Minecraft but i’m like yoga me indefinite all right we’re like yagami dude we’re looking pretty cool so to make the death note in this we’re going to need i think a wither skull and a book and quilt for a book and quail we’re going to need leather and Paper and i believe an ink sack which might might be a problem since i’m not sure okay never mind this ain’t going to be a problem okay and a village happy days let’s go should i have made tools for this first i probably should have oh you know That’s so useful oh my god this is perfect what an easy start as a dolphin you’re making this harder for me i’ll make an x and i’ll brutally sacrifice did that’s good just do that make an axe okay um did you just use kamui okay there he’s back There we go so to make a booking coil i’m actually kind of confused on how to do them i will not lie so the idea is that we’re going to find one of those like ritual table thingies and then we’ll make the death note because yeah because they have wither skulls i have To fight any ah ah with a rose how do you get these i may not be the the death guard yet but i have um i have some menace thoughts right now have fun getting outside as soon as you step outside you’re done should you step Outside okay you’ll live okay so we use this so we should just need to as soon as i picked up the weather skill i started raining um that’s the power of the ritual right here so i’m assuming you can’t just make a book and then no Do i need the paper an exact like that no oh my god what is going on is it aiming for me you fell for it how do you make a booking for i’m asking the internet oh maybe later i will one feather one eight second one oh i either i need a feather I had no idea was that chicken i think it’s a little chicken no that’s a dog in mind i mean okay there we go i found one yeah i know i saw you you know let’s hit the sheets we’ll wake up we’ll make the death note And then we’ll go from there is there a bed in here there is check this out pro gamer oh i’ll take the front door thank you for having me the internet said that we need a book nick sack and a feather ah okay there we go so we throw you on And we throw the wither there we go there we go okay death note huh i have a i have an urge to um look at her window so i’m gonna sit here like a main character then i’m going to slowly turn my head for no reason at all ah And now that i’ve picked up the death note i have like a sudden urge to um become the god of this new world so the mob whose name is written in this note shall die that makes sense if the cause of death is right it will happen so what If i put i mean i assume i didn’t go in there ein gollum was bricked to death oh did he live oh no he didn’t live there’s a creepy incumbent creeper was sent flying is that even one he just died i’m was squashed oh come on that’s so Inhumane but i enjoyed it that was sick you would have thought the death of others would be so beneficial to me because now i can make armor this is awesome look at this and with the block of vine i can make even more oh my god that’s broken okay so there’s a pig There wouldn’t make a pig blew up is it gonna like i want to take out this this pig here and the crafting table behind it i mean the the eyeing the wrong pig got chosen ein golem was struck by lightning oh that’s so sick but it burnt the iron Damn but it’s so cool though you know i’m gonna go a bit long-winded for this one let me try something villager was distraught i wonder if this will work are you serious my villager drowns oh dude i drowned you so hard your hat came Off dude oh oh wait a second oh wait no that has to be like never mind i want to go to the shinigami land okay that’s where i want to go and i have a special idea about how i’m going to light this ball you’ll be fine you’ll be fine Nothing’s going to happen dude don’t worry about it wonderful wonderful good spot she was struck by lightning it worked that’s so sick all right sick let’s go to the shinigami land world that’s a dangerous spawn and a horrible horrible spot at one okay oh never mind i take it back i apologize a Lot about oh that’s weird i’m speaking to myself i wonder does lightning work in the nether blaze was struck by lightning okay well it doesn’t work that makes sense this might be bad okay the death it doesn’t work in the chittagong world that makes sense though Should it be world not for me i’m leaving i’m leaving i’m leaving i’m leaving okay maybe i need a little bit more practice before i take on the shinigami world you know i’m not not there just yet i think i’ll be there in due time finally it works because i just I just brought life with the death then i can remove life what the what if b was stung to death am i gonna wait a second wait a second wait a second wait a second oh my god oh my god oh my god I dropped it okay i got away with the power control v i’m even greater than like the argument himself b blew up let’s see how many i can take out jesus christ i can like spawn tons of tnt before it even happens that nearly took me out It seems a lot more difficult than i had imagined they’re still fighting each other man what are they doing down there now i’m curious if the death note could take out an entire mansion reaper was struck by lightning i’m hoping this will burn down the mansion hello anybody oh i had a grunt It’s definitely home oh wait they’re going by with names don’t they what’s his name again is that just a pillar is it something else hillager was shot he’s not pillager was he killed the vindicator uh with it away oh vindicate i know you are i know your Name i have the red eyes which i don’t but unlike light yagami i’m getting my hands down i’m here in person i’m walking around i’m getting your names i am destroying you all but what are you then there’s a vindicator and another one vindicator blew up let’s try and Take out those small things along with them it didn’t work damn it being dumb is such a setback is one being light like supposed to be smart but i’m just stupid and beyonce they’re called laze straight straight you’re straight i’m not a stray i think you’re a vex no Okay they’re called vexes but there’s so many vex was struck by lightning vex was struck what’s your name man is his name the evoke of okay that sounds familiar avoca was went off with a bang let’s get rid of him did i do it yes i’ve done it i heard him Die vex went off with a bang he actually go up with a bang he would have thought i mean that’s the name but who thought the death knight is pretty effective oh my god everything together as well right yeah then decatur was squashed i stopped him in his tracks I’ve thumbed the eye on top of your head and mind it didn’t work damn skeleton was shot get tased to your own medicine yeah you know zombie throws to death oh that’s kind of sick is he gonna die then oh there there he goes he’s shivering The look of my eyes look at this oh my god the power of the death knight man isn’t skin’s incredible oh my god jesus christ i wonder if i could do two at one time skeleton was struck by lightning zombie was struck that would have been way too cool I’m pretty sure i’m a way more effective kira all this with a stroke of a pen unlike kiddo he got found out i’d say i’m the god of this new world Video Information
This video, titled ‘I Became KIRA in Death Note Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Sir Marcus on 2022-02-05 13:45:02. It has garnered 81563 views and 2417 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:01 or 481 seconds.
Minecraft, But I’m LIGHT YAGAMI in DEATH NOTE…
Today I decided to hop into the world of DEATH NOTE and become LIGHT YAGAMI or KIRA… My goal was to cause chaos as I tested the limits of the DEATH NOTE and became the god of this new world! Join and watch me as I become the strongest in this world. ————————————————————————— Socials ⬇️ Marcus’ Discord : https://discord.com/invite/BkqmCz3dnS Marcus’ Twitter : @thesirmarcus —————————————————————————
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#MinecraftBut #DeathNote #MinecraftDeathNote
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