I built a DESERT animal BARN in Survival Minecraft – EP 10 (Cozy Survival Let’s Play)

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Do you think it’s time we finally build you a home so that you can uh stop Manning the door would you like a place to live my friend Hey what’s up guys it’s Nash crafter and welcome to my channel for another episode of my one dog cozy Minecraft Let’s Play Welcome Back you guys in the last episode it was actually a Long play video and I want to show you guys what I did but today we’re gonna be building a

Awesome farm for door man Dave who is my cow who’s been standing at my doorway for a million years now and I think it’s time we officially make a place for all of my animals now keep in mind I don’t have too many animals I do have doorman

Dave when I need to find another cow because the one cow the album well the other cow I had has kind of ran away at this point I don’t know where it is I have one chicken to my name so uh we’re probably gonna need one another one of

Those good thing I have plenty of eggs to hatch and hope that we get at least one chicken from that and I have a whole herd of sheep that need a place to call home as well because they really are starting to resting up my house I mean

Every time I go up and go to bed I just have the smell of sheep coming like wafting from downstairs and they don’t smell too much like cotton candy even though they look like cotton candy but uh yeah I’m excited about today’s build but there’s a few things we need to

Accomplish beforehand the first thing being I need to get more obsidian we actually are going to go into The Nether a little bit it’s been a while since I took a trip into The Nether and what we’re going to be doing is going to find a different Sandy biome so that I can

Get sand willy-nilly and collect it with you know without feeling guilty about ruining the terrain basically so we’re gonna head into the nether in just a second look at that sun through the portal that actually looks so cool look at how sick that is sometimes you just

Gotta stop and take a picture what if I remember correctly I do have a little section of lava over here let me pick up some water just in case we need to transform it into actual obsidian I’m not sure if not we could probably go

Into my minds and find some lava but I believe if I remember yeah right here there’s like a pit of lava where I’ve been uh getting my earlier obsidian so let’s convert all of this beautiful beautiful stuff and then taking my trusty pickaxe we need at least 10

Pieces I got 15 pieces of obsidian I have a flint and steel so we are ready to go I’m actually excited to go into another although I don’t have any diamond gear hmm crud okay does this mean I actually need to yeah I I got to

Be safe about this we gotta find some gold gear I actually don’t even know if I have any floating around my base but we can we can see let’s go check out my sniffers too by the way there’s probably tons of seeds in here that I haven’t

Picked up I need to find a process of automating this because I feel like I’m losing out on so many seeds because I don’t really come in here all that often I try to when I can remember but uh sometimes I I just I just be building or

Go AFK or something and I definitely am missing out on resources all right we’re getting a pretty good haul here just some random things that we’re picking up anything back here okay not looking like so but that’s perfectly fine all right for the time being we’ll put these up and then gold

Gear don’t get distracted Nash don’t get distracted all right checking in my armor chest I do have a helmet this is probably gonna be uh the best there yeah that looks pretty good you know what I need to make I need to get an armor stand going I

Think if I double smelt this this is how we make an armor stand right with some sticks let’s do that really quickly and while I do that I am actually going to go plant these in my Greenhouse this is the newest addition to our village here and thank you guys so much this

Video has been one of my like like most viewed videos on this series or like one of the ones that has been taken the best of the series you guys loved the greenhouse and I love it too so thank you so much uh the interior turned out

So good and you guys loved it and I just can’t thank you enough that’s always cool for a Creator to see like hey wow people are really really liking this kind of video so I’m gonna try to make more like that but anyways let’s get

This armor stand made I think this is my first official armor stand here in the world so I’m gonna put it there this is sort of my to-do list uh it’s very makeshift but I think we are prepared to go into The Nether so let’s head on this

Adventure again just to remind you guys we are putting a portal in a different sandbag so it’s not going to be this Sandy area that we’re currently in it’s going to be an entirely different one that’s far away so that I can go through and just destroy it as I please and man

I wish I had choker boxes at this point because then we could fill those up I don’t we haven’t gone to the end yet but uh it’s still gonna be nice to bring a lot of sand back without having to worry about breaking the terrain oh oh my gosh

Why are you all here waiting for me holy okay holy zombie why get out of here oh I need to block this off or something this is dangerous yeah he definitely picked up that block from the overalls came into the Nether and now it’s just

Chilling like hey look at me I got this magical block that you guys have no idea where it came from but with that being said I gotta pull up my Nifty F3 because I have a very specific set of coordinates that we’re going to be going

To so let me dig over there and then we’ll set down our portal and we’ll head on over and grab a ton of sand I love when Endermen just look at you like they’re trying to challenge you like they’re like hey look at me you

Know you want to look at me I’m looking at you I’m staring at you don’t you want to look at me it’s like no stop it I will say one of the best nether biomes to Tunnel through is either kind of the old school regular nether or

Award Forest gosh they’re just so good they’re so chill as long as you don’t look at the Enderman they really don’t bother you too much so it is quite nice if I do say so myself here we go setting up another portal is always a good time

So let’s do some of this action poop in a Boop I probably actually you know what we have enough we have enough obsidian not to be uh lazy with this uh it’s still gonna be lazy on the bottom though but anyways let’s uh see if this actually goes into another desert if it

Does that’s a win if it doesn’t oops try again I guess is what we’re gonna have to do please be a desert please be a desert please be a desert all right it looks like my calculations were not correct oh no okay to be fair guys I haven’t done this

In a really long time uh calculating other portals so it looks like like I am a bit off and by a bit I mean quite a bit hey we finally did it we’re in a completely new desert this is going to be the desert where I do my

Mining we’re probably gonna start with this hill right here um yeah I’m gonna get all my sandstone and all of my sand from here from now on because again I do not want to destroy my beautiful area and with how big I plan to make my Village I I don’t want

To just go kind of destroying the even the outskirts of my town or the outskirts of my desert because you never know I’m going to end up building into that area so that’s sort of my thought process between coming here I know some of you guys are probably like Nash

There’s so much sand around your area why not just go to the outskirts and mine some well I don’t want to do that because I just simply don’t want to ruin anything that I could potentially build on later this is a desert that’s far away it’s not I I’m already building in

A desert so I don’t plan to build in another desert later so yeah this is gonna be our new dig Zone which I’m excited about but I have a full inventory full of Netherrack I need to go dump this off at home and then come

Back and just do a huge huge huge mining spree of sand so that we can actually do our build today so that is the plan I will come back with you guys once I’m back and we’ll get to work also by the way the reason why I might tell my

Original tunnel was wrong is because I had the coordinates backwards that’s right I got the coordinates backwards hey it happens sometimes uh but yeah we got it all fixed so we’re good but double check your coordinates guys ah don’t get your x’s and Z’s backwards you guys already know that one of the

Biggest things to do when you’re first starting out a project uh building wise is you gotta terraform your area that you think you’re gonna build in I believe this spot needs a build right here this this spot’s kind of empty I want to keep everything relatively kind

Of close and then we can start working our way out and building out so I think clearing out this little flat plot of land and then building here is gonna be what I do now I might terraform this and decide to change my mind because there’s

Actually a really nice plot of land that I think would look really good as a farm as well it’s kind of over near our greenhouses too which I feel like makes sense you know crops animals uh it’s right across this bridge kind of up on this hill would be a really good spot

Too but it’s a little bit out of the ways and I also am still in the process of very much trying to still in the space here in the center of town uh kind of just starting with my house and then radiating outwards so yeah I’m just

Working with what I got here I still actually haven’t gone over to the mining desert and did any mining this is just Sam that I got purely from terraforming this area but with that being said um I am gonna head over there because I’m gonna definitely run out of sand in

Order to make this build this is all the sand I have foreign Let’s get started on this build so I have a bit of a plan and you guys know that when we uh when we have plans we mark them out first we make sure we get the dimensions make sure the build fits I’ve gone through this quite a few times

So sorry if this is seeming repetitive but I like to show you guys my building process and my thought process now what makes this build a little bit fun is I I do have a plan but I also have no idea what I’m doing uh so it’ll be

Interesting I also really need to fix this path because it’s it’s a little wonky right here uh so we’ll we’ll fix that at some point uh but yeah this is even weird and whatever it doesn’t matter but anywhoos this is where our build is going to be

It’s going to kind of take up this whole Space it is going to cover up our sniffer Sanctuary a little bit but I think it’ll be nice when you’re walking through you’ll see both of these really big pretty tall buildings I it’ll be it’ll be fine I think

Um so what I am thinking is we go over to this side and I want to have a section where the animals can kind of roam out in the front area so we can see the animals in the front so I want to leave quite a bit of room for that so

Maybe starting it here and going starting that there one two three four five six seven is this enough room for them to hang out inside uh we’re gonna make this pretty long you’ll notice actually a lot of the builds unintentionally are quite rectangular in this area uh so we’ll do seven by

One two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen So we’re gonna have the building there and then we’re gonna have lots of fence area I almost feel like we need to move it a little bit closer up but maybe not yeah actually you know what maybe here instead uh I want there to be a place so

You can see the animals but I don’t want to be like crazy huge or anything and this is where when it comes to building you really just play around with stuff you get it in the spot that you like you change it and if it’s not like feeling right don’t be scared to

Change it okay I think that’ll be good we might extend it back a little bit we’ll see uh but I’m gonna come in by three and then on the fourth one this is where our big door is going to be so one two three four five six seven one two three four

Five six seven yep I want this to be a pretty big intersection and then one two three and then coming over by seven again what I actually might do I might extend these by one it’s gonna make them an even number but I think it actually might be

Kind of good here I I want to try something to actually might need to make this quite a bit bigger than I originally planned but I want archways so that the animals can come out of there that could work that’s just gonna pop us out here which

Is fine it’s actually fine when it comes to this way it’s just gonna make this path a little tight but I’m not I’m not mad about that yeah I think that’s gonna be a little bit better I think I like that sometimes it’s not always the best to go with um

To go with just straight up numbers because you do want to take your your ideas and your design ideas into account like I really want archways here I want little um ways that the animals can come out and go in the grassy area and just kind of

You know spend spend some time outside uh out in the front of the the building so I gotta make sure I incorporate that all right I think this is gonna be a pretty good area for our barn yeah then we can have little sections out front where the animals can and sort

Of roam I think that’ll be nice we’re gonna have to trim this back a little bit but I think we can we can make that work and then we have a middle section where we can decorate that so now that we got the planning done we just need to go through and start

Flushing out the details we’ll do some detailing later and make this look exactly how we want it but for right now we just want to get the basic simplest blocks down so I’m gonna do a little bit of building um kind of come back with you guys with

A progress update and show you what I’ve gotten up to and if anything changes of course I’ll let you know we are going in and adding some orange detail also hello wandering Trader who is uh hanging out at my house uh so I got most of the structuring and

A framework done we’ve got uh these nice arches you know most Little Farms have a lot of outdoor space but I want to block it in a little bit uh add a little bit of a pop in detail instead of a pop out so that we have more room in the center

Section we still have quite a bit of uh area for our animals in here I think I think it’s gonna work and then what I’m gonna do is just go through with this orange block and kind of come across the top here and just add a little decoration you know what we actually

Could do now that I’m realizing it we can make this three on each side I go in like this that actually works and then there’s a little bit more even so but orange there so then it is three three three three beautiful okay and then just going adding orange

Detail we have a lot of these we have these kind of up on our house up there we have them on this build as well but that build is orange so it’s hard to see but we have it on that one and we have it over there on that one so just trying

To tie all my builds together if you know what I mean alrighty my friends we’re gonna go in and work on this roof if I do this with you guys because this is something different that we’ve never done so far yet uh so I’m gonna take

Some Sandstone uh because what I want to do is a little pop out section here uh I think that this could look really good if we do it if we do it in a good way uh so yeah I’m thinking we come up on over by one just to give this a little

Bit more depth a little bit uh something here so we’re gonna oop apparently I’m throwing things don’t mind me okay so we’re gonna connect it up there and then I’m thinking here on the side we just keep that as is and then when it comes

To doing the roof we build it up there and there and then we will do the other side and then we’ll kind of start stair stepping that up it’s going to be a really low roof so then we just work on stair stepping this up until we get to

The middle section again just using slabs because most of the roofs are pretty flat if not super low we do have our little pyramid roof over there but we want to keep this low because we don’t want it to intersect with the top too much so let’s do that and then

Uh yeah I guess we want to do that so that’s what it should look like now hopefully we like this I have not uh tested this out uh and I don’t even know if this is really going to get the uh Vibe of a farm or like a Farm building

But hopefully it kind of does so along the front it is going to go all the way across and we’re going to kind of have this nice low roof I actually think that’s gonna look awesome and then from the side we’re gonna have this view of it being just a slight little roof

That goes up and then we’ll add some brown to it to kind of mimic mimic and match the other side I think this can be a really interesting building I’m excited for it it’s going to be something that we uh we haven’t really seen yet but we’re adding that the

Colors from over there just to tie those in keeping with our orange theme it’s gonna look pretty awesome so let me let me get the roofs in both on that side and the side and I’ll come back and show you what it’s looking like let’s go in

And do a little bit of detail work we need some more Sandstone here so let me get that crafted up I’m good to go so I think what I want to do is pop these down here in the center boom boom boom boom boom and then I want to go and put in

Some upside down stairs here so like that I think possibly I’m trying to get that that similar vibe to our starter house here so let’s see do we like that Um we could always go across like this instead of having those full blocks there this could be something but it’s gonna add that little sliver like we still have I think that looks a bit better I do like that a bit better my pickaxe is almost like too good

Uh so yeah we just got to figure out what we want to do on these these edges here because they do kind of just like sit there weirdly but I like that I think that looks pretty good and then let me go grab you guys know we

Gotta do this detail I’m a little bit worried that this build is gonna start looking like a fast food restaurant I don’t know why it’s just kind of giving me fast food restaurant Vibes which is kind of sad because we’re going to be housing cows in this thing

Thousand sheep uh but I was thinking we could do some of this some some of the stripped logs that we’ve been doing on all of our other builds just to add a little more detail you guys already know here I think that that could look good and then we go through and add

Some some Spruce trap doors underneath still not 100 sold on this this is going to be hard decorating and detailing is always the hardest part that takes a lot of my brain power and sometimes it’s a little bit hard to commentate at the same time so I do apologize if I cut

Away and kind of work on this by myself it it really does take a lot for me to figure out what I like but I’m gonna try to do it with you guys on camera because I want to see I want to show you guys the process

So if we do that what I would want to have happen is Arches because we do have arches on other parts of our build or on our other builds like on that build over there so I would want that to be like so and then we would do

A trapdoor right across here it’s gonna be nighttime so this is the perfect time to try this out we can kind of go through like this you know and put our little hanging lights that we do how is that all right get out of here I’m trying to build I’m trying to think

You’re disrupting my thinking process all right so I mean I think I like it I like it now but it could go through changes I mean that is definitely always a possibility now that we got the front done it’s gonna be uh pretty easy to do

The back here so let’s go ahead and do it let’s do it let’s do it so the first thing I want to revise is I definitely want to come all the way over with this so put that there put that there whoops and then we are gonna come all the way

Across just like we did on the front uh let me see if I can actually reach this this is always a little bit hard part with building taller than uh specifically taller than I used to build I used to build really really small if you guys remember way back in the day my

Belts were like four blocks tall sometimes even just three blocks tall now I do a minimum of at least six upwards of seven to eight I think this is eight blocks dot one two three four five six seven eight yeah this one’s eight blocks all and I just have really

Been loving the really tall builds lately I feel like you can just get way more detail in and I love it I love it I love it this both is awesome this build has actually gone so smoothly today it’s uh sometimes my builds take forever and I’m just like gosh why is

This process taking so long but this bill today I’ve gotten it done almost in a full day um and actually only just in a couple of hours so it’s been one of those days is where I’m like yes I’m in the groove feeling good about this the details are

Going super easy super solid which has been a lot of fun today it’s been a lot of fun you know what I’m actually thinking we do back here this is going to be a little different just want to try it out and see if I

Like it let’s go in with some walls I want these to be a little bit closed off here in the back still won’t open windows but I was thinking what if we go in with walls that’s going to keep it closed and then we add these sort of

Shutters to the top like again like you can close them if you need to uh just to keep the light out or something like that I think that’s kind of a very interesting detail adds a little bit more depth as well which you know we always like on our builds so how does

That look from the outside so we got some jiggly blocks up there but yeah I think that I think that could be interesting it needs a little bit more work for sure but I think it I think it could be something all right guys we got

Something that I love check this out so we extended the windows all the way uh to both sides it was just kind of in the center and I felt like these pieces look so flat and I was like what is going on so just adding a little bit more detail

By going in and trimming out those back pieces made it look so good so I think I’m going to go through and do this other side with you guys so you can get some inspiration on exactly how I did this now you guys might have noticed this chest here that’s been floating in

The middle of this it has been holding a lot of sugar cane and a lot of redstone I was planning to do a sugar cane Farm build in the future and I had pretty much everything you can see I have tons of observers and stuff I was getting

Things ready for it and then the bill just ended up being too big and I didn’t have enough resources for it and I just kind of bailed on the idea for now and I was like okay I’m gonna build some other things first before I start building

This big huge sugar cane Farm of massive monstrosity and then I just never ended up getting to it so it’s probably gonna be something we do in the future but for right now it’s just um an abandoned project I guess you could say we need just a few more walls do we need

More stairs possibly but I think I think we’ll get by okay let’s do this together so first things first we’re going to go through and we’re gonna switch out these blocks here with our orange terracotta going all the way across oh I think I am missing yeah I’m missing Spruce blocks

Okay got the spruce Spruce box Spruce box we are all good to go so I like to work on this from the outside so I can kind of mimic the uh what’s going on over there with with what’s going on over here so it’s probably gonna be

Easiest just to do these sides and then right on the sides of the windows we have those blocks uh kind of popping out we got our pop-out blocks and on top of those we put upside down stairs not in this middle section just on the parts

That we popped out by two there it’s gonna give it give us a little bit more depth then over here we had upside down stairs right above the orange block here it’s going to be a little bit easier with scaffolding it’s always hard a little bit too it was hard to kind of

Jump up here and get the right positioning so there we go and then we do want this to go all the way across so let’s continue to extend that out so it matches up with the side here then we want to go in with our Spruce blocks now I am noticing that on

The side it doesn’t connect up very well we are going to want to go in and fix that but for the time being it’s it’s going to be fine so we’ll do these two sides and then break our scaffolding go on to the other side and do these two

Sides so right there right there and boom right underneath those then we need to punch out this these four blocks here as our other windows this was the part that looked really awkward it just looked like it was too flat all right so now we have the four

Section of Windows now we’re going to go in with our Sandstone walls right underneath everything that’s orange we are going to add in the Sandstone walls and then do the same thing to the bottom just like so and then taking our trap doors we’re just going to put trapdoors

On top and on bottom of all of the Sandstone walls just like this kind of going through this is going to make them super tall give it a little more detail and that is it easy peasy oh we need to also add in between these logs we need

To add some Spruce trap doors so I think I’m just going to finish up some of the side details I’ll come back and show you and walk you through that but I talk through quite a bit of my thought process here and you guys got a good

Idea for what I was feeling with this build so let me get this finished I’m the inspiration is flowing and I just want to get to work the framework is looking good guys I need to show you what I’ve been up to oh I’m I’m excited about this build it’s definitely

Different from all the other builds we’ve done but I think a little bit of difference is good so let’s get to uh detailing so yeah there’s a there’s a couple things I want to do including uh these things I need to grab hay bales now hopefully I have enough wheat for

This I I mean we have two patches of wheat if we we need extra wheat but I think we’ll be good with this maybe we take all of this because I definitely want to decorate with with uh quite a few hay bales 21 that’s actually not as

Much as I thought I would get that’s okay though but you guys I know you want to see the build so let’s head on ever let’s actually go this way we’re gonna get the grand reveal once we come around this corner so welcome to my new barn oh yeah it’s a

Desert Barn I dropped my sword over let me pick that back up it’s a desert barn now the placement’s a little weird um I do feel like it kind of covers up my house a Teensy bit and then if you’re coming over from this end over here kind

Of covers up the sniffer sanctuary but it’s also cool just to be able to kind of walk in between each build and see the differences and look at this little side profile here I wanted to show you guys what I did with the side so just some Archway Windows that’s

Going to be sort of a utility area up there where I’m gonna put most of these hay bales then we actually have the area where the animals are going to be and then this kind of was off the edge and I just added a tiny bit of detail I think

That that looks good let me actually go through I also mended up all my tools so that’s why they’re all fancy and shiny and new looking I think what we need to do I do want this area to seem tight and cramped so I think we need a build here

Like a super super small build here and then I definitely want to put a build here I’m already planning to put like a little fishing shack here so that’s going to come in the future and that’s really going to fill up this area make it feel like a bustling City uh with you

Know all these areas being filled I I think it’s gonna be nice so that when you walk around everywhere you look there’s just something new to look at it should be fun don’t mind this floating-ness I had to change up The Path a bit because this now goes into

This section and this goes over here but anyways this is the first building with a roof guys I like it we got all of our wood details I might go ahead and let me see here let’s actually grab out some sand because I want to make a

Little bit more Sandstone I was kind of thinking we make this bigger maybe we make this four wide instead of too wide yeah so then we’ll have to get rid of this and this and this and this and we can kind of come across like that

Do that do that and then yeah and then come across all the way across the top of stairs I have to go grab some more stairs but then this keep its detailing there we go when we come inside we do have an upper area I need to add a stair

Or a ladder probably here would be the best spot so that’s gonna go up there maybe even have one on the other side too this is where our animals are gonna be I love the roof detailing I did something a little bit different here oh

This is this is very awkward let me fix this oh yeah there’s a there’s a stair there that’s kind of well maybe that works I don’t know it’s a barn it’s not supposed to look perfect uh but yeah the they can go out the front and hang out here take a look at

The city you can see the cows and the sheep and stuff so I think this side’s probably gonna be the cow side that side’s going to be the Sheep side and then uh we’ll go upstairs soon once we get those ladders in place but there’s a

Couple things like I said that I want to do with you guys to finish off this build you guys know I’ve been adding a lot of greenery to my build so this build is no different I of course want to have some nice little planter pots

Out in front just to give it a nice little um a little bit of detail there and then finish up the upstairs yeah I think that looks good okay so what we’re gonna do is just put a couple of these down I have six so let’s put down three and

Then we’ll go do it three on the other side too just like so let’s put one out here and then we can go and add dirt all around definitely gonna need um more dirt I am probably gonna leave a little bit of sand in here just so it looks like some

Sand was tracked in through this but it’s the majority of it’s gonna be dirt and over time this grass should spread so that is gonna be awesome just having a little bit of silk touch on your side is good because then you can just keep on spreading so I wanted to show you

Guys that upper section let’s make a few ladders here I actually probably have some louder see this is my thing I always craft instead of looking in my inventory to see if I already have something I always just automatically go to crafting new things and then I mean

That’s great because I end up with like tons of stuff later to use but I just yeah it just sits in my chest does anyone else do that this always craft it don’t don’t never make it let’s actually put this against this back wall maybe actually no I think it makes more

Sense to put it over there you’ll see in a second why boom boom boom boom boom boom boom okay maybe we’ll add one to the other side too but this is going to be hay bale storage up here so this is what the top looks like it’s actually pretty cute

Pretty nice oh I need to do something with that but yeah it is uh it just looks like this big open area we can put some crafting stations and maybe some smelters up here this isn’t a place we’re gonna come very often but it is

Going to be nice to just you know do a little bit of decorating this is extra wheat that they have for the cows and the sheep and stuff whenever they get hungry so we can just start piling this up and I definitely am going to need a

Lot more wheat so I’m gonna have to harvest what we have from the greenhouse a little bit more but but I do like the detailing of this I think it’s nice I think we need some hanging lighting up there uh but let me go get more dirt

Fill this all in another thing that I think would be great to add is path block just adds a little bit more detail so that is it what do you guys think all the grass is in it’s looking good I might go in and tweak it a little bit I

Also added some path block there’s also sand in here so it looks natural natural and kind of like there was some sand up blown in by the wind or something like that I also did want to work on the pathway through here I’m just gonna keep

It the same as what we have going through our city paths and then another thing that I wanted to change was the back here one thing that I’ve noticed in pretty much all of my builds in this area is they all have a way of getting out the front and the back

Um or like you can leave from multiple sides and I’m just starting to think like you know sometimes you don’t need a way out the back and then the next thing we’re gonna do is actually bring in our animals this is going to be the exciting part of the day

See if they like their new home I’m excited to see and then of course we’re gonna do the same thing that I’ve been doing where I like to add a little trim block to the sides of the past to just differentiate the the side and and the

Middle I don’t know you don’t have to do this but I just I think it looks good beautiful I think that works and then we do want to go in with some of the Birch stripped planks as well and just give a little more texture throughout this entire section

So what I do with these is I literally just kind of rotate my body randomly like and place those in and then I go through and strip them all you need a lot more Lighting in here that is for sure gosh this place actually makes me

Nervous with how dark it is let’s uh get some lighting there we go that’ll be at least enough to get us started and I think last but not least what I want to do is just add a couple more bushes for decoration and then get my animals in

Here and this is pretty much going to be done I believe that I’m going to be adding some more stuff later but I just can’t really think of what to add yet probably gonna add like you know crafting station or something and then what else would be in a barn I don’t I

Don’t know maybe troughs like extra troughs for the animals stuff like that I don’t know all right door man Dave it is your time to shine my friend you are gonna be welcomed into your new home the first addition to the newborn I hope you

Like it oh this is fun I’m excited oh he’s looking around I think he is uh he’s like oh this is this is my new place okay this is actually pretty nice okay Dave how do you like it I’m about to set you free there you go we’ll get you some some hay

And stuff and some grass too I think grass would really help in here but wow yeah this is your place now I gotta make sure they can’t get out I don’t think they can jump up here and then they can’t jump over the fences so that should all be good out here oh

Gosh come on guys come on out come on before the others escape okay there we go I want to build a chicken coop as well so that might be an upcoming episode I might put the chicken coop kind of as an extension to go behind what we already have oh you guys are

Making this difficult all right there we go just need you guys to come on this way do I do we have everybody yeah we do I also need to get rid of this and I love how there is a Wandering Trader on top of my roof like

Of course there is they always get themselves in the stickiest situations they come this way make up your mind orange sheep what are you doing okay really I go this way you go that way of course okay come on inside guys welcome to your new home it’s gonna take me a while to

Bring all of these sheep in but we’ll we’ll get there perfect okay that is why we have two fence posts because they do way way way better with squeezing through two than they do squeezing through one all right guys uh feel free to spread out look at that they’re

Getting used to their surroundings I think they’re a little bit confused they’re like uh is this our home I don’t want to move because I’m scared he’s like dude that’s our new place he’s like I think so uh yeah I mean I guess I could just like hear their little

Conversations in my head it’s kind of funny well well well I didn’t know it was like that oh they stole my bed these stinky villagers uh I kind of actually don’t want them to get out of here so I was moving my sheep over and of course my

Villagers were like hey this is my time to escape uh from that stinky sheet pen that I’ve been stuck in forever and ever and ever and I don’t blame them honestly but now they’re just going to be stuck in my room but hey at least this way they get a bed

Which is nice for them but I went up to go to sleep because it’s currently night time and yeah they were I caught them sleeping up there taking a snooze look at all snooze they’re cuddling together but hey I don’t blame them nothing like a good cuddle right so let’s bring the

Rest of my sheep in here it was so slow doing doing it by lead but you know my villagers probably wouldn’t have escaped if I did it by lead uh but yeah we we got all the sheep in so that’s good so now I just need to find another cow it

Might take me a day or two to go do that uh so I’m not gonna do that to finish off this episode just know that I’ll probably have one by next episode it’s just finding a cow guys you are missing much and let’s see here let’s fix up this uh

Let’s go to sleep and then I think we are good to go I’m so happy with how the barn looks I really really am it uh it fits in the spot I feel I I just think that we need those two buildings we need one there and then something here I have

No idea idea what we’re going to add here maybe a tower maybe a fountain of some kind it can’t really be a be too big of a build because it’s so such a small area but I think it’s gonna look really nice uh once we get the area a little bit

More filled of course if you guys have any ideas hey you’re stuck in my bamboo Get Wrecked no just kidding if you guys have any ideas what I should put in this little small section please please please feel free uh to give me suggestions it’s it’s a weird spot like

I said we probably could put a palm tree maybe a fountain maybe I don’t know I kind of want it to be big ish just to fill up the space in between these builds because all of our builds here are kind of big so just something here I

Don’t know uh please feel free to let me know but that’ll have to do it for this episode of my cozy survival world guys thank you so much for watching I hope you enjoyed hope you like the barn build my take on a desert Barn I don’t know if

It really fits the style of barn but I think with all of the openings and airflowing through I think it works I think it works uh yeah so I will catch you guys in the next cozy Minecraft episode where we have so much still to

Get up to we haven’t even gone to the end we gotta make another Hub at some point we need to make a sugar cane Farm we need to make a fishing shack we need to make a villager trading Hall before they change the villagers there’s a lot

To be done so I will see you in the next episode don’t forget to head down below hit the Subscribe and the like button if you enjoyed this video and don’t forget to follow me on my social medias as well so you never miss a video thank you all

So much have a very beautiful wonderful day and I will talk to you later bye guys all right

This video, titled ‘I built a DESERT animal BARN in Survival Minecraft – EP 10 (Cozy Survival Let’s Play)’, was uploaded by NashCrafter on 2023-08-18 16:00:31. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

I built a DESERT animal BARN in Survival Minecraft – EP 10 (Cozy Survival Let’s Play) Welcome to my Cozy 1.20 Minecraft …

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    Unleash Dan's Wild Power - Charity Streamer!Video Information This video, titled ‘I need more powah!! | FamilyFriendly | !extralife Charity Streamer’, was uploaded by WildWestDan on 2024-06-22 02:14:51. It has garnered 6 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 03:08:56 or 11336 seconds. ————————————————– About Me: Howdy! I am a community-first family friendly charity creator who loves Minecraft, Disney, Dungeons & Dragons, and Nintendo! My current super long-term project for my YouTube Let’s Play and Twitch streams is creating the entirety of Walt Disney World’s Magic Kingdom, as accurately as possible, in vanilla Survival Minecraft. I have been raising money for Boston Children’s… Read More

  • INSANE! Opening 50 BlockBande Boxes on Craftmir

    INSANE! Opening 50 BlockBande Boxes on CraftmirVideo Information This video, titled ‘ich ÖFFNE 50 KISTEN auf BlockBande Minecraft’, was uploaded by Craftmir on 2024-05-10 13:00:43. It has garnered 11136 views and 559 likes. The duration of the video is 00:23:33 or 1413 seconds. we play on BlockBande.de LIKE & SUBSCRIBE if you want to see more! If you want to play along: https://discord.gg/paulberger ►Main channel: @Amir1107 ►Become a channel member: https://bit.ly/3ykKJ1u ►Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/1107amir ►Discord: https://discord.gg/aryaFURtkZ ►Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/1107amore/ ►Twitter: https://twitter.com/1107amore?s=20 Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound: http://www.epidemicsound.com Read More

I built a DESERT animal BARN in Survival Minecraft – EP 10 (Cozy Survival Let’s Play)