I played Sky Block for 24 Hours STRAIGHT…

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I played Minecraft for 24 hours straight and it was really really hard so being the idiot that I am I’m gonna do it again but this time for SkyBlock also to the type of hoodie it’s a special limited limited before mil available 737.star I don’t know why I put myself

Through this again red button McDonald’s got me through it and I played it on my server penguin.gg I’m online right now it’s a brand new season with new stuff and you can visit me on my island with Slash warp SB Here We Go Again 24 hours subscriber I’m sure I’ll enjoy it I’m

Gonna start by mining a tree as you always should and then mine up three Cobblestone then we can go ahead and make myself a stone pickaxe I’ve got some iron which is good if I can grab a couple more Cobblestone I can smelt it and then I’ll put that in we’ve got a

Sapling fantastic tell you what I will do I’ll pick up all this as well let’s mine this up because it’s all in places that I don’t want it to be at the moment it’s precious in this as you can imagine I’ll just build it out like it’s a

Pathway then we can start getting the dirt down now we’ve got so much dirt here by the way if I go you ready for the speed ladies and gentlemen like that like that like that or before it flowed off the edge just no not quite oh only SB can make mining cobblestone

Interesting right I don’t know if I’m successfully doing that to be honest with it maybe not we can do is upgrades we can upgrade the mind so now the mining is going to be getting me better stuff I need to make a better cobblestone generator I’ll mine up

Everything here all bits of cobblestone slabs whatever I’ve placed down then we need the water’s gonna have to flow lower so that it doesn’t go to the lava if I grab a lava and took it there fantastic so this is a faster cobblestone generator we need to get to

5000 we’ve got a diamond nice yeah five thousand Sky coins and I can upgrade it again it’ll go even faster I’m gonna buy a potato how much is a potato ten thousand oh my goodness that is not not cheap at all grow a little potato please sugarcane’s not exactly grown either

There is another dab can I make a diamond pickaxe I can yeah and that servant has to be the priority at the moment I don’t know how much you get from composting leaves we’re about to find out I think building a bigger Tree Farm might be a good idea so we might

Get a Bull Mill out of this come on yeah we did it’s grown a little bit more I need a bigger Tree Farm the tree farm is gonna be what gets me loads of leaves leaves are gonna get me bone meal grab my three saplings so I’ve got five on the go now

Which is good we need food oh we’re hungry oh that’s not good oh look at this it’s grown fantastic let’s have a look at the missions I must be close now yeah we just need one more caller and 10 more iron off and then we get a

Specialty pickaxe so there we go we got that we got 10 000 as well for that oh that’s awesome now we go slash servants servants there there you are get it I just I’m so hungry you take your time don’t you for raw beef don’t mind if I do my first

Piece of food there we go hunger is no longer going to be an issue I’ve got the special pickaxe now as well Island missions oh I forgot about these done that one we can claim them all Hopper and a thousand Sky coins nice another thousand Sky coins okay thank you oh the

Sugar canes the sugarcane’s flowing Now ladies and gentlemen and we’re back in Steins get a little bit sore I’ve only been doing this for like an hour which is slightly worrying but guys I’ve got something cool to show you I’ve invested I’ve invested in yes I’ve invested in a moving desk so

Now I can stand up like this look at this guys I am taking this 24 hours challenge seriously I can switch between standing and sitting down feel good I can stretch my legs I can still play this is excellente ladies and gentlemen might even buy another I ain’t gotta

Make it another pickaxe that could be a cool thing to do couldn’t it what do you think of the logo in the background by the way you can see the office properly here we buy one of them I do think another right pickaxe is slightly faster at mine and Get It upgraded yeah

Spend french fries 1.2 times skycoins booster nice oh we got six hours of it so for the next six hours I’m getting 1.2 times the skycon well I’ll be playing for the next six hours so that is great five more potatoes fantastic okay that’s excellent oh and it’s grown

Look at that it’s a massive tree it’s all coming together ladies and gentlemen it’s very strange to play Minecraft stood up by the way like I’ve never done it before and I feel I feel like it’s playing and I’m at a different height from the string so I’m not a bit this

Height so I feel I feel completely different it’s really weird do I make a second one of these I feel like farming sugarcane’s got to be a handy thing to do where is Mother showcase put it in there why I was worried for a second Now ladies and gentlemen that I’ve done

Something stupid mining level 250. fantastic but yeah this is the time to have your water we’ve got 10 000 Sky coins I can upgrade the generator Sky coins are flowing which is nice the farm is doing well there’s a lot I mean there’s loads of trees and we’ve got Emerald all now as

Well that wasn’t there before hour and a half in I think they’re looking good guys honestly the islands the Island’s working out well the melon is grown that’s great I think bone meal is one of the biggest things holding me back now so we’re gonna get a lot of bone meal

From this that’s the plan I wonder if I can afford sand because I kind of want to start growing Cactus as well 800 oh it’s not that bad actually I’m running out of space I need I need more dirt I need more dirt I’m just gonna buy as

Much as I can I’m happy to sit down again I think I’ve been stood for long enough down it comes this is brilliant look at it look at it go you guys are moving down I’m staying up here this is fantastic nearly 20 Stacks a couple that’s good almost halfway to all the

Couple I need for that mission I think I’ve been gate crashed so someone has arrived iBallistic Squid well there’s 24 hours maybe not too long if people come and join me and say maybe I could get loads of Cameo appearances over the next 24 hours that could be fun it’s causing

Mayhem what’s he doing why is he just placing saplings underneath like what what what’s your game that’s good game is set me three challenges and then he he left anyway right now I’m focused on farming and building things up you know getting those levels up I’ll take my

Whole until along here then I place down lots and lots and lots of pumpkins I still have 64 so I don’t have enough dirt for this and the pumpkins are growing oh this is fantastic because look you’d have to replay I’ve said this a thousand times you don’t have to

Replant them I think it’s a fantastic lot of fun basically the only thing holding me back is the dirt now the seeds are I saw it I’m gonna make myself a nice spot not like that but yeah a nice little secondary chest and that’s just gonna happen with the seeds in and

I think it would be a good one to have sugarcane in as well only one thousand from selling all that that’s fantastic because it means that I can buy more dirt you want to think that buying dirt was such an amazing thing would you and Sky coins okay I’ve got 14 doesn’t even

Notice let’s go ahead and upgrade them a couple deficiency at the moment but I can upgrade the mob another stack of dirt purchased and also a place down oh I’ve done it I smelted every single ore that I need to which means the Cobblestone is now the only thing

Holding me back a competition is starting I’m the only person on the server I I can’t lose it’s the most mobs killed in the next 10 minutes I I haven’t got a spawn or any way to do it so I I need to get a spawner in the next

10 minutes so I can get those Guy coins and get first place I’ve also completely filled up one double chest worth I’m not that far away from more than I need now also apparently I’m blind it’s clearly a single chest worth now it’s a double chest and there’s plenty more space in

It cactus farm is coming along nicely I can buy another piece of sand and expand it even more I need to remember to use my fortune pickaxe when I’m mining the grown potatoes because you get way way more from them this pumpkin Farm’s really coming together I should get

Efficiency on my accent I can do it faster but I’ve got to save my money for that spawner and get 14 000 from all that one big spawner is 25 000 I’m so close to that okay it will not take me long at all to get there fairly

Confident that should do it I’ll load wow it’s get your money so fast Pig spawner obtained I don’t care where it goes and as a meme I’m gonna attempt to win the competition taking out just one mob really will be competition win of the century if I somehow pull that off

And I’ve run out I’ll do it again I can start buying it model which is always good but for now I’m just going to continue just to store it in here and I’ll keep collecting more money from this the money is starting to rake in 18 000 from one short session there that

Can get me another stack of dirt harvesting melons is part of one of the missions so that’s it’s always good I did it I was the competition champion and I just got 25 000 Sky coins and five hundred thousand dollars this is perfect wow I can’t believe I won my own

Competition we can now upgrade the mob on this I think it becomes a spider and then I’ll be getting Bones on the next one after it at this point now to expand this platform a little bit and operations smelt loads of cobblestone can now begin well in order to actually

Do that I I need way more coal but Japanese I get from mining obtain just the right amount for every single furnace still don’t think I have all the Cobblestone I need so whilst that smelting I’ll mine up just a little bit more since I’ve now got so much money I

Might as well buy loads and loads of dirt and and really expand to these farms and having loads of potatoes is good but I also have to get the carrot and wheat Masters so I’ll buy one wheat seed which is is pretty expensive again and also One Singular carrot so they can

Get money what’s the big idea with you by the way don’t think you’re going on to my nice crops now that they’re growing I can go back to mining these potatoes I’m just kind of looking out for all the ones that are fully grown getting the farmer’s Harvest will be

Great but I think I need to get tier one inquired a lot of these different farming things so it’s a little bit off although I am fairly confident I can get it within the 24 hours also probably a good idea for me to build a second layer

Of the melon farm since they are so easy to grow they’re all punted as I wait for them to grow I can continue to harvest the other ones and also get the potatoes the first batch of stone is done so another load can be smelted my wheat is

Also grown my carrots did grow before so and I’ve planted more of them but we can plant a wheat seed here and we can plant more of them there plus these potatoes are growing all the time so I’ll just do a little bit more harvesting then whilst

Away for everything else to grow and everything else to smelt I’m gonna upgrade the crop growth rate to speed things up I can continue doing lots of Mining and I’m also getting hungry so it’s good that I have some food arrived this is it ladies and gentlemen the last

24 hour challenge I had McDonald’s this one KFC still not got a sponsor for food and I’m going to continue collecting Cobblestone selling all the extra stuff and Mining away as I eat my KFC and if for some reason you want to watch me this it’ll be in the full 24 hour thing

On my second channel the KFC has gone it was very very tasty indeed I feel like I create another one of them I’m still kind of hungry but you know what that’ll have to do for now I can’t spend the entire 24 hours eating can I we have

Loads more of this that has been smelted but it’s still not where I need to be so more and more is still going in there’s also loads of Island missions that I haven’t actually claimed they’re awards for so we can we can get loads of stuff

Here not that one though most of them just roll me with 25 000. I just gotta make sure yeah look at another one claim you’re smelting loads of things claim it and this one’s the most important because if I harvest a thousand crops I get a crop Hopper and I’m gonna oh look

What I got here I’ve got a oh Sky coins booster nice but yeah if I if I get a drop popper I can make a cactus farm that is very very opaque because my current one is um it’s not really that great I also think I should take out a

Lot of pigs because you know it’s needed I’ve only got fire aspects on this I should I should pay for that it’s pretty cheap ten thousand ten thousand is cheap nowadays that used to be expensive didn’t it but now I could afford that easily also need efficiency on my ax so

That I can insta mine the things like the pumpkins it’s still a little bit slow I wonder if I get efficiency four or five it’ll be better yep efficiency five was what was needed man I just used up all of my money to do this but you

Know what I have no regrets from it more or less every single potato has grown too just ten thousand Sky coins away so a bit more tree mining will help this is actually way faster now that I have an efficiency five ax and I might as well

Work against the rest of the sky coins by mining away I’m not far off smelling every bit of stone that I need to I think I’ve just got to do it one more time through the 12 furnaces no I think I’ve just done it then I think it only

Comes when you take it out of the furnace and I’ve done it okay that is very very good indeed got some nice blocks from that too nice blocks that I’m gonna sell because you know priorities and all that good stuff and I’ll continue on my quiz for 50 000 Sky

Coins and that’s perfect 50 000 skycoins have been accomplished we can upgrade you one more time and can we can we afford an efficiency upgrade that would be great as well if I could can’t quite at the moment even though I’m getting 20

I need 200 down to do it I feel like all of this is is not going to cut it either most importantly we’re now getting bones and that means we’re getting Bull Mill and that means I can grow crops so much much faster which will really open up

Lots and lots of avenues for me in making as much progress as possible all the limitations I once had are definitely now gone I should probably get more dirt so I can plant many many more crops although before I do anything else I need to kill 500 mobs to do the

Other daily mission and then I get the bonus reward so you know what I think I think pigs right now have got to be the first thing on the menu and it does also get me more sky coins even if a small amount of them but it’s definitely worth

It although because there’s only one spawner there I think it makes sense that I’m mine and then as I’m mining I’m close enough to spawner for the pigs to keep spawning they’ll keep stacking on this one so I’ll end up with loads and loads and loads and once I sell all of

That I can give you the good old upgrade to be even more of efficient and apparently we’ve already got 80 bones there as well very nice I’ve got more rewards to claim which means more skycoins are more money which is nice basically give me 200 000 bucks straight

Away and now what I want to do is I want to build a cactus farm but I won’t build one that is all the way down at the bottom then I’ll have lots and lots of room to build it upwards I don’t you know I don’t want to be limited by the

Height of the world best way to do that will be first to grab a lot about glogs and turn to Planks and I can have this pour down here this is probably as good of a spot as it needs to be from there I just have to place planks as I float

Downwards that should be low enough and crop Hoppers grab all the items from crops in a single chunk so it’s gonna be perfect for the characters that’s the bottom platform done I’ve never actually used a crop Hopper so I’m hoping it works as I expect it to I just need to

Harvest 24 more crops to get it which will thankfully be very very easy there we go I’ll gather up the sand and cactuses take out a few extra pigs and attempt to build the very efficient cactus farm was like buying lots of Sundays necessary I can afford a couple

Of Stack four Stacks actually so I should be more than okay this is not like the kind of farm you’ve seen in Normal world because of the crop Hopper I can fit way more in a much more dense space and I’m guessing if I could just

Make a crafting table and then make a well I probably want a double chest actually I can go here then a normal Hopper can go into the back of that another double chest on top and then the crop Hopper I’m just gonna break it and

See what happens like if I go like that has it been picked up automatically has the crop Hopper done its thing it has okay fantastic definitely did not expect this to work but at the moment the cactuses will not Harvest themselves automatically so I need to buy string

From the shop now buying this string is going to clear me out I should have used my minion string when I had the chance but basically string goes between the cactus and then you can put sand there so that when it grows it will automatically break and this is kind of

How you can crisscross it up I just don’t have enough sand or Cactus to make it as big as it needs to be but this is definitely going to be a good start and it seems like the only way for me to make proper progress on it is to get

More money so harvesting potatoes it is the crops are starting to bring money in you know 40 000 for harvesting all of that and I’ve still got all the pumpkin and they only got me two thousand you know what I feel like the pumpkin and melon farm is nowhere near as good as

The other crop Farm oh I didn’t mean to do that though even if it’s not always great it doesn’t mean I want to destroy it I’ll just do this for a little bit extra so I have a bit more cash and then the bottom of this can be completed

Doesn’t quite have enough money to finish it so it’s uh back into mining again and a fancy stretch my legs a bit more so it’s time to bring back the standing desk another competition starting any second now and if anyone could win it it’s it’s me most sugarcane farmed okay

I think that’s enough it’s just Tradition now that I do the bare minimum of something to win a competition now that crops are becoming such a great source of money I am going to upgrade the speed that they grow even more and then I can complete the cactus farm as

Expected I won the competition and won 500k and also 25 000 Sky coins I did it all by harvesting just one sugar cane this is filling up nicely constantly getting me more and with this newfound cash I think I can complete another layer at least I will be able to create

Another layer once I’ve got more Cactus grown so whilst the weight I will harvest every single one of my crops and I think I’ll also get myself sat back down as well this is the perfect opportunity to grab these bones loads of them and start getting myself bone meal

To fully grow all the crops over here that need the little boost now that that’s looking good bringing in money now that this is bringing in plenty more bones and arrows which which aren’t really worth that much but but still better than nothing I think I can build

A nice little Nano crop Farm that’s gonna let me obtain the masteries of the crop farming I think that makes sense basically it’s just a little thing that’s going to be here in fact I’m just gonna move it across one the dirt is here and then there’s gonna dispensers

On all three sides in fact for now I’m just gonna do two dispensers and see how it goes then I’ve got oh I don’t need that but yeah I need to go like that and get these observers in position they’ll be constantly setting both of those off now obviously it’s very nice and

Annoying right now so I need to get these in position and then I think if I go like this it turns them off that turns them back on now I just need the bowmail which I’ll have plenty of right here I’ll evenly distribute it to both dispensers I’m hoping yeah look at

That they both get filled to the top so that’s fantastic and let’s say I want to increase my potato Mastery I grab one of them and I put it here it grows straight away and I want to grow it okay so that’s how I’ve got it I’m gonna I want

To break it with the fortune pickaxe just because but if I hold down right click yeah I’ve just gotta keep switching the reason I want to use the fortune pickaxe it’s obvious reasons I get more for it after a bit of practice you can get in quite the Rhythm for this

And I want to see how fast it actually works for me so I’ve got 1 208 Mastery points so far I’m gonna do it for the next five minutes and just see yeah how much I actually get that’s been five minutes and about 275 Mastery points

That’s not bad you know I’ll get busy making improvements to the machine and here is design 2.0 it’s very similar to the one I made last season because it’s a tried and tested method and it’s very successful at getting your Mastery Point basically your Crouch under here and as you can see

Only when the crop is fully grown do you break it so it’s very very fast you’re basically it’s it’s so much faster again in Mastery points in fact we’re gonna do another timing thing wrong one five four eight let’s see what we end up after this so I

Did run out of bone meal pretty quickly it seems like that’s like the only limiting factor with this this guy just can’t produce it fast enough can you come on speed up but even so I went up a lot of Mastery points it’s just a shame

That the bone meal does go down so fast once upgrade the servant more that won’t be too much of an issue this cactus farm is probably gonna get me the money to do that look at that loads and loads of cactus and I can expand this Farm even

More just need one more stack of strength to finish this level but that’s 112 000. So reaching that amount of money is the next goal since I have so many Sky coins I might as well upgrade the generator as well what island missions have been completed just look

At all these rows of crops they look amazing so organized and they’re ready for harvesting pretty sure I read on the wiki that if you plant crops in rows of different sorts then they grow faster than if you’re just plonking loads and loads together so I’ve been attempting

To make full use of that the amount that I needed has now been reached to buy an entire stack of string there we go I’m realizing it’s costing me about four to five hundred thousand per layer and in here all this Cactus how much is it worth amazingly thirteen thousand I feel

Like it’s gonna take quite some time for me to get me money’s worth out of this but when I do it will be worth it just a shame I don’t have an easier way to get string can I can I downgrade you to a I think you can only upgrade you can’t

Downgrade and the spider spawner is a tier two one which means I have to take out have a lot to uh to do it I’ve got to buy 100 spawners and take out 12 000 mobs and I think it’s probably the 100 spawners bit that’s gonna be the hardest

Part with that I do need to get a proper dedicated place for spawners but I’m gonna buy a cheap one for now put it next to it because there is a quest to take out I think 75 sheep and 75 picks I’ve already done the pigs and so the

Sheep are next on the menu I’ve just put something on the auction so that if somebody buys it it will be another Quest completed for me yes I am the only one the server but some of the devs and mods can come on in there and do it for

Me so that is what I’m planning and hoping for whilst I wait for more mobs to spawn I will continue doing a bit more Mining and I’ve done it somebody bought it so I’ve completed the merchant Mission and there’s another competition starting I love these competitions because there’s nobody that can ever

Beat me okay what is the competition most pumpkins found oh conveniently I have a pumpkin farm one odd to do it oh you know what I have so many pumpkins available I might as well just Harvest them all you know the the one the one thing to win a competition it was good

While it lasted but now I need to start taking these competitions a little bit more seriously now the last last time I played Minecraft for 24 hours straight I I made a mistake and that mistake was to build a house after having played Minecraft for about 20 hours already

When I was feeling so so tired so this time I’d like to build a house much earlier I’ve just got to pick the right spot maybe somewhere over this direction although to do that I think this cobblestone generator is gonna have to be removed because this is kind of like

The best spot to build a house trailer I know you can’t see the world bothered but there is one there and it don’t fall down but I can’t go too far across so I’ll spend a little bit longer mining that maybe keep going until I get well

I’ll just get a bit more money in the bank and a few more sky coins and the whole thing can be removed and I’ll build another one somewhere else also I’ve just won that competition it’s fantastic I’ve got loads of money again and because of that I’m going to

Postpone my little mining Fiasco down there take out a couple more sheep and add another layer to the cactus farm nicely done the generator can be upgraded once again if I get prop one on all of my diamond armor it completes yet another Quest well it will do once I get

Sharpness for this sword as well there we go getting rid of 25 more sheep is also another Quest but that’s a a little bit off the most important thing right now I can do I think is try out this new and improved generator I’ve got the super brake and I’m still not quite

Ready to get rid of it to make way from the house because now it looks like the crops are more or less ready to harvest look at all these that I’ve got I think I got these from a quest slide a lot of them I did break my boots in them

Because there’s always a chance of that happening but some of the work some of them didn’t but I’ll take it because we’ve got some some cool stuff like a chance to get haste three on my pickaxe which is great for this in fact there is an island upgrade where you can get

Haste as well doesn’t require many Sky coins requires quite a lot of money though but I have got quite a lot of it so let’s spend it and for the haste it’s 25 000 Sky coins and 250 000. shouldn’t be too hard to get especially when I’ve

Harvested all these crops and now that I have speed as you might have guessed it’s uh it’s really sped things up the Slayer mission is now complete which means I’ve done all of these I’m now on Advanced missions which I’ve done none of them and they look kind of hard to be

Honest so I’ll allow myself to complete those quests naturally in the meantime I’m collecting all of your bones and the ones I have in this chest so that I can fire this machine back up 2616 Mastery points I want to get to tier one potatoes so I can make potato minions

They’re just going to be very very useful how close I get I don’t know I’ll probably get past three thousand though with this which in my opinion isn’t half bad run out of Bull Mill again but it has got me another 700 Mastery so when I have the bowmill it works really well

It’s just when I don’t have the bowmill it doesn’t although I’m kind of curious to see how much compost I actually get for all these potatoes let’s test it out unless I get more iron to make more Hoppers it’ll take forever to do that so I’m gonna make a proper composting

Machine also got my first pig head which is very nice I’ll just put him right there very handy that I’m now getting iron blocks it allows me to bake up as much easier what we’ve got here as well a quest pouch oh I completed all the daily missions I forgot completely let’s

See what the quest pouch I feel like I’m gonna clear my inventory for this so before I open the quest pouch I’m gonna craft The Hoppers that I need and build a bit of a mechanism here that will allow me to quickly compost every single

Potato or at least it would do if I could remember how to build things let’s just try that again with two hoppers on top and then just like so and now they’ll actually go through the system whilst I guess with the ball mill I’m gonna Harvest all the pumpkins and all

The melons I think pumpkins and melons are another good one where I should just turn them into compost rather than sell them because you don’t get much for selling them I mean potatoes you get a lot more for in comparison oh yeah pumpkin some melons for the amount you

Get back it’s it’s kind of not worth it very poor of me to not notice my ax was breaking and now I’ve just lost my ax that’s that’s sad I guess I I use my fortune pickaxe in reality I’m gonna have to spend more time oh man look at

The haste I’ve got on there that must be the fancy new uh new effect upon them sometimes you get hey seems like I get a decent amount of bone meal from the composting it’s just the fact that it’s it’s not a big enough machine to make it worthwhile if they’re gonna make it

Worthwhile I’m gonna have to step it up a bit and that means saving plenty more iron for Hoppers and it would collect wood for the composters but I need to make a new ax before I do that I want to see all this Quest pouch is Moment of

Truth okay it does it roll anything here we go first roll got a slime oh that’s good that’s really good that made it all worthwhile it’s a tier 2 spawner worth 150 000. I will take that every day of the week ladies and gentlemen granted a spider spawner would have been the best

Outcome but we can’t complain I’ve got to be happy with what I’ve got I have to spend loads of money on getting efficiency five on this again and I think investing in Fortune is quite smart considering I’m using it on melons and whilst I’m doing upgrades might as

Well get netherite do it to my sword and also the ax also guys I was filming it cold so I put the four mil merch on I think it looks very nice it’s very comfy it’s very warm and yeah I’m changing my channel to SP 747 also guys there’ll be

A secret 10 off discount code regularly broadcasted on the server so make sure you log on to see it now I can mine my trees at high speed I’m getting my big industrial composter composters themselves will go above these Hoppers and apparently poisonous potatoes aren’t combustible didn’t even know that

They’re actually worth quite a lot of money so I’m glad about that anyway I think pretty much everything is composted by these potatoes that’s all the bull milled that all got me it’s not a crazy amount but I’m thinking if I put the melons and pumpkin farms only to use

On it then maybe it’ll be better The Hoppers will go above each one of these and single chests over there now I’d like to mine up the pumpkins and the melons and set them off composting now mining all of them hasn’t really yielded much bone meal I mean that was already

There because I put the melons in and because it’s just not a big enough file but if I keep all these melons to one side I thought I’ll put them yeah I’ll put them in this chest and expand this Farm to be more layers than I think I

Could be on for a winner and first things first dirt is quite expensive and melons and pumpkins can grow onto other blocks such as Moss One dirt block costs 350 one must block cost is 800 but we’re going to use Moss blocks but but why well you may remember there was a quest

To smelt loads and loads of stones sorry I’ve got loads of stone which I can turn into Moss so easily just by bone Milling the area and Mining it up then I can start replacing this dirt with moss which basically makes my resources go way further I’m also 99 sure from what

The wiki said that they will grow on to Moss okay they will that relaxes me a little bit because I was worried that I’ve got the information wrong and I was doing this for no reason but no it does work I can still be confident that this

Is an ingenious plan I’d have to say the green of the Moss looks way better than dirt also I’ve just noticed I am now eight hours in it’s too much it’s flown by guys I’m having a whale of a time not feeling tired you know I’m just enjoying

The game which is it’s a good sign to be honest with you so hopefully it keeps up but I’m only a third of the way through so I I know exactly what this challenge is like once you get into the middle of the night territory it gets much much

Harder also I’ll just take a quick break from placing all the Moss because the farm is ready to be harvested oh there’s somebody oh maybe jump I didn’t even realize you joined just while I’m in the middle of farming as well well yeah I’ll uh I’ll

Go and say hello to him he won’t be impressed because I am I haven’t really done any of his quests a nice visit from Squid got lots and lots of Mossing all that time so I’m gonna use it to build the next layer of the melon farm I think

The best way is to do something like that I should at some point add some ladder should I add that now first I’ll add a ladder so that there’s actually a way to get up and down because at the moment oops I didn’t mean

To do that but at the moment you have to parkour to get up there and it’s I mean yeah it looks good but this is just basically the massive farming section so some sort of ladder system would probably be good we could just use this

To get up and down and each floor I just want a little platform that I can easily get onto the next floor I think you know I’ll build it first and then I’ll I’ll add all the technical bits definitely better to be building this with moss first time now as well rather than

Having to remove the dirt and place it in after all ground has been tilled now we can just plug them and work on the next layer up very nice indeed do I have enough Moss to build another layer I’m not sure I do actually I take it back

I’ve got loads of moss I haven’t got enough dirt to build another layer though but I’ll save up the money and do it later on right now my crops are once again ready to be harvested it’s always a good day when a competition is starting because it means I can be

Victorious top five players with the most blocks broken in 10 minutes well that’s that’s too easy because I have a very nice fast cobblestone generator I’ve got a pickaxe that sometimes gets haste look at me go I’m so Speedy that should be another competition victory in

The bag well the cactus farm has been working nicely in the background another good amount of it worth 28 000 now it’s starting to pick up the more layers I get the more it will it needs to be way bigger still but unless I get another servant that will harvest me string I’m

Not sure how I’m gonna do it I could spend 2.5 million on pigspawn is that that would get me all the Ernie then I’d be able to get a spider spawner but that that’s quite a grind isn’t it to get 2.5 million I’m not sure if I could do it

Competition Champion nice well that’s 500 000 in the punk and at 3848 Mastery points I’m going to once again boot up this serve 836 phones there’s a lot of bow meal to be had there plus what we’ve got in here which is a nice little haul

From the melon farm not as good as this fella but it’s a good extra thing to have and I’ll fill up the dispensers with loads of Bones to spare which is nice and hopefully finish operation get a potato minion don’t have much bomb is left just want to check in on the

Masteries four seven nine eight that’s really close now uh well there’s no Beau Mill there oh there’s loads in that one though and loads in that one fantastic if I can just take a few out of here I reckon I can get enough to get tier one Mastery

Level on potatoes and then minions can be made guys I’m gonna say 26 away and ran out of bone Mill how annoying is that not to worry though because a lot of these crops have grown and I’ve also got more potatoes that I can plant sorry

I could harvest in a few of these should get me the Mastery level that I need indeed I have right I can finally make a potato minion I’m so excited to do this as I’ve shown earlier it is just a hole with all those potatoes around it

Should be pretty easy I do have a hole in moment trip I don’t know if it needs to be a new one I guess we are about to find out okay it doesn’t need to be a new one actually that’s not an issue because I have loads of diamonds I have

Sticks knocking about as well so it can easily be done crafted I’ve got it right can I can I do it again with another now I’m not sure if it’s two or four this time it’s four I can upgrade it so it’s eight then 16 32 64. then Enchanted potatoes which I’m

Not even sure if I can craft but I’m gonna test it out nope I’m not a high enough Mastery you have to be tier two on the potato master that would mean mining up another 5 000 potatoes which I really don’t fancy doing so I am just

Going to stick to getting the best one that I can which is tier six all right let’s go and place this guide up come on this is a this is a great moment yeah I’m gonna Place him down I think here where is it there he is the potato

Minion so he’s gonna mine up potatoes come on let’s see it so there he goes with his Farmland he’s just broke it and I think every time he does that he sells it for me as well automatically from what I can tell he’s getting me Mastery points but he doesn’t gain me money

That’s that’s good though but I think I should just get loads of them I can get loads of potatoes from here so I’ll get as many potato minions as I can but I do feel like they deserve their own home they don’t you know I mean I can’t put

Them all dotted around randomly they need like a proper place to live and I reckon to make room for that place to live the orchard has to go these trees see you later they also have to wait for more of these potatoes to grow so I’m

Thinking I mean most of them look like they have but there’s a few stragglers so they can just maybe spend a little bit time at the Cobblestone gen although I no longer want to sell my potatoes I want to keep them to one side hand it

And say things will now be used for minions now three quarters of the way to one mil got all of this to harvest I think I will not all of those but I think I’ve got to prioritize potatoes now haven’t I also nice to be just

Getting past the 10 hour mark I’m still feeling pretty good not yeah not bad at all I think remember until you get to 12 hours generally it’s not too bad it’s quarter past 11 at night I’ve got the Red Bull in the fridge when I need it

And I’m just ready to keep playing Skyblock and I’ll be honest guys I’m enjoying myself I’m enjoying working on the island grinding doing all sorts of stuff I know what I need to do I’ve got a lot of work to get where I want to be so everything is looking pretty good so

Right here I’m gonna add more slabs and then using oak wood and stone bricks I can make them a nice little home it can be expanded eventually if it needs to be but for now I think this is a this is a nice size I just wanna split them up

Into different Bays maybe I could use something nicer like little fence posts yeah I think that’s that’s good I don’t want walls between them just just something nice like okay that’s the wrong size making it narrower by one block just so that it’s all symmetrical and I haven’t really got the money to

Just be splashing out on cosmetic things but I think some shroom lights on the floor will look nice I mean these minions are going to be working very hard so they deserve something half decent so that is what they will get I’m not sure maybe there could be something

Cool you know what I’m just gonna leave it at that extra offensive of each one now I need to despawn this by pressing that I’ve got the the potato minion thing and he can go right there and it just needs a little bit of rotation look

At me good stuff I guess you belong over there as well yeah I think can I can I will it reset it better not reset let me collect the bones let me go like that and get you in here yeah okay you haven’t lost any progress that’s good

Get yourself rotating so you’re looking the right way good sir and get back to work once I’ve got a good amount of Bones good amount of potatoes in there as well let’s let’s craft another one of these although crafting requires more Diamond hose which requires more diamonds which just means to do more

Mining menu number two has been crafted and it can be added to the ranks still a bit to go till I get to that 2.5 million but it’s always good to see that this crop Hopper also picks up crops that are inside the same chunk so I’ve got more

Potatoes here and I think if I combine them with these ones I can upgrade the minion to tier six which is the same as that guy you also get a lower level minion here just not one of the best ones but I’ll soon upgrade him when all

My potatoes grow now I can come back down here for the actual thing that I cared about and that was selling my and there’s got to be a bit of money here the total came to about 35 000 which is not bad at all considering it’s completely passive income if I

Could get more string it would be even better wouldn’t it whilst those minions work away I can Harvest all these melons and pumpkins which could get me just three thousand dollars it’s absolutely rubbish to be honest with you or I can put it all in the composter system and

See just how much that gets me I feel like that will be way more useful also it’s a competition Stein I always get excited when these happen they’re not every hour out there every like a couple of hours or something all the hours merging to one for me anyway it’s top

Blocks broken again which is easier I’ll just go to the cobblestone generator meanwhile the melon slice have been doing nicely there was already 47 in there bone meal though so bear that in mind this little fellas got me another 156. I’d really like to reach one million in the bank okay that’s that’s

Gonna be my goal so I’m going to go ahead and break a little bit of stuff here put down a double chest followed by an all Hopper then a mine away and does it pick them up for me so they don’t even go into inventory it just goes straight into that okay interesting

Well I suppose that’s got to be a good thing every now and again I’ll pick some up but it keeps things spacious and yeah I can get the blocks broken and I can get money and Sky coins too whilst that does that I have ordered a McDonald’s

That’s just arrived so I’m gonna go and get it here it is and if you want to see muted go and watch the full 24-hour uncut video Don’t Munch me way through the McDonald’s but I have kind of filled up this chest and I want to use a cell

Wand on it it gets 100 uses so I might as well do that and then it’s is it just salt just sold it all fantastic and then there’s stuff in there but that’s that’s so so easy and about 1.5 million so yeah 2.5 million edible response I need

Should I start buying them now I need to buy 100 of them and take out the mobs as well which is quite a big husk the black market is around the sauce I always want to see this I’ve never found him before I’m going in you’ve got war zone to go

To him then there’s a staircase down here aha this must be the tunnels where are you black market dealer I want some good stuff like a a servant or something that sounds really bad out of context never even been to the tunnels before I didn’t know that they’re so big so you

Have to explore these and Hope that you can find it that’s been said so far it’s I’m not having much success is that him are you the are you the guy that I’m searching for I’ve never seen you before hello click to view okay available for 12

Minutes oh we got loads of time right what I can get a spider spawner for just 180 000. oh this solves all my problems a servant key two million oh I just can’t afford it oh that’s so sad that is sad I can’t afford it but this

Is gonna save me a lot of money because I don’t have to try and get a spider spawner the proper way wow anything else worth grubbing I’m gonna buy a few of the spice ones probably maybe like four of them and then I’m gonna grab a few boosters as

Well because they’re they’re gonna be handy for everything too yeah disappointed I couldn’t get a certain key but I’m sure I’ll be able to get another one down the line it won’t be the only attack I’ve ever found Mr Black Market man kind of just committed to spending all my money on spider

I need to make a proper area for these but let’s just stack them I mean that’s a great thing isn’t it that’s that’s gonna save me a lot of money on a cactus farm and now I can build it up so so much so I think it was worthwhile I I

Think that was a worthwhile thing to do and I already got a spider head that’s nice I don’t want to sell my string put that to one side and I’ll sell everything else it’s great to have so many spiders just waiting here and I’m also 11 hours in not quite halfway still

Feeling good though honestly finally get those spider spawners just made me feel so great it basically just makes me want to keep playing all night now that I feel like I can make loads more progress and if I could get to 2 million by the time the black market dealer comes back

I could maybe go and get a servant keep wouldn’t that be amazing earning that kind of money won’t be easy but at some point my daily missions are going to reset so that’s gonna help and I think if I take the time to make a much bigger

Potato a thumb that would help things too so there’s definitely plenty of potential with it I kind of feel like this big melon pumpkin farm is sort of a waste of time other than the fact that yes it’s got me a decent amount of bone meal so it could maybe reviewed as good

From a certain point of view since I’ve got so many skycoins I’m going to invest in increasing the crop growth rate I only need about 8 000 Sky coins to upgrade it again which I’m tempted to do guys I’ll say this now I do not feel

What if as I said I do not feel remotely tired I know I’m not even halfway but I think I’m feeling better than I did last time I did this yeah I don’t I can’t explain it but I think maybe I’m just getting good at did I just sell

Everything in there by mistake oh well that makes me not feel so good careful what you do with the cell one when it sounds important in there apart from the fact I just stole all the string that I was saying for that farm but yeah I’m

Feeling good and I I think I feel better at this point than I did the last time I did the 24 hours so maybe I’m getting more used to it I don’t know because there’s still a long way to go and realistically Anything could happen I’m gonna get at

Least another two layers put on here if not more just depends how much sand I can afford well I’ve done the two that I was going to do and if I grab myself a little more string I’ll be able to build myself another three layers nicely done that’ll really increase the rates and

I’ve already got quite a few cactus in here ready to sell because I’ve spent so many Sky coins increasing the rates of all my crops as you can imagine they’ve all grown and are ready to harvesting but once they’re done I promise you I’ve

Got to go and build a house if I don’t hurry up and build a house it’s gonna get too late and I’m gonna get too tired so I’ve got to make sure I do it while I still can get another competition is starting which means another 500k for me

Hopefully unless I somehow lose it’s a most mob kills one which is super straightforward just do a bit of that bit of that and it’s job done guys I have just passed half way and you know what I don’t feel too bad at all I feel

Way better than I did last time getting to halfway and the fact is that every hour now is an hour close to finishing is fantastic I’m sure I’m not out of the woods yet and things are still gonna get harder at some point in the future but

For now I’m just having so much fun that the time is just flying by just another competition and I think with my winnings I’m gonna buy a load of dirt and then build a second layer of this crop file I love this to work down here he’s gonna

Need sufficient light so I’m gonna use shroom lights to do that since this all needs to be done as efficiently as possible and I noticed I was gonna build a house but but the potatoes can be growing whilst I’m building it guys okay don’t worry all the dirt is down and

Tilled so now I’ll bunt all my potatoes and it’s all planted plus I’ve got spare dirt so it makes sense to do yet another layer as well I know I could get distracted but I’m just making one more final minion and then I’m making my Island look good I’m starting to get

Tired which is worrying because I’ve been feeling wide awake for all this time and now yeah fatigue is setting in but that would make sense considering I have been going for nearly 13 hours now for this house I’m going for a pretty simple but cool design which will first

Require me to fill in this entire platform then I can buy the various resources that I’ll need to build my house also meant to buy black concrete and ended up with black wool that’s that’s a mistake what’s going to remove this machine because it’s kind of in the

Way of I want to build you might be able to see where this build is going well one thing I do know is it’s um it’s got like a very strange way to see the resemblance hopefully when I put the sunglasses on it’ll all look a little

Bit better I’m not sure if the sunglass is helping I I think they’ve got to be taken off although I’ve moved the big down a little bit it’s not too bad I think I like it now I’m gonna work on the sides and the walls and roof are

Also complete I’m quite happy with how it looks it’s like a black void inside though if I’m going to mine for oars and begin to replace the entire back wall with diamond blocks since I need to get my Island value up otherwise I I’m over the top Island season’s release I can’t

Just AFK there because I have also got this to harvest which looks ready to go so I better sell up and get to work I think because I made two more layers I now have more than enough potatoes to make the remaining Minions that I want so get busy putting them together that’s

The first one and also the second now to mine many many carrots and I’ll mine lots more Oz also at 14 I was in I don’t feel super tired it is 20 past three in the morning I’m managing okay I still feel like I’ve got so much to do on the

Island and I’ve got a cold Big Mac to eat yeah yeah I’m sure it’ll be nice very tasty I think it was just what the doctor ordered at 3am in the morning I grabbed a few more diamond blocks nine to be precise to go along this back wall

And I think the plan for the floor is to have it as netherite blocks but that’s probably gonna be even harder to get on a positive note though my entire inventory sells for 29k and what was in the chess sold for another 36k which is

Great I also have yet to go and see how the cactus farm is getting on okay it’s getting done very well by the looks of things oh it’s getting on too well it’s overflowing okay that’s just great let’s um go to the carrots and let’s sell all

The cactus so it’s like 30 000 per half chest so it’s like what 60 000 a chests which if you ask me is not bad at all and in my opinion makes it worthwhile to add a load more layers to it before I do that look at how many bones we have 1640

I can barely hold them all when you combine them with what I have in the this chest we’re looking good for bone meal so I reckon I finished filling in this platform and then I use this space to rebuild the Nano crop farm so much Bull Mill had loads up every dispenser

Start at the machine and put it to use once I gain money from the weight of Mastery points I’m gonna go and stretch my legs and get some exercise the black market dealer has just gone back in the tools I’m I’m going for a look who knows what good stuff they’ll have available

For me there he is and he has a couple of Sky coins boosters which I’m gonna buy but crop Hopper is also really good but that’s 2.5 million and I cannot afford that nor do I want to try and afford that so I shall leave him for now

And I guess I’ll just get back to the big carrot Harvest just been farming away and there is now only nine hours left still feeling good think I can do this challenge I mean it’s gonna get worse but but for now I’m absolutely fine tell you what isn’t fine though

This cactus farm I want to add loads more layers to it because as we’ve already seen it is getting me plenty of cactus but it could get me plenty more now that I have so much money for sand and so much string there’s no reason and

Why it can’t be much much bigger now I’m fairly confident I could happily spend the next eight hours grinding away mining crops getting the levels up and just and just going through that making my cactus farm with my potatoes but I’ll make them bigger and bigger and bigger

And and I’d be perfectly happy to do that but part of me worries that that might not make for a very interesting end to the video I mean I shouldn’t really care about this I’m doing this for 24 hours I should do what I want really just get through it but I’m gonna

Try and make it entertaining as well somehow so first things first I need to improve my house because right now it for the most part doesn’t look that great on the inside but the black market dealer just entered the tunnels so I’d better go and see him and before I go

And see him I want to just nip down to the cactus farm and sell all of these so that I have more money to spend with him if I need it I managed to track him down he’s selling a silverfish spawner can I get a loan for that or something because

They are legendary and very rare everything else is kind of not that great I mean these could be good you know if you get some a decent from I mean what does restoration one do for me I bought four of them all of them were kind of useless there’s no way I could

Never afford that but he has some very very cool things but anyway I’ll have to focus on the house I’d like this floor to be netherrite but as you can imagine netherite blocks are not very cheap 1.7 million for a stack yeah maybe I’m not thinking this through I have completed

Quite a few more of these missions and have rewards to claim so maybe I just need to go through all of these and claim everything and I certainly got a lot of stuff from claiming those plus things like a grinder key loads of boosters I’m gonna head to wall crates

And see what this key gets me since they’re sometimes very very powerful indeed what is it 10 000 sky coins uh well you know maybe not that good but it could have been worse and now the pun is to dial it back on getting complete full netherite floor instead I’m just gonna

Buy 12 of them okay which I think I can afford I used a lot of money but I could and place them down he’s gonna increase Mile and value if I can get a 10 000 Island value then that is going to complete another Quest that’s how I

Justified it guys otherwise there’s no chance I think getting some more diamonds would be good for that room as well the thing is I’d love the entire back wall to be diamonds but I don’t know if I’m it’s just gonna take so long unless I upgrade the generator that could be

Very smart indeed and perhaps will be the only way I could get all the diamond blocks I need but I need a hundred thousand Sky coins now the island does have 99 000. I think doing Island missions makes the sky coins go straight there so I basically got all I need that

Worked way better than I thought it’s gonna do the only other thing I could do is save the sky coins and expand the border and uh let’s just enforce buy it okay the next one can we get diamond blocks we could get diamond blocks the next one which would be huge but that’s

250 000 skycoins might be worth working towards it maybe that’s my next Quest get this to be an entire diamond block wall and I don’t think I can get more no no I wouldn’t mind getting four more netherite blocks that would be nice and then the only other thing that that

Really needs sorting is keep expanding that cactus farm in fact I’ve got to add a little bit on there anyway since I placed the cactus on top but I didn’t use any sand to block them so now they’re all growing to be way way too tall I’m actually gonna get a decent

Haul of diamonds from the generator so let’s make those into as many blocks as we can and then place them down and basically want to stuff on the walls because you can’t see the walls but it’s all Blackness that’s my main reason for wanting diamond blocks and of course I

Want a good item value too I’ve got a bit more money left to add another layer to the cactus farm which is actually starting to get quite big I also didn’t even notice but we’ve now gone past the 16 hour mark I’ll tell you what things

Are flying I’m having a width of a Time lens guys look it’s actually quite good what are they 24 hours in a normal Minecraft world I felt like I ran out of things to do when I was constantly thinking what what should I do what

Should I do now whereas in this I I just know exactly what I need to do and I’m just going to keep grinding till it’s done now I can redeem a sky coins booster and begin harvesting potatoes so yeah I get Sky coins faster and look at this another competition most beetroot

Farmed in Minecraft well I guess I’m gonna have to start farming some B room because I’ve got a competition to win underneath the sky coins because I want 250 000 only got 70 000 in the bank so I’ll buy beetroot seeds off the shop only five thousand actually not that bad

How much do they sell for uh they sell a bit less than finals we’ll grab that then I’ve got loads of bone Mill here as you can see and I’ve actually got quite a bit more bone meal in a chest Downy look at that loads of it composting the

Pumpkins and melons has been working quite well I’ll load up all the dispensers switch on the machine and begin the great beetroot Harvest I should also use a skycoin boost for this because you do tend to get quite a bit of X pit set things up but yeah you do

Tend to get quite a few Sky coins when you use this little machine so I might as well take full advantage of that I won the beetroot competition ladies and gentlemen it’s all worth it I now have up to 737 000 I can’t I don’t want to

Spend my money anymore we’re right on brand although we’re not on brand it’s 747 now because we’re four million Subs anyway not not to worry I think I’m gonna invest all that money into the cactus farm I’ve got enough string from the spiders to add five more layers so

That’s what I intend to do I mean building this cactus farm isn’t gonna make me rich in this video but I’m building something for the future because this series will be continued on the sp77 plus channel so once I’ve got this Farm built up as big as possible

I’ll be raking it in and I’ll be glad that I added layer after layer after layer of cactus and they’re all done it’s even bigger how is my cactus farm and there’s less than seven hours left I won’t even paying attention on the timer guys the hours are disappearing I don’t

Want him to end up I have to go longer than 24 now I’m not doing that I still can’t wait to go to bed I am also going to sell all this yeah I’m still really looking forward to going to bed at some point but I think I can still vote which

Is going to be something quite useful and I should probably do that there’s four different sites I can vote on which is going to be very very handy because it means I can get four vote Keys which I’m sure will get me some good rewards there’s always some good things spawners

In there iron blocks whatever I don’t mind I just want the money really two shoe spawners and two stacks of iron well that is an easy 16k so I’ll take it and I’ll make the shoot spawner a little bit faster and there is quite a few missions that I haven’t done that are

Fairly straightforward so I think I should I should start with these so just placing down 32 Pistons I’ve done four but I need 28 more so I’m just going to go like this I I don’t know what I’m going to do with all these Pistons uh

Just put them in a chest I suppose but hey look at that we got we got some free Hoppers most importantly we’ve got 50 Grand in the bank as well so that’s that’s great oh I instantly placed a couple we got 10 offers all together excellent day and these brand new daily

Missions if I do all of these I’ll get some great rewards now the tasks that I’m about to carry out is probably the last thing that I want to do at this time in the morning when I’ve been playing for 16 17 I was over 17 hours oh

Yes I’m going to take my Cobblestone and make a bit of a bit of a basin and go fishing because because I have to catch 10 fish well that’s one okay only nine to go hopefully this isn’t gonna take too long that was the most boring 15 minutes of

My life and especially when I’ve been away at this now I’m tired anyway but I’ve managed to get the 10 fish needed I say caught more than 10 fish so I don’t know why the quest only just completed but anyways another daily question no one needs to do higher or lower 10 times

After I’ve removed all these blocks I will anyway I always lose when I do this but I’m gonna go for the most expensive one and do do 10K like I said just lost but what’s the chance of losing 10 times in a row guys come on down one for one

Here I’ve won two out of three now we mixed up and go lower oh I’m on a street guys three out of four we then stick with lower all right it’s all gone wrong now you know what should have quit while I was ahead what I have to do is ten

Times in total so I might as well oh hey we’re back on winning terms I think I’ve done the quest but I’m just gonna keep playing to the loose I think it just could be free money guys there we go I lost quit while I’m head I I have

Actually made profit on that which is unheard of and I need to spend another 19 000 Sky coins to get the bonus reward I don’t really want to do that though I’m saving up my sky coins to upgrade the generator although that’s quite a long way off so I was gonna Harvest all

My potatoes but we have got ourselves a few more diamonds which is nice to add to the collection is my partner in crime the dealer what have you got for me today sir skeleton spawn I’ve gotta take it that’s that’s unlimited bones which means unlimited Bowman it’s a big Winsor you

You are my best friend I love that guy now I don’t have to rely on this measly servant to get me I mean yeah granted you you’re doing a good job you’re getting me a lot of bones but it inevitably can’t last forever whereas now

These will get me so many of them and maybe I should go and buy another one I can’t afford I can only I can only afford one but the beauty of these are that they’ll be working whilst I’m using this so I could kind of double do two

Things at once really that one spawn on its own is kind of slow actually is there any way I can drum up enough money to buy a second one maybe with a load of cactus because I’ve invested a lot into this and and I’ve got a lot from it was

It enough 213 000 I’ll tell you what it’s not gonna be far away especially when you consider that this guy look at five thousand three hundred dollars if I just sell those then has it got me enough it’s right I think it was 240 000 I need it just got to be what

The contents of this chest is worth because I’m only gonna get one chance of going back to him just to make sure I’m gonna get 250 gigs I can’t remember the exact amount and I’ve got the super breaker so I might as well make good use

Of it this operation sell up warp to Warzone and the Man I Need is still here now I can’t remember how much it was I’ve got a minis to get if it’s it’s 270. I’ll I promise you I’ll get you the money sir just give it time seven okay

I’ll do it you gotta be careful on the black market these people don’t mess about I’ve got to go get that 20K which shouldn’t take too long at this ore generator almost there just need another 5K that’ll take two seconds and there you have it job done how many have we

Got it if you’ve got six it does slowly bring them in but I need something faster all right mate as promised I got your money there you go just don’t know when I have another chance to go with them so definitely worth it it might not

Help me get all the masteries and the farmers Harvester today but in the coming videos I make on this it’s gonna help so much being able to get more bones I’ve learned you on this I should pay for losing three although it costs forty thousand so so maybe I’ll wait a

Little bit since I’ve not got that kind of money at the bout at the moment a bit by bit the wall is getting there the next generator will give me actual diamond blocks which is why I’m more confident in it but yeah like I said

It’s a lot of Sky coins away but now I think I’m gonna Harvest every single crop and obtain loads of Sky coins from that officially past three quarters less than six hours to go and I am now starting to feel a bit of tiredness okay it is 20 past seven in the morning

Yeah still go to nearly six hours it’s not getting as easy as it was before thankfully I’ve got the Red Bulls if I need them it was like this last time around this time that I started to struggle a bit so this is this is the

Kind of time I’m not used to staying up this late at all or anywhere near I’m really against him I think the only way out of this one is to stand up I was fine before this point well this is why we got the standing desk for just such

Emergencies because I can keep on playing even with a change of positions so I’ve spent time Mining and I spent time harvesting crops and over in one of these chests I have a cell booster right here for the next 30 minutes anything I sell I get 1.5 times the profit so I’m

Gonna use that and then go ahead and start selling everything so I get a much better profit as you can see all the potatoes already I’m waiting and there’s loads of stuff in this chest and of course one more that can’t be forgotten at the bottom actually nearly four I

Forgot that potatoes have gone into it as well so I’ve made a decent amount of money from all that and since the cell booster is operational for the next 30 minutes I might as well make the most of it do a little bit more mining with the

Super breakup activated and I’ll get rid of every single pumpkin and melon as well quite a few diamonds have being gathered here so I’m going to find myself this make the diamond blocks and this is great this should actually get the value of my Island to be above 10

000 yeah which completes another Quest so I should definitely claim the reward if I can reach 25 000 Island value I get 10 000 Sky College it might be worth it basically halfway there and I could add four more netherite blocks even if that is gonna be quite expensive to do and I

Love these signs that squid gave me for Quest to do and I I’d feel bad if it comes back and sees me and I haven’t done a single one so I’ve opened the shop I’ve gone to mob drops if we go to the very last page there’s villager

Sportix I’ve never bought one before so I’m gonna buy two and then I’m grabbing a bunch of different resources and I’m building these two Villages at home at least when it comes back then it’ll think oh good SB actually did something Aiden just yeah do nothing that’s gonna

Be quite interesting to see if the villagers despawn or not as well I get some wooden pillars down and Batman this is gonna be basic okay I’ve been playing Magic for too long to concentrate on the build now then I’ll have something like this there could be a door in the middle

Could there get some windows in anywhere do you think I’m gonna be honest this building’s gonna end up being more intricate than my own house kind of forgot how to make a half decent staircase roof so this this could be terrible or it could look good I don’t

Know don’t really care at this bike to be honest just as long as it’s functional that’s all that matters to me say what it’s it’s functional you know what it’s not bad that for a little house gotta get into it now that I think it looks half decent we’ll make them a

Nice door they definitely need a Windows and I’ll just buy a glass from the shop I’m not doing it any other way because sand is pretty expensive and got more important uses these can be filled in the side ones can and we’ve got enough for the back this could be a nice little

Seating area for them and two different colored beds will make a nice contrast right here I’m really getting into this I’m even buying bookshelves and I’m gonna buy a candle fantastic now then do the Villa ones if you spawn a villager in that’s it could I just that’s it you guys get to

Bed that’s it um I’ll do for me I don’t really want you to be able to escape though I hope because you might walk in the void or something I’m gonna go above and beyond and Phentermine you could never be too careful in this day and age I’ll tell

You what it doesn’t get any better than that does it guys you enjoy your sleep I don’t know how long you’re going to be like that but this is your home and whilst that time has been used up we got loads of cactus which is always handy so

I kind of got paid some nice passive income and it’s now just five hours left and I’ll be honest with you guys I’ve perked up a little bit more I think this cactus farm is doing so well I’m gonna build up even more the higher it gets

Like we said before the higher it is the better it is so it’s well worth me buying looting and then getting lots more strings and then with that string I’m gonna build three more layers to extend this upwards fantastic and I’ll tell you what guys I’m really getting

Tired now it is it is starting to set in okay it is 20 to nine in the morning and yeah I’m getting tired but I’ve built a big Cactus bar maybe that’s why I’m feeling tired maybe it’s boring I can sell these Cactus and I can technically

Afford to build even higher because I have got the the cash flow but I don’t know if I want to my villagers are still here I’m glad they’re um they’re doing well and the crops are ready to be harvested this is a great way to get

Loads of so I’m gonna do it and my deal is if I can last to just four hours left without having a red ball then I can have one then that’s that’s the limit okay I’ve got to hold on for another 35 minutes and then I can have a Red Bull

I’m sure I can keep away that long I’ve just gotta keep farming potatoes that’s all I’ve got left just notice there’s a competition that started with the most Netherworld farms in 10 minutes will win I haven’t done any other man I’m running out of time in one of these

I need one of these please grow I don’t think I can bowl mail it which could be a problematic oh it’s gonna be very sad if I can’t if I can if I just um Harvest it like that does that count I don’t I don’t think so this could be sad time

Will tell but I’m not confident that this competition will be successful competition ended didn’t make the top five yeah I screwed up there I suppose I might as well now set up a proper another what Farm after that uh little little issue so we’ll go and I don’t

Know if they grow it inside my house so I’ve not got exactly got anything else so let’s let’s do that yeah obviously ever since it’s got me a good amount of money and a good amount of skycoins I still need more I think mining might be the way because it’s getting me valuable

Blocks as well like diamonds that I can place down in my house that’s why I kind of like using mining as the best method and I’m so close to four hour like I’m going to get the Red Bull I’m not going to open it but I’m just gonna get it

Ready on the desk so I know it’s there and it’s less than a minute before I can have it so I’m I’m opening it up hopefully that gets me through in the next few hours aren’t too bad um I’ve got my super breaker so I’ll use

That on this the first sip can be had I can craft more diamond blocks and go hard on the final push I think my cactus farm is giving me a lot of stuff I managed to make some modifications too actually I have some Hoppers here I have

An auto cell chest which I think is going to be useful and then I just want some normal chest as well which I did watchful and do I have a tree farm anymore apparently not kind of feel like I haven’t got the space for a tree farm

That’s maybe why I haven’t got one not to worry though because I’ll just plant down one random sapling here and then I can use the bone meal to get more that’s that’s not gonna be an issue so we can go ahead bone Mill Grow it get the wood and

That’s probably all the wood I need anyway which is fantastic then I’m jumping down to do a few modifications first thing first I need to sell these then I want to pick up the chests okay I don’t want to lose these in the void and

The crop Hopper now it can’t lose if it loses it’s a disaster so I’ve got that I want to place it a little bit higher up that’s the thinking we’re gonna have a Chester a chest next to it and then somehow without breaking the whole thing a hopper going into this chest connect

Can I jump I don’t know how to do this this could work I only have a pixel to aim at did I get it I did I don’t know how I did that but it’s collecting them up they’re all going into the chest and

So then I can craft a few more of these and I actually want the very top chest to be an auto sell one the reason for that is because then if all these other chests overflow there’ll still be some stuff selling anywhere and it won’t completely break the whole system so

That should work fine and I want to come all the way down I hope I’m gonna lose these just out oh no wait got it uh I got them both nice costumes are expecting that can we do it the same with this Hopper we can we’ll mine just one more chest at the

Bottom here of course we need more wood for that I could just steal it from this house yeah you guys have got the last of my wood Dave and Sue causing all the trouble I know it’ll be worth it it’s a great system that I’ve got in place with

The red bull by my side I feel like I’m perking up already even though I’ve barely drunk any of it I’ll grow another tree with the boat meal and I guess with the final two chests that I need and there’s still this mission to plant 100

Sapphones and break 500 logs I have a plan on how I can do it because if I complete the mission I’ll get 75 000 which is is a decent amount of money and I reckon just using bone meal and saplings over and over again I could get

It quite quick I can get rid of the leaves like this which keeps it nice and renewable but before you know it I’ll have grown 100 trees I have actually got quite a bit of money available too so it probably makes sense to get a little

More string and then I can use all the money I’ve got to add more layers I mean I could in theory add what 12 more layers with the amount of cash I have nice it’s six more or less I just can’t count which is a good amount so I might

Just at the very least add another five it just it’s a lot of string that’s required and rather than waiting agency spiders to spawn I should probably just oh do you mind yeah but I reckon I should just sit here and then as I’m mining they can be spawning it’s just a

Bit more efficient might even allow me to get a few extra diamond blocks in the process look at that 124 spiders spawned whilst I was using that got eight more blocks of diamonds that made that nine because I had a few spares in a chest popping the spawners by the generator

Was a stroker genius it worked brilliantly I’ll collect up plenty of string do I have enough inventory space for it I think possibly or possibly not I’m not sure I’m leaning towards possibly now but I can easily just put it in there and I might as well take out

All of these as well so now armed with 10 stacks of string and a whole load of cactus I’ll expand this Farm even more this this has to be the best cactus farm I’ve ever made it’s so fast it’s so efficient due to the crop Hopper and

Those layers are done wow it’s massive and while a lot of cactus is starting to stack up too better sell it all this is the farm that’s going to make me one of the richest people like give me a week of playing on here with this Farm going

All the time and there’s no coming back for me I’m gonna quickly use this just to gather up a few iron blocks because I think I’d like to have them going round as an outside Border in my base looks quite good on that side I’ll just get it

Along this bit and I think having another one in the corner it’s just a cool little touch although I can’t spend forever mining the Cobblestone gen I have got this tree quest to complete so that is what I will focus on right now kind of curious to see at this point how

Many trees have actually done actually I’ve been doing it for a little while gone to this I’ve done 42 58 to go that isn’t bad at all really although I have used up the loss of the bone Mill thankfully there’s a lot of bones in that chest so I can continue quite

Easily it might even be quicker now not to get rid of the leaves because I have so many saplings I could just keep going like this and doing it probably much faster not mine the leaves is definitely sped things up because I’ve now only got 19 to go and that’s perfect that’s

Another Quest complete I can finally stop endlessly growing supplements it was quite a quite a lot longer than I thought it was going to be but I’m glad I won’t have to worry about how many oak logs I have anytime soon I’ll go and check and see how my cactus farm is

Getting on because I feel like the chests probably fill up quite fast with the size of it now yep I was right one double chest already filled and it’s 30 000 every time I fill an inventory so nearly 70 000 just from that also at

Less than three hours to go and I’ll be honest I feel a bit better now than I did an hour ago I think the Red Bulls helped a little bit I know I’m on the home stretch and I think I can do it the main thing I’m working towards now in

This video is can I get this house looking as good as possible basically increasing the value the more the better is this ready for harvesting it is five oh I should I should buy another one they can plant them on both sides they’re not cheap but they’re well worth

The purchase that can go there then that on top I don’t know what I’ll do the rest I might just put these in a chest and now that I’ve got so much wood crafting chests is uh well it’s pretty easy indeed one there and one there and

I could certainly do more iron blocks as well as diamonds so I’ll just chill here a bit and see what I can get I’m gonna set more of this iron off smelting and I’m actually get quite a few iron blocks from the generator as well that can go

Around the outside as well as plenty more diamond blocks too I’m not exactly sure how I’ll do it but I’m thinking an iron block roof might work well so maybe there that could connect to the diamond block wall at the back it’s just getting all the iron blocks So It’s Tricky I’m

Also gonna use the cell one to save some time I think yeah pretty much everything there got sold and I can get even more money just by using it on that as well that’s it that’s 61 straight away taken out plus what’s in these Hoppers all the

Potatoes have grown so I’ve I’ve got to get busy harvesting I can feel the Post Red Bull crash coming on I’m getting tired all over again but I’m still gonna keep battling until The Bitter End I’m on the last two hour 20. I’m so tired I’m just trying to get through at this

Point still making progress surely but slowly but sure like having to speak now and making progress is a without a doubt the main thing that I’m bothered about the black market dealers arrive in the tunnel there’s also a competition starting this could all be very very

Useful for me most melons farmed in 10 minutes okay well thankfully that’s easy I’ve definitely secured that one because I have just found some melons my face comes also Frozen not in a good time I I think it’s happened fairly recently anyway I found this guy see what he’s

Offering a servant key for two million oh I just can’t afford it because I’ve only got one million and everything else isn’t really of Interest man I wish I had more money I fixed the camera I just deactivated and activated it oh that’s great I usually have to reboot my PC to

Fix that okay that’s perfect so I’m gonna get 25 000 Sky coins for winning the competition which means I then only need to get another 25 000 that’s great look who’s come to see me he’s made his great return I’m looking forward to showing him that I did do

Something on one of the signs I’ve won the competition so squid loved what I did down there when I showed him I think everything’s coming together the roof’s doing nicely and I do still need a few more sky coins to upgrade this generator to get the diamond blocks that I need so

I’ll keep mine away I also have 1.5 million in the bank which is a great amount makes me wonder why I should use the money on netherite floor finish the Diamond wall or build more layers on the cactus farm because I could make it way bigger and they could get me loads of

Money in the future it’s a it’s a tough one to call isn’t it ladies and gentlemen well here’s my plan first add a few extra blocks into here and then if I can get my Island to be worth 25 000 then I get 10 000 Sky coins well

Worth it just gotta wait for all the iron to smell and then I can start placing it I also want to get as much string as I can because I will probably spend quite a bit of money expanding the cactus farm there’s a decent amount of

String here but it could be way way bigger thanks to uh the fact that I’ve got 1.4 mil no 1.5 mil in the bank now I’m curious to see placing down these iron blocks gets me to the value I need to be no I’m still over a thousand shots

So I think diamond blocks are the main way to go I can either buy them or mine for them the fact there’s 18 000 to buy one on principle I’m I’m gonna mine for them no point unnecessarily spending that kind of money although you know what on second thoughts I am eventually

Going to buy the netherrite for it so we can we can get one diamond block but why did I just buy the netherrite blocks now if I’m gonna do it one way or another then I see no point in Waiting I’ll instead splush out the cash and that

Should be a quest completed yes at least you think so it doesn’t seem to have register should I just buy more netherrite I I can afford it for eight more really breaking the bank I think yeah yeah I have definitely done it now it’s registered I can claim the 10 000 extra

Sky coins which means it’s 15 000 in my Island 220 000 in my balance so I just have to earn another 15 000 and I’ll have all the ones that I need the next to get that many Sky coins from mining polar melons maybe about three thousand all of the

Potatoes don’t look quite ready for harvesting so I guess the way I’m gonna get them is the trusty old mining whilst away for the coins to come in I might as well go and get a sandwich I’m so so close to the amount that I need but I

Kind of want to just set some stuff smelting I can make a few more diamond blocks with all of this hopefully a few iron ones as well this but I can’t tell what the biggest priority is the roof or the wall once upgrade the generator I think both of them will be finished

Pretty quick anyway and the iron roof is getting very very close the potato does look nearly redox oh there’s a few that aren’t I’m Gonna Leave it I’m gonna you I could use those to get the sky coins I could use this and I think I’m going to

Use this generator to get them since it’s less than 2000 needed it’s gonna take me like a minute okay I was wrong it took like a minute and 17 seconds I was I was a little bit off I’ve banked the sky coins I can do the upgrade now

Diamond blocks are part of it iron blocks are more popular oh mob common so it is an even better spawner I’m going to sell everything in there 62 000 not bad I’ve got my quest pouch here ready to use let’s see what we get come on something special please five

Thousand Sky coins you know what that’s not bad complain my daily quiz Got 5 000 Sky coins I’ll take it and in the bottom left it says 10 000 skycoins so whatever it means I’ll I’m happy with it so to get on the nether out I need it’s gonna

Cost me around 2 million I could spend all of that Splash out the cash make this room be fully finished but I do definitely believe it makes way more sense to invest that money into the cactus farm because speaking long term it will make me so so much more back

Than what I would be using up now and I think I just really like this fan because it is passive income I love I love the fact that it just runs itself so if I could have one that almost goes from the bottom of the world to the top

That would be amazing I mean this is nowhere near to the top what we’re at we’re at level yes this is 60 blocks tall the world is 256. so it’s a long way to go to be the world high but it’s still way way big than any cactus farm

That I’ve ever built before as much of the cactus Farmers I’m gonna do today is now finished it’s absolutely massive I can barely see the bottom of it very impressive indeed I’ll get all of this sold and it’s now less than an hour left and my goodness this is the hardest last

Hour compared to last time I am I’m flagging my eyes on one true I could if I went like this I could fall asleep and I I I’m doing everything I can to just not drift off so I’m gonna first go to warp repair fix the pickaxe fix the ax shovel sword all

That then I’m gonna do some mining here hopefully get some actual diamond blocks that would be really nice which I’ve just got two of fantastic that’s uh that’s just what the doctor ordered and I am going to do one last leg stretch little walk keep myself awake cannot afford to fall

Asleep now it would be a disaster 50 minutes to go this is the last big push we’re getting a lot more diamonds now which is very good indeed I’m probably not gonna be far off finishing that wall because I can craft a load as well in

Fact it would stand to reason that my house has a crafting table in it somewhere I’d reckon right there but then there needs to be one on that side as well just for a bit of symmetry I’ll make one place it down I think the more

I talk the more I am to stay awake because I’m yeah I’m so so sleepy from all this we could go and Tower it with netherruck fill in more of this and I need 16 more diamond blocks and nine iron now I haven’t been able to craft a

Few of the diamond ones won’t quite get there I can sell everything inventory except for this roaring and I have been smelting loads as well which is great instead I needed 99 blocks oh I’ve got loads way more than I need so I’ll continue mining for diamond and then it

Is completely sorted mission accomplished got everything I need which makes me very very glad to have it done and I also remembered that for the floor I was going to have iron blocks across here too I unblocks apparently I didn’t have enough of I need three more are

They in the chest I think they’re in one of the chests there’s got to be some iron blocks knocking around I’ve just gotta avoid those slimes yeah look at that exactly what I need in there actually I’ll Place those down and like I said it’ll take out two million to

Place all of these netherite blocks two million is not the amount of money I have available at the moment I’ll tell you what if I sell all of this it got me over 60k and then if I head down to the cactus farm which is

I love how big it is then this is just filling up really fast because Cactus is is coming in so much because I’ve got me an extra 50k they got mine up a few extra pieces just because I’d want to get to a million again I think it looks

Cool when you’ve got a million in the bank and then a plan to immediately spend it because my Island needs to look better okay this Cobblestone everywhere you guys are gonna join it and you’ll be like oh what is this rubbish I’m leaving so to start off with I’d like to improve

It with an orange pathway as I’m doing this bear in mind that I’m in a very sleep deprived State I can’t wait to go to bed so if it looks strange I mean easily an extends from my big but if it looks strange you’re just gonna have to

Bear with me I’ve not got a problem with this chest here it’s just in the way so I’ve gotta I’ve got to move it this one as well I can’t quite have the space to move it but it does need movement at some point

So a tree check we could have this in in the house actually couldn’t we it would make a lot of sense that the storage room is in here I was going to split the spider but there’s over 100 of them and I feel like I I can’t do that to them I

Need to I need to use this opportunity so I’ve got rid of every single one now I can start placing these and as you can see we’ve got we’ve got these heads I think I’ve got to make use of them and the way I plan to do that is by first

Gathering every single one up and then place them all in here is a cool little Showcase of all the mob heads I’ve got it looks like spiders way ahead of all the other ones isn’t it I would say an infinite Ward source is still needed just that placement of it probably isn’t

The best maybe down the side here would be nice it’s easily accessible but it’s also a nice layout the way the orange pass away needs some sort of outline and I’m gonna start with a white one to see how that looks looks solid I’m gonna try

Red or red in fact could be for the rest of the island to replace the Cobblestone slabs this potential there is now I’m gonna Swap this out for black and see how it looks yes that’s the one even in my sleep deprived State I can see that

This this might look good I’m not nine I’m not 100 sure I’ll put it that way all I do know is I’m confident I look better than the Cobblestone that I have at the moment less than 30 minutes to go it’s happening ladies and gentlemen it is officially happening I can actually

Start to get excited about the challenge ending I feel like I’ve got enough of a project to see me through as well just decorating the island trying to make it look half decent she’s better than aimlessly mining oars or potatoes or something like that so I’ll just mine

Around I almost just drifted off there guys I was being so passive and just yeah I was I was going I’ve just had a drink of water try and wake me up there’s 20 minutes to go I can’t I can’t fall asleep now I have to somehow stay

Awake I’m so so close to finishing the challenge I think I just need to be careful not to sit in silence for too long otherwise there’s probably a decent chance that I will fall asleep the black market dealer’s gone the tunnels I gotta go there one more time off now isn’t it

Crazy I’ll just add in some concrete completely changes how your Island looks by the way it looks like a a new place in fact before I actually go and see that guy I’m gonna nip down to this farm and just make sure oh no some water must

Have flown through when I was doing the Cobblestone generally it’s broken the Palm a little bit Yeah I wanted to head down here and grab the cactus and sell it then I’ll have a bit more money available for Black Market man now that how broken is this

Oh I don’t I hope it’s not super serious I think it’s fixable just a small hiccup yeah it’s absolutely repairable see it seems up in the water areas what has caused the problem and a lot of them have a lot of the string has got

Affected as well oh man this is going to be a big mess if I don’t get rid of this water basically the leaked out where it’s not supposed to right whilst that’s flowing away let me go and see this guy in the tunnels before he disappears because you never know what good stuff

This guy might have let’s see where he’s hiding there he is a legendary transforming tool it looks amazing I can’t afford it because it’s two million and 200 000 Sky coins and everything else is kind a crop up is 2.5 mil I don’t have enough money for someone like

This I’m going to take these though just in case I make a herbalism farm and then it’ll it’ll boost up faster so it’s worth having but yeah he always has some cool stuff it’s just a shame that I never really have got to use it I think

I’ve replaced all this Cobble with black concrete it’ll look a bit nicer on it and even though you can’t really see what’s beneath the water because it cut it’s still visible technically I’m gonna go like that one wide thing for water is probably best so that it just yeah it

Goes down like that that’s that’s that’s way safer and this floor needs to be red concrete I’m gonna run out of time here ladies and gentlemen I’m cutting it fine but at least Madam looks like a much more cool place to visit to learn this in with netherrite needs to be done soon

But I I mean I can have that done before you guys get to come to my Island I think because it’s just a case of letting the cactus grow it’s bigger than the cactus I need to fix it and I think the server reboot just happened at the

Worst time I’ve only got five minutes left what’s the big idea it seems like all along here has got broken I can fix it though like this and this little section here needs a quick repair too and it’s fixed I’ll quickly sell all this and there’s only one minute left

And I feel like I’m in peasant diamond armor still I’ve I think I’ve got to get some boots or something on I’ve got four diamonds here I’m gonna upgrade them to prop four then buy four nether writing gots can I do it before the time was up

You Bet Your Life I Can Do It full netherite armor come on there we go there we go needed and that is 24 hours of Sky Block I’m so glad it’s over

This video, titled ‘I played Sky Block for 24 Hours STRAIGHT…’, was uploaded by SB737 on 2023-04-01 17:42:55. It has garnered 916603 views and 27144 likes. The duration of the video is 01:15:30 or 4530 seconds.

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Playing Survival Minecraft for 24 Hours Straight: https://youtu.be/OfMu0RJ7gKA

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In this Minecraft video I play Minecraft Sky Block for 24 Hours Straight. This was a super difficult challenge, hopefully I can be successful!

Full Uncut 24 Hour Version: https://youtu.be/dj8WhWsDEn0

100 Days Videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWJikipm2MTa_zCPAj5TKJ9ocpDNNpNqN

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    Crafty Chaos: Hamster Havoc in Minecraft In the world of Minecraft, a hamster’s tale, With Bronze, Gold, and Epic, they set sail. Iranian Youth, with hearts to win, In this quirky world, where do we begin? Bronze Hamster, naked and bare, Dropping kin, with a quirky flair. Gold Hamster, shining bright, Coins dropping, a delightful sight. Epic Hamster, with ketchup pants, Coins galore, in a joyful dance. Iranian Youth, following the trail, With hearts and coins, they never fail. In this Minecraft world, a hamster’s delight, Adding charm and fun, in the day and night. So let’s enjoy this quirky scene, In the world of… Read More

  • AntVenom’s Reputation Ruined?

    AntVenom's Reputation Ruined? The Rise and Fall of AntVenom in the Minecraft Community Introduction In a recent video by zman1064, the once-popular Minecraft Commentator AntVenom’s reputation took a hit due to a controversial advertisement and a disconnect from the online community. Who is AntVenom? AntVenom, a prominent figure in the Minecraft community, gained fame for his entertaining gameplay videos and tutorials. However, his recent actions have caused a stir among fans. SoyVenom AntVenom’s reputation took a hit when he endorsed a controversial product known as “SoyVenom,” which led to backlash from his followers. The advertisement was seen as a betrayal of trust… Read More

  • Mine Your Mind: Exam Stress Test

    Mine Your Mind: Exam Stress Test In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Fangkuaixuan brings joy with his animated dives. No worries of exams, just fun and delight, With funny animations, he shines so bright. Creating content that’s safe for all to view, His channel is the place for a happy crew. Original videos, each one a gem, Subscribe and join in, don’t miss out on them. From classroom series to songs that adapt, Fangkuaixuan’s channel is where it’s at. So leap into the verse, let the story sing, In every pulsing line, let the truth take wing. Read More

  • Bedrock Pickaxe & Time in a Bottle! | Minecraft Submerged #7

    Bedrock Pickaxe & Time in a Bottle! | Minecraft Submerged #7 Minecraft Submerged: Exploring the Underwater Questing Modpack Embark on an exciting underwater adventure with the Seaopolis Submerged modpack in Minecraft. Dive into a completely customized world teeming with unique mobs and structures, all set beneath the ocean waves. From the overworld to the nether and beyond, players will navigate a challenging survival experience unlike any other. Survival Beneath the Waves Players start their journey in a small room submerged under the sea, tasked with not just surviving but thriving in this oceanic realm. The Seaopolis Submerged modpack features classic mods like the thermal series, opolis utilities, and strainers, offering… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft TikTok Hacks 🔥💥🤯

    Unbelievable Minecraft TikTok Hacks 🔥💥🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘VIRAL MINECRAFT TIKTOK HACKS 🔥☺️😊!! |’, was uploaded by Quanny on 2024-05-07 10:52:06. It has garnered 7171 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. how to make end portel in Minecraft https://youtube.com/shorts/Ttxat7xCroM?feature= share #shorts #viral #tiktok hacks #minecraft #hacks #viraltiktok hacks #ytshorts #ytshortsindia #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 #13 #14 #15 #16 #17 #18 #19 #20 #21 #22 #23 #13 #24 #25 #26 #27 #28 #29 #30 31 #32 #33 #newyear2023 #2023 #horrorgaming #2022 @techsgamerz youtube.com/@TECHSGAMERZ minecraft tiktok hacks minecraft minecraft hacks techno gamerz minecraft… Read More

  • ULTIMATE Minecraft Showdown: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker! 🔥

    ULTIMATE Minecraft Showdown: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Noob vs Pro vs Hacker in saving villager….#shorts #minecraft#viral#trending#gamer#gaming’, was uploaded by I_AM_DEVIL on 2024-01-15 03:59:26. It has garnered 2878 views and 120 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. Read More

  • Explore Lunarie – Freebuild Heaven on Minecraft!

    Explore Lunarie - Freebuild Heaven on Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Community Server + Freebuild Tour!’, was uploaded by Lunarie on 2024-04-13 15:11:49. It has garnered 199 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 04:16:59 or 15419 seconds. I’m very happy that everyone can play on the server from now on 🙂 Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Dance Duet with Kuga Guga!

    Insane Minecraft Dance Duet with Kuga Guga!Video Information This video, titled ‘brawa #music #minecraft #musica #funny #dance #memes #roblox #duet #love #edit’, was uploaded by Kuga Guga on 2024-06-08 18:33:12. It has garnered 8 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Read More

  • Death Maul

    Death MaulThis server features a custom gamemode where one main player that must survive in a world with mobs and monsters possessed by other players. Their goal is to kill the main player to take their place. Six starting classes to choose from with custom items and perks. – (Ghosts) control monsters and mobs to kill the human – Abilities for each monster. Creepers blow up, spiders shoot webs, etc. – The (Human) must survive and reach level 100 to win. – Main character can choose one of six classes. – If the human dies, another will take their place! -… Read More

  • Janitor’s Closet SMP Semi-Vanilla Roleplay Worldbuilding Whitelist LGBTQ+ Friendly

    Welcome to the Janitor’s Closet! We are a worldbuilding/roleplay based SMP, creating a fun atmosphere where you can build your own culture, nation, story, and impact without restrictions on era or genre. Join our unique community where you can create religions and cultures, or join existing ones! Experience lore-related and in-game events, or even host your own! Discord Info: Join our Discord here to get started. Fill out a quick app after reading the rules to join our community. Our plugins include Dynmap, SimpleVC, SetHome, Deadchest, CombatLog, Brewery, and more! Read More

  • Nexaris | Worldbuilding

    Nexaris | Worldbuilding================= Nexaris=================Nexaris is a diverse server under the Geopolitical, Nations, Towny, Roleplay, and Worldbuilding categories. Forge your Nation, make alliances, and conquer the world! Create your religion and worship your god(s). In Nexaris, politics, and territory control are crucial. Players compete to control regions, make deals with others, and join in big events that shake things up. Every decision YOU make can greatly impact the server’s history, shaping its future.We, the staff of Nexaris, try to provide the best experience for players. The server itself has not been launched yet. But it will be very soon! Join our Discord! We’ll… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Y’all really hate Keep Inventory?”

    “Why do y’all hate keep inventory? Because losing all your stuff builds character…and rage-induced tears.” Read More

  • Chamber Danger: Surviving the New Trial Tango

    Chamber Danger: Surviving the New Trial Tango Welcome, gamers, to a brand new day, Where Minecraft adventures come out to play. In this episode, we dive into the unknown, Exploring the Trials, with skills to be honed. First up, enchanting, a magical art, Adding power to weapons, straight from the heart. My village is thriving, with buildings so grand, And an enchanting library, where knowledge will stand. But the real fun begins, in the Trial Chambers, Where challenges await, testing our gamers. With my trusty dog army by my side, We’ll conquer each trial, with nothing to hide. So join me on this journey, filled with… Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Memes: Crafting Laughs!

    Hot Minecraft Memes: Crafting Laughs! “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraftmeme #relationshipproblems #boom Read More

  • Unbeatable Minecraft Duplication Glitch 1.21

    Unbeatable Minecraft Duplication Glitch 1.21 Minecraft Bedrock 1.21 Duplication Glitch Introduction The Minecraft Bedrock 1.21 Duplication Glitch has been making waves across all platforms, including PlayStation, Xbox, Switch, MCPE, and PC. This glitch allows players to duplicate items in the game, providing them with an advantage in their gameplay. How It Works The Duplication Glitch is a fascinating exploit that players can use to their advantage. By following a specific set of steps, players can duplicate items in their inventory, giving them an edge in crafting and building within the game. Step-by-Step Tutorial The Hook: Players are drawn in by the allure of duplicating… Read More

  • Triple Ender Dragon Takedown in Minecraft!

    Triple Ender Dragon Takedown in Minecraft! Minecraft Adventures in Truly Bedrock In the world of Minecraft Truly Bedrock, the adventures never stop! PlodPlod, a dedicated player, recently embarked on some exciting new projects and challenges with the TB crew. Let’s dive into the action-packed episode! Automatic Sorting System PlodPlod showcased their engineering skills by creating an automatic sorting system for storage. This system not only streamlines the organization of items but also adds a touch of efficiency to the gameplay. With this setup, managing resources becomes a breeze, allowing for more time to focus on other exciting tasks. Triple Ender Dragon Battle One of the… Read More

  • Rare Halloween Moon Crab Spawns in Minecraft! Day 1 Hunt!

    Rare Halloween Moon Crab Spawns in Minecraft! Day 1 Hunt!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴Pokemon x Minecraft?! Mythical Cobblemon Day 1!🟢’, was uploaded by HalloweenMoonCrab on 2024-05-25 04:45:45. It has garnered 230 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 05:27:15 or 19635 seconds. Pokemon meets Minecraft?! This is wild! Welcome to Day 1 of the Mythical Cobblemon! Season 2 kicking off with a ton of fun. want to play? 📲 Discord – https://discord.com/invite/mythicalnetwork 🎮 Modpack -https://www.technicpack.net/modpack/pixelmon-513-pro.1072839 🖥️ Installation Guide – Coming Soon it’d mean a lot to me if you’d like the video and comment if you liked the stream below! 😀 Twitter: https://twitter.com/hmooncrab Peep the… Read More

  • EPIC PRANK: Mikey Maizen vs. JJ in Minecraft Mod!

    EPIC PRANK: Mikey Maizen vs. JJ in Minecraft Mod!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ use DRAWING MOD to Prank Mikey in Minecraft (Maizen)’, was uploaded by Mikey Maizen – Minecraft on 2024-06-23 17:00:20. It has garnered 5280 views and 44 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:12 or 972 seconds. JJ use DRAWING MOD to Prank Mikey in Minecraft (Maizen) This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen – @maizenofficial Thanks for watching, I hope you will enjoy my videos! Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Logic in Minecraft! Click Now! 🔥

    Mind-Blowing Logic in Minecraft! Click Now! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Логика Майнкрафта! #майнкрафт #minecraft #funtime #сервер #holyworld #anarchy #shorts’, was uploaded by ArianCraft on 2024-06-04 11:07:25. It has garnered 817 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. Read More

  • Secrets Revealed: The Truth Behind KYRSP33DY’s Mythical Cobblemon Adventure!

    Secrets Revealed: The Truth Behind KYRSP33DY's Mythical Cobblemon Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘The Inside! – Mythical Cobblemon S2 Day 15 (Minecraft Pokemon Mod)’, was uploaded by KYRSP33DY on 2024-06-11 02:11:07. It has garnered 36025 views and 1448 likes. The duration of the video is 01:45:35 or 6335 seconds. MERCH at https://bfc.store Become a member of the channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIDlKYC7I6_76jCUBdX-6VQ/join My Twitter – https://twitter.com/KYR_SP33DY My Twitch – https://www.twitch.tv/kyr_sp33dy MERCH at https://bfc.store Check out FocusFuel: https://thefocusfuel.com/speedy Use Code “Speedy” for 10% Off! I am a co-founder of FocusFuel. Discord – https://discord.com/invite/mythicalnetwork Modpack -https://www.technicpack.net/modpack/pixelmon-513-pro.1072839 Installation Guide – Coming Soon #mythicalpartner Read More

  • “Unbelievable Win Using Luckyblocks in Bedwars!!!” #minecraft #hypixel

    "Unbelievable Win Using Luckyblocks in Bedwars!!!" #minecraft #hypixelVideo Information This video, titled ‘free win (luckyblocks bedwars) #minecraft #bedwars #hypixel’, was uploaded by Dimensional Breachers on 2024-03-15 05:26:32. It has garnered 464 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Welcome to another Video on our group channel: Discord Server: https://discord.gg/QJ8RwZZsjj Links to Breachers: Char: YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOEy2PrmyH2JWVHsuVhcJbg Twitter: https://twitter.com/CharizardXKing Cryptic: YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuQxOJ__tn8JE8cj9g7go8g Pug: YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuAHUKt7SYUOWugIHEpo1DQ Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/outerspacepugyt Twitter: https://twitter.com/outerspacepugyt Muzz: YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7qs0ZVm5zYNAWmiFKvMzhg Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/muzuku Twitter: https://twitter.com/Muzuku21 Ignore: #shorts #Minecraft #DimensionalBreachers #Halo #Phas #Deadbydaylight #gaming Tags: lunar client, badlion client, forge, 1.7.10 forge, 1.8.9 forge, hack download, vape.gg, vape download, vape v4, vapev4,… Read More

  • Daz Man Goes INSANE Over Skibidi Pack in Minecraft Bedrock!

    Daz Man Goes INSANE Over Skibidi Pack in Minecraft Bedrock!Video Information This video, titled ‘Daz Man Reviews Skibidi Modern Textures Texture Pack In Minecraft Bedrock! Texture Pack Review’, was uploaded by Daz Man on 2024-04-11 17:00:19. It has garnered 616 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:35:34 or 2134 seconds. Throwback Thursday has officially hit MEME status with the Skibidi Modern Textures Texture Pack available in Minecraft Markplace, created by Heropixel Games! ⭐Join this channel as a MEMBER to get access to perks⭐: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMkZhW34c40PruhVE2XWoMA/join OTHER CHANNEL LINKS @DazManReacts – www.youtube.com/@DazManReacts Bringing the Skibidi Toilet meme into you Minecraft World with polished textures and custom Skibidi… Read More

  • 🔥EPIC Clan Base Build in Minecraft SMP Java + BE🔥

    🔥EPIC Clan Base Build in Minecraft SMP Java + BE🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Making Clan Base In Minecraft SMP Java + BE #minecraftpesmpgameplayinhindi #publicsmpminecraft’, was uploaded by SFC Gaming World on 2024-01-14 08:20:00. It has garnered 89 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:47:14 or 2834 seconds. 🔴ABOUT THIS VIDEO SO Guys I M Playing In Golden Elytra Server And Making Our Clan Base If U Like And Enjoy This Stream Make Sure U Hit The Like Share And Subscribe Button And If U Wanna Play With Me The Ip Is Here Golden Elytra Server IP- Goldenelytra.com Zigbeast Bro Server Ip- PublicLoyal.aternos.me:40241 Zigbeast Bro… Read More

  • INSANE POKEMON NUZLOCKE LIVE! Choose names and join the fun 🚀

    INSANE POKEMON NUZLOCKE LIVE! Choose names and join the fun 🚀Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴PLAYING POKEMON NUZLOCKE LIVE!! (you can name pokemon, also im on a bad back up mic lol)’, was uploaded by Prof Mush on 2024-05-13 17:16:27. It has garnered 153 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 02:11:46 or 7906 seconds. hive is live chatgpt is taking over now… hive, hive cs, hive with viewers, hive party, minecraft, minecraft bedrock, minecraft the hive, hive bedrock, hive skywars, the hive, hive treasure wars, mcpe, the hive bedrock, treasure wars, hive arcade, Hive, Hive Minigames, Minecraft, PvP, Minecraft PvP, 1v1, Hive Custom Servers, Hive Quests,… Read More

  • savdude – Insane New Music Disc – OMG Reason 7 #minecraft

    savdude - Insane New Music Disc - OMG Reason 7 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘New Minecraft Music Disc – For a Reason 7? #minecraft#shorts#cricket’, was uploaded by savdude on 2024-05-05 14:54:48. It has garnered 390 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:56 or 56 seconds. Minecraft Holi Edition Mod FOLLOW ME : Instagram ►https://www.instagram.com/sav_dude_/ Discord ►https://discord.link/Savdude #Minecraft #But#savdude#op #holi #happy holi #holi festival #holi holiday Read More

  • Aurous

    AurousWelcome to Aurous! We listen to community suggestions and always have a twist or special thing going on. server.limified.com Read More

  • TheCrib SMP Java + Bedrock 1.20 Survival Community Events

    TheCrib Server TheCrib is a Survival, SMP, Factions, and Anarchy based server that focuses on quality of life features and values the player experience. The server supports both Java & Bedrock versions. Server IP: thecribmc.us.to Bedrock Port: 19132 Discord Server: discord.gg/thecribmc Wiki: wiki.thecrib.live Read More

  • 🌊 Castaway Cove | 🏳️‍🌈 LGBTQ+ Friendly Island Survival 🏝️ | 🍍Custom Fruit & Fishing 🍍 | 🦜 Jobs & Economy 🦜 | 🏝️ Furniture 🏝️|

    IP: castaway.smpmc.usArgh Matey, Welcome to Castaway Cove!! We’re a unique take on Skyblock/AcidIsland where you can carve out your own slice of paradise on a private island, cultivating a variety of exotic fruits such as coconuts, pineapples, and bananas. Watch your orchards flourish under the warm tropical sun, providing you with a bountiful harvest to enjoy and trade. But that’s not all – the crystal-clear waters around your island are teeming with vibrant aquatic life, just waiting for you to explore. Try your hand at fishing, and discover an array of new and exciting species. Whether you’re tending to your… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – When Minecraft hits different

    Minecraft Memes - When Minecraft hits differentWhen you spend hours building a masterpiece in Minecraft and then accidentally delete it with one wrong click… yup, sometimes it really do be like that. Read More

  • Crafty Cheaters Beware: Minecraft Guess Part 1 Fun!

    Crafty Cheaters Beware: Minecraft Guess Part 1 Fun! In the world of Minecraft, we play a game of guess, With my brother by my side, we put our skills to the test. Guessing items and blocks, in this virtual land, Creating funny moments, with each move we planned. Don’t cheat, we say, as we laugh and we play, Bringing joy and excitement, in every single way. If you want to join us, just leave a comment below, We’ll welcome you with open arms, in this Minecraft show. So come along, let’s have some fun, In the world of Minecraft, under the sun. Guessing and laughing, in this… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Blaze Rod!

    Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Blaze Rod! “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraftmeme #relationshipproblems #boom Read More

  • Crafting Crypto Currency in Minecraft

    Crafting Crypto Currency in Minecraft Minecraft Encrypted_ | CREATING CRYPTO CURRENCY! Embark on an exciting Minecraft adventure with Nik and Isaac as they delve into the world of creating crypto currency in the modded questing survival game, Encrypted_. Join them as they explore new possibilities and challenges in this innovative gameplay experience. A New Generation of Stoneblock Stoneopolis introduces players to a fresh take on the classic Stoneblock gameplay. Dive into a world where creativity and strategy collide to create a unique gaming experience. Watch as Nik and Isaac navigate through this new generation of Stoneblock, uncovering hidden treasures and overcoming obstacles along the… Read More

  • Unleash Epic Spells in Modded Minecraft!

    Unleash Epic Spells in Modded Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Modded Minecraft: Learning spells’, was uploaded by Jacobee1101 on 2024-03-25 03:20:34. It has garnered 63 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 03:58:37 or 14317 seconds. Powered by Restream https://restream.io Read More

  • The Ultimate Guide to Minecraft Portals

    The Ultimate Guide to Minecraft PortalsVideo Information This video, titled ‘CHOOSE THE BEST PORTAL IN MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Zombie Craft on 2024-05-19 09:00:18. It has garnered 416 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:20 or 1880 seconds. CHOOSE THE BEST PORTAL IN MINECRAFT Read More

I played Sky Block for 24 Hours STRAIGHT…