I Made An EPIC Villager Trading Hall! – Minecraft 1.18 Hardcore (#9)

Video Information

Today we’re back in my 1.18 hardcore world and we’re gonna tackle a very big project today we’re gonna start the episode out by making a villager trading haul because if you guys haven’t noticed yet I have not the best enchantments on my tools so my first goal for the day is

To make a trading haul and get a bunch of cool enchantments for our armor and our tools but oh boy we got much work to do today so let’s begin first off do I have any emeralds because I need emeralds to do the trade so do I have

Any I have 30. I mean that’s probably okay but let’s go get some more just to be safe so off to the raid Farm we go but of course I got sidetracked I saw the greatest thing in the world do I spy hey I can’t resist I’m sorry have I ever

Told you guys how much I love the color of jungle grass it’s just so bright and green just I love it I love it so much and we are here hello rain Farm how you doing look at me so wasteful boat parkour I’m king of the world you look

Ridiculous up there oh I’m sorry I didn’t mean it wait a second there’s an iron golem in here I’ll keep you there for an emergency but that’s really cool I didn’t know that now I needed to find a banner guy so I could get the bad Omen

Effect better guy better guy better guy I’ve been looking for you for like 10 minutes now thank you now I’m gonna take my bat open effect and go back over here what are you guys doing right there and now the raid starts and I go hide in my

Little chamber of chamber of something I don’t know and they should fall down right here for me to smack and get free emeralds and my farm still works now my farm mostly works well but sometimes the guys spawn too far away how are you guys on the other side of the dang Island

Who’s a good boy who’s she good boy come here who’s your good boy you want a belly rub I’ll rub your belly oh all right I’m going back he’s unstuck he’s unstuck why do we train her not the time no no [Applause]

No no oh oh oh oh get in get in get in oh my gosh and that’s it all right Victory and our total haul was for Emerald six emeralds two emeralds twelve emeralds and of course some extra totems which I will definitely take so overall

That is very good but one day I have to come over here by this Shore and make the land easier to get up because so many pillagers got stuck down here and I had to come and fight them and it’s really dangerous but all that being said

Let’s head back home and make the Pillager not Pillager villager trading Hall and if you’re enjoying this series make sure to subscribe and hit the Bell I’d really appreciate that alright home sweet home also I hate the rain now it rains too much in Minecraft but anyways

Now it is time to pick the place to build our villager trading Hall I was tempted to put it over here by the farm area but I kind of want to put it over back in this you know starter house area like maybe back over this way towards

Like the cliff or maybe back here actually right here could be perfect so we have like four houses in this little small like Courtyard area that sounds good to me I kind of like this area plus I could terraform the land a little bit and make it a little more like steep ooh

Kind of like how we did over here we made like these artificial walls oh that would be a really cool idea I like it let’s start terraforming so maybe right over here I’ll start digging it down a little bit oh you want to help here take a shovel

And boom a nice little platform with an amazing view of the coast and the water and later I’ll even make a cool pathway here to kind of connect back up to these houses but I’ll save the building for later let’s get to work on the actual villager part of this so we’re gonna

Make some cells for villagers to stay in let me just grab some wood and I’ll do something like this where I’ll build in some stilts and have the villagers like go in between these and this looks good we have five cells right now which means we’re gonna have five villagers in the

Trading Hall and obviously I can get more in the future but just for today I want to make it easy and simple so this works for me but now it’s time to go make the actual designer for this thing which will require some pistons and a

Little bit of redstone so I need some levers some sand blocks some redstone dust and some normal Pistons which I can craft using iron Redstone and some goodies I’ll take five of those so basically we’re gonna have these levers that control where each villager goes if

I flicked deliver on a villager will get infected by a zombie then I flick it off and he gets brought up to safety where I can cure him and get discounted trades so let’s build it and as I build this I will note if you want to make this farm

For yourself I have an old tutorial on it so I’ll link that down below okay so far everything checks out and looks good now down here we’re gonna have a zombie that lurks in the back but can’t bite the villagers unless I lower the sand

But again if I do lower said sand the zombie can then bite the Villager then again I pull him up to safety with the same lever but now here comes the annoying part I have to get villagers in these cells and honestly I’ve been dreading it because I know how hard it

Is I’ve done this before it’s gonna be rough hey villager I have a vacation opportunity for you yeah I Swear free vacation just get in the boat yeah I swear we’re going to a magical place you’re gonna love it I’m stuck on the path blocks okay villager please don’t

Run away please just stay in the area yes go keep going keep going yes okay get back in the boat yes all right we’re here just gotta make sure you can’t escape all right now get in there get in the hole get in the hole nope you’re

Going the wrong way get in the hole yes I got him haha you’re stuck in there now and you can’t get out all right I just gotta do that four more times I’ll be back shortly so when I went stealing villagers from their homes using boats and honestly it went pretty smooth

Except for this one part where the Villager went up the water for some reason but by the end it all worked out okay that was frustrating but we have them all here they’re all safe sound and secure side note did you guys know we’re on day

165 in this world we are flying through the series but now I have to make some left turns to get the correct villager trades I think I use slabs and books which I both have in bulk is that how you make it turn I need bookshelves uh

Okay well I can do that too and now I go boom boom and after I place all these down I can break the last dirt blocks and all these guys are Librarians with trade mending whoa I kind of want to just buy one right now as far as it be

Patient please oh hello hello Next Step was to get a zombie could I get you really fast in here come here quick get in here hurry get in get in come here come on don’t burn to death right run away oh he died dang it well I gave it

Away the next step here is to get a zombie in here with a name tag or just to hold an item so he doesn’t despawn so now I’m gonna go get a name tag which I probably have in here I got oh I got four and I’m gonna name a Zombie George

And now we wait until the sun sets did they take zombies out of the game I don’t see any zombie zombie villager oh no no no no everyone’s good everyone’s safe okay we’re good I got scared there all right you can come over here come inside of here come on water’s fine all

Right we got one in here all right run away run away and seal it up they can’t get out boom it’s all right sorry sorry all right dead and George you have your name tag and boom all right I am excited we have the farm done oh hello and now

Let’s give her a test let’s drop a villager down and see if he gets infected uh George is staring at me no look at the Villager I’ll walk away have your privacy did it work it worked all right he’s infected perfect now drop these guys down so they can all get

Infected and boom they’re all infected so now we gotta cure them and hopefully they don’t despawn you guys want some blocks to hold you don’t despawn for me thank you thank you I appreciate that now I’m gonna carefully go over here and grab my thingy my this thing brewing

Stand and of course when things are going smoothly something has to go wrong oh I’m gonna cry one of the zombies despawned only two of them are holding items oh no I’m actually gonna cry right now all right fermented spider eye requires what oh great I need brown

Mushrooms I don’t have any brown mushrooms okay well I gotta go on an adventure to go find a brown mushroom which also means I gotta name tag these guys they don’t despawn it was going so well until right now all right I got Bob

And then I got Bob okay off to go find brown mushrooms I spy a swamp bio and I’m pretty sure swamp biomes do spawn brown mushrooms boom boom boom thank you very much we then headed back home brewed up some potions and then got the last villager that we were missing and

There we go we have our last villager and we have a potion of weakness we can finally do this so first off you just gotta go get infected real fast now I go boom I go boom and I go boom and you each take one Golden Apple thank you

Very much and now we wait until they’re cured and they should have discounted trades and I’m not making any dumb mistakes I’m sitting right here and I’m staring at them until they cure oh I got cured oh they’re all getting cured all right great timing and the last one

Ready set go and there we go they’re all done so let’s see are they discounted trades oh yes they are one emerald and one book for enchantments But Here Comes the part where I got oh my goodness sharpness five I was gonna say here comes the part where we get the good

Enchantment you’re a keeper but what I can do is find a guy with a bad trade like this guy put a piece of dirt over his head so he can’t escape then just break the lectern and replace it let’s give it a test break it put it back and let’s try it again

Oh yeah new trades okay you know what I just want mending if I can get one mending guy I will stop talking forever and boom I got my mending I want to buy your entire inventory I’ll be right back and I will take all of your stuff thank

You oh my goodness that’s a lot I didn’t mean to do that many books I didn’t mean to shift click that’s so funny it’s okay I’ll take them all thank you okay well I got mending despair that’s wonderful and I guess for now I’ll put most of them in this chest in

The enchanting room but I’ll take one to put on some of my armor I like my chest plate I like my boots and I like my helmet boom boom and boom now I have now the right stuff that will not go away and you know what I’ll just do the pants

Too because it is netherite I’m not gonna risk losing it and there we go full mending armor set oh The Mending guy is a silk touch trade too I want that this guy here is the chosen one and now I can go heal up this old pick of

Mine with some diamonds and I can make this my silk touch dang it I thought that would work never mind but you know what I would call this day a success as far as this little trading mechanism goes but now we gotta get into building because this thing honestly is pretty

Ugly it’s just kind of out in the open I want to make a cool build here to kind of encapsulate it but first really important news last episode I said if the video gets 1 000 likes I would shave off my beard and I hate to say it but

You guys didn’t so thank you so much for all the love and support for this series so far but that being said I’ll be right back I don’t want to do this I don’t like it and you shouldn’t either and I am not doing real life sacrifices for

Likes I’ll keep it to Minecraft only so that being said if this video gets 1 000 likes I will build up to World height and I will jump off but anyways back to the building idea so here is my idea I’m thinking we make a potion lab centered

Around these guys because after all I got their cheap trades by using potions so if we make some kind of cool potion lab in the same building as them that could be like our Brewery and in the basement we could have these guys so oh I’m excited let’s go get some wood and

Get ready to build alright so first and foremost I think I’m gonna need to expand this wall a little bit further out maybe I’ll take some like dirt and just kind of bring it out like this a little bit and fill it in all right looking a little bit better

Now let’s start placing down some structure so I’m thinking maybe like some wood like there and make a nice little shape like this now I think I’m gonna use Blackstone for the base because I’ve been loving Blackstone I don’t know why I’ve just really been

Like oh it is in Blackstone this is deep sleep I’ve been loving deep slate recently on all my builds and by the way I’m kind of winging this right now so if it comes out bad don’t yell of it I’m already having a bad day but oh my

Goodness this was one of my best builds yet I think I’m so proud of how it came out I was literally just throwing stuff together and just testing it out and experimenting and by the end of it I really really liked it and the final

Touch and boom we are done and here is the building from this side not super impressive it’s kind of nice but you know nothing crazy but as you walk around here look at this grand entrance it’s kind of hard to see because the cliff here but this grand entrance I’ll

Make it a little easier for you guys boom check it out that’s amazing and as promised on this side over here this is the basement to get to the villagers then there’s staircases in these side rooms that lead up to the potion brewing area oh I forgot about that but in this

Small room we’re gonna have Brewing stands we’re gonna have like growing Netherlands it’s gonna have like cauldrons full of water it’s gonna be amazing let me just do that that’s better also I want to show you guys a really cool building trick I’ve been experimenting with I’m sure a lot of you

Guys build your houses like this where your roofs are pretty smooth but over on this side I tried making it kind of like kind of raggedy and just like messy with some random blocks and trap doors and it adds a lot of variety and texture so I

Do recommend if you want to you know spice it up a little bit do some of that just add some plain old blocks here and there with some like maybe a little bit of a color change or a texture change oh yeah this is looking a lot better now

But yeah I guess now it’s time to go work on the interior because the exterior looks fabulous and also I just want to say this series is really testing my building limits like I did not think I was gonna make a building that good just on the Fly and I did and

I’m so proud of myself and that’s been kind of like a theme in this series as a whole for all my builds I’m trying to really like stretch my boundaries and try new things and just try and you know become a better Builder and so far I

Think I’m nailing it I only have two Brewing stands but I probably can just make another other one just so I have like an odd amount to think that would look the best all right extra brewing stand and let’s pop inside of here let’s make some little shelves here on this

Wall I think throw a few barrels down some of these Corners I guess and right here I’m gonna make a barrel of water not a cauldron but a barrel because if you guys didn’t know if you fill up a water bottle with a cauldron you lose

Water but with this kind of a water source you don’t lose any so it makes more sense for me and this place already looks amazing I’ll make a ventilation system to go to the chimney oh that looks good and now for a few final touches here I’m going to put a little

Barrel of netherwort because why not got a little hanging root up there for some mysticalness I’ll make a flower pot and put another mushroom inside of that and maybe right here hang a glow Berry all right this place is already looking amazing it has a lot of alarm already

And at some point I’m gonna grow another wart right here but I don’t have any right now it’s kind of funny I have the blocks but not the actual warts so I call that a job well done thank you Mr villagers I appreciate all your help and

Sacrifice to be here you have no choice now I gotta grab a saddle and some horse armor because I need to get a horse and lucky for me I got some Diamond horse armor right here because over here in this Barn I have some extra cells for

Animals and you guys told me I should put horses and donkeys back here so I like that idea so Mr Branton you can come with me you get this amazing cell next to the cows I know you like cows out out I swear I saw horses in this

Like field up here hey look patches how you doing I see a pure white stallion how are you doing but the question is are you fast oh you like me okay put a saddle on you and let’s see oh you are slow slow slow I do not want you how

About your friend other white one you are equally as slow you are horrible well I guess I’ll ride you to go find your replacement ah there’s so many things I want to do around here like there’s a big cave there I want to explore there’s underwater caves down there there’s so

Much exploration to do oh I see you hello and this lovely guy is oh you’re slow too why are you all so slow I guess this guy’s a little bit faster than the rest short I’ll take it you’ve been bestowed I don’t know what you call it you’re my horse now and your

Name is Jeremy Jeremy the horse oh man that’s awkward oh my ex is right there oh my ex is in public I hate that pain that happens all right Jeremy needs a name tag I have this horrible habit of naming every single pet I get and I run

Out of name tags or my world gets really laggy from all the mobs in it Jeremy boom Jeremy you can stay right across from my good friend Branson you’re gonna love it here stay put and as the sun sets I’m gonna end the episode here make

Sure to like subscribe do all the good stuff and I’ll talk to you guys next time so until then goodbye

This video, titled ‘I Made An EPIC Villager Trading Hall! – Minecraft 1.18 Hardcore (#9)’, was uploaded by Farzy on 2021-12-31 18:00:31. It has garnered 1641212 views and 9152 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:13 or 973 seconds.

Today we built a villager trading hall in my Minecraft 1.18 Hardcore World, so i can get enchantments like mending and silk touch! I also built a potion lab so we can easily brew potions! We ended off the day by taming a minecraft horse!

My Old Trading Hall Tutorial: https://youtu.be/7wLCJ7XycPQ

Watch The Whole Hardcore Series HERE: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6gJkISajekAYxbVRE8bHuJKolT_PW8rc

Seed: 564902244069520138

MY SOCIALS: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nick_farzy/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/Nick_Farzy Discord Server: https://discord.gg/dzBMyPs 2nd Channel: https://www.youtube.com/NickFarzy My Merch: https://farzy-merch.creator-spring.com Become A Member: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVtz3s3FUxVxBgPl2OWtIJQ/join

Join My Public Minecraft Server (Java): farzy.mcserver.us

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    "SHOCKING: Find Out When Your Base Will Be Attacked! 😱" #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘What Age will attack your base?😵#minecraft #shorts #mrbeast’, was uploaded by カミル on 2024-05-09 01:00:18. It has garnered 16400 views and 553 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. Thanks for watching! Please subscribe to the channel❤ Thank you for watching! Please subscribe to the channel 😚 X (Twitter)https://twitter.com/iceopi1219?t=g8S9v-ohQLSnAMFSt-ZSkg&s=09 KEYWORDS AND RELATED INFORMATION: minecraft, j and mikey, maizen, mikey andj, ij and mikey minecraft, minecraftj and mikey, maizen minecraft, j and mikey roblox, siren head, shorts, minecraft ghost, roblox, mikey and j minecraft, sonic, choo choo charles, maizen roblox, sakura, granny,… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft SMP Tower Build!

    Unbelievable Minecraft SMP Tower Build!Video Information This video, titled ‘Filling out the tip (of my tower) [VOD] Minecraft SMP’, was uploaded by Exinerate VODs on 2024-09-25 19:57:17. It has garnered 41 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 03:26:50 or 12410 seconds. Minecraft SMP stream from September 25th 2024 Follow me on Twitch! https://www.twitch.tv/exinerate_ezx Subscribe to my main channel! @Exinerate_EZX Check out my Instagram! https://www.instagram.com/daniel.exinerate/ Join my community Discord! https://discord.com/invite/rtSwu2dsKE Check out my TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@exinerate Read More

  • Mind Control: TF2 YouTubers forced to join my Minecraft server

    Mind Control: TF2 YouTubers forced to join my Minecraft serverVideo Information This video, titled ‘I forced TF2 YouTubers to join my Minecraft server’, was uploaded by LucidLIVE on 2024-08-24 18:00:07. It has garnered 4943 views and 335 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:39 or 639 seconds. This was a mistake… FULL STREAM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ei9yB6TN3CI People in the video: @ZestyJesus @orrenlane @PurpleColonel @RichterOvertime @SnowmanSixtyFour @bradleyg_ @furnset @Technicals @Lonqudor @PartyPugTV @daws__ Music by Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio thelucidletters, lucid letters, lucid, tf2, team fortress, teamart, music, fixtf2, savetf2, lucid dreaming, lucid letters, lucid, tf2, team fortress, team fortress 2, team fortress two, team fotrees 2, tem fortress two,… Read More

  • Krishna Raja vs Zombie in MINECRAFT 🧟‍♂️👊🏼 #shorts #viral

    Krishna Raja vs Zombie in MINECRAFT 🧟‍♂️👊🏼 #shorts #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Fight With A Zombie In MINECRAFT 😅 #shorts #minecraft #explore #viral’, was uploaded by Krishna Raja on 2024-06-07 23:49:13. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft minecraft,minecraft shorts,minecraft but,minecraft mod,minecraft challenge,minecraft funny,minecraft memes,shorts … Read More

  • SoulPvP

    SoulPvPVote for Us and Win Exciting Rewards! SoulPvP is a Network Consisting 2 gamemodes Lifesteal and FFA! play.soulpvp.fun Read More

  • Nothing SMP Modded Whitelist 1.20.1 13+

    Welcome to Our Modded Minecraft Server! Version 1.20.1, Online 24/7 Modded with Over 70 mods including Origins, Ice and Fire, Create, OTBWG, Stellarity, etc. Simple Voice Chat coming soon. Targeted Age Group: 13-25 Whitelisted Server Currently 15 active players Server has been running for 7 months, reset 3 days ago Located in Germany with players from Asia, Australia, and America No Griefing/Lifesteal, focuses on Building, Grinding, Hanging out Responsive and Friendly Staff No Land Claims Interested in Joining? Add zariaah on Discord to get whitelisted! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Sip on that Minecraft tea

    Minecraft Memes - Sip on that Minecraft teaWell, I guess S’beve really knows how to mine for those upvotes! Read More

  • Frosty Facts: Minecraft’s Hidden Show, Unearthed Secrets That Even Pros Don’t Know

    Frosty Facts: Minecraft's Hidden Show, Unearthed Secrets That Even Pros Don't Know In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Cube Xuan brings laughter, like a joyful dream. With funny animations and songs to sing, Each video a gem, like a shining ring. From classroom antics to songs so sweet, Cube Xuan’s channel is a joyful treat. With updates and facts that fans adore, Minecraft knowledge like never before. So leap into the verse, with rhymes so fine, Cube Xuan’s channel, a true gold mine. For gaming fun and laughter galore, Subscribe today, and come back for more! Read More

  • Oh no why | Minecraft troll face meme | #hotmeme

    Oh no why | Minecraft troll face meme | #hotmeme When you accidentally mine straight down and fall into a pit of lava, but your character’s face is just like “Oh no why” in the most nonchalant way possible. Classic Minecraft troll face moment! Read More

  • Diamonds Galore: Minecraft PE Survival Pt. 2

    Diamonds Galore: Minecraft PE Survival Pt. 2 Exploring the Depths: Diamond Mining in Minecraft PE Survival Series Embark on an exciting journey through the pixelated world of Minecraft PE Survival Series as our intrepid gamers delve deep into the earth in search of the coveted diamonds. In this thrilling episode, they finally strike gold – or rather, diamonds – in their quest for rare resources. Unearthing Treasures As the players navigate the challenges of survival mode, they encounter various obstacles and adversaries along the way. From crafting tools to building shelters, every step brings them closer to their ultimate goal: finding diamonds. With perseverance and skill,… Read More

  • Sneak Peek: Minecraft 2024 Update!

    Sneak Peek: Minecraft 2024 Update! Minecraft LIVE 2024 Leaked | New Biome & Mob! Welcome to the exciting world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds! In this latest update, players are in for a treat with the leaked information about the upcoming Minecraft LIVE 2024 event, featuring a new biome and mob. Let’s dive into the details and explore what’s in store for all the Minecraft enthusiasts out there! New Biome Unveiled: The Enchanted Grove One of the most anticipated additions to Minecraft is the Enchanted Grove biome. This mystical and magical biome is filled with vibrant colors, sparkling flora, and unique creatures…. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Cobblemon with JoobiestNerd

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  • Building Underground Bunker with Giant Worms in Minecraft

    Building Underground Bunker with Giant Worms in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘How Mikey and JJ BUILD BUNKER from GIANT WORMS ? Underground Kingdom! – Minecraft (Maizen)’, was uploaded by JJ MAIZEN & Mikey on 2024-04-06 17:30:01. It has garnered 24117 views and 195 likes. The duration of the video is 01:03:08 or 3788 seconds. How Mikey and JJ BUILD BUNKER from GIANT WORMS ? Underground Kingdom! – Minecraft (Maizen) This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and… Read More


    DAY 1 HARDCORE MINECRAFT MADNESSVideo Information This video, titled ‘Some highlights of day 1 Hardcore #minecraft’, was uploaded by stan616 on 2024-09-25 15:56:27. It has garnered 63791 views and 7071 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. https://www.twitch.tv/stan616 Read More

  • EPIC Tsunami House Build Challenge – Minecraft NOOB vs PRO!

    EPIC Tsunami House Build Challenge - Minecraft NOOB vs PRO!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft NOOB vs PRO: TSUNAMI HOUSE BUILD CHALLENGE’, was uploaded by Wetz on 2024-04-11 08:00:32. It has garnered 104556 views and 2165 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:59 or 1379 seconds. Check out n’yo mga kaibigan ko: Raizu: @RaizuMinecraft Lyn: @KLlyn. Inspired by Eider, Maizen, Aphmau, Nico, Cash, Omzcool Minecraft Video, Challenges, Pranks and Building! Read More

  • Chill Tushar Fan Club – Haunted School Trip 😱 || Part 1 || Minecraft Horror Story

    Chill Tushar Fan Club - Haunted School Trip 😱 || Part 1 || Minecraft Horror StoryVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT HAUNTED SCHOOL TRIP 😨 || PART-1 || MINECRAFT HORROR STORY IN HINDI || VIDEO BY @tusharrr1’, was uploaded by CHILL TUSHAR Fan Club on 2024-07-13 16:50:59. It has garnered 2 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:58 or 538 seconds. its a horror minecraft roleplay in hindi video uploaded by CHILL TUSHAR Fan Club its a horror minecraft roleplay in hindi video created by Chill Tushar #minecraft #roleplay #gaming . . . minecraft roleplay, minecraft, gaming, minecraft horror, minecraft scary, minecraft haunted, minecraft story, conjuring, minecraft dark, minecraft secret, minecraft smp,… Read More


    WARNING: SUBSCRIBES TO THIS CHANNEL = DEATH!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 SUB = DEATH – Minecraft Hexxit Mod’, was uploaded by Java on 2024-08-27 22:35:42. It has garnered 8597 views and 260 likes. The duration of the video is 01:07:01 or 4021 seconds. #minecraft #hypixel #Bedwars #shorts Read More

  • Unleash Dan’s Wild Power – Charity Streamer!

    Unleash Dan's Wild Power - Charity Streamer!Video Information This video, titled ‘I need more powah!! | FamilyFriendly | !extralife Charity Streamer’, was uploaded by WildWestDan on 2024-06-22 02:14:51. It has garnered 6 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 03:08:56 or 11336 seconds. ————————————————– About Me: Howdy! I am a community-first family friendly charity creator who loves Minecraft, Disney, Dungeons & Dragons, and Nintendo! My current super long-term project for my YouTube Let’s Play and Twitch streams is creating the entirety of Walt Disney World’s Magic Kingdom, as accurately as possible, in vanilla Survival Minecraft. I have been raising money for Boston Children’s… Read More

  • INSANE! Opening 50 BlockBande Boxes on Craftmir

    INSANE! Opening 50 BlockBande Boxes on CraftmirVideo Information This video, titled ‘ich ÖFFNE 50 KISTEN auf BlockBande Minecraft’, was uploaded by Craftmir on 2024-05-10 13:00:43. It has garnered 11136 views and 559 likes. The duration of the video is 00:23:33 or 1413 seconds. we play on BlockBande.de LIKE & SUBSCRIBE if you want to see more! If you want to play along: https://discord.gg/paulberger ►Main channel: @Amir1107 ►Become a channel member: https://bit.ly/3ykKJ1u ►Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/1107amir ►Discord: https://discord.gg/aryaFURtkZ ►Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/1107amore/ ►Twitter: https://twitter.com/1107amore?s=20 Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound: http://www.epidemicsound.com Read More

  • Becoming Herobrine Prank on Friend | Minecraft #shorts

    Becoming Herobrine Prank on Friend | Minecraft #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Trolled My Friend And He Become Herobrine #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by I Am Alpha on 2024-06-14 12:41:00. It has garnered 12226 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. Hello Guyz I AM Gaming Content Creator Please Hit Subscribe Tags Ignore minecraft shorts,minecraft,minecraft animation,shorts,shorts minecraft,minecraft but,minecraft memes,minecraft funny,minecraft tiktok,minecraft short,minecraft sad story,funny minecraft shorts,minecraft meme shorts,minecraft types shorts,minecraft challenges,funny minecraft,help shorts,minecraft parody,youtube shorts,minecraft pe,help herobrine shorts,minecraft meme,alan becker shorts,minecraft life story,old minecraft shorts Read More

I Made An EPIC Villager Trading Hall! – Minecraft 1.18 Hardcore (#9)