I Played Minecraft as CHAINSAW MAN For 100 DAYS… This Is What Happened

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Subscribe now this isn’t a joke subscribe right now if you don’t subscribe I will send the bomb devil to your house actually you’d like that kind of thing never mind just subscribe or else hey guys it’s future Timmy here and welcome to a chainsaw man 100 days I was

Very excited to do this because this mod just recently released and there’s been a lot of hype around it not only that but the anime just came out and a lot of hype’s been going around for that all in all there’s a lot of Chainsaw hype

Lately and I figured I’d make a video on chainsaw man now as you can see beside me we have buchita right here he’s just chilling and basically he’s a pet in this he actually is a pet there’s actually quite a few goals we’re gonna have in this video first off we have to

Give some of our blood to pochita and that’s gonna allow us to actually take him around places and that’ll be like our starting weapon because he actually does a lot of damage more than a diamond sword um however uh honestly I’m gonna say this right now there might be some

Spoilers so if you haven’t watched chainsaw man at least the first couple episodes don’t watch this because there is gonna be some light spoilers but if you’ve watched the first couple episodes you should be fine so essentially after that we have to go kill a actual devil

And that’s gonna allow us to become a hybrid because we’re gonna take it abilities that allows us to actually turn into chainsaw man once we’ve done that we’ll have successfully killed our first devil and will be a devil Hunter there’s many different routes that you can go on this such as like becoming

Fiend you can kill the bat devil I’m pretty sure you can become all different types of doubles unless it’s crazy there’s tons of different bosses for us to kill like the katana man we have to train to get stronger and overall we just need to kill a lot of devils and

Truly awaken our potential I think this is gonna be a really fun 100 days because I’ve never done anything like this before pochitis is looking around like bro can you stop talking into the actual video and all give me your soul human or I will be forced to use my

Greatest ability from the depths of hell it seems pretty normal to me one last thing before we actually get into the 100 days of Chainsaw man is that I’ve opened up my memberships for the first time so I highly recommend you go check out my memberships page if you’re

Actually interested in supporting the channel it has all kinds of different perks that you can look into but I just figured I’d throw that out there because yeah it’s it’s finally back and I also want to shout out Alpha gamer for being my first member now put potato look over here

Um now let’s do a hundred days as chainsaw man oh and please make sure to like comment subscribe I’m just saying that now Well I guess I should start trying to get me a house before it gets dark I need to get a base I guess I’ll make it out of Oak that seems like the best idea there’s a lot of Oak around here and you should be able to make uh that’s pretty

Easy honestly this world is pretty peaceful there’s really not a whole lot going on so about what I said about there being a lot of Oak I take that back there seems to be a lot of uh dark oak but over there’s a Oak Forest so

Shouldn’t be too bad I guess I’ll go up this mountain to try and cut through the path make it a little easier for me what is that oh God no get away from me what the heck is that no no no no no wait a minute hey

Hey wait hey wait a minute no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no we just started this buddy we just started this I’m not doing this right now no no way not happening I think I lost them are we still chasing me who

Are you oh my God oh he has 100 HP I’m not gonna be strong enough I’m too weak I don’t have enough food I need to get out of here this thing’s gonna kill me a tomato devil that is pretty scary I don’t know about that man

I’m not nearly strong enough people to fight that thing it does so much damage who even are you pochita that’s pretty interesting oh I can give him my blood what if I don’t want to do that you know that’s probably not something I want to do very much 10 attack damage and three

Attack speed this is stronger than a sword it’s very interesting oh well uh does this guy get stronger as I kill stuff I don’t think that’s the case well I don’t know what that thing was but if there’s stuff like that out there I need to build a house

Out here is just not safe anymore but she just seems to be really good at getting food I’ll say that this is pretty crazy I’ve only had fire aspect and I’d be able to get some cooked food but I would not set him on fire that

Sounds like a horrible idea all right I guess let’s go over to the Oak Forest like I was planning to I have to keep an eye out for different mobs like that it’s dark oak dark oak and then just a little bit of Oak in the middle that Hill looks pretty safe

But it’s a little too far to climb that looks like the perfect spot right there I could build a house right in between the fort are we trying night soon but at least I have enough wool to make a bed okay well I guess let’s make a crafting

Bench and let’s go ahead and make us some tools so we can cut down some wood faster I don’t like how it’s already starting to show signs of the sun setting I have to hurry more of those things would come about at night I won’t be able to see them as easy

Guess there’s no use for a sword now let’s put cheetah around I should definitely go ahead and make this bed and sleep in it that way I can respond here and now I have me some steak I guess I should continue cutting some wood because I’m gonna need a lot for

What I’m about to be building today I’ll probably just keep the house kind of small because I don’t want to make it too big if I keep it small I should be able to survive Nightfall and then when tomorrow comes I can make it even bigger

Maybe I can even make a home for pochita oh sorry trying nighttime luckily if you ever sleep through the night but it’s not safe with no walls well it’s not much but it should do for tonight I’ll just get pochito to watch over me while I

Sleep I should be safe with him around what is that no no no no no no no come here come here what is that thing no way I’m not messing with that that’s even stronger than the other one not today I just don’t want that thing to come for

Me nothing spots me I’m dead I should probably keep my distance surprised that thing doesn’t see me from this distance but I guess I’m just lucky at least if I build my house it shouldn’t be able to get in here I don’t like how it’s looking directly at me I’m

I’m very concerned she just strong it’s just not quite enough she shaped like a chainsaw oddly enough and he seems to do a lot of damage he’s able to take these things out pretty easily but even he’s not enough it’s just my body’s just not strong enough to

Keep up someday I’ll build a house so good that these things won’t be able to come near me then me and pochita it can be safe for him it’s like the thing’s gone I don’t know where it went but just disappeared some kind of old man just sitting near my house okay

That’s a little creepy stuff who are you P who are you people no get I don’t like this man first Devils now there’s like old people stalking me from outside my house and then now there’s some chick I’m good well it’s not much but it looks like the house is pretty much complete

Definitely have to upgrade it eventually though because this just isn’t enough to last for a long time but I’m pretty happy with it because it now keeps me safe from all these random creatures and people outside my house I don’t like it but luckily they haven’t seemed to appeared for the last couple

Days so it doesn’t seem like it’d be too bad and me and pochito are just doing just fine and now he can kind of roam freely without having to worry about all these different monsters trying to kill him yeah you know what it’d be really cool

To make like a little pathway outside my house I think that’d be pretty cool so it’ll look nice maybe put some flowers around it and like I said I need to make maybe make like a little house for cochita that’d be kind of nice is that there

Ah it’ll do it’s nothing too crazy but it’ll do the house isn’t looking the best that there’s no roof but you know what it’ll do it’ll do it should it should definitely get us by at least for a while that’s all we really need so I’ll put some flowers around the path

And now it’s looking like quite the little home I like this but she are you stuck on the ladder is that what’s going on here like you need help here let me ow okay bite me then jeez nice to be able to walk around free

I swear this old if I swear if this old fart does not get off my property I’m Gonna Let You Go this time but if I see you here again it’s it’s game over it’s that tomato devil again you know what you I think we should try to take that

Thing on I think it’s best to keep the area around us safe but first I should probably make a chest just in case I was to lose my stuff running away I don’t have to carry all this and have it holding me down while I’m trying to

Fight a little tomato devil what even why a tomato I’m so confused I have so many questions they vanished so I’m tracking went down and it says there should be one through the forest so we’re gonna try and take that thing down there’s obviously a skeleton there it is

Okay I got it I got one hit two hit no I gotta get out of here to run run no we got out of here bro put cheetah who cheat are you around here buddy that’s not that’s not pochita that’s also not put you oh God no

He’s at my house oh my God he’s at my house oh no we’re fighting she’s actually winning what’s going on how strong is she she’s constantly did she just die then respawn what she’s obliterating him she just killed that thing pachira That’s all that’s left to pachita I would get mad at you but you kind of Saved My Life what happened why’d you turn into that thing she’s so strong she’s constantly regenerating I thought I actually had a friend for once and then I ended up losing it to

Whatever that tomato devil was and somehow it turned pochita into whatever a chainsaw double is that’s I guess it makes sense he was a chainsaw so I guess it makes sense but Vegeta was so nice I can’t believe he secretly was actually just an evil devil alone he can’t have been all bad

I’ll just keep this as a reminder of him well it’s getting late I guess I won’t be making that house for potato anymore it’s just gonna be me well time to sleep I feel so weird what happened last night what’s this thing starting chord pulling this to transform transform into what

I guess I won’t know until I try it here goes nothing become a hybrid kill a hybrid and take its ability that thing must have latched onto me in my sleep I shouldn’t have kept that thing around what was I thinking man I should have just put in

The chest or thrown it away or something it was literally a dead piece of portugu oh well it doesn’t seem like I’m too different I don’t know what a hybrid is anyways I seem to be doing pretty all right whoa what just happened oh my God oh my God I what

You know what I don’t even feel that bad I appear to be some sort of chainsaw man you’re supposed to laugh because like I I’m making a joke about how this is actually based off chance okay I’ll shut up now guess she’s guarding my base or something I don’t know but man this

Actually feels nice I’m so fast I’m so strong probably do anything so this is how pochito felt but somehow this feels even stronger than pachita way stronger than Vegeta with this kind of power I should be able to hunt down that thing to kill pochita and get my revenge

The only issue is it only likes to show his face around whenever it pleases I have to catch it off guard so for now I should probably stay out of this mode you could say because where is it fills with everything going on I should probably just keep building up my house

And trying to progress because it’s not safe here I can’t trust this new form this has all been way too crazy hmm what to do what to do I could start working on second floor here let me a kind of a cool idea where I could go underground

Or I could try building around the space and just put a roof on this I don’t know what do I want to do here I will say one thing food seems to be a bit of an issue I should probably build like some sort of farm I can’t just kill creatures

Forever I guess I should start working on a farm then and maybe I’ll put it down here by where the squids are seems like a really good spot to build a farm I could probably make all of this just a ton of wheat that way I can make a ton

Of bread I mean bread might not be much but it’s something maybe eventually I can get some Carriage potatoes or something oh but she didn’t might not be here anymore I can still try and build that house we dreamed of a house that’ll be strong enough to

Protect me from all of these creatures I’m still so confused of what that chainsaw form is supposed to be but whatever it is it felt good it was painful when I activated but it actually gives me some really superhuman reflexes and literal chainsaws coming out of my arms and my head

And other places what did he say I don’t know what this thing is but it just kind of walked into my house at some point and it’s just been here the last few days this name’s apparently Bucky he’s not as close but cheetah but you know what I’m just gonna

Bro where’s your head oh we’re not gonna quit okay fine we won’t question that I guess but because he’s kind of missing his head I please explain this to me is that a mustache or a bow tie I’m so confused you know what I’m just gonna

I’m not gonna kill him because I’m just not gonna do that but I think it might be time to go on a hunt to get this tomato devil it seems to be like near this direction so I’m gonna go into my form I’m gonna hope that we can kill this thing

I hope that we have the strength to take down that tomato get out of here man I’m strong I one shot that guy where is there he is oh my goodness I just killed him that was so easy apparel apparently I bet you got some blood from doing that

Actually did hurt he did a lot of damage to me but not nearly as much as normal with my increased strength I was able to easily take him out on top of that appears I’ve got an outfit now whoa that’s actually really nice I like that but it’s like it actually Blends in

With my current clothes pretty well I kind of like it it’s almost got like its own little Unique Style bro I’m trying to I’m trying to do a trip check right now okay stop so apparently killing those guys actually makes me a little bit stronger should probably kill more of them then

It feels pretty good not to mention that guy killed pochita and if there’s any more of those I need to take them out they seem to be most active around night time so I have to take advantage of that didn’t I tell you not to come around my house again old man

How many times do we have to teach you this lesson old man I love the young people I’m gonna give you one more chance okay one more you come around my house one more time I’m not letting you go next time I got the bounces man boing boing I’m fast

Too bad these guys don’t give me blood I mean I can understand Sultan doesn’t even have blood what is that class president the held oh my god let’s take this one at a time this class president’s looking um why does it look like that all right I got one hit two three four

I took it out and I’m incredibly strong with this is gonna swear the devil Hunter’s sword it’s not as strong as my chainsaw though oh are you just gonna stand there hey relax what’s this thing do ah not that much this is definitely stronger get Bodied Oh I can already feel the blood starting to build I’m enjoying this actually what is that another the bat devil what is this it makes bat noises I should have expected that get out of here get out of here kill the bat devil achievement oh wow

That was easier than I expected it to be well I think I killed just about enough just being in this form makes me tired I can feel that I’ve gotten a little bit stronger though I think that’s enough all right Bucky I’m going to bed man I

Had to move my bed up here because Bucky is just so loud he’s so loud he’s kind of annoying but yeah brother being lonely however I definitely feel I’ve gotten stronger I take more hits to be able to be killed and honestly I don’t even know if I need

My form as much anymore I just can overall even though I’m outside of the mode I’ve gotten stronger and the sword really proves that another one oh my gosh they barely damaged me hit me I don’t even feel it this is sad I have that much stronger now

I don’t know what I’m becoming but it’s something really powerful I don’t know if that’s a good thing anyways oh man did I tell you to get off of my Pro that’s enough listen I’ve given you three warnings dude I’m tired of you stalking me I’m gonna give you the count of three

Look at me look at me when I’m talking to you but he really just looked away you know I’m not even giving you kind of three die die oh I gotta treatment for that okay oh imagine if I just stood there and took the blast like an absolute Chad that

Would have been funny but no so train with kishibit I hope I’m pronouncing that right to get stronger okay so does that make me stronger I don’t feel like I got any stronger didn’t do anything for me all right then I guess I did that and

Now I need to kill more of these devils well that’s pretty straightforward of my kind of power that doesn’t seem too hard it doesn’t seem like the devil’s really active though until it’s night time so I don’t really see the point I’m so much faster in this mode

So much faster in fact but why ever go out of it I could just be in chainsaw but nah nah it’s not worth it not worth it not worth it because even though it’s stronger I don’t want to get consumed by this kind of power probably feels like maybe

This was a gift from pochita it just it makes sense what I don’t understand is why would he try to kill me a tomato devil at this time of day you already know it’s going down bring it on bro man they really don’t stand the chance do

They I feel like a monster for doing this but I’m too curious what can she do oh she’s strong oh she’s strong chainsaw swing I did something oh God she’s actually able to keep up with me chance I’ll swing it didn’t even work my regeneration is so fast you can barely keep up

But she has a lot of damage all right let’s get some distance I can regenerate really quickly I’ve only had some more blood I’ve almost got her not yet die I can’t believe I just did that oh man I’m tired that was way too much oh man

I didn’t get anything from killing her though I guess that was kind of pointless I don’t know why I even did that I don’t know what it like came over me I feel relatively fine though she definitely gave me more of a challenge than everything else around

Here but not enough to really make me afraid or anything it’s almost like I’m becoming that thing that killed well that was pochita that chainsaw double I really need to get down to the bottom of what’s going on here because I’m not really sure look here’s another one

Where are you guys coming from luckily I’m able to take them out pretty swiftly but so far these are the easy ones they felt really strong but honestly pretty easy with my chainsaw form but I know there’s got to be stronger ones out there especially after dealing

With what I had to deal with I don’t know if I’m enough right now well time to check on my farm looks like it’s making some decent progress nothing too bad I do have a lot of Bones I could go and expand the farm

This way I should be able to have a lot more food I kinda like that I can expand my farm get more weeds than not to mention get more food because I could really use some more food especially with like my appetite growing from where I’m getting so much stronger

Nothing seems to suffice I’m almost out and now I should have collect it and it looks like I should definitely be able to expand the farm a lot more I guess killing those skeletons wasn’t pointless after all go and put that there almost out and I’m out now okay

Well not that’s over with I guess I should try and build a mod wait what is that cave oh no it’s not a cave okay I thought it was gonna be a really cool cave never mind that’s pretty lame I guess I should just keep killing

Devils to get stronger and then try and build some sort of Mine by my house maybe if I put a mine out here I’d be able to get some more loot all right so I guess I should go and make this into some actual bread still haven’t done that yet

And now I have tons of Cobble I have some diorite which is pretty useless I’m gonna put that in my chest got some gravel kind of useless put that in my chest and I got some iron which I’ve already made an iron pickaxe just in case I found diamonds but this rest of

The iron I’m really not sure what to do with it I should probably look up and see what does the iron actually do maybe I could do something pretty cool oh no it’s all pretty normal pretty basic The Shield’s pretty nice but why why do you need a shield when you have

Two gigantic chainsaws you know like why would you even need that so so far I don’t really need that but I guess I’ll hang on to it because you never know oh now they got more Cobble I could probably build something with that and I

Got some wood still left over I could go and expand my house I suppose that’s not a horrible idea and I also could use some more chest I definitely could use some more chest room maybe I could make some really cool organization who knows so I’m gonna put

That there also Bucky seems to be gone I don’t know what happened to him but he just seemed to have disappeared I’m not gonna complain uh he was kind of annoying I’m not gonna lie to you he was he was a little Annoying I think I’m gonna move this stuff upstairs and we’re

Gonna have this downstairs room is like the storage area I think that’s a good idea it’s like upstairs we’ll have our actual bedroom like with the bed up here and maybe I’ll have like all Glass Walls now I can see how everywhere to keep an eye on anything that could be in the

Area and then I have this downstairs area as like my I guess work Airy uh room thing so I’ll put these here and I want to make some more chests because I could definitely use more chests because you could never have enough chest because I’m gonna be killing a lot of

Stuff well this might not be perfect it’ll do and now I can start working on my second floor I’m gonna need a lot of glass I kind of used up all my sand the other day that’s four uh that should do so we’ll go ahead and do one two three four

I don’t I guess I could go to one of the shores to get more sand and after that’ll have me two floors and my first floor will be storage second floor can be my bedroom it’ll be pretty nice I haven’t seen many doubles actually appear around here lately they might be scared because

They’ve actually realized that I’m guarding the area oh well I mean that’s just easier for me doesn’t allow me to get stronger but it doesn’t seem like I really need to be that much stronger at least not for a while I mainly just focused on building my

House and minding my own business not trying to deal with all those other monsters they ever do come around I can just use my sword at worst case scenario I got my chainsaws I’d be lying if I said it doesn’t get lonely though it was pretty nice having Patia around those

First couple days maybe now I can build me an iron golem or a snow golem or something that’d be pretty cool have something to defend my base unfortunately I don’t have nearly enough iron for that kind of thing so can’t do that yet but maybe event shell actually

Have an iron gobber on my base I’m just scared that maybe I’ll lose him too they have 100 HP but I don’t think they do nearly as much damage as a devil would and they’re probably gonna fight it’s probably best to just leave it alone I don’t feel like losing even more people

I’m gonna put that here all right I guess I’ll go fish off this house you know what I’m getting pretty tired of sitting around here especially when all I’ve been doing is building and since the devils are starting to stack up around my base again I think it’s time to go hunting

So I’m gonna let this sand spot the glass and I I’m gonna go kill stuff get stronger it’s been days since I’ve actually fought some more of these things so I think it’s more than been enough time that’s one down and I get a huge speed boost sometimes some track down some more

Oh I should probably put a waypoint by my base if I actually go explore out that’d be pretty cool oh it’s another one every time I kill one of these I seem to get stronger and stronger I’m just wondering what’s up next I kill an intermittent one shot

Not quite One Shot Two Shots okay look looking good yeah you caught me off guard who Do You Think You Are bro that was uncool he really did that next to the Grave that I made for pochita he really said nah he can’t move on nah that’s that’s it man I’ve had enough

Let’s go find the strongest ones we possibly can and let’s take them out about to go on a rampage today but not you man you’re uh you’re a little too strong for me just just a little too strong it’s not like you have like 100 lives or anything I think I’m good oh

What’s that do oh where am I where what is this place oh my God they’re everywhere where am I just get sent to the underworld oh no these things are everywhere back you’re the person who sent me here get out of here how do I get out of this place

There’s Gotta Be A Way and what is that the fox devil a thousand HP a thousand he just asked to kill ship it wherever that thing is it’s strong I don’t know if I can take that on it might be able to just instantly kill me

So we’ll know till I try it I wonder if I right click on that person well that thing if it can send me back to the normal world it was you wasn’t it will it work just like that how far am I okay I’m not that far from my base

Spawn me in a kind of weird spot but I’ll take it wherever that place was it was completely overwhelming I’ve never seen so many in one spot that that was actually pretty terrifying I I didn’t know even where I was I don’t know if I was gonna get out of there but somehow

He managed to escape that was scary all I know is now for sure there are stronger Devils out there than me also I have enough blood to go ahead and use some of my new moves I’m pretty interested of what those will do oh looks like uh I haven’t killed ten

Devils yet that’s interesting looks like I need to kill a little bit more what is that thing the gun fiend oh I’m not taking that thing on yet it’s got way too much HP well we’ve certainly got stronger but not strong enough to take those things on I wish

Oh my gosh there’s so many of you guys out there no no no I’m good I guess it did spawn me pretty far from home I did not walk this far on my own that’s for sure seems to be the class president over here let’s take this one out

We need everything that we can get I want to chop my chainsaw swing chainsaw swing I said chainsaw swing wait if I right click it what does that do what it does it throws me at her what okay it gave me two of them I don’t understand what’s the point of

That but I’ll take it I guess man has been all so confusing all I know is I’ve got to get stronger but I don’t know how maybe if I keep killing these things it’ll make me even stronger I haven’t been keeping count but I have to be close to killing 10

Right it doesn’t seem to be any of my area for now I’ll wait till Nightfall and I’ll try and kill some more doesn’t seem to be any in my area anymore so I think it’s time to take a break and then after that we should be good we actually have these chainsaws on

Their own now huh that’s pretty funny well I guess I have extra chainsaws if I need they’re a little bit stronger than the sword so yeah a lot stronger than the sword never mind because the attack speed is like Wait what’s the difference here in the attack speed I need to see that oh this is much faster that speed’s actually pretty good can’t even lie basically the exact same attack damage but you get to attack much quicker I didn’t realize that sword’s actually pretty good however uh definitely should rest and we

Should wait and try and kill some more Devils soon also my glass is pretty much done all right let’s put all of our stuff away in this chest except for a little bit food because we might need a little bit of food and we’re gonna go hunting for stuff today

Because if they won’t come to me I need to come to them that’s the only way that this is gonna work so that’s precisely what we’re gonna do we’re now gonna go hunt down a bunch of these devils I might even try to find the gun fiend

Today I don’t know I want to see first if I kill 10 if I’ll get some sort of boost because if I can get it even stronger than I am now I need to I need to get as strong as I possibly can to take out the strongest Devils there are

So I become the strongest oh hey it’s Bucky hey Bucky it’s been a while I guess it was a child inside my house anyways so we’re just gonna go through these trees and we’re just gonna run around trying to find some of these guys because the more we kill the better the

Stronger we get there’s one it’s just a tomato though no please tell me this is my 10th one never mind well that’s one seems to have been some more of the spawned over here so we’re gonna go take those out oh I’m being double team though

I would use you to go but I don’t think that’s gonna work I’ve definitely killed tin at this at this point right like I’ve killed a lot and you’re telling me I’m still not a 10. oh maybe I have to use the sword that would make a lot of sense

Maybe if I find another one of those hell Devils I can go to the underworld and I can start trying to fight them Non-Stop you’re as strong as I possibly can if that’s the fastest way I’ll be able to use this sword to get kills it’s about the only way

Because I’m thinking maybe if I get 10 kills with the sword specifically it might do it for me the heck is a katana man seems to be this direction we should go check that out whoa that looks actually really cool I like how it looks around here

I know how far these two people are but they shouldn’t be pretty far I might not be able to reach them today they appear on my mini map but they appear so far away I’m unsure they’re way too far away okay I guess the next best bet is just

Keep trying to kill stuff with this and hoping it’ll give me that achievement and then if not uh I don’t understand why because I’m at least using a sword now maybe the sword was the issue okay so I’m not exactly entirely sure what’s going on here but I didn’t get the pin

Achievement but I got the 20. so apparently I’ve killed 20 just now but the 10 didn’t seem to load in I I’m very confused of why it hasn’t loaded in but it seems like we’re fine I think to get stronger we gotta kill these things so

Like we gotta kill the bomb girl we also have to kill Katana man and they’re across the map that’s the only way for me to get stronger I believe so I’m about to attract these guys down over time to see if I can kill them to get

Even stronger they also soon to be some of the strongest in the mod I think the strongest character so far is probably the fox devil or makima I’m not really sure who’s stronger or chainsaw double who probably is in the nether I have to get a lot stronger to fight

Those guys well since I can’t get any stronger off buying these actual normal ones I should probably try tracking down Katana man or reze or someone that’s gonna be able to give me some more strength because I believe that that’s what’s gonna happen if I kill them I’ll

Not only give me the achievement it’ll get me to be even stronger the only issue is I can’t just find them as I please I have to wait for them and then I have to track them down and then kill them killing them is gonna be the hard part

What could I do in the meantime well I guess I could continue my mind maybe if I get some obsidian I can go to another that’d be pretty good and maybe get me the enchantment table if I can get some diamonds and some obsidian

Uh the main thing I want to do is go to another just so I can try and get to whoa what are you doing in my house I was gonna say so I can get some like pots like some alchemy pots but look at this dude

I don’t know if alcohol could even help me but yeah look at this dude just chilling at my house how do you even spawn it how this barely holds you do you spawn in light levels too I guess it makes sense but like why my house that’s so Random

Okay then as I was saying maybe I should continue my mind and just keep a look out until they spawn because that’s pretty much all I can do all right so it’s turning night time my mind has made a lot of progress I got

Kind of bored of it so I did go explore a couple caves but you can see it’s gotten pretty deep however I could see that reze raise or whatever you want to call her she’s in the distance so now I should be able to track her down and take her out then the

Only one left will be the katana man and the gun who knows how strong this character is gonna be so you have to keep our guard up I’m actually pretty nervous because we haven’t fought some of these top tier people yet the bad table is not even close house she’s just

Oh she’s dangerous okay all right just like that then nope wait what heal well uh that didn’t happen wow um let me just get back over there that didn’t even happen you didn’t see that that did not happen why is she so strong all right I’m

Almost there I should be able to finish her off she shouldn’t be too high of HP unless she healed if she did Hill I just have to win this time right that’s all I gotta do I’ll get her eventually Fox is out here all right let’s run it back yes sir

Yes sir give my stuff back kill the bomb girl yup also she has a really nice house dang also it it dropped a grenade pin so I think I can become the the bomb devil if I wanted to but we’re not gonna do that because that’s that’s pretty lame let’s

Be real here guys I’m a chainsaw chainsaws are awesome who the heck would want to be a palm like that’s just I’ll leave that to her but I will say this house is pretty fire nothing that useful for me in here so that’s unfortunate and I don’t need

My obituary you know I’m good but interesting it didn’t actually make me any stronger I don’t believe no I did I think I do get a little bit more HP I might just be tripping but like I don’t know man if I defeat Katana man and I killed the

Gun devil I’ll have progressed the story so I’m gonna go find the katana man so I can kill him I guess I can also do the gun fiend but I don’t think I’m nearly good enough yet yeah the katana man doesn’t seem to be anywhere in sight so

That’s gonna take a while probably however there are a lot of these Devils around my house let’s just clean up shop see now I’m back to being stronger what happened I swear I feel like I got weaker for a bit there and I don’t understand quite why

Now I’m able to nearly one shot these guys but they can barely damage me maybe because it was the bat devil specifically I’m not exactly sure however through the achievement list I can only assume the katana man’s actually weaker than the bomb devil all right one more and then we’re good

Hey power uh yeah We’re not gonna talk about earlier right we’re cool right yeah yeah we’re cool yeah I’m glad you think so too I’m just making sure that way you don’t like trying to kill me in my sleep or anything but uh I guess now we need to track down

The katana man and then after that at some point we have to kill the gun devil which isn’t that hard to find him but I know he’s strong so I don’t want to get too cocky I’m not exactly sure how I’m supposed to get a lot stronger but uh

Maybe I just have to kill more Devils maybe I don’t know why this didn’t click in for me but for some reason didn’t click in very weird however hopefully we’ll get stronger soon I’m not exactly sure maybe I’ll have to look it up but hey wait a minute I right clicked power

And it said create contract with power contract created blood chainsaw well thanks to power it looks like we actually have the blood chainsaw which is apparently able to stop makima that’d be pretty good to use against her I guess if we ever have to do that the

Only thing I see is that we definitely need to go find the gun devil and then also the katana man I should have took out the katana man when I saw a chance earlier but I just didn’t think about it however I don’t know if I’d be strong

Enough anyways it feels like we’re like really weak compared to everybody else I’m not exactly sure if you can get any stronger than this who knows we are decently strong don’t get me wrong but against those stronger guys I don’t know if we’ll be able to

Take them out on our own without like dying multiple times maybe I’ll try and see if I can get any stronger try and look into that there’s the gun fiend you know what we’re going in for the gun fiend how about no actually how about we don’t

Do the gun fiend yet oh my God he’s fast he’s gonna destroy my house if I’m not careful run run okay I’m gonna see if I can get any stronger and if not I guess if we can’t get any stronger we’ll just have to Brute Force our way through all

The bosses but hopefully there’s a way for us to keep getting stronger because that’d be nice okay so I did some research and apparently if you want to get more strength you need to kill more devils and you can still get strength too it’s because I have uh I think two

Of these technically it’s either one or two either way it’s giving me boost and the more that I kill the more strength I get to the more damage I do to get more health I have to do more story advancements which are these guys and

I’ve done two of them so far and they did give me a little bit more but I think I have to kill Katana man to get more so Katana man’s even more of a uh top priority for me now I just have to wait for him to spawn in the meantime

Though I think I want to try and go kill so some doubles and just trying to get stronger because the more I kill the more strength I get and that’s going to be huge so now I know how to get stronger I just need to go about it so like this

Guy right here get him out of the way gone get him out get him out nope get on my face now uh I think I’m gonna use my sword just to be safe when I’m killing these little guys but yeah hopefully I can find a

Hell double and I can go to like to hell and then try and like just kill a ton of these guys I seriously wish I could find the katana man somewhere well I found the hell devil first so I guess we’ll go do that get out of the way dog

You’re not pochita you’re inferior get out of my way all right here we go so where’s he at all right here we go revisiting ow double wow currently got hit twice okay so now I can just kill a bunch of these guys but some I want to avoid like

The fox spirit I think I’m good there’s a bunch of these guys hey yo what’s good and he’s strong nope devil killer 30. oh it did make my strength go up look oh snap now I have even more strength I do even more damage so that’s a thing okay got it

Too bad I didn’t do the 10 but you know what the more we kill the strong the stronger we get and then the easier it is for us to do certain things wouldn’t it be cool if Katana man spawn down here I don’t think he does but wouldn’t it have been really cool

Yeah definitely been really cool anyways if I just killed like 10 more of these I’ll get even stronger y’all too weak at this point I’m not fighting that not flying that yet not tour Max doll I don’t trust it this is nuts bring it on dude I can kill all of these

Guys not about to easily get the achievement so yeah I just need to get like 10 more and then boom even more strength they’re still pretty strong but mainly because my health just isn’t with my strength however my strength is so high it’s pretty easy to kill most of these

Guys my health boost is so high I’m like my regeneration it doesn’t take long to get right back to full HP foreign I gotta be getting close maybe a couple more Oh there’s a ton of them I don’t care though I’ll bring you all to death let’s go just need a couple more time to die man how many do I gotta kill I thought I said 40. shouldn’t I already be at 40 I gotta be close come on

I think I went over 40 at this point if not I don’t understand we’re just gonna roll with it I can kill all these guys endlessly but I’m starting to lag like that I don’t know what that’s about I wonder if I right click him if he’ll actually do anything nope

I’ll just kill him then although it doesn’t do anything for me I think okay there we go 50. yeah it skipped over 40 then went to 50 which is really weird but we’ll roll with it so now we have even higher strength I don’t know if anything else

Changed but our strength has got to be like it’s Max right now so no reason to be here anymore we got what we came for now it’s time to continue the story which means I need to get whoo I did not oh Katana man spawn we have to chase him down also

Apparently I lost my blood chainsaw because like whatever’s in your hand as you Unleash Your chainsaw it removes that item so I lost my blood chainsaw but the good news is I think I can right click power again to get it back so it’s no big deal

Anyways I think it’s time for us to take on Katana man this will be interesting very interesting he spawned in a house as well hopefully my new Strength can help me take him down even if I don’t have high HP he was in the story before the bomb that

When we killed the bomb devil so I got a good villain look at him right here bro it’s about to go down how do you get in here bro you just did you really lock off your house or something like how am I supposed to oh there’s your door I just

Missed the door all right fine it’s time to die cheetah sends his regards my friend yeah he was definitely easier easier way easier take off your left hand did we come to Katana man I think I’m good to be completely honest I think I’m good so now I’ve killed Katana man our HP

Didn’t go up at all might because we didn’t do it in order I don’t know but yeah it doesn’t seem like it went up at all I didn’t mean that transform oh it definitely went up always had to re-transform yeah look at that all right we got two full HP bars now

If we transform it goes even higher so yeah we’re even stronger than we was before and now we have to kill the gun fiend who shouldn’t be too hard to track down so we gotta kill the gun fiend and then it might do something else after that

That’s all I know of so I guess I need to get back to base and then just wait for that guy to show up and in the meantime maybe I’ll get some more food because I’m kind of running out of food also I have to start making my plans of

How I’m going to kill fakima the fox devil and then I think there’s one more the chainsaw though yeah that’s right we have to actually go to the nether to take that thing out all right there’s no time to waste the gun fiend happened to spawn by my base

It’s time to take them out all right let’s take this opportunity to kill him it’s right here nope nope we’re not having to solve nope not having a snowball fight I’m gonna back off now gotta let my HP Regen always chasing me my health doesn’t regen that fast when it should whoa okay

So I’m gonna use my bloodhill oh it worked my blood Hill worked it worked Blood Hill Blood Hill oh I love having Blood Hill this is amazing I can just keep killing myself you can’t kill me here we go I’m taking you down it’s actually rather sad if you know who

He is but you know who cares I win you lose hey hey I see you you took down the Tomato I see you man okay so now her health has gotten even higher it seems like we’ve defeated the main story but not in my book we still gotta take

Down makima who turns out she’s evil yeah she’s evil who would have thought and also oh even in my base I’m able to do seven damage like without a sword that shows how strong I am my HP has gotten far higher I’ve gotten as strong as I can possibly get so now I

Have to start trying to take on the big boys so I’m gonna take some days to prepare and then we’re gonna be taking down makima the fox devil and then hopefully the chainsaw double which means I need to make another portal which means I have to get obsidian I already have

Diamonds so we’re already quite a bit of the way there so what we’re gonna do is we’re gonna like make a diamond pickaxe and I have to go down into the mine or at least find some lava and water if I have to make a bucket and then after that

I should be able to make another portal and then after that I’ll need a little bit more obsidian so I can make an enchant table if I need it I don’t think I really need an enchant table do I also my equipment’s just about dead so that’s looking kind of rough

Still miss pochita though it’s been a while still really lonely okay I got my blood chainsaw which is a huge part of trying to kill makima but I don’t want to try that yet I think what I want to do is I want to try and kill either the fox

Devil or go see if I can kill the chainsaw devil but the chainsaw devil is like really freaking strong so I’m a little worried about doing that hmm I guess it’s time to kill makima she just so happens to be over there I’m a little worried but we’re right by my house so if I do die I can always come back let’s do this so we’ve got chainsaw swing and our blood Hill she has quite a bit of HP

This will stop her from healing oh whoa what what’d she do to me she made me stronger a lot stronger actually Blood Hill Blood Hill please it’s not working okay I gotta get away from here what’s she do to me oh my God I’m far stronger now

But she just regenerated back to full this is nuts I can’t keep up with this how do I do this this does help sure but it’s not enough I’m far stronger now but like I said it’s not enough I don’t think I can use my blood Hill can I

Yeah I can’t use my blood unless I get a little bit more blood is there any sort of creatures that I can kill to get more blood around here I don’t think there is I’m just running for my life right now uh I don’t know if I get to just stay

Like this or what but you know what we’ll roll with it because I kind of dig it I mean I’m pretty strong though this makes me way stronger even stronger than I was before the only issue is like I said I think I need a little bit more blood

Before I can really handle my own against her but now that we’ve got this armor as long as we don’t die and we get to keep it we’re set that’s all we needed this just gave us so much more we’re becoming an absolute monster though I’ll say that much an absolute

Monster but I’m so fast now if I screw a couple of these guys and gather up some blood and then I should be able to heal myself I don’t know what’s happened to us but makima’s gonna pay man die makima and she’s back I’ve pushed her into a corner and it’s working oh

Kill the control devil let’s go uh only bad part is I kind of lost my cool armor so I’m a little bit weaker now but apparently that was a secret achievement defeat makima to complete the story well it’s done now wow that’s pretty awesome I’d say so

Myself okay well now if we transform oh huh that’s new oh it’s just a chainsaw man swing no wonder well that’s not my normal transformation oh I did get stronger killing her made me she was so strong it gave me oh no I started it didn’t give me anything special I don’t think

So let’s let’s little eh but hey I did get a little bit stronger a little bit more HP and that’s huge and my blood Hill wasn’t working but luckily I managed to glitch her into a corner and that’s all it took now my main thing now is just killing

The fox devil now the chainsaw devil I don’t know if we’ll be able to kill that and I don’t know if we’ll be able to find it but you know what how about we just go try and find it we’ll give it a shot I don’t think we’ll be able to kill

It though okay spider can I can I go in there in peace thank you thank you the blood chainsaw definitely helped there but I’ll be honest the only reason I was able to win that is because I managed to back her into a corner and I beat her out through a window

Oh my God wait am I invincible still going ah you can’t kill me I’m too strong that’s right even lava can’t stop me I’m gonna get out of here that portal may have sabotaged me but I can still get out of here Even I’m impressed by My Own Strength here let’s take off my clothes never mind put the clothes back on put the clothes back on this Wood’s gonna burn pretty quickly but if it just lasts long enough that’s all I need all right well uh that is

That trip to the nether didn’t go so well I didn’t even see the chainsaw devil so that was kind of pointless so now that leaves me with one more Mission left and that mission is to track down the fox spirit and take it down that’s the last thing I need to

Do and then we’re finished all right guys I think it’s time we in this so we’re gonna be trying to go and track down a hell level that way we can actually go and take down the fox Spirit which is the final boss of this 100 days

If we can do this we win I specifically waited till night because I know a lot of stuff spawns at night time so we’re gonna look around and see if I can already see one on the mini map we’re about to be there the quickest way is to

Just skip past these guys we still have plenty of blood DG spawned the dude despawned okay well that kind of that went my plan I guess I have to refined him again all right here we are we just dropped in and now I can see the fox devil already it’s right there

It’s gonna be very strong I just hope nothing else tries to attack me while I attack it I think we’re all set and ready to go let me switch that to Blood Hill and let’s go foreign well I hope you guys enjoyed this 100 days as chainsaw man and I think it was

Probably one of the funniest ones I’ve done is it one of my favorites in some ways absolutely I think the editing of this one’s gonna be the funniest thing I’ve ever done I think it’s the highest quality video I’ve ever made it’s also had a little bit of a story I tried to

Kind of switch it up so it’s like me playing the game but there’s a little bit of story aspects let me know what you thought about that it’s a little bit different than my other types of videos and I’m hoping to make some more stuff like this soon I have a matcha Vegeta

Video that should be coming out later this weekend on Saturday for all my Dragon Block C fans and if you want to see more like Anime Minecraft time for 100 day videos just check out my channel and this was a blast if there’s anything I missed let me know but I think we

Achieved everything we were supposed to and we completely beat them on the fox spirit is just not going down though because I think one shots anyone and uh unfortunately we don’t get the tools in this kind of mod to be able to take that out so that’s unfortunate however if you

Enjoyed this video make sure to like comment subscribe hit that notification Bell imma see you guys in my next video video this has been Fusion Timmy signing out

This video, titled ‘I Played Minecraft as CHAINSAW MAN For 100 DAYS… This Is What Happened’, was uploaded by FuzionTimmy on 2022-11-17 15:14:51. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

In this video I’ve decided to play as Chainsaw Man for 100 days! This Chainsaw man100 days video is probably my favorite so far, …

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    PremiumMC.NetName: PremiumMC Server IP: PremiumMC.Net Version: 1.16.5 Discord Link: https://discord.com/invite/4U837tqs2u Who Are We?     We are PremiumMC! Our server brings alot to the table. We offer Towny with many different plugins to make it a unique experience for everyone! Make new friends here in our server, all of our members are friendly and love to meet new people. Lots to explore with over 220 new custom enchantments that bring in a whole different type of pvping. Get Legendary Loot from beating our custom dungeons with custom Bosses. Be inspired by our community builds and take part yourself and meet new friends… Read More

  • ProsperGaming SMP | Vanilla 1.20.4 | SMP | DiscordSRV | Dynmap | Streamer SMP | Voice Plugin | No Whitelist | Inspired by Hermitcraft | Coreprotect | Age Limit 16+ | Crossplay Enabled | Java & Bedrock

    Welcome to our Minecraft SMP Server! We have created a thriving Minecraft vanilla SMP server within our gaming discord community. Join us for regular streams, roleplay, major build projects, and a welcoming community. Seeking Builders and Players If you enjoy being part of a fun, chill, and active community similar to hermitcraft, then this server is for you! Show off your building skills and your creations may even be featured in our next season’s trailer. Rules and Guidelines We keep things simple – just be mature and respectful towards others. We do not tolerate disruptive behavior. Our server is mostly… Read More

  • World of Life and War

    World of Life and WarLife and War is a multiplayer server owned by the YouTuber MATTCASTGAMING where you can fight in wars, protect the leader of your nation, or join the simple way of life and become a farmer, own a shop or even pizzeria! Work hard and maybe even buy a mansion! We have awesome mods for the server and even sports cars! Join the discord for the extra mods to join!Life and War YouTube Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Warning: Do NOT Open – Highly Spicy!”

    I guess clicking that link is like playing Russian roulette with your Minecraft game! Read More

  • YASIN CRAFT: The Hottest Minecraft Memes🔥

    YASIN CRAFT: The Hottest Minecraft Memes🔥 “When you spend hours building an epic castle in Minecraft, only to realize you forgot to put a door on it and now you’re stuck inside like a clueless Sim.” #minecraftproblems 😂🏰🚪 Read More

  • Indian Bikes Driving 3D Gameplay Update

    Indian Bikes Driving 3D Gameplay Update Minecraft Mode Big Update in Indian Bikes Driving 3D Gameplay Exciting news for Minecraft fans! The popular game is getting a big update that will introduce new features and enhance the overall gaming experience. But that’s not all – this update will also bring a unique twist by incorporating Indian bikes driving in 3D gameplay. Let’s dive into the details of this upcoming update! New Features and Enhancements The Minecraft update promises to deliver a host of new features that will keep players engaged and entertained for hours on end. From new biomes and creatures to enhanced graphics and… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Survival Challenge!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Survival Challenge! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a fan of challenging yourself in Minecraft like Raido Gamerz? If so, you’ll love the Minewind server. Imagine surviving not just 100, but 150 days in a world full of surprises and adventures. Join a community of dedicated players who push the limits of what’s possible in Minecraft. Experience the thrill of exploring new lands, battling fierce mobs, and building your own unique creations. Connect with fellow gamers on Minewind without any limits or boundaries. The possibilities are endless, just like Raido Gamerz’s 150-day survival journey. Ready to take on the challenge? Join us… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft 1.21 Update Features!

    EPIC Minecraft 1.21 Update Features! Welcome to the Minecraft 1.21 Update Review! Welcome to our comprehensive review of the Minecraft 1.21 Update! Get ready to dive into the exciting new features, enhancements, and changes that this latest release brings to the beloved sandbox game. Exploring the New Features In this video, we take a close look at all the additions and improvements introduced in Minecraft 1.21. From new mobs and blocks to gameplay tweaks and optimizations, we’ve got you covered with everything you need to know about this update. New Additions One of the highlights of the Minecraft 1.21 Update is the introduction of… Read More

  • “Mind-Blowing Realistic Mahakal Statue REVEALED! 😱🔥” #shorts #trending #bholenath

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  • Haunted Seed: Mystery of Kailash Parvat

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  • INSANE Minecraft Damage Swap Challenge! 😱 #shorts

    INSANE Minecraft Damage Swap Challenge! 😱 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft But If I Take Damage Challenges Swaps… #mcaddon #minecrafthindi #shorts’, was uploaded by TM GAMING 5M on 2024-01-08 01:00:33. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft But If I Take Damage Challenges Swaps… #mcaddon #minecrafthindi #shorts. Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Survival Adventure – Day 9 Live Stream 🔥

    EPIC Minecraft Survival Adventure - Day 9 Live Stream 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Survival ⛏️ -| Public SMP + Exploring New Places🤩🔥| Day 9 -| Live Stream 🔴’, was uploaded by Jeet Plays on 2024-01-17 17:06:18. It has garnered 68 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 03:10:17 or 11417 seconds. Minecraft Survival ⛏️ -| Public SMP + Exploring New Places🤩🔥| Day 9 -| Live Stream 🔴 minecraft live #minecraft #minecraftlive #mcjava #minecraftpe #minecraftsurvival #mcpe #minecraftsmp ______________________________________________________________ My Social Media Handles….👇👇 Join Our Discord Server📈😁 : https://discord.com/invite/RpSNtNQzuq Follow Me Now On Instagram ➡ https://www.instagram.com/jeet_plays/ Follow Me On Twitter ➡ https://twitter.com/jeet_plays 🙂 ___________________________________________________________________________ IF INTERESTED… Read More

  • INSANE Trolling in FB Fights! 😂 | Minecraft Shorts

    INSANE Trolling in FB Fights! 😂 | Minecraft ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Trolling in fb fights;) #minecraft #troll #gaming #shorts’, was uploaded by Just void on 2024-04-04 18:28:26. It has garnered 894 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. #minecraftpvp #minecraft #minecraftbuilds #minecraftpc #pvp #minecraftmemes #minecraftserver #minecraftmeme #minecraftsurvival #minecraftonly #funny #minecraftpe #minecraftdaily #skywars #minecrafters #youtube #freethenipplemovement #minecraftbedrock #zovax #fortniteitiemshop #freevbucks #hypixel #minecraftideas #minecraftbuild #fortniteskins #ps #minecrafter #mcpe #gaming #minecrafttutorial Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft 100 Day Challenge Showdown!

    Ultimate Minecraft 100 Day Challenge Showdown!Video Information This video, titled ‘BOYFRIEND vs GIRLFRIEND Minecraft ONE BLOCK 100 Day Challenge!’, was uploaded by RageElixir on 2024-01-18 01:00:07. It has garnered 102003 views and 4079 likes. The duration of the video is 01:08:42 or 4122 seconds. BOYFRIEND vs GIRLFRIEND Minecraft ONE BLOCK 100 Day Challenge! Watch The ENTIRE Series: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jzU1WGaioAw&list=PLQC4xQiZPCR_SkOpyJ3fuHvu_UF1Ine-l BECOME A MEMBER: https://www.youtube.com/@RageElixir/join Follow Me: Twitter – https://twitter.com/RageElixir Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/rageelixirgram/ TikTok – https://www.tiktok.com/@imrageelixir Discord – https://discord.gg/rageelixir-ragenation-722299575427268629 My Other Channels: RageElixir Vlogs – https://www.youtube.com/@RageElixirVlogs Gaming Channel – https://www.youtube.com/@RageElixirGames Minecraft Channel – https://www.youtube.com/@RageElixirMinecraft Roblox / Games Channel – https://www.youtube.com/@RageElixirPlays Reaction Channel – https://www.youtube.com/@RageElixirPlus Intro Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AbWoEPaNyvw Another… Read More


    ULTIMATE MINECRAFT HIDE & SEEK with QUEEN ELSA 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘ULTIMATE MINECRAFT HIDE AND SEEK WITH HIDEOUT SMP MEMBERS 😱| QUEEN ELSA’, was uploaded by QUEEEN ELSA on 2024-01-07 07:40:46. It has garnered 503 views and 70 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:19 or 919 seconds. ULTIMATE MINECRAFT HIDE AND SEEK WITH HIDEOUT SMP MEMBERS 😱| QUEEN ELSA 💙𝓓𝓻𝓸𝓹 𝓪 𝓛𝓘𝓚𝓔 𝓘 𝓪𝓹𝓹𝓻𝓮𝓬𝓲𝓪𝓽𝓮 𝓲𝓽💙 📢[ INSTAGRAM ] 👉 https://www.instagram.com/queeen__elsaa/ 📢[ Discord ] 👉 https://discord.gg/ZbkKfKmmgp 📢[ Rooter ] 👉 https://www.rooter.gg/profile/2056059966 📢[ SMP IP ] 👉 DISCORD JOIN KRO💗 WAHAN GENERAL CHAT PER IP MILEGA💙 AND INGAME USERNAME CHAT PER BATAO 🥞AND WHITELIST HO JAAO… Read More

  • Mysticite – Unbelievable Clutch! 🔥 #shorts #hypixel

    Mysticite - Unbelievable Clutch! 🔥 #shorts #hypixelVideo Information This video, titled ‘This Clutch Was INSANE 🔥#hypixel #shorts #minemen’, was uploaded by Mysticite on 2024-01-16 09:59:27. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. IGN: MMysticite1 #shorts #minecraft #bridge #montage #bedwars #monatge #minecraft #shorts #hypixelbridge #hurtin #blockin … Read More

  • Insane One Block Challenge with My BFF! #MinecraftMadness

    Insane One Block Challenge with My BFF! #MinecraftMadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft One Block with my friend [First Episode] #minecraft #video’, was uploaded by GamingSupro009 on 2024-02-13 16:15:17. It has garnered 20 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:40 or 580 seconds. Minecraft One Block with my friend [First Episode] #minecraft #video @YesSmartyPie @AnshuBisht minecraft house minecraft game minecraft house ideas minecraft videos for kids minecraft video minecraft house design minecraft live minecraft song minecraft hacks minecraft house survival minecraft house small minecraft house tutorial minecraft animation minecraft game download minecraft live 2023 minecraft 100 days minecraft live 2022 minecraft hacks download… Read More

  • AlgidPrisons

    AlgidPrisonsAlgidPrisons is a new upcoming Prison server, it stated on the 05/06/2020. We hope to be one of the most active Prison servers out there and we will keep on improving until we reach our goal! We got a casino, lots of mines and vote crates! Read More

  • Wisteria Fields – modded, whitelist

    Welcome to Our New Server! We are looking for builders and casual players to help expand our world. Our main goal is to incorporate lore and eventually open up the server as an SMP. This Java server has 80 mods including The Aether, Botania, Biomes O’ Plenty, The Twilight Forest, and more. We are welcoming adults only and have a few rules that must be followed. Message me on Discord at daisyfacedkilla for more information or to join. Read More

  • MadCraft

    MadCraftDive into the chaos of MadCraft! Welcome to the wildest ride in Minecraft! Experience the thrill of near-Vanilla anarchy on our server where freedom reigns supreme. With minimal rules, you’re the master of your own destiny. Build, destroy, conquer – it’s all up to you! Join MadCraft now and unleash your inner madness. Let the adventure begin! IP: MadCraft.cloud https://discord.gg/X4t42mATrz Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – I summon free Minecraft Minecoins on 💥

    Minecraft Memes - I summon free Minecraft Minecoins on 💥Wow, this meme is so crispy it’s practically a snack! Read More

I Played Minecraft as CHAINSAW MAN For 100 DAYS… This Is What Happened