I Bought 3 Hypixel Bedwars Texture Packs from Fiverr

Video Information

Today I bought three different types of bed Wars packs and got scammed but more on that later alright guys first pack so this pack was 11 and I gotta say I already love the armor like look at that armor guys what the heck and the swords are pretty

Unique too so yeah I’d say that’s already like Words 11 bucks that we paid so the sky looks like the generic sky that like every pack has so yeah nothing special there oh my gosh okay I love the wood too see I just like the first of

Three packs so this is just like the starting point and I hope it gets better from here but to be honest I’m only like perfectly fine with this bag like I wouldn’t mind releasing this as like a USA photo pack in my PVP just sucks guys like I can’t PVP anymore

Do you like it I go to bed that’s what matters guys getting the bed and to be honest I kind of want to release this back so yeah guys I don’t think I got scammed with this pack I’m gonna release it at 200 likes yeah make sure to like the video for this

Factory release I’m like really happy with this pack so far like I love the blocks and everything I’m sure you’re being kind of slow hero but nobody saw getting lost yet which is perfect under my mind just when I was saying it foreign like a year guys so yeah I don’t think

I’m like doing good right now Oh no I think he’s gonna get in my bed that was stupid Yep you did by the way guys make sure to rate the packs in the comment section so that I like know if I got scammed or not or if any of the sections are stolen because you can’t be too sure okay got lucky there oh we actually won the game what the heck

All right guys so the second pack is the pack that the packmaker made me back in like 2021 or 2020 I don’t know but this was supposed to be my 25k pack so as you guys can see it’s pink and it’s 16x but now you guys are all like wait you say

16x pack it’s not 11 so you’re not moving up in price but no guys so the name of this pack is uh niji which means rainbow the rainbow version is like an extra dollar or two yeah the spec is like 14 bucks so there we go guys now

It’s RGB so now it’s a 14 bucks pack all right guys second pack second game so yeah this texture pack was 14 bucks and I really like the RGB guys like look at the hot board everything is animated even a sword so now you guys are probably asking you say why’d you never

Release this bag if it’s so good and the answer to that is I don’t even know myself I think I like this pack too much and I was like okay let’s just not release it it’s gonna be my own pack that I use forever so yeah I just ended

Up being a private pack which made it more expensive too I don’t think I’m gonna use this pack ever I mean the main reason why I even like started working on this pack it’s because like RGB packs up well like super popular back then and I like uh I

Made a few videos on it and it like blew up I don’t think I’m gonna win this okay what did I eat today guys like what’s going on so guys the main reason why I wanted that RGB pack is because like they were like blowing up and I

Made a few RGB Pack videos and they’re like that’s really really really good yeah and I actually had like three packs prepared for 25k but I think I only released one of them and made my turkey gear pack because I was like growing too fast at that time too like my growth was

Insane at that time I hope you like get somewhere close to that sometime in the future but yeah guys I’m gonna have to like say sorry about not raising this back because I don’t think I’m like ever gonna do it uh you know what guys I’ll

Just make a deal if this video gets like um 1K likes which it probably won’t then I’m gonna release this pack because I really don’t want to release this bag thank you for the M’s and the Diamonds but it’s just me and green game was admitto because they’re like green

Blocks here are these blocks that they are oh no yes diamond armor let him break my bed Oh no oh my God all right guys last pack and I don’t know if you guys already know this book but it’s a dynamic duo edit revamp so yeah this pack cost 22 bucks because it’s a 256x and then I think it was like one dollar extra for a revamp and yeah

Guys let’s just talk about how I got scammed like buying new specs so these are all like packs that the packmaker made back in like I don’t know a few years ago but he never like ended up releasing them so he like messaged me the already and he was like yo you want

To buy some packs I’m like desperate for some money right now and I was like okay I don’t really need the pack right now like I don’t need to buy from this guy because I’m like not really like planning on making this video I’ll try

To make this video back in like 2021 but yeah the packs that I bought from Fiverr they were all like super bad and most of them are stolen so I couldn’t like release them or like even use them and I didn’t like want to promote that stuff

Because I know how hard it is to like make packs and I don’t think it’s like smart for people to just like go ahead and like steal your stuff and release it without asking you and especially like profit of it like make money like if you

Guys are mixing packs and it’s fine if you like just keep it to yourself but releasing it is just like scummy I have a lot of like pack maker friends but yes let’s just get back to the topic so the pack maker he wanted like um 20 bucks I

Don’t know what he needed for but he said he like needs this urgently and he was gonna like offer me 12 packs for it I paid him the full amount because I was like yeah okay I trust this guy even though he only like sent me half of the

Packs but I trusted him because I like worked with him before I was like okay I’ve worked with this guy before there’s no way he’s gonna like scam me for 20 bucks and I don’t mind paying him 20 bucks because I like giving this guy natural

Before just like that I like giving back to the people so yeah I just sent him the full amounts the 20 bucks but this guy wasn’t using like his real paper he just like made a random one and got taken down I had to refund he told me to

Refund and send it to his new PayPal which I did but like after refunding the money he made a new paper and he told me to like sign into this paper he doesn’t want to like use his real information because he doesn’t like trust people online so they’re like okay I don’t care

I just pay him the money so this time he only wanted seven bucks instead of 20 bucks so yeah I just sent them the money told him to enjoy it blah blah blah and at this point it’s already been like six weeks since I like messages guy I bought

The packs I was like kind of getting frustrated because I needed to upload the video soon because I haven’t like released the let’s see a proper video in a while it’s just been like this pack videos I like the tutorial videos so yeah I ended up like messaging this guy

Saying hey man it’s been almost two months and you haven’t like sent me anything at all half of the packs that you sent me like from the six packs that he sent me half of them was like not even working they were like broken and

He told me that he was gonna fix him too but they didn’t but yeah I’m like a nice guy so I like never pressure them into doing it but yeah it’s been like two weeks now since I sent him that message telling him that he has to like send me

Everything blah blah blah I feel like I’m getting scammed hurry up but yeah he hasn’t like sent me anything so far like nothing guys nothing at all so yeah I asked like a few pack makers and a few of my friends and he told me to just like release the three packs

That are like usable that he sent me that’s what I’m doing right now but we agreed on like me having like full possession of the packs and doing whatever I want with them but yeah this guy just disappeared and he like quit pack making for a while and like I said

Guys I didn’t like really want to buy these packs I like just felt bad for him I mean like come on boys if somebody like you’ve worked with before and this is like they need money then it’s like the normal thing to just give him give him the money because who knows what

This guy’s going through it’s like a human thing to do and I’m not mad at him because it’s only like seven bucks I feel like it would have been better if he had like at least told me like what’s going on third I like have a better idea

Like I wouldn’t mind him taking like a year to like send me everything as long as he had like communication but yeah this guy has been like sending me like zero communication guys like nothing at all but I’m gonna have to like fight him is that an ender pearl

While I kill him two times what’s going on I’m sorry guys if storing cutting is not that good I like I haven’t done this YouTube thing in a while yeah just bear with me oh he left he disconnected but yeah guys that’s how I got scammed the pack like never replied it’s been

Like two months no communication and my friends told me to release the fact that I just end the game here it was fun playing thanks for watching guys and if you enjoyed the video then please please subscribe and like the video because I like worked harder on this I knew boy

Got scammed like come on guys have some pity on your boy and don’t forget to comment down below which pack was your favorite

This video, titled ‘I Bought 3 Hypixel Bedwars Texture Packs from Fiverr’, was uploaded by yusei fudo on 2023-07-22 18:18:36. It has garnered 991 views and 133 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:38 or 518 seconds.

The 3 New BEST 16x Bedwars Texture Packs (1.8.9) | FPS Boost TOP 3 Best Minecraft Bedwars/PvP Texture Packs Fps BoostTexture Pack Showcase & Gameplay Java 1.8 l Hypixel Bedwars I Bought 3 Hypixel Bedwars Texture Packs from Fiverr Buying a Custom Texture Pack (Fiverr)

Hey guys Today i Bought 3 Hypixel Bedwars Texture Packs from Fiverr watch my other videos with Top 3 Best Minecraft Bedwars/PvP Texture Packs Fps BoostTexture Pack Showcase & Gameplay Java 1.8 l Hypixel Bedwars. You guys liked my minecraft pvp videos and hypixel Bedwars videos, do you guys want more pvp minecraft hypixel videos?. You also asked me about how to jitter click, hypixel texture pack, hypixel pack, hypixel skyblock pack, hypixel pack folder, hypixel pack release, texture pack, hypixel pack armor resource pack, pvp texture pack, texture pack 1.8, pvp texture pack 1.8, default edit, minecraft pvp hypixel, hypixel mod folder or hypixel mods folder. So i thought i should make this video with the Ppvp Texture packs. Comment down below if i should do this in Hypixel solo skywars, hypixel ranked skywars, hypixel skyblock or hypixel uhc championship. This video was rendered in 1440p 60fps so its smooth and has motion blur. ♥ Don’t forget to rate the video like or dislike, if you dislike then comment what i could improve!♥ every comment counts ♥. ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾­‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾­‾‾‾‾‾ ▬►Social Media and Discord ►Twitter : https://twitter.com/YuseiFudoYT ►My Discord : https://discordapp.com/invite/SQhQuSN ►My Lunar client cape : https://store.lunarclient.com/category/yuseifudo

►Hypixel server ip : mc.hypixel.net ►Bridgerland server ip : bridger.land

▬▬►Other Cool Packs : ►Netherite in Minecraft 1.8 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=92uGLRM320Y ▬►Texture Packs that i showcased in other videos ►Another default edit which i use alot : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wJEkFXlHDY0&t ►PewDiePie Pack : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1LYCIfQ3ocM&t ►My 3k Pack : https://resourcepacks24.de/resourcepack/15269 ►My 1k Pack : https://resourcepacks24.de/download/290764 ►Villajah’s Default Edit Pack : https://resourcepacks24.de/download/36854 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ▬►Music used in the video ►(massobeats – honey jam: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HGMQbVfYVmI (massobeats – lavender https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hjVaS8xmWIs

Thx for wathching ^_^

#Minecraft #texturepack #Hypixel

There is no copyright infringement intended for the song or picture. If you have an issue with me posting this song or picture please contact me through one of my social networks or YouTube private messaging system. Once I have received your message and determined you are the proper owner of this content I will have it removed, no drama at all. This channel is strictly for promotion towards the artists of the music. I try to help promote their music and their social networks. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬y

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    UNBELIEVABLE! Starting a VR Minecraft SMP!Video Information सो अभी के टाइम पर youtube2 एडिशन के लिए कोई ऐसी परफेक्ट एसएमपी अभी तक नहीं बनी है बट अब से मैं शुरू करने जा रहा हूं एक पॉकेट एडिशन एसएमपी उस एसएमपी में आप में से कुछ बंदे भी जॉइन हो सकते हैं बट उसके लिए आपको लॉन्ग वीडियो देखनी होगी उसमें मैंने बताया कि आप कैसे जॉइन हो सकते हैं सो चैनल नेम के नीचे जो लिंक आ रहा है उसे दबा के लॉन्ग वीडियो देखो This video, titled ‘I STARTED🤩MINECRAFT PE SMP#shorts #smp #shortsfeed #minecraft #tecnogamerz #viral #vrminecraft’, was uploaded by Siz Gamerz on 2024-01-11… Read More

  • INSANE HACKS – Moving the Warden SAFELY!

    INSANE HACKS - Moving the Warden SAFELY!Video Information the warden is a big scary monster and we should be terrified of him right a he’s just so cute I captured one of these wardens in my Mob Zoo in Hardcore Minecraft and along the way I had to come up with a pretty good idea for how to move them safely since my world was created in 1.16 and I have updated over the last 3 years my nearest ancient city was thousands of blocks away so I had to come up with a foolproof design to safely move the Warden such a far distance now… Read More

  • Unreal Minecraft Power Stream – TheSlayer350

    Unreal Minecraft Power Stream - TheSlayer350Video Information think I press the right buttons everything [Music] set [ __ ] are you I’m live hey what’s up what’s going on sup rck sup Apple how’s it going sorry for the major inconvenience earlier alarm didn’t go off I wasr and I was snoozing sound and sleep had a really good dream too and then I woke up and like something is not right so I I check my phone I’m like my phone isn’t on so that mean my alarm didn’t go off crap it’s 9:20 so yeah I hope you’re doing all right all right Rick you… Read More

  • Epic Minecraft Mob Battle: Tonic Mutant Warden vs Null Warden! #memebattle

    Epic Minecraft Mob Battle: Tonic Mutant Warden vs Null Warden! #memebattleVideo Information This video, titled ‘Tonic Mutant Warden vs Null Warden #minecraft #mobbattle #shorts #short #meme #video #viral #memes’, was uploaded by Minecraft Bedrock Edition Battles on 2024-01-10 13:42:11. It has garnered 998 views and 48 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:39 or 39 seconds. Like and Subscribe. If you like this Short 1v1 Mob Battle Want to see more more battles, check out my Channel right now. #Minecraft #minecraft #Short #Shorts #ShortVideo #short #shorts #minecraftshorts #meme #memes #Meme #Memes #viral #video Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Clutch with Realistic Graphics 😮⚔️#shorts

    Ultimate Minecraft Clutch with Realistic Graphics 😮⚔️#shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘(Dream On). Minecraft Clutch With Realistic Graphics.😮⚔️😮#shorts #shortfeed #viral #tending’, was uploaded by Prince Arena (137) on 2024-03-24 00:34:45. It has garnered 846 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. (Dream On). Minecraft Clutch With Realistic Graphics.😮⚔️😮#shorts #shortfeed #viral #tending if you guys enjoy the vedio pls leave a like and subscribe the channel domsto. Copyright Disclaimer : Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use… Read More

  • Stormcraft

    Stormcraft_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-__ Storm Craft __-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ Stormcraft is a community-driven survival minecraft Network, our motto is ‘for the players, by the players’ and we stand by that every minute of the day. Our Network currently has: Sanctuary (SMP) , Islands (Skyblocks) , Creative , Missilewars and Anarchy The community we have built on Stormcraft so far is amazing and we couldn’t be happier but we hope you’ll find a new home here on Storm Craft. Looking forward to having you join us mc.stormcraft.net Read More

  • Hardcore Anarchy – Anarchy

    Welcome to Hardcore Anarchy IP: hardcoreanarchy.gay New anarchy server with three months of uptime and over 450 deaths/bans. “Hardcore Anarchy” provides a platform for those who enjoy vanilla Minecraft with a twist. Are you up for the challenge? Check out our badass leaderboards website here to see who is the biggest degenerate on the server. This server is not pay2win, so prepare for the elements when you spawn because there are no protected areas. Think you have what it takes to survive? Join now and test your skills against the toughest Minecraft players. Can you outlast the competition and become… Read More

  • DuckyBlock

    DuckyBlockWelcome to DuckyBlock! 🐣We are an 18+ Minecraft server for adults, cross-platform for both Java and Bedrock! Join us on any platform you have Minecraft on.In order to join the server, you will need to join our Discord to have your age verified. You can join our Discord server here: discord.gg/wuuxK9nY83Some features!👍 Always updated to latest version🗡️ Survival🏡 Land claims⭐ Slimefun🆙 McMMO⛏️ PyroMining🎣 PyroFishing🧑‍🌾 PyroFarming💖 Inclusive communityWhat are you waiting for? Join us! Hope to see you online soon. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – minecraft memez r lit 🔥

    Minecraft Memes - minecraft memez r lit 🔥Looks like this meme is definitely mining for laughs with a score of 9! Read More

  • 2024 Minecraft Temple: Notch’s Inside Scoop

    2024 Minecraft Temple: Notch's Inside Scoop In Notch’s temple, secrets unfold, In 2024, a story untold. Minecraft’s past, nostalgia in sight, Exploring the depths, with all our might. Crafting memories, block by block, In Notch’s temple, we unlock. Old Minecraft vibes, a journey through time, In 2024, the past will shine. So join us now, in this epic quest, In Notch’s temple, we’ll do our best. To uncover the truth, in every rhyme, Minecraft’s legacy, for all time. Read More

  • “Caught a sassy lizard 🦎” 🔥 #minecraft #meme

    "Caught a sassy lizard 🦎" 🔥 #minecraft #meme Looks like this sneaky lizard got caught trying to steal diamonds in Minecraft! Watch out for those crafty reptiles in the game! 🦎💎 #minecraftmischief #lizardthief Read More

I Bought 3 Hypixel Bedwars Texture Packs from Fiverr