I Died in Hardcore.. So I Made a Better World – 1000 Days [THE MOVIE]

Video Information

So I survived a thousand days in Hardcore Minecraft again I thought the best way to share this story was to make a long movie about it because a lot has happened if I can’t bounce back from losing my old world my career is pretty much over so the goal for this world is

To make it better than the last unfortunately but this story starts with an ending not a big I had a pretty long hardcore world I got well over 6 000 days and I built a ton of really cool stuff that I was very proud of but one day I just messed up

And just like that I didn’t have hardcore world anymore all of a sudden I found myself clicking a button that I really wasn’t expecting to click starting over felt really weird here I was with nothing in my hot bar stuck in a frozen Ravine for a second I

Thought I was actually stuck in there but then I saw some dirt I could reach so I towered up and discovered I had spawned in a village that’s how you wish your hardcore world starts right a bunch of hay bills and food for days well unfortunately these guys are really poor

So that’s not happening okay first things first I need some wood look at this guys there’s this deep cave right here that’s going to have all the resources we need to get started but I don’t think I’m ready to go in there quite yet maybe there’s some iron in

Here to get me started well that can wait I need some food first All right we got that out of the way now I need some iron your first bit of iron should always be a shield to make sure you don’t get blown up by Oh my God that that could have been it right there I better look around before I start smelting stuff well at least I got some armor and a bucket now I think it’s time to go down into the cave but these are not the caves I grew up with

Remember this guys yeah we’re going to need a different approach for this one that’s not the way to go so I made a staircase down to safely get into the cave and even though it’s just the second day I found quite a few diamonds down there and then a giant Lava Lake

Becky my old world the nether had been incredibly scary at first but over time as I got better in the game I became more confident and it wasn’t a scary later on so I decided to take a look and see what we had to work with here

Okay this sucks and close Ravines are not what you hope for when you go into The Nether anyway I have to go out of here because I’m out of food so I made my way up and spent the entire rest of day one at hunting and Gathering

Sugarcane while it was out there I found myself a dog so I took my new puppy Lou now we hopped in a boat and we made our way back home I had only found a little bit of food but it was turning to night time and I didn’t want to be out there

So I went back down into the cave to see if I could find more diamonds during the night when day two came around I decided to explore my world a bit more because I needed more food and maybe I could find a village with hay bales that would have

Us covered at this point in time as it was making my way around I realized how cool the area around my spawn actually looked but really look at these Villages here this is some of the most amazing Minecraft terrain I’ve ever seen and it would have a massive impact on what my

World would look like by the end of the video but we’ll get back to that as I was out exploring I found a couple of ruined portals these gold blocks are going to be very useful we’ll need to trade for a fire resistance potion in

Another by the end of day two I decided there was no point in Waiting any longer I had semi decent armor I had gold for trades and I had enough food it was time to go into the nether I would really like to have an ender pearl for extra security right now

Come in really handy okay now we need to look for some open terrain because I’m still stuck here so I break my way out of nether Ravine and dropped down into a warped Forest now as cool as these shaders look I decided to turn them off for safety here because the nether felt

Really scary and then as I looked around I spotted one of the supporting pillars of a fortress that was actually kind of a relief because the sooner we can get out of here the better if this biglin can trade us for fire rest motion we can safely get the blaze rods and

Immediately leave okay perfect let’s drink that up and Tower up there as I made my way up I realized I had gotten super luck here it was a blaze spawner right on the top so I dig through the wall and then I see it’s not one but two Blaze Spawners the

Thing is I didn’t know that as I made my way up there and even with the fire resistance it’s got a little sketchy there were about seven blades right on top of me and if there had been even a single Wither Skeleton as well I could

Have been in real trouble the moment I realized that I sealed up all the exits and a minute later I made my way back down with 10 blaze rods that seems like a victory but less than 48 hours before this moment I wasn’t worried in the slightest when I

Was in the nether but right now things were very different I was literally shaking at the thought that I could have messed it up here because I jumped into the blaze fight unaware of my surroundings I just wanted to get out of there as quickly as possible so I ran to

The closest room for what I could find and got back to the other world now this is where our Story begins to differ from any Minecraft Journey you’ve ever seen before because right now I am lost not just because I’m in a cave and I don’t know where my base is that’s

Easy just build up to the surface and we’re back on track the thing is when I started this world I made a deal with myself I was going to make the game as interesting as I possibly could that challenge came with a few rules that I’ll explain later in video but right

Here we just ran into one of the main ones you see I’m never using F3 in this world the reason behind it is actually quite simple my journey from here to my spot would be a straight line if I used coordinates actually every Journey ever becomes a straight line now that’s super

Convenient if you want to get somewhere quick but it kills the sense of adventure I can hear you thinking right now Looney that’s just goofy you know what maybe you’re right but for now just go with it we are going to share a couple of crazy adventures

During his first thousand days that only happened because I don’t use coordinates anyway I have no idea where to go right now the only thing I know for sure is that it can be very far because the portal I used to exit must have been within about 60 to 80 Blocks of the

Portal through which I entered the nether in the first place still one block in the nether equals eight blocks in the Overworld I could be up to 640 blocks away from my home the only way I get back there is by recognizing the terrain around me so on the night of A3

I started an adventure I climbed down the Mountainside turn my shaders back on and started looking for Clues now I had a general sense of which direction I had to go in back when I went out to gather food and sugarcane I had seen a lot of frozen rivers around

This area and had followed them all the way to the ocean I just had to get to the rivers and then follow them Upstream until I ran into a landmark I recognized and sure enough it took me a couple of minutes but eventually I ran into a

Split in the river that felt familiar as I voted up the river I found some XP orbs Left Behind from my food run and from there I knew where to go by the morning of day four I made it back without pressing F3 as I got back home I realized I was

Still processing the scare I gotten in a nether I felt shaky and even though it’s quite easy to get ender pearls into nether I decided to go to Safe route and trade with villager for pearls in the Overworld as I go to Sona Vlogs made those into planks then sticks and traded

For emeralds I realized that I needed another villager so I went on a journey to the Villages I saw earlier turns out those were on the way to the stronghold so when I threw my first I’ve entered the next day I only had to travel a few minutes before I found a stronghold

Location I dug into the stronghold through its ceiling of one of the libraries and very carefully navigated my way through the narrow corridors on the afternoon of day five I stepped through the portal to fight the Ender Dragon for the first time on this new world an event that’s always scary because

This fight is hardcore’s Big filter this is where you’re most likely to lose it and I still carry the Jitters of losing my previous World less than 72 hours ago so the first thing I did when I entered the end was Stir my shaders off and go

Full Focus before going into the fight I decided that it was more fun to do the full fight than one cycle to dragon with bats this fight is now a few months ago but I remember it so well my aim was awful in the first shot the nerves were

Real but once I started hitting shots it got a little better I was going to come out of here alive there was just no other option in my mind my mindset was fully locked in on slow and steady winster race so one sour at a time I

Shut down the crystals the first time the dragon birds on their nest I realized it too late and I didn’t make it to the center of the island in time the second time I was ready and waiting but so we’re a bunch of Endermen the whole situation felt very sketchy and I

Didn’t do a lot of damage on that first rotation to make things worse these Enderman ran into my line of sight and for a moment I thought I might be in trouble still in a panic mindset of a few days prior I decided on an awful Solution by running all the way

Out to the very edge of the an island to make sure the Enderman couldn’t hit me I put down a water bucket and I tried to kill him with my ax I hit nothing but air and then the dragon showed a fireball my way so I had to run for it

Without my water finally I made the right decision and I fought back the inner Mentor allows you to be really low already so one hit did it and I realized I should have just fought him right away for the second time in a few days I could have lost my

Hardcore world to trying to escape instead of fighting back I wasn’t playing by myself right now I was scared and scarred from losing my world and it would take me a while to recover from it as for this fight though from there it was just a dragon in me

Two perches later her health was completely drained and I was standing in the end portal as a credit started rolling I see the player you mean Looney yes I felt that this is one of the most emotional moments I’ve ever experienced while playing a video game I had lost

Something that I worked on for two years just a few days prior and now because I beat the Ender Dragon I was on the brink of a new adventure and this time it felt different it felt like I knew what I was getting myself into I knew what I was in

For this time around or at least that’s what I thought but I hadn’t realized that I lost a part of myself along with the world it would take me a while to figure that out but for now this was definitely a victory I have survived a

Very nervous fight and I was on my way to get an elytra the point in the game that I’ve often described is the moment where everything changes in the world really begins with that find out of the way I towered up to the Gateway to head open up made

Sure I had all the necessary resources place a trapdoor and squeeze through the narrow Gap to make my way into the outer end regions straight away there was a tiny density to my left but to get there I had to Bridge Over the void and I could see

There was no end ship at the city which meant no elytra so I decided to run off in a different direction hoping that the terrain would be easier unfortunately I got to the end of the Big Island I was on eventually and there was no better option than bridging over the void back

When I did this in my first world I remember my pinky finger cramping up from pressing down on shift this time around I decided to go for crash toggle I had plenty of blocks with me as well as my diamond pickaxe in case I started

To run out of books so I should be fine as I started bridging I almost forgot something I quickly ran back and grabbed some chorus fruit this can work as an emergency Fail-Safe in case I fall down if you eat a coarse fruit it will teleport you on top of any block Within

Reach and that means he stopped falling so I pressed my Crouch button and started bridging when I got to the other side there was plenty of area to run again until I got to another bridge I was moving through the end much faster than I was in season one though so after

About 10 more minutes of hopping through the end I finally saw a structure appear the thing is this entity was exactly as small as the first one I spotted since I had to bridge over there anyway I decided to kill the shooters before moving on quick Pro tip if you start

Floating use a water bucket to negate the levitation effect it is a game changer while in City rating almost right after I left the tiny City I saw another one rendering in on the horizon and sure enough this one had a ship my mindset was still very much safety first

So I quickly mined cement Stone to have a few extra blocks on hand and then I got ready to say goodbye to the early game as I made my way over to the city since I had chorus fruit in my Hotbar to teleport myself to the ground if I

Really needed to I was safe to Tower trade up if you approach from the front side of the end ship you’ll be out of detection range for the Shockers until you’re well on the boat so I made my way up ran in over to dragon head immediately rushed down the stairs and

After killing the sugar that guarded it I picked up my first set of wings just like that I was ready to fly my way into the mid game although that’s the debate will turn but we’ll discuss that later as is tradition I climbed the letter to the Crow’s Nest and arrived there and

Then I opened up my elytra for the first time this moment right here is the biggest game changer starting a long-term survival world once you get your electron the world is yours now the next step is getting plenty of diamond gear and a few more Elite shots

So we won’t run out of durability for a while once you have enchanted diamond armor the shulkers don’t do all that much damage anymore but with this mixed bag of diamond iron and my gold feather falling boots they are quite annoying so I chose to rate the chest by digging a

Hole in the wall while I ignored the shokers for the time being this moment always worries me a little bit flying deeper into the end looking for that second elytra there’s always the threat of running out of durability but in the next cluster of entities I found my

Second ship and from there it was smooth sailing I made my way out of the end with a bunch of elytress at the sound of diamond armor in tools and we were ready to move on to the next stage before we do that though I have to be honest at

This point everything was feeling way scarier than it did only a few days before I was clearly shaken up by losing my own world getting plastic first dragonfly and finding my light shot did help but I wasn’t feeling like myself right now well at least I could fly

Around and I was really looking forward to exploring my world but there were a couple of things that needed to happen first the very first thing I needed was an Enderman Farm to help me max out my enchantments and eventually repair my Elijah’s once I got access to mending

Most components for the Enderman Farm are really easy to get all you need is some building blocks leaves trapdoors rails and a minecart but then there’s one thing that can be a little tricky early on you see the way an element Farm works is you make a

Platform for them to spawn on then a drop shoot where they fall down and take fall damage to get them low you eliminate all the other spawning spots and then to lure them down you need an endermite just Out Of Reach the one issue is that this little guy will

Despawn so to prevent that we need a name tag now there are three ways I can think of to get us one of those first you can get them as a Master Level librarian trait but that’s too much work you can get them from chess and Minecart

Chests if you explore structures but I don’t feel like doing that right now and then you can get them from fishing this is probably the ones I will be doing this but let’s go so I Enchanted a fishing rod with luck of the C3 and got

To fishing I started In this River next to the stronghold but then somebody in stream chat said that the loot tables at Sea are actually better so I took the Lily bed out already called and went off to this ocean biome which looks like a lake but as helps definitely an ocean I

Don’t know for sure if the blue tables were better but a few minutes later we had the name tag so I made my way back over to the end and built up the farm around 130 blocks away from the end Island as long as you’re more than 128

Blocks away there’s no spots for the Enderman to spawn apart from this falling platform which will make sure you get maximum rates as long as the platform is big enough so how big is that I have no clue honestly but I believe mine goes 14 blocks out from the

Center and it does the job perfectly with the farm done I had plenty of XP so I got my enchantments for my gear completely sorted With a Little Help from this guy who provided demanding books so let’s see my gear is looking good and I haven’t Elijah to fly around

With that just leaves one thing to take care of before I can start making this world mine we are going to run out of rockets pretty soon so that means we need a way to get plenty of sugarcane and gunpowder to prevent that from happening it’s time to add two more

Simple Farms but there’s one issue right now I haven’t explored my world yet which means I have no idea where I’m going to build my base and that means that I don’t know where any of the Farms are going to go you see I just lost a

Hardcore world that I had for a long time and there’s a big difference between now and when I first started that world I know how I like to play this game now so all the things I have to do again I can do them better now honestly I have a pretty simple

Philosophy something I don’t like are messy terrain from Gathering resources bombs everywhere and ugly industrial zones and some things I do like are lots of resources to build with Farms to get all those resources an essential spot where I collect all that stuff hmm it

Appears that I want what I can’t have so what do we do now the solution I came up with was building a temporary mob farm something that we can remove later I put a simple sugarcane farm up above that farm so we had everything in one place

And with that we had everything required to fly around and look for a future base location this moment felt awesome with these Farms done I had the feeling that I had a hardcore Rod again I just needed to find a base location because let’s face it this world is full of

Possibilities right now but it is also pretty much empty that feeling of an empty world would soon change because I was about to build my favorite starter house that I have ever made before I start exploring though we need to talk about not using F3 a bit more because a lot of the

Choices I’ll be making in this video have something to do with not having access to all that information on the debug screen the most important things are probably coordinates game days light levels entity count and then there’s some more advanced ones like chunk coordinates and the C counter that

Nobody really looks at except for scientists and speedrunners we’ll struggle with all of these things at one point or another but right now the most relevant thing for us is the coordinates because I have no idea where I am right now the only way I can understand my

World is by knowing where things are in relation to other things that may sound a little complicated but it’s actually pretty cool the thing is not having access to coordinates forces me to create a mental map of my world that means I have to pay attention

You know what else is really cool later in this video we’re still going to figure out some coordinates without using F3 because eventually we need to link up nether portals for travel and Farms it turns out there’s almost nothing you can’t figure out in this game without using the F3 screen but

That’s for later let’s start flying around the world to see what we can find I just need a way to find my way back if I get lost now there’s a few ways we could do that the most obvious one if we make a compass that will always point

Back to World spawn for now that’s good enough we just have to make sure we stay relatively close to spawn if I keep everything closer together I have a much better chance of learning my way around the world I’m not really sure what we’re looking

For right now because there are a ton of potential cool spots to build a base I do have a few candidates though and I just found one of them this one is not too far away from our world spawn and it has a few witch hunts now I have always

Wanted to build a witch farm so it might be a good idea to keep this place in mind for a base location as I flew around a bit more there were some other really cool spots I found I found this crazy Mountain really close to where the stronghold portal is and then this

Mountain range which is unlike anything I’ve ever seen as it is situated in an ice spikes biome this one is located between the swamp and my world spawn now both of these were much less practical but they offered so much potential in terms of terrain just to make sure I wasn’t missing out

On anything I flew back to the swamp to take another look and my decision to not use coordinates gave me its first real present since I didn’t know exactly where to go I flew in the general direction that I remembered the swamp to be in as I made my way over there I

Accidentally drifted a little bit too much to the right while flying and that put this crazy Rock right in my path this is surely the biggest floating rock that I’ve ever found in a survival world Minecraft generation is just so weird this thing shouldn’t exist but you know

What I can see a really cool starter house on there so I think it’s time for our first real project one of my biggest regrets in my old world was not taking the time to build a starter house that I enjoyed coming back to so I knew that this time around I was

Going to spend as much time as it would take to get this right the very first step was building a framework on top so I could get an idea after proportions of the house getting proportions right is the key to making any build work if you get nothing else right except for the

Proportions of the individual Parts a lot of the time things still end up looking pretty nice with the frame on top done I flew out and I realized how small I was going to have to build now the problem with that is that it makes it really tricky to make the house feel

Cool while also managing to fit in all the things I’m going to need here then all of a sudden I had a great idea what if we use all the potential space inside of that rock there’s plenty of room to fit a whole house in there so I started

Mining out as many blocks as I could to create space until I heard a sound that I wasn’t expecting Against All Odds a zombie villager had spawned up here while I Was preparing to build the house this guy is spawning all the way up here was an awesome moment of

Inspiration if this moment didn’t happen I think there would have been a very slim chance that I ever got villagers up to the house during this short period that I’ve had this world there have been so many of these tiny moments in the game that could have very well been

Insignificant but instead they caused a butterfly effect that leads to something amazing further down the line there has actually been a moment like that already which leads to something much much bigger later on in the video for now this guy was secured in a boat for later so I could continue working on

The frame for the house I decided to add a tower to the top to better balance out the size of the rock without making the structure too bulky at this point the structure was about as tall as the rock itself which made for a nice balance

Feel and I was happy with the frame I just wanted it to be a little bit crazier a little more out there so I tried a few shapes in dirt until I had a roof line in place which my chat called the witch hat now this was the kind of

Crazy structure that I was looking for so I was ready to replace the dirt with actual blocks that worked in the pallet for the roof I added a combination of Oak planks and Spruce planks then I put the walls in place and decided where I would leave openings for Windows sure

Enough the house was starting to come together but when I started filling this section of the roof with stone brick walls I felt like that wasn’t it it really needed a splash of color to pop so I quickly built another portal into basement and I made my way through I’m

Thinking that Netherwood blocks from the Crimson Forest are probably the perfect fit here so I grabbed a bunch of those went back and as I filled in the witch had shape on the roof with the bright red Netherwood blocks they actually added a lot of character then I added

Some Oak stairs and fences to smooth out the shape shroom lights and Oak trap doors to make it stand out at night and that was the outside of the building done for now it was time to start working on the interior now it ended up

Taking a while but soon enough we had a storage room to work from an awesome looking entrance with bookshelves lanterns iron bars for windows and even some dark prismarine details then I filmed in some of the spaces in between added some flowers inside of the house and outside now that both the interior

And a lot of the outside details were done there was really only one thing left that needed to be addressed the house itself was looking good but it wasn’t connected to the mountain underneath so exactly as I promised myself I took some extra time to really

Finish it up I made a floating crystal out of glass magma nether quartz or Crimson wood and other Red Blocks surrounded by twisting dirt roots with glowberries all in all I really love how this place turned out this is the sort of place I’ll definitely enjoy coming back to

Hang on wait a second didn’t I say dark prismarine details earlier can’t you only get that from Ocean Monuments absolutely true so let’s go back in time a little bit to before I started working on the interior and I’ll tell you how we ended up in an

Ocean Monument but before we go on that Adventure let’s go over my main base project because we’re finally ready to start it now remember how we accidentally found the location for this house when I was trying to fly back to the swamp line earlier well I didn’t

Miss it by much you see here’s the house and here is swamp as coolest and house looks right now it has a pretty big downside as well after I put in the storage room and then at their portal there just isn’t a lot of space left there’s definitely not enough room to

Start building farms and as our world progresses we’ll have an ever-grow need for resources to build big projects so I want to build a base that is big enough to house all the Farms I need without them being out in the open after exploring most of the area close to my

World spawn I have three locations which I’m considering for the base there’s a shattered Savannah Mountain the ice Flags Ridge and the swamp thing is now that we’re ready to start construction I think it just makes more sense to build the main base around a special type of farm that we can only

Build in one place you see one of the things that I wanted to build in my old world but never got around to was a witch Farm they can generate a ton of resources but the most interesting ones are Redstone and glowstone and that sounds perfect right

Now because one of my main goals for this world is to incorporate more Redstone builds there is of course the issue of swamps not being the most exciting terrain imaginable to build a base in but I’m sure we’ll come up with some sort of creative solution now you

Can actually make these witch Farms really easily if you make smart views of the mob spawning mechanics let’s quickly go over how the farm Works they’re based on this unique structure that’s called a witch hut you can only find these in swamps now the Huts have an invisible

Bounding box in which no moms can spawn except for witches thing is it’s not as simple as building a system to collect and kill them getting the farm to work is a bit more complicated than that because witches are counted as part of the Hostile mom cap at any given moment

There can only be 70 All-Star mobs alive or new ones will stop spawning in so to make the most of the farm you want to eliminate every other respawnable space in the area the most common way people do this is by making an AFK position for their Farm high above the ground

Since Mobs Can Only spawn 128 blocks away from the player and these are the only spots within their range you’ll get the maximum amount of witches spawning in unfortunately that solution is not going to work for us you see I like the idea of having as much content for you

Guys in these videos as I can possibly get and to do that I don’t sleep in a world to skip game time and I don’t AFK at any of my Farms so if we can’t just stand on a platform high up in the air then how do we make sure we don’t fill

The entire mob cap with other mobs and witches the answer is straightforward the rules for hostile mob spawning a Minecraft are really simple if a full block has light level zero a mob will eventually spawn on there now at any given moment in time there are always a lot of Vlogs that

Meet that spawn condition in a standard survival world which is why you always find mobs in caves it’s always dark down there so the AFK platform on fireworks because the player is too far away from every full block with light level zero in the world except for the ones in the

Farm now we want our farm to work all the time while we’re moving around in the area there’s two ways to do just that the first one is to make sure that all the blocks are lit up because if there’s light everywhere then there aren’t any blocks with light level zero

Second way is to just make sure there aren’t any full blocks at all now that second method is both much easier and it’s way more fun so we’re going to use a ton of TNT to make what’s called a perimeter an area where all the full blocks are gone so there’s nothing to

Spawn on now on a technical level a perimeter is really cool but at the same time it does present us with another issue remember when I called the swamp ugly terrain now a massive Crater of exploded terrain clearly isn’t better but I’ll make a promise before the end

Of the video this place is going to look much better than it does right now even though we’re going to destroy it first so let’s start figuring out how we’re going to pull that off a straightforward option would be to take the witch hut as the center for our project putting the

Farm in reach response wherever we are in our base that’s not what we’re going to do here though because we’re actually in a very special location the fact that I’ve been able to find this is literally insane especially without knowing my seat or using F3 because that made me stay

Really close to World spawn while looking for my base what’s so crazy about this is the fact that there’s not just one witch out here but there’s actually two of them about 200 blocks away from each other and that means there’s an area in the middle between

Them where both Farms will be enraged which means double the resources this is going to take some serious planning honestly this place looks a little intimidating right now there’s so many things that are in the way of starting construction plus it’s really hard to design projects which are super big you

See here’s the problem when you’re working on a really big project and you’re standing on floor level you can only see a tiny part of the entire thing so close up it’s really easy to lose track of a bigger picture so I need to

Find a way to know if I’m inside of the actual project area without having to fly up and confirm all the time usually a circle of temporary blocks would do it but these swamp items are really hard to navigate luckily I came up with a crazy solution

For this issue and the best thing about it after this first small step the place is already going to look like a crazy project to build the outline for it I’m going to need a lot of dirt for temporary blocks so if we take this block as a center and then build an

Outline around it with a diameter of roughly 300 blocks everything should work out fine with the witch pawns because it’s so hard to walk around down below I’m probably better off building this reference lineup in the air so I towered up and I started building the

Circle but I got the count wrong and then I got the count wrong again as I was streaming I decided this was probably a good moment to take a step back and have a quick coffee break so I get a cup of coffee I walk up on my

Balcony and I take a moment to think what I actually want to do with this project because I started my outline for the perimeter but I wasn’t sure what the base was going to be like at all and then I thought about everything I’ve seen in this world so far and I

Immediately knew what I wanted to do one small moment of inspiration early on had cost of butterfly effect as I came back from my break I decided to solve two problems in one go with the project that I had in mind now A Perfect Circle actually wasn’t going to make any

Sense an organic outline would work much better that meant I also didn’t have to count anymore although I still had to pay attention to make sure the new shape roughly resembled the 300 diameter circle about 20 minutes later I have made my way around the entire outline

Okay that’s nice but it’s still not great I want to be able to easily see whether I’m in the project area and looking up isn’t exactly ideal but this is where my crazy idea I had earlier comes into play the only thing I need right now is a

Quick way to move this outline down to the ground and I have just the way to do it Ah that’s not it if we put a bunch of ice blocks on top of the dirt though and then break it the ice will melt and convert into a curtain of water that

Perfectly marks out the entire project area this is one of the most satisfying things I’ve ever seen but we are still a long whale from having a base at least I have a plan figured out at this point let’s quickly go over it so this is the

Outline I’ve built around the area once I remove all the terrain inside this area I have a ton of space to build up my Farms remember how I said I didn’t like Farms out in the open well that’s why we’re going to cover this hole with a massive Mountain covering everything

Up my main base will be on the mountain and the Farms will be underneath sounds simple enough right well let me tell you this will turn out to be way more challenging than I thought but let’s worry for later right now I was at the point where my world was starting to

Fill in I had most of my Essential gear I had a cool starter house I had an outline for my megabase project and with all of that progress I started to feel like this world was on its way to becoming special in its own right it

Wasn’t quite as cool as the other one yet but I could feel the potential of the world and that honestly was an amazing feeling so now that everything was starting to take shape I felt this was the time to go on a series of Adventures to gather important things

That were still missing the first item on that list was getting netherrite armor I had help off on this for quite a while but now that I had both my Essential gear and my starter house it was time to max out now the quickest way

I know how to get ancient debris is by TNT mining I had a little bit of spare gun powder for my mom farm that I had built for the firework Rockets earlier so the only thing needed to make TNT was a bunch of set together that I flew to a

Nearby desert that I’d seen earlier and I started violently swinging my job larad to make the most of the trip I filled up about 5 sugar boxes and took them to the mob farm to craft up the TNT there it wasn’t a ton but with nearly

Three stacks of TNT I made my way back to the house to get into The Nether and start looking for netherite before I made my way through the portal though I wanted to take fire resistance potions into The Nether thing is the two potions that I got from the piglin way

Back were long gone now and because the Blaze Spawners were located right where I had entered the Fortress I hadn’t made my way into the Fortress at all so I didn’t have any nether War chat I decided now is probably the moment to get that as well so it took a brewing

Stand and water bottles with me but my golden helmet with fire resistance on to protect against pigments and fire damage and as prepared as I could be at this moment I went instant nether to get blaze rods and netherworths from The Fortress so I made my way through the portal

As I flew up on the Fortress I realized I was more nervous than I had expected carefully I made my way through and I actually got everything I needed pretty easily you know my gear was pretty strong but my confidence was still shaken up and that made me extremely

Careful about every step I took which actually meant that I got nowhere close to any tricky situations a few minutes later I have collected all the resources I needed for the potions so I found a place where I could mine a staircase down to ancient debris level

And as I made my way down I made my potions right there on the spot with those in my inventory there wasn’t a lot that could go wrong so I started mining for the TNT now normally the strategy for TNT mining consists of two steps first you mine down to y13 to y15

And then you’ll find a chunk border using F3 plus G but both of those steps involve using F3 in a way that I didn’t want to so I had a little extra challenge to deal with to find y13 I had to mine all the way down to bedrock

Which starts on y4 and then climb 9 blocks up again that was easy enough as for the junk borders I could have found those using a map but I was honestly quite alright with having slightly lower engine debris rates instead I honestly didn’t need that much so once I knew

Where y13 was it was as simple as digging it too high tunnel filling it with TNT shooting in the first one in the line and hoping for the best 25 minutes later I made my way home with 23 ancient debris which meant I had enough for my armor set and my sword for

Now that would do nicely that just left three more things to tackle next up on my list I needed to get three Wither Skeleton skulls to get a beacon so I made my way back to another Fortress to hunt for skulls and the luck I got here was absolutely ridiculous with looting

Three you’re expected to get one Wither skull on average per 20 wither skeletons Guild as they have a five percent drop rate that makes it pretty wild that I got old free skulls in a total of 11 kills as me and my stream chat freaked

Out over my luck I flew back to my portal and got back to the Overworld to fight the Wither on the Stone Mountain close to my house as I was getting ready for this fight I remembered how the first wither fight had been the single most terrifying

Event on my season 1 Harker world so I wanted to make absolutely sure I was ready here as I was checking my inventory we even almost got canceled by this creeper wanting to blow up me and the Wither skulls but I spotted him just in time so I quickly handled the

Interruption and then I placed the third skull as the Wither was spawning in I felt a little nervous but the fight was different than the first time I fought it in season one in every imaginable way it was over before it had probably started and there was another major

Milestone across off our list next up I just needed blocks from my beacon pyramid but this one was a little more challenging you see Beacon blocks can be Iron gold diamond Emerald or netherite the problem is I don’t have farm for any of these just yet but I do have some

Resources from the NCD looting I did earlier on still that didn’t get us anywhere close but there is one way we can easily get all the resources needed since the 1.18 update you can find iron ore veins deep underground their mix of deep slate deep slate RNR and tough if

You’re lucky enough to find one and you have a fortune 3 pickaxe you can easily mine a full Beacon pyramid out of a single vein luckily I had already spotted one of those veins in the drift Zone Cave of red spawn so I made my way

Back there and looked for the vein in the cave when I found it I decided to set up a level 1 haste Beacon to help me mine it I just needed to make sure that the beacon beam could actually reach the surface so I dug up and then mined my

Way back down as I made my way to the bottom I realized I still need to denying resource blocks to power the beacon luckily there were some still laying around in my sponke from end rating earlier until I get ready to fly out of the cave but I realize that if I

Place a water bucket at the bottom and then fly out of here I can drop back in once we have the blocks so I fly out of the cave I put a marker up on the tree to make sure I can find the spot again and I fly to my spawn cave

Shuffle through the chokers looking for the blocks that I need and then I find them in this Barrel over here now let’s fall for a second guys I’m about 30 seconds away from dying and losing the world right here and I have no way of knowing that’s the case let’s see what

Happens so I leave the cave I Fly To The River and I refill my water from there I take off I fly to the mark Tower and I look down that hole to the cave where I’m gonna mine the iron van now I have no idea why but in this moment I’m so

Sketched out of the idea of jumping down there and instead I place the water on the top and gently floated all the way down to find out at the bottom that my original water source has turned to eyes I have never seen that happen underground but if I had jumped this

Would have been the end of the world which is absolutely crazy to think about you know what’s even crazier the world was still about to end two days later on stream in the craziest way you could ever imagine but before we get to that let’s finish this vegan mining trip

Mining out the orbane wasn’t very eventful but I will say this it was really enjoyable in about 40 minutes of mining with my fortune pickaxe I had a beacon pyramid worth of iron and I made my way out back to the swamp that just left one more Adventure before

We get to the crazy story that will ever happen in this world I would even take it a step further and say that it’s probably the craziest thing that will ever happen to me in Minecraft but first we had one last thing on the list you

See there’s a problem here a beacon is great and all but I don’t think we want to mine out this perimeter you see this shape probably has a slightly bigger surface area than a 300 block diameter circle but let’s use that number anyway if a square is 300 by 300 blocks that is

90 000 blocks total a circle covers 78.1 percent of that surface but that’s only one layer the lowest layer of the swamp is on y level 62 and we have to clear it out all the way to Y level -59 121 layers further down now if we assume

That ten percent of all that space down below is occupied by caves that leaves roughly seven million 654 581 blocks to be removed I think it’s literally impossible to do all of that by hand so we need a better solution we still need to use the beacon to remove these

Mountains because they’re in the way of the solution I have in mind to destroy the biome I’m going to use some awesome machines to drop infinite amounts of TNT out of the sky I activated so many of these things at the same time that it made my 3080 RTX graphics card crash you

Definitely want to see how that happened it was pretty insane now there’s one thing I didn’t consider yet dropping TNT on your Minecraft world is the best way to clear a huge area like this but there’s something that can stop these bombers from doing their job water or

Lava buckets protect blocks from TNT explosions that means this swamp is probably the hardest biome to clear out using TNT because there is literally water everywhere that doesn’t just apply to the surface of the biome either there’s a bunch of deep underwater Ravines hidden underneath now I can get

Rid of all that water by replacing it with blocks but these areas are just too big for one person to fill so I need a different solution luckily there is one way to remove massive amounts of water if I can just get my handle sponges I can use those to solve my problem

There’s only one place in the game where you can find those though that’s inside of the ocean Monument if you’re lucky and so it was finally time to go right to Monument I brewed up a bunch of water breathing potions climb the car on the

Edge of the swamp to get buckets of milk and then I flew my way back over to spawn with my diamond sharpening sword instead of the usual Smite art which was now not red I’ve seen a few Ocean Monuments earlier and from my spawn chunks I knew where to find them so I

Flew out to the ocean and I started looking for monuments having done this many times before I drank my potion mid-air and changed my elytra for my chest plate to drop right into the entrance of the monument there’s always the potential for tricky situations when you’re inside of Ocean Monuments but

It’s also quite easy to avoid them as long as you break line of sight with the Guardians you’re honestly going to be fine so finding this first Elder Guardian I did exactly that hit it once then swim behind a pillar to break line of sight and hit it again in this first

Room this fight actually wasn’t too big of a deal and I didn’t really need to take offer but the second Elder Guardian in his Monument was in a room filled with guardians now if you allow these guys to lock on and charge their beam attacks you can literally be dead in

Just a few seconds so here it is really important to swim around the pillar after every strike if you Circle pillar every Guardian in the room will break your line of sight at one point during that rotation so if you execute this strategy all right you can kill the

Elder Guardian in a room full of Guardians without any problems using this strategy I killed all three Elder Guardians in the monument and I just had to wait at the mining effect but soon enough I could collect the sponges and the gold blocks and Monument raid one was a success

But I still have plenty of potions left and there were more spiky fish in the sea so I flew onto the next monument and kept going two monuments later I had a stack and 47 sponges and I started making my way home this was actually the second time I went

On a monument run in this world but the audio recording for the first one was awful between the two trips I had almost three stacks of sponges to work with which was going to be plenty to get the project done right as I flew out of the ocean a thunderstorm started

This was a perfect moment to collect a few mom hats from charged creepers and I had come prepared even though I didn’t have a trident yet there were lightning rods in my inner chest for this exact scenario as long as you can keep the creeper close enough to the lightning

Rod you can get them struck by lightning which turns them into charged creepers and just like that I added another skeleton head to the collection the thunderstorm unfortunately didn’t last much longer so after this minor distraction I flew back to the swamp and I started removing some of the water but

At this moment in time I was unaware that my world was about to end in the craziest way ever during the same stream the day before I had cleared out all of the trees to prepare for today’s training operation and in a few batches of sponges we were making solid progress

Every time the sponges were filled up with water I made a quick trip to the nether to dry them all out just to repeat the process over and over again after a little while we felt like it was time for a quick break I was making great progress with the world and now

That we were working on the foundation of my first mega project I felt like it was time to conquer another great challenge we were going to fight another Ender Dragon remember how I defeated the Ender Dragon and it had opened up a gateway to the outer end well it does it

Every time for the first 20 dragonflies so to truly complete the end Island you have to defeat the Ender Dragon at once but 20 times to collect all of the possible gateways as I was feeling in the world and started to make it mine I felt like it

Was time to go and complete the end one fight at a time so unsuspecting I made my way through the end portal come to the Enderman form and started preparing for the end of the world without knowing it spawn in the dragon again you need four

End crystals which are made from a gas tier an Ender eye and seven glass we have done the second flight out of 20 already and I had five more of these end crystals in the shulker box so I grabbed four of them and made my way over to the

End Island to respawn the dragon I’ve done this fight many times before it in the elytra and I wasn’t worried about it in the slightest So I placed down all four end crystals on the Dragon’s Nest beams of light shoot up into the sky in a dragon starts respawning one Obsidian

Tower at a time the end Crystal started reappearing as the stage is being set for another ender dragon fight at this moment in time I realized that I might want some replay mod footage for this exact video you’re watching right now in case I did something really cool during

The fight so I fly towards the Gateway we had opened up with the previous fight I missed the landing circle around and land on top of it just as the dragon respawn animation is about to complete at that moment I save and quit reload my game start of replant

The fight is about to start any second so I charge up my bow aim at the first Crystal and I wait but nothing happens confused I let go off the bow and I take off with my Electra as I’m floating around the an island I notice how quiet it is

This is a really weird situation then all of a sudden I understand what’s happening we are stuck in a respawn animation the dragon isn’t spawning in at this point I honestly didn’t think much of it I just started trying to figure out a way to Unbreak My Broken

Game so shoot an arrow at one of your crystals and somehow the flame lets it top of the beams on fire but nothing happens as I look at what is going on for just a moment I’m excited about it I see all the beams up in the air and I think of

The cool builds we can make with that but that moment only lasts for a few seconds before I realize that there is no end portal back to the overall now we are locked in this Dimension until that Porto opens up so I have to find a way

To get it to open let’s see what happens if I shoot the crystals in the middle somehow I’m worried of the combined explosion of four crystals so I decide to shoot one from miles away as all four of them explode I realized that my presenters with a way out what if I

Craft new ones and restart the respawning animation again I believe I still had some gas tears in the sugar box where I grabbed the crystals from so I fly back to the Enderman farm and I started looking at all my shokers now I’m an optimist to a fault but I will

Admit I was worried this was Uncharted terrain my game was broken and I knew full well that if I couldn’t fix it we were done but it wasn’t over yet and if there was anything I had more done enough of it was time so I put all of my sugar boxes

Down and I started going over options add gas tears but no in her eyes then I spotted the blaze rods I was pretty much ready to start celebrating her Victory because blaze powder and ender pearls make in their eyes and in a moment I somehow thought you needed obsidian to

Craft a crystals rather than glass so I realized my mistake and I get slightly more worried because we didn’t have class we didn’t have scent to smell into glass and as far as I knew the color glass from the end cities wouldn’t work here at this point in time everybody in

My chat is trying to help me find Solutions and somebody offers the one size fits all eluni did you try turning it off and on again so I reload the game again but it doesn’t seem to help meanwhile I’m freaking out and so is my chat

Everyone is trying to help but so far there’s no solution inside someone has tried crafting crystals with purple glass which we could get from the end cities but indeed it doesn’t work there’s no way to remove dye from glass either so that’s not an option you can’t

Light nether portals in the end so that’s not an option either at this point I’m frantically going through my sugars to take inventory of all the resources we have available I have one end Crystal left but no way to make more I have a ton of Cobble deep slate some

Red stones some Spruce logs some iron some gold some Gunpowder now that opens up a lot of possible crafts but I can’t find anything that will do it I’m losing my mind thinking of solutions and then a possibility presents itself in my season 1 World I made this room

For which we pushed end crystals around with pistons if we can make a piston we might be able to move our crystals From The Towers back into the middle on the Dragon’s Nest and maybe just maybe those will re-trigger to respawn animation and then I realize I don’t have any Cobblestone

Now you can use cobal D play to make tools to set me and we can use it to make a piston too we tried but it turns out you can’t slowly I started to feel like I was running out of options to escape then I

Thought of one last thing what if I had left some Cobblestone behind when I was bridging over to Foy to get my first elytra that honestly might be worth checking out I have to be careful because we only have a little over two stacks of fire rockets in the end and no

Way to make more of those so I fly to the Gateway and I made my way to the outer end and sure enough the bridges are coal but they’re also made out of slabs which you can use to craft a piston either hoping against hope I follow my trail

Through the end maybe there is a small chance that I have dumped a few blocks of cobblestone in a chest to make room for the diamond armor I looted from the end as I made my way to the end City I start frantically going through all the chests but it isn’t here

There’s no Cobblestone which means that I can’t craft a piston which means no I wasn’t ready to give up on this world at all but it did seem like we were running out of options I made my way back to the Enderman Farm to check one

Last time as I was going through all my shulker boxes somebody in my chat said there was cobblestone in the soaker box that had all the Deep slate and there was but we were still one short one final check of the Shoppers there’s there’s just no way

We can’t open up the end portal with the things we have in here with a Blank Stare I looked at my shulker boxes I checked my Discord DMS because people were sending me possible solutions but none of it worked I tried to make an End Crystal with purple glass

Just to stop people yelling that was the solution I showed the pristine craft again with the Deep slate for the same reason there was no way this was it we were going to have to retire Hardcore Season 2. so what do you do if you lose your hardcore to a broken

Game or you leave it behind in style if I meant to live and is God Forsaken and dimension forever because of a broken game then I’ll live here in the best retirement home I can come up with under the circumstances there’s not a lot of materials to work with here but there’s

Something so with a bunch of obsidian and stone purple and some deep slate a little bit of iron and a tiny bit of spruce I did the best I could do in a world that apparently just wasn’t meant to be mine and in the end it looked pretty special

Still though I have never hated and loved this game at the same time as much as I did in that moment or at least that’s what I imagined it would have felt like if things had gone down like this but this is not how our story ends

As I was about to retire my world someone had spotted the beginning of the most unlikely of redemption arcs and because of it we were about to do the impossible I had forgotten about this but the very first time we had entered the end I’d used four cobblestones to Tower my way

Up the island as I was about to fight the dragon ball Zone was still there and one of the 1400 people watching my stream at the time had just seen it this didn’t mean we were out yet but it was a glimmer of hope so I crafted up that single piston

And I started very carefully pushing the end crystals around these crystals that get summoned as part of a respawn animation are what’s called Invincible end crystals you can break them I actually didn’t know that and in all the craziness of this situation I hadn’t realized that shooting an arrow at them

Did nothing so I was very careful as I started pushing the crystal swords the middle one at a time this took forever even though the process got more effective as we went on still it took well over half an hour to bring the crystals down to the Dragon’s Nest which

Settles up for your most suspenseful moment ever nobody in chat had ever been in a situation so nobody actually knew if what we were trying was even possible neither did I but we had to try so I got ready to place that last end Crystal the one that

We had left over all this time standing there I was ready to retire to season but I was also hoping that I didn’t have to and then It works it actually works it actually works we’re gonna do this I’ve never lived a more dramatic moment in all my hours playing Minecraft please please please let it work but then there was nothing come on Dragon I couldn’t tell if the dragon was already respawning because the old stuck

Animation was still in place I waited and I waited please let it work and then the transforming yes yes it works it actually works we are getting out of the end we are surviving this right at this moment the world was ours for the taking

So I took it I just have to beat the Ender Dragon and I’ve done this hundreds of times before final hit I used to kiss in the head just saved our entire world and as the dragon died our escape to the Overworld opened up this fight had just changed everything

As I respawned in my starter house I realized that this world was now really really special to me I’m never going to have another Minecraft adventure that’s quite as epic so it’s up to me to make this world count now before I had entered the end earlier

That day I was excited to start a big project two hours later everything felt different this world had just been lost and recovered because of three simple things determination refusal to give up and the awesome community of people that I get to share these adventures with that’s you because of that experience on

Losing the World by a fault that wasn’t my own and then recovering it together I suddenly felt like we were now sharing the most special Minecraft world I’ll ever have and I was determined to make it just that the first thing I did when we made

It out of the end is turned into nether portal room at the house into a museum display to preserve the items that had helped me to save the world there was of course that one piston that we used to kill the dragon but also a redstone

Block and a button there we had used to activate the Piston as well as all the stuff that we had used to bridge around the end as we were pushing the crystals down to the Dragon Nest this room marks a transition from a new world to a

Special world but as I flew out of the house the reality of the situation hit me it was really cool to see the water wall that marked our future project and I was even more excited than it previously had been about the double witch farm that we could build here but

The world felt more special than it actually was so it was time to double down and embrace the grind we had a swamp to get rid of let’s quickly recap what we need to do here I want to get rid of all the blocks in here down to

Bedrock so there won’t be any places for mobs to spawn except in which Farms that I will build here and here there are a few steps that need to be taken care of first though if we start building flying machines right now they will run into these mountains and blow themselves up

So before we do anything I need to flatten these out next up we have to get rid of all that Troublesome water that I mentioned earlier using sponges I went ahead and drained the entire swamp of all the water that I could find every time the sponges were filled up with

Water I made a quick trip to the nether to dry them all out just to repeat the process over and over again just a small task took me more than six hours to complete and at this point I worried whether I had taken on too much work but

There was no way back now making a Monumental base is going to take a Monumental effort with the mountains flattened and all the trees and water removed the biome was finally ready to be taken apart but I’m still missing some key components first off the main resource needed to build the flying

Machines is slime blocks to craft these you need to kill lots of slimes to obtain slime balls and there’s only two ways to collect those the first one is quite tricky but there are chunks in every world or a slime spawn naturally you can find those using external

Software like chunk base if you put in your world seat but I haven’t checked my seed because I believe a long survival world is more fun if you preserve a sense of adventure finding a slime check underground can take a little time and then we still have to build a farm lucky

For me the other option is easy because it’s right in front of us swamps have the unique feature that slimes can spawn on the surface at night since I have just fully cleared all the water there are tons of multiple spaces here since I don’t sleep in the world at all there’s

Plenty of time to fly up four spawns and chop these guys to bits with my looting sword my motivation was through the roof at this point and progress came very very swiftly we were quickly approaching the point where I was ready to start bombing out to buy them but there’s just

One thing that we still need to collect before we’re ready the one thing left to find is a coral reef using silk touch we can collect the coral fans which will allow the TNT to drop and stay in the same place at the same time while the

Flying machines move back and forth over the swamp I had seen a warm ocean a little while ago past the desert where we got all the sand for the TNT earlier the thing is I didn’t quite remember where it was and I was having trouble

Finding it as I was flying around I ran into a raiding party though naturally I took these guys out but I wasn’t quite sure if I actually wanted to fight a raid when I first started the world I wasn’t sure if I ever wanted to have a

Totem of a dying in my inventory at all but the miracle Escape after getting locked in the end had changed my entire perspective I now wanted to use every resource at my disposal within the game to make the most of this world I want this to be the Minecraft world that I’ll

Be remembered for while I was making up my mind about whether or not this was the right moment to get my first photo I mentally flew over a village well that meant I didn’t have a choice anymore this raid was happening right now so I quickly secured some of the villagers

Inside to make sure they were safe and then I started taking out the waves of attackers since I accidentally started right the timing wasn’t very convenient and as the sunset and more and more Hostile Mobs started spawning in I made it my priority to not get too close to

The fight with my Elijah I flew around in pixel the Raiders from a safe distance away slowly but surely I cleared all the waves and after successfully claiming Victory I picked up any totems dropped by the evokers these should at least come in handy to prevent me from dying to fall damage if

I ever do something stupid although nah I can’t really see myself doing that once I flew out of the village it turned out it actually wasn’t that far from the warm ocean that I had been looking for once I found the ocean I collected all the coral fans I would need using silk

Touch and I flew my way back to the swamp to start building the TNT flying machines there’s a lot of different ways we could set this up but I chose to go with the simple design of bombers that fly out a single line and then come back to make

That happen we need bombers on this side and then we need return stations around this side to send them back right that just leaves the matter of the witch Huts now I want to be able to easily see where these are located after we blow up

The entire biome now I think the best way to do that is probably encasing them in an obsidian box honestly we don’t really need a full box but I like the idea of unwrapping the Huts after we’ve destroyed everything around them so I made a quick trip to the end to mine one

Of the obsidian pillars and get the blocks I needed I’m coming back here later for more dragonflies which means the pillars will respawn but I don’t care about that right now once I had all the obsidian that I needed I made my way back to the swamp and prepared the huts

And with that we were ready to start thinking about explosions during the days I started setting up the flying machines while I spending nights Gathering more slime balls getting all of them set up took a while as I needed more than 60 flying machines took over the entire width of the perimeter but

Finally I was ready to send them off in a moment full of anticipation I hit the button and nothing happened I’m confused these should be working now oh I got it they’re still stuck to the dirt underneath the machines let me just remove that quickly if even just

Removing the excess dirt took a while because of how many machines we had ready to go but once all of the dirt was gone I could finally send them off as I was running along pressing the start button on a ton of machines I could notice my frames dropping I saw

Loads of TNT raining down on the biome excited I flew up to get a good view of what was happening and then I saw a bunch of Minecarts dropping down into the swamp Okay that’s an issue we need to tweak some settings usually I run the game on a fairly low

Simulation distance to minimize lag that’s not going to work right now because if the game unloads the Minecarts they are going to miss a beat and drop down with higher simulation distance the flying machines won’t end up outside of the area of the world that

I’m loading in so with a little bit of problem solving I was ready to continue and I decided that I had to try to activate all the flying machines at once now that they would say that was a bad idea I actually crashed my game a good few times during this

Even in replay mode after it happened but you know what guys it was just too good to keep from you so I struggled for hours to get you this replay more advantage of the giant bombing of the stone layers Look at this guys that’s a pretty deep hole I have run into an issue though you see how the floor is pretty flat right now the TNT won’t fall any further down before exploding we have reached the limit of what these bombers can do let’s quickly clear the water in this last

Section so we can finish bombing that down first often it is just a couple of source blocks that keep messing you up there that’ll do it honestly this was awesome but as quickly as a TNT shredded through the biome there was a lot of work left to do we hadn’t even made it

All the way through the stone layers this is a 1.17 update the world has gotten a lot deeper than it used to be so once we made it through most of the stone we were only halfway there there were another 64 layers of deep slate to blast through I could have let that

Discourage me but having a blast with this I’ve never seen a Minecraft world change so much in this short of a time frame and I wasn’t about to stop so I started taking all the flying machines and return stations apart as I removed the entire rig to a

Lower position we had to do the same thing once more and I was about to find out that the second run would be a lot more exciting before we got started with that second run I decided that it was probably a good idea to make another temporary mob farm for gunpowder we’re

Going to spend so much time around this project area and if I fly back and forth through the Old Farm we’re going to waste a lot of time long term and honestly these Farms are down before you know it so I just got it out of the way

We were ready to start setting up the second layer of Walmarts but before we did that I wanted to make my way back to the end again we still had some unfinished business there ever since we had made our way out of the end I had carried an escape kit with

All the possible resources to make my way out of the end if we ever got stuck in there again even with everything that happened I wasn’t discouraged from my quest to defeat 20 enderdragons and open up all the gateways I had defeated a total of 10 dragons by now but most of

The fights had been quite uneventful until I remember that it was possible to lure the Ender Dragon through the end gateways since we knew that we could restart the respawn sequence as long as I had enough end crystals to do it I wanted to see if I could fight multiple Ender Dragon at

Once so first we had to lure one out from the end Island the mechanic I intended to use for this is to drag and charging it as she leaves the nest after a perch after a few tries of me standing up on a Gateway I noticed

That it looked like she flew under the Gateway every time so I towered up a few blocks to see if that helped it felt like we got really close that time but she was still a little bit too low so I added two more blocks and sure enough on

The next charge she flew through the Gateway and disappeared I rushed for the nest as quickly as I possibly could and placed four more end crystals down to try and spawn in a new Dragon but once more nothing happened now this scared me because this was the

Only way I knew how to get out of here so I flew out to the outer end regions in the direction of the Gateway the dragon I’d gone through I turned up my render distance in the hopes of finding her and eventually I did together we flew back towards the Central and Island

Where the crystals were still in place and nothing was happening after a moment to consider I decided I didn’t care about fighting multiple Ender Dragons enough to try this again I was freaked out and I just wanted to make sure we could get out of the end again so I

Started bringing down her health until all of a sudden there were two dragons during the fight I had no idea where the second one had come from that mystery of the second dragon could only be solved using replay mod it turned out that we hadn’t just found one dragon out

In the end two dragons followed us back to the island with this AI being absolutely fried one of them got stuck under the island until it eventually emerged we were just minding our own business fighting a single Ender Dragon then all of a sudden there were two

My chat went absolutely Wild and the dragons collided with each other in midair as if two legendary Pokemon were fighting it out in front of our eyes for about two minutes it was the most epic fight ever but apparently fight wasn’t meant to be because of one

Of the Ender Dragons slapped the other one out of existence as they both purged at the same time yeah Ender dragons are kind of weird we killed the remaining dragon and with that we had broken the end once more and we had some epic replay mod footage to show for it

That was honestly such a cool adventure but it was time to get back to work over at the main base the second layer of bombers wasn’t going to build itself so I flew out of the end and we got to work initially I was a bit worried about the

Deep slate I had never removed deep slat with TNT so far and since it takes a lot longer to mine I half expected the blast resistance to be through the roof even then I’m sure the bombers would have made their way through considering how much TNT they drop just to be sure

Before I moved everything down I wanted to do a test run so I sent the first bomber on his way to clear the deeper layers while I use that time to remove some leftover floating blocks with the help of a slow falling potion that made

Landing on them a lot easier so I spent the next few minutes flying around and clearing leftover blocks while the TNT bomber ran its test run and you know what it destroyed the Deep slate just as quickly as it had gone through the stone earlier this was going to work just fine

And that meant we were ready to start setting up the second level of ours then I got distracted I decided to quickly take a look in a giant cave that got opened up in one of the side walls this place just looks super cool it even

Has a mine shaft in it curiosity got the better off me so I added into the mine shaft to take a look in there I spotted an exposed block of emerald deep slate ore which is literally the rare storm Block in the game in this moment it was

Hard to believe that I was about to find something much more valuable after making my way out of The Mineshaft cave I started taking down the flying machines that I had used to clear the first part of the biome it’s still early days so I need to recycle these

Materials to build the new bombers down there with the first Feud on I decided to clear the volume in segments while I took down the rest of the machines but as these first ones got to work I thought it would be a cool feeling to just stand on the edge and enjoy the

Progress for a minute as I was standing there looking down I saw something shiny I spotted some diamond ore and then some more and that made me realize we might be able to find enough diamond ore here to build a full diamond Beacon it would be a risky operation though getting the

Diamond door from down the air means we’re going to have to fly in between the reign of TNT and that’s incredibly dangerous I could easily die down there but a free Diamond Beacon I feel like I just can’t pass up on it with a little

Bit of Doubt left in my mind because of the risk involved I realized complementary shaders actually make it all lot easier to spot the diamond doors which means I don’t have to spend nearly as much time down there trying to find them Besides it guys I try and get a diamond Beacon while we get rid of the remaining layers of terrain but hang on for a second I’m getting ahead of myself here we have to move all the bombers down first the next couple of days were spent hunting for

Diamond Aura as I took down all of the bombers and rebuilt them on Lower positions and as the caves and rock formations that have been hidden under the sun slowly got shredded to bits around us the diamond beacons seem to be in range and then with the finish line

Inside I press pause on everything we were doing it was as if I overdosed some destruction around me I had never made this big of a mess in Minecraft before and had some trouble finding my balance with it all of a sudden I felt this overwhelming urge to add something to

The world rather than take away from it I realized that at the beginning of the world I had imagined that I would live peacefully in this world appreciative of everything that surrounded me if you looked at my world right now that wasn’t what this place looked and felt like at all

So I decided to fix something about this mess even if it was a tiny fix so I took an hour or so to upgrade what could only be described as my sugar box plateau back when we started working on the project I had made a nether portal here

To dry out my sponges while we were removing the water from the swamp over time I had also put down a few sugar boxes with materials up here but it was a mess so I decided to do something about it starting with an oak log frame

Around the nether portal I built up a storage Tower to overlook the construction project because the hill that it was placed on wasn’t all that big the storage Tower was a relatively small build as well that means it’s a little more challenging to keep it from getting blocky and square using walls

Rather than full blocks in between the logs helped a lot to add some depth in the end the magic is always in the details though and as I put a flag on the top built a spiraling staircase around the mountain and decorated with leaves and copper the tower started coming to life

As I flew out to take a look at my tower I felt what is probably best described as relief at this moment I should have recognized the science but I didn’t it would be a little while longer before I understood what was wrong with the tower done I figured it was probably a

Good idea to check how much progress I had made towards the diamond Beacon so I took all my diamond ore that I had mined up to the top of the mob farm that I rebuilt here I towered up 24 blocks to make sure I wasn’t too close to generate

Spawns I was running fairly long gunpowder for Rockets So having a couple creepers spawning in would be a welcome bonus well I mined all the diamond ore using Fortune 3. I ended up with an absolute ton of diamonds which after crafting them into Blocks made for a

Total of two stacks and 13 diamond blocks that meant I was still 23 diamond blocks short it was going to be a really close call so I started up the last few machines and paid close attention to the blocks that were being exposed as they flew back and forth even though I didn’t

Really care about the diamond Beacon when we started I now took some of the biggest risks that I had taken so far and flying through the TNT but I didn’t get into any real bad spots and by the time that the last bomber came to a halt

I had a bunch more diamond ore so I flew up to the top of the mob farm once more and mined everything I collected 10 minutes later I was the proud owner of a diamond Beacon actually I was the amused owner of a diamond Beacon people

Have mined for days to get their hands on one of these to show off to their friends it here we were with a giant crater just like we planned and a free Diamond Beacon to go with it I was feeling on top of the world but then as I took a

Moment to look around the reality of the situation hit me this was bad I had made one of those Minecraft worlds and I hate it was all function and no form all efficiency and no content all I had accomplished so far was a starter house a storage Tower and a whole lot of

Destruction to make sure my Farms would perform well this was not the world I’ve been dreaming of sure it was a step along the way but maybe I was trying to go too fast here maybe I needed to take a step back before we took another step forward

According to my plan the next stage of building a base was to get a snow Farm going so I could start working on the mountain that I had in mind to cover this giant hole back up but Pride as I was about to set up my snow Farm I

Remembered something I had seen a long time ago just in time too as this thing we were about to do would put us back on track do you remember the three options I had for my base location we had the shattered Savannah the ice spikes and the swamp

So out of these three options I had chosen the least interesting terrain and then I made it worse this is going to take a lot of work to make it right it is so much smarter to work with the terrain rather than against it but I destroyed everything

So what if instead of putting the snow Farm in here where we’re surrounded by kales right now I put it in a spot where it’s naturally going to look cool and with that thought in mind I made my way over to the ice spikes by him and I spawned in a Snowman

Now the way snow Farms work is actually pretty simple if you have a snow golem in your world they spawn in snow layers on the ground underneath them if you aim on that block you’re standing on you can collect those layers with a shovel either as snowballs which you can use to

Craft snow blocks or as snow layers if you use silk touch I would be needing both of those later but there is a little trick you can use to make this a lot more effective you see the Snowman can fill up to four blocks with snow

Layers at one time as long as you’re standing on the edge of the block so if you get them to stand on the corner of an elevated slab you can shovel two layers at the same time by aiming right on the overlapping pixels this Nifty little trick doubles the effectiveness

Of your farm with almost no extra work so we had a farm in place but then I decided to not go to simple route and just leave this out in the open or enclose it in a small square box it was time to build rather than destroy so I

Took my time to build a cool Tower around the snow form that started with the frame and the cool thing about it was that I I could get the resources right from the farm itself eventually I needed more resources to make it look good though so I went on a little quest

To collect the things I need And now that I had all the resources ready I could start construction on chedderson Junior the Fifth’s home this little guy is actually the only thing tying my season one world and this world together maybe you remember this ice castle in which three snowmen met their unfortunately nice Neil World accidents

Happen I guess but I was going to make sure that history would not repeat itself in this world at least that was my intention but before I even finished building the frame we were onto chatterson Junior the sixth after an unfortunate incident involving a skeleton other than that the

Construction for a farm went pretty quick I wanted it to fit with the biome around it and look really cold so the main building blocks were snow and ice something that would turn into a bit of a pattern as we progressed then I added some warped stems as an accent which

Works especially well in complementary shaders and finally I added some diorite slabs stairs and walls to add details and a little bit of texture to finally a couple of sealanters from the Ocean Monuments on top made for their perfect Finishing Touch that’s it this place actually looks awesome and that

Somehow made the mess over at the main base all the more painful sure we were making a ton of progress and I had even set up the first of the witch Farms a little while ago it was a shifting floor design by ill mango which detects if

There’s mobs in the farm and then pushes blocks back and forth now because the soul set here is slightly lower than the stone it glitches The Witches into the stone blocks causing them to fall through the floors into the killing chamber the farm was awesome but the

Area as a whole well it looked miserable looking out over all the destruction it felt like I might have taken on too big of a project too early on in the world maybe it could have helped to get a bit more settled before starting a huge operation right now the situation was

Simple though there was nothing to it but to do it we needed to seal this hole up as quickly as possible and it would help a lot if I could come up with a way to find the fun in it and then as I sit there my gay shifted

Up and I knew what to do it looks like the only cool thing here is a diamond Beacon right wrong expensive beacons are boring so in a classic loony operation I’m going to trade this diamond Beacon or an epic Snowy Mountain now I have a small confession guys we could clearly just do

This with mending shuffles but it wouldn’t be nearly as much fun the stupidity of trading a diamond Beacon for shovels for a mountain and me super excited to go and work on it so I’m going to need a ton of enchanted books to get all the required shovels the best

Way to get those is definitely librarian villagers and the perfect spot to keep your important villagers is at your house now this all sounds pretty straightforward right well it’s not that simple you see stealing villagers away from their homes is a barbaric practice so we can do that that means we just

Need to find a couple of zombie villagers get them up to the house and cure them up there there is a bit of a complicating Factor though there’s only one way to get them up to my house and it is a risky mode of transportation okay getting them up there is too tricky

So what if we make a platform up above the house and then we can drop them down in a boat now it took a few nights to make the platform big enough and get all the village response that I needed but eventually we got it so I have three

Zombie villagers ready but then these guys showed up I quickly got rid of them and then got a bucket of milk because I really don’t want to spawn a revenue in my house right now okay it looks like they are ready to go but it’s a pretty steep drop we could maybe

Use Minecarts or build a ramp for them just to make sure we don’t lose any of the villagers you know what I really don’t want to build a staircase down this is just gonna work out this is this is definitely going to work out zero problems there you see easy uh wait let

Me fix this I’ll be honest guys I actually thought that I killed him but somehow this worked out now I just need to cure them overall things were going really well with the Villagers and this guy offered me Unbreaking three for a single Emerald that meant I just needed efficiency for

Silk touch and a way to make plenty of emeralds after cycling everybody’s trades by replacing their workstations we got all the Librarians we needed plus amazing villager who will buy clay balls and that is gonna work perfectly because a little while ago I found this Lush

Cave nearby so I think we’re ready to start getting our Enchanted shovels and that’s when I started a crazy cycle of trading clay for emeralds emeralds for bookshelves and enchanted books then flying back and forth to the end to combine books and shovels Emerald started running out so I got more clay

Than insects more bookshelves more books more emeralds more trades more channels until finally I found myself back at the snow Farm in front of shookers full of enchanted diamond shovels I was ready for the third step of my loony operation we had to collect a Mountain’s worth of snow and I gotta say

After all the destruction over at the main base it was quite a relief to be able to get all the blocks that we needed for the next date without having to shred another biome so far I had caused a lot of Destruction but I vowed to repair everything from the crater in

A swamp to the hole in the ground nearby where we had get our older dirt for the initial outline everything except for the desert where we’ve been Gathering sand earlier but honestly I’ve kept that place looking pretty nice at least if we compared it with the desert

Where I’d gather 10 in my previous world so I told myself that one was quite acceptable for now we were shuffling away at the snow Farm which meant our environmental impact was very minimal although the farm was great getting all the blocks crafted up was actually a ton

Of work after a few inventories I had figured out a way to go about it but I spent a few hours total collecting and crafting up snow blocks before we would finish up the mountain for now I was a few Diamond shovels down but had enough blocks to start building

So the first step to getting this mountain project built up was figuring out the shape as always I did that by building up a framework as I built the first couple of lines I realized that the mob farm boasts a question I built it out of dirt so we could remove it

Again later but I wasn’t quite ready to get rid of it and the whole point of having it in this location was that it would generate gunpowder as our resources while we were working in the area so I think we’ll decide on keeping it or getting rid of it all together later on

For now I wanted to make progress so I chose to build the mountain around the farm for the time being now I think the best way we can do that is sealing it up in a snow tube and then we can remove the roof overhead I’ve

Done the sides but I just realized it might be smart to leave it open for a bit in case I want to convert it into a creeper Farm later gunpowder is easily the most useful thing we’re getting here so I had the farm sealed in for the time

Being and a part of the wireframe none and that’s when I realized that this whole project is going to be a lot more complicated than I thought we’ve destroyed all the blocks in the area which means that the blocks we’re placing now are the only spawnable blocks and you know what happens if

There’s only a few spawnboard locks in an area you get a mob party and I really don’t want that so I should probably get some snow layers to spawn previous right away if you use silk touch here you get snow layers instead of snow walls now snow

Layers are actually really cool a single snow layer doesn’t really do anything but if you put two or more on top of each other they will prevent mobs from spawning so if we cover this line with snow layers it’s safe right the frame is starting to make sense the farm is doing

Really well too let’s remove the roof of the farm because the top of the mountain will provide the shade we need okay so these lines are going all the way to the summit I actually don’t know how high up we are right now I need to know how much room

We have to build up further before I decide where the top of the mountain is since checking my y level with F3 was no option I towered up until I couldn’t go any further and as I reach the build limit I couldn’t go any higher up so I

Went out to check what it looked like I really liked what I was seeing it is a tall mountain but we still have enough room to build a base up there later for now I’m just going to fill in this Summit so the mom Farm keeps working

And with that we had a start to our framework progress feeling good and honestly at this point I wanted to do nothing except for work on that mountain frame so we got closer to sealing off this monstrous pit of Destruction but as much as I

Wanted to keep working on it I first saw a bunch of hurdles and bottlenecks in the near future you see even though I was struggling with the skill of the project and the message I had made the plan itself wasn’t bad building all my farms in this area where

I was spending so much time to clean up now and will be spending so much time to decorate in the future it is going to give me all the resources I could dream of for future projects but for that plan to work it is important that we build

The right farms at the right time and if I think about what we’re going to need for that there are a couple of resources that we are going to be needing time and time again as we set up our Farms so it’s probably smart to start solving some future problems before they smack

Is in the face it is time to start thinking about some serious industry you see Farms need lots of Hoppers and without an iron farm we won’t be able to afford that so let’s see what we need to get an iron farm set up essentially what

An iron farm is is a simulated Village but not just any simulator Village a simulated village with a safety hazard if villagers think that they’re in a village they will try to protect their Village from any threats but these guys guys aren’t great at combat themselves

So if they feel like they’re in danger this guy comes into the picture villagers will spawn an iron golem if they see a threat and there’s no other Iron Golem in the area so to farm the Iron Golems we need villagers we need a threat and we need a way to quickly kill

Any golems and collect their resources that all sounds simple enough so let’s start with the first one we need a few zombie villagers to find these I’ve removed some torches on the bottom of our massive pit of Destruction so hopefully we’re going to be able to find

A few at night after we get to we could breed the villagers but honestly there is just something wrong about keeping a bunch of people in a pit waiting to help you so I chose to do it the hard way it took me a few nights but eventually we

Got enough zombie villagers to start up the farm I just seem to cure them now but I’m running out of gold for golden apples now at some point we’re going to have to build a gold Farm but building a gold farm for me is going to be quite

Tricky because I don’t use F3 so I’ll do that a little bit later for now I just want to keep going and I know a place where we can easily get a bunch of gold the problem is it’s a scary place you know what we’re going there anyway

So I dug into this Bastion from the top with the idea that if something happened I could just fly out through this hole I made my way down very very slowly killed every pigling I saw from a safe distance away until I made it to the gold

And for my efforts I came away with a sweet bonus of two netherite ingots awesome the trip to the Bastion had been scary but it had been worth it as well with plenty of gold for golden apples I brewed up some potions of weakness cured all the villagers and build up a simple

Iron farm I put a zombie in a water source which makes him bounce up and down now this is something really interesting it breaks line of sight between a zombie and the villagers now the thing with villagers in Minecraft is that they have a worse shorter memory than your average goldfish which means

That if they don’t see a zombie they forget that they’re scared and this allows them to sleep every now and again for a split second and as long as these guys all get their power nips you don’t have to worry about your farm breaking

Now I needed a fair bit of iron to set up my next farm so let the farm work and I focused my attention back on the mountain as we kept grinding out the progress I placed a ring of snow blocks all around the mountain and started connecting it to the inner ring to

Divide the massive project into smaller segments slowly but surely the frame started filling in and it was extremely satisfying to see the progress until I realized I was building an accidental mob farm remember how I explained that mobs would spawn on full blocks with light level

Zero well we removed all the blocks in this area that met their condition but now that I was placing new blocks these are the only spawnable spots and that means they will spawn entire armies of mobs and they did There’s mobs spawning all over my Mountain

Um that’s not good to fix this I made another trip to the snow Farm to break some more shovels as I collected a bunch of shulkers filled with snow layers placing all of these took forever but eventually it fixed our problems but at the same time it really didn’t

Apparently a project of this skill just keeps throwing more problems at you here’s the thing I need to make sure I cover the entire mountain and a block of snow with or without snow layers looks pretty much the same so we need a way to clearly mark it what was that

Oh you can help me out okay awesome let’s do it I’m setting up the sheep farm right here up in the air the location probably looks a bit random right now but this will start to make sense later on I’m absolutely certain sheep farms are pretty simple if a sheep

Gets sheared it needs to eat grass to regrow its wool and it will do so within a second because science so if we put a sheep in a box on top of a grass block and an observer looking into that block we can see if the grass changes to dirt

Or back to Grass just make sure that there’s another grass block next to that one to spread new grass after it gets eaten if you put a transparent block on top of that one it never refers back to dirt now every time this Observer sees a

Change in the grass block it will power the block behind it which Powers red soil on top of it which Powers this dispenser as shares in it and there you go but I hope our Minecart under that to pick up the wall and you got yourself a

Wool farm with a wool from this Farm we can now Mark out which areas of the mountain are already spawn proofed but it’s going to take a little bit of time before it’s ready to put that time to good use I built up an automated melon and pumpkin farm right under the sheep

Farm this one actually works pretty much the same but instead it activates Pistons to destroy the crops when they grow the resources from this Farm are going to be my main Emerald trade for the near future the wolf are meanwhile hasn’t quite stacked up on blocks yet but I

Realized that I can use the string from the general mob farm to craft wool in the meantime now this is not the most efficient method but at least we can keep working on the mountain so I took the wall marked out an area I had already spawn proof with snow layers and

I felt like it was back on track until I flew under the Manson it turned out that there were now a million mobs down there I hadn’t properly thought about this I knew that the imperfect rough surfaces on the side were going to be challenging

But I had a pretty decent plan for it I was thinking of building tall stone walls with torches on the back side to Lighty spots up but now that I’ve started construction on the mountain overhead it seems we need to start building those right away or I’ll surely

Have creeper solving on my head so I got to work building up the wall and putting torches behind it this seemed to fix my issue as we weren’t seeing any mobs behind the wall but it was a pretty slow process until someone in my chat offered up the perfect suggestion what if we

Used falling lava to cast the walls in place a flowing lava gets touched by water it will turn into Cobblestone this lava casting as people call it is often used to grieve houses on smps but in this case it could actually save us tens of thousands of blocks that needed to be

Mined and then placed back I just have to figure out how to do this cleanly and that took some trial and error but I think I got it three blocks of lava with a gap in between allows me to Tower up in between the Cobblestone walls while placing torches on the

Backside that means I cut down the amount of blocks that I need to place by 75 digging a one block white hole at the bottom where the lava is going to fall prevents it from spreading everywhere and creating a huge mess now everything was good this massive just looks super

Cool and honestly we could use the lava as light sources if it wasn’t for the extra lag it would add to the base since leaving that wasn’t a real option I poured the water anyway so we ended up with a cobblestone wall all the way around this was the smoothest operation

Ever it was crazy except for when I changed my elytra for my chest blade on muscle memory midair while reading chat that wasn’t pretty when the walls were casted I decided that it was probably time to convert the general mob farm to a dedicated creeper in spider farm the bones could still be

Pretty useful but I really didn’t need any more rotten flesh at this point luckily changing the farm was really easy the only thing we need to do to stop this Farm spawning skeletons and zombies is add trapdoors to the bottom of the spawning platforms the thing this

Does is it reduces the available height to a little less than the two blocks that it was which means there’s now only enough room left for the slightly shorter creepers and the well very flat spiders with that fixed all the frames that we need right now are working so

We’re free to continue working on the mountain it is time to start making some real progress as fast as I could I started placing snow blocks but every time Knight came around the segments that I had just built started filling up with Mobs again to prevent creepers from

Blowing up the Manta while I was placing snow I started working on the more vertical sections during the nights this strategy worked for about a day until mob spawning started to get insane again I really have to keep up with the spawn proofing but it’s hard to keep track I

Need a second color of wool for markers right now we have only marked the areas that are done but I need to be able to see which areas I’m going to work on next as well so I quickly built up a flower farm for guy which gets me blue

Orchids because we’re in swamp biome and these are actually my favorite small flowers in the game and if you convert them to die you end up with light blue so use that to color it all which I got from the sheep farm this time the light blue segments are the areas of the

Mountain that I have to spawn proof next with that I had a lot of structure through the project all of a sudden the mountain was starting to fill in and I was making a lot of progress something still felt off I just I just couldn’t quite pinpoint what it was when

I figured it out later that Insight honestly changed everything let me tell you a quick story in my previous hardcore world we have celebrated many Milestones with different fireworks setups around the world looking ahead to a thousand days in his new world I realized that the Mountain Base wouldn’t be ready for the

First big milestone here so that meant there was only one spot where the fireworks setup would make sense I had to build a firework system in my starter house but if you remember that starter house is quite special and it doesn’t have a lot of space to have enough space

To build at all I cleared out the inside but in most places I literally left a single layer of Stone from the original Rock after decorating the insides there isn’t a load of room to build a firework setup at all now when I started the

World I said that one of my main goals for this series was to get better at Redstone so this moment presented an awesome challenge this was an opportunity to fit in a compact Red Sun system which is something that I had never been able to do yet

I walked around that basement a bunch to figure out how we were going to make this work and then I realized the basement offered just enough space for a simple Hopper clock and a leveraged to start it but there was no room anywhere to carry signal up to the top floor

Until I remembered well my friend crafty mastermen sold me about leaves being able to carry a red Sun signal you see leaves have an invisible value that registered how far away they are from a piece of wood a servers are able to see a change in that value even if we as

Players can’t which means we can use the leaves on the outside of my house to carry the signal up Purina the fireworks turned out awesome I looked at it and smiled Smiles started to fade it made me realize something very important I was not having a good time over at the mountain it take us so long before the Mountain Base is going to have that same exciting feeling as his starter house and I don’t want to have a world that feels so empty

And soulless for so long so I decided that the spawn proof he had to wait for a little bit I just wanted to get rid of that ridiculous hole of Destruction in the middle of my world the mountain needs to cover that hole we made earlier and everything else can wait now there

Is one thing that would speed up that process by quite a lot something that would make it a lot less tedious I realized that I had to get Swift sneak from the deep dark I really didn’t want to do this this place was very scary to me right

Now but we had no choice I had to go look for an ancient city but I was not going to go in ill prepared I was taking this very seriously the thing is losing my old world still feels pretty raw and I still really hate

That I messed up in such a dumb way there were still so many plans that I will never get to finish but at the same time that world as a whole feels like a very positive experience and in a way I’m okay with it being gone but losing this world right now I

Imagine would feel way worse because I feel like the world is empty besides my starter house there wouldn’t be a lot to firmly look back on just a bunch of lost potential so this trip to the deep dark cannot be the end of this world

As I sorted out my inventory I took all the totems of undying that I had and I collected both of my enchanted golden apples with all of this stuff I was as ready as I was going to get right now so I took off and flew away from my home

The ancient city spawn under Mountain biomes so I started looking under every tall mountain I could find luckily there are a lot of them in this area but I’m not entirely sure how rare the ancient cities are one mountain at a time I dug down and explored the cave systems I

Found with a red wool I marked Every Mountain that wasn’t it and unfortunately the first stream it’s always place a load of wool but I didn’t find the city the next day though I had better luck I found myself in a cave system and consisted of parts of dripzone cave

Interlaced with huge skulk veins as I explored it I came across a mine shaft which led note so I made my way back to the driftstone area where I found a tunnel leading down into an ancient city feel the nerves rising up I hadn’t done

A lot of studying to get ready for this but I figured that if I approached it slowly and carefully I should be fine but I would be lying if I sat that I wasn’t a little worried so I took my sweet time to organize my inventory and

Grab every totem of undying that I owned plus plenty of War slowly I started making my way down towards the city placing torches as I went it did not help my nerves that even something as Tiny as placing down a torch can activate the sensors I was

Going to have to be really careful so before getting rid of the first Streaker I took a couple seconds to make sure there wasn’t another one nearby that would pick up a noise so far so good standing up on the ledge I took a moment to consider my Approach some people in

Chat were telling me to fight a warden but for me it wasn’t even on the table if a warden were to spawn in I would fly out of here as quickly as I could with no hesitation I don’t think anybody watching a stream really understood how

Much was a stake for me this wasn’t just about the potential of losing my progress it was about losing what I felt was the most special hardcore world I will ever have sure enough the other one was really long and we had some cool builds but this one it’s just feels

Different this whole adventure of getting stuck in the end being ready to give up and then still making my way out Against All Odds it had changed everything for me and we weren’t going to lose it here I mined down the skull Streaker by Bridge around the wool and

Got closer to the first chest if this wasn’t the first chest I’m sure it would have been a disappointment but even just finding some scope blocks felt really cool still this wasn’t what I was looking for all I really want is a swift sneak 3 book with that I’ll fly out of

Here as quickly as I can the next just didn’t have anything special either but at this point I started noticing there was a lot of wool that naturally generated in the city so I was able to get around a bit faster in the next chest I found an absolutely ridiculous

Haul but I realized that I didn’t need it so I left it there normally I’m sure I would have taken this as a collectible but right now I wasn’t thinking about anything outside of not spawning Warden and getting what I came for before running into trouble carefully I kept making my way around

And I found the next chest but this one had nothing useful except for this fragments after that I had run out of wool so I flew up and reorganized my inventory to get more blocks even just flying around with your elytra can activate the sensors and streakers

So I carefully made my way back down as I approached the next chest at this point I started to get worried I really wasn’t looking to explore a ton of ancient cities just to find a book this was stressing me out even though I was feeling actions I was

Also getting a bit more comfortable with the environment which led to my first mistake that was the first streak and I didn’t even get to open the chest yet carefully I made my way back and I tried again even with a wall of wool in front of it

The sensor still heard it and it carried the signal to the Streaker on the other side of the wall we were now in two strikes and I wasn’t entirely sure whether the next one would summon a warden or if we had one more chance left here we could easily reach the exit of

The cave but I still needed a book so I slowly made my way back down there and I kept exploring but I was more careful and made sure I spotted every Streaker and sensor before I accidentally stepped one again the next chest I found I made

Sure to fully seal it in with a wool before opening it up I checked the way out of the cave in case I wanted to fly and once I had the entire Escape Plan figured out I opened up the chest and there it was I somehow wasn’t expecting

It here but there was the book I had come down here to risk everything for it had been over 10 minutes since the Streaker had gone off twice so I checked a few more chests and I even found a second book but no enchanted golden apples unfortunately with the loot I was

Hoping to get I left the ancient city but before leaving the mountain itself behind I made a giant red arrow pointing down at the dropshield leading into the city just in case I wanted to find my way back here later as I flew back towards a Mountain Base I slowly calmed

Down I had been down in that ancient city for almost an hour that’s how slow I took it and I had been since the entire time on my way back to the house I felt like we had just found the most important thing that came with a 1.19

Update and in a way I was right of course but it wasn’t the most important thing for us this may have been the most tricky thing to find but we were about to find something else that would have a much more profound impact but it’d be a

Little while before we got to that with the mountain inside I turned left to the house and put the Swift sneak enchantment on my netherride leggings placing blocks was crazy fast now compared to before I was always crouching while doing this to prevent falling off the edge which meant I moved

Around awfully slowly not anymore though Swift sneak is insane it is almost as fast as printing that’s honestly crazy and it made such a difference in how quickly we placed the blocks now that progress was so quick I ran out of snow blocks in no time at all so it was back

At the snow from breaking more shovels wrecking the mountain placing more snow which once again ran out before I knew it so I made another trip to the farm progress was really speeding up now but even though we were flying through the progress I still felt like something was

Off there was still that nagging feeling that something was missing I honestly had no idea what it could be and then someone in my stream chat suggested we go and check out the new Mangrove swamp so I set off and I flew around the world now I’m not sure whether it was because

I kept my world small and hadn’t explored many chunks or I simply got lucky but we found it pretty quickly and the timing was honestly really remarkable I’m not sure if what happened that day was just lucky timing or something else but things fly in place

In a magical way let’s take a step back as we watch this part of the story and fall together do you see Looney flying over there he’s been through some things lately life isn’t always smooth sailing and over the last little while he’s caught some waves

They shook him up a little bit rocked him back and forth made things a little more complicated than he would have liked them to be but the rocky road hasn’t made him back down it hasn’t made him cry in a quarter and give up he’s been working moving

Forward even if the current went against him but he’s about to learn that he’s forgotten some of the most important things that he’s learned over the last couple of years I think that’s pretty natural I guess it happens to all of us every now and again

Luckily this is not a sad story Looney is about to come out of this forest with an Insight that he needed to find and he found it at the perfect moment as Knights set over to Mangrove he marveled at the beautiful trees and he knew exactly what he had lost

He knew exactly what he was missing in the old world Looney had met an unfortunate end before he got to complete his biggest Vision he wanted to leave a world behind that was connected he had Meant For The Heart of the sea and looneyville to be woven together by

A magical underwater pathway in the end he got quite far for a first try but he died in a world that was unfinished and wrote that with him before he could connect it up like he had wanted to as he walks around the forest and looked at the lights and their Reflections

Listen to the sounds of the mangrove and her Echoes coming back from unexpected angles Forrest felt like he was breathing and swirling around him and he could feel something changing something important all of a sudden he felt ready to leave some of that weight that he’d been carrying behind that

Night it was as if he shed his skin and left the mistakes of the past behind him season 1 Looney had died a little while ago but it wasn’t until now that season 2 Looney was born as the sun rose in the morning he flew out of there feeling lighter feeling

Refreshed and looking ready to write a story worth listening to I knew what I had to do and curiously enough it happened on a day that I had changed my Minecraft skin it wasn’t the mountain that had bothered me at all it was a feeling of an empty world with

Disconnected projects in my season 1 World there were so many cool things wherever I went in this world the snow Farm is the coolest built besides the Charter House to fix my world and get excited again I need to make sure everything is connected I had done some

Minor decoration a little while ago when I made the Storage Tower and two crop Fields next to the mountain but the area still felt empty and incoherent so we needed something more I took my elytra and flew to this small building that’s called the Pathfinders Lodge I will tell

You about this place later because it is actually really important but for now this is just where I started building a series of Roads called The Mangrove Trail I connected the starter base to this small map room to the storage Tower to the mountain to the crop fields and

Then when I flew up in the air I realized there was one more spot left to build to fill in the area and make it feel like your world rather than a project this Forest over here is an empty spot between everything I’ve built

So far so this is the best place for a Hall of Fame I quickly mined out the space under the build figured out what type of blocks I wanted to use and flew out to a badlands biome to collect terracotta before flying out of there I restored the area to keep the biome

Pretty now I had the Terracotta I needed but I was missing some other important resources for which I still had to set up Farms but that wasn’t as simple as it had been before at this point the Farms were getting more advanced which meant that I needed some information which is

Really quite hard to find without using F3 so before we get to the Farms we have to backtrack a little while actually we need to go back quite far the moment right before I started building the snow Farm you see before I had started the world and committed to not using F3 I

Had taken my time to do some research on the limitations it would impose and it turns out one of the trickiest things to do without coordinates is linking up Nether Portals if you don’t really care about the coordinate puzzle you can skip to the next chapter and I’ll have a

Surprise gold farm for you but if you want to know everything listen up you probably know how the nether can be used to travel great distance in the Overworld right because one block in another equates to eight blocks in the Overworld so to make sure that a portal

Between the dimensions links up to the portal you want it to connect to you take the overall coordinates divide those by eight and then you have the metaportal coordinates well that’s all pretty simple as long as you can see those coordinates on your screen without that option you need to start using

Reference points and that all starts with the only reference point you can find in every world the block with the coordinates negative 64 or negative 64. well and from there zero zero of course which makes a lot more sense let me explain in Minecraft there are five

Sizes of maps that you can use these cover 128 256 512 1024 and 2048 blocks which actually makes a lot of sense if you know how bits work and I’m not talking Doritos or twitch kind here anyway your world spawn is always within 2048 blocks from zero

Zero and usually it’s a lot closer than that if you make a level 4 map the biggest one you will tell you where you are in relation to World spawn if you’re in the top left corner of your large map you’re on the right map and you’re

Actually really close if you’re in any other corner you will need to walk or fly off the map towards the map where you would be on the top left corner once you find yourself on the right map you make a new small map and use it this map

Has negative 64 negative 64 as the top left corner the bottom right is 64.64 and as you might have figured out the middle of the map is on zero zero it’s like that in every single World from this point you can start using maps to count distances from the corner of that

First map that technique eventually led me to dislocation which is negative 1088 negative 21 14 or at least I think so to mark this location forever I put a small building down that I called the Pathfinder Lodge which is going to be my reference point for connecting portals

In this area now I just need to repeat the process in the nether to be able to set up a portal base School farm maps don’t work very well in another but they will still do everything you need them to do in order to count and navigate

With them the terrain in the nether can be really challenging if you’re trying to figure out your Maps luckily I needed to be on the nether roof anyway to make the gold form work so I did the thing I had to do and I glitched my way through

The nether ceiling using an ender pearl aimed at the highest block of Bedrock an extremely reliable trick that always freaks me out in hardcore from there I made my way back down through the Bedrock and I set up another portal which connected to a portal up on a tree

In the swamp so far so good the next step wasn’t so lucky I accidentally set up what should be the gold Farm in a warped forest biome which wasn’t going to work at all so instead I rebuilted some 40 blocks over while I built up the

Farm I figured out the plan to connect this to the right Overworld portal to do that I had to find zero zero in the nether using the same technique and then measure the distance from there to the center of the farm using block lines from there we could multiply by 8 and we

Know the overall coordinates tricky but doable so I got to work eventually I started marking segments of 64 diagonal blocks in another from zero zero then I placed blocks to measure the distance from the 64 guns because I knew that the 64 cards had to be map corners from

There I found a coordinates that we needed to go to then we multiplied those by eight found the right coordinates in the Overworld and counted out that number from the Pathfinder sludge it was honestly an anxious moment to try to farm for the first time but sure enough

It actually worked which felt like a major victory because from here we could organize Nether Portals all around the base later we had a working reference system going out from negative 1088 negative 2114 right outside of the mountain or any other number that we thought to be negative 1080 at negative

21 14. anyway it doesn’t really matter if we’re right or wrong here because we’re going to use this block as our reference number and these portals did link up so even if we’re wrong anytime we use this as a reference we’re going to calculate with the same mistake making it irrelevant

So now that we have the portals links up successfully we were done with Minecraft rocket science for the time being and the next step was an easier one Some Farms work best if you build them inside of a single chunk because it prevents their Red Zone from breaking when you

Fly out of the area well we are not going to look at chunk borders either but those align with map edges so we laid out a reference grid on the bottom of the mountain and with that we were ready to set up the other Farms long story short working gold farm with links

Up portals very awesome with all of our preparation we had just on I could now also add an automated wood Farm design by raceworks which is honestly too complicated and intricate to explain fully but I’ll leave a link to his video in the description the concept is really

Cool though this Farm uses bone meal to grow Azalea saplings on most blocks then it grows the saplings into a tree and drops TNT When A Tree Grows to provide this farm with bone meal I added another Moz based farm that generates a tonal bone meal by turning the output from two

Stone generators into Moss this Farm fuels itself and the extra output will keep the tree farm running this one is made by ill mango and also has a link in the description finally I needed a simple cactus farm for green dye these are really easy to make because Cactus

Breaks itself if it grows next to a block see easy as that all of these new additions and iron not being an issue anymore we can make all the Hoppers needed and slowly but surely the industrial backbone of our base was taking shape I had the things I needed

So it was time to finish up the Hall of Fame this build was actually a race against the clock as I tried to get it finished up before day 1000 our story for today isn’t quite over yet though because now that the Hall of Fame is

Done I can see my vision coming together the world looks and feels way more connected but it’s one-way traffic the world is connected to the mountain now but we still need to connect the mountains you were all around it because let’s be real it looks incredibly out of

Place right now before we get around to fixing that let’s take a moment to celebrate the official 1000 days marker because honestly it is quite the achievement let’s activate the fireworks show I prepared for this moment while you enjoy that you might actually be wondering how do I know it’s day 1000

Without pressing F3 Well normally I calculate the days by taking the time played and multiplying your real life Days by 72. three game days per hour without sleeping and 24 hours in a day but just for the occasion I will show it in my replay mod file as well alright

Let’s go finish up this mountain project for now there were just two steps left to do before I could start working on my main base full of excitement I flew to the snow Farm to get all the resources needed for the next stage of the build

The last step is a truly magical one but before we get to that I need to make sure this mountain becomes spawn proof these marked off sections with the wool are actually working really well that is until I got up to the higher Parts where I soon realized that this was an

Impossible job if I can help it I prefer to come up with Creative Solutions to keep track in the game but on this one I had to conceive my loss so I needed an extra creative solution this wasn’t the most straightforward thing in the world but luckily I found a texture pack for

Overlapping snow layers you see the side and top of snow blocks and layers sharing the same texture so you can’t just recolor the side or top easily that would involve messing with the block data and I wasn’t going to do that so instead I made the entire snow texture

Red except for the overlapping textures this pack added which looks absolutely awful but it does allow us to find a spot where I still need to add layers slowly but surely over many hours of work I started getting closer to finishing the layers this alone must

Have taken me over 40 hours and we actually got very close to losing all of that progress at one point an attachment to my old world had put this new adventure at risk you see in my own world I had built a place that was called the mobhead Museum

Located under my main base the heart of the sea there was a place filled with memories I had stored all the music discs the dragon egg 69 enchanted golden apples an axolotl tank art installations and many more things in there the museum was built to house my mom had collection

Though by the time I lost the world I had collected a total of 2 286 hands in there without any type of farm it was one of my proudest achievements so in this new world I wanted to start a new collection but the early attempts had led to a lot of Destruction

Some point I came up with a smart idea you see creepers can’t destroy waterlogged slabs whether they’re charged or not the water blocks their explosion since I spent a ton of time over at the mountain and I didn’t want to move away from the project Whenever there was a thunderstorm I decided to

Put a waterlogged platform on the top while we were building up the mountain around it that resulted in a fair amount of mob hats during the rare thunderstorms but in the end it inevitably Went Wrong by a fault that wasn’t my own a skeleton shot a creeper

Causing it to blow up and take a huge chunk out of the side of the mountain by the time I realized what had happened the water had already tumbled the animals inside in a giant wave that washed out thousands of snow layers now I’ve been aware of this danger but I

Decided to risk it anyway and the price I paid for it was about two hours of my time as I had become really quick at placing the layers but it was a fair amount of extra work nonetheless eventually we got it done though and then if it was finally time to do

Something I had been looking forward to for a while while we were building up the mangrove Trail the crop Fields the Hall of Fame and all the bridges and tunnels in between we have been connecting the world to the mountain now it’s time to connect the mountain to the

World around it I had already covered the Treetops in snow and added ice to the water around the mountain without any remarkable incidents covering the rest of the biome around this place is snow sounds simple but it’s actually quite the operation and I wasn’t ready to pull this off by myself

So once more I made my way to the snow Farm to bring my good friend chatterson Jr the eighth in for help the eighth um yeah creeper in Australia I’m sorry guys anyway this guy will be able to help remember how snowman leaves snow layers on the ground that’s how the snow

Farm works right now this does not work for spawn proofing because a single layer won’t stop mobs from spawning but it does work if you want to cover your world in snow actually it works quite well so I started skating towards the swamp from the snow Farm but then Knight

Came around definitely nothing went wrong here so we’re going to quickly skip a minute or two where I’m getting a bunch more snowman ready to cover the swamp in snow to spawn in snowmen you need carved pumpkins so I got to work preparing for the spooky season and carved a bunch of

Pumpkins using a pair of shears once I summoned the Snowman they immediately started running around like headless chickens well I use the shears to remove their pumpkins surely this chaos wasn’t indicative of what was about to happen next it couldn’t be so me and my goofy snowy friends made

Our way over to the swamp and as I dragged them around they left snow layers all over the place I would highly recommend you try this for some area in your world it’s honestly so much fun unfortunately we did run into some issues along the way it turns out these

Guys are not waterproof if they fall in a water block they melt so we lost this guy by no fault of my own right well I won’t let a small setback keep me down and these guys are just as Unstoppable so we kept going and the look of the

Swamp started changing under our eyes the thing is I hate to say it but me and the snowman we don’t have a very good track record together as when I set over a swamp well let’s say the track record wasn’t going to improve from here the first creeper that showed up wasn’t able

To come close this incident had me worried so I came up with a plan I talked to older chedders saying so and sold them to hold on tight then I activated my electric and took off but apparently only three of the Snowman listened as the rest of them slipped off

The Rope immediately what unfold down below was a bloody Bell try to come back and save them but the harm was already done now I wish that was the worst of it but the real horror hadn’t even started yet with the first drops of rain an entire generation of snowmen was wiped out

That was the first day and night of coloring in the swamp in the first world the total snowman death toll was four when a mountain was done well that number had risen by a lot but hey in the end we got the job done that’s all that counts right well no

Not even close I decided that I had to make up for the turmoil I’ll cost for generations of snowmen so the least I could do is provide some sort of restitution for their suffering we all carry the traces of our lineage and much like my distant ancestors I had sealed

Off the lens unknown to burn a place that didn’t belong to me along with the people that had lived there for Generations only to claim it as my own for all my good intentions I had ruined the lives of generations of snowmen in my own Fame quest for Glory a wrong that

Can never be made right that doesn’t mean I shouldn’t try knowing full well that I could never make it right I tried that one small thing I could imagine doing I decorated the inside of the snow farm with a beautiful interior so King chatterson the 21st and the next generation of

Snowmen could happily live in her castle free of outside rule or exploitation if I ever need snow in the future I hope they will want to help me out and I’ll propose a fair trade to add to their Kingdom in exchange I would be more than happy

If they even welcome me there’s a lesson here guys dreams aspirations ambition Glory or whatever you desire should never come at the expense of others in reality the world is a messy place because historically it almost always has and a lot of the time it still does

Even if you didn’t call any of that it won’t hurt you to acknowledge things that are now in the past and I swear to God if anybody ever comments the Dutch word for colonize on a video again faster and you can like this video after all that Madness the mountain was

Ready and was now a part of the world around it this place is ready for me to start building my base the wildest base that I will ever build in Survival Minecraft I have no doubt in my mind as I looked around I realized how much I

Loved this world already my world a connected world that feels awesome to spend time with a world that I have built from scratch a world which had been lost to a glitch but somehow Against All Odds we had managed to recover together by Breaking Free over broken end Dimension do you know what

The crazy part is let me tell you something wild and while you listen if you could quickly subscribe to the channel it would help me out a lot it is free and you can always take it back over these past Thousand Days the world wasn’t the only thing that was recovered

Getting back the things we lost when I died in season one wasn’t easy I had to go through so many problems with this new world that I had slowly taken care of in the old world over the course of two years but as his story started to

Come together I began to remember some really important things that I figured out earlier and accidentally lost sight off I’ve never done a more challenging ride than this one and I’m not just talking about Minecraft here as we recover this world and build up a New Journey out of nothing we claim back

Something much bigger than just a Minecraft world over this first leg of our new journey I had to gain back my confidence player Storyteller a creator and as a person I had to discover when looney was going to be going forward and that was a scary intense process with many long nights

Sacrifices and unseen hours of work something I only managed to pull off with the help of the people who were there to support me through that process and of course people will watch me do it thank you for everything else and I hope to see you soon on stream or in another thousand

Days as we are about to enter what I think the mid game is I will see you soon for now Looney out

This video, titled ‘I Died in Hardcore.. So I Made a Better World – 1000 Days [THE MOVIE]’, was uploaded by Loony on 2022-10-17 08:00:03. It has garnered 2777944 views and 78663 likes. The duration of the video is 02:12:33 or 7953 seconds.

1000 Days in Hardcore Minecraft. This is a 600 hour project with over 500 cinematic shots, 50 pages of script and one epic journey. A 1000 day movie about not giving up, about redemption, about dreams and most of all about Minecraft. Grab your popcorn and enjoy the movie.

You’re about to enjoy a Hardcore Minecraft story where I’m building a world like Wadzee, Sandiction, Ph1Lza, SB737, aCookieGod, Kolanii, Beppo, LockDownLife and others. All with a single life and streamed live multiple days a week.

I had such an awesome hardcore world that I worked on for 2 years. Now it’s time to focus up and bounce back so my new series can stand amongst the current hardcore greats or even all time Minecraft favourites such as Grian, Mumbo Jumbo, GoodTimesWithScar, iskall85 and everyone on the Hermitcraft server. Not to forget great builders like SmallishBeans, fWhip and TheMythicalSausageover over on Empires SMP.

This is the beginning of another magical world built in Vanilla Survival Minecraft. This is my season 2: a Tale of a Loonatic ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ★ FOLLOW ME ★ ▸ Twitch: https://twitch.tv/Loony_MC ▸ Twitter: https://twitter.com/LoopyLoony


World download for The Alternative End Build (that didn’t actually happen, it’s just a movie scene!) https://www.mediafire.com/file/hrqt0g47nehcc7w/The_Alternative_End.zip/file

Farms: Automated Azalea Farm by RaysWorks https://youtu.be/gFDCIUz44iI

Moss Bonemeal Farm by Ilmango https://youtu.be/T5-vtC_w38Q

Shader: Complimentary

Chapters 00:00:00 A Dark Day in Loonyville 00:01:00 The Steps Everyone Has To Walk 00:05:26 Lost In a New World 00:08:24 This Is Where The Movie Starts 00:14:53 Flying Towards a Bright Future 00:21:36 Home is Where The Heart Is 00:25:59 Big Dreams 00:34:41 Get Rich or Die Trying 00:47:14 The Wildest Story Ever Told 00:58:21 Life After Death 01:05:44 Destruction and Beauty 01:22:25 A Loony Operation 01:40:05 Everything To Live For 01:49:57 A Night That Changed My Life 01:52:33 Pathfinder At Heart 01:59:48 The ‘Golden’ Age 02:10:09 If You Feel Me You Know 02:11:55 And I Love You For It

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    EPIC Fireball Showdown ASMR!! 🔥🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Fireballfight ASMR! #shorts’, was uploaded by LaoLP on 2024-02-10 15:26:48. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft #minemen #pvp #trainerdario #hypixel #fireballfight #1v1 #asmr #2sa #bedwars. Read More

  • Jaye’s Shocking Skibidi Cheating Scandal!

    Jaye's Shocking Skibidi Cheating Scandal!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Cheated in a SKIBIDI Toilet Mob Battle Competition!!’, was uploaded by Jaye on 2024-02-27 22:59:09. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. I Cheated in a SKIBIDI Toilet Mob Battle Competition! This is a super funny Minecraft Mod Challenge! This is similar to Minecraft … Read More

  • SHOCKING 2024 REVEAL – You’ll Never Guess What’s Coming Next! | Minecraft

    SHOCKING 2024 REVEAL - You'll Never Guess What's Coming Next! | MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘WHAT’S NEXT IN 2024? | Slightly Direct | Minecraft’, was uploaded by Slightly Insulting on 2024-01-07 22:00:09. It has garnered 651 views and 61 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:25 or 1165 seconds. Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMdL7tQQ0GSkZGZjE2juLAw/join WHAT’S NEXT IN 2024? | Slightly Direct | Minecraft Slightly Branded Channels @SlightlyCrafted @SlightlySpider CHANNELS FEATURED @MrEMC_ @TSCStudio Socials: Twitter https://twitter.com/SlightlyInsult Instagram https://www.instagram.com/slightly_insulting/ Discord https://discord.gg/7HN9d9t Made with: Blockbuster Mod by McHorse Complementary Shader by Emin Slightly Insulting content includes YouTube Shorts, TikTok, and YouTube videos related to Minecraft Challenges, Minecraft But… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft PvP Challenge – Watch Now! #bedwars #skywars #clickbait

    Unbelievable Minecraft PvP Challenge - Watch Now! #bedwars #skywars #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Komplettes Video ist online! #bedwars #minecraft #skywars #pvp #minecraftchallenge #review’, was uploaded by Malganzehrlich on 2024-01-09 14:00:07. It has garnered 397 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. Never play Minecraft Skywars on this server! ⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻ 📞 ➤ Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgJbj48pX6heXpx0Icf-yvQ ⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻ 📲 ➤ Social Media ➜ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/malganzehrlich__/ ➜ Discord: https://discord.gg/6fMrmWt6cK ➜ Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/malganzehrlich_ ⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻ 💻 ➤ My equipment – microphone: https://rb.gy/s9ni67 -Interface: https://rb.gy/93jzhe -Microphone preamplifier: https://rb.gy/zqignp -Mikrofonarm: https://shorturl.at/rBHP9 -Keylight: https://shorturl.at/mxyAM -Maus: https://shorturl.at/boBZ4 -Keyboard: https://shorturl.at/zHLOU – Pale: https://shorturl.at/afsMS ⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻ ✂️ ➤ Schnitt-/Editprogramm: Davinci Resolve 18.6 🔨 ➤ Thumbnails:… Read More

  • Epic Bed Wars Battle with Garg Gamer – Minecraft Java

    Epic Bed Wars Battle with Garg Gamer - Minecraft JavaVideo Information This video, titled ‘Bed Wars Live | Minecraft java |Garg Gamer’, was uploaded by Garg Gamer on 2024-04-17 00:01:22. It has garnered 7 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:16 or 1336 seconds. server:topn.pika.host Apart from YouTube title and description I am doing Minecraft stream Where I will play with you I have my Minecraft world where we will play together and grind and we will also go in your Minecraft World We will make houses some farms and many more things we will do in this stream and My server IP pinned in live… Read More

  • WACE server SMP Semi-vanilla Whitelist No resets 1.20.4 Australia

    Welcome to WACESMP! Hey folks, I’m GoneVegan, a member of the Australian Minecraft server. We are currently running version 1.20.4. Brief Overview: Approaching 6 Months old Various quality of life datapacks DiscordSRV Discord/Minecraft chat integration Various administrative and QoL plugins Survival mode Whitelisted Hard difficulty 6GB RAM Java + Bedrock crossplay Our Vision: WACESMP is a place for survival Minecraft enthusiasts. Join us to plan and create amazing builds and areas. Whether you enjoy detailed work, large-scale building, or classic survival gameplay, this server is for you. About Us: Owned by Blockbuster206, a longtime Minecraft fan. No planned world resets…. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Redstone is my b*tch

    Looks like this meme’s redstone is more impressive than my real-life electrical skills. Read More

  • All Armor Combined= Hot Mess #minecraft

    All Armor Combined= Hot Mess #minecraft All Armor Combined = A walking tank in Minecraft, or as I like to call it, the “Iron Man” of the blocky world. #minecraft #meme #memes Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server Welcome to Newsminecraft.com! Today, we want to talk about the exciting world of Minecraft and why you should join the Minewind server. While watching the YouTube video “Deneme Odaları Turu ve Oyunun En Güçlü Silahını Elde Ettik! | Agalarla Minecraft Hardcore S2 B7” by Guapoins, you can see the fun and adventure that Minecraft brings to players. But why should you choose Minewind server? Well, Minewind offers a unique and thrilling gameplay experience that you won’t find anywhere else. With a dedicated community of players, constant updates, and a variety of game modes to choose from, Minewind is the… Read More

  • Summon Wither Storm in Minecraft with Command Block!

    Summon Wither Storm in Minecraft with Command Block! Unleashing the Wither Storm in Minecraft For Minecraft enthusiasts looking to take their gameplay to the next level, summoning the formidable Wither Storm is a thrilling challenge. Whether you’re playing on PE, Bedrock, Java, PS, or Xbox versions, the process remains an exciting endeavor that can elevate your gaming experience. Summoning the Wither Storm To summon the awe-inspiring Wither Storm, players can utilize the power of command blocks. By following the right steps and inputting the correct commands, you can bring this formidable entity into your Minecraft world. For a detailed guide on summoning the Wither Storm with a… Read More


    🔥 LIVE MEGA FARM ON MINECRAFT! SUBSCRIBE NOW!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT COM OS INSCRITOS AO VIVO MEGA FARM’, was uploaded by MURILIN TV on 2024-05-01 18:42:57. It has garnered 109 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 02:26:17 or 8777 seconds. 🔥🎮 Minecraft Survival with LIVE Subscribers #Minecraft #Live 🚀 @murilintv #JogandoMinecraft #Minecraft Subscribers #minecraftlive #liveshorts #shorts 💬 Join our community on Discord! https://discord.gg/zMBqZ3jdhA send audios and texts in the live chat and help the channel https://livepix.gg/murilintv 👑 Become a Member and Help an Animal Cross the Street: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKjOYapFFG8vdNw4W-DEC8Q/join Spot Games discord: https://discord.gg/spotgames java ip: spotgames.net bedrock ip: mobile.spotgames.net port: 19132 🖥️… Read More

  • Ultimate SIRENHEAD Minecraft Mod!

    Ultimate SIRENHEAD Minecraft Mod!Video Information This video, titled ‘We installed the SIRENHEAD in Minecraft…’, was uploaded by stoopsky on 2024-05-18 19:00:01. It has garnered 46935 views and 1865 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:45 or 1245 seconds. who that lanky ahh boy? ► Mod: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/siren-head-the-arrival ► Starring: @9JayDot8 ► Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/stoopskytrash/ ► Discord: https://discord.gg/the-gaff Read More

  • EPIC Cheese Gaming in Minecraft Skywars

    EPIC Cheese Gaming in Minecraft SkywarsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft | CubeCraft Skywars | Ep. 1’, was uploaded by Cheese Gaming on 2024-03-04 21:35:42. It has garnered 32 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:18 or 918 seconds. Get ready for an epic Minecraft showdown as we take on the challenge of SkyWars on CubeCraft! Join me in this action-packed video where we’ll dive headfirst into the thrilling world of floating islands, strategic battles, and intense PvP action. Watch as I navigate the treacherous terrain, loot chests, and engage in heart-pounding combat against fierce opponents. Every moment is filled with… Read More


    ULTIMATE MINECRAFT MASTER: EPIC LOL MOMENT #MinecraftMadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘The best Minecraft Moment of #minecraft #funny’, was uploaded by S GAMING 54 on 2024-03-19 11:30:37. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Falno1 hacks iron farm in LokiCraft | INSANE!! #shorts

    Falno1 hacks iron farm in LokiCraft | INSANE!! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘how to make Easy iron farm in lokicraft |#shorts #minecraft #lokicraft’, was uploaded by Falno1 on 2024-01-11 14:53:18. It has garnered 3435 views and 106 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:22 or 22 seconds. how to make Easy iron farm in lokicraft |#shorts #minecraft #lokicraft #shorts #shortsfeed #youtubeshorts #ytshorts #minecraftshorts #minecraftsurvival Read More

  • Diving into the Multiverse with Obunga’s Skibidi Toilet!

    Diving into the Multiverse with Obunga's Skibidi Toilet!Video Information This video, titled ‘Skibidi toilet, multiverse, minecraft, roblox, stumble guys, sandbox, spiderman, 186’, was uploaded by Obunga on 2024-02-27 07:38:30. It has garnered 80 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 11:54:58 or 42898 seconds. Skibidi toilet, multiverse, minecraft, roblox, stumble guys, sandbox, spiderman, 186 Read More

  • Efrein Barajas goes viral with insane gacha edits!

    Efrein Barajas goes viral with insane gacha edits!Video Information This video, titled ‘#gacha #memes #trend #shorts #roblox #minecraft #viral #edit #gachatrend #gachaedit #fyp?’, was uploaded by Efrein Barajas on 2024-01-12 12:47:31. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. 🚀 Dive into the vibrant world of Roblox with our latest animated masterpiece! 🌈 Join the adventure as we unfold the hilarious tale of a Weird Strict Dad in the immersive realms of Roblox. 🤣 From unexpected twists to side-splitting moments, this video is packed with laughter, surprises, and all the quirky elements that make Roblox a gaming… Read More

  • Insane West Coast Transformation!

    Insane West Coast Transformation!Video Information This video, titled ‘improvement’, was uploaded by west on 2024-01-19 20:25:19. It has garnered 342 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:18 or 198 seconds. improvement #mcpe #pvp #minecraft Ignore: controller,mcpe controller best,bedrock,mcpe controller,minecraft controller,pvp,minecraft pvp,mcpe controller pvp,best controller,best mcpe controller review,mcpe best controller,top ten best controller,controller pvper,the best mcpe controller,best controller 1v1 in minecraft pocket edition,best minecraft controller,best minecraft pe controller,minecraft pe best controller,mcpe pvp controller xWqter, TDBClient, DatPigmaster, dreacho, KingSlme, Ozan, Ozan12, KingSlmeMC12345, Pj772, Ziblacking, xJqsh, cornpop, Chaqs, ChampVI, Fallenffa, Synhcf, Mineage, Mineceit, remhub, Arrow, Nitro.exe, Cheat Engine bedrock,best bedrock player,pvp,bedrock edition,minecraft… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Mountain House Tour! #viral

    Insane Minecraft Mountain House Tour! #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft mountain view house #viral #trending #youtubeshorts #shortsfeed #shortvideo #shorts tri.’, was uploaded by Salfemate Gaming on 2024-02-03 03:30:30. It has garnered 33 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:01 or 301 seconds. Drippy (Official Video) | Sidhu Moose Wala | Mxrci | AR Paisley 4.9M views · 20 hours ago#1 ON TRENDING FOR MUSIC …more Minecraft mountain view house #viral #trending #youtubeshorts #shortsfeed #shortvideo #shorts trid. Sidhu Moose Wala 23.2M Subscribe 987K Share Save Report Comments 184K The thought of meeting Sidhu bhai remained in my mind, those who saw… Read More

  • MoCraft SMP

    MoCraft SMPoCraft SMP is a mostly-vanilla (McMMO and some quality of life plugins) 1.19 java server looking for new players of all ages. While we were originally a small server of close friends, we are looking to expand our Minecraft family to become the best community we can! Our rules are simple: Treat others as you’d like to be treated; don’t be a jerk. Features: Unbreakable Gear, Jobs and a player based economy, McMMO, Silk touch spawners, Armored Elytra, Epic Hoppers, Magic Carpet, and more! Our Dynmap link is: mc.goheregaming.com Read More

  • 💎 ChillZone SMP Semi-Vanilla 1.20.4 Community HermitCraft Inspired Whitelist Claims Dynmap Player Shops

    Apply Here ChillZone is a newly releasing Semi-Vanilla server dedicated to providing a great vanilla experience with small enhancements for multiplayer. Community input is valued, and all players have a say in the server. Quick Links 🌐 Website 🗺️ Dynmap 📷 Gallery 📊 Player Statistics Our Values Community: All player feedback is taken seriously, and transparency is key in decision-making. Welcoming: We aim to create an inclusive environment for players with varied interests. Stability: We prioritize server stability with top-of-the-line hardware. Updates: Regular updates keep the experience fresh, and we stay current with Minecraft versions. Some of Our Features -… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Bro’s internet is out of this world

    Minecraft Memes - Bro's internet is out of this worldLooks like Bro’s internet connection is out of this world! Read More

  • Hotspot Hilarity: Wi-Fi Wonderland in Minecraft

    Hotspot Hilarity: Wi-Fi Wonderland in Minecraft “Why does a door need Wi-Fi in Minecraft? Is it trying to stream ‘The Office’ while keeping out creepers?” 😂 #minecraft #meme Read More

  • Unlock 16GB Ram Free Server on GitHub for Minecraft

    Unlock 16GB Ram Free Server on GitHub for Minecraft Welcome to the World of Minecraft Hosting on GitHub! Are you ready to dive into the exciting world of Minecraft hosting on GitHub? With the ability to use a 16GB RAM free server without a panel, the possibilities are endless. Let’s explore how you can make the most of this opportunity and create your own Minecraft server. Setting Up Your Minecraft Server on GitHub Setting up your Minecraft server on GitHub is a straightforward process. By utilizing the 16GB RAM free server, you can ensure smooth gameplay and a lag-free experience for you and your friends. With GitHub’s user-friendly… Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Ultimate Minecraft Relaxation!

    Join Minewind Server for Ultimate Minecraft Relaxation! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a fantastic YouTube video titled “Minecraft survival oak house base building || both pc and mobile || Relaxation.” While this video may not be about Minewind, it perfectly captures the essence of what makes Minecraft such a beloved game – creativity, relaxation, and endless possibilities. If you’re looking to take your Minecraft experience to the next level, we highly recommend joining the Minewind server. With a thriving community of players from all around the world, Minewind offers a unique… Read More

  • Herobrine Shenanigans

    Herobrine Shenanigans Minecraft Adventure: Journey to the Ender Dragon Exploration and Discovery In this epic Minecraft adventure, players will witness the thrill of exploring unknown biomes, uncovering hidden treasures, and navigating treacherous landscapes. From dense forests to vast deserts, the journey is filled with breathtaking scenery and exciting discoveries. Battle and Survival Prepare for intense battles against fearsome mobs like zombies, skeletons, and creepers. Armed with trusty weapons and armor, players will learn the best strategies to survive and thrive in the hostile Minecraft environment. Building and Crafting Get inspired by incredible building projects as magnificent structures, from cozy houses to… Read More

  • 🤡 Clown SMP AFTERLIFE 🔥💣 CRAZY Custom Weapons!

    🤡 Clown SMP AFTERLIFE 🔥💣 CRAZY Custom Weapons!Video Information This video, titled ‘AFTERLIFE SMP CRACKED / CUSTOM WEAPONS’, was uploaded by Clown on 2024-04-16 04:14:16. It has garnered 29 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. IP: Are you a Minecraft enthusiast looking for an adventure-packed server that welcomes everyone, including cracked users? Look no further! Afterlife is not just a SMP ; it’s a diverse and inclusive community that invites all players to join an epic journey across multiple categories. :earth_africa: Explore Diverse Realms: :sparkles: Custom Weapons :mage:Events :sparkling_heart: LifeSTEAL :busts_in_silhouette: Community & Events: Join a vibrant and… Read More

  • Ultimate Subway Surfers Gaming Shorts

    Ultimate Subway Surfers Gaming ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘subway surfers game || #shorts #subwaysurfers #games #ytshorts #short #viral #N’, was uploaded by Gaming shorts for you on 2024-05-11 14:18:00. It has garnered 620 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. subway surfers game || #shorts #subwaysurfers #games #ytshorts #short #viral #N games minecraft gta 5 gta5 poki game pokemon online games car games gta v gaming pubg chess subway surfers free games video game solitaire steam rummy valorant rummy circle the last of us ninja pokemon cards gta ludo king dinosaur game chess online ludo game… Read More

I Died in Hardcore.. So I Made a Better World – 1000 Days [THE MOVIE]