I Made an Epic Lush Cave Base for Minecraft 1.17!

Video Information

Well hello everybody and welcome back to another minecraft video this is mythical sausage how is everybody doing oh man i’m doing great hopefully guys are doing amazing because today we’re going to take a look at the latest minecraft snapshot this is currently 21w10a where they introduced those lashes in mojang the lush cave

Biome officially and look at this amazing area right behind me look at this place so so cool i did do a little bit of lighting up right over here perfect i put some shroom lights with a little bit of the moss block just so i can get it lit up very very

Nicely so you guys can see it really really good but i love this biome officially it is my favorite biome ever in minecraft it is so good i love it second we’ll go pretty close to the mega tiger but this right now is uh my favorite it looks

So amazing we got so many of these little pockets here of water with uh some clay so if you guys are ever looking for clay a swamp man you’re never gonna have to go bare again just find yourself a lush cave like this this looks so cool and today you know

What i want to do i want to see if i can make an awesome base out of this area i want to add so many cool features and i want to bring you guys along so we can build some stuff together but just looking at this place so many different possibilities of adding

So many details we got mine shafts hidden here on the corner we got these little patches of water that we could do little bridges on also up here check this out we got this awesome water features here that we could do maybe a nice waterfall that goes down to this hey that

That bat just broke that leaf maybe this side over here could be a little farming area maybe this side over here could be a mining entrance you could have little nooks here at the corner too for maybe some of animal pens maybe but so many different possibilities i say we start

With a little bit of a path job and see if we can connect different sections together so i’m thinking right here this almost feels like a path itself right in this little area maybe it kind of curves down this way and then instead of covering up the

Water we can make a little ways above it maybe with some trapdoors for now uh and then we could put even some campfire blocks on top of this so let’s see if we can make a little bit of a path going down this way the pathing is looking really cool every time we

Went over one of these little water pockets here i added some of these bridges with cab fire blocks and some trapdoors some slabs it’s looking pretty cool we got some lighting here on some fences and this looks really really nice also down here we had some coarse dirt

Also some spruce trap doors some slabs and added also these little pillars every once in a while just with some oak some strip spruce here just to add a little bit more detail we got pat going off to this section that we’re going to build later on

Then this kind of goes up and around we got another little bridge right here over this water feature i love adding the campfire blocks with some sides and trapdoors also some oak wood beams there dropping down here to the side and i also started bringing in a little bit more of the

Deep slate into the path along with the coarse dirt as well and it just adds a little bit more detail to it some curves here this path going over to this section that we can build some stuff also the path drops down it goes around to this side

And then we can work on our little waterfall feature on this end and then coming around this goes and curves back down this direction and into this section that we can build even more things so the paths are in place now let’s pick a spot and start doing some structures in here

Now since we’re actually making this into a minecraft base one of the first things you’re ever going to build in a base will be probably what you’re going to live in right so i’m thinking right here actually over this water feature i would like to build a house but

I want to build it on stilts uh similar to like the style we have here there’s a rickety old looking bridge right but make it into a house so we’re gonna go right here over this area and then do a little bit of a connection so since we got this

Bridge dropping down i’m thinking we could do another little bridge right over here coming back up and i think we can make this work really nicely let’s put some of that back in okay don’t flood don’t flood oh no i broke everything here we go we

Got a cool little outline in place right here so we gotta step up here to the top there’s gonna be like a little outside porch area this will be the main structure for the starter house and i think it’s looking pretty cool now we just got to lift up some of these logs

And see what kind of roof we can make out with this but also i really want to bring in some of the calcite block into this so i’m going to probably line this inner layer right here in calcite maybe we’ll texture in a little bit of diorite as well

Take it up at least by there and then we can play around with how we’re going to have the interior set up i also like that it’s going to look a little rickety by adding these trapdoors mixed in with the slabs and it also adds a nice little bit of detail but

Uh let’s wrap this around and then let’s work on a little bit of a roof for this the house is coming together nicely right now i’m giving it that little fantasy flare here to the rooftop by adding these upside down stairs trapdoors and slabs and it looks really cool i think the

Fantasy theme goes really nicely inside these lush caves so this is looking pretty awesome i just got to add more details i want to put a window here on this side also over here on this end i’m working on a little bit of an overhang that is going to look pretty cool

Because now i’m gonna use some campfire blocks and take these all the way down just to give a little bit of an overhang there we go that looks pretty cool especially these little arches in between the pillars and then we got the overhang here with the campfire blocks i also

Love these little flower boxes the hanging chains here as well just adding even more details but then uh another thing you know what let me add some windows uh to the front and the side over here now the starter house interior is all set up we have all the

Basics here we have a little kitchen corner crafting bench furnace some chests random barrel corner here on the side that is a mossy and regular green carpet which matches really nicely together and over here we got a little armor stand on this plate with technically what would

Have been our first iron armor and also our first pickaxe right here in a glowing item frame that looks really pretty cool upstairs here on the second floor we got a ladder that takes us up to a big nice bedroom right here a triple bed and we got some extra storage

On the side and some composters with bushes on display what do you think pretty good for a starter house right i love it and there it is with the windows on the outside the pop-outs here on the corner very fantasy inspired but i think it

Goes so well here in this lush cave now this is just the first build let’s work on the next one now one of the next things that i love to do after finishing a starter house is to set up some kind of a crop area for food and also for a breeding of

Animals later on and i’m thinking this spot right here in this area is just perfect we can go ahead and use some of the cobble deep slate some of the deep slate bricks and do a nice little uh kind of like a crop pod here up against

This wall and maybe kind of curving around to this area there it is we got a nice little wall here of deep slate going all the way around and kind of curving right to the side of that hill going all the way around and we’re still keeping

Uh the wood trims here on the corner and this is going to turn into something i think in here we might make something for an enchanting station which is going to blend really nicely against this area but also something that i really want to do is i

Want to keep most of these little water features like this but what if we do this what if we replace some of this clay and make it into farmland all the way down like this and just like that the crop fields are in place also i

Added some bone meal in there i got rid of the clay underneath the farmland so it all blends in nicely so it’s all dirt also i added some lily pads more drip leaves also some of these lovely hanging glowberries just to give a little bit more light

To the area and it’s looking pretty awesome what do you guys think of our crops this is cool now you know what waterfall time the waterfall area is really coming together check this out so i did a little bit of detail work here on the bottom

I mixed in with the clay that was already here i did some mossy i added some coarse dirt also some sea grass over here kept some of the big drip leaf and the little ones here as well lily pads also some sugar cane i dressed this uh

Area up just to make the water flow uh come out nicely i think it’s uh perfect and ready to go also some shroom lights there just to light up the bottom there kind of hit it so you don’t see it so all i got to do is break these two

Off and i think we got ourselves a nice waterfall coming down maybe do a little something like that now let me put that back that looks cool yeah oh that’s perfect i love the way the light shines at the bottom this came out really cool it’s a little bit of rocky action here

Just so we can give this a nice little curve down with the water and then back here added some bamboo also some lilacs some liking right i’m saying it right this time i said it wrong last time uh and then also a little bit of the

Lilac back here just to give you that little pop of that color right there along with the green and the stones yep this is looking really cool what do you guys think also a little hanging light right there oh no so nice i love the lush caves work on this little area here

Make a little enchanting station so let’s take out a little bit of a hole and we can build something right here on the side and here it is all set up our full level 30 enchanting station nestled in this little cave here customized i added some of the flowering azaleas

We’ve got some lighting up there with some shroom lights also some lighting with glowberries candles also some soulfire and also regular lantern the liking here on the wall here looking really really cool also some vines and i think this looks perfect for this lush cave base having this nice little chatty station

Also ender chest on the top some barrels some chests grindstone and anvil in here that has everything you need to enchant it’s working out pretty lovely i’m liking this space so far now for the next build in the lush cave base i’m thinking over here on this side

We can work on some kind of an animal pen i don’t want to go too big with it but i want to put it up against the wall maybe do like a facade of a structure almost like barn-like with the same look i kind of like what

We did over here but up against this section and then maybe section it off on the inside now this is what i got for the animal pen check this out i love this color combination right here imagine what we did over there with the starter house it looks so cool we

Got this little barn like bell roof hanging lights little pop-out logs and the calcite diorite combos right here and it’s kind of tight but i kind of like it but i want to go right here to this path in the beginning where we started out

And i want to build a little bit of a mine entrance right here and i want to make it a little bit more hobbit inspired so i want to make a nice curve right here and do our typical little hobbit hole style build in the center the hobbit

Hole storage is starting to take shape i love this big roof here this big curve adding to the traditional detail that you normally see in a hot hole with a circle this lovely outside bit it just it just makes it pop out even more got a pop-out log here as well the

Diorite the calcite combinations and you know what’s the best part of these hobbit holes is adding the details on the outside to make the structure stand out even more so i did add some lilacs i added some of the flowering azaleas some orchids over here and then just a

Little bit of hidden lighting here with uh these lovely moss blocks and we’ve got some shroom lights hidden over here as well in the background also some bamboo and i think it’s really really one of my favorite hobbit holes i really do love it now i got to figure out what

To do on the inside but also have a pretty good amount of space for storage but i’m not going to overdo it uh let’s see if we can at least have maybe some chests on the left just on the right and in the middle just uh your normal furnace arrays and stuff

Like that let’s see what you can set up the hobbit hole storage interior is all done let me know what you guys think of this one two three bam look how nice i love it it’s definitely inspired by my original hobbyhole storage design but just a little bit different just a

Little bit more lush cavey uh here and a lovely different kind of ceiling over here but we got separations every uh three we got a pillar going down this way and i know you can put the chest sideways you can have double chest all the way around but it just looks cool

For me but hopefully you guys get some inspiration whenever you build your own but this is kind of cool we got these lace archways we’ve got lighting in the center in the back a little furnace array love these flower pot designs over here on top of these anvils also we got a

Bunch of moss block here on the bottom back here we have the moss uh carpet but we got some shroom lights there just to get a little more lighting here in the furnace array well what do you guys think i do love this little uh archway kind of thing

Here to get out now that we have our starter house we have our storage we have crops over here we also have our animal pen i think the next thing we need to do is maybe set up some kind of another portal and just looking at

This area right here i think we can make this work this actually looks like it’s already uh portal-like we got a nice little design here so i think we can maybe sneak in uh some of the obsidian inside here and take it all the way up and maybe just do a little

Terraforming so it gets blended in nicely all right i think we’re good to go that’s a nice shape right here you really don’t see the obsidian it’s a little bit on this side a little bit on that side but nothing too much and i love the way

We broke that up over here we got some stairs we got some slabs of of the deep slate some walls as well over here i got the path all in place and this kind of goes down and around so we can get over to the animal pen easy and quickly

And also we can get to it from this part over here so i love having multiple ways to get to the portal so this is looking pretty cool we can even add some more details but i think we’re really good to go also some hanging lights here with some

Lanterns so let’s light it up and see what it looks like okay hold on what did i break this might be too tall i know i see the problem there it is five four three two one it ain’t that tall let’s go oh that looks so good okay that looks

Amazing what do you guys think of our nether portal oh we’d love to know what’s on the other side what do you guys think what biome do you think is on the other side of this nether all right guess it’s in the comment section

Let’s go and see oh man one of the most dangerous ones right here oh it is right next to the warp so we’re on the crimson right here we’ve got a big old lake of lava on this side and uh it looks like that is some wastes over there pretty cool

All right nice who gets crimson and we’re back in look at this this place is looking so good now what are we missing i think we work on a mine entrance next i’m thinking something like this looks pretty good uh i did get rid of uh the that was here but we could

Bring that wood back and make it look a little different or uh we could bring in some black stone here and maybe give a little bit of a black stone trim on the front entrance like that that is a really good mix with um the deep slate and the black

Stone so we can do something like that maybe have something like so a big old door to get in right here and then we can keep the wood feel on the inside i’m thinking we could cap off the top here but maybe giving it a little bit of a roof

Uh so i’m thinking we can bring in uh that style again and put it on uh this little section and it might contrast the deep slate a little bit better i think let’s try it out and here it is all set up the roof here it is looking awesome also the same

Pop-up log the same style we’ve been going with with all of our other structures i love this but then watch this the inside is looking really really nice it’s almost i’m trying to see if i can reinvent how the mine shafts look so i got these little cross beams on here

With some trapdoors kind of wrapped around we got some trapdoors on top and some lights in the middle and this will take you well literally to 12 if you really wanted to but you know it’s just an example uh but yeah it’s nothing back there but

But this could definitely go to 12 and then like a little armor display here of all of the types like we got gold we got iron we got diamond we also got nether right here and i love it it’s a really cool minor interest it’s definitely different from anything i’ve ever done

But it’s definitely inspired by these lush caves with that little mossy a little bit of rail on the ground here now i think we got done most of the bills that you would pretty much consider a base to have right we got the starter house we got the storage we got a mining

Entrance we got our starter house we got crops we got animal pens nether portal pretty much most of the things you need now let’s give this place just a couple little bits of minor finishing touches just to make it stand out just a little more and look a little cooler And just like that my dream lush cave base has come true this is so much fun to make let me know what you guys thought i did add a bunch of extra bits after the last cut like this awesome panda sanctuary over here added some more crop feels like

Potatoes also some carrots on this side also next to the house i added this little flower garden behind the house i also added this brewing station with netherworth farm and also some hanging lights here on the ceiling these awesome chandeliers turned out really cool and

Then over here i wanted to add a little feature so i added the sword in the stone kind of thing but i’m so very proud of this lush cave base let me know what you guys thought in the comment section and let me know if you guys would like to see more 117

Bases or maybe even a whole village down below i think i can set something up but i’m out of here for now thank you for watching thank you for hanging out with me today and i’ll catch you guys on the next minecraft video goodbye Hey listen

This video, titled ‘I Made an Epic Lush Cave Base for Minecraft 1.17!’, was uploaded by TheMythicalSausage on 2021-03-17 15:00:30. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

I Made an Epic Lush Cave Base for Minecraft 1.17! In today’s Minecraft video i’m going to build a brand new cave base in the …

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    Unleash the Power of Litematica! Ultimate Guide in HindiVideo Information गाइस तो स्वागत है आपका एक और नई वीडियो में जिसमें मैं आज आपको बताने वाला हूं लाइट मेटका का यूज कैसे करना है आपको लाइट मेटका गाइस एक मोड है जो आपको होलोग्राम या ब्लूप्रिंट देता है किसी भी स्ट्रक्चर या कोई भी आप जैसे बिल्ड बना रहे होते हो जैसे काफी बड़ा-बड़ा बिल्ड बनाना है उसको सही से कैसे बनाना है तो बिल्ड बनाने के लिए आपको इस लाइट मेटका मोड का यूज करना पड़ेगा ये बहुत ही मतलब फायदेमंद मोड है आपके लिए चाहे आप कोई सा भी बिल्ड बनाते हो उसके लिए परफेक्ट बिल्ड… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Micah Odor Liam Recital 2024 Surprise!

    Mind-Blowing Micah Odor Liam Recital 2024 Surprise!Video Information This video, titled ‘Liam Recital 2024’, was uploaded by Micah Odor on 2024-04-15 15:53:00. It has garnered 84 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:33 or 153 seconds. PigStep A piano cover Of a dubstep song Found on a digital version Of a vinyl album In MineCraft. Read More


    MHA WORLDServidor de Minecraft My Hero Academia (Boku No Hero) El mejor servidor de BNHA para Minecraft, con addons, quirks, eventos semanales y todo lo que quieras encontrar. Toda información en discord. Te esperamos mhaworld.vultam.host Read More

  • LuxorMC: Semi-vanilla SMP, Active Hermitcraft-like server, Dynmap, whitelisted, Java 1.20.2+, Community events & Projects, Mature Community.

    Welcome to LuxorMC! Hello All!, Welcome to LuxorMC we are a relatively new network with many different game modes and more to come. We are an active community looking for new members to join us on our adventures. Game modes: Whitelisted SMP Hermitcraft style (More Info Below) Mass Survival (Public) Skyblock (Public) Prisons (Coming Soon) HCF (Coming Soon) PVP (Coming Soon) LuxorMC Whitelisted SMP: Discord: https://discord.gg/luxormc LuxorMC Whitelisted SMP is a Hermitcraft like Minecraft server experience with our own twist. Our community is focused on skilled and dedicated players who push the limits of survival Minecraft. Server Features: Proximity Chat… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Update Tier List (pls don’t rage)

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft Update Tier List (pls don't rage)Well, at least this meme is safe from being killed in the update tier list! It’s a solid 0, living its meme life in peace. Read More


    EU E MEU AMIGO NO MINECRAFT FAZENDO CHURRASCO DE OVELHAS “EU e meu amigo no Minecraft lá de ovelhar… espero que ele não me confunda com uma ovelha e tente me tosquiar!” 😂🐑 #minecraft #minecraftmemes Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for 200 IQ Gameplay!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for 200 IQ Gameplay! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “Minecraft: -100 IQ vs 200 IQ.” In this epic showdown, two players with vastly different approaches to the game go head-to-head in a battle of wits and skill. While watching the video, we couldn’t help but think about the diverse and exciting community over at Minewind Minecraft Server. Just like the players in the video, Minewind attracts individuals with a wide range of playing styles and strategies. Whether you consider yourself a quick-thinking 100… Read More

  • Top Moments in Animation vs. Minecraft

    Top Moments in Animation vs. Minecraft Minecraft Adventures with Animation vs. Minecraft Exploring New Episodes Join Animation vs. Minecraft for 60 minutes of thrilling adventures in their latest episodes. From facing off against dragons to navigating through challenging landscapes, there’s never a dull moment in the world of Minecraft. Exciting Moments Experience the adrenaline rush as the characters dive into action-packed scenarios. From intense battles to unexpected discoveries, each moment is filled with suspense and excitement. Voices by Dippidd Listen to the talented voice acting by Dippidd, bringing the characters to life with their unique personalities and emotions. Each voice adds depth and authenticity to… Read More

  • INSANE CHALLENGE: Collecting 64 of EVERY item in Mokezi!!!

    INSANE CHALLENGE: Collecting 64 of EVERY item in Mokezi!!!Video Information no way no way it’s me Moy Minecraft I’m Minecrafting actually not I I immediately logged on to the server and then it was it was dark and and scary outside and there was a creeper so I ran in to this uh circus Festival I don’t know freak you I don’t know what these are called met 64 meta 64 with the scallop meta 64 where is meta 64 meta 64 hi meta 64 you are not talking it was it was it just so silly so absolutely it was very funny Mo in Minecraft yeah there’s… Read More

  • Testing Insane Minecraft Tiktok Hack!

    Testing Insane Minecraft Tiktok Hack!Video Information secret chest bed in Minecraft love baby we buil this house on memories take my picture now search This video, titled ‘Testing Unbelievable Minecraft Tiktok Hack That Will Work🤯#shorts #ytshorts #minecraft #viral’, was uploaded by Khati Gamerz on 2024-02-26 02:30:01. It has garnered 8301 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. Testing Unbelievable Minecraft Tiktok Hack That Will Work🤯#shorts #ytshorts #minecraft #viral Minecraft Viral TikTok Hack #hindi #hackminecraft #minecraft #hacks #minecraft #minecraftmeme #minecraftshorts #minecraftanimation Minecraft NORMAL vs REALISTIC 🤯 minecraft shorts, minecraft but , minecraft memes , minecraft trends , satisfying minecraft… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Pixel Art Masterpiece – EPIC Build!

    Insane Minecraft Pixel Art Masterpiece - EPIC Build!Video Information aku viral karena menangis bukan kepengin jadi artis aku memang tak manis tapi ku tak egois Aku tidak romantis tapi banyak yang terhipnosis di jalanan ada lampu kerajaan ada ratu di kuburan ada hantu di hatiku ada kamu pusing pusing tujuh keliling jika ada lampu jangan cari lilin jika ada aku kau jangan This video, titled ‘Minecraft pixel art 9* #minecraftbuilding#minecraft#minecraftpixelart’, was uploaded by HAAs on 2024-04-29 01:01:55. It has garnered 9088 views and 305 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. jangan lupa like share dan subscribe👍👍 #fypyoutube #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftmemes #minecraftbuilding #fyp… Read More

  • Shocking Karma Strikes in Hilarious Short Clip!

    Shocking Karma Strikes in Hilarious Short Clip!Video Information [Music] she This video, titled ‘That’s 🤣 called Karma #shorts #real #karma’, was uploaded by Mr Thunder9 on 2023-12-04 04:00:22. It has garnered 12293 views and 223 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:22 or 22 seconds. That’s 🤣 called Karma #shorts #minecraft #gamerfleet #technogamerz #carryislive #dream #mcstan #instagram #reels #facebook #youtube #youtubeindonesia #greatyoutube #build #artwork #cool #trending #world #minecraftshorts #minecraftanimetion #pvp minecraft gaming gamer minecraft videos techno gamerz sourav joshi vlogs minecraft smp smp mr indian hacker yes smarty pie mythpat Wait for It Paise Ye Konsa Desh Hai Asa Dost Sabko Mile Ye Kya Hua… Read More

  • “Mind-Blowing Bedwars: Wiktor’s Unbelievable Luck!” #minecraft #hypixel #pvp

    "Mind-Blowing Bedwars: Wiktor's Unbelievable Luck!" #minecraft #hypixel #pvpVideo Information certified This video, titled ‘What are the chances? #minecraft #hypixal #bedwars #hypixel #bedwarsissofun #minemen #pvp #gaming’, was uploaded by Wiktor on 2024-03-16 14:00:22. It has garnered 617 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Minecraft Bedwars is a fast-paced multiplayer mini-game where teams compete to be the last ones standing. In this game, players are divided into teams and spawn on individual islands with a bed. The objective is to protect your bed while attempting to destroy the beds of other teams. Once a team’s bed is destroyed, they can no… Read More

  • The ULTIMATE Battle: JJ and Mikey vs SCARY VENOM in Minecraft!

    The ULTIMATE Battle: JJ and Mikey vs SCARY VENOM in Minecraft!Video Information huh hold up something’s wrong with the village The Village it’s been wrecked it’s all messed up what what happened here huh uh how wait Mikey what about the villagers let’s check to see if they’re safe yeah where is everyone oh hold on huh no one’s here or anywhere no way what happened like how what did this let’s check on the chief great let’s go Farms are all ruined huh huh there’s no one here either why the chief’s gone what happened huh how and why where is everyone let’s go back home Mikey is our… Read More


    EPIC BIRTHDAY PARTY ENDING IN A SHIZO MINECRAFT CASTLE!Video Information どうじゃろ草くくおはようございます 誕生日おめでとうございますしりパパ いらっしゃい来てくれてありがとう誕生日 おめでとう ありがとうありがとうござい ますちょうどぐらい出てきたいい感じに なったわ ちょっとわあ12時間お城出来上がりまし た完成でございます どう みんな噴水付きた時によく使われるコップ そう なん噴水作る時に使われるコップてあ草が あるとなんかいい感じに見える からえんではないでしょうかおやちん いくらおやちんは え1 ヶ月 うヶ月250万でよろしくお願いします なぜ200なんか草がやだこここっち側草 がなんかもう美味しげっ てるなぜ250万かと言うと250万あれ ばなんと なく幸せに なれ慣れそうだから です ガラス草美味しいああ もう美味しぎり すぎ何が何やらわからない美味しぎりすぎ て [音楽] ねえ牛が返事してくれ たよしおらいいやなんでやいい やん内装は内そうですけどねがはは がはははがははは めっちゃ伸びてる伸びすぎなよね蔦 が 賃貸賃貸ですよこちらこちらのお家賃貸に なっておりまし て素敵なお城が出来上がりましたもりお めもりおハモりねむるちゃんいらっしゃい 来てくれてありがとうおハモにおメモも ありがとう ありがとう [音楽] ありがとうお城の案内が始まるお城1回 建てとなっておりましてこちらのお 城1回にしかいけないんですよねすげえ 作り終わってよお 城いい感じにできた大人のホテルって言わ れたみんなになんでやなんでやねん全然 大人のホテルちゃう やろ 近くで見るとこんな感じ とよしよし よし いやよく頑張りました と52分ですねそろそろ締めに入り ましょうか55分でちょっとアーカイブが 切れてしまいますの で皆様ついに12時間でござい ます いや誕生日一瞬で終わったね早かったね みんなお祝いしてくれてありがとう ね今年も今年 は言ったけどこの配信を始める前に言った けど今年はマイクラのをちょっと多めにし ていこう配信していこうかなと思っている のでマイクラが好きな人初めてマイクラ メモのマイクラを見る 人よかったらチャンネル登録してください さんよろしくお願いし ます1泊250万です横か後ろに パーキング違う違う ないおかげで作業も終わりました半分お えらいさ産業じゃない作業半分終わって 素晴らしいみんなも朝までね見てくれた方 ありがとうそして寝おちしている方 ゆっっくり休むんよでいっぱい寝る よメモはこれ から寝ようと思います一旦寝てから Twitterのねおめでとうお誕生日お めでとうリプにお返事をしたいと思います の でまだコメントしてないよ違う違う違う リプしてないよっていう方はしといて くださいよろしくお願いしますではではで はではではではではでは 次は日本の風景そうだね次は日本のお城を 作ろうかなと思い ます星星いりさんかな来てくれて ありがとうす最後に30秒秒だけえメモ お誕生日グッズを出したのでよかったら メンモのXを見て配信に配信じゃない グッズも買ってくれると嬉しいですブース ですよろしくお願いしますでは今日も配信 来てくれてありがとうございました誕生日 おめでいっぱいありがとうではあつまにゃ… Read More

  • Insane 40M Budget Build DESTROYS LastPlayer in Watermelon Flower Showdown!

    Insane 40M Budget Build DESTROYS LastPlayer in Watermelon Flower Showdown!Video Information This video, titled ‘SonOyuncu Titanyum Karpuz Çiçek Bütçe 40M !ÇEKİLİŞ’, was uploaded by HzLowlers on 2024-02-21 04:39:45. It has garnered 3 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:40 or 340 seconds. rozzy pvp rozzy titanium rozzy titanium pvp rozzy duel rozzy open space rozzy titanium duel minecraft sonoyuncu skyblock, minecraft sonoyuncu cheat, minecraft sonoyuncu hack, minecraft sonoyuncu survival, minecraft sonoyuncu ip, minecraft sonoyuncu bedwars, minecraft sonoyuncu macro, minecraft sonoyuncu reach, minecraft sonoyuncu cheat how to do 2019, minecraft endgame settings, playing with a friend in minecraft endgame, minecraft endgame does not open, yasintnc texture… Read More

  • Unbelievable Herobrine Beat Remix by DAKU-6969

    Unbelievable Herobrine Beat Remix by DAKU-6969Video Information tu es dit aime-moi prends-moi dans tes bras et je n’ai plus personne ne laisse pas ton odeur impréger mes draps et si tu m’abandones je suis pas celle que tu crois aucun cabron ne m’a touché à part toi cavaliero personne ne m’a touch la cocaïne la cocaïne ma FEM je suis une [Musique] clandestineine la cocaïne la cocaïne ma FEM je suis une clandestine une clandestine la cocaïne cocaï ma FEM je suis une clandestine une clandestine am am This video, titled ‘#minecraft #music #beats #herobrine #alx #song #bass #instrumental #beat #remix #comedy #lol’, was uploaded… Read More

  • Underworld Survival

    Underworld SurvivalDeutscher Minecraft Server von dem Discord Server Underworld, wir spielen lediglich aus Spaß auf diesem, jedoch könnt ihr unseren Discord Server, sowie Minecraft Server unterstützen, indem ihr diese aktiv besucht/nutzt. Wir haben etliche Plugins auf dem Server installiert, die das Spiel Geschehen um einiges besser machen, die meisten Befehle und Aktionen sind derzeit noch auf englisch, dies wird aber nach und nach ins deutsche übersetzt. Read More

  • Perfectum SMP | Hermitcraft-style | Java 1.20.1 | LGBTQ+ Friendly | PG-13 | Whitelist | Community | BlueMap

    Welcome to the Perfectum SMP Welcome to the Perfectum SMP, a semi-vanilla survival server designed for an authentic and enjoyable gaming experience. Our goal is to create a transparent and welcoming community. We’ve selected plugins that enhance performance, reduce lag, and maintain vanilla gameplay as you explore with others. What you can expect: A dedicated team of moderators ensuring a seamless gaming experience. A server seed selected for its stunning landscapes and exploration potential. A simple Discord-based application process for quick access. A suggestion channel with upvotes and downvotes to make sure every voice is heard. A friendly and inclusive… Read More

  • Dutchy Middle School

    JOBS/DRUGS/SURVIVAL/DUTCH/ECONOMYPLASMOVOICE IS MANDATORY!Come join us now and we will have a great time.Every job has its own function as it should be! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “When you add shields to classic battle”

    Minecraft Memes - "When you add shields to classic battle"When you try to block out the haters but they just keep coming at you like a creeper in broad daylight. Read More

  • Minecraft meme #bootyshorts

    Minecraft meme #bootyshorts “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” Read More

I Made an Epic Lush Cave Base for Minecraft 1.17!