I Mined the MOST DIAMONDS in Minecraft Hardcore! (#5)

Video Information

On the last episode a lot of you guys were making fun of me because i had no diamonds and i was basically poor in my hardcore world well i took that personally and in today’s video i will be mining as many diamonds as i possibly

Can to prove all of you guys wrong and let’s just say i did end up getting a lot of diamonds this is my favorite episode i made so far so if you guys like it as well please drop a like on the video and please subscribe if you guys are new this is

Going to be insane hardcore series you don’t want to miss it hey guys i think the main goal for this episode is to go resource hunting especially for some diamonds because i was reading your comments in my last video and you guys were making fun of me

Because i’m basically poor i only have 22 diamonds and i don’t have diamond armor the fifth episode that’s kind of sad and the armor i am wearing is basically broken oh my god i don’t even have shoes i’m walking on my bare feet so yeah that

Is the main goal i’m gonna go mining for a lot of diamonds so i can prove everybody in the comments wrong and where did all my food go i’m a peasant i don’t have any food hello oh there we go i have potatoes oh wait how

Do i only have 46 potatoes i have this giant potato farm and only have 46 baked potatoes i am a disappointment i built this giant potato farm just to only have 46 potatoes to eat oh wow okay let’s go grab some potatoes i don’t know why i said that’s so weird

Potatoes and let’s go smelt these up because you guys already know i’m finishing all of these potatoes by the end of this episode i eat so much but anyways i think i’m gonna go on the hunt for some sugar cane and some cows to get some leather because i want to

Make it an enchantment table doing chat my pickaxe so mine will be a lot faster but before i do that i should probably uh replace my armor here okay let’s actually use my diamonds so let’s make a chest plate and make some pants oh let’s go we got achievement and bam

And i’m gonna save these diamonds just in case and i’ll finish off my armor set with some iron just because uh i’m not that rich yet i’ll get there soon by the end of this episode and let’s throw this into the ocean pollute the ocean

No i’m just kidding don’t do that but on my last hardcore episode last week i built this crane right here and found my four blue axolotls and i fixed up the ceiling so they’re not like cramming to the top trying to escape and they’re actually swimming around looking awesome i’m pretty

Impressed with this crane and also built this giant dock here to surround my house here and now i actually have a walkway across my house area which is really nice but i’m gonna go on the hunt for some sugarcane right now the sun is going down though and the sunset is

Looking pretty beautiful like uh like you guys you guys are just as beautiful as that sunset i cannot say that for myself i’m a solid 1 out of 10. and let’s go to sleep sleep my pain away all right rise and shine let’s go find some sugarcane actually do i have any

Sugarcane in my chest what i do okay let’s plant these and then go find some more sugarcane because i’m gonna need a lot of sugarcane and a lot of leather to make some books in order to make a full level 30 enchantment table wow that was actually

Perfect to fill up this entire line and let’s go hunt for some sugar cane oh look at this area that’s kind of cool there’s a hole in the mountain with like a water stream coming down i guess so distracted it’s literally minecraft blocks and i’m amazed what is wrong with

Me oh my god the lava just burned down this forest all right but i’ve been running for a little bit and i cannot find any more sugarcane well maybe because i’m in like a winter bottom that kind of makes sense whatever my brain is not working man

When does it ever work my brain is just a small peanut oh i do have a cow though yeah only one piece of leather yeah two pieces of leather oh wait that’s not a cow oh here’s your brother back i think i killed his parent

I am so sorry i’m sorry he’s chasing me what the heck is this i’ve never seen something generate like this before it’s just a hole in the ground there’s no cave system it’s just flat that is weird oh there’s a swamp bomb over there oh sugar cane i’m just killing my

Girlfriend oh man everybody in the comments are probably like why are you killing the cows that’s their girlfriend okay where did that piece of sugarcane go i literally saw it hello oh jackpot go go go go go oh my god there’s a lot over there oh my god

I’m actually a child still this precious uh resource from the earth that’s what you get for eating my grass i’m so hyper today uh like i’m tired i only got four hours of sleep but i’m still hyper you know when you guys are getting zero sleep but you guys still

Kind of have energy that’s what i feel right now oh i did not take any fall damage right there i’m hacking oh my god the sugars get everywhere i hit jackpot where did i go that give me that give me that snatch that how the hello this jerk is growing inside a tree

Is it worth it going all the way over there to get that sugar cane no it’s not i’m running away you thought of course i’m gonna get the sugarcane what do you mean and let’s go over here to grab that one but yeah with all the sugarcane i’m gonna plant down and get

Some paper so i can start making some bookshelves for an enchantment table i’m not that advanced yet i don’t have any enchantments or a full set of diamond armor so this episode is mainly focused on getting more wealthy so like a full set of diamond armor full set diamond tools

Some good enchantments and once i have all that you guys can’t make fun of me in the comments anymore for being poor all right what’s up guys just a quick break i’m not sure if you guys missed it or not but i dropped my brand new merch collection on my cookie

Store i have awesome hoodies t-shirts phone cases mugs and even a notebook so go check it out with the link below thank you guys so much and let’s go right back to the video what is that mount everest over there oh my god why is that mountain so

Fat there’s horses i don’t have saddles what’s up donkey what’s up slap that ass whoa what what is this world what the heck what the oh that dolphin just jumped out of nowhere i’ve never seen birch trees grow this tall these are birch trees on steroids

What the heck have you guys seen bottoms like this these tall looking birch trees that like look like those tall spruce trees but birch whoa look at that that looks like a secret entrance into like narnia what kind of biome is this i’ve never seen this before this

Must be new right or maybe i’m just a noob and minecraft wow these are long these are some long schlongs right there what biome am i in it’s called a river nice i’m in a tall birch forest oh i didn’t know that was a biome i said mount everest was over there look

At that oh my god what is that doing here that looks like a spaceship from aliens okay that looks it looks nothing like a spaceship from aliens but anyways i think i have enough sugarcane to plant down and it’ll just like duplicate anyways so i do see a lot of

Cows here a lot of girlfriends so oh my god there’s a lot of cows everywhere holy cow see what i did there holy cow cause there’s a lot of cat okay i just just shut up ow who shot me where’s my [ __ ] oh my oh there’s my shield

Oh don’t hide from me i swear i saw a cow right here don’t wait oh there’s two i do not like the night time this is not good but i’m gonna stay focused and kill all these cows still hello sir oh my god you have a baby by yourself oh i just

Killed your father sorry i gotta leave you brother stay safe out there oh i just saw three skeletons this one in front of me oh my god is this even fair creepy go go go go go go i thought i was gonna say like 40 but i only have 23

Leather i thought i was gonna have like 45 or something so that probably isn’t enough to make a book is it no it definitely is enough to make one book one singular book yeah but like enough to make a level 30 enchantment table i don’t think so

I’m so tired guys are you guys tired too chill vibes only but right now i’m wearing my cookie he’s coming for me but anyways right now we’re in my cookie hoodie the brown one with the uh the cookie text over and it’s so comfy right now i’m gonna hide

In here though i’m gonna take a photo for you guys i’ll slap it on the screen bam right there but it’s so comfy but i’m actually gonna wait till the sun rises and the night’s gone so i’m gonna go grab a snack like usual be right back All right i am back it better be daytime oh it is nice oh it’s in the middle of the day i was gone for a little too long but if someone could guess what i just ate i’ll heart your comments i’ll go searching around the comments for a little bit so

If you guessed it i’ll heart your comment and reply to you but what was i doing oh i was getting steak right oh yeah i was i literally just ate like two pieces of steak from last night oh goat what’s up brother this guy jumped to the moon where’s your

Family you’re just living here alone you wanna come home with me i guess that’s a no nobody wants to live with me i stink too much oh what is oh that’s a sunken ship right there let’s go check out what’s inside who knew a cookie can swim but let’s go

Check out what’s inside some iron some gold some emmys um pretty poo i’m gonna lie anything else and a buried treasure map okay let’s see oh i’m in the corner again i what does it mean when you’re in the corner of the map it’s definitely too

Far away but like how do you get it to work normally i don’t get it whoa now there’s a lot of dolphins right there i got distracted way too easily all right let’s try to find some more cows what am i doing and i did not think to make myself a boat

What i’m brain dead my brain is a fried like my brain is already small like normally on a normal day but today is non-existent aha there’s all the cows 360. yeah give me that meat 320 uh 140 6262. i’m just saying random numbers at this point wait

You could kill horses for leather um i’ve been running past like all these different horses oh my god that’s a whole family of squid get back in there what are they doing in this little pond these boys need a map they’re lost even that meat though they

Didn’t even drop me anything i hate the sound of killing horses it’s so sad as i kill more horses all right but let’s kill all these remaining cows here and head back home because the sun is setting and i think i should have almost enough i should have enough

Leather oh i’m i only have 34 that is not a lot but i’m gonna kill all these cows and head back home and sleep before all the mobs come out oh we found an abandoned nether portal what’s inside this chest here fortune 3 shovel pretty poo some obsidian that will help

For my enchantment table so i want to have to go find some obsidian there’s some gold here and i think i’m going to mine some of this obsidian here so i can make an enchantment table because i’m too lazy to go underground and find some so this

Is actually perfect oh i found some gold what the heck i was actually perfect i didn’t know those gold down there is there more gold under here this is gold hiding for me now i did not know that look at look at my oh that’s not

My house hey look at my place from the distance it looks pretty good oh finally made it back home and it’s pretty much nighttime already so let’s jump into here hopefully there’s no creepers inside my house and let’s sleep ah nice stretch good morning all right

My sugar gain has not grown but i did manage to get a whole stack of sugarcane here while all these skeletons trample over my crops what are you guys gonna do huh i just need to look at you guys and you die just like that hey buddy what do you have to trade

You have um slime ball that’s not too bad i will take some slime balls just kidding i have a pair of my own yo get out of my farm brother get out of my farm yo if you guys trample one piece of crap hey man get out get out get your bum out

Of here yeah yeah listen up yeah brother oh my he trampled one alright that’s the death penalty that’s what you get broke my diamond axe i’m beating them with a shovel i guess oh they dropped leather it was actually worth it all right but let’s go ahead

Here and plant the remaining sugar cane all throughout this coast right here circle all around this get back in the water oh my god i actually have a lobster this is going all the way around this entire like island and there we go nice all right but off all the sugarcane

Planted now and now i just gotta wait for them to grow all right so let’s build up here make a little tower and bam bam and let’s watch the sugarcane grow this is gonna be fun yeah this is not that fun i thought i thought they would grow faster okay

Change of plans i’m not waiting i did get a lot of food though oh i have leather in here oh i’m chilling 54 leather that should be good i think oh we got four we got four for another in here i didn’t have to go out

I just wasted like two hours of my life i’m just kidding that was fun though killing all those cows get revenge on my girlfriend but since my diamond axe broke let’s make another one and while i wait for the sugar cane to grow i’m gonna make myself a little mine

Shaft that’ll lead me into like a strip mine or something i don’t think i’ve ever even stripped mine yet so let’s pick a spot to make a little mine shaft and i want to make it fancy obviously because like if you couldn’t tell already i make everything

Quite fancy i mean the crane i made the windmill and i made my house and they’re all pretty fancy for pretty much no use it’s fun being creative i’m not saying i’m creative i’m pretty uh pretty dumb but i stopped making fun of myself and let’s start uh working on a little

Pathway to a mineshaft so i think i’m gonna do it right over here all right i made myself a little pathway here and i think i’m gonna branch off at least over here or over here into this little cave and make a mine but that’s for another day because the

Sun is setting again every time i look at the sun i think of like you know teletubbies that creepy little baby in the sun yeah i don’t know why i think of that i’m probably the oldest one here and i’m thinking about the teletubby sun face i question myself

Every day what is the purpose of life anyways back to making my mind shaft on minecraft oh man all right i think i’m gonna make the mine shaft right over here and there’ll be basically two different ways there’ll be a way down straight down and there’ll be basically

Two different ways to go there and there will basically and they were basically and there would basically be two different ways to go there would be a staircase down to a strip mine and there would be like a spiral staircase that spins around here that leads you into this cave

I think that is a pretty cool way to like add the both together so let’s start working on the design all right let’s add some spruce logs right here let’s strip it down because strip logs look so much better and that is my quick little entrance into the mine

Shaft let’s add some fences here so it looks like it could be gated off like a gold mine or something and i think i’m gonna add some lanterns because it adds to the cool little like effect you know what i mean i’m sure no one knows what i mean i’m just talking

To myself basically and there we go that’s basically what it’s gonna look like here all right but let’s continue building the mine shaft all right so now i have two entrances here inside the little mine shaft thing and this one would like circle around have a spiral staircase into the cave

And this one over here will just go straight down and turn into a strip mine that is the plan so let’s uh start working on the way into the cave and now i have to work on a spiral staircase which is literally the hardest thing in minecraft and i

Literally suck at it but let’s try my best here so let’s make it spiral right here mono this area all right and this is the spiral staircase that i got it’s it’s uh it’s decent i mean it’s not the best in the world but it’s it’s something

I guess everything is something if you really think about it oh i’m not even funny what am i doing all right this is the smart staircase i got it’s pretty poo but it will do it will do All right i’ve been mining for quite a bit and this is taking a really long time to mine this huge like staircase because it’s three blocks wide and like five blocks high all the way down to y13 to mine diamonds for a strip mine but uh

All right i finally mined down the y13 which is the best spot for diamonds and i should probably light up all of this so no mobs will spawn here and blow up the cave cave what this is a staircase wait this is your bad spot to put it i’ll put

It up here all right now let’s put some staircases that will lead me all the way down to the mine shaft make it all fancy and i’m going to run out of wood soon so i’m going to just run out of wood so i’m going to quickly go mine some more spruce logs

This bruce force is going to be gone in a matter of minutes i keep building too many projects i’ll replant it all back soon don’t worry oh my god where are these mobs coming from all right i got three stacks of spruce locks let’s turn into planks and

Make some more stairs and hopefully this is enough stairs to go all the way down so let’s get building and there we go we are at y13 with 53 stairs left this is so much easier now whenever everyone makes normal mine shafts they just make it blocks they don’t put

Stairs so it’s so annoying jumping up every single block with stairs it makes it so much easier but now the challenging part is replacing all of these blocks and turn it into a special fancy like wood wall and that’s gonna be a lot of wood so i’m

Not sure if i’m willing to do that yet all right but anyways the good news is i have a little staircase into the cave here and the staircase all the way into my new strip mine so now let’s go take a look at my sugarcane farm by the looks

Of it looks like all the sugarcane has fully grown so harvest all of this and that brought back two stacks and 28 sugarcane i honestly thought he’ll bring back more bro this chicken is leaving his litter everywhere come on man just leaving your poo everywhere like that this is a nice civilization and

You’re just pooping all over my lawn and you walk away okay all right well here we go let’s turn this in the paper and see how much paper i get two stacks 28 literally oh i don’t even know it’s one to one and let’s grab my letter

Right here and let’s make some books how do we make a book here just like that 28 books all right now let’s grab some wood how many bookshelves can i actually make with all these books only nine that’s not too bad i just need to wait for

More of the sugar cane to finally grow but luckily i do have enough leather oh wait i should have books in here from stealing it from villages so let’s make some more i can make five more okay now 14 bookshelves that might be perfect for a level 30 enchantment table

And now let’s pick a random spot to put the enchantment table i want it somewhere fancy i might throw it over here in this area and then i’ll make like a big mob farm right beside it i just don’t want it to be in my house or

It’ll just be too boring i want everything to have their own separate home you know what i mean i’m just weird like that i guess but let’s make the pathway down to the enchantment table whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa back away back off got another diamond sword on him i

Got ptsd from my last episode when the zombie with the sword almost killed me in the mines but anyways i have the little area built out right here and let’s put the enchantment table down right here just like that and let’s place it down there’s level 30 level 24 we’re almost

There the one there and one there i guess 28 we’re almost there we just need a little bit more sugar cane well what are the first ever phantoms in this world what the heck i’ve never gotten phantoms yet okay i’m going to bed i do not like phantoms

All right i have my trusty old enchantment table now let’s harvest my shuriken once again and let’s make some more books bam that’s all the leather i got let’s make two more bookshelves here and place them down for level 30. that should be level 30. perfect we finally got enchantments guys let’s go

I’m gonna chant all my armor and all my tools and go mining real quick all right let’s grab some lapis lazuli does anyone ever say the real name malaphis everyone just says lapis the second word just canceled though hashtag canceled lazooie lazuli ratatouille anyways let’s enchant my diamond pickaxe here that

Oh still touch and please oh officiald4 as well no unbreaking three but we finally got enchantments guys we’re making a lot of progress okay i totally forgot what i was doing i had to help my parents move some sinks and some toilets downstairs because they’re building a bathroom down there so i

Totally forgot where i left off but since i got this pickaxe enchanted i think i’m gonna go minding here so let’s put away all of my stuff grab some more food a whole stack of potatoes let’s go and let’s enchant my diamond chest plate let’s see what i get maybe some

Protection four i’m breaking three please protection four protection three that’s not too bad let’s head down into my awesome mine shaft that isn’t even finished yet and let’s just start strip mining here and luckily i still touch on my pickaxe so getting stone is gonna be so awesome

I can easily turn the stone bricks and finish off this wall right here to hide all of this ugly granite and diorite the blocks that nobody likes if you guys like diary right you guys might have to unsubscribe i’m just kidding don’t unsubscribe but uh you guys need to question your sanity

Because this block is hideous kind of like my face but um yeah let’s just keep mining and so far the only thing i got is iron and some redstone luckily though i’ll get it so touch and later i can get a fortune 3 and i’ll be able to get a lot

Of materials from this especially the new iron orcas you can fortune iron now and get a whole bunch of iron and honestly strip mining probably isn’t the best idea right now i should probably stick the caving right now to find some diamonds so i’m gonna run back

Up here and go down my cave part of the mine shaft and let’s just go explore all of the caves to try to find some diamonds around and this is literally the deadest cave ever oh it goes up here oh and there’s a creeper waiting for me of course i did

End up finding some lapis right here so let’s try to do the trick so let’s go one two three four oh wait what the how does rounded out hello what is that what are the chances of that i just ran into amethyst shrinely thingy little bubble

Of it what i was just trying to do the little glitch to find some diamonds and i dug right into this killing two birds with one stone getting diamonds and amethyst block let’s see let’s see if it works and it didn’t work yeah i think i’m a little

Too low so there’s no diamonds around here but there are amethyst blocks which i am not complaining about i’m actually really happy i found this because i was running out so that’s oh i’ve still touched too hold on give me this let’s go look at the amethyst clusters now i don’t know

I don’t really know what it does to be honest maybe you can grow them like crops i forgot i have soaked touch i can still touch all of this now so let’s get all the crystals first get them out of the way all right i got all the crystals out of

The way oh no this one is a little baby one and now let’s mine the remaining amethyst blocks okay this is taking a little too long to mine to be honest only mine like a little section i got like three four stacks how are all these shards

Growing again i just mined them all hello unless i’m blind and i skipped them did they just grow randomly out of the blocks okay but anyways let’s continue the search for dime oh my god almost felt right there okay i haven’t found diamonds yet i have been collecting a

Lot of different oars around the cave though oh this lapis right here this might lead me to diamonds one two three four oh skeleton oh wait go wait oh there’s a lot oh there’s a lot of lapis down here is my oh there’s a little cave

Oh yes i found some more diamonds guys well this is actually my first ever diamonds this whole trip yeah let’s collect this up nice we got diamond ore maybe there’s more diamonds in here i do not see any but i cannot wait to get a fortune though because these diamond

Ores will be really helpful fortune 3. no diamonds here let’s keep exploring ooh another lava pit maybe there’s some dot nope it’s literally nothing oh what is this this is a ravine oh hello that came out of nowhere okay oh i’m in a big ravine now i don’t

Think i’ve ever been in here yet so there might be some special stuff in here some gold and that’s about it nice that’s as special as it gets okay let’s do some uh parkour right here reminds me of like american ninja wa okay that doesn’t oh my god where all

These zombies come from i’m gonna jump over you guys here let’s go back into the cave oh actually worked i just collected some lapis right here i mind four blocks north then mine down and guess what i found some diamonds let’s go it’s actually such an op trick

I love 1.17 is actually free diamonds all you have to do is like run around the caves to find some lapis and you’re set lapis right here maybe there’s even more diamonds here so one two three four and mine straight down it probably won’t be because yeah oh yeah because my diamonds right

Here that was my first set of diamonds so yeah it would have worked but the cave already led me to it so let’s actually go find some more lapis that’s how you find diamonds [Applause] all right i found some more lapis let’s go north four blocks one two yes what the okay i think i didn’t even have to mine down i just ran right into diamonds i’m telling you guys once you find lapis just mine north and down you just find so many diamonds

Let’s go all right more lapis let’s see if it works again two three four and let’s mine down oh yes it’s such a cheat code just free diamonds guys oh my god i’ma have so many diamonds by the end of this video i might try to set

A world record on how many diamonds i can get in one episode i want to get like at least five stacks or something this is gonna be a grind i’m kind of excited now to see how many diamonds i can get my pickaxe is getting very low durability though i don’t have i’m

Breaking three on this oh what the i found that axolotl right here look at him i feel so bad he’s stuck in a little puddle he can’t go anywhere else he has no idea what the ocean really is if he’s been swimming in here his whole

Life i feel kind of oh he’s on land too oh he’s still moving the same speed on land i thought axolotls go super slow on it i might have to save them guys actually i don’t have any wood for a crafting table or a furnace i’m sorry

Buddy i’m gonna have to leave you here but there is more lapis which is more important than a dying axolotl right same trick face north let’s try to find some more diamonds oh yes diamonds is turning into like iron ore now you just i just see it so often from this little trick

Thank you lapis i love you i found a mob spawn oh spider hey no i’m mining that away i do not like spiders usually they have two chests one’s only one i got a name tag and a golden apple i probably will just leave it in there all right i am back

Home finally and i ended up repairing my pickaxe because it was just about a break but it ended up only getting 31 diamond ore i mean only 31 i mean if i fortunate through this i might get like two stacks maybe which is a lot of diamonds and i got some other

Miscellaneous stuff that do not matter that much but let’s put all of this stuff away here and i will kind of want to go back in mining to find even more diamonds oh i even have deep slate diamond or nevermind i got 40 diamond or

In total but i just don’t think that is enough for me so i’m gonna go continue mining i want to have like a whole row of diamonds so i never have to mine again so let’s go back into the caves attacked by a spider that was knocked me into

Lava there’s actually more diamonds over here somehow but uh i ain’t complaining all right i finally made it out of the caves which took a pretty long time that was at least the whole entire day of mining that was that was pretty brutal for my brain

My brain is fried right now but i end up getting a lot more diamond ore but anyways let’s put all this stuff away and let’s figure out how much diamonds i have in total all right and it turns out i just have one stack and one diamond ore

Plus 20 deep slate ore so in total i have a quick math 85 diamond ore i mined 85 diamond ore i mean that was a whole entire day of mining like a real life day so that doesn’t seem like a lot anymore anyways i only have two diamonds left so

Let’s mine this one here to make a brand new pickaxe oh wait this is so touch oh boy i need a regular iron pickaxe to mine this let’s make ourself a diamond pickaxe here a regular one and let’s try to get fortune 3 on this and let’s make a grindstone just in case

I don’t get fortunate i think that’s how you make it just like that perfect and let’s slap it right here all right please give me fortune three i’m breaking three okay please get fortune on it come on come on come on oh i got fortune two that isn’t that bad

There is unbreaking and efficiency on there so that’s not too bad but i really want fortune three do i dare make another diamond pickaxe hold on a second let’s try to enchant a book let’s see if i get lucky enough to get fortune 2 on a

Book that way i can just combine it with this fortune 2 pickaxe so let’s put this bad boy in there power four protection two okay no luck here you are risky guys i think i’m gonna i think i’m gonna disenchant this even though it’s pretty decent i want the perfect one oh there

We go fortune three we got fortune three i knew i should have done it okay i need level 30. let’s pray this enchantment doesn’t go away i knew i would get it okay now i just need to get two levels somehow your buddy your buddy

Yo william you got any uh you got any levels to spare brother i just need two levels do you know where i can get some could you at least answer me i guess not i guess i’ll find my own levels all right i guess i’ll take some redstone ore here

And some lapis ore and just mine this for levels i’m going to place them all over my dock here and let’s mine it all up oh wait i forgot i have still touched my pickaxe all right let’s use a regular iron pickaxe holy cow this is slow this is

Peasant speed why is the iron pickaxe so slow compared to efficiency 4 diamond i cannot go back to this this is way too slow all right but let’s mine this all up and hope to get level 30. okay i’m almost halfway there to level 30.

I still need to mod some more so i do have some more lapis i want to save my diamonds i guess i’ll mine some coal let’s slap this all down here and continue mining all right and here we are level 30 let’s run all the way back there please

Still have fortune 3 come on come on because i remember on my one block i lost my mending villager and it kind of hurt me so let’s pray fortune three let’s go officially four though but no unbreaking it kind of sucks that there’s no unbreaking on it but it wouldn’t be

Too hard to get an unbreaking three book all right this is the moment you guys have all been waiting for let’s place down all of these diamonds here and mine it with my fortune three pickaxes let’s see how many diamonds i get from all of this

Mining this took me an entire day like eight hours of mining in real life that was some dedication let’s place all of these iron ores down that looks like a lot more diamonds than i thought i mined holy cow that is a lot of diamonds look how beautiful this

Looks this is literally the most beautiful looking ore ever the bright blue diamonds let me take a quick microscopic view of it jeez all right if you guys can guess how many diamonds i exactly get in the comments i’m gonna heart your comment and reply to your comments so comment down below

The exact number of diamonds you think i will get from all of these diamond ores with fortune three let’s pull it out fortune three make sure i have it on me and let’s start mining let’s see how many diamonds i get oh this is a beautiful sound this is one beautiful

Sound but make sure you comment down below your guess and right after this montage we will find out no cheating guys let’s go and that is the last diamond ore that was eight hours of mining and mining all those diamond ores took me 30 seconds anyways my guess was around three stacks

So let’s take a look this is the reveal i got oh i was running close i got two stacks and 52 diamonds oh my god i’m balling i originally had like two diamonds in here now i have three stacks who said i was poor i want to go back to

The old comments making fun of me for being poor and not having diamond armor and show them this i’m bawling now all right let’s throw away this peasant armor the iron boots and helmet and let’s replace it with diamonds there we go we are decked on full diamond guys and let’s stash the

Diamonds away in my safe spot here we go they’re all the diamonds i’ve mined all right but the main point the entire video was for me to find diamonds and mine them which i already did so i’m guessing a lot of you guys will leave the video

And watch something else but all the true fans will stay so comment down below if you guys are staying just so i know who the true fans really are but anyways to finish off this episode i’m gonna complete the build of this mine i’m gonna make the entrance fancy i

Might add like a little tower thingy right here add some leaves obviously and just make it look a little prettier especially this part this part is a kind of hideous it looks like my forehead is just disgusting but um yeah that’s what i’m gonna do i’m gonna make a little

Pathway down here but i’m gonna make it look a little faster that goes down here into the caves and i’m just gonna spice it up a little bit so let’s go grab some materials actually first things first on the realist i’m gonna go to sleep i think

That’s a lyric where’s that from let’s grab all my materials here spruce logs all that stuff um that stuff that stuff and with all of these materials i’m gonna fancy up this strip mine right here so i’m gonna break down both walls here and make a cool little design

All the way down which might take a while but it’ll be worth it for you guys so let’s start working let’s monitor this little area first and let’s line it up with some logs here let’s strip them all all right how does that look not too bad and let’s add some

Fences all the way around let me try something else though i think we’re all gonna like the next idea more let’s try some leaves oh that looks pretty good i think honestly i might go back to the fences and add leaves behind it yeah i think

I’m gonna do that that’s the first time i chose anything over leaves but i think i can make it look a little better so that the fencer’s back and instead i’m going to add the leaves behind the fences i think this will look a little better all right let’s see if it does

Oh yeah i think it looks better like that what do you guys think i think i like it more like this anyways let’s start working on the actual mine shaft because this part will take a while so let’s start digging out this entire wall all the way down the y-13 uh

You’re bothering me oh what hello huh what just hit me was it that arrow i’m so confused oh man this is taking a while just to mind this wall though i still got this wall to go oh boy this is going to be a while let’s keep going

All right that took a while but i completed destroying the entire wall or both walls actually and now it’s time for the ceiling this is actually like mind-boggling boring not gonna lie but i’m sure the edit is gonna make it more interesting all you need is some catchy music and

Uh three seconds of your time but for me it’s like five minutes and there we go i mined all of it out now let’s come up with a cool little design for this i don’t really know what to do really but uh i’ll figure something out all

Right i added a little staircase of stone here and i think i’m gonna put some water here just like that and that will be the design all the way down it’s kind of simple just having a big water stream but it adds some color and i think i’m gonna

Put some leaves on the walls because leaves just look so good come on guys but yeah i think that’s what i’m gonna do look at all those blocks jump around just hopping around down the water stream and the water is going to end right here i think that’s a pretty cool

Design right here that means you got to mine a whole nother wall though oh my lord this is going to take a while all right i’m dedicated guys i must come over the best design so let’s mind out another wall right here i have to go 100 or is it in a cookie

Build so let’s mine out another layer and there we go i finally might oh where did you come from how are these guys spawning i literally have torches everywhere i finally mined out three layers deep that took a pretty long time oh man all right but let me show you

Guys my design plan really quickly here so there will be oak logs back here just like this and over here on this layer will be leaves the layer back there is kind of useless it’s just going to be all wood but it looks a lot better than having it hollow and empty

If you look right through the leaves you will see the nasty dirt and stone and like coal back there which doesn’t look too nice so i’m gonna take it upon myself to add wood all behind the leaves just for the little touch of detail so let’s fill this whole place up with some

Oak wood where where did these guys come from are they shooting they’re spit at me oh wait what is there to trade though and nothing good yep you deserve not to be here all right let’s continue building all right i already ran out of oakwood and i’m not even close to

Being finished so i’m gonna grab some lapis and enchant my diamond axe and hopefully i’ll get efficiency four so it’ll be much easier to get some wood let’s go over to my enchantment table that i made throw it in there efficiency four let’s go and i’m breaking three

That is exactly what i was looking for perfect and i’m also gonna make some shears because i’m gonna need a lot of leaves as well so let’s make five shears let’s actually go to bed first and head over to the oak forest to chop down all of these trees

I also got a whole nother stack of potatoes because i already ate through my entire stack for the episode and i’m just a hungry guy i’m gonna be out for a while collecting leaves leaf montage and this should be plenty of leaves i always think this should be enough for

Like the entire series but i always end up using too many leaves what a surprise and now i’ll start chopping down the trees chopping down my wood just kidding i wish it was that long All right and just like that i got my whole inventory is full of leaves and wood i just stole everything from nature feels bad man but it’s for a good cause because i’m gonna be using it on my strip mine design see how worth it

Is oh man that’s not even worth it all right let’s keep building here with all the new materials i collected all right finished one wall with oakwood it’s actually less awkward than i thought it would take which is good because i have a lot of wood left but

Now let’s start working on this wall yo yo yo watch this on far hello huh whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what the heck what is burning this hello my heart earned wood huh what just happened did that bat catches on fire or is there lava somewhere here oh my god

That’s why there’s lava right there i was like so confused i’m so lucky i caught that whereas the whole thing would have been burned down imagine i fill up this wall i turn around and everything’s gone like no sign of fire it’s just gone like it disappeared i would have been

So confused okay let’s turn this off into obsidian here just like that hopefully oh my god there’s lava everywhere let’s remove all this lava here hopefully that’ll be far enough to where the wood won’t burn anymore let’s give it a try actually scared me a little bit i

Thought the devil was here or something all right let’s wait a couple minutes and see if it catches on fire in the meantime i’m gonna continue building this side of the wall okay it’s been a couple minutes and it hasn’t burned down yet which is good but i’m almost finished building

This side of the wall i just need this little middle layer to go and i will be done all right i finished both oh it’s on fire it’s actually on fire what oh my god it was not on fire for like the past five minutes why does it turn

Why does it get on fire now okay it’s all burning oh no it’s not good get it all out okay i’m gonna have to do something about this fire down here what can i do i’ll just cover all this up if i need to mine this i’m gonna be kind of upset oh

Not too bad with my uh diamond pickaxe so it’s pretty fast so let’s mine one layer out and turn the bottom layer into obsidian all right there we go i mined out a whole layer of obsidian which was 20 pieces it took a little bit now there’s

No chance the wood will burn if it does burn i’m gonna be kind of upset but so far it’s not looking too bad i’m not sure why i’m putting so much effort into a mine shaft to be honest i still have this whole entire entrance to work on oh man

All right let’s quit complaining and start building let’s fill this all up with leaves here all right added the leaves in i’m gonna leave a little gap of wood just so i can actually see the wood so it’s not completely useless that i added an entire oak wall behind it now

For the other side there we go all the leaves are in and now let’s come over the design for the ceiling i don’t really know what to put there i’m just thinking like spruce wood and that’s it i don’t really have any other plans um let’s put a couple blocks here

And see how it looks yeah i think that’s good let’s just go with spruce wood all right there we go it’s finally done that took so long but it’s looking pretty good now let’s grab the water buckets and add the finishing touch i’ll go all the way down here oh let’s erase it

I’m smoking that thing and luckily no fires are starting if it starts really laying burns entire thing down i’m gonna be pretty upset because everything is burnable the leaves the wood the ceiling everything but the water has finally come down and there we go there’s my mine shaft i got the lights in

Eventually i’m gonna go to the nether and get some glowstone so i could put some ceiling lights or something but this is my mine shaft that was a really fat effort mine shaft right there that took a really long time oh we gotta escape e how did this iron golem get out

Hey man go back to your village protect your boys yeah thanks for listening all right but after building that i might need a break let’s go take a 20 minute break guys everybody get some water refill your snacks drink some water stay hydrated and i’ll be

Back in 10 minutes well for you it’ll be one jump cut all right i am back and i think i came up with my plan and the design for the mine i’m gonna add like a little wheel here and a bigger wheel here it’ll be like a spinny thingy bang

Bang it’ll be a tower right there and i’ll add like a statue right here so let’s make a big tower right here i’m not sure how tall should make this i think i’m gonna end it right there jump over here oh my god i’m at two and

A half hearts i need to stop playing around in hardcore mode is not a good idea okay that should be tall enough just add some lights up here and i want to be a little fancy and add some trapdoors right here and a sign right there and i’m gonna strip all of

These logs which might take a while because i should have done that earlier to be honest that would have made my life a lot easier all right let’s build another tower up here let’s just strip all these logs while i can all right there we go we made the little tower

I think i’m gonna add a little crane that holds a little weight of coal or maybe some diamonds or maybe some redstone ore right here to showcase that it’s a mine and i’m gonna work on the statue and that’ll be it let’s add some reinforcement type of

Design right here so i think i’m gonna use some stairs like this and i’m gonna use some slabs to go all the way across just like this there we go and i’m going to criss-cross it all the way up just like that it’s not too bad it’s going to

Criss-cross all the way up here so let’s finish it up and see what it looks like and perfect i actually built it perfectly all right let’s make a safe way down oh my ankles now let’s take a look oh that’s not too bad and now we gotta do the same thing on

The other side and there we go there’s a little tower i’m not sure what it does but it looks kind of fancy i want to add the little crane to look a lot better so i’ll make the crane go right through here like that bam and i’m gonna make like a big

Box right here so it looks like it’s holding a huge weight on this end and i’m gonna use some stairs to smooth out the rock thingy here you guys will see what i mean in a second all right and we got the little platform for all of the ores so let’s go back

Into my chest room and try to grab some oars to place down in there let’s grab some lapis some coal ore some gold some iron and might as well go crazy and make a diamond block let’s go and let’s spread it around this little platform here so i definitely want to

Put the diamond block visible from the front like that i’ll add some iron gold block there add another gold block maybe right here that’s not too bad that’s pretty awesome actually it actually shows like it’s a mine i’m pretty impressed with myself it looks pretty good all right and now

Let’s start working on the little statue that will go right in front of the mines as well i was gonna originally put it right here but that would block my crane so i think i’m gonna put it um actually i don’t know where i’m gonna

Put it i think i’m just putting on the other side right over here where there’s space all right here’s the platform where the statue will go all right just like that and this is where the statue will stand i actually have a still touch pickaxe so let’s grab some brass right here

Nice it’s actually so nice having still touch and now let’s replace some spots with some grass blocks so it could spread and that would be the foundation on where the statue will stand now let’s start working on the statue guy i think he’s gonna like hold a log over his

Shoulders which would be like some weight and just show that he’s like working or something like just like how the minds would be oh there’s a zombified villager right here hopefully that isn’t from my village oh there’s another one oh that’s a normal zombie okay but this is the legs

I got the legs so far maybe i should add some stairs here like that to show some curve ooh that’s not too bad let’s start working on the torso And there we go we got the statue built it looks pretty good i basically just copied off google but i’m gonna pretend that i built it myself but i think i’m gonna add some anvils here like the google image just to make it look like he’s carrying something

Super heavy so let’s go use up all of my iron for that i don’t think i have enough iron so i’m gonna smelt the remaining that i have right here there we go all right let’s make two anvils that used up a lot of my

Iron it’s kind of sad because in my one block world i have the insane iron farm and it’s just free iron over here i’m struggling i literally got no iron i do have string so that will hold up the anvils i think that’s a little building

Trick that i learned like back in 2012 when i used to build it a lot oh wait you’re bothering my video all right so you place a block down like that put some string down leave it there and throw the anvil down and just like that you have a floating anvil

Same thing on the other side string break that and anvil and there we go we got the statue that is basically done should i add the mind text right here i think i should just to add the final touch a big sign that says mine i would use

Quartz but i don’t have any i haven’t went to the nether yet which is a pretty big surprise so i collected a whole bunch of diary right from my chest and i think i’m gonna use this because it’s just as close as quartz it’s just a little

Uglier a little dark spots around but hey it matches the mines i think make it a little dirty so i’m gonna build it on top of this little entrance here it’s kind of hard to find a spot though because there’s a lot of stuff going on there’s the crane here

And this part here so i’m gonna have to make it just in front of the crane all right here’s a little design i made that will hold the support beams and i think i’m gonna use some walls like that and i’m gonna put fences up here and this will hold the sign up

Okay that should be tall enough i think and now let’s actually make the sign portion i’m not sure how big it needs to be though to be honest all right so each letter will be three by three so be three blocks long so the sign will be this big so now

Start working on the sign here we go oh i need to stop messing around and falling off i’m gonna die one of these days all right now let’s start working on the letters which is going to be kind of hard i’m not that good with letters in minecraft

Let’s make the m make the i like that i think will work make an n and make an e bam bam and i think that will work that’s mine down here and i get the final reveal of the entire mine entrance completed turn around oh that’s looking pretty hot guys it’s

Looking pretty hot i think i messed up a little bit over there though it’s a one block too long but the sign looks pretty awesome we got the statue in holding the two anvils we got the little tower with the crane holding some oars and the diamond block you walk into here

And this is the strip mine with all the leaves the blocks and the waterfall and i didn’t really build this part yet i’ll do that another episode alright but that was a pretty big project i hope you guys enjoyed watching this video thank you guys so much for watching to the end

Please subscribe you guys are new please like the video and help me with the youtube algorithm and i’ll see you guys on the next episode next saturday peace out boys and girls oh wait i totally forgot if you guys are still here i forgot to add my leaves but

Now since you’re the true fan you guys can watch me put the leaves down And after like an hour i’m finally done adding leaves is a lot harder than you think because adding like these little ones you gotta like build up and put these everywhere like especially those ones it’s so much effort but there we go there’s the mines it looks so much

Better with leaves it looks like it’s overgrown and just like old but also new the statues are overgrown with leaves taken over by the nature it looks amazing guys but yeah thank you guys so much for sticking around you guys are the real ones comment down below i love cookies if you

Guys made it to the very end and i’ll know who the real ones are anyways peace out guys for real this time

This video, titled ‘I Mined the MOST DIAMONDS in Minecraft Hardcore! (#5)’, was uploaded by aCookieGod on 2021-07-17 12:00:29. It has garnered 4094400 views and 124687 likes. The duration of the video is 00:43:03 or 2583 seconds.

I have UNLIMITED DIAMONDS in Minecraft Hardcore on the brand new 1.17 Caves & Cliffs update on Minecraft! This is my Hardcore Minecraft Lets Play Series Episode 5! 🥤 GFUEL 30% OFF ➡️ CODE “COOKIE”: http://gfuel.ly/3vozHGV

🔥 Watch the entire series starting with Ep. #1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dcXjLUMrnv0&list=PLqyCqmSEa8cTCIGr9Q4XofgKnIxX_vRbP

This is episode #5 of my Vanilla Hardcore Minecraft Lets Play Series and I am playing on the new 1.17 Caves and Cliffs update on Minecraft! Welcome to Episode 5 – this episode I went mining for an INSANE amount of diamonds, I also built a beautiful mine entrance, and finally made an enchantment table!

👕 BRAND NEW COOKIE MERCH: https://fanjoy.co/cookie

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》Video Inspiration @WadZee 》Minecraft 1.17 Update: Caves & Cliffs (Minecraft Hardcore Mode) 》Email for business enquiries only: [email protected]

Thank you so much for watching this video and supporting me as a content creator! It has always been my childhood dream to entertain millions and to create an amazing community of people. Support me more by watching my other videos! Cookie Army! 🍪❤️

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  • Determinacy

    DeterminacyDeterminacy.net is a server that focuses on having a server with no rules while being on vanilla. The server went live and was created on June 3, 2020 and isn’t based around getting a insane amount of players, the main goal of this server is to play Minecraft without rules, to play Minecarft how it was originally intended to be played, and to also have this server up for as long as possible. The server is entirely vanilla, no aspect of the game is limited/taken away from you like many servers that claim to be “vanilla” but are really just… Read More

  • Cozy Corner – Semi-Vanilla 1.20 – 21+ Java Mature Whitelist Discord

    Welcome to Cozy Corner Community! Looking to expand our community with a 21+ age group for our Minecraft Java server. We aim to provide a relaxed environment without server resets. Features include backpacks, /spawn, /home, dynmap, Vanilla Tweaks datapacks, and core protect for peace of mind. Join our discord for lasting friendships, quick application process, and daily conversations. We welcome all gamers with various interests. We are seeking active members for chatting and gaming. No strict activity requirements but we review the member list periodically. Celebrating our discord server’s 1 year anniversary with events and giveaways ongoing! Join us today… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Rebooted for better quality

    Looks like they really dug deep to improve the quality of this meme! Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft House Structure Encore

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft House Structure Encore In the world of Minecraft, we build our dreams, Crafting structures, mining seams. From underground houses to mountain retreats, Every block placed, every resource we meet. Agni Gamingz, our guide in this land, With updates and builds, always at hand. In Hindi he speaks, with passion and flair, Sharing his journey, with a playful air. So leap into the verse, with rhymes so bright, Let the story unfold, in the gaming light. Minecraft facts and updates, all in rhyme, Thanks to Agni Gamingz, every single time. Read More

  • Minecraft: Fear Factor Edition 🔥

    Minecraft: Fear Factor Edition 🔥 When you’re playing Minecraft and you hear a creeper hiss behind you, but you’re too busy trying to take the perfect selfie for your Instagram story. Priorities, am I right? 🤳💥 #minecraftstruggles #selfiegamestrong Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Endless Fun and Adventure!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Endless Fun and Adventure! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a hilarious YouTube video titled “Player in Minecraft (day 1) funny minecraft animation in real life.” While the video may not be directly related to Minewind server, it perfectly captures the fun and excitement that Minecraft has to offer. If you’re a fan of Minecraft and enjoy the creativity and humor that the game brings, then you definitely need to check out Minewind Minecraft Server. With its unique gameplay features, friendly community, and exciting events, Minewind offers an experience… Read More

  • Minecraft Command Build Hacks

    Minecraft Command Build Hacks The World of Minecraft: Unleashing Epic Command Build Hacks! Armor Stand 1 Command One of the most exciting features in Minecraft is the ability to customize armor stands using commands. With the Armor Stand 1 Command, players can create unique and invisible armor stands with various poses and items. By using the command /give @p armor_stand{EntityTag:{Invisible:1b,ShowArms:1b,ArmorItems:[{},{},{},{}],HandItems:[{id:”stick”,Count:1b},{}],Pose:{RightArm:[303f,28f,0f]}}} 1, players can unleash their creativity and design stunning displays in their world. Spyglass Command Another fascinating command in Minecraft is the Spyglass Command, which allows players to equip armor stands with spyglasses. By using the command /give @p armor_stand{EntityTag:{Invisible:1b,ShowArms:1b,ArmorItems:[{},{},{},{}],HandItems:[{id:”spyglass”,Count:1b},{}]}} 1, players can… Read More

  • Endless Action in Private WBEDWARS! Join Us Live!

    Endless Action in Private WBEDWARS! Join Us Live!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴LIVE! – Private Games With Viewers – WBEDWARS WEDNESDAY IS BACK!!!’, was uploaded by The ByGone Archive on 2024-01-18 12:25:37. It has garnered 44 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:30:19 or 5419 seconds. #ohioisoverparty #hypixel #bedwars #minecraft #bedwarslive Classic WBedwars Wednesday action that anyone can join in on! Donate to Stream Here! – https://streamelements.com/bygonearchive/tip Main Channel – https://www.youtube.com/@ByGone_ Discord – https://discord.gg/K8xGYAeKUu Merch – https://bygone.printify.me/products Hypixel is a public Minecraft server that has a ton of different gamemodes like bedwars, skywars, hunger games/survival games, skyblock, and many more! Texture Pack: Vattic’s… Read More

  • Cursed Vault Mishap

    Cursed Vault MishapVideo Information This video, titled ‘Hermitcraft Vault Hunters : Episode 17 – ACCIDENTAL CURSED VAULT!’, was uploaded by Stressmonster101 on 2024-01-25 15:00:01. It has garnered 18146 views and 1586 likes. The duration of the video is 00:29:32 or 1772 seconds. Hermitcraft Vault Hunters : Episode 17 – ACCIDENTAL CURSED VAULT! Hermitcraft plays Vault Hunters Modded Minecraft. My Gear and skills: https://vaulthunters.gg/armory/Stressmonster101 ♥ My Social Media: https://linktr.ee/NatalieArnold ♥ My Stream upload channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/StressmonsterExtra Intro made by Vans Design Intro/outro music: Gemini_Robot (YouTube create) #vaulthunters #minecraft #stressmonster101 Read More

  • Insane One Block Skyblock Adventure in Crafto FX 🚀

    Insane One Block Skyblock Adventure in Crafto FX 🚀Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft one block Skyblock servers #1 ☺️’, was uploaded by Crafto fx on 2024-03-09 05:21:20. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. trending #gameplay #trinding #gaming #gamer #gameplay #gta5 #viral #viralvideo #videogame #trending #trending #viralvideo … Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Skills – Must Watch!

    Unbelievable Minecraft Skills - Must Watch!Video Information This video, titled ‘Doing the MOST BEST Minecraft Stuff!’, was uploaded by EXBreak on 2024-04-16 13:14:17. It has garnered 7 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:31 or 571 seconds. Minecraft Wiki FrontPageSprite compass.png: Sprite image for compass in Minecraft linking to MCW:Community portalCommunity portal FrontPageSprite book-and-quill.png: Sprite image for book-and-quill in Minecraft linking to MCW:ForumWiki forum FrontPageSprite painting.png: Sprite image for painting in Minecraft linking to MCW:Admin noticeboardAdmin noticeboard FrontPageSprite clock.png: Sprite image for clock in Minecraft linking to Special:RecentChangesRecent changes FrontPageSprite sign.png: Sprite image for sign in Minecraft linking to MCW:Wiki rulesWiki… Read More

  • “BaryFlying: Minecraft 24/7 SMP Madness!” #clickbait

    "BaryFlying: Minecraft 24/7 SMP Madness!" #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Live || 24/7 Minecraft Smp || Playing With Friends #minecraft #shorts #viral’, was uploaded by BaryFlying on 2024-03-08 10:16:38. It has garnered 798 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 03:37:15 or 13035 seconds. Minecraft Live || 24/7 Minecraft Smp || Playing With Friends #minecraft #shorts #viral Discord :- https://discord.com/invite/hqR4uR3f Instagram :- instagram.com/barytekken Like and Subscribe Read More

  • Watch me TAMATIN Minecraft with Rp. 40,000!

    Watch me TAMATIN Minecraft with Rp. 40,000!Video Information This video, titled ‘Live: Setiap Donasi Rp40.000 = TAMATIN Minecraft 1 Kali… (hari 9)’, was uploaded by Clementdav on 2024-04-11 14:23:11. It has garnered 12169 views and 591 likes. The duration of the video is 03:38:02 or 13082 seconds. Livestream Minecraft Indonesia: Every donation = Speedrun TAMATIN Minecraft… Every donation of IDR 40,000 = I speedrun TAMATIN Minecraft random seeds (don’t use seeds) and can reset. Every 200k +3 runs & 1 million +20 runs. 🙏 Donate: https://sociabuzz.com/clementdav/donate Minimum IDR 40,000 ONLY FOR THIS LIVE, Text to Speech, Can GIF & Media Share Note: 1. You can also… Read More

  • Minecraft Hive Sunterla: EPIC Cs, Parties & More! Join Now

    Minecraft Hive Sunterla: EPIC Cs, Parties & More! Join NowVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Hive! Come join! Cs + Parties!’, was uploaded by Sunterla on 2024-02-18 05:16:54. It has garnered 281 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 03:32:33 or 12753 seconds. Support the stream: https://streamlabs.com/sunterla MUSIC INFO: SPOTIFY PLAYLIST: Minecraft Creator-Safe Playlist by Minecraft Music courtesy of Mojang Studios Nightbot: !menu !ign !rules !bluechat | for mods only. !nemo !commands !subscribe !brain !nightbot spam !confused !meow Read More

  • Top Secret Method to Fortify Your Military Base!

    Top Secret Method to Fortify Your Military Base!Video Information This video, titled ‘Wie man eine SICHERE MILITÄR BASIS baut!’, was uploaded by Ukri on 2024-04-06 13:45:20. It has garnered 85590 views and 2778 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:31 or 1891 seconds. Ukri and the little boy build a safe MILITARY BASE in Minecraft! To protect SemUkri City from evil Minecraft zombies with Semlaki, Orksui, Nelly and Billy. The secure military base includes traps, parkour and many other things that the other player has to do. Who will build the safest submarine in the end? Will Pro Ukri win? Will his noob friends Semlaki, Billy… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Anime Minecraft Animation! #Shorts

    Mind-Blowing Anime Minecraft Animation! #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft animation #Shorts #minecraft #mine #subscribe #tiktok #minecraftmeme #????????? #fyp’, was uploaded by Anime Tv show on 2024-02-20 17:03:07. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft #tiktok #enderman #mine #craft #animation #Minecraft, #Daily, #Short, #Funny, #Cute, #Relatable, #Tiktok, #Aesthetic, … Read More

  • Quadcrafters

    QuadcraftersQuadcrafters is a simple SMP server. There is no heavy handed moderation or ranks to ruin your experience. This is a server for those who just want to play with their friends. Quadcrafters in some way shape or form has been running since 2011. mc.quadcrafters.com Read More

  • Pandamium: Snapshot SMP – Vanilla, Snapshots, 1.20.5 Pre-Releases, 1.21 Experiments, LGBTQ+ Friendly, Discord

    Pandamium’s Snapshot Server Pandamium’s snapshot server is an experimental, vanilla, SMP server that updates to every new snapshot with all experiments enabled. Be one of the first to play with brand new features and learn more about the game with friends! Server Features: Updates to every new snapshot Experimental features enabled Active community with diamond-based trading economy Regular End resets for exploration Enhanced dragon fight with dragon egg prize Join now to experiment with all the latest features such as crafters, Trial Chambers, the breeze, vaults, armadillos, wolf armour, wind charges, the bogged, the mace, and more! Upcoming Changes: We… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – @elonmusk on Transgender Rights

    Minecraft Memes - @elonmusk on Transgender RightsLooks like Elon Musk’s power level is over 9000 with that meme score! Read More

  • Time’s Tale: SMP Episode 3 – Connections Unravel

    Time's Tale: SMP Episode 3 - Connections Unravel In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Chronological SMP takes us on a ride. From Stone Age caves to Medieval strife, Exploration Age brings new life. Ruins in Scandinavia, a mystery to solve, Punishing players for crimes, with resolve. Chile’s speech, a distraction in the mix, But building and crafting, still the main fix. Content creators, a talented crew, Each bringing something fresh and new. Advice and criticism, always welcome here, In a friendly atmosphere, let’s keep it clear. Timestamps guide us through the tale, From Xyxy’s visit to the trial’s unveil. Building roads and fishing taverns with… Read More


    NOTCH'S TEMPLE IN 2024: HOT DIGGITY DOG! 🔥 In 2024, the Temple of Notch will have a strict dress code: diamond armor only. No exceptions! #minecraft #meme #shorts 😂 Read More

  • Join Minewind for the Ultimate Minecraft Experience

    Join Minewind for the Ultimate Minecraft Experience Are you a fan of intense Minecraft gameplay like Bedwars Lifesteal? Looking for a server that offers a unique and thrilling experience? Look no further than Minewind! With a dedicated community and exciting game modes, Minewind is the place to be for all Minecraft enthusiasts. Join us at Minewind server IP YT.MINEWIND.NET and immerse yourself in a world of adventure and competition. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, there’s something for everyone at Minewind. Don’t miss out on the fun – join us today and start your epic Minecraft journey! Read More

  • Minecraft Survival with Mods: Chaos Ensues

    Minecraft Survival with Mods: Chaos Ensues Welcome to the World of Minecraft Mods! Are you ready to take your Minecraft experience to the next level? Dive into the exciting world of Minecraft mods with Kreinzin! 🎮 Exploring New Horizons With mods, players can enhance their gameplay by adding new features, mechanics, and challenges to the game. From new weapons and tools to unique creatures and environments, the possibilities are endless in the world of Minecraft mods. 🌟 Surviving and Thriving Survival mode in Minecraft becomes even more thrilling with the addition of mods. Players can test their skills and creativity as they navigate through a… Read More

  • Dangerously Catchy 2024 Minecraft Music Top 10!

    Dangerously Catchy 2024 Minecraft Music Top 10!Video Information This video, titled ‘♫Top 10 nhạc Minecraft gây nghiện 2024♫♫♫’, was uploaded by JuroNHK on 2024-03-03 06:46:50. It has garnered 869 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 00:33:47 or 2027 seconds. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 🎁 If you find this video good, please leave me 1 LIKE and 1 SUBCRIBE for the channel ಥ_ಥ 🎮 DISCORD “https://discord.com/invite/a9c3Yt7AM2” 😄 SUBSCRIBE TO THE CHANNEL ➡️ https://bit.ly/36AIMDc 💖 “GOAL” TO REACH 20 THOUSAND SUBSCRIBERS! ⭐️ For copyright complaints or business requests, please contact me directly via email: [email protected] _______________________________________________________________ Thank you everyone for watching this video! Thank you very much! Read More

I Mined the MOST DIAMONDS in Minecraft Hardcore! (#5)