I Cheated in a ROULETTE BANBAN Build Challenge!

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Today we’re doing a roulette build battle except I’ve rigged it to make my build so much better so if I shoot Brown like this a massive Brown Sheriff was born but when Gracie shoots Brown something like this will spawn perfect Gracie Gracie are you ready to a roulette build battle

Okoya okay let’s get going we only have 10 minutes per build 10 minutes 10 minutes okay guys I have installed this one-way glass so that I can see what Gracie picks and I’m gonna pick the same color okay let’s see where Gracie’s aiming do I like the most you know

What orange one which one oh that’s awesome let’s see what she shoots whoa okay that means an orange build is gonna spawn for her which means that I’m also gonna pick orange and because I’ve rigged it hopefully reminds me way better okay now let’s shoot this Orange

Right here and boom Oh I got Stinger Flynn that’s so awesome but before I start putting some traps inside of him I’m gonna go to Gracie’s side and show her okay the show Gracie I’m gonna morph into Stinger Flynn and here we go I’m now staying a Flynn so let it mine

Through here and let’s go wait what’s Gracie doing once I put this entire stone brick wall across my base James he will never be able to get over it oh I have a really good idea to troll her she’s down there placing down some walls

And I’m gonna go up here place a rail at a minecart with TNT and then I said I’ll wait for it to be underneath drop it yes what just happened everything just exploded where did that TNT come from up there huh she’s noticed me guys okay I

Need to act like a stinger Flynn I’m gonna try and scare her boo I think your foot is so scary I’m sorry that I builted you okay I’m gonna go inside of a base and troll it even more because guys remember the person with the best build wins so if I show her

Base to make her look bad then I’ll win okay I think he’s gone now I can fix my base wait what is this room it looks like a soccer room wait a second we’re gonna play soccer with a wolf okay I have an idea I’m gonna make this

Jamesy’s goal and this Gracie’s goal so if I move the middle line across I can move it over here like this and there we go now when we start the game I’ll be way further away from the goal and it’ll be way easier to score in Gracie’s

Perfect and while I’m here I also just make her go a little bit wider that’s amazing perfect now I just need to make sure this once again guys I didn’t make sure that she doesn’t realize it to me so I’m gonna act natural then I have assorted I’m not afraid to

Use it hopefully she doesn’t realize that I made her go way wider and move the line closer wait a second then something is off about this room oh this isn’t good this line is only one two three four blocks away from disco which is my goal meanwhile this goes way

Farther away making it really hard for me to score against Jamesy hopefully she doesn’t realize the goal is even bigger as well look my goal is way bigger than James’s did you see who did this to my base oh okay let me put them aside over here and

I’ll say I saw bang bad around here it was him stick your foot so bad bad around here oh that little red guy is so annoying thanks for telling me okay I think I can get out of it now hopefully she doesn’t realize that it was me okay I’m going

Downstairs oh look at this room it looks like I have to fight some of these gem golems with this armor wait I have no idea what if I just replace the armor with way more Opie armor this Dragon still stuff is op okay okay finished with

What are you doing inside that chest let me see oh no I hope he doesn’t realize this OB armor is not supposed to be in here why would you do something like that oh it wasn’t me let me write that down let me write that down it wasn’t

Sticker Flynn what but Batman wouldn’t do that either this is something that Jay that Jay-Z would do Jamesy it’s you isn’t it ah she figured me out Gracie how did you know it was me uh I’m not that silly Oh I thought you were get out of here cause we’ve only got seven

Minutes left okay fine I’ll go back to my side okay I’m gonna put the entrance to my sticker flame right here it’s gonna be right in the open but to get to this door I’m gonna make Gracie go for a bunch of traps starting with this fake

Water I’m gonna surround this with this fake water Pond and there we go now this may look super safe but this is in fact poisonous water so if I touch it I died meaning it’s gonna be super tricky for Grace to get across so she’s gonna have

To notice the one sand block over here and this is not any normal sand this is a secret chest and inside that secret chest I’m gonna put a boat so that she can bow over this thing just moat but it’s not quite done there I’m gonna place this stairs with a ghost block

Meaning when she goes to go the stairs she’s gonna fall straight through back into the water and she’ll have to jump on this alternative block over here like that but she probably won’t do that I’m then gonna change this wooden door with this reinforced one now this does super

Hard to break down it’s like an iron door but even stronger and the only way she’s gonna be able to open it is using this keypad panel and I’ll make the passwords five six seven eight and she has to enter this password if she wants to get through and I’ll hide the

Password all the way over here like this so the only way she gets through is if she looks through the this little crack in the window and sees the code that’s gonna be super tricky I then gonna come back to the sand chest and put some of

This Opie armor inside this is gonna be needed by Gracie if she wants to be able to beat the next room and here I’m gonna make the first mob that Gracie’s gonna have to fight and that’s gonna be a mutant zomb wait that’s not mutant zombie okay here is the mutant zombie

This is a super tricky bird to kill now to stop this bad boy running away I need to put some walls in so I’ll do that right now stop it go back okay there we go the walls are now in said that he can’t run away but once he kills this

Guy she’s gonna have to find a way out of here what why did all my orange wall just turn pink uh is Gracie here okay this is a good let me find her she’s probably outside my build somewhere I don’t see anything unusual around here

Wait is that a fish how is there a fish in my poisonous water wait a second guys look at this little stream and the fish is staying in it this could be real water let me test this out I’m gonna go to survival mode and yep as I suspected

This was definitely Gracie but where is she wait what just happened are these fishes multiplying okay let me just turn all this water back into fake water there we go much better wait a second this fish isn’t dying uh hello stop making fish noises those don’t sound realistic at all

Hang on a second [ __ ] can’t speak let me try shooting you the bow and arrow it just doesn’t work oh wait a second the fish is flying but not only that I see pink what is this Gracie’s vandalize my Stinger Flynn bro Sphinx pose she added eyelashes to it

Ooh ugly I don’t want eyelashes it’s meant to be scary not pretty next she made its eyeball pink get rid of that I don’t want it and then she said that I smell no I do not it’s the fish again get out of here oh you’re not a flying fish okay I think

That’s everything it did but I’m gonna go for this fishy Wishy you need a demorph right now Jamesy I really was a flying fish I promise okay Gracie we have like 20 seconds after this build go back to your side did you just say just say 20 seconds

Brew it I need to go now and while she’s doing that I’ll fix my bills let me get rid of these eyelashes and turn it all back to Orange so I’m gonna put a secret door over here which should be super hard to notice look how well that blends

In perfect and then just to throw off Gracie I’m gonna put a sign over here which says what is full of holes but still holds water and the answer is a sponge it means absolutely nothing guys but it will throw her off perfect but once she gets through these doors I’m

Gonna put a bunch of fans over here which will blow up this tentacle all the way up to here but I’m then gonna add some of these redstone blocks and lasers which if she touches does tons of damage so she has to be super careful when coming up these fans I’m gonna place

These I’ve wear just to make it super dangerous to come up here if she makes it all the way up to here she will have completed my build so now I have to go build the next one let’s go crazy crazy time is up stop building wait you’re not

Building I finished are you ready to pick our next color yeah what color did you pick for the first round will you tell me no I’m not I’m not gonna tell you well there’s no way that I would ever know then unless I cheated of course well I hope you weren’t because

That’s not allowed anyway let’s go find the next color just go okay guys let’s see what Gracie’s gonna pick this round I don’t wanna Bo I want to use a special bow what is she trying to cheat right now or something no I’m gonna Electra bow okay okay let’s see where she’s

Aiming well I already chose jamesy’s favorite color and now I want to pick my favorite whoa she chose pink that’s awesome okay guys hopefully her build is the new build time to go see what I got okay now I need to shoot the same color all right

I’m gonna aim all the way up there pink and fire I didn’t miss whoa It’s Chef Pig stuff okay before I start building the traps I’m gonna go to Crazy side again that was so funny okay for this show I’m gonna go invisible ready set to

Go let’s see what she got Yep this is definitely a new build okay but now I need to sneak inside let me see what I can do oh there’s a basketball goal oh my gosh I miss died wait guys look at this it’s a painting competition what are we building paint your favorite

Character oh oh this gives me idea how about I do my painting already that way I can get a head start okay let me come over here and paint my favorite character right now I’m gonna paint bam bam I love Bam Bam so first I’m gonna

Paint in his red body it’s nice and skinny I mean not that being as fat as bad but he’s skinny and there we have two feet and I’ll also do two arms then I’m gonna add in his white little horns and his eyes they’re not adding his

Mouth and of course he needs his tongue there we go and then I add some color to his horns like this and there we go that’s my Bam Bam for now it means that later on I can make my own way better because I have more time perfect let me

See what I can draw next whoa guys look at this that’s the pillar Bird right here I think I have to lead it all the way over here to this pressure plate but let’s be super tricky it’s like a maze I have no idea I can just get rid of these

Walls so it makes it super easy look I’ll get rid of that one there this one over here and then we can go all the way over look let me show you I’ll get out some seeds to attract the bird yes look it’s following me so easy because it’s

No longer a maze oh look he literally wandered over to the pressure plate himself congratulations anyway what should I do next wait a second what is the oh no guys is how I think it is she just destroyed my painting I spent so long on that that was not supposed to be

There where did that painting come from oh that painting was really bad it must have been French I’m offended if it were Louie it would have looked way better it had to be Jamesy I’m so offended I was wrong where are you going is this

A golf course oh no I need to troll this as well what should I do hmm maybe I could do something to make this really cheekily easy I’ll get rid of these walls here so that I can skip past these holes then I can go straight to this one

That should be perfect wait a second what oh no she’s noses that they’re missing juicy from oh no my visibility just found out why didn’t you guys warn me ah she’s electrifying me yeah you’re not supposed to be here well don’t you wanna watch it for the floor below what

You did the golf course ah go look go look uh yep I want to make it easy for us yeah okay fine I’ll go back to my side and do my traps don’t worry Gracie I’ll win you better not cheat okay now that I’m back I have to start building some traps okay

To enter first I’m gonna build a horse race and I’ll make it super long for a really cool horse race and then I’ll put some of these fences in the middle that will have to jump around or run around and then I’ll spawn in two horses like

This and a chest over here with the Saddles and to stop anyone from cheating up a lava moats around the outside so the person who tames their horse first gets over all these jumps and all over here wins and if Gracie can match that then she’ll go up this fan to the next

Floor which is up here inside of my pigster the first thing that I’m gonna put in here is an Ender Golem which crazy will have to fight good luck crazy those are super dangerous and then over here I’m gonna put some stairs which as you can see makes a tiny little window

That she can see through but there’s no way through unless she had an ender pearl so over here I’m gonna make this wall out of ghost blocks and then through this room I’m gonna hide something really cool I’ll hide this little pass with protected chest and

I’ll give it the code one two three four five six seven and then I’m gonna name this name tag one two three four five six seven and give it to the end a Golem so she’s gonna get the name from him before she kills him she can use that to

Open this and inside is the ender pearl which you’ll use to edible through here perfect and in here is my next trap I’m gonna put a ton of these buttons on the floor like an absolute ton there we go and most of these buttons are gonna do

Some pretty mean stuff this button will give it a poison for 10 seconds this one will give her blindness for 10 seconds this one nausea and over here we even have levitation but not only will I give her bad effects I’ll also get to summon in mobs so we have a zombie skeletons

And even Roots but the only correct button is actually right at the start but she probably not notice it because she’s the edible right over it this person would he be hurts my next build speaking of which let’s go see what we have to do now Gracie Gracie are you

Ready to do the third build Jamesy and Billy had any time to work on my painting but yes I can’t wait to pick the next color okay let’s do it all right guys let’s see what she’s gonna pick this time I’ve got a new bow this

Time so I’ll definitely hit a good color oh what is that it’s shooting like particles chosen all the good colors and now I just want to choose the color of the sky is she gonna go Blue Oh I wonder what we’re gonna get this time I can’t wait okay she’s gonna go over there let me shoot blue as well okay now I have to build the traps to enter first I’m Gonna Make A Little Flower circle like this and then between them I’m gonna place this dirt with a

Secret chest and inside I’m gonna put a bow and three arrows she’s gonna have to use this to shoot a Target block all the way up here this target block is gonna allow her to enter my NAB NAB so if she manages to hit it successfully like this

Inside and his tongue actually huh and the first thing she’s got to do this room as soon as she spawns in is kill some of these spider spawners so let’s change them into cave spiders and there we go these are my least favorite Mall because they do such damage and poison

But the moment she has no way to destroy them so over here I’ll put an iron pickaxe on the wall she’s gonna have to break that down and break all these spawners before they kill her but what she does that she can find this hidden

Door move on to the next room but this room I filled the floor with this lava and she’s got to jump her way across so I’ll put down some of these iron bars and I’m gonna make some pretty difficult jobs she’s gonna struggle a lot of these

Because she’s not very good at parkour and there we go but just to make this room even funnier I’m gonna make this iron bar over here actually a ghost block so she’s gonna think that she’s just missing the jump over and over again but in fact it’s fake instead she

Can just walk across here I’m gonna make these onto ghost blocks so look she can just walk across and make her way to the exit just like that perfect and then finally in this room I’m gonna ask Gracie a question was Jamesy cheating over here I’m gonna put a real lava pool

And over here a fake lava pool and for yes I’m gonna put that over the fake one and for no over the Reel so at this point she’s gonna find out that I was cheating the entire time when she tries to go through here and dies but anyway

Let’s get aside and play her builds Gracie Gracie are you ready to play our builds hey hey can’t wait wait what even are you painting by the way well it was supposed to be a sunset sky watch this Gracie ready um what are you gonna do ah I shot it I

Shot it James that was my work of all okay Gracie let’s go play your build are you ready Okay let’s listen first oh okay so don’t they get crazy the person who wins is the post space in although your outside looks kind of bad maybe the inside’s good hey

Hey it’s not like bad it’s cute I don’t know guys what do you think do you think it’s as cute as Gracie oh how am I gonna get past this wall this is like impossible to get past it’s almost like I could just walk around I didn’t have

Time to finish it it’s okay but which tentacles should I go up well you get to choose but beware because what you choose could end your life Gracie I hope that you had a visit from Stinger Flynn how was he don’t lie to me right now I

Know you were pretending to be Stinger Flynn yeah I was okay I’m gonna pick this one okay all right I’m gonna hop inside ready three two one and oh my gosh it’s lava yeah I don’t think that was the right one okay this time I’m gonna pick the middle one why this

One well because I have a feeling that if you were gonna make any of them save you’d pick the one in the middle okay well I guess we’ll have to find out okay I’m going up oh I’m saying wait should I open this chest yeah this is what you’ve got oh I

Have a set of armor uh we should I get a pig you get to pick whichever one and I’ll put on the other one why is it red and blue why is it that are we dead man you can pick the green and red one if

You like it so much okay we can buy in green and red don’t we get orange guys is he right I don’t think so close enough I think anyway what do I do these gem gollums well we have to fight them ready no no I don’t want to fight them

They look scary no they’re not look at it chase after me he’s so ugly but this cute Jamesy you have no problem oh no when they all come out to me it’s kind of scary when one of them is five it’s like 12 of them is scary

Don’t they look kind of like snails they look like frogs they don’t look like frost look they have a shell that’s like a snail they make a cute sound as well when I kill them which is kind of bad but it’s true well you should feel sad

For them then not killing them like a little mean person you told me to kill them and I want their gems oh that’s true look guys they’re dropping so many purple gems and purples my second favorite color second favorite I wonder what my second favorite is what color is

It Jamesy I don’t know that’s why I’m asking you I feel like it might be green I think maybe blue blue Red’s also kind of good I like that well that’s Louie’s favorite okay Gracie I got a stack of gems have them what for me yes for you

Okay I’m gonna go to the next room is this those soccer room right can I tame the dog yeah it could be your doggy Okay I’m gonna tame him you’re so lucky we are made to be best friends forever I’m gonna call you Oscar claim Oscar okay Gracie are we playing soccer yep

Yeah backer I hope you’re ready this is my goal and that’s yours our goals are equal sizes now so you can’t win I’m keeping him nice and fed okay all right three two one go go go go go this is tricky this is tricky oh that was a

Mistake you just punched him wait I know what to do I’m gonna no he won’t follow you in fact every time you punch him it means he just flies in the direction I want him to go upstairs I don’t care I won I’m going to the next

Floor oh no this is scary what are you what are you scared about let’s jump into those boats yeah you’re totally supposed to jump into those boats okay I’m gonna jump in three two what are you doing my head on huh dude okay I’ve got out of the boat and

I’m On Top should I jump to the next one yep if you lie there we go and again disappeared Z maybe you can make it to the end and there’ll be water company sunscreen and I think it burns too bad at this point I went into the boat and I

Accidentally swam into the lava there’s no hope Gracie I’m dead okay here you go here we go drimsy your doggy almost fell in the lava but he gave away that there’s a barrier block there yep I missed the doggy get me up please is not gonna

Help you Jamesy you know what watch this watch this no FSA RIP Oscar 2019-2023. okay how do I get up there now um uh what do you think oh there’s a boat perfect there we go can you take off my head now fine I’ll take it off

There we go you look much prettier now oh wait you look pretty too though thanks okay do I just end up onto the next base Grace you just go through this hole at oh am I supposed to end up into the the hoop yeah it’s like a

Okay I’m gonna hit you three two one and boom boom ah wait what that was a trap no look wait a second I fell into some fake lava yeah don’t burn yourself be careful can I just end up over here like this well Jamesy no I’m taking the end

Of process off you where’d they go did you just pick pocket me yep I can’t have you cheating how did you do that that was like sleight of hands wow I learned it from you but where am I supposed to go uh I don’t know maybe there’s

Something around you that can help you maybe there must be some sort of secret chest I’m looking around Gracie I found it already what’d you find I found some water I’m not sure how good that is well maybe you’re thirsty I’m not sure I fell

In the lava okay I’m gonna use it to save myself and boom Oh no I just turned this all into lava no it’s it’s all obsidian now Jamesy wait was I supposed to do that um I don’t think so but the obsidian just revealed that this is a fake door yeah no

No it’s a fake door good word Jamesy so I was supposed to do that okay are we playing golf now yes aren’t you a professional golfer yeah what should we use as the ball some bones sure bones sounds great okay the rules are you have to stand exactly where the pool is and

We start right on the line okay sounds good to me I’m gonna try and jump it over this wall here and you can’t move forward when you’re throwing okay okay oh no I try to go for a shortcut but it didn’t work oh no well don’t worry

Jamesy I’ve got a black bone so it won’t get messed up with yours boom okay I’m right to the side of you you can have that back uh oh yours didn’t even make it off mine did Ha Ha okay I get to go from here I actually

Been to school and boom yes in the goal perfect three shots okay guys I’m one point above Gracie oh no I’m gonna go for a cheeky diagonal Pro here okay um yes it made it through that’s a great shot well my turn oh also identical I’ll ship it to get it

In and there we go I’m still one ahead of you now I can’t believe this oh I have to get the perfect animal here otherwise I’m gonna lose ready three two come on that was a good shot oh that’s really close it’s still going a little

Bit nope it stops let’s see if you can throw it over the mine shall we oh I totally can’t just wait ah not quite Gracie wait a second and that’s exactly the same uh no it’s not mine’s a little bit further whatever um boom simple Temple my turn but Gracie

You’re still one point behind me so you need to beat me on this hole okay this is you’re way too far forward you need to be back here fine I’ll redo it go yes now I just need to make this shot and I’ll win and boing yeah yes I did it

Guys I beat her you are you and James okay that means we can go to the next room and I think I know what this already is Grace oh how do you eat the opinion bird over to the end no way okay he’s following my seed wait

What you fixed it yep of course I did no cheating Allowed no no I lost his aggro come back buddy boy okay there we go not only do I have to lead him across this maze I also have to know where I’m going uh yep Jamesy so that makes it really

Really difficult yep I think I’m going this way if I look up to check I will lose focus of the birds so I need to be careful I hope you’re doing the right all I can see is the dead end though Jamesy I don’t item for you you sure I haven’t checked

Is this good I’ll have to go back guys dude is gonna make it I’m gonna make it I’m sure of that wow killer bird really wants that seed come on come on come on she’s getting really close now just go on the pressure plate come on Yes we

Made it up the ladder let’s go good work and now we have to do oh no not a painting contest yep on because no cheating on the oh the bird just set the pressure plate again should we get with them boying eyes running whatever he’s gone what are you gonna build

Gracie I’m gonna do Stinger Flynn oh okay ready we have one minute okay three two one go okay so I need a pink a dark pink like that a white and a black that should be all okay so for the normal pink I’m just gonna build his whole body

Like this we have one big head and one small one boom he has some stubby feet like this and some stubby arms he’s kind of ugly then I need to give him his dark purple nostril like this and then I’m gonna build all of his eyes so those are

Whites with black little circles there’s one up here and some down here and then gonna build his mouth as well and then I can fill the color in oh I’m also gonna give him some teeth as well not many because he only has nine teeth we’ve only got 30 seconds

Oh no I have to hurry up okay okay uh let me keep building let me keep going then I make this purple in here and I also put a tin of black in there I’m almost done okay okay I think that’s me pretty much done let’s see how long

Three more seconds three two okay I’m done are you ready to see Joe’s bills yep I’m ready okay I’m gonna come look at your side Freddy wait wait no wait naughty wait what are you doing um uh don’t worry wait is that one-way glass

Fix it no no no she was cheating yep I could see I can see time I’m sorry isn’t it good though it’s okay look at her she’s clearly cheating no no that’s finger Flynn look at I did it myself considering that you cheated I think I won okay fine you won and you

Get to go up to the next build okay Gracie what’s up here it’s time for a flying course but there’s nothing to fly with well here you go oh wow am I supposed to fly through all these Rings yep you have to fly through every single

One of them without fail this looks kind of tricky though I’m gonna give it a good shot okay I’m gonna get some height all right Gracie I’m ready wow you look like you’re going to the Moon come on now one two four five six seven you’re so close

Boom onto the helipad Jamesy that was perfect okay Gracie can I go to that next room where is it over here hang up Jamesy look over here oh is that jumbo Josh yep and you need to fight him no no no he’s looking at you what does he want

Don’t worry I’m just chatting with him oh my gosh jumper Josh is coming for me he does so much damage well it’s jumbo Josh after all ouch oh he’s getting damaged look at him go come on Jamesy just kill him I’m trying this armor is really good though

So it’s taking most of the damage okay crazy he’s getting low I killed him I can’t believe it you killed jumbo Josh you must be so strong okay so I just got through here right yeah just click on that okay I’m gonna jump down wait look James eat your

Inventory is empty oh that’s so annoying I cleared it so that this build won’t be easy I get blood crazy come down help me help what’s that one that was impossible I got instantly blown into the lava I know maybe you just have to avoid the fan

That blew you in okay okay oh I did it so that was scary it didn’t work oh am I supposed to go over there nope because I’m just covering it up that’s so mean I can’t get around it any other way is there’s no way over here right That was close is there anything to do these pink blocks wait I just found some ghost blocks okay am I supposed to do this parkour this is easy oh oh my gosh Chrissy is this fake water look yeah that’s voice this water and these fans make it so that you have to

Jump really far to make sure you don’t land in the wrong place it’s okay I figured out I made the first two jumps easy peasy and I land here ouch in the way crazy sir that’s your fault oh okay I’m gonna do this again there we go a boat and a button perfect

Ouch James did you know you use the boat to go across the water right yeah I was wondering why that was so tricky the boat gently down the stream okay Gracie can I have some food before I keep going yeah what do you like uh I would like some

Kiwis please oh that’ll do here here’s some cute awesome and now I’m going in here oh my God I’m gonna get inside let’s go oh I’m going I’m going I’m going wait what’s going on I fell in the in the Trap where am I supposed to go

There well first you have to find these mobs what mobs I have no armor but we’re gonna fight them with oh my gosh Sheriff opilia bird oh my God Captain fiddles oh my God what am I supposed to do give me some swords or something okay boom

I’ve given you some swords oh my gosh I can’t believe it wait is that Captain fiddles running on top of a pilio bird yeah I think okay I’m gonna kill the sheriff first he seems like easy pickings and they never killed fiddles and fiddles and look there’s a fiddles

Inside a penny bird what are they doing kind of sauce is riding on top of each other there we go do you know how to get to the next room now I have no idea Gracie please tell me well you better figure out quick before I spawn more Captain fiddles okay

There must be some sort of way in uh I gotta look for a door a chest something uh oh oh over here this looks sauce oh wait there’s a trap door no way that was it it was the one dark block wait where do I go down here now it’s a dropper you

Wanna land on the fair that you think will save you from Fall damage well I don’t think the Redstone ones will they don’t seem to be on yeah but those aren’t working and I don’t think that cold one will either maybe it will I don’t know look I’m flying up no no no

That’s his creative mode I’m not stupid but I think all the other ones will be fine but I’m gonna go for the air mode one because those are the most powerful okay go ahead jump then jumping why is it not working crazy you pranked me yep Jamesy that’s a

Dummy block which means this emerald block doesn’t actually blow you it worked yeah yeah okay I gotta go to this block of beer um boom oh no it failed what am I supposed to go you already saw the barrier plug James blocks oh no did I just reveal it oh is

There a bear block over here oh there is thanks for telling me Gracie way who is the subscriber oh my gosh I love the subscriber of the day if you guys want to be the subscriber today you have to subscribe to me you have to subscribe to Gracie you have to like all

Our videos and comment down below yeah and which one do you think is the subscriber of the day quacky armor or fishy I think for sheesh you think for sesh one yep I got it right but then I went for the wrong door you’re so silly it’s okay I made it

Still perfect guys this is the first time James ever won a subscriber of the day question okay should we do my build next yep let’s go okay grace are you ready for my first build I’m ready and I’ve even got my supreme pizzas out okay my first build

Is this massive Stinger Flynn you’ve got all orange too yeah and not only that but my orange is so much better than yours if we chose the same color it should be it should be the same thing right guys okay Gracie so you have to just get through this door pretty simple whoa

Okay well let’s just go swimming yeah that was fake water okay Gracie you just have to get over here it’s not that hard tell that dead bodies in the water James see I died in there well maybe there’s a simpler way across wait wait there’s a weird block here that’s

Not weird it’s just sand it’s natural don’t open it it’s what we’re doing don’t open it it must be a chest yeah it is look what’s inside look at my cursed diamond armor yeah I saw it but did you get what else you have yep I got a boat boats can flow

Over poisonous water so it’s totally fine where are you going you’re not very good at bows are you uh okay Gracie Gracie go up this love this I need a password so I’ll definitely be you fell down Gracie how about you be a bit more careful when you go up these

Stairs come on was I supposed to know that there’d be a massive hole right there um you should have just checked well looks like I need a password but there’s no way for me to open it well maybe guess maybe there’s a password around here or what about on

The inside hmm do you see anything inside there Jamesy you think you’re so sneaky there’s a side right in front of us huh is that I can’t see your head’s in the way oh there it is look if you press Z and zoom in you can see what the

Code is and it’s five six seven eight wait well done Gracie there we go what do I do now I don’t know what to do well first you have to fight this mutant zombie oh I’m very serious you have the beat on my traps if you wanna win now do you

Want to win well I do because guess what what the winner needs to buy McDonald’s for the other person for a year no I didn’t agree to that uh you just did oh fine whatever okay he’s got one more life left well I need to eat my Supreme Pizza first stop

I’m gonna crate you out zombie like you huh I’m not a zombie I’m a human no zombie because you have no brains oh wait he has one more life my bad huh I miscounted you’re just jealous because you’re not as strong as a zombie like me you’re not strong I’m strong too

Well can you get out of this room I left some Clues around for you wait so let’s read this sign over here first yeah what’s it say what is full of holes but still holds water yeah what is for the holes but still holes water oh a sponge

Yeah but how is that supposed to help me oh it doesn’t I just thought it’d be fun it was a distraction you have to find the hidden exit oh Jamesy you made me solve a riddle for nothing oh look you found the door ready your riddle was no chance for me well it

Slowed you down that’s the whole point of it whatever oh careful this lasers okay I need to go up this faster oh I feel like I’m in Mission Impossible get out the lasers greater voice you’re gonna die ah yeah that was not part of the plan be strategic with it avoid the

Lasers don’t just go up as fast as you can well I’m not I’m just you know it’s a bit harder than you think uh I made it it’s not that hard whatever are you gonna try and land this one over here this one yep you failed come on Gracie

Let’s try this again okay I’m really doing my best but it’s a lot difficult while I’m going to the next one yeah but you’re stuck on a laser come on come on come on I don’t know how you manage that but you somehow got past even though you went

Through all the lasers I know but at least I landed on the fans that’s the most tricky part well done Gracie you made it to the end of my first build let’s go to my next one seriously okay okay Gracie my next build is this Chef pigster what

One thing like this yeah I don’t know you just got pretty unlucky these bills were just here when I shot the roulette but you chose the same color as me again yep well is this your Chef pigster build yeah first we’re gonna do a horse race

The first person to tame their horse and get all the way to the air in the winds are you ready three two one go go go go go I’m gonna take mine first I’m gonna take my first I’m gonna take my first come on come on come on

I’m gonna go I’m gonna go oh I always I’m going over I’m going over and I won are you two are you still taming your horse what are you doing yeah just lose this one okay well I feel bad I’ll let you go to the next stage just

Get on the fan and let’s go to this room but Gracie you have got company I didn’t invite this guy over well I did it’s my house but it’s all pink in here did you forget to change the color oh dear I I forgot okay where is Chef Pixar it makes

Sense wait what’s the name of this Ender Golem oh don’t worry his name’s Stephen ignore that though don’t worry about it it’s trap me in the corner like are you gonna kill him or what well I have to see his name in case it’s important oh it’s one two three four

Five six seven that’s easy to remember it’s pretty easy I’m not very good with my passwords hopefully none of you guys try to log into my password wiser you might get it well I just killed him and maybe this will be useful what is it over here nothing it seems like maybe

There’s something else no way this is definitely important but how are you gonna get over there I don’t know wait is there a button oh yeah there’s a button but I can’t reach it yeah that maybe is the next room Gracie what’s the Anvil doing here I don’t know Grace wait

Jamesy look yeah the item dropped from the Ender Golem yeah what about it it’s happened oh you found a secret room with a secret chest but you can’t open it you don’t have the password lies I know the password here huh from the ethical um I got an ender pearl that’s suiting oh

Let’s see if you can throw it through the little hole get back my aim has to be really good for this one all right Gracie good luck you did it I’m so proud of myself okay in this room you have to press all the buttons all the

Power ever well one of them is good the rest of them are bad the same okay that’s not that deadly oh there Ah that’s funny that’s funny I like that no I can’t levitations at least trust me I’ve dropped back down and now I’m gonna hit some more buttons oh

Yeah he’s an ax those do tons of damage well it’s okay I’ve got him yeah just keep going through all the buttons until you find the good one spider now I’ve got sickness and it’s totally making me nauseous oh you’ve got nausea those are super annoying I wonder when Gracie’s

Gonna figure it out oh she pressed the levitation one again wait Jamesy yeah I was I listening and I realized there’s a button down there no no no no that’s not right but that’s not relevant you can’t press it without them for you that little boy I’m not in the way you

Move out the way you move out the way whoa we just got TP in here no way you press the button yeah we’re underneath Stinger Flynn right now he must have proved them out or something that’s not Stinger Flint that’s blob oh sorry nabnam I misspoke wait a second so that means you

Got this has to be rigged and what are these flowers for you would never place them here for no reason oh I give you a flower there we go liar I I oh no what’s inside a bow and three arrows yeah well what are you gonna do

With those hmm it’s definitely gonna be useful look up Jamesy oh no she found the target well if you miss those shots you want me to go through to the next round oh wait okay I’m gonna do my best what you made up first try well you made

It into mice cave spider room are you poisoned yet yes I yes I am oh no she’s breaking the spawners guys only three of them left two down come on quickly no I’ve only got one I need to kill these guys they keep getting in my way oh no no guys you

Need to spawn in Faster let me break the spawner boom second one down oh no what are you guys doing stop her that one and fourth one come on I’m only on just one heart now I could totally kill them ah fine you got through this room I

Thought they were gonna do way more damage we even are they all I’m just strong okay well you won’t find the exit it’s perfectly camouflaged Jamesy I’m not silly you’re standing right in front of it aren’t you no I’m not yep I could tell because the lighting or door is You won’t be able to open it because I’m in the way oh um Jamesy you’re wrong okay well you want me to do this this is a parkour room and we all know that you suck at parkour James is well you have to if you want to win no you always do this

You failed perfect okay Gracie you made it all the way to the end of these three jumps now you just have to do two more I’m gonna jump in a second this isn’t a real block yep it was a fake block what what sorry but yeah you are wait a

Second that block is a ghost block there’s no way for me to get to the end yeah if you have to find a different way around maybe there’s a secret other way to get across maybe but where Jamesy yes Vlogs indeed they are Gracie wait okay

Okay no I can just go across without having to do any parkour well Gracie is not all sunshine and famous yet you have to answer this last question was Jamesy cheating what do you mean I don’t know just answered babe wait a second now that I think about it you’ve had every

Single color that I chose and it was also magically somehow better but was I cheating yes you were I’m gonna choose yes what you got it right wait I was happy that I got the question right but I’m sad that you cheated it’s because you cheated last video anyway guys if you

Enjoyed the video then please watch the next on your screen please vote down below who you think won me or Gracie and we’ll see you in the next video bye bye bye bye

This video, titled ‘I Cheated in a ROULETTE BANBAN Build Challenge!’, was uploaded by Jamesy on 2023-04-10 14:00:00. It has garnered 646736 views and 7641 likes. The duration of the video is 00:45:49 or 2749 seconds.

I Cheated in a ROULETTE BANBAN Build Challenge! Jamesy and Gracie are building Garten of BanBan Chapter 3. Jamesey and Gracey are completing challenges in minecraft to have fun with each other! We make videos like Carty, Smirky, Llama, Wudo, Nico, MongoTv, Cash, Omzicool, Kory, Maizen, Maize and Wiederdude. Jamesey and Gracie do cool giant pyramids, castles, volcanos, secure houses and many noob vs pro videos! Sometimes jamesy even cheats and hacks! It’s Jamesy not James C or Jamey or Jamey.

Follow Gracie! – https://www.youtube.com/@GracieWinsMC?sub_confirmation=1

#Minecraft #MinecraftMod #Jamesy #JamesyandGracie

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    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for 200 IQ Gameplay! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “Minecraft: -100 IQ vs 200 IQ.” In this epic showdown, two players with vastly different approaches to the game go head-to-head in a battle of wits and skill. While watching the video, we couldn’t help but think about the diverse and exciting community over at Minewind Minecraft Server. Just like the players in the video, Minewind attracts individuals with a wide range of playing styles and strategies. Whether you consider yourself a quick-thinking 100… Read More

  • Top Moments in Animation vs. Minecraft

    Top Moments in Animation vs. Minecraft Minecraft Adventures with Animation vs. Minecraft Exploring New Episodes Join Animation vs. Minecraft for 60 minutes of thrilling adventures in their latest episodes. From facing off against dragons to navigating through challenging landscapes, there’s never a dull moment in the world of Minecraft. Exciting Moments Experience the adrenaline rush as the characters dive into action-packed scenarios. From intense battles to unexpected discoveries, each moment is filled with suspense and excitement. Voices by Dippidd Listen to the talented voice acting by Dippidd, bringing the characters to life with their unique personalities and emotions. Each voice adds depth and authenticity to… Read More

  • INSANE CHALLENGE: Collecting 64 of EVERY item in Mokezi!!!

    INSANE CHALLENGE: Collecting 64 of EVERY item in Mokezi!!!Video Information no way no way it’s me Moy Minecraft I’m Minecrafting actually not I I immediately logged on to the server and then it was it was dark and and scary outside and there was a creeper so I ran in to this uh circus Festival I don’t know freak you I don’t know what these are called met 64 meta 64 with the scallop meta 64 where is meta 64 meta 64 hi meta 64 you are not talking it was it was it just so silly so absolutely it was very funny Mo in Minecraft yeah there’s… Read More

  • Testing Insane Minecraft Tiktok Hack!

    Testing Insane Minecraft Tiktok Hack!Video Information secret chest bed in Minecraft love baby we buil this house on memories take my picture now search This video, titled ‘Testing Unbelievable Minecraft Tiktok Hack That Will Work🤯#shorts #ytshorts #minecraft #viral’, was uploaded by Khati Gamerz on 2024-02-26 02:30:01. It has garnered 8301 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. Testing Unbelievable Minecraft Tiktok Hack That Will Work🤯#shorts #ytshorts #minecraft #viral Minecraft Viral TikTok Hack #hindi #hackminecraft #minecraft #hacks #minecraft #minecraftmeme #minecraftshorts #minecraftanimation Minecraft NORMAL vs REALISTIC 🤯 minecraft shorts, minecraft but , minecraft memes , minecraft trends , satisfying minecraft… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Pixel Art Masterpiece – EPIC Build!

    Insane Minecraft Pixel Art Masterpiece - EPIC Build!Video Information aku viral karena menangis bukan kepengin jadi artis aku memang tak manis tapi ku tak egois Aku tidak romantis tapi banyak yang terhipnosis di jalanan ada lampu kerajaan ada ratu di kuburan ada hantu di hatiku ada kamu pusing pusing tujuh keliling jika ada lampu jangan cari lilin jika ada aku kau jangan This video, titled ‘Minecraft pixel art 9* #minecraftbuilding#minecraft#minecraftpixelart’, was uploaded by HAAs on 2024-04-29 01:01:55. It has garnered 9088 views and 305 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. jangan lupa like share dan subscribe👍👍 #fypyoutube #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftmemes #minecraftbuilding #fyp… Read More

  • Shocking Karma Strikes in Hilarious Short Clip!

    Shocking Karma Strikes in Hilarious Short Clip!Video Information [Music] she This video, titled ‘That’s 🤣 called Karma #shorts #real #karma’, was uploaded by Mr Thunder9 on 2023-12-04 04:00:22. It has garnered 12293 views and 223 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:22 or 22 seconds. That’s 🤣 called Karma #shorts #minecraft #gamerfleet #technogamerz #carryislive #dream #mcstan #instagram #reels #facebook #youtube #youtubeindonesia #greatyoutube #build #artwork #cool #trending #world #minecraftshorts #minecraftanimetion #pvp minecraft gaming gamer minecraft videos techno gamerz sourav joshi vlogs minecraft smp smp mr indian hacker yes smarty pie mythpat Wait for It Paise Ye Konsa Desh Hai Asa Dost Sabko Mile Ye Kya Hua… Read More

  • “Mind-Blowing Bedwars: Wiktor’s Unbelievable Luck!” #minecraft #hypixel #pvp

    "Mind-Blowing Bedwars: Wiktor's Unbelievable Luck!" #minecraft #hypixel #pvpVideo Information certified This video, titled ‘What are the chances? #minecraft #hypixal #bedwars #hypixel #bedwarsissofun #minemen #pvp #gaming’, was uploaded by Wiktor on 2024-03-16 14:00:22. It has garnered 617 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Minecraft Bedwars is a fast-paced multiplayer mini-game where teams compete to be the last ones standing. In this game, players are divided into teams and spawn on individual islands with a bed. The objective is to protect your bed while attempting to destroy the beds of other teams. Once a team’s bed is destroyed, they can no… Read More

  • The ULTIMATE Battle: JJ and Mikey vs SCARY VENOM in Minecraft!

    The ULTIMATE Battle: JJ and Mikey vs SCARY VENOM in Minecraft!Video Information huh hold up something’s wrong with the village The Village it’s been wrecked it’s all messed up what what happened here huh uh how wait Mikey what about the villagers let’s check to see if they’re safe yeah where is everyone oh hold on huh no one’s here or anywhere no way what happened like how what did this let’s check on the chief great let’s go Farms are all ruined huh huh there’s no one here either why the chief’s gone what happened huh how and why where is everyone let’s go back home Mikey is our… Read More


    EPIC BIRTHDAY PARTY ENDING IN A SHIZO MINECRAFT CASTLE!Video Information どうじゃろ草くくおはようございます 誕生日おめでとうございますしりパパ いらっしゃい来てくれてありがとう誕生日 おめでとう ありがとうありがとうござい ますちょうどぐらい出てきたいい感じに なったわ ちょっとわあ12時間お城出来上がりまし た完成でございます どう みんな噴水付きた時によく使われるコップ そう なん噴水作る時に使われるコップてあ草が あるとなんかいい感じに見える からえんではないでしょうかおやちん いくらおやちんは え1 ヶ月 うヶ月250万でよろしくお願いします なぜ200なんか草がやだこここっち側草 がなんかもう美味しげっ てるなぜ250万かと言うと250万あれ ばなんと なく幸せに なれ慣れそうだから です ガラス草美味しいああ もう美味しぎり すぎ何が何やらわからない美味しぎりすぎ て [音楽] ねえ牛が返事してくれ たよしおらいいやなんでやいい やん内装は内そうですけどねがはは がはははがははは めっちゃ伸びてる伸びすぎなよね蔦 が 賃貸賃貸ですよこちらこちらのお家賃貸に なっておりまし て素敵なお城が出来上がりましたもりお めもりおハモりねむるちゃんいらっしゃい 来てくれてありがとうおハモにおメモも ありがとう ありがとう [音楽] ありがとうお城の案内が始まるお城1回 建てとなっておりましてこちらのお 城1回にしかいけないんですよねすげえ 作り終わってよお 城いい感じにできた大人のホテルって言わ れたみんなになんでやなんでやねん全然 大人のホテルちゃう やろ 近くで見るとこんな感じ とよしよし よし いやよく頑張りました と52分ですねそろそろ締めに入り ましょうか55分でちょっとアーカイブが 切れてしまいますの で皆様ついに12時間でござい ます いや誕生日一瞬で終わったね早かったね みんなお祝いしてくれてありがとう ね今年も今年 は言ったけどこの配信を始める前に言った けど今年はマイクラのをちょっと多めにし ていこう配信していこうかなと思っている のでマイクラが好きな人初めてマイクラ メモのマイクラを見る 人よかったらチャンネル登録してください さんよろしくお願いし ます1泊250万です横か後ろに パーキング違う違う ないおかげで作業も終わりました半分お えらいさ産業じゃない作業半分終わって 素晴らしいみんなも朝までね見てくれた方 ありがとうそして寝おちしている方 ゆっっくり休むんよでいっぱい寝る よメモはこれ から寝ようと思います一旦寝てから Twitterのねおめでとうお誕生日お めでとうリプにお返事をしたいと思います の でまだコメントしてないよ違う違う違う リプしてないよっていう方はしといて くださいよろしくお願いしますではではで はではではではではでは 次は日本の風景そうだね次は日本のお城を 作ろうかなと思い ます星星いりさんかな来てくれて ありがとうす最後に30秒秒だけえメモ お誕生日グッズを出したのでよかったら メンモのXを見て配信に配信じゃない グッズも買ってくれると嬉しいですブース ですよろしくお願いしますでは今日も配信 来てくれてありがとうございました誕生日 おめでいっぱいありがとうではあつまにゃ… Read More

I Cheated in a ROULETTE BANBAN Build Challenge!