I Built a Black Hole in Hardcore Minecraft!

Video Information

The Minecraft end Dimension is pretty empty with the island void and nothing for Millions upon millions of blocks that is going to change because for over a year now I’ve been building up to this moment where today we’re finally going to create this supermassive black hole from my favorite movie Interstellar

Black holes are in space and right now I’m in space and over there is space you see what I’m thinking to begin this project we need to First build all the way out there to where the black hole is going to be this is about 300 blocks out which

Hopefully should be enough and then we need to pillar all the way to the center of the black hole that should be good next we need to build a humongous platform up here because later in the video we’re going to be collecting hundreds of thousands of blogs ranging from all sorts of easy

Items to the more disgusting and difficult ones yeah 41 by 21 blocks wide should be more than enough space and then just for safety let’s get a quick wall around it perfect that is the platform completed and now it’s time to start building where the heck am I even supposed to

Start you know I think it’s time to get into the game plan there are going to be five steps to building this and the first one is going to require me to study black holes which is why I just booked a plane flight to Los Angeles California okay Okay here we are at the Griffith Observatory this is the most famous observatory in the entire world meaning it is one of the best places I can learn about black holes and in two days I’m collaborating with a YouTuber named shovel to build the black hole so I gotta make the most

Of my time here and learn as much as I can so let’s get right into it there are three types of confirmed black holes Stellar Mass black holes then the intermediate black hole and finally there is the supermassive black hole the same type as an Interstellar these are

Anywhere from 50 000 solar masses to tens of billions of times as large as our sun and that’s just the thing we need to be able to fit it in Minecraft because if I wanted to do it to the actual scale it would be millions of times larger than the entire Minecraft

World and realistically I would like to fit the entire thing right here next to the spaceship so I think the best bet is going to be to scale it way down and 512 blocks why it should be perfect this is still plenty large enough to make it scientifically accurate and look like

Interstellar look like Interstellar look like inner step so in case you didn’t know Interstellar has a phenomenal reputation this scene of the black hole which is called Gargantua was so mathematically accurate to how a real black hole would look that they literally won an award for it and that’s

Exactly where I’m stuck I don’t really know how I want this to look because it’s so complex and accurate I think what I need is to hop on a call with my trusty friend shovel yo what’s up shovel hey womba at this point you might be wondering who shovel

Actually is allow me to show you So yeah he’s pretty much the best of the best when it comes to building and somehow he said yes to helping me design the black hole thanks man anyways back to it hey wumba how’s it going you know I’m all right aside from like the slight

Jet lag although I do believe I have everything here for us I did want to ask like do you think building something like this is actually going to be possible hmm definitely is but it’s gonna be a little tricky let’s start slow and plan everything out right off

The bat we got the center of our black hole in scientific terms this is called The Singularity we’re currently using the singularity as the center point to build our sphere from at first we tried a 50 block radius here but that was too small then we tried a 90 block radius

And that was too large so then in a Goldilocks moment we tried 65 and it was just right okay shovel I’m gonna replace the diamonds with the Black Blocks we chose sure go ahead that’s right after changing the diamonds for a mixture of 70 black concrete 15 coal blocks and 15

Black wool we have the Event Horizon completed this is the part of a black hole where all light disappears if you were to cross this point then you’d have to go faster than the speed of light to escape it again shovel I don’t think making the ring around this is gonna be

Possible well probably no it’s necessary was that an Interstellar quote no yeah yeah I thought so okay now that I’ve quoted my favorite movie let’s get to planning the distance the black hole Rings will go out we decided on 512 blocks earlier this still seems pretty

Good so next we need to get the shape of the accretion disk right and for those of you wondering the accretion disc is a hot disc of gas and dust orbiting a black hole the way we’re replicating the accretion disk is by setting up five pillars that mimic the final shape of

What we want from there we select the points and use a command that essentially draws a line in between then we can do the same thing and create a curved wall of blocks with the top band in we next need to do the bottom a real

Black hole would have the top and bottom bands nearly identical but there’s an effect called the Doppler beaming that we see and depending on the angle you’re observing from the black hole’s lower half bends inwards giving a bow like appearance okay so you’re thinking we create a circle first yep and then we

Can just move it over nice oh yeah yeah that looks good did you just start shaping that side in a little bit sure shovel I really can’t thank you enough this looks fabulous of course man uh when am I getting paid are you doing like a PayPal thing then and now that we

Have the shape it’s time to texture the black hole however there’s an immediate problem and that’s that I want this to glow like Gargantua from Interstellar a few months ago a fellow content creator Chris the cow had the same problem when he made a similar black hole he ended up

Using light blocks which illuminate everything around them unfortunately light blocks are unobtainable in survival mode that’s right you got to keep in mind I’m still making this in my hardcore world oh and yes I did reach out to Chris about making this project and he sent me this video back I’m Chris

Decao and I approved this message instead of using the unobtainable light blocks shovel suggested that I go with a mixture of these hopefully when grouped together these lights can simulate the same glowing effect I should also say it’s important that from here on out we build the black hole in the end as

That’s where it’s going to be in my hardcore world and as we add in the bands you can see the lighting is looking spectacular the area closest to the event horizon is the brightest and the farther out we go the more sparse the lighting becomes it’s also important

That we break up the patterns by coming into the less detailed spots and adding some touch-ups oh wait what if we added a light ring from the movie oh yeah that light ring is actually a real thing and it’s called the photon sphere it’s created by light being bent around the

Black hole several times until it either gets sucked inside or escapes into the universe but that’s besides the point because now the black hole is finished Thank you shovel for your help seriously of course dude this thing looks so cool you should make it into a poster or something that’s exactly what we did there are some sick posters that just dropped and they’re only going to be available for two weeks so there’s a

Link in the description if you’re interested anyways now for the grand reveal of how many blocks this is oh oh my after seeing that the build was more than 580 000 blocks I had to take a long break from the project to calm down seeing that number was horrible I’d be

Signing my life away for the next few months and that was something I just wasn’t ready for but then a thought began to grow in my mind a thought that I had once before a thought that was exactly what I needed now I remembered why I started making

Videos in the first place hello this is Stampy I grew up watching the first generation of mine Crafters back then they were learning inventing and finding the limits of the game and that inspired me to do the same so I put in the hours the grind I always had a final vision in

Mind but it was never really about finishing the projects it was about the experience of getting there I learned to love the process finding my limits and intentionally exceeding them and that’s what stuck with me that this project was no different so even though countless others have done it before me times have

Changed and now it’s my turn to push the limits and just like that step one was completed and now I am ready to get collecting so it’s at this point that I should probably explain some stuff basically the black hole consists of 13 different types of blocks most of them I

Knew I’d be able to get in this video easily but then there were a couple like the 25 000 frog lights thirty thousand shroom lights and the 71 000 sea lanterns that I knew we would not have enough time for in this video so about two months ago I

Built three really overpowered Farms to get those items anyways back to it the first thing on the list is approximately 2544 glowstone blocks actually at the raid Farm we already have all this glowstone dust so let’s take that and we’re gonna make a bunch of Glowstone just like this

Nah I’m just kidding we can use item scroller to do it quickly uh I got a little carried away and made well 14 000 bucks you know what they say it’s a good thing to hoard those should be the first items checked off only 12 to go and now we need the

Frog lights so again this is one of the Farms I made so all I have to do is AFK to get all the items I AFK to overnight which provided enough verdant frog lights but for some reason the storage broke Midway through and stopped collecting the ocher ones it’s not a

Huge deal but just means I’ll need to AFK here later anyways that’s the second item collected now we need 16 518 smooth Basalt and yeah I’m actually not even surprised that we have all these because a few videos ago I built a massive Quarry and while it ran it

Cleared a whole bunch of geodes which contain a bunch of this stuff we’re already on to the next block the 10 shulkers of magma we got nothing well I guess that means we gotta go old school with it imagine having to go and collect blocks Shulkers are ready but I actually paused and got some fire res potions which make this process so much better because I’m not constantly taking damage anymore anyways we got all of the magma we need now after that I super quickly gathered all 15 shulkers of deep slate tiles from

The Quarry storage then 17 shulker boxes of black wool from the wool Farm I almost didn’t even include these ones because all I had to do was basically just put them on the platform but what’s interesting is even though we have six of the 13 items collected because those

Were the simple ones I’m actually only 16 done with collecting and yeah unfortunately that now means we have the trickier ones this is the perfect example 25 816 blocks of coal good grief and then breaking those down that means I need 232 344 coal yo are you kidding me bro so

The Quarry did collect a bit here but this still isn’t going to be anything near enough and now you’ve made it to the section of the video where I just about lose my sanity by making three more extremely op Farms to collect the rest of the items for this project I

Decided to begin this section by building an astounding Wither Skeleton Farm designed by Fortune 8 diamond It’s time to go beyond what a wither skeleton Farm can do With a massive storage upgrade the 50.4 second Hopper clocks are an entirely new category of safety Innovations the aluminum I I can’t keep a straight face pre-order your eyewither skeleton Farm today by simply subscribing below yeah so this is the farm we’re gonna build that way we

Can get all the coal blocks and then actually build the black hole so let’s get started we have our main list of items but now that one item is getting its own sub list of things we need to collect what better way to get these than in a 15 second montage Break walls grew strap doors flower pots flower pots what the heck do I need those for and now there’s just one more item nether brick blocks I tried a couple of methods to get these bricks the first one was crafting a bunch of gold I then traded

With piglens because they have an 8.71 chance to drop Nether Bricks however after wasting like five shulkers of gold ingots I didn’t have nearly enough breaks so I decided to try the next method mining at the Nether Fortress was so boring so I went to the next more explosively interesting method basically

My idea was that if I use TNT I could explode Netherrack then collect it and then cook it into bricks Whoa okay literally from five pieces of TNT I got like 15 stacks of Netherrack the exploding method was very effective and before I knew it I was at the super smelter to cook all this up we first gotta drop it in there and then wait I

Mean it is a quick system but I’m worried for when we need to cook the 220 000 glass later this is definitely going to need an upgrade and those should be all the Wither Skeleton Farm materials meaning now we can get building the first thing for this Farm is to make

A huge platform up there pack up and whoa oh my that’s a lot of Withers go oh oh my oh oh yo yo yo no no no I believe we should need some Moss Carpets on the ground and these are gonna stop the wither skeletons from

Spawning wait wait wait no I I meant to say guests from spawning what wait did a police light that I think it did who knew they could do that so I really like how simple this Farm is the fact that anyone can build it in like three to

Four hours is truly remarkable next we need to make the Overworld part of this Farm then just build the storage okay by pressing that button the farm should now be ready but there are a few things we need before testing it and the first of which is a perfectly Enchanted

Smite diamond sword fortunately I have a bunch of villagers here forced to be my servants servants and I can just buy all the enchantments from them Next Level Beacon so when I’m AFK in the farm we don’t die of starvation and finally we need about 70 Striders in

This pit it seems weird I know but somehow the Striders prevent skeletons from spawning on the platform below and this means the Iron Golems won’t be shot to death how exactly am I supposed to get 70 Striders here I suppose we’ll first have to go to the lower part of

The nether I’m thinking we’ll need some sort of staircase from down here And then this should probably stack all the way up there so we got our staircase and now it’s time to get the Striders and if I’m not mistaken I think we can just use a lead yes let’s just address the fact that I jumped into the lava to get this Strider

You could almost say my dedication is fire come on up Bud there you go okay time to go up the stairs I’m actually so terrified he’s just gonna jump off the ledge yes oh my gosh I can rest easy now I have to yank him all the way across the nether

And there you go one down 69 to go nice I very quickly got the second Strider onto the ceiling and was just about to repeat the process when someone on our Discord call told me this wait one but you know you can just breed the straters

Right no way you’re kidding me yeah I think it’s like the Warped fungi that breeds him you can imagine how excited I was when MOG swamp told me that he literally saved me hours and before I knew it the farm was finished and ready

To be tested so the way we run this is we come up here and then flick that lever now let me grab this sword and then it’s time to start swinging this Farm works by having the wither skeleton spawn on the platform down below then they go through the portals and are

Pushed into another portal which exits them up top at our killing chamber at this point I’m also attacking the armor stand with sweeping Edge and looting three these skeletons die and their drops are collected so now that you know how it works it’s time to AFK here for

The rest of the night and check back in the morning while it actually turns out that our church had a hike plan for the following day in case anyone was wondering we went to this epic place called Enchanted Rock and had a great time just hanging out Meanwhile my computer was still AFK

Foreign [Applause] All jokes aside I was AFK for about 36 hours and we clearly have way more than enough coal here oh oh my okay I got a little carried away there and I just realized that I could have chucked all that coal into the lava with the crisis

Averted I placed all the coal shulkers some crafting tables and then began crafting all the coal we needed oh man yes it feels pretty good checking these off from there I AFK to overnight at the shroom light farm and then was able to check off the eighth item after that I

Traveled to the gravity block Farm replaced the sand with black concrete switched the farm on and began to AFK for the 53 000 required black stained concrete blocks black stained stained no after acquiring nearly 70 shulkers of the blocks I took those to the concrete converter in the industrial district put

Them into storage and then waited for a few hours until everything was turned into concrete checking off the ninth item and for the final easy item I afk’d once again at the Frog Light farm and was able to collect all the remaining ocher frog lights meaning there are just

Three more items and then we’re done but looking at the numbers for the sea lanterns and glass blocks that overwhelming feeling I had before was coming back however I knew if I persevered now these feelings I had would be moments I’d look back on and be

Proud of so despite needing over 350 000 more items I was not going to let that stop me from building this black hole well well well well it’s a sad time but a necessary time we’re about to remove the super smelter I’ve used for over two years now basically if we’re going to

Need all that glass this smelter just isn’t going to cut it so let’s remove this thing with a montage Uh okay I should probably run That was freaking awesome it’s gone now and now I literally have to finish this or I won’t be able to cook anything so what we gotta do next is start mining out an outline for the new super smelter I found a smelter designed by cubic meter that can cook an entire shulker

Box of items in literally 10 seconds this is no joke in the fastest super smelter design that there is but there’s a caveat it’s big like really big and that means I’m going to need to mine out this entire area of about 500 000 blocks it is funny like every six months

Or so I get this really weird urge to just hand dig a hole in Minecraft it’s been about that long since we did it last for the map room so part of me is actually really excited to do it here I think the strad for now will be to clear

The top two rows so we can see just how big this room actually is Well there it is this is a big room but I actually really enjoyed mining that so let’s continue Pickaxe after pickaxe was used I persevered creepers tried to stop me my mom said it was dinner time nothing could stop my dedication except for when the next episode of Survivor season 44 came out I did have to stop for that but regardless I mind for hours and felt

Invincible when I finally reached the end of the stone section okay so I have to clear about 25 blocks lower but the issue is deep slate is really slow to mine instead of mining this we should move on to plan B first we enter the room and clear four

Trenches by hand around the entire area won’t that take a long time yes but you’ll see why it’s important because next we will use a tactic invented by one but way back in his parkour spiral video where he placed water around the wall so that it floods The Trenches

Won’t that take a long time then we built TNT bombing machines won’t that take a long time well that’s not the biggest problem because we need to be careful of these machines as they are extremely powerful and perilous one mistake could mean the mission fails won’t that take a long Holy what the heck I just logged back into my Minecraft world and I think someone completed the hole for me just kidding just kidding that was me uh obviously but what I do want to do now is actually clean up the place a bit from all that

TNT so let’s just start by placing a cobblestone flooring Nice there it is the entire room fully cleared out but before we build the super smelter I want to make this place look good so we’re gonna leave the world and start designing something on the bakery creative world something I’m learning about building is that it’s good to not over detail

Something as the super smelter is going to be the main focus of the room I want to keep the surrounding walls rather simple or maybe that’s just an excuse but regardless I made a wall design of using sea lanterns prismarine and warped planks all of these together give a

Really nice palette that still matches the rest of the ocean Monument base and once I was finished I grabbed the materials list and now here we are ready to get the items the best part about this is that they’re extremely easy to collect because most of these are

Crafted using Guardian drops and I’ve sort of been AFK in here the last couple of days and now we just gotta craft everything up first up we have six shulkers of prismarine blocks [Applause] 17 shulkers of sea lanterns and finally we need two shulkers of warped planks which we can easily get from the wood chest at the shroom light farm and believe it or not those are all the items we need to decorate the room so let’s just place these down and get to it

The best way to do this quickly will be just layer by layer and first up we have the sea lanterns that go on the floor alright that was easy enough I guess now we have the walls [Applause] We’re quickly speeding past all of this as it was pretty repetitive but I will say once we got to the roof region it was a little more challenging due to me first needing to grab some dirt and then place it to create scaffolding although once the pathway was in finishing the

Ceiling and removing the dirt afterwards was easy enough well here we are this room was once my old super smelter and now it’s ready for the new and upgraded one now what’s funny is at this point I had to start collecting the 40 000 plus items for the super smelter but in real

Life I decided to start streaming this and turns out the chat wanted me to start with the hard items seriously guys you don’t want me being lazy actually you know what I I respect that remember that these items are just part of the sub list so we can build the black hole

Hopefully this isn’t getting too confusing anyways the stream and I first collected five shulker boxes of rails which is like 10 000 rails in total then we needed some white concrete which I didn’t have any so I grabbed grab some powder and then converted it at the

Concrete converter then oh boy we got to the rough item four shulker boxes of sticky pistons now we literally need a sub items list for the sub items list for the main items somebody send help why in the world would I need glow lichen for a super smelter I’m genuinely

Curious of someone watching would know why I need this what purpose could it possibly have this should be everything we need for the super smelter My gosh it actually worked I’m in the past what are are you me yes I’m you from one month from now prove it um what’s your Wi-Fi password in three two one XF lowercase j hashtag question mark 3.1415926-5358979-323846-264-3383 underscore 32 stinky foot exclamation point ugh you’re one of those people

With the impossible passwords wait that means I’m one of those people anyways how did you do it how did you figure out time travel I would tell you but I don’t have a lot of time you need to listen I must warn you about the super smelter there’s a problem with the fueling

Coming your way but how did you manage to do it like time travel shut up you need to listen this is an emergency is it is it painful how how long does it take stop I need to explain oh oh no no I have to go now it’s too late And so past wound by here was left with lots of questions but also the looming threat of the fueling of the super smelter that his future self was trying to warn him of okay for real though we do need a plan for fueling this melter because there are going to be

1728 furnaces meaning each one of those needs a piece of coal and if we’re running it for potentially hours that is going to require hundreds of thousands if not millions of pieces of coal to fuel it before anyone says I can just use lava buckets or blaze rods or

Something coal and charcoal are the only types of fuel that work in this system because of their timings of cooking exactly eight things before running out so to solve this every single night I could I afk’d at the Wither Skeleton Farm until I gathered about half a

Million coal which we will later use anyways back to the building okay so starting out here at the bottom of the room and now we just gotta follow the blueprint and make sure everything is perfect thank you Oh this makes sense the glow lichen is here to stop the water from flowing dang that’s actually really smart This is some complex stuff I think I need to push some Hopper mine carts into these blocks first we’ll have to play some rails like this then I can grab some Hopper mine carts and put them on the rails and gently push them down nice let me repeat that for the others one

Two three four five six seven eight nine we’re hobbing as fast cash yes that was German and please don’t translate what I said next we gotta Place some glass above and then some slime and a piston so we can push it downwards and lock the minecart in perfect

Going to just continue following the blueprint and I’ll let you know when anything interesting happens Oh yeah baby time for the furnaces Oh so next I need to place a whole bunch of Minecart chests here whoa no get away how did you even spawn if the entire room is made of light After a couple real-life days of building I placed the final block checked the blueprint for mistakes loaded coal into all the chests crafted a few Hopper Minecarts a few thousand copper mine carts yeah basically this smelter requires a devilish amount of Hopper Minecarts it’s so many that it’s

Diabolical it’s devious it’s dubious I don’t know if I used any of those words properly but yeah it requires a lot of Hopper Minecarts so I crafted them up loaded them into the system and now it’s ready to be tested but there is one small issue I don’t actually have the

Sand to cook yet so we’re gonna have to stay here for a few hours until we have about 220 shulkers of sand I’m not even gonna lie my heart is racing I am so excited to run this melter okay here are all the sand shulkers I moved them over

Let’s take just a few of these and put them in there it goes oh my gosh that is incredibly satisfying all the furnaces seem to have lit up that was awesome and now everything should be loading into the shulker loaders no oh God it broke that’s bad

Turn it off turned off abort Mission it looks like I forgot to load shulkers into the system but now everything should be okay I’m now about to load three entire double chests of shulkers of sand in there it is everything is working perfectly now I just have to wait oh

Here come the first chokers and before I knew it I was looking at over 300 000 blocks of glass perfect so there are three more items we need but now we have most of the materials to craft them the next step is to actually craft them at first glance this doesn’t

Look like it’s going to be a problem just grab the items and craft but when we’re talking 350 000 blocks doing it that way would easily take several hours so I may have divulged a little bit and I built a crafting station in case you don’t know

How this thing works allow me to show you first we need to load all these chests up with shulkers of prismarine shards and prismarine crystals now we come down here and then flick the lever open the crafting table and now hold down my crafting hotkey as I’m doing

This shulkers of items are getting destroyed and the items drop out now the cool thing about this machine is it breaks up the stacks and it sends me the perfect amount so that my inventory fills up and I instantly craft then drop the items as you can see in about 30

Seconds since we just crafted three entire shelters of sea lanterns so allow me to quickly finish this up there we are all the sea lanterns collected officially checking off the 11th item we just have all the white and black glass left and I first want to get

All the white glass because it’ll just be easier we’re gonna need to load it up into the chests again and then I quickly need to get some white dye so okey doke lick that the collection system of literally 48 Hoppers was too slow so after a few minutes the water stream looked pretty

Ridiculous wow this was easily solved by just manually loading the shulkers up and once that was done I put all the white stained glass shulkers in the end and the 12th item was officially collected here we are the last item 136 shulker boxes of black stained glass now the way

We Craft This Is by putting 17 shoulders of glass into each of these chests then the last one needs to be full of 17 shulkers of black dye which I do have this meant that I had to spend the next couple of days AFK at the Wither Rose

Farm the years flew by I sat and waited as the centuries of waiting past I decided to go climbing with MOG swamp applied for a PhD in brain surgery I got married I had a family I started a game of Monopoly but couldn’t quite finish it

And then and only then did I have enough with the Roses to craft all the black stain to die It’s been like two days since the last clip because that farm is just so slow but once we finish crafting up all this dye we can load it into the mass crafter and get crafty oh look at that why is this intimidating Oh my there it is the last shulker here is all the black stained glass and now we just need to move these to the platform thank you and wow just like that all 586 186 items required to build the black hole had been obtained now we can move on to the

Next step of actually preparing the area for the black hole before building you see it’s not as simple as actually just building no no because Endermen are spawning and these pesky buggers are quite annoying no no dangerous so we need to way to get rid of them and unfortunately I can’t just

Turn it to peaceful mode or can I so in case you’ve ever seen my end base here and wondered how Endermen aren’t spawning that’s because I actually built a mob switch here about a year ago using zombie villagers you see villagers have a very unique property where if you

Trade with them and then brutally murder them so that they become zombie villagers they will actually never despawn even if you unload the area this is really important because if we have 70 of these zombie villagers in a pit Minecraft will no longer spawn mobs as

It thinks we hit the mob cap of 70 already basically this means we have peaceful mode and no Enderman will ever spawn now the issue with all of this is that it means I somehow need to get 70 villagers here into this pit okay I have

An idea but this is going to require a bunch of dirt and rails now we’re going to come over here to the iron farm and actually just start bridging out this way That should be enough now somewhere over here ah yes there it is let’s just extend this upwards and connect these two spots so we’re gonna be making a railway from my iron farm to the first ever stronghold I visited in the world then I also need to do the same thing in the

End cover this in rails then add Redstone to power everything and finally some water here so the reason I’m doing all of this is that over here at the iron farm we have a villager breeder and the nice thing is that it’s only about 500 blocks

Away from the end portal my thought is if we can set up a little trading station here we can push this button get a villager who will stop there he stops here and then we’ll get a job as a Fletcher I can then trade with him and send him off to the stronghold

Holding cell then we repeat repeat repeat and repeat okay I should probably check on the villagers to make sure they’re okay but after repeating the process several more times I was now ready to move one to the end okay come up here and then we

Need to break that goody okay now get on the rail yes go go nice there he goes here he comes and break that and yes that is one down 69 to go we now have 26 villagers here but unfortunately the villagers have stopped making babies fast enough that sentence

Sounded way better in my head so we’ll just have to AFK under this dirt here and wait for some more to spawn in hmm spent about three hours and there are barely any villagers here I’m honestly just thinking of making like three more of these villager breeders and then

Running all of them overnight thank goodness these things are so simple all it requires is some dirt glass stone trap doors my buddy Jack stairs beds composters slabs and finally carrots which it’s kind of funny this hardcore world has over 80 plus Automatic Farms giving me nearly every item in the game

But for whatever reason I don’t have a carrot farm so I gotta make this janky machine inside of my storage system oh boy After collecting the Villager breeder materials I quickly built it up and then used the rail system from before to move some villagers in these guys got their jobs I cleaned up the area and added a roof that I could AFK under however this was a mistake that nearly cost me my

Entire hardcore world when I placed the dirt above my head this was to prevent Phantoms from spawning I also knew that the iron farm was lit up and my Overworld mob switch was on meaning no mobs could spawn and kill me because of these reasons I thought I was safe to

AFK under the dirt roof however it seems the villagers didn’t like their jobs too much because at some point in the night a single baby villager escaped through the trapdoors and landed on the side of the glass completely missing the containment chamber this might not seem

Bad at first but over the span of several hours the baby grew up and eventually wandered onto the same platform I was on As Time passed by Chance the Villager started to push me out from underneath the dirt and closer to the edge of the platform at this

Point I woke up randomly in the night and began to think about this very possibility and literally as I checked the computer the Villager was about to push me off the edge had I slept for even 15 minutes longer it is very likely that I would have died on the world I

Don’t know if it was fate pure luck or some external force that woke me up right then and there but I am very lucky to be alive Well it’s the morning after that close call I’m honestly just blown away that a freaking villager almost killed me anyways now I’m gonna get the rest of these guys into the end There we are we have 74 villagers here I ended up just getting an extra four in case something happens to them but now we need to get a zombie in here and then spread the virus so you there Mr zombie how about we call you dinnerbone yeah I

Like that okay buddy follow me oh my gosh chill don’t break your neck there nice now come towards me and no no oh oh never mind I thought he was gonna fall perfect my turn and now he’s off towards the pit now I did remove the water because I didn’t

Want him dropping in right away so first let’s actually just cover most of this and then you get in here then drop down all right all right here we go block these off and let it begin y’all deserve this you nearly killed me well it does feel pretty good knowing

The end Dimension is basically peaceful mode I’m gonna just go ahead and clean everything up and now we’re getting super close to being ready to build the final thing I want to get are beacons because if we’re going to be placing hundreds of thousands of blocks that is gonna take a

Very long time but Steve beacons allow you to run 20 faster which should in the long run save several hours on this project so let’s get some beacons and then a bunch of emerald blocks I seriously hope both of these will be enough then we’re gonna go to the end

And begin placing beacons everywhere there’s our first one Even though it’s kind of excessive I decided to get all the beacon effects just for laughs and giggles and so woomba placed the beacons ranting all the powerful effects he also made sure to always have an extra elytra in his inventory to ensure he would not tragically fall into the void and then

After a few hours it happened that wumba ran out of beacons calling for an imprompt to wither fight yes as Morgan Freeman just told you I’m about to fight some Withers and no no no we aren’t going to be cheesing these like everyone else and their Grandma does

I’m fighting these for real 15 Withers at once on the nether roof and if I die doing this that will have to be the biggest L anyone has ever had so let’s not let that happen The withers were summoned and it was not looking good for Roomba it appears womba is utilizing name tags to know which wither to attack I don’t believe it he’s slain the first one there goes the second Absolutely remarkable woomba has emerged Victorious good job this moment we will be remembered in the history books I used the newly collected nether stars to craft some beacons and then place the final ones in completing the entire 700 by 500 grit of full Beacon effects this also meant that I had successfully

Finished the fourth step to replicating the interstellar black hole and now the only thing left is to build well we have arrived at the final step and now we’re gonna start on the lowest level and work our way up there is the first block only half a million to go Well here we are at the 0.2 percent of the way completed ggs and there we are at the one percent Mark that took about 25 minutes so if I multiply that by 100 it should take about 42 hours to complete the entire thing then I better get started foreign

The build itself was rather simple I mean there are only 13 different types of blogs involved which is why I wouldn’t call it a hard build physically but the repetition was the difficult part keeping my mind entertained as I flew up and down hundreds of times to grab more materials was mentally exhausting

Around the 20 Mark or 120 000 blocks placed I had an idea that if I was walking on magma and constantly taking damage it might be worthwhile to get myself some Frost Walker boots as they provide protection from magma one thing I did to entertain myself was to focus

On the rows of shulkers in the storage as they ticked down and slowly disappeared I grew more fascinated on what it would feel like to hit the end of a row nothing changed but what about the next row anyways these sorts of games were the types of things I thought

About as I progressed through the build As I finished the accretion disc I wanted a small change so I decided to work on the entire event horizon next as the final block Drew closer I knew that my time on this project was coming to an end this project had taken me hundreds of hours it nearly cost me

Everything I had planned every step from the beginning built the fastest possible Farms got help from my closest friends traveled 1500 miles for research at one point my hard drive with all the footage on it corrupted and was lost but it didn’t matter what happened or how much

Effort it took I remembered the people who inspired me to get started with making content and I made it my goal that I would do the same for people to come I want to make it clear that the same dedication can be applied to anything in life if you put your mind to

It you will be able to reach your goals and I’m really glad I stuck with this project even when it got tough as personally I think it makes a much better story to share with you there it is oh my gosh it is the interstellar black hole 586 000 blocks for this project [Applause] Foreign if you made it this far I wanted to let you know that to celebrate this massive project getting completed I released a poster on my merch page that’s only going to be available for two weeks also if you want to download the black hole build or my hardcore World both are

Available on my patreon page a link is in the description thanks for watching

This video, titled ‘I Built a Black Hole in Hardcore Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Wunba on 2023-08-05 14:00:17. It has garnered 953974 views and 54385 likes. The duration of the video is 00:49:07 or 2947 seconds.

For over a year I have invested all my efforts into making a black hole in Minecraft Hardcore. This video took over 500 hours of recording and editing and is by far my biggest project ever! If you enjoy, please consider subscribing and hitting the like! ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ LIMITED BLACK HOLE POSTER – https://dcmedia.tv/products/wunba-blackhole Here’s where you can download the hardcore world! 🌎 – https://www.patreon.com/Wunba ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Follow Me 🔔 Twitter 🐤 – https://twitter.com/WunbaYT Discord 💬 – https://discord.gg/4brbQAYPYZ Instagram 📸 – https://www.instagram.com/wunba_/ Music by Epidemic Sound 🎵 – https://www.epidemicsound.com/referral/cllbx3 Music by Twelve Titans 🎵 – https://www.twelvetitansmusic.com ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ⭐Special thanks to ⭐ ​@ChrisDaCow- for approving this mission! @cubicmetre- for providing the super smelter. @fortun8diamond- for providing the wither skeleton farm. @HaiperEXE- for helping edit some of the complex graphics. @ilmango- for providing the mass crafter. @Mogswamp- for saving me with the striders! @slt- for helping with the heist scene. @SB737- for helping organize the poster’s creation. @shovel241- for helping design the black hole! @Sp0oddy- for helping with the German lines. @WenzoYT- for helping with the heist scene. @Wessel07- for helping re-record missing shots. And finally, everyone else who helped along the way! ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Mass Crafter – https://youtu.be/YYIwi52grDQ Super Smelter – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ymCKHW-7HDg Wither skeleton farm – https://youtu.be/CtbSLuWtOI0 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Watch the last episode – https://youtu.be/ZW6WPtw6X_c

Full HARDCORE SERIES playlist – https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9wjMmrCTIKIeW_tRPR2m3Aaw2vgvNXwn

This MINECRAFT HARDCORE SERIES is inspired by Wadzee, MumboJumbo, Grian, and Sandiction! Instead of being the Hermitcraft SMP, this series is similar to a MINECRAFT CHALLENGE video because it is HARDCORE MINECRAFT! aCookiegod also with his hardcore Minecraft videos This is similar to my 100 DAYS in MINECRAFT HARDCORE but better! ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Current subscriber count ▶️ – 850,660 #minecraft #hardcore #wunba

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  • MineHammer Network

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  • Fabulous Miners SMP Whitelisted Java & Bedrock Non-toxic 1.20.X

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  • Minecraft Memes – Flame War: Flat world survival lit 🔥

    I guess you could say they’re really flat out surviving in that world! Read More

  • Ben 10’s Minecraft Mayhem: S5João’s Addon Adventure!

    Ben 10's Minecraft Mayhem: S5João's Addon Adventure! In the world of Minecraft, a new addon is here, With Ben 10 powers, the game is in high gear. S5João brings the news with a grin and a spin, Every update described with a playful, rhyming spin. From four arms to flames, the action is insane, In this incredible addon, there’s so much to gain. So hit that like, subscribe, and join the fun, With S5João’s updates, the Minecraft journey’s just begun. Read More

  • Spice up your explosions with DIY TNT!

    Spice up your explosions with DIY TNT! To make a new TNT, just mix some gunpowder, sand, and a sprinkle of chaos. Voila, you’ve got yourself a recipe for disaster! #minecraftlogic 😂🧨 Read More

  • The Ultimate Minecraft Shaders Revealed!

    The Ultimate Minecraft Shaders Revealed! The Best Shaders for Minecraft: A Closer Look Introduction Minecraft enthusiasts are always on the lookout for ways to enhance their gaming experience, and one popular method is through shaders. Shaders are mods that can significantly improve the visual appeal of the game, adding realistic lighting, shadows, and textures. Top Shaders for Minecraft If you’re looking to elevate your Minecraft experience, consider checking out some of the best shaders available: – Shader 1: [Link to Shader 1] – Shader 2: [Link to Shader 2] – Minecraft Patch: [Link to Minecraft Patch] Features of Shaders – Improved lighting effects -… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Survive the Scariest Minecraft Adventures!

    Join Minewind: Survive the Scariest Minecraft Adventures! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Today, we stumbled upon a thrilling YouTube video titled “i survive most SCARY 😨 Minecraft………” and it got us thinking – what if you could experience your own heart-pounding adventures in Minecraft? Well, look no further than Minewind Minecraft Server! Minewind offers a unique and exhilarating gameplay experience that will keep you on the edge of your seat. With a diverse community of players and exciting challenges, you’ll never run out of things to do on Minewind. So, if you’re ready to dive into the world of Minecraft and embark on your own thrilling journey, join… Read More

  • Apple Orchard Shenanigans: Reflectcraft

    Apple Orchard Shenanigans: Reflectcraft Welcome to Reflectcraft: Building an Apple Orchard in Minecraft Survival In this episode of Reflectcraft, our protagonist embarks on a mission to create an idyllic farm filled with crops as far as the eye can see. Join them as they explore, build an apple orchard, and review their progress in this Minecraft survival adventure. Exploring and Gathering Resources Our journey begins as we witness our player setting out to build an agricultural district. Running low on food, they decide to create fields of crops to sustain themselves. Armed with a flint and steel, they venture out to gather wheat… Read More

  • YUKITO Goes Crazy in Minecraft!! 😱 #new vtuber #yukisaba

    YUKITO Goes Crazy in Minecraft!! 😱 #new vtuber #yukisabaVideo Information [音楽] DETDET [音楽] [音楽] [音楽] DET [音楽] [音楽] OGOG [音楽] [音楽] あ はいえと皆様こんにちは ますマイクの方ね入ってますね配信の方 開始されてますのね立方配信ということで ちょっとねま画面がブレにぶれまくってる んですけどちょっとね今から修正いたせ ますんでえお待ちくださいまずね顔とかは ここら辺に置い てで上あれすね今日のタイトルこれを今日 はです ね別の拡張 うあ はあれもいねえしうちのサーバーついに 全員落ちたんだけどさっきまで6さっき まで6人ぐらいたの にゆきとが配信開始するの遅すぎなんだよ でねあの実はちょっとねあの本当はね サバイバルでやりたかったんですけど ちょっとさすがに建築物全部どかすのは ちょっと難しいのでちょっと クリエイティブでねあの建築物をあの どかして道幅を6マスにえっと変更をし てこう というのがま今日の目的でござい ますね道幅3マスじゃ狭いんすよね メインの大通りは6マスに変更しようかな ということでそれをね今日やってやって ければなとえっと思っております はいでまず えっとです ねどうしよっか な早速ね考えなきゃいけないところがあっ て あまいいのかいやでもそしたらなここのさ この道をねここ3マスなわけここ6マスに してビルをこっち側に全部1列分こっち側 も移動させ てそうするとねこっち側こっちが正面のね お店とかも何個かあるん でその場合どうしよっかなっていうまあ いっかどっちかの入り口封鎖させてうん いっ か日本語になってないねちこのなべ君 ね滅された こんな感じでじみちにね今日は雑談し ながらビルを移動してくっていうあの配信 でござい ますとんでもなく地味です はいで今日はね配信せずに裏でやろうかな と思ったんです けどあの最近さあの配信サボりすぎてん じゃないですかくさんなんで無理やりでも やらない多分ゆさん今後ね配信をしなく なっちゃうんじゃないかなと いうちょっと心配があったんでちょっと 無理やりでも今日は配信しようという気を 持ってあの本日はえやっており ますさあ配信とえば楽しいんですよ楽しい んだけどやっぱね毎日やらなきゃいけない みたいななんか変なねモチベーションが今 ないんですよ正直 そうベーションがないなかちょっと配信 やってるところあるんですけどなんて言う のか ななんだろうなんかねやっぱななんて言う んだろう言葉にうまく表現できないんだ けどうんなんて言うのかな まいっ かばみんな今日寒かった ね皆様の地域はどうでした東京なんかさ夜 になったらすごい寒くなって さびっっくりしちゃったよ本当にめさんも こんばんはマジ でチャリンコ用事があってチリンたんだ けどさ寒くさ 帰りそうマック食いに行ってたんですけど 帰り寒くて薄切で行ってたんですけど寒 みたいなそんな感じでしたね じ最近なんか天気の温度差が激しすぎだよ ねマジで異常気象だよ本当にみ常気象だ よ最近マジで温度差が 激しいなんか今年の夏はすごい暑くなる らしいけどね今は寒い けどどうなんだろう ねどうなるのか気になるよね今後ね日本 なんか今年はなんか暑い夏になるらしい から… Read More

  • Dancing to the HB Beat

    Dancing to the HB BeatVideo Information bu girl in [Musik] the This video, titled ‘Dance!! #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by HB on 2024-03-16 02:41:19. It has garnered 10828 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. minecraft, j and mikey, maizen, mikey andj, ij and mikey minecraft, minecraftj and mikey, maizen minecraft, j and mikey roblox, siren head, shorts, minecraft ghost, roblox, mikey and j minecraft, sonic, choo choo charles, maizen roblox, sakura, granny, herobrine, jj mikey, chainsaw man, minecraft shorts, minecraft minecraft, choo-choo-charles, jj and mikey minecraft 100 days, minecraft mikey and j, monster school, tiktok, obit, mikey… Read More

I Built a Black Hole in Hardcore Minecraft!