I Cheated using a HACKER in a Minecraft Build Challenge

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I log in what is my password I forgot it again wait is my phone ringing where’s my phone where’s my phone oh it’s in my back pocket um hello hello wait who is this who’s calling me you sound pretty weird I’m your hacker you can only get

Your Minecraft account back if you help me I have to tell my mom I had to tell my mom I have to tell my mom stop don’t tell your mom oh no you must help me win a build challenge what and that’s the only way you can get your Minecraft account back

Those are fine I’ll help you win Build Challenge okay so I only have to help you with a build charge and then I can get my Minecraft account back no I also want 500 bucks Arena what are you doing here what uh well I was invited him by Gracie to do a

Build challenge what are you here hello Jameson get over here be quiet I thought you in a minute Gracie what are you doing here are you doing a bill challenge against Louie I was supposed to be the hacker here I I’m the heck you’re not supposed to tell Louie that

You’re helping me oh my goodness you had my Minecraft account so that I would help you cheat in a villa challenge yeah and I’m not giving it back until you gave me what you promised oh my goodness guys I’m being extorted but okay fine I’ll help you okay Jameson but you have

To go invisible because Louie can’t know that you’re here okay fine fine fine I’ll go invisible and wow all right come over here okay okay Louie I’m ready to start the Build Challenge are you ready to lose absolutely and no I’m not gonna lose I’m gonna win about that

Okay we only have like 15 minutes so hurry up hurry up oh I will okay so you’re the hacker you’re supposed to help build this bill judge what do we do well you know since I’m a hacker obviously I’ve got some trick I’m about to do slash slash face

Oh yeah you bet she’s so pretty I mean um she’s uh she’s all right James Z you know you’re not supposed to say that anyway come on let’s start building the Trap or better yet trolls yeah can we chill Louie please there’s only 15 minutes of this Bell Challenge and if we

Slow him down then we can win and I’ll get my Minecraft account back okay well what’s the plan well James that you know that Lily has a crush on Sophie right oh yeah and he has a crush on our of a friend yeah but wouldn’t Blues so Sophie

Hanging out with another dude okay let’s do that you give a dude okay Gracie oh this guy’s not ready what do you think of mine um well I think Sophie’s way out of your league um no offense oh whatever let’s go and now it’s time for the head and

Now I have to do the little horns wait what what is that hey Louie wait Sophie and who’s this guy oh this is thanks I was on a date with him don’t worry wait you’re dead Joshy who are you yo bro I’m busy just you but way better

Look how buff I am yeah I’m so strong you’re not even buff and you’re blue and brown that’s the skull blue yeah it’s way better than red wow wait Sophie no oh gosh Louis you know I’m gonna go chase after a bit if you want her to be your girlfriend you

Better run after her bro okay come back then genius which means I can now blow up what Louis has done so far to reset his progress wait where did Sophie go she must be running somewhere Jamesy Jamesy wait Gracie where are you um I’m right behind you where’s Louise he’s still chasing you

Um no I went to spectator mode and I don’t think he saw me okay let’s blow up his Builder wait what kind of TNT oh my goodness so it’s gonna cry after he sees this yep I’m gonna have to put a little bit more in here Gracie we have

To blow up his statue that way we can win don’t you think it’s bit much out well anyway Louis statue is almost completely gone and before he comes back we should probably get out of here no she’s nowhere around him I’m just gonna go back okay I’m back and wait my bill

That’s completely oh no Justin what do you think you’re doing outside oh nothing bro just stay over there you’re such a sip oh oh come on come on yeah sorry Lily you’re not my time Sophie how could you do this to me crazy that works out well I feel bad but

Now he’s gonna be so heartbroken for the rest of the build we’re gonna totally win yeah but Gracie one thing you need to know about build challenges we don’t just have to do the outside we have to build it inside as well quick let’s start building the traps yep

We need the traps okay Gracie so what should we do for the first drop well I know that there’s gonna be a secret entrant what do you think we could do to make it super duper secret well I think we could just put it in no more engines

Like this but then we can hide it with tons of saplings AKA trees that we have no way to find the entrance and it’ll never have to be able to get in at all which means we’re gonna win the battle challenge until I get my Minecraft account back

This better be good you know that if we don’t win you’re never gonna get it back up here now I’m gonna play with you James Z this Boris is getting really really big yeah it’s super dense just look you Gracie what um you know I’m at the hacker right yeah

But you’re still stupid anyway I think this Forest is almost good what should we do next well I’m thinking we should put some traps inside of this Forest yeah that’s a brilliant idea and then I think I’m gonna corrupt the entrance using some locks they’re playing tips like this birds were actually turn

This into ghost blocks ghost must look like no this is perfect cause Louie’s just gonna think this is another tree exactly I’m a genius and Gracie I’ve also gonna put some of these bear traps in they actually if you stand them they will catch you oh no oh okay good thing I’m

On your side so they won’t catch me exactly exactly but Louis will get caught in these when he’s in the forest he’s gonna be super duper careful what about these James they’ll make it even more difficult oh my goodness great and then Gracie we can also make a little Bear

Pit you know when you make a little hole where you put some spikes in the bottom then cover it up with some ghost blocks oh yeah yeah I put the spikes down and then we just need the ghost box wow this looks so real from the surface okay

Gracie now that we’ve done all this I need to find the entrance okay so we’re here and then we’re gonna start by building the inside too okay crazy so I want you to come out this trap so I think we should make a pit over here

Like this and then we’ll have to get one way to get over this pit somehow but I haven’t thought about how yet think we can fill this up with a bunch of lava lava and then you showed that love is super scary but it’s super orange and I love orange guys yeah okay

I didn’t pick it because of you oh I was thinking that after he gets over here he needs to get to the other side using some kind of laser is this lasers they just crazy they don’t help you get over Bridges no because there’s different upgrades you can give to lasers I mean

Look at this one I could put a push upgrade inside and watch what happens when I put some Redstone underneath push stop ah Jamesy be careful do you see what I mean maybe this could push up across to the other side wait great that’s a genius idea there’s also a no damage

Laser wait wait what’s this if we put a laser right here right here and right there and all these places and then in these lasers we can make them no damage so that he can get in them oh yeah and it wouldn’t accidentally kill him that would be funny though and then finally

We can put pull things in them so that they pull him up and family get across the lava but wait Gracie we need to make this harder somehow what if we hide the upgrades and he has to put them in himself wait take out the poor upgrade oh wait

We could hide in this room somewhere where should we hide it what if we hit it like underneath this platform next to the lava wait that’s a GS idea we can make a little Cove over here and then put a little chest down here but wait we

Can make this even harder Gracie I know we can well we could make it a password protected chest that means he would need a password or code in order to even open the chest wait that’s a good idea look there we go password protected chest uh

What should we make for code Gracie um how about four five seven six four five seven six genius now I can put the thing in there four five seven six and there we go we can put the pull-up grades I’ll put three of them to get across but wait

How is he gonna get that Coda you’re right um we have to hide that somewhere else wait how about over here we make a pair of zombies I know where you’re going with this we could give one of them a name tag that says four five

Seven six exactly but to get that name it’s like he’s gonna have to jump in there and kill them all and there we go we have a full of zombies now Gracie what which one are we naming okay I’m gonna name this one back here

He’s home at the back so nobody won’t be able to see him unless he jumps all the way yes genius Gracie um do you want to give him some weapons somewhere we can put another chest somewhere oh I know we’ll make this a secret trap chest

Right here this block oh and it looks a little bit different so that way you’ll realize yep I’m gonna put in some diamond armor like this there we go well Gracie this is a really good first step I really hope Louis tries to jump into this laser that falls into the lava me

Dude exactly but now once he gets over here what’s the next trap that we need to do we’re gonna make our base super secure to win this Build Challenge okay so my build’s looking kind of good but I think I wanna troll crazy though no I’m gonna

Get some little items together like this fire TNT and you know what I think I’m gonna morph into some random guy okay so first I’m gonna come over here and I’m gonna change this whole build to Red okay and here we go oh Linda wait are we being trolled James do you

Think this right now goodness wait why do I have to be invisible why are you invisible oh wait um let me get out of invis oh if this is Louie then he can’t know that I’m here exactly that’s why I don’t want him to know that you’re

Helping me let’s go find him Gracie through the log and he’s gonna be out here somewhere this is amazing everything’s on fire oh my goodness of water get some water oh my gosh we’re gonna put this fire out Gracie turn it up look at Gracie try to put water all over

Her face wait but what did those boots flying around how big Gracie whatever I don’t mind now it’s time for phase two of my plan and that is getting Gracie to move away from her build so I can troll her more but how can I do it wait I’ve

Got an idea what’s this oh yeah Gracie what’s up what’s up Gracie yeah who are you cool guy yeah it’s me the neighborhood cool guy I was just wondering if you uh wanted to come away from your building come for a date with me well I’m actually currently working

On this build with my boy I mean I don’t have a boyfriend and he’s totally not here and I’m totally single and yeah I would love to go on a date with you he called me with this cool guy fella she’s completely forgotten that I’m right here listening to her this little

Snake well just to show you how cool I am I wear glasses on my glasses and I’ve got as much cake as you could ever want so uh just come off over here with me come on oh you’re perfect oh my goodness I can’t believe this uh well uh actually I I

Think I’ve got a kind of important business meeting uh can you just meet me over there in like five minutes uh I won’t be long okay I’ll wait for you then I guess okay see you later before this bloke wait what is he writing um um uh Louie’s so cool oh my goodness

This guy I have to get rid of these signs of Grace isn’t here I have to hold down the Falls oh now stop it Oh my goodness now he’s placing down more sides stop it Louie oh my gosh huh what’s happening cool guy where are you on my build uh well I’m just having my business meeting up here I’m right here just uh doing my business things but this side uh that’s nothing that’s nothing

That’s uh who’s Louie who’s that guy who sent you yeah you would trick me like this get back to your side okay fine fine oh my goodness first get out of invisibility I don’t want to look at your cute little boots all the time stop

Being nice to me you cheat on me with Emma I didn’t do it on purpose it was because he couldn’t know that you’re with me I don’t know Gracie I’m angry I just had to go with the flow okay and besides he promised you would still help

Me with my Build Challenge so you have to okay fine but we only have eight minutes left we have to get building okay Jamesy and I want a way for him to get up to the next room what if we had like a button around somewhere ton of

Them down only one of them is the real one oh good right now I’m full of good idea today hey yo put up cheating on me um Jamesy I told you it was just because I had to keep your cover a secret whatever I’m just jealous you’re

Obviously way better than cool guy I mean come on I know he wore glasses on his glasses he’s clearly the idiots and when we press this button look what happened we’re in the Next Room yep and I think we should fill this room with Mobs and Louie has to kill because

He’s not gonna be expecting it you’re right but he diamond armor from the last round do you think it’s gonna be strong enough to fight against a really strong bomb yeah well he’s gonna have to if he wants to win this build chance we’re gonna make him fight against yetisa what

What oh these are like baby puppies of Sparky no baby puppies they’re the same height as a human if not taller well they’re really cute they’re not cute they’re super dead layer anyway anyway um so after this room does he have to go the Next Room here like you’re the um

Architect you’re right you’re the Builder yes yes I think we should get some secret ladders which will allow him to go to the next room and we should place these on uh over here okay okay this is a perfect Coro careful James you don’t want to fall I’m not

Gonna fall stop telling me what to do there we go we’re now up here and what should we do now Gracie well I was thinking about a game of Charades wait charades but how are we gonna do that we can’t move our hands and stuff very well

Well it’s like charades but instead of acting it out we do painting instead I basically have to draw something yes a Louis me drawing something and then we have to guess what it is yeah can you guess what this is Jamesy uh it’s a flower

Yep and that means I’ve won but if we can’t guess what Louie’s drawing for three rounds in a row then he’s gonna have to die so he has to be a secret drawer this is basically a painting contest but way more fun awesome but once we do that what should we do next

Especially if I add a bunch of lasers everywhere this is a foolproof plan guys and I’ll put a command block at the bottom there that she can press and it’ll teleport in the arm but then she’s gonna have to complete this Laser Maze then I’m gonna put all over this wall

Here it’s gonna be a annoying well Jamesy this is kind of looking like a giant hashtag it’s like a waffle yummy yummy up right now wait I’m gonna start breaking in the holes that he can enter to okay yeah put in some holes this is a

Maze after all right how am I gonna play Louie’s build am I gonna have to like just pretend I rocked up or something yeah you know I think I’m just gonna say like oh James he said he wanted to join because he felt left out because you

Know you always feel left out what’s up all right Gracie so the mates have been made now I’m gonna have to put in the holes like you yup this is how he say get out but I feel like this is too easy we need to add some spice boys what if

We put like put like scary mobs in each hole yeah let’s put some mobs in each area okay crazy let’s start adding some traps I’m gonna add some fake water this looks like a real water except it hurts you I’m also putting some piglet into

The in as well look at this are you sure that’s a good idea well crazy I think amazing sufficiently deadly we should be about the next big over here well when he comes across we should make him do like a little tightrope walking but with a lot of wind with fan whoa that’s

Genius and while you’re doing that I’m also gonna do something else as well but I’m gonna make it a little game wait a game how I’m gonna set up a bunch of redstone fans on this side of the wall okay okay one of us either you or I will have

To be over here operating all the fans but we can’t see where Louie’s walking so we’re just gonna try and guess and try to kill him by pressing these fans even though we don’t know where he is oh genius and then Gracie for my little

Thing I want to do a trip by hurt like this which goes all the way to over here and then you hook this up with some string like this so that when he touches the string of what happens the fact it’s all done and I can also put a dispenser up here

And fill it with arrow so look you get pushed and you get shot at silly James oh and I can’t wait to be over here operating all the fans and try to kill and push them on but Jason we either make it a lot more punishing than

This if he falls he’s gonna fall into a pit of sharks crazy are you sure this is okay crazy oh and crocodiles oh my goodness I hate coconuts get them away from me get them away from me I know you do that’s why I’m spawning them in yeah well now that he’s amazing

Over here well we should obvious ly opportunities I’ll do it I’ll do it because I don’t want to make it too easy no I want to do it I don’t want to do it no I want to do it it’s my build and you’re supposed to

Be the one helping me well crazy look at this huh the same thing that I was doing but you made them oak logs instead wait this is too much water give me one second there we go much much better this may look up realize against Harvest

What oh Jamesy come back boy before we finish the dropper can we go troll Louie first oh fine let’s go troll him yeah I really want to make sure we win he’s been bullying me all week about how bad I am well we have to

A way to get Louis away from his traps why don’t we try to kill him while he’s flying around it’s gonna be really difficult but we got this how are we gonna do that using this dark matter machine oh my goodness let me get my one let me get my level Wait wait wait wait what it’s going gone [Applause] well Jamesy looks like he’s gone quick quick let’s go what should we do what should we do go ahead go and go in wait is this a lava’s rising Roma okay let’s just put a bunch of ladders that literally lead up all

The way to the top exactly great so you’re echoing my opinions here you acting them and there we go we’ve made it over his lava’s Rising room that was probably and what is this a slime jump why don’t we expect failure Wait what if we put no damage upgrades inside of them oh my goodness Gracie I love you so much there we go they are all no damage so they will do zero damage to us kind of self-explanatory oh okay and this dropper looks a little scary but it’s definitely less scary now

That the lasers don’t do any damage oh what was that shooting me out of the air oh anyways I’m just gonna keep with my build wait why is there a ladder here going all the way up I love a rising room oh crazy he’s on to us what should

We do what should we do don’t worry I got in the pros I just add the pro outside what other at the bridge going across my entire parkour no no no no no no no what else has she trolled oh no let me check these lasers and wait they all not right

It hurts he’s so annoyed right now I call a mission success quick let’s get out of here yep let’s get back to our build and continue our traps so now that we’ve got the water and the logs down here we need to make this a little bit

Trickier I think Gracie well now that we’ve seen Louie’s build we can actually take some inspiration from him yeah let’s add some lasers and some platforms to block his fall so we put all these spikes on these little platforms so that if he lands on them he perishes parishes

Jamesy that’s a big word does that mean die or something ah Gracie don’t say that that’s rude which means it’s gonna be super hard to land in here without dying all right Gracie I’m pretty happy with this but you know what I realized what do you realize we only have five quick

Quick go go go all right let me see I’m gonna go invisible no no James you don’t have to go invisible I’ll just tell him that you joined afterwards because you wanted to play our builds that’s all okay fine well Jamesy just remember that if we don’t win you’re never getting your

Minecraft account back and you have to pay me 500 still oh my goodness crazy that is super scary but we’re gonna win don’t worry Louis type is up Louie hi by the way I thought just come and play your bills I’m super excited to be here

You guys left me out yeah yeah James he just really felt left out and he wanted to join but don’t worry he’s gonna be the judge and he’s gonna play both of our builds all right okay I’m not gonna act like this is a little suspicious but

Come on then you can play my build Okay Louie how do we get inside this bout cilia or queen whatever name is well first you’re gonna have to cross this massive Lava Moat and I’m not gonna tell you how you just have to find the way across all these chests empty Louie yeah and it’s a bambolina by the way

Jamesy uh just you know for reference whatever we can’t jump over these just must have something and I’m gonna check all of them wait over there there’s a chance on top of a red look exploring that one no no no no no no no no no no no it’s empty too here here

Oh the red World why did you just say that That was supposed to be a distraction how did you find all right let me watch and learn this is how dream does it Gracie your turn oh no guys I’m not really like sure Gracie crazy camera on

This side it’d be easier come on crazy it’s a simple job you can do it all right that’s a little weird but okay come on okay well how do we get inside there’s a key one one one one nope one two three four what’s the password and all I’m gonna

Tell you is that there’s something hidden somewhere around here wait what I don’t see anything around here Gracie do you see anything oh this red block looks sauce over here look up look up I’m up here okay let me have a look what do I see um

I can see myself I can see some cow I can see Louie’s ugly face wait I see so bad I see something what is it there is four lines on my camera I think that each corresponds to a number wait so what are the numbers

Called go to the door uh I think it’s gonna be two three two four two four two yeah Wiggles yes we’re gonna go inside I bet why is there so many cows no wait most of them uh sorry there’s just a bit too many up here well guys there’s a

Ladder going up to the top but it’s broken and the only way you can get the rest of the ladders is if you find me in the middle of all of these cows look over here I’m this one here I this one here pretty good James eating out that Bob killer it’s a

Strategy to this Gracie when you punch a cow it runs around in Terror if we just do this for all of them we know it was Louis because he won’t give to act the same oh good idea oh he’s that one I think I found him is this one

That wasn’t him how many weird had to kill Louis wait we have three guesses is okay I’m gonna pick one right now randomly three two one nope that wasn’t me crazy downstairs wait a second oh some of the cows are down there you’re right uh is it this

One no this one no this one nope I don’t think it’s any of them down here Gracie I’m being really sneaky there’s no way you’ll find me wait Gracie I think I found him no no no no no he’s running he’s running I just saw it you got five minutes [Applause] drop them

We knew it yep I saw it was Louis you know how I knew Gracie how’d you do just thanks so bad worse than a normal cow hey that’s not very nice oh boy you have to give us the ladders though come on we beat your game bye get up there hurry up

Yes let’s go oh be quiet wait what is this oh no crazy quick get up get up get up get up you better hurry our ladders are gone it’s all lava Rising Gracie are faster if we don’t make these jumps then we’re gonna form some level below and it’s rising

I’m trying my best here come on crazy keep going wait wait we might actually make it just go without me it’s over for me wow that was intense Louis I can’t believe you got out of that alive yep well you know I’m a genius anyway where

Do we go now do we jump on these slime blocks yep you’ve gotta Follow the Red Blocks to the end of the parkour okay I’m jumping down from here boying oh I’m up Gracie your turn why me too okay boing okay and then we will be here because this is another block Boeing

Come on and then up the ladder we’re going wait why are we going so high uh don’t ask guys I hope you know where to jump to next boy Oh no Jamesy I don’t know if I can make this are you ready for it I’m Gonna Catch You but now we have this deadly wait did Louis forget to change the lasers you think I would have noticed that you guys trolled me yeah you must think I’m

Stupid all right anyway I’m gonna go for this and I made it wait boys wait I can see that this right corner is lighter blue than the rest of the blue water so that has got to be the real water all right Casey I think that’s a

Great idea let’s go for it okay no no no no no no no [Applause] I’m catch you for real this time um there we go Jamesy you didn’t catch me oh there’s like a mad block with a button yeah over here let’s go down oh lasers ow lasers be careful guys be careful

Okay I’ve been all the way over wait what is down here Louie well this is a mob battle room but you guys don’t seem to have any armor maybe you should go back and find some wait what with the back oh wait Tracy this glass block looks shut oh never mind it’s not

Anything something here must be a chest find one worldly oh Jamesy The laser is fake ah okay Daisy you’re really dumb but I’m glad you figured it out eventually thanks well now you guys have those apples and those weapons you have to fight not one not two but three Frost Killzone I can’t see anything apart from frost

More fur I see red and I See Fire and I see um how are you doing so much but no we have to kill them Louie that’s the task it has no no no no no no no no no oh the word I’m getting him right now oh

You froze me you froze me you froze me Gracie you froze me out but there’s still one for frostball left no that’s me and I’m gonna freeze you okay you know what I’ve had enough of this guys stop messing around and come through this gate you finally defeated

The frost monster so you’re on to that next part of the room can you unlock the door what door this door silly wait a second Jamesy I think this is a puzzle each color aligns it corresponds with a different number and we have to follow this pattern right

Over here and where do we submit the number well you submit it straight to me and if it’s right I let you through so yellow is six pink is free blue is two six three two six three two one six three two one four six three two one

Four five ah what how did you guys get that you must have like crazy Einstein brains or something I got orange anyway Louis what are we doing here well you have to find the right button oh yeah wait why is this I like track yeah well

Fine if if you could find the button so easily then I guess I’ll just show you the way out come on race is a race well it’s not just in a lighter course it’s a gliding course so you have to Glide all the way to the

Bottom like yo can I go can I go please please please of course you can okay Nice moves Gracie what are you doing hello um I’m here to calm down I froze you midair well you guys have now finished my build what did you think what did you think you might take good it was pretty good it was pretty good but we should do

Go Gracies now yeah yeah Jamesy you’re still a judge so you’re gonna totally like mine better yep well now you and Lily I mean you Jamesy will have to play my build because you guys are both players right you’re both players yes I have no idea how to solve this

I would hope so Jamesy I’m gonna have to carry you the entire way through this thing okay Louie okay so where we go then buddy uh well I assume it’s into this Forest come on yep yep it’s in this Forest don’t be careful man wait what are these things oh my goodness the

Traps don’t work crazy hair yeah you know what it’s because we because we could build them correctly oh gosh wait wait what do you mean we I mean um I like me and myself and I Lily come over here over here okay out get me out get me out upstairs dummy

Yeah there’s stairs oh he’s dead oh I’m back and this time you better not made me go into any more traps I didn’t do anything yeah Jamesy didn’t know where the traps were right Jamesy exactly Louie how have you not found the entrance yet come on buddy wait Daisy I

Think I found it oh gosh if we I already thought that looked like a tree wow that was really good crazy no Jason you totally didn’t know that was there wow puppies here that’s crazy they probably has nothing to do with them though so uh let me just jump over yeah you guys

Should just jump over how how there’s so many videos and lava well if these were poor lasers this would be possible huh oh wait wait oh my god oh guess they’re not tall lasers I told us this you should just walk out here yeah yeah oh okay

These are ghost blocks wait a second guys but there’s a chest down there maybe I can reach that yeah can you reach it and if so what’s the password I can reach it but I don’t know the password wait maybe it has something to do with these zombies over here

But wait Louie we need some loot otherwise we won’t be able to kill these guys look they have swords and everything yeah you’re right Jamesy but where did we find any loot that what oh wait a second there’s literally a concrete block here in the middle of all this wall Yep and now I can kill all these zombies gone let it go there must be something in there go kill Baba ah yeah come on let me is there a code is there a code anywhere code anywhere ow wait Jamesy there’s one with a cold on it but

I can’t see it what’s the code I’m looking I’m looking I’m looking I’m looking I’m looking uh oh four five seven six I’m helping you out don’t worry I found some diamond armor for myself thanks Daisy but please hurry up I’m gonna die in here no you bro you’ll

Be fine all right I’m taking some of the Heat Oh wait I got pushed out oh that was kind of cool no why but I’m stuck in here now I’m gonna get pushed out like me come on time’s ready go what should we do with that with those maybe we should activate these lasers with them so we can jump onto them like

This okay and it’s ready job give me a boost Jamesy that kind of boost um what if that is that was just my fault he’s too fat now that we’ve made it over we have to find the secret button I think like basically wait how

Do you know that uh I’m a genius yeah James is just like we know since we’re a couple and everything sometimes it gets kind of telepathic okay but I don’t know how to feel about this I feel like it’s on this side am I right Gracie oh no I

Mean yeah it’s totally on this side you should click all the ones on this side okay I’m pressing the ball wait Jamesy I don’t know about you none of them seem to be doing anything oh that’s really weird Louie ah never mind oh maybe I’ll just try the other side

Instead then I really remember right now wow whoa he found it but now you have to fight these yetis okay oh I’m taking on a bit more I can chew right now I’m Gonna Die James yeah no damage this is so easy how chasing me help me crazy

Wait what are these gold apples doing here Gracie you do this guy yeah you guys need a little bit of extra help come on Jay-Z just a couple more it’s like um ten more of this killed them yup yup yup yup ten that’s nothing I eat 10 yetis for breakfast I eat 20

Eddies for lunch if you don’t stop one-upping me Jamesy I’m gonna eat you for dinner soon what is that it’s kind of like the French with cheese there it’s really stinky just like me there we go we killed all those now where we go Gracie you guys are a bunch of weirdos you’re

Supposed to figure out how to get up to the next room but I don’t want to help you guys anymore Louie figured it out you’re the smart one here right maybe but it might be something to do with anything over here maybe no no no no no oh it’s a whole empty room

A little bit dumb that’s that’s all didn’t you say you were gonna carry Jamesy what happened to that well I am carrying jersey look look look okay wait crazy what is this room uh yeah uh you guys totally don’t know what it is yeah Jamesy it’s a shirt Ray’s room but

Instead of moving around like our arms and stuff we actually have to do a painting So Lily you’re gonna do three paintings for us this is just an example but you have to get three paintings and if we can’t guess what it is well then you’re gonna die wait what oh no yeah

All right let me your face has to draw of me Chris you’re gonna guess ready okay give you ready a little competition whoever guesses it first wins yay well I’m gonna start off with a big green head whoa big green head what could be um keep guessing

Um it’s a party crazy Shrek Shrek no no it’s not Shrek it’s not Shrek oh it’s from that really scary movie or something wait he has five seconds left uh wait it’s Friday what it looks more like Shrek well anyway let me got the first round but

Now he has to do that again with a different mob okay we need to guess this right it’s gonna be the best painting you’ve ever seen so I’m gonna draw a big thing like this snow mountain no I know melt milk stream wait uh a pig a white Pig no

I’ll be the pig a um a butterfly oh maybe maybe this will give you an idea guys what if I make it agree wait wait is it a spider um wait wait wait wait wait I’ll show you guys this is you guys you should know

This by now wait wait wait crazy I know who this is Sparky yes spooky okay well well done Louie but now we have to do one more round the next one in three two one go go um Sun Sun sunlight no no nothing no no no no no no no again banana ice cream bananas banana person wait crazy that looks

Familiar who Could That Be it looks like a girl I person wait come on you guys could guess this it’s gonna be something oh Lily of course you draw you have such a crush on her wait what you guys know that no no you’re not supposed to anyway

Louie I think we have to go for this maze now oh it’s a dead end oh no Louie this is gonna be super tricky wait is this some kind of maze oh gosh I’m back to the store oh gosh it’s another dead lasers wait I can make this I can make

This I can make this I can make this out laser out laser out come on there’s gonna be a way through here somewhere no Lewis an hour oh gosh where are you oh I made it to the end you’ll never find it out of here dude [Applause] yeah you’re gone no I well I refuse to die I refuse wait what is this Grace here well you guys have to get to the other side but there’s a trick I’m gonna be over here and I won’t be looking at you but I’ll be pressing random buttons it blows us

And it’s totally not cheating okay let me try this again there we go I’m making it all the way over Louie come on come on at the end of the year I tried it James here it made me fall in okay how have we just get on the very

Edge over here Louie and then okay stop pressing the button wait I I managed to do it good at this wait James you seem to know where to go every single time how do you know all these traps that fake water how did you did you know it was fake water James

This feels really suspicious I don’t know how to feel about this I don’t know James he’s just really um okay fine maybe the Gaze up come over here guys come over all right five dollars back wait what is this about guys this is really weird what are

You arguing about fine crazy you can have the money there we go no give me my Minecraft account back okay I’ll give it back well Louie I took away James’s account and hacked into it and I told him that I’d give it back if you help me

Win a Build Challenge and also give me 500 bucks what you have so yeah wait a second isn’t Jay-Z supposed to be the judge well it doesn’t matter he says I won right James yep crazy one Lily bye boy no no no no no no this is super

Unfair I hope you guys enjoyed the video and we’ll see you tomorrow bye bye

This video, titled ‘I Cheated using a HACKER in a Minecraft Build Challenge’, was uploaded by Jamesy on 2023-07-09 14:00:33. It has garnered 115669 views and 1417 likes. The duration of the video is 00:45:25 or 2725 seconds.

I Cheated using a HACKER in a Minecraft Build Challenge

Jamesy, Gracie and Louie are building using HACKER.

Follow Gracie! – https://www.youtube.com/@GracieWinsMC?sub_confirmation=1 Follow Our Roblox Channel! – https://www.youtube.com/@JamesyGracie?sub_confirmation=1

Follow Louie’s Channel! – https://www.youtube.com/@LouieMC?sub_confirmation=1

Jamesy name is spelled like Jamesy not James C or Jamesie or Jamey or JayZ.

#Minecraft #MinecraftMod #Jamesy #JamesyandGracie

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  • Minecraft’s Next Level Textures: Dr. Bonks Edition

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  • Insane Gamer vs Smart Zombies: Epic Minecraft Telugu Survival

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  • Unleash Chaos: Instant Sensor Nuke in Minecraft

    Unleash Chaos: Instant Sensor Nuke in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘How To Make Sensor Nuke in Minecraft (Easy)’, was uploaded by Quick Fix on 2024-03-15 13:00:33. It has garnered 12 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:06 or 66 seconds. How To Make Sensor Nuke in Minecraft (Easy) In this video I will show you how to make a working nuke in minecraft also how to make a nuke in minecraft pocket edition. Watch video till the end and learn how to make a nuke in minecraft no mods and how to make a nuke in minecraft. Create a Sensor Nuke… Read More

  • Insane Physics in Minecraft?! You won’t believe it! #minecraft

    Insane Physics in Minecraft?! You won't believe it! #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft, de van fizika #minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftmoment #shorts #vicces #kovix’, was uploaded by kovix on 2024-07-22 11:43:07. It has garnered 106890 views and 4197 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Minecraft but with physics #minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftmoment #shorts #funny #kovix inspiration: https://www.youtube.com/@notvixios The server was provided by Woodcraft 💙 this is a minecraft smp, which is an abbreviation of survival multiplayer, this is a server where there is no bedwars minecraft game in Hungarian, I am Hun Hungarian, so this is mc in Hungarian, mc Hun, Hungarian server woodcraft is… Read More

  • Uncover Ultimate Arceus Location! Goodbye Pokemon! 😮

    Uncover Ultimate Arceus Location! Goodbye Pokemon! 😮Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT PIXELMON SIÊU CẤP *TẬP CUỐI | LỘC CHINH PHỤC ARCEUS TỐI THƯỢNG VÀ CHIA TAY TẤT CẢ POKEMON❗’, was uploaded by Lộc Zutaki on 2024-08-19 02:00:13. It has garnered 447526 views and 10839 likes. The duration of the video is 00:53:50 or 3230 seconds. ✔️MINECRAFT PIXELMON SUPERIOR *FINAL EPISODE | LOC CONQUERS THE SUPREME ARCEUS AND SAY GOODBYE TO ALL POKEMON❗ 📺Hello everyone, I’m Loc and I’m just a new Youtuber so I hope you can guide me and help me enthusiastically. 💒If you like the video, don’t hesitate to click the like button… Read More

  • Josh goes CRAZY playing God of War LIVE!

    Josh goes CRAZY playing God of War LIVE!Video Information This video, titled ‘PLAYING GOD OF WAR FOR THE FIRST TIME!!! (and minecraft later) *LIVE*’, was uploaded by Josh Bad on 2024-05-23 08:15:58. It has garnered 95 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 05:08:34 or 18514 seconds. https://discord.gg/cm2ZkkPS kick.com/joshbad twitch.tv/JoshxBad Read More

  • Surviving 2.5 Days in Hardcore Minecraft – FULL MOVIE

    Surviving 2.5 Days in Hardcore Minecraft - FULL MOVIEVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 2.5 Days In Hardcore Minecraft [FULL MOVIE]’, was uploaded by Sunny on 2024-09-01 21:30:04. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Okay bro. It’s time to be serious na. Im back now- Like im really back i have said it before but i mean it now. Yall ready for this grind … Read More

  • Furious Fortune: Ultimate Ender Dragon Battle! Who will win? #minecraft

    Furious Fortune: Ultimate Ender Dragon Battle! Who will win? #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Ender Dragon vs Minecraft mobs(CRAZY BATTLE)[Find the stronger] #minecraft #shorts #furiousfortune’, was uploaded by Furious Fortune on 2024-05-31 13:37:53. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Ender Dragon vs Minecraft mobs(CRAZY BATTLE)[Find the stronger] #minecraft #furiousfortune #shorts #battle *Disclaimer:* The … Read More

  • OniMc

    OniMcWhat is OniMC? OniMC is more than just another Minecraft server, it’s the start of a dynamic gaming network. We’re launching with the BoxPvP game mode, but that’s only the beginning. Our vision is to create a diverse network of game modes, ensuring there’s something for everyone. Why Play on OniMC? Early Access: Be among the first to experience OniMC by applying for early access. Help shape the server and contribute to its development before the official release. Community-Led Content: Your voice matters! We actively listen to feedback from our community to enhance and refine the server. Network Expansion: OniMC… Read More

  • Flare SMP – Semi-Vanilla SMP – whitelist

    Join a Relaxed Long Term Community! About Us: The Flare Community and its Flare SMP were founded on April 14, 2023, by Antimony_Sb and a creative director. The server offers a relaxed semi-vanilla experience in a mature environment without a planned end. What Sets Us Apart from Vanilla? We offer unique features such as Dynmap, Bolt, mcMMO, GSit, FlareDeathMessages, Pets, Cosmetics, Decorations, and more. We are an international community with English as the primary language. We have a summer event starting soon and are developing a second server named “Flare Adventures” inspired by MMORPG games. Feel free to drop by… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – MADE THE ATHER: THE MOVIE

    Minecraft Memes - MADE THE ATHER: THE MOVIELooks like someone needs to pass Minecraft spelling class before they start making movies. Read More

I Cheated using a HACKER in a Minecraft Build Challenge