something Nova in the house call him kasan NOA get a Nova in the house meaning is here call him C NOA CA meaning like h c

Yeah I know hail is being like old like all the floor 7 records were set with hmet which kind of sucks I really hate how like in Sky Block like cheated world records are like separated from like legit records like every single world record is cheated because obviously cheating

Equals faster runs and so parties with a bunch of cheaters you know all they’re getting it the fastest round you know it’s literally an unfair Advantage like that’s what cheating is cheating is an unfair Advantage so obviously the cheaters got the fastest runs because that’s what it means to

Cheat to have an unfair advantage you can do things that vanilla players can’t at the same time am call I should te plan what I’m going to say though I mean it’s actually easier cuz now [ __ ] I don’t have to like time like I can just Spam left cck I don’t

Have to bow do so technically it’s more chill it’s everyone else it’s like the tank who has to like shoot more arrows or whatever you know it’s like everyone else suffers but my job actually got easier it’s it’s less sweaty being Mage is way less sweaty than it used to be

Because you had to time your hits and [ __ ] and if the server lagged you just didn’t dup you have a not laggy server like I said man I’m playing to chill I am I am literally not trying to challenge myself I’m not playing for the challenge in fact I think this is quite

Easy I’m playing to relax you know a lot of people they relax by reclining on a sofa and watching the TV I relax by playing M4 cuz this shit’s easy and fun this is me relaxing this is me not doing anything difficult I mean when you think about it

It’s only really a minor difference it’s like oh no we have to do the cycle a few times more it’s like at the end of the day it’s not really a big deal yeah I agree with that sentiment a can this be him the one I have waited centuries to see how

Strange so far from his path that I barely see the promise of Glory can this be him this Hell Boy BR go clear we don’t need two people [ __ ] blood camping dude go clear you didn’t inst go anyway I here k I’m going in stream

This video, titled ‘Hypixel Skyblock KillIt’, was uploaded by KillIt on 2023-11-25 16:31:19. It has garnered 175 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 03:54:58 or 14098 seconds.

Minecraft Hypixel Skyblock Live Livestream KillIt @KillIt1 @killit3 youtube.com/@killit1 Dungeons Master Mode Floor 4 M4 Discord: https://discord.gg/fY5RAdYq7 Donate gems: https://store.hypixel.net/lizbeth?ign=KillIt Rules: No begging -no asking for coins -no asking for carries -no asking to borrow or have my items -no asking for favors Be respectful No ban evading Use common sense Do not ask for any specific content. I usually just instantly ban someone who breaks a rule or begs, so don’t. There isn’t any appeal system. If you want to donate, I do accept donations, my preferred method is simply to buy me gems. Just put my ign, KillIt, instead of yours when buying gems, and ill receive them on stream. Make sure to tell me so I can thank you personally! I accept donations in the form of bitcoin too! Here’s my wallet: bitcoin:1Ag1dAtEtYT3S2BmoKdwSon96ExPtLxaoB I also accept donation in the form of Skyblock coins or items, just tell me in chat you’d like to give me coins, my ign is KillIt I also also accept USD donations on cashapp. My cashapp is $killit11 All donations equal to or over 0.000059 bitcoin, 1,000,000 skyblock coins, or $1 USD will get you a sign on my island with your IGN and the amount you donated. Item donations will be appraised by me and the coin value will be put on the sign. Make sure to like and subscribe! YouTube Twitch stream Server: mc.hypixel.net My texture pack is a modified version of Furfsky Reborn. #minecraft #hypixel #hypixelskyblock #live #minecraftskyblock #killit #hypixelskyblocklive

Minecraft YouTube video was made on Hypixel. Hypixel is a server with lots of games, such as Bedwars, Skywars, and Minecraft’s biggest MMORPG Hypixel Skyblock. Hypixel has has a lot of notable players, such as Dream, Technoblade, and Tommyinnit. Hypixel Skyblock is Hypixel’s most popular game. Some of the popular items are the Hyperion, Necron armor, Storm armor, overflux, plasmaflux, the 50mMidas sword, the Aspect of the end, the Aspect of the dragons, the valkyrie, and many more. Some of the bad things on Skyblock are Duping, irl trading, and scamming. I hope you enjoyed these words which are all relevant to the video! Also, a new farming island was added which has the Golden Ball item, which no one owns and is one out of one (1/1). Rat pet is cool. Swavy, Timedeo, Fairy Soul Guide, Money Making Method, and other things are all part of the server, along with Refraction. There is this mode called dungeons where you fight with your team to defeat necron along with other floor 7 bosses. Master mode is a thing as well. They recently nerfed the strength stat, making a lot of dungeons classes a lot worse such as Berserker and Archer. Mage, Healer, and Tank should be fine. God I keep adding so many keywords, this will be an entire bible soon. The hypixel admins have completely removed sword swapping and killed the bonemerangs. The giants sword is also dead now. The Astrea is still trash. This is a Hypixel Skyblock Tutorial, or a Hypixel Skyblock Dungeons Guide. please fix negative strength because of the Soul Eater enchant, and buff archer. nerfmage tho. I voided the Hyperion, so sad. I love Technoblade and Dream and Tommyinnit and 56ms (Swavy) and Thirtyvirus, not just because their names get views as metas. This video is a Dungeons Guide, Money Making Method Guide, Hypixel Skyblock Guide, or anything of the sort. Recently, Hypixel released the SMPS, similar to the Dream SMP with members like Skeppy and Sapnap. ! Also Hypixel Admins released an enderman slayer boss quest thing, and it is pretty difficult to kill which is why you would need an enderman slayer guide or tips and tricks on how to beat the new enderman slayer. The Juju bow is really good. I also like the warden helmet and Necron Armor. I recently got SCAMMED!!! They took my Strong Dragon Chestplate, I am in tears. At least they didn’t take storm armor or superior armor. The crown of greed is bad. I crashed the NEW GAME MASTER RANK and got BANNED ON HYPIXEL! The anticheat Watchdog is broken. RATS. Floor. Catacombs. Badlion is not very good. I played dungeons not using the new Terminator bow, which is very op. Thirtyvirus does not like the god potion, he says it is not a good item. Personally, I am impartial. Recombobulators are cool though! Rend VS Soul Eater ultimate enchantments, which is better! I think Legion and Chimera are cool as well! Hypixel is currently down! Large DDOS attacks forced the server to close to resolve the issues. This video is NOT an auction flipping tutorial or Bazaar Flipping tutorial. It is not a money making method video either. The mini wither can bother some people if used in a certain way. Scammers are desperate in Hypixel Skyblock. ypixel skyblock ep 1, hypixel skyblock money making method, hypixel skyblock guide, hypixel, skyblock dungeons, hypixel skyblock fairy souls, hypixel skyblock, hypixel, skyblock, texture pack, hypixel skyblock money making guide, hypixel hypiel hypickle Game:

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  • Uncover the Secret of Non’s with 4ChanChan – Day #7 Hypixel Skyblock

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  • Top 10 Scariest Minecraft Seeds!

    Top 10 Scariest Minecraft Seeds!Video Information This video, titled ‘SO MOST SCARY SEEDS IN MINECRAFT 😱 | MINECRAFT HORROR SEED | MINECRAFT HORROR VIDEO’, was uploaded by RAYJIO Gaming on 2024-04-17 10:44:44. It has garnered 71 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:17 or 77 seconds. SO MOST SCARY SEEDS IN MINECRAFT 😱 | MINECRAFT HORROR SEED | MINECRAFT HORROR VIDEO JAVA MOD:- https://linkpays.in/q5Pprg minecraft horror myths ny gamer minecraft horror myths in hindi minecraft scary myths minecraft scary myths that are actually real Tags – minecraft horror techno gamerz minecraft horror minecraft minecraft horror video techno gamer minecraft techno… Read More

  • Ultimate 24/7 Minecraft SMP – JOIN NOW 😱 | FREE Java/MCPE 1.20+ Server 🚀

    Ultimate 24/7 Minecraft SMP - JOIN NOW 😱 | FREE Java/MCPE 1.20+ Server 🚀Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT 24/7 SURVIVAL SMP 🤩 | FOR JAVA/MCPE 1.20+ || FREE TO JOIN 💥 BEST PUBLIC SMP SERVER 🥰’, was uploaded by Gamerz Yash on 2024-03-23 10:40:06. It has garnered 4899 views and 141 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:07 or 367 seconds. MINECRAFT 24/7 SURVIVAL SMP 🤩 | FOR JAVA/MCPE 1.20+ || FREE TO JOIN 💥 BEST PUBLIC SMP SERVER 🥰 subscribe @gamerzyash server dc https://discord.gg/NreUkW5S my discord https://discord.gg/puKwEvScv5 Instagram https://instagram.com/gamerz_yash1?utm_source=qr&igshid=YzU1NGVlODEzOA%3D%3D how to register and login https://youtu.be/UoKfdi7GC0U?si=EY56UpUW1s5_aWgG plzz subscribe for more videos 🥳 ✅Your Query✅ Minecraft friendly smp gamers smp Yash army… Read More

  • “Insane Minecraft Fails: Steve’s LOL Adventures!” #minecraftfunny

    "Insane Minecraft Fails: Steve's LOL Adventures!" #minecraftfunnyVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Mishaps: Steve’s Hilarious Adventures! #minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by Sacket on 2024-01-11 17:15:03. It has garnered 2464 views and 48 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:46 or 46 seconds. Welcome Minecraft enthusiasts! 🎮 In this 45-second whirlwind, we’re delving into the humorous side of Minecraft with our beloved character, Steve. 😂 🧨 Creeper Magnet: Ever wonder why creepers always find Steve, no matter how sneaky he is? We explore this amusing phenomenon – could it be his choice of cologne? 😆 🐔 Chicken Parade: It’s almost as if chickens see Steve… Read More

  • EPIC Fireball Showdown ASMR!! 🔥🔥

    EPIC Fireball Showdown ASMR!! 🔥🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Fireballfight ASMR! #shorts’, was uploaded by LaoLP on 2024-02-10 15:26:48. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft #minemen #pvp #trainerdario #hypixel #fireballfight #1v1 #asmr #2sa #bedwars. Read More

  • Jaye’s Shocking Skibidi Cheating Scandal!

    Jaye's Shocking Skibidi Cheating Scandal!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Cheated in a SKIBIDI Toilet Mob Battle Competition!!’, was uploaded by Jaye on 2024-02-27 22:59:09. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. I Cheated in a SKIBIDI Toilet Mob Battle Competition! This is a super funny Minecraft Mod Challenge! This is similar to Minecraft … Read More

  • SHOCKING 2024 REVEAL – You’ll Never Guess What’s Coming Next! | Minecraft

    SHOCKING 2024 REVEAL - You'll Never Guess What's Coming Next! | MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘WHAT’S NEXT IN 2024? | Slightly Direct | Minecraft’, was uploaded by Slightly Insulting on 2024-01-07 22:00:09. It has garnered 651 views and 61 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:25 or 1165 seconds. Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMdL7tQQ0GSkZGZjE2juLAw/join WHAT’S NEXT IN 2024? | Slightly Direct | Minecraft Slightly Branded Channels @SlightlyCrafted @SlightlySpider CHANNELS FEATURED @MrEMC_ @TSCStudio Socials: Twitter https://twitter.com/SlightlyInsult Instagram https://www.instagram.com/slightly_insulting/ Discord https://discord.gg/7HN9d9t Made with: Blockbuster Mod by McHorse Complementary Shader by Emin Slightly Insulting content includes YouTube Shorts, TikTok, and YouTube videos related to Minecraft Challenges, Minecraft But… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft PvP Challenge – Watch Now! #bedwars #skywars #clickbait

    Unbelievable Minecraft PvP Challenge - Watch Now! #bedwars #skywars #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Komplettes Video ist online! #bedwars #minecraft #skywars #pvp #minecraftchallenge #review’, was uploaded by Malganzehrlich on 2024-01-09 14:00:07. It has garnered 397 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. Never play Minecraft Skywars on this server! ⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻ 📞 ➤ Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgJbj48pX6heXpx0Icf-yvQ ⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻ 📲 ➤ Social Media ➜ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/malganzehrlich__/ ➜ Discord: https://discord.gg/6fMrmWt6cK ➜ Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/malganzehrlich_ ⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻ 💻 ➤ My equipment – microphone: https://rb.gy/s9ni67 -Interface: https://rb.gy/93jzhe -Microphone preamplifier: https://rb.gy/zqignp -Mikrofonarm: https://shorturl.at/rBHP9 -Keylight: https://shorturl.at/mxyAM -Maus: https://shorturl.at/boBZ4 -Keyboard: https://shorturl.at/zHLOU – Pale: https://shorturl.at/afsMS ⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻ ✂️ ➤ Schnitt-/Editprogramm: Davinci Resolve 18.6 🔨 ➤ Thumbnails:… Read More

  • Epic Bed Wars Battle with Garg Gamer – Minecraft Java

    Epic Bed Wars Battle with Garg Gamer - Minecraft JavaVideo Information This video, titled ‘Bed Wars Live | Minecraft java |Garg Gamer’, was uploaded by Garg Gamer on 2024-04-17 00:01:22. It has garnered 7 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:16 or 1336 seconds. server:topn.pika.host Apart from YouTube title and description I am doing Minecraft stream Where I will play with you I have my Minecraft world where we will play together and grind and we will also go in your Minecraft World We will make houses some farms and many more things we will do in this stream and My server IP pinned in live… Read More

  • WACE server SMP Semi-vanilla Whitelist No resets 1.20.4 Australia

    Welcome to WACESMP! Hey folks, I’m GoneVegan, a member of the Australian Minecraft server. We are currently running version 1.20.4. Brief Overview: Approaching 6 Months old Various quality of life datapacks DiscordSRV Discord/Minecraft chat integration Various administrative and QoL plugins Survival mode Whitelisted Hard difficulty 6GB RAM Java + Bedrock crossplay Our Vision: WACESMP is a place for survival Minecraft enthusiasts. Join us to plan and create amazing builds and areas. Whether you enjoy detailed work, large-scale building, or classic survival gameplay, this server is for you. About Us: Owned by Blockbuster206, a longtime Minecraft fan. No planned world resets…. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Redstone is my b*tch

    Looks like this meme’s redstone is more impressive than my real-life electrical skills. Read More

  • Backrooms Unleashed: Minecraft Madness!

    Backrooms Unleashed: Minecraft Madness! In the Backrooms, a maze of mystery and dread, Secrets lurking in every corner, filling you with dread. Explore for hours, uncovering each hidden surprise, Six collectables to find, hidden from prying eyes. Piratesoftware and Heartbound, the music sets the tone, As you navigate the labyrinth, feeling all alone. Download the world, dive into the unknown, The Backrooms in Minecraft, a journey to be shown. So grab your gear, and embark on this quest, In the Backrooms, where fear and excitement manifest. Happy hunting, brave explorer, may you find success, In this world of secrets, waiting to impress. Read More

  • All Armor Combined= Hot Mess #minecraft

    All Armor Combined= Hot Mess #minecraft All Armor Combined = A walking tank in Minecraft, or as I like to call it, the “Iron Man” of the blocky world. #minecraft #meme #memes Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server Welcome to Newsminecraft.com! Today, we want to talk about the exciting world of Minecraft and why you should join the Minewind server. While watching the YouTube video “Deneme Odaları Turu ve Oyunun En Güçlü Silahını Elde Ettik! | Agalarla Minecraft Hardcore S2 B7” by Guapoins, you can see the fun and adventure that Minecraft brings to players. But why should you choose Minewind server? Well, Minewind offers a unique and thrilling gameplay experience that you won’t find anywhere else. With a dedicated community of players, constant updates, and a variety of game modes to choose from, Minewind is the… Read More