I Built a 100% Redstone Village

Video Information

All the villagers on this Minecraft server have been randomly disappearing with no suspects in sight my pet villager Kevin was in grave dangerous don’t look to protect him I was going to build a massive hidden Redstone Village far from any danger in order to keep him safe there are some simpler options

Now I’m gonna Village by first getting rid of the Old Village I’m so sorry Kevin I didn’t mean to blow up your whole face now I want to upgrade all the things that a normal village has such as food storage and defensive first I’m gonna lay down the

Essentials and plan out the paths of look it’s a cat I’m not gonna kill it this time I’ve learned from my massage Except the slight Mall problem to fix that I have engineered a masterful piece of technology I literally made a lamp post with a daylight sensor listen man I’m not the greatest redstone The lamp posts have been added in and I’m gonna work down all the areas for where all the buildings are gonna go With that we have finished the outline for this dude this City’s gonna look so baller there is one slight problem that we have Kevin’s house is pathetic when he still has to open the door with his bare hands I don’t know if I’d consider that that

Big of a problem so I’m gonna start with my craziest build yet an apartment complex I don’t know if I’d consider this an upgrade or a downgrade either way I need to go get the materials now we’ll start off the apartment complex by building the base layer for the build Actually looks quite nice it also looks a little bit like the nerd emoji from here I’m gonna suction off the first floor and add in some other floors to house even more villagers Oh no just as I was about to add in the last bit of glass for this floor I

Realized I don’t have any more now glass is not exactly the problem it’s the lapis that I need to dive these windows light blue and I could either get lapis by mining or stealing from another person’s bed if you know anything about me you know that I’m gonna stick

Oh how’d that get there I’m just kidding this is a completely fake I built this whole set but no seriously I am gonna steal from my foreign I’m gonna add in some variation to this Tower by planting some flowers and trees to these floors and hey man all I can

Say is this thing looks magnific how the hell magnificent you have no idea how to say that dude this thing is absolutely awesome I mean just look at all the trees outside the entrance very nice balcony and view that we have and a perfectly sized hole for a redstone

Elevator I wonder what’s gonna go in here I want to die you might be wondering after spending so long on this elevator does it work honestly I have no idea but if I press this button right here no no it’s called the wrong way oh my God man please man just stop with

That sound effect okay so the elevator is now fixed and you should be able to Traverse through the villagers rooms I forgot to build the villagers room Thank you All right dude this room is actually not looking that bad okay so now I’m gonna go back to redstoning by adding in a 3X3 piston door alrighty that would work and now to add in a daylight sensor on top that way I can lock the villagers in at night I

Swear this thing is not a prison lastly I just want to add in a very small detail to this build the landlordinator 5000. it’s really not that serious basically if any of the villagers living in this apartment refuse to pay rent yeah I made this thing very realistic

And with that final Edition we are about one-fifth done with the city great problem though we cannot continue construction on this city because this is all the Redstone I have now I can’t keep stealing from the other server members because if any of them suspect

Me of stealing they may be able to trace it back and find the hidden Redstone Village so I’m gonna have to construct my very own Redstone Farm building this thing has been one of the worst experiences of my life I started off this build like how I start off most

Builds by blowing up a local home oh my God from here I built a spawn platform for all the witches to spawn and covered it with some weird Redstone stuff what the hell was that then I wet myself with water of course I repeated this process two more times I wet myself

Again but this time it wasn’t when I AFK the farm for around about an hour and came back to this no way dude oh my God look at how much Redstone I have not only do I have infinite Redstone but I also have enough gunpowder to make more

Decisions that I will inevitably regret oh god with a new supplier Redstone we can now finally get back to building the city and since we got all these new materials it would only make sense if we built a storage system All right I think for a hole this is like big enough let me go ahead and grab some of the materials to try and build a sort of gradient for the storage system all right got the cherry blossom let’s go collect some wool all right that was surprisingly

Satisfying luckily let’s go ahead and grab some conch and I think there might be some magenta concrete oh my God I I think that’s enough I think that’s enough I think okay all right now it’s time to actually add in the chests and The Hoppers

Uh let’s open up man first step is to add in some of the Redstone for the store system all right now if I place the items in here oh yeah baby and this thing looks so sick well not exactly the outside though hold on just give me a minute

There you go I think it’s safe to say that our Redstone Village’s storage situation has now been dealt with [Applause] the inside of this thing literally looks like Barbie’s dream and the building outside just fits the Redstone Village Vibe so well probably two towers in the

City is just so awesome man don’t make the joke don’t make the joke don’t make it I don’t really like the sea lanterns though I think maybe something like the the green frog lights might do it a little more just let me go back to spawn

And grab some green frog lights what had seemed like a very normal visit back the spawn was about to turn into one of the most unique and dangerous interactions of my life aeon from Minecraft oh no okay maybe this guy’s a bit of an idiot is Tyler The Man allegedly responsible

For the kidnapping of the first ever villager on this Earth and he needed my help in order to build a thousand of these sheep statues what now if you’re a little bit confused so am I basically Tazo wants me to help him build a thousand of this weird sheep

Statue all around the outcasts and needed my hope in order to collect some of the black dye for the eyes of this statue now obviously I could never accept this deal I mean Tazo is literally the most notorious villager I’m in before we can build though there is one

Thing that is a bit counterintuitive there’s a small there’s a small game mechanic where if a Wither kills a passive mob they drop a Wither Rose which coincidentally I can’t gives you black guy he’s getting the other roses I’m getting the weather roses I’m getting the weather roses please oh please yes yes

Oh my God oh my God I literally I would have died I think in another like five ten seconds now this might not seem like a big deal because it isn’t it’s a blockage but Tazo was now willing to trust me and would maybe spare my dear villager Kevin from being

Kidnapped I can’t worry about all that now because I have the Frog lights yeah okay let’s go back to building the village before we can finish off this Tower I just wanted to remind you all to subscribe we’re getting so close to 50 000 subscribers and if you subscribe now

And join my Discord in the description below you can claim your very own custom OG role all right that is the tower now all completed and it’s now time to start on phase three of this Redstone Village by building a massive box this took so goddamn long now you might

Be wondering why a big mysterious box well due to my newly found friendship with tauzo we would not be under constant threat including the Redstone Village and since we were severely underprepared is that iron armor I decided to upgrade the team’s gear using I actually need all of these emeralds

This very beautiful building I mean just slim man it literally looks like a tentacle it was a very weird analogy each floor of this very beautiful building will house the trading hall for where all the villagers will exist speaking of villagers I completely forgot that there aren’t any in this whole village

That’s not from Kevin because you know I blew up the rest oh I went ahead and kidnapped two Villages ready all right up we go up we go let’s go buddy yeah look at him go look at them go red look at it just my two boys the

Green Jacket mean he can’t get a job hey man it’s been an honor thank you so much I hope to see you soon yeah okay so I went ahead and moved into the breeding cage you will never see the light of day again then I built a railway leading all the

Way into the trading Hall alrighty let’s load this thing up see is this thing gonna work there he is let’s go buddy all right forgot about that part we got ourselves our first formal villager now I just needs to do 20 more of these all right we now have 20 farming

Villagers all ready to be traded and you might be wondering hey on why farming villagers seeing as our current goal is to get rich and trade for some armor we require a crap ton of emeralds and what better way to get emeralds done with some so the question now becomes not why

Farming villager like how pumpkin well the answer has everything to do with this hole let’s get farming all right that is all the melons and the pumpkins plan oh yeah I also may have forgotten to tell you but you can also trade in some mellow oh my God I think there’s something in

My throat anyways let’s get back to working on the Forum all right so The Observers are in so that way they can detect the melons and the pumpkins now I just need to go through and add in some Pistons to break these melons and pumpkins also if it

Hasn’t been entirely obvious to you we are building a melon and pumpkin farm all right the Redstone is all in and I’m pretty sure yep this thing works all right now it’s time for actually let me check my paper over here oh no no no no

No no no no no no not already no I can’t I’m building the collection system for any Farm is by far the most annoying part I mean just listen to this We officially finished the melon and pumpkin I believe this thing is now fully working yeah look it’s already made us a pretty good amount so how much this can get us in terms of emeralds oh yeah baby 24 emeralds is all seriously my plan to getting rich was thus far extremely sub

Often seeing as tazo’s Day of Reckoning was rapidly approaching us this was simply not gonna do I mean if we can’t get enough gear how am I supposed to protect Kevin and the rest of the team too I guess after racking my brain on how to get just a little bit more

Emeralds it finally hit me Just have to build like five more and finally after what felt like just minutes because there was man I didn’t bother waiting that long after just a couple minutes we’re rich baby we’re rich I went ahead and got some armors tools fits and blacks and I think it’s

Safe to say that our Redstone Village is now officially rich I do still need more villagers I’m a good capitalist boy after all and a good capitalist boy must capitalize on some unpaid labor I mean volunteer work Free Falling my problem right now is that these villagers in the

Bun dungeon yeah I think that’s a pretty good name these villagers in the fun dungeon are not being fed quickly enough and you know that manually it wouldn’t quite be a redstone Village if I had to do all the work myself in order to fix this problem we’re gonna need to create an

Automatic food source to feed these villagers and that requires us to get some iron Some sand and some bread I can’t believe I have to manually mine all this bread motivating this process is gonna be so nice and with all the new materials it’s now time to actually build the damn thing This thing looks like it could fall over if you sneezed on it okay I need to fix let’s go fix you oh man this thing looks sick also kind of looks like a minion but I mean overall I’m really happy with how this thing turns now inside the tower there

Are going to be four farming villagers that exclusively Harvest Bread this week will be transported from the top of this tower all the way to the fun dungeon at the back of the village oh dude I was just gonna have the whole flow from out here but it would be so

Cool if we had like a pipe going from here I think I’m gonna do it I think dude this is gonna look so sick with the acacia trap doors that’s the transportation system and if I throw something down here I missed how did I move now if I throw

Something down here and then fly over here hold all right now for the last part moving the villagers into the tower I would not wish this pain upon my worst enemies anyways I went ahead and finished up the farm and after just mere moments we need to get on to the real problem

We’re just look at those plates it looks it’s actually kind of normal I plan to fixing this place is to first let out a bunch of villagers to freely roam around the city live your lives once I want to build a small garden right next to the storage system

Then I want to build a small statue to commemorate my boy Cam Newton that looks exactly like you speaking of Kevin let me remind you that tazo’s Day of Reckoning is rapidly approaching and before we have to leave this Redstone Village to go help build the Sheep statues I want to build Kevin

A massive Redstone tower that only he can live but first I should probably go around and finish fixing this place up Place looks awesome added in some signs just as little details to the bill and the trees just add so much it makes it look so nice with the Villagers populating this place wait actually I haven’t seen the villagers in like a while oh okay okay maybe maybe we should get

Started on the final part of this Village another thing with normal villages in Minecraft is that they’re pretty much defensive I mean the evidence is literally right here and with numerous threats to these villagers like zombies pillagers and the hundred other players that will likely hunt me

Down after the whole sheep thing it’s safe to say that these villagers will likely need some defenses and I’m not talking Iron Golems now my friends have real jobs that make them real money I just spent six hours building a Minecraft wall I’m gonna kill myself it is pretty solid

Though like it from the inside it looks absolutely beautiful okay wait maybe not this thing but it does look very nice and really like captures you in the city but a simple wall won’t just do because after all this is a redstone Village so I want to go ahead and add some extra

Defenses alongside this wall just in case things get sticky speaking of sticky okay I can see how that transition sounds a bit weird All right we got a crap ton of slime and you might be wondering why slide well it’s because we’re building a TNT cannon all right now editor cut this part so that way I say TNT cannons was that cool editors that you cut that basically the way this thing works is um

Actually wait does it even work oh my God dude this is this is so sick um the way this thing works is I I don’t know but it’s really goddamn cool all right let me let me just go around and place these all around this wall Okay so with the TNT cannons now in place our Village’s defenses are nearly done except for how do we get in no I’m just kidding I’ll do that funny little thing where I snap my face I’m gonna cry so basically I’m gonna go whole and made the general outline for

The door now what I want to do is I want to make this gate have one of those really sick flying machines that fly up and dude you know and an observer block on top of the note block All right the door’s been built and now hypothetically if I press this button oh yeah baby I’m so smart I I just followed the tutorial the door does look a little bit ugly so let’s go ahead and fix that all right not bad not bad very simple

Button won’t do for such a great door so let me introduce you all the box I’ll say you’re walking up into the village and you need to enter but oh oh the door is locked what do you what do you do oh look it’s it’s Bob it’s Bob I go up to

Bob and you give him some um you know some sugar sugar yeah and once you’ve read Bob with the sugar the door will magically open now before I can put the safety seal of approval on this City’s defenses I need to find a way to

Protect my boy once I leave to go help Castle on his mission this Village will have to survive all on its own what better way to protect the village than to build a massive over the top Tower that’s completely inaccessible to anyone Kevin okay there are probably some better

Options that could do but this final Tower will be entirely dedicated to my dear villager Kevin all right so far this thing looks like a a tennis ball container so to fix that I went ahead and added supports on the sides of the building that will hold

This Tower however there was still a slight problem with this thing it’s not tall enough now you might be saying that yes this is in fact the tallest tower in the city and you’d be right however considering I was nearing the end of this project my brain has gone

Considerably smoother and therefore met the wise decision to make this Tower taller by getting nine beacons I’m not even joking The beacon in place I added in the final addition to this Tower before any of the Redstone God damn this thing looks sick so goddamn locked but I wasn’t done there Kevin should be king of the city and asking you must be able to oversee your entire Kingdom from above so I went

Ahead and constructed Kevin a custom flying machine that oversees his whole city all right come on off we go Kevin I need you to look at me as we fly out three two one Whoa whoa whoa whoa hold your horses there Buckle this Village still needs to undergo the final Day of Reckoning while aeon is hosting the events we’re all going to be building now my job was to distract the other server members from going to spawn that way Tazo and the rest of the team

Could build a thousand sheep at small and to do so I decided to host the game however I also decided the whole such game show 200 blocks away from my Redstone Village listen man I’m clearly not the sharpest tool Michelle I asked one Google search what the most active Minecraft countries are okay And after finally completing the mission I returned home we missing my God man I knew this was a mistake I knew trusting anyone on the server would be a massive mistake people on This Server clearly valued their Minecraft pets higher than the other people of the server and even

Though the Redstone Village was built for the purpose of protecting Kevin it did quite the opposite however instead of getting revenge I decided that I must be brave enough and break the cycle I’ve invited you all here today in order to break the outcast s p Chris many of you

Have fought Wars for your pets like Meep Gary I don’t know anymore I lost my own pet villager his name was Kevin and uh I was gonna enter the visual cycle of hate and join you all in the wars but today I decided to do something a little

Different please everyone come into the portal everyone welcome to the Redstone Village So I’ve been to the city because uh my pet villager Kevin I didn’t want the same thing to happen to him that happened to Gary um but unfortunately there is Kevin he got lost everyone please look at my screen this this is the first ever footage of me finding Kevin Gary that’s

That’s just that’s Gary Gary as in like the first villager I got lost yeah Kevin and Gary’s the same person you killed Gary well this is gonna make a grave end for your video uh come here I want I want my I want my beloved Gary back come here foreign

This video, titled ‘I Built a 100% Redstone Village’, was uploaded by Aeon on 2023-08-16 15:00:00. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

Join the for the OG ROLE!: https://discord.gg/aaAJHbz I Built and Transformed a Redstone Village in Minecraft on this Minecraft …

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    INSANE! YOU CONTROL WORLD BORDERS in Minecraft #shortsVideo Information मा बट यू कंट्रोल माय वर्ड बॉर्डर इसका मतलब ये है कि अगर तुम लोग चैनल को सब्सक्राइब करोगे तो मेरा वर्ड बॉर्डर इंक्रीज हो जाएगा एंड अगर तुम लोग वीडियो को लाइक करोगे तो मेरा वर्ल्ड वडर छोटा हो जाएगा तो गाइस मैं स्पॉन हो चुका हूं और ये क्या मेरा वर्ल्ड वडर तो सिर्फ एक ब्लॉक का है सो आप जल्दी से सब्सक्राइब करो जिससे मेरा वर्ल्ड वर्डर इंक्रीज हो जाए ये क्या मेरा वर्ल्ड वर्डर इंक्रीज हो गया ये क्या सामने तो एक विलेज भी है तो गाइस मैं विलेज में आ गया हूं ये… Read More

  • Unbelievable Underwater Survival Minecraft Experience

    Unbelievable Underwater Survival Minecraft ExperienceVideo Information me and Joe are stuck in this base without any known land near us it goes that we were exiled from our home planet without any instructions no gear the only thing we can do from here is survive but that’s only if the creatures of this planet let [Music] us oh there’s a book in here narrator where is it I see the book I read I’ve begun to become no I’ve become to become yeah take two I’ve begun to become that was not take two I begun to become disturbed by the sounds and voices… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Chaos with Vtuber Abby! 🔥

    INSANE Minecraft Chaos with Vtuber Abby! 🔥Video Information e e e [Music] po [Music] FL h mey chat I hope yall are doing well stay up Golden and enjoying your day or night oh my [Music] [Music] ear we are doing some chaos today in the form of Assassin’s Creed Unity potentially with Abby joining us H SS hi Hi Guess get guess what you’re high maybe I mean High mhm hey gay oh no gay she figed out I was what’s going on [Music] how you doing gck are you looking forward to the nor assassin’s PR I don’t I don’t know I don’t think… Read More

  • Insane Hardcore Minecraft Challenge Day 6!

    Insane Hardcore Minecraft Challenge Day 6!Video Information we’re back everything says that it’s healthy I’m getting frame drops I really need to double check my um my settings at some point see what I can do to minimize that but I’m happy that it’s back mostly dang come here you forance mod thank you it’s got to be maybe it’s all the world generation I’m doing I don’t know but uh we’re doing it maybe lagging lagging lagging okay I’m going to go kill skeletons skeletons are not as bad once I have a shield it’s facing off against a skeleton when I don’t have… Read More

  • Gamer Turns into Spiderman in Real Minecraft?! #viral

    Gamer Turns into Spiderman in Real Minecraft?! #viralVideo Information [تصفيق] [موسيقى] ‏h This video, titled ‘The Amazing spider man Minecraft V/s real #minecraft #mods #edit #viral #spiderman’, was uploaded by Acid = Gamer on 2024-03-18 14:05:17. It has garnered 506 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. Read More

  • SHOCKING: Herobrine’s Father’s Black Ghost Haunts YTAC GAMERZ 😱👻💥🤯😈 #shorts

    SHOCKING: Herobrine's Father's Black Ghost Haunts YTAC GAMERZ 😱👻💥🤯😈 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine ke baap kale bhoot ne machaya aatank😱👻💥🤯😈 #shorts’, was uploaded by YTAC GAMERZ on 2024-06-16 07:07:48. It has garnered 499 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:52 or 52 seconds. Herobrine ke baap kale bhoot ne machaya aatank😱👻💥🤯😈 #shorts Related Topics: 👿👿Water Bucket Mlg in #minecraft #shorts #viral water bucket mlg Minecraft all types of clutch Minecraft tik tok hack #1 #minecraft #viral #shorts #support #minecraft Slime Block Mlg #shorts #viral #minecraft how to do slime block mlg how to do water bucket mlg how to hay clutch how to… Read More

  • Insane Reaction: xQc vs Minecraft Update!

    Insane Reaction: xQc vs Minecraft Update!Video Information This video, titled ‘xQc Reacts to The New Minecraft Update (Minecraft Tricky Trials)’, was uploaded by xQc Clips on 2024-06-13 19:38:29. It has garnered 14060 views and 200 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. Subscribe to my other YouTube channels for even more content! Main Channel: https://bit.ly/3glPvVC xQc Reacts: https://bit.ly/3FJk2Il xQc Gaming: https://bit.ly/3DGwBSF xQc Clips: https://bit.ly/3p3EFZC Streaming every day on Twitch and Kick! https://twitch.tv/xqc https://kick.com/xqc G-FUEL ‘The Juice’ ► USE CODE “XQC” FOR 30% OFF – https://gfuel.com/collections/the-juice If you own copyrighted material in this video and would like it removed, please contact me… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Getting the Rarest Item from Agilix Server

    Unbelievable! Getting the Rarest Item from Agilix ServerVideo Information this is a dirt block and over the next 30 days I’m going to be transforming it into an entire Minecraft house welcome everybody to Day 26 of the dirt series in the last video I signed a contract with life steal and before you ask no I still don’t know what it is but what I do know is that we’re sitting at 1.15 million coins and I’d like to make that even more so to start off I have four ancient debris in my Ender Chest which if I smell I can use to make a… Read More


    OMG! JAX SAVES POMNI FROM DROWNING 🌊🔥 #minecraftVideo Information [Musik] l Aduh kalau jalan hati-hati dong bateraiku berkurang mama mama sini nak sama mama Aduh karena aku berbagi kebahagiaan aku jadi lemas banget Sayangku pomni kamu lama sekali guys ayo kita tolong pomni agar baterainya full kembali dengan like dan komen tolong pomni yang gak setuju komen tidak aja Oke nih ku berikan cumanah Wah bateraiku penuh lagi Terima kasih sayang deuh This video, titled ‘JAX TOLONG POMNI KARENA LEMAS ⁉️ #skibiditoilet #minecraft #sakura #pomni #viral’, was uploaded by Atma Prayudi on 2024-03-27 06:03:49. It has garnered 1393176 views and 140365 likes. The duration of the video… Read More

  • FlixRealms

    FlixRealms| FlixRealms | Gens | Mining | Crates | Lobby | Fishing | Farming | Free Ranks | Island | Premium Ranks | 1.8 – 1.20.1 | play.flixrealms.com Read More

  • 1f2d Anarchy 1.20.4

    Welcome to 1fighter2defenders (1f2d) Minecraft Server Experience a no rules open world environment where everything goes! No world resetting/trimming, everything you do will be saved for history. Server age: 3 years old since 26. April 2021 Thousands of players have visited the server at least once for a unique gaming experience. Connect with IP: 1f2d.net Versions supported: [1.17 – 1.20.6] Socials & Contacts: Email: [email protected] Discord server: Join here Read More

  • Minecraft server ms.opgens.com

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version unknown installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version unknown Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: ms.opgens.com (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Memes: Recreating Famous Meme!

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft Memes: Recreating Famous Meme!“Who knew mining could be so meme-worthy? I guess you could say I’m having a block party in Minecraft!” Read More

  • AURA in MINECRAFT.. | Part 2: The Sizzling Sequel! 🔥

    AURA in MINECRAFT.. | Part 2: The Sizzling Sequel! 🔥 Why does AURA in Minecraft sound like a fancy perfume brand? “Introducing the new fragrance: AURA by Minecraft. Smell like a creeper but with a hint of diamond ore.” #minecraftperfume #smelllikeagamer Read More

  • Day 40: Epic Studio Kitchen Build!

    Day 40: Epic Studio Kitchen Build! Exploring Day 40 in Better Minecraft On Day 40 of the epic 1,000-day journey in Better Minecraft, our dedicated player completed the upstairs studio in the Occultist structure. Let’s delve into the materials used and the exciting developments that unfolded. Materials Used: White Lamp Light Blue Stool Blue Moss Block Cubed Light Blue Carpet Barred Echo Trapdoor Stove Cooking Pot Netherrack Smoker Warped Fancy Bed Building the Studio Kitchen: Our player meticulously crafted a small kitchen area in the upstairs room, blending blue accents with white elements. The addition of a nether smoker posed a challenge, but after some… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft ELEMENTAL HOUSE Build Challenge!

    EPIC Minecraft ELEMENTAL HOUSE Build Challenge!Video Information this mutant Zombie is going to break out of his cage any second now and attack us how are we going to protect ourselves dude we have to get our elemental powers and we get it by building an elemental house if we build it good enough wao girls what element are you guys going to be o we’re going to choose the ice Elemental what that’s awesome what are you going to build to get that ability we’re going to build an awesome ice princess castle wao that sounds awesome Luke what element should me and you… Read More

I Built a 100% Redstone Village